dn the
friday, april 25, 2014 volume 113, issue 161
Inside Coverage
Animal house
Bounce back
Union plaza welcomes farm animals
Huskers to take on Wolverines in 3-game series
Capitol cuisine
Tucked in the shadow of Lincoln’s capitol building, Billy’s Restaurant offers a historical spot for fine food, drinks and a discount Friday lunch special. photo by andrew barry
david gass | dn
Professor Misty Wehling teaches microbiology at Southeast Community College.
Taylor Brooks, a law student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an LGBTQ activist and former Fulbright scholar. He grew up in Lincoln but has traveled to Vietnam and Thailand.
can get you
La w student, activist speaks about LGBTQ issues in Nebraska stor y b y Me l i ssa Al l e n | phot o by Court ney Cain
very week, the Daily Nebraskan interviews a notable figure on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus in an effort to allow campus leaders to deliver the news in their own words. This week, we chose to talk to Taylor Brooks, a law student at the UNL Law College. Two weeks ago, Brooks spoke at the Nebraska Capitol in front of about 100 supporters in favor of the anti-discrimination bill, LB45, that would prohibit job discrimination by sexual orientation or religious affiliation. Though he grew up in Lincoln, he graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., and taught English at Hai Duong Medical Technical University in Vietnam on a Fulbright scholarship. Last summer, Brooks was the public affairs intern
at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand for the State Department. Brooks is the son of Patty Pansing-Brooks, who is a small-business owner, partner in Brooks Pansing Brooks law firm, and is now running for legislative office for district 28. Daily Nebraskan: How do you think people here differ from elsewhere in how they might see LGBTQ issues? Taylor Brooks: For the most part, my time in Lincoln has been extremely positive. I think our community is less visible in places I’ve been to, like Atlanta or Chicago. When you visit bigger cities, it’s more visible, it’s less of an issue, it’s just part of the way things are. You can see a couple in Chicago and it wouldn’t be considered an issue. I think Ne-
braska isn’t quite there yet. You can still be fired based on your sexual orientation. They say whispers can get you fired, which is true, I think. Unfortunately there’s no protection in the state besides in Omaha, which is a little disappointing and concerning. So those are some of the areas Nebraska is working on. It’s important to try to send a message in the community that we’re valued, respected and treated fairly. We were really pleased about how far (the bill) had gone through and how many votes it got. It did better than it ever did before, so I’m grateful for Sen. (Danielle) Conrad. She’s a friend of mine, and through my involvement with my community involvement is how I was asked to participate on the day. I spoke
q&a: see page 3
Public evaluations idea draws mixed reviews at UNL tyler Williams dn Course evaluations have long been a private way for students to give feedback to their professors, but one Big Ten school is looking to change that. When students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities register for their fall courses, they may get to see evaluations for courses their peers have reviewed. The school’s faculty and student senates will vote on the issue in May. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, course evaluations are a requirement for all classes, but they’re kept confidential and are only viewed by professors their supervisors. That’s the
norm among American college campuses. “If they are made public we then suddenly potentially have a trolling situation occurring,” music lecturer Thomas Larson said. “If they know other people are going to be reading, like that rate my professor thing, they can use this as a venue to be very vindictive … and it’s not constructive at all.” Larson said when course evaluations are kept personal between professors and their direct superiors, people are less inclined to lash out in a petty manner. Students know their peers won’t see their comments, so they don’t feel the need to take
PUBLIC RATINGS: see page 3
Students face challenges with transfer credits madison wurtele dn
New York Research. UNL accepts credit from institutions accredited by one of the six regional accrediting comAmanda Dia’s high school missions, wrote JoAnn Moseman, guidance counselor said all her academic transfer coordinator at college credits would transfer to the University of Nebraska- UNL, in an email. “We generally exclude remeLincoln. But when the freshman pre-health major met with her dial courses,” she wrote. “Some UNL adviser, she was told she are designated technical or vocational and rarely still needed to take count toward two math courses. I was kind graduation. There “When I said are also limits to I already took a of mad the number of math course from credits that can be a different col- because I took it transferred. And, lege, she said that for no reason.” of course, approit only transferred priate grades are as a MATH 100A, required.” which doesn’t amanda dia To ensure count toward my freshman pre-health major their credits will major,” Dia said. transfer, stu“I was kind of dents should plan mad because I ahead, ask questions and meet took it for no reason.” with advisers, Moseman said. Many students who choose “Most UNL advising offices to attend a community college will visit with prospective transfer before transferring to a four-year students to help them plan their university lose some or most of courses at the community college. their credits when they transfer. Use the information on-line and use Only 58 percent of transfer transfer advising at the community students are able to transfer all or nearly all of their earned credits, according to City University of
transfer: see page 2
Big Red Challenge holds Campusathlon Melissa Allen dn An obstacle race Saturday will raise money for wounded veterans. The first-ever Big Red Challenge Campusathlon, presented by University of Nebraska-Lincoln registered student organization Big Red Challenge and Men’s Health Magazine, will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Haymarket Park. Check-in is at 7:30 a.m. Registration is open online until the morning of the event. All runners will get a free Tshirt and a ticket to a Saltdogs baseball game. The male and female first place winners of the 10K will win $1,000. The second place winners will win $750, and third place winners will win $500. Before the gun shoots for the 10K run, runners will hear speeches from Honorary Chairman former Sen. Bob Kerrey and Gov. Dave Heineman. At 8:30 a.m., members of GoPro Bomb Squad will parachute into the Haymarket.
“Runners can expect a challenging but fun-filled course with great prizes and registration packet benefits,” said Ben Wichelt, Big Red Challenge president. “If people are looking for a way to spend the early part of their Saturday, this is the place to be.” Obstacles will include traffic barricades and cones, truck and tractor tires, hay bales, a garbage container maze and a collapsed tent that runners have to crawl under. So far, the event has garnered about 400 runners, but about 1,200 people total are expected to attend. Proceeds will go toward scholarships for injured or disabled student veterans. “We want to set up a financial, physical and emotional support system for those returning from deployments and integrating back into civilian life,” said Wichelt, a senior biochemistry major. The band American Hitmen, a top-60 finalist in last fall’s America’s Got Talent, will perform at the event at 10 a.m.. The band is made up of Marine veterans who
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formed a band while touring Iraq in 2004. The idea for the event began with ROTC students Nate Schimmel and Stephen Glendenning in 2012. Both Schimmel and Glendenning are currently stationed outside of Nebraska – Schimmel in the Air Force in Florida and Glendenning in Navy SEAL training in California. The obstacle course has been a work in progress for a year and a half, said Bede Bolin, a member of the Big Red Challenge board and a gerontology instructor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Big Red Challenge organization is publicizing the event but can’t fundraise independently for the veterans scholarship, Bolin said. “There was an issue with generating funds for it to set up a scholarship for a wounded or disabled veteran,” Bolin said. “There’s tight rules on how an RSO can use their money on. I’m the guy that put together the
challenges: see page 3
if you go what: Big Red Challenge Campusathlon when: Saturday, 7:30 a.m. (check in) where: Haymarket Park more information: Anyone can register up until the morning of the event at https://bigredchallenge. presencehost.net/challenge/register.html. prices: 10K: $75 5K: $50 All military and first responders: $50 Students (non-competitive): $35 Veterans: Free
friday, april 25, 2014
E-Week 2014 Open House with guest speaker and Olympian Curt Tomasevicz when: 9 a.m. where: Othmer Hall what:
Canine Companions for Life: Nebraska 4-H Dog Expo when: 5 p.m. where: Adams County Fairgrounds
what: CIMBA Italy Meet and Greet when: 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. where: College of Business Administration more information: Students who have studied abroad in Italy discuss their experiences
Get to know senate, governor candidates REECE RISTAU DN
Nebraska primaries will take place on May 13. Four Republicans are vying for candidacy for U.S. Senate, and six republicans are campaigning to be nominated for governor. Read below to find out who the players are and how their platforms will affect University of Nebraska-Lincoln students.
This race includes four republican candidates vying for the nomination. The winner will take on Democrat Dave Domina, who is uncontested.
Dinsdale is a Pinnacle Bank chairman. He opposes the Affordable Care Act and governmental overreach.
McLeay is an Omaha attorney at Kutak Rock. McLeay said his goals that will positively affect college students are reducing the national debt to benefit future students, simplifying the tax code to spur job growth for young people and reinforcing the farm bill to spur agricultural growth. “A lot of our students at UNL are in agriculture or some aspect of their future will relate to agriculture,” McLeay said.
He has a son at UNL, Scott McLeay, who is a junior fisheries and wildlife major, according to the UNL student directory. McLeay said he was satisfied with the bipartisan agreement reached last year regarding student loans.
Osborn is a former Nebraska state treasurer. He grew up in Norfolk and attended UNL. Osborn is for cutting government spending, repealing the Affordable Care Act and increasing the military’s strength.
Sasse is the Midland University president. He attended Harvard University. He has said he will repeal the Affordable Care Act, change Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and cut discretionary nondefense spending in departments such as energy and education.
The only democrat in the running, Domina is a Nebraska attorney. He is against for-profit institutions and believes students pay too much for education, according to a Jan. 22 Daily Nebraskan article. Domina also said students need to take an interest in the Fourth Amendment to understand the protected rights regarding searches and seizures. Students shouldn’t have to worry about emails or texts they send at 20 years old coming back to haunt them at 50 years old, he said.
The race for governor also
has numerous republican candidates and only one democrat, Chuck Hassebrook.
Bruning is the current Nebraska Attorney General. Jennifer Myers, communications director for Bruning, said he’s proud to be a double graduate of UNL, having completed his undergraduate career there as well as attending the Nebraska College of Law. She said Bruning believes “keeping students here in-state and having a quality university system is essential to the future of the Nebraska economy.”
Carlson is a state senator who lives in Holdrege. Carlson said he has a background in education – he was a college professor and baseball coach for 10 years. He said his experiences have allowed him to understand the significance of supporting education. Carlson said students who receive tuition assistance from taxpayer dollars should give back to the state post-graduation. “If we have any portion of tuition that is free – that is provided for by state tax dollars – I believe there ought to be a requirement that the students who accepted those dollars are willing to find a job and be productive in the state of Nebraska for a certain period
IN LINCOLN what: AGR Presents Git-R-Done for Team Jack featuring Larry the Cable Guy when: 8 p.m. where: Pinnacle Bank Arena more information: Tickets
transfer: from 1 college,” she wrote. Credits fail to transfer or transfer as a lower course for a variety of reasons. A course may not cover content or learning outcomes required by UNL or may not require the same lab or studio hours UNL does. Other credits may not be accepted because there isn’t enough information on that course available, Moseman wrote. If students feel their credits should have transferred in when they didn’t or think that they should have been transferred in at a higher level, they can ask the university to take a second look. “Decisions are made based on information available, like a course description, which may not have enough detail. More information, like a syllabus, may make a real difference in how a course is evaluated,” Moseman wrote. The process of transferring credits can be a source of frustration for students. “With all the possible combinations of transfer credit, complexity is the reality,” Moseman wrote. “What students need to remember is this: if you have transfer credit that you believe should apply to your degree, ask your adviser if more information is needed. Be willing to provide a syllabus or other course documents.” news@ dailynebraskan.com
In the Nebraska Legislature, McCoy has fought for tax cuts and abortion restrictions. He was also a vocal opponent of the Nebraska bill to outlaw workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. McCoy is 33 years old and, if elected, would be the youngest governor in almost a century. Aside from being a state senator, he owns a roofing company.
Ricketts made news this week when Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas endorsed him. He’s also endorsed by former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Ricketts will focus on reforming
Despite victory, UNL saw overall increase in energy use during national competition gabrielle lazaro dn
$23 for adults, $13 for students with ID Glow Party when: 10 p.m. where: Karma Nightclub & Cabaret, 226 S. 9th St.
Foley is the current Nebraska state auditor, which has provided him with knowledge of the inner workings of state government and where wasteful spending can be found. Foley said he thinks it’s important for the university to have a healthy appropriation through the budgeting process. “I’m the only candidate in the race who has served on the appropriation committee in the legislature,” Foley said. “I’m very familiar with the budget process.” He said the university used to have about 25 percent of the state budget, but now it’s closer to 16 or 17 percent.
property taxes and investing in infrastructure if elected. He is also opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to his website. He leads in fundraising among the gubernatorial candidates, having raised $3.4 million, according to the Omaha WorldHerad. Ricketts’ father founded TD Ameritrade and owns the Chicago Cubs.
Slone was born in Wayne, Neb. He is an attorney, CPA and a former congressional and Reagan administration staff member. He wants to promote growth of Nebraska’s economy and create jobs, lower taxes, ensure a unique quality of life and attract top entrepreneurs from the rest of the U.S., according to his website.
Hassebrook is a former University of Nebraska regent and executive director of the Center for Rural Affairs. He lives in Lyons, Neb. His platforms include expanding technical training for Nebraska high schoolers, expanding production of wind energy and expanding early childhood education. He opposes Gov. Dave Heineman’s proposal to cut the top income tax rate. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM
Fedde tops Big Ten in energy-saving competition
what: Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design Biennial Student Runway Show when: 8 p.m. where: Nebraska Union
of time.”
courtesy photo
Students pose with a Turkish flag at the 2013 Culture Shock! event, which showcased international destinations’ culture with food and games.
2nd Culture Shock! event to showcase global cultures McCartney Martin DN University of Nebraska-Lincoln students will have the opportunity to travel across 23 countries in two hours on Sunday. The second annual Culture Shock! Event will take place on the greenspace outside the Nebraska Union from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. After a positive response and from students at last year’s event, University Housing is hosting a second event. Residential international student coordinator Jessica Loke is expecting to have another good year. She said the Facebook page already has 150 people saying they’re attending. International students will set up booths that represent their country. Each booth will have information on the country along with traditional food and games. When students register at the event, they will receive a passport on which they will receive a stamp for each booth they visit. Once students collect 15 stamps on their passport, they can enter to win an ASUS tablet, $250 flight vouchers and gift cards to local ethnic restaurants. Along with the booths, there will be exhibitions throughout the day. These exhibitions include Kokyo Taiko
Japanese Drummers, sushi-making, henna tattoos, a traditional Chinese Hanfu dance performance and belly dancing lessons from 9 Muses Studio. Following the belly dancing lessons, students who feel comfortable with performing will do so together at the event. Larissa Arantes, an international student from Brazil and senior electrical engineering major, will help run the Brazil booth on Sunday. Arantes will be providing traditional Brazilian food such as maracuja, which is a passion fruit mousse. Arantes’s booth will also have an eight-question quiz for students. To get the stamp on their passport, the student must get four or more answers correct. Arantes said she hopes to have traditional music playing at the booth as well. She decided to participate to show people the value of her culture. “I feel like I have to share my culture with others,” Antes said. “I want people to know my country and culture.” Aakriti Agrawal, a sophomore actuarial science major, attended the event last year and plans to attend this weekend’s event as well. “I think it was pretty successful,” she said. “It was really cool because you could go around and gather
if you go what:
Culture Shock! Nebraska Union greenspace when: Sunday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. where:
information about the country. It’s a really great way to learn in a fun environment. You’re learning from your peers and friends and you get to participate in part of the culture.” The event is meant to bring both international and domestic students together to learn about different cultures. “International students on campus don’t have a lot of opportunities to get together,” Loke said. “So creating a program that is a good opportunity for everyone to get together and connect with each other.” Loke said this is a great opportunity for domestic students too. “It’s a rare opportunity to learn from people all over the world, especially in one place, in two hours,” Loke said. “It’s a great event to come and learn about the different cultures represented at UNL.” news@ dailynebraskan.com
The University of NebraskaLincoln’s Fedde Hall saved the most energy out of all of other Big Ten school residence halls that competed in this year ’s Campus Conservation Nationals. But in all, energy usage actually increased on campus during the competition. Campus Conservation Nationals is an electricity and water reduction competition program for colleges worldwide. For the past three weeks Abel, Sandoz, Burr, Fedde, Cather, Pound, Harper, Love, Neihardt, Schramm, Selleck and Smith Residence Halls have all been participating in the energysaving portion, as well as in the UNL-only competition “UNL Unplugged.” Fedde Hall was the individual residence hall with the highest reduction rate of 21.8 percent and will receive its prize, a dessert party, sometime next week. For winning the national competition, UNL will receive a plaque. “Fedde won because they had so many people who took the competition to heart and made a change,” wrote Brooks Ronspies, a sophomore natural resource and environmental economics major and UNL Unplugged event planner, in an email. “I heard about people going door to door trying to get the people on their floor to turn their lights off and unplug their electronics. I also think that because their dorm is smaller, the residents take more pride in where they live.” Generally, if consumption is reduced by more than 10 percent, chances are the hall will be in the top 10, said Taylor McAdam, Alliance to Save Energy organizer for CCN. The competition also had three individual winners who live in Fedde: Salvador Ramirez,
Kelly Campbell and Reah Green. “I was actually in communications with their RA,” said Julia Burchell, a senior biological systems engineering major and Association of Students of the University of Nebraska environmental sustainability committee member. “She just nominated them based off of how actively they were taking steps to reduce during the competition.” Despite Fedde’s large amount of energy reduction, the entire campus actually increased energy use during the three-week competition compared to the baseline reading that was taken in March. Abel and Sandoz residence halls increased their usage by 20,000 kilowatt-hours, or about 7.1 percent. The entire university usage increased by 15,000 kilowatt-hours. Burchell said something may have happened during the week in March when the baseline reading was taken. It’s nothing you can predict – it could have been the weather or turning on the air conditioner, she said. “I still thought it was a success because we got the word out,” Burchell said. “We got dorms involved and since it was the first year, a lot of people didn’t know about it. I still think it was a success.” Burchell said it was likely that Abel and Sandoz didn’t reduce their energy because of the challenges of communicating between such large buildings, compared to Fedde only being three floors. “It’s a lot harder in the larger dorms just to get everybody on board,” she said. “I guess because there’s so many people and a lot of them don’t hear about it. It’s definitely something to work on for next year – getting more people to know what’s going on.” Harper and Smith only reduced their energy consumption by about 1.5 percent each, while Schramm usage increased by about 1.5 percent. “It’s really hard because it’s the first year, but I do think it went really well,” Burchell said. “I think it’s a good foundation now for people to keep building off of.” news@ dailynebraskan.com
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friday, april 25, 2014
this week in social media
ANIMAL HOUSE Creatures abound at union plaza event
david gass | dn
Just steps away from the Nebraska Union, students were greeted by cows and pigs compliments of Husker Food Connection.
Freshman Claire Odowow prepares to feel the inside of a cow’s stomach.
Veronica Vanderbeek, a junior journalism major, plays with pigs outside the union on Thursday afternoon.
UNL team revives game as MMOG Students, alumni collaborate to resurrect sci-fi game created by UNL students in 1982 jacob elliott dn A team of University of NebraskaLincoln students and alumni is designing a science-fiction massively multiplayer online game, or MMOG, called “Takamo Universe.” The UNL team includes design lead and game creator Randy Ritnour, programmer and designer Thom Walla, software development project manager Bill Hayes, marketing lead Sam Stockton, production coordinator Anthony Dreesen and music artist Kevin North. “What makes this venture more interesting is the graphic capabilities we have now,” Walla said. “The old game is a text-oriented game as you’d expect from a play-by-mail game. But it has much more to give. With the addition of 3D animation and computer graphics not available even 10 years ago, the translation will be more of an enhancement rather than a completely different game.”
courtesy photo
UNL alumni and students are teaming up to make “Takamo Universe” into a massively multiplayer online game, or MMOG.
“Takamo” began as a play-bymail game in 1982, developed by four UNL students: Bill Hayes, Al Edeker, Bill Bunselmeyer and Randy Ritnour. Originally, information in the game was tracked by hand; however, the game soon gathered enough players that a computer program had to be used to keep track of a player’s actions. Players would choose one of eight empires to customize their own planets and man-
age their own resources, defenses and armadas. It ran on a 10-megabyte hard drive. The game ran for about 15 years before a hiatus closed it down. In 1997, it was brought back to life as a play-by-email game that ran until 2005. “Takamo Online,” the MMOG version of the game, is currently being worked on with its beta is scheduled to be release sometime in late 2014. “The code written in 1981,
1982 was considered when we were thinking of doing an online version back in 2003,2004,” Walla said. “Course it would have to be brought up to modern methods, and, today, it’s really not much different. The game has run without human moderation since its inception. The code is tried and true, and the game stable.” The full-fledged MMOG, “Takamo Universe,” will have additional features that were impossible to implement in the original game. It utilizes the history of the old game as the backstory for the new game with the histories of the old empire woven into the five new empires. “Every Saturday, the whole team comes together to discuss how the game is coming along,” said North, a senior computer science major and music artist for the game. “The meetings are really enjoyable because it’s clear that everyone on the team wants to be on it and enjoys working on it. It was interesting how the old game was run, as well as how those choices influenced decisions on the new game.” The staff at “Takamo Universe” are currently looking for additional programmers, writers, artists for asset design, illustrators, 3-D modelers and system administrative people. To get involved, contact Randy Ritnour at randy@takamouniverse. com. news@ dailynebraskan.com
q&a: from 1 about why it was important for the state and city and why it s important for young professionals in our state. DN: An article on Nebraska Watchdog said you realized you were gay while living in Vietnam. Can you expand on this topic? What about Vietnam made you come to this realization? TB: I was living in Vietnam from 2011 to 2012 and that was – it wasn’t the year I realized I was gay – it was the year I came out. I came home for a week and it all came out at that point. My experience over there gave me a lot to think about over my own life and realizing how lucky I am back at home and how I need to be able to live to my fullest potential because I’m lucky to do that in the U.S. Being here gives me the chance to live effectively and happily. I met some members of the gay community in Vietnam and it’s a much more conservative country over there. The gay community lives more conservatively, and it put it into perspective for me. DN: What was the reaction when you came out to your friends and family? TB: My friends have been great. Fortunately, I come from a loving and accepting family, so it was never an issue. I have a cousin who came out in 1989, I think, so it’s always been a very accepting, loving family. I’m lucky in that way. I was a little nervous to come back because when I left high school, I didn’t have plans to come back. Nebraska is more conservative than Atlanta. Like most big cities, Atlanta is more open to it. So I was afraid to come back, and I had been away for so long and my
friends left. But everyone at the law DN: How are LGBTQ issues school is extremely great. I’m part handled in the other countries of the Allies and Advocates Law you’ve been? What have you learned organization over there, and we’re more about this topic outside of the pretty active in the law school, and U.S.? the information sessions are pretty TB: I’d say Vietnam is more conwell-attended and well-supported servative than Thailand right now. in the law school, which is great. The I’d meet members of the gay commufaculty has been amazing. It’s been a nity there, and there are some group much more positive experience than and organizations that support that I anticipated. Lincommunity there, coln is a better exbut they’d express I can live perience than what to me their sadness. I anticipated. They’re expected to my true DN: What about get married and live your experiences self and be so extremely restricted while you were in much happier. I’ve lives. They can’t high school, or as come out and face an undergrad in At- changed.” acceptance there lanta? currently. It was Taylor Brooks TB: Well, I very hard, and it law student didn’t come out made me really sad in college. I feel to see it. While I was like I’ve haven’t there, there was the changed who I am, I’ve just become first movie that came out about a gay more confident in myself. I’ve alperson. Most of the audience reacted ways been outgoing and have had a with shock and confusion. But then I lot of friends. It wasn’t on my radar saw a number I could tell were gay screen, so I got along just fine. And couples that were crying and were it was the same in college, too. There so emotional. Those were the experiwas always that sadness inside me, I ences that pushed me to live openly. didn’t understand or I’d consciously It wasn’t a decision to be gay, the ignore it. But coming out is the best decision was to come out, which is thing I’ve ever done. The relationsomething I think Nebraska legislaships I’ve had with my friends and ture doesn’t understand. Thailand family – I’m able to make better con- is more open, more accepting, esnections with them. It’s a authentic- pecially in big cities like Bangkok. ity thing. I can live my true self and It was a really cool time to be at the be so much happier. I’ve changed. U.S. Embassy, when the Supreme My health is directly related to it, too. Court struck down DOMA and Prop I’ve lost 80 pounds, just from being 8. There was a party at the ambassahappy and healthy and feeling good dor’s house. There were prominent about myself. There’s been a big members of the LGBT community change within the past two to three in Bangkok and in the Thai governyears. ment to celebrate in recognition of
LGBTQ month, which coincided with the bills. So it was really fun. There’s a great group of people involved in the State Department and the embassy. The culture of Thailand is more open and aware of those kinds of issues. Those two countries are geographically close, but different in terms of how they deal with those kinds of issues. DN: Have you ever been discriminated against? How did that experience affect you? TB: Fortunately I’ve never been denied a job I know of. I know it does happen, so it doesn’t mean that I haven’t experienced intolerance, there have been plenty of times I’ve been with some friends, and I’ve been jeered at from a car, or someone makes it pretty clear that they don’t like me. So just because I haven’t personally been a victim of public discrimination, does not mean that the intolerance doesn’t exist, because that I have seen it, I’ve experienced it. There’s been times when I’m walking, a number of times, walking down A street with a group of friends, and maybe they’re all gay or something. But for some reason, some people feels the need to yell the F word at us and things. There’s just nasty stuff you hear, but it comes with the territory. Overall I’d say it doesn’t bother me. I don’t let me bother me because I know I’m living happily. I can’t let them affect me, basically. And that doesn’t happen very often. But I think that people who say there is no problem have never experienced it themselves, so they don’t know there is a problem. news@ dailynebraskan.com
PUBLIC RATINGS: from 1 hard stands on topics that may be out of the professor ’s control. “If I really like a teacher, I usually go through and give them really awesome scores, but when I don’t like them I usually go to the comments and try to put what they should do differently, just so people don’t go through the same (stuff) I had to,” said Ravi Raghani, a freshman biological systems engineering major. Students like Raghani feel many people don’t care about the evaluations because they don’t see an immediate change coming from their evaluations, which could cause students to assume that professors aren’t interested in making meaningful changes to
their classes. “I usually go through them pretty thoroughly,” said Jason Hardin, a mathematics graduate student who teaches some classes. “I look for common themes. I separate them into two piles: the things I could plausibly change and everything else.” If evaluations were made public, Hardin said, many students might address issues of administrative nature in evaluations and neglect issues that professors could actually solve. “It wouldn’t necessarily be bad judgment on their part,” Hardin said. “It’s just, there are things that professors can’t change.” news@ dailynebraskan.com
challenge: from 1 scholarship. We thought about how to generate the money, and Steve and Nate are really into obstacle races, and we realized there’s a lot of folks that like that, so that was the idea.” The event’s organizers have high hopes. “We hope everyone coming to the event can capture the enthusiasm of the event and the expo,” said Douglas Cmelik, executive director of the Big Red Challenge board, in an email. “Ultimately, we are trying to create a fun event but an event
that helps people be a part of our overall mission. Those people who join the military have a high level of service in their personality profiles. We want to honor them through our participation and involvement.” Registration is online at https:// bigredchallenge.presencehost.net/ challenge/register.html. Prices are $75 for the 10K, $50 for the 5K and $35 for non-competitive student runners. Military and first-responders can register for $50. Veteran registration is free. news@ dailynebraskan.com
friday, april 25, 2014 dailynebraskan.com
DN quotes of the week “They are smiling all the time, they give a lot of food out at parties. When they have events, they bring pizza. I love pizza. I love food and trying new food. I love this country.”
Mohammed Hussain
An international student from Saudi Arabia
“Since the beginning, I’ve been conflicted about the renovation of the Nebraska Union and not because I have a deep devotion to vomit-green tile.”
Benjamin Curttright Opinion Columnist
“On one hand, I’m completely honored to be a part of this – to have the remains of something that was once within inches of celebrities. Maybe I can sell my shirt for tuition money. Maybe I should just smell it over and over again.”
randall owens | dn
Miles Rothlisberger
On being hit by a Runza thrown by “McLovin”
“I know there were tears coming from our team because we are so connected to her, and she’s just gone through so much in her journey and she’s just so inspiring to us.”
Taylor Edwards
On 13-year-old Rylee Robinson’s ceremonial first pitch
“I just hope it doesn’t lose that, you know, it kind of felt like a community, even though it was a huge step up in size and experience for me coming from a small town. But it still felt like a community, and I hope they do everything they can to maintain that. Because that’s part of what makes Nebraska a special place.”
Stephanie Bolli
1989 UNL graduate
letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.
Attendance shouldn’t affect grades
f I don’t go to class, shouldn’t that be my right as a paying college student? Almost every major has a dreaded introductory course or two. Yet, these are often the classes that require attendance despite the fact that you rarely learn anything. Students who go to class need to be cognizant of their disrespectful behavior, but it goes both ways. Mutual respect requires compelling lectures and the elimination of mandatory attendance policies. Some background: I spent my whole adolescence under my parents’ thumb. I was the activities. I understand that everyone learns differently, but if a student can perform well kid who competed relentlessly for grades, on tests with only their book then maybe the never partied and couldn’t even imagine listests need to be changed. tening to rap music. So when I skipped our Or maybe they just shouldn’t be forced to “mandatory” school assembly for the first go to class. With the time I’ve spent sitting in time with a friend, I felt the sort accounting, I’m pretty sure I of liberation I had only seen in could have just read the book “Superbad.” Putting a and done the homework by myImagine my disappointlot of time self. ment when my parents actually Effort is not equivalent to didn’t care. and work into a understanding. Putting a lot That brings me to my colof time and work into a class lege years – the days where I class shouldn’t shouldn’t guarantee an A in should be able to eat bad food, guarantee an A.” the class. Being knowledgeable wear terrible clothes and, yes, and competent should. A good skip class if I feel so inclined. grade doesn’t mean much if the person next to After hearing my mom’s fond memories of you also got one simply for attending. skipping class every day, or at least when it If lectures are so mind-numbing that sturained, I was excited to finally take advantage of my youth and use my new free time to fig- dents have to be bribed to go there has to be another way to present the material. It can be ure out what a Vine was. And then I got here, where 20 percent of as simple as engaging students through questions about their own lives, inserting alternate my grade can be based on whether I sign an forms of media or cracking a joke. If the proattendance sheet or not. I’ve had just about enough of grades based on attendance, ram- fessor teaches like a textbook, then why am I going to class in the first place? pant extra credit opportunities and in-class I see problems on the student end as well.
Kayla simon
Prioritize diversity, even without affirmative action
n Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Michigan’s ban on affirmative action in admissions to public universities. In addition to Michigan, seven states – Nebraska included – ban affirmative action in admission to each state’s public universities. Passed in November 2008 by voters, Initiative 424 bans the Nebraska government from giving special treatment to individuals on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity or national origin. Before Initiative 424 was passed, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln dropped racial preference from admissions in 2004, according to an October 2012 Daily Nebraskan article. While other states with affirmative action bans have seen decreases in minority enrollment at public universities, UNL experienced one of the biggest jumps in the number of enrolled minority undergraduate students in 2013. Twelve percent of undergraduates enrolled are minority students, making the 2013-2014 school year the most diverse in school history, according to a Sept. 10, 2013 university news release. Even though only 11.1 percent of Nebraska’s overall population is minority, compared to the 22.1 percent national average, the university is working to make UNL more diverse. Through increased education of all students about different cultures and creating a welcoming campus atmosphere, UNL can continue to recruit diverse students. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling, Michigan’s public institutions must look at new ways to promote diversity. One way this may be done is by increasing international student enrollment. Currently, two Big Ten Conference schools located in Michigan – Michigan State University and the University of Michigan – enroll 14.5 percent and 12.8 percent of international undergraduate and graduate students combined. UNL enrolls the smallest percentage of all Big Ten schools. Other ways UNL can increase minority student enrollment is through increased recruiting efforts in schools with larger minority populations as well as states and cities where the population is more diverse. Educating students currently enrolled, as well as future students, about different cultures, languages and backgrounds will also help create a friendlier campus atmosphere for minority students and international students. The Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center is one approach UNL uses to help educate students about all of the cultures represented at the university, as well
travis eubanks
as serving as a “home away from home for underrepresented students,” according to the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center’s website. One factor worth taking a look at is the increasing Hispanic/Latino population in Nebraska. According to a 2013 report by the University of Nebraska atOmaha’s Center for Public Affairs Research, the number of Hispanic/Latinos living in Nebraska will triple by 2050. By 2020, the report predicts the Hispanic/Latino population will increase to 12.5 percent, up from 9.2 percent in 2010. Nationally, this is the case as well. In 2011, 17.1 million children under the age of 17 had at least one immigrant parent, which equated to 24 percent of all children 17 years old and younger in the U.S., according to migrationpolicy.org. The increasing minority populations in Nebraska and across the U.S. will help to create more diverse colleges and universities but only if schools are able to make their campuses friendly and welcoming to those minority students. Though Michigan’s ban on affirmative action was upheld, universities and colleges in the state and Nebraska alike must continue to work to promote diversity among students across campus. Through increasing enrollment of international students, schools located in states with affirmative action bans can still work to promote diversity on campus. Increasing minority populations in the state will also help to diversify Nebraska’s campuses. While affirmative action may require universities to admit certain numbers of minority students, it doesn’t guarantee schools support those students once on campus. We must continue to work to recruit a diverse student population, as well as work to make campus a welcoming place to all students, regardless of race or nation of origin. Travis is a freshman advertising-public relation major. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com
I despise wasting my time. So when I do attend a class, it boggles my mind to see people engaging in blatant disrespect. In many of my beginning classes, we went through tedious lines of information on plagiarism. Did you know you can actually plagiarize yourself? I, the eager freshman, began to debate the issue, all the while aware that the people behind me were working on an online test together. And for the love of God, stop trying to trick professors with the formatting on your papers. If your paper is garbage, making it a half a page longer isn’t going to turn it into “The Great Gatsby.” I sometimes muse to myself how people justify packing up their possessions early in class. It’s so frustrating that, like an annoyingly timed row of dominoes, the zip of backpacks and thump of thrown laptops is inevitable during the last five minutes of class. I’m not a great listener in the first place. Being unable to hear only compounds that issue. Perhaps it’s an intentional way to display disdain for the class. I think it’s more likely that these people don’t understand how rude they are. At the very least, surf Facebook for a few minutes longer, you don’t have anywhere important to go. There are benefits to going to class – networking opportunities and exposure to the professor ’s take on the material. As adults though, it needs to be up to students (or whoever ’s paying for the education) to decide how much they value the experience. Kayla Simon is a Communication Studies and Political Science major. Reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.
Open primaries make consistent candidates
ave you ever wondered why candidates do the things they do during campaigns? For example, why would state Sen. Beau McCoy of Omaha backhand a bobble-head of President Barack Obama in an attack advertisement? I’m not a psychologist, but I can infer McCoy doesn’t really care for the president. Obviously, this ad was made to appeal to some people, but who exactly are they? But why exactly do these candidates become so conservative or liberal during the primaries and then rush to the middle for the general election? In primary and midterm elections, all candidates for Nebraska governor and senator – not just McCoy – are trying to mobilize the people who generally vote early on. As any candidate knows, you need to energize your base and get your party to vote. Multiple reports have tried to break down who these primary voters are. The Cook Political Report gathered information from national exit polls and said: “Voters under the age of 30 were 19 percent of all voters in 2012, but just 12 percent of all voters in 2010. Voters 65 and up were 17 percent of all voters in 2012, but 21 percent of all voters in 2010.” These statistics are not staggeringly high – and they never will be for midterm elections – but we can understand that candidates try to get older people out to vote in midterm elections, especially the primaries. After you receive support from your party and your base, you can then come back to the middle and court the independent votes. Understandably, candidates try to get past bitter primary battles and appeal to all voters during the general election. But why do candidates for political office do this at all? For example, states with closed primaries have candidates who are more encouraged to campaign to only their party, and then try to get the rest of the electorate’s votes. A closed primary means you need to be registered with a political party in order to vote. Nebraska has been a closed primary state for some time. Contrarily, Nebraska Democrats just opened up their primaries to independents – a step toward an open primary. Nebraska secretary of state John Gale said, “In an open primary, choices become more a matter of popularity and less of principle. Consequently, campaigns are less of a grass-roots effort by party members and are more concentrated on spending money for ads, mailings and paid workers.” Gale said closed primaries not only send a positive message to Nebraska voters – but if we were to switch to an open primary, it would ruin the two party system.
Mark Batt
Even if every registered independent in Nebraska voted Democrat, it would amount to 600,000 people combined, whereas, the number of registered Republicans in the state is more than 550,000. The fact Gale brings up a popularity contest is almost laughable. Political campaigns and elections can be as much of a popularity contest as the Grammys – which candidate’s stance on taxes is more popular, which candidate has the most name recognition, which candidate is friendlier with voters. Gale makes a good point in saying it would provide competition to the two-party system, but he also needs to realize that independent voters won’t necessarily put up their own candidates – just open up the damn primary to all voters! An open primary is a win-win situation. Independent voters are registered voters who help decide presidential elections and serve in Congress. Even the Nebraska Legislature is officially non-partisan and most people feel this plan works. Contrary to what Gale said, Nebraska could benefit from the open primary. Candidates race to the outside for the primary election because they know how to appeal to their base and they can be as extreme in their ideologies as they please. An open primary would incentivize competition among candidates. Also, the party wouldn’t just choose the best candidates – they could allow the candidate who appeals to the most voters to energize the party and their conservative or liberal base as a whole. Then these same candidates who can envision a future for their party and state can earn the vote of independent voters, all while keeping intact the two-party system. The two-party system comes naturally during a democracy anyway. This would cut chaos during the general election, when they rush to the middle as quickly as possible to actually seem like a reasonable person: regardless of whom they backhanded on the campaign trail. Mark Batt is a junior political science major. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.
friday, april 25, 2014 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk
cuisine Billy’s serves state senators, university groups with casual fine dining experience story by Akua Dawes photos by Andrew Barry
hapsody in Blue” plays softly in the quiet restaurant Billy’s, where small groups enjoy a meal surrounded by several portraits, some of which include William Jennings Bryan, Charles Dawes and William Norris. A group of best friends laugh over several glasses of wine, and business associates discuss work over lunch. Amid the quaint atmosphere is Nader Farahbod, owner of the restaurant, jumping table to table to ensure the happiness of the customers. Many students and people new to Lincoln may not know of this small, all-American restaurant. It’s hidden just down the street from the Capitol on H Street and goes unnoticed by the busy and over-stressed college crowd. The building itself has gone through many renovations. Named after William Jennings Bryan and built originally for Charles Dawes more than 160 years ago, the building went from a Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house in the late 1800s to a run-down rental property and, finally, into the restaurant it is now in 1986. ”They were thinking about turning it They were into office space,” thinking Farahbod said. “But then they realized about turning it there is not really a into office space. drinking place by the But there is not a Capitol, and this has a nice environment for drinking place by the senators.” Now the restauthe Capitol, and rant is host to many this has a nice private parties, such as prenuptials, office environment for parties and Christthe senators.” mas parties where the guest can have the place without Nader Farahbod whole having to rent out the billy’s owner restaurant. Farahbod also still keeps in touch with Greek life, hosting many formals and cooking meals for various chapters. Farahbod said he remembered one event in particular when Phi Gamma Delta invited him to cook live lobsters at their formal. “I think they were most excited about the live lobsters than me cooking it,” he said with a laugh. Past the fraternities, the restaurant hosts many university groups from campus, including the Black Masque chapter of the Mortar Board. The group of about 200 people entered the restaurant and were given a discounted price during their night. Farahbod works with many local fundraisers as well such as March of Dimes and FLAG, which use the restaurant for their banquets and meetings. Billy’s also assists with the university staff. When a faculty member comes in for an interview, or a group entertains a guest from the university, they have an understanding to send the bill directly to the university.
“Because the university doesn’t like handling credit cards and such, the direct bill is nice,” Farahbod said. For dinners on a regular day the price per meal ranges from $20 to $30, with the wine selection mirroring that. But the $5 Friday lunch special is a deal that not many other restaurants of this caliber offer. On a regular day, the lunch prices range from $8 to $10. “The best place for those who want to have a nice night out because its not really crazy or busy like one of the places by the Railyard,” Farahbod said. “And it’s really cozy and intimate.” People stay because of the intimacy of the restaurant, Farahbod said. Customers will come in from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. without being asked to leave. He said this is a very important aspect of running the restaurant. “I haven’t been tempted to make a taco place or put a drive through in it or anything,” he said. “It’s always been our intention to make a place above the casual environment. I don’t know if I can call it fine dinning, but I work really hard to make it into a nice restaurant.” Farahbod has worked at Billy’s since it’s opening in 1986 and, although he’s owner of
TOP: Nader Farahbod is the owner of Billy’s Restaurant at 13th and H streets. His restaurant promises “a unique experience in dining.” ABOVE: Rich Morris, Jill Morris, Tim Fischer and Jodi Fischer eat dinner at Billy’s Restaurant. LEFT: Billy’s Restaurant features many foods. On Fridays, lunch is $5 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
billy’s: see page 7
Amu Manu serves authentic ramen Madeline Christensen Dn
you won’t find another in a 300mile radius. “The area is ready for it,” he said. “This concept is catching If you thought ramen noodles the wave on both coasts. This is could only be the box of cheap, the food that’s up-and-coming.” crusty orange packets on your So what’s so great about ratop shelf that will survive the apocalypse, it’s time to reconsid- men? “I love that it’s healthy,” er your college cuisine. Sepahpur said. “The homemade Amu Manu noodles, the former Oso Burrito located at 15th broth has all the goodness you can get.” and O streets, is serving up Amu Manu has a selection of steaming bowls of ramen. And, pork and chicken dishes but also no, you won’t find an artificial chicken powder packet any- caters to vegetarian customers. A variety of fresh vegetables are where on site. Owner Nader Sepahpur is added to each dish as well. “Good ramen more than familiar is a combination of with opening busiI love that the right amount nesses in downfattiness to the town Lincoln. As it’s healthy. of broth and the noowell as owning dles,” Sepahpur the former Oso The homemade said. “It’s the richBurrito that occu- broth has all the ness that makes a pied Amu Manu’s difference.” location, he’s the goodness you can S e p a h p u r man behind Yia get.” works closely with Yia’s pizza down Amu Manu chef the street. Andrew Baldus, Nader Sepahpur “I already owner, amu manu who’s constantly have another Oso looking for ways Burrito across to improve each town,” Sepahpur dish. said (located at 70th and Van “It’s been trial and error,” Dorn streets). “I wanted to do Baldus said. “Nader asked me something new I was passionate about. Opening a ramen bar to help him out with his project, is something I’ve been waiting to and I just started coming in in the mornings just to make broth, and do for 20 years.” do it over and over and over.” Sepahpur said he believes the The broth used in Amu Matime has come for Lincoln to see nu’s ramen takes a full day to it’s first ramen noodle bar, and
Despite small menu, Amu Manu offers big flavor Gabriella Martinez-Garro Dn
natalia kraviec | dn make, but Baldus said it’s the key to a perfect ramen dish. Baldus spent the past 10 years cooking after attending culinary school in Portland. From there, he’s worked in Charleston, South Carolina and Singapore before returning back to Lincoln to open Amu Manu. “It’s nice to be back in Lincoln,” Baldus said. “Everyone here is really humble, and we’ve been getting really good feed-
back. There’s good, friendly people here. It’s a lot different from other cities I’ve worked in. People are patient with our slow opening; we have room to start up at our own pace.” So far, business has been great for Amu Manu, Sepahpur said. “It’s been received very well,” he said. “We don’t even
amu manu: see page 7
Before eating at Amu Manu, my idea of ramen consisted of the type that college kids pop in the microwave for a late-night dinner. So when my waiter at the new ramen bar brought me a bowl of steaming ramen, complete with crisp veggies, egg and pork, I was exceptionally excited. A newbie to the ramen scene, I asked my waiter for his recommendation and was told to try either the chicken miso or tonkotsu. I opted for the tonkotsu and ordered a side of homemade pork dumplings as well. Though the restaurant only offers nine menu items, three of those are vegetarian with glutenfree noodles available. The restaurant also teases a future stir fry addition to their menu once their ramen is perfected. Less than 10 minutes after ordering my meal arrived. The display of the tonkotsu was textured and pleasing. Inside the bowl were melt-in-your-mouth
AMU MANU Ramen bar 15th and O St. $8-$15
pieces of pork belly, bamboo, bok choy, half of an egg, nori, scallion and ramen noodles all placed in a dark, thick pork broth. As delicious as each element was individually, the combination of flavors and textures as a whole was fantastic. The pork dumplings, though tasty, were certainly overshadowed by the pork belly and broth in the ramen. The atmosphere inside Amu Manu is reminiscent of a sushi bar with fewer decorations and less mood lighting. The restaurant also serves ZipLine beer for those looking for some nighttime drinks
noodles: see page 7
friday, april 25, 2014
‘Up The Dosage’ PANTS to play Big Red Challenge displays groovy guitars, vocals Hannah Ratliff Dn
Debut album from Gabe Nelson with PANTS beautifully blends country, blues and rock ‘n’ roll Joe Wade DN If you’ve got a hankering for music that’s smooth as whiskey and burns like love, then there’s a few special ingredients you’re going to need. First, uncompromisingly stellar vocals are the glue that will hold it all together and make it sizzle. Add some swinging, groovy guitar riffs to let your ears swim and, for some extra spice to make it extra nice, a dash ‘n’ splash on the drum kit. Mix it together, and you’ve got some homegrown goodness. Now, throw that out or put it in the fridge for later because the new album from local band Gabe Nelson with PANTS is worth spending a night out on the town for. “Up The Dosage” was released April 19 and is the medicine to cure whatever has you feeling unchill, unsettled or uninspired. And I’m not just saying that because Gabe Nelson out-performed me at a talent show earlier this year. True story. I get done playing, put my guitar away as Nelson takes the stage, and, normally, this is when I go over to my roadie (my wife) and ask how I did. But, Nelson starts playing and the only words I can get out are, “Wow, this guy is really good.” Just like Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz,” Nelson stole my shiny red shoes. When I hear the lyric, “I’m gonna find the wicked witch of the east/And take those ruby red slippers off her feet,” from the song “Ruby Red,” I honestly couldn’t be happier about the whole experience. One of the characteristic aspects of the album is Nelson’s smoky, soulful troubadour croon. Imagine the vocal styling of Marc Cohn, from Cohn’s song “Walking in Memphis,” paired with the jazzy saunter of Norah Jones and just a sliver of Eddie Vedder angst. Once you hear it you won’t
“UP THE DOSAGE” Gabe Nelson with PANTS know what you ever did without it. Every singer-songwriter needs a trusty guitar to say all the things that words can’t. Nelson’s 12-string axe cuts the listener right to the bone with the musical hook on “Marrietta.” Most of the album shines with a warm glow as the band is in full swing, which eagerly lets the listener lay back and tap their foot. But on “Marrietta,” the melodic guitar riff is soaked with reverb, turned up and sings with a haunting chorus of its own. Overall “Up The Dosage” is one song after another for the listener to click their heels to, but “Whiskey Queen” is the one that steals the show. The song is a beautiful blend of country, blues and rock ‘n’ roll. It’s like a “Sweet Home Alabama” for Nebraska. Sadly, the album version loses some of the fun jangle of hearing it as a bar room of people sing along, which I advise experiencing at your soonest possible convenience. Despite the fact that the bar crowd isn’t included along with the album purchase, what is included is a soothing guitar solo that warms the soul like a sip of Tennessee whiskey. It goes down easy and is highly repeatable. Other songs to wet your whistle with are the rising vibes of “My Life,” which has a trumpet riff you won’t want to miss, the confessional “2000 Miles” and uptempo songs “Happy Hour” and “Fast Freddy.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com
Columnist confronts insecurities with positive perspective I still struggle with accepting the weight that I’m at four years later. However, after six months of trying to live a healthier lifestyle, I’m finally beginning to find that peace. This doesn’t mean that some days I don’t wish I could trade legs with Beyoncé though. Even as I would still like to see a different number on the scale, I don’t I’ve been spending a lot more time hate looking in the mirror quite as much anymore. looking at myself naked lately. We live in a culture where evOK, so maybe not actually, but I have been spending a lot more erything is instant. Depending on time in front of the mirror. Vain the city, one could have any kind as it may seem, personally, I think of cuisine they want in a matter of this is progress. For most of my minutes. We’re Americans, damn it, and when we want something life, I’ve been unhappy with the we want it right now. way I look. But the reality of living a Growing up, I was surrounded by beautiful women who were healthy life and loving your body constantly complaining about is that you never quite reach an their flaws instead of focusing end point. Every day it’s a choice on their positives. Their constant to wake up and say “Hey look, I’m starting to get some body complaints biceps,” rather than are where I attriGrowing “My stomach will bute the blame for never be flat.” why 12-year-old up, I was Loving the way me was on a diet. you look is as much And I wasn’t surrounded a daily choice as alone. Many of by beautiful deciding to eat my middle school more vegetables. If friends were moni- women who you wake up with toring their food were constantly the attitude that intake or not eating certain things complaining about you’re disgusting and never going to all together. Flash their flaws.” look the way you forward a couple want, then it’s that of years and things much easier to say seemingly looked screw it and eat five LaMar ’s dolike they were going to change. Right along with growing out of nuts for breakfast. I’ve found that some of my middle school pudge, when I wake up, look in the mirthe Dove’s Campaign for Real ror and think “Damn, girl, you’ve Beauty and Seventeen Magazine’s got some rocking quads,” it’s that Body Peace Treaty moved into the much easier to make healthier choices knowing I’ve made some spotlight. progress. I remembered thinking that So find what works for you, this is what made sense. Real women being OK with the way what little things you can change each day to make you feel better they look sounded pretty logical and do them. And while you’re to me. Seventeen’s Body Peace movement had different celebri- trying to become the best version ties who told a personal story of of yourself, compliment something you’ve done right everyday their weight struggles and how they ultimately came to peace rather than focus on where you’ve with the way they look. Then failed. And above all else, next time their name was added to the Body Peace Treaty, which anyone could you get out of the shower, look in the mirror and say “Damn, I look sign saying they were no longer good,” and if you don’t believe going to hate their body. it already, before long you just I signed it. Yet, nothing really changed. Advertising was still might. Cassie Kernick is a overrun with 110-pound girls, and freshman journalism and I was still a voluptuous Pollock advertising and public with a set of hips Darwin himrelations major. Reach her self would be proud of. I signed at arts@ a thing saying I’d stop feeling dailynebraskan.com bad for being a real woman, yet
Gabe Nelson, headliner of the local Americana band “Gabe Nelson with PANTS,” will perform after Saturday’s Big Red Challenge in Haymarket Park. Nelson, who will be selling copies of PANTS’ debut album “Up the Dosage” after the performance, recently started performing with PANTS at various Lincoln venues such as the Bourbon Theatre, where the group performed this Thursday. Though the band has been together since the summer of 2012, they made the decision not to perform live until they’d released their album. But now that they’ve started performing, Nelson said he’s realized how much he appreciates Lincoln audiences. “The Nebraska community, they just really enjoy live music,” Nelson said. “They actually come out because they want to see you. They really like to go see live music.” Though performing isn’t always easy, with a great turnout one night and nearly no one the next, Nelson said he doesn’t let that discourage him. And though he performs mostly for the excitement he gets from being onstage, he said he believes it’s that passion and excitement for his music that makes his shows appealing. “No matter what, no matter if it’s two people, 200 people, 2,000 people, you’re going to get an engaging performance that’s going to be memorable,” Nelson said. “I leave it all out there. I think anytime you see an artist who’s engaged and is totally engulfed in what they’re doing, it draws people in.” Nelson was asked to perform at the Big Red Challenge after Lynn Bartak, the chairman of Big Red Challenge, heard about “Ruby Red,” a song on “Up the Dosage” that Nelson dedicated to a friend who was serving in the armed forces. After Nelson’s audition, Bartak said he knew this was the song he wanted runners to
file photo by shelby wolfe | dn
Gabe Nelson released his debut album, “Up The Dosage,” on April 19. The artist’s style is a mix of blues, country and rock ‘n’ roll. hear after completing the challenge. “Gabe has a real big heart for the military, and he’s donating all his time for us to show up and honor the military,” Bartak said. “For those young men and women who go into the line of fire and harm’s way, and have been wounded to preserve our freedom. So we’re really thankful for that, and we’re really thankful to Gabe for being a part of the Big Red Challenge here in Lincoln.” Nelson said “Ruby Red” is a song anyone can relate to but believes it holds special significance with veterans. Though the song, which is about missing family and being away from home, is one most everyone can connect with, Nelson decided to dedicate the song to a friend in the military. Nelson said he believes it’s special to veterans because being apart from
their families was something they had to deal with every day while on active duty. “When I wrote the song, it was just about me or somebody that I knew that was missing home and wanted to be with their friends or family,” Nelson said. “But then I realized how much it connected with our men and service women. So Big Red Challenge came around, which is a race to benefit veterans, and they said they wanted to meet me about a month ago to hear ‘Ruby Red.’” Nelson will perform in addition to rock band “The American Hitmen,” whose members are all marines. Though Big Red Challenge will be accepting donations for veterans, the performances will be free to the public, which Bartak hopes will attract audiences.
if you go what: Gabe Nelson with pants performing during the Big Red Challenge when: Saturday at 10:00 a.m. where: Haymarket Park - Hawks Field cost: Free
“(Big Red Challenge is) a nonprofit,” Bartak said. “So where else can you attend a rock concert for free?” arts@ dailynebraskan.com
DN writer endures idiot’s misogyny DN Dare: Blurred Lines for one hour Ben cleveland dn
I recently accepted an irregular dare, even by Daily Nebraskan standards. The dare was to listen to the popular song “Blurred Lines” for an hour straight. It’s 10:07 p.m. on a Tuesday when I begin the challenge. I post up in a study room in Schramm Hall and pull up the song on YouTube, because there’s no way I’m paying for the song on iTunes with my credit card. Things were about to get … interesting, for lack of a better word. Now, I’m not a huge fan in the first place, but I thought that this could be of sizable advantage for me because I haven’t heard the song that many times. I’m definitely not a huge Top-40 radio guy. Second, I didn’t know that Justin Timberlake didn’t sing this song. Instead Robin Thicke, along with T.I. and Pharrell, sing the salacious song. I’m also left uncertain as to whether I should be genuinely disappointed it isn’t JT. I shrug my shoulders. It’s irrelevant. Time for some “Blurred Lines” action. And the first couple listens come. It’s not bad. Honestly. Yes, the lyrics are downright disgusting. The beat, however, is not. Thinking of the lyrics at hand, I gander at the music video with lyrics playing. The pizza in my stomach nearly churns while reading some the lyrics on the computer screen in front of me. My stomach is interrupted by the lyrics’ sexual tone.
“The way you grab me/Must wanna get nasty.” I lose myself for a few minutes and kind of zone out the way most college students do during a philosophy lecture right before lunch. I’m drifting deeper in thought until I’m interrupted by Robin Thicke. “You’re a goooood girl.” Oh yeah, the song. Thanks Robin. Mind you, it’s only 10:27 at this point. I’m not even halfway through my miserable quest and the walls inside the small Schramm study room already seem to be caving. Worries that others in connected study rooms can hear me listening to this song start to sink in. I also can’t stop burping, most likely from all the free Valentino’s pizza I crushed at a residence hall meeting I attended right before I began this DN Dare. And then I get unreasonably warm because of the terrible airflow in the Schramm study rooms. Quite frankly, things are taking a turn for the worse. I momentarily begin to wonder how my fellow DN reporter Miles Rothlisberger has been pullin’ these DN Dares out of his hiney week in and week out for the last semester. His work is making me feel like a small child at this moment – a child drowning in the music of Robin Thicke, that is. The clock strikes 10:41 p.m. I want to puke at this point, either to alleviate the strains the pizza has put on my stomach or so I might, momentarily, not be able to hear the song over a roaring hurl of puke. I’ve officially lost track of how many times I have listened to “Blurred Lines.” I’m thankful the song is almost four and a half minutes to lessen
mike rendowski | dn the impact of the dragging tune. “I know you want it/I know you want it.” No. Please, no. The number of songs that are derogatory toward women disgusts me. Some are more implicit than others. “Blurred Lines” is no exception. The combination of the song title and its lyrics are extremely suggestive toward rape. If you’ve listened to the song and not noticed its suggestiveness, try another listen, this time more closely. It’s disgusting. I’m now asking myself why this song is even on the radio. The last three or so listens that I have left seem to drag on. The little chorus echoing “Hey, Hey, Hey” has now turned the normally informal greeting into a curse echoing throughout my conscious.
It’s now past 11:07p.m. I wait for the song to finish up its last minute or so on YouTube. And then it’s over. At last. The overall feeling is just annoyance toward the song in general. Obviously, I knew this would happen coming in. The other ramification of hearing the sexually explicit, even rape-y, lyrics so many times brought me to a disturbed state. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone to listen to “Blurred Lines” for an hour straight, or even a minute for that matter. That song sucks, man. Ben Cleveland is a freshman journalism major. Make him feel better at arts@ dailynebraskan.com
Film examines cutting-edge physics Jack Forey Dn Somehow, it’s comforting to know that even the most brilliant scientists in the world have no idea what’s going on with the universe. That’s not to discredit the groundbreaking work of the physicists in “Particle Fever” , which involves designing and building the largest structure ever built by humans, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the purpose of which I’m sure many are familiar with by now. Just in case you’re not, it involves smashing beams of charged subatomic particles, called hadrons, together to see what new particles can be gleaned from the resulting collision. Imagine smashing two trains together as an experiment to find out how trains work, and you’ve got the basic idea of how the LHC works. One of the goals of the scientists at CERN is to discover the illusive Higgs boson, a particle that (theoretically) forms a field that resists other particles, giving them mass. Theoretical physics comprises a galaxy of esoteric terms and far-out concepts, such as the Holographic Principle (the whole universe is a projection) and Multiverse Theory. Thankfully, “Particle Fever” doesn’t lose itself in this miasma, focusing its energy on the trajectory of the LHC experiment, the politics involved and the people who made the project happen. It was shot during seven years, from the final stages of its construction, which began in the ‘80s, to the liquid hydrogen leaks that put the entire experiment in jeopardy, to the groundbreaking discovery of a Higgs-like particle in 2012. The people involved in this sprawling experiment are all starryeyed and optimistic, or at least that’s the way the film shows them. They
courtesy photo
“Particle Fever” tells the story of scientists testing the pictured Large Hadron Collider in their search for the Higgs Boson. seem to emanate a curious aura of tirelessness, uncertainty and boundless ambition. The popular perception of scientists seems to be that they are stuffy, straight-laced academic types. Although those figures are sure to be found some places in the scientific community, in this film they’re scarce. The physicists we meet, theoretical and experimental, seem like quite genial, casual people. After the first round of successful experiments one of them tells her video diary, “We killed that shit.” Another physicist said people from every country are working on this project. “Even countries that are mortal enemies of each other,” he said, “are working on this project.” We’re given an image of these researchers, experimentalists and theorists as unpretentious people on a search for the truth. We feel their frustration in securing funds for such a huge experiment, especially one that
has no practical applications. Director Mark Levinson, a theoretical physicist, directs with a sympathetic bias (how else could you direct a movie about such a massive undertaking?). There is a moment in the control room at CERN when hundreds of scientists and researchers watch two beams of energy collide, and it reminds us of the NASA control room in Houston. The most interesting thing about “Particle Fever” is at the end, they still haven’t quite discovered what they were looking for. The Higgs-like particle they did discover didn’t quite match the energy levels they were looking for. Between the 140 GeV prediction of the Multiverse theory and the 115 GeV prediction of Supersymmetry, the actual particle discovered was about 125 GeV, almost in the middle. Like the universe is toying with us. Maybe both of those theories are true. Maybe neither of them are,
Martin Aleska, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Savas Dimopoulos
Mark Levinson
and physicists will have to start from scratch. It’s a disturbing and exciting thought that we know so much now, yet our two theories of physics – the Standard Model (quantum mechanics) and General Relativity (gravity) – are, for the moment, inconsistent with each other. “Particle Fever” is a promise, written in cinema, that big discoveries are on the horizon. arts@ dailynebraskan.com
Human life can be a silly thing. A tree can be a silly thing, too. So, how is this silly life like a silly tree? Well, children, let us at the Daily Nebraskan Arts & Life section tell you.
and comfort food. Though Asian food is easy to find in Lincoln, Amu Manu’s ramen focus sets it apart from the noise. Bowls at Amu Manu are $8, with two dumplings for an additional $1.50. Counting tip, my meal was about $13, not bad considering the amount of food. As Amu Manu begins opening for dinner and expanding their hours (Thursday was their
A tree, being a plant and all that, needs water to sustain itself. So does your life. If you don’t drink water at least once every week or so, it will simply end in a snap. While trees also need sunlight in order to survive and produce food, human life doesn’t necessarily need that, since pathetic human bodies can’t manufacture sugars through photosynthesis. But, then again, a person can simply reach for a cupcake, plop him or herself in front of the television and not even spend a minute outside and still consume sugars. Human existence: 1, Trees: 0.
have a sign outside, people are just hearing about us through word of mouth.” Yesterday marked the first night Amu Manu has been open for dinner hours, which they plan to continue every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. “We’re slowly expanding,” Sepahpur said. “Every day we try something new. We added dumplings to the menu just today. We’re working on stir fries in the future, but for now we just want people to come in and try the ramen.” In the middle of the restaurant is a circular bar that Sepahpur said he hoped would keep
Both can build strong, impenetrable hides of bark and/or denial.
That rough and sturdy stuff found on the outside of all kinds of trees, oak or pine or anything else, is known as bark. It essentially protects the trees from weather and insects. Humans also make their own bark to protect themselves from the pests of disparaging email comments or spitballs but only in their mind. A physical shield against insults would be ridiculous. So, if insects someday wish to devour our flesh, there’s nothing stopping them. Nothing. Human existence: 1, Trees: 1
The fruits of both their endeavors fall to the ground and just sit there.
Sometimes, the life for a tree or a human can prove challenging and even sadistically cruel. Because of that, sometimes the fruits, literal and metaphorical, of our efforts just sort of fall from our hands and land at our very feet, mocking us for our failure until the fruit gets all gross and wormy. However, a tree just takes it with that lovable, cold apathy and makes more fruit. Humans sometimes cry for the lost fruits of jobs or marriages and understandably so. On some rare occasions, though, humans cry over fallen apples and oranges. Those are the real weirdos. Human existence: 1.5, Trees: 2.5
Andrew Barry | DN
Farahbod prepares drinks for customers at his restaurant near downtown Lincoln. Billy’s has a wide selection of wines and other drinks available at its bar. the restaurant – not the building – he has worked to keep a closeknit staff and a nice working environment for the employees. Michael Cleveland, one of the two servers at the restaurant, appreciates this. “I’ve worked here for a little over three years,” Cleveland said. “Last Valentine’s Day was my anniversary of working here.” He came into the restaurant for a friend’s get together and started talking to Farahbod about the restaurant and the food before being offered a job.
An axe-wielding man in plaid can end both quickly. Regardless of their slight differences, the life of a tree and human are grossly similar. Ultimately enough, the biggest similarity comes from the fact that both can be snuffed out within seconds by an axewielding gentlemen wearing a plaid shirt – and likely denim jeans. Such is the way of the world, sadly. And while most would argue that a tree has a larger chance of death by wood axe than a person, the argument really depends on who you’re talking to and which version of “Wrong Turn” those men over there are reenacting. Human existence: death, Trees: death, too.
Roommates COMPLIED BY TYLER KEOWNRoommates | ART BY GABRIEL SANCHEZ Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to dn@unl.edu and include your name, address and phone number.
4 bed, 2 bath house for rent. Close to I-80 and a five minute drive to campus. Neighborhood is quiet. Washer/dryer and all kitchen appliances included. $1240 per month, yard mowing included. Need references. Contact: Ken Shuda, Landlord. (308)379-4598, or email shudaville@yahoo.com
Roommates 2 open rooms for 1 or 2 female roommates for the summer or next school year. The house is a few minutes from city and east campus, rent $285 plus utilities. Please contact Danielle or Courtney at 217.779.9127
1031 Charleston, 3bdr/2bath, $900/mo + deposit. One year lease. Amazing Location! AvailableJune 1st. N/P/S, w/d. 402-730-8743
Duplexes For Rent
Holroyd Investment Properties, Inc.
$975/mo, 3923 North 8th. 3/br, 3/ba., 2 car attached garage, W/D, N/P, N/S Available June 1st. Call: 237-8369 (402) www.webwinters.com
Apartments, Townhomes and Duplexes
Charming 2 Bd Duplx located in historical disThe NewRoommate York Times Syndication Sales Corporation needed. Doesn’t matter whether trict, great location and neighborhood. 1080 sf are female or male; I’ve York, lived with both10018 (I 620you Eighth Avenue, New N.Y. wood floors up carpet down. Landscaped yard am female). Prefer at least 30. Close to campus and privacy fence. Newer furance and central For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 by car or bike; close to parks and highways. Comes with w/d available June 1 - 580.00 Fi nd yours here. 402-770-6818 For Release Monday, February 25, 2013 air. Contact Jeff at 402-540-2280
1 Gross
growth 5 Bakery items with lox 11 Prominent crocodile feature 14 Region 15 “Dynasty” vixen 16 Weather prefix with bar 17 Philosopher John’s tresses? 19 Sgt., for one 20 Transformers and Barbies 21 Female deer 22 Marked, as a ballot 23 Sharper than 90° 25 Actor Sean’s writing implements? 27 Sentence sections 29 Hot, spicy drink 30 Tip of a shoe 31 Heel
34 40
41 42 44 47 50 54 55 56 57 58 59 63 64 65
___-12 Conference Aviator Wilbur’s entitlements? The way, in Chinese philosophy Whole bunch Sunbeam Roulette centerpiece Part of a firstaid kit Soccer star Mia’s meats? Roof overhangs Pub pints Coach Parseghian Berlin article Kilimanjaro, e.g.: Abbr. Composer Franz’s rosters? The “M” of M.D.: Abbr. Wears away Part of Texaco’s logo
66 67 68
Calendar spans: Abbr. Go-getter Doc’s needle
Edited by Will Shortz 1
de mer gold 3 Professor, e.g. 4 Territory that became two states 5 Voice below baritone 6 The works 7 Rock with a glittery inside 8 One who’s finished a sentence? 9 Compare 10 Serpentine sound 11 Brought bad luck 12 Go higher 13 Filled with trees 18 Potato protuberances 22 Several ages, in geology 23 Fitting 24 Grub 25 H.S. junior’s exam 26 Male deer 28 Canyon sound effect 32 It’s faster than dial-up, in brief 33 Gyro bread 35 News articles 36 Some square dancers 37 Steals from 38 Great injustice 2 Granada
18 21
31 35
33 37
42 47
54 57
PUZZLE BY sUsan gELfand
Wise soul
“You rang?”
Summer Housing Opportunity for all UNL Women. Alpha Delta Pi has open rooms for rent at their new Chapter House (1645 R St.). The rooms will just have been redone. The rent will be $100 weekly with all utilities included and access to the kitchen. For more information contact Alyssa as soon as possible at alyssa.2009@hotmail.com.
Help Wanted
Summer Housing
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Houses For Rent
Main level of house 10 mins. east of East Campus. Your 925sf includes 2/bds with full-sized closets and new carpet, 1/ba, lvg/dng rm, kit., plus full-sized closet in hall. Only the kit. and laundry are shared (I live separately downstairs with my own entrance). $700 +1/2 elec. and gas. Includes cable, internet, laundry and yard care. N/S, N/P 402-472-7556
Apts. For Rent
From Copenhagen, say
Devastating blow
Not cleanshaven
What reins connect to
Firebug’s crime
Maker of the Protegé
Singer Young or Sedaka
Former name of Exxon stations
Was at the helm
President pro ___
Dance style with fancy footwork
Sign indicating a sold-out performance
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Deliver Papers Next Fall Do you like to exercise and get paid for it? De-
liver Daily Nebraskans on Monday and Thursday mornings. You can deliver a route in about an hour. Must have own vehicle, ability to lift and carry 30 lbs, be a UNL student and not have classes before 9:00 a.m. For more information or to apply, contact Dan at 402-472-1769, 20 Nebraska Union. dshattil@unl.edu.
Energetic Sales Staff (Rixstine Lincoln NE) Wanted Energetic Sales People! Do YOU love sports Do YOU love sales, Do YOU like to be different, is your passion being a people person, Rixstine Recognition is looking for a the right person to join our team If you love sports and interacting with people come join our team of 80 years (one of the oldest in the industry) and get started on that new career. Qualities include self starter, motivation, computer skills. This is a fulltime career position. This position is never boring. Every day is different with the vast array of items that we produce. Email resumes to ashtyn&rixstine.com or apply in person at 2350 O St. Lincoln.
Gallup is Hiring
Gallup is hiring pt/ft telephone interviewers to conduct market research and public opinion surveys. This is not a sales position. You will be helping people’s opinion be heard! Gallup offers: flexible schedules: afternoons, evenings, and weekends; 20-40 hours a week. Base pay starts at $9.75 and full time base pay starts at $14.00. You choose the hours you work. A full range of benefits that includes college tuition. Pay for Performance: You control what you earn. In Lincoln: 425 Fallbrook Boulevard and Edgewood at 56th & Hwy 2. Apply today! Log online at www.gallup.com/careers Gallup is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
“It’s a really fun place to work,” Cleveland said. “Although three years is a long time in the restaurant serving business, the other server, Ramera, has been working here 10 years. It’s really great to have that kind of continuity in the workplace.” “The food isn’t half bad either,” Cleveland added. “It really cuts down on the amount of groceries I buy. I think I had the Bacon Cheddar burger every day for the first week I worked here.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com
$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4p.m., weekday prior
(402) 472-2589
the feel of Amu Manu comfortable. “I wanted the bar to work. That was my main idea,” he said. “It’s comfort food; there’s nothing fancy about it. I wanted it to be casual, and I wanted it to be accessible.” In fact, upscale is the last thing Sepahpur said he wants for Amu Manu Noodles. “I want it to be fun. I want people to slurp,” he said. “There’s nothing stuffy about this whole eating experience. It’s just about enjoying simple food.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com
billy’s: from 5
Yep, both have limbs of some kind. Trees have their branches and us humans have our arms and legs. Trees have more limbs than we do, and they even have sick-ass roots that let them eat underground stuff. But, we can actually walk and move around and kick trees if we’re up to it. But isn’t the price of movement worth a couple extra unmoving arms? Human existence: 1.5, Trees: 1.5
—COMPIlED BY miles rothlisberger | ART BY natalia kraviec
first day with hours past 3 p.m.) and starts adding items to their menu, it’s clear that the restaurant is taking its time entering the Lincoln food scene. But then again, slow and steady wins the race. And with food this good and unique, Amu Manu should have no problem staying ahead of the pack. arts@ dailynebraskan.com
amu manu: from 5
Both have limbs.
noodles: from 5
ways that life is like a tree
Both won’t get far without water.
2. 3.
friday, april 25, 2014
Help Wanted Account Executive
The Daily Nebraskan is seeking an Account Executive to join their Advertising team. Gain hands-on experience that will give you real world experience in the Advertising field. This is a comission base with added bonuses. Fun team-based enviroment. 10-15 hour work weeks, orgnizational skills, and self-motivating requirement. Experience in Adobe Creative Suites a plus. Training available. All interested can apply online at dailynebraskan.com or in-person at 20 NE Union 1400 R St.
Graphic Designer/Artist
The Daily Nebraskan Advertising Staff is looking for an experienced Graphic Designer to add to their staff. Must have prior experience, and expertise in the Adobe Creative Suites (Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) Weekly logged hours, orgnization, and creativity a must. Begin on comission and will be promoted to part-time comission beginning Fall 2014. Apply online at dailynebraskan.com or in-person at our office located at 20 NE Union, 1400 R St. Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit: www.centerpointe.org.
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Part Time Teller positions available at West Gate Bank. Multiple shifts and locations. Visit westgatebank.com/careers.aspx
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Announcements 15th WEEK POLICY This refers to the last week of classes before finals week Check out the Faculty Senate website main page for the complete revised policy. asun.unl.edu (located in tab at top ‘Documents’ or stop by the Student Government office at 136 Nebraska Union
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of the
of the
The Nebraska softball team came out victorious in a three-game sweep against the Ohio State Buckeyes. The Huskers’ 14-1 lead on Friday ended with the run-rule, giving Nebraska the win going into Saturday’s doubleheader. Saturday’s games included two games The No. 63 Nebraska and two wins for the Huskers, both with scores of 8-0. Senior catcher Taylor men’s tennis team Edwards contributed going 4 for 7 with 2 home runs and 4 RBI over the took a hard hit when three-game series. Edwards is also the Big Ten Conference leader with 15 it lost to both No. 22 The home runs soNo. far 63 thisNebraska season and has a chance to break the school’s record Penn State and No. 1 Ohio State, winning only of 53 careermen’s hometennis runs ifteam she earns two more. one match in the two duals. In doubles, Husker The No. 63 Nebraska took a hard hit when sophomores Dusty Boyer and Marc Herrmann men’s tennis team The Nebraska softball team came out it lost to both No. 22 defeated by Penn State’s Michael Reilly Thewere No. 63 Nebraska took a hard hit when victorious in a three-game sweep Penn State and No. 1 Ohio State, winning only and Chris Young, 8-1. Singles play continued men’s tennis team it lost to both No. 22 the Ohio State Buckeyes. The against one match in the two duals. In doubles, Husker witha Penn State’s Leonard Stakhovsky beating took hard hit when Penn State andHuskers’ No. 1 Ohio winning 14-1State, lead on Fridayonly ended with sophomores Dusty Boyer and Marc Herrmann Boyer 6-0, No. 6-4, 22 and PSU’s Roman Trkulja beat it lost to both me out one match in the duals.giving In doubles, Husker thetwo run-rule, Nebraska the win were defeated by Penn State’s Michael Reilly freshman Vasileios Stavropoulos 6-1, 6-2.only Ohio Penn State and No. 1 Ohio State, winning eep going into Saturday’s sophomores Dusty Boyergames and Marc Herrmann doubleheader. Saturday’s included two games and Chris Young, SinglesTHROUGH play continued A LOOK INTO THE RECENT HUSKER SPORT8-1. SCENE A STATISTICAL LENS one State wasinable to defeat Nebraska in doubles. match the two duals. In doubles, Husker yes. The were defeated by Penn State’s Michael Reilly and two wins for the Huskers, both with scores of 8-0. Senior catcher Taylor with Penn State’s Leonard Stakhovsky beating Peter Kobelt Ralfand Steinbach defeating sophomores Dustyand Boyer Marc Herrmann nded Edwards with and 4Chris 8-1. Singles play4team continued contributed going for 7Young, with 2 home runs and RBI over Boyer 6-0, 6-4, and PSU’s Roman Trkulja beat The Nebraska softball camethe out Husker senior Brandon Videtich and junior were defeated by Penn State’s Michael Reilly he win with Penn State’s Leonard Stakhovsky beating file photo | dn three-game series. Edwards is also the Big Tenin Conference leader with 15 freshman Vasileios Stavropoulos 6-1, 6-2. Ohio victorious a three-game sweep Bradford Zitsch,gymnastics 8-5. Singles play against The women’s team made it the to the Sup and Chris Young, 8-1. Singles play continued o games Boyer and 6-0, has 6-4, and PSU’s Roman Trkulja beat home runs so far this season a chance to break the school’s record State was able to defeat Nebraska in doubles. against the Ohio State Buckeyes. The Buckeyes had familiar results of 6-1, 6-2beating and Friday evening, the Huskers placed third6-3 with a to with Penn State’s Leonard Stakhovsky er Taylor freshman Vasileios Stavropoulos 6-1, 6-2. Ohio of 53 career home runs if she earns two more. Peter Kobelt and Ralf Steinbach defeating Huskers’ 14-1 lead on Friday ended with losses for several Huskers, asthe Herrmann was thefloor po second-highest total of season. Inbeat the Boyer 6-0, 6-4, and PSU’s Roman Trkulja r the State was able defeat Nebraska in doubles. Husker senior Brandon Videtich and junior theto run-rule, giving Nebraska the win only Nebraska player to6-1, win6-2. a match. a total combined score of 49.350. Following freshman Vasileios Stavropoulos Ohio the fl with 15 Peter Kobelt and Ralf Steinbach defeating Bradford Zitsch, 8-5. Singles play against the going into Saturday’s doubleheader. Saturday’s games included two games The last three eventsNebraska gave the Huskers team scor State was able to defeat in doubles. ’s record Husker Brandon Videtich juniorTaylor Buckeyes had familiar results of 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3 and two wins for the Huskers, bothsenior with scores of 8-0. Seniorand catcher events included seniors Emily Wong and Jamie Sc Peter Kobelt and Ralf Steinbach defeating Bradford 8-5. Singles play4 against losses for several Huskers, as Herrmann was the Edwards contributed going 4 for 7 Zitsch, with 2 home runs and RBI overthe the took sixth overall with Videtich her 9.90 score on her floor Husker senior Brandon and junior Buckeyes hadthe familiar results of 6-1, 6-2 andwith 6-3 15 only Nebraska player to win a match. three-game series. Edwards is also Big Ten Conference leader her career. Bradford Zitsch, 8-5. Singles play against the several Huskers,toasbreak Herrmann was the home runs so far this losses seasonfor and has a chance the school’s record Buckeyes had familiar results of 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3 only Nebraska player to win a match. of 53 career home runs if she earns two more. losses for several Huskers, as Herrmann was the
ONE 197.100
only Nebraska player to win a match. The No. 63 Nebraska The women’s gymnastics team made it to the Super Six in the NCAA Championships. men’s tennis team Friday evening, the Huskers placed third with a total score of 197.100, their took a hard hit when second-highest total of the season. In the floor portion of the competition, the team had it lost to both No. 22 a total combined score of 49.350. Following the floor portion were vault, bars andPenn beam. State and No. 1 Ohio State, winning only The Nebraska men’s golf team snatched a second-place The women’s gymnastics team made it to the Super Six in the NCAA Championships. The last three events gave the Huskers team scores of 49.200, 49.100 and a team-high of 49.450. Sunday’s NCAA individual one match in the two duals. In doubles, Husker victory at the Notre Dame Oak Hill Invitational, giving the Friday evening, the Huskers placed third with a total score of 197.100, their events included seniors Emily Wong and Jamie Schleppenbach, junior Jessie DeZiel and sophomore Blanske. Wong sophomores DustyHollie Boyer and Marc Herrmann their first top-5 finish of the year. With its team er Six in the NCAA Championships. Nebraska softball team came second-highest total of theThe season. In the floor portion of theout competition, thesixth teamoverall had Huskers took with her 9.90 score on her floor routine and earned first-team All-American honors for the second time inReilly were defeated by Penn State’s Michael al score of 197.100, their in a three-game a total combined score of victorious 49.350. Following the floor sweep portion were vault, her barscareer. and beam. score of 870, Nebraska shot 30-over par for the and Chris Young, 8-1. Singles play continued The women’s gymnastics team made it to the Super Six in the NCAA Championships. NotreofDame held off Nebraska only 4 strokes after the three rtion of the competition, the Ohio State Buckeyes. The The the last team three had events gaveagainst the Huskers team scores of 49.200, 49.100tournament. and a team-high 49.450. Sunday’s NCAAby individual with Penn State’s Leonard Stakhovsky beating Fridaywith evening, theofHuskers placed third a totalalso score of 197.100, their aand score 866. Four golfers forwith Nebraska ended up in the oor portion were vault, bars included and beam. Huskers’ onSchleppenbach, Friday ended with events seniors Emily Wong14-1 and lead Jamie juniorrounds, Jessie DeZiel sophomore Hollie Blanske. Wong Boyer second-highest total of the season. In the floor portion of the competition, the team had 6-0, 6-4, and PSU’s Roman Trkulja beat 10, with senior Matthonors Recordfor securing thirdtime placeinfinishing 3-over par in es of 49.200, 49.100 and team-high 49.450. Sunday’s run-rule, giving Nebraska theand winearned top tookasixth overallofwith herthe 9.90 scoreNCAA on herindividual floor routine first-team All-American the second freshman Vasileios Stavropoulos 6-1, 6-2. Ohio a total combined score of 49.350. Following the floor portion were vault, bars and beam. three rounds. Other Huskers in the top 10 for the tournament were juniors hleppenbach, junior Jessie DeZiel and sophomore Hollie Blanske. Wong going into Saturday’s her career.doubleheader. Saturday’s games included two games State was able to defeat Nebraska in doubles. The last three events gave the Huskers team scores of 49.200, 49.100 and a team-high of 49.450. Sunday’s NCAA individual Josh Reinerston, who finished fifth, Ross Dickson, who tied for seventh, routine and earned first-team for theofsecond time catcher inbarryTaylor and two wins for theAll-American Huskers, bothhonors with 8-0. Senior filescores photo by andrew | dn KobeltHollie and Ralf Steinbach events included seniors Wong and Jamie Schleppenbach, juniorLick, Jessie DeZiel andPeter sophomore Blanske. Wong defeating and Calvin Freeman, whoEmily tied for ninth. The Huskers travel to French Edwards contributed going 4 for 7 with 2 home runs and 4 RBI over the Husker honors senior Brandon Videtich took with score on her floor routine Nebraska’s and earned track first-team All-American the second timeand in junior Ind., onsixth May overall 2 for the Bigher Ten9.90 Championships. three-game series. Edwards is also the Big Ten Conference leader with 15 and field team traveled to for Bradford Zitsch, 8-5. Singles play against the her career. home runs so far this season and has a chance to break the school’s record Lawrence, Kan., and Walnut, Calif., had for two different Buckeyes familiar results of 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3 The Nebraska men’s golf team snatched a second-place of 53 career home runs if she earns two more. meets. Overall, the Huskers were to claim losses for able several Huskers, as Herrmann was the victory at the Notre Dame Oak Hill Invitational, giving the seven event titles during the duration ofNebraska the two player to win a match. only Huskers their first top-5 finish of the year. With itsNebraska’s team track and field team traveled to meets. In Lawrence, the women’s team was able score of 870, Nebraska shot 30-over par for the Lawrence, Kan., and Walnut, Calif., for two different to achieve three titles in throwing events, along cond-place Nebraska’s track andDame field team traveled to by only 4 strokes after themeets. tournament. Notre held off Nebraska three Overall, the Huskers were able to claim with wins in the 400-meter hurdles and 4x400 relay. In hecker addition,|the file photo by stacie dn l, giving the Lawrence, Kan., and Walnut, for twofor different rounds, with a score of 866.Calif., Four golfers Nebraska also ended up in the event titles during the duration of the two seven men’s 4x400 relay team achieved its season-best time of 3:09.79, Nebraska’s track and field team traveled to h its team meets. the Huskers were able to claim top 10,Overall, with senior Matt Record securing third place finishing 3-over meets. par in In Lawrence, the women’s team was able taking theKan., eventand title. At theCalif., California meet, Ukaoma placed second Lawrence, Walnut, for two different he seven titles during the duration of 10 the two three event rounds. Other Huskers in themen’s top for the tournament were juniors to achieve three titles in throwing events, along The Nebraska golf team snatched a second-place in 400 Overall, hurdles the for the Huskers with a to season best time of 49.76. meets. Huskers were able claim r the three meets. In Lawrence,who the finished women’s team was able Josh Reinerston, Ross Dickson, tied for seventh, with wins in the 400-meter hurdles and 4x400 relay. In addition, the victory at thefifth, Notre Dame Oak Hillwho Invitational, giving the Husker seniors Travis Englund and Patrick Raedler both had seven event titles during the duration of the two up in the toand achieve three titles inwho throwing events, along Calvin Freeman, tied ninth. The Huskers French Lick, 4x400 relay team achieved its season-best time of 3:09.79, men’s Huskers theirfor first top-5 finish of thetravel year.to With its team top-10Infinishes in the jump and long jump, meets. Lawrence, thehigh women’s team was ablerespectively. over par in wins with in the 400-meter hurdles and 4x400 relay. In addition, Ind., on May 2 for the Big of Ten Championships. At the California meet, Ukaoma placed second score 870, Nebraska shot 30-over par for the the taking the event title. The women’s gymnastics team made it to the Super Six in the NCAA Championships. to achieve three titles in throwing events, along re juniors men’s 4x400 Notre relay team its season-best of 3:09.79, 400 hurdles for the Huskers with a season best time of 49.76. tournament. Dameachieved held off Nebraska by onlytime 4 strokes after the in three Friday evening, the Huskers placed third with a totalwith score of 197.100, their wins in the 400-meter hurdles and 4x400 relay. In addition, the seventh, taking the event title.of At866. the Four California meet, Ukaoma also placed second seniors Travis Englund and Patrick Raedler both had rounds, with a score golfers for Nebraska ended up inHusker the second-highest total of the season. In the floor portion of the competition, the team had men’s 4x400 relay team achieved its season-best time of 3:09.79, ench Lick, in 400 hurdles for the Huskers with a season best time of 49.76. top-10 finishes in the high jump and long jump, respectively. top 10, with senior Matt Record securing third place finishing 3-over par in a total combined score of 49.350. Following the floor portion and beam. meet, Ukaoma placed second taking thewere eventvault, title. bars At the California Husker seniors Travis Englund and Patrick Raedler both had three rounds. Other Huskers in the top 10 for the tournament were juniors The last three events gave the Huskers team scoresinof400 49.200, 49.100 andHuskers a team-high 49.450.best Sunday’s NCAA individual hurdles for the with of a season time of 49.76. top-10 finishes in the jump fifth, and long respectively. Josh Reinerston, whohigh finished Rossjump, Dickson, who tied for seventh, events included seniors Emily Wong and Jamie Schleppenbach, junior Jessie DeZiel and Hollieboth Blanske. Husker seniors Travis Englund and sophomore Patrick Raedler had Wong and Calvin Freeman, who tied for ninth. The Huskers travel to French Lick, took sixth overall with her 9.90 score on her floor routine earned first-team All-American honors for the second time in top-10and finishes in the high jump and long jump, respectively. Ind., on May 2 for the Big Ten Championships. her career.
baseball: from 10
Nebraska’s track and field team traveled to Lawrence, Kan., and Walnut, Calif., for two different meets. Overall, the Huskers were able to claim seven event titles during the duration of the two meets. In Lawrence, the women’s team was able to achieve three titles in throwing events, along with wins in the 400-meter hurdles and 4x400 relay. In addition, the men’s 4x400 relay team achieved its season-best time of 3:09.79, taking the event title. At the California meet, Ukaoma placed second in 400 hurdles for the Huskers with a season best time of 49.76. Husker seniors Travis Englund and Patrick Raedler both had top-10 finishes in the high jump and long jump, respectively.
The Nebraska men’s golf team snatched a second-place victory at the Notre Dame Oak Hill Invitational, giving the Huskers their first top-5 finish of the year. With its team score of 870, Nebraska shot 30-over par for the tournament. Notre Dame held off Nebraska by only 4 strokes after the three rounds, with a score of 866. Four golfers for Nebraska also ended up in the top 10, with senior Matt Record securing third place finishing 3-over par in three rounds. Other Huskers in the top 10 for the tournament were juniors Josh Reinerston, who finished fifth, Ross Dickson, who tied for seventh, and Calvin Freeman, who tied for ninth. The Huskers travel to French Lick, Ind., on May 2 for the Big Ten Championships.
file photo by jake crandall | dn
The Huskers only have six more opponents before entering into post-season play. The team has a 26-16 overall, 8-4 Big Ten record as it goes into the weekend against Michigan.
credit | dn
Sophomore outside hitter Kadie Rolfzen and her Nebraska team will compete against the Creighton Blue Jays Saturday at 2 p.m. Rolfzen had a total of 11 kills in the game against Iowa State where the Huskers defeated the Cyclones 4-0 in the Hilton Coliseum. Rolfzen’s sister, Amber, contributed 10 digs to the game, the most of anyone on the team.
NU competes against in-state rival Nebraska prepares for sold-out away game against in-state rival Creighton Blue Jays on Saturday vanessa daves DN The Nebraska volleyball team will compete in its second spring match on Saturday at 2 p.m. in Wayne, Neb., against Creighton. In the already sold-out match, 50 percent of the proceeds will go toward the reconstruction of the Wayne Summer Sports Complex that was destroyed by a tornado last fall. “Part of our mission here at Nebraska with our student athletes is the life skills program and giving back, and this is a great way for us to give back,” Nebraska coach John Cook said. After the Huskers won their first spring match against Iowa State on Saturday, Cook said he
felt optimistic about their next well. “Everybody in the Big Ten match. The last time Nebraska competed against Creighton, in (Conference) is studying her,” Cook said. “I just a spring match in want her to see her2013, the Bluejays They’re self as a point-scorwon. showing er for us and someSophomore body that’s the Amber Rolfzen glimpses of doing most intimidating said their upcomright-side blocker ing match is about great.” in the country.” more than revenge. This spring, “I think it’s a Cook said he’s been great opportunity John cook working on more for people in Nevolleyball coach kills, and that’s braska who don’t what the team fonecessarily get to come to our regular-season cused on this week in practice. “They’re showing glimpses of games to get to experience what a Nebraska game is like,” Rolfzen doing great, so it will be exciting said. “They’ll get to see what all to play Saturday and see how we do against a very good defensive the talk is about.” This weekend, Rolfzen will be team in Creighton,” Cook said. On Saturday in Ames, Iowa, playing on the right side, though she mostly played the left side in the Nebraska volleyball team high school. Rolfzen said it comes defeated Iowa State 4-0 (27-25, more naturally for her, despite 25-21, 25-22, 25-22) in the Hilton the fact that most other volleyball Coliseum. Nebraska was led by sophoplayers feel that it’s harder playmore Kadie Rolfzen, who coning from that side. Cook said Rolfzen is a natural tributed a total of 11 kills. Amber when it comes to playing. Though Rolfzen, junior Kelsey Fien, senior Mary Pollmiller and sophoshe’s had to make some adjustments, he said she’s been doing more Melanie Keil added 7 kills
as well. Pollmiller also added 38 assists and 8 digs. Amber Rolfzen also had 10 digs, the most of anyone on the team. Kiel helped by adding 4.5 blocks. As a team, Nebraska hit .218 for the match and had 6 aces as well as 15 blocks, while Iowa State had a .147 attacking percentage and 2 blocks. Both Nebraska and Iowa State posted 51 digs. “They all had really good moments, and they all had first match moments,” Cook said. “I think we’ll all be a lot better in our next match, and we’ll continue to play better and have a different lineup.” Cook said he plans to continue to move the athletes around in different positions and play with the lineup, “giving everybody a chance to play.” As they head into the weekend, Cook said he’s pleased with the team. “They have all the excuses in the world and I haven’t heard one, and they’re busting their butts,” Cook said. “I love where this team’s at and how hard they’re going.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com
pitchers for the Huskers, with a 1.85. He has only given up 4 doubles all season. Szkutnik will be going for his first win of the season on Saturday. He allows opponents to smack the ball around when he’s on the mound, as opposing hitters are batting .301 percent against him. His ERA reflects this also, as it sits at 3.88. But leads the Wolverines in strikeouts with 41. In the third game, the visiting Huskers will hand the ball to junior Aaron Bummer (4-2), and the Wolverines will turn to redshirt senior Logan McAnallen (2-3). For right-handed Bummer this start will be his chance at redemption. Against Northwestern, Bum-
mer gave up 11 hits and 8 runs in 3.2 innings pitched. Opponents have been hitting .318 percent when Bummer takes the mound. The Wolverines will finish the series with their third consecutive left-hander starting on the bump in McAnallen. He sports the best ERA on the squad with 3.09 in 43.2 innings he has thrown this season. This game will be his seventh start on the year. He has allowed 15 earned runs in his outings this year. After the weekend series, the Huskers will take on Creighton and Nebraska-Omaha on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Sports@ dailynebraskan.com
track & Field: from 10 We’ve got the most injuries I can remember with our men’s team.” Gary Pepin
track and field coach
and junior sprinter John Welk have been dealing with back injuries, junior London Hawk has a broken arm and senior Miles Ukaoma has a foot injury.. Sophomore hurdler Oladapo Akinmoladun has been fighting mono. And that’s just on the men’s side. Pepin said junior Marusa Cernjul and senior Anna Weigandt have been dealing with foot injuries as well. So it’s been a rough go for the Huskers. Because of this, some names that have been buried in the roster’s depth chart have gotten the chance to perform in the limelight. Sophomore hurdler Sean Pille is one of them. He’s stepped up on the track in Akinmoladun’s absence. He finished second behind senior teammate Tibor Koroknai in Wednesday’s 110-meter hurdle race, finishing in a personal-best time of 14.03.
Pepin said those who have been racing or competing in these athletes’ places haven’t really stood out but not because they’ve been bad. “I don’t know if there’s been anybody that’s a gigantic surprise,” Pepin said. “The people that were supposed to do well that were behind those people for the most part have done pretty well.” While the Huskers may be dealing with a slew of injuries right now and through this weekend’s slate of meets, the hope is they’ll all be healthy by next week’s Musco Twilight, in Iowa City, Iowa, or eventually the 2014 Big Ten Outdoor Championships in West Lafeytteville, Ind. The Triton Invitational begins Friday at noon, and the Drake Relays resume competition on Friday at 8 a.m. sports@ dailynebraskan.com
friday, april 25, 2014
softball Big ten homeroom 1. Michigan (37-80, 15-2 Big Ten)
The Wolverines retained the No. 1 spot in this week’s Big Ten rankings and haven’t dropped from that top spot yet this year. The Wolverines were in West Lafayette Wednesday for a double-header against the Purdue Boilermakers. The Boilermakers handed the Wolverines their second conference loss of the year in the first game of that double-header. Michigan came back to beat Purdue in the second game 11-0. The Wolverines continue their road trip Friday in Champaign, Ill., against the Fighting Illini.
2. Nebraska (33-13-0, 11-4 Big Ten)
The Huskers have won their last seven games and improved two spots in this week’s Big Ten standings. Wednesday the squad was scheduled to start a sixgame road trip, but their game against the Creighton Bluejays was canceled because of rain. The Huskers have been getting it done both on offense and defense as they rank in the top five in batting average, ERA and fielding percentage in the Big Ten. The Huskers are scheduled to play Michigan State Friday in East Lancing, Mich.
3. Purdue (25-22-1, 12-4 Big Ten)
5. Northwestern (29-11-0, 11-6 Big Ten)
The Wildcats were sixth in the Big Ten last week but were propelled to fifth this week as they’re riding a six-game win streak. Northwestern has been getting it done at the plate this year as they hold the Big Ten’s second best batting average at .331. The Wildcats pitching staff has been hot during their win streak, including a one-hit performance from freshman Nicole Bond Tuesday. The Wildcats begin their last Big Ten road trip Friday at Ohio State.
6. Wisconsin (27-15-0, 9-5 Big Ten)
The Badgers extended their win-streak to 10 with a win against Penn State Saturday. Wisconsin still ranks sixth in the Big Ten even though four of its past 10 wins have come against non-conference opponents: North Dakota and Green Bay. The Badgers’ recent success has come in part thanks to the performance of senior Michelle Mueller who won National Player of the Week April 15. Wisconsin is back in action Friday in Madison where they look to extend their winning streak against Purdue.
7. Ohio State (22-23-0, 8-9 Big Ten)
The Boilermakers remained in third place in the Big Ten this week after going three and two at home last week. Purdue has been getting it done at the plate ranking third in the Big Ten in batting average at .307. The Boilermakers are also looking good on the mound with the Big Ten’s fourth-best ERA at 2.77. Purdue begins a three-game road trip in Madison, Wis., against the Badgers, and then ends the regular season against Minnesota.
The Buckeyes bounced back from a three-game Husker sweep in Lincoln to win two in a double-header against Penn State. Ohio State has struggled to find any sort of consistency this season as its highest winning streak this season is three. Defense has been a struggle for the Buckeyes as they rank No. 9 in the Big Ten in ERA and No. 10 in fielding percentage. The Buckeyes look to extend their win streak with a home series starting Friday against the Northwestern Wildcats.
4. Minnesota (338-0, 11-5 Big Ten)
8. Iowa (13-25-1, 6-11 Big Ten)
Michigan dropped two spots in the Big Ten rankings this week after losing two of three in Ann Arbor, Mich., to Minnesota. The Gophers started the season 22-3, but cooled off once Big Ten play started already dropping two more games than they did the whole non-conference season. Minnesota boasts the second-best ERA in the Big Ten at 1.93. The Golden Gophers begin a three-game homestand Friday against the Penn State Nittany Lions.
The Hawkeyes improved from ninth in the standings last week after going 3-2 in Big Ten play this week. Iowa traveled to Ames, Iowa Wednesday where they tied in-state rival Iowa State. Is there no justice? Jokes aside, the Hawkeyes have struggled to get anything going this year as they rank in the bottom two of the Big Ten in both batting average and fielding percentage. Iowa travels to Bloomington, Ind., Friday for a three-game road trip against the Hoosiers.
9. Penn State (14-28-0, 5-12 Big Ten)
The Nittany Lions dropped a spot in the standings this week after losing five straight to conference opponents Wisconsin and Ohio State. Penn State was outscored 21-6 in those five games as they continue to struggle at the plate with a .255 team batting average, No. 9 in the Big Ten. The Nittany Lions travel to Minneapolis Friday for a three-game road trip vs. Minnesota before returning home April 30 for their last five games of the season.
10. Indiana (14-33-1, 4-13 Big Ten)
The Hoosiers headline a bottom three of the Big Ten that have just 11 combined conference wins on the season, four fewer than league leader Michigan. Indiana is in the Big Ten’s bottom three in batting average, ERA and fielding percentage. The Hoosiers dropped three straight to Northwestern last week in Evanston, Ill., as they have struggled on the road all year with a 2-12 record. The Hoosiers return to action Friday with a three-game homestand against the Iowa Hawkeyes.
11. Michigan State (12-30-0, 4-13 Big Ten)
The Spartans won two of three in Iowa City, Iowa, last week to improve one spot in this week’s standings. Michigan State’s woes continue at the plate as they hold a league-worst .226 batting average. Not a single player on the Spartan roster is batting more than .300 this year with their best being freshman Sarah Gutknecht at .280. The run support is needed if they look to improve as opponents are hitting .318 against the Spartan squad.
12. Illinois (19-23-0, 3-14)
After an 8-0 start to the season, the Fighting Illini continue to struggle in Big Ten play dropping nine of their last 10 games. Illinois has struggled on defense as of late allowing 7 runs per game in its last five games. The offense has struggled in its last five as well scoring just one run per game. The Fighting Illini start the final stretch of the season Friday against Michigan.
—compiled by riley bowden sports@ dailynebraskan.com
men’s basketball
Georgetown grad pursues career at NU Georgetown grad Moses Ayegba committed to Husker basketball team for 2014-15 season Staff Report DN
file photo by matt masin | dn
Sophomore women’s golfer Cassie Deeg (above) leads the Husker team in stroke average with a 75.57; she used to rank third on the team at the beginning of the season. Teammate senior Katelyn Wright sits just behind her with a 75.64 as the Huskers prepare for the Big Ten Championships this weekend. Wright will be playing as the No. 1 player in the competition.
Huskers travel to B10 champs Brett Nierengarten DN The Husker women’s golf team left Wednesday for the Big Ten Conference Championships, which begins Friday morning at 8 a.m. The tournament is being held at the 6,017-yard Ross Course at the French Lick Resort in French Lick, Ind. The Big Ten tournament features a stout field with 10 teams ranked in the NCAA top 100 with the Huskers at 77th, which is ninth of the Big Ten teams. The highestranked teams in the conference are Northwestern and Michigan State who come in at No. 19 and No. 25, respectively. The Husker lineup includes seniors Katelyn Wright and Steffi Neisen; sophomores Cassie Deeg, Cassidy Stelzmiller, and Morgan Smejkal; and freshman Jordan Chael.
Although Wright will be playing as the No. 1 player this weekend, Deeg has been the steadiest player in the Husker lineup this spring as she leads the team in stroke average at 75.57, up from third on the team in the fall. Wright is not far behind averaging 75.64 shots a round. Deeg said she feels added pressure knowing how important she’s become to the team this spring. “There’s definitely a little bit of pressure, but I know I’ll be able to go out there and hopefully shoot some good numbers for my team,” she said. The Huskers have struggled in the month of April since winning the Mountain View Collegiate on March 29. They finished 13 out of 16 in the Dallas Athletic Club Invitational and tied for eighth out of 12 teams in the Ohio State Invitational in their only two tourna-
ments since the win. Coach Robin Krapfl attributes the team’s struggles to her team pressing and trying to do too much in tournaments instead of staying true to the practice rounds, she said. “They want so badly to win the tournament, or beat some of those teams, that they feel like they can that they try too hard to do it instead of just going out and playing, and when you do that your scores usually aren’t what you want,” Krapfl said of her team’s first round performance in Columbus, Ohio. The team had a short week of practice because it got back from Columbus on Sunday and had to turn around and leave for Indiana on Wednesday. Both Krapfl and Deeg said Monday the team’s play around the greens would be a point of emphasis in its two days of practice leading up to this week-
end’s tournament. “Our short game’s been killing us, so we’re just going to spend all the time we have working on different aspects of the short game,” Krapfl said. Deeg said her game is the main thing she’ll be working on, just like the rest of the team. “Tee to green we’re all pretty much the same, we just need to work around the greens and on our putting,” Deeg said. Last year, Northwestern and Purdue shared the crown as the Huskers finished 11th, but for this year’s more talented team the mindset is different, the coach said. “Obviously, we want to win,” Krapfl said. “But I think it’s more important we go out there and play loose and relaxed and confident.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com
The Nebraska men’s basketball team is getting a new member from the East Coast – Georgetown University to be specific. Moses Ayegba is getting his degree in economics from Georgetown this spring, and then he’s headed to Lincoln for the 2014-15 season. Nebraska coach Tim Miles is excited to have him on the team, he said, because he provides some experience as a veteran player. “When building the defense from the inside out, you are looking for a player who can
protect the rim and be an anchor, and we think Moses can do that for us,” Miles said. The 6-foot-9 forward will be the third-tallest player on the team; he’s just one inch behind sophomore forward Walter Pitchford. Ayegba made 56 percent of his shots in his four years as a Bulldog while making 1.9 points and 2.8 rebounds per game. Ayegba’s strength was in blocks during his time at Georgetown. He had 23 blocked shots in one season, the second highest on the team. He also averaged 13.1 minutes per game. Although he struggled with a knee injury his sophomore season, he came back to help claim the Big East regular-season title and reach the NCAA tournament. Ayegba has had some experience with the Husker staff. He worked with Nebraska assistant coach Kenta Hunter for three years as a Bulldog. sports@ dailynebraskan.com
softball: from 10 bined to go 1-for-7 at the plate with one walk and two runs scored and Fowler was 3-for-7 with a homer and four RBIs. This season, the Spartans are batting .226 as a team and averaging 3 runs per game. MSU has the lowest batting average and hitting percentage in the Big Ten and has scored the secondfewest runs. Sarah Gutknecht is the Spartans’ leading hitter, batting .279 averages. Gutknecht also leads Michigan State with 34 hits, nine doubles, six homers and 24 RBIs. Lindsey Besson is batting .278 this spring with one triple and nine RBIs, and she leads the Spartans with a .324 average in conference play. Stephanie Sanders is hitting .261 with 17 RBIs, while Kassidy Kujawa owns a .272 average with six doubles, three homers
and 16 walks. Alyssa McBride has drawn a team-high 17 walks this season, including 10 free passes in Big Ten play. The Huskers’ batting average is .393 as a team, and they’re averaging 9.4 runs per game. The softball team has seven players who are hitting .400 or higher. Junior Kylee Muir (.526) and freshman Kat Woolman (.500) are each batting at least .500. During the seven-game winning streak, senior Tatum Edwards has hit five home runs and 18 RBIs. Taylor Edwards has hit four home runs. After their three-game series beginning on Friday, the Huskers will continue on to Wisconsin for a doubleheader that will be on Wednesday. sports@ dailynebraskan.com
friday, april 25, 2014 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports
Senior right-handed pitcher Christian DeLeon is a probable starter for the weekend series against the Michigan Wolverines. DeLeon has a 4-2 record and a 2.52 ERA.
BOUNCE BACK Huskers look to put 1-2 series against Northwestern Wildcats behind them as they go into 3-game away series against Michigan Wolverines.
he Nebraska baseball team will venture to Ann Arbor, Mich., during the weekend for a three-game series against the Michigan Wolverines (18-22-1 Overall, 8-7 Big Ten Conference). With only 12 conference games remaining, both teams will be looking to bolster their records before post-season play. The Huskers (26-16, 8-4) didn’t play a midweek game this week for the first time since the Aramark 2014 Pac-12/Big Ten Challenge and the following weekend series against The Citadel in late February. The Huskers’ last time out came against Northwestern. The last-place Wildcats scrounged up two of the three games against the Huskers. The contests that the Wildcats won were pitching duels despite Northwestern having the second-worst pitching staff in the conference. All three games came down to just a run. Nebraska will look to put last weekend behind them as they take on Michigan. The Wolverines are coming off a midweek 7-4 loss to Bowling Green State.
Michigan gave up 3 runs after the seventh inning, which led to the loss for the squad. In this weekend’s games, the fourth-best pitching staff in the Big Ten, the Wolverines, will be taking on the best offense in the conference. The Huskers hit .302 percent as a team, while the Wolverines’ team ERA is at 3.52. The probable starters for Friday’s game will be senior right-hander Christian DeLeon (4-2) for Nebraska, and Michigan will send out sophomore lefty Evan Hill (2-4). DeLeon will be looking to keep his streak alive. He has thrown 9 innings in his past three starts. In his last start he didn’t earn a win as the Huskers lost in the 12th inning. Hill holds the second-best ERA on the Wolverines pitching staff with a 3.49. He keeps opposing hitters guessing, as he has only allowed opponents to hit for a .259 percent batting average. Saturday’s starters should be juniors Chance Sinclair (5-1) for Nebraska and lefthander Trent Szkutnik (0-5) for Michigan. Sinclair claims the best ERA of starting
baseball: see page 8
After 11 event wins, Huskers turn to Triton Mike Shoro DN
file photo by andrew barry | dn
Senior catcher Taylor Edwards averages a .386, the highest on the team, as the Huskers go into a three-game series against Michigan State and then a doubleheader against Wisconsin.
NU uses extra time to prepare for Spartans After cancelled Creighton game, NU feels ready for 5 away games against Spartans, Badgers Staff DN After the game against Creighton was rained out on Wednesday, the Husker softball team had some extra time to get ready for this weekend. The women’s softball team will travel to Michigan State for a three-game series with the
Spartans. After playing the Spartans, the Huskers will travel to Wisconsin for a doubleheader on Wednesday. If the road trip this weekend goes in favor of Nebraska, the team will have a shot at securing a bye at the Big Ten Tournament. As of this weekend, the Huskers are in second place in the Big Ten Conference standings with an 11-4 league record. On the road, the Huskers are 12-3 this season. During the last five games, all of which were conference games, the Huskers have outscored their opponents 57-2. The Spartans are 12-30 coming off of a loss to Central Michigan last Wednesday. They’re ranked No. 10 in the Big Ten standings. The Huskers lead the all-time
series with Michigan State, 4-0. This will be Nebraska’s first trip to Michigan State this spring. They have never played a game in Michigan prior to this weekend. Nebraska Coach Rhonda Revelle is 4-0 in her career against Michigan State. The last time the Huskers took on the Spartans in 2012, senior pitcher Tatum Edwards fired a five-hit shutout with six strikeouts and only one walk in the nightcap, before Game 3 was rained out. Tatum and Taylor Edwards and junior infielder Mattie Fowler are the only players who played against Michigan State in 2012. The Edwards twins com-
softball: see page 9
For some college students, the weekend begins Thursday. For the Nebraska track and field team, the weekend begins Wednesday – at least it did this week. The Huskers started off their busy weekend with the Pre-Drake Relays at home on Wednesday. They’ve since split and traveled two meets; the Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa, and the Triton Invitational, in San Diego. The Huskers won 11 event titles in their second of three home outdoor meets of the season. An athlete who’s had quite the outdoor campaign once again headlined NU’s success at the meet. Junior Ellie Ewere hadn’t lost an outdoor triple-jump event going into the meet on Wednesday, and she went out with her streak intact, winning the women’s triple jump with a personal-best jump of 43-2 1/2 feet. The jump leads the Big Ten Conference and is the sixth-longest jump in the NCAA this season. After the Pre-Drake Relays, Nebraska turns its attention to the next part of its busy weekend, with the meet it’s partially named after and the Triton Invitational. The Drake Relays began on Thursday and will continue through Saturday, and the Triton Invitational will begin Friday and conclude on Saturday. The No. 14 men’s team and the unranked women’s team will compete against some tough competition in Des Moines, including teams such as the No. 4 Arkansas men’s team and the No. 9 Arkansas women’s team, the No. 5 Georgia men’s team and the No. 6 Georgia women’s team, the Baylor men’s and women’s teams, which are both ranked in the top 18, and Big Ten opponents such as Iowa, Purdue, Minnesota and Illinois. The same could be said for the Triton Invitational, as Nebraska will face tough competition such as the No. 14 San Diego
file photo by jennifer gotrik | dn
Junior jumper Ellie Ewere won the women’s triple jump with a personal best distance of 43-2 1/2 feet on Wednesday. The jump is the longest in the Big Ten Conference. State women’s team, the No. 16 UCLA men’s and No. 13 UCLA women’s team, the No. 20 Arizona men’s team, the No. 23 Missouri women’s team and the No. 12 USC men’s team. The Huskers have dealt with a large rash of injuries lately, forcing some of the Huskers’ bigger names to sit out or limit their
practices. “We’ve got the most injuries I can remember with our men’s team,” Nebraska coach Gary Pepin said. “We’ve really been hit hard here with injuries.” Junior Ricco Hall has a foot injury, senior Patrick Raedler
track & field: see page 8