Daily Helmsman The
Murphy Quits As Oscars Host
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Eddie Murphy drops out as host of 2012 Academy Awards
Vol. 79 No. 42
see page 7
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis
This is your brain on video games
Trey Fannin, right, was sold the first copy of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” at “Midnight Warfare,” the marquee launch event for the game at the Union Square GameStop Union in New York City.
GameStop on Union Avenue closed at 9 p.m. Monday, but that didn’t stop more than 170 gamers from occupying the store until midnight, anxiously waiting for their preordered copies of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,” one of the most anticipated video games of the year. Despite standing in the long line that wrapped around the building until midnight for the game, University of Memphis student Paul Dunaway still managed to get some homework done. “I’m still going to class tomorrow,” Dunaway said as he stared down at his iPad. “I have an exam.” In the midst of the fall video game release season, where in addition to the latest in the Call of Duty franchise, popular titles including “Battlefield 3” and the final installments of “Gears of War” have been released, student gamers have an overwhelming
distraction from their studies. A 2007 report released about the effect studying has on grades showed that first-year students whose roommates brought a video game console to college studied 40 minutes less each day on average. In the study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, 210 students filled out diaries that asked how much time they spent studying, sleeping, attending class and other activities. Consequentially, those 40 minutes of lost study time translated into first-semester grades that were 0.241 points lower on the 4.0 grade scale. Undecided freshman Andrew Jeffords attended the midnight launch for Battlefield 3 and stayed up until about 3 a.m. playing the game. “The guy next to me in line said he had requested the next two days off from work so he could play the game,” Jeffords said. “I didn’t feel like going to school after playing
Game, page 7
Need an ego boost? Obama orders agencies to ‘Open your eyes’ cut spending on ‘swag’ Students will have the opportunity to rebuild any smashed self-confidence during “Open Your Eyes, it’s Real” week. “Love Your Body, Love Yourself,” hosted by the Student Activities Council, is a series of events that focus on self-image and self-confidence. The events, which started with an appearance from comedian and motivational speaker Elaine Williams Wednesday night, will continue through Tuesday.
‘Love Your
Body, Love Yourself’ is a series of events that focus on self-image and self-confidence.’
A body image panel discussion will be held today at 1 p.m. in the University Center Beale Room, where members of Girls Inc. and representatives from the Health and Wellness depart-
ments will have an open and honest discussion about body image. “I really think people will get a lot out of it because they are experts and they help people with body image all the time,” said Carissa Childs, junior public relations major. Soul Surfer, a film about a young surfer who survived a shark attack, and continued to surf with just one arm, will be shown at the UC Theater at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Friday. “She got back up on her board and accepted her body just the way it was,” Childs said. “Your body doesn’t have to limit your ambition and your confidence.” A multimedia discussion will be held Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the UC Ballroom, which will include music and videos. The final event in this series will be a walk-through exhibition, which will be the most interactive portion of the week. The exhibit, set up like a museum art gallery, will include a timeline of the perfect body, along with information on eating disorders and celebrity testimonies. “We’re looking at the good and the bad of the media,” Childs said.
BY LESLEY CLARK McClatchy Newspapers Government freebies handed out at conferences — T-shirts, mugs, etc. — will be cut back under an executive order President Barack Obama signed Wednesday, looking to cast himself as a frugal steward of taxpayer dollars. Under the latest move in his “We Can’t Wait” campaign — which seeks to castigate Congress for not moving faster on boosting the economy — Obama signed a measure aimed at cutting waste and promoting “more efficient spending” across the federal government. In addition to stopping federal agencies from using taxpayer dollars to buy plaques and other “unnecessary promotional” swag, the president is instructing them to rely more on video teleconferencing than travel, to limit the numbers of cellphones, smartphones, tablets and laptops that are issued to employees, to stop printing documents that can be posted online and to cut the federal fleet of vehicles. “These are important steps that can save taxpayers billions of dollars over the next several years,” Obama said from the Oval Office, joined by two federal employees who came up with cost-cutting measures of their own. “It doesn’t replace the importance of the work that Congress needs to do in coming up with a balanced, bold plan to reduce our deficit, but it indicates once again that there are things that we can do right now that will actually deliver better government more efficiently, more consumerfriendly, for less money,” the president said. “And we’re going to keep on finding every pos-
sible way that we can do that even if Congress is not acting.” The White House estimates the cutbacks could save as much as $4 billion a year. Republicans ridiculed the move, with
Swag, page 3
President Barack Obama delivers remarks on tax credits included in the American Jobs Act and new executive actions that will help get veterans back to work.
2 • Thursday, November 10, 2011
H elmsman Volume 79 Number 41
Scott Carroll Managing Editor Casey Hilder News Editors Cole Epley Jasmine Hunter Sports Editor Adam Douglas General Manager Candy Justice Advertising Manager Bob Willis Admin. Sales Sharon Whitaker Adv. Production Rachelle Pavelko Hailey Uhler Adv. Sales Robyn Nickell Michael Parker
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Ads: (901) 6 78-2191 Fax: (901) 678-0882
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DOMINO’S PIZZA Across 1 Smoldering bit 6 Slip a Mickey 10 It may have all the answers 14 Stiller’s partner 15 High rollers’ destination 16 Half of 10? 17 Speed skater Apolo __ Ohno 18 Health enhancer, so it’s said 20 It “is no problem. You just have to live long enough”: Groucho Marx 22 Pickup facilitator 23 “Friendly skies” co. 24 __ center 27 PC time meas. 29 Performed, in a way 32 Band that performed “Whip It” 33 Bars in stores 34 1965 NCAA tennis champ 35 Aaron’s team for 21 seasons 37 Unexpected twist (and a hint to what’s hidden inside 18-, 20-, 51and 56-Across) 40 Make 41 Gloom mate 42 Rural stretch 43 “... two fives for __?” 44 Skin malady, perhaps 45 What crews use 46 Expression of disappointment 47 Bit of code 49 Hair care purchase 51 “A Moon for the Misbegotten” playwright 56 Longshoremen’s aids 59 Baggy 60 Net reading 61 “Tiger in your tank” company 62 Ban’s predecessor at the U.N. 63 Bastes, e.g. 64 Attic constructions 65 Bridge seats Down 1 Net reading
Now Hiring Drivers Earn up to $20/Hour Part-time
YOU REALLY LIKE US! Yesterday’s Top-Read Stories on the Web
1. UM issues statement on viral porno... by Timberly Moore
2. UM’s youngest student, 12, settles in by Chelsea Boozer
3. Tigers fall in season finale by Scott Hall
4. Recruit tweets intent to play for UM by Adam Douglas
5. Gaming equals networking by Chelsea Boozer
2 “Writing on the wall” word 3 Michigan’s Cereal City 4 Steamy 5 Arrested 6 Bore 7 Bank takeback, briefly 8 Deprive of juice? 9 Israel’s Meir 10 Pre-Communism leader 11 Thing to stop on 12 Savings for later yrs. 13 When repeated with “oh” in between, “Wow!” 19 Slippery swimmer 21 Mythical beast, to locals 24 Epiphanies 25 Score-tying shot 26 Olympics broadcaster Bob 27 Mideast capital 28 Last lap efforts 30 Spa sounds
31 Indigent 32 Lake creator 34 Interior decorator’s concern 35 Juiced 36 Sleep acronym 38 Cooking utensil 39 Dawn goddess 44 French onion soup topping 45 Numbers after nine, often 47 Sam & Dave, e.g. 48 Nixon’s first veep 50 Union acquisition? 51 Vandalizes, in a way 52 Gov’t. train wreck investigators 53 Those, to Pedro 54 Future atty.’s hurdle 55 Eye part 56 “CSI: NY” airer 57 Microbrewery buy 58 Altercation
S u d o k u
Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.
Solutions on page 5
The University of Memphis
Thursday, November 10, 2011 • 3
Campus Events
A celebration 400 years in the making BY CHELSEA BOOZER News Reporter
In recognition of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible, a lecture tonight will encourage attendees to view the book in a literary light. Bible scholar Robert Alter, professor of Hebrew language and comparative literature at UC Berkeley, will discuss how the version of the Bible, first published in 1611, has transformed the way society as a whole thinks and writes.
The event, sponsored by the Marcus W. Orr Center for the Humanities, will begin with a reception at 6 p.m. in the University Center Theater. The lecture will follow at 6:30 p.m. It is free and open to the public. “The lecture will be a way where you can recognize just how influential the King James Bible has been on what we write and how we say things and just how we think as a whole,” Goudsouzian said. Joseph Hayden, associate director of MOCH, said the lecture will provide more understanding about the book’s importance. “If students want to know more about the text that has shaped virtually all major writers in one way or another, even songwriters and script writers,
this is the perfect opportunity to get insight from one of the world’s leading experts,” Hayden said. In a partnership with Rhodes College, The U of M will cosponsor a series of events exploring the translation of the bible. The series began yesterday with the opening of “Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible,” which will be displayed at the Barret Library through Dec. 21. Other events include a concert by a New York-based early music ensemble at Rhodes on Nov. 13 and a roundtable discussion with five scholars from various universities at Rhodes on Nov. 11. All of the events are free and open to the public. Goudsouzian said the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible was a perfect topic for a MOCH sponsored event. “We want to do events that bridge what goes on in the intellectual world with what goes on with our students and what goes on in the community,” Goudsouzian said. “And, we feel like this is the perfect event for that.”
from page 1 the Republican National Committee charging that the administration has wasted “millions in taxpayer dollars” on failed energy loans and the federal debt has grown under Obama’s watch. White House spokesman Jay Carney acknowledged that the trims won’t be enough to solve the nation’s “long-term deficit issues.” “But this is important to do because it demonstrates the need to tighten our belts and make sure that we’re spending taxpayer dollars wisely.” The order directs agencies to cut back on travel and conference-related spending, limiting
travel to “circumstances where the activity can only be performed away from the employee’s primary office.” It won’t, however, affect presidential travel. Obama is scheduled to leave town Friday on a nine-day Asia-Pacific trip, with his first stop the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation summit in Hawaii. “The president makes trips as part of his capacity as commander in chief and president of the United States,” Carney said. “There are no plans to change his travel.” The trip isn’t entirely business. Before Obama leaves Hawaii for Australia and Indonesia, he’ll attend a fundraiser for his re-election campaign Monday, his only event of the day.
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11/4/11 2:16 PM
delivers... Body Image Panel Discussion 1 P.M. | UC BEALE ROOM
4 • Thursday, November 10, 2011
Obama’s 9 days in Asia aim to assert growing U.S. stakes there BY LESLEY CLARK McClatchy Newspapers
the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a centerright research center, citing the political maxim that “it’s always better to be in Indiana than Indonesia. That sort of thread is out there.” But Bower said he expected that “in the end” the president would keep to his schedule, noting that not showing up at the last scheduled stop — in Bali, Indonesia, for the East Asia Summit — “would be a real mistake.”
Asia-Pacific.” Obama’s first stop will be at APEC in Hawaii, where he’ll President Barack Obama meet with the leaders of the will leave Friday on a nine21 economies that purchased day trip to Hawaii, Australia 61 percent of total U.S. exports and Indonesia, underscorlast year, Rhodes said. ing the region’s rising profile Michael Green, the Japan but leaving town at a politichair and senior adviser at cally inconvenient time as he the Center for Strategic and accuses Congress of not doing International Studies, said the enough to goose the stalled president was likely to tout economy. the recent U.S.-Korea trade White House officials agreement as proof that the defended the trip Wednesday U.S. has “created conditions as vital to U.S. for American economic and exports.” security interH e ’ s hen the American people ests, arguing unlikely, howthat Asia and see the president traveling in Asia- ever, to add the Pacific it and two Pacific, they will see him advocating that comprise the other recently “fastest-growfor U.S. jobs and U.S. businesses.” ratified trade ing economic deals were — Ben Rhodes region in the “negotiated world.” by the Bush Deputy national security adviser “When the adminisAmerican people see the presi“It would underlie a nar- tration and that the Obama dent traveling in Asia-Pacific, rative that the Chinese have administration took several they will see him advocating promoted, in some sense, that years to actually move them for U.S. jobs and U.S. business- the Americans are interested forward,” Green noted. es,” said Ben Rhodes, deputy in Asia, but they’re not consisObama also will meet with national security adviser. “He tently engaged.” Prime Minister Yoshihiko will be trying to open new White House officials said Noda of Japan, Russian markets. He will be trying to the president was able to stay President Dmitry Medvedev achieve new export initiatives. in touch with the White House and Chinese leader Hu Jintao. “When you ask why we are when he was abroad and that The issue of China’s currenso focused on this region, an the trip was aimed at ensuring cy is likely to be raised in the overwhelming reason why is that the U.S. “remains the pre- meeting, Rhodes said, noting because of the economic poten- eminent economic and security that the U.S. doesn’t think that tial and direct tie into people power in the Asia-Pacific.” the steps China has taken to at home.” “Increasingly the center of raise the value of its currency, Analysts say the trip to gravity in the 21st century is the yuan, “are sufficient.” the Asia-Pacific Economic going to make Asia-Pacific He said that Obama would Cooperation summit in critical to all of our interests,” raise with Hu “the broader Hawaii, along with the stops Rhodes said. “If you want need for global growth that is in Australia and Indonesia, America to be a world leader supported by demand in China underscores the key role that in this century, that leadership and other emerging econothe new global financial pow- is going to have to include the mies. Currency is a part of that erhouse is playing and the U.S. interest in staying engaged in the region as China’s influence expands and U.S. finances are limited. The trip comes as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — who UC Ballroom ◦ November 18th ◦ 7 : 30 pm made Asia her first official overseas destination in 2009 — has signaled a new phase for Come vote for your next U of M idol ! U.S. policy. She wrote recently Special performance by Butta MD in Foreign Policy magazine that “one of the most important tasks of American statecraft over the next decade will ... be to lock in a substantially increased investment — diplomatic, economic, strategic Sponsored in part by the Student Event Allocation and otherwise — in the AsiaPacific region.” However, with a stubbornly high 9 percent U.S. unemployment rate and congressional negotiators struggling to deliver by Nov. 23 a plan to cut the federal budget deficit over the next 10 years, there’s likely to be grumbling that Obama should be at home, focusing on domestic priorities. “There is pressure here not to do the trip,” said Ernie Bower, who chairs the southeast Asia program at
Free Food!! Swag Bags!!
picture.” After APEC — and a fundraiser for his re-election campaign — the president will pay his first visit to Australia, a trip that’s been delayed twice. After meetings with Prime Minister Julia Gillard and an address to Parliament, he’ll travel to an Australian military base in Darwin, where he and Gillard are expected to announce an expanded U.S. military presence in the country. Rhodes declined to say
whether the U.S. would announce a basing agreement with Australia, but he said the two leaders would discuss “the future bilateral cooperation between the U.S. and Australian militaries, and also the U.S. force posture in the Asia-Pacific region more generally.” Bower said an enhanced U.S. security presence in the form of a military base in the region was “very much wel-
Obama, page 5
active minds meeting TODAY @ 4 p.m. UC Poplar Room (308) Please join us as we work to change the conversation about mental health on the University of Memphis campus! Active Minds is an RSO that works to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues among college students, eliminate the stigma associated with those issues and to promote help seeking behavior. For more information, contact us at activemindsuofm@gmail.com or visit: www.activemindsuofm.org
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The University of Memphis
Thursday, November 10, 2011 • 5
What is on your ‘bucket list’ of things to do before you die? by Aaron Turner
“I want to go to space and do push-ups with air.”
“Go to all 50 states and collect movie ticket stubs.”
“I would like to have a family of my own, graduate college and visit Africa.”
— T.J. Henshaw, Electrical engineering freshman
— Maddie House, Elementary education freshman
— Courtney Williams, Chemistry junior
“Go to Mercedes-Benz fashion week.”
“Probably go skydiving.”
— Jenil Askew, Fashion merchandising senior
— Andrew Carrington, Biology sophomore
FREE Parking Passes Available
For Individual Tiger Men’s Basketball Home Games BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 250 passes will be distributed FREE of charge at the UC Information Desk on the dates listed below. Students must present a valid U of M student I.D. to receive a FREE pass. Lot is located one block from FedExForum.
Game Date Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Nov. 28 Dec. 3 Dec. 11 Dec. 19 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 21 Jan. 25 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 28
Opponent Christian Brothers Belmont Jackson State Austin Peay Murray State Lipscomb Robert Morris Charlotte Tennessee Southern Miss SMU Rice Marshall Xavier UAB UTEP East Carolina UCF
Pick up FREE Parking Pass Thursday, Nov. 10 Monday, Nov. 14 Friday, Nov. 18 Friday, Dec. 3 Friday, Dec. 9 Friday, Dec. 16 Wednesday, Dec. 28 Friday, Dec. 30 Tuesday, Jan. 3 Tuesday, Jan. 10 Friday, Jan. 20 Tuesday, Jan. 24 Friday, Jan. 27 Friday, Feb. 3 Friday, Feb. 10 Friday, Feb. 17 Tuesday, Feb. 21 Monday, Feb. 27
Obama from page 4 comed to balance what’s perceived as some recent Chinese aggression.” After two days in Australia, Obama will fly to Bali, where he’ll be the first U.S. president to participate in an East Asia Summit. Bower said he expected the conversation to include the South China Sea, where neighboring countries have had conflicts over territorial and fishing claims. China, though, will oppose setting any rules governing the South China Sea, he said. Rhodes noted that the U.S. has a “deep security and commercial interest in seeing that there (are) clear rules of the road in terms of how nations approach maritime security.” With the deadline for the congressional “supercommittee” approaching, Green said, he expects its deliberations to be “hanging over this whole trip” as the region tries to determine what cuts might be made in the U.S. posture in Asia. “Will the U.S. defense budget allow us to have 10 carrier battle groups or seven?” Green said.
6 • Thursday, November 10, 2011
Apparent Ortega victory in Nicaragua likely to cement Sandinista hold on country
Police Beat — by Jack Simon
Supporters of Nicaraguan incumbent Daniel Ortega, of Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (Sandinista Front of National Liberation) celebrate in a main street in Managua, Nicaragua, late on Nov. 6 after preliminary results of the general election were announced. Ortega, the incumbent Nicaraguan president, collected 63 percent of votes cast after 86 percent of precincts reported. By winning the election, Ortega becomes the first President to be re-elected for another term in Nicaragua since former President Anastasio Somoza Bebayle.
BY TIM JOHNSON McClatchy Newspapers President Daniel Ortega appeared headed for a landslide re-election victory Monday, an outcome likely to cement Sandinista leadership — and Ortega’s dominance of Nicaragua — for years to come The triumph displayed Ortega’s transformation from a fatigue-clad socialist to a populist who still lashes out at the United States but embraces Roman Catholicism, oversees a growing personal fortune and sticks to market and investor-friendly policies. With about 86 percent of precincts reporting, Ortega was leading with 63 percent over 31 percent for Fabio Gadea, a radio executive who led a broad alliance of those opposed to Ortega’s drift toward authoritarian rule. A third candidate, former President Arnoldo Aleman, held 6 percent. Perhaps more significantly, early results showed Ortega’s Sandinista Front winning 59 seats in the 92-seat National Assembly, a “super majority” that would allow him to change the country’s Constitution to permit indefinite re-election. It also would legally free his hand in naming Supreme Court magistrates and other functionaries without interference and would enshrine local Sandinista neighborhood committees known as Citizen Power Councils that channel aid. Reports of voting irregularities were persistent but not vast.
Of the two major international observer teams, one from the Organization of American States backtracked Monday, calling problems its team faced in entering some polling places “inconveniences” but noting that didn’t
find “relevant anomalies.” “In Nicaragua yesterday, democracy and peace took steps forward,” OAS SecretaryGeneral Jose Miguel Insulza said in a telephone call to Ortega, a statement said.
Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 9:42 a.m., electronic equipment left in a vehicle was stolen from a car in the Zach Curlin Parking Garage. The case is still under investigation. Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 4:14 p.m., officers responded to Central Parking Lot to a theft call. A student returned to his vehicle and noticed his catalytic converter was stolen. The case is still under investigation. Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 3 p.m., officers responded to a bicycle theft at Park Avenue Campus. The student said her son’s bicycle was stolen from their backyard. The case is still under investigation. Thursday, Oct. 27 at 12:31 p.m., officers responded to the Music Building on a theft call. A student reported his bass guitar had been stolen out of a practice room. The case is under investigation. Saturday, Oct. 29 at 9:51 a.m., officers responded to an auto burglary on Park Avenue Campus when a student said someone broke into her vehicle and took electronic equipment. The case is under investigation. Sunday, Oct. 30 at 8:43 a.m., two vehicles on Watauga were broken into and had items taken from them. The case is under investigation. Sunday, Oct. 30 at 3:11
p.m., a bike near McWherter library had it’s seat stolen. The case is still under investigation. Tuesday, Nov. 1, officers responded to a theft call at 255 Learning Way. A blower and gas can was stolen from a cart when a worker went to give keys back to a coworker. The case is still under investigation.
Thursday, Oct. 27 at 10:41 a.m., officers responded to the University Center on a complaint. A staff member said a student organization made a video on University property that shows what appears to be a weapon. The case is still under investigation. Sunday, Oct. 30 at 8:24 p.m. officers responded to an armed party call at Park Avenue Campus. Vandalism and a domestic dispute occurred between a student and a non-student. The nonstudent was arrested and a pistol was recovered. There were no injuries. The case is still under investigation.
Thursday, Oct. 27 at 1:13 p.m., officers responded to a burglary complaint to Richardson Towers, The student said her laptop was stolen from her room. The case is still under investigation.
The University of Memphis
by Christopher Whitten
Thursday, November 10, 2011 • 7
Timothy Johnson, 24, finalizes his purchase at the “Midnight Warfare” Marquee Launch Event for “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” at a GameStop on Union Avenue.
from page 1 all night but I did.” Charlie Medlin, management information systems freshman, said that video games are not as much a distraction for him as they are a vacation from ordinary daily life. “I play my games on the weekends,” Medlin said. “I’m tired in class but I go to school. I can write
a paper on Sunday. I get A’s so I don’t have a problem with it.” That wasn’t always the case for Medlin though. He became distracted by everything college had to offer. “I was like ‘This is college and I can do whatever I want.’ So I would always come to (the University Center) and hang out. I would get on Facebook, play Minecraft and other random games. I didn’t do homework.”
Arts & Entertainment
Eddie Murphy quits as host of Oscars BY NICOLE SPERLING Los Angeles Times
Congratulations, Matthew!
From baby to college graduate! Congratulations, Matthew! You made it. We are proud of you. Love, Your Family
Make sure that little bird in our ear is you. Send us your thoughts @dailyhelmsman.
Less than 24 hours after Brett Ratner resigned as producer of the 2012 Oscars after making an anti-gay slur, his handpicked host Eddie Murphy has quit. In a statement Wednesday morning Murphy said, “First and foremost I want to say I completely understand and support each party’s decision with regard to a change of producers for this year’s Academy Awards ceremony. I was truly looking forward to being a part of the show that our production team and writers were just starting to develop, but I’m sure that the new production team and host will do an equally great job.” Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences president Tom Sherak added, “I appreciate how Eddie feels about losing his creative partner, Brett Ratner, and we all wish him well.” Murphy stars in Ratner’s new film, “Tower Heist.” Sherak and his academy team, including recently appointed CEO Dawn Hudson, must now scramble to find both a new host and a new producer to help Don Mischer, who was to produce the show with Ratner and is staying on. The Academy Awards ceremony will be held Feb. 26.
8 • Thursday, November 10, 2011
Big weekend ahead Tigers down Central Florida in second home match of season for Tiger fans T h i s weekend is full of University of Memphis activities, most of them being athletic events. And with all these opportunities to support Memphis athletics, it begs the question – are really a true blue Tigers fan? The weekend begins with a pep rally beginning at 12:30 p.m. inside the University Center with players, coaches, cheerleaders and the pep band. Organizers have asked for students and faculty to show their school spirit by donning The U of M’s colors, blue and gray. But which event will draw the most attention? Here’s a look at what I think sports fans will be eager to attend this weekend. FRIDAY Friday has an interesting slate of events for Tiger fans to choose from. The women’s basketball team starts its season at the FedExForum at 5 p.m. against St. Louis University. Afterward, the men’s basketball team will take the court to play Christian Brothers University in their final exhibition before the start of the regular season on Tuesday against Belmont. At the same time, the women’s volleyball team will
serve up kills against Tulane at the Elma Roane Fieldhouse. But since this is a basketball town, I think the bigger crowd will be at FedExForum on Friday night. SATURDAY Saturday will test diehard Tiger fans, as The U of M football team takes the field to play UAB in the annual “Battle for the Bones” game, which starts at 3:15 p.m. Pregame festivities may be the only thing drawing fans out to see a struggling football team in cold weather. At 7 p.m., the No. 3-ranked women’s soccer team plays in the first round of the NCAA tournament at the Mike Rose Soccer Complex, which is also an outdoor event. But since the women have been winning, it will be worth sitting through that game. The volleyball team will also be in action as well on Saturday night, but are you really going to pass up women’s soccer? SUNDAY As the weekend wraps up, Tiger fans have more basketball to look forward to, as the women’s basketball team takes on Belmont University on Sunday afternoon at the Elma Roane Fieldhouse. The game should be an interesting matchup for the Tigers, the favorite to win Conference USA this season. Tipoff is at 2 p.m.
Entering the home stretch of the regular season, The U of M volleyball team started a four game stretch finishing at home at the Elma Roane Fieldhouse, beginning with a double header against Central Florida. In the first game, Memphis was defeated in a four-set decision by UCF on Thursday night, 24-26, 18-25, 25-22, 20-25. Junior outside hitter Altrese Hawkins tabbed a match high 23 kills, and junior setter Hajnalka Molnar registered yet another double-double this season with 50 assists and 11 digs. But despite a valiant effort, the Tigers (15-12, 4-10 C-USA) could not overcome 15 Golden Knights blocks and 21 kills from Angelica Crump. Marija Jovanovic joined Hawkins in double digit kills with 11. Lauren Hawkins had 10. Katie Meyer, who hit .205 for the match, also contributed six blocks for the Tigers. Aleksandra Petronijevic led the Tigers with 16 digs on the night. After that hard fought loss, the Tigers set out for redemption Friday as they faced the Knights for the second time. Career-best performances by middle blockers Lauren Hawkins and Katie Meyer garnered the win for the struggling Tigers (16-12, 5-10 in C-USA) against UCF (16-10, 8-7 C-USA)
in four sets, 20-25, 15-25, 28-26, 25-23, ending a six-game losing streak. “In both games we had good energy,” said Marko Majstorovic, assistant coach. “On Friday, we were able to play some good volleyball together with that fighting energy. Altrese did equally good in both games, numbers wise; and as a leader, it was her best weekend.” L a u r e n Hawkins finished with a careerhigh 14 kills. Meyer posted seven blocks, also a career high. Altrese Hawkins wrapped up the night with 18 kills and 11 digs, another doubledouble, Hajnalka Molnar joined Hawkins with a Freshman middle blocker Lauren Hawkins double-double of elevates for a kill in last week’s Conference 50 assists and 10 USA game against Central Florida. digs. “I feel like we wanted it their final home matches this more. We were fighting and weekend, welcoming Tulane no one gave up,“ Lauren said. and Southern Miss for back-to“We just kept going the whole back matchups on Friday and game.” Saturday at the Elma Roane The Lady Tigers will host Fieldhouse.
by Joe Murphy
BY JASMINE VANN Sports Reporter
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FOR RENT 3538 Kearney 2bdr/1ba $795/month Close to campus & Perfect for Students! For more listings, call April @ 264-6557 or Sharon @ 406-4548
HOUSING OFF-CAMPUS DORM. Super cool place to live - 5 min. drive from University. Ask about our holiday move-in special! Large, furnished rooms include ceiling fan, mini-fridge, huge closet. Common areas shared by 5 girls includes nice den with cable and WIFI, washer/dryer and housekeeping. Safe environment, private parking. Females only, no pets. $450/month inlcudes everything! Call Carol @ 326-0567. Check out RICAS Properties on Facebook.
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