The Daily Mississippian - September 14, 2018

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F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 | VO LU M E 1 07, N O. 1 5


T H E S T U DE N T N E W S PA P E R O F T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I S S I S S I P P I | S E R V I N G O L E M I S S A N D OX F O R D S I N C E 1 9 1 1

Ole Miss enrollment drops for second year





Enrollment at the University of Mississippi has now dropped for two consecutive years across the university’s regional campuses and medical center. There were 23,780 students enrolled at the university during fall 2017 compared to 23,258 in fall 2018 — a decrease of 2.2


UM ALUMNA SHOWS FIRST SOLO EXHIBIT AT SOUTHSIDE Ansley Givhan’s exhibit, “Messy,” depicts the creative process through abstract paintings and mixed media works. She graduated from Ole Miss in 2016. SEE PAGE 7

release that reported an increase of the average freshman ACT score from 24.1 to 25.1 over the last five years. Freshman average GPA has increased from 3.46 to 3.57 in that time, as well. Ole Miss’ decrease in student population reflects a decline in total enrollment across Mississippi’s public universities, according to a press release from Mississippi Public Universities.

Enrollment across public universities in the state decreased by 1 percent between fall 2017 and fall 2018 — down to 80,592 from 81,378. The University of Mississippi still maintains the largest enrollment of any university in the state. Despite the recent decrease, Jim Zook, the


Growing the Grove experience

NEW GREEK FEE FUNDS STAFF POSITIONS The fee will support programming initiatives spanning topics like academic support, leadership development and alcohol, drug and hazing prevention.

percent or 522 students. Last year’s decline of 1.9 percent was the first in over 20 years, making this two years in a row that overall enrollment has declined. Freshman enrollment dropped from 3,697 last year to 3,455 this year — a 6.5 percent decrease. Although the number of students has decreased, the university touted academic improvements in a press

Behind the scenes of Ole Miss Landscape Services’ early mornings GRIFFIN NEAL


It’s 5 a.m. on the Friday before the first home game of the year in Oxford. Long before the 10-acre patch of tailgating Valhalla is engulfed in a sea of reds and blues, of trampling feet and candelabras, of fans and foes all the same, the Grove is quiet. Half a mile away, however, tucked behind VaughtHemingway Stadium, the men and women of the Ole Miss

landscaping crew prepare. Crew members load trucks and rev engines as they dart about the landscaping home base with methodical zeal. They toss around pleasantries like paper balls into a trash-bin basketball hoop. “Hey Nathan,” “Mornin’ Bubba!” “It’s gonna be a good day, I feel it.” The sun is hours from rising, but joviality knows no clock around the landscaping department.



The Ole Miss landscaping department prepares for game day in the Grove by dispersing 2,353 trash cans.

McDaniel town hall attracts local supporters TAYLOR VANCE


State Sen. Chris McDaniel hosted a town hall at the Oxford Conference Center on Thursday night, where around 50 voters asked McDaniel questions regarding Confederate monuments, a lack of conservative professors at Ole Miss and McDaniel’s thoughts on immigration.

McDaniel is running in the special election for U.S. Senate against incumbent U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy. McDaniel is a three-term state senator from Jones County and an alumnus of the University of Mississippi School of Law. He unsuccessfully ran for U.S. Senate against former U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran in 2014. Sophomore public policy

leadership major Channing Curtis asked McDaniel how he felt about President Donald Trump endorsing Hyde-Smith instead of him, and McDaniel said Trump gave the endorsement because Washington leadership forced him to do so. “How else can you explain Donald Trump endorsing Mitt Romney?” McDaniel asked. “Mitt Romney was as hateful to Trump as a human can be. John McCain

wasn’t very nice to Trump, and Trump endorsed him. Paul Ryan wasn’t nice to Trump, and Trump endorsed him.” An Oxford resident asked McDaniel if he could talk to Ole Miss about getting some “conservative professors,” and the crowd applauded the question. “I am tired of watching these liberal professors brainwash your


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