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DAILY HELMSMAN Tuesday 03.19.13


For a recap of the Tigers’ victory in the C-USA championship, see page 9

Vol. 80 No. 085

Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis

UM cyclists take the road


LGBT rights


Malcolm X lecture




U of M to host housing fair By Austin Reynolds


frequent the restaurant. “It is a great place,” Bailey Patterson, an employee on the Highland Strip, said. “I feel like it is for everyone, families, students, whoever.” Hodges, who has worked at Garibaldi’s for 32 years, is proud to work at a restaurant that supports his alma mater. “We are big Tiger fans. We try to support the University every way we

The University of Memphis Adult and Commuter Student Services will host their annual Off-Campus Housing Information Fair in the Michael D. Rose Theatre on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The fair began during the 2003-2004 academic year and has continued to take place every year since. According to Joy Stout, the director of Adult and Commuter Student Services, the event is typically very successful. “The turnout is pretty good,” Stout said. “We have between 600 to 800 students attend.” To draw an even bigger crowd, Adult and Commuter Student Services advertised the fair by making a Harlem Shake video, which can be found on their Facebook page. While some may assume that an off-campus housing fair is targeted to those who live on campus or at home, Stout said she believes that the event reaches a much wider audience. She said the event is targeted at all faculty, staff and students. Those in attendance will be able to speak with 26 apartment and housing vendors, including Venue Apartments and Fogelman Properties. While the event is dubbed as the OffCampus Housing Information Fair, there will be information about on-campus housing as well; the office coordinator of Adult and Commuter Student Services said that Residence Life will be at the event. Individuals who are unable to attend or who seek further information about off-campus housing can visit offcampushousing.memphis.edu. Users may choose a desired range of rent prices, and the site will return a list of possible housing

see GARIBALDI’S on page 3

see HOUSING on page 3

Photo By nathanael PaCkarD | staff

Students Lance Willinger and Lawrence Peterson learn how to assemble pedals and gears for the newly instated Tiger Bikes program.

By Samuel Prager

news@dailyhelmsman.com As gas prices seem to rise consistently, many students, as well as Memphis as a whole, are starting to take to the streets with less-traditional, non-motorized vehicles. The Tiger Bike Share Program allows students to purchase a membership in order to rent bicycles from the school’s own Tiger Bike Shop. “I saw all of the action going on

in Memphis with the bike lanes, and I was aware of the bike programs at other universities. So, I thought since we’re land-locked in an urban setting, with bike lanes coming into our area and many of our students being commuters, I thought it would be a great time to start the Tiger Bike Share Program and that it was something our students would really benefit from,” said Amelia Mayahi, who has worked at the University as the sustainability

ing for the U of M,” said junior Lawrence Peterson, a criminal justice major and a bicycle mechanic at the Tiger Bike Shop. “We needed something like this for the students who stay close to campus, but don’t want to waste gas or walk.” In order to rent a bicycle a student must purchase the $35 membership at the Bursars’ Office in Wilder Tower, which allows

coordinator since the fall of 2009. The TBSP was started by Mayahi in late 2010 as a way to get more students involved with bicycling and as a part of the Tiger Blue Goes Green initiative. All cycles for rent at the Tiger Bike Shop, located in Southern Parking Lot, are Trek Verve-1’s, a basic, high-quality bicycle that suits the needs of any street rider, novice or veteran. “I think it’s a great program, and it’s been a long time com-

see BIKES on page 4

Garibaldi’s receives national recognition By Lisa Babb

news@dailyhelmsman.com Thirty-two college restaurants are facing off in a March Madness bracket-style showdown by the Food Network to determine the best campus eats in the country. The winner will be announced April 6, and a restaurant on the Highland Strip is in the running. The pulled pork barbecue pizza from Garibaldi’s Pizza will be vying for the title of top college campus

food in America. Garibaldi’s takes Memphis’ signature dish, barbecue, and fuses it with its main product, pizza, to create a mouthwatering meal. “It is a great mix. We are a pizza place, but we are in Memphis, and Memphis is a barbecue city,” Rob Hodges, manager of Garibaldi’s Pizza, said. “The sweet pulled pork flavor of the barbecue mixes well with our sauce and cheese.” However, Tigers go there for more than the food.

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

“I always notice how friendly and down to Earth they are,” Memphian Brandon Gaitor said. “You don’t get the feeling that you’re just another customer, they make it seem as if they were expecting you.” Mike Garibaldi opened the restaurant off of the Highland Strip in 1975 after graduating from the University of Memphis with a marketing degree. The restaurant has been a second home for Tigers ever since. According to Hodges, University students, faculty and staff

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