DN August 25th

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UNL Mainstage and student-directed Theatrix reveal fall semester’s shows, from comedies to the experimental . PAGE 5 THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011



City bans new Band keeps tradition during change strip clubs in Haymarket RILEY JOHNSON DAILY NEBRASKAN


According to the Lincoln City Council, the downtown area has had its fill of strip clubs. The council voted 6-1 Monday to ban any new strip clubs from joining the two that already call downtown home. “I agree that the downtown is redeveloping itself,” said Council Chair Eugene Carroll, explaining his affirmative vote. “Downtown’s become more of a family experience.” But some University of Nebraska-Lincoln students and former students think it’s a step too far to ban new strip clubs in parts of Lincoln. Courtney Nore, a UNL alumna and barista at The Coffee House, agreed. “I don’t think they have any right to ban anything like that,” she said. Jay Seiffert, a junior business major at UNL, said even though it doesn’t have any impact on him personally, he doesn’t think it would be right to ban the clubs. Nore was also skeptical of using the ban to help the downtown’s business redevelopment. “There’s like a billion bars a block away,” she said. That hasn’t escaped the notice of Carroll and the council, either. “The bars are having a tough time competing with each other because there’s so many,” Carroll said. The same Planning Committee that formulated the strip club ban will look at similar action to address the

“bar after bar after bar” on O Street in the next few months. City Councilman Doug Emery, who cast the lone dissenting vote, said he was concerned about the precedent this sets. “This time we don’t want to have strip clubs,” he said. With possible bar regulation in the works, he said, “What is it the next time?” The new ban on upstart strip clubs is an extension of an old one, which covered downtown between 17th and 27th Streets, and was first proposed when the Viper Room Gentlemen’s Club in southwest Lincoln planned to move downtown. Those plans were abandoned long before Monday’s vote, which extends the ban to Seventh Street to include the Haymarket area. “We want businesses to build and invest in that area,” Carroll said, and the area “really does not need that type” of business. Jan Deeds, director of the Women’s Center at UNL, agreed that downtown tenants can have an impact on their immediate environment, adding that her feelings as a member of the American Civil Liberties Union were mixed. “But I also know, as a person who works with victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment, climate is very important,” Deeds said. “If I walk past a church or a group of men doing a civic project, I’m less likely to be hooted at.”


Colleen White didn’t find her name on the final Cornhusker Marching Band roster posted at the University of NebraskaLincoln’s Westbrook Hall Aug. 14. Disappointed and in tears, White gave back her lock and turned over her childhood dream of taking the field for the 290-piece band. Two days later, the freshman business administration major’s phone rang just before her sorority recruitment group entered another house. Her fellow recruits looked on as she began to jump up and down screaming. A trombone player had dropped out, a band official told her. She was No. 291 and was offered a spot in the band. She called her dad and told him to run her tenor saxophone up to Westbrook from their Lincoln home, and she rejoined her bandmates, who hugged and cheered her welcome. “Having something taken away from you and getting it back, it means so much more,” White said. White said she feels lucky to be a part of the band in its inaugural Big Ten season. Like White, band directors and staff said the group is excited to travel to new places and ready to make a good first impression. Tony Falcone, director of the Cornhusker Marching Band said band members will play in new stadiums, stay at new hotels and find new places to eat. But the move doesn’t mean a change in style, only a change in direction. “From our standpoint, it’s really only new opponents and new destinations,” Falcone said. With the move, the amount of money the athletic department gave to the band for travel and student aid increased. Nebraska Athletics budgeted $375,000 for band travel and band scholarships for the 2011-2012 fiscal


The UNL marching band practices songs early in the morning inside Memorial Stadium on Tuesday. year. That’s a 23 percent inNEW STOPS, SAME POP crease from the 2010-2011 fiscal year’s $305,000 budget. The inaugural Big Ten season for the Cornhusker Marching Formerly known as the Big Band doesn’t mean a style change but change in road-trip Ten Network, BTN is broaddestinations. A 50-member pep band will head to the casting the games ABC Sports is University of Wyoming, University of Wisconsin and not. Falcone said the marching University of Minnesota games. Ann Arbor, Mich. rounds band knew eight of the 12 footout the band’s Big Ten tour when the Huskers play the ball game-start times. The Big University of Michigan Nov. 19. 12 only had two or three games announced ahead of time, he said, making Rose Johnson’s Minneapolis, MN job of planning the band’s 434 miles meals and stay more difficult. Madison, WI Oct. 22 Johnson, the band’s admin497 miles istrative technician for the past Oct. 1 Laramie, WY 33 years, coordinates the trips, 490 miles designs and maintains the uniSept. 24 forms, works on the website and runs errands for the band department in between her othAnn Arbor, MI Pep Band er jobs. 749 miles Full Band In the past, Johnson had Nov. 19 needed to call hotels, arrange food plans and bus companies. BEA HUFF | DAILY NEBRASKAN In the 1980s, Johnson called 100 hotels in Dade County, Fla., book the hotel and a busi- arranged a meal for the band to prior to the Huskers’ Orange ness man in South Bend, Ind., helps coordinate food. JohnBowl appearance in Miami. BAND: Now, a band alumnus helps son boasted about the food fixer’s skills, saying she once SEE PAGE 2

College brings hidden costs New campaign College is a time to further one’s education, but it’s also a time to create a new life away from parents, find new friends and have a place to call home. But it doesn’t come cheap. With tuition increases, in-state University of Nebraska-Lincoln freshmen students and their parents find themselves needing to pay at least $65,000 during the next four years, not including the cost of books and many other expenses. For out-of-state students, the cost of a four-year education for a freshman beginning this year at UNL will be more than $114,000. Many costs of higher education are not shown on college websites, but still affect overall budgets in a big way. On top of tuition, students have to pay for textbooks, laundry, parking permits, health insurance, laptop computers and accessories. “I paid around $500 for my textbooks and that’s really high, considering I’m only taking five classes,” said Mallory Carnley, a freshman elementary education major. Depending on the book, the price tag on a single class’

texts can range from fewer than $20 to more than $100. Nicholas Rahn, a sophomore business administration major, paid about $650 for his textbooks. “I have a lot of business and math books,” Rahn said. “It’s a little overpriced, but I don’t really have any other option and I use them when I can.” Another problem many students face is paying the new expenses that accompany living away from home, like laundry. At home, washing clothes doesn’t usually require inserting a laundry card into a machine. Prices of washing and drying clothes on-campus or at a laundromat vary. Rahn, who lives off-campus, said he pays about $2 per load of laundry. It’s similarly priced in the dorms. But paying for each load is not the only payment that comes with laundry duty. Buying detergent and dryer sheets is another expense to add. Laundry can be the least of a student’s worries. An outof-state student may choose to bring a car to campus to make trips home over breaks. Parking permits are needed to park anywhere on campus, leaving students to pay at least $378 for a nine-month permit.




2011-2012 ESTIMATED COST OF COLLEGE In-state student: · Tuition and fees: $7,648 · Room and board: $8,648 · Health insurance: $1,550 · Textbooks: $1,000 · Resident/Commuter parking permit: $378 · Football season tickets: $147 A garage parking permit for the same amount of time is $459. Rahn said he was able to pay for his permit out of grant funds but couldn’t believe the price. “It is outrageous,” Rahn said. “I think it went up from last year and I was very surprised about it. I paid $378 for a commuter lot.” Carnley chose not to bring a car to campus because of the price. Health insurance is a must and, on campus, the University Health Center offers a student plan. The cost for the 2011-2012 school year is $1,550, according to Bev Heiserman, the UNL medical insurance contact. The UHC insurance covers

· Laundry (2 loads per week): $320 · Laptop computer and accessories: $1,500 · Grand total: $21,191

plans to reward student morality CONOR DUNN

Out-of-state student: · Tuition and fees: $19,932 · Grand total: $33,475


medical, dental and pharmaceutical expenses, and deductibles and co-insurance expenses are waived. “Approximately 15 percent of the students on campus have the insurance,” Heiserman said. “Other students are usually covered by their own policies or they are still under their parents’ policy.” Many students are also paying fees for areas on campus they do not utilize or even know about. “There are fees that come up, like library fees or rec fees, that I didn’t know about last year and don’t really use,”


Big Red Welcome not only outfitted University of Nebraska-Lincoln students with enough free pens to last the semester, but it also marked the launch of a campus-wide initiative to encourage students to show off. The “Show Your Red” campaign, which asks students to mirror six traits that embody integrity, launched at the Freshmen Convocation on Aug. 19. Lane Carr, president of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, announced the campaign and gave examples of students who “showed their red.” An inspirational speech by Tom Osborne, NU’s athletic director, on what symbolizes character at UNL complemented Carr’s explanation of the new program. “I think that Osborne’s




ACE misses the mark

Off the beaten path

Full of potential




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presence and speech on an individual’s character fed in to the campaign,” Carr said. “People respect him, thus they also respect the values he hopes all students would follow.” The idea for the “Show Your Red” campaign was dreamt up by Juan Franco, vice chancellor of Student Affairs, and developed on the basis that students should be recognized for the good they’re doing as opposed to the bad. “We are so quick to criticize here on campus,” Franco said. “We need to begin noticing that this generation of students is a very giving generation, and should be recognized for their integrity.” Although the idea originally surfaced in spring 2009, it took years for Student Affairs to figure out just exactly what a








S T O R I E S B Y K AT I E N E L S O N | A R T B Y N E I L O R I A N S


hile the Theatrix program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln looks to explore concepts, like loss of identity and violence this season, the UNL Mainstage aims to depict the brighter side of life. Or, at least, hopes to deliver less-depressing endings. This season all four shows on the UNL Mainstage will be comedies. “These were scripts that directors were really interested in producing,” said Julie Hagemeier, the general manager of the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film. “We’ve been doing a lot of tragedies lately, so this will be a way to mix it up.” Shows are chosen each year by a committee of faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate student representatives. This fall, Eric Cobles’ “Bright Ideas” will run Oct. 6-15, and Oscar Wilde’s “Lady Windermere’s Fan” will take the stage Nov. 10-19. Spring will see Ken Ludwig’s “The Three Musketeers” open Feb. 23, and the season will finish with John Bishop’s “Musical Comedy Murders of 1940” April 12-21. Each of the shows will be directed by professors within the college, unlike the Theatrix program, which allows students to propose and direct shows. “Mainstage productions in the University Theatre are directed by faculty



hile the Lied Center for Performing Arts is bringing in world-renowned acts just across the street, the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film is working with local actors to transform theater’s future. Theatrix is a program allowing students to get a hands-on experience in all areas of theater, giving them the opportunity to work as equals with professors and professionals within the Johnny Carson School of Theatre

and Film. All shows are proposed and directed by students. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Theatrix program begins this season under the new artistic direction of Joshua Waterstone. Waterstone will spend the next three years directing the Theatrix program as he completes his Masters of Fine Arts. But Waterstone has more than just the elements of theater on his mind. A walk through the Nebraska State

Lincoln Irish Dancers discover roots, music

Capitol building, admiring the various artwork inspired him to incorporate the elements of fire, water and earth into each of the shows. “I think this is something that Theatrix hasn’t done before, having themes planned,” Waterstone said. “The idea is that it is a metaphor for the year to inspire the actors, to inspire the directors.” This fall marks the beginning of the year of fire. And under the direction of Jordan Deffenbaugh, a senior theater

performance, directing and stage management major and Jake Denney, a senior of the same major, it is sure to be hot. The season begins with Deffenbaugh’s project, “Killer Joe,” written by playwright Tracy Letts. “Killer Joe” is a cutting-edge script examining the influence of television in


Connect with performing arts for cultural experience A FINER ART


Imagine walking into a Céilí Irish dance festival in Ireland. Céilí is a social dance done by the Irish at elaborate parties. Elderly people barely able to shuffle their feet inside the door suddenly come alive at the sound of an Irish folk tune and they soon begin dancing; their faces reflecting the lively smiles of their youth. Some dancers swirl about in expensive traditional costumes and some dance in homemade garb. The entire room brims with Irish pride and culture. When Lori McAlister traveled to Ireland for a Céilí festival with 14 other Lincoln Irish Dancers, she experienced the world of Irish dance and reconnect with her heritage. The Lincoln Irish Dancers begin their fall Céilí classes on Sept. 19 at Lincoln’s First United Methodist Church. They will host guest instructor Marty Dowds, who will teach the Céilí classes. Dowds, a river dancer from Ireland, will also host classes in his studio, Club Kicks, which begin Aug. 28 at 1 p.m. for beginners and at 2 p.m. for experienced dancers. There is a $50 registration fee for Dowds’ class in addition to a monthly fee. The Lincoln Irish Dancers are a nonprofit organization, so class costs range from $5$10 a session with registration fees. Although many people in the United States grow up with rich Irish culture, McAlister, an active dancer



of the Lincoln Irish Dancers, didn’t connect with her ethnic roots until adulthood. “My family was not interested in our culture; to them they were just Americans and had no emotional connection,” McAllister said. “When I became an adult and started a family I wanted my family to have that cultural connection.” Though her background dates back further, when her family moved to Beatrice, Neb., from Tennessee, she stumbled upon the Lincoln Irish Dancers at a festival. McAlister then began making the commute from Beatrice to Lincoln to take classes with the Lincoln

Irish Dancers. Soon her entire family became involved with the group, including her daughter, Maddie McAlister, who is now a freshman at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Dancing was something I discovered by accident, but it has been an incredible part of my life that has helped me reconnect with who I am,” McAlister said. Judy Montgomery is currently the secretary of the Lincoln Irish dancers and has been dancing for 14 years. She has also taught beginners classes. “I started dancing a year


Neihardt has to be the most social dorm on campus, what with a snack shack in the basement, weekly Bathtub Dog practices and, of course, the Blue T.V. Lounge. But as I happened to pass through the lounge one hallowed Thursday night, I was greeted by the sight of Oompa Loompas. A closer look corrected my misunderstanding: I was staring at the cast of “Jersey Shore.” Something about the combination of smart people watching stupid television really frosted my cookies. “Jersey Shore.” “The Bachelorette.” You name it, I probably won’t know it, as I usually tend to force myself to forget the names of these things. I’m talking to anyone and everyone. Shame on you. But the longer I thought about it, the angrier, sadder and all-around more concerned for our nation’s youth I became. I do not understand the obsession people have with trash TV. I’m not saying all television is bad (I always love a good episode of “Law and Order: SVU”) but I’m saying this encouragement, nay, this pressure to keep up with Kardashians or watch overtanned girls run around causing drama needs to stop. These shows promote a lack of self-respect and a lack of self-discipline. Actually, I’m going to stop listing

the negatives because they far out-weigh the only real incentive surrounding these programs: They make money. In fact, I’ve been seriously considering buying a baby sloth for months now, and I’m beginning to think watching it will promote higher self-standards than reality television. So what to do? You are all suave, classy, important members of society (which is why you are reading my column), and you all deserve to be recognized as incredibly suave, classy and important people. You could try to gain these qualities by getting in touch with nature – you know, listening to birds sing, breathing fresh air and spending hours upon hours pondering the meaning of life. But you live in Nebraska, so this is going to be perpetually uncomfortable. Or you could meet members of your very own Daily Nebraskan staff, which could also be uncomfortable. Instead, might I suggest immersing yourself in the fine arts? Before you worry you may not be suave enough to visit the Lied Center, stop! The beautiful thing about the term “fine arts” is it is all-encompassing. Although I would suggest grabbing tickets to see a theater performance, there are many other forms of art out there begging to be explored and/ or discovered. And the best part? Many

of them can be accessed on campus. If you’re the kind of person who likes to stare, try the Sheldon Art Museum, or wait for all the local galleries to open up the first Friday of every month. If you like talking, seek out poetry slams. If music is more of your thing, there is an abundance of that here in Lincoln. You can find the stalwarts of the local scene by simply walking a few blocks south. Or hike over to the Lied Center. This season they have shows ranging from individual performances to entire musical ensembles. And, finally, for those of you who define “fine arts” as theater, you will find yourself at home within the Lincoln arts community. Not only is the Lied Center on the edge of our campus, but the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film is just beginning its fall season. Whatever you may choose, the fine arts truly are essential to shaping the person you want to be (or the person I imagine you want to be). Through a variety of shows, performances and exhibitions, one can learn about different cultures and perspectives. And as you learn you can develop your own opinions as well, which you can use in conversations with friends, potential employers or even potential honeys. (Girls really dig depth). Or you could email me! After all, once you have dropped the drama and found the fine arts, I think we could have a great conversation.




thursday, august 25, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

character: from 1 character campaign looked like. A survey was created with the help of a UNL campaigns class and given to the student body to discover what kinds of positive characteristics they saw other students exhibiting, Carr said. From that research, “Show Your Red” was created in the form of six building blocks of integrity: citizenship, dependability, commitment, respect, caring and open-mindedness. After that, the next step was to find a way to get the student body to care about the campaign. “I would love it if everyone cared about showing integrity and creating positive influences on campus, but you can’t get a person to care about something simply by telling them to care about it,” Carr said. He also said that the campaign is more about getting students to acknowledge when other students, as well as faculty members, are doing well. Student Affairs would like everyone to realize that it doesn’t have to specifically be a faculty member recognizing a student, but vice versa as well. “I would happily recognize an individual if someone came to me and told me they had seen positive characteristics being displayed,”

9 3 said Linda Major, assistant to 5the vice6 chancellor 8 of Student Affairs. 7 does 4 one So how exactly “show their red?” It can be 4 as simple as holding the door for someone or escorting9an injured 3 friend to the University Health Center. During 8Friday’s7 convocation, the students heard a few examples 7 1 of integrity 6 that had happened at the New Student 4 Enrollment Kickoff Camp this past summer. One of these examples 5

included Erandi Herndon, anHARDundeclared freshman, who sprained her ankle a week before the camp began and continued to push through the activities despite her injury. In Carr’s eyes, this act was showing her commitment — her integrity, her “red.” If a student performs any of the six traits of integrity and is identified by another individual while doing so, they receive a pin that resembles that specific trait. Last semester, Student Affairs decided to jump-start the campaign with “Operation Red,” which held a very similar purpose. Major said the jump-start was the office’s way of seeing if students would respond as hoped. “Small tokens for a free ice cream were offered as the temporary awards during that time.” HARD



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4 by Wayne Gould

Due to the progress “Operation Red” had shown, Student Affairs decided that this semester would be the perfect time to launch the campaign, especially now that UNL had entered the Big Ten Conference. The “Show Your Red” campaign is also using social media to promote its cause. Not only does it have its own page on the UNL website, but also on Twitter and Facebook. “With the continued growth in students interest# 5 campaign, we ed with the hope to eventually get to the point of digitally posting everyday dilemmas on the Web,” Major said. Major said she believes that students will respond to the posted dilemmas and offer their advice, showing their integrity in the process. Franco said there is a large amount of room for expansion with the campaign. “At the end of the year, we hope to have a barbecue to celebrate all of those who are involved with the campaign,” Franco said. “On top of that, a ‘Show Your Red’ honors society (is in the works) for students who not only achieve well academically, but show a positive amount of integrity as well.”

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65 Lethal cousin of the cobra 66 $50 for Boardwalk, in Monopoly 67 Founded: Abbr. 68 Put in prison 69 Pair with a plow

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No. 0628 5 12



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“Makes you puff out your chest a little to be a part of something like that,” Falcone said. With the move to the Big Ten, Johnson said it reminds her of the excitement on campus in the fall of 1972, after the Huskers won their second national championship. She feels that same atmosphere returning to campus — making it a place, she said, it hasn’t been in a long time. “Campus used to kind of crackle in anticipation of an event and I think it’s coming back,” she said. On Sept. 3, when the Huskers take the field against the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for the first game, the 30-year-old pregame show will look and sound the same. But the title of the first halftime show, he said, sets a musical stage for the rest of the season: “The Start of Something B1G.”

rileyjohnson@ dailynebraskan.com

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7 7 5 Government 9 Bill 1:

The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska met Wednesday night in the Nebraska Union Ballroom for the first meeting of the 20112012 school year. The meeting was lighthearted, the roll call question being, “If you had 50 pounds of something other than # 8 be?”5 money, 2 9 8 3 what 1 5 6 would it 8 4 6 5 9gave 7 2 answers rang-9 Senators 5 1 from 2 7 3 clothing 4 8 ing to choco-1 4 6 to 1 8 7 9 5 8 late beer. 1 A 3 7 couple 9 2 6 4 of important3 7 5 4 2 8 3 1 dates are coming up and the7 3 2 9 6 5 1 7 two bills passed Wednesday26 9 7 5 4 6 8 3 night reflect their importance.4 6 8 3 1 4 2 9 The first bill on the table was dedicated to remember Sept. 11. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and American Airlines Flight 93. The ASUN senate sees it necessary to honor and remember the victims and members of the United States Armed Forces who sacrificed their lives on 9/11. The week leading up to Sept. 11 will feature memorial events such as a remembrance wall for students to write where they were on 9/11 and a live memorial wall with names and photos of the 70 fallen Nebraska soldiers since 2001. The week will conclude with a Patriot Day Memorial service and


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Daily Nebraskan




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1 Sprouls4 Frannie


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schools, like Wisconsin, nor will it change from a precision drill band to a picture band, like Michigan or Ohio State, he said. A picture band tends to create recognizable images in its formations. For example, Falcone said, if a picture band played the Simpson’s theme, they might form Homer Simpson’s head. In a precision drill band, the Cornhusker Marching Band forms more geometric or abstract shapes, Falcone said. He said picture formations are only included when the music #6 calls for them. Falcone said during band leadership interviews, members said they wanted the band to step it up this year, as many schools will be seeing the band for the first time. Plus, Falcone said, the welcoming UNL and its marching band have received from Big Ten peers has boosted bandmember pride.

ASUN plans memorials for Sept. 11, Katrina

conordunn@ dailynebraskan.com

Edited by Will Shortz


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#5 V. EASY For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 www.sudoku.com For Release Monday, August 02, 2010

5 9 Across Early morning 2 4 134 hour 3 7 1 Some British 36 Exxon sports 6 cars, 2 it merged 5 with briefly 37 Appear 5 Contest 9 4 2 specifications 39 Provide with a say 10 Third piece of a 5 blind date, 9 three-piece suit 41 Anti-attacker spray 3 7 home 1 8 14 Baghdadʼs 42 Politico Palin 15 Separately 3 again 44 Aired 16 x7 or y, on a 8 graph 46 Stag party 6 7 attendees 4 8 17 In ___ of (replacing) 47 Clearly2 4 confused, e.g.







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be picked up at a mile marker in Shreveport, La., where the food waited in several big cardboard boxes. This years’ travel plans were pitched to the athletic department in February. Tom Osborne, the Nebraska athletic director, makes the final decision on which games the band will attend. This year, the 50-member pep band will make trips to the University of Wyoming, University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Minnesota, with the full 209-memHARD ber band playing at the University of Michigan game, Falcone said. The pep band fits on one bus, while the full band will take six buses and a semi-trailer to Ann Arbor, Mich. Stylistically, the band will remain the same, Falcone said. The Cornhusker Marching Band will not adopt the high step of other Big Ten

6 1 8 4 7

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band: from 1

Patriot# Day Events: 8 September 11 about: ASUN is organizing a week of memorial events leading up to Sept. 11, concluding with a Patriot Day Memorial service and candlelight vigil at the UNL Nebraska Union Plaza. vote 6 4 :9Passed 1 3 8 Unanimously 8 2 1 7 5 4

7 2 6 3 8 4 5 7 3 9 6 2 4 5 7 1 2 6 9 3 1 9 4 8 6 2 7 5 2candlelight 6 9 3 5 4 vigil 8 1 at the UNL 5Nebraska 7 1 9 8 Union 3 4 6 Plaza. 9 1“It’s 3 5 a 4 8 mostly 2 7 solidified 3 8 2 6 7 5 1 9

schedule,” said Eric Kamler, a junior agricultural economJul 05 ics major and24Government Liaison Committee chair. “We should have the speakers set by next week.” The second bill presented at the meeting was about commemorating the sixth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on Aug. 29. No big events are planned in remembrance, but there will be an area for students to stop and remember Hurricane Katrina. “Mostly, this is just a remembrance of the event,” Kamler said. “We’ll have headlines posted and a small collection box that will go to the Red Cross.” Both of these bills were created with the Office of

bills Government Bill 2: Hurricane Katrina Sixth Anniversary Memorial about: ASUN and the Government Liaison Committee will be creating a memorial for the sixth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The memorial will be a wall with images and reminders at the Nebraska Union and East Campus Union. vote: Passed Unanimously

Civic Engagement in mind, as ASUN is experimenting with its relationship with the office, Kamler said. “Civic engagement has resources we don’t have,” said Lane Carr, a senior history and political science major and ASUN president. “These are small ways to start the process of working with them and to spark civic engagement in students.” The senate passed both bills unanimously. Carr is excited for the year ASUN has ahead of it and let the senators know. “I’m pumped up for the year that we have ahead,” Carr said. “We’re excited to see how you can help us with our goals and see what you guys can come up with.”

franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Noah Ballard Chance Solem-Pfeifer assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Andrew McClure assistant editor Jeff Packer assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Patrick Breen editor

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

The board holds public meetings monthly. Subscriptions are $95 for one year. job applications The Daily Nebraskan accepts job applications year-round for paid positions. To apply, visit the Daily Nebraskan offices, located in the basement of the south side of the Nebraska Union.

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South Pointe concert series showcases eclectic local bands

Unique theater troupe seeks new vein of talent





Local acts, D*Funk and Jarana, do not sound like they would play the same venues, but Lincoln’s SouthPointe Pavilions looks to take advantage of its open atmosphere to expose shoppers to all kinds of music. SouthPointe’s summer concert series, Friday Nights Live, hosts acts representing a variety of genres, as well as both regional and home-grown talents. The outdoor performances expose concert-goers to different kinds of music, while allowing the performers to broaden their musical resume. “We try to bring life to the lifestyle center,” said Julie Lattimer, SouthPointe’s marketing director. This marks the 11th year of Friday Nights Live, a series that began with only three concerts per season. It is now a weekly series running from Memorial Day weekend through the end of August. Lattimer said they usually see about 800 concert-goers every week, and that she’s received largely positive feedback about the atmosphere and variety of music they provide, meeting the musical taste of everyone from children to senior citizens. The different acts might play jazz, blues, reggae or zydeco. Lattimer said she believes at the end of the workweek, the concerts are a perfect way for people to relax and enjoy great music. “For couples, it’s a chance to spend time together,” Lattimer said. “It’s a big college date thing. They can listen to music, shop, get ice cream or get a drink.” Also important to the shopping center is providing up and coming local bands an

Those who are theatrically inclined should take note that Lincoln’s most unconventional theater troupe, Red Theater, is looking for a few new members. Auditions for Red Theater will be held Sept. 2 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at NuVibe, a coffee shop located at 126 N. 14th Street. Red Theater specializes in personalized, communal theatrical experiences that take advantage of the possibilities of a live performance. For auditions, performers are encouraged to prepare up to two minutes of original material to present. Audition pieces can include monologues, musical numbers, sketches or just about anything creative that can be relayed in only a couple of minutes. “When you audition for Red Theater, we want to see something only you can do,” said Aaron Sawyer, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln alumnus and Red Theater member. “Red Theater is looking for theatrical people who can show who they are (on stage).” Unusual past auditions have consisted of rants and even short film screenings. The group hopes to fill spots for five cast members who departed last semester, bringing the Lincoln collective to about 15 members. However, the number of members is not as set in stone and will be dictated by passion to perform. A Red Theater performance will likely take place near the end of the fall semester. Red Theater shows are


opportunity to play. In July, they welcomed Jarana, a local Latin group. “It was a huge night for them,” Lattimer said. “They did an amazing job. The audience gave them a standing ovation.” D*Funk, a Lincoln-based funk/R&B band, often plays around Lincoln and Omaha, but they got a break when both the band and Friday Nights Live were in their infancy. After performing as part of this series, the band got involved with a series at Omaha’s Village Pointe. Now D*Funk opens the Friday Nights Live series every year. Manager and percussionist, Gene Lessman, said the band uses the performance as a chance to upgrade their repertoire and play to the diversity of their audience. “It’s an opportunity to play music we normally wouldn’t,” he said. “It gives us a chance to challenge ourselves.” Lessman said Friday Nights Live also allows those who might not otherwise go to D*Funk shows a chance to

IF YOU GO Friday Nights Live WHEN: Friday, Aug. 26, 6:30 p.m. WHERE: South Pointe Pavilion HOW MUCH: Free

listen. On a personal level, Lessman, a health, physical education and special education teacher at Lincoln Southeast High School, gets to connect with students whom his colleagues bring to this show. “I kind of direct my attention to them,” he said. “It’s a great relationship builder that I really cherish.” Lessman’s connection to his students underscores another important point for him: Attendees have the opportunity to donate to a local children’s advocacy center. Friday Nights Live concert series closes for 2011 on Friday with a performance by the local a capella group No Better Cause. KRISTINAJACKSON@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


never the same from one performance to another. The troupe uses the time and location in which it performs to make a wholly unique show each time, often juxtaposing multiple genres and art forms in the production of one-of-a-kind theater. “The aim of the group is to create theater that’s personal but also theatrical,” said Hannah Kurth, artistic director of Red Theater and junior vocal performance major at UNL. “We’re interested in people who are willing to share their personal stories in a theatrical manner.” According to Kurth, a zest for performing and writing exists at the core of the group. Rehearsals begin as a work-shopping process.

The troupe collaborates on works and discusses what themes they want to see realized. After the workshop, case members bring fully written pieces to the collective to see what sticks. Kurth, who has been artistic director since the spring semester, said auditions are open to all and not limited to theater students. Questions can be directed to her via the Red Theater website. Those auditioning are encouraged to be themselves and stand out from the crowd. “We like to be surprised,” Sawyer said. “We like the unexpected.” TOMHELBERG@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

Arts program offers students free Lied tickets in fall semester KATIE NELSON DAILY NEBRASKAN

As the Lied Center for Performing Arts looks forward to a new season, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln aims to push beyond the stage and into the audience. Last year marked the beginning of the Arts for All program, which allows students to get free tickets to select shows at the Lied. “The executive director of the

Lied Center has a vision for the Lied center as part of the UNL community, in that no student will graduate from the university without having experienced a performance,” said Shannon McClure, the director of marketing and public relations for the Lied Center. “He feels that the performing arts experience and all the knowledge that can be gained through that experience is a core part of educating students in a holistic way.” To reserve tickets, students

log onto http://marketplace. unl.edu/liedcenter and choose the shows they wish to see. Students may then pick up their reserved tickets at the Lied Center within the week before the performance. Tickets for shows in the fall semester can now be reserved online, and tickets for spring shows will be available as of Jan. 9. This year, students can choose from 13 separate performances. The acts range from modern dance theater groups, such as

Pilobolus to the Second City comedy troupe. The Lied Center is even teaming up with the University Program Council to offer the four-time Tony award-winning Broadway musical “In the Heights” to students. “I’m most excited about ‘In the Heights’ being on the Arts for All series, because we haven’t been able to offer a Broadway show for free to students before,” said McClure.

Idina Menzel’s performance was also on the Arts for All event list, but was removed due to her cancellation of the show because of scheduling conflicts with shooting scenes for the television show “Glee.” After last season the Lied Center conducted a survey of students who took advantage of the Arts for All program and used the results to create this season’s program. So far, the practice has been popular with

students and the Lied is looking for the changes (such as an increased number of shows on Friday and Saturday nights) to draw a large student crowd. “It’s something that’s different to do on the weekends. It always ends up being fun,” said Sarah Barnes, a sophomore biological sciences major. “Every time I walk out of there, I’m always thinking I’m glad that I decided to go.”

cash, he and his father hire Killer Joe to kill his mother for her life insurance. However, when the payment is slow to come through, Killer Joe takes Chris’ sister Dotty as ransom. Like any good play, Deffenbaugh said, there is a twist and in the end everyone ends up pretty bloody. The play includes scenes of intense violence and some nudity. “I wanted to do something that’s going to be fulfilling for me as an artist and also fulfilling for everyone involved,” he said.

“I’m trying to make what I like to call ‘holy-shit theater’ – something that shocks, that terrifies, that excites, that engages.” “Killer Joe” will mark Deffenbaugh’s first established work as a director, and he looks forward to the challenge he will face in staging the show. “(Theater) is being put up just to be put up,” he said. “I want to make people to be excited to go to the theater again.” While “Killer Joe” is expected to light a spark under the season, Jake Denney aims to ignite flames with his project.

Denney’s show, “Project Number One” is an original work, not only for the director but for the cast and crew. People will be auditioning to act and to write the show. “Project Number One” will explore variations of the concepts of identity loss and the idea that America has become a culture of fear. “I heard a statement that said, ‘War has no face,’” Denney said. “To me, it seems that (since) the creation of this country we’ve been constantly fighting, and recently, after World War II, we started fighting ideas — things that don’t actually exist.” The writing process will entail the creation of characters and lines and intensive improvisation exercises. “I wanted the ability to

present a piece of theater to an audience and have it be completely centered around the audience — a piece of work that we can believe in instead of having to say lines that we may not agree with,” Denney said. Auditions are open to any student on campus as well as any member of the public and will be held Aug. 25. The season is expected to push limits — not only the talent of the directors and actors but also of what an audience will come to anticipate from a theater. “You light a spark and it becomes so much more than you think it will be — it becomes blazing,” Waterstone said. “It becomes consuming.”


THEATRIX: FROM 5 American society. The script focuses on a poor family living on the outskirts of

Dallas. When the protagonist, Chris, finds himself in with the wrong crew and short of


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HIDDEN COSTS: FROM 1 Rahn said. Even paying for the room and board can be pretty steep for some students. “I think housing and dining is a lot more expensive than it

needs to be,” Cranley said. Rahn felt paying for a meal plan was a bit much. Especially if missed meals are factored in, Rahn said. “You pay for each individual

meal when you go to the dining halls,” Rahn explained. “If you don’t eat, you are charged with that meal anyway and you end up losing money.” But there is one cost Rahn

thinks is worth it: Husker athletics. “The season ticket price is pretty good compared to regular games,” Rahn said of football tickets. “I also go to some

basketball games and those are well-priced.” While students may receive loans and federal grants to help pay for these expenses, they often underestimate the price.

“Even though I have loans and grants from the government, it’s still very expensive,” Rahn said.


F2011_Singers Wanted 2x8_F2011-Singers Wanted 2x8 8/23/11 3:42 PM

STRIP CLUBS: FROM 1 Deeds stressed that she would never tell a woman not to work as a dancer, but she said strip clubs can broadcast the notion of women as sex objects. She said some juggling of rights was necessary, considering about 12,000 women from UNL’s campus alone, all the women who work downtown and the many men who also find strip clubs’ presence troubling. “You have to weigh the predominant issue,” she said. “What kind of a climate do you want in downtown Lincoln?” But Emery, representing the city’s District 1, Lincoln’s northeast quadrant, said the ban was an overextension of the city government’s role and that no matter how he felt about strip clubs, he couldn’t go along with it. “Clearly this ban is more regulation and has no intent of letting the free market decide,” Emery said. “For me it was simply a philosophical issue.” While it might appear on the surface that he was voting in support of strip clubs themselves, Emery said, he’d rather put his trust in the people of Lincoln. For instance, the two strip clubs downtown have been the only two such clubs there for a decade, and that was without any city regulations. “I don’t think it had to be regulated out of business,” Emery said. He didn’t believe the ban was intended to get rid of strip clubs at all. “This is clearly a textbook case of NIMBY,” he said, or “not in my backyard.” People who don’t oppose strip clubs in principle simply want them somewhere else, or out of their backyards. “And that offends me,” Emery said, questioning what made West O Street, one area in which strip clubs are still

allowed to set up shop, less valuable in some way. “I think Mr. Emery has a very good argument,” Carroll said. But he also said downtown businesses, which are often

against regulation as well, were the ones pushing for the ban, which also had the support of the Downtown Lincoln Association. With that input, the council decided that because

downtown includes a diverse set of businesses and is trying to revitalize its image, “(Strip clubs are) just not a conducive use of that area.”


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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, august 25, 2011

Mainstage: from 5 members who have extensive professional and educational experience directing plays,” said Paul Steger, director of the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film. Although auditions for the fall shows have already taken

dance: from 5

place, interested students can look forward to auditions for the spring shows. Dates will be posted later in the semester. Anyone interested in auditioning is welcome to do so, and every performance offers students and faculty alike a

positive learning experience. Aside from acting, those involved can learn a variety of skills ranging from costume design to stage management to lighting and set construction. But if one is more interested in being a spectator at a university production than a participant, tickets are available online at unltheatretickets.com or can be bought at the Lied Center ticket office for the student price of $10. “Our 2011-2012 season is entertaining, stylish, funny and adventurous,” Steger said. “Students should check these shows out because they are cheap, entertaining and fun.” Katienelson@ dailynebraskan.com

Misc. For Sale Visit the Website http://itsthejobsstupid.com Read the Book ISBN: 9781 4620 21437 (ebook) 21451

Services Legal Services DWI & MIP

Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack, 402-476-7474.

Housing Roommates 24 year old looking for at least 1 roommate, but have 2 bedrooms open. House is located 5-10 minutes from UNL downtown campus. Washer/Dryer, internet, dish tv, and partially furnished. Rent is $400+utilities, but goes down with all rooms filled. Located in a decent area. Call 402-525-1035. Available immediately, private room in a two bedroom house, $300 includes utilities and wireless, washer & dryer, 5 minutes from campus in a quiet neighborhood, Call 402-805-0697. Female roommate wanted to share a four bedroom two bath duplex at 1311 N. 14th with three other female UNL students. Large bedroom, walk-in closet, available Sept. 15th. $240 month, all utilities paid, 402-730-0813. Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to dn@unl.edu and include your name, address and phone number. Roommate wanted for a two bedroom, two bath apartment just north of East Campus and near 49 bus route. Rent $290 plus utilities. For more information call/text 402.992.0419. Two UNL students seeking a roommate for 3 bedroom loft at Lakeview Park Apartments. Rent $294 plus utilities (electric and internet); washer and dryer included in unit. If interested call or text 308.520.4376 or 308.641.8572

Houses For Rent

after my husband and I moved to Lincoln,” Montgomery said. “We wanted something new to do and we’ve stuck with it ever since because it’s so much fun.” One of the reasons Montgomery enjoys dancing is the workout she gets from the activity. “The types of dance we do are outstanding aerobic exercise and the best part is that it doesn’t even feel like we’re exercising,” she said. Although Montgomery isn’t of Irish heritage, she still feels like she can relate to the dances, especially the music.

“I really connect with the music,” she said. “Besides, when you hear the beat, it’s hard not to get up and start dancing.” Since the organization started offering weekly classes in 1997, the group has grown to 85 members with nearly 40 performing dancers and many people, like McAlister, reconnecting with their roots. McAlister said that, like many Americans, her cultural heritage is very mixed. Yet her newfound relationship to the home of her ancestors has been more fulfilling than she could have ever imagined. “Learning about my



For Sale


culture gave me insight into who I am and how fortunate I am that I live in America where I have the opportunity explore and participate in my culture and in so many others,” she said. McAlister encourages anyone interested in Irish dancing or culture to come visit a class without paying a fee to see if it peaks their interest. “You don’t have to be Irish or have anything to do with the culture to come and join us,” McAlister said. “If the music or dancing moves you in any way, then you are absolutely welcome to our group.”

mariciaGuzman@ dailynebraskan.com

$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4 p.m., weekday prior

phone: (402) 472-2589 Fax: (402) 472-1761

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Dance Instructor

Trained and talented dance instructor with teaching experience and an extensive and versitile background in dance needed for 2011-2012 dance season. Part time hours Monday-Thursday teaching ages 18 months-adult in jazz, tap, ballet, and or hip hop. Please call or send resume to Divas Dance Studio 402-420-9270 www.divasdance.com

Downtown Law Office Runner

Part-Time 2:00-5:00pm Monday-Friday, own vehicle and Insurance, hourly + mileage, send inquires to: Runner P.O. Box 81607 Lincoln NE 68501.


We are looking for males for a creatine supplementation project. UNL students between 19 and 29 years of age are eligible. You must be able to perform underwater weighing for the determination of body composition, the leg extension and bench press exercises, as well as a combine of exercise performance tests including: vertical jump, broad jump, 40-yard dash, shuttle run, and 3-cone drill. There is no specific performance requirement for this study. In fact, subjects of all performance levels are wanted. The study requires seven visits for a total of approximately 8.5 hours. Those who complete of the study will receive $200.00. This is a great way to learn about your own body composition and exercise performance and how research is conducted in exercise science, as well as helping to promote the acquisition of knowledge in the area of human performance physiology! Qualifications to Participate: We are looking for healthy males between 19 and 29 years of age, who 1) perform less than 4 hours of exercise/week (this will be strictly enforced), and 2) have no known cardiovascular, pulmonary, and/or musculoskeletal disease. Each subject who completes the study will be paid $200. If you are Interested and qualify, please contact Daniel Traylor in the UN-L Human Performance Laboratory (MABL 141) at dtraylor21@unlserve.unl.edu or call (402) 472-2690.

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Misc. Services

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Iguanas Bar

Now accepting applications for Wait Staff and Door. Apply in person from 8-10pm. Mon. thru Sat. at 1426 ‘O’ Street.

Inbound Customer Service Center Rep – Full Time and Part Time

Looking for a job that if flexible enough to work around your changing school schedule? Our inbound Call Center is expanding their hours and is starting a new training class soon! Daytime and evening shifts available, with weekend hours to work around your class schedule. Speedway Motors is a growing catalog order company that sells classic and performance automotive parts to customers all over the world. Positions are available in our busy Call Center to process orders and answer general customer inquiries. Fun and fast paced. Must be a fast learner, have strong communication skills, an excellent attendance record and be able to provide industry leading customer service. Automotive experience a plus but not required. Computer skills are needed with the ability to type 30 wpm min. Previous customer service experience is required. Apply online www.speedwaymotors.com or in person at: 340 Victory Lane, Lincoln, NE Speedway Motors is a Drug Free Workplace EOE

Job Opportunity

Kitchen help for Kappa Delta. Work 2-3 hours Mon-Friday until end of semester $8/hr. Meal included. Call Sherry, 402-436-7062. Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit: www.centerpointe.org.

Lawn Care Help Wanted

World of Green Seasonal through November. Part-time hours available, Prefer full days. 6030 S. 57th Street, Suite A. Apply in person Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm. Requirements: Good driving record, current license & neat personal appearance. 402-441-4321. SPARK SOME INTEREST

want ads


Misc. Services

Help Wanted Carlos O’Kelly’s is now hiring servers and hosts for nights/weekends. Apply at 4455 N. 27th St. or 3130 Pine Lake Rd.


Wanted: Backstage Crew at the Lied Center. Must have some entire weekday mornings or afternoons free. Irregular hours, must be able to lift 40 lbs. More information available with application. No experience necessary, we will train. Applications must be picked up and returned before Sept. 1st at the Lied Administrative Office, 301 N. 12th, St. North side of building.

Love Kids?

Join our TEAM TODAY! Aspen Child Development Center is currently accepting applications for Part-time Teachers in our Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Rooms. These positions are Monday–Friday, 15-20 afternoon hours per week. Aspen is also offering Substitute hours. Please send resume to: jschmitz@aspencdc.com or apply in person to 9300 Heritage Lakes Drive. Any questions please call us at 402-483-5511. Position available immediately.

Mulligans Grill and Pub

Currently accepting applications for servers and bartenders. Apply at 5500 Old Cheney Rd.

DN@unl.edu Help Wanted

Help Wanted Part-time checkers and stockers needed at ‘A’St Market. Daytime and evening hours available. Apply in person 3308 ‘A’ Street. Part-time runner positions at small, professional downtown law firm. Hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12pm to 5 pm. Excellent position for motivated person with exceptional organization and communication skills. To inquire, please call Cindy at 402-435-6000. Quality cooking from scratch… We take pride in our product… Looking for experienced line cooks Who take pride in their performance Come join our team FT/PT Position Available Applications are accepted online at www.LazlosBreweryAndGrill.com click “Careers.” We will review your application and contact you in a timely manner. Quality cooking from scratch… We take pride in our product… Looking for experienced line and prep cooks Who take pride in their performance Come join our team FT/PT Positions Available Applications are accepted online at www.FireWorksRestaurant.com, click “Careers.” We will review your application and contact you in a timely manner.

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Now accepting applications for all positions

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Need hardworking, dependable employees to work for reputable construction company. Full and part-time. Call 402-423-4853.

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Part Time Teller

Positions now available at West Gate Bank. Visit www.westgatebank.com for more information.

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2700 North Hill Road and 56th and Highway 2 EOE


Part-time positions available loading and unloading packages. Hours are Monday-Friday 6:00pm-8:30pm. Wages start at $8.50/hour with incremental raises after 30 days and $1,500 tuition assistance after 60 days. Paid holidays and vacations after 6 months. Apply in person at 6330 McCormick Dr. Paycheck Advance is currently seeking customer service representatives to provide quick, accurate, and friendly service to our customers. The ideal candidate will be detail oriented, have prior cash handling experience, sales experience and be self motivated. We offer a competitive starting wage and benefits package including health insurance, paid time off and 401K. Full and part-time positions available. Please apply online at www.delayeddeposit.com or in person at any of our 9 Lincoln locations.

Misc. Services

Yes you can have fun at work! Seeking upbeat, creative individuals for PT vinyl application/production. Weekday and Saturday hours available. Exp. helpful but not necessary. Apply in person at 5500 Old Cheney Road (Old Cheney Center).

Social Media Marketing

Help us establish an on-line social media marketing position. Work with our account executives on advertising packages which include smart phone applications, twitter, facebook, web page, web video and email notifications. Hours and wages would be variable while position grows. Bring us your ideas and experience and we’ll develop a job description that will enchance our advertisers’ campus efforts. Applications available in room 16, Nebraska Union, Daily Nebraskan Advertising Department and online on the advertising page of dailynebraskan.com/advertising. Inquiries can also email dn@unl.edu, with “Marketing job” in the subject line.

Help Wanted

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page 4

thurday, august 25, 2011

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members ZACH SMITH


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

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our view

DN commends recent work for both rec centers

Last year, University of Nebraska-Lincoln students who voted in the March Association of Students of the University of Nebraska elections overwhelmingly supported plans for renovations to the Campus Recreation Center and the construction of a new East Campus Recreation Center. The Board of Regents approved the plans in June, and construction on the new “Cardio Room” began in July. This fall, the first part of the proposed renovations and construction will be open for use by students. The “Cardio Room,” located on a former racquetball court, holds 16 new cardio machines, including treadmills, ellipticals and stair climbers. The Daily Nebraskan appreciates this visible sign of the students’ vote last March, and looks forward to new renovation and construction of strength and conditioning facilities in the future. In addition, Campus Recreation plans to construct a new Outdoor Adventure Center, which will open in 2013. The center will have an expanded climbing wall, bike shop and classrooms. It will be constructed according to green efficiency standards, and the removal of Outdoor Adventures from the City Campus Rec Center allows for expansion and renovation within the main building. While the new “Cardio Room” and the Outdoor Adventure Center are laudable additions to the City Campus Recreation Center, more important is the construction of the new East Campus Rec Center. When the referendum, which then included funding for a new health center, appeared on the ballot in the 2009 elections, one of the candidates referred to the East Campus Rec as a “gym museum,” not a gymnasium. This is a fairly accurate depiction of the old rec center. The Daily Nebraskan believes East Campus students deserve better. Design on the new East Campus Rec Center begins this September, and a temporary space will open on 33rd St. in the spring. Campus Recreation anticipates completion of the East Campus Rec Center by May 2014. East Campus students are an integral part of our university, reaching back to its founding as a land-grant institution. Though City Campus houses many more students in dorms, and is the home of many majors and colleges, the ancestral home of the University — the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources — is headquartered on East Campus. It is fitting that students across town have the same access to quality recreation facilities that downtown campus students already enjoy.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. E-mail material to opinion@dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 685880448.

bob lausten | daily nebraskan

ACE program irrelevant to college


ecause of the poorly thought out AchievementCentered Education (ACE) program, the highestachieving students are unknowingly punished by the system meant to reward them. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln implemented the ACE system in 2009. As with any change, students were bewildered and advisers rendered temporarily useless. While the University has mostly acclimated to the program since then, it’s due a more practical evaluation. In theory, the ACE system is a solid one. It simply requires students to take three credit hours in each of ten general categories. Declared majors get broadened educations and undeclared majors get to test the waters before committing. Coupled with high school AP classes, however, the system does more harm than good and cheats students from some vital skills. High school students can earn college credit by taking college-level AP classes. Because UNL’s ACE program only requires one class from each subject, a college freshman can come in with most of their ACE credits already completed. It isn’t college’s job to re-instill what students are too unmotivated to pay attention to in high school. Even so, college students are different people than in high school. The brain goes through a variety of stages throughout development, allowing more and more abstract thought, and (usually) decreasing egocentrism. Babies lack object permanence up until about age two, meaning they’re unable to comprehend that an object you can’t see in front of you can still exist (prompting psychologists to perform a number of malicious peek-abook-esque experiments on unsuspecting babies). A high school senior, too, may think in a fundamentally different way compared to a classmate. It isn’t a matter of intelligence, or shouldn’t really be thought of as such; it’s a process we all go through in adolescence, as biological and neurological as it is awkward. College shouldn’t reteach everything high school students weren’t ready for.

cameron mount But it should develop the specific areas only opened up in early adulthood. These skills benefit any major and are ignored because they emerge at this tricky line between high school and adulthood. One of these classes is psychology. This is an optional course in many high schools but music or language classes take most students’ top priorities. With more and more social interactions happening behind a screen, people have a dangerously hazy idea of how other people work. Online, each status update and profile can be carefully contrived into a specific persona. This confuses the reality of motivations and impulse reactions we’ve evolved to sense and deal with face-to-face. Psychology makes people more understandable and ensures empathy extends to those we might dismiss or consider “other.” With the ease that people can avoid or misinterpret human interaction and cultural experience in the internet age, psychology instruction is more vital than I think many people realize. The university should also require students to take English. It may seem embarrassingly obvious that an English education major thinks English should be required, but hear me out. Literature is, more often than not, badly taught in high school. Classes have to focus so much on drilling in pure information and writing rules, there’s no time for the meaningful and useful aspects. Themes, for example, are taught as definite symbols employed by authors. I still feel bitter when I think about the color green, all thanks to “The Great Gatsby” and a teacher’s insistence that the color was the foundation of everything in the book.

In fact, authors might be the last people to know what their stories are about. People write from their personal life experience and what’s important to them. Critics and English students can piece together why the author wrote what they did, but the real point is how the author’s understanding of the world can be translated into satisfying and beautiful art. It’s the same idea as music and painting, and it should be treated that way. Standardized tests mean high schools have to focus on a breadth of rules and terms, which why it’s even more vital that students take a college course as well. And, like psychology, books are a source of empathy often ignored after high school’s disenchanting approach. Unlike movies or even day-to-day interactions, books can offer total insight into thoughts and emotion, humanizing the otherwise foreign and incomprehensible. The last class every college student should take is economics. My high school sophomore economics class was only a semester long, split with geography. Of course, high school classes now can emphasize their relevancy in today’s fragile economic climate and possibly gain students’ engagement more effectively. Even so, it’s in college that students begin taking on independence, and this information becomes relevant and necessary to pay attention to. TINSTAAFL (There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch) is literally the only thing I remember from what high school taught me about economics, business or finance, and that’s a scary thought. Everyone has had classes that particularly changed or helped them grow, but there are also classes that are directly relevant to this stage in college students’ lives. The ACE system means well, but the 10 categories are annoyingly arbitrary, causing students to sign up only for the easiest classes to get to the classes relevant to them. Every class can and should be relevant, and the system should be revised to ensure the best education for all students.

Cameron Mount is a junior Secondary English Education major. He can be reached at cameronmount@ dailynebraskan.com.

Art should be judged independently of artist’s life


ave you ever refused to see a movie or read a book or listen to an album just because you don’t like someone who was involved? Maybe you refuse to see the “Twilight” films because you hate Kristen Stewart’s attitude or you can’t see Charlie Sheen the same way after his “winning” streak this past year. Sometimes your reasons for boycotting an artist might be irrational — you hate Lady Gaga’s outfits or Julia Roberts’ toothy smile. People’s perceptions of the artists themselves inevitably influence what they will think of their work. But what if an artist has done something in their personal life you don’t agree with? And what if they’re good at their work, despite this? Do you support them anyway? For example, consider the case of Roman Polanski. He’s received great critical success during his 40-some years as a film director, with films like “Rosemary’s Baby,” “Chinatown” and “The Pianist,” but unfortunately fled to Europe to escape charges of the rape of a 13-year-old girl in the late 1970s.

Since then, he’s managed to elude prison time, despite several attempts to extradite him to the U.S. What’s rather astonishing is when Polanski was briefly arrested in Switzerland in 2009, a petition of more than 100 filmmakers, actors and producers was drawn up in protest. It’s obvious in this case that the people who signed the petition were too apologetic in their view of Polanski, because the fact is, he should be put in jail. There’s no excuse for him to be released because he hasn’t been properly punished. None of that, however, stops me from enjoying his films. One of my reasons for this is when I pay for a movie or a song, I’m paying for just that. I’m paying for the art they’ve created, not to validate the artist’s personal life. Brilliant art can come from an awfully corrupt person just as much as from an upstanding one, and I’m willing to pay for a text that shows me something new or gets me to think in a way I’ve never experienced. I also believe you can learn from any text, even from one questionable in its content. For example, one of the most studied films in

erica bartz

film history is D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation,” which features highly racist depictions of black people (played by white actors in blackface) and propaganda for the Ku Klux Klan, who more or less become heroes of the story. Although the message of the film isn’t morally acceptable, it made great leaps in terms of cinematography and accurately depicts racial attitudes of the time. While it would make any contemporary audience uncomfortable, it’s an interesting time capsule to study. At the same time, however, there is a wealth of art closely connected with the artists themselves and sometimes even based on their real-life events. Eminem has stirred up controversy time and again with his violent lyrics, especially those

about wanting to beat or murder women, including his wife. He has had a consistent history of violence in real life as well, which adds a certain uncomfortable reality to his body of work. A story or event depicted in a work of art that’s fictional feels much safer than one that’s not. True stories have an inexplicable power and possibly even more so if they portray an idea or an action that horrifies the audience. It’s also extremely difficult to separate an artist from their art, and occasionally, the artist’s life is more famous than the art. A text should stand by itself because that is what the audience will pay the most attention and have the greatest access to. At the same time, though, knowing the artist and the trajectory of their life enriches the audience’s understanding of the work, so the artist’s personal life can’t help but be entangled with it. Considering all of these factors still leaves us with the question: Whose art are we supposed to support? Ultimately, I think it comes down to what each person is looking for in music, books, movies, paintings, whatever they may consume and how successful an artist

is in achieving what the audience wants. Some people, like me, mostly aim to find works of art that express their ideas well and maybe have a unique message. Others look for pure entertainment value, or some combination of both, and it’s hard to be entertained when the person who’s entertaining you goes against your very convictions. The specific issues you care about the most also play a huge role in what art you enjoy. Obviously, if you’re more interested in preventing child abuse than cruel animal treatment, you’re going to be more pissed at an artist who has abused their child than one who regularly eats veal. While I do think it’s possible to separate the artist from the art in almost every case, the reality of the issue is that an artist’s reputation is almost as important as their work, and an audience’s perception of them can make or break their career. All an artist can do is make the highest quality work possible and hope their audience won’t get too caught up in their past.

erica bartz is a senior film studies major. reach her at ericabartz@ dailynebraskan.com.


thursday, august 25, 2011

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Huskers try to pave a winning road early this fall ANDREW WARD DAILY NEBRASKAN

For the first time in the 2011 season, the buses will be warmed up for the Nebraska women’s soccer squad as it travels to Denver, Colorado to take on the University of Denver Pioneers on Thursday night. This marks the first road test of the regular season for NU as it looks for its first victory after dropping its first two contests against North Carolina and Baylor. Away games have not been kind to NU in recent years, especially last season when the Huskers went 2-5-1, compared to a 9-1 record at home. Over the last 17 years the Huskers are only 9-7-1 in road openers.

Jordan Jackson, a junior forward for the Huskers, said the main reason that Nebraska struggles on the road is because it likes playing in front of its home crowd so much. “We are just so much more comfortable at home,” Jackson said. “We like to play in front of our families and friends and I think we just got too used to it last year.” According to sophomore Bri Badje, Nebraska is just focusing on what they need to work on. “We have been working hard on coming out strong at the outset,” Badje said. “We struggled with that the last couple games and we got to get better at it.” NU will have to come out strong on Thursday night,

something the Huskers failed to do in their first two games of the year, falling behind in the first half of each game. It was a slow start that caused the rough defeat to the hands of Denver a year ago. The Huskers fell behind two goals in the early going last year in an exhibition game against the Pioneers, eventually losing the game in devastating fashion, 5-1. Even though it is only an exhibition game, Badje said that Nebraska will not come out underestimating Denver like it did in 2010. She also said that the Huskers will be looking for a little revenge this year. “We got beat really bad by a team we thought we were better than,” Badje said. “Of course

we are definitely looking for revenge.” Jackson said that revenge would be nice but at the same time NU is looking to improve more from a disappointing first weekend. “Its good competition so we obviously were disappointed when we lost to them that bad last year,” Jackson said. “However we are looking to improve more from a weekend where we didn’t get the results we wanted. “It’s going to be a new slate and a new day for us.” Part of that new slate philosophy, according to Jackson, is the new goals that the Huskers have coming into this year. “We obviously did not play well on the road last year at all,” Jackson said. “Therefore, one of

Cecilia “CC” Hall, a freshman from Sweden. The coaches are noncommittal as to whether or not Hall would be allowed to play this year should further maladies strike a position where three of the four veteran players (including McNeal) currently have health issues or have had them within the past year. Still, while learning American-style terminology is a work in progress with her, she does seem to possess a skill that will have her competing for a starting job sooner or later. “She’s super strong,” Thramer said. “When she blocks the ball, I mean, she blocks the ball. It’s going down. We’re talking Hannah Werth-hard.”

Regardless of the lineup, one thing seems certain to Conners, Wilberger and Thramer: If NU has problems this season, it won’t be at middle blocker. “I feel really, really good about our group this year,” Thramer said. “We don’t want to just be good this year though. This year, our goal is to be the dominant part of the team. The past few years, it’s been the outside hitters, this year we want it to be us. “Hopefully (if we achieve that) then the outside hitters will step up and try to take that back. That (competition) would be great for everyone.”


Furlan will lead a Husker squad looking to turn its road worries around. our goals for this season is to that starts against Denver.” ANDREWWARD@ go undefeated on the road and


VOLLEYBALL: FROM 10 the past couple of years to be more of a force on the court,” Wilberger said. “I don’t feel any differently this year. But there’s just such a connection on the court with this team, we can do well regardless of who’s on the floor.” Thramer agrees. “It’s nice knowing that everyone can play well,” Thramer said. “I mean, whether it’s me and Brooke or Jordan and Brooke or me and Jordan, we’ll always be strong out there and have someone great on the bench.” If there’s one constant for Nebraska volleyball besides NCAA regional appearances, it’s competition, and Thramer has been providing it. She’s a bit shy in game experience – she

has never appeared in a regular season game for the Cornhuskers. But, that wasn’t entirely her fault. After redshirting her first year, a shoulder injury robbed her of her second year. But she’s ready to make a difference this year: The word “dominant” was used by both Conners and fellow assistant Dan Meske when they were asked to assess her return from injury this season. And they aren’t the only ones using that word about her, either. “Hayley’s been looking great,” Wilberger said. “She looks really strong and dominating out there. She definitely seems to have recovered.” Another middle blocker drawing interest in practice is


Furlan runs past injuries, leads team For the second consecutive year, senior Husker cross country runner Jessica Furlan has been named co-captain for the women’s cross country team. Nebraska coach Jay Dirksen said her teammates, who voted FURLAN for her to be captain, chose a great leader. “Her teammates voted for her and she’s very deserving,” he said. “She tries to help her teammates and volunteers her time if there are any problems. She’s a real active person and cares about her teammates.” In her sophomore year, Furlan earned the Women’s Most Improved Runner for Nebraska. This came after achieving personal bests, including placing seventh in the Woody Greeno/ Nebraska Invitational. During her junior season she was named co-captain for the first time and said she will never forget how it felt to be given the title by her teammates. “I wasn’t expecting it at all,” she said. “There are a number of us who really take on that leadership role. Being a leader’s always something I’ve tried to be so it felt really great to be given that title since I wasn’t one of the seniors. “It’s nice that they chose me,

but we all do a great job in supporting one another.” The Regina, Canada, native added that although she was given the honor, she thinks of herself on the same level as her teammates. “Being captain is more of a title to me than anything else,” Furlan said. “Just because I’m named captain, doesn’t mean I’m any different than anyone else. Everyone, including the younger runners, have done a great job in taking leadership roles.” Last season, Furlan placed eighth in the Woody Greeno/ Nebraska Invitational and helped the team win their sixth straight team title in the event. Dirksen said that, when healthy, the senior is one of the Husker’s biggest threats during the season. “She’s naturally very talented,” the coach said. “She’s ran really well despite the lack of training she’s been able to do with us. She’s been through a lot and is a tough competitor especially at this level of play. She’s had quite a bit of adversity like things with her ankles and stress fractures. “When she’s healthy she runs really well, and the trick with her is just that – to keep her healthy.” Due to reoccurring ankle injuries the past two seasons, Furlan has been unable to train with the team as much as she’d like to. “I was never injured in high school so now that it happens

LINEBACKER: FROM 10 In addition to youth, the defense is dealing with change. The shift to the Big Ten features new run-heavy offenses, giving a new importance to the linebacker role. A pass-happy Big 12 often resulted in onelinebacker sets for Nebraska in recent years. A run-heavy Big Ten means 4-3 defenses for the Blackshirts, multiple linebackers included. More linebackers on the field mean more chances for the younger guys to step up. While David, Compton and Fisher appear to have the inside track at the starting jobs, junior Will Compton is confident in the younger players who are still competing for backup roles. Whaley, May, redshirt freshman Trevor Roach and junior Graham Stoddard have all received praise from coaches and teammates in fall camp. “They’re really getting involved and really learning and taking big strides in the mental part of things and that’s what you need,” Compton said. Pelini isn’t concerned with the number of snaps the younger guys will be in for.

The defense wants to keep their options open, believing that depth leads to late-season health. “Obviously, that depends on the situation, the opponent, what’s happening in the

in college it’s very frustrating,” she said. “This summer I was getting to a point where training was going very well. Then I rolled my ankle and I knew it was bad. It was swollen as soon as I looked at it. I couldn’t feel the bones in my feet. I started crying not because it hurt, but because I knew it would affect my training.” Earlier this month, Furlan sustained an ankle injury while training in Europe with a couple teammates. Since then the NU cross country runner has been doing pool exercises with a personal trainer to keep her legs healthy for the season. Furlan said the training she’s done since the injury has helped her get ready to compete with the team again. “I’ve been in the pool almost everyday trying to do as much fitness I can to stay in shape,” she said. “Other than my ankle bothering me, this is the best I’ve felt since sophomore year. I just feel emotionally and physically better. I’d say I’m about 80 percent there and I should be ready in two weeks. “I want to get back to racing at a high level since this is my senior year and I think this year could be my best season in cross country.” Dirksen added that he’s not surprised her teammates chose her as captain two years in a row and added that he believes this could be the senior’s best season. “She’s obviously been seen

game,” Pelini said. “Across the board, we’ve talked about lateseason — staying healthy late season and using our depth early in the season at all positions.” JEFFPACKER@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


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highly by them as a leader,” he said. “And that’s pretty special to have that kind of trust by your teammates. She works hard and is always positive. The type of person she is all goes into why she’s captain and why they look up to her, especially the younger runners. She’s had great training this summer before she broke her ankle and, if healthy, I think this season could be the best she’s ever had.” NEDUIZU@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


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page 10


thursday, august 25, 2011

Gaining strength from the inside out


A former standout at quarterback in the prep ranks impresses his peers early and often at new position

STORY BY DAN HOPPEN | PHOTO BY ANNA REED The buzz began about a year ago when Nebraska secured a verbal commitment from Jamal Turner, then a dual-threat quarterback from Arlington, Texas. This was before Taylor Martinez had played a collegiate down, and fans were frustrated over the struggling offense, then led by a Zac Lee and Cody Green. But the excited murmurs hushed once Turner, a fourstar prospect according to several recruiting sites, was selected to the Under Armour All-American game, but played at receiver instead of taking snaps behind center. How could a guy billed as the offense’s potential savior not even play his natural position in an All-Star game? April’s spring game

answered part of that question. Turner caught four passes for 93 yards and a score, returned two kicks for 76 yards and took his only punt return back 59 yards. But the springtime game is a glorified scrimmage. Only a few offensive and defensive plays are used, and coverage teams are often filled with players playing unfamiliar roles. It’s not uncommon to see a player break out and dominate a spring game, only to disappear when the leaves change color. That doesn’t appear to be the case with Turner. Ask any Husker about his playmaking ability, and they can attest that his transition to receiver has gone well. “He’s going to be huge, huge, huge,” fellow wideout

Qunicy Enunwa said of Turner’s impact. Receivers coach Rich Fisher is quick to remind that Turner, despite all the preseason hype and praise heaped on him, is still just a freshman who has yet to play a real game at his new position. “He’s far from a finished product,” Fisher said. “As we continue to install and put more offense in and put more on (the young receivers’) plate, that’s part of that preparation. They’ve got to stay in the playbook, continue to study and continue to prepare. Hopefully when their numbers are called, they can execute.” For a moment, it appeared Turner’s career at wideout might be grounded before it could take off. After Green transferred to Tulsa and highly-touted recruit Bubba

Starling chose to sign with the Kansas City Royals, NU was left with just two quarterbacks on scholarship, Martinez and Brion Carnes, who has yet to play in a game. So for about a week and a half of fall practice, Turner split practice repetitions between quarterback and receiver. But Fisher said Turner is back to practicing solely at receiver now, and that’s where he’ll line up when the season begins. “They were just getting all of the basics into his head in case they wanted to bring him back there,” junior receiver Tim Marlowe said. “He could definitely switch back to quarterback. He’s a talented kid and he definitely knows both.” But for now, Turner will stay put at his new position. He has the chance to

provide the Huskers with a play-making weapon that has been missing, for the most part, from the offense the past couple of years. As a senior at Sam Houston High School, Turner rushed for more than 1,800 yards his senior year, leaving Husker fans drooling over what his athleticism could do for the offense. But to really get the scoop on Turner, one must go to the sage of the receiving corps. Talk to the senior who is not only the unquestioned leader of the receivers, but also the only one with more than one career catch. And Brandon Kinnie keeps his assessment short and simple. “He’s gonna be special,” Kinnie said. “Real special.” DANHOPPEN@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.com

Nebraska volleyball fans know a lot about Brooke Delano. Two-year starter at middle blocker, returning first-team All-American, among the best there is at the collegiate level. But they know less about senior Jordan Wilberger and even less about third-year sophomore Hayley Thramer, the two players who have been competing to play next to her since the spring. According to new NU assistant Dan Conners — who coaches the middle blockers — they w i l l soon, as whoever is in there is going to have a big year for the Big Red. delano “The r e a l thing I’ve been impressed with since I got here is all the girls’ physicality,” Conners, who had a similar position at UCLA last season, said. “The system they play in here really works to their strengths: They’re tougher, move around the court faster, jump higher. Some of the group doesn’t have a ton of game experience, but I’m very comfortable this unit will be a strength of the team this year.” The unit took a hit when junior Allison McNeal, who started 17 matches last year, was held out due to an unknown illness. While the tests aren’t back and nothing is certain, she will be out this weekend’s tournament in New Mexico and perhaps longer. So the pressure will be on Wilberger and Thramer to step up. Wilberger has been here before: while she has never been a starter over the course of the entire season, the former walk-on is in her fifth year in the program. She has played a major role the past three seasons, including starting 10 of the final 13 matches last season. Her teammates think so much of her work ethic that they voted her co-captain this season alongside Brigette Root, and, according to Conners and Thramer, she is playing the best she ever has right now during practice. “It’s been a goal of mine

volleyball: see page 9

Linebackers face inexperience and changes Jeff Packer Daily Nebraskan

Age and experience are two different things. Nebraska linebackers are being reminded of that this fall camp. While there may not be as much youth in the middle of the defense, there have been questions galore regarding the corps’ lack of experience. NU linebacker Sean Fisher is choosing to focus on the years of knowledge the unit has gained together. “We have a lot of guys who have been in the program for a couple years now,” Fisher said. “So we look at that as a situation where, at this point, everybody is expected to know the defense, is expected to know what’s being asked of them.” Backing Fisher’s words, the NU roster currently lists 16 linebackers. The list includes five freshmen, one redshirt freshman, one sophomore, six ju-

While there may be an ample amount of names, in-game experience at the linebacker position appears thin as the Huskers head into the 2011 season. Fisher, Lavonte David, Will Compton, Mathew May and Alonzo Whaley are the only players at the position to have substantial playing time. David played in all 14 games of Nebraska’s 2010 campaign, making a name for himself on his way to the school’s singleseason tackles record. Compton missed the first five games of last season with a foot injury and Fisher was removed from the equation when he suffered a season-ending knee injury in camp a year ago. “In terms of age we have good depth, but I think all of us can improve in terms of our overall performance,” Fisher said. That’s been the theme of fall camp for this group. Understand the defense better and

help the younger, more inexperienced guys play catch up. Players are shuffling around, Fisher said, trying to make sure they recognize everything. “We’re trying to get more of a grasp, I guess, for the whole defense as opposed to just one position, so they’re expecting us to kind of know things across the board,” Fisher said. The number of players at the position is up from last year, something NU defensive coordinator Carl Pelini sees as positive in terms of substitution. “I thought last year we substituted a little more, didn’t quite have the depth we have this year,” Pelini said. “It helped us and so I’m hoping this year we can do the same thing and keep us healthy throughout the season and develop our younger guys too, in case of an emergency or an injury.”

linebacker: see page 9


Sean Fisher returns a blocked kick in a 2009 game against Iowa State. Fisher and the NU linebackers are adjusting to youth and playbook changes this fall.

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