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DAILY HELMSMAN Wednesday 09.18.13


For information on the rugby club, see page 8

Vol. 81 No. 015

Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis

Students lose First amendment Rights on constitution Day


Wednesday Night Live at U 3 of M Sorority Decisions Based 6 on Race at UA Top Men’s 7 Basketball Recruits

Engineering student’s death surprises and saddens teachers

By Joshua cannon

news@dailyhelmsman.com The University of Memphis is not typically synonymous with silence. Students hustle from Patterson to Dunn hall, talking with friends, and fraternity and sorority members rush to the University Center to have lunch and chat. Freshmen Instagram pictures in tank tops of their new, favorite Greek family. A frustrated student sends a quick tweet to Tiger Babble as a train blasts down the tracks along Southern Avenue. What they may not realize is that the U.S. Constitution – specifically the First Amendment – gives them the right to share their thoughts and opinions without persecution. Yesterday, however, dead air fell on the normally buzzing hub by the fountain from 1 to 3 p.m. The Society of Professional Journalists, also known as SPJ, and the Student Events Allocation Committee sponsored an event at the Student Activity Plaza to celebrate the birthday of the U.S. Constitution, which was signed 225 years ago on Sept. 17, 1776. “The Society of Professional Journalists is a national organization that fights to preserve the First Amendment,” said Kelsie Carter, SPJ president and junior journalism major. “We’re trying to show people how important their First Amendment rights are and how much we need them every day.” Like most days, water flew high from the fountain, but that was one of the few characteristics that appeared ordinary at the plaza. Caution tape connected from pole to pole, forming a giant circle, enclosing a space that would be temporarily known as “The Kingdom of the Socialist States of the People’s Republic.” Students filed in through a

see RIgHTS on page 4

photo coUrtesy of GINGer GUINN

Electrical and computer engineering classes will observe a moment of silence at 9:40 a.m. Thursday in memory of Josh Smith, who died Sept. 11. He is pictured above with his girlfriend ginger guinn.

By Margot Pera

news@dailyhelmsman.com For the professors in the electrical and computer engineering department at the University of Memphis, Josh Smith was something of a godsend. “Josh picked up fast on a number of research projects we had in our department,” said

Aaron Robinson, an associate professor in electrical and computer engineering and one of Josh’s research supervisors. “You would give him a project, and he would get it done immediately.” Josh Smith was an electrical and computer engineering senior who took his own life the night of Sept. 11. He was

22 years old. He leaves behind his father Kelly Smith and sister Rebekah Maurer. His mother passed away from cancer about two years ago. Ginger Guinn, Smith’s girlfriend, is a junior philosophy major at the University. She remembers cramming for light exams with him and gorging themselves on sushi.

“We were up for up like three days straight, just getting really goofy on sleep deprivation, he wouldn’t let me sleep until I finished my paper,” Guinn said. “Josh was a really beautiful person, a lot of people loved him. It is shocking how many people came to his funeral.” Smith was the youngest

see SMITH on page 3

Starbucks holds grand opening today By austin Reynolds

news@dailyhelmsman.com Starbucks will offer prizes, free samples and live music Wednesday at the official grand opening of the Starbucks located inside the University of Memphis Bookstore. The festivities run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and students can enter the prize drawings at any time before winners are drawn at

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

2 p.m. Students do not have to be present at the drawing to claim their prize. Entrants will have a chance to win $100 bookstore gift cards, tickets in the Follett Suite to this Saturday’s Memphis football game against Arkansas State, and various other prizes such as a U of M polo shirt. Guitarist Trey Jewell and the jazz duo of Patrick Hyland and Kaleb Greene will perform live, according to director of auxil-

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iary services Sandra Barksdale, . Hyland and Greene are University of Memphis students, and Jewell is a local guitarist whose music can be found on iTunes. Bookstore manager Donna Collier said there will be a photo booth where people can have their photo taken with U of M mascot Pouncer from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Author Steve Bradshaw will

Tiger Babble Campus Life

2 National 3 Sports

sign copies of his book “The Skies Roared,” and Pamela Denney, a University of Memphis journalism professor, will sign her book “The Food Lovers’ Guide to Memphis.” The Starbucks opened a month ago, but the grand opening was put off for a number of reasons. “We had a soft opening at the beginning of the semester to

see OPENINg on page 5 6 7

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