Monster Bash
C5 Friday, October 21, 2011
Try these party ideas this Halloween
Pumpkin Bowling
Cookie creations Make sugar cookies cut and frosted into Jack-o’-lantern face features like triangles and circles for eyes and noses, a toothy grin or scary mouth and let guests create a pumpkin face on an orange paper plate. For drinks, freeze plastic novelty rings in ice cubes.
Dr. Frankenstein's Lab
There’s nothing kids love more than knocking things over, and in this game, that’s the whole point. Spray paint 10 2-liter bottles of pop white (it helps to leave a little water in the bottom to stabilize them it also makes it a little harder for older kids) and draw on two ghost eyes. For the ball, we used a kids rubber basketball and taped a Jack-o’-lantern face on it. But you could use any ball that’s handy. Set ‘em up, and knock ‘em down!
Have party guests create their own monsters. There’s no right or wrong looks here: just good old-fashioned imagination. Collect recycling such as pop bottles, cans, foil, boxes, etc., and supplement the materials with googly eyes, pipe cleaners, pompoms, paint and other decorations. Hot glue works best, but be sure to supervise children with the glue gun. At some point during the party, have a fashion show where everyone gets to show off their creation; try having an auction with Monopoly money, or use real money and donate the cash to a charity.
Materials: • Dish soap bottle (body) • Dryer sheets box (head) • Ends of a can of frozen juice concentrate (eyes) • Pipe cleaners (arms) • Halloween paper bat for decoration Materials: • Aluminum tin from fast food restaurant (head) • Pump top from lotion bottle (nose) • Lids from 20-ounce bottles (eyes)
Materials: • Crushed 12-ounce pop cans (for 3 eyes) • 2-liter bottle (body) • Pipe cleaners (lots of arms) • Halloween paper (“clothes”)
• Pipe cleaners (mouth and bow tie) • 28-ounce can (body) • Sleeve from crisp taco shells attaches the head to the neck
A weekly series on everything autumn. Next Friday: Costumes