Feb. 19

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 volume 112, issue 104

Inside Coverage

A familiar face Men’s basketball feeds on former player’s praise


Expose yourself Democrats

A second chance Studio owner finds new way to make music

steve lathrop state senator from omaha maybe

New meters will be solar-powered, programmable


chuck hassebrook

Executive Director, Center for Rural Affairs maybe

On last leg, time to compete


annette dubas State Senator from fullerton maybe

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slew of announcements, including Fremont Sen. Charlie Janssen’s plans to run for governor, shook up the 2014 gubernatorial race

Monday. Janssen joins an open crowd of Nebraskan politicos vying for the Governor’s Mansion. Speaking at Midland University in his hometown of Fremont, Janssen said his time in the Nebraska Legislature inspired him to run for governor. “Basically for the last five years serving as a state senator, I’ve had the opportunity to not only travel the state, but to meet with thousands of Nebraskans from across the state and get a chance to share their visions and share their ideas that they have,” he said. “More and more I thought that we had the same ideas, so as I kind of grew into that, I realized that this would be something I would be interested in.” Janssen, a 42-year-old Republican, has been known for his strong opposition to undocumented immigration. He has sponsored bills that would limit access to prenatal care for children born of undocumented immigrants. “I think people really are kind of getting a little bit fed up with people sacrificing on their core principles, especially the core conservative principles,” Janssen said during his press conference. “All too often, people get down to Lincoln, and they forget the core principles and the reasons they were sent down there.” Last year, he sponsored the Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act, which would allow police to check if a person is in a country legally if they had reasonable suspicion. The

bill died in committee. He also introduced a voter ID bill last legislative session, but the bill did not pass. This session, he reintroduced it as LB381. It would require people to show a driver’s license or state-issued ID before they vote. Janssen has also been supportive of lowering governmental regulations on businesses and has been a strong advocate for gun rights. He introduced a bill this legislative session attempting to nullify possible federal gun restrictions that may occur following the shootings in Newtown, Conn. “I looked at this campaign as not just about me; it’s about all the people in Nebraska, and we need to work together,” Janssen said. Janssen joins a Republican field that has been in constant flux. Until early February, former Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy was considered a shoo-in for the position. On Feb. 2, an investigation by the Omaha World-Herald found Sheehy had made 2,300 phone calls to four women who were not his wife. He resigned and exited the public eye that same day. Sheehy’s replacement, Lt. Gov. Lavon Heidemann, was recruited under the assumption he would not seek Heineman’s seat. The governor stressed this point during his search. Before Sheehy, former Speaker of the Legislature Mike Flood was considered a possible candidate, but he dropped out of the race because his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Nebraska University Regent Tim Clare announced Monday he was dropping out of the race.

governor: see page 2

Johanns will not seek 2nd term DANIEL WHEATON DN




rick sheehy

former lieutenant governer out

story by Daniel Wheaton | art by Ian Tredway

2 Swimming and diving proves itself in Big Ten

off to the


Race for governor heats up as Janssen announces plans, Clare drops out

5 A ‘smarter’ way to park downtown?

The punk polka genre’s Bolzen Beer Band performs at the Bourbon Theatre Friday during Lincoln’s eighth annual Lincoln Exposed festival.

mike johanns’ political career

• 1983-1987 Lancaster County Board U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns made po• 1989-1991 Lincoln City Council litical waves Monday announcing he won’t seek re-election in 2016. • 1991-1998 Mayor of Lincoln Johanns and his wife released • 1999-2005 Governor of Nebraska a statement saying they wished • 2005-2007 Secretary of Agriculture to have a break in their political careers. • 2009-2014 Senator of Nebraska “Between the two of us, we have been on the ballot for primary and general elections 16 times, and we have served in Senate also lost Massachusetts my dream job,” Heineman said. eight offices,” Johanns said in the Sen. John Kerry to the president’s “But, obviously, I have to look at statement. “It is time to close this cabinet. it.” chapter of our lives.” John Hibbing, political sciJohanns’ sudden move Although indicating they shocked many politicians in Lin- ence professor at the University of were done for the immediate fuNebraska-Lincoln, said he believes coln. ture, the couple did Immediately after Heineman will run for the vacant not rule out future Senate seat. his announcement, campaigns for politi“He’s done being governor in Gov. Dave Heinecal office. 2014,” Hibbing said. “The timing is man’s name was sug“With everything gested as a possible awfully nice for him.” in life, there is a time If Heineman were to throw candidate. He cannot and a season,” he seek reelection for his his hat in the ring, Hibbing said, it said. “At the end of current post because could discourage other Republithis term, we will of term limits. Heine- cans from running against him in have been in public man told the Omaha the primary. If he chooses not to, service over 32 years.” World-Herald he was the primary could be very open. Johanns has been “He’s a political creature,” he going to take a few known as a soft-sposaid, “for better or for worse.” days before he made johanns ken voice in the SenIn the late afternoon, Rep. an announcement. ate. He took part in the He held a brief Jeff Fortenberry, who currently bipartisan “Gang of press conference Mon- represents Nebraska’s 1st ConEight” discussions that attempted day afternoon to explain his in- gressional District, said he would to solve budget and deficit issues. consider a Senate run. tentions. The Republican joins five oth“I don’t think I’ve ever indier senators heading for exits. The cated that being in the Senate is johanns: see page 3

charlie janssen

State Senator from fremont In

mike flood

Former Speaker of the Legislature out

tim clare nu regent out

Innocents Society to host debate for ASUN elections Revive Party, Engage Party and Sense for ASUN will participate in series of debates Conor Dunn DN The Innocents Society of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is hosting the first debate of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska 2013 elections Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Crib. “We think it will be a good introduction from a non-biased source,” said Innocents Society member Ross Jensen, a senior finance and agribusiness major. The debate is the first in a series of four and is expected to last about an hour, Jensen said. Students will vote on March 6. Three parties are running for the ASUN executive positions this year: Revive Party, Engage Party and Sense for ASUN.

A third party running for ASUN brings extra value and energy to the election process, said ASUN President Eric Kamler, who expects this election season’s debates to be more competitive. “The key word is intense,” said Kamler, a senior agricultural economics major. Three Innocents Society members will moderate the debate. Moderators will ask each party’s executive committee members to explain how they plan to accomplish their platforms, Jensen said. “It’ll be more like an expression of that party’s idea rather than one party countering the other party’s ideas,” Jensen said. “It’s an opportunity for them to speak about their ideas rather than debate how one idea is better than the other.” Revive Party’s executive candidates are presidential candidate Zach Stull, a junior busi-

debate: see page 3



tuesday, february 19, 2013




on campus what: ASUN debate hosted by the Innocents Society of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where: Nebraska Union Crib when: 7 p.m.

UNL student dies downtown Staff report DN A University of Nebraska-Lincoln student was found dead in the stairwell of the northwest corner of a parking garage by a passerby early Sunday morning. Matt Dutton, 24, of Blair, was found around 2:30 am in the Que Place Garage, 1111 Q St. Police said Dutton was initially believed to be unconscious, but paramedics said he died in the garage. Dutton was a senior finance

Lincoln to install new ‘smart’ parking meters

in lincoln what: Steve Sabo comedy show where: Legends Bar & Grill, 84th and Holdrege streets when: 8 p.m. more information: Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door

what: “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln’ and the Issue of American Exceptionalism” by the Rev. Robert Jewett where: First United Methodist Church sanctuary, 50th Street and St. Paul Avenue when: 7 p.m.


North Mississippi Allstars with The London Souls where: Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. when: 7 p.m. more information: Tickets are $20 day-of-show

governor: from 1 “I am flattered to have been in this discussion,” Clare said. “But I’ve decided to stay where I am now.” He told the Lincoln Journal Star his familial obligations made him change his mind. Clare’s announcement came as a surprise. On the left, Omaha Sen. Steve Lathrop; Chuck Hassebrook, former University of Nebraska regent and executive director of the Center for Rural Affairs and Sen. Annette Dubas of Fullerton have been suggested as possible Democrat candidates. Lathrop said he is currently in the process of deciding if he wants to run. He is meeting with people who may endorse him as he maps out his future political moves and said he is “strongly interested.” He did not specify a time frame for his announcement. “I think there is going to be plenty of people entering the race as they make their pitches to Nebraskans,” Lathrop said. Hassebrook is mulling over his future as well. “There is a possibility I’ll make a formal announcement in the next few weeks,” Hassebrook said. “Now that (Nebraska Sen. Mike) Johanns made his announcement (that he will not seek another term as Senator), I’ll have to look at that as an option.” He said he needs to take a few weeks before he decides which race he might run for. Erik Mellgren, financial director for the Nebraska Democratic Party, said he’s hopeful for a chance for more Democrats to gain seats in a variety of positions. “It looks like 2014 will be very exciting,” Mellgren said. John Hibbing, a political science professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said Monday’s political events took him by surprise. But Republicans are still likely to continue making political gains, he said. He described the political landscape in Nebraska as “color-bynumber.” “I’m historically a naysayer when it comes to Democrats in Nebraska,” Hibbing said. “The recent events shuffle the deck, but it is still an uphill battle for any Democrat.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

eras are located in and accounting major the area his death at UNL and attended occurred. Blair High School. In a 10/11 news Capt. David broadcast, Eileen Beggs of the LinHarman, a friend coln Police Departof Dutton’s, called ment said he could his death a “terrible not comment about loss.” whether alcohol was “He’s such a a factor. great guy,” she Beggs said the dutton said. “He reached cause of death is as of out to so many peoyet unknown, but an ple and touched more lives than autopsy is pending. Police said Dutton fell down he probably even realizes.” News@ the stairs, but there were no DailyNebraskan.com witnesses, and no security cam-

nickolai hammar | dn

The city will replace 1,300 parking meters downtown with solar-powered meters accepting debit or credit cards as well as pre-paid parking cards instead of just coins. will benefit the businesses downtown. Paul Francis, a senior Spanish major, agreed more people will park in the garages. “I no longer see the meters as a convenient way to park,” he said. “I would rather park in a garage where I know my car is more secure.” Francis has lived in Lincoln for six years and attended UNL for five of those years. His work reimburses his parking costs, but with the new price increase, it’s likely he’ll be paying out of pocket. “My work gives me $62 a month for parking, but this won’t cover it anymore,” he said. “I would rather have to

have coins than be able to pay with a card and have to pay double the amount. I don’t see the ability to use a credit card as a big deal.” The Lincoln City Council approved the meters from Duncan Solutions, paying about $500 a piece for the meters. It will also cost around $6,000 to manage and train city employees, the press release said. The city’s parking fund will pay for it without help from general tax money. To learn more about parking downtown, call Lincoln Parking Services at (402) 441-7275 or visit parkandgo.org. news@ dailynebraskan.com

Study: Pot may come with risk Local nurse says other factors could have contributed to strokes in the study


tammy bain dn A New Zealand study suggests young people who use marijuana may double their risk of stroke. The study, released in February by the Centre for Brain Research at The University of Auckland, revealed people who suffer strokes and mini-strokes are 2.3 times more likely to have marijuana in their systems. But a Lincoln nurse called the findings “weak” because researchers could not isolate for all factors. The researchers at The University of Auckland used urine tests to detect cannabis in stroke and mini-stroke patients, 150 of whom had strokes and 10 of whom had mini-strokes. Sixteen percent of the patients tested positive for marijuana, the majority of whom were male and also tobacco smokers, a news release from The University of Auckland said. There was no difference in age, stroke mechanism or other vascular risks in those who tested positive and those who tested negative for marijuana, the news release said. In a statement, Alan Barber, the lead investigator for the study, said the study is the first of its kind to show an increased risk of stroke from marijuana. “Cannabis has been thought by the public to be a relatively safe, although illegal substance,” said Barber, who is also a Neu-

UNL Physicist Discusses High-Order Harmonic Generation at Conference

A University of Nebraska-Lincoln physicist was among the speakers at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a symposium held Feb. 14-18. Anthony Starace several others discussed the attosecond, one-billionth of a billionth of a second — and the scale at which scientists seek to image and control electronic in matter. “Because electrons move on a scale of Angstroms (one 10-billionth of a meter), light pulses used to illuminate this motion must have high energies so that their de Broglie wavelength is sufficiently small to be able to resolve, or image, the electron motion,” Starace said in a press release. At the conference, Starace presented “High-Order Harmonic Generation, Attosecond Science and Control of Electron Motion.” Attosecond pulses have emerged as the preferred tools for imaging, visualizing and controlling electrons within matter in their natural time scale. Attosecond research could eventually lead to new applications in nanotechnology and life sciences, according to the press release.

Friends of Lied membership surpasses 1,000 statewide

staff report DN The city of Lincoln is replacing about half of its 2,300 parking meters with “smart” parking meters Tuesday. These 1,300 new solar-powered meters will still accept coins, but they will also take debit or credit cards as well as pre-paid parking cards, according to a press release from the City of Lincoln. Most of the areas affected will be from 7th to 16th and M to R streets. The Haymarket and parts of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus will also be included. The city expects the installation to be completed by March 1, the release said. The new meters are also programmable. For example, the maximum time could be increased on Husker gamedays. With a nine-hour maximum limit, fans can be less worried about getting a ticket and more focused on the game. But starting March 11, the 50 cent hourly rate will increase to one dollar. The meter rates in Lincoln haven’t increased since 1995. “The main reason for the increase is that the most convenient metered spaces should not also be the cheapest,” said Dave Landis, the city urban development director. He said potential parkers will be more likely to park in a garage than circle the block looking for a space, increasing the turnover rate of these much more convenient spaces. With more people coming and going, Landis feels it

campus briefs

May Lead to

chris rhodes | dn rological Foundation professor of clinical neurology at The University of Auckland. “This study shows this might not be the case; it may lead to stroke.” But Justin Baldassano, a registered nurse and charge nurse at Independence Center in Bryan LGH Medical Center West, said he has already read studies that relate marijuana use to stroke. In one study, three young men suffered stroke at a young age, and the only contributing factor was marijuana use, he said. Marijuana use increases blood flow to the brain and can cause an abnormal heart rate, resulting in a greater risk of stroke, Baldassano said. Just how much of a risk increase is unknown, he said. “We need more studies with marijuana alone,” he said. Studies such as the one conducted at The University of Auckland, which was featured on the TIME Healthland website, focus on patients who also smoke tobacco and drink alcohol, another increase to stroke risk, he said. Baldassano said because marijuana use is illegal, people who

suffer stroke often don’t admit to using it when they are admitted to the hospital. This reluctance makes studies that focus solely on marijuana use difficult to come by, he said. Students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln said the study results aren’t likely to stop people from using marijuana. “I feel like people who use marijuana are kind of livein-the-moment people,” said Marina Powers, a freshman English education major. “I don’t think they think that far ahead.” Powers said she didn’t think the study would hinder efforts to legalize marijuana and added that there are too many advocates who will still say marijuana is healthy. Dylan Hubl, a senior fisheries and wildlife major, said the study could have an effect on the legalization movement. “It’s just one more piece of evidence against marijuana use,” he said. news@ dailynebraskan.com

The Lied Center for Performing Arts’ Friends of Lied organization announced its membership has grown to more than 1,000 active members statewide, according to a University of Nebraska-Lincoln press release. Members of the nonprofit volunteer organization help fundraise and host social events to help support Lied Center education and artistic programs. “The Friends of Lied contributions to the Lied Center have been immeasurable,” said Bill Stephan, executive director of the Lied Center. “I want to congratulate them on reaching an amazing milestone with over 1,000 members statewide and cannot thank them enough for the services and opportunities they have helped provide to the Lied over the past 23 years.”

Professor speaks at science association meeting in boston

A University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor shared his views on global food security in Boston Sunday at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Agronomy professor Ken Cassman spoke as a part of the meeting’s “Alternative Paths to Food Security: Making the Right Choices While Feeding the World” symposium, according to a university press release. He said more information is needed on both current and potential food and water yields nationwide in order to determine how to feed the earth’s rapidly increasing population. “We need to have a much finer ability to predict the productive capacity of every hectare of land and its water efficiency,” Cassman said. “It’s fundamental to being able to prioritize the research agenda for agriculture and to determine what form agriculture should take.”

school of music director joins editorial board

Director of the School of Music John Richmond was named to the editorial board of Arts Education Policy Review. The peer-reviewed journal is published by Taylor & Francis. Richmond will be the twelfth member on the national board for at least three years. Richmond became director of the School of Music in 2003. He’s also worked for the School of Music at the University of South Florida, Tampa. Richmond has been published in the Journal of Research in Music Education, Research Perspectives in Music Education, Arts Education Policy Review, the International Journal of Music Education, the Journal of Aesthetic Education and the Choral Journal.

funding for professorship endowment completed

A slew of visiting professors have their funding. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Friends of Opera made a recent contribution to the University of Nebraska Foundation that brought funding for the $200,000 Ariel Bybee Visiting Professorship Endowed Fund to an end. The fund will pay for opera composers, opera directors and opera coaches from around the country and world to visit UNL as Ariel Bybee Visiting Professors. “The Bybee Visiting Professorship fund provides the resources for us to do some pretty exciting things,” said William Shomos, Hixson-Lied professor of Voice and director of opera in the UNL School of Music, in a press release. “I particularly like the flexible nature of the fund since every opera has its individual set of demands.” Shomos said the fund will bring a number of possibilities to the UNL School of Music’s table. The endowment also supports the NU Foundation’s Campaign for Nebraska: Unlimited Possibilities.

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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tuesday, february 19, 2013






Create international student orientation program at UNL

Gauge student opinion on transitioning UNL to a “designated smoking area campus”

Make college more affordable

Establish a third college prep program in the South Omaha area

Shorten election season to four weeks

Bring back block seating at Husker games

Enhance sustainability program at UNL by increasing student involvement

Establish an “American Cultural Emersion” program for international students

Start discussion of serving alcohol at Haymarket Arena

Streamline process of becoming a registered student organization

Translate ASUN bylaws into multiple languages

Place a stronger emphasis on student philanthropic events

Create a community of RSOs

Make ASUN Senate meetings paperless

Place a “Resources” tab on Blackboard to give students information on help centers, tutoring sessions and review groups

Increase involvement in ASUN

Invest time into student-led research on sustainability issues

Increase student involvment in ASUN

Revive Party wants to increase ASUN student involvement, make college more affordable and connect students to resources.

Establish green revolving loan fund program at UNL


Engage Party wants to engage students and student organizations and increase campus efforts for sustainability.


Sense for ASUN wants to focus on sustainability, communitybuilding, health and reform at UNL.

ness administration major, internal vice presidential candidate Sierra Allen, a junior marketing major, and external vice presidential candidate Sam Adams, a junior economics major. Revive Party has three platforms. The three executive candidates said they want to increase student involvement in student government, connect students to the resources available at the university and make college more affordable. Revive party executives have not said how they would make college more affordable. Engage Party’s executive candidates are presidential candidate Eric Reznicek, a junior marketing and finance major, internal vice presidential candidate Kaitlin Coziahr, a junior finance, economics and management major, and ex-

ternal vice presidential candidate Jeff Story, a sophomore political science and English major. Engage Party’s platforms include: engage students and UNL’s student organizations and increase campus efforts at sustainability. Sense for ASUN’s executive candidates are presidential candidate Blake Rostine, a junior German and political science major, internal vice presidential candidate Sarah Cast, a junior actuarial science major, and external vice presidential candidate Anders Olson, a junior agribusiness major. Sense has four platforms including: bringing a sense of sustainability, a sense of community, a sense of health and a sense for reform to UNL. news@ dailynebraskan.com

ian tredway | dn

Search engine may discriminate Recent study finds negative ads accompany certain name searches Paige Osborne DN A new study found that “blacksounding names” put into a search engine were 25 percent more likely to be accompanied with negative advertisements for background checks and arrests, even if the person had no criminal record. Latanya Sweeney, a professor of government and technology in residence at Harvard University, typed in names with the “highest ratio of frequency in one racial group to frequency in the other racial group,” according to her website. In Sweeney’s study, names like DeShawn, Darnell and Jermaine were more likely to be surrounded by unfavorable ads suggesting a criminal background. So far, Sweeney’s study has not discovered why the discriminatory effect exists, a post on her website said. But Lorine Hughes, an associate professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, said the search engine may not necessarily be to blame. “Maybe people (who) tend to look for these tend to do so in the context of criminal back-

ground checks,” Hughes said. “Is it Google or is it Google-based tendencies?” Some University of NebraskaLincoln students said they believe this advertising is the result of our own attitudes. “I know it’s really a doubleedged sword,” said David Mayers, a junior computer science major. “It’s not really racially discriminating, but it can be taken that way because that’s how people’s names in the real world are.” Hughes teaches a class called “Minorities and Criminal Justice,” and she had her students examined the study. “It’s kind of misleading, but that’s marketing on some level,” said Hughes about the effectiveness of the ads. Instant Checkmate, PeopleSmart and Intelius are three of the websites that advertise background searches on Google search results. “Notice that racism can result, even if not intentional,” Sweeney stated on her website. Sweeney first became interested in this when a colleague wanted to look for an old paper Sweeney had written. Instead of the article, Google found an ad that read “Latanya Sweeney, Arrested?” Sweeney is still trying to solve the why, according to her website, and will continue investigating the issue with Adam Tanner, a visiting fellow in the government department at Harvard. The two are now writing a book about the matter. news@ dailynebraskan.com

Survey finds young adults over-stressed Paige Osborne DN

skate on photos by matt masin

top: While skating with a couple of friends along Antelope Valley Parkway, Matt Greenly, 15, of Lincoln stalls atop a ledge. Greenly and his friends often skate the newly paved bike path area and innovate new ways to do tricks off the many ledges and walls. left: Rolling into a ramp, Jack ThomasElstun, 16, of Lincoln, pushes for more speed underneath a bridge on O Street in Lincoln. ThomasElstun and the other skaters like to challenge each other to see who can pull off the best trick on a specific spot.

and Psychological Services. “Students feel a lot of pressure to be successful,” Swoboda Young adults are the most said. “It’s a cultural thing (that) we’re judged by how much we stressed-out generation, accordmake. Success is measured outing to a new survey. side of ourselves, by what we In a “Stress in America” survey from the American Psycho- do.” It seems millennials may logical Association, the millennial generation — adults aged 18 also try harder to decrease stress. to 33 — reported their personal S i n c e level of stress was at 2007, 62 pera 5.4 on a scale of one Students cent of milto 10 — 10 signifylennials and feel a lot of ing very high stress. 63 percent of The survey identi- pressure to be generation fied a healthy level X-ers — the of stress as a four. successful.” 34 to 47 age Harris Interactive, a group — have market research firm, Mary Swoboda released the survey. unl mental health practitioner tried to reduce their It was conducted stress. online among 2,020 But only adults in August 2012. 59 percent of baby boomers — Students surveyed said their the 48 to 66 age group — and 50 stress has gone up from this percent of matures, age 67 and time last year. According to the over, have reported attempting survey, 35 percent of adults also to reduce their stress levels. reported an increase in stress. The survey also mentioned The main issues? Work, Americans’ views on health money and job stability. care. Only 23 percent of those “School is a big one,” jusurveyed said their health care nior English major James Lindsey said. “Just because of provider supports them “a lot or the volume of work. A lot of a great deal” in managing their stress. teachers think their class is the “I don’t really have a health most important class. I’m takcare provider,” Lindsey said. ing 300-level classes, 17 credit “I’m not insured. That’s somehours, and it’s like, ‘Holy shit.’” thing that stresses me out. It’s The survey said more than 52 percent of young adults not something that I think about “have laid awake at night in the though, either.” Swoboda offered some tips past month” because of stress. “I think because we have re- for keeping stress to a minimum. ally high expectations for our“Everyone has stress, but it selves,” sophomore exploratory is manageable by using good major Brooke Haley said. “For my parents, (they) didn’t have sleep, exercise, good diet … and a community of people they can to go to college to get a job. Jobs turn to,” she said. today expect you to be trained, Students can also use CAPS so it puts more pressure on us.” on campus. The first three sesThe expectation raises the bar and raises stress, said Mary sions are free. news@ Swoboda, a mental health pracdailynebraskan.com titioner with UNL Counseling

johanns: from 1 “Given this turn of events, I feel compelled to say I will consider a run for the United States Senate,” Fortenberry said in a statement. “I will listen to Nebraskans, explore the questions of how I might most effectively serve and weigh the demands of such an endeavor with my family.” Few Democrats have been named possible contenders. Former Sen. Bob Kerrey has been mentioned, but Hibbing said he doubted he would run. Kerrey lost to Sen. Deb Fischer in the 2012 campaign to replace former Sen. Ben Nelson. He recently resigned as the president emeritus of The New School and is creating a new education venture in San Francisco. Chuck Hassebrook, a former University of Nebraska Regent and executive director of the Center for Rural Affairs, said he

is considering a Senate run. “Now that Johanns made his announcement, I’ll have to look at that as an option,” Hassebrook said. He said he would make an announcement in the next few weeks about which race he plans on running in. Responding to Johanns’ announcement, members of the House of Representatives released several statements. “I thank Sen. Johanns for his outstanding service to Nebraska and the nation.” Rep. Adrian Smith said. “I am grateful for his friendship and the leadership he has demonstrated at the local, state and federal levels, and I look forward to continuing to work with him for the next two years to represent the people of Nebraska.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



tuesday, february 19, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view

ian tredway | dn

Get involved in student politics; go to ASUN debates Tonight at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Crib, the first of four Association of Students of the University of Nebraska debates will take place. The campaign season will fly by and debates sponsored by student organizations are one of the best ways for you to learn about the different parties running for office this election season. Did you know Sense for ASUN wants to explore the option of a restricting smoking to designated areas on campus? Revive Party wants to make college more affordable. Engage Party wants to increase communication between ASUN and the student body, though at last week’s ASUN Electoral Commision meeting where debates were planned, Engage Party was the last party to agree to do four debates instead of three. But there’s more to it than those bullet point issues, and student organizations are working to give you four opportunities to hear these platforms in person. The Innocents Society of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host tonight’s debate. The DN will host a debate next Tuesday, the DailyER Nebraskan will host its mass debate on Feb. 28 (come for a laugh) and, lastly, the Honors Program will host a debate on March 4 — two days before the election. We at the DN urge students to attend these debates. As infrequently as you may think about ASUN during the year, the organization does make substantially important decisions, such as deciding student fee allotment and voicing student opinion on legislative issues. Now is one of the few times to have a real, tangible say in how things go. If you don’t show up, there’s no opportunity for change in ASUN election trends. The editorial board of the DN would like to see high voter turnout and, in turn, a real, fair election. That’s not possible without your involvement. See you there.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

Gold Mine Lands in Russia


King’s villainy must remain intact


he noise of machinery rumbles in the parking lot. The floor budges. Workers wearing yellow vests carefully remove the pieces of concrete. Then, the excavation begins. And, at a certain point, they stop and look: It was true. The missing link of the English history was there, right in front of them. They had found the skeleton of Richard III. The main character of Shakespeare’s play we all learned to hate since high school. Yes, it was him, the man who ordered the murder of the successors to the throne, his nephews. He was found by the Richard III Society. The legend suggests that they were locked in a tower and were killed. These two children blocked Richard’s path to the throne of England. Dr. Evil would’ve been impressed with his mischievous tactics and cold blood. So, last summer they found him and on Feb. 4, a DNA match with distant relatives gave 100 percent certainty: It was him, evil incarnate, now powerless and exposed. The DNA match with a distant relative was the cherry on the pie. It was preceded by an analysis of the structure of his bone cells, which revealed that the hunchback had had a noble diet: meat and fish in abundance. Just a few inhabitants of the 16th century had access to protein, basically the members of the royalty. After triple checking that it was Richard III himself, the logical path would’ve been to rejoice for the discovery, share it with the world, rebury him in a more respectful spot, add a paragraph in his biography on Wikipedia and ... end of story. Philippa Langley, a member of the Richard III Society, knew, along with anthropologist Richard Buckley, that they were after the corpse of a king whose crown was obtained by way of a blood bath. Richard III was the incarnation of ambition and lack of remorse. That’s how he was portrayed in Shakespeare’s play “Life and Death of Richard III” and that’s how his image prevailed throughout the centuries. But they didn’t mind. We can still hear his nephews screaming in that tower. Richard III wasn’t a good guy, despite what Langley

MARIA ANTONIA GARCIA DE LA TORRE may want us to think. Their goal is to reshape the king’s legacy, to highlight his generous side. And that’s why this titanic project began. Langley’s and Buckley’s compass in their search for the body was the testimony of men who witnessed the monarch’s death on Aug. 22, 1485. There was also a text written by a priest who located the burial near a temple that matched the terrain where he was eventually found. So they followed the trail and headed the excavation team to that exact point. The skull that was found had a fracture directly behind the right ear, which provided another valuable clue. It was a wound caused by a weapon built and used in the 15th century, the time when Richard III lived. And, last but not least, the famous hump, which made his image a bit twisted throughout the years. His spine, damaged because of severe scoliosis was twisted in an unnatural position. Finding his body seemed to be the easiest part of the crusade — the part that Indiana Jones would have probably loved — because now Langley and Buckley have to clean up his name. As a matter of fact, some Brits joked about it right after the discovery. “Just imagine the parking ticket his heirs will get!” A dark reputation precedes him, so the “profane”

comments seem more proper than honorable epitaphs. That’s how Shakespeare shaped him, mean and merciless, and that’s something Langley is trying hard to change. He was there, but so is his terrible past. This Machiavellian and ruthless king, the Mordor of monarchs was now a handful of bones originally buried in a coffin that was too small for him. So they rearranged his body’s position to make it fit. And that’s how he was found six months ago. He probably deserved it. At least that’s what most people think after reading Shakespeare’s tragedy. The play that tells his story placed him in first place of the top 10 villains of British history. And still, the head of the project, Langley, insists on wiping out his image. The facts that she displays are true, and Shakespeare’s, are not all precise or are, at least, partial. It should be a piece of cake. But in this case, the strength of a fictional character absorbed the real one. And no one will ever accept any other Richard III but the one that the English playwright created. Langley chose that place for the digging because, among all the theories and testimonies that has kept his body’s location a mystery for more than five centuries, she had a “hunch.” She thought she was on the right track even though other historical evidence claimed that he was thrown in a river. Her goal wasn’t only to find a major treasure for the British history; she will also try to rewrite history. But the Richard III Society, as we can see, is unsatisfied. They think this is the perfect moment to bleach the most tarnished reputation of Western civilization. The task seems to be more complex than finding a horse for Richard III right before he was surrounded in a battlefield and killed. But still, this society will keep trying to turn Gargamel into a cheerful Smurf. Good luck with that, Richard would say. Maria Antonia Garcia de la Torre is a PhD student studying Spanish literature. Follow her on Twitter @caidadelatorre and reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.

Jordan’s legacy carries materialism, hero worship


finally, the chance to see my bald-headed forgive you, Mom. Everybody makes mistakes idol firsthand fell into my lap. The tickets vanishing caught everysometimes. It’s part of the human experience, really — screwing up one by surprise. Dad had given them to beyond comprehension and going Mom for safe keeping and, she says, she must have picked a spot a bit too safe. on to live normally the next day. Like MJ after misplacing two championStill having a son who loves you after making, decidedly, the worst judgment ship rings, she tore the house apart trying call imaginable is a fundamentally good to find them. To this day, no luck. I was 5 years old then. And furious. I thing. I’m not bitter, I swear. This is just a cried. Dad yelled. It’s been this way for as long as I can long-running family joke. (OK, still kind remember. Not the yelling — the borof bitter.) It was the spring of 1998. Michael Jor- derline-dogmatic devotion to one “His Airness.“ Make no mistake, the Jordan dan, an institution of flight more trusted than Lufthansa, had just finished obliter- “brand” is a marketing scheme more influential and far-reaching ating the NBA team of his than most organized relihome state in the playoffs. ...Michael gion. Next up were the archival The funny thing is Indiana Pacers, an entity Jordan how little of this has to Chicago hates more than do with basketball. Sure, traffic and fire combined. might have truly there were the monster My dad arrived home from been bigger than slams, the gravity-defying a business trip with tickets. layups, the impossible This wasn’t an unusual oc- Jesus...” buzzer beaters I watched currence, except that it was in amazement with my typically my older brother he took to the games because of blatant glowing, 5-year-old eyes. But back then I favoritism and first-born privilege. (OK, was too young to understand the magniyeah, definitely bitter.) Now, per parental tude of it all. Like so many more kids my age, I had to rely on the world’s most efobligation, it was my turn. Bear in mind, between the four of us, fective sales pitch to assist me in my hero we owned at least 10 Bulls jerseys, 50 worship. Consider that, in the Chicago of the schedule magnets and no less than one exclusive pinstripe uniform set, with includ- late ’90s, Michael Jordan might have trued shorts that, yes, we brothers shared. We ly been bigger than Jesus. He was a man taped every playoff game on the VCR and playing basketball inside a arena that had re-watched them for fun sometimes, our already erected a statue in his honor. If you were a kid growing up around pathetic little version of “family night.” We had a shoe closet that exploded Air Jor- the hullabaloo of the Jordan dynasty at the time, indoctrination began early. It dans every time someone opened it. So you can imagine my elation when, had to. How else could MJ capture so

FAIZ SIDDIQUI definitively a generation born at the tailend of his career with the Bulls? Mostly, the process involved effective advertising, shameless propaganda and blind submission. Sound familiar? Exhibit A: Encouraging us to live in his image. Looking back, Gatorade’s “Like Mike” commercials are about as obvious a testament to religious iconography as it gets. For those of you unfamiliar, the ads feature a church choir-like chorale of adolescent voices paying homage to basketball’s savior by chanting “Like Mike, if I could be like Mike.” Being like Mike, in this case, means drinking a neon-colored variant of radioactive liquid engineered in a Florida lab. Glug glug. The commercials must have worked — the makers crafted multiple renditions, and it’s now enshrined in the annals of advertising history, a staple of ’90s culture. Another more well known example of endorsers basically selling little pieces

of Jordan’s soul to exploit the public: The shoes. I have to admit, I’ve owned at least a dozen pairs of Air Jordans in my lifetime. The appeal of them was simple. They were different, a quick way to gain vapid friends in grade school and, most importantly, the footwear selection of the greatest basketball player in the history of the earth. You wanted them because you thought they made you better at basketball. Little did you know, they only made you a supporter of a vile and inhuman form of labor forced upon millions of slave-workers overseas. That’s a story for another day. This brings us to Exhibit B in our case for Jordan’s manufactured divinity: His Oneness. The narrative of Jordan’s greatness has remained mostly the same since his retirement. There is no one like Him and there will probably never be. He is the undisputed greatest. The Church of Jordan, it appears then, is monotheistic. The LeBrons and Kobes are merely imposters. This claim is, of course, somewhat warranted. There are stats (six championships, five NBA MVP trophies, 10 scoring titles) to back it up. And then there are the moments. There’s the time (before I was born, but somehow forever etched in my brain) when he, surrounded by Cleveland Cavaliers defenders with three seconds remaining in game five of a playoff series, bounces off of poor, poor perennial victim Craig Ehlo and wrestles away a defending Larry Nance to accept an inbounds pass before summarily rising into the air and just hanging there like gravity all of a sudden has stopped, pumping once more toward the sky to nail a foul

line jump shot at the buzzer, eliminating the Cavs from title-race contention. Then there’s Jordan’s final act in a Chicago Bulls uniform. With 18 seconds remaining in his (second) career (of three), he strips the ball from arch-nemesis Karl Malone, dribbles to the frontcourt, stares down defender Bryon Russell and gives him a quick push-off before — in one swift motion — elevating a few feet into the air, fading away and releasing the between-the-eyes jumper that seals the Bulls’ sixth championship. The shot was his 25th game-winner for Chicago. That’s exhibit C: Michael Jordan worked actual miracles. He lived up to his brand in a manner so authentic it almost excused his blatant profiteering. How fitting, then, that I should take the opportunity on Jordan’s 50th birthday to forgive my mom for losing those tickets in 1998. Sure, I was deprived of the opportunity to ever see the man play basketball in person. The fact remains, I’ll never witness Michael Jordan perform his craft in front of my own eyes or through anything other than an electronic lens. And yet I continue to have this strange feeling that he’s been here with me the whole time. Like I’ve felt the presence of one Air Jordan hovering over my persona ever since my dad first laced up my black and white Jordan XII’s in ’97. Like Jordan isn’t something you just see once, rather, it’s a phenomenon you experience. Basketball or not, there’s nothing more divine than that. Faiz Siddiqui doesn’t actually think Michael Jordan is god. Follow him on Twitter @faizsays and reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.



tuesday, february 19, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk


Halz & Oate played Saturday night at the Zoo Bar as a part of Lincoln Exposed. They were one of 12 bands that performed at Duffy’s and Zoo Bar on the last night of the festival.

shelby wolfe | dn

Brian Brazier, the tuba player from the Bolzen Beer Band, was the life of the show while performing at the Bourbon Theatre on Friday during Lincoln’s 8th annual Lincoln Exposed festival.

shelby wolfe | dn

Local musician Eli Mardock performs at Duffy’s Tavern on Friday during Lincoln’s 8th annual Lincoln Exposed festival.

Expose yourself The Daily nebraskan’s first Annual lincoln exposed awards

featured page 1 photo by shelby wolfe | dn MATT MASIN | DN

Cortney Kirby of FREAKABOUT! belts out a note during the band’s performance at Duffy’s Tavern as a part of Lincoln Exposed on Thursday, Feb. 14. FREAKABOUT! brought a crowd to Duffy’s that hung around for the next band, Good Show Great Show.

Most likely to mesmerize a crowd after hunting a quick vampire:

Gerardo Meza, Mezcal Brothers (Saturday, Zoo Bar)

Illest Guitar Solo:

Jarek Olivetti, The Renfields “Inside Out” (Thursday, Duffy’s)

Smelliest Fog Machine:

Halz & Oate (Saturday, Zoo Bar)

Life of the P-A-R-T-Y:

Life is Cool (Thursday, Zoo Bar)

Best On-stage kiss: Powerful Bourbon)



Award for keeping it together even after breaking a bass guitar string: AZP (Friday, Bourbon)

Best kazoo solo:

Orion Walsh, “Run For The Hills” (Wednesday, Zoo Bar)

Most likely to fix a small car while jamming out:

Dean The Bible (Wednesday, Duffy’s)

Best arms:

Zachary Watkins, AZP (Friday, Bourbon)

Best job of pointing out that true authority does, in fact, suck: BRIANNA SOUKUP | DN

The Mezcal Brothers play their set Saturday during Lincoln Exposed at the Zoo Bar. The band has been playing for seven years and has four albums under its belt.

Time Hammer Bourbon)


Best job of just, you

know, doing it: Bonehart (Wednesday, Zoo Bar)


Most errant spittle: MF Saints (Thursday, Bourbon)

Most cryptic mantra:

Zed Tempo, “We’re Zed Tempo and you’re Zed Tempo.” (Saturday, Duffy’s)

Most likely to elicit a mixed reaction from your fatherin-law: Sputnik Zoo Bar)



Best use of green glitter on a standup bass:

Lloyd McCarter (Friday, Zoo Bar)

King of all the beards:

Manny Coon, 10th Running (Friday, Zoo Bar)


Best full-on trance inducers:

Bus Gas (Wednesday, Bourbon)

Sexiest music alive:

More Machine Now Than Man (Saturday, Duffy’s)

Best band with “bear” in their name:

Guilty is the Bear (Friday, Duffy’s)

Deadliest mustache:

Brian Brazier, Bolzen Beer Band (Friday, Duffy’s) arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Local musician resurfaces through recording studio, album anna gronewold dn Philip Zach’s identity was about to be shattered by a pair of white gloves. “I remember going into surgery thinking, ‘They might destroy me,’” Zach said. In January 2011, after nearly 10 years of non-stop touring, doctors told Zach he may never sing again. The local musician and producer had spent the past decade hitting milehigh vocals with his three brothers in their band, Remedy Drive. But the physical and mental dedication of a national tour took its toll on Zach’s vocal chords, and singing became unbearably painful. Zach tried everything, including a month without speaking, to save his voice. But ultimately it took surgery to give Zach a semblance of his former range back. The surgery was as successful as it could possibly have been, but that doesn’t mean everything went back to normal. Far from it, in fact. Zach was a stranger to his own voice, and the intensive administrative duties of the band were starting to weigh on the family. A few months later, Philip and two of his brothers left the band to focus on their own individual families, as well as their relationship as

fall to empty cigar boxes. brothers. “Gathering sounds became this “(It was) all business, all the time, for over a decade. We didn’t obsession,” Zach said. “What is it about sound that moves our souls?” take a break longer than 10 days in And, almost on accident, Zach’s 10 years,” Zach said. “Walking away from that for the sake of relationships album, “Arrows and Sound,” was born. was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” “I started out with five or six Leaving a national tour to live in songs. Just a beat; no melody, no Lincoln, Neb., left a vacuum in Zach’s lyric,” Zach said. “It was almost like life, a vacuum he filled by collaboratturning the writing ing with his friend process upside down. and producer Riley I remember It was so refreshing Friesen of Lincoln’s to have nobody over Coda Record House. going into my shoulder; if I want With Friesen and to make a six-minute Coda, Zach explored surgery thinking, song, I’ll make a sixmusic production, ‘They might minute song.” the counterpart to his Zach, who deexperiences as a re- destroy me.’” scribes his evolving cord-label artist and Philip Zach style as a blend of discovered a comowner of grid studio Doves, Imogen Heap pletely foreign creand Radiohead, evenative freedom. When tually layered his fahe wasn’t engineering other artists’ albums with Friesen, vorite sounds with vocals and synth, combining the organic and electronic Zach was collecting noises. to form an entirely unique genre. “I was worn out with the bass The completion of “Arrows and guitar acoustic combination,” Zach Sound,” however, was a lengthy prosaid. “With the band, the record comcess. Friesen left Coda for a job in Los pany wants you to have these lyrics; Angeles, Calif., and Zach used his there were all these people speaking new expertise to found the Grid Stuinto our songs.” But as a musician on his own, dio. But Zach also had to deal with Zach was free to claim organic inspiration, everywhere from spring rain-

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shelby wolfe | dn

Local musician and producer Philip Zach talks about his new album “Arrows & Sound,” in his recording studio on Saturday. Zach began exploring music production after injuring his vocal chords and was forced into silence for months during a tour with his previous bandmates. “Arrows & Sound” is a combination of sounds without lyrics that he describes as beats.



tuesday, february 19, 2013

this week in music


Live Shows: Pleasure Adapter w/ Touch People, LIFE is COOL, Goon Saloon


Thursday, 9 p.m. The Slowdown, 729 N. 14 St., Omaha how much: $5 where:

Mavis Staples w/ Pieta Brown


Friday, 8 p.m. where: The Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. how much: $36 (in advance), $40 (day of show), $55-65 (Reserved seating)

New in Albums: “Confessions”


Buckcherry Century Media Records genre: Heavy Rock label:

“Push the Sky Away”


Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds label: Kobalt genre: Alt. Rock

“Miracle Mile”


STRFKR Polyvinyl genre: Indie, Electronica label:

courtesy photo

Although Mumford & Sons sometimes alludes to Christian themes in their music, they do not identify with the Christian music genre.

Christian label repels, attracts music enthusiasts Musicians, fans struggle with identity after emergence of Christian genre joe wade dn Since the Christian label divided the mainstream music scene, it has alienated fans and artists. Some fans choose to shun it and some bands choose to avoid the label altogether. Within the categorization of contemporary bands or musicians, in regards to Christianity, there are three descriptions that are common: “secular,” which is non-Christian, “Christian,” which can be praise or worship and “Christians-in-a-band,” which is a band that creates music intended for mainstream markets but whose members subscribe to Christian beliefs. Some fans and musicians have found that, although contemporary Christian music has its place, sometimes the label gets in the way of good songwriting. “As much as we might dislike labels, unfortunately they impact our first impression of someone’s music,” said Bryan Stephenson of the Kansas City band Ashford’s Folly, who is a Christian. “When someone suggests an artist for me to listen to, and they’re labeled as a Christian artist, I’m skep-

tical about whether or not I will like them.” Christians, he said, often forget that there are some fans “who don’t understand the church culture” because they were not raised in that environment and the gap between secular and Christian music fans is apparent. “How can we expect them to be moved or inspired by something they can’t relate to?” he said. According to BreAnn Stephenson, the wife of Bryan Stephenson, also a Christian and member of Ashford’s Folly, bands such as Mumford & Sons, Flyleaf and Paramore fit into the trend of artists who have their fans wondering about the beliefs of the band members. She said the Christian label is not “desirable” because it has the ability to detract from the actual words of her songs. “If you’re in the country market, it seems you can drink your beer (and) love Jesus, and the fans are just fine with you singing about both,” she said. “Mumford & Sons are part of this new fascination with old-timey acoustic music. Their music seems to have some Christian themes, but if you watch them in concert, you would ask, ‘Are they or aren’t they?’” Bands such as Creed, P.O.D. and Evanescence helped to blend Christianity into the mainstream, said Chris Bowling, a local musician, previous member of AM Revival and an atheist. “Now it’s getting to the point where it all sounds the same,” he said.

“You never know, and then you end up reading some comment, which they made, (for example) about homosexuality being evil and it’s just like, ‘Well, I’m never listening to that band again.’” Bryan Stephenson said he thinks “staying in the boundaries of Christian music limits an artist” and as an artist, there is a responsibility to the listener to stimulate as well as raise questions. Another aspect of music, he said, is to offer comfort and “to provide hilarity and joy.” “As a Christian, I believe that God is the ultimate creative person and finds joy in watching his kids be creative,” he said. “It’s one of the biggest traits he instilled in us.” The act of “worshiping through song” is a meaningful experience for Christian audiences, he said, but Christian musicians today seem to view themselves as songwriters specifically for Sunday service. He said there is a lack of “creativity and reallife inspiration,” adding that this is the one reason secular audiences don’t embrace Christian music. “Most mainstream Christian and secular music today lack true substance, and they seem to be recycled in their lyrical content,” Bryan Stephenson said. “Of course this isn’t true for every mainstream artist such as Sarah Groves, Mumford & Sons or even bands like Sevendust and Tool. They have an ability to connect with the listener through their lyrics and music

If you’re in the country market, it seems you can drink your beer (and) love Jesus, and the fans are just fine with you...”

Breann stephenson member of ashford’s folly

regardless of the world view being expressed.” Despite some Christian artists “proselytizing,” said Justin Kohmetscher of Dirty Talker, who is an atheist, there are some bands he finds easier to relate to. Bands such as Pedro the Lion and Tie These Hands portray the struggles of being human instead of preaching, he said. “I can empathize more with someone who has obviously explored,” Kohmetscher said. “It’s someone who is approaching this just like I approach either violence or whatever it is that I approach when I write a song too. It’s the same sort of thing that I can really appreciate; I don’t discount that at all. I discount someone as soon as they start preaching.” BreAnn Stephenson said she thinks the trend of Christians “entering the secular marketplace” is because freeing themselves of the Christian label is a way to open “greater avenues of communication” regardless of the beliefs people hold. However, she said, there are Christian artists who strictly market themselves for the church-go-

ing audience. “There still is a pretty distinct line between the sacred and the secular mainstream. Christian artists that label their music as Christian are relegated to a distinct sector of the marketplace,” she said. “It’s not that I think that current artists on the Top 40 Christian charts don’t care about speaking to non-Christians in a common language but more so that there are more Christian artists today that feel their sphere of influence should remain within the church.” She added songwriting is best for her when it is “seemingly exterior” and feels like a gift to both the artist and the “intended audience.” Overall, the label doesn’t matter as long as there is someone to share it with, according to BreAnn Stephenson. “At the end of the day, I just hope that you like it and that it betters the enjoyment of your life,” she said. “I know, spoken like a true artistic snob there, right? But honestly, I do believe that.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Christian music doesn’t satisfy secular beliefs STOP ME IF YOU’VE HEARD THIS BEFORE

arrows: from 5 the inevitable mental block that accompanied the different approach to recording music. “It (“Arrows and Sound”) was hard to finish,” he said. “Every time I got into the studio, there was just this despair; I cannot do it. I cannot sing.” Zach attributes both whiskey and time to the album’s conclusion; whiskey for vocal clarity, and time to process newfound musical instincts that inspired “Arrows and Sound” in the first place. The album’s official release date is Feb. 26. “A lot of the record is about loss, grief, pain and hope,” he said. “There’s a lack of resolution. There’s a longing, a deep longing.” Zach’s honesty and openness to creative freedom are two reasons both local and national artists now flock to the Grid Studio to record albums. Lincoln musician Brain Vranicar recorded his 2012 EP at the Grid Studio and attributes much of its success to Zach’s influence. “I had a vision,” Vranicar said, “and it changed working with him (Zach) adding in different synth and sounds in the studio. He’s very creative and willing to try new things, which I think helped me think outside the box a little bit.” Lincoln’s low cost of living, compared with musical hotspots such as Nashville or Los Angeles, allows Zach to invest back into the studio. Vranicar said his album has received incredibly positive feedback, thanks in part to the high-level production quality. But Vranicar also stressed the positivity of his experience at the Grid Studio. “(Zach) is a super nice guy,” he said. “He was really patient with me and had great insight, vocally, to make the melodies intriguing.” “I believe in the power of music to inspire the soul, to move us,” Zach said. “I’m inspired musically by everyone who comes in here, no matter how good they are. Everyone looks a song in a different way.” According to Zach, this sort of cyclical creativity is what the Grid Studio is all about. More than that, it’s a model — a grid, if you will — for what he wants his life to be, both musically and relationally. “The person that I want to be is the person who blesses others somehow,” Zach said. “The impact I want to make is positive. Do you call that love? Do you call that selflessness? I don’t know. But my heart wants to be as good as I possibly can become at creating music, at giving people a platform to live.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

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Creed is a Christian grunge band formed in 1995. Their Christian-themed music is influenced by vocalist Scott Strapps’ background as a minister.

joe wade Recently I was driving across the Midwest in a vehicle that didn’t have a CD player but did have a radio. The Kansas City hard rock station I was enjoying faded out somewhere between Mound City and Rock Port. I started flipping through stations and happened on a song with a fun pop-rock, peppy sound. Good driving music. When the DJ came on, it became clear I was listening to a Christian station. I’m sure this has happened to others as well. You know, cruising along while searching for a nice beat on the FM wave and an energetic, positive voice mentions Jesus a few times. No big deal, but I still changed the station. I wasn’t in the mood; maybe you weren’t either. In the late ’90s, there was a trend in music for musicians to either be labeled as Christian or secular, which essentially means “not Christian.” What made the trend popular for Christian artists was the immediate fan

base from church congregants. Some fans didn’t care, but others picked a side. Secular fans didn’t want to be preached to by zealous Christians, and Christians didn’t want to have their message corrupted by dangerously loose morals. Growing up in that brief era, I was living two different musical lives, one at church (I was part of the church praise team) and one outside of church. I wanted to be the type of revered musician Bob Dylan was in the ’60s. Morally, I wasn’t old enough to have any real fun anyway. My church at the time was in a different town than the school I attended. In order to have something in common with each peer group, I developed a respect for both flavors of music. The result was finding myself on both sides of the Christian-versus-secular debate. Each had its merits, each had its flaws but overall, it was the secular stuff I could better relate to. It wasn’t just because it was the more popular; secular artists spoke in a way Christian artists didn’t. I may have been shy to admit that Christianity was a label I identified with, but the music only connected

beled music represents something with a part of my identity. Life is bigwith which that audience connects ger than the labels we ascribe to it. Still, on one level, I wanted something to lis- and struggles because it is part of their life, and life is a challenge. Regardless ten to that my parents wouldn’t freak of the label music fans share, it repreout about or make me hide from my younger brother and sister for fear of sents something personal to the individual listening. corrupting them with vulgar, violent Music enthusiasts and a lot of language. On another level, I wanted something visceral and real. When I the musicians themselves don’t want started writing songs, it was important someone labeling their music. Bands in the early 2000s didn’t want to rethat they represented all of life and not strict their fanbase, and listeners wantjust the single aspect of my faith. One of the major complaints about ed the freedom to explore without falling into a crowd. Christian music from The lesson from the secular music fans was The result overzealous labeling that it didn’t sound was finding was that contempoas good. It lacked the rary Christian musiessence of rock ‘n’ myself on both cians could have their roll, and it seemed faith-based lyrics and like fluff in compari- sides of the their mainstream fan son. DC Talk’s “Jesus Christian-versusbase too by removing Freak” was vastly the “Christian” label different from Nir- secular debates.” from their identity. vana’s “Smells Like When Bob Dylan Teen Spirit,” despite both sounding alternative and grun- announced his conversion to Chrisgy. Even the non-head banging pop tianity in 1979, many of his fans felt seemed to lack the emotional depth alienated. I didn’t want to repeat the same mistake with the songs I was among the Christian equivalents. writing, and several other bands There are different reasons for listening to music. Sometimes it is some- wanted to escape the Christian label as thing to pass the time, such when one well. Chevelle, Switchfoot and P.O.D. is driving through the Midwest, but specifically,helped create the distinction between Christian-band as opit is also an art form to connect with emotionally. For many non-Christians, posed to Christians-in-a-band. Those anything with a Christian label is in the latter category would downplay something to avoid because it doesn’t theological content in their music, represent what is true for them. Con- and it became popular for Christian versely, for Christians the clearly la- bands to crossover into secular media.

Musicians with a priority for making art, rather than spreading a message, found that not being in the mainstream was stifling for record sales. With the popularity of Sixpence None the Richer’s “Kiss Me” on their eponymous album in 1997, it ambiguously emerged into the mainstream, despite its release on Squint Entertainment, which was a Christian music label. Evanescence was initially labeled as a Christian band but was quick to dismiss the notion along with the stigma attached to it. Owl City, however, is one mainstream artist not afraid of sharing its faith in several interviews. Owl City collaborated with Carly Rae Jepsen on “Good Time.” The song peaked at No. 8 on Billboard Hot 100 in 2012. When listening to and reading the lyrics of a band such as Mumford & Sons, it isn’t obvious what the songwriter’s particular faith is. “I Will Wait” is a good example of the ambiguity in songs, which could be played during a church service or in a bar where everyone is getting sloshed. Christian radio may not be everyone’s top choice while on the highway to hell, but it still represents a conversation worth having. Art, in spite of its label, should inspire something worth talking about. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

My Week With Metal

cynthia todd Let’s face it. I’ve always had this perception that screamo/metal music is actually just the biproduct of someone who recorded the sound of a temperamental child mixed with a hint of middle school choir. This mindset has caused me to cringe and quickly change the song when anything of the genre would creep its way onto my Pandora. I’ve never liked metal music, and I never planned on liking it, but I had also never really had a solid reason as to why I hated it. I took it upon myself to dig a little deeper and expose my ears to this socalled “music.” So I said goodbye to my iTunes library and prepared for a week filled with music way outside my comfort zone.

Day 1

I’m scared. If I were ever to be chased through a dark alley with an evil axe man behind me, I would want the screams and throat wrenching sounds of every metal song to play at my demise. I enjoy some Rise Against here and there, so I figured today would be pretty easy.

I was wrong. I might have overestimated my willingness for this project, so I enlisted the help of my brother and friends that are quite familiar with the genre to point me in the right direction. I soon realized that easing into the intensity of the metal is probably the best way to get through this. I decided to start with some super light metal. Pierce The Veil was pretty much pop-rock, with 30 seconds of screaming intermittently dispersed throughout their songs. Then I graduated to some middle-road metal. I delved into Wolves At The Gate and A Day to Remember . Finally, I took the plunge into the pool of blood when I looked up Of Mice & Men and Devil Wears Prada . Eventually a few hours went by. I’m not sure if I was enjoying myself or if I just became desensitized to the music. Either way, I survived my first day.

Day 2

Metal music makes me want to trash my room like some Hollywood starlet, but I refrain myself from doing so. I think it’s safe to say that I’m getting into the heavy guitar riffs and musicality behind this specific genre, but it hasn’t rubbed off on me yet. I can only listen to it for two or three hours max before bashing my head against a wall.

Day 3

I’m going through some music depression. I miss my sappy country songs and music that doesn’t leave me with a nasty cough after getting lost in the screams. Maybe it’s all the ideas I’ve planted into my head about this kind of music or maybe it’s just that bad, but

I find myself getting frustrated while listening. I just don’t understand why this exists. Who invented this? Probably some disturbed songwriter who didn’t have the capability to sing very well so he decided to shout all his songs instead. Maybe I should be a heavy metal vocalist.

Day 4

All this doubt I have for this genre made me decide to look up the music videos for some of these bands I’ve been listening to for the past few days. Sometimes, for me, seeing the people behind the music brings a new light to the idea. I must say I am fascinated with the fact that these almost demonic sounds come out of the same body of really talented singers. Well, some bands have designated screamers but that still takes some real lung capacity. The more videos I watched, the more I realized that, just like any other artist, it looks as though passion plays a large role in this music. Respectable.

Day 5

Well, it’s gotten to the point where my YouTube is recommending all these bands with scary names for me. Why not go with it? I’ve spent about three hours looking at different bands and different sounds. I’ve learned that there is a lot of diversity within the genre itself. A band like A Day to Remember sounds completely different than a band like We Came as Romans. This range, I have found, is making it easier for me to find artists I actually enjoy listening to.

Day 6

Considering I’ve been drowning myself in the squeals and shrieks of this music for about six days, I might as well look up some lyrics to decipher what’s being said. Honestly, I am pretty impressed with the lyrical genius behind the majority of theses songs. Some are dark but meaningful. The depth is definitely existent. I’ve come across songs that pertain to finding one’s self, the madness within the music industry and just everyday struggles that anyone can relate to. One song that stood out to me was “The Sinner” by Memphis May Fire, which was about man’s struggle with himself and searching for forgiveness. “Digging a hole I can’t get out of/ deeper and deeper below the surface to find that there’s nothing there/ Where do I go from here?” I think I’ve always disregarded this genre because of the fact that I just can’t understand what they are screaming, I mean, singing about.

Day 7

I woke up this morning looking forward to opening my computer and listening to some music. I don’t know if this was because it was the last day or because I was getting into it. It’s safe to say that I now have musical preferences. I really dig the bands that split their screams and vocals rather evenly; it’s not half-bad. I also occasionally enjoy the heavier stuff when I’m angry or feel like boxing with my invisible punching bag in my dorm room. The only downside to this little experiment is the fact that I find myself

screaming when following along to particular songs. My friends probably think I’ve lost it.

one week later

My overall experience with embracing a new, underappreciated genre was interesting. I laughed, I cried (some of those bands were freaky, okay?) and I embraced it. I’ve gained a new perspective on music that I really didn’t care for, nor did I ever think I would. Metal music became one of my closets friends for a week, serving multiple purposes. Blasting the songs really drowned out the animal noises coming from obnoxious bobble heads in my building for starters. Delving into the music also expanded my interests, which is something every college student needs, right? I learned that tuning out a particular sound of music could potentially lead to a missed opportunity. It would have been impossible to know if I really hated this genre without giving it chance. I gave it a shot, and it wasn’t half bad. If I’m going to be completely honest I don’t think I’ll continue to listen to metal everyday for the rest of my life, but I’m glad I exposed myself to it. Some of the bands did stick with me though. I’m breaking out my iTunes card as I write this to buy some new songs. I feel like a real badass now. Along with my embarrassing amount of boy band groups and Ed Sheeran records are heavy metal artists. I’m proud to admit I’m (somewhat) a fan. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Y AWAY” dailynebraskan.com



tuesday, february 19, 2013

e Bad Seeds

Taco Tuesday venues fall short of expectations


Cave & The Badkettler Seeds THE SKY AWAY” casey

dn ve & The Bad Seeds

Like the childhood stories of Santa and the Tooth Fairy, the illusions of youth are relentlessly crushed by the crushing slog of maturation. I used to describe Taco Tuesday with childlike wonder, as a weekly holiday worthy of reverence and recognition, so I set out to write a story about it. Unfortunately, I must have forgotten critical investigation of pretty much anything completely ruins pretty much everything. Last Tuesday I embarked on a quest to eat tacos anywhere willing to sell them at a discounted rate.

While much of the clientele is likely drawn to 12th Street for the booze so crucial to forgetting the world isn’t as magical as it was once made out to be, the tacos are cheap and delicious: 50 cents gets you a taco. The tacos are conventional but appealing, handmade with care, and certainly better than those you will find at corporate Taco Tuesday participant Taco John’s. For the herbivorous taco seekers, 12th Street offers a vegetarian meat-substitute that is good enough that some carnivores even prefer it. In a hard-shell world, 12th Street Pub offers a sanctuary from the disappointing desolation that is Lincoln’s Taco Tuesday situation.

Fuzzy’s is a taco joint that does drinks. Because of this, minors can enjoy Fuzzy’s Taco Tuesday — a benefit that should help them to capture a greater slice of the college market that they so obviously covet. Additionally, Fuzzy’s is able to offer specials such as Taco Tuesday; a feature that sets them apart from nearby premium taco purveyor, Wahoo’s.

B+ B+ C+ C B+ C+ B+ B+ C+ C C B+





Taco Tuesday



1442 O St.

Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday


$1.50/ 2 tacos

210 N. 14th St.

1321 E O St.





aco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday


200 O St.

1442 O St.

Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday Mike Crawford and Andrea Greufe socialize and eat tacos at the 12th Street Pub located on 12th and “O” Streets. The1321 bar has E aOspecial St. on tacos every Tuesday as a part of Taco Tuesday.

$3/taco $3/taco

$1/ 3 hightacos ter a long $1/ night3oftacos enjoying quality tacos, I was a bit wary of eating too many tacos that could be made so inexpensively, so I only ate one and a half. The magical feeling of Taco Tuesday doesn’t come through here. The crowd was sparse and the tacos uninspiring. That said, you can get three of them for $1, so if you have an insatiable appetite and want to fill the void with tacos, this may be your spot.

Taco Tuesday 1200 O St.

cents/taco 050 cents/taco

12th Street Pub

After being turned away by Jack’s in The Haymarket (that has a Taco Sunday special instead) and Knickerbockers at 9th and O streets (that hosts a Taco Thursday), I was already disenchanted, realizing my overestimation of the majesty of Taco Tuesday. I mean, how does one ignore the draw of the obvious alliteration? Walking into 12th Street Pub, it’s immediately evident it is Tuesday, as the aroma of tacos is ubiquitous, even at 5:30 p.m. Business generally doesn’t pick up until after 6 p.m. but when it does, a diverse but ravenous crowd descends on the unexpectedly expansive bar on the corner of 12th and O streets. By most accounts, 12th Street Pub has the most popular Taco Tuesday special downtown. “On our busiest night, we sold over 2,000 tacos,” said waitress Danielle DeTour. She said she works every Tuesday, and she genuinely seems to enjoy her work.

1442 O St.

$1.50/ 2 tacos $1.50/ 2 tacos

Roommates 250 N 13th Street. Looking for someone to sublet our apartment for the summer. These are the new Parkhaus Apartments located in the Larson Building on 12th and Q street. It is a 4 bedroom apartment with 2 baths. 3 of the 4 are leaving in May and. Rooms available May-August. The base rent is $540 and that includes utilities and cable. Parking is available on the 6th floor of the parking garage for an extra $70 per month. Individuals looking for a place are welcome or if three people would like to move in together. Very secure building with access granted to only residents and security personnel always available. Here is the apartment website: http://theparkhaus.com/suites/ . The suite available is a Bond on the 8th floor with a patio that opens directly to the rooftop deck, quick and easy access to grills and rooftop lounging.

210 N. 210 14thN. St.14th St.

Fuzzy’s Taco Shop

Last Tuesday at Fuzzy’s was unnervingly quiet when I walked in around 6 p.m.. Granted, it’s only a fledgling taco proprietor, opening its Lincoln location last September, and 6 p.m. is an hour grandparents eat, not exactly prime dinner time for busy college students. Fuzzy’s is serious about tacos, and despite (or because of) its youth, it offers up a Taco Tuesday experience that should not be ignored. I bought two tacos for $1.50 each; one shrimp tempura and one crawfish. It was hard to pick a favorite from the two, as they were both delicious, and such an order only scratches the surface of Fuzzy’s expansive selection. It is clear that Fuzzy’s is trying to cultivate an atmosphere and a following. Tuesday is also Trivia Night in the auxiliary bar component along Centennial Mall. Like 12th Street Pub, Fuzzy’s has affordable drinks, but where 12th Street is primarily a pub that does tacos,

Wahoo’s and The Watering Hole

I did make a brief stop at Wahoo’s Tacos & More in spite of their inability or unwillingness to offer a discount on their tacos for Taco Tuesday. While their Cajun Fish Taco may have had a slight edge taste-wise over Fuzzy’s, the almost $3 asking price will likely keep me from going back, especially when I can get tacos on a budget elsewhere. I ended the night at The Watering Hole. They offer tacos at an outrageous clip of three for $1. Af-


Taco Tuesday

Andrew BErry | DN

1321 E O St.

The Final Taco

On the whole, let’s just say that Lincoln’s Taco Tuesday situation leaves mucho to be desired. Downtown there are only three places currently advertising Taco Tuesday specials. Fortunately two of these three venues provide a great outlet to drown the sorrow of childhood innocence lost in an avalanche of affordable taco meats. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

andrew berry | dn

Tacos wait to be picked up for delivery to customers at the 12th Street Pub on Feb. 11. Tacos are 50 cents apiece as part of the pub’s Taco Tuesday specials.




Taco Tuesday

$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4p.m., weekday prior

phone: (402) 472-2589 Fax: (402) 472-1761



Houses For Rent

Three nifty dudes looking for a fourth nifty person to fill a room. Nice house, very close to campus, a block east of Traigo park, near 22nd and Vine. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bath. Washer and Dryer. No additional applicances or furniture necessary. Contact Joseph: 308-631-7602 or josephjameskozal@gmail.com

1927 Fairfield, 4 bed/2 bath, 1 car garage at $1080/month. Call Sarah at 402.502.1000 ext. 113

Roommate needed to complete duplex on hilltop road, we have an opening starting Jan 21st, going until the end of July when the lease ends. $260 a month, not including LES, trash, gas, water and internet. comes up to be just over $300 a month. Includes double garage, spacious kitchen, back deck and some yard space. Email Josh at jhaze1@hotmail.com for questions or interest.

Wanted roommate to take over lease til July. Northbrook Apts, rent is $348.52 plus utilities. Pets okay. Looking to move ASAP. Contact Lia at (402) 617-7652

Quality student housing. 3,4,5 bedroom houses. Excellent condition. Washer/dryer included. Off street parking. Call 402-499-8567.

Short term lease available! Graduate student looking for a roommate in a 2bd2ba apt on 61st and Vine until end of May. Master bedroom is available at $435/month+$125 deposit. Comes with a private bath, huge walkin closet and storage room. Washer/dryer in unit. Cats/dogs allow. Please contact Jenn at jennafoong@gmail.com or text 402-509-4503

Large 5 bedroom House

I am looking for a roommate for a 2 bedroom apartment. Rent is $280/mo. I would prefer a female roommate. 1520 S Folsom St. Contact Aly at 402-620-8382 Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to dn@unl.edu and include your name, address and phone number.

Houses For Rent

2 full baths, off street parking, Walk to campus. $900. 224 N. 18th St. Call 402-610-1188.

Wayne S U D O K U P U Z Z L E By Gould

Contact Taylor at 651-398-1159 if interested.

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

Yesterday’s Answer

Between Campuses

4 BR, 2 BA, 5234 Leighton, $800 All C/A, Parking. Call Bonnie: 402-488-5446


Help Wanted

Class A/B CDL Driver Local Deliveries Heavy Lifting Required Must pass drug screen Must have clean MVR Apply in person 200 West South St. Lincoln

CEDARS Part-time Drug Court Tracker

The Drug Court Tracker Program is a collaborative effort between agencies on the Juvenile Drug Court Team to help youth reach the goals of remaining drug/alcohol free. With Successful completion of the program, adjudication may be set aside or their case may be closed. It is the general responsibility of the Tracker to carry out specific service plans and to assist with monitoring the achievement of goals for youth through services provided in the home. Trackers serve to prevent adolescents from further involvement in the juvenile justice system by early resolution of family problems. Bachelor’s degree in human services or closely related field and at least 2 years of experience working with youth and families is preferred. A combination of education and relevant experience may substitute for the degree. This position requires a valid driver’s license with a good driving record. 20 hours a week with some nights and weekends. Visit www.cedarskids.org to complete an application on-line.


Now Hiring for day and evening servers and hosts. Experience not necessary, will train the right people. Flexible hours, meal program, benefits. Apply in person for day or evening, 6820 ‘O’ Street. Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time posi2005 G St, 3 bed/1 bath at $895/month. Call tions available in residential program working Sarah at 402.502.1000 ext. 113 with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 Close to campus. 4/5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 stall years of age and be willing to work a varied attached garage, $1150 + utilities. schedule including overnights and weekends. 402-432-8485. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit: www.centerpointe.org. Opening Soon! Floria’s Italian restaurant. Hiring; bartenders, hostesses, servers, kitchen help! Apply in person at former Bennigans Hwy 2 and 87th. 402-817-9903 Paycheck Advance is looking for outgoing detail oriented individuals to work in a fast paced environment. We are seeking applicants available to work evenings around 25 hours a week, Upscale & Classy,THE OFFICE GENTLEMEN’S including 1 weekend day. Fill out an applicaCLUB hiring Exotic Dancers. Vegas Style tion at www.delayeddeposit.com or stop by Gentlemen’s Club Finally comes to the Midany one of our eight locations! west! Come work at the Best Club in Lincoln. Holroyd Investment Properties, Inc. For Information and Interview times: CALL PT Legal Assistant 20 Hours a BRENT @ 402-525-8880 or Apply within at The week$10.00/hourJob Description: • Maintains Office Gentlemen’s Club 3pm -2am 640 W. case files and certified mail• Prepares docuApartments, Townhomes and Prospector Ct. Lincoln. (HWY 77 & W. Van ments for the court (complaint, alias summons, Duplexes Dorn St.) default judgments, garnishment sumons, continuing lien etc)• Manage attorney calendar • Calculates fees• Documents and edits log• Drafts documents for attorney Skills needed:• Part-time positions available loading and unStrong organizational skills• Excellent commuloading trucks. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday nication skills• Attention to detail• Computer from 5-7:30 a.m. Wages are $9.00/hour to start The Newwith York Times Syndication Sales Corporation literate• Ability to handle deadlinesHighly $1,500 tuition assistance after 60 days desired:Previous debt collection, skip tracing, an additional $0.25/hour after 1N.Y. month, 3 620 plus Eighth Avenue, New York, 10018 paralegal studies or certificate programPlease months, 6 months, and 9 months. Paid holiFor Call:after 1-800-972-3550 email your resume with attached cover letter to daysInformation and paid vacation 6 months. Apply in person at 6330 McCormick Dr. 2, 2012 For Thursday, August Cheryl@arsolutionsinc.com

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1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 20

31 Letters that should never be published? 32 Temporary gift 33 ___ Kong

34 Window, of sorts … or a hint to completing 10 answers in this puzzle 37 Rat-___

40 Sistine Chapel chap 41 Good grilling?

45 Steps in a salon

56 Singer with the 1990 #1 album “To the Extreme” 58 Con 59 “___ gets halfway around the world …” 60 Apple sales 61 Applesauce eponym 62 Period for preparation 63 Dark hours 64 School recess

Down 1 Autumn, typically 2 Without much 48 Alphabet trio 22 warmth 49 Presidential inits. 23 3 Desk cover 50 Casual greetings 24 4 “I Got You Babe,” 51 Chorus line e.g. 25 kickoff? 5 Cathedral facing 52 “Same here!” New York’s Rock 26 Center 54 Some 27 6 ___ Ark condensation 7 Egyptian lowlife? 29 55 Cambodian cash 8 Can opener? ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 9 1935 Garbo role 10 University of M A R S H Y Hawaii campus S T O R M I N A T E A C U P locale L A C K I N G S Y M M E T R Y A L C O A O H M L O A M 11 Wyoming tribe Y O U R A I D P I C 12 Eventually S N L L O A D E R S I R A 13 When a S T A S H S I N A I zookeeper makes C A R E T Z A N E the rounds with a P E N T O M I N O E S bucket T I L E B I G O X A I R S O N S T E R I M O O 19 Map (out) O T I S E T R E S P U N 24 Lucy’s man N O N I N T E R L O C K I N G 25 Render harmless O N E T R A C K M I N D 28 Mrs. ___, “Beauty A R E N A G O L O N G and the Beast” E W E A N T E character 21

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47 French cake














28 32







33 36

40 46










22 25












No. 0628



47 50





51 55 58







Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski

29 Sectionals, e.g. 30 Con 32 Dove’s perch 35 Instrument in a Picasso painting 36 Some Wharton alums 37 Flight board listing

38 Actress Ashley of “High School Musical”

39 Willa Cather title heroine 42 Eye cream additive

43 1970s cop show

44 Focused face-toface contact

46 Poster subject, maybe 47 Advice heeded by a pioneer 50 “Bleah!” 53 Even 54 TV screen meas. 55 Up, with “up” 57 Ethel Waters’s “___ Blue?”

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tuesday, february 19, 2013

mens: from 10

dn Big ten homeroom men’s basketball Indiana (23-3 overall, 11-2 Big Ten):

Minnesota (18-8, 6-7):

The Hoosiers’ high-powered offense thrived last week. After Nebraska hung with them in the first half, they were on a mission, outscoring the Huskers 4929 in the second half. With a few weeks left until the end of the regular season, Indiana is the No. 1 team in the country. It will have to finish out its tough schedule strong in order to retain a No. 1 seed in the NCAA tournament.

This is the point of the season where the debates start. Does the selection committee for the NCAA tournament pick a team such as Minnesota from a great basketball conference or do they select a mid-major program that has put up more wins than them? This week will be the struggling Gophers’ toughest week, facing Ohio State and Indiana.

Michigan State (22-4, 11-2):

Iowa (17-9, 6-7):

Although Michigan State has been on a roll, winning five games in a row up to this week, the Spartans control their own destiny and could easily take the No. 1 spot in the Big Ten, but could fall down in dramatic fashion as well. MSU has to face three ranked teams in their final four matchups, which will ultimately determine where they will be sitting in the postseason.

Wisconsin (18-8, 9-4):

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Freshman guard Shavon Shields goes up for a shot during the Ohio State game in early February. On Saturday, Shields scored 19 points, all in the second half, against Michigan State. put up 27 points on the Golden turned out that they made a couple more plays than we did. Flashes. It went the other way, but we Shields also had a career night, scoring 19 points — all in felt like we had the momentum. Things just didn’t go our way.” the second half — while nabbing Shields said Lue 13 rebounds in the talked to him and his losing effort against teammates prior to Michigan State. His the game’s tip-off and double figure off the added that it was a board led all Nebrasprivilege to meet the ka rebounders, with Boston Celtics assissenior Brandon Ubel tant coach. finishing second “I’d never met him with four. before so it was kind Shields said his of cool,” Shields said. first two consecutive “He didn’t come from buckets made after Kansas City, but he halftime were all he moved to Kansas City, needed to get him shields so it was cool meeting going. him and everything.” “After that, there Before joining the were sets to get me Celtics, Lue played a shot,” the Olathe, three seasons at NeKan., native said. braska, assisting his “Those went down, teams to 59 victories too. It was fortunate and three post-season for those to go down, appearances, includbut I had good teaming the 1998 NCAA mates setting screens Tournament. In his to get me the ball.” career in the Husker Shields’ eighth uniform, Lue finished field goal put Netalley as a top-10 career braska down just leader in scoring avone with 14 minutes erage (15.9, seventh), left in the game, minimizing the Spartans’ lead to points scored (1,577, eighth), assists (432, fourth) and 3-pointers 41-40. (145, eighth). Talley, who scored the team’s After the 1998 season, the final 10 points, said he felt the team was going to capitalize on guard was drafted 23rd by the Denver Nuggets in the first its momentum and take the lead. “That’s exactly what I round. During his 11-year playthought,” Talley said. “It just ing career, Lue won two NBA ti-

tles with the Los Angeles Lakers before retiring after the 2008-09 season. During halftime of Saturday’s game, Lue was inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame and welcomed with a standing ovation from the Sea of Red. His glamorous resume is another reason why Miles said he was thrilled to have Lue visit Lincoln this past weekend. “Now (Lue) is an NBA assistant coach and quite frankly, can become a head coach someday,” the coach said. “Tyronn wants to help; he wants to be a part of the program. He really wants to give back, and that’s pretty cool.” So what did one of the best shooters in Nebraska history have to say to Miles’ players? “He said we could hit him up anytime,” Shields said. “I’ll be sure to take advantage of that and learn from him.” After the game, Lue stopped Miles before his press conference to ask the coach to give the current 16-man roster his cellphone number and email address. The opportunity to keep in touch with the former Husker is something Miles wants his team to take advantage of. “I said ‘yes, sir,’” Miles said. “Tyronn’s great, and he’s persistent about wanting to help. It was a good weekend from that aspect, and it was great to have those guys back.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

This week, the Hawkeyes could easily step ahead of Minnesota. Iowa has won three games in a row and faces Nebraska and Purdue this week, matchups that could give them a NCAA tournament bid.

Purdue (12-14, 5-8):

Right now, the Boilermakers are just looking for momentum before the Big Ten tournament in Chicago. They face two teams that they beat earlier in the conference schedule with a home game against Northwestern and a game on the road versus Iowa.

When looking at their schedule, if it hadn’t been for a loss at Minnesota in overtime, the Badgers could be a serious threat to take the Big Ten from the Hoosiers. Wisconsin has its easiest part Nebraska (12-14, 3-10): of the schedule to round out the regular Regardless of the season starting with Northwestern and second half of the Nebraska. If it can defeat Michigan State Indiana game, the in a few weeks, then the Badgers can Huskers have a lot make a serious push for the top spot in to take from their the Big Ten. toughest week this season having faced the top two teams in the Big Ten. They Michigan (22-4, 9-4): competed with Indiana in the first half Out of all the teams last week and only lost to Tom Izzo’s still in the hunt, it Michigan State Spartans by nine. Look should be Michigan for Nebraska to keep its matchups inwho is the most teresting the rest of the season. worried. The Wolverines are playing poorly defensively, allowing 71 points Northwestern (13-13, 4-9): from last-place Penn State on Sunday. There isn’t much to take This week they must face Penn State away from the Wildcats again, along with a tough matchup games last week. They lost against Illinois. If the Wolverines want to another two games by a get a higher seed in the NCAA tournalarge margin — a common ment, they need to step up on the detheme they have had for fensive side of the ball. most of the conference schedule. It looks like they will fall below .500, with Illinois (19-8, 6-7): three of their final five games against After another successful ranked teams. week, Illinois can reach its

20th win this week, facing Penn State at home. Al- Penn State (8-17, 0-13): though No. 7 Michigan has Will Penn State been struggling recently, win any of its conit will prove to be a tough ference games matchup when it host the Fighting Illini this season? Last Sunday in Ann Arbor, Mich. week, the Nittany Lions showed signs of that. LosOhio State (18-7, 8-5): ing close games Take away Ohio State’s to both Iowa and wins earlier this year Michigan, and scoring more than 70 against Michigan and points in each game (avg. 61.2 ppg). Wisconsin, the Buckeyes They face the Wolverines at home this have zero high-profile week. This time they will have homewins to be proud of. Look- court advantage against a struggling ing like a team that will Michigan squad. exit not only the NCAA tournament early, but the Big Ten tournament as well, the Buckeyes will have to step up against cOMPILED BY JOSH KELLY Michigan State at home this week.

English bowler adjusts to life across the pond Eric bertrand dn

land, and has been bowling for Team England since she was 13 years old. “It’s a honor to play for Team A lot of the Nebraska bowling England,” Hedley said. “I cried equipment comes from Germany. This gave the Nebraska bowling when I first found out I made the team coach Bill Straub a connec- team.” Hedley has had success with tion to the European Junior ChamTeam England by helping win pionships. Straub built a relationchampionships and build her ship with the manufacturer, giving game. For these reasons, Straub the coach a network in Europe. felt that Hedley would be able to When he traveled to Munich, fill some of the team needs. Germany, to recruit According to Hedthe participants in ley, the recruiting was the championship, he a strange experience for looked for two things: her. athleticism and how “I thought the rethey carried themcruiting was something selves. He also looked just from movies,” the for players who had freshman bowler said. “I enough potential, thought you just choose Straub said. where you wanted to One of the bowlgo.” ers who fit the criteria Although Hedley and was at the top of knew she wanted to go the list of potential Hedley to an American univerwas Bethany Hedley. sity, that was still a few “Within the first years ahead of her when half hour of watching her game, I thought she could help Straub started to recruit her, she said. us,” Straub said. “I hadn’t really started to think He started to recruit Hedley after she and her partner won the about it much yet,” Hedley said. She took a four-day visit to Nedoubles championship. Hedley is from Watford, Eng- braska last year, and it felt right, she said.

file photo by kaylee everly | dn

Bowling coach Bill Straub talks to players during a tournament. Straub recruits players from across the globe, including England, Singapore and Colombia, to bowl for the Huskers. “I really like it here. Everyone is very nice,” Hedley said. “Everyone is willing to help out.” Hedley committed to Nebraska and is majoring in journalism and advertising. “When she committed, it

helped make Nebraska bowling very strong,” Straub said. As a freshman, Hedley has been given the opportunity to play in tournaments. “Since I’ve been here, I have learned a lot about my game,” she

said. She finished 22nd overall in the Prairie View Invitational, while bowling an average 183.4 in the tournament. The Huskers won the meet, making it their second tournament win of the season.

However, Hedley doesn’t have the experience in Baker set-up of matches, which is the style of tournament the Huskers compete in. “I really wasn’t familiar with Baker team games, and it’s been my first time competing in that style,” Hedley said. Another new aspect of bowling was being on a team that focuses on other players. “It’s a really good team atmosphere here, where you are really trying to help the team win. Whereas Team England was more about yourself,” Hedley said. Even though she is still speaking English, there have been moments where there is not a full understanding of what’s being said, according to Straub. “Sometimes, we will have to just stop and start over conversations,” Straub said. Hedley has felt these moments are more funny. “There have been comical moments with my teammates when I say some things a different way,” Hedley said. Looking into the future, Hedley would like to continue bowling after college, possibly back in England. sports@ dailynebraskan.com


tuesday, february 19, 2013


600 meter runners keep each other going at Nebraska Tune-Up Husker women runners captured top four spots at last meet

teammates’ presence at the finish line. “We are pretty close, it felt good having them there with me at the end,” Williams said. Jelena Andjelkovic finished second with a personal-best time of 1;32.39. During indoor track last jacy lewis season, Andjelkovic did not run bedn cause of shin injuries, so the meet Friday was her first time running For some Nebraska women’s indoor track. Andjelkovic is now track and field runners, the Ne- ranked 15th in the Big Ten. braska Tune-Up included a lot of “I’m coming from Serbia, and firsts. there we don’t have The Husker women indoor track at all,” An600-meter runners capdjelkovic said. tured the top four spots It has been difficult at the Nebraska Tunefor Andjelkovic to adUp, with all four runjust, but she believes ners setting personal she has improved evrecords during the event ery week over the inFriday. For three out of door season. the four runners, this was Morgan Woitzel, a their first season runfreshman who gradning indoor track and the uated from Omaha 600-meter. Millard South High Shawnice Williams School, placed third, ANDJELKOVIC posting led the charge recording a time of a personal-best time of 1:33.44. It is her first 1:31.71. This is William’s year running for NU first year competing for the Huskand running indoor track. In high ers and in indoor track. It is also her school, Woitzel earned multiple first year running the 600-meter in Class A State Championships for competition. She is currently ranked the 800-meter and 4x400 meter 10th in the Big Ten. relay. Before coming to Anna Minnick It’s al ittle NU, Williams ran for placed fourth with the West Los Angeles tougher a personal-best College track team. mark of 1:35.55. She was originally a because I’m not This is her second 100-, 200-, 400- and used to running year running the 800-meter runner, 600-meter for the but she has added indoor.” Huskers in indoor the 600-meter race track. to her resume this sHawnice williams Ellie Grooters, track and field runner season. who regularly runs “It’s a little the event for NU, tougher because I’m did not run the not used to running indoor,” Wil600-meter at the Tune-Up, but she liams said. “So I guess it’s someis currently ranked 13th in the Big thing new to me. I’m still trying to Ten. Instead she ran the 400-meter learn.” and placed sixth with a personalWilliams was grateful for her best mark of 56.68 seconds. She


Nebraska sophomore runner Shawnice Williams competes during the annual Intrasquad meet at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Williams recorded a personal-best time of 1:31.71 in the 600-meter competition at the Nebraska Tune-Up Friday. will run the event at the Big Ten Championships. The Husker women 600-meter runners are a tight-knit group of individuals. “We encourage each other,”

Williams said. “We just keep going even when we are nervous before the race,” Andjelkovic said. “We have a very good relationship. We support each other which is really good because of other girls we

are improving more because our practice is better.” Williams and Andjelkovic would both like to run personalbests and help the team earn points at the Big Ten Indoor Champion-

ships. The Huskers will continue to work on improving throughout the week in preparation for the Big Ten Indoor Championships. sports@ dailynebraskan.com


Junior golfer Katelyn Wright hits a ball during a golf invitational. Wright’s mother was a golfer for Nebraska and her brother plays for California Polytechnic State University.

Golfer hits stride at NU Katelyn Wright continues family tradition of playing for Huskers

The entire state is so passionate about NU athletics it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

katelyn wright women’s golfer

Jessica west dn

a younger brother, Jordan, who is an avid golfer as well. Jordan is a Junior golfer Katelyn Wright stems from a golfing family. Her freshman at California Polytechnic State University and is a member of mother Shelly Wright had a sucits men’s golf team. cessful career playing golf at NU “We were competitive in so — it was only fitting that Wright would grow up to be deeply in- many sports growing up,” Wright said. “Especially golf. It’s funny bevolved in the sport as she grew up cause I was older so I was able to in Incline Village, Nev. drive it farther than him and I would “When I was about three or throw it in his face. Obviously, that’s four my parents would take me not the case now.” to the golf course,” Wright said. Although they are miles apart “They would let me hit some and and rarely get to see each other, Jorteach me as much as they could dan continues to be one since I was so young.” of the biggest influences Starting out young in his sister’s life. and having a mother “I’m from a small who is a talented on town so there weren’t the golf course gave many girls my age to Wright an advantage play golf,” Wright said. over most of her fellow “I played golf with my golfers. While there is brother and he pushed a certain pressure that me. He was my fuel to comes with having a constantly get better. parent as a coach and Even though we talk all mentor, Wright said the time, I really miss that for her it was perhim.” fect. KRAPFL As with any sport, “She was never sometimes the pressure pushy,” Wright said. to do well can be over“Most people think that because my mom was so heavily into golf whelming. “I carried a big weight comthat I didn’t have a choice but to ing here,” Wright said. “I have my play, but that wasn’t the case.” Her mom isn’t her only sup- whole hometown keeping up with port system, though. Wright has me. It’s great to have so much sup-

port, but it puts a lot of pressure on me not to let everyone down.” NU women’s golf coach Robin Krapfl said that despite the pressure, Wright has grown into a tremendous golfer. “She came here sheltered,” Krapfl said. “She has matured since then, and she has one of the best work ethics I’ve seen. She’s very focused in practice.” Wright wasn’t always too keen on playing golf for the Huskers, though. Living in her mother’s shadow wasn’t something she looked forward to. “I wanted to make my own story,” Wright said. “But when I came to visit, I fell in love with everything: the coaching staff, the team and definitely the passion that is Nebraska athletics. The entire state is so passionate about NU athletics it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” After being here for almost three years, Wright is more confident than ever about her decision. “Even though we didn’t grow up in the Midwest, our parents raised us with Midwest morals,” Wright said. “We have that Midwest outlook and work ethic. I can see now that I couldn’t have found a better fit for me, and I do look forward to making my own story here.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

cummings: from 10 she shot well all game, along with Moore’s 22, Nebraska would have won this game handily. One of the only games Moore did not produce her usual stats was in a 62-52 loss to Illinois. It was the only loss that Hooper out-produced Moore. Adding to Hooper’s 17 against the Hoosiers, Moore put

up nine points, but also recorded nine turnovers. This wasn’t the regular Moore and Nebraska fell because of it. With the Big Ten tournament just more than two weeks away, it appears Hooper is hitting her rhythm just in time for the Huskers. If she can consistently record

over 25-point games, as she was just a few weeks ago, Nebraska should be considered one of the toughest teams to beat in the conference tournament. KYLE CUMMINGS IS A SENIOR JOURNALISM MAJOR. REACH HIM AT SPORTS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

file photo by anna reed | dn

Senior Hayley Martin swims during the Alumni Meet in September. The swimming and diving team will compete at the Big Ten Championships in Minneapolis Wednesday.

Team works to prove it can compete in the Big Ten Swimming and diving preparing for conference championships Matt nathan dn The Nebraska swimming and diving team, in its last leg of the season, will compete at the Big Ten Championships in Minneapolis on Wednesday. The Huskers had a recordbreaking season this year. In dual meets, they went 12-3. The last teams to hold this record (with 11) were the 1986-87 and 1989-90 squads. According to junior Kristin Strecker and senior Hayley Martin, it’s difficult to rank their team on the all-time scale. “I don’t know much about back then (’86-’87 and ’89-’90 teams),” she said. “I’d say as far as since I’ve been here, this is … been just an awesome team to be a part of and success always makes being part of a team even better.” Martin provided a short background on the past teams. She pointed out that one of the teams had Olympians on the roster. However, she said it’s still difficult to rank the teams because the teams back then excelled at things the current has not. “The team in the ’80s and ’90s had several Olympians on them. That’s a huge deal to break the number of wins especially against the teams that we compete against. Being some of the more difficult teams. But you can’t really rank it because the

and finishing strong. events that they excelled at are different from the ones that we “A lot of specifics lately,” she are excelling at now. It’s a differsaid. “Turn work and strong finent team, different girls, differishes, technique.” ent mentality. When Martin spoke about “It’s hard to really rank the practice, she said that to her, it teams. I’d say we’re pretty high is all about working on essenup there.” tials that she and her team must Even though she couldn’t rank know. her team amongst the all-time “It’s not really working on greats, she was able to rank her anything in particular so much team as a favorite: Coach Pablo as just fine-tuning the stuff we Morales’ favorite team ever. already worked on,” Martin said. “I think it would be fair to say “This part of the season is more that we’re Pablo’s favorite team about getting the little things put he’s ever had,” she said. “I think together, sharpening your turns. that’s fair to say. He might not You normally do five kicks unagree with that but I agree with derwater, getting that sixth kick it.” and still having that same speed Strecker in particular feels coming off the wall.” both confident about her team and For Nebraska, the whole year about the weekend. was about proving teams wrong, “Pretty confident I’d say,” Martin said. It was showing othStrecker said. “Our team has er teams that Nebraska can combeen doing … really well this pete in the Big Ten. It was beating year. There’s already been so big teams like Northwestern and many best times and everyone Iowa that is gearing Nebraska in is looking really the right direction good at practice competitively. It’s hard to this weekend.” “I think all of As a senior, us just want to rank the Martin has been show that we can swimming for teams. I’d say compete in the Nebraska for Big Ten,” she said. we’re pretty high many years. She “Last year didn’t has been on teams up there.” go as planned for in the past that us. And I think a hayley martin have made it this lot of teams wrote nebraska swimmer far. This current us off this year. I team has her feelthink going to the ing more confiIowa invite and dent than ever for this weekend. beating both Iowa and North“A lot more confident than I western was a big step in the have been in the past,” Martin right direction. Now we just said. need to keep plowing ahead in In order to prepare, Strecker that direction.” sports@ says her team has been working dailynebraskan.com on specifics, including turn work



tuesday, february 19, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports

women’s basketball

Hooper hits rhythm just in time for Huskers

kyle cummings When player has such a significant role, nearly every aspect of her play matters

file photo by andrew dickinson | dn

Former Nebraska guard and NBA player Tyronn Lue pumps his fist at the men’s basketball game against Michigan State Saturday. Lue was inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame last weekend and received a standing ovation from fans during halftime.



f you happened to be at the Bob Devaney Sports Center Saturday evening for the Nebraska men’s basketball game against No. 8 Michigan State, you might have spotted some familiar faces in the stands. Former Husker Athletic

Director Tom Osborne and ex-Husker basketball players were some of the star figures that filled the seats of the arena. One of those was former Husker guard and NBA player Tyronn Lue. “I want a big crowd of Huskers coming back,” Miles

said. “(Current Husker players) know (Lue) played in the NBA; they know he’s won world championships. Having Tyronn back was really important.” And it seemed Lue’s presence had some effect on the Husker players during the game.

Although the 73-64 loss to the Spartans wasn’t exactly the outcome anyone in the Devaney Center had hoped for, the largest crowd this season (11,947 fans) did see careerhighs met by Nebraska senior Dylan Talley and freshman Shavon Shields.

Talley, who entered the game as Nebraska’s leading scorer, finished with a careerbest 28 points, with 19 of those coming in the second half. His previous high came against Kent State (Nov. 24) when he

men’s: see page 8

men’s golf

Brothers influence one another on the NU golf green Becca schollaert dn Siblings share a special bond that not everyone can experience. They grow up together, live together, fight together and share a life together that they both understand. Sometimes, these relationships fade. But what about those who end up going down the same path as his or her sibling? Jordan and Josh Reinertson are brothers on the Nebraska men’s golf team. Jordan, a senior, and Josh, a sophomore, have been golfing since they were young, and both credit their dad for starting them at a young age. They have been playing together ever since. Jordan chose to play at Nebraska because Nebraska offered academics, traditions and the golf

program. He also really enjoys lege, let alone playing the same the fact that it is close to Gibbon, sport. However, Jordan shoots down this idea. where he and Josh grew up. “I always hoped he would,” When Josh came on his official Jordan said. “It meant visit, he saw the same a lot to me that he things as his brother, wanted to come.” he said. The facilities Josh said followand the golf program ing his brother was made it feel like the an advantage. Jordan best choice; that and was able to show him the fact that Jordan was the ropes and differalready here. Josh credent things to do, and its his brother as being also made him feel a huge influence on his welcome on the team. decision to play here, They live together on he said. campus, and Josh de“We had some scribes his brother on great memories playjordan having an influence ing together in high on him on and off the school, and I saw I had green. the opportunity to do When asked of the perks of it again,” Josh said. Some siblings would cringe at being on a team together, their the thought of a younger brother replies were the same. Rooming with each other, going to pracfollowing them to the same col-

tice and being around each other ever, said he has never felt like he had to measure up or prove himevery day are things they most self to Jordan. enjoy. “We both knew we had some “We’re able to be there for abilities,” Josh said. “We just wanteach other, and we’re able to ed to come down here use our strong faith and focus on our own in God and relay that game.” in each other,” Jordan Josh said they try to said. be leaders on the field, When asked if but that they both lead there were any disadby action. vantages to being on They have a youngthe same team as his er brother who plans to brother, each said no. follow their footsteps in They said it’s a blessplaying golf in college, ing. but not at Nebraska. For “We’re really now, Josh and Jordan close and the best of are grateful for each friends,” Jordan said. josh other and the time they “It’s nice to live with have together. your brother and go to “I wouldn’t trade it for anypractice every day.” thing,” Jordan said. But sibling competition can sports@ be somewhat distracting, even dailynebraskan.com harmful, to the team. Josh, how-

The main reason Nebraska is on an eight-game winning streak: Jordan Hooper. When Hooper has a solid offensive game, even if senior guard Lindsey Moore does not, Nebraska usually wins. Switch the order of those two players and it’s a different story. In Nebraska’s six losses of the season, Hooper has struggled offensively. Well, struggled by Hooper standards, anyway. The junior forward’s 12.2 points per game during Nebraska’s six losses, including a goose egg against Creighton, is nearly seven points below her 19 pointsper-game season average. Moore, on the other hand, has averaged 15.8 points per game when Nebraska loses, almost a full point ahead of her season average of 14.9 points per game. When the Huskers are in trouble and Hooper is cold, they lean on Moore. I understand there is more to the women’s team than Lindsey Moore and Jordan Hooper. But when players have such a significant role on the team, nearly every aspect of their play makes a huge difference. Now comparing Nebraska’s losses to the current winning streak the Huskers are riding, Hooper averages 21.9 points per game while Moore adds 15 points per game. While the nine points is a huge swing for Hooper, Moore’s numbers mirror her consistency. She doesn’t fluctuate, as she’s almost guaranteed to score double figures. She just doesn’t always have offensive production support. Lately, Nebraska hasn’t had that problem. With Hooper shooting like Hooper again, the Huskers have as strong of an offense as ever. But when Hooper dragged through a cold streak earlier in the season, Nebraska leaned on Moore, which didn’t always work out. Granted, they did win some games — such as the game against Indiana. But during Nebraska’s shaky run, Moore put up game high points and the Huskers still lost to teams like Purdue and Maryland. Bottom line: when the Huskers desperately need Moore, that’s not good. That’s not to say that Nebraska doesn’t always need Moore, because they clearly do. Moore is the glue to this Husker squad. Let’s run down a few of Nebraska’s losses to demonstrate this idea. After losses against South Dakota State University, in which Nebraska still hadn’t found an identity yet and a loss to then-No. 11 Maryland, NU picked up one win before an embarrassing loss to Creighton. One of two games that neither Moore nor Hooper led the team in scoring, the Huskers were dropped by their in-state rival, 66-57. Again, Moore grabbed her usual 15 points, but coming up offensively for Nebraska was sophomore Hailie Sample. Her 20 points kept Nebraska close, but were not enough to make up for a scoreless Hooper. Next, Nebraska’s overtime loss to Purdue showcased a 22-point game from Moore. Hooper didn’t quite reach her average, with 15 points in the game, but her late game streak kept the Huskers alive. Had

cummings: see page 9

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