Daily Helmsman The
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tigers’ losing streak ends U of M earns first win in 11 games with 27-6 victory over Austin Peay at Liberty Bowl
Vol. 79 No. 14
see page 15
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis
Organization provides students real-world political experience
Fall Career and Internship Expo in UC today
courtesy of Karl Magnuson
U of M student Cory Higdon, far left, during a 2010 general assembly meeting of the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature.
BY CHELSEA BOOZER News Reporter The Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature will continue to aid Tennessee college students in kickstarting their careers through simulating state government, complete with a House of Representatives, Senate, lobbyists, a media wing and mock trial competitions. Since its establishment, 12 University of Memphis students have served as governor of TISL, an annual four-day fall program in Nashville meant to assist students in honing their understanding of the government’s inner workings. Tre Hargett, Tenn. Secretary of State, knows firsthand how involvement in TISL can lead to a career in politics. He served as a TISL Governor in 1993, when he was a student at The U of M. “The first time I came to the State Capitol was because of TISL,” he said, attributing his introduction to politics to the program. TISL is open to college students in
over 30 cities across the state. Nashville and Memphis host the majority of the schools with 12 and 10, respectively. U of M students Gian Gozum and Cory Higdon, both seniors, have governed the event’s past two General Assemblies. Higdon, current TISL Governor and political science major, said he most appreciates the networking opportunites afforded by the group, noting its “rich heritage” and “prestigious alumni” ranging from elected officials and lawyers to lobbyist and judges. “Our generation is on the cusp of leading our communities, this state and this nation. We look to organizations like TISL to bring people together from many different walks of life and give them the chance to make a difference, to have a voice, to forge alliances and create hope for the future,” Higdon said. Students in TISL have influenced laws state legislature, most notably the “Click it or Ticket” seatbelt campaign that originated in the student chambers.
Victoria Busse, sophomore political science major, was a representative last year and will also attend this year’s assembly in November. “I think that’s amazing for students,” said Busse of being able to influence a law. “Some of us haven’t had a real job yet. We are still undergrads, and this is a way for us to write a real law. This is a way for a 19 to 20-year-old to make a difference in the community.” Gozum, head delegate for The U of M and a double major in Asian studies and international creed economics, emphasized that any major in any year at The University can apply for TISL. He and Higdon both started with the organization as freshmen. Senator, representative, media affiliate, lobbyist and mock trial competitor positions are available. “This is a good learning opportunity to figure out how state government works,” Gozum said. “Everything that you read about in government courses about how government works, you see it all play out in TISL.”
The University Center Ballroom will house 60 Memphis-area employers seeking potential employees at the fall Career and Internship Expo this Wednesday. Career Services will hold its semi-annual Career and Internship Expo from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Employers, including FedEx, International Paper, LeBonheur Children’s Hospital and the CIA, will each have booths set up alphabetically with job information to give to U of M students. “We typically have an average of 700-800 ur goal students at each is to get fair in the spring and fall,” said information Courtney Cooke, to as many assistant director of career services. students as Cooke said possible.” that students should come prepared with their — Shea Houze resumes so they Career advisor, can leave them career services with prospective employers. She also recommends that students prepare by researching companies beforehand. “It is a way for students to set up interviews for a job or an internship. They will also leave with job resources,” Cooke said. Cooke also said that students are required to dress professionally. For men, this includes a suit and tie. For women, a matching dress or pantsuit is required. More detailed dress requirements can be found on the career services website. When students arrive, they are expected to stop at the registration table to sign in. Participants will then receive a nametag and a map of the employer booths with basic information about each company. Students will then be invited into the U.C. Ballroom to browse dozens of employer booths to learn more about their chosen careers. Clay Woemmel, associate director in career services, encourages students to thoroughly prepare. “It is important for students to do preparation in order to be familiar with companies they
Career Fair, page 8
Many students wishy-washy when it comes to majors BY CHRIS DANIELS News Reporter University of Memphis students, as young adults, are faced with difficult decisions every day, though no decision can weigh more heavily on their future than their chosen major. “It’s scary having to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life, but I know it will come to me,” said
Guy Kelley, undecided freshman. “I just want to know I’m making the right decision.” Kelly said he’s interested in different areas but he’s waiting to understand more about these fields before he makes his decision. “I want to make sure it’s what I want to do before I go into it,” he said. According to spring 2011 U of M enrollment data, there were 2,111 unde-
cided students, including 1,366 freshmen, 579 sophomores, 112 juniors and 54 seniors. Carl Chando, director of the academic counseling center, said that there are many reasons why students are undecided, ranging from the number of available majors to undeveloped decision-making skills. “Some students don’t realize what it takes to get through a certain major
and the obstacles they face,” he said. “Others discover that the subject matter is not what they thought it was. Sometimes they discover an area that they’ve never even considered before.” Chando said that The U of M offers plenty of resources for undecided students to make informed decisions about their career path.
Uncertainty, page 7