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4 Wine Tasting 6 Circa Survive 12 Pastner’s Future

DAILY HELMSMAN Thursday 03.28.13


Vol. 80 No. 091

For a preview of this weekend’s softball series, see page 11

Rally Reminiscence Equality Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis


Upcoming Ku Klux Klan rally evokes haunting memories for some

activist to speak By Joey Kachel


demonstration on the steps of the Shelby County Courthouse. This is not first time the KKK has congregated at the courthouse. The Klan hosted a rally on Jan. 22, 1998 to protest the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. During this rally, a riot broke out and about 20 people were

arrested after police fired tear gas into a crowd of about 500. “I was standing toward the back, so I could not hear the exact words the Klansmen were saying, but something was said to agitate the crowd. You could tell they were upset,” Daurie Schwartz, CEO of Schwartz Electric Co.,

said. “The policemen shot tear gas into the crowd and I think that exacerbated the problem.” Schwartz said that after the tear gas was fired, the crowd began picking up rocks and throwing them at buildings, and

ation center. The focus group is open to everyone who wishes to voice his or her opinion on future improvements to the University of Memphis’ current recreation facility. The group will meet in the University Ballroom from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Jim Gabel and Eric Kocher will be presenting the focus group in order to find out what people would want to see in a new rec-

reation center, as they are a part of the firm that will be deciding whether or not to proceed with the project. Assistant Director of Campus Recreation Services Steven Whistler said that this focus group is just the beginning of the plan to potentially remodel the recreation center. “We’re going to be doing an evaluation of existing factors,” he

said. “We will be doing benchmarking comparisons, compared to other universities and their recreation facilities.” Whistler said that the main goal of the focus group is to find out the desires and needs of the students. He said that he has seen recreation centers at many other universities as they have

Jonathan Cole, vice president of the Tennessee Equality Project, will be speaking in the Mitchell Hall auditorium tonight at 7 p.m. The topic of the speech will be lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activism in the Deep South and Cole’s experiences fighting for LGBT rights. He will also be discussing the techniques used by the TEP. The Progressive Student Alliance and the Marxist Student Union are sponsoring the event. Cole is a Memphis native who has spent his career advancing the cause of LGBT rights. For seven years he served on the board of Integrity-Memphis, a group that advocated for those within the gay community who felt excluded from other churches but still wanted to practice their faith. As a member of TEP, Cole fought against anti-gay legislation in the Tennessee General Assembly, including the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which would have banned elementary and middle school instructors from discussing sexual activity not related to human reproduction — a move that would have effectively quashed discussion of homosexuality — and would have required schools to inform parents if they suspected a student was gay. The bill died in the state legislature earlier this month. In 2012 he was one of the two grand marshals of the Mid-South Pride Parade, a yearly parade and festival celebrating LGBT culture. The Tennessee Equality Project is an activist group that

see REDESiGN on page 5

see EQUaLiTY on page 4


Members of the Ku Klux Klan demonstrate with other supporters of the death penalty in June, 2000. The KKK’s Loyal White Knights will demonstrate on the steps of the Shelby County Courthouse Saturday.

By Margot Pera

news@dailyhelmsman.com This Saturday, downtown Memphis will be transformed from a tourist hot-spot to a cluster of protestors assembling together to express their views on the Ku Klux Klan’s Loyal White Knights’

see KKK on page 8

Recreation center may receive redesign By Erica Hartsfield

news@dailyhelmsman.com Campus Recreation and Intramural Services is attempting to whip the Student Recreation and Fitness Center into shape with their focus group geared toward a possible redesign. Today, CRIS is conducting a focus group in an attempt to assess the need for a new recre-

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