DailyMississippian The
Tuesday, February 28 2012
Vol. 100 No. 257
Student arrested in connection with hit and run BY JACOB BATTE thedmnews@gmail.com
Lee Jerrum has been arrested in connection with the hit and run that put one student in the hospital this past weekend. Jerrum, a PHOTO COURTESY WMC TV 2 0 - y e a r - o l d Lee Jerrum liberal arts undecided major, arrived at the police station with his attorney, Kevin Frye, at approximately 1:45 p.m., in response to the University Police Department’s charge to turn himself in. “The reporting in The Daily Mississippian that he was evading law enforcement over the weekend was inaccurate,” Frye said. “UPD has been in contact with me since Saturday. Much of the reporting in The Daily Mississippian was based on rumor and speculation. Over time, the facts will show that there is more to what happened.” Jerrum has been charged with
two felony counts of aggravated assault, and there is still a possibility of more charges being added. A circuit judge set Jerrum’s bond at $20,000 this afternoon. As of 5 p.m. Jerrum was in the process of bonding out. An aggravated assault felony in Mississippi carries a minimum of one year in county prison. Frye said the next step is with a Lafayette County grand jury, which will convene June 12 to pass on the charges. The incident occurred Saturday morning at approximately 1:20 a.m. Jerrum and an unidentified student went to the parking lot by the Pi Kappa Alpha house to slash the tires of another student’s vehicle. This stemmed from a fight over a woman, according to an anonymous source. Several students then confronted Jerrum, getting into a verbal altercation. Following the altercation, Jerrum left the parking lot and got in the driver’s seat of another student’s Land Rover. Jerrum returned with what
JACOB BATTE | The Daily Mississippian
A slashed tire on one of the vehicle’s targeted by Lee Jerrum during this past Saturday morning’s campus hit and run.
witnesses stated as an “apparent intent” to hit other students. Instead, Jerrum peeled into the parking lot, clipping one student. He then hit another student, Philip Skipp, dragging him along the left side of the car. While dragging Skipp, Jerrum drove the Land Rover into four other vehicles. Two cars
received considerable damage while two others sustained damage to the back bumper and break lights. Following the accident, Jerrum parked at the Alpha Tau Omega house and fled the scene. This is not Jerrum’s first runin with the law. He was arrested for a DUI, possession of a fake
ID and possession of paraphernalia on Jan. 7, 2011. He was arrested again March 12, 2011, for possession of paraphernalia. Dean of Students Sparky Reardon said the university is going to wait for all of the facts to come in before they make a ruling on his status as a student.
Andre Sims is changing the perception of high school principals BY JACOB BATTE thedmnews@gmail.com
JARED BURLESON | The Daily Mississippian
Galena Elementary School principal Andre Sims
graduated from Ole Miss’ elementary education program. Sims, who is 27, hopes to be a superintendent.
IT changes UM bandwidth to accommodate increased traffic
P. 5
Put yourself in the shoes of a new parent in Holly Springs just a few years ago. As you start to think about the future of your child, you naturally begin to look around at the school systems. Now, imagine your reaction when you begin to hear rumors that Galena Elementary School, the school your child will attend, is going be to shut down. You’ve already begun thinking about moving, haven’t you? Well, exit out of Google Maps and take another look at the school. Things are changing: test Scores; enrollment; perception. And they’re being changed by a principal who is only 27 years old. His name is Andre Sims. Sims knew from a very young age that he was interested in becoming a teacher, “Always played school,” he said. “Always. Period. Without question.” Though he always had a
good idea of what he wanted to do, it wasn’t until Sims began to tutor adults in college algebra that the idea was confirmed. “It just clicked,” he said. “I had kind of always known, but then I knew this is what I wanted to do.” Sims attended the University of Mississippi, earning an elementary education degree. While most students nowadays take five, sometimes six years to finish their undergraduate degree, Sims earned it in his three years. The Louisville native signed his first contract on his 21st birthday to teach fifth graders at H.W. Byers Elementary School. There, Sims said his perception of teaching was altered. “There’s an unfair pressure on teachers to try to get their students to test at the level that you’re teaching,” he said. “I began to set a goal that every student who came to me (would) grow while in my class, regardless of how they came in. Once I started to do that,
Associated Student Body takes annual trip to Capitol P. 6
it really changed my view of teaching.” Sims then spent a year as the curriculum coordinator at H.W. Byers High School. Once the principal position opened at Galena, Sims expressed interest, though he admittedly wasn’t ready for the job. “The same superintendent that promoted me said his number-one advice for me was to start my administration experience early,” Sims said. “He said, ‘School is not going to prepare you for what you’re going to face every day.’ I kind of felt like I was shoved in the position before I was ready.” In Summer 2010, Sims, 25 at the time, took over as the head of one of the few remaining pre-K through eighth grade primary education institutions in the country. Sims noted two major changes he installed since taking over at the elementary school. The first was changing the way the teachers were teaching. See SIMS, PAGE 4
No. 16 Diamond Rebels welcome Memphis for mid-week showdown P. 12
| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 2
We should demand local food
BY ADAM BLACKWELL ablackwe@olemiss.edu
While traveling this weekend, I stopped at a fast food restaurant to get a bottle of water and get back on the road. Lately, I’ve become more interested in where my food and drinks come from, so I decided to read the label. To my surprise, this company’s bottled water has quite a lot of mileage. The water’s source is the municipal water supplies of Palestine, Texas, it is bottled by a company in Little Rock and it is then distributed by the corporation’s office in Oklahoma City, Okla. This one bottle of water travels more than 500 miles.
Don’t you find this fact utterly ridiculous? When you start to think about it, nearly everything we consume travels hundreds and even thousands of miles just to make it onto our dining table. Honestly, would you be willing to give up certain aspects of your comfortable life — such as eating whatever you want whenever you want — for the betterment of the environment? Eating locally is something that calls for sacrifice; however, by eating locally we’re also reducing carbon emissions, helping local farmers and our local economy and eating bettertasting, healthier foods. For example, in the winter you wouldn’t be able to get your favorite vegetables, such as tomatoes, because they would no longer be shipped in from Mexico. However, in the summer, if you eat freshly
grown tomatoes, they will taste better and will be healthier for you. Imagine if we only ate foods that were in season and only drank water that was from our local sources. Firstly, the amount of plastic we use would be tremendously reduced. Also, our carbon emission levels would dramatically decrease. Our generation must begin to think about environmental concerns and what can be done to alleviate our impact on the environment. Our generation can make it or break it. We must be the generation of change. Our current society and government make it very difficult for us to eat locally. While there are environmental effects of eating locally, economic effects also exist. Eating tomatoes from Mexico year-round is often cheaper than buying
tomatoes at your local farmers’ market during the season. We need to move to a more localized economy and more localized community. While I am very much proglobalization and pro-technological advancement, some things should just stay local — and food is one of those things. The government should play an active role in localizing food economies. I think money should be taken from the current food subsidy budget and used to create farmers’ markets in larger metropolitan areas. The government should assist local farmers and private businesses in opening these markets. Of course, creating a farmers’ market network is not something that will happen overnight. As the metropolitan markets stabilize, work can then begin
on opening them in more rural areas and creating a real network for farmers to sell their goods. This would eventually make it more economically feasible for average citizens to eat locally. Some may call this idea socialist or communist. However, I want private businesses working with the government to create these markets. Government and private businesses should work alongside one another, promoting each other, instead of fighting with each other. Localization of food is just one way the government and private businesses can work together. It all starts with demand — so let’s create a demand for local food.
to express itself politically by donating money to run ads for or against a candidate for federal office is a real and fundamental political right. Which is a fancy way of stating that the First Amendment means what it says. Here are the facts of Citizens United: In January 2008, Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation (see, Mr. Higgins, nonprofits are corporations, too) released a documentary, called “Hillary: The Movie.” This film was critical of thenSen. Hillary Clinton, a candidate for her party’s presidential nomination. Anticipating that it would make Hillary available on cable television through video-on-demand within 30 days of primary elections, Citizens United produced television ads to run
on broadcast and cable television. However, doing so would run afoul of a provision of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance “reform” law that prohibited corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures for speech that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate 30 days before a primary election and 60 days before a general election. Correctly, the Supreme Court held that although the First Amendment provides that “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,” the McCain-Feingold law’s prohibition on corporate (and union) independent expenditures is an outright ban
Adam Blackwell is a sophomore public policy leadership major from Natchez. Follow him on Twitter @ AdamBlackwell1.
In defense of Citizens United BY MACY HANSON Special to The DM
(Editor’s Note: this is a response to Sean Higgins’ Feb. 20 column “Citizens United: The Suicide of American Democracy.”) Once in a blue moon, the U.S. Supreme Court actually gets it right. Once in a blue moon, the Court resists political pressures and takes a principled stand in favor of what the Constitution actually says. Once in a blue moon, we get a decision like Citizens United, which despite misin-
formed criticisms from Mr. Higgins and company, actually takes a stand against government censorship of political speech. Regretfully, if one were to gain her information from just media reports alone – and columns like Mr. Higgins,’ which slothfully recycle these tired, apocalyptic assertions – no one would ever know the truth about Citizens United. Instead of erroneously sounding the alarm bells and lamenting “the suicide of American democracy,” as Mr. Higgins puts it, the correct response to the Citizens United decision is to simply read the opinion itself. If only one percent of those opposed to Citizens United would actually take the time and energy to read Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion, America and
our fragile democracy would be far healthier than they are now. First, it is necessary to recognize that corporations (and unions) are simply aggregations of individuals. A corporation is a group of shareholders in a business or charity that have filed the required paperwork for limited liability protection under state corporate law. A union is a group of individual workers who have banded together for greater bargaining power with management. Citizens United stands for the simple proposition that the First Amendment protects individuals, corporations and unions from laws that interfere with their right to engage in political speech. In other words, the right of an individual, corporation or union
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| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 3
The culture of victim-blaming
BY LEXI THOMAN alexandria.thoman@gmail.com
Sexual assault, rape and our culture of victim-blaming: how some women are fighting back. When people post links on their Facebook walls, the topics are typically funny or amusing, aimed at starting lighthearted conversation. While some of my friends might occasionally dare to tread into hot water with questions of politics and social ideology in their comments, few have the courage to start a dialogue about a certain issue that our society has labeled as taboo, even though it affect millions of men, women and children in ways much more profound than the latest viral YouTube video. In a society where rape is a topic that we prefer to avoid, to forget, to shove under the rug and act as if it doesn’t exist, one of my friends did something surprising last night that broke all of the rules of Facebook social behavior. On my Newsfeed, in the sea of fleeting status updates, video posts and amusing pictures, one lone link stood out from the rest. Megan Loria, a fellow in-
ternational studies major, honors college member and close friend of mine, posted a link to a Tumblr account called Project Unbreakable, a photography project begun by 19-year-old college student Grace Brown in New York. But what sets these pictures apart from the thousands of other photography projects on the Internet? Grace takes portraits of victims of sexual assault and rape, standing tall and defiantly with poster board signs. Handwritten on each sheet of white in bold, black ink is a single quote. A quote from their attackers. Little did Grace know when she started Project Unbreakable in October of last year that her blog would get attention from around the world. Women — and men — from countless countries began sending her their own pictures, some bearing their faces, others hiding them, all with one thing in common: the handwritten signs. She now posts a mixture of her own photographs and anonymous submissions daily, creating one of the most powerful cyber tapestries I have ever seen. Through her project, thousands of victims are taking back the power in the words that once held them captive. But there is one thing that Megan didn’t mention when she posted this link to her Facebook wall. Like the thousands of wom-
en in the Project Unbreakable photographs, she is a rape survivor. We have all heard the statistics: one in four women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, and most of those attacks — over 60 percent — will go unreported, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN). Still, because so few victims come forward, the true percentage is believed to be much, much higher. We live in a society of victim-blaming, where the victims are told that they brought the violence upon themselves, that they were asking for it, as if their own actions justified the attack. They were drunk; they led him (or her) on; they dressed provocatively. The list of accusations and excuses is endless, but not one of them offers any vindication for sexual assault and rape. Though I myself know many survivors, very few of them have the courage to speak about their attacks. But Megan is one of them. If you talk to her about her experience, it becomes very clear why so many victims choose to keep their attacks a secret. As time has passed, talking about her rape has been her own way of healing, coping and moving forward. And at times, Megan has suffered for it. Because she chose not to press charges and is so vocal about her attack, people have
survivors have endured a disease of mankind. But unlike cancer, heart disease and any other corporal illnesses, the support networks are not publicly celebrated. Conventions and activists rarely gain public attention because we choose to avert our gaze. Instead of finding comfort and support from family and friends like most people in the hospital, rape victims often find shame and misunderstanding. Rape doesn’t just happen to sluts who you think are asking for it. It happens to women and children of all ages, races, religions, shapes and sizes. It happens to mothers and daughters, your sisters and friends. It even happens to men. People like Grace, Megan and Cristen are each fighting against the culture of victimblaming in their own way. And while their efforts are admirable, they will only make a difference if we choose to listen. While you may think that this issue does not affect you, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Because if you think you don’t know a survivor, they just haven’t told you yet. And with victim-blaming, statistically, they probably never will. Lexi Thoman is junior international studies and Spanish doublemajor from St. Louis, Mo.
Created for your morning pleasure
The Daily Mississippian
continued from page 2
on speech, backed by criminal sanctions. And because speech is an essential mechanism of democracy, political speech, including the ability of PACs and other outside groups to run ads and create movies, must prevail against laws that would suppress it. Moreover, laws burdening such speech are subject to strict scrutiny, which requires the government to prove that the restriction “furthers a compelling interest and is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest (emphasis added).” As Chief Justice Roberts explained, “[t]he government urges us in this case to uphold a direct prohibition on political speech. It asks us to embrace a theory of the First Amendment that would allow censorship not only of television and radio broadcasts, but of pamphlets, posters, the Internet and virtually any other medium
accused her of lying, saying that “real” victims never talk. Some have insisted that since her attacker was a friend, it wasn’t considered rape. Others have even told her that she should keep her mouth shut. All of these people are completely out of line. Cristen Hemmins, an Oxford resident, has her own story to tell. Like Megan, she is open about her own attack that happened nearly 21 years ago. But unlike Megan, Cristen made headline news when she was abducted by two strangers outside her dorm at Millsaps College in Jackson, raped and shot twice as she attempted to escape. As Cristen said in her own words in an article that ran in the Spring 1996 issue of the Oxford American Magazine, “I was lucky, in a way, to have been shot. Everyone, men especially, could sympathize ... if I had just been raped, I would have had to go home from the hospital and quietly do my own emotional and mental recovering while everyone tiptoed around me as if I should be ashamed or embarrassed.” Correct me if I am wrong, but it is hard to say that something isn’t off in our society when a rape victim believes she was lucky to be shot. We call Megan and Cristen “survivors” because in the same way that a cancer patient has endured a disease of the body, sexual assault
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that corporations and unions might find useful in expressing their views on matters of public concern. Its theory, if accepted, would empower the government to prohibit newspapers from running editorials or opinion pieces supporting or opposing candidates for office, so long as the newspapers were owned by corporations — as the major ones are.” A broad ban on political speech that would lead to the censorship of newspapers, books, blogs and films 30 or 60 days before an election
would be the true suicide of American democracy. It is rather ironic that someone like Mr. Higgins, who claims that Citizens United “might as well set the Constitution on fire,” actually advocates a position that would lead to the banning of books. I guess banning books is fine, so long as you don’t burn them. Right, Mr. Higgins? Macy Hanson is a third year law student from Tempe, Ariz. He will be working in Jackson, Miss. upon graduation in May.
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| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 4
Free tax return program benefits students and Oxford community BY NATALIA BURGOS natis.burgos@gmail.com
Tax season just got a little brighter and cheaper. A group of University of Mississippi graduate students is preparing and filing tax returns for local residents free of charge. Tax-Aide, a program sponsored by the AARP Foundation, is not only providing this and also allowing students to get hands-on experience. Accountancy professor Tanya Flesher requires students in her Contemporary Issues in Taxation course to volunteer a minimum of four hours at the Tax-Aide site. She said students benefit from “real-life experience,” which is not like
continued from page 1
“I have some of the hardestworking teachers,” he said. “They stay after five, sometimes four days a week. They give up their summers. But I believe you should work smarter, not harder.” They installed and put into practice research-driven data. “The first semester wasn’t fun,” Sims said. “The second semester we started to see
learning from a textbook. “There are all those extenuating factors that come in and make it trickier than it is reading it out of a textbook,” Flesher said. Gaining people skills is also a benefit the program provides for students. “They get to interact with clients, which most of them have never had to do before, so they have to learn their people and communication skills and foster those,” Flesher said. “It’s just a way for them to get the feeling of service and giving back that they have knowledge that they need to share with people.” This is graduate student Erica Coggins’s third season vol-
unteering for Tax-Aide. “I’ve always done community service, but I’ve never done it for my profession,” she said. “I never realized that what I’ve learned throughout school and what I’m potentially going to be doing could help someone as much as it does.” While the program benefits the community and the students involved, Coggnis said it also benefits the university. “It shows that not only the university but the accounting school is invested in community service,” she said. Some of the larger tax preparation firms like Jackson Hewitt charge $130 for their most basic tax return and add additional charges based on the
complexity of the return. “One of the most frustrating aspects for me is that people would bring their tax returns from previous years who got it done at these big places, and they’re charging people a percentage of their refund,” Coggins said. “We can do the same thing for free.” Charlene Miller, 67, heard about Tax-Aide from a friend. She said after using the program to file her taxes, she recommends it to others. “Many people need help, and with the economy like it is, to have a program that will help the community is great,” she said. “I truly appreciate the students and what they’re doing.”
some positives. Our school was successful. Within one year, we came close to being labeled as a high-performing school.” A quick glance at the results of their most recent Mississippi Curiculum Tests shows the students’ scores rose significantly in Sims’s first year. The second major change came in changing how the community viewed the school. “For about five to six years before I arrived, there was a rumor that the school was going to close,” Sims said. “You have a little bit of anxiety and a little
bit of uncertainty amongst the school and the parents. That was probably my biggest barrier to overall success.” Sims decided to make himself more visible to promote the school. “By becoming principal, I was propelled into being a community leader,” he said. “That means going to churches, football games, recitals (and) concerts; remaining active in the community.” The school has grown 25 percent since then, and the rumors seem to be dying down. In addition to being a 27-year-old principal, Sims teaches developmental studies at Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis and moonlights as an educational consultant, all while working on his doctoral degree at Arkansas State University. “Education is my life,” he said. While Sims enjoys being principal for the time being, he is quick to point out that his ultimate goal is to one day be a superintendent. “I want to make the greatest impact on the greatest number of people,” he said.
Galena Elementary School principal Andre Sims
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Coggins said the program has turned into much more than a community service opportunity for her and her classmates. “I’ve already gone over the amount (of required hours), and I plan to go every week, even if it’s just for an hour,” she said. “We have valuable service that not a lot of people understand and can do.” The program is open to any community member and operates every Thursday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. through the end of tax season. It is located at the Stone Center on the corner of Molly Barr Road and Washington Avenue. For additional information, contact (662) 232-2384.
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| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 5
IT changes UM bandwidth to accommodate increased traffic
A student attempts to connect to the wireless network on her laptop. The University of Mississippi recently upgraded to the Mississippi Optical Network, but some students have had trouble with the network since the switch.
BY KRISTEN STEVENS kriskros2010@gmail.com
The University of Mississippi is first among its peer colleges to acquire MissiON, the new Mississippi Optical Network. The university began the project on Jan. 16 in hopes of having a smooth, carefree, wireless semester. However, campus has already had two days this spring during in which the Internet went out. Students enrolled in hybrid courses, which are heavily dependent on access to the Internet, worry most about the system’s failures. Mallory Haggert, a journalsim sophomore enrolled in a hybrid course, said she has not been at ease with the switch and the technical difficulties attached to it. “I’m tired of getting texts randomly saying, ‘The Internet is down. Be back up soon,’” she said. “I don’t want to sit on my
laptop the entire night just hitting the refresh button, trying to get online so that I can do the work that I need to do. I feel like it should be accessible to us at all times.” For other students, the issue seems to be procrastination. “I know for some people that it’s actually an inconvenience because they have to drive to a McDonalds that has free Wi-Fi to get that hybrid class done, which is kind of inconvenient when you have to listen to a 20-minute lecture out in public somewhere,” said Jarrett Davis, a mechanical engineering sophomore living at the Luckyday Residential College. “I try to get that hybrid course out (of the way) a little earlier.” Davis said he has not personally encountered any problems with the new connection. As the number of wireless devices students and faculty carry on a daily basis increased,
so did the need for a greater bandwidth, which increased the university’s connection tenfold, from one gigabit per second (Gbps) to 10 Gbps. “The amount of bandwidth a student or faculty member needs has grown exponentially,” said Kathy Gates, chief information officer. “Research especially needs it. Their needs are kind of infinite. A lot of work in computational chemistry consists of a lot of work, and simulations take up a lot of space.” To stay on top competitively with other research universities across the nation, the university needed an increase in bandwidth. “Several years ago, it became apparent that greater bandwidth would be necessary for university researchers and students to collaborate, communicate and compete with scholars and peers across the region, nation and world,” said Alice Clark,
vice chancellor of research and sponsored programs. Working with AT&T, the state’s contracted telecommunications provider, former Gov. Haley Barbour handled this problem by establishing MissiON. Clark said funding for MissiON came as a “modest,
one-time hardware charge.” Robin Miller, deputy CIO and director of technical services, said the problems the campus has experienced so far were of two separate origins. The first was an error with AT&T, something that all MissiON networks connected to AT&T experienced. The second happened to be a surprise hardware malfunction, which the IT department fixed quickly. The switch to greater bandwidth has been noticed on campus in a positive light as well. Mathematics instructor Julie Anderson said she noticed a huge improvement in the accessibility to the Internet. Anderson teaches several classes in the FedEx building and has complete access to the Internet, but some of her courses taught in Hume Hall were not as smooth prior to the switch. “I would take my computer out into the hall, stand under the port and not get wireless Internet,” she said. “It’s been great (since the switch). I do the Web Access and it just lets me in. I don’t have any troubles with it.” MissiON serves as a secure database connecting Ole Miss to other necessary school branches, such as Mississippi State University. Soon to be on board are Jackson State and the University of Southern Mississippi.
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| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 6
Associated Student Body takes annual trip to Capitol BY JACOB BATTE thedmnews@gmail.com
Prominent members of the Associated Student Body traveled to Jackson this past week on its annual trip to the Capitol to watch the Mississippi Senate debate legislation. ASB president Taylor McGraw and Meghan Litten, ASB director of student advocacy, were among the student leaders who made the trip. “It is important for us to make this trip each spring semester during the legislation session,” Litten said. “We are able to meet with representatives and senators from our district and other districts throughout the state. We want to put faces to our university and show them that we really
do care about the choices they make for education in Mississippi. Their decisions affect the university and us, the students.” Mary Alex Street, a public policy senior, said the trip was “surreal.” “That sounds so nerdy, but the fact that I’ve spent months researching all of this for my thesis and then to get to see it actually happen — to get to see Mississippi lawmakers pass something I’ve really invested myself into for so long — was awesome,” she said. The students received a tour of the state Capitol building from Andy Mullins, the chancellor’s chief of staff, had lunch with Oxford Rep. Brad Mayo and sat in on debates on the Senate floor. The Senate
debated charter school legislation sponsored by Oxford Sen. Gray Tollison. Street said she is excited to think about the effects of the legislation the group witnessed. A service project was added to the annual trip this year. Members of the ASB met with Rachel Willis’ journalism class at Calloway High School.
Willis, a 2011 Ole Miss graduate, teaches at the school as a member of the Mississippi Teacher Corps. She was a member of ASB during her tenure at Ole Miss and participated in the Rebels to the Capitol group last year. Ole Miss T-shirts, water bottles, bags, pens, magnets, highlighters and copies of The Daily Mississippian were
distributed to the class. “The students were so excited to receive anything Ole Miss,” said senior journalism major Gabrialla Zanengo. “We were able to share with them what it is like to be in college and the different leadership opportunities that lead us to travel to Jackson on behalf of the university and the ASB.”
TOP: Left to Right, Top Row: Austin “Woody” Wood, LaBrandon Pickett, Tyler Biggs, Taylor McGraw and Harrison Crabtree Left to Right, Bottom Row: Mary Alex Street, Emily Wikle, Meghan Litten, Gabriella Zanengo. Associated Student Body members took their annual Rebels to the Capitol trip in Jackson this past week. BOTTOM: Meghan Litten and Gabriella Zanengo are with Rachel Willis’ journalism class at Calloway High School. The ASB’s annual trip is designed to let legislators know that University of Mississippi students are involved in their state’s legislation.
| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 7
They’re back: Humans vs. Zombies returns to campus
FILE PHOTO | The Daily Mississippian
Students, including the game’s supervisor Matthew Farmer (left), perch on a hill to fend off zombie attackers in a posed illustration. The campus-wide game, Humans vs. Zombies, is returning to Ole Miss in late March or early April.
BY OKSANA DEMCHENKO odemochen@olemiss.edu
Humans vs. Zombies is back. “It was a pure adrenaline rush,” said English sophomore Kayleigh Webb. “I hid in bushes, coordinated attack strategies in the Circle and chased
humans around the Grove like it was completely normal.” Humans vs. Zombies is a modified game of tag. During one week, a group of zombies and a group of humans will run around campus wreaking havoc. Zombies try to infect humans, and humans try to stay away. Everyone, except
the original zombie, starts as a human. On the first day of the game, nobody knows who the original zombie is. As zombies multiply, they tag humans and turn them into zombies. Humans can use Nerf Blasters and foam darts for self-defence. If a zombie is shot with a Nerf Blaster, he or
she is inactive for 10 minutes. “There is no reward for winners,” said junior political science major Matthew Farmer, who is the game’s supervisor. “ (It’s) all about just having fun. On the last day of the game, we had an evacuation mission. Humans had to get to a certain place, and the military ‘rescued’ them.” The game largely depends on teamwork, which brings people together, according to some of last year’s participants. “If you want to survive as a human, you have to depend on the other surviving humans,” said psychology senior Kyle Kelly. “The bonds become quite strong. You feel the sense of loss when one of your friends gets turned into a zombie.” Players are required to wear orange bandanas at all times, as the game lasts 24 hours a day. “The game is a good stress relief for people who need it,” said theater sophomore Adam Brooks. Farmer said he got the idea of Humans vs. Zombies in high school.
“One of my friends ran a small one-day version of it,” he said. “I wanted to get together people who normally wouldn’t talk to each other. Last year we had about 215 people playing — sorority girls, frat guys, military guys and people from Ole Miss Gamers Association.” The Luckyday Foundation and the Ole Miss Gamers Association sponsored the game last year. “We got enough funding to get everyone free bandanas,” Farmer said. “This year we’ll try to get sponsorship from local businesses.” Humans vs. Zombies will start late in March or early April. “Everybody can play,” Farmer said. “We will have several sign-up tables in front of the Student Union. You can find the updates on our Facebook page.” Last year’s players are looking forward to playing again and expect more people to join the game. “I will wear the orange bandana with pride,” Webb said. For more information, visit Humans VS Zombies @ OLEMISS on Facebook.
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| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 8
No. 22 Rebel Netters set to host No. 33 Memphis today
ADDISON DENT | The Daily Mississippian
Junior Jonas Lutjen prepares to return serve in a match against Southern Miss earlier this season. Lutjen is the Rebels’ highest-ranked singles player at No. 28 with a 2-2 record at No. 3 singles.
BY MATT SIGLER mcsigler@olemiss.edu
The No. 22 Ole Miss men’s tennis team will host No. 33 Memphis today in its first outdoor match of the season. The match will also be their first at the newly renovated Palmer/ Salloum Tennis Center/Galtney Courts. “We’re very excited about playing in the newly renovated facility,” said head coach Billy Chadwick. “The guys are really looking forward to this match. This is a very tough match, and we’re going to need the fans to really come
out and help us through it.” The Rebels (2-2) have not played in a dual match since a 4-2 loss to No. 14 Mississippi State in the Mississippi Cup earlier this month. Three members of the men’s tennis team participated in the main draw at the Brownsville Futures, and junior Jonas Lutjen defeated Czech Republic’s Jiri Veseley, the former world No. 1 junior player, in straight sets 6-3, 6-3 to advance to the second round. “We did it specifically to give us some good looks outside, and we knew it would be warm down in Brownsville,” Chadwick said. “We really played
well across the board, but the person that played exceptional was Jonas Lutjen. He beat a kid that was last year ranked No. 1 in the world in the 18s. That was a big-time win for Jonas.” Memphis (7-1) started the season 7-0, the school’s best start to a season since 1979, and the Tigers’ No. 33 ranking is the highest in school history. Memphis is 2-1 against ranked opponents this season with wins against No. 13 Tennessee and No. 43 Vanderbilt and a loss to No. 49 UNCWilmington this past Sunday. Memphis has only lost the doubles point twice this sea-
son with an 18-6 record in doubles play. Sophomore David O’Hare is the only ranked singles player with a No. 114 ranking and 2-5 record at No. 1 singles while freshman David O’Leary is a perfect 6-0 at No. 5 singles this season. “Memphis has beaten two SEC opponents already early in the season — that was Vanderbilt and Tennessee,” Chadwick said. “It is the best Memphis team that has been there in more than 30 years. We know that this is a great team, and we are really looking forward to it. It is exactly the kind of match that we need if we are going to be prepared for the opening weekend of Southeastern Conference play.” Four Ole Miss players are in the top 48 of the singles rankings and two duos are in the top 18 of the doubles rankings. Lutjen is the highest-ranked singles player with a No. 28 ranking, followed by freshman William Kallberg (No. 35), senior Marcel Thiemann (No. 38) and freshman Nik Scholtz (No. 48). Lutjen and sophomore Johan Backstrom are the 17thranked doubles team, followed by seniors Marcel and Chris Thiemann with a No. 18 ranking. Today’s match against No. 33 Memphis is set for 2 p.m. and will be the first of a fourmatch home stand for the Rebels that continues this weekend with the start of conference play against No. 14 Auburn on Friday at 2 p.m. and No. 49 Alabama on Sunday at 1 p.m.
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sports briefs 1962 Rebels To Celebrate 50th Anniversary Of Perfect Season The late John Vaught, who coached the Ole Miss Rebels for almost a quarter-century, always referred to his 1962 football team as “one of the most courageous in the history of the game.” It was his 16th team at the University of Mississippi and it accomplished something no Ole Miss team before or since has done, a perfect record, including a 17-13 victory over Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl. As plans proceed for the 50-year reunion, memories abound among the players, not only about the season and the 10-0 final record, but also about the turmoil that surrounded the events on campus that year. Lots of memories abound and many stories will be told when the team gets together on campus Sept. 14-15 as Ole Miss plays host to the Texas Longhorns. While the teams have met six times previously, including three bowl games, it will mark the first visit to Oxford for the Texas football program.
McFarland Named C Spire Wireless Gillom Trophy Finalist JACKSON, Miss. – Ole Miss sophomore point guard Valencia McFarland has been named one of the three finalists for the 2012 C Spire Wireless Gillom Trophy the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum announced Monday night. The other finalists are senior Diamber Johnson from Mississippi State and senior Veronica Walker from Delta State. Finalists are selected by 51-statewide media voters. The award is presented annually to the top female collegiate basketball player in Mississippi and is named after former Ole Miss great Peggie Gillom. Gillom is Ole Miss’ leading scorer and rebounder and served as an associate coach at Ole Miss for seven years. In addition, Gillom has spent time as an Olympic and WNBA coach. This season, McFarland leads the team and is fifth in the SEC in scoring, averaging 13.7 points per game. She leads the league in minutes played (37.1 mpg), is third in assists (4.9 apg) and sixth in steals (2.1 spg). She has recorded six 20-point games this season including career-high 25 points in a win over Alabama. A team captain this year, McFarland has scored in double figures in 23 of the team’s 29 games.
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| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 1 1
Robertson leads Ole Miss to big weekend at SEC Indoors
Junior All-American Ricky Robertson won his third straight SEC indoor high jump title, which is also his fifth straight conference high jump title overall.
LEXINGTON, Ky. — Led by the outstanding jumping feats of Ricky Robertson and a few school-record performances, the Ole Miss track and field team concluded competition Sunday at the Southeastern Conference Indoor Championships held at the University of Kentucky’s E.J. Nutter Field House. Recording 53.50 points over the weekend, the No. 22 nationally ranked Rebel men earned a sixth-place team finish, while the Rebel women finished eighth overall with 34 points. It was the men’s best SEC indoor result since finishing sixth in 1994. “I was very proud of how hard our teams fought,” Rebel head coach Joe Walker said. “We came up a little short of what would have been a perfect meet, but all of our kids gave great efforts. This is a much better effort than we had last year, and 2011 ended up being a great year for us, so I am optimistic about NCAA indoors and then outdoors.” The weekend was highlighted by junior All-American Ricky Robertson, who was awarded the Cliff Harper Trophy for being the high-points scorer of the meet.
continued from page 12
ing hitter this past season, who was drafted in the 31st round by the New York Mets in last year’s MLB Draft. They are led at the plate by senior infielder/outfielder Adam McClain, who has a .417 batting average in 24 at-bats this season. Wahl honored by SEC Sophomore right-hander Bobby Wahl was honored by the Southeastern Conference when he was named the SEC’s CoPitcher of the Week in an announcement put out by the league office on Monday. The Springfield, Va., native
Robertson tied for the award with Kentucky’s Luis Orta by scoring 20 points. Robertson is the second Rebel to score the most points at an SEC Indoor Championship, joining Tony Dees (1984). “Winning the Cliff Harper Trophy was a great honor for Ricky,” Walker said. Robertson captured his third consecutive SEC indoor high jump title, which also was his fifth-straight league high jump title overall. Securing the 2012 title Saturday, the Hernando, Miss., native is just the third athlete in SEC history to win three or more men’s indoor high jump titles, while his winning leap of 7-4.5 tied the E.J. Nutter Field House facility record and ranks him fifth in the NCAA this year. He also placed fourth in the long jump with a jump of 2409.75 and fourth in the triple jump with a distance of 51-07.00. Ole Miss witnessed dominant performances by several of its athletes on Sunday. Junior All-American Mike Granger clocked a time of 6.63 in the 60 meters finals to finish second in the event, which earned the Rebel men eight points.
struck out a career-high nine batters and gave up just one hit in a career-high seven innings of work to lead Ole Miss to a 2-0 win in the series opener against UNCWilmington this past Friday. Rebels move up the rankings After going a perfect 4-0 last week, Ole Miss has moved up in the polls. The Rebels moved up four spots from No. 20 to No. 16 in Baseball America’s most recent poll and moved up six spots from No. 28 to. 22 in the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association’s (NCBWA) poll. Ole Miss also entered Collegiate Baseball’s poll at No. 23 and the USA Today/ESPN Coaches’ poll at No. 25 after not being ranked in either poll a week ago.
Granger was the runner-up by only .001 second behind NCAA leader Harry Adams of Auburn. He beat out two-time defending NCAA champion Jeff Demps of Florida, as well as teammate Isiah Young, who came in eighth to provide the Rebels one point. Freshman Robert Semien now ranks fourth-best in school history in the 60 meter hurdles after running 8.08 for a sixth-place finish in the finals of the event Sunday. Young scored two more points for the Rebel men in the 200 meters, where he finished seventh with a time of 21.29. The Rebel men’s 4x400 meter relay team consisting of Dante Oliver, Montez Griffin, Carson Blanks and Brian Word placed fifth to score four points, running a time of 3:09.87 to rank top 10 in school history. Sophomore Kentrell Sanders’ triple jump mark of 50-04.75 placed him sixth and scored the Rebels three points. The Ole Miss men’s distance medley relay team composed of Loren Newsom, Creighton Serrette, Riley Young and Kipchirchir Kiptoo now rank as the fifthbest distance medley relay team
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in school history after producing a relay time of 10:00.52 Sunday, which earned them a sixth-place finish and notched the Rebels three points. Freshman Oxford native Sam Kendricks provided the Rebels 2.5 points with his pole vault height of 17-0, earning him a sixth-place finish in the event. Oliver placed seventh in the 400 meters with a time of 47.99, earning two points for his team. On the women’s side, senior Logan Waites rewrote her own history once again. The senior Hattiesburg, Miss., native broke her 5,000 meters school record from earlier this season Sunday when she recorded a time of 16:26.69. Her 5,000 meters time earned her a third-place finish and provided the Rebel women six points. A new school record was set by the Ole Miss women’s distance medley relay team Sunday as Anne Threlkeld, Taryn Hartfield, Tia Leake and Kayleigh Skinner ran a relay time of 11:42.92 to finish ninth in the event. The women’s 4x400 meter relay team of Lauren Hollingsworth, Sofia Hellberg-Jonsen, Monica Williams and Kristin Bridges produced a relay time of 3:37.74, finishing fifth and garnering Ole Miss four points. Meanwhile, the 3:37.74 relay time now ranks fifthbest in school history. Junior Jazmin Miller scored five points after finishing fourth in the weight throw (62-11.50), while senior Aria Gaines scored three points for the Rebels Sunday, as her triple jump distance of 4010.25 earned her a sixth-place finish. Other school records set during the weekend were by Fabia McDonald in the pentathlon (4,005) and Neal Tisher in the pole vault (13-10.50). Next up for Ole Miss is the NCAA Last Chance Meets, which will be held Saturday, March 3. Walker said the team will decide Monday where and which athletes will be competing on that day.
continued from page 12 els did not make a threepoint field goal (0-of-7). Ole Miss, however, shot 50 percent (26-of-52) from the field and 73.1 percent (19-of-26) from the free throw line and out-rebounded Arkansas 4622. Ole Miss will have to improve on taking care of the ball as Arkansas’s high pressure defense resulted in 13 steals and 23 Ole Miss turnovers in the first meeting. “We didn’t handle the pressure well in the first meeting but we weren’t handling anyone’s pressure well early in the season,” said Ole Miss head coach Andy Kennedy in Monday’s SEC teleconference. “I think we have made some adjustments, different guys have gotten more comfortable in their responsibilities and as of late we haven’t turned the ball over as much. It will be a difficult challenge in Bud Walton, Arkansas, like most teams are more effective in the home venue and we anticipate that tomorrow. We will have to be aggressive tomorrow and attacking the pressure not only to break it but attacking it to score.” Junior guard Nick Williams and freshman guard Jarvis Summers joined Holloway in double figures. Williams scored 18 points off the bench and Summers added 11. Junior forward Reginald Buckner finished with eight points and pulled down 11 rebounds to along with two blocked shots. Senior forward Marvell Waithe led all Razorbacks with 15 points off the bench. Freshman guard BJ Young averages 15.2 points per game to lead Arkansas while sophomore guard Mardacus Wade adds 10.7 points per game. Tip-off is set for 6 p.m. and will be televised on ESPNU.
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No. 16 Diamond Rebels welcome Memphis for mid-week showdown
| T H E D A I LY M I S S I S S I P P I A N | PA G E 1 2
Rebels look to continue momentum at Arkansas tonight
BY DAVID COLLIER dlcollie@olemiss.edu
Ole Miss will continue its 13game home stand this week with five contests at Oxford-University Stadium/Swayze Field. The Rebels (5-1) welcome Memphis (3-3) today at 3 p.m. for a mid-week rivalry game before hosting Jackson State (3-4) at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday in a makeup game from a rainout against TCU earlier this season. Ole Miss then hosts Miami (Ohio) (3-3) for a three-game weekend series. “It’s the grind,” head coach Bianco said of playing eight games in 10 days. ”We’ve worked six or seven months for this. You have to enjoy the grind. You have to enjoy that just about every day, you’re coming to the ballpark, putting on the uniform and playing.” Ole Miss and Memphis are very familiar with each other, and the Rebels hold a 88-47 lead in the all-time series against the Tigers. The home team has won every game between the two schools the past two seasons, including a 4-2 Ole Miss win in Oxford and a 9-2
ALEX EDWARDS | The Daily Mississippian
Senior designated hitter Matt Snyder stands at second base after one of his two doubles in a 6-4 win against UNC–Wilmington this past Saturday.
Memphis win in Memphis this past season. Ole Miss has won 17 of the previous 18 meetings dat-
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ing back to the 2001 season. Memphis enters today’s game coming off a series win against Kennesaw State. Freshman right-hander Sam Smith will get the start today against the Tigers after a solid outing in his first career this past week against Arkansas State. He worked four innings and gave up just one run on three hits with a walk and a strikeout. For Memphis, junior righthander Michael Wills will take the mound and make his first start of the season. It will be his second appearance of the season after giving up two runs on three hits in two-thirds of an inning in relief against Southern IllinoisEdwardsville. The Tigers are batting .308 as a team and average 6.7 runs per game. Memphis had to replace Chad Zurcher, the nation’s lead-
AUSTIN MCAFEE | The Daily Mississippian
Junior forward Murphy Holloway shoots a running jumper in a 72-48 win against LSU this past Saturday.
BY DAVID HENSON dahenson@olemiss.edu
The Ole Miss men’s basketball team travels to Arkansas to face the Razorbacks tonight in Fayetteville in hopes of sweeping the season series and extending their winning streak against Arkansas to five games. The Rebels have won seven of their last eight meetings against the Razorbacks, including the last three in Fayetteville. Ole Miss snapped a threegame losing streak this past Saturday with a 72-48 rout
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of LSU. The Razorbacks won their first road game of the season, a 77-71 win at Auburn Saturday. Before Saturday’s win, the Razorbacks had lost three in a row and five of their last six. The team had won 17 straight games in Fayetteville this season before losing its last two home games to Florida and Alabama. Both teams are in a threeway tie with Mississippi State for sixth place in the Southeastern Conference standings and look to finish the season strong and improve their seeding head into New Orleans for the SEC Basketball Tournament March 8-11. The Rebels won the two teams’ first meeting when Ole Miss won 71-63 in their SEC home opener this season. Junior forward Murphy Holloway returned from injury with a 19-point, 14-rebound performance, while the RebSee BASKETBALL, PAGE 11