Daily Helmsman The
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Vol. 78 No. 113
#socialsetbacks You already know everything there is to know about technology, social networking and new media — don’t you? Find out the inside scoop about digital dangers and the changing face of social media.
see pages 8-13
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis
420: Puffin’ tough at Overton Park
Campus Crime
Residents cited for marijuana in Carpenter
Revelers descend on Midtown to celebrate unofficial ‘holiday’ for proponents of pot
A 23-year-old student was arrested in Carpenter Student Housing Complex on April 4 for a marijuanarelated offense, the fifth in a span of less than six weeks at or near the complex. Student housing assistant Kelly Scusselle reported to University of Memphis Police Services that she smelled marijuana coming from a Carpenter Complex unit. After police arrived, they cited and arrested student Justin Thompson at his Carpenter residence on a charges of simple possession and casual exchange of marijuana. Later that day, police responded to a complaint call and recovered a bag of marijuana from a gutter in Central Avenue parking lot, near Carpenter. Director of Police Services Bruce Harber said he and his officers work as a team with Residence Life and Student Affairs and the rest of The University in an effort to promote a drug-free campus, in addition to enforcing state laws and both University and Tennessee Board of Regents policies. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s 2010 statistical analysis, Crime on Campus, reports University of Memphis as having the second-lowest number of drug-related crimes on campus, with 15, among all higher education institutions in Tennessee. Austin Peay University had the fewest drug-related incidences, with two. Vanderbilt University saw the highest number of incidences, with 115. Peter Groenendyk, director of Residence Life and Dining Services, said students found to be in violation of their housing contracts due to possession of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia will have their housing contracts evicted, forfeit any scholarships or refunds and be referred to the Office of Judicial and Ethical Programs for adjudication of charges related to violating the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. “I was pleasantly surprised when I started work at The University of Memphis at how few problems we have related to drugs and alcohol,” Groenendyk said. “Having so few problems allows my staff and I to spend our time building relationships with students and doing programs and activities designed to help students succeed.”
Drug/narcotic violations by in-state institution in 2010
Institution 1. Vanderbilt
Substance Violations 75
2. UT-Knoxville
3. Tennessee State
4. Middle Tennessee State
5. UT-Chattanooga
6. East Tennessee State
7. University of Memphis
8. Tennessee Tech
9. UT-Martin
10. Austin Peay State
Source: Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, 2010 statistical analysis
by Brian Wilson
It’s not always about toking up — attendees for the 4/20 festivities at Overton Park ranged from cleancut hula hoopers to pitbull pups, beagles and even 9-month-old infants.
club, Imbibrios Bar in Millington. Thorne brought his own microphone and amp to the celebration to make sure he was heard. “They’re going to lock me up for lighting a plant Wearing a navy blue prison uniform, self-proclaimed profit Thorne stood in Overton Park on on fire,” he said. Wednesday, proMore than 100 claiming his admiUniversity of like watching the park swell Memphis students ration of marijuana other members to Memphians celup with people. I look forward to and ebrating “4/20” or of the local commuApril 20, widely nity spent the day in it more than my birthday.” known as a national Overton Park to cel— Aubrey ebrate the subculture day for marijuana U of M alumna holiday known for enthusiasts, while he wide consumption of smoked pot out of a bong made from an apple. cannabis. They came with dogs, hula hoops, tents and “I got high and laid for the first time on my 12th blankets, prepared to enjoy the outdoors and hang birthday,” said Thorne, who wrote the book “Puffin’ out until the clock struck 4:20 p.m. Tuff! My War For Weed” from his jail cell after being see Park, page 4 arrested for using and selling drugs inside his night-
Student Achievement
UM grad student tackles Boston Marathon BY JOHN MARTIN Sports Editor Rachelle Pavelko boarded a red-eye flight from Boston early Tuesday morning, landed in Memphis at 9:30 a.m. and went straight to work. Her schedule wouldn’t be considered so unusual if not for the fact Pavelko ran 26.2 miles in less than four hours the day before. Pavelko, a University of Memphis graduate student, was one of the 27,000 runners in Monday’s Boston Marathon,
held annually on Patriots’ Day. She arrived in Boston on Saturday afternoon, relaxed Sunday and ran the race Monday. “The whole weekend was just so overwhelming,” said Pavelko, who finished the race in 3:59:47. “Getting to the starting line was such a long process.” Pavelko woke up at 5:30 a.m. Monday and took a bus from Boston Common, a public park, to Athlete’s Village, the hub for Boston Marathon participants. Of course, trans-
Marathon, page 3