The Daily Helmsman

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DAILY HELMSMAN Spring Break 2011


Friday, March 4, 2011

Readership Program Extended SGA approves plan to continue free papers on campus next semester — for a (small) price

Vol. 78 No. 090

see page 5

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis



Alternative spring break aids the elderly Two 5Ks BY KYLe LACROiX News Reporter Rather than grabbing their swimwear and heading to a beach somewhere, 20 law students from The University of Memphis will spend their spring break in dress shirts and slacks, helping provide free legal service to elderly and low-income people in Memphis. The Public Action Law Society and the Cecil C. Humphreys

School of Law are sponsoring the alternative spring break. PALS, a student organization, planned and organized the program. Seventeen students participating from nine other universities including Vanderbilt, Florida State, University of Pittsburgh, and Chase College of Law will also participate in the program. “It’s a great opportunity to host other students and to increase awareness of the law school. And we have a fantas-

tic facility that we are excited to share,” said Anna RudmanSantos, Vice President of PALS and second-year law student. “It also heightens the status of PALS and increases the validity and recognition of our organization.” Under the supervision of licensed attorneys, the students will provide help with pro se divorce (divorce done without a lawyer), non-profit advocacy, wills and living wills for the elderly. Students will work

with non-profit groups CourtAppointed Special Advocates, RISE foundation and Literacy Mid-South. “We tried to think of ideas that students could participate in and see to completion,“ said Rudman-Santos. “A lot of them are paperwork oriented, and with the help it seemed like something they could finish as opposed to a large project where


LaW BReaK, page 4

Live wire

by Brian Wilson

Electrical fire damages South Hall dorm room

A half-dozen fire trucks responded to a blaze on the third floor of South Hall early Thursday evening. Students were evacuated, and thousands of dollars of damage were inflicted on the dorm where the fire sparked.

BY SCOTT CARROLL Editor-in-Chief AnD eRiCA HORTOn News Reporter Residents of The University of Memphis’ South Hall men’s dormitory, located at Goodman Street and Southern Avenue, evacuated the building Thursday after an electrical fire broke out in room 332 of the dorm. No injuries from the fire were reported, but two U of M students were left without housing and some of their personal possessions after the blaze. The fire, which flared up about 5:45 p.m., caused about $10,000 worth of structur-

al damage to the room and its residents’ property, said Wayne Cook, spokesman for the Memphis Fire Department. Lt. Traune Gipson of MFD said the fire, which was started by “too many things” plugged in to the room’s electrical outlets, heavily damaged a bed and desk in the room. Junior advertising major Walter Smith is one of two roommates displaced by the fire. Smith said as he entered South Hall, other residents told him the smoke alarm in his room was going off. “I ran upstairs, saw smoke coming from the room, and I opened the door and saw there were flames coming out from the right side of the room,” he said.

Smith said he attempted to smother the flames with a fire extinguisher before heavy smoke forced him to leave the room and pull the fire alarm. “The smoke just started to overwhelm me,” he said. MFD units put out the fire shortly before 6 p.m., but due to lingering smoke, South Hall resident advisers and firefighters kept students from entering part of the building for hours afterward. Smith’s roommate, who asked not to be identified, was sorting through a pile of burnt, ash-covered clothes outside South Hall’s main entrance as residents began filtering back in to the building Thursday night.

on, near campus Saturday BY CHRiS SHAW News Reporter Pedestrian pathways on and around The University of Memphis campus might be a little crowded this weekend, as runners of two 5Ks will traipse through campus and the surrounding area Saturday morning. Second Presbyterian Church will host their first 5K run, Miles for Mercy, which starts and finishes at Central Avenue and Goodlett Street, at 9 a.m. Less than a block away, Central High School’s Bridge Builders will fire the starting gun at the same time at Southern and Goodlett Street for their tenth annual Race to Erase Racism. Because the races are running different directions, Bruce Harber, director of police services, said that traffic around The University shouldn’t be affected. “The (Memphis Police Department) handles 5Ks all the time so I don’t think traffic will be effected,” Harber said. The similarities between the races on Saturday don’t end with their start time and U of M area location. While the direct benefits from the races are different, both are trying to make Memphis a better place. The Race to Erase Racism urges its competitors “to take the first step,” toward breaking down racial barriers in Memphis, said Will Vaughn, a senior at Central High School and Bridge Builders chairman for his school. “We want to take it to another level and have something in the community, especially in a city like Memphis where social and racial divides are everywhere,” he said. Second Presbyterian’s Miles for Mercy will donate all of its proceeds to inner-city ministries, specifically in the Berclair area. Chris Sheffield, one of the volunteers that made Miles for Mercy possible, and Vaughn both agreed that putting on a race is a lot more difficult than just running in one. “There are a thousand logistics that went in to making this a good run,” Sheffield said. “I’ve been running in the Race to Erase Racism for eight years but this is my first time putting it together,” Vaughn said. “It’s a lot different to be on the other side and having to do all the work.”


Races, page 3

2 • Friday, March 4, 2011





thoughts that give you paws

Volume 78 Number 090


Scott Carroll

“I hate when class is canceled, but I don’t realize it because I’m too busy reading The Daily Helmsman in the classroom.” — @bceolla

Managing Editor Mike Mueller Copy and Design Chief Amy Barnette News Editors Cole Epley Amy Barnette

“Charlie Sheen for school president. Toast to lil’ Carlos.” — @HarveyBoy86

Sports Editor John Martin Copy Editors Amy Barnette Christina Hessling General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker

YOU ReALLY LiKe US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web

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1. Aarrgh! Pirates’ offense sinks Tigers by John Martin

2. State seeks ban on Islamic practices

by Erica Horton

3. Rock’n’roll all night and part of every day

by Chris Daniels

4. Trezevant found guilty of Bradford murder

by Myiesha Griffin

5. Author explains nuts and bolts of DNA

by Erica Horton

Down 1 Orderly movement 2 Nirvana #1 album “In __” 3 Scorned lover of Jason 4 Lose it 5 Michael’s nemesis on “The Office”

“Hey @CharlieSheen, send us your #tigerbabble.” — @DailyHelmsman “Wow ... that story about the Tech Hub workers was detailed. Surprisingly so. I think you went too far, Daily Helmsman.” — @tardis_lizard “Why is anyone whose job description is to sit at a computer and not really help anyone get paid $9 an hour anyway?” — @RedChick_Staci “Making a minecart system in Minecraft seems easy until you have to do all the freaking boosters.” — @lwelyk “Anyone know what is going on over in the Southern Lot? I have heard fire engines, cops and now a helicopter ...” — @abeaubof

DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 The word? 4 You might need to watch yours 8 Like some Disneyland passes 14 Downed 15 __ bene 16 It may involve an exaggerated age 17 With 19-Across, serious warnings 18 Not much 19 See 17-Across 20 Halloween breakfast pastry? 23 1938 “The War of the Worlds” broadcast, for one 24 Keystone enforcer 25 Blazing 28 Go-aheads 32 __’acte 33 Lone breakfast pastry? 37 Garden product word 38 Attacks 39 Igloos and yurts 41 Sch. attendance notation 42 Cherished breakfast pastry? 46 End of a boast 48 Got for nothing 49 Make official 51 Newspaper supply 52 Islamic leader 56 Ones hooked on breakfast pastry? 60 Type of sauce served with falafel 62 Gaucho’s weapon 63 Homework amount? 64 Puck’s king 65 “Dulce et Decorum est” poet Wilfred __ 66 Flow out 67 Henry VIII et al. 68 Hitch 69 Wall St. monitor

“Maybe Charlie Sheen should be school president. He’s claiming to have #tigerblood.” — @boringbexy


No Waiting! 323-3030

“Smoking jazz cigarettes has consequences. ‘@DailyHelmsman: Two roommates are without housing after fire in South Hall destroyed dorm room.’” — @FantasyShirley

Tell us what gives you paws. Send us your thoughts on Twitter @dailyhelmsman or #tigerbabble. Or post on our Facebook wall at

CORReCTiOn The March 3 article “State legislators seek ban on certain Islamic practices” contained an incorrect sentence. It should have read, “Pathan said some portions of Sharia Law are not practiced by all Muslims in the United States.”

6 Boarding pass generator 7 Sponsors 8 Brand of nonstick cookware 9 Half a city 10 Michael of “Caddyshack” 11 Gallantry 12 River island 13 NFL stat 21 Show-what-you-know chances 22 Machinating 26 Prelate’s title: Abbr. 27 Unevenly worn 29 Cross words 30 Actors Rogen and Green 31 Big gun or big cheese 33 Desire and then some 34 Clinton Treasury secretary 35 In one piece

36 Award with a Sustained Achievement category 40 “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini,” for one 43 Broad 44 Endangered great apes 45 x, at times 47 Baseball star who reportedly said, “I think there’s a sexiness in infield hits” 50 Caruso, for one 53 A couple 54 Acrobat developer 55 Rachel Maddow’s station 57 Serious lapses 58 Zeno’s home 59 Dangle 60 Tater __ 61 __ Simbel, site of Ramses II temples

S u d o k u

Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3—by—3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Solutions on page 5

The University of Memphis

Friday, March 4, 2011 • 3


A pie-plate enigma from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity raises funds for American Cancer Society, trading dollars for chances to launch desserts at faces Thursday, dozens of students hurrying to and from class paused to support cancer research — and to fire a pie into the face of a Phi Beta Sigma fraternity member. “Pie a Sigma” was held outside of the University Center Thursday morning and afternoon. Students who donated a dollar to the American Cancer Society were awarded one whipped cream pie to lob toward the face of a willing Sigma member. “Instead of us just asking for a dollar, they give a dollar and get to smash a pie in our face,” said Darrell Lewis, senior sports management major and Phi Beta Sigma member. “They have fun, and we get a dollar for the American Cancer Society.”

Races from page 1 When looking at how the races got their start, it’s easy to see where the similarities end. Miles for Mercy was made possible after a member of the church won a $500 dollar gift certificate from a company that puts on races. Sheffield said the church member decided right away to put the money toward the 5K. When Vaughn became chairman of Bridge Builders his senior year, he and his fellow Bridge Builders had to raise $1,000 before the race could happen. Tranese Nelms, Central High School ninth-grade counselor, said that an important part of the race was making students set it up themselves. “It’s up to the students to find sponsors, they have to do all the work because we’re trying to help them become leaders,” Nelms said. Cost to run in Miles for Mercy is $25 and the Race to Erase Racism is $15.

Phi Beta Sigma, whose motto is, “Culture for service and service for humanity,” dedicates itself to promoting services to the general community by creating and participating in events like Thursday’s, said fraternity member Anwar Douglas. The fraternity raises money for the American Cancer Society, the March of Dimes and LeBonheur Children’s Hospital throughout the year. “One of our principles we base value on is service and giving back to the community,” said junior engineering technology major Douglas. Thursday marked the fraternity’s first philanthropic pie throwing event, but Preston Williams, senior business economy major and Phi Beta Sigma member thinks the event will become an annual one. “This is just the start of bigger events,” Williams said.

“Based on the turn out, it will be back next year.” Students said they enjoyed throwing pies in the faces of their fellow classmates and that helping the American Cancer Society while doing so made the event that much sweeter. “I like it because my grandmother had breast cancer and later died from it. It’s for a great cause,” said Jessica Wilson, sophomore communications major.

Marvin Stewart treats fellow Phi Beta Sigma member Brad Millen to a face full of whipped topping to raise money for cancer research.

by Aaron Turner

BY Jasmine Vann News Reporter

The U of M Clay Club presents

Ceramic Artist Matthew Hyleck

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March 14 @ 10 a.m. March 15 @ 1 p.m. Art Building, Room 120


March 14 @ 2:30 p.m. Art Building, Room 127

Wednesday, 3/16

Wednesday Night Live: Music of Timbre 8 p.m. • UC River Room

Coming Up

Friday, 3/18 Friday Film Series 7 p.m. UC Theatre

4 • Friday, March 4, 2011

LaW BReaK from page 1

they do a small bit of the work that they will never see the end result of.” Each of the nonprofits the students will be working with covers a different topic in the legal profession, said Christina Zawisza, faculty advisor for PALS. “For CASA, they will be working on a domestic violence prevention program proposal. RISE has them working on getting people to use banks instead of pay-day lenders, and Literacy MidSouth wants them to draft things for situations involving volunteers with criminal backgrounds,” said Zawisza. The students will spend 35 hours next week working and attending workshops and seminars related to their work. Monica Timmerman, second-year law student said that volunteer hours are one motivation for participating, “but it feels really good to help people, too.” Timmerman serves as the divorce clinic team leader for the program. “I chose the divorce clinic track because I am very interested in family law, and it’s very practical experience while a lot of what we do in law school is academic,” she said. This is not the first time students at the law school have volunteered their services. “Last year we sent 15 students to the University of Miami to get temporary protected status for Haitians affected by the hurricane,” Zawisza said. “This year, the students decided they wanted to put something together to bring people together here in Memphis.”

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U of M hosts state history competition Middle, high school students to present on ‘debate and diplomacy in history’ BY TimBeRLY mOORe News Reporter Tomorrow, local middle and high school students will descend on The University of Memphis to flaunt their creativity and knowledge of U.S. history. The U of M will host the annual West Tennessee History Day district competition in the University Center on Saturday beginning at 7 a.m. “Its like the science fair of history,” said Emily Schwimmer, graduate history student and assistant coordinator for the event, part of the National History Day competition. Participants will present projects, papers, documentaries, exhibits, performances and websites on the theme

“debate and diplomacy in history” for adjudication. Winners on Saturday will go to the state competition in Nashville to compete for a spot in the national competition, which will be held at the University of Maryland. The grand prize at the national competition is a $30,000 scholarship. Angela Martin, graduate student and assistant coordinator, said that she has coordinated the event since 2007 and has also judged in the past. “My favorite category to judge was the performance category,” said Martin. “You really get to see creativity in its purest form.” She said that one group from Memphis City Schools advanced all the way to nationals in the performance

The West Memphis 3

Were they unjustly convicted?

category with their piece on the cotton gin. “They did a wonderful job on their performance, which they looked at from the position of slaves and how the cotton gin affected the slaves.” Maurice Crouse, history professor, has been judging the district competition since it first started in the 1980s. He originally started judging in the research paper and exhibit categories. “The papers are usually 10 to 15 pages long. We don’t expect more than that from them because they are just middle and high school students.” This year Crouse will judge the website portion of the competition. He said that while he

will pay attention to the attractiveness of websites, looks aren’t everything. “I look for content, whether it has it has anything to do with the theme and, of course, accuracy,” said Crouse. Crouse said that the judges get a checklist for each category that assigns weight to each component. He said that 60 percent of the website category is judged on historical quality, and the other 40 percent comes from relation to the theme and clarity of the presentation. Martin said that the competition is extremely important in the history field. “I think this is one of the greatest programs nationwide in the social sciences (arena).”

PHI SIGMA PI National Honor Fraternity Recruitment Week March 14-20 Monday, March 14 Informational 3-4 p.m. UC Poplar Room

Wednesday, March 15

“The Media’s Role in the West Memphis 3 Case.” A panel discussion featuring Mara Leveritt, author of Devil’s Knot, a book about the case, and Lorrie Davis, wife of incarcerated Damien Echols

Thursday, March 24 7 p.m. • UC Theatre Sponsored by U of M Chapter, Society of Professional Journalists,and Student Event Allocation

Informational 3-4 p.m. • UC Memphis Room A

Friday, March 18

Meet & Greet 5:30-7 p.m. Rose Theatre Lobby

Saturday, March 19 Big/Little Ceremony 6-7 p.m.

Sunday, March 20

Induction Ceremony 6-7 p.m. UC Iris Room


The University of Memphis

Friday, March 4, 2011 • 5

Student Government

Raines suggests increase in student fee University president asks TBR to increase Student Activity Fee next semester, partially to help cover cost of SGA-sponsored College Readership Program BY CHeLSeA BOOZeR News Reporter Thursday night, the Student Government Association approved the USA Today Collegiate Readership Program’s return to campus after spring break. This will not immediately raise the student activity fee, SGA President Hunter Lang said. However, University of Memphis President Shirley Raines is attempting to raise the fee by $5 next semester, he said. If the increase is approved by the Tennessee Board of Regents, Lang said $3 of the hike could potentially fund the readership program in future

years. get an increase of funds (from ning to increase the $44 fee by $2 before he TBR has yet to approve proposed she or deny this he students should be telling add three more dollars to fund request. “Why not the SGA what to do, not the SGA the readership program. tag (the $3) to telling The University what to (the $2 already “We hapdo without listening to an accu- pened to be in being asked from TBR by right place rate amount of opinions from the the Raines) and at the right said have a possi- students. It’s vital, and we must time,” Johnson about bility of funds have it. That’s our job.” getting the out there,” said money for the Speaker of the — Tyler DeWitt Senate James Johnson, who program through student fees. SGA Senator proposed the bill that allows “We still are waiting if they (TBR) are going to allow us to the readership program to stay have an increase. So as far as on campus. “Because if we future years to come, we have wouldn’t have asked for that, TBR) for the next three years.” we couldn’t have been able to Lang said Raines was plan- to wait on Tennessee Board of


Regent’s decision.” It will cost $17,000 to fund the readership program for the remainder of the semester, $5,000 of which came from the SGA’s budget. The rest was pulled from other departments by Vice President of Student Affairs Rosie Bingham, Lang said. Another bill, which would have allowed the student body to vote on where funding for the program would come, was scheduled to be reviewed at Thursday’s meeting. However, around 10 p.m. the majority of the senate voted to end the meeting early, saying the room was only scheduled until 10 p.m. Senator Tyler DeWitt, who was to propose the bill, thought other senators intentionally ended the meeting before the bill could be discussed, he said. “(The meeting) got intentionally cut off — they wanted to get out of here. But they knew two more bills were on the docket. But doing our job isn’t important here because they wanted to go home,” DeWitt said. He added: “We had important bills about the readership program, to allow the students to decide. (The students) should be telling (the SGA) what to do, not (the SGA) telling The University what to do without listening to an accurate amount of opinions from the students. It’s vital, and we must have it. That’s our job, and I just feel like we could stay here 30 more minutes to look at the last two bills.”

Solutions Were these puzzles really the last thing you did at school before the break? For shame.

6 • Friday, March 4, 2011

The Writing On The Wall Project

BRICK PAINTING SESSIONS Come Paint Bricks to Contribute to the Writing On The Wall Project



March 21 - 23 • 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Rose Theatre Lobby

March 14 - 29 UC Operating Hours

Sign up in UC 210 or UC 211 for a time slot, starting March 1

UC 227A, inside the Involvement Zone

(When your organization signs up for a time slot, SAC needs to know how many people will be painting cinder blockers so enough supplies will be made ready.)

Just Stop By! (For individuals or small groups)

The University of Memphis

Friday, March 4, 2011 • 7


Tigers trying to drown out negativity

by David C. Minkin

BY JOHn mARTin Sports Editor

University of Memphis basketball coach Josh Pastner is trying to ignore the negative buzz surrounding his team after its third loss in four games. The Tigers close out the regular season Saturday at 3 p.m. against Tulane.

The whispers around The University of Memphis basketball program are getting louder. After the Tigers dropped a 68-57 contest at East Carolina on Tuesday, former Tiger players Antonio Anderson, Shawn Taggart and Pierre Henderson-Niles voiced their concerns with the team and U of M coach Josh Pastner via Twitter. The Tigers (21-9, 9-6 Conference USA) have lost three of their last four games. They’ve fallen out of contention for a C-USA regular season title. An at-large bid in the NCAA tournament is also out of the question. In a tweet to Henderson-Niles, Taggart wrote, “They’re destroying what all of us worked hard to build. I’m not going for that.” While Pastner is aware that the negativity from former players and fans has blossomed, he said he could only concentrate on his current team’s psyche. “It’s my responsibility to keep the guys positive and keep them upbeat, even (after Wednesday night),” he said. “I’m trying to find

something positive out of every situation. I want to make sure that they remain confident and believe in themselves and what we’re trying to do.” After all, there are still at least two games to be played, with the home finale on Saturday against Tulane and at least one game in the C-USA tournament. And for a team that’s shot 39 percent or less from the field in its last three losses, distractions are the last thing Pastner needs. Senior forward Will Coleman, who plays his last home game on Saturday, said he hears the criticism from former players and fans but chooses not to respond. “We’re not taking any negativity down to El-Paso (for the C-USA tournament),” Coleman said. “The ‘Tiger fans’ that claim they love Memphis and Tiger Nation — they’re talking about Pastner behind his back and stuff. I guarantee those people cannot run up and down the court with us or play with us or bang with us. And I feel like the average individual that has nothing but negativity to say about Pastner and us wouldn’t be able to hang.”

The questions surrounding Pastner and the program can certainly be justified. A week ago, the Tigers were in prime position to take back the C-USA title with sweeps over league-leading UAB and Southern Miss. But instead of sprinting to the finish line, the Tigers have clumsily waded through the tail end of the C-USA season and dropped three of their last four games. Despite their recent stumbles, the Tigers shouldn’t be counted out, Coleman said. “I don’t care what anybody says. I don’t care what anybody does. I don’t care,” he said. “We’re taking Saturday’s (game) and we’re going into the conference tournament with our heads up high.” To be fair, the former Tigers that lashed out at Pastner and the Tigers after Tuesday’s loss routinely blew out teams like Marshall and East Carolina on the way to deep NCAA tournament runs and, ultimately, elevated the program. This season, the Tigers must rely on next week’s C-USA tournament to make the Big Dance.


NeGaTIVITY, page 8

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8 • Friday, March 4, 2011



Who earns a ticket

to the Big Dance? BY JOHn mARTin AnD miKe mUeLLeR Sports and Managing Editors

Sports editor John Martin and managing editor Mike Mueller sat down and agreed on four teams that could win the Conference USA tournament in El Paso, Texas. They disagreed on two others. Here’s who can win, and why:


JM: Obviously, they’re the host. Haskins Arena is a tough place to play. They can shoot. They’re experienced. Tim Floyd is a good coach. Senior guard Randy Culpepper can light it up. . They humiliated the Tigers by 27 last week.

JM: Maybe most underrated team in C-USA. Senior forward Gary Flowers is a pro. Like UAB and UTEP, they’re comprised of mostly upperclassmen. USM coach Larry Eustachy is dying for an NCAA berth, and he might nab one with this group.

MM: They’re old, experienced and playing on their floor. Led by a starting five that includes four seniors, two of whom are Memphis natives, the Miners are the team to beat. Sheffield High product Randy Culpepper’s ability to penetrate on the offensive end and the Miners’ defensive intensity will decide if they’re dancing Saturday morning.

MM: Larry Eustachy’s team may not dazzle opponents, but they’re physical and consistent. Of their six conference losses, three came by one point and only one by more than six (at SMU). Senior forward Gary Flowers’ 19 points and eight rebounds per game set the tone for the Golden Eagles. It’s takes a strong team effort for them to win, and they get it most nights.


JM: At least co-champions of C-USA. Like UTEP, they’ve got lots of experience. Junior forward Cameron Moore, one of the best players in C-USA, returned from a broken left hand on Feb. 26. Freshman guard Preston Purifoy has developed into a legitimate offensive threat. MM: With big man Cameron Moore’s return from a broken hand just last week, the success of the Blazers falls largely on his effectiveness. C-USA’s second leading rebounder will take pressure off lowerclassmen Ovie Soko and Preston Purifoy down low. Senior guard Jamarr Sanders also looms large: When he plays well, so does UAB.



JM: My wild card pick. They beat The U of M on Tuesday, 68-57, in their home finale. They hung with the Tigers on Jan. 8 until the final seconds. Senior guard Brock Young was a first-team C-USA selection. Seniors Jontae Sherrod and Jamar Abrams are capable of taking a game over.

JM: They’re motivated. Freshman guard Will Barton is overdue for a big game. They’ve got something to prove. It’s senior forward Will Coleman’s last chance to turn his unimpressive season around. At some point, the 3-pointers will go down. There’s no better time than the C-USA tournament.

MM: The Pirates have had a lackluster season, but they have picked up the pace as of late. Senior John K. Sherrod will need to be spectacular for them to win.

MM: Get the ball inside. If these Tigers are going to hang a C-USA banner in FedExForum, it all starts in the paint. Working inside-out will help the Tigers avoid scoreless stretches. If the threes aren’t falling, Coleman, Tarik Black and Wesley Witherspoon will have to perform consistently well for Memphis to earn the automatic bid.

SOUTHERN METHODIST MM: If the Mustangs take the conference crown, they’ll ask the rest of CUSA, “Who’s your Daddy?” And the answer will be SMU’s senior big man Papa Dia. He’s the beginning, middle and end for Matt Dougherty’s team. If no one stops Papa, it’s going to be tough to stop the ‘Stangs.

Who’s your pick for C-USA tournament champion? Send us your thoughts via Twitter, tagged #tigerbabble.

NeGaTIVITY from page 7


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Because former players like Anderson helped the program reach new heights, Pastner said he understands their frustration after losses to C-USA teams. “You cannot just sit there and enjoy the praise when things are good,” he said. “You’ve got to be able to take the heat and the criticism. And at this level of a program, there’s going to be heat. There’s going to be people on you. There’s going to be darts thrown. That’s part of it. And if you think it’s going to be just all rosy, you’re living in a dream world.” Of course, the 2010-11 season has not played out the way most envisioned, former players included. Pastner dismissed freshman Jelan Kendrick, who transferred to Ole Miss, from the team before the season started. Junior forward Angel Garcia was unhappy with his role and defected to Spain to play professionally. Junior forward Wesley Witherspoon, who was expected to be the Tigers’ best player, has proven more of a headache than the voice of experience Pastner needed him to be. Regardless, the Tigers still have a lot to play for, Pastner said. A win against Tulane on Saturday ensures a first-round bye in the C-USA tournament in El Paso next week, and after their loss to East Carolina Tuesday, an automatic bid is the Tigers’ lone way into the NCAA tournament. “Our basketball season is a little like life,” Pastner said. “We’ve been on a bit of a roller coaster, but we’re coming down to this point in the season where we’ve got no option but to stay mentally strong and to remain very positive because anything can happen.”

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