Local band
6 Women’s tennis 8
Men’s basketball
Wednesday 03.6.13
Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis
Vol. 80 No. 082
Students go loca for Lola
For coverage of last night’s game, see page 8.
SAC hosts zipline for students By Jennifer Rorie
Photo By Deven LyLe | staff
Students flocked to the new la lola loca taco truck yesterday afternoon. They were given the choice of a free beef, chicken or pork taco sample outside the University center. The truck is expected to be on campus today. Follow la lola loca on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with its location.
Faculty committee recommends increase in library funding By Crystal Welch
news@dailyhelmsman.com One of the University’s top resources is currently lacking in funding for some of its most vital resources. Members of the Faculty Senate Library Funding Committee have begun meeting weekly to discuss ideas for acquiring more money for materials and resources for the Ned R. McWherter Library. The budget for the library is allocated by the University administration, partly for operations and partly for materials. In the past, the library budget has seen a roughly 10 percent
increase yearly, but that number has been stagnant in recent years, according to Dr. Sylverna Ford, dean of University Libraries. “The budget does not keep pace with what we experience as we try to keep pace with what the campus needs,” Ford says. “We really can’t maintain the same level of resources with our budgeting without receiving some of the increases.” In April, the faculty senate passed a resolution asking the University provost to review library funding because of a belief that the library was underfunded. The committee was formed to determine whether or
The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.
not the library is in fact underfunded, and if so, what options are available to increase funding. “Some information from the program evaluation indicated that the library resources were minimal for certain disciplines, while others have no issues,” said David Greganti, chairman of the funding committee and business officer in the Department of Engineering. The committee is currently meeting to discuss ideas for increasing funding for library material acquisitions. Ford says the library in fact needs increased funding for both materials and operations.
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“That is the part [materials] that is most visible to faculty, because it affects our ability to acquire resources for their teaching and research,” Ford said. “We need help on both sides.” Ford named an increase in electronic resources and the subscriptions that come with them as an example of an area where the library could use additional funding. “One problem, so many resources are becoming available in electronic form, but we’re also having to maintain print collections,” Ford said. Electronic library resources often
see lIBRaRY on page 4 Tiger Babble Local
2 Fashion 3 Sports
Cliffs, mountains, ravines and the University Center all have a common denominator today. Chances are you didn’t guess that it would be ziplining, but that’s exactly what is happening at the UC Alumni Mall today. The Student Activities Council is hosting a free event for students to experience some thrills in a more familiar setting. Ziplining is traveling from one distance to another suspended by a wire. Participants are strapped into a harness and “zip” from an elevated point to a lower area. “We have spring coming, and we want to have an event to have some fun,” said Teneshia Arnold, advisor for the Student Activities Council. Out of the list of top-10 ziplines, the closest is No. 2 at Dollywood, according to americasbestonline.com. Other top ziplining locations are in Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, New Hampshire and Hawaii. Not all students can travel to other states to experience ziplining, so many have requested this sort of activity to come to campus. Now, these requests are becoming a reality. “[The zipline] is going to be outside the UC on the UC mall lawn,” Arnold said. Ziplining made national
see ZIPlINE on page 4 5 6