December 9

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dn the

monday, december 9, 2013 volume 113, issue 069

Inside Coverage

Paws for thought

Fostering relationships

The Black Cat House pushes political talk

ASUN improves communication with students



Taking out the brooms


The No. 8 Nebraska volleyball team swept Fairfield and Oregon during the weekend to advance to the third round of the NCAA Championships. The Huskers will next play No. 9 San Diego in Lincoln on Friday. photo by morgan spiehs

reserves and race

Students in UNl’s rotc programs say anti-racism policies are effective sto ry b y Mara K le ck e r | p hoto by Allison hess Abby Diazdeleon, a junior political science major, stands outside the Military and Naval Sciences building on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus on Saturday afternoon. Diazdeleon is currently in the Army ROTC and intends to join the Army after college.

If you want to make a career out of the Air Force, you can’t have racist views.” Justin Wheeler air force rotc student


ustin Wheeler often has to clarify that his scholarship is for his academic record, not his athletic one. People assume the exploratory freshman is an athlete because of the color of his skin. “Shouldn’t you be on the field?” asked one football fan while Wheeler was in the stands. People expect him to talk a certain way. They think that as an African American man from North Omaha, Wheeler is a gangbanger. And as a security worker at University of Nebraska-Lincoln football games, Wheeler recalled one older white woman who was obviously uncomfortable with him checking her bag. “Maybe I was making assumptions, but it felt

like she thought I was going to rob her,” Wheeler said. But despite racism he’s experienced on campus, he said he’s never experienced any as a minority student in Air Force ROTC – and other students in UNL’s ROTC programs expressed a similar message. Wheeler is one of nine minority students out of 57 cadets in Air Force ROTC, said Lt. Col. Christopher Bohn. Abby Diazdeleon, a Latina junior political science major and member of Lambda Theta Nu, said she is one of five minority students of 63 cadets in the Army ROTC. The number of minority students in the Naval ROTC was not available. After Chancellor Harvey Perlman an-

nounced the “Not Here, Not Now, Not Ever!” campaign, Bohn sent out an additional email to each Air Force cadet. “I took the opportunity to remind my cadets something that they are told every year – the Air Force has a policy strictly prohibiting racism, harassment, intimidation or threats on the basis of race, color, religion or sexual orientation,” he said. The Army ROTC program has not discussed the campaign with its cadets, but Diazdeleon said she doesn’t see a need to within the program. “The university in general lacks diversity, so of course ROTC does, but I’ve never had a rac-

rotc: see page 3

UHC works to restore confidence amid misinformation 6 months after privatization vote, center struggles to balance future plans with restoration jacy marmaduke dn Some days last year, Dr. James Guest didn’t want to come to work. The director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s University Health Center had loved his job of 12 years. But UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman’s September 2012 announcement that he would move to privatize UHC, shifting control of the center to local nonprofit Bryan Health, set the center on a course of

uncertainty. More than 18 of the center’s 80some employees resigned or retired. News broke that the university hadn’t researched the effects of privatization on university health centers, raising concerns among staff and students alike. And the University of Nebraska Board of Regents vote to decide the health center’s fate kept getting pushed back. “The whole process just seemed to drag on,” Guest said. It’s been six months since the regents voted down Perlman’s move to privatize UHC. And while Guest wouldn’t wish this particular method of soul-searching on anyone, he and the rest of the staff say the health center emerged rejuvenated from last year’s wake-up call. “As soon as we got told we’re not (essential to the university), we began to think about why we are,” nurse practitioner LeAnn Holmes

said. “Our success is contingent upon student success.” But misinformation about privatization continues to affect the center’s recovery and the health center remains without a marketing coordinator – a position that has been vacant for 11 months. The health center has to remind students that it’s here, Guest said. That was the goal of the Jacht Club-organized advertising campaign in August, when the health center passed out buttons, popcorn and pamphlets in a colorful reminder of its presence. The campaign was the first step of the center’s larger plan to reinforce itself as an integral part of campus, something students think of even when they’re not sick. The privatization process, although now over, has made that goal more difficult to achieve. It’s difficult because, six months after regents voted 5-3 against the

As soon as we got told we’re not (essential to the university), we began to think about why we are.” LeAnn Holmes nurse practitioner

Bryan proposal, misinformed students, staff and job applicants think the center was privatized anyway – or that it will be in the near future. That’s not true. “I never say never, but there are currently no plans to pursue privatization,” Perlman said in an email Friday. Regardless, the misinformation has taken its toll on UHC. “I’m not sure the public really got what the vote meant,” said Chris Rindone, the center’s electronic medical records manager. “I

@dailyneb |

probably wouldn’t have (known) a year ago.” Earlier this year, Guest was in the process of hiring someone to fill one of the center’s vacant physician positions when the candidate backed out because their boss warned of UHC’s instability. Staff said they’ve talked to other potential applicants who were unsure about applying because they thought UHC would soon become privatized. Overall, Guest said applications for open positions have contracted by about a third.

And student visits to the center have decreased, although staff can’t say that’s necessarily an effect of the privatization rumors. For the first quarter, July through September, visits were down by about 300, Guest said. That decrease could be because of changes in organization and the addition of a triage nurse or simply because fewer students were sick. But Guest said he believes the privatization rumors played a key role. “Because of the confusion, a lot of people didn’t try us,” he said. In the midst of the misinformation, UHC could sure use a marketing coordinator. Guest has been trying to fill that position since the beginning of the year, after the former coordinator left the job for a similar spot at the College of Business Administration. The first round of applications

uhc: see page 2


monday, december 9, 2013


The Daily Nebraskan asked the University of Nebraska Board of Regents: If privatization was brought to the table again, would you consider it?


“Yes. We did not like the particular arrangement that was presented, and that’s why we rejected it.” Bob Phares (voted no to the Bryan contract)

“Yes, I would.” Kent Schroeder (voted yes)

“As a conservative Republican, I’m always open to the idea of privatization, if it would save money. I have great respect for Bryan, but I don’t think enough thought was given to the effects of the Affordable Care Act.”

“Yes, but it’s unrealistic to assume it might come up, because the only hospital which was interested no longer is interested.” Howard Hawks (voted yes)

“I would absolutely not consider privatization.” Jim Pillen (voted no)

“It would need to be more of a joint partnership. That Bryan contract was very one-sided. They were basically asking us to transfer ownership of the health center to them, and if we wanted it back we’d have to buy it back.” Robert Schafer (voted no)

Hal Daub (voted no)

UHC TIMELINE SEPT. 11, 2012 Chancellor Harvey Perlman announces his plan to privatize the University Health Center.

SEPT. 12, 2012 The University of NebraskaLincoln issues a request-forproposal asking outside providers to fund the construction of a new health center by 2014 while assuming operations of the current health center in Mtay 2013. Although any provider could make a bid, the university selected eight providers to which it directly sent the RFP.

OCT. 5, 2012 Bryan Health submits the lone bid for the creation of a new health center. Between October and December, the RFP evaluation committee meets four times to review the content of Bryan Health’s bid before it recommends that UNL proceed into negotiations with Bryan Health.

OCT. 11, 2012 The Daily Nebraskan is denied a request for a copy of the bid submitted by Bryan Health for the potential privatization of the health center.

OCT. 30, 2012

“I don’t like being the pioneer in something like this. It scares me.” Tim Clare at the June 7 meeting (voted no)

Bob Whitehouse voted yes at the June 7 meeting. The Daily Nebraskan couldn’t reach him for comment.

compiled BY jacy marmaduke and conor dunn

our view

uhc: from 1

UHC must increase exposure to combat misinformation Plans to privatize put a dent in the University Health Center ’s reputation when Chancellor Harvey Perlman announced them last fall. Some employees, fearful of their shifting roles and job security, departed the Health Center soon after. And some students decried the move as moneydriven and irresponsible on the part of a large state university. Many worried Counseling and Psychological Services and other university-sponsored programs would cease to exist. Others argued the emphasis on student care would disappear with privatization. Bryan Health pledged to keep then-current health center staff employed at the time for a minimum of one year. Now that privatization has failed, all those worries are a product of the past. It’s time to move on. The University Health Center, funded by student fees and the university budget, is here to stay. Services such as counseling and free HIV testing are still available. And students should know about them. But if the health center ’s still alive and kicking, it’s hard to tell. It’s disconcerting that the calendar on UHC’s website hasn’t been updated in what seems like months — the only events it mentions are Wellness Wednesdays through May. Even worse is the fact that the Health Center has not had a marketing coordinator on staff for the past 11 months. New and uninformed students can’t be expected to go out of their way to learn about essential health services the university provides. And if privatization is an idea of the past, then the health center should make an effort to bolster its reputation in its wake. Students who were worried that health education programs and grant-funded services would disappear are likely aware the privatization effort failed. The ones who did not stay up on the news, most likely, are not. Now that privatization is out of the equation, those who know little about the issue would be best served if they could learn about the services offered in the first place.

produced no viable candidates, so now he’s begun a second round of the search. Meanwhile, UHC’s staff is working to achieve other goals, big and small. Soon after the June 7 regents vote, UHC staff got together for an after-action review, where they say they debriefed in the way the United States Army might after a natural disaster. They met to discuss what they liked about the way UHC operated – and what needed to change. Ask Guest what was gathered from that discussion, and he whips out a sheet of white butcher paper emblazoned with a slew of talking points, or core concepts: Increase communication and efficiency. Define image. Resolve building issues. The strips of masking tape are beginning to lose their stick from being repeatedly secured to the wall during meetings. Guest’s office, about twice the size of a residence hall room, is filled with stacks of reports, documents, printouts of crisis leadership tips. There, he’s working to prepare the health center for the future, which he hopes will involve a move to a larger building more suited to its needs. Last week, he requested Perlman’s permission to begin a needs assessment for UHC, a step that would jumpstart the move. Here’s where the story gets confusing. In June, right after the road to privatization abruptly ended, Perlman asked Guest to come up with a plan to build a new health center similar to the one envisioned by Bryan, without an increase to student fees. The university hired an architecture firm to begin planning the move and redesign, and Guest developed a budget plan that would actually lead to a decrease in student fees.

But in September, administration halted the planning process. “We’ve delayed it until we have a really good idea of what we want and how to pay for it,” Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Juan Franco said in a Sept. 12 Daily Nebraskan article. A consulting group of University of Nebraska Medical center professionals arrived to UHC in November, tasked with assessing UHC’s structures, partnerships and insurance programs. Until the consultants file their report, Perlman won’t resume the planning process for the move, the next step of which would be a needs assessment. Guest said he doesn’t know when the report will be finished. UHC had its last needs assessment – a process that compares the center with those of other schools and explores avenues for improvement – in 2007. Guest said an updated one is long overdue. That’s why he asked Perlman for permission to conduct a needs assessment without the consultants’ report. Until that happens, the center is focusing on its other goals. Staff said last year’s attempt at privatization highlighted students’ lack of awareness of the center. “It was a refrain that we’d heard before but was emphasized: We have to get out of these four walls and be a face, not just a name,” Guest said. “It made it real.” The launch of a program allowing nursing students to observe at UHC two days a week, work with architecture students for building design ideas and the use of a triage nurse rather than a physician to lower costs all stand out as bright spots. And simple things such as staff unity are important, too, Guest said. In October, he tasked each department with decorating a

pumpkin for Halloween. Each department was to send one staffer at a time to work on their pumpkin, creating an opportunity for busy staffers to mingle and take a break from the grind. And staffers are counting themselves lucky for avoiding privatization — but not just because they get to keep their jobs. “In the news articles, we always seemed so self-centered, like ‘Oh no, I’m going to lose my job,’” Holmes said. “Our chief concern was always that this was going to be bad for students. The employees who left, their concern was, ‘I’m afraid this is going to turn into a position I don’t want to have.’” Guest said the question of whether a university should privatize its health center depends on the size of the institution, the health center and the contractor. He conceded that privatization is sometimes the right call but said it can create tension because the contractor has its own mission aside from that of the university. “Yes, they want to provide a service, but they also want to fulfill their own mission,” he said. “Our goal is a product and theirs would be a dollar.” So now, UHC will continue to focus on the many dimensions of the product. Guest will continue hanging that sheet of paper from the wall and planning budgets and leafing through literature looking for answers. He likes a Confucius quote he found the other day: “To attack a task from the wrong end can do nothing but harm.” And the health center will continue to serve students, he says, just like always. “It takes a while to recover,” Guest said. “And I think we’re well on our way.” news@

The DN receives an advisory opinion on its public records petition from the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office, stating that the university was “required to disclose certain portions of the bid or bids it has received.”

NOV. 13, 2012 The DN publishes the contents of Bryan’s Health bid for the health center, detailing that the proposed Bryan/University health center would cost $14.4 million and be completed in August 2014. All current health center services will be maintained and possibly expanded and current health center staff will be employed a minimum of one year.

MARCH 6, 2013 Sixty-two percent of student voters in Association of Students of the University of Nebraska say they’re in favor of the privatization proposal

APRIL 24, 2013 Eighteen of the health center’s 88 employees have resigned or retired, including two physicians, the lead pharmacist, marketing coordinator and insurance coordinator, as well as several business workers.

JUNE 7, 2013 The University of Nebraska Board of Regents rejects the Bryan contract in a 5-3 vote. Later, Perlman instructs Guest to develop a budget and plan for moving UHC.

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monday, december 9, 2013


part 3 of a series on ASUN election platforms


ASUN pushes for more student interaction


Executives say communication platform has been successful REECE RISTAU DN The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska executives’ last election platform was to increase communication with students and Recognized Student Organizations. Through formal programs and day-to-day interactions with students, ASUN has been attempting to build stronger connections with the student body. Eric Reznicek, president of ASUN and a senior finance and marketing major, said a centerpiece of their efforts is the WhatTo-Fix UNL program, nicknamed WTF-UNL, which will likely go into effect during winter break. The program will allow students to post concerns on a Facebook

page about issues on campus. Reznicek said students could post about anything from a broken elevator in Harper Hall to wanting a coffee shop added to a building like the one in Oldfather Hall, which is home to the Academic Grind. “Basically, it’s one big crowdsourcing initiative for all students,” Reznicek said. “The initial idea was for it to be a sounding board for any student to post anything they want on Facebook.” Looking at the communication platform as a whole, Reznicek said much of the success has come from the actions of the ASUN Communications Committee. “I don’t know if (our success) was with formal programs, but I think just more of a caring attitude and talking to individual students on an individual basis,” he said. “I know our Communications Committee has done tenfold the amount of work that I hoped they would have in the beginning.” Examples of committee progress are projects such as its so-

cial media initiative, which has creased communication with involved increasing ASUN’s students,” Thomas said. “(ASUN has) put out more tweets about presence online through Twitter what’s going on and has put out and Facebook. Students can now follow what the senate is doing, bullet-point minutes on Facewhat events ASUN is hosting and book showing more of what is what changes are being made. going on behind the scenes.” The three ASUN executives, The ASUN Twitter handle is @ consisting of Reznicek, KaitASUN_UNL and its Facebook page is ASUN Student Govern- lin Coziahr, a senior economics, finance and management ment. The committee also runs a major, and Jeff blog, which can be Story, a junior found at unlasun. Basically, English and it’s one big litical science Reznicek said major, have also ASUN communi- crowdsourcing made attempts cation efforts have to be more availalso fostered part- initiative for all able to students. nerships across students.” Reznicek said campus that he many students didn’t expect. Tyler Eric Reznicek asun president do not come into Thomas, UNL’s sothe ASUN office cial media specialist to voice their and content coordiconcerns, which is one reason the nator, has taken steps to encourage ASUN’s increased commu- WTF-UNL project will be started. nication and help the group. However, he said they always try to have one of the three in the ofReznicek said Thomas reached out to them, offering help with fice to be available to students. The ASUN office is in the southWTF-UNL and the body’s social west corner of the Nebraska media presence. Thomas said he Union. has seen growth. To increase communication “I have definitely seen in-

with RSOs on campus, ASUN has attempted to strengthen its Student Organization Representative Council program, known as SORC, and be an effective resource for new student organizations. SORC is a training council for leaders of RSOs, where student leaders can bring up problems they are experiencing within their organization and try to solve the problem, utilizing ASUN member ’s experience and the experience of other RSO leaders. Reznicek said they have increased the council to once a semester rather than once a year. He said ASUN has been ensuring that new RSOs have a strict constitution and the resources necessary to stand on their own. Additionally, Reznicek said ASUN is attempting to be a better resource for new student organizations. “(We want to) make sure they have the resources they need so they won’t just make it through the year and then fizzle out and die,” Reznicek said. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

CBA introduces business analytics program College is expanding to include a program for students who want to focus on real-world problems Nicole Rauner DN The College of Business Administration will begin a new business analytics program next semester. The program will offer four new business analytics courses beginning in January. According to CBA’s website, the goal of the business analytics program is to develop solutions to specific busi-

ness problems through data. The classes are offered so that students can complete them in one year if they choose. The recommended way to take them is Graduate Business 851 offered in January, Economics 817 in March, Marketing 850 in July and Management 853 in October. The classes are offered online to reach a multitude of students, said A. Dwayne Ball, chair and associate professor of marketing. “(They’re) online because we anticipated the major target would be people off-campus,” Ball said. The only requirements for this specialization are to be admitted into the MBA program and to have completed an introductory statistics course with a grade of C or better. The courses are taught to ex-

History society to welcome professor as VP Tyler williams dn

president of SHAFR, Borstelmann is also beginning to do research work on a book that will focus on the ways in which Americans view other cultures. University of Nebraska-Lincoln pro“(Borstelmann) is a great colfessor Thomas Borstelmann will be the league, brilliant analyst, writer and hisvice president and president-elect of torian,” said William G. Thomas, chair the Society for Historians of American of UNL’s history department. Foreign Relations, or SHAFR. At a young age, Borstelmann was SHAFR is a 45-year-old organizainterested in exploring and finding tion dedicated to the study of the histrue wisdom. tory of American foreign “The family I grew relations. The group also up in, my brother was a lobbies the government history major, and my fato release previously clasther was a psychologist,” sified documents after the he said. “It seemed to me 25-year classification has that historians knew the ended. most … and pastors.” “I was delighted, While studying at shocked and delighted Stanford University, Bor… and honored,” the Elstelmann became interwood N. and Katherine ested in power and how Thompson professor of it was used by countries, modern world history said about receiving the borstelmann such as the United States. This led to his specializacall from the nomination tion in international relacommittee. tions. The nominating committee selects “I think a culture that does not candidates based on work done for know history is like a person with no the society, reputation in the historical memories,” Borstelmann said. community and personal characterisHe said he had watched SHAFR tics. Borstelmann described vice presidency in the SHAFR as an important slowly become a more diverse and international organization, and its inposition residing over counsel meetfluence has slowly changed the viewings and a warm-up for becoming president. His presidency will begin in point of the group from how the U.S. sees the world and how the world and 2015 after he delivers an address to the the U.S. see each other. SHAFR annual conference in June. “We’re sort of the tip of the spear As president, Borstelmann will in globalization of the world,” Borstelalso be presiding over and organizing the annual conference for 2017. These mann said. “I see this as just another small piece of the story of Nebraska obligations matched with continually dealing with smaller problems as they becoming more nationally and internationally prominent.” develop will keep Borstelmann occunews@ pied during his presidency. In addition to his work as vice

There’s vast amounts of data out there to give businesses a leg up on solving their problems.” A. Dwayne Ball

chair and associate professor of marketing

plain econometric methods and how to use the analyses of economic data, use of large marketing databases and identifying information from large amounts of data. The first course - GRBA 851 - will teach students how to understand data in areas such as business, government, education and agriculture. Kerri Hiatt, online MBA program coordinator and adviser,

said companies come to the college to meet with students and faculty about skills that are in demand. The classes are designed for graduate students and offer ways to help students with their schooling. Graduate students can earn a minor, MBA students can earn a specialization in business analytics, and a certificate program for business professionals is currently

pending approval. Ball said knowing how to work with numbers is an asset for students.“There’s vast amounts of data out there to give businesses a leg up on solving their problems,” Ball said. “But, there aren’t enough people out there to solve these problems.” Ball said the program’s key feature is that “as it progresses, it focuses more and more on real world problems.” UNL is always trying to expand course options by adding new classes that the real world is looking for, Ball said. “It has been obvious to anyone in business for a long time that the amount of data available to solve business problems has been expanding exponentially,” Ball said. news@


On campus what: Mountains & Goats: New Ikat Tapestries & Prints when: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. where: Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery, Home Economics Building more information: Admission is free. Hours are by appointment.

what: Excel Data Management when: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. where: Architecture Hall, Room 107 more information: Register online at

IN LINCOLN what: Wreaths Across America Public Ceremony when: 11 a.m. where: State Capitol Building, Warner Chamber more information: This is a free event.

Speed friending keeps students in touch International and domestic students alike meet each other at the university’s speed friending event Tyler williams dn Conversations filled the Nebraska Union’s Regency suite. Chairs were arranged in a circle with “frienders” asking questions from their lists, such as “Where would you go if you learned your neighbor was a vampire?” They had eight minutes to get to know the person sitting across them. At the end of those eight minutes, they shared contact information and shifted to the right to begin the conversation again. Domestic and international University of Nebraska-Lincoln students mingled and formed friendships at the university’s first speed friending event, which was sponsored by UNL Connect, UNL Women’s Center and Student Involvement. Taylor Gee, a three-time study abroad student and East Campus Student Involvement graduate assistant, and Claire Hauser, UNL Women’s Center counseling coordinator, wanted to create a fun, pressure-free environment for international students to learn about the subtle nuances of American culture. At the same time, the event helped domestic students build relationships with those who lived outside the U.S. “I thought it was an interesting event and a good way to meet people,” said speed-friender Aakriti Agrawal, a sophomore actuarial science major from Pune, India. “I feel like a big issue is (domestic students) have friends from high school, so it’s

Tiago Zenero | DN

Aakriti Agrawal, a sophomore actuarial science major and an international student from India, participated in the speed friending on Friday at the Nebraska Union. The event brought together many international and domestic students who exchanged their contact information to keep in touch.

I thought it was an interesting event and a good way to meet people.” aakriti agrawal

sophomore actuarial science major

hard to get that initial interaction.” Agrawal said she’s met a few really nice people and got to know

people she had never known before the event. Jia Yung, a junior broadcasting

major from Malasia, said he would reach out and contact probably all of the students he met. “I just thought it would be fun to come out here and meet new people” Yung said. Gee and Hauser were very pleased with the turnout for the event and planned on organizing more events similar to speed friending in the future. news@

rotc: from 1 ist encounter in ROTC,” she said. “We don’t tolerate it, and we see ourselves as a whole, as one, as one unit dedicated to one mission – serving the U.S.” Wheeler said the message from Bohn was clear. “Racism just plain isn’t tolerated in the air force,” Wheeler said. “We didn’t further discuss it because it was clear – if you want to make a career out of the Air Force, you can’t have racist views.” Though the incidents that sparked the university’s antiracism campaign “Not Here, Not Now, Not Ever!” – ASUN Sen. Cameron Murphy’s racial slur-laden speech and the N-word written in chalk outside Phi Kappa Psi fraternity – were more direct, Diazdeleon said she’s rarely experienced direct racism at UNL and never in ROTC. Neither has Wheeler, he said. Johnny Jiang, treasurer of the Student Veterans Organization, said

that he did feel some amount of racism during his two years in the Air Force as a surgical technician. The Chinese-born sophomore marketing and computer science major said it was mostly in the form of racist jokes in the early stages of training. “In training, you are just in a potpourri of people and things were said that wouldn’t be accepted on a professional level,” Jiang said. “These guys weren’t worried about being politically correct, they were just worried about getting along day-to-day. They saw humor as the best way to do that.” Jiang hears similar jokes on campus, he said. Most of the racism he’s experienced during his year at UNL has just been passing comments. “Going around campus, there’s only been a handful of things that I’ve heard that kind of hurt,” Jiang said. “It was all in passing, and that’s going to happen, especially

when you have 20,000 undergrads coming from all walks of life.” Jiang can only remember one on-campus incident when a racial slur was directed at him. He suspects that alcohol may have been involved, and he said had it continued, he would have reported it. “Maybe these things happen more often than I am aware of, but I want to regard the incident against me and the incident in ASUN as one or two out of a hundred,” Jiang said. “I just don’t think this is the norm.” Diazdeleon reported one incident two years ago, when a cashier at a shop in the union refused to serve her after she dropped a sample of ice cream. “He said, ‘I don’t want to serve your kind of people,’” Diazdeleon said. Both Diazdeleon and Wheeler expect some amount of racism when they join the military after graduation, though neither one

is going to let it influence them, they said. Wheeler said once it gets closer to his enlistment, he plans on talking with his father, a black man who served in the Air Force and was stationed in many places, from the state of Georgia to Japan. Though Wheeler said he’s heard a few stories of how his father dealt with racism – including taking a white commander “out back” for a fist fight – he thinks that he will learn to just brush it off and do his job. “I just expect it,” Wheeler said. “It’s going to happen, unfortunately. Ending racism, I know, isn’t going to happen in my lifetime. Maybe not even in my grandchildren’s lifetime. But hey, we can still work for progress.” Diazdeleon said being a nonwhite woman in the military will always put her in the minority. “I am trying to make it sound nice – all positive, all sugar and spice – but I know it is not going

to be like that when I actually leave college,” she said. “I wish it was, but even as a woman, I know I will encounter some type of stereotyping as well, beyond possible racial profiling.” Jiang, Wheeler and Diazdeleon said they all commend the university for launching the campaign against intolerance but don’t see racism disappearing anytime soon. “I applaud the university for making such a strong effort and maybe this is just me being pessimistic, but you can never fully get rid of it, only lessen it,” Jiang said. “I do applaud the strong push for educating campus, as education is the only way you can let people know that racism isn’t acceptable, and you can get a laugh without targeting certain groups.” Wheeler said he has already felt the intensity of the campaign die down. “It seems like it’s been a few months since the launch of cam-

paign because people aren’t really talking about it anymore, even though it wasn’t even a couple of weeks ago,” Wheeler said. Diazdeleon agreed. “Things blow up for a minute and then die down, and nobody remembers,” she said. “I don’t want that to happen now, but I think it is, which is sad.” Diazdeleon wants the campaign to continue and hopes to see multicultural groups get involved as well. “We build barriers because we are afraid to step out of our comfort zone, and we are afraid to be in those passive aggressive racial situations,” she said. As for their futures in the military, Diazdeleon and Wheeler are optimistic. “I want to fly planes,” Wheeler said. “My race has nothing to do with that.” news@



monday, december 9, 2013

boys’& girls’ Separating students by gender in school has potential benefits and drawbacks

a r t

b y

A l e x

B r i d g m a n


A single-sex classroom can help both men and women grow to their full potentials


ay 20, 2012. I am standing confidently in my royal blue graduation robe looking out to friends and family who filled the Orpheum Theater in Omaha that Sunday afternoon. One-by-one, 166 classmates received their high school diplomas. The thing is, all 166 of my classmates were women. I had the choice of where I wanted to attend high school. When I say choice, I mean I was allowed to decide between three private, all-girl schools and one coed private school. Something interested me in the all-girl er who they are and what kind of person they want to be. schools. Maybe it was my inner desire to sleep in my Being in a single-sex school environment gives them that school uniform every night. Or to not wear makeup and opportunity. It gives them this opportunity by creating an not worry about my hair. And maybe not having the openvironment where it’s “cool” to be smart, and your class posite gender in the classroom wouldn’t be so bad after is so close that they push you to do your best in every all. It also could have been my desire to be in a completely aspect. They focus on being balanced as an entire person. unique environment, surrounded by inNot just academically, but spiritually, spiring women leaders. and emotionally. We don’t High school physically If you have never had the opportulearn this straight from the book. We nity to experience what is it like to be inis a very learn this from our peers and teachers. side of a single-sex school, words will not The identity that going to a singledo it justice. Being in a single-sex school vulnerable time sex school gives you is invaluable. It’s empowered us young women to succeed in students’ lives a sense of confidence and embracing as confident, independent, thinking leadleadership when necessary, but, at the ers. Yes, a coed school could have done when they are same time, being able to fall back into the the same, but do they instill these qualitrying to discover embrace of your peers. Throughout my ties in their students on a day-to-day four years in high school, my classmates basis? With a rigorous, college prepara- who they are became more than girls sitting next to me tory curriculum, I couldn’t have found a during a test. They became my support and what kind of better education elsewhere. A study consystem — a sisterhood, even — and the ducted by UCLA’s Graduate School of person they want bond between classmates at most singleEducation & Information Studies stated sex schools are life-long and continue to that female graduates of single-sex high to be.” strengthen over generations. schools demonstrate stronger academic Imagine this: a massive group of 166 orientations than their coeducational counterparts. The girls parading through Creighton University’s campus. reports’ findings drew from a number of different catThey are dressed up as hot air balloons, matching with egories: self-confidence, political and social activism, life their hair in braids and fresh white Keds that they had to goals and career orientation. They also concluded that search all through Omaha for. Every single one of these graduates from single-sex high schools receive higher girls are singing in unison songs they have practiced for SAT scores, and higher confidence in their mathematics more than a week, with parents and friends lining the and computer skills. street to take pictures and witness this once-a-year sight. Studies by the University of Virginia and the NaThis is my high school’s longest tradition. We spent a tional Foundation for Educational Research in the United week preparing for “Field Day.” We patiently came toKingdom also indicate that same-sex schools can break gether to make marching band-like formations that indown gender stereotypes. Girls are allowed to explore clude all 166 of us singing original songs that coincide subjects such as mathematics and engineering, both seen with our theme. All of April was spent thinking and as “male subjects,” without being constrained by gender preparing for the first Friday in May. It may seem silly stereotypes. This leads to girls exploring more “non-trato some, but this tradition that brings our class together, ditional” courses. In a classroom setting, girls can speak year after year, even after we graduated, would never be their opinions without measuring how the opposite sex possible if our high school was a coed environment. will react to what they think. The student role models There will always be a constant disagreement on in their school are all their own sex. The most amazing whether coed or single-sex schools create a better learn“physics geek” is a girl. The top shooter on the trap team ing environment. Single-sex schools instill values and the is a girl, the student body president is a girl, the best athconfidence to be a leader in school and their community letes are all girls, etc. This shows younger girls it’s more every day. It’s a place where it’s “cool” to be smart. Just than OK to excel in science, sports, leading the student as research and personal experience shows, single-sex body, and that girls can shoot guns just as well as boys. schools empower young people to succeed in all aspects The same would go for boys at a single-sex school. Being of their life. It’s not just an education; it’s an experience. interested in the arts and theatre is more accepted, breakClaire Wieger is a sophomore Business ing gender stereotypes. and Advertising/Public Relations major. Besides the education and learning aspect, the culFollow her on Twitter @Clurko_Bangz. ture and community formed at single-sex schools speaks Reach her at opinion@ louder than any SAT score. It’s a place where girls or boys can truly develop their full potential through guidance from their teachers and other classmates. High school is a very vulnerable time in students lives when they are trying to discov-

claire wieger

Coeducational schools can offer real-life experience with the opposite gender


went to one of the largest high schools in Nebraska. There were more than 620 students in my graduating class. For some of you, that’s probably bigger than your entire high school or rivals the size of your entire town. Even at such a large size, I feel I received a fine public education and am still close with many of the friends I made there. Large schools are sometimes criticized for failing to give proper attention and resources to all students. In reality, this is a common problem throughout the school system. Many believe that these issues could be mitigated by separating boys and girls into single-sex schools. But this LGBT students might also feel alienated by the instiis a dangerous and rash idea that actually misses the heart tutional “othering” of the opposite sex and thus enforcing of the problem and undermines the important social and certain homogenous standards upon their own gender. emotional lessons learned while in school. The success of Eagle Academy should be celebrated. I do think same-sex schools can serve young men and Students and parents of students seem very happy and women in a way that a coed environment can’t. But singlesatisfied with their school. But simply segregating stusex education is not a cure-all. Proponents dents by gender is a false solution to a of single-sex education claim that boys and complex problem. These boys face other The girls have fundamentally different learning stresses related to poverty and crime and styles and those needs must be addressed the other challenges of living in the inner problems specifically in order for them to succeed. city. Their success could be attributed to However, according to a 2011 study pub- occur when men smaller class sizes (they only enter 100 lished in the research journal “Sex Roles,” students at a time), better resources and actual neurological differences in knowl- and women invested teachers. edge acquisition between boys and girls has are held to a If coeducational schools are fallrarely been found. ing short, it’s not because boys or girls Single-sex education also claims to rigid, subjective are distracted by the opposite sex. The eliminate the tensions between tradition- standard and school may not have adequate resources ally “masculine” and “feminine” subjects. and facilities to properly instruct all stuare subject to it A young man won’t have to worry about dents. Students might also be faced with being the only male in theater or choir, nor administratively.” other socioeconomic stresses related to will a young woman be intimidated to take their family and home life that make sucadvanced science and math classes. ceeding at school difficult. These are the real problems of But this isn’t usually the case. In regard to gender, I’d our society and our schools. Money and effort should not say that my high school was fairly balanced in faculty and be spent trying to separate boys and girls and expecting talent. I can only think of one department that happened academic standards to magically fix themselves. Instead, to be exclusively taught by men: industrial technology. But educators should be trying to address those challenges and it wasn’t uncommon for girls to take those classes. I knew needs of their students. many girls who excelled in science and math, as well as And I have to nod to the classic argument of teachers many talented young men who shined in music, theater and parents everywhere: The “real world” isn’t separated and English. My high school was also blessed with accesby gender. Most colleges, like ours, aren’t either. Women sible resources and well-educated teachers. Often singlewill inevitably have to interact with men and vice versa. sex schools simply offer more attention and resources to Growing up and learning beside each other is not mere students who are then more comfortable forming passions preparation for such situations. It’s an integral part of deand pursuing them. veloping one’s own identity and life skills. The Eagle Academy for Young Men in Bronx, N.Y. adAt my coed public high school, there were tensions beopted the all-male educational model to give male students tween boys and girls. But these “distractions” should be acthe focus and attention to encourage their graduation and cepted as part of the social and emotional growth of school professional success despite many of their students coming environments. It’s messy and challenging. Students learn from poverty. The school has shown promising results with to make choices instead of assuming whatever gender exa graduating rate of 67.5 percent, beating the city-wide avpectations are put upon them. My friends and I learned erage of 59.9 percent for boys. Part of Eagle’s model is to how to have healthy relationships with males, platonic and teach its students to “grow into a man.” not. And I still learned a lot of important values of being a I don’t have a problem with encouraging men to be young woman. In fact, having male friends and classmates men or women to be women. They should be encouraged helped me develop those values and become more percepto develop a relationship with themselves and their gender tive and compassionate toward all kinds of people. Comidentity. The problems occur when men and women are ing to a large public university, I felt the importance of those held to a rigid, subjective standard and are subject to it adsocial lessons learned in high school. Most importantly, I ministratively. For instance, a study published in “Science” know that this is something that I still must experience and magazine found that segregated classes can also have danlearn every day from my classmates and professors. gerous effects in institutionalizing gender stereotypes and Jane Seu is a senior political science holding people to certain heteronormative expectations. major. Follow her on Twitter @jane_seu. Reach her at opinion@




monday, december 9, 2013 @dnartsdesk


Story by Gabriella Martinez-garro | Photos by Allison Hess

3 Lincolnites welcome the local community into their home, what they call The Black Cat House, for political discussion and activism efforts against issues such as racism and sexism


s you walk into The Black Cat House, you notice shelves of books filled with works of Karl Marx and other political writers displayed, waiting for guests to borrow a copy. Politically charged posters line the walls, and naturally, a cat is ready to greet you as soon as you enter the door. For Ashley Martin, Jackson Meredith and Tati Urzedowski, this is their home, and they’re sharing it with the Lincoln community. The Black Cat House was started by Martin, Meredith and Urzedowski and opened this summer as a place to host events and discussions on sensitive political material. Though the house of activism focuses on a variety of topics — everything from rape culture to the pitfalls of capitalism — the overarching goal is to give people a political education. “There are many oppressions really defining this society,” Meredith said. “I mean, there’s racism, there’s sexism, there’s heterosexism, there’s all kinds of things and struggles, all kinds of oppressions that need to be torn down. We try to be a venue for all of those things to some degree. That’s a lot on our plate.” Meredith, who also works for the University of NebraskaLincoln at the Selleck Dining Hall, said he has been interested in activism for over a decade. Before co-founding The Black Cat House, Meredith was involved in another political group. After a change of direction, Meredith, Martin and Urzedowski decided to create a space designed for and dedicated to political activism. “We had always been focused on more of an explicit political education and not an eccentric lifestyle,” Meredith said. (top) Tati Urzedowski and Jackson Meredith stand outside The The Black Cat House hosts a variety of events including movie Black Cat House on Sunday afternoon in Lincoln. The organizanights, discussions and work- tion, located on 16th and B streets, is owned by three different shops led by the three co-found- members of the organization who join together with the goal to ers. Events are generally picked create a safe and accessible space for all members of the comseasonally and relate to some munity to learn about important issues. type of current event or holiday. For Columbus Day, The Black (right) Noodle is a cat who lives in The Black Cat House. The Black Cat House organized a protest Cat House itself is not limited to any specific ideology, but its against the holiday, a protest they hope to continue annually. Af- principles are derived from anti-capitalism, anti-racism, feminism, ter the new year, The Black Cat queerdom and environmentalism. House will also host an array of relationship-themed events in rape culture, and so we wanted make sure each member is knowlto have an event February for edgeable on the topic and is able that dismantled Valentine’s Day. to participate. Still, the events “One of our flagship events is There’s all kinds that. As well, our feminist dis- the ‘What Is’ discussion, and it’s will not be typiof things and cussion group sort of an introduction to somecal lovey-dovey that month is on fare. thing,” Meredith said. “To envistruggles, all kinds of BDSM because “We’re havronmentalism, to anarchism, to oppressions tha tneed that’s a compliing a workshop any number of things. With somecated discussion thing like that we would provide on consent to be torn down.” in feminism and a handout with definitions and within relationin general.” ships because Jackson meredith a lot of basic resources, and we When hostthe black cat that’s a huge kind of cram a bit on the subject house cofounder ing events and issue in maina few days beforehand to make leading discus- sure we can lead the discussion.” stream society,” sions, the three Urzedowski The house also publishes work co-founders work together to that can be found both inside and said. “We have this very prolific

black cat house: see page 7

Movie sequels provide financial security Gabriella Martinez-Garro Dn “Fast and the Furious 17,” coming to a theater near you. Though movie studios haven’t exactly gone that far, it’s a fact that movie sequels and remakes are everywhere. Familiarity has become a profitable resource for studios. Though original scripts and screenplays are being written, Hollywood and the general public tend to favor the continuation of franchises. In 2011, 9 out of the 10 top grossing domestic films were sequels or an installment in a franchise. In 2012, 4 out of 10 were, and in 2013, 6 out of 10. Professor Wheeler Dixon, a James Ryan Professor of Film Studies and coordinator of the film studies program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said movie studios prefer films if they have sense of familiarity with the audience as they hope more people will see go out and see it. “They’re pre-sold; they were successful once, and they’re known quantities,” Dixon said. “There’s little or no risk involved, or so the reasoning goes, and studios are wary of anything original, especially since production costs have escalated to such insane levels that a $100 million film is run of the mill.” Original ideas come with a risk. Because they often offer subject matter that is unfamiliar to audiences, it’s not easy to know in advance if the movie

will sell. Because of the large budgets of many films, especially blockbusters, the idea of risking a large sum of money on an unknown movie is unsavory to major film studios. “No one knows if they’ll click with audiences or not,” Dixon said. “So they get small budgets. And thus they get small advertising budgets, because the studios are going to push the films where they have the most financial exposure. If a film costs $10 million to make, they can make back their money on streaming and video on demand.” Critically, however, films with an original premise often gather the most praise. In 2013, there were only seven Academy Award nominations for films that were either in a franchise or sequel, the majority of these from James Bond’s “Skyfall.” Still, despite critical acclaim, audiences still favor familiarity over originality. “It’s all about promotion and budgeting,” Dixon said. “‘The Lone Ranger’ cost $200 million simply to produce, and then the studio threw another $100 million at it for promotion and advertising. If a studio has a large investment in a film, they have to keep plugging away at it until it breaks even, and amazingly enough, it looks like even ‘The Lone Ranger’ will make money overseas and in ancillary marketing.”

REmakes: see page 7

Stop stressing; it’s just Finals Week Madeline Christensen

You can beat the stress of Finals Week by following our list of simple do’s and don’ts There are two types of people: those who acknowledge finals week, and those who black out and eat whole blocks of cheese while re-watching Gilmore Girls episodes. So I’m sitting here, wondering where my block of cheese went, and I’m thinking, “Man, it’s cold outside!” I like to think of finals week as this sort of abstract thing that doesn’t really exist unless it’s happening. I mean, it’s a real downer, and honestly, labeling it “Finals Week” just makes it seem like a way bigger deal than it actually is. Like when you’re at IHOP and order the “Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity.” Is it really rooty and tooty? Do I want my food to be rooty and tooty? They’re STRAWBERRY PANCAKES, damn it.

Rebecca Rickertsen | DN Finals week is just a time for professors to whisper “fail to prepare or prepare to fail” in your ear from time to time. No need to pee your pants, freshmen. I compiled a list of Do’s and Don’t’s for these last few weeks of the semester, so you can all take a chill pill and glide into class like you’re wearing Heelys

at the mall. DO ask your parents for a care package. Who doesn’t love a nice granola bar? Tell them how you’re really hungry and are too weak to hold up a textbook. They’ll probably think you’re full of shit, but you have to milk the opportunity. DON’T accidentally imag-

ine studying. I did this once, it’s where you take a nap and dream about writing a paper or studying for a test, only to wake up and realize you still haven’t done anything. It’s just really depressing. DO start a new hobby. When

Finals Prep: see page 6


monday, december 9, 2013

Gothic novel Public opinion split on NSA action spins mysterious story miles rothlisberger

Hannah ratliff DN Diane Setterfield’s “The Thirteenth Tale” might not sound all that interesting on the surface — a Gothic drama that wasn’t even written in the Gothic era — but, if given a chance, it might surprise readers. “The Thirteenth Tale” is a suspenseful jaunt that I spent every spare moment of my time reading until it was finished. The story, in which a famous and aging author, Vida Winter, asks bookish biographer Margaret Lea to record the story of her life, keeps interest with rich images of the English moors where the story takes place, as well as with characters so vivid you can hear their voices in your head. Though those who dislike Gothic literature probably won’t go for the dark, stormy images and constant references to “Jane Eyre,” those who love the writing style (or can even just tolerate it like me) should give “The Thirteenth Tale” a try. The story revolves around Winter’s tumultuous childhood in which she and her twin sister essentially raise themselves, creating their own twin language and never spending any time apart. But with each tale of the girls’ incessant trouble-making, less and less seems to add up. The reader is left with nagging questions about the house’s ghosts, governesses and the family itself until a massive plot twist explains it all. I had to stop and re-read the page on which it was all revealed. I didn’t see it coming at all and first re-read it just to comprehend it, then again to marvel at how brilliantly Setterfield sets it all up. If nothing else, this genius turn of events made me love the novel, so much so that I immediately gave it to a friend, for someone to share my awe with. But the incredible twist is not the only great thing about this book. Not only does Setterfield create a suspenseful mystery, but she also creates a mesmerizing idea of what it means to be complete. Throughout the story, the reader meets more than one pair of twins (who are not always together) and

The National Security Agency has to balance the need for privacy and safety.

THE THIRTEENTH TALE Diane Setterfield ATRIA BOOKS Gothic/Suspense shows us how damaging it can be to be separated from a part of yourself. Setterfield uses the idea of twins in a million ways: to illustrate the good and bad in all people, as a metaphor for self-identity, as well as a representation of the past. The twins in this story are the kind of characters that stick in your brain long after you’ve finished reading. “The Thirteenth Tale” is thrilling without being over-the-top, interesting while never feeling too complex and mysterious without becoming an episode of Scooby-Doo. You’re left with all your questions answered but some new ones formed by the end. Setterfield weaves together something so hypnotizing that it would make a Brontë proud. arts@

Nowadays, it seems one cannot mention the National Security Agency without mentioning either the war on terrorism or the war for privacy. Ever since key journalists and individuals revealed the NSA’s wire-tapping and Internet monitoring, the U.S. Constitution and its amendments, particularly the First, have been questioned and debated in ways not seen in decades. But in the end, how does the NSA affect the nation, or even Nebraskans and University of Nebraska-Lincoln students? My Honors 198H Seminar group, composed of Sydney Rhoades, Griffith Swidler and myself, was assigned this task. Conducting a local survey and pooling results from wider, nation polls about the NSA and its doings, we set out to determine the relationship between the government agency and the people. On a nationwide scale, one would not be surprised to find that, according to a July 2013 PEW Research Center polling, a majority of Americans, or around 70 percent, believe that the NSA’s online monitoring for more purposes than investigating terrorist threats. However, one may be surprised to find that there happens to be a general equality in the number of people opposed to the NSA’s surveillance and the

‘Sunny’ balances humor with truth shelby fleig

It’s 12:15 p.m. on a Wednesday. Dee sits at a table in her bar, eating Frank’s cake Charlie threw in the trash a month ago, drinking from a bottle and chain smoking. (She’s so great.) After eight seasons of enduring the gang’s tumultuous insults, she’s finishing their sentences: “Dee, you look like...” “A bird?” “Like a bird lady? Covered in bird shit? Eating cake?” “Like a bird with no tits and no ass? Like a bird.” So she’s ready for a career in stand-up. She’s in “that sweet spot between suicidal and actually dead,” as Charlie said, where comedians live. And that sweet spot is really where Sunny has always existed and what has made it one of my favorite TV series even after nine seasons. It’s dark but light-hearted. It’s self-loathing but smart. I’d say this season has been the most consistently funny of all. Almost all of the episodes compete with the best episodes of the entire series. But fair warning that “Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats” from season six will be a hard one to top, ever. Some of my favorite character lines and themes are followed through in season nine. Frank is becoming increasingly disgusting. He was never someone I’d be comfortable eating near (you know?), but now he’s slithering naked on the floor covered in hand sanitizer. And getting stuck in playground equipment in his underwear. The dark themes such as alcoholism, poverty and violence are carried through effectively in the only way Sunny is able to do so — with outlandish humor. There’s not many circumstances in which the gang doesn’t overreact to every situation in their impossible lives. I think I like that because I react to things irrationally in

real life on the daily. Meaning, I either don’t react at all, ignoring people and things and responsibilities in an attempt to not require hospitalization. Classic. Or I pull a Sunny and overreact, usually ending up in bad situations with jacked up hormone levels. So, as sad as I’m realizing this sounds, I guess I relate to their instability. And maybe enjoy the fact that my bad decisions pale in comparison to theirs. Leave me alone! The fringe characters on Sunny also make the show the success it is. Rickety Cricket, the former-priestturned-homeless-drug-addict, makes an appearance and readily accepts a demand to eat turkey gristle off the floor like a dog. Gail the Snail continues to make my stomach hurt. The McPoyle brothers are back for vengeance after the bath salts-infused “The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre” episode last season. But the show takes on social commentary, too. In “Gun Fever Too: Still Hot,” the gang reacts to gunmen in schools by feverishly demanding more guns be distributed on the streets. And while this seems like a nihilistic response to the problem of guns, many Americans actually believe this. Holy shit! Charlie and Mac go to a school dressed in denim and red, white and blue with a handgun and samurai sword vowing to protect its perimeters, and Dennis and Dee experience a greasy private gun salesmen nixing background checks for more money. Gun control is a neverending and exhausting discussion topic, and this episode makes it fun. Fun control. And they keep using the term “science bitch” to describe anyone with an IQ of more than 100, which I should have just said to begin with and been done. The season will continue to be one of the best, and if FX has any sense, they’ll continue to book future seasons. There are rumors the show won’t be renewed past a 10th season because ofhigh production costs. Hell, I’ll start funneling my student loan money into the show if that’ll help. I love this show. Shelby fleig might be in that sweet spot between suicidal and actually dead. Reach her at arts@

“I understand the perspective a misinformed majority to act (of the NSA),” said sophomore without consideration and reEnglish and film studies major quires people to always look at Tori Matthews, “but the problem the other options. Every viewis that not everyone is a terrorist. point counts, and Nebraskans, If (the NSA) continue this, people along with others of the Midare going to get pissed, and there west, deserve to give input about will be some rebellion. I think the NSA’s actions. a majority of people would do Yet, are some of us here in the something about it.” prairie states wholly justified for Even just recently, in relation our actions? to the NSA’s global surveillance Within my group’s survey, we of U.S. allies, 51 percent of the asked a single question to flesh Nebraska population opposes out the personal accounts of peothe NSA’s international affairs ple that were actually affected, while 49 percent supports it. It in some way, by the NSA’s intruseems as though, in this generasiveness. Out of the 34 students tion, there happens to be somepolled, the NSA directly affected thing that our forefathers have none of them. fought for: equality. This is not to say that, just There is no influx of people because one does not hear of a supporting the NSA, like there thwarted terrorist attack or of was right after the heinous persecu9/11 attacks. But tion and violaI understand there is also no tion of privacy on the influx of people the news or from incredibly parasomeone dear, perspective, but noid of a tyranthey cannot have nical government the problem is an opinion. But, that punishes all one must also rewho fall outside of that not everyone alize that, witha predetermined is a terrorist.” out the balance of norm. Finally, viewpoints, this there seems to be could potentially a sort of balance, lead to misguided albeit a loud one. actions that lead to greater conYet, what does that mean, my sequences than one wishes. Withgroup asked itself? What does out opposition, the NSA could the equal number of supporters abuse its authority. and opponents truly mean in the However, without equal supfull spectrum of things? port, America could relinquish For one, the political discuseven more security in its hopes sion amongst people can remain for more privacy. fair and dignified. While the So, for now, the U.S. is arguNSA’s importance has leveled ably in decent shape. Regardless off from necessary to questionof what may happen in the fuably-necessary, there may be a ture of this nation, our balanced time when the world is disruptstance on the NSA will help ed by another revelation about maintain an order, keep reckless the NSA’s private intrusions or decisions from happening and by another terrorist attack that make sure that each and every could have been solved if more action that we all take, as a nasurveillance were imposed. tion, at least has some thought When that time comes, politiput into it. cal equality will allow for great Miles Rothlisberger worked with Sydney and balanced discussion between rhoades and Griffith people, Nebraskans included, so swidler to compile and as to ensure each viewpoint reform the above editorial. ceives consideration. Reach him at arts@ The relatively even divide in public perception also prevents

Film offers scope of beauty, evil Jack Forey

courtesy photo

number of people supporting it. Fifty-two percent of Americans, according to the poll, believe the NSA’s invasive actions have gone too far, infringing on civil liberties such as privacy. On the other hand, a still-impressive 45 percent of Americans believe the online-watchdog can justifiably monitor content. Ironically enough, my group found similar results when it scoured statistics relating to UNL. Among the 34 UNL students polled from different residence halls, 12, or about 36 percent, did not believe in the policies of surveillance of the NSA, 31 percent agreed with them, and another 31 percent were unsure how they felt. Even at the local level, there seems to exist a stalemate. The sad reality: Both sides make plausible arguments. For those who feel the NSA’s actions should continue, the usual explanation is that the security and safety of the citizens of the nation are vital necessities of society and are more important than the rights to privacy. The PEW Research Center found a similar conclusion with a poll that revealed that 56 percent of Americans admit that tracking phone calls holds a higher priority than privacy. Others argue that one cannot simply decide (largely because of the media’s exaggerated attention toward the NSA) whether to disband the NSA or not, for nothing would truly change within the government. “I think if we keep people pushing that this (NSA monitoring) is a violation to their privacy, then the agency will officially shut down, but the surveillance will continue in a more covert and different manner,” said sophomore chemical engineering major Jackson Bauer. On the other side of the spectrum, people have claimed that the NSA’s actions, while seemingly good-hearted, may become abuse or misdirection of power. This mishandling, in the end, may eventually lead to discontent and even violence.

Is it possible to watch a film so reprehensible, so ugly, so mean and disgusting that it doesn’t just simply repulse us, but disturbs something deep inside us? Makes us feel sad? I became a film lover years ago through watching horror movies. When I was younger, I sought out more and more graphic horror films in search for the sickest, most depraved film in existence. I ended up exploring Italian giallo movies and J-horror and moved on to less lurid, more mature fare, but that germ remains. I wanted to see something well, sick. I was always looking for that scene that would make me feel sick and want to turn away. I watched regular movies, too. I wasn’t a complete gore hound. Why would I want to see such things? I suppose it comes down to basic thrills. Why do people love “Jurassic Park?” Or “Psycho?” Or those godforsaken “Paranormal Activity” sequels? The basic idea is the same. We want thrills. Dissonant imagery and shock value produce a kind of adrenaline rush, and that’s exciting. It doesn’t really matter whether you get that thrill from anime or action dramas or slasher films, so long as your interest is not harming other people. Before I go into whether a film could be “evil,” what even is “evil”? We don’t have solid words for what this thing is, but we have strong feelings about what it might be. We know that good is good and bad is bad, even as most of our daily actions are painted in shades of grey. Suffice it to say, I define “evil” as extreme selfishness to the point of harming others, with great emphasis on the “extreme.” Most films are neutral. They are produced with a genre, an idea, a story, actors and other

things in mind. The great films aim to enlighten us about the world and can even start us on the path to being better people. It is a rare film that is truly reprehensible at its deepest level, and I can only think of two historical examples of “evil” films: “The Birth of a Nation” and “Triumph of the Will.” “The Birth of a Nation,” released in 1915 and directed by D.W. Griffith, is often hailed as one of the great masterpieces of cinema for its epic scope and abundance of pioneering cinematic techniques (which in fact were not new, but borrowed from earlier, marginalized film makers like Alice Guy-Blache). Its first half covers the Civil War, and the second half details a white supremacist vision of reconstruction, in which the Ku Klux Klan are portrayed as the saviors of the South. Its impact was so powerful at the time of its release that it caused a resurgence of the Klan across the country. “The Birth of a Nation” is a film which valorizes the worst kind of people, but does it brilliantly. Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will” nearly speaks for itself. It is a documentary of the 1934 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany. The identities of individual Germans are dwarfed by the immensity of the crowd, the juggernaut of war and the ideology of the Nazi movement. Various Nazi officials make speeches, including Hitler. One of his speeches is shot as a gradual pan, the likes of which we see so often in Hollywood blockbusters. The camera is moving in the way Hitler is moving the crowd. His speech is intercut with the smiling faces of blonde-haired German youth. Luis Buñuel was hired to edit the film in a way that would make Hitler look bad. Reportedly, he could not do it. Such is the insane brilliance of Riefenstahl’s method. To see the hundreds of thousands of people, all united for an evil cause, all surrendering themselves to the messianic Führer, is to witness pure madness on an enormous scale. There is a consensus that those two films are evil, and they seem obviously so. I haven’t

seen many films which I felt were truly amoral, but I did see something several months back which shocked, appalled and disgusted me like absolutely no film I’ve ever seen. Not only was this movie the sickest movie I’ve ever seen in my life, I felt like the director was trying to hurt me, as though he were personally mocking me. Maybe just the fact that I watched this film and sat through the whole thing is reason enough to be mocked. I am talking about “The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence.” “The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence” is a sequel to the notorious “The Human Centipede: First Sequence.” For the lucky readers who have never heard of it, “The Human Centipede” was about a mad German surgeon who creates a conjoined triplet joined by their digestive tract. In laymen’s terms, he sews them together ass-to-mouth. The second film is about Martin, played by Lawrence R. Harvey. Martin is a fat, balding, mentally deficient, mute man who lives with his mother and works in a parking garage. He’s inspired by the first “Human Centipede” movie to assault and kidnap twelve people for use in his own centipede. Contrasting to the first film, “The Human Centipede 2” is in black and white. “The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence” has virtually no plot. People are knocked on the head and magically pass out just long enough so that Martin can transport them to a warehouse where he will attempt to stitch them together. The idea of a man like this kidnapping so many people without arousing the slightest suspicion is ridiculous until the very last shot, where we realize (spoiler) that the entire movie has taken place inside his head. We’ve just sat through over an hour and a half of this disturbed man’s fantasy, the second half of which has next to no dialogue; all we hear is the groaning, screaming and crying of Martin’s victims in the warehouse. I never want to see it again, and I don’t understand why anybody would want to. Director Tom Six created this film in response to horror fans who said

the first film didn’t go far enough. That movie was more psychological dread than visceral gore. In this movie, Six mocks those who were disappointed with the first film through Martin, who in his own way is so disappointed with “The Human Centipede” that he quadruples the number of people he will have in his creation. A sense of inescapable dread pervades the film. Six throws everything at us: violence, rape, incest and coprophagia. Even children and infants are not safe from the mad director ’s vision. It made me feel sad. I was sorry that I watched it. “The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence” is evil, but unlike “The Birth of a Nation” or “Triumph of the Will,” it has no redeeming technical qualities. It subtracts from you. It is not socially relevant other than as a piece which makes us ask ourselves, “Why am I watching this? Why did I ever think this was a good idea?” The film is as ugly and empty as Martin’s mind. Nothing exists within but suffering. The film only wants to hurt you, the viewer. It exists for no other reason. It is evil. I believe it is entirely possible for films to be evil. The chilling thing about people we regard as evil is that they believe fully that they are doing good. Griffith thought he was simply telling the truth when he made “The Birth of a Nation.” Riefenstahl believed in the transformative power of the Nazi party when she documented the 1934 rally in “Triumph of the Will.” I have no idea what Six was thinking when he made “The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence,” but I can’t imagine it would be positive. Out of all the films mentioned here, this is the only one I don’t think anyone needs to see. There are no boundaries, no rules in cinema. People can create what they want, and that’s beautiful, even if what they create isn’t as beautiful. It is important that we know what evil looks like. If we understand the darkness, we can hope to prevent it. Jack Forey is a sophomore film studies major. Reach him at arts@

FINALS Prep: from 5 I like to think of finals week as this sort of abstract thing that doesn’t really exist unless it’s happening. I mean, it’s a real downer, and honestly, labeling it ‘Finals Week’ just makes it seem like a way bigger deal than it really is.” you’re procrastinating, anything sounds better than the task at hand. Remember that acoustic guitar you brought to college? You learned the opening chords to “Wonderwall” the week after you got it but haven’t picked it up since. What happened? You used to love Dashboard Confessional. Looks like your education has sucked the emotion out of you. Chemistry can wait when your aspiring musical talent and good looks are slowly withering away. DON’T miss your final. It will really suck. Also note the location of the final. You don’t want

to be bouncin’ on over to your last class, fully prepared, sporting your old Dashboard Confessional tee and a new outlook on life, only to find that you missed the memo on a location change. DO tell people how terrible finals week is. This is prime bitching time. Even if your finals week isn’t that bad, you gotta join in on the fun. Tell people how you “studied all night” when you really just made a few flashcards and watched a documentary on Soulja Boy. College, man. DON’T try to take a class photo. Yeah, cool, you’re all relieved it’s done and hey, your

small English intro class kind of bonded, right? Wrong. The only reason you feel any connection to these people is because you were forced to haul ass out of bed for an 8 a.m. class three days a week. The kind of bonding you did was akin to the friendships formed between unfortunate strangers in a “Saw” movie. DO dress for success. I’m talking your grossest pair of sweatpants and a weird stocking cap that you just kind of wear all week. Horrified looks and a disappointed lecture from your mother is the question. “Finals week” is the answer.

DON’T talk to people crying around campus. Again, really depressing. If you feel like you have to say something, I’d go with, “Hey now, does anyone really ever pass the test of life?” DO post a meme about finals week on Facebook. The “One does not simply SLEEP during finals week” meme you posted last year was so relatable and really gave me a laugh. Thanks! madeline christensen really wants to know where her block of cheese went. reach her at arts@

monday, december 9, 2013


Things I’d rather do instead of eating Subway Pizza I’m in the rare minority that kind of liked the Sbarro in the Union. It was probably tied to nostalgic trips to the mall with my dad as a kid when we’d always make a stop there and grab lunch. I’m not crushed that it shut down, because it wasn’t really “good,” but it was nice to have it from time to time. But now that it’s gone, the collective student body holds its breath as we wait to find out what restaurant’ll be taking its place. There’s rumors of a Subway pizza shop opening. I didn’t even know that was a thing. That sucks, because I hate and have hated Subway pizza for a while. It’s made in like four minutes! The Subway Sandwich Artist literally grabs a frozen pizza, tears the plastic wrapping off of it and throws it into the oven for a bit, then gives it to you. You pay money for it and then feel bad. The entire scene of ordering a pizza at Subway just feels off, like you’re turning the wrong way down a one-way, and instead of turning around, you’ve decided to try and weave through the oncoming traffic. So if the rumors are true, nothing in my life will change. I will likely eat there once or twice out of morbid curiosity because maybe they’ll actually make a pizza instead of warming up a frozen cheese-frisbee, but as it stands, there are quite a few things I’d rather do than eat there. Let me tell you five of them.

Remakes: from 5


courtesy photo make money.” Remakes don’t always stay within American movies. Many American movie hits, and flops, have been adaptations or Americanized remakes of foreign films. “If the film was a hit in the source country, it will probably work well in an Americanized version, because unfortunately, in 2013, audiences refuse to read subtitles, and so the film has to either be dubbed, which usually doesn’t work, or subtitled,” Dixon said. “‘Ringu’ was successfully remade as ‘The Ring.’ Not a good film, but a perfectly passable horror film. It all depends, as with any film, as to whether or not the director, scenarist, and actors can bring something new to the story, while staying true to the essence of the piece.” arts@

Four,” “Godzilla” and “Gremlins.” Though remakes are not always successful (“Carrie” only scored a little more than $35 million), they are not always bad, either. “Remakes can be successful; look at John Carpenter’s 1982 remake of Howard Hawks’ ‘The Thing,’” Dixon said. “But then, look at the prequel to ‘The Thing’ from 2011; a complete artistic and financial failure. It takes an artist to make a good remake, and there are a number of films that have done well on the second or third go round. For example, ‘The Maltese Falcon’ was shot twice under different titles before John Huston directed the definitive version in 1941. But for the most part, remakes fall into the category of Peter Jackson’s remake of ‘King Kong.’ No new ideas? No problem. Just make it again, and with enough promotion, it will probably

Though studios are adamant about producing franchise films, the sequel films they are producing often receive low grades from critics and audiences. “I think studios are aware that what they’re putting out isn’t the next ‘Casablanca’ or the next huge popular one-off movie,” said Logan Gee, a senior theatre major. “They function as a business first, and people will go just because they go to the movies in such an instilled thing to do, and so regardless if it’s ‘Transformers 4,’ they’re going to go.” Remaking a film is a popular venture for studios as well. Many stories are retold with a modern twist, such as the 2013 update of “Carrie” and typically make a fair amount at the box office. More than 50 remakes and reboots are currently in development. Among these are “Annie,” “Fantastic

Black Cat House: from 5 We meet so many people who have a good time here but tell us, “Man, I can’t wait to move to Portland” or Denver or wherever it might be for them. A lot of people who have these political beliefs want to move away.” Despite the possible appeal of moving to a bigger city, the owners of The Black Cat House said they’re too stubborn to leave behind the city they grew up in and hope to inform people about political issues for years to come. “These are systems of oppressions that are centuries old, and it’ll be a lifetime-long struggle to dismantle them,” Meredith said. “But we’ll be here for that.” arts@

come out to this,” Meredith said. Working with the Lincoln community is important for the people of The Black Cat house. Lincoln-natives, Meredith and Urzedowski said opening such a radical place as The Black Cat House is important for the progressive-minded people of the city who may not have another place to voice their opinions. “It’s definitely an issue here in Lincoln because there’s not a lot of progressive culture here,” Meredith said. “There’s not a lot of left activism in this city, let alone radical left. A lot of the people who have the kind of progressive and radical politics that we have, the people who come to this house, they just don’t fit in (in Lincoln).

outside its space including zines, with submitted and original content and informational pamphlets regarding The Black Cat House and its passions. The group also works to make sure political resources are accessible to anyone interested. To assure this, a handicap bathroom and ramp was installed for visitors, so that everyone would be able to attend events. The owners of the house also hope to be a resource for interested high school students and have taken precautions, such as keeping the house alcohol-free, to ensure that even young activists are welcome. “We wanted to make sure that everyone in the community could

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

Yesterday’s Answer

The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 Find yours here. For Wednesday, December 05, 2012 Solution, tips and computer program at

Edited by Will Shortz 32 Relax 36 “___ Ben Adhem” 40 64-Across ingredient 43 “Wait! There’s more …” 44 Relax 45 French seasoning 46 GPS display features: Abbr. 48 Strut one’s stuff, say 50 Illinois senator who became president 53 Jacuzzi sigh 56 Muscle car in a 1964 song 57 64-Across ingredient 60 Some calls to smokeys 63 Cousin ___ of ’60s TV 64 “Macbeth” recipe 66 Flock formation 67 Prefix with -logical











Wear leggings to class for a week. It might be hard to tell through my writing, but I straight up do not have the legs for leggings. I can barely pull off wearing a full-length skirt. I’d get so many stares walking around campus, and only a few would be caused by lust. It’d likely reopen the debate about whether leggings are pants, and I don’t want to be the guy that ruined leggings for everyone else, but I would do that over eating Subway pizza.

3. 4.

Get my gums pierced. I’m not talking about a small stud on my lower gum or whatever, but actual full-sized piercings on my both gums that I’d gauge out over time, until I have big holes in my gums you can see through. Just real gnarly stuff, ruining the way I’d talk and isolating anyone that sees me smile. I’d never be able to get a job. Kissing a girl would be out of the question. Happiness would elude me entirely, but at least I wouldn’t be eating Subway pizza.


(402) 472-2589

Wayne S U D O K U P U Z Z L E By Gould


1. 2.

Shave off my eyelashes. Eyelashes add a lot more to a face than most people realize. They emphasize your eyes’ color, and without them, it looks like your eyes might just fall out. Your eyes wouldn’t actually fall out, because of reasons, but even if there was a 50/50 chance they’d go tumbling as soon as you shave off your ‘lashes, I’d take those odds over eating Subway pizza.

Chew up a Tootsie Pop without licking it even once. Can you imagine how much that’d hurt? My jaw aches even thinking about it. The pain would ruin any enjoyment I’d get from the Tootsie Roll center! The scientific pursuit of how many licks it takes to get to the center would remain stagnant. The thing is, though, is that I would rather ruin a food I currently enjoy than just straight up eat a food that I don’t. Not eating Subway pizza is a matter of principle, damn it.

Get some serious chafing. This applies to any part of my body. If I wear a wife beater while jogging and it rubs my nips raw, if I wear wet jeans, and my inner thighs pay the price, if I’m wearing a visor, and keep spinning it around while I’m bored until my forehead is bleeding, I will be happier in those moments than I will be eating Subway pizza.


ACROSS 1 Quick wit 7 Billy of “Titanic” 11 “Eternally nameless” Chinese principle 14 In harm’s way 15 Ruler of Asgard 16 Tool with a curved head 17 64-Across ingredient 19 “From my cold, dead hands!” sloganeer 20 “Elephant Boy” boy 21 64-Across ingredient 23 Bireme or trireme tool 25 “On the other hand …” 26 Andean wool source 27 Eve who wrote “The Vagina Monologues” 30 Commotion 31 Capt. Jean-___ Picard











68 Banned book of 1955 69 PC key 70 “A Doll’s House” wife 71 Playwright Bertolt DOWN 1 Snacks on 2 Greek colonnade 3 Notable nose 4 Fraternity initiation, e.g. 5 Roughly: Suffix 6 Some referee calls, for short 7 “Fantabulous!” 8 Take up, as a cause 9 Zeros, in soccer 10 Wrap around 11 Tucker who sang “Delta Dawn” 12 Pertinent, in law 13 Conductor Seiji 18 It may be embarrassing if it’s open 22 Rose Parade entry 24 Bassoon part in two pieces 27 Isle of exile 28 Lacking value 29 Singer of 1976’s “You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine” 30 Church recesses 33 The Great Lakes’ ___ Locks 34 Suffix with ranch 35 Stalling-for-time syllables












28 32




30 33





42 44








22 25





21 23











No. 1031










49 56










60 65

Puzzle by Stu Ockman

37 Seat of a Catholic official 38 Draft-ready 39 Hard on the eyes 41 “Goodbye, ___ Jean …” 42 Grab onto 47 Australian city named after a naturalist

49 Hospital condition 50 Antipasto bit 51 What fishermen hope for 52 Member of an empire ruled by the Mexica 53 Cousin of a daisy 54 Name in kitchen foil

55 Villain’s chuckle 58 Lover of Aeneas 59 Peter ___, general manager of the Met 61 Aleph follower 62 Police jacket letters 65 College women’s grp.

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monday, december 9, 2013

dn Big ten homeroom 1. Wisconsin (10-0 Overall, 0-0 Big Ten) After coach Bo Ryan won his 300th game with No. 8 Wisconsin against Virginia, the Badgers notched another big non-conference win during the weekend, defeating Marquette 70-64. Sophomore forward Sam Dekker led the charge with 20 points and 10 rebounds against the Big East opponent. With that win, Wisconsin is now one of only two teams in the Big Ten that are still undefeated with three non-conference matchups against Milwaukee, Eastern Kentucky and Prairie View A&M coming up.

2. Ohio State (8-0, 0-0)

5. Iowa (9-1, 0-0)

The Hawkeyes’ young roster is holding things together during the first run of the season. Their only loss so far came to Villanova in overtime, but what’s been the most impressive about Iowa, so far, is the offense. Offensively, Iowa is seventh in the country in scoring with 89.3 points per game along with being ninth in assists with 17.9 per game. They’re also getting it done on the boards with 45.2 rebounds per game, ranking sixth in college basketball.

As a team, the No. 5 Buckeyes are shooting very well, hitting 47.7 percent of their attempts. But what is missing right now for the Buckeyes is a tough nonconference schedule. The best teams Ohio State has faced so far are Marquette and Maryland in games the Buckeyes won by at least 16 points. Regardless, the Buckeyes are undefeated and are sitting pretty well in the polls, being in the top five with a matchup versus Notre Dame approaching.

6. Indiana (7-2, 0-0)

3. Michigan State (7-1, 0-0)

7. Illinois (8-1, 0-0)

Up until the Big Ten/ACC Challenge game against North Carolina, the Spartans were dominating during their seven-game winning streak. The Tar Heels ended it for them with a 79-65 win, and Michigan State isn’t the No. 1 team in college basketball anymore. Still, the Spartans are looking like they can remain towards the top of the pack. They are doing a great job of sharing the ball, averaging 20.8 assists, leading the NCAA in the category right now.

4. Michigan (6-3, 0-0)

The Wolverines lost a competitive game to Duke on Tuesday, losing to the Blue Devils 79-69. Michigan was able to bounce back, though, following the top-25 meeting with a dominating performance against Houston Baptist on Saturday, winning 107-53. Four of the Wolverines’ players were able to score 14 points or more during their rout. Those players were sophomore Glenn Robinson III, sophomore Nick Stauskas, freshman Derrick Walton Jr. and bench player, freshman Zak Irvin. Even though Michigan lost to Duke, it still looks like a top-25 team.

The Hoosiers saw the same results occur against Syracuse last week as they did in last year’s NCAA Tournament. The Orangemen dominated again in the 69-52 win, and it was all thanks to their backcourt. Syracuse guards redshirt sophomore Trevor Cooney and freshman Tyler Ennis combined for 38 points, 9 assists and 8 steals on Tuesday night to leave a sour taste for Indiana. The next ranked opponent that Indiana will have to face is Michigan State on Jan. 4. After giving up a 19-4 run in their heart-breaking loss to Georgia Tech last week, the Fighting Illini went straight through their next opponent, Auburn. By halftime, Illinois had a comfortable 4117 lead to give themselves enough room to win 81-62 against the Tigers. Coming up for the team this week is a road game against a top-25 team in Oregon, which is ninth in the country in scoring with 88 points per game, hitting 52 percent of its shots.

8. Purdue (8-2, 0-0)

The Boilermakers were one of the six teams to contribute to the 6-6 tie between the Big Ten and ACC in the annual challenge between the two conferences. Purdue defeated Boston College with ease in an 88-67 win last week. Leading the charge was senior guard Terone Johnson, who scored a season-high 18 points against the Eagles. Purdue is now on a three-game win streak heading into this week’s challenge: Butler.

9. Minnesota (8-2, 0-0)

Out of all the Big Ten teams, Minnesota had one of the more impressive wins against Florida State. The Gophers beat the Seminoles 71-61, and junior guard Andre Hollins was everywhere in the game. The returning starter had 21 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks in Minnesota’s win. He led the team in all of those categories in that game. Next on the Gophers’ schedule are two Summit League opponents in South Dakota State and Nebraska-Omaha.

10. Nebraska (6-3, 0-0)

The Huskers needed a big win at home to get people fired up, and they did just that against Miami on Wednesday night. But all the excitement was put to a halt against Creighton on Sunday. At one point in the first half, the Huskers were trailing by 30 points, and they let Creighton’s senior forward Doug McDermott continue his success with 33 points in the game. The best thing to take away from that game is that Nebraska improved dramatically on the offensive end in the second half, outscoring the Bluejays 42-31.

11. Penn State (7-3, 0-0)

What’s really hurting the Nittany Lions is their schedule. Penn State has yet to face a top-25 team, or a team that’s close for that matter, and the team has still lost three games so far this season. The first conference meeting against Michigan State on New Year’s Eve will definitely be a gut check for Penn State. A sign of optimism for the Nittany Lions at the moment is redshirt junior guard D.J. Newbill, who has been the team’s most consistent scorer, scoring at least 15 points each game.

12. Northwestern (5-5, 0-0)

With five losses so far, the Wildcats are sitting at the bottom of the Big Ten Conference. Having a 13-19 record last season, Northwestern still has some opportunities to show the team has improved since last season. They are doing a better job of scoring this season, having two players averaging at least 13 points per game in guards redshirt senior Drew Crawford and redshirt junior JerShon Cobb. Northwestern realized those are the two best scorers on the team, and that’s why the duo is leading the team in minutes as well. Compiled by Josh Kelly

Green wins in Las Vegas to lead NU to 2nd place Austin Pistulka DN The No. 10 Nebraska wrestling team finished the Cliff Keen Invitational in Las Vegas with a second-place team effort and put five men in position to walk out as tournament champions. Nebraska’s No. 4 157-pound junior, James Green, took home the only gold medal for the Huskers, but they did have four silver medalists, a fifth-place finisher and an eighth-place finisher. The seven placers helped give Nebraska 130.5 team points, 24 points away from tournament champion No. 4 Oklahoma. “I think overall it was a good weekend for the team,” assistant coach Tony Ersland said. “I think we definitely grew as a team, and we’re excited as we move forward.” With half of the team finishing in the top 2, it is easy to see the positives of the tournament. “We won a lot of tough matches,” Ersland said. “There was a lot of good competition out there, and so our kids faced a lot of tough situations and tough matches in general, and we won a lot of those situations. There is a confidence that goes with winning a close match and holding a guy off to win. So we saw a lot of those tough situations and certainly there’s a lot more we need to work on, but we’ve got some confidence from winning those situations.” The four Huskers who walked away with silver medals were 141-pound sophomore Anthony Abidin, No. 6 149-pound junior

Jake Sueflohn, No. 4 174-pound junior Robert Kokesh and 184-pound redshirt freshman TJ Dudley. Abidin received a medical forfeit to get into the finals, where he suffered a 16-1 loss to No. 1 Logan Stieber from Ohio State. Sueflohn lost in the finals to the top-seeded, No. 5 Kendric Maple from Oklahoma in an 8-3 decision. Before the finals, Sueflohn won two matches by a major decision and one by a technical fall. Kokesh received his first loss on the year in a 3-2 decision against No. 1 Andrew Howe of Oklahoma. Kokesh had four dominating performances before his finals match with one pin and three major decisions. Dudley lost to No. 12 Gabriel Dean of Cornell by way of a 13-3 major decision. Dudley added another pin to his stats along with two major decisions and an overtime win against No. 9 Kenny Courts of Ohio State. “The competition was tough, and we certainly didn’t have the finals round we wanted, but I don’t think that negates what a lot of these young guys did over the course of the two days of that tournament,” Ersland said. “I think it makes us want to get back to work that much harder knowing that we made it to the finals and had some success, but we didn’t quite reach our goals. It kind of fuels the fire for when we get back in the room continue to work on the things that will make us successful.” Sueflohn and the other three second place finishers have nothing to hang their heads about.

“The guys that beat me and Kokesh had won national championships,” Sueflohn said. “They’ve won it all, and we want to get to where they have been and win our own national championships.” The one Nebraska finalist who did walk away with a win was Green. Green was the top seed in the tournament and cruised to the semifinals with two of three wins by major decision. The semifinals pitted Green against Brian Murphy of Michigan. Murphy upset two top-20 wrestlers to get to the semifinals. The match went into overtime, and Green won with a takedown sudden victory. Green went on to face No. 12 Brian Realbuto from Cornell. Green took the gold with a 6-5 decision. 165-pound sophomore Austin Wilson placed fifth in his bracket. Wilson won his first two matches by a technical fall and a pin before losing to No. 3 Nick Sulzer of Virginia. Coming back in the consolation bracket, Wilson won his last two matches by decisions to give him fifth place. 133-pound freshman Colton McCrystal was the only other Husker to place at the Cliff Keen Invitational. McCrystal won his first match with a pin before losing his next match. He then won three straight matches to put him in contention for the podium. McCrystal ended with two losses. No. 10 125-pound redshirt freshman Tim Lambert went 1-2. He was upset in his first match, losing 5-4. He bounced back by pinning his next opponent but fell short to No. 8 Josh Martinez of Air Force, losing 14-1. 197-pound junior Spencer

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Junior 157-pound wrestler James Green was one of five Nebraska wrestlers to make the finals at the Cliff Keen Invitational, and he was the only Husker to win a championship. Johnson also went 1-2 with his one win coming by way of a 54-second pin in the first round of the consolation bracket. Heavyweight redshirt freshman Collin Jensen won his first two matches before falling to No.

5 J.T. Felix of Boise State. Jensen lost his next match to end his tournament. “Those guys can’t get too down on themselves,” Sueflohn said. “It’s so early in the season. Nobody will care what you did

in December when March comes around.” The Huskers head back to Nevada next Sunday for the Reno Tournament of Champions. sports@

Huskers earn runner-up finish at Hawkeye Invite Thomas Beckmann DN

Friday through Sunday, the Nebraska swimming and diving team competed in Iowa City, Iowa, along with teams from all over the nation, and the performance earned the team a thirdplace overall finish. Sophomore Taryn Collura dominated the 100-yard freestyle, earning first place with a time of 50.03 to win by more than a second. Sophomore Nicole Schwery finished second in the platform diving with a 250.35-point showing, trailing Iowa diver Calli Head, who received 265.6 points. The NU 400-yard freestyle relay also recorded a top-five performance with a time of 3:23:41, with sophomore Alexandra Bilunas posting a relay leading lap of 23.83 seconds. The No. 18 Notre Dame Fighting Irish won the entire meet with 823 points, with the Boise State Broncos following up with 742.5. The Huskers took third, with a 462-point finish, the hosting Iowa Hawkeyes finished fourth with 436 and the Denver Pioneers rounded out the top five with 415. Going into the meet, the Huskers were expecting a solid showing after almost two weeks of preparation. Coach Pablo Morales was expecting a strong midseason meet to lay the foundation for the second half, and he got exactly what he wanted. “We did great; we were continuing our upward cycle,” Morales said. “We’re improving with each meet, and

this week was a culmination of our first push this year for the first half of our season.” Assistant coach Pat Rowan said he also feels the swim team met their expectation. “They met that expectation on nearly every race,” said Rowan. With the meet resulting in a thirdplace finish, the Huskers made the exact midseason mark that Morales was looking for. This meet was also coming off of the wake of a second-place team finish at the Kansas Classic in Topeka, Kan. “Even though we were wellprepared for this first meet, it is more setting up the foundation for the second half of this season, which contains the conference championship and the NCAAs,” Morales said. “Despite the fact that this meet was non-divisional, we had a lot of great swims, and beautiful, when our girls got better each session, and held us a really good team and ended up in a good place in this meet.” During the meet, the swim team followed the script fairly closely, with only minor adjustments needing to be made. The Huskers were not affected by any injuries, and the adjustments were purely based on who would be the most competitive in each area. Mainly, these changes were made in the relays. “We had to change some of the relays around, have some girls play on some relays that they haven’t,” Rowan said. “The earlier meets this season was just trying to see them

step up into a bigger role in a big meet like this and really trying to change the orders around based on the competition.” Husker nation also traveled well to Iowa City, as friends and parents screamed in support for the Husker swimmers to do their best. “They were very loud,” said Rowan. “Having that on the road in our rival’s home pool definitely inspires the girls to get some energy, and makes competition a little bit more at home so that definitely was an advantage.” Along with Collura winning the 100-yard freestyle, Schwery posting second in platform diving and the 400-yard freestyle relay placing fifth, seniors Bailey Pons and Morgan Flannigan finished fourth and ninth respectively in the 1,650-yard freestyle with times of 16:47:94 and 17:03:73. Freshman Erin Oeltjen claimed seventh in the 200-yard backstroke with a time of 1:59:19. Junior Natalie Morris took fifth in the 200-yard butterfly with a time of 2:01:39, along with sophomore Melisa Mexia swimming a time of 2:01:32, good for ninth place. Joining Schwery’s top-10 performance in the platform diving was senior Kaitlan Walker with a 216.65, which got her eighth place. The team’s next meet is Friday, as the Huskers travel to Cedar Falls, Iowa, for a dual with the Northern Iowa Panthers. Northern Iowa is 0-5 in individual duals on the year, including losses to Iowa and Michigan State. sports@

file photo by amber baesler| dn

Sophomore diver Nicole Schwery dives during Nebraska’s Scarlet and Cream meet on Sept. 26. Schwery finished 2nd in platform diving at the Hawkeye Invitational on Sunday.

monday, december 9, 2013


Volleyball: from 10

NCAA Volleyball Championship Lincoln Regional (Games at Bob Devaney Sports Center) No. 1 TEXAS (23-2)

AMERICAN (32-2) Friday 5 p.m.

Saturday, 8 p.m. Bob Devaney Sports Center

No. 9 SAN DIEGO (24-3) file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Senior wide receiver Quincy Enunwa and junior offensive lineman Jake Cotton celebrate during Nebraska’s game against Illinois this season. Nebraska will play Georgia in the Gator Bowl.

NU gets New Year’s rematch with Georgia Huskers to play Bulldogs in Jan. 1 bowl game for 2nd straight year, this time in Gator Bowl Kyle Cummings DN For the second straight year, Nebraska will play Georgia in Florida for a bowl game on New Year ’s Day. This season, the two teams will compete in the Taxslayer. com Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, Fla. “The Gator Bowl gives our football team the opportunity to play in a New Year ’s Day bowl for a third straight season, and we look forward to the trip to Jacksonville,” coach Bo Pelini said. Last season, Georgia beat the Huskers 45-31 on Jan. 1 in the Capital One Bowl in Orlando, Fla. Though the Huskers led by 1 point going into halftime, Georgia held Nebraska to just one touchdown in the final two quarters of the game, while the Bulldogs’ offense produced 589

No. 8 NEBRASKA (23-6) Friday 7 p.m.

when the Huskers overcame an 11-point halftime deficit to beat Clemson 26-21 and finish 9-4 on the year. “We had a great experience at the Gator Bowl when we played there in my first year here,” Pelini said. “We have some familiarity with Georgia, having played them last year in the bowl game, but these are two different football teams. This will be a great challenge for our football team, and we look forward to the opportunity.” The Gator Bowl, which is scheduled to kick off at 11 a.m. Central Time on Jan. 1 and broadcasted by ESPN2, marks Nebraska’s 50th bowl appearance. “We are proud to celebrate our 50th bowl appearance with a trip to Jacksonville for the Gator Bowl,” University of Nebraska Director of Athletics Shawn Eichorst said. “The Gator Bowl has been a wonderful partner for the Big Ten for several years, and our studentathletes, coaches, staff and fans will have a great experience in Jacksonville. The University of Georgia is an exceptional institution, has an outstanding football program and will be a great matchup for our team.” sports@

yards of total offense, a Capital One Bowl record. “I think it’s become a good rivalry,” Georgia coach Mark Richt said. “Of course you know my background with Nebraska as far as of growing up a Nebraska fan, being born in Omaha. We’re looking forward to playing Nebraska. Obviously they’re a very good team, and we think we’re pretty good too.” Nebraska, 8-4 overall and 5-3 in Big Ten play, was passed up by the first five bowls with Big Ten ties: the Rose Bowl (Big Ten Champion), Capital One Bowl, Outback Bowl and the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl, before being selected for the Gator Bowl. Michigan State, Ohio State (BCS at large team), Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan were the five Big Ten teams picked before Nebraska in the selection process. Georgia, on the other hand, was picked after SEC foes Auburn, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri, LSU and Texas A&M, who were chosen for the National Championship game, Sugar Bowl, Capital One Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Outback Bowl and Chickfil-A Bowl, respectively. The last time the Bulldogs played in the Gator Bowl was in 1989, when Georgia beat Michigan State 34-27. Nebraska last played in the Gator Bowl in 2009,

In the 2013 Capital One Bowl, Georgia defeated Nebraska 45-31. The two schools are set for a postseason rematch in the Gator Bowl, to be played Jan. 1 at 11 a.m. in Jacksonville, Fla. The game will be Nebraska's 50th bowl appearance and Georgia's 49th bowl appearance.

Record High ranking Last Gator Bowl Bowl record



8-4 (5-3 Big Ten) 18 (Week 1) W 26-21 vs. Clemson (2008) 24-25

8-4 (5-3 SEC) 5 (Week 1) W 34-27 vs. Michigan State (1988) 27-18-3

women’s bball: from 10

spencer myrlie | dn

liams. Hooper continued to rack up points for Nebraska as the first half came to a close. Junior guard Brandi Jeffery and Theriot made assists to Hooper under the basket. The Aggies had 10 fouls, putting the Huskers in double bonus and giving Nebraska more free throw attempts. Senior guard Jennifer Schlott, who currently leads the Aggies in points per game with a 22.6 average, had four fouls already with 3:30 to go in the first half. Utah State coach Jerry Finkbeiner took a technical foul after a personal foul from Williams. Although Hooper missed both free throws, the Huskers maintained their 13-point lead at the end of the first half with a score of 52-39. To start off the second half, junior forward Hailie Sample made an assist to Hooper for a layup. The Aggies quickly responded and Schlott stole the ball from Theriot and passed it to Williams for a breakaway layup. After making her 12th rebound of the game off of a 3-point attempt by Theriot, Hooper made a layup, giving Nebraska a 19-point lead with less than 15

We wanted to stop the losses because that would definitely hinder our confidence level.” jordan hooper senior forward

minutes left. Sample made back-to-back assists to Jeffery and Theriot, who then followed with backto-back 3-pointers, making the score 69-49 midway through the second half. Immediately after a timeout, sophomore guard and forward Stephanie Bairstow contributed her first points to the Aggies with a 3-pointer from the top of the key. Bairstow quickly followed with another jumper from the baseline. With eight minutes remaining, the Huskers continued to lead the Aggies 78-57. Utah State lost senior guard Cristal Turner in the lineup when she got her fifth foul with 6:50 remaining in the game. Turner got 3 points and 3 rebounds for the Aggies before finishing the game

on the bench. Utah State once again entered the bonus in the second half with four minutes remaining. The Huskers were able to get 37 total free throw attempts during the game, out of which they made 31. Despite having 25 turnovers in the game, Nebraska walked away with the first win in the past three games. “Other than turning over the ball too much, I thought we played really well,” coach Connie Yori said. “We made a lot of shots so that was really positive. Our bench really did some good things for us, too.” The Huskers will return to the Pinnacle Bank Arena on Saturday at 11 a.m. to take on Creighton. sports@

Sophomore middle blocker Cecilia Hall was second for the Huskers with 7 kills and an attack percentage of .462 in Nebraska’s sweep of Fairfield on Friday. of .319 percent. Cook said the matchup against Oregon would be a different kind of match then the squad’s first round match. “They’re a great team,” Cook said after Friday’s win against Fairfield. “They play a really fast game, so for us, it’s going to be a 180 degree from what we saw tonight.” The stage was set for a rematch of last year’s national quarterfinal match, when the Ducks defeated the Huskers in four sets. “I feel like this is kind of revenge for some of us,” Fien said. With 10 new players in the program, Cook said he could not hype up the reprisal aspect of this match-up. “My locker room, I can’t go in and say, ‘Hey, remember last year? We got a chance to get revenge,’” Cook said. “Over half my team wasn’t even here.” On Saturday, the Nebraska fans were ready for the match to start. The crowd stood, clapping in rhythm without “Can You Feel It” playing. Moments before the Huskers took the court for pre-match warm-ups, the audience started roaring “Go Big Red.” Throughout the match, there were

long rallies that consisted of out-ofsystem plays, blocks being kept alive and diving digs. The home crowd only played in Nebraska’s favor during these rallies, Cook said. “Well, when you have a home crowd in those big rallies, it’s almost worth two points,” Cook said. “We pride ourselves on winning those long rallies, and I think we won most of them tonight.” The Ducks had an answer for the Big Ten Player of the Year, senior outside hitter Kelsey Robinson, as she managed only 8 kills on 27 swings. This marked the second consecutive match Robinson did not tally more than 10 kills. The Huskers needed to step up in order to stop senior middle blocker Ariana Williams, Cook said. “I told Robinson, Kadie and Fien that they’re going to have to be big girls to shut her down,” Cook said. “You’re not going to dig most of her hits, so you better block them.” With preparation, Nebraska managed to silence Oregon’s “big guns,” freshman outside hitter Kadie Rolfzen said. “We knew who they were going

to set, and I just think we were disciplined,” Rolfzen said. With Robinson being kept in check, other Huskers, such as Rolfzen, stepped up to lead the team on offense with 15 kills. Also, both sophomore middle blockers, Meghan Haggerty and Cecilia Hall, made their way into the mix on the attack, as the two combined for 11 kills. The Ducks’ season ended with Brenner notching 14 kills on 43 swings and sophomore outside hitter Martenne Bettendorf posting 10 kills and 5 hitting errors. Sophomore outside hitter Canace Finley totaled a team-high hitting clip of .312 percent. For the Huskers, revenge was sweet. “We had some unfinished business from last year with them,” Haggerty said. “To finally sweep them and to come out with the win was a great feeling from everyone on the team last year. It was great.” The Huskers move on to the third round of the NCAA Championship with a match against the No. 9 seed, San Diego, on Dec. 13 at the Devaney Center. sports@

men’s bball: from 10 rivalry matchup, the Huskers knew McDermott would pose a key threat and that they would have to contain the Bluejays’ leading scorer if it had any chance for a victory. However, the senior forward didn’t take long in ruining Nebraska’s defensive schemes. McDermott notched 11 points in the game’s first five minutes alone. The senior nearly outscored all of the Nebraska shooters combined in the first half, posting 17 points before halftime. Miles let his feelings be known about his squad’s demoralizing

51-25 deficit in his halftime tweet. “I’m not sure that half deserves a tweet after they just kicked the crap out of us,” he tweeted. Besides McDermott’s monstrous double-digit performance in the first half, teammates Wragge and senior guard Jahenns Manigat each finished with 10 points. The three seniors combined to hit all of Creighton’s seven 3-pointers to assist the team in a 44 percent showing from behind the arc in the first half. Nebraska would look better from the field overall in the second half, outscoring the Bluejays

42-31 while also nailing four of its seven 3-point attempts, but neither were enough to stop Creighton’s hot shooting. Just as they did a couple of times in the first half, the Bluejays stretched their lead back to 30 points five minutes into the second half after Wragge nailed his fourth 3-pointer on the night. The forward finished the game 4-for-7 from downtown and 16 total points. The Huskers cut the deficit to less than 20 after a 3-pointer by sophomore forward Terran Petteway and back-to-back dunks by

sophomores forward Walter Pitchford and guard Shavon Shields to make the score 75-57. Petteway would cut the lead to 15 when he knocked down a pair of free throws with less than 1:45 left to play. But the damage had already been done. “I thought Terran and Shavon were really on the attack,” Miles said. “I’m glad our kids fought back, but I don’t believe that winning the second half is that big of a deal.” Although Petteway and Shields led the Huskers with

I apologize to our fans. You have to credit Creighton. They kicked our tails.” tim miles

men’s basketball coach

21 and 22 points, respectively, the rest of the team will have to play more consistent ball in both the first and second half if they hope to be a contender in March, Shields said.

“We have to get three wins before we get to Big Ten play if we want any hopes at the postseason,” Shields said. sports@



monday, december 9, 2013 @dnsports

Nebraska freshman outside hitter Kadie Rolfzen led the Huskers with 15 kills in their 3-0 victory against Oregon on Saturday. Rolfzen added 17 digs and was the only Nebraska player to record double-digit kills and digs in the game.

taking out the T

he No. 8 seed Nebraska volleyball team swept both the Fairfield Stags (25-15, 25-9, 25-17) and the Oregon Ducks (25-22, 25-19, 2522) in the first two rounds of the NCAA Championship at the Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln. Coach John Cook said during the season that players earn the right to play in practice. This did not change in the postseason. In Friday’s match against Fairfield, the starting players took the court with sophomore outside hitter Kelsey Fien among them. “I told you guys we compete in practice,” Cook said. “Fien had a really good two weeks of practice. I wanted to see what she could do.” Fien said she found out about her start via a text from Cook at 4 p.m. on Friday. “Honestly, I was ready for it,” Fien said. “I was glad that he felt com-

story by Eric Bertrand photo by Morgan Spiehs On way to third round of NCAA Championship, No. 8 Nebraska sweeps Fairfield, Oregon, which eliminated Huskers in 2012 tournament

fortable just to put me in.” Cook’s confidence in Fien showed in her stats in the game. Fien led the Husker offense with 8 kills and a hitting clip of .467 percent. In the three-set sweep, the Huskers’ attack was not stymied by the Stags. The squad hit for .392 percent and was not blocked in the match. “They blocked us a couple of times, but we covered,” Cook said. “We train not to get blocked, and we’re usually one of the lowest in the conference of not getting blocked. That’s a good job by our girls.” The Stags were held to a hitting clip of .000 percent for the match because of the Huskers’ blocking game. Junior outside hitter Marilyn Peizer led Fairfield with 10 kills in the match. Oregon defeated Miami in a three-set sweep before the Huskers’ match, with junior outside hitter Liz Brenner posting a match-high 20 kills and a hitting percentage

volleyball: see page 9

Huskers beat Utah State to snap two-game skid Foul trouble dooms Aggies as No. 15 Nebraska overcomes early deficit to run away with victory Natasha Rausch DN

file photo by Tiago Zenero | dn

Sophomore forward Shavon Shields led Nebraska with 22 points, including 6 from behind the arc, in the Huskers’ blowout loss at Creighton on Sunday.

Bluejays’ big 1st half leads to rout of NU Nedu Izu DN Senior forwards Ethan Wragge and Doug McDermott recorded their first buckets of their game against Nebraska from behind the 3-point line to give Creighton an 8-0 head start. A third Bluejays senior, Grant Gibbs, went on to add a dunk three minutes later to extend the lead to 15-2. Creighton pulled out all the offensive tricks to hand Nebraska

(6-3) a beat down, 82-67, on its home court Sunday evening in Omaha. McDermott led all scorers with 33 points to help coast his team to its seventh win of the season and hand the Huskers their third road loss of the season. Coach Tim Miles said the 15-point loss from his team was unexpected. “I apologize to our fans,” he said in his post-game radio show. “You have to credit Creighton. They kicked our tails.” The messy conditions outside

the CenturyLink Center caused many to stay home, but for the 17,530 fans in attendance, they saw a storm from the Creighton offense buildup on the court. “I look up and we miss two layups, and I’m thinking we’re probably down 13-3, and it’s 223,” Miles said. “I’m just like ‘holy cow.’ It just didn’t feel like that as a coach. I thought we were closer but we weren’t.” Going into Sunday’s in-state

men’s bball: see page 9

After back-to-back losses against Washington State and No. 18 North Carolina, the No. 15 Nebraska women’s basketball team returned home to the Pinnacle Bank Arena to challenge Utah State on Sunday. The Huskers ended their two-game losing streak with a 95-75 win against the Aggies. “It was great to be back at home in front of our fans,” senior forward Jordan Hooper said. “We wanted to stop the losses because that would definitely hinder our confidence level. We wanted to finish this game the way we wanted to finish the past two games.” To start the game, Hooper tipped the ball off to sophomore guard Rachel Theriot, who then passed it off to junior guard Tear ’a Laudermill for a 3-pointer 12 seconds into the game. The Aggies replied immediately with a layup from junior guard Elise Nelson. The Huskers’ lead quickly slipped as they made two back-to-back turnovers. Junior guard and forward Ingrida Strikas made a 3-pointer for Utah State off the second turnover. Hooper followed with a 2-point baseline shot to tie up the score 5-5. After freshman forward Allie Havers was subbed into the game, she made a turnover, giving the Aggies a steal and a la-

Spencer Myrlie | dn

Junior forward Emily Cady scored 16 points and had 10 rebounds in Nebraska’s 95-75 victory against Utah State on Sunday. Cady went 10 for 10 from the free throw line. yup. Although Nebraska was 2 for 2 on 2-point field goals and 2 for 2 on 3-pointers, Utah State took the lead within the first five minutes with a score of 15-11. The Huskers regained their lead in the next few minutes as the Aggies racked up 10 fouls, giving the Huskers 7 points on 9 free throw attempts. Nebraska continued adding 3-pointers to the scoreboard, with shots from sophomore guard Sadie Murren and Laudermill. The Aggies were 2 for 9 from the 3-point line and

just barely trailed Nebraska midway through the first half with a score of 31-28. “Getting to the free throw line is one of our 11 goals,” said junior forward Emily Cady, who had 16 points total. “We got to the line a lot today.” After a 30-second timeout, the Huskers followed an Aggie turnover with one of their own, giving Utah State a layup from sophomore guard Makenlee Wil-

WOmen’s bball: see page 9

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