W E D N ES DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 1 8 | VO LU M E 1 07, N O. 2 1
T H E S T U DE N T N E W S PA P E R O F T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I S S I S S I P P I | S E R V I N G O L E M I S S A N D OX F O R D S I N C E 1 9 1 1
ON SCREEN: THE STARS OF ‘A SIMPLE FAVOR’ COMBINE HUMOR, INTRIGUE Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively are “caught in a constantly shifting, catand-mouse game” in this film that switches between mystery and comedy. SEE PAGE 4
VETERAN OLE MISS SECONDARY PICKS UP THE SLACK Season-ending injuries to Jaylon Jones and Montrell Custis have hindered the defensive backfield’s depth. However, coaches believe these Rebels can make a difference with those players out. SEE PAGE 7
Overby Center presents civil rights memoir University expedites removal of Meek’s name TAYLOR VANCE
Ed Meek’s name could be removed from the School of Journalism and New Media quicker than university officials originally expected. Ole Miss Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter said in a statement on Tuesday that the university plans to expedite the process for removing the donor’s name in response to Meek’s request over the weekend that his name be removed. Vitter said the Graduate Council and Undergraduate Council would vote on the PHOTO: REED JONES measure by email Tuesday Anne Farris Rosen, daughter of Mississippi civil rights reporter John Herbers, spoke about her late father’s memoir, “Deep South Dispatch: Memoir of a night. Both councils are Civil Rights Journalist,” at the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics last night. “He was in Selma, shoulder-to-shoulder with Martin Luther comprised of faculty members King, covering it,” Rosen said of her father. “He has done a lot, and the book speeds through the details. Also, it really does embrace a personal narrative for and one student voting member. him — a revelation.” Rosen joined a panel of speakers that included McComb Enterprise-Journal editor Charles Dunagin, Overby Center chairman Charles Vitter also said Meek’s donation Overby and Overby Fellow Curtis Wilkie. to the university may not be returned to him because of legal reasons, but the next steps will be discussed with Meek’s family. “There have been comments from members of the public and the media recommending that the university return the naming The Honors College staff 72 percent of them graduated We surveyed six MARY LIZ KING has been researching reasons gift,” Vitter said. “State and from the university in four years’ worth of THEDMNEWS@GMAIL.COM that students are leaving the federal law and the terms of the years.” honors students, original agreement governing Honors College in an effort Nonetheless, the Honors the management of these to discover what changes College has concerned itself and the main The enrollment of the Sally funds prohibit the university may be made to raise the with growing its retention McDonnell Barksdale Honors thing we’ve found overall retention rate. from making such a move rate and cultivating it to College at the University is that GPA is unilaterally.” “We surveyed six years’ reflect a higher average. of Mississippi has recently Meek could not be reached for worth of honors students, Douglass Sullivanone of the main increased, but the retention comment on Tuesday afternoon. and the main thing we’ve Gonzalez, dean of the Honors rate of the Honors College has reasons students Graduate Council Chair found is that GPA is one of College, said he would like largely remained the same. are not graduating Christy Wyandt said she is not the main reasons students to see the Honors College “Generally speaking, the a voting member of the council are not graduating within the retention rate nearing 80 or students who come in as within the Honors and that only faculty council Honors College,” Sullivan90 percent, eventually. first-semester freshmen will College.” members and the student Gonzalez said. “The Honors College has graduate with us about 50-54 Douglass Sullivan-Gonzalez representative can vote on this According to Public grown tremendously, and percent of the time,” said Dean of the Honors College item, at this level. University Honors, the Ole when I arrived in 2002, there John Samonds, the associate student — so it would be great Miss Honors College ranks “The Graduate Council is were 252 students … now we dean of the Honors College. to see these numbers going up among the best honors currently considering the are up to 1,600 students,” “Of (the) freshman class that … discussions are being had request from the faculty of the colleges in the nation, he said. “We invest a lot of entered the university in on how we can increase these money into our students — 2012, 50 percent graduated numbers.” around $2,000 per honors in the Honors College, while SEE HONORS PAGE 3 SEE MEEK PAGE 3
Honors enrollment up, retention remains level