For a review of this season’s men and women’s soccer, see page 4
Wednesday 09.25.13
Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis
Vol. 81 No. 019
Fuente’s Men: Hungry Like 3 Tigers
surveys Tiger Bikes launches cycling club SGA lighting
By Robbie Porter
issues on campus The Tiger Bikes program, a University of Memphis bike-share service, is starting a cycling club on campus. The club will host its first meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the University Center Room 208 to discuss what potential members want out of the club. “We’re just trying to promote a culture of cycling on campus and a culture of commuting for sustainability’s sake, and because parking sucks,” Tom McGoldrick, a junior philosophy major said. McGoldrick is a mechanic for Tiger Bikes and the president of the cycling club. The club will function as a registered student organization, and McGoldrick hopes to put as much power in the members’ hands as possible. “I started this club, but it’s not mine,” McGoldrick said. “The club belongs to the members, and we just want to know if they want to do group bike rides, fundraising, races or whatever. It’s all up to the cyclers.” The Program is supported by the Green Fee, a $10 fee that is added to all full-time students’ tuition, that goes toward projects aimed at making the campus more
By Joey Kachel
photo By roBBie porter | staff
The Tiger Bikes program will have their first interest meeting Wednesday to discuss their new cycling club. The bike-sharing program began last spring and is funded by the Green Fee. sustainable and efficient. The Tiger Bikes program officially started last spring, but this is the first semester that anyone has used the program. In fact, they rented out all 50 of their bikes in the first week of the semester.
About 60 to 70 percent of the renters are international students, and, since the number of international students is growing each semester, the demand for bikes has spiked, according to McGoldrick. Reinder Yntema, a for-
eign exchange student from the Netherlands, has been renting from Tiger Bikes since the beginning of the semester. He uses his bike to ride around campus and to get around the city. While his
see BIKE on page 2
Rolling for children in need Fraternity collects signatures for local hospital By Karlisha Hayes Many parents of patients at Le Bonheur’s Children Hospital cannot afford to pay for their child’s medical expenses. The hospital is a member of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, which helps to fund 170 children’s hospitals across the county. The Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at the University of Memphis is collecting donations for the network all week. Each day, the fraternity
rolls a big beach ball around and collects signatures on it, as well as duplicate signatures on a clipboard for clarity. For each signature, there are different sponsors promising to pay a certain amount of money — usually 15 cents per signature — to the hospital. “The money that we raise all goes to Le Bonheur for the hospital bills as well as their researching,” said Laitin Beecham, junior vice president of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. “It is organizations such as this that make it to where parents don’t have to pay much or
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anything at all at Le Bonheur and St. Jude’s.” In 2002, ZBT’s supreme council adopted the Children’s Miracle Network as well as “Get on the Ball” as its national philanthropies. Since then, ZBT has held the Children’s Miracle Network fundraiser each year. Beecham, who joined ZBT in the fall of 2011, has worked his way up from recruitment chair to vice president. He handles all of the internal chapter operations, communications and public relations, recruitment and judicial affairs,
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brotherhood developments and finances. “Last year, we reached our highest amount of donations for Le Bonheur which was a little over $3,000,” Beecham said. “However, this year, on our very first day, we are already at a little over $3,000. According to Thomas Charlton, junior recruitment chair of ZBT, the outcomes of their charity event have gotten better each year because of inside and outside participation. “This is my first year at the uni-
see ZBT on page 2 Sports
Assisted by a few campus police officers and a member of the Physical Plant, eight Student Government Association senators whizzed around campus on golf carts to assess the University’s lighting situation. At first glance, making sure the lights are on around campus may not seem like a job for anyone except the maintenance crews, but the lights are for more than just illumination — they can discourage crime. Lighting is a concern, especially for students who take night classes. Harold Pierson, a freshman architecture student, said the walk from the library to his dorm is pretty dark. “There are some spots on campus that we feel are just dark,” Ricky Kirby, president of the SGA said. “(The University) has an allotment that they’re supposed to spend on lighting.” In a 2008 review by the Campbell Collaboration, of 13 studies carried out over 40 years in the United States and United Kingdom, it was found that improvements to street lighting reduced crime by as much as 21 percent. The study also found that increased lighting boosted community pride, which also served to deter crime. The idea that increased lighting served as a crime deterrent came as no surprise to Bruce Harber, director of police services. “Lighting is the number one factor that makes people safe,” Harber said. The senators split up into four groups and were assigned a section of campus to patrol. They looked for burned out or malfunctioning lights and areas
see SGA on page 3