Dec. 1, 2016

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Bean there, done that PAGE 7



LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Hello, On Nov. 28, my co-editor Annie asked the arts and entertainment staff if someone could do pop quotes. No one volunteered. None of our reporters wanted to go up to random people on campus and ask questions. I didn’t think anything of it. But 832 miles away, a simple pop quote was about to gain national attention. The Lantern, The Ohio State University’s student-run newspaper, published a quote for a new weekly feature titled “Humans of Ohio State” on Aug. 25. The first installment included a story from Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a first-year transfer Ohio State student. He talked about his Muslim religion and finding places to pray safely on campus. And 95 days later, Artan was shot dead by an Ohio State police officer after driving his car onto campus and attacking victims with a knife. Upon hearing the news that Artan was featured in a story written by a reporter for the Lantern’s Arts&Life section, I immediately thought about my own staff. I thought about what it would be like to have written the feature on a student who would later attempt murder on campus.

I thought about what it would be like to be the editor who assigned that feature. I thought about what I would do if I was the reporter at OSU. I thought about what I would do if I was the Arts&Life editor at OSU. And I thought a lot about what I would say to my own reporters if they were in this situation — if any of them had spoken to someone who was capable of attacking innocent people on their university campus. A couple times a month, we send our reporters to talk to students on campus. And most of the time, reporters don’t think of their sources as a threat. I hope this incident doesn’t affect that. To be honest, I don’t know what I would do. And I don’t know what I would say. I hope I never have to find out. But I know that our arts and entertainment staff would be shaken. Our team would look to me for answers. But I’m not sure I’d have them. What I do know is this: I’d support them. As this situation unravelled, I realized that as someone who assigns stories similar to the Humans of Ohio State feature, it could have happened to us. It could have happened to my staff. My heart goes out to our friends at the Arts&Life staff at the Lantern, the OSU family

and especially the victims. Best,

stePHanie caVaZos senior arts and entertainment editor

front page file photo by margaret davenport | dn A map showing countries from which The Coffee Roaster imports coffee beans. The new roasting company is the only place in Lincoln to air roast their coffee beans.


Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. The board holds public meetings monthly. © 2016 DAILY NEBRASKAN


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UPC president looks back at term as semester ends Elizabeth Rembert dn staff writer

As Sarah Allen stood on stage to introduce the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s spring concert last year, she looked over the crowd and saw more than colorful lights and T-Pain fans. “I saw people that had come to the concert because of the work my team and I had done,” she said. “And it’s so rewarding to see that students were excited and having fun. That’s always the goal.” Allen became the president of the University Program Council, a student organization which brings diverse, educational and entertaining programs to UNL, this year. Allen said as she looks toward her future after graduation, she’ll remember her time with UPC. Back when she joined UPC as a sophomore she had no idea what she had gotten into, she said. But she soon saw UPC as a place where dedication and friendship came together to contribute to UNL. “All the members of UPC have the passion to give back to the university,” Allen said. “I found a really great place to work with people who became my friends and family.” The best place for her to contribute was on the executive board of the UPC team, she said. After a semester as a general member, Allen became UPC secretary and quickly moved on to president. “I figure if I’m going to be a part of something I might as well give all of my strengths,” Allen said. “And I knew being on the leadership team was the best place I could contribute.”

“I found a really great place to work with people who became my friends and family.”

james liu | dn Sarah Allen stands for a portrait in Lincoln on Nov. 30, 2016. Allen is the outgoing president of the University of Nebraska’s Program Council, which brings events like concerts and lectures to campus. Tanner McKerlie, an actuarial science junior, worked with Allen through his role as the UPC Diversity/Education chair. McKerlie said Allen “truly embodied the idea of servant leadership” by considering the opinions of others and knowing when to speak up and control situations. “She has a great understanding of how to guide rather than dictate,” McKerlie said.

As president, Allen was responsible for tying the council together and using teamwork and logistics to create events for students. Allen said she hoped to lead the organization in continuing its goal of emphasizing diversity and education. It’s hard to motivate students to take time out of their evenings for lectures, but the benefit of that sacrifice is significant, she said.

“Everyone knows about the spring concert,” Allen said. “But those smaller events are important, too. We try to focus on giving students knowledge about things going on in society outside of the classroom.” Allen remembered sponsoring activist Bree Newsome’s lecture and the powerful





UPC PRESIDENT: FROM PAGE 3 messages it brought to campus. Newsome rose to prominence after removing the confederate flag from a South Carolina state house flag pole. “That is such an important issue,” Allen said. “And being able to bring that here to students was very rewarding.” Allen said UPC receives $6 from every student each semester, which amounts to almost $250,000 annually. That money creates a huge responsibility, she said. UPC members have a responsibility to listen to students and use the funds to change with the needs of the university. “If an organization remains stagnant, then what’s the point of that?” Allen asked. “I’ve seen UPC grow and change since I’ve been involved, and I’ve seen the impact it’s made on the university.” Allen said she was proud of her accomplishments with UPC, and she was proud of how it has helped her develop as a person. “It’s helped me in every way,” Allen said. “I’ve become a better leader, a better listener, and I’ve learned that a failure isn’t always a

failure; you can turn it into a success.” Next semester, McKerlie will replace Allen as UPC president. He said he was excited to give back to an organization he has been involved in for a year and a half. “I joined UPC because I wanted to bring events that would spread the word about mental illness, and I joined the executive team because I had become very passionate about social issues,” McKerlie said. “But I didn’t anticipate how much UPC would teach me about being a leader. I’ve grown so much in my time with UPC, and I want to give back to the organization.” McKerlie said as president he hopes to develop the potential of every executive board member and continue the emphasis on diversity and education events. Allen expressed her confidence for a council led by McKerlie. “I see nothing but a bright future with him in charge,” Allen said. “I’m very excited to see what the organization does.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


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Investment Club offers opportunities in stock market Sara Klein dn staff writer

Not every college student can say they help manage an investment portfolio worth $200,000. But not every student is part of the Big Red Investment Club. Officially launched in 2012 and funded by the College of Business Administration, members are split into teams to research and present their findings on a company with the end goal of investing in stock. “We have group leaders who lead the small groups and lead the presentations,” said club president Alan Davis. “They can decide to acquire a new company, sell one we currently hold or examine a stock we currently hold and see if we should acquire more stock.” The registered student organization buys stock that are good for long term investments, according to Glenn Williams, a finance associate professor of practice and the club’s

advisor. They own stock in Disney, Berkshire Hathaway and Target. Besides doing research and making presentations, members also get to listen to presentations from professionals in the financial industry. “They interact with people who are out and working professionally. They learn a lot from that,” Williams said. “They also get some good leads on job opportunities.” There are a steady 30 to 40 members in the club, but it can fluctuate meeting to meeting, peaking at about 75 members at the beginning of the semester. Anyone can join, no matter the experience level. Meetings are in the Kauffman Residential Center at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays. “We always have the inexperienced and the experienced in the groups,” Williams said. “The older, more experienced students help the newer students learn the process.” The club’s investments have been successful, returning 20 percent of total assets since 2012, said the club’s vice president, Tiara Tin-

gle. That money returns to the original fund, which helps in buying more stock. Every spring, the executive team gets to go on a trip to a three-day investment conference in New York City hosted by Quinnipiac University. Students get to interact with students who are in investment clubs from other colleges and listen to speakers. “They bring in some pretty influential people from the finance field,” Tingle said. “Like Federal Reserve board members, heads of investment banks or other corporations. They will come in, speak and talk about where they think the market is going and some upcoming economic events.” On the trip last spring, members went to Blackstone and Citigroup, two investment banks. That opportunity arose because of the UNL alumni who work there, Tingle said. “You learn a lot and learn a lot of different things that you can’t pick up in classes. I definitely thought it was interesting,” Davis said. Both Davis and Tingle have used what they learned in the Big Red Investment Club

to do their own investing. “Being in the club has given me the initiative to step up and invest in a company. I didn’t even know where to begin looking into a company,” Tingle said. “I did a little bit of my own research, but once I actually sat down with a group and sat down with other people in club, I was able to take that same experience and apply it when investing my own money.” Williams said he thinks the members get a taste for what they are going to do after they graduate and how hard it is to manage a portfolio. “I always put it on my resume,” Davis said. “It’s something that employers key in on and are curious about. It gives me something tangible that I can give to a financial services employer. I can show that we valued this company and how we did it, and this is similar to what you do.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

julian tirtadjaja | dn From left: UNL Investment Club Vice President Tiara Tingle and President Alan Davis stand for a portrait in Lincoln on Nov. 28, 2016. The club allows students to gain experience researching and investing in companies.




ASUN holds open house for diverse students Amzie Dunekacke dn staff writer

Wednesday evening, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion held an open house to speak with underrepresented students about the university’s student government. About 30 people filled the lounge inside the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, a room open as a safe space for minority students at UNL. The event included a presentation on different committees and opportunities for involvement within the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska as well as a discussion session where students could ask questions and address their concerns. Ayat Aribi, a co-chair of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, stressed the impor-

tance of representing the diversity of UNL’s student body within ASUN. She reminded attendees that diversity doesn’t only mean different ethnicities. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a senator with a physical disability,” Aribi said. Valeria Rodriguez, a junior Spanish and political science major, also spoke to attendees about the challenges undocumented immigrants may face during Trump’s presidency. She brought up fears about Trump negating Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This policy allows undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children to receive temporary work authorization and protection from deportation. Rodriguez said the people who have come out of the shadows under DACA would lose things they’ve worked and trained for, such as professional licenses. “Their future is at stake right now,”

Rodriguez said. In response to Rodriguez’s concerns, attendees of the event and members of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion discussed ways they could better bring this issue to attention. Rodriguez talked of encouraging prominent members of the UNL community to sign a letter urging Trump to honor DACA. In addition, the group considered working on creating a bill within ASUN that would act as the student body’s approval for such action. Afterwards, Aribi and the committee’s other co-chair Bryan Brunson explained how ASUN works. The open house ended with time to socialize and grab snacks. Audrey Beedle, a member of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, said the group is trying to reach out to more communities on campus. “It makes a statement when you go to

someone else’s space,” Beedle said. Brianna Ridenour, a junior management major, attended the event and was impressed by ASUN’s new initiative to reach out to underrepresented students. “Honestly, I think that this is a step in the right direction in having ASUN represent all parts of campus,” Ridenour said. “They’re reaching out; that’s the first part. But it can’t be one and done.” Camille Sippel, a member of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, said she was pleased with how the open house went. “I think I have a better idea of how to reach out to students,” Sippel said. “The Committee for Diversity and Inclusion plans on being present here more often and making our presence more available to all students.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

araya santo | dn Co-chair of ASUN Diversity and Inclusion Committee Ayat Aribi answers questions from Yesmeen Ghellab during their open house at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016. The committee held an open house about student involvement, immigration policies of the United States and other topics.



Coffee Roaster offers one-of-a-kind brew

Margaret Davenport dn staff writer

Coffee is not just business for Sam Karnes. It’s family. When she was five, her father, Gary Karnes, grew frustrated with the bitter coffee in Lincoln and began air roasting coffee in their basement, unofficially beginning The Coffee Roaster. Gary traveled to Corvallis, Oregon, in 1995 to learn from the inventor of air roasting, Mike Sivetz. Gary mastered Sivetz’s technique and served the community before leaving Sam and her husband, Vince Ruhl, to take over the business in 2014. Now located at 5022 Old Cheney Road, The Coffee Roaster is the only roaster in Lincoln to air roast its coffee. “With air roasting, electric heating elements blow hot air onto the beans,” Ruhl said. “What this does is makes sure that no bean is ever left touching a hot surface, so there’s no charred taste. Even our really dark roasts don’t have that lingering bitter aftertaste.” Traditional roasters are usually on its side with a heat source underneath, Ruhl explained, and as the beans tumble, they are heated by that heat source. This sometimes leaves the beans touching a very hot surface during the entire roasting process, leading to them to burn and have a likewise flavor. At The Coffee Roaster, each type of bean is roasted at a certain temperature depending on flavor. Ruhl said the longer the roasting process takes, the hotter the temperature, and the hotter the temperature, the darker the bean. This exact time and temperature pairing for each bean is known as the roast profile. “Our natural Ethiopian has a lower temperature because we want to bring out the berry flavor that is has,” Ruhl said. “We ask ourselves what kind of roast profile does this bean need? Do we want to bring out the other flavors, or focus on the coffee flavors?” Sam Karnes said they import their beans from all over the world. Currently they have beans from Indonesia, Ethiopia, Panama and more. Old burlap sacks originally filled with beans from all over the world are framed and hung on the walls. A large map with pushpins locating where their coffee beans are from is located behind the bar, and customers are more than welcome to take a look. The store recently remodeled in order to provide more seating and open the store to

margar et davenport | dn Inside The Coffee Roaster, located at 5022 Old Cheney Rd. in Lincoln, Neb.

give it a better flow. According to the couple, they are hoping to host barista training classes and classes that focus on different methods of coffee brewing. “The coffee industry is starting to move into the wine-realm where you’ve got cuppers who have flavor wheels,” Ruhl said. “They pull out notes of hibiscus, tobacco and more. We want to provide classes so people can learn what they may like or dislike.” The Coffee Roaster currently does not sell coffee drinks, only beans or ground coffee. Small complimentary cups of coffee are available for those who have yet to sample air roasted coffee. A selection of packaged teas, soap made from the coffee and LuLuBee chocolate is available for purchase. LuLuBee chocolate is a start-up chocolate shop out of Lincoln. “We’re currently working on getting our licensing to sell drinks in case one of our customers wants a large cup of coffee in the morning,” Karnes said. “But we don’t really want to switch to becoming a cafe because that will somewhat take away from the roasting, which is what we are really all about.” The pair calls themselves bean tenders, because when working with a customer oneon-one, they like the opportunity to make sure the beans being sold fit that customer’s profile. They also would like to make their customers more aware of where their beans come from, how they are roasted and how the bean got from the field to their coffee cup. They also are working toward being actively involved in sustainable efforts. The Coffee Roaster’s coffee can be found at Crescent Moon Coffee and the Rabbit Hole Bakery, both located in the Lincoln Haymarket. “It wasn’t until I started drinking coffee in college that I realized that my dad was really onto something,” Karnes said. “I’ve been helping him out (at The Coffee Roaster) for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until then that I truly understood. He definitely began something really great by bringing air roasting to Lincoln.” ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

margar et davenport | dn The air roaster at The Coffee Roaster. The Coffee Roaster is the only roaster in Lincoln to air roast.




Francie & Finch starts a new chapter in Lincoln is Hermione from the “Harry Potter” series, but she loves to read all kinds of books. She spends her time at work familiarizing herself with the store’s children’s section. “I love working here because I get to help people find new books,” Ava said. “The holidays are really fun because everyone can give books to people, and books make everyone happy. I like making people really happy.” Like Ava, Huerta said her favorite part of running a bookstore is watching how excited people get when they find a new book to read. The children, she said, always seem especially excited to browse the shelves and pick out a new story. Finding the right stories for her customers can be challenging, Huerta said. She sought help from a book distributor, who sent her a list of over 15,000 titles with ratings and links to synopses and cover art. Although the store has only been open since Nov. 4, Huerta said customers like the books she predicted they would enjoy, and their purchasing habits help her determine what types of books to order next. Beyond selling books, Huerta also plans to use Francie & Finch as an event space. The store hosted a First Friday celebration in November, participated in the Downtown Lincoln Association’s Shop the Block and will hold another First Friday reception Dec. 3. She said she hopes to host small musical events, foreign language conversation circles,

araya santo | dn Inside Francie & Finch bookstore, located on 13th and L streets. Huerta stocks contemporary books and sells art from local artists. Maddie Stuart dn staff writer

In Betty Smith’s “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” 11-year-old Francie Nolan avoids the struggles of childhood by reading. Scout Finch narrates Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird,” in which she learns to understand the world by walking in others’ shoes. Together, these protagonists make up the name of Francie & Finch, the newest bookstore to open in downtown Lincoln. Leslie Huerta, owner of the store, said the two characters have stuck with her through life, and although she can’t pick one favorite book or character, those two felt like the perfect mix for the name of her store. Although the idea of this store only came to life about a year and a half ago, Huerta has been an avid reader all through her life. Her father worked in the hotel business, so her family moved almost yearly. They lived in

the Caribbean, Canada and seemingly everywhere in between. Huerta said this moving around inspired her to read new books and to eventually find a career in the travel industry. After realizing she wanted to do something different with the rest of her life, Huerta quit her day job in May 2016 to devote her full attention to opening the bookstore. She said she hoped to put together a small staff of part-time workers who could help her out during the busier hours of the day, and was shocked to receive over 45 applications, mostly from people who work full time but love books and want to spend a few hours a week helping around the store. Huerta settled on a staff of three, but keeps the remaining 45 resumes on her desk to consider when she needs more help. Her granddaughter Ava, a third grader at Adams Elementary School, also works at the store every Monday and Friday after school. Ava said her favorite literary character


araya santo | dn Leslie Huerta and her granddaughter Ava stand in a nook in Francie & Finch’s, Huerta’s bookstore which opened Nov. 4 at 13th and L streets.




Carter Knopik releases new short film “Flying Kites” Ellis Clopton dn staff writer

Freshman film and new media major Carter Knopik found a way to use film to break through the barriers in the discussion of homophobia. After filling several notebooks with potential stories and characters, he landed on an idea and ran with it. Knopik has recently released a short 15 minute film titled “Flying Kites,” that tells the story of two lovers, Adam and Simon. The catch to this story is that Adam’s father is a homophobic Nebraska senator, and their father-son relationship strain results in Adam being dangerously depressive. “I knew I wanted to touch on a relevant topic, like a social issue, because that’s something I’m passionate about,” Knopik said. The film won three awards at the White Light City Film Festival in Fremont, Nebraska: best soundtrack, best actor and best director. The overwhelmingly positive reception to the film is even more impressive because prior to the film’s release, Knopik had very little experience directing films. His only experience was directing smaller short films with his friends. Knopik said he wanted to use film to convey this specific story because the artistic nature of the medium can separate the audience from the argument and allow them to see the human aspect of it. “People have a more open mind when you do it in that manner,” Knopik said. “When people are watching a film, they’re more apt to see a different point of view.” The pre-production process of the film took about four months, which Knopik spent choosing actors, finding any needed equipment and scouting set locations. The funding for the film’s $1,000 budget came directly from Knopik’s own pocket. In high school he participated and won Windstream’s Smart Tomorrow Start-Up Challenge, receiving a $20,000 prize. Knopik’s proposed start-up was based around an app called Thought Bubble, where artistic collaborators would be able to easily communicate, work on and show off potential projects with one another. After all the equipment had been acquired, including a drone he borrowed from a friend, Knopik ran into the film’s first chal-

lenge: the actor slated to play Simon quit a week before the film was set to begin shooting. After a brief panic, a mutual friend connected Knopik with local actor, Will Reber. Despite the short-term request, Reber was more than willing to dive right into the project. “I hadn’t acted for two years, so I was down for whatever,” Reber said. Reber had previously been a stage actor and “Flying Kites” was his first film. He hadn’t read the script until two days before the three-day shooting period. Reber hadn’t met any of his castmates before they started working on the film. Reber said he was blown away by how much his director knew about filmmaking and how flexible he was. “It wasn’t like working with a veteran director. He put a lot of trust in me as an actor to do what I felt in me,” Reber said. “It was very comfortable since I didn’t know him at all. The film has a very retro cinematographic look and feel to it that fits Knopik’s style. The characters listen to music on record players and portable radios. The film also contains a handful of scenes that look as though they were filmed on Super 8mm film strips, but through the usage of smartphones and modern vehicles, the audience is subtly reminded that the setting takes place in the present. “I just wanted to make sure it was cohesive.” Knopik said. The soundtrack is almost entirely comprised from the discography of local artist Daniel Dorner. Knopik said he was listening to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s student radio station, KRNU 90.3, and came upon Dorner’s work. After a quick Facebook search and an email exchange, Dorner gave Knopik his music to use in the film’s soundtrack. “The vibe of the music goes with the vibe of the movie,” Knopik said. “It’s just really great music, and I wanted to support a local artist.” “Flying Kites” is currently in consideration for at least four other film festivals, having already premiered at the White Light City Film Festival. Knopik was less interested in the awards themselves than simply being able to see his work on the silver screen. “Just being able to have that hard work be validated was really meaningful,” he said.

“When people are watching a film, they’re more apt to see a different point of view.”

connor rosenbraugh | dn Carter Knopik, a freshman film and new media student at UNL, wrote and directed “Flying Kites,” a 15 minute short about homophobia and mental health. The film also screened at Vega in the Haymarket where the public was free to attend and participate in a Q&A session directly afterward. When he was writing the film’s script, Knopik noticed there was a lot of hatred and vitriol being thrown all over the public space.

He said he thought people didn’t understand the issue and hoped to help people come to an understanding. “When you break it all down, we’re all just human,” Knopik said. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM




Lincoln’s own JV Allstars return home Sam Crisler dn staff writer

Since forming in 2000, Lincoln punk group The JV Allstars have played on the Vans Warped Tour and opened for Fall Out Boy on multiple occasions. But with time comes age, and age brings new responsibilities and relationships, which have forced the band to back away from the position they held near the top of the Nebraska punk scene. Still, that doesn’t mean the band is done by any means. The group began as a duo between guitarist Nick Tarlowski and drummer Sean Jervey when they were students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Eric Mellow joined on bass later that year, but it wasn’t until around 2004 the band solidified its current file lineup with the additions of Mikey Elfers as a second guitarist and Matty Sanders, who replaced Jervey on drums. With this lineup, the band released three LPs that fit in with the best of mid-2000s pop-punk. The band toured relentlessly in support of releases such as 2005’s “Girls Forget Your Boys Forget Your Girls” and 2007’s “Take Me Back To Spectre.” Elfers said touring can take its toll when it involves driving for weeks on end with the same four band members. He said it was easy for them to get aggravated with each other. But in those time spans, Elfers said the band would relish the little moments when they could just hang out, whether that be playing Tetris in their van or lying on the floor at a venue drinking strawberry soda after a show. In those moments, Elfers said he would remember that the band were actually friends. “I would just be like, ‘alright, so humans are awesome, and I’m here with my friends, and this is fun,’” he said. The group continues to be friends today, but over time, their opportunities to have fun and play shows together have dwindled. Since the release of 2011’s full-length “Hold On To This,” the band has been relatively quiet, playing live only occasion-

photo | dn ally. And when they have played, Tarlowski has frequently made facetious proclamations that the individual shows would be the band’s final performances. “Nick told a couple people they might be our last shows,” Elfers said. “But we never broke up. We just stopped playing shows once a week.” It’s been more than five years since the JV Allstars played its first “last” show. And by this point, it’s become almost a yearly tradition. For this year’s edition, the band will take the stage at 1867 Bar in downtown Lincoln Dec. 22 and Dec. 23. But the band doesn’t intend for their yearly shows to mark any sort of discontinuation of the band. Each member has faced adulthood by either taking on full-time jobs, having kids or in Eric Mellow’s case, relocating from Lincoln. So playing annually is simply most convenient for them. “Obviously, stuff slows down,” Elfers said. “But we’re always gonna write emo songs and play them occasionally.” In December of 2015 at the final Knickerbockers show, the band played to a sold-out crowd in one of the venues where they built their name.

Over the years, Matty Sanders said Knickerbockers supported the group by offering fair payouts from admission sales and providing a venue that fans of any age could get into. That was especially important because Sanders was only 15 years old when JV Allstars started performing on the Knickerbockers’ stage. The band said having the chance to play the final show on that stage was a special experience. “We’ve played Warped Tour; we’ve opened for some big bands. I think I was more worried about that Knickerbockers show,” Tarlowski said. “I actually felt uncomfortable. I got nervous. That never happened.” Knickerbockers co-owner Shawn Tyrrell said the appreciation goes both ways, too. “Couldn’t of had a better act play that last show,” Tyrrell said in an email. “We both supported each other for many years.” Now, nearly a year removed from the final Knickerbockers show, the band’s two shows at 1867 Bar in December will continue the spirit of Knickerbockers. Elfers said the band’s got a song in the works about the venue that they hope to premiere at the shows, and beer koozies commemorating Knickerbockers final show will be sold as well. 1867 Bar itself was

founded with the goal of helping Knickerbockers live on. Kelsey Graves, owner of 1867, said in an previously published story in The Daily Nebraskan, “Knickerbockers was a community place, and we want to recreate that atmosphere here.” The comeback shows also provide an opportunity for JV Allstars and concertgoers to be charitable, as the proceeds for the show will benefit Kamp Out for Kids, a local initiative to raise money and collect toys for children in poverty during the holidays. Sanders said this is a good way for the band to give back to the community. “We’re not really playing the shows to get paid,” he said. “We’re doing it cause it’s fun, so if we can help out, that’s cool.” The band doesn’t have any immediate plans for new music after the shows at 1867, but Elfers said the members of JV Allstars still try to consistently write new music. As they’ve aged, the band’s motivations for making music have inevitably changed. “We’re still writing songs,” Elfers said. “But my songs are now from the perspective of a 32-year-old man who watches Food Network and has a daughter on the way.” With a new perspective for songwriting, Sanders said JV Allstars’s newest music is much slower than the driving punk tracks the band released in their heyday. Elfers said he’s not even sure that they would still be considered a pop-punk band. But as their musical style and motivations for making music have evolved, their motivation for playing music together remains the same: to have fun with some of their best friends. “It really is an excuse for us to hang out and act like idiots,” Sanders said. And, of course, playing two more shows allows Tarlowski to continue the joke that every JV Allstars show is the last one ever. “That’s gonna be so great,” Tarlowski said. “I’m gonna be on stage for that first one and be like, “You guys coming to our last show tomorrow?” ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

FRANCIE & FINCH: FROM PAGE 8 art clubs and maybe even some yoga classes. The store’s official opening ceremony and ribbon cutting will take place sometime in

January, once the store gets through the hectic holiday months. “I want this store to be a treasure in down-

town Lincoln,” Huerta said. “Such great communities have formed around the other independent bookstores in the area. I want to help

everyone find their own Francie and Finch.” ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



TRACEY: Learn to love leisure reading

Greg Tracey dn staff columnist

In his epic series A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin wrote, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”. Everyone has to read (or at least pretend to) for classes in school. What’s far less common is reading for pleasure. This is a real shame. Leisure reading has impacted me in an immensely positive way, and science suggests it can help anyone. I don’t recall exactly what got me into reading. The most likely reason seems to be elder siblings who set an example. Whatever the cause, what I do know is for as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed reading. By first grade, I was already reading the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, the Inheritance Cycle and various stand-alone works. I de-

voured books like a shark set loose in a school of smaller fish. I can recall long hours spent eagerly turning pages in books whose binding could disintegrate any moment. I often spent recesses at school play acting as Fred and George Weasley, or Legolas and Gimli, with my friends. As I grew older, recess faded into memory, but my love of reading never diminished. Unfortunately, it has diminished for many people. In 2012, only 19 percent of 17 year olds in the United States said they read for pleasure regularly, compared to 31 percent in 1984. Over the same time period and age group, the number who said they “never” or “hardly ever” read rose from nine to 27 percent. Why does this even matter? There are so many ways for people to get entertainment now that it might seem pointless to harp on reading so much. I’m even guilty of this to an extent. Often I’ll just pull up Netflix and hit

play over and over, rather than picking up a book or newspaper. From my own personal experience, however, the depth of detail and sophistication in printed works can never be surpassed by a television show, no matter how many episodes come out. The capacity of the human mind to imagine and see whole new worlds in its own domain is greater than any computer generated imagery or fancy animation modern technology can dream up. There’s also a good deal of practical, objectively valuable skills and resources to be gained from reading for pleasure. One study showed reading helps children “involuntarily and without conscious effort” learn many complex things, such as grammar, enhanced vocabulary and better writing skills. Another study showed there is a correlation between reading for pleasure and gaining empathy. Yet another study showed reading a popu-

lar work of fiction “involved the same brain regions you would be using in a real-life experience such as watching someone move in the real world”. If you’re not one for hard copy books, try an audiobook or ebook– they’ve never been more accessible. I would wager that if someone started to set just 15-20 minutes of their day aside to read something they enjoy, it would soon snowball into an hour or more, with all the attendant benefits. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have much to go on in changing this situation. I’m not a high ranking official in the Department of Education, nor am I an elected representative in the legislature. I’m not even a teacher or parent with influence over children. All I have is a love of reading and the ability to share it here with you. I hope you will give it a chance.


FAREWELL: The power of positive protesting Alexa Farewell dn staff columnist

We see examples of protesting everywhere. There’s a negative connotation around the act, but there shouldn’t be. Protesting can be a positive way to stand up for what’s right. In 2015, Time released a list of the five most influential protests in history. The article was written in honor of Gandhi’s Salt march, which topped the list. During this time, Indians were prohibited from selling or collecting salt, which was under British rule. Gandhi led the peaceful 240 mile walk to collect salt, where 60,000 Indians were arrested for breaking the salt law. This happened in 1930. India didn’t have freedom from Britain until 1947, but Gandhi is still credited heavily with helping end British rule in India. Other protests that made the list were Taking Back the Night marches protesting violence against women and The March on Washington headed by Martin Luther King Jr. Protesting has been in the news a lot lately. Anti-Trump protests have been happening all around the United States and have even occurred in Omaha. On the Friday after the

election, over a hundred people gathered in the Old Market to hold signs and verbally protest Donald Trump. About 100 people gathered outside of the Nebraska Capitol here in Lincoln, too. The protests are right at our back door. The thing about this is, it just might be working. As of now, a recount has become possible for some states. I can see a relationship between the protesting and the recount. If people hadn’t questioned the system and what was happening when Trump was elected, nobody would’ve ever started discussion on the possibility of a recount. The North Dakota Pipeline has been heavily protested as well. Thousands of Facebook users “checked in” at Standing Rock to advocate for the issue. Articles claimed protesters were being arrested if they geotagged their location in North Dakota on social media, so if everyone else geotagged the same location, regardless of the fact they weren’t physically there, it would cause too much confusion and people would no longer be arrested by this reasoning. A Morton county police spokesperson (where the protests are being held) said these claims are “completely false” and they’re not

monitoring Facebook check-ins at the camp. This doesn’t mean the Facebook protesting didn’t cause conversation, though. Personally, when I saw friends “check-in” at Standing Rock, I quickly did a Google search of what was happening. This alone gave me enough information to gain an opinion on the topic and do what I could to advocate for my stance. People seem to be scared of protesting. Mental images of tear gas, rubber bullets and riots all come to mind when they hear of a protest. The idea of a “peaceful protest” seems to escape many people’s minds, and they immediately assume violence from protestors or the police. There are obvious reasons the word “protest” has left a bad taste in American’s mouth. There have been protests that have ended in needless violence and nothing gained. In contrast to the aforementioned Times article, News One released an article on some of the most violent protests. One example was of the protest against the KKK in 1976 in Greensboro, Alabama, which ended in white supremacists shooting and killing five protesters. A little known

protest in London, shows that this violence is not exclusive to America. In 2011 protesters marched to Tottenham and demanded to speak to senior police officials about the killing of an unarmed man. The protest ended with a 16-year-old female being attacked and riots breaking out across England. Protesting can lead to change. It’s often looked at as unnecessary violence and riots, as we’ve seen in protests in Greensboro or London. On the other hand, protests by Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. prove to citizens that protesting peacefully and standing up for what they believe in can lead to justice and social change. Protesting can be a very positive act to stand up for what’s right. Even though it’s been in the news heavily, the act of protesting isn’t new. It’s something we need to accept. In America, we’re lucky enough to be able to speak out for what we believe is right. Protesting is a way to do this. Although violence and illegal activity while protesting has to be avoided, it can be, and the protests can be beneficial. ALEXA FAREWELL IS A JUNIOR ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MAJOR. REACH HER AT OPINION@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM OR VIA @DNOPINION.



Nebraska volleyball begins NCAA tournament play Ross Miller dn staff writer

For the first time since 2006, Husker volleyball is the No. 1 overall seed in the NCAA tournament. Nebraska opens the NCAA Tournament Friday at 7 p.m. at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Nebraska plays New Hampshire. New Hampshire was the American East champion and earned a regular season record of 21-10. The Wildcats lean on senior middle blocker Demi Muses. She has had four matches with 20 or more kills. Beside Muses, the Wildcats struggle to hit for much of a percentage. UNH hit .222 as a team on the season, compared to Nebraska’s .284 attacking percentage. That is not the only lopsided statistic for the Huskers coming into the match. Nebraska averaged more than one block per set, which is no surprise considering NU ranks No. 12 nationally in blocking. For Nebraska, it will be another game in front of a sold out Devaney Center crowd. If the Huskers can avoid an upset, they will move on to play the winner of the Wichita State/ TCU first round matchup on Friday afternoon.

TCU is making its second straight appearance in the NCAA tournament for the first time in program history and comes in with a 14-12 overall record and a 7-9 record in the Big 12. Wichita State on the other hand, was 24-7 on the year and runner-up in the Missouri Valley Conference with a 15-3 conference record. The second round game will also be at the Devaney Center, with first serve at 7 p.m. Everyone is healthy for Nebraska heading into this weekend and if NU advances through the first two games this weekend, they are set to host the regional semifinals and final next weekend at the Devaney Center. To go along with the NCAA Tournament, four Husker players gained first team All-Big Ten honors. Seniors Kadie Rolfzen, Amber Rolfzen, Kelly Hunter and Justine Wong-Orantes all were first team players for Nebraska. Wong-Orantes added to her laundry list of honors in her career as she was named the Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year on Monday afternoon. John Cook won the Big Ten Coach of the Year. This is his sixth conference coach of the year award in his 16 seasons at Nebraska. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

k a r i s sa s c h m i dt | d n

NU shooters head to Winter Airgun Championships Zack Beyers dn staff writer

Five shooters from the Nebraska rifle team are going to the 2016 Winter Airgun Championships in Colorado Springs, Colorado, this weekend. The competition will take place at the Olympic Training Center. To prepare for the competition, the Husker rifle team has gone through many adjustments in their routine to allow for the best performance possible. Junior Dacotah Faught said the team read the book Bullseye Mind to prepare. “The book helped us out with the mental aspect of shooting and gave us a lot of good tips and has been the difference in my shoot-

ing change,” Faught said. Freshman Kayla Gadeken has been practicing harder and changing her routine to fit the style of the Winter Airgun competition. “I have been practicing hard in air rifle and getting my position sets, working out the little quirks. I have also trained myself to incorporate the different decimal point scoring system that the competition will be using,” Gadeken said. Both Faught and Gadeken went to the Winter Airgun Championships last year. Faught being a Tennessee-Martin Skyhawk shooter and Gadeken a senior in high school. Faught said there are a lot of differences coming to the competition in 2016. “The difference for this year is working on my mental game and changing my perspec-

tive,” she said. “I am excited to see how this will play out and how I can reach my potential rather than in the past when I have been less confident and it definitely affected me.” Gadeken said she is excited to join her team this year at Winter Airgun, rather than performing on her own. “I’m excited to go compete and get to travel to Colorado and the Olympic Training Center, I’m looking forward to show up and have everyone see what we can do,” Gadeken said. The Husker rifle team has had a successful 2016 season, with a 5-1 record that includes a tiebreaker win over Ohio State to open the season. Faught, who transferred from TennesseMartin this summer, has had a good transition

so far and enjoys her experience as a Husker student-athlete. “So far for me it’s been a really good experience, going to a new team and seeing a new group dynamic. I have noticed we mesh well together, and we have been brought close together through that,” Faught said. “We have a lot of potential on the team and have a good starting point to reach to potential.” Faught added that the size of Lincoln compared to Martin, Tennessee has been an adjustment to get used to. “Martin is a lot smaller of a school so getting to the larger class sizes and bigger campus has been an adjustment, but there are so many resources and benefits here to help stu-





Nebraska continues difficult stretch

merika andrade | dn David Stover dn assistant sPorts editor

After finishing 0-2 in the South Point Shootout, losing to Washington State and Virginia, the Nebraska women’s basketball team travels to Virginia Tech Thursday for an 8 p.m. tip. Heading into practice this week, junior guard Emily Wood said the Cornhuskers have struggled maintaining consistent effort for the entirety of games. “The biggest adjustments we’ve made is playing 40 minutes all out,” Wood said. “We’ve had stretches, and we had stretches in Las Vegas, where we’re executing and guarding really well. But then there were some stretches that weren’t our best.” In NU’s first game at the South Point Shootout against Washington State, the Cou-

gars went on an 18-0 run in the second quarter. The Huskers were down by as many as 30 points midway through the third quarter. Nebraska cut Washington State’s lead to 11 points with seven minutes left in the fourth quarter, but the Huskers couldn’t come back. The Cougars shot 55 percent from the floor and 62 percent from the three in the first half. “Our biggest adjustment and goal heading into Virginia Tech is to play a complete game with our best execution and effort,” Wood said. Junior guard Jasmine Cincore, who was the Huskers’ only player besides sophomore forward Jessica Shepard to make at least three fields goals in the second game in the South Point Shootout, elaborated on Wood’s assessment of the Huskers’ recent play.

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There are so many genres– fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, nonfiction, biography and romance, to name a few– that I would be astonished if someone couldn’t find something they were interested in.

Pick a book up and start reading. You’ll enjoy it, and it will make you a better person. GREG TRACEY IS A FRESHMAN GLOBAL STUDIES MAJOR. REACH HIM AT OPINION@DAILYNEBRASKAN. COM OR VIA @DNOPINION.

RIFLE TEAM: FROM PAGE 12 dent athletes,” Faught said. Gadeken, who is in her first year with the program, has learned a lot from the upperclassmen. “They’ve taught me so much, one really important thing would be what it is like to be a collegiate shooter. You go to matches and have fun, support your teammates, it’s a really rewarding experience,” Gadeken said. “The upperclassmen are good at being able

to forget about mistakes and helping me with dealing with the emotional aspect of shooting, there are a lot of resources to help overcome obstacles.” After the Winter Airgun Championships conclude, the Huskers next regular season match is against Army in West Point, New York on Jan. 15. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

karissa schmidt | dn

WOMEN’S BBALL: FROM PAGE 13 “I still think everything right now is super new,” Cincore said about coach Amy Williams’ new system. “As soon as we get everything together, we’ll finish games.” The Hokies are good. Virginia Tech is 6-0 and have defeated basketball powerhouses No. 17 Tennessee and Georgetown. Virginia Tech remains unranked, but has received votes from the AP Top 25 and the USA Today Coaches Poll. The Hokies are led by senior forward Sidney Cook and sophomore guard Chanette Hicks, who average 14 and 19 points per

game, respectively. Despite the Hokies robust offense, they’ve been out rebounded by their opponents, 230- 226. “ I think our main focus right now would be our ability to rebound,” Cincore said. “We have to control what we can control, and everything else will come.” Nebraska enters Thursday night’s contest with a 3-3 record and is led by Shepard’s 18 points per game. The game will be broadcasted on the Husker Sports Network. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


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Final examinations for full semester classes are to be given ONLY at time published in the Official Schedule of Classes or another time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all concerned. The only examinations allowed during the last week (15th week) of classes are: laboratory practical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations, and self-paced examinations. However, the following must be applied: Projects, papers, and speeches scheduled for completion during the last week of classes must have been assigned in writing by the end of the eighth week and must be completed no later then Wednesday of the 15th week. This refers to the project and its scope, but not the topic. Furthermore, ALL requirements, except for the final exam, must also be completed no later than Wednesday of the fifteenth week. If the instructor is replacing the final exam with either a project, paper, or speech, the due date can be any time during the 15th week or during finals week (providing that the assignment has been given by the eighth week. The exception to this is a class meeting one day a week on a Thursday or Friday for which all policies/requirements are shifted to either a Thursday or Friday, respectively. The Fifteenth Week policy does not apply to classes offered by the College of Law. If there is a violation a complaint can be filed at the ASUN office, 136 Nebr. Union or call 472-2581

Crossword Across   1 Onetime  co-host of “The  View” 10 Seen-it-all 15 Did some  undercover  work 16 Like opals 17 “Archie  Bunker’s Place”  actress 18 No-handed  skateboarding  trick 19 Cash in  Cambodia 20 Some  cornbreads 22 Base fare 23 Creole, e.g. 25 When repeated,  response to  “Who wants  dessert?” 26 AARP focus:  Abbr. 27 PCBs, e.g. 28 Zoom ___

29 Kind of column 30 “Forever Your

Girl” singer,  1989 31 Lawsuits 34 Royal  personage 36 Arizona player,  for short 37 Poke 38 One of the  Jetsons 39 Viagra maker 41 Kind of  animation 44 Potato chip  brand 45 Blasted 46 It might be  spun around a  campfire 47 Major  education  supporter 49 Some Spanish  dates: Abbr. 50 Purport 51 “The Book of  Eli” actress

54 Rigel’s


Edited by Will Shortz 1

55 1985 Dennis


56 “___ Hope”


Quaid sci-fi film

57 “Band” leader

of the 1960s





1 A lot   2 More stylish   3 Marshal Dillon  portrayer   4 Cinephiles’  collectibles   5 Printer  malfunctions   6 Not be square  with   7 Actress Peeples   8 Unpredictable   9 TV set? 10 Quad standouts 11 Lee of silent  films 12 What it often  takes, it’s said 13 Hit a lazy   pop-up, say 14 Dossier stamp ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 21 Greetings C O S M O S M I S F I T 23 YouTube no-no C A S T I L L O A P I E C E 24 1940’s ___  O C C A S I O N D O N N E D Pact W H A T S O P E R A D O C 27 Bamboozled E M S 28 “Su-u-ure” S E R E H E M H R O S S P E R O T 29 Make  G M C P E A R L U A N A mincemeat of,  A I R P O R T S E C U R I T Y say B L A B S E X A M L Y S 30 “Wearing the  L O B S T E R P O T face that she  keeps in ___  E S A S O L G E L T by the door”  P R E S T O C H A N G E O (Beatles lyric) I M P A L A W H O C A R E S 31  Professional  C A L M L Y S A U N T E R S claims  C R E P E S W R E S T S examiner





20 23











29 32









44 47










No. 0426















puzzle by michael ashley

32 Many a toy

powerer 33 Land on the  Indian Ocean 34 Feature on  some place  mats 35 Not up 37 Cursing 39 Way to stand

40 Purchase at an

46 Supersede

41 Mint family

48 Bugs, e.g.

optician’s plant

42 Lady of

Arthurian  legend 43 Inferior 45 Hollywood  father and  daughter

49 ___ terrier 52 Do-over, of a


53 Electrical unit

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