The Daily Mississippian - April 16, 2018

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Volume 106, No. 100

T H E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R O F T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I S S I S S I P P I S E R V I N G O L E M I S S A N D OX F O R D S I N C E 1 9 1 1



Newly elected ASB members sworn in Friday


LEFT: Former Associated Student Body President Dion Kevin swears in Elam Miller as 2018-19 ASB president during the ASB Inauguration Ceremony in front of the Lyceum on Friday. RIGHT: The 2018-19 ASB officers stand to applaud after the ceremony on Friday. would succeed them and gave dicial Chair Alex Crouch. focus and energy on leading Oxford and its citizens and TAYLOR VANCE the incoming officers ASB Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter our students and continuing changed the school mascot to STAFF WRITER lapel pins to symbolize the gave the new student govern- in improving our environ- the landshark. passing of the torch to these ment leaders advice on how ment on campus.” Kevin also gave kind reNew Associated Student new campus leaders. to best represent the student In his last speech as ASB marks to incoming ASB Body executive officers were The new ASB Executive body and make the university President, Dion Kevin re- President Elam Miller and officially sworn in Friday in Officers are President Elam a better place. flected on ASB’s accomplish- charged Miller with the confront of the Lyceum to begin Miller, Vice President Walk“I urge you to enjoy this ments over the past year. tinuation of working to make their terms for the 2018-2019 er Abel, Secretary Cady moment, because you’re go- Kevin specifically noted that the university a better place academic year. Cooper, Treasurer Jona- ing to have to get to work pret- ASB had established a pro- for all people. Outgoing executive officers than Cox, Attorney General ty soon,” Vitter said. “I charge ductive relationship with the stood by the students who Katherine Sistrunk and Ju- you now with directing your faculty, engaged the city of SEE ASB PAGE 3

New group helps children of incarcerated parents SARAH HENDERSON CONTRIBUTOR

Ole Miss Most Beautiful 2018 Asya Branch is leading a recently launched group of UM students in serving children whose parents are, or have been, incarcerated. The new service group will hold its kickoff meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in Guyton Hall. Serving Children of Incarcerated Parents (SCIP) aims to support these families will help break the cycle of children with incarcerated parents becoming incarcerated themselves and, in turn, will lower the future number of children who grow up with incarcerated parents Branch, a junior integrated marketing communications major, is passionate about her group and its purpose because


Asya Branch (left) speaks with staff advisor Deetra Wiley about launching Serving Children of Incarcerated Parents. The organization’s purpose is to serve children whose parents are, or have been, incarcerated. she is a child of an incarcerat“I have made it my duty to ed father. Branch said she had make a difference throughout no resources to help her navi- our state and in the lives of gate the difficulties of growing children like me,” Branch said. up with an incarcerated father, “There are many undiscussed and she strives to be a person topics and several needs for that other children of incarcer- children of incarcerated parated parents can feel comfort- ents, and I plan to continable talking to. ue spreading awareness and




hopefully get several others involved.” While competing in pageants such as Ole Miss Parade of Beauties and Miss Mississippi, Branch has used her experiences as a platform to empower others in similar situations. She created SCIP as a way to make a difference in the lives of children in Oxford and its surrounding communities. In Mississippi alone, 55,000 children have at least one parent who has been incarcerated. This number represents roughly seven percent of children in Mississippi and equals the national average of children of incarcerated parents. Serving Children of Incarcerated Parents’ goal is to promote personal involvement in the lives of children with incarcerated parents, to prepare university students to become ef-


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How questioning your beliefs and being open to compromise can push change forward

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fective one-on-one mentors for these children and to work with locals to assist these children in achieving their goals. Throughout the past year, Branch has visited numerous schools and spoken to over 600 children about how to pursue their aspirations. She said seeing the difference she has made in the lives of those students was enough to make her want to continue her work on the issue, which is why she decided to implement this new service group on campus. “What better place to spread awareness for a serious cause than your own university?” Branch said. Deetra Wiley, a University of Mississippi business applications analyst, had a hand in



Ole Miss-Butler series

Kermit Davis already making an impact on Ole Miss basketball’s schedule PAGE 8

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