The Daily Helmsman

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Daily Helmsman The

Memphis mauls Marshall

Tigers step up defense and hold out at home against the Herd last Saturday.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Vol. 79 No. 64

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

In the Waiting Line

see page 8

Theology lecture today

Tickets sold out for UM “The Phantom of the Opera” musical

by Eric Wilson


Tickets for the University of Memphis production of “The Phantom of the Opera” went on sale Jan. 30 at noon. The box office staff worked hard to keep up with the demand of customers who had been waiting in line since 9:30 a.m.

The ticket booth at the Theatre and Communication building was packed with throngs of people as tickets for The University of Memphis’ production of “The Phantom of the Opera” went on sale Monday. Tickets for all eight showings were sold out when the box office closed at 4 p.m., but those who didn’t manage to grab one aren’t out of luck. The lobby of the theater

building was filled with people, stretching down a side hallway from the time the tickets went on sale until the office closed at 4 p.m. Those without a ticket who still want to see the play were told to show up on the night of a performance an hour beforehandto be put on a waiting list. U of M students Cole Sanders and Matthew Schwartz waited in line for two hours to buy their tickets. The two are required to see a production for class and said they thought the show

would be the best one attend. “It also happens to be one of my favorite musicals,” said Sanders, a freshman accounting major. Cindy Uphoff waited in line to buy tickets for her niece, who lives in Oklahoma. “My niece told me to come down here and get in line for tickets after she realized that tickets weren’t being sold over the phone,” Uphoff said. After waiting for nearly two hours and being roughly 30 spots away from her turn

The reception is scheduled to take place Friday from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The exhibition opens in the Art Museum on Saturday and runs through March 10. Students can catch a sneak peak of Newton’s “N Is For Nut” and all finalists’ submissions. The reception and exhibition are both free and open to the public. The result of at least nine hours in the wood shop, Newton’s recycled cardboard sculpture stands humbly at about eight inches tall. The sculpture is made of layers of cardboard with an acorn and a but worked into the carefully

molded letter ‘N.’ “I like it because it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it’s made of recycled materials, demonstrating that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to make fun and meaningful art,” Newton said. Barbara McAdam, deputy editor of ARTnews magazine, will attend the reception as a guest judge. Each year, six awards are presented to students. However, in recognition of The U of M’s 100th anniversary, the Centennial Award was added to the honors this year.

UM’s 29th Annual Student Exhibit to open Saturday BY CRYSTAL FERRARI News Reporter N is for nut. Preschoolers may recite alliterations like these when learning the alphabet, but University of Memphis student Brandi Newton, who has aspirations of becoming an elementary school art teacher, molds a sculpture fashioned after the phrase. Newton, a junior art education major, created a sculpture that was selected for display as a part of the 29th Annual Juried Student Exhibition along with the work of 43 other U of M students.


Exhibit, page 4

in line, she left without tickets for the sold-out Friday night showing. Brian Fruits, graduate assistant in the theater department, said the department didn’t anticipate selling out on the first day. “We anticipated that by the third day we would sell out, but we didn’t expect it to be so packed,” Fruits said. “It was great that students, faculty and people from the community were coming in, wanting to see one of our productions.”

by Nate Packard

BY NATE PACKARD Contributing Writer

The English Honors Program and Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, are pairing up for a lecture entitled “Teleology, American Literature and the Problem of Pain,” today from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eric Link, guest speaker and chair of the English department, said he will focus on “God and evil and American literature.” “What I’m looking at is how certain authors in American literature have responded to questions about the problem of pain, the theodicy problem,” he said. Link, who is also the editor of the American Literary Naturalism Newsletter, will show a PowerPoint presentation, followed by a brief question and answer session. “This is the problem of pain—how can one believe in a good and loving God, when the evidence of our senses suggest there’s so much pain and evil in the world,” he said. The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

“N” is for Nut by Brandi Newton (made from recycled cardboard and glue).

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