Feb. 2, 2017

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Making a mark PAGE 6



LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, “...and her name/ Mother of Exiles.” When Donald Trump says that other countries, from Mexico to Syria, are not “sending their best” he is absolutely right. They aren’t sending all of their best scientists, their best inventors, their best entrepreneurs or best artists; they’re sending their homeless, those who need a new start, who need refuge from war. But contrary to what Donald Trump might believe, this is not because of any malice – it is because America, asks for it. If Donald were to leave his gilded tower in Manhattan and take a stroll down to the harbor, he might see a rather iconic lady: the Statue of Liberty, Mother of Exiles. In her celebrated work, “The New Colossus,” Emma Lazarus shows that Lady Liberty specifically rebukes the high and mighty of “ancient lands.” She does not extend “conquering limbs” as the old Colossus but rather “from her beaconh and/ Glows world-wide welcome.” We all know who she reaches out especially to: the tired, poor, homeless “wretched refuse of [their] teeming shore.” As an American, I am compelled to welcome refugees, so that they may take part in the Great American Experiment as well. They have the same hopes and desires as all of us: safety for their families, a

chance to do right by themselves. These are the same forces which drove countless other immigrants before – my ancestors included – and will continue to do so as long as Franklin’s republic is kept. That is what sets America apart; that is what made America great once, and will do so again. Sincerely, A Patriot.

Austin Van Velson

front page photo by zach henke | dn Tattoo artist Nick Yager works on a client’s tattoo in his parlor, Independent Tattoo, located at 734 S. 27th St.

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Dairy Store’s ice cream-making still strong at 100

jacy lewis | dn John Valencia serves ice cream at the UNL Dairy Store on East Campus. Emma Olson dn staff writer

Most college campuses don’t have an ice cream flavor named after the official school colors or the president of the university. But the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Dairy Store, which is celebrating a century of service this year, isn’t like most campus ice cream stores. The Dairy Store, which is located on UNL’s East Campus, keeps 16 flavors in the dip cabinet at any time. 10 of those flavors are the Big Ten standard flavors, while the other six rotate for seasonal options. The most popular flavor is Scarlet and Cream, a sweet cream base with strawberry swirl mixed in that celebrates the school’s colors. Russ Parde, the associate pilot plant manager at the Dairy Store, started working there while he was in college. He was a student

worker from 2008 to 2012 and began managing the plant operation in June 2016. The plant currently has four student employees, while the store has 10. Matt Sievert, a sophomore biological science major, started at the plant in August 2015 because one of his old roommates worked there and thought it would be a fun job. The plant begins the day at 8 a.m. after deciding which flavor to make the night before, based on student schedules, upcoming seasonal flavors and what current inventory looks like. Parde said his favorite and the most dif-

ficult part of the job are one in the same. “Creating new flavors,” Parde said. “Coming up with the idea for new flavors is generally pretty easy, but making sure the flavor is right, that you source good ingredients that function the way you need them to and getting the color right is a tricky balance.” Parde and a student worker check all the ice cream containers and lids to make sure they are clean, labeled and sanitized. They also check the machines they will need to make sure they are clean too. They gather all the ingredients they need for the flavor they are making, such as vanilla,

“Making sure the flavor is right ... and getting the color right is a tricky balance.”

chocolate chips or cookie pieces. Parde fills a mixing tank with 20 to 50 gallons of ice cream mix and then adds the liquid flavor syrup bases, like chocolate or vanilla. The mix gets pumped through the ice cream freezer then whips the mix to add air and freezes it at the same time. After the ice cream is frozen, solid ingredients like chocolate chips or marshmallows are added. They fill 3 gallon tubs or 1.5 quart containers with the ice cream, which is soft serve consistency. The tubs get placed in a blast freezer that keeps the ice cream at -20 degrees, making the ice cream hard and scoop-able. At the end of the day, they record all the ice cream produced and make a plan for the next day’s flavors. While every flavor is essential in the Dairy Store’s line up, every worker has their favorite. “My favorite [flavor] to make is our Bounds to Be Good flavor,” Parde said. “It has a chocolate base with cookie pieces and marshmallows mixed in.” Sievert said his favorite flavor is cookies and cream because of the bourbon-flavored vanilla they use in the base. His opinion of mint flavoring isn’t as high. “Mint belongs in toothpaste, not ice cream,” Sievert said. The store has a graduate student worker who is currently working on piecing the 100 year history of the store and plant together. However, Parde said the store started by processing milk from dairy cows that were kept on East Campus which supplied milk for the university’s dining halls. The dairy cows are no longer on East Campus, but the plant tries to use local milk. The plant now focuses on processed dairy products like ice cream and cheese. Parde said the store hopes to release a 100th anniversary flavor by the end of February. “We are currently working on a special edition of the Scarlet and Cream flavor, though it is not ready for release yet,” Parde said. After working at the plant through college, Parde said he still gets excited to sample new flavors, like the seasonal creations or even standard vanilla. The team recently tried making a buttered pecan flavor for the holidays and winter. “The end result was an interesting [taste] that we probably won’t see very much of again,” Sievert said. NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM




UNL Speech and Debate team takes first place Jessica Larkins dn staff writer

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Speech and Debate team picked up their sixth win at the Big Ten Conference Challenge Tournament on Jan. 22. The Big Ten championship took place at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. The host college took home second place. Senior and co-captain Christian Rush won informative speaking, juniors Erin Sheehan and Chloe Meier won communication analysis and poetry interpretation, respectively, while sophomores Rebecca Human and Madison Morrissette took home individual titles as well. Human won extemporaneous speaking and Morrissette won persuasive speaking. Aaron Duncan, the director of the speech and debate team, has coached the team

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for 12 years. He was coach while UNL transitioned from the Big Twelve to the Big Ten, and said both conferences are competitive when it comes to speech. “The Big Ten has a great academic reputation and it really carries over to speech and debate,” Duncan said. “It was a really fun tournament.” Co-captain Jonathan Baker, a senior communication studies major, led the team with top individual speaking honors and was the Big Ten champion in prose interpretation, dinner speaking and duo interpretation with his partner, junior Mattison Merritt. Mattison also won dramatic interpretation. “I think we’ve been so successful in the Big Ten because we take it seriously,” Baker said. “Whenever we go to the Big Ten tournament, we go with the mindset of ‘We’re here to have fun, but we’re here to compete.’” Success in speech and debate all comes

down to one thing, Duncan said: hard work. Speech is an activity that rewards hard work and diligence. “I can’t coach someone to be taller. I can’t affect physical ability,” he said. “But everyone has the opportunity to be a good public speaker. I honestly believe that.” Meier, a junior secondary English and language arts education major, said the work it takes to succeed in speech is overwhelming at times. The speech season runs from September to March, with national competitions in April. But to Meier, the time commitment isn’t an issue. “It’s always worth it to put that much time into something that you love so much,” she said. Duncan said it’s not just support from each other that has led to the team’s success, but the support from the university. Speech has been an activity at UNL for 146 years, making

it the oldest student activity on campus. “Speech and debate isn’t valued on every campus in America,” Duncan said. “We’re very appreciative that we’re on a campus where it’s valued.” Many people view speech as an individual activity, Baker said. In some ways, speech relies on individual success, but Baker said the team’s success is so much more important than just one person. “While we do care about individual success, I would get rid of all of my individual titles to make sure that we win as a team,” Baker said. “Getting to say that my closest friends and I worked very hard together and achieved this success together as a team is more important.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM




Students for Life group wins national award Elsie Stormberg dn staff writer

On Jan. 28, the University of NebraskaLincoln Students for Life group attended the Students for Life Conference in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. The group had a day full of speakers, networking and an important win. The 2-year-old group won the Group of the Year Award, the most esteemed prize at the conference, out of 1,100 other groups from across the country. “We knew we applied, and we were told by our regional coordinator that we had a high chance of winning,” group secretary Nicholas Volesky said. “Our hopes were already high, but we didn’t want our hopes to be too high, so it was pretty exciting when we did win.” Sophomore management major Kristen Nett could not have been more proud when the group won. “It was nice for our group to be recognized by Students for Life of America, but it isn’t about our efforts being noticed, it’s about how our efforts impact the lives of students on campus,” Nett said. “Through all the work

that we have done, I truly believe we have changed the lives of those around us.” According to Volesky, a junior diversified agriculture major, Students for Life of America reviews all the applications for the award and makes the decision based on what type of events the group has conducted. Along with tabling, dialoguing and education events on campus, the group has developed an endowment. “We are raising $25,000 to create a perpetual $1,000 scholarship for pregnant students,” group president Alexa Krings said. “We’re at $13,000, and we hope to have it all raised by the end of March.” Krings, senior elementary education major, aided in the formation of the club in 2015 and has kept the president title both years. Krings said she believes the endowment is one of the main reasons why they were chosen as group of the year. Another reason for the victory was the baby showers for six pregnant or parenting student moms in December 2016. “We raised money by having a baby bottle drive, so actual UNL students donated that to

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help these moms here on campus,” Volesky said. “Then we went out and bought diapers, clothes and other things.” For Students for Life, fundraising is key for programs like the baby showers and the scholarship. They receive donations from various groups around Lincoln. Being halfway there, Krings said she is positive they will meet their goal of $25,000 by the end of March. In February, the group is planning a speaking event, which duos as a fundraiser. “One of the pro-life groups in Lincoln has agreed to match up to $1,500 of what we’re raising, so we’re sending out invites to people we think would be big donors in the area,” Krings said. “We are going to throw a reception before the event, and I think we might be able to raise all $25,000 by the end of that event.” The event is Feb. 22 in the Nebraska Union, and the speaker will be abortion survivor Melissa Ohden. To Volesky, the club is important because it’s not specifically affiliated with religion or politics. “Being pro-life is not a religious issue to

me; it’s not a political issue,” Volesky said. “It’s just a basic fundamental human rights issue that should be discussed, not ignored.” Krings became interested in the prolife movement as a freshman and has continued to nurture her beliefs through Students for Life. “The reason I’m pro-life is because I believe every person should have the same human rights as everyone else,” Krings said. “Everyone has the right to life. And I also believe that women deserve better than abortion, because we can give them so many more resources out there that will make them happier in the long run.” Nett said she believes in the end, pro-life is respecting human life at all stages, and Students for Life does just that. “Pro-life is more than just an anti-abortion movement,” Nett said. “Yes, it makes up a big majority of the movement, but it also consists of rejecting suicide, assisted suicide and the death penalty. Pro-life is pro-love, and I am excited to be apart of this movement.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



Local tattoo shop is a creative outlet for employees Joe John dn staff writer

Andrew Aguilar spent much of his free time in prison sitting in his 6-foot by 8-foot cell drawing on envelopes and cards. After his ten-year sentence, Aguilar began working at Independent Tattoo as an artist. “I used to do this for bags of Kool-Aid and coffee, but now it’s something that my mom is proud to tell people I do,” Aguilar said. Aguilar said the best part about working at Independent Tattoo is seeing his tattooing certificate in a frame on the wall surrounded by his art. “I got a troubled past and this is keeping me out of trouble,” Aguilar said. “Every day I come here and want to give a quality tattoo in a different way than all these other shops, it

doesn’t even feel like work.” Aguilar said every piece of ink has a story behind it and hearing the meaning behind someone’s tattoo makes him more passionate about his job. “My ink tells my story... and I want to tell others’ stories through their tattoos,” Aguilar said. “I have a story to tell with your tattoo, and it makes me more passionate about my work if I know the story behind it.” He spent a lot of time looking for a place

that had an interest in him and his work before finally finding Independent Tattoo. Aguilar said Nick Yager, who opened Independent Tattoo in 2014, was the only one to give him a chance. Although he was OK with renting a space to tattoo from another shop owner, the opportunity to own his own shop presented itself, and Yager took it. The owner of the building at 734 S. 27th St. was in the process of remodeling a barber shop to a tattoo par-

“I used to do this for bags of Kool-Aid and coffee.”

lor and was looking for someone to purchase the location. “Everyone wants to own their own business,” Yager said. “I want to stay small and just do what we do.” Yager spent most of his childhood drawing pictures in a tattoo parlor and knew from a young age that tattooing is what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. “I’ve wanted to tattoo since I was a kid,” Yager said. “I always drew, and it just carried on from there.” At 36-years-old, Yager has been tattooing in Lincoln and Omaha since he was 20, except for a five year period that he spent living and working in Florida. Yager self-taught himself the trade but said that his tattooing style is hard to define. “I tattoo really clean lines, and I’m pretty fast,” Yager said. “My style is whatever the customer wants.” In order to set his business apart from other Lincoln tattoo parlors, Yager said that it’s important to make customers feel at home and make sure they’re satisfied with their new piece of art. “When the customer really likes their tattoo it’s really rewarding,” Yager said. “We try to make people really comfortable and feel like they’re at home.” Yager said he doesn’t think he’ll open another shop but will continue to improve upon his current shop with guest artists and different promotions in the future. One of Independent Tattoo’s specialties is $30 Thursdays. Every Thursday, Independent Tattoo will do small pieces for $30. “People appreciate it,” Yager said. “It gives people the opportunity to get little tattoos and not pay outrageous prices.” Yager said the best part of owning his own tattoo parlor is knowing that his job is never at risk and getting paid to do what he loves, make art. Aguilar and Yager said they both take pride in the fact that although the odds may have been against them, they are doing what they love to do. “Everyone in our lives have doubted us,” Yager said. “But here we are.” ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

zach henke | dn Tattoo artist Nick Yager works on a client’s tattoo in his parlor, Independent Tattoo, located at 734 S. 27th St.suada




Lincoln ‘supergroup’ has strong roots in local scene Sam Crisler DN STAFF WRITER

Lincoln band Shit Flowers could be considered a supergroup of sorts. Kayla Schmutte formed Shit Flowers with bassist Sam Costello and drummer Kalib Faltys, who both play in other Lincoln bands, The Ambulanters and Better Friend, respectively. With the connections the band members have made through those groups, Shit Flowers has been able to book its first shows, record music on a budget and firmly plant its roots. While Better Friend and The Ambulanters tend to lean toward the heavier side of indie rock, Shit Flowers’ songs contrast that with dreamy melodies and ‘80s pop-inspired lo-fi production. Since forming in July 2016, the band has taken its time focusing on jamming, writing songs and finding its sound. Schmutte said she wanted to start her first band specifically with Costello and Faltys because neither was accustomed to the instruments they would play in Shit Flowers. Costello said he started playing bass just for Shit Flowers, and Faltys said he hadn’t played drums for almost four

years before joining the band. “I was like, OK, well I’ll just have you guys play your instruments that you don’t really know how to play,” Schmutte said. “That way we can all be shitty together.” Even though Shit Flowers was originally uncertain about its instruments, Schmutte said since then, it’s improved in all aspects. She said she’s been writing music since she was a teenager, and when the band first started practicing together, it would mostly work on songs Schmutte had mapped in her head. But since then, Costello said the band has developed more collaborative songwriting methods. “You get to the point where we’re beyond that,” Costello said. “We’ve figured out all the songs that got us started, and now we can start writing as a group.” On Jan. 17, the band released its first single, “IDKWTD,” a guitar-driven slow burner with electronic flares that explode into crunchy guitars as Schmutte proclaims “I don’t know who to be or who I really am.” Better Friend bassist Aaron Lee said he’s


carter knopik | dn




UNL professors seek to tell slave’s story through film Ellis Clopton dn staff writer

University of Nebraska-Lincoln professors Michael Burton, William G. Thomas III and Kwakiutl Dreher are rewriting a piece of history: the fall of Anna, the story of a slave woman who cast herself from a third story window in an act of defiance against her masters. She broke her back and both of her arms. Anna’s story became well-known in the abolitionist movement. She became a symbol of the anguish, grief and hysteria that resulted from slavery. Abolitionist writers such as Jesse Torrey referred to her as an example of the negative effects of slavery, where a woman would rather commit suicide than work in the Georgia cotton fields. Not many know what happened to her after the incident and many presumed she died as a slave. This is incorrect. Thomas, a professor of history at UNL, has been researching Anna for the past year and

recently uncovered what happened to Anna after the famous plunge. Thomas’ research led him to Anna’s documentation in the National Archives in Washington D.C. She didn’t fade from public life, and she didn’t spend the rest of her life working on a cotton plantation. Instead, she fought the courts in Washington D.C. and legally earned her freedom 17 years after the incident. This story has never been told before and will be presented in a short animation feature. Thomas said he felt presenting history in an animation format will allow more members of the public to understand Anna’s fight for abolishing slavery. “The animation can speak to a wide range of audiences,” Thomas said. “I’m really excited to see history in this new medium.” The script for the film, “Anna,” was written by Dreher, an associate professor in the UNL English department. Dreher specializes in African-American literature and has written

several encyclopedia entries, including famous women in history and African-American women in literature. The animation style isn’t the average children’s Saturday morning cartoon. Instead, Burton, assistant professor of practice at UNL, and three student animators are painting every frame by hand. The magic happens in a small, dimly-lit office room in the Home Economics building on East Campus. Paintbrushes and paper plates covered in dried paint litter the desk space, along with two bulky wooden boxes acting as a green screen. A black Canon camera stares down at a smudge of white paint that, upon further inspection, reveals intricate shading consistent with linen. It snaps a photo to create one frame of animation for what turns out to be a headwrap. The process is called rotoscoping. Utilizing real actors, the story was shot on film, but every aspect will be painted over and animat-

ed on top of the actors. This includes clothes, hair, skin, backgrounds and everything else in the film. Burton said the goal is to replicate etching, a popular art process during the time period. In fact, the only two images of Anna herself are engravings. “To bring these characters to life that are historical and have died many years ago is really cool,” Burton said. “What’s even cooler is being able to make it look like a moving etching.” The result depicts more than a simple engraving. The first shot Burton showed was a sweeping bird’s-eye view across a field of grass with a tall plantation house just off in the distance. The camera takes the viewer down through trees of yellow and green and settles in front of a set of bare-bones shacks. A man pushing a wagon shuffles by, giving life to the painting and sending the viewer back in time. Historical accuracy is a vital aspect not only to the script, but to the costumes as well, Burton said. Because of this, the team hired a material culture researcher from Pittsburg State University. She spent a summer researching the interiors of loom houses and what clothes different people wore. The researcher focused on smaller details as well, such as researching the clothing differences between people in different age groups. The result was a set of costumes created by Nicole Rudolph, a graduate student in the textiles, merchandising and fashion design department, ripped straight from the time period. “They’re immaculate,” Burton said. Because of the competitiveness longer films face when vying for festival slots, Burton said the film will be between 12 and 18 minutes. The team is planning to submit “Anna” to the Virginia Film Festival, as well as a number of others including the Toronto and Tribeca film festivals. Burton said, with some guidance from film industry insiders, they would love to submit an entry to the Sundance Film Festival. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

jacy lewis | dn Ryan Niemeyer works on an animated movie called “Anna” on Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 in the Home Economics Building on East Campus.




Hookup culture isn’t for everyone

michael johnson | dn Anonymous Coming from an all girls high school, I had only a few good guy friends. In high school, I knew people hooked up in the basements of my friend’s houses but I wasn’t ever too in-

terested in the idea. During my senior year of high school, the guessing game of “who hooked up with who” during the weekend became constant. Although it sometimes made me uncomfortable knowing that hooking-up was becoming normal, there was a part of me that wished that I took part in it. Going into college, I knew hookups happened more frequently. During my first weeks of my freshmen year, I heard that many of my high school friends were already hooking up with random guys at parties. The idea of my friends doing this gave me the confidence to not be so against an idea that has become so normal throughout university campuses. My first hookup experience was at a house party on Halloween. With my roommate in tow, I arrived at this party not knowing anyone. After diving into the spiked Halloween punch, I made my way to the backyard to find a guy who seemed interested in me and my drunken state of mind. We awkwardly hooked-up all night. His friends high-fived him when we walked out of the bathroom, while I struggled to find my friends. I decided not to spend the night with him and instead woke up in my dorm room; con-

fused and wildly hungover. I told some close friends what happened. They asked me for details and were excited for me. They made it seem like hooking up with a guy I didn’t know officially proved I was a college student. I talked about it as if I was proud of my accomplishment, but on the inside I felt gross. I hated that I was drunk and only remembered some of what happened. However what I hated the most was how needy I was that night. How I could’ve easily said “no” to him wanting to hook up, but instead decided to be dependent on him. Even though I regretted my actions that night, I didn’t stop hooking up with other guys. But the more I did it, the less it seemed to matter. It was a never-ending pattern of finding a random guy, enjoying the hookup while it was happening and immediately feeling unfulfilled the next morning. The temporary connection I felt with the guy at the party would dissolve into loneliness and I would go through the same stages again and again, until I realized that I wanted to feel something different. I wanted to feel good about myself again and I wanted the importance of that to out-

weigh the temporary connection I felt with the guys at the parties. My desire to have a hookup turn into something more began to feel stupid because after giving the guy what he wanted, I would never hear from him again. I began to think it would be impossible to form an actual relationship. However, my friends felt the exact opposite. They thought hookups were liberating and fun, and even though I didn’t feel the same way, I was happy for them. I was happy we were all exploring and learning about our sexuality. But I have found that there is a difference between exploring our sexuality with people we actually feel we have a connection with versus with individuals who just use and drag us down. Sure, hookups are lowkey, but they aren’t for everyone. Be respectful of those who say “no” to your hookup plea. As for everyone else, be mindful that your negative feelings after a hookup are more important than the brief attention you received from the stranger at the party. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

SUPERGROUP: FROM PAGE 7 been impressed with the simplicity of Schmutte’s lyrics. “She seems to have a knack for finding words that sound so natural; they instantly connect when you hear them,” Lee said. The uncertainty expressed in Schmutte’s lyrics reflect some of the insecurities she said she’s had about playing music with other people. But with both Costello and Faltys playing instruments they’re not used to, Schmutte said each band practice is a low-pressure situation with each member constantly improving his or her musicianship. “The more you play with other people, it makes you more aware that everybody plays differently and everybody has something else to offer,” Costello said. “You can learn something from everybody.” After more than six months of learning and songwriting, Shit Flowers is playing its first show Feb. 17 at Yia Yia’s Pizza and Beer, where all three band members work. Costello

said the show at Yia Yia’s is just one example of the band using its resources and connections through the music scene, which he said has made it easy to get a new band started. Costello has borrowed bass equipment from Robert Specht, the bassist in The Ambulanters. Jim Rhian, who also plays guitar in The Ambulanters, recorded Shit Flowers’ first single. “There’s something about using your resources in your community,” Costello said. “Because now we totally have plenty, and we have people that care about booking shows and people that have gear, people that have connections. I think it’s really easy right now to start a band.” Faltys said the members of Shit Flowers are part of a group of Lincoln musicians and friends who support each other’s music and play in numerous bands together. Local groups such as I Forgot to Love My Father, This Machine Kills Vibes, Better

Friend and The Ambulanters, among others, have developed from the same group of twenty-somethings. “I feel like we’re kinda like a music clique family,” Faltys said. “And Shit Flowers is just its new baby.” And with that family behind them, Shit Flowers can focus on the future instead of worrying about booking shows or having to pay steep fees for recording in a studio. Schmutte said Shit Flowers is planning to record an EP with the seven songs they’ve written so far, but she said she wants to use the band’s matured songwriting process to write more songs and eventually an LP. “I think we’re all ready to take that step forward and create something as a band,” Schmutte said. As they continue writing music, Schmutte and Costello said one of Shit Flowers’s most important goals is to get on the road as soon as they can. Schmutte accompanied The Am-

bulanters on their regional tour last summer, and she said she was amazed by watching a band from Nebraska captivate an unfamiliar audience. She said she hopes to do the same thing with Shit Flowers. “Having a stranger enjoy what you’ve done or even give you the time of day to listen is super cool,” Schmutte said. So Shit Flowers will continue to grow, which is all motivated by each band member’s love of playing music. For Costello, it gives him purpose. For Faltys, it serves as a network for meeting new people. For Schmutte, it provides a channel to express her emotions through art. “I never stop feeling things,” Schmutte said. “And writing about it, playing guitar; it’s like therapy.” ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



SERVER: UNL Honors program deserves accolades

Matt Server assistant opinion editor

We all remember what it was like to be seniors in high school, eagerly counting the days until we could free ourselves from the bonds of youth and traverse to college. Part of that excitement was going through the op-

tions we had for colleges and narrowing them down based on criteria we crafted from our priorities. Some of us wanted a university with good athletics while others prioritized size, atmosphere or specific academic programs. I knew, from the minute I started to consider my options, I wanted to go to a school that was affordable yet challenging. While this mostly eliminated the possibility of private universities, it did bring forth a new consideration: honors programs. Thus, when I did my research into to UNL, I was ecstatic to find the Honors Program rated highly by the materials I examined. I understood UNL wasn’t the highest rated academically on my list, but I knew that, if I played it right and utilized the Honors Program, I could find the academic rigor I desired. Although I did not initially get accepted into the program due to a late submission rising from my late decision to attend the univer-

sity, I am extremely grateful I have spent most of my time here as an honors student. A common trend I have found is that students are taking advantage of the Honors Program by participating in it, not for the academic rigor or high standards it sets, but rather for the benefits it provides, most notably the textbook scholarship. In that vein, students complain that the Honors Program does not “offer them” anything substantial. At the risk of jumping on my high horse, the view is severely flawed. As a student who doesn’t receive the textbook scholarship due to joining a semester late, the trend of staying in the program as long as possible simply to get the scholarship is disappointing, but that’s not the message of this column. One of my high school teachers once gave me some great advice: keep your side of the street clean. In other words, only worry about what you can control and don’t

look with jealousy at what others have or do. So instead, I want to laud the Honors Program for its true merits. No, I’m not talking about free printing, although that is nice. The program’s strength is not in the physical goods it supplies, but rather it’s in the challenge it provides and the guidance it lends. In order to continue in the Honors Program, one needs to be enrolled in 12 credit hours, complete 24 honors hours and receive a B or better and keep a 3.5 GPA. In addition, to graduate in good standing, one must complete a thesis project, which can come in the form of research or a creative project. Of course, instead of being portrayed as benefits, these are seen as requirements. That is a mistake. They provide a baseline from which to launch academic achievement. Fulfilling these requirements is a challenge and


STR ASSBURGER: High education needs funding

Emily Strassburger dn staff columnist

The state of Nebraska is currently dealing with a $900 million budget deficit. Yikes. It’s unlikely that lawmakers will raise taxes to fix these problems alone, so right now they’re looking at a hefty budget cut. Unfortunately, this is a rather dire situation for University of Nebraska students as well as the state of Nebraska. University of Nebraska President Hank Bounds predicts that the state budget will cost NU $50 million. This will likely force the university system to cut multiple pro-

grams and significantly raise students’ tuition as compensation. Questions were raised as to whether NU alumni and donors could help pay these costs, or if the school could dip into its reserves. Both ideas were shot down. We, the students, will more than likely be responsible for paying for this deficit. The University of Nebraska isn’t the only school facing these problems; this is happening nationwide. The state of Missouri was recently forced to cut nearly $150 million from their state budget. Over half of that, or $85 million, was cut from their higher education budget. The cuts aren’t even over yet. Missouri University’s chancellor predicts cuts up to 2 percent for the fiscal years of both 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. Just as in Nebraska, it seems as though education is always the first group to receive scrutiny when budget cuts are announced. Paul Wagner, the executive director of the Council for Higher Education in Missouri, told the Columbia Daily Tribune, “higher education always is a target when governors look for places to cut.”

Sadly, in terms of balancing the budget, cutting higher education out of the picture is generally the easiest option. It’s not like lawmakers are going to cut from health and human services or K-12 education, which make up the majority of the budget. However, higher education shouldn’t be getting the short end of the stick. It’s important that we recognize the value of higher education. With the sudden lack of funding coming from the states, universities are forced to raise tuition and pass costs on to their students. From 2008 to 2015, states have increased tuition up to 83.6 percent in Arizona with inflation adjusted. Other states experienced nearly 70 percent change in their average tuition at public four-year universities. And tuition increases do not always fully compensate for the lack of state funding. Colleges are forced to increase class sizes, eliminate courses and programs, and sometimes even get rid of entire departments. This ultimately compromises the quality of education they’re providing their students. States have increasingly relied on cutting higher education funding to make up for the lack of revenue. The impact of these cuts

has been significant. As a result, college is becoming less affordable and attainable to students competing in an economy that requires degrees. Funding cuts drastically jeopardize students’ futures. The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce estimates that by 2020, the higher education system will produce 5 million fewer college graduates than the labor market will need. In addition, the increasing levels of student debt can affect society. Research shows that higher levels of student debts decreases homeownership among young adults. It also can create enough stress to decrease the chances of graduation, and reduce the chances of graduates moving on to graduate school. States could have possibly prevented the harsh impact on students if they had been more open to raise revenue rather than resorting to budget cuts. One option for states with a budget deficit would simply be to raise revenue via taxes. However, that idea is not always the most




Nebraska, Miles look to extend streak against MSU

jacy lewis | dn Nebraska’s Tai Webster cuts to the basket past Purdue defenders on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017 at Pinnacle Bank Arena Matt Hardesty dn staff writer

On Thursday night, Tim Miles and Nebraska (10-11, 4-5) will attempt to win four straight games against legendary Michigan State (5-4, 13-9) head coach Tom Izzo. Only six other coaches have pulled off the feat, and all six of those coaches have coached in at least one national championship game in their careers. The Huskers started the streak in 2014 when they went into East Lansing in February and knocked off the No. 9 Spartans 60-51. The win propelled Nebraska to its first and only NCAA Tournament berth of this century. Three years later, the Huskers are hoping for a similar result. When asked whether his players seem to elevate their play against a program like

Michigan State, Miles wasn’t exactly sure. “If they do, I’m going to tell them Michigan is Michigan State from now on,” Miles said. “They are a worldwide brand; Tom Izzo is the same. Everybody knows how good they are and what their tradition is like.” It’s been a turbulent season for Nebraska to say the least. After starting the season 4-0 with a win over Dayton, the Huskers lost

their next three games against UCLA, Virginia Tech and Clemson, all of which were close. After knocking off South Dakota, Nebraska then lost to two top-10 teams, Creighton and Kansas, before losing at home to GardnerWebb. Despite starting 6-6, Nebraska was able to turn things around in conference play, starting with back-to-back upsets at Indiana and Maryland. But after a dramatic double overtime win against Iowa, Nebraska lost five straight games. Four of those games were decided by eight points or less. Even after losing five straight games, the Huskers still have a glimmer of hope to save this season. This was sparked by their 83-80 upset of No. 20 Purdue Sunday, making this their first season with multiple wins against ranked opponents since 2013-14. With home games against Michigan State, Wisconsin and Michigan still remaining on the schedule, Nebraska has opportunities to build its resume into one worthy of postseason play. To do so, the Huskers will have to get healthier. Sophomore forward Ed Morrow has missed Nebraska’s last six games with a foot injury and will be a game-time decision Thursday night. Miles said he believes the timing of this injury, as well as the intense competition they have faced, is to blame for the five-game losing streak. Senior guard Tai Webster and freshman forward Jordy Tshimanga are also nursing injuries but should be able to play in this game. For a game like this, the Huskers will need all hands on deck. Michigan State’s lineup presents challenges at every position, creating some interesting battles for Thursday night. In the backcourt Webster and Glynn Watson Jr. will face off against Lourawls “Tum Tum” Nairn Jr. and Eron Harris, Michigan State’s electrifying and experienced guards. Containing Harris will be key for the Huskers, as he has been held to less than 15 points in eight of Michigan State’s nine losses. Miles has also referred

“Young guys aren’t always as consistent as you’d want them to be but if there’s one guy in the world you want coaching them, it’s Tom Izzo.”

to Nairn as a speed demon, and he is second on their team for assists this year. Outside of its backcourt, Michigan State lacks experience but has great amounts of talent at every other position. Leading the young Spartans is Miles Bridges, who is considered one of the best freshmen in the country. Whether Morrow, Evan Taylor or Isaiah Roby tries to defend him, Nebraska will have its hands full. Other freshmen in their rotation with significant playing time include guards Cassius Winston and Joshua Langford as well as forward Nick Ward, who averages 13 points and six rebounds per game. The youth, as well as a challenging schedule, led to five losses in their nonconference schedule as well as four more in Big Ten play. They recently snapped a three-game losing streak with a 70-62 win over Michigan Sunday. “Young guys aren’t always as consistent as you’d want them to be, but if there’s one guy in the world you want coaching them it’s Tom Izzo,” Miles said. “Just like Purdue, they make you make decisions on how you’re going to handle their personnel.” Nebraska will also be honoring former player and current Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue during the game by retiring his jersey. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM




An inside look at Nebraska wrestling’s starters No. 3 Tyler Berger SO, 157 pounds (25-2)

Cody Nagel dn staff writer

With three duals remaining until the Big Ten championships, the fifth-ranked Nebraska wrestling team is well past the season’s halfway point. So far, the Huskers have compiled an overall dual record of 12-1, going 6-1 in Big Ten duals. The team’s lone loss was against No. 3 Penn State, 27-14 on Jan. 8. Coach Mark Manning’s starters have a combined dual match record of 93-35 (.727). Nebraska has outscored its opponents 373131 in total team points. Nebraska opened the season at No. 7 in the InterMat dual rankings. After a secondplace finish to No. 3 Iowa by 15 points at the Ken Kraft Midlands Championships Dec. 2930, the Huskers moved to their current position at No. 5. Over the course of the 2016-17 season, Nebraska has had six duals against top25 programs. The Huskers have gone 5-1 in those duals outscoring their opponents 141-80. Nebraska will see three more ranked opponents in its final three duals. The Huskers will face No. 4 Ohio State in Lincoln Feb. 10 before traveling to Iowa City to compete against No. 3 Iowa Feb. 12. In the final competition before the Big Ten championships, Nebraska will compete in the National Wrestling Coaches Association National Duals Feb. 19. The opponent will be announced Feb. 12. With five senior starters, the Huskers are an experienced lineup. Each starter has an overall record above .500, including five above .850. Here’s an overview of each starter’s season so far:

No. 5 Tim Lambert SR, 125 pounds (25-3) Lambert began the season ranked seventh at 125 pounds. After losing to No. 11 Ethan Lizak of Minnesota in the championship match at the Daktronics Open Nov. 6, Lambert fell to eleventh in the rankings. Following the loss, Lambert rattled off 16 straight victories, including a 4-3 decision against Lizak, before a second-place finish at the Midlands Championships. He ranks fifth in the 125-pound class. Lambert’s most impressive victory was against No. 6 Lizak in a rubber match Jan. 20. Lambert pinned Lizak in 3:54. Lambert leads Nebraska starters with seven pins this season, two more than he had all last season. With a dual record of 12-1, Lambert also leads the team in dual points with 59. Lambert joined Nebraska’s 100-win club Jan.

After finishing one win shy of All-American status as a redshirt freshman last season, Berger began the 2016-17 season ranked ninth. Now, he ranks third. Berger started the season winning his first 20 matches. His season winning percentage of .930 ranks third among Nebraska starters. After facing just one top-20 opponent in his first 18 matches, Berger has faced six in his last 11 matches. His most impressive victory came against No. 10 Brian Murphy of Michigan Jan. 15. Berger pinned Murphy in 5:25. It was his second pin of the season. Berger’s two losses this season have come against the two wrestlers ranked ahead of him in the InterMat rankings. Berger lost a controversial first place match against No. 4 Michael Kemerer of Iowa, now ranked second, at the Midlands Championships. Kemerer defeated Berger in tiebreaker-2, 6-5. In his match on Jan. 8, Berger lost a 15-7 major decision to top-ranked Jason Nolf of Penn State.

file photo by karissa schmidt | dn 29 with a pin against Elijah Oliver of Indiana.

No. 5 Eric Montoya SR, 133 pounds (21-1) Montoya began the 2016-17 season on a tear. The returning All-American won his first 18 matches before losing a 13-7 major decision against No. 8 Stevan Micic of Michigan. Fifth-ranked Montoya, who was ranked fourth at the beginning of the season, is 5-1 against fellow top-20 opponents. In the first-place match of the Midlands Championships, Montoya picked up his most impressive win of the season. He defeated No. 2 Zane Richards of Illinois in sudden victory-1, 6-4. Before the start of the season, Richards defeated Montoya 9-7 in the NWCA All-Star Classic. Montoya is one of just two starters who has not recorded a pin, however, he leads all Nebraska starters with 25 takedowns in duals. In the 133-pound rankings, Big Ten wrestlers hold five of the top seven positions. In eight matchups against fellow conference opponents this season, Montoya is 7-1. Montoya also recorded his 100th collegiate victory this season. Prior to his transfer to Nebraska in 2013, Montoya recorded 33 victories at Campbell University.

No. 10 Colton McCrystal JR, 141 pounds (25-6) McCrystal is back in the starting lineup for the Huskers after holding the spot at 141 pounds as a true freshman in 2013-14. The

previous two seasons Anthony Abidin held it. McCrystal opened the 2016-17 season unranked. After a first place finish at the Harold Nichols Cyclone Open Nov. 13 and a 13-1 record by the end of November, McCrystal jolted to No. 11. He lost three straight matches from Dec. 3-10, all against top-10 opponents. After failing to place at the Midlands Championships, McCrystal has won six straight matches. Three of which have come against top-20 wrestlers. McCrystal is 10-1 against Big Ten opponents. In the InterMat rankings, just one fellow Big Ten wrestler, No. 6 Anthony Ashnault of Rutgers, is ranked higher than McCrystal.

Collin Purinton RSFR, 149 pounds (12-10) Purinton started the 2016-17 season as a candidate for the 149-pound position. He finished second at the Daktronics Open and fifth at the Harold Nichols Cyclone Open. On Dec. 3, coach Manning replaced a struggling Jordan Shearer with Purinton at 141 pounds. Since then, Purinton has a 4-8 record in the weight class. Six of his losses at 149 pounds have been by four points or less. Purinton’s most impressive victory of the season came against No. 18 Jordan Laster of Princeton Dec. 3. He defeated Laster by decision 12-6. Purinton, a two time state champion in Oregon, has not been ranked all season.

Dustin Williams SO, 165 pounds (12-11) Williams has taken the majority of the starts for Nebraska at 165 pounds this season. In three duals junior Justin Arthur has replaced him. Williams has been on the losing end of a lot of close matches this year. Nine of his 11 losses have been by three points or less. And three of those losses were in sudden-victory. Williams, who has been unranked all season, has lost six straight matches dating back to a consolation match at the Midlands Championships. Three of those matches have been against opponents ranked inside the top-15. In two of those matchups against ranked foes, Williams narrowly lost by decision, 4-1. On Jan. 13, Williams was defeated by No. 4 Isaac Jordan of Wisconsin. One week later, Williams was defeated by No. 13 Nick Wanzek of Minnesota.

Micah Barnes SR, 174 pounds (15-11) After qualifying for the NCAA championships last season, Barnes opened the 2016-17 season ranked No. 14. With a 12-6 start, he fell out of the rankings. Barnes faced three ranked opponents during that stretch but lost each match. Barnes, who had three victories against ranked opponents last season, has just one this season. On Jan. 13, Barnes defeated No. 20 Ryan Christensen of Wisconsin by decision, 8-1.





DIXON: NU baseball poised for a postseason run

julian tirtadjaja | dn Husker first baseman Ben Miller (44) runs the bases during their game against Creighton on March 29, 2017. Michael Dixon dn senior writer

Back in July – 11 months from the 2017 College World Series – Baseball America published a list of 16 teams: eight that could make it to Omaha, and eight that could qualify for a Super Regional. Most of the programs weren’t surprising: TCU, which made it in 2014, 2015 and 2016, will begin 2017 at the No. 1 team in the country, while Florida was No. 1 overall seed in the NCAA tournament last year. Long Beach State, Oregon State, Florida State and Texas Tech were among the others. But one program, the lone Big Ten program on that list, might intrigue you. And while sustaining success from February-June is difficult, Nebraska has the tools to make a run in both the Big Ten and the postseason, should the cards fall properly. But 2017 also marks an important year for coach Darin Erstad and the Huskers. Simply making the NCAA tournament isn’t good enough anymore; it’s time to start making

some noise, too. Erstad took over in 2012, inheriting a program that hadn’t been to the NCAA tournament in three straight years. The Huskers were a combined 27-53 in the final three seasons of a tough Big 12 but became one of the Big Ten’s premier programs overnight. In his first year, Erstad led NU to a 35-23 record only to be kept out of the tournament by a relatively weak schedule. Then, with a tougher slate in 2013, Nebraska couldn’t fully catch up to an 0-7 start, and missed the tournament by one game for the Big Ten title against Indiana. After two years, the patience paid off:

Nebraska finished 20 games over .500 with an 18-6 mark in conference, only to lose the conference championship to Indiana once again, and go three-and-out at the program’s first NCAA regional since 2008. And while NU followed a disastrous 2015 with another NCAA tournament appearance last year, the Huskers finished the season 0-4 with a pair of losses in the conference tournament and a dreadful showing in the regional. This program made three College World Series appearances from 2001-2005, and if that seems far off, it isn’t. 2017 sets up nicely, too: Nebraska has a

“The bottom line is simple: Nebraska has the talent to make a serious run in June.”

difficult, albeit manageable, schedule with 13 games against 2016 NCAA tournament teams and a rematch with Western Carolina – the team which bounced NU from last year’s field. In the Big Ten, Maryland is the only program ranked inside the preseason top-25, but outside of Michigan and Indiana, the Huskers are right there with them. Roster-wise, Nebraska must replace a three-year starter in Ryan Boldt – selected by the Tampa Bay Rays in the second round of the 2016 MLB Draft – but the Huskers also return many key players from a season ago. Junior Scott Schreiber, who hit .325 with 16 homers en route to a first-team All-Big Ten selection has at least another year left. Senior Ben Miller, who opted for one final season at NU after a 32nd-round selection by the Pittsburgh Pirates solves any potential issue at DH. Junior Jake Meyers became the first Husker since 1967 to lead the team in both batting average and ERA, while junior Luis Alvarado and sophomore Jesse Wilkening have a chance to break out in 2017. And on the mound, Nebraska returns a handful of important pieces too. Senior Derek Burkamper, who finished with a 3.09 ERA over 70 innings, has one last shot to make a run. Sophomore Matt Waldron finished his first season with a 2.73 ERA over 11 starts. Meyers’ 1.42 ERA was the second-lowest in program history for any pitcher who’d logged at least 40 innings. Zack Engelken is back and so is Jake Hohensee after missing all of 2016 following an encouraging freshman campaign. Through all of this, the bottom line is simple: Nebraska has the talent to make a serious run in June, and entering his sixth season at the helm, Erstad must find a way to win the Big Ten and win a regional. While it’s much easier said than done, you have to lay the foundation for success at some point. And there’s no better time (or roster) to start than now. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



WRESTLING: FROM PAGE 12 In the final two Big Ten duals, Barnes will likely face the top-ranked wrestler in the 174-pound class, Bo Jordan of Ohio State and No. 11 Alex Meyer of Iowa. Jordan finished second at the 2016 NCAA Championships in the 165-pound weight class. Meyer placed eighth at 174 pounds. Barnes has just one pin this season, however, it ranks as the quickest for all starters. At the Cyclone Open, Barnes pinned Isaac Luellen of Nebraska-Kearney in 0:24.

No. 3 TJ Dudley SR, 184 pounds (23-1) Dudley finished second at the Big Ten championships and NCAA championships last season. This year, Dudley is on track to be in contention again. He started the season ranked fourth, winning all three open tournaments, including the Midlands Championships. With a 4-2 decision against Jack Dechow of Old Dominion in the first place match; Dudley became the first of four Nebraska seniors to accomplish 100 career victories this season. Now ranked third, Dudley’s sole loss came against No. 2 Bo Nickal of Penn State on Jan. 8. Nickal defeated Dudley 10-5. In four other matchups against ranked opponents this season, Dudley has outscored them 32-11. Dudley leads all starters in technical falls (nine) and bonus-point victories (18). While scoring a significant amount of points, Dudley is holding his opponents to a minimum. Excluding pins, he has eight shutout victories this season, enough to lead all starters.

No. 6 Aaron Studebaker SR, 197 pounds (23-4) Finishing one win shy of All-American honors the past two seasons, Studebaker is off to the best start of his career in the 2016-

17 season. Studebaker began the season ranked fifth at 197 pounds, an upperclassman led weight class with currently three ranked sophomores and freshman. After a runner-up and third-place finish in the two open duals at the start of the season, Studebaker went 14-1 in his next 15 matches. In those 15 matches, Studebaker’s opponents never scored more than three points. Now ranked sixth, Studebaker is 7-3 against top-20 opponents. Each of those three losses have been by two points. Studebaker’s sole loss against Big Ten opponents came on Jan. 20 against No. 2 Brett Pfarr of Minnesota. Pfarr defeated Studebaker by decision 5-3. Studebaker has allowed just one takedown in 13 dual matches.

No. 14 Collin Jensen SR, 285 pounds HWT (23-7) Jensen began the 2016-17 season ranked No. 13 in the heavyweight class. Jensen placed fourth at the Daktronics Open Nov. 6 and second at the Cyclone Open Nov. 13, dropping to No. 17 in the rankings. In dual matches, Jensen has been consistent for Nebraska. Jensen is 10-2 with both losses coming against top-10 opponents. Six of Jensen’s wins in dual matches have come by way of bonus points. Jensen’s most impressive victory came against No. 19 Ray O’Donnell of Princeton Dec. 3. Jensen defeated O’Donnell 12-5. Currently ranked No. 14, Jensen ranks fifth among Nebraska starters with 42 dual team points. He ranks second among starters with four pins. His most recent came against Jacob Aven of Purdue Jan. 27. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


SERVER: FROM PAGE 10 pushes each student to maintain a level of academic excellence in the studies. Taking difficult classes, maintaining good grades and completing a thesis are all ways to ensure academics are at the center of your college experience. It’s a way to keep me honest in the face of all the distractions I have going on in my life. While there is a conceptual element to the benefits, there are also tangible benefits in the Honors Program beyond the scholarship and free printing. For instance, I have always known that I have an open door with Dr. Burnett, the Assistant Director and previously with Dr. Koopmann, her predecessor. I have received personal advice as well as academic advising from both of them, and they have helped me plan my college career. The program provides Honors advising as a way to ensure students are getting the most out the program, giving them yet another resource to rely on when seeking advice. Graduating in good standing with the Honors Program has its own benefits. Thesis projects can often be applied to receive distinction in different colleges. While nonhonors students can also complete theses, having the guidance and motivations of the Honors Program is another tool to complete that looming final project. Being able to put on your resume that you graduated with honors doesn’t hurt either. Lastly, the taking classes designated with an ‘H’ provides smaller class sizes and a more focused environment. Contracting a class,

which requires a student to create a plan with their professor on how to earn honors credit, gives students increased access and interaction with college faculty. Both are great options to enhance academic experiences. If any of that doesn’t convince you, the honors program has had Dr. Berger as its director for a long time. Trust me, there are few better people to lead an organization than Dr. Berger. If you ever meet him, you’ll find he is one of the most sincere and passionate people you will ever meet. The ultimate point here isn’t that joining the Honors Program is the best choice anyone can make. It’s not. The Honors Program is good for those students whose goals line up with what it offers. It isn’t for people who just want free printing, a textbook scholarship or something to brag about to their friends back home. I can still remember getting recommended by a professor to the Honors Program my freshman year. Looking back on my time at UNL, I pinpoint it as one the biggest reasons for my academic success, and I will graduate in December as a proud member. Don’t let the negativity fool you. The Honors Program at UNL is top notch and worthy of acclamation as an organization that can truly make a difference in students’ lives. MATT SERVER IS A JUNIOR POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR. REACH HIM AT OPINION@DAILYNEBRASKAN. COM OR @DNOPINION

STRASSBURGER: FROM PAGE 10 feasible, especially in a conservative state such as Nebraska. Even if states can’t raise taxes as compensation, they shouldn’t cut so deeply into the funds for higher education. Colleges are creating the nation’s workforce. Why are our state legislators so willing to compromise that? Gaining a higher education in today’s society should be an accepted and supported value. It allows you to achieve higher goals in life while bettering society as a whole. Anything that jeopardizes the higher education system should be closely scrutinized and evaluated before any rash cuts are made. The United States should be renewing investment in their students and higher education systems, not cutting them off. This

country’s future depends on the quality of education it provides to its students. In the words of legislative fiscal analyst Michael Calvert, “Right now we’re not in a very fun place.” One thing’s for sure, the state government has a tough task ahead. They’ll need to balance many interests and agencies as they try to bring Nebraska back into the green. While education shouldn’t be exempt from these cuts, legislators should be very careful about how much they cut from our higher education system. EMILY STRASSBURGER IS A FRESHMAN MATH AND ENGLISH MAJOR. REACH HER AT OPINION@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM OR @DNOPINION



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36 Hellmann’s

1 Scolding,  nagging sort   6 Hence 10 The opposition 14 John who wrote  “Appointment  in Samarra” 15 Invitation  sender 16 Vagrant 17 See  40-/42-Across 19 Key of Haydn’s  Symphony No.  12 or 29 20 Refuse 21 Word after  sports or  training 22 Dummy 23 Seven-time   All-Star Sammy 25 Cop’s target 27 The “A” of B.A. 31 Latvia  neighbor: Abbr. 33 Contemporary  of Gandhi

product,  informally 37 Urge strongly 39 Quaker cereal  brand 40 & 42 Subject  of the poem  that contains  the line  17-/65-Across 44 N.E.A. concern 45 Depth charge,  in slang 47 Collecting a  pension: Abbr. 48 Bakery and  pharmacy 50 Story that goes  on and on 51 It is, in Ibiza 52 Flutters, as  eyelashes 54 Indecent 56 Smart-mouthed 58 Down a sub,  e.g. 60 One of the ABC  islands 64 Eastern nurse 65 See  40-/42-Across






















68 Texter’s


69 Branch of

engineering:  Abbr.

70 Tribe with a

lake named  after it 71 Colors 72 Long hallway  effect 73 “This looks  bad!”

Down   1 First word of  “Blowin’ in the  Wind”   2 Cries of  discovery   3 Pro ___   4 Mice, to cats   5 Elaborate  stories   6 “___  Crossroads”  (1996 Grammywinning rap  song)   7 Relaxing  conclusion to a  long, hard day   8 Manipulator   9 Rein, e.g. 10 “And ___ off!” 11 Read and blew,  for red and  blue 12 Fortune 500  company  founded in  1995 13 Austin Powers’s  power 18 Some winter  garments 24 Trivial Pursuit  wedges, e.g. 26 ___’acte 27 Gather over  time 28 Dressing choice

Edited by Will Shortz 1












25 32






48 52 57

33 38




43 47

50 53 58







24 31



19 21




18 20







No. 0507

51 54

















puzzle by jeff chen

29 Astronomer

who coined the  word “nova” 30 “___ hear” 32 Show of  respect 34 Butler of “Gone  With the Wind” 35 Nutritional fig. 38 Fled 41 Bridge position

43 Tick off 46 West Coast

engineering  institution,  informally 49 Pity 53 Note  accompanying  an F, maybe 55 BBC sci-fi show 56 Invoice stamp

57 Cousin of a

Golden Globe

59 With: Fr. 61 “Ain’t gonna


62 Arctic Ocean


63 Suffix with buck 66 Sigma preceder 67 Conclusion

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Editor The 2017-’18 editor-inchief will formulate editorial policies, determine guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hire the senior editorial staff, help determine the content and prepare the editorial wage budget. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan, and agree to abide by the Guidelines for the Student Press. The position is from Aug. 7, 2017 through April 30, 2018.

The editor reports to the UNL Publications Board. He or she must be enrolled in at least six hours during each of the two 2017-’18 semesters, maintain a 2.0 minimum G.P.A., and not be on academic probation. Applications are available at “Work for Us” on DailyNebraskan.com and must be submitted by noon, Feb. 9. Contact Dan Shattil, dshattil@unl.edu., 402-472-1769 for questions.

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