DailyMississippian The
Friday, February 10, 2012
Vol. 100 No. 246
University receives ‘green light’ rating for free speech BY MADISON FEATHERSTON madison.featherston@gmail.com
Recently, the University of Mississippi received a “green light” rating for its permission of free speech on campus, the highest of honors awarded. The group in charge of the ratings is the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Ole Miss has always been a university that promotes free speech on campus. Its new rating comes from the changing of a technical term in order to bring clarity of policies to students and faculty alike. Assistant Dean of Students Scott Wallace was a driving force behind the adaptation. “I believe that our practice has always been a ‘green light,’ just the language in our policies could have been interpreted to inhibit free flow,” he said. “This has been a simple clarification of the language in our policies, not a change of the policies themselves.” Wallace has been working with FIRE on upgrading the university’s rating since 2005, but the work really came to fruition last February. University attorney Lee Tyner
shed some light on the policies that were revised to achieve the new rating. The four policies are: the IT Appropriate Use Policy, the Sexual Harassment Policy, the Free Inquiry, Expression and Assembly Policy, and the Residence Hall/Apartment Bill of Rights. None of the changes made to these policies can be interpreted to harm a student’s rights in any way. Two-thirds of the nation’s colleges maintain policies that somehow restrict the freedom of speech, according to FIRE. Ole Miss is the 16th school to earn the “green light” rating. Other universities that have recently been given the rating are James Madison University, the University of Virginia, Arizona State University and the College of William and Mary. Ole Miss and the University of Tennessee are the only two SEC schools with a “green light” rating. “An example that really sets us apart from other universities is the Klu Klux Klan exhibition that was held on campus in 2009,” Wallace said. “This is something that is mentioned at conferences nationally as a ‘worst case scenario’ — but it is one of those things where we dealt with that, and did
The locations of the free speech zones on campus. FIRE recently gave the University of Mississippi a ‘green light’ rating.
so fairly well.” Ole Miss is the first university in Mississippi to receive the “green light” rating. Young Americans for Liberty president James Robertson, a senior political science and English major, commended the university for working with FIRE to make sure the amendments were done
properly. “Even though this was a technicality, it still needed to be addressed because although this administration didn’t use their polices to hurt students’ rights, someone in the future could (have),” he said. Robertson’s student group will host a banned book reading later this semester. This year, rather
than as a peaceful protest of the banned book list, it will be looked at as a celebration of free speech on campus. “Why would you be opposed to free speech? It is one thing that makes a public university great because students have more of an opportunity to express their ideas,” Wallace said.
Ole Miss may be growing too big, too fast BY CHARLES HALE ROBINSON charleshalerobinson@gmail.com
Sophomore speech pathology major Jacqueline Levet has acquired more than $300 in parking tickets. “If I can’t find a parking space, I make one,” she said. With a record enrollment of 16,586 students on the main campus and 12,622 available parking spaces, Levet is one of the many students noticing changes as the university continues to grow. With a record high 3,571 freshmen, the university is building three new residence halls, which are expected to open this fall. The three halls will accommodate 242 students each, coming to a total of 726 students, and are planned to be livinglearning complexes, which have themed areas following topics
such as outdoors, business and pre-med, according to Linda Krhut, director of the Department of Student Housing. The increase in freshmen has also affected Greek recruitment, said Alex DeJoy, vice president of public relations for Panhellenic Council. “Recruitment has become larger, but it is still manageable,” DeJoy said. “We’ve had to select more Gamma Chis in order to help the potential new members.” Along with Greek recruitment, the Greek lifestyle has been affected as well, DeJoy said. “Sororities are having to reconfigure how they proceed with chapter and dinners because of the larger pledge class from this past year,” Dejoy said. However, these issues may be resolved as the Greek system looks to expand. “We are in the process of potentially adding another sorority on campus right now,” DeJoy
Valentine’s Day movies P. 6,7
PHILLIP WALLER | The Daily Mississippian
Parking lots around campus tend to get full quickly. In the fall, there were 16,586 students attending Ole Miss and 12,622 parking spaces.
said. “The expansion process is long, and if we are to get a new sorority on campus they will not be participating in recruitment until fall of 2013.” Some members of the Ole Miss community attribute this increase to national recognition from television and movies.
“It’s a positive thing any time you can use a medium that connects with an area of the country or demographic you otherwise wouldn’t,” Will Purdie, Ole Miss Law alumni, said. With its history of racial tensions, some believe hosting the first multi-race presidential de-
No. 21 Rebel Netters drop Miss. Cup in marathon match P. 12
bate and being featured in films approaching these issues, like “The Blind Side” and “The Help,” may have helped resolve problems for students considering Ole Miss. “A lot of people learned about See GROWING, PAGE 4
MSU avenges loss to UM, Rebels turn attention to Auburn P. 12