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Huskers topple Illinois, 80-57 DANCE ‘TIL YOU DROP Men use monster 43-7 run to end four-game losing streak Saturday at the Devaney Center page 10

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Annual Dance Marathon raises more than $48,000 for Children’s Hopsital PAGE 5

monday, february 20, 2012

volume 111, issue 105

DAILY NEBRASKAN dailynebraskan.com

McGill seeks to alter human trafficking laws jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

Sen. Amanda McGill used to think prostitutes sold their bodies because they wanted to. She changed her mind at a hearing last March that exposed many Omaha massage parlors as cover-ups for prostitution rings and shone light on the issue of human sex trafficking, or

the forceful exploitation of women. “I guess I was a little naive,” McGill said. Nearly a year later, the issue appears to be picking up steam as McGill pushes landmark legislation that would alter laws related to human trafficking penalties and provisions (LB1145) and grant $20,000 in funding to the Nebraska Prostitution Intervention and

Treatment Act (LB1146). The Judiciary Committee held a hearing for LB1145 Thursday afternoon, and the bill was unopposed in testimony. “Now, we have total support from everybody,” said Sriyani Tidball, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln advertising lecturer who founded Nebraska University Students Against Modern-Day Slavery and Slave Free

Nebraska. “They’re finally accepting that the girl next door is not safe. This is not some refugee that crossed the border. This is a marketplace for young girls.” McGill was out of town for Thursday’s hearing, so her legislative aide Amy Williams introduced the bill. LB1145 addresses six elements of human trafficking, including sensitivity training for law enforcement

officers, the public posting of the human trafficking hotline in areas like truck stops and the development of a process to remove prostitution charges from criminal records. “I’m trying to go at the problem holistically and would love in the future to see a more particular (system) … of getting charges wiped from your record — so that a woman can choose

to go through rehabilitation and get her life back on track,” McGill said. Nebraska’s human trafficking legislation came under fire last year, when Shared Hope International gave the state a failing grade for the quality of its sex trafficking laws.

bill: see page 3

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

(Left to right) Terrance Lewis, Megan Betchtolt, Jayleesha Cooper, Corren Chastain and Andra Williams compete in the “Mixed Ball Challenge” at the robotics expo at the Strategic Air and Space Museum on Saturday. Participants in this event challenged other teams for the most points by getting the highest number of balls through the obstacle course and into goal points with remote-controlled robots.

i, robot

Robotics showcase provides learning experiences for students of all ages story by jacy marmaduke photos by nickolai hammar


he anticipation was palpable. “Forward!” “Go backward, go backward! No!” Three teammates urged on the boy holding the controller. The goal of the CEENBoT™ Robotics Showcase Ball Course was to use the robot to push six balls into different-sized holes on a silver platform in five minutes. But with 10 seconds to go, the robot was stuck on a partition. “Three … two … one … zero.” Their faces fell. On to the next team. Winners and losers abounded at Saturday’s Nebraska Robotics Expo at the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Ashland. But Gov. Dave Heineman, who opened the day’s events, said the expo wasn’t just about blue ribbons, bragging rights and the ultimate

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prize — a trip to St. Louis for a world robotics festival. Rather, Heineman said, the event aimed to teach science, technology, engineering and math skills to young students. “The challenge we face today is to prepare these children for jobs that can’t yet exist and equip our children to deal with problems that we aren’t even aware of yet,” Heineman said. About 800 elementary, middle and high school students from across the state participated in the expo’s three divisions, two of which involved Lego robots and one that employed the CEENBoT™, a robotics platform designed by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Computer Electronics Engineering. Robot obstacle courses, food-safety-centered and timed challenges and makeshift robot foosball

Hudson McCoy (right) reacts and Jameson Kordik looks on as Ella Hennigsen (left) controls a remote-operated robot through an obstacle course. About 800 elementary, middle and high school students participated in the day-long event.

fields filled a colossal airplane hangar. The students had worked as teams for weeks and even months to configure programming systems to make the robots turn figure eights, squares and circles, build plows and extensions for the robots and master the controls to prepare for each potential challenge. Their parents and teachers said they like

artist page 5

the projects because they promote values of teamwork, dedication and responsibility. The children like working with the robots for other reasons. “It’s just like our video games,” said Michael Prucha, of the Oakdale Elementary School “Schmitz”

robotics: see page 2

Unpaid intern numbers on the rise in US julia peterson daily nebraskan

Internships form the middle ground between college life and the professional world. But in a struggling American economy, these positions have taken a new form — the unpaid kind. Students are working for the right to place names on their resumes, not for money. This breed of internship stirs up mixed feelings for students and faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “It almost doesn’t matter whether it’s the good thing or the bad thing, or the right thing or the wrong thing,” said Joe Starita, associate professor of journalism in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. “… It’s the reality of the market.” It’s a reality that has developed more during the past three years, Starita said. The power has changed hands, from the students to the employers. It once was that a student could refuse an unpaid internship and find a similar opportunity elsewhere that offered wages, Starita said. But because of the state of the economy, employers cannot afford to pay interns the way they used to. So more students are having to choose between unpaid positions or no experience at all. Devoting time and effort without pay can wear on a worker. Senior family science major Libby Moderow discovered this during the summer of 2011 while interning in Kansas City. Two or three days per week, she worked

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internships: see page 2

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Shedding ‘squeaky clean’

Country side of life

Reaching a milestone

child celebrities need chance to grow, make mistakes

artist incorporates nature into work, lifestyle

Heavyweight lane grabs career-win 100; Huskers top UNI

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for The Family Conservancy, which hires individuals to work in the community as counselors. Moderow was able to bunk with family who lived in Overland Park, Kan., just west of Kansas City. In exchange for rent, she would watch her cousins during her days off, and any extra spending money was money she had saved up during the school year. She juggled a three-credit-hour course as well for the internship. “There were definitely times I was super overwhelmed,” Moderow said. But she said she still counts this experience as a positive one. “I’m better prepared for my future because of it,” she said. For others, money was less of a concern. For recent broadcasting graduate Wade Hilligoss, the experience was more valuable than wages. He held five unpaid internships while studying at UNL. During his first few positions, Hilligoss held an extra job at the Olive Garden. When he stopped working there, he used scholarship money to secure his finances. “I basically broke even after everything,” Hilligoss said. But while working in Round Rock, Texas, as an unpaid intern during the summer of 2011, Hilligoss faced obstacles. He admitted there were times he wanted to stay home, just so he didn’t have to pay for gas.



monday, february 20, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Study: Weed ups accident chances Marijuana Policy Project refutes claims of study, says it doesn’t account for all factors conor dunn daily nebraskan

Smoking marijuana just a few hours before driving nearly doubles a person’s risk of getting into a car accident, a recent study found. The study was conducted by researchers from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and released in the British Medical Journal. The research came from nine studies that sampled about 50,000 drivers. The crashes studied occurred on public roads and included at least one moving vehicle. The researchers looked at evidence of marijuana from blood tests and self-reported drug use. They discovered people who smoked three hours before driving were twice as likely to be in a fatal car accident. Morgan Fox, communications manager for the Marijuana Policy Project, was not convinced. “While we at the Marijuana Policy Project hold that it is a bad idea to drive under the influence of any

substance,” Fox said, “the dangers of driving while under the influence of marijuana are often greatly exaggerated.” The Marijuana Policy Project is the largest nonprofit organization working on marijuana policy reform in the United States. The organization envisions “a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic and treatment for problem marijuana users is non-coercive and geared toward reducing harm.” Fox said the Canadian driving study was more concerned with individual driving ability. It doesn’t take into account a variety of factors that could play a role in determining the risk of driving while under the influence of marijuana and the effects it would have on traffic-fatality statistics. “The authors themselves pointed out several shortcomings in the study,” Fox said. The researchers said that because only one of the included studies assessed infrequent or habitual use of cannabis by drivers, they were unable to distinguish between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) amounts — the chemical found in cannabis that causes the psychoactive effects of feeling “high.”

The researchers also said the study’s results should be interpreted with caution because they were only looking at nine studies when current guidelines do not recommend testing for an overall analysis of fewer than 10 studies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported marijuana and cocaine are involved in about 18 percent of motor vehicle driver deaths. These drugs are often used in combination with alcohol. Fred Zwonechek, administrator for the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, said Nebraska state law doesn’t require testing for drugs other than alcohol when a fatal crash occurs. “However, counties are increasingly conducting toxicology testing of more of these drivers because of the involvement of our increasing numbers of trained law enforcement Drug Recognition Experts (DREs),” he said. Zwonechek said these officers are trained to conduct evaluations of surviving drivers to determine if the individuals are under the influence of drugs and to what category those drugs belong. According to the reported evaluations in Nebraska, more than 55 percent were for suspected cannabis from 2007 to 2011. Of the 1,125 DRE evaluations, about 90

percent were confirmed as cannabis. Between 2007 and 2011, there were 11 fatal crashes involving drivers that tested positive for marijuana. Fox said one of the most frequent arguments against marijuana policy reform is that if marijuana is legal, there will be a tremendous increase in traffic fatalities. “This argument does not hold,” Fox said, “because people are already using marijuana while driving and they are already being dealt with by law enforcement.” Fox said if marijuana is easier to legally obtain, many people will substitute it for alcohol, which in turn leads to fewer traffic fatalities statistically. A recent study published in the Science Daily agreed with Fox’s viewpoint, reporting some states that passed medical marijuana laws, traffic fatalities dropped an average of 9 percent and sales of beer dropped 5 percent. “While this study does not prove a casual relationship, the correlation is irrefutable,” Fox said. Zwonechek said that while other drugs, both illicit and prescription, are being increasingly detected in fatal crashes, alcohol continues to be the largest drug contributing to driving under the influence. conordunn@ Dailynebraskan.com

internships: from 1 But it was something Hilligoss said he considered a must in the hunt for future careers. It was all about experience and resume building. Starita said he’s seen more students accepting unpaid positions like these in the last three years. He said while it poses a challenge, it is within students’ best interests to work the unpaid internships if they can’t find paid ones. “You’re going to get a kind of deferred payment,” Starita said. “You’re not going to get paid in real dollars in the summer of 2012, but you are going to have something that will enhance your resume, that will make you more sexy,

that will enable you to take that unpaid internship as a sophomore in 2012 and parlay it into a paid internship as a junior in the summer of 2013.” Unpaid internships have become the new face of resume builders. And regardless of the challenges they present, many students acknowledge them as a necessary step in finding a career. As for advice for students in unpaid positions, Starita said, “You just have to suck it up and find a way to make it work and know that you’re doing short-term pain for long-term gain.” juliapeterson@ dailynebraskan.com

robotics: from 1 team. “It ties in with what we want to do,” said Ben Tombi of Oakdale, who wants to be a Navy Seal one day. And the girls involved, although part of a minority, said they’re just as stiff competition as the boys. Jordan Fett of the elementary “Blue Crew” team, who aspires to become an architect, called the experience “awkward, but fun.” Amanda Stahlnecker, who represented the eastern Nebraska section of the Society of Women Engineers at the expo, said early involvement in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields is key for girls.

“It proves that women aren’t limited,” Stahlnecker said. “You can do pretty much whatever you want, from making lipgloss to designing bridges.” But what makes the robots, above all else, such valuable teaching tools? Bob Ernesti, a math teacher at Guardian Angels Elementary School in West Point, said it’s the nature of the experience. “It’s hands-on,” he said. “See?” he asked, pointing at a student grabbing the team’s robot. “You should see the kids’ eyes when they see this stuff. They just light up.” jacymarmaduke@ dailynebraskan.com

Community desk Heuermann Lecture: Water for Food: Think Globally, Act Locally when: Monday, Feb. 20, 3:30 p.m., reception 3 p.m. where: Hardin Hall, Auditorium what: Lecture by Dr. Roberto Lenton, founding director, Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute; former chair, World Bank Inspection Panel contact: Cheryl Alberts at 402-472-9707 or calberts1@unl.edu Graduate/ Professional School Programs when: Monday, Feb. 20 to Thursday, Feb. 23, all sessions from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Information sessions for students interested in graduate or professional school. schedule: ··Monday, Feb. 20 – Preparing for the GRE ··Tuesday, Feb. 21 – Preparing for Health-Related Exams ··Wednesday, Feb. 22 – Preparing for the LSAT ··Thursday, Feb. 23 – The Admissions Interview Contact: Becky Faber at 402-472-3145 or rfaber1@ unl.edu Employee Quilt Show opening reception when: Monday, Feb. 20, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Rotunda Gallery what: Opening reception for the Employee Quilt Show. The gallery will display 30 quilts made by 15 quilters. The show runs from Monday, Feb. 20, to Thursday, March 1. Forensic Science Club study night when: Monday, Feb. 20, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.


East Campus, Biochemistry Hall, Room 303 what: Forensic Science Club hosts night for students to study together. It’s open to all students regardless of grade and major. Company Research for Job Seekers when: Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. where: Love Library South, ESC 111 what: Session to help students prepare for job interviews by researching the history of companies. Register at http://unl.libcal.com/event. php?id=15883. contact: Sue Leach at 402472-0703 at sleach1@unl. edu “JOIN THE West Wing” Job Search Workshop when: Tuesday, Feb. 21, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Workshop that will provide students with resources for a federal job search and tips on how to network with federal employers. The workshop will also teach students how to write a resume to get a federal job. An employer panel will answer questions students may have on the federal employment process. Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Hockey Fights Cancer when: Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. where: Ice Box, State Fair Park what: Sigma Alpha Epsilon will raise money for the American Cancer Society. cost: $14 contact: Jake Pflug at john. pflug@huskers.unl.edu Graduate Student Travel Grant Proposal vote when: Wednesday, Feb. 22, to Thursday, Feb. 23 where: Online on MyRED

what: Graduate Students can vote on the Graduate Student Travel Grant Proposal. The proposal aims to help fund some of the trips graduate students take for research by increasing graduate student fees by $1. For more information, visit http://asun.unl. edu/graduate-student-referendum.

Poetry Reading when: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Poetry reading with readings of Slavic poetry with an English translation. Ethics Brownbag lecture: “Academic Integrity Policies for the Information Age” when: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Discussion led by J. Deogun and C. Riedesel on ethical concerns of academic integrity policies in the information age. contact: Steven Swartzer at 402-472-2104 or swartzer@ unlserve.unl.edu Lecture: Can Technological Optimism Trump the Politics of Scarcity? Water Resource Management in the Middle East when: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. where: Hardin Hall, Room 107 what: Seminar lecture by Alon Tal from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev about water resource management in the Middle East. contact: Lorrie Benson at 402-472-7372 or lbenson2@ unl.edu Lecture: DNA damage checkpoint recovery and cancer when: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Beadle Center, Room E103 what: Dr. Aimin Peng from the University of Nebraska Medical Center will lecture on how DNA damage checkpoint recovery relates to cancer and cancer research. Open to the public. A reception will be held at 3:30 p.m. contact: Barbara Gnirk at 402-472-2635 or BiotechPSIOffice@unlnotes.unl.edu Lecture: Will the Environment Survive a Middle East Peace Process when: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Auditorium what: Alon Tal from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev will present a lecture on how the environment is affected by the Middle East peace process. contact: Betty Jacobs at 402-472-9561 or bjacobs1@unl.edu Women in Agriculture Conference when: Thursday, Feb. 23, to Friday, Feb. 24 where: Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Kearney, Neb. what: Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference. For more information, visit http://wia.unl.edu/wiaconference contact: Cheryl Griffith at 402-472-0079 or cgriffith2@ unl.edu Student Appreciation Night when: Thursday, Feb. 23 where : Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center what : Students can get $1 tickets, $1 popcorn and $1 soda by showing their N-Card. The deal is good for all regular screenings of “Tomboy and “Albert Nobbs” that night.

Nut Orchard Planning, Planting, Care and Harvesting Seminar when: Thursday, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. where: Lancaster Extension Education Center at 444 Cherrycreek Road what: Seminar to introduce participants to the basics of how to meet expectations and goals when planting nut tree seedlings. Register at http://marketplace.unl.edu/ extension/registration. cost: $1 nominal registration fee contact: Tom Dorn at 402441-7180 or tdorn1@unl. edu Josh Rubin: From Great Idea to Successful Innovation when: Thursday, Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Auditorium what: Presentation by Josh Rubin, a brand consultant, about how trends work and what we can expect in the future. “Economy of Love” Study when: Thursday, Feb. 23, 8 p.m. where : Lutheran Student Center what : Discussion on how to be Christians in a world of poverty. It’s part of a five-week study on a video series by author Shane Claiborne. Student Audition Days: Undergraduate Students when : Friday, Feb. 24 and Saturday, Feb. 25, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days where: Westbrook Music Building, Room 107 what: Audition days for undergraduate students. contact: Mike Edholm at 402-472-6865 or medholm2@unl.edu

Department of Agricultural Economics Seminar Series when: Friday, Feb. 24, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. where: Filley Hall, Room 210 what: Lecture by Dr. Jeff Peterson from Kansas State University. contact: Pam Holmes at 402-472-1913 or pholmes1@unl.edu CHEMISTRY COLLOQUIUM: “Goals for Undergraduate Laboratory” when: Friday, Feb. 24, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. where: Hamilton Hall, Room 112 what: Lecture by Marcy H. Towns from Purdue University. contact: DeNeice Steinmeyer at 402-472-3523 or dsteinmeyer2@unl.edu Festival of African Culture banquet when: Saturday, Feb. 25, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Centennial Room what: Banquet hosted by the University of NebraskaLincoln’s African Student Association to celebrate Africa’s cultural diversity. The banquet includes African performances, cuisine, music, a guest speaker and a fashion show. cost: $15 per person, $100 per table (eight seats) before Feb. 3, $120 after Feb. 3 — compiled by kim buckley, community@ dailynebraskan.com

Community Desk runs in the paper every Monday and is updated daily on the Daily Nebraskan website. Submit an event to Community Desk by emailing the date, time, location, cost, contact information and general information about the event to community@dailynebraskan.com.

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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Daily Nebraskan

monday, february 20, 2012

Author claims living alone not just for loners Klinenberg says those who live alone are often more social maren westra daily nebraskan

One of the biggest adjustments a college student has to make is becoming accustomed to newfound independence. For many, a brief stint in a residence hall segues nicely from living at home to living on their own. What comes after dorm life can be overwhelming and a leap into the unknown for some. A new book titled “Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone” explores how living trends have changed in the last 60 years. According to author Eric Klinenberg, more people are choosing to live alone than in the past, which may not come as much of a surprise. What is surprising, however, is Klinenberg’s evaluation of what this means. He says that people who live alone often lead more active social lives than those who live with others. More defiantly, he challenges the popular notion that an increase in the percent of Americans living alone equates to social isolation among adults. “We need to make a distinction between living alone and being alone,” Klinenberg said in an interview with The New York Times. “At certain points in modern lives, living alone is the more desirable state.” He goes on to explain

that, for young adults, living alone shows success as well as independence and allows city-dwellers to live with a certain degree of “anonymity,” which he says many people find “exhilarating.” For older people, he said, making the switch from living with others to living alone can benefit a person simply by allowing him or her to regain control and reexplore a past sense of independence, which may have been interrupted. Terence Ross, a sophomore marketing and accounting major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been living with his girlfriend Kayla Pate for eight months. Ross lived in Sandoz last year and had two different roommates throughout the year, both randomly assigned. He said Pate is the first person he has chosen to live with. Despite Klinenberg’s defense of single living, Ross said he would rather have a roommate than live alone. Sharing an apartment motivates him to stay productive, because he isn’t always out just for the sake of company, he said. He said he doesn’t think he would get as much homework done if he lived independently. “I like having someone (at my apartment) to talk to whenever I want,” he said. “I think that I would be lonely if I lived by myself. I think I would go crazy.” Ross said that there is also a social advantage to living with someone, because it’s easier to make plans when both he and Pate each have people to call. However, he said even if he lived alone he wouldn’t feel socially isolated, because he interacts with people in


all fun and snakes


school and work and he would still hang out with friends. According to Klinenberg, 277 million adults worldwide live alone, but he is not one of them. He said he misses being able to have solitude and complete control over his social life, and that these are some of the benefits of living alone. Former Southeast Community College student Ryan Mason lives alone in a studio apartment. Mason, 20, said he has been living independently for close to two years and enjoys the sense of freedom it gives him. Mason said he does not feel isolated from others, because he invites friends over on an almost daily basis. He said he’s actually developed more social skills since he started living alone because he had to adjust to meeting people in new ways. “You pick up certain skills when you live alone, because you don’t have anyone looking after you,” he said. Klinenberg said he does not believe the upward spike in independent living is representative of a larger sociological problem. “For decades, social scientists have been worrying that our social connections are fraying … I’m not convinced,” he said. “We haven’t become so self-absorbed that we don’t care about other people.” marenwestra@ dailynebraskan.com

Cody Elmore | Daily Nebraskan

Extension associate professor of herpetology Dennis Ferraro presents a black rat snake on Sunday in Morrill Hall. Sunday with a Scientist featured more than nine species of snakes and was open to the public.

Bill aims to increase access to healthy foods Omaha senator’s legislation would provide funding to help rural and low-income areas ashley burns daily nebraskan

bill: from 1 McGill said she examined the Shared Hope International report card as well as rankings from the Polaris Project, another organization that fights human trafficking, resulting in legislation that would be unique to Nebraska. She also aims to conduct a statewide study of human trafficking patterns to provide numbers to support anecdotal evidence. Sgt. David Baker, deputy chief of the Omaha Police Department, said the department supports LB1145 — with a few exceptions.

He cited questions of constitutionality in the bill’s section on seizure of the property of suspected criminals. “We can’t state strongly enough how heinous this kind of activity is in our state,” Baker said. “(But) we want to ensure that in pursuing these criminals we are protecting their constitutional rights. That’s the way we do business.” Despite the potential necessity for amendment, Tidball said McGill’s bills have a strong chance of changing the state’s handling of human

trafficking. “I’ve seen what we can do as a community,” Tidball said. “Nebraska can be a model state. Our state is small enough and our people are caring enough that we can actually be a role model for the rest of the country.” Tidball said the state could send an important message to the others: McGill’s preliminary assumption about prostitution was wrong. “Women don’t like to sell their bodies to men,” Tidball said. “It’s a humiliating job.” jacymarmaduke@ dailynebraskan.com

letters: from 4 perceived gender norms? Of course it’s wrong. Cook’s own argument effectively explains that kids don’t care about a pink toy over a blue one. I’ve helped raise a lot of toddlers, and in my experience, the 2-year-olds don’t care about cars over baby dolls. They just want to throw them both at each other. However, at some point between preschool and kindergarten, kids seem to become more perceptive to representations of gender norms in marketing and mass media, and they begin to hold onto these representations as a way to live their lives. The parents who are outraged that Lego would buy into those norms to make money are the parents who think that it shouldn’t matter that kids pick the “right” toy. Cook is right; it shouldn’t matter to the 6-yearold. But unfortunately it more than likely will matter to them. Because their surroundings (like toys) are the only reference they have unless parents speak up. So? The parents’ concerns are legitimate. Manifesting this barrier between which toy is most appropriate for a girl and for a boy is, in my opinion, an outdated strategy and a waste of time for marketers. It’s also a risky move for Lego, I think. Of course, marketing to the age range when these norms and roles might have sunk in could yield more profits. But as an advertising student,

I have to ask: Isn’t it time we think of something new?

Kelsey Richard

Junior Advertising and Public Relations Major

Voting ‘yes’ for graduate travel funds will improve UNL’s reputation

The looming February 22-23 special graduate election to create a travel grant fund has widespread implications for the University of NebraskaLincoln. As a member of the Big Ten, UNL must compete with other top universities as a research-first institution that values the potential of its graduate student body. Currently, UNL stands alone as the only member lacking a university-wide travel grant fund for its graduate students in the Big Ten. Furthermore, less than half of UNL’s departments provide travel funding for their graduate students. This indicates a much larger concern facing graduate students and their ability to produce research or present at academic conferences. Many graduate students lack the benefits of yearly tuition waivers or assistantships. Students who continue their education without the luxury of financial assistance are motivated by the prospect of their future careers. These students understand the urgency needed to

implement a university-wide travel grant fund that will support their research endeavors and academic development. Those opposed to this upcoming vote to implement a $1 per credit hour fee to support graduate students across UNL are ignoring the logical benefits this fund will provide. This special opportunity will afford future graduate students an immediate source of funding that will nourish their academic futures. The argument against the travel grant fund ignores moral altruism. It ignores the concern and sympathy for fellow graduate students as a collective group, and the idea of advancing intellectual thought by supporting individual research. This fund will enhance UNL’s reputation as a research-first institution. Already, the proposed travel grant fund shares support among the Association of Students at the University of Nebraska, the Graduate Student Association, the Graduate Student Taskforce and the administration from the Office of Graduate Studies. It is imperative for graduate students to vote “Yes” Wednesday or Thursday on UNL’s website to support the development of a critically needed travel grant fund that will contribute to the intellectual pursuit of knowledge.

Kevin Chrisman

M.A. Student in the Department of History

For people like John Hansen, president of the Nebraska Farmers Union, keeping fresh produce on the shelves of local grocery stores is a high priority. “Nebraska has not been as aggressive as other states to establish and support the growth of farmers markets,” Hansen said. Omaha Sen. Brenda Council has plans to change that. LB1123, also known as the Nebraska Healthy Food Financing Initiative Act, introduced by Council, aims to stop the cycle of “food deserts.” Food deserts are lowincome areas, in both rural and urban communities, characterized by their lack of healthy, fresh foods. However, many in Nebraska’s rural communities don’t feel that their towns are under-served. Katerina Kristensen. a junior animal science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said her hometown, Minden, Neb., has two grocery stores and a farmers market every Saturday during the summer and early fall. According to the wording of LB1123, the initiative would help provide affordable and healthy food to rural and low-income areas of the state. Areas in which, according to the bill, studies have shown increased rates of obesity and other diet-related diseases. The bill would provide funding to establish new farmers markets and community gardens, develop cooperative grocery stores, establish new grocery

ian tredway | daily nebraskan

stores and refurbish existing grocery stores to better meet the needs of the community in terms of providing fresh, healthy food. The Nebraska Healthy Food Financing Initiative Act would, according to the bill, set aside $300,000 in the state budget for small loans, grants and interest rate assistance on loans made through other financial institutions. “(People) like knowing that their food is safe,” Hansen said. “They like knowing what the people who grew their food look like.” This could not be more true for families like Kristensen’s. “Since we live out in the country we sometimes trade produce with our neighbors,” Kristensen said. According to Hansen, trying to keep small “mom and pop” stores in business in rural communities can be a challenge. “People are willing to drive farther to go to a big box store,” Hansen said, “Then they fill in with groceries at the local stores. This isn’t sustainable.” Kristensen admitted that


she does prefer going to bigger box stores because she feels they are more up-to-date with new products. However, she is more likely to buy produce from people she knows and said grocery stores in Minden do a good job of providing produce. This legislation comes after Gov. Dave Heineman vetoed a similar bill last year, citing an overlap on other government-funded programs, “There is nothing better than eating your own salad, with your own lettuce and tomatoes,” Hansen said. “That is eating like kings.” This legislation would be good for local farmers and small farmers, Hansen said, as they would be able to sell produce directly to stores and in farmers markets. “It will open up new niche markets to our niche farmers,” Hansen said. ashleyburns@ dailynebraskan.com



page 4

monday, february 20, 2012

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

news assignment editor

assistant opinion editor

our view

Internships in humanities should be paid

For students in all fields, internships are the primary way — and sometimes, the only way — to build a resume of credible experiences before graduating from college. Some students, like engineering and finance majors, are able to — with some hard work — find paid internships, though often at quite high hourly rates. But for students in the social sciences, humanities and other areas, unpaid internships are the norm. In an unpaid internship, students often work 40 or more hours a week for a grand total of zero dollars an hour. What’s more, these internships rarely come with living stipends, meaning the already poor international relations student interning for a Washington, D.C.,-based think tank deals with rent payments of at least $1,000 a month, not to mention food and transportation costs. This is, at best, unethical. At worst, it’s illegal. Employers use unpaid interns for a variety of tasks — interns certainly file papers and make coffee, for example, but in many firms interns do meaningful, substantive work from which employers garner a significant profit. And that violates the law. What’s remarkable is, finally, after years of unpaid internships, workers are speaking out. During the past few years, according to a Slate article, at least three books and numerous newspaper articles have criticized the conditions under which interns work. Not all students are in majors where consulting firms can afford to pay wages of $22 an hour. The Daily Nebraskan believes it’s high time this practice stops.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

letters Toys geared toward gender will have eventual negative effect on children

After reading Kaley Cook’s piece asserting that labeling gender roles to toys “misses the point,” I’m here to clear some things up for her.

The outcry and controversy surrounding the release of this new line of Legos is caused by the promotion of gender norms. It’s 2012, and this isn’t an issue the general public is blind to anymore. Is it wrong for a company to stereotype toys based on

letters: see page 3

bryan klopping | daily nebraskan

Child actors deserve adulthood


ontrary to Jay-Z’s song lyrics, no one can stay “Forever Young.” Not even child stars. This month’s issue of Cosmopolitan featured teen pop star/former “Wizards of Waverly Place” actress Selena Gomez on the cover. And for many — myself included — the initial reaction is one of disdain. Why? Because Gomez is a “child” actress, and is dating a “child” (Justin Bieber). Associating Disney with a sex-ridden magazine is problematic. My suggestion: leave Selena alone! Our culture has this insane standard: We expect youthful role models to keep their squeaky-clean image for eternity. When they grow up (and start making grown-up mistakes), we shun them. Their well-being isn’t even an afterthought. Selena’s “provocative” cover is just the tip of the iceberg. Last month, Dakota Fanning graced Cosmopolitan’s cover. Fanning isn’t new to controversy: Her sexual ads for Marc Jacob’s Oh, Lola! fragrance upset a lot of people. Her role as punk rocker Cherie Currie in 2010’s “The Runaways” bothered quite a few people as well. Mostly because of her make-out scene with Kristen Stewart, who played Joan Jett. We just want to see her as Sean Penn’s daughter in “I Am Sam.” Too bad that film was released 11 years ago. To make matters worse, Fanning was two weeks shy of 18 when January’s Cosmo hit newsstands. Uh-oh. Is this an example of sexualizing a child? People are bothered by young girls who become sexual objects. However, I’ve heard no complaints about Taylor Lautner’s rock-hard body being shown everywhere — before his 18th birthday. I am just pointing out the logical hole in condemning Dakota’s career choices. Child stars struggle to be perceived as adults well into their adulthood. Wanting to remain relevant in Hollywood and in tabloids, they take their clothes off in front of a camera. Wrong? Maybe. Effective? Generally, yes. Ashley Tisdale (of “High School Musical” fame) posed nude for Allure

damien croghan magazine last year. There wasn’t much publicity surrounding the event. Tisdale told the magazine, “I’m 25, almost 26, but people think of me as much younger because I look young. Being in this shoot was me saying, ‘I’m not just the young girl everybody thinks I am. I’m actually a woman.’” Another High School Musical alum, Corbin Bleu, posed nude in 2009. His naked pics were part of a shock ad campaign for “The Beautiful Life,” a failed sitcom that aired on CW. This view of perpetual childhood has hindered the growth of many actors. Another example of a Disney child star is Lindsay Lohan. For its January/February issue, Playboy went back to its roots. For those who don’t know, Marilyn Monroe was the first centerfold in 1953. It made her iconic. She is known as the fun, fearless female (yes, that’s Cosmopolitan’s motto). And troubled actress Lindsay Lohan paid tribute to Monroe. This has pissed off quite a few people, including the general public and Marilyn’s enormous fan base. However, I would argue that, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” as Charles Caleb Colton once said. People are troubled by Lohan’s Playboy tribute simply because she’s a former Disney child star. We give these former children/current adults no room to grow up. Appearing nude is the most defiant thing they can do and sometimes, it’s the only way they gain legitimacy as a grown-up. Sure, her teeth were tarnished until very recently. Yeah, she’s troubled. But we’re drawn to the female pop icon. Marilyn Monroe is one of many. We’re drawn to celebrities with issues.

Judy Garland (yes, Dorothy from Kansas). Amy Winehouse. Rihanna. Britney Spears (a former Mickey Mouse Club member). The list could go on and on. Am I the only person who notices the parallels between Lohan and Monroe? Both had substance abuse problems. Both faced harsh criticism for their relationship pursuits. Monroe was divorced multiple times when it was still taboo, and Lohan dated Samantha Ronson, pushing the acceptance of same-sex relationships. All of this, however, is old news. Lohan has already imitated Monroe for a photoshoot. New York Magazine published photographs of Lindsay mimicking “The Last Sitting” (the infamous photos of Monroe taken weeks before her death in 1962). Lohan’s pictures were gorgeous! I’m not saying she’s on the same scope as Monroe, but the photos are classy and underrated. A lot of this stems from one truth: The name “Lindsay Lohan” is now associated with scandal rather than with her talent. Oh dear. I’ve admitted believing that Lohan is talented. That’s a whole different debate. Another argument that’s made in opposition to the photoshoot is Lohan’s celebrity status. Is she still a legitimate celebrity, or just another tabloid fixture who needs to step out of the limelight? Lohan’s failures are definitely her own doing. However, it’s unfair to say that she was the sole initiator of her unraveling. Society has impossible expectations of Lindsay (and other former child stars) to stay perceivably chaste forever. Becoming a centerfold isn’t the end of the world. And even if it is, oh well. It’s all over in 2012, according to the Mayans. Lohan may as well do a strip tease to announce her adulthood and herald in the apocalypse. The alternative is doing it clothed, and with everyone seeing her as both twins in “The Parent Trap” well into her 40s.

Damien Croghan is senior newseditorial and international studies major. Reach him at damiencroghan@ dailynebraskan.com.

Excessively partisan politics mirror religion


’m convinced they should have altars instead of podiums at the Republican and Democratic presidential conventions this year. Not because either side is very religious. However, they’ve certainly turned their political beliefs into a religion. Compromise has always been something of a big deal for Congress. In a world full of intense partisan sniping and political jockeying, the middle ground is elusive. But recently that middle ground has all but disappeared. Movements like the Tea Party have taken over Washington. While not every Republican identifies with the Tea Party, the group has had an outsized effect on politics. They’re active, they’re passionate and, judging from the large amount of them in Congress, voters seem to like it. However, this has had the negative effect — that is, if you’re a person who likes compromise, like me — of causing the Republican Party to shift further to the right. While this is going on, many Democrats are reacting by reaffirming their own liberal beliefs. As the two sides swing farther out, the middle just becomes

farther away. So much for coming together and getting anything done. One way to fix the situation would be to fire everyone in Washington and replace them with people who are willing to work together. Unfortunately, only about half of that happened. This last election brought in a large group of freshman lawmakers. But instead of being proud deal makers, they’ve turned into a group of conservative warriors, often at odds with their own party leadership. If you’re wondering what happened, the answer is democracy. Every 10 years with the census, the House districts are redrawn, and each time the districts become more partisan. Instead of creating districts with an even representation of both sides, they lean one way or the other. This creates “safe-seats” for both sides. The chance of losing those seats are ridiculously low. But it also creates an environment where catering to your base becomes more important than getting things done. In many instances, the primary of the dominant side is practically the election. Whichever candidate wins the vote will cruise on to an easy general election. The worst

jason frye threat becomes a primary challenger who can convince the base that he or she is the “purer” conservative or liberal choice. The end result? Each election cycle the candidates have to move away from the middle to appease their base. Before, this wasn’t a huge problem. Both parties didn’t differ so widely from each other. But in today’s hyper-partisan world, there might as well be an ocean between them. With their critically minded base at the top of their minds, their core conservative/ liberal principles become their most important selling point. Compromising with the other side becomes impossible. Anything that shows weakness is a blemish on their record with their voters, or

worse, a possible mark of hypocrisy. Terms like RINO (Republican In Name Only) appear all the time now when talking about candidates who don’t live up to party expectations. Individuality is frowned upon, and loyalty to the party is prized. If you ask me, it’s all starting to sound like some sort of crazy religion. By the time they’re stuck bowing down to their party and ideology, there’s no room for compromise in their vocabulary. Politicians are stuck paying homage and lip service to their ideas day in and day out. Deviance is like a sin, and being seen as a hypocrite or compromising on your principles is one step worse. As for those who don’t share their views, the rhetoric is cutting. Words like “communist,” “terrorist” and “Hitler” have been around for a while. But now patriotism has somehow been cranked up a notch. If you agree with the other side, there is something awful and un-American about you. And who’d want to cut a deal with a communist, terrorist, horrible unAmerican Hitler anyway? Religious language has saturated the campaign trail. Listening to former

Sen. Rick Santorum, it’s hard to tell if he’s campaigning or preaching. By his rhetoric you’d think gay people and abortions will destroy America before the economy collapses. Someone, those don’t strike me as the real issues. The problem is becoming unsolvable. However, there is a solution, and it lies with the American people. If Americans want to see the discourse in Washington change, they need to take a good long look at their own voting records and make some changes. How many times do we vote for the flashy, engaging candidate over the well-informed one? Do we prize a candidate with madefor-TV moments over substance? If Americans really want change, then they’ll look for the candidates who will think, who know and understand the issues and who are willing to work together instead of posture and fight. Because, frankly, if I wanted drama and petty arguments, I’d turn on “Jersey Shore” instead of C-SPAN.

Jason Frye is a senior music education major. Follow him on Twitter at @LewisJLF or reach him at jasonfrye@ dailynebraskan.com.



Art literature


Country SIDE OF

monday, february 20, 2012

pagE 5


Artist finds inspiration for unique work in peaceful farm life, rural skyline Katie Nelson daily nebraskan

Heidi Bartlett was recently accepted into a residency in North Carolina. She’s already held a one in New York City, but on a Sunday afternoon, there’s no place she’d rather be than milking calves on a small farm northwest of Lincoln. She said it’s the horizon — it gets her every time. “The dense city is not necessarily a creative space for me,” she explained. Bartlett classifies her artwork as intermedia. She works predominantly with drawing, sculpture and performance. Recently, she has been dabbling in audio and video as a reaction to her show at Drift Station last October and November. “I can’t think any other way,” she said. “I’m not just a sculptor; I don’t just draw.” Despite the medium, all of her work has a natural theme. Bartlett moved to a dairy farm last month and, along with her two roommates, has been working to fix up the farmhouse. On this particular day, she emerges from her soonto-be-studio garage, broom in hand. She is dressed in work trousers, a jacket and muddy work boots, all three of which are offset by

a white stocking cap. Today the sun has coerced the chickens from their makeshift coop. They roam freely through the farmyard. “I wake up at seven and go out and feed them and make sure everybody’s not dead,” she said, adding that she just had a chicken drown. She continues the informal tour of hog and calf pens and, finally, of the farmhouse. She is still in the process of moving in. Bartlett is originally from Waverly, Neb., but has never lived on a farm prior to this. Her parents have never been into farms or animals, but Bartlett can’t get enough of them. “I like being a farmer,” she said. “Whenever I got a chance, I was always on them (farms).” Bartlett found herself torn between being a veterinarian or an artist, when it came time to choose a major. Even while studying art at Concordia University, she would take biology classes, said Madelyn Lorenzen, a friend and former roommate. “If we were doing any assignments — even things that didn’t seem to matter — she’d read the whole thing,” Lorenzen said. Assignments aside, Bartlett goes the extra mile in her artwork as well. The

Jon Augustine | daily nebraskan

Heidi Bartlett shows one of her masks at her new workspace on a farm northwest of Lincoln on Sunday. Bartlett said she created the mask using a taxidermy form and buckskin. creative process is the most important part for her and it begins with the space in which she works. New York is so crammed with buildings and people that artists there have limited physical and mental space in which they can create, she explained. She first noticed her love of the open prairie during her internship at Art Farm, a farm at which world-renowned artists, as well as local artists can work side by side to create. She lived

in an unfinished building and one October morning woke up to a cold room and a feeling of satisfaction. “I looked out the window and I was like, ‘Why is this so satisfying?’ I’m living in a building that’s not even complete; I have no luxury,” she said. “I realized, essentially, that it was the horizon. I could just see forever.” Once her curiosity sparks the idea for a new project, Bartlett begins to sketch a plan. Her drawings are

performance for full realizations of her ideas. In her current project, she is collecting audio and video from the performers at her Drift Station show. For the exhibition, Bartlett dropped 14 deer-masked performers off in downtown Lincoln, their task to “migrate” to Drift Station, dragging chalk behind them. For the project, the

often unintelligible to others, but they are the basis for the next step in her process. The planning stage is slow-moving and takes as long as needed, but the actual creation of her pieces will often spill out in a sudden “explosion,” according to Bartlett. She will take as little as a month to begin and finish the final product, working at a breakneck pace with little rest. In addition to still pieces, Bartlett infuses live

Bartlett: see page 7

Fractured viewpoint creates Dance Marathon raises suspense in mystery novel money for Omaha hospital rachel staats

kevin moser

daily nebraskan

daily nebraskan

In Amelia Gray’s debut novel “THREATS,” shamed dentist David Beckettian receives sinister poems that make him question everything he thought he knew about his wife’s mysterious death. The Daily Nebraskan caught up with the author to find out more about the novel and discuss her inspiration for it. Daily Nebraskan: Was there a moment when you first got the idea for your debut novel “THREATS”? Where did that idea come from? Amelia Gray: I was minding my own business one day when I had a sudden, vivid image of standing at the top of a staircase and looking down at a woman at the base of the stairs holding the rail, her legs soaked in blood. I tend to write starting with ideas, so an image like that was strange and compelling. I figured I would see what happened if I continued on with it. DN: In a review by Publisher’s Weekly it says the main character David’s mind is “fractured.” What inspired you to use an unreliable narrator? How do you expect this to affect the reader’s experience with the book? AG: It’s fun to play with the idea of the unreliable narrator, mainly because that phrase is a bit of a misnomer. You have to rely on this narrator because he’s pretty much your only lens into the world. My goal is

Dancing for 12 hours may seem excessive to some, but participants in this year’s University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dance Marathon say it was time well spent. The marathon is an annual event that raises donations for the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha. This year’s participants raised a total of $48,704 before the event, with 430 students officially registering. The marathon started at 7 p.m. Feb. 17 and ran until Saturday morning, bringing together students, families and other supporters to dance the night away in honor of the children the donations will support. Sophomore advertising major Megan Merrill attended this year’s marathon and said there was never a dull moment. “The atmosphere was always super high,” Merrill said. “Everyone who was running (the event) did such a good job of making sure everyone’s spirits were up.” Merrill said time flew by with the various activities. “All of a sudden you look at your phone, and it’s like ‘Oh, I’ve been dancing for five straight hours,’” she said. Despite the non-stop dancing, the event was split up with various activities, including a performance by D*Funk, a cover band based in Lincoln. Ultimately, though, participants showed up to support the hospital.

Courtesy Photo

Amelia Gray’s first suspense novel, “THREATS,” employs disjointed perspectives to maintain a sense of mystery. for readers to rely on him enough to be carried along into the story and affected by it. DN: One reviewer referred to the chapters as “disjointed” and unorganized. Did you write it chronologically and then break the chapters apart, or was it written in the order it is in now? At what point in the writing process did you make this artistic choice? AG: Some of the flashbacks were moved around, but it pretty much stands in

the order in which it was written. As I was moving along in the present-day plot I was formulating questions about the characters: When did these two meet? What was the worst day of this one’s life? What would it look like if these two had a conversation? Writing a novel allowed me to be very indulgent in answering such questions at length. DN: “THREATS” is your

Gray: see page 7

Cody Elmore | daily nebraskan

Eddie Brown and his band DFunk perform at Dance Marathon on Feb. 17 in the Nebraska Union Ballroom. The event raised $48,704 for Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha and lasted from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Alyssa DeFrain is the marathon coordinator for the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha and has been assisting the UNL branch with fundraising for several years. DeFrain explained the funds will benefit the hospital by allowing it to purchase equipment that could improve a patient’s stay. “It could be anything from a box of crayons to a new wing of the hospital,” DeFrain said. The Children’s Hospital strives to serve all children, even if they aren’t able to pay, DeFrain said. The hospital supports children like Ian Johnson. According to the hospital’s website, when Ian was born he was diagnosed with a rare condition that stopped his heart from fully developing. The condition is life-threatening unless treated, so one week after he was born, Ian underwent his first open-heart surgery

Video online at www. dailynebraskan.com

at the Children’s Hospital. The surgery was a success and now Ian leads the life of a regular child, participating in school and sports. The Dance Marathon also supports children by sharing stories of other survivors between the dances. Members of the marathon’s leadership team said planning the event was no easy

Marathon: see page 6

upcoming events Water for Food Heuermann Lecture when: Monday, 3 p.m. where: Hardin Hall Auditorium

3310 Holdrege St. how much: Free

Drop-in Tango Lessons when: Monday, 6:30 p.m. where: The DelRay Ballroom

817 R St. $5

how much:

Fat Tuesday with Roster McCabe and Solid Gold when: where:

Tuesday, 9 p.m. Bourbon Theatre 1415 O St. how much: $5 (21+), $7 (18+)

“Partners and Adversaries”

when: Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. where: Sheldon Museum of Art how much: Free (tickets available at 5




monday, february 20, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Book club delves into LGBTQ lit Poets inspire look Jack Sampson daily nebraskan

The Q and Panic are wellknown social hang outs for the LGBTQA community, but they lack the informed discussion that can be found away from the blaring music and in a remote corner of the Haymarket. The LGBTQ Book Club provides a welcoming and alternative outlet for people of all sexual orientations with an interest in reading. The book club meets on the first Saturday of each month at Indigo Bridge Books in the Haymarket. The LGBTQ Book Club was founded by Steven Soebbing in January 2011. He came up with the idea after a discussion with his cousin who had started a similar book club in New York City. Soebbing said he thought it was something Lincoln needed, so he began contacting his friends to see if they would be interested in joining. After receiving a widely positive response, Soebbing decided this was something worth doing. He contacted Indigo Bridge Books after hearing the bookstore was an advocate of the LGBTQ community. Indigo Bridge approved the book club. “I remembered when I was coming out that I wished there was an inviting, low-pressure way to get to know some ‘out’ people and establish a supportive community and group of people to be around,” Soebbing said.

The LGBTQ Book Club reads books, plays and graphic novels dealing with homosexual, bisexual or transgender issues. Their readings have covered a wide array of literature, from Sarah Water’s “Fingersmith” to Tom Spanbauer’s “The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon.” Meetings allow members of the group to discuss selected readings in the quaint environment of Indigo Bridge Books. They break down each piece through discussions of their opinions, while relating the literature to current experiences of today’s gay community. Club members also use their time together to take on different roles when reading scenes from selected plays, such as Tony Kusher’s “Angels in America,” adding an element of drama to the meeting. Despite the group’s ties to the LGBTQ community, the book club is open to anyone. “Even though it is an LGBTQ reading club, it is never meant to be exclusive or exclusionary — it is meant to be welcoming to everyone, regardless of who they are,” Soebbing said. The LGBTQ Book Club is a group with diverse representation from bisexuals to homosexuals to transgendered people and heterosexuals. “The book club gives me a chance to learn more about the local LGBTQ community, what the individual needs are and what kind of discrimination still goes on here,” said

at who defines canon of literature NO COLUMN FOR OLD BOOKS

Mary-Ellen Kennedy | daily nebraskan

Steven Soebbing prepares for the next meeting of the LGBTQ Book Club, which meets monthly at Indigo Bridge. Susan Carol Tribby, a heterosexual member of the LGBTQ Book Club. “At least that was my original motivation, but I am finding that it’s really more of a chance to get to know some wonderful people and just encourage them by being a friend. And, hell, the books are just a lot of fun to read, too.” Tribby became an advocate of the LGBTQ community during the ’60s after meeting a group of lesbians through the Women’s Liberation Movement. She said she was baffled by the unwarranted and disgraceful prejudice directed at the LGBTQ community and because of it, she has been an ally of equal rights for a long time. Most of the LGBTQ Book Club is made up of University of Nebraska-Lincoln students,

staff and faculty. Their attendance has dwindled a little in recent months, but they’re hoping to welcome new members who are interested in LGBTQ issues. While The Q and Panic provide alternative forms of entertainment for both the homosexual and heterosexual communities, they’re far from the ideal environment of having an open intellectual discussion. The LGBTQ Book Club provides an opportunity for informed conversation among people of all sexual orientations. “I thought it was a good opportunity for people of various ages, lines of work and orientations to come together in intellectual conversation,” Soebbing said. jacksampson@ dailynebraskan.com

Book shows JFK Jr. in new light rachel staats daily nebraskan

Writing a memoir is hard, but writing a memoir that focuses on the life of someone besides the writer is even more challenging. Told by a first-person narrator, “Fairy Tale Interrupted: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Loss,” is a fantastic illustration by RoseMarie Terenzio of what it is like to invest in a job so much that you lose yourself in it, only to have it torn away from you. When Terenzio started working at a Manhattan public relations firm, PR/NY, she thought she had it made. But Terenzio had no way of foreseeing how John F. Kennedy Jr. visiting her boss would change the course of her life. After losing her office to JFK Jr. because of celebrity favoritism, Rose’s distaste for him grew. It wasn’t until he flipped her the




bird that the former president’s son was able to crack through her tough exterior to begin their working relationship. When she became JFK Jr.’s personal assistant, their relationship became even stronger. Although he teased her like a sibling would, Kennedy always looked out for Terenzio and treated her with a respect she did not expect from one of the most prominent men in the country. In return, Terenzio gave him her unswerving


Courtesy Photo

Author RoseMarie Terenzio worked closely with John F. Kennedy Jr., the subject of her new book. loyalty. “We were together almost all day every day,” she writes in her memoir. Their working relationship was admirably close and when Kennedy and his wife Carolyn died, Terenzio’s life spun out of control.

As Kennedy’s “gatekeeper,” Terenzio tells the story of JFK Jr. as no one else could, honestly describing him in both his good and bad times. Full of wit, humor and sadness, “Fairy Tale” is a Kennedy memoir you won’t be able to put down.

chance solem-pfeifer is a junior english major. Reach him at chancesolem-pfeifer@ dailynebraskan.com

Marathon: from 5


There are a couple things I want to say in this column, starting with praise for the University Program Council. I like fairness, so with justified critiques come justified accolades. The performance by the Strivers Row Poets this past Friday evening was nothing short of enthralling and, in my eyes, sets a new gold standard for UPC events: a truly captivating combination of the intellectual and the entertaining. Congratulations all around: to the five poets for their incredible minds and voices, to UPC for recognizing that the student body could benefit from a performance like this and to the nearly 200 people who showed up to Friday’s free event and made the poets — who are used to performing in places like the Smithsonian, the Apollo and the White House — feel loved in a relatively unremarkable conference room in Lincoln. We move on from here to the subject of the work itself. I am not the biggest fan of slam poetry. I appreciate the generally undeniable passion and pluralist ideas it often promotes, but there are cliches to the genre that glare a little. There will always be lines about “blood in my veins” and “words crashing into ear drums,” but insofar as spoken word poetry is a bit different, the Strivers Row crew showed why they’re some of the best in the world. The flows were discernibly different and the poems thrived on the intellectual viewpoints of the artists. No surprise if you take a quick look at their bios and see phrases such as “Yale grad student.” The poems, as one might have expected, expressed many social justice themes, decrying racism, demanding the recognition of the African American experience and promoting feminism. Perhaps more impressive, though, was that the poems were full-bodied and complex, transcending the simplicity of “don’t be racist” and “don’t demean women.” Those are indispensable sentiments, yes, but it was the Alysia Harris poem in three languages and the Josh Bennett work, that sought to view disability as a personal freedom, that pulled the performance over the ridge of passion and into a land called artistry. Here’s where part two comes in. I have never wanted to hit you over the head with an “All art is art! You

rachelstaats@ dailynebraskan.com

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Chance solem-pfeifer

don’t even know!” message, but midway through the event on Friday night, I started to conceptualize where this poetry stands in relation to what we might call literary poetry or the canon of poetry or work coming out of many of UNL’s creative writers. And at that moment, I made a mistake and committed a sin of perception that English majors are tricked into making. I decided the spoken word that I was hearing was supplementary to the canon — that poems by white men (and therefore for white men) are at the center of the art form and everything resides somewhere on the outer rim of writing. It’s difficult not to overstate or understate the significance of this moment. So far as I’m aware, it happened only in my head and for a matter of minutes. But the reality is that, if I did conceive that poetry is shaped by a white, classicist nucleus from which other elements emanate, it’s only because generations of white men or people who believe those generations have designated this completely illusory structure. The problem here is that we’re only a hop, skip and jump from prescribing superiority to the “nucleus.” And it’s grounded in what we’ve been taught and how we’ve been taught it. “Oh, I’ve had weeks of my English education dedicated to Frost and an hour devoted to Maya Angelou.” Doesn’t logic dictate to young scholars of literature that Frost is more important? More worthy of examination? Better? I would argue, yes. This is a spot where our education probably doesn’t serve us well. Every institution of education of which I’ve ever been a part has indicated the idea that African American Lit is supplementary, something to help us round our education out. But why is the frosting made of “ethnic” lit on a cake made of European or European American writing? I should have realized if we’re going to pretend there’s a center of the poetry universe we are, in fact, pretending. It’s as relative as looking at autism as a disease, not a freedom. It was a wonderful and moving poem, Joshua Bennett. And, hey, if we’re talking about cultural relevancy (a good thing to talk, eh?), the work I heard on Friday speaks to the problems of being a human being in 2012 with more spirit and accessibility than the contemporary literary poetry I love so dearly.

UNL Women’s Club, We are Faculty Spouses, Faculty and Friends. Our mission is to provide scholarships for UNL students each year.

task. “It was a lot of work at first, but nothing that is too much for me because it’s a really great cause,” said Dance Marathon chair Jaime Michelsen. Michelsen has been involved in the Dance Marathon since she first participated her freshman year and she said the event gets larger every year. The 2012 marathon raised $21,000 more than last year’s event. Still, Zach Owens, the advisor for the event, said the marathon needs to get larger to compete with similar events at other Big Ten schools. “Northwestern raises over a million dollars at their event,” Owens said. “Other Big Ten schools raise upwards of a million dollars. We have a long way to go.” Owens said the organization is building foundations to compete with other schools.

“In past years it became more about the event, itself,” Owens said. “We have since shifted our focus to fundraising.” Despite the competition with UNL’s counterparts, Owens and Michelsen are pleased with this year’s progress and many of the participants agree. This was Merrill’s first year taking part in Dance Marathon, but she said she was inspired to become more involved, possibly in planning the event. “It looks like so much fun and I would love to be on the team,” she said. DeFrain said the event is an important way to put things in perspective for students. “I think it’s a really good idea to get students involved with giving so they realize what’s going on in their world.” kevinmoser@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

monday, february 20, 2012

gray: from 5 first novel, but not your first published piece: “AM/ PM” and “Museum of the Weird” are both collections of short stories you have had published. What made you decide to write a novel? Do you think you will continue to write novels in the future? AG: I like playing with different forms. I’ve also got a feature-length screenplay, a 10-minute stage play, other bits and pieces of things. I’m collaborating on some pieces and writing short stories at

the moment but I’m eager to dig into another long project. DN: It seems you have a penchant for writing unique stories about extraordinary circumstances. Is there a reason for this theme? How difficult is it to find inspiration for these tales? AG: The funny thing about extraordinary circumstances is that there’s always some very ordinary element to them. There’s no story, fiction or nonfiction, that doesn’t have trappings of


the normal world all over it. I like thinking about that and exploring it in relation to stories. Inspiration is easy because it’s such an extraordinary world. DN: Over the course of writing “THREATS,” what has been the most interesting, unexpected or rewarding aspect? AG: I got closer to this story than anything I’ve ever written. There was a time near then end of it when I woke up and wrote for some

hours, and then I’d go to sleep in the afternoon and wake up at two in the morning and write some more. I was so close to it in a way I’ve never felt before. DN: In an interview with Christopher Higgs of HTMLGIANT, you describe experimental writing as “a kind of response.” To what are you responding in “THREATS”? AG: The thing about detective stories — all mystery stories, really — is how things are wrapped up and taken

care of at the end. I wanted to try and write a story that felt satisfying and good to read but where questions were not necessarily answered. My editor Emily Bell and I went back and forth a lot on that. She ultimately had the same goals as I did, but played the devil’s advocate in terms of the whodunit. It ended up being a much stronger book because of her, which is pretty much all you can ask for. DN: What is your favorite

thing about being a writer? Least favorite? AG: I love the feeling of figuring something out. It seems rare to have that feeling in life, or at least it’s rare for me — when the plot unwinds and the blank spots are filled in. I can’t think of the last time that has happened in my non-writing life. Least favorite is the blank page. It’s always the same, every time.

“Some people would say that was so ridiculous and strange,” said Lorenzen, who was with Bartlett during the escapade. “I knew she had a purpose ... I was on board.” From then on, nature has been the main inspiration for most of Bartlett’s work and ushered her into the development of some unique skills. Bartlett gathers her materials from a plethora of places, including her own backyard.

She acquires discarded hides from a Crete business and feathers from her own flock of chickens. Bartlett is also looking into purchasing a wider array of chicken breeds to increase diversity in the feathers she uses, as well as an alpaca to sheer for wool. In a way, she is recycling nature itself. She has learned to tan hides the traditional Native American style and has dabbled in taxidermy when making a

variety of deer-hide masks. This summer Bartlett hopes to focus her energy on learning construction and how to mill wood. It is through her experiences that she hopes to create a new perspective for her audience. On a trip to Poland and Venice in October, Bartlett attended a show where the entire gallery was part of the piece and it changed the way she looked at art. Surrounding herself with

nature has taught her to focus her attention on the micro, while acknowledging the macro. And through the lens of art, she tries to show people this perspective. “It’s so vital because, if we can get people to see and we can get people to problem solve, that’s exactly what art does,” she said. “My goal is just to open people’s eyes to see things, like the horizon.”

rachelstaats@ dailynebraskan.com

Bartlett: from 5 performers have been asked to describe their performances on video or on recorded audio. But the media of audio and video are unfamiliar — even unnatural — to Bartlett. “I’m interested in video because it’s so uncomfortable for me,” she said. “You’re almost limitless because you don’t know the rules.” However, most of her previous work originated in nature. She first incorporated

deer into her artwork when she tried to draw herself as a satyr creature, a minor Grecian deity associated with fertility. She said she didn’t like the masculine look of goat’s feet, so she decided to base the design off a fawn — a feat that forced her to go hunting for inspiration in an unlikely source: road kill. She found a deer on the side of the road, cut off its legs and took them back to her studio to study.



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Roommates 25 year-old female grad student looking for a roommate to share 3-bedroom, 3-bath townhome in South Lincoln (40th and Yankee Hill). You would have your own room, bathroom, and garage space. Rent $475/month plus utilities (to be split evenly). Washer and dryer and lots of space, including a large kitchen. It is furnished with the exception of your room. VERY close to Target, Southpointe, and Williamsburg Trail. The townhome association takes car of snow removal, landscaping, etc. Needed by beginning of April, although this may be negotiable. Non-smoker and no animals please. E-mail Paige at plembeck@huskers.unl.edu or call (908) 246-7881 if interested. $250/month, No Lease! Roommate wanted for new $200K house near I-80. Immaculately furnished! Free internet, laundry & cable. Clean & responsible only. 499-7765, elclark68504@yahoo.com. Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to dn@unl.edu and include your name, address and phone number. Rooms for rent (male) in 4 bedroom, 2 bath energy-efficient home. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, most furniture, and kitchen appliances included. Deck for grilling, walk-out basement, and fenced-in backyard. Friendly neighborhood five minutes from campus (driving). Availability beginning March 1 through the upcoming school year. Rent averages to $350 after utilities. Please call (308) 379-6537 or e-mail Gary at gshuda_22@hotmail.com for more information.




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# 31

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Off Campus Housing Fair March 7. See what’s out there. # 29

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# 30

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monday, february 20, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Shots fall, effort pays off in victory Dan Hoppen daily Nebraskan

Throughout the past few weeks, as the losses mounted against the Nebraska basketball team, coach Doc Sadler continued to stick to two themes. He was proud of his players, and they were playing hard. Saturday night the Huskers combined that hard work with an efficient offense and blasted a stumbling Illinois squad that, like NU, entered the game as losers of four straight. Sadler said the Huskers played with pride Saturday, something that may have been inspired by an unusual speech he delivered to his team before the game. Coaches traditionally harp on playing for the name on the front of the jersey — the team’s name — to emphasize unity. Some schools have gone as far to emit the players’ names from their jerseys’ backs. Sadler took a different approach. With the season spiraling downward, it was time to play with some pride. “It’s not easy,” Sadler said. “We’re always going to play for Nebraska, but we’re to the point right now that you better play for the back of your jersey too. It should mean an awful lot to you, and I think our guys did that.” That mindset was a different twist on Sadler’s “play hard” approach, but it seemed to work. The Huskers held the Fighting Illini to less than 40 percent shooting and kept them out of the lane, something NU has struggled to do in recent games. And Sadler’s point was well-made. Both Bo Spencer

andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Nebraska coach Doc Sadler does an interview with Big Ten Network analyst Jim Jackson after the Huskers’ 80-57 win against Illinois. and Brandon Richardson admitted postgame that this rough patch in the season hasn’t been easy, but they believed the results would turn around if their effort didn’t dip. “We had a mindset that we were going to defend and finish the season out,” Spencer said. “We were going to continue to play as hard as we can.” “I’m proud of our guys because they fought hard,” Richardson said. “We kept fighting. It started in practice and we carried it over to the ballgame. Maybe guys were realizing that this is the end of our season and guys are trying to do things differently. Hopefully we can continue doing this.”

The season has certainly been a trying one for the Huskers. Center Andre Almeida was lost to injury before the season began and Jorge Brian Diaz and Dylan Talley both missed five games midseason because of injuries. A few games ago, Sadler said Diaz’s foot problems would cost him the rest of his junior season, leaving Brandon Ubel as NU’s only post player with experience. Mix in a 4-10 conference record, a pair of four-game losing streaks and six losses by 16 points or more and it’s not hard to see why Sadler is so pleased when he says he hasn’t seen the Huskers’ effort dwindle. “I’m proud of them,” Sadler

said. “They’ve been thrown a lot of curveballs. I’d be disappointed if our players didn’t care. Our guys care. “I know how hard it is as a player to come in here and work hard every day. They’ve done that.” A smiling Richardson admitted his senior season has been wearisome, but it was much easier to be optimistic after a 23-point win that wasn’t as close as the final score indicated. “I know it’s been a rough season, but I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Richardson said. “The guys have been amazing. Hopefully we can continue to do more good things.” danhoppen@ dailynebraskan.com


NU finishes 11th at first Big Ten’s Minnesota takes the conference crown in Iowa Staff report daily Nebraskan

After a rocky start to the Big Ten Championships, the Nebraska women’s swimming and diving team managed to rebound this weekend. As the races wound down on Saturday, Minnesota won the Big Ten Championships at the University of Iowa with a total team score of 680.5. The Huskers finished 11th with a score of 82, ahead of Michigan State. Nebraska was only two points behind Illinois, who the Huskers dropped a close dual meet to earlier in the season. While the Huskers had

no swimmers and only one diver qualify for finals on the first day of individual competition, Nebraska was able to place athletes in the top 24 for seven individual events over the course of Friday and Saturday. Shannon Guy had the top finish for the Husker swimmers by finishing 11th in the 100-yard butterfly with a time of 54.23. Guy later came back on Saturday to finish 15th in the 200yard butterfly, coming in at 2:02.48. Diving continued to be the Huskers’ strength as they had two divers score in the women’s platform diving event. Juniors Kaitlan Walker and Alyson Ramsey finished 11th and 16th by posting scores of 278.20 and 224.70, respectively. Although no more Husker swimmers scored any points

individually, others made it to finals. Junior Hayley Martin finished 23rd in the 200-yard freestyle on Friday, touching in at 1:50.01. Two events later in the 100yard backstroke, NU’s Ellan Dufour finished 22nd with a time of 55.97. Sophomore Bailey Pons swam a 16:34.75 in the timed finals of the 1,650yard freestyle to finish in 19th place on Saturday. After missing out on finals for the 50-yard freestyle, junior Ariel Weech finished 19th in the 100-yard freestyle with a time of 50.16. The 400-yard medley relay team of Dufour, Kristin Strecker, Natalie Morris and Weech kicked things off on Friday night by finishing 11th at 3:45.98. Penn State got their first relay victory of the championships, swimming a 3:33.50.

The Huskers went out on a high note with a strong 10th place finish in the 400yard freestyle relay, beating out Michigan State and Michigan. Martin, Weech, Pons and freshman Kelly Dunn combined for a time of 3:22.23. Wisconsin notched their third relay victory of the championships with a time of 3:16.12. The competition at the Big Ten Championships was fierce for Nebraska, with this being their first opportunity to swim against many of the Big Ten’s top teams. Next year’s Big Ten Championships will be held February 20-23 at the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center, giving the Huskers another year to prepare for a second chance at the teams of the Big Ten.

sports@ dailynebraskan.com

basketball: from 10 according to NU coach Doc Sadler. Even though the Huskers played zone defense for much of the game, the sixth-year coach argued that neither his team’s desire nor its strategy changed for its contest against the Illini, who have now lost five straight and eight of their last nine. “The difference is we made a lot of shots,” Sadler said. “A lot of shots. When shots go down, you probably think you played a lot better than you did. Give our guys credit for making shots.” The Huskers’ bubble burst a long time ago. They were on a four-game skid and rumors are flying around Lincoln about their coach’s future. However, that hasn’t gotten to them, according to Sadler. He’s proud of how his team has handled itself down the stretch.

“But to know that they are continuing to give every bit of effort that they’ve got makes me proud,” Sadler said. “Because I knew without (this win) what kind of character and what kind of guys they are.” But just because NU finally got the monkey off its back and won a game doesn’t mean the season is over by any means for the Huskers. Nebraska has five games left in Big Ten play, and NU will be ready for its next opponent, Purdue, on Wednesday. “It’s good that (the win) happened,” Spencer said. “We’re going to have some fun today. But after today is over, we’ve got to stay in the gym and work on our jumpers and keep having practices like we’ve had the past few days.” robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com

baseball: from 10 Kalkowski, Kurt Farmer and Chad Christensen, who led the team with six hits. The results left the rookie coach parched for his first win, but he was adamant the Huskers will improve in the coming weeks. “I would have liked to get our first victory,

but we’re going to keep working and keep coaching,” Erstad said. “The effort is there. We just have to finish games, which we didn’t do a good job of defensively and pitching-wise. We just didn’t shut the door. danhoppen@ dailynebraskan.com

wrestling: from 10 teammates want to make their mark in their first Big Ten season. “Obviously we’re a newcomer in the conference and we want to show these other schools that we’re here to stay,” he said. “We’re going to be a force to be reckoned with for years to come.” In their last regular-season test, the Huskers were able to run away from the Panthers with big wins in the middle of the lineup. NU never trailed, as freshman Skylar Galloway won the first match of the dual 6-3. “I think Skylar Galloway really set the tone of the match,” Manning said. “He was behind early and then really showed a lot of fire at the end of the match — did a really good job.” After No. 20 David Bonin won the 157-pound match for Northern Iowa, another NU freshman, Robert Kokesh, got the Huskers back on the winning track with a technical fall at 165. NU junior Tyler Koehn followed with a pin at 174, and Nebraska never looked back. “They did a good job. They both did what we expected them to do and both wrestled hard,” Manning said. “Tyler Koehn’s really stepping up.” “He doesn’t pin a lot of people, so that was good,” Manning added about

Koehn’s win. At 184 pounds, No. 8 Josh Ihnen defeated No. 6 Ryan Loder of Northern Iowa 4-2. The victory was Ihnen’s first against a top-ten opponent in five opportunities this season. “Finally got over the hump,” Manning said. “His mental maturity is just so much higher than it was last year and he did a good job. That’s how you’ve got to wrestle tough opponents. Josh went down and got a reversal. That shows a lot.” Another triumph for Nebraska on the day concerned wrestlers who did not compete. In particular, Manning was happy he was able to rest freshman 141-pounder Jake Sueflohn. By the time the dual reached the 141 match, No. 9 Sueflohn’s services were not needed. The Huskers were also able to garner a lot of back points throughout the dual, and were overall pleased with their effort. “We came out and we got some big bonus-point wins,” Lane said “We had a good win at 184. I think we did a good job considering we had a couple of our regular guys were out, a little banged up. I think overall, we’re looking good heading into Big Ten (Championships).” zachtegler@ dailyNebraskan.com

Huskers get set for Big Ten indoors at Nebraska Tune-Up Chris Peters daily Nebraskan

Friday was the last chance for many Nebraska’s athletes. For some, it was their last chance to make the 32-person Big Ten Championship meet roster. For others, it was their last chance to fix anything that may have been missing from their game before the Big Ten meet. For former-Husker David Adams, it was his last chance to qualify for the U.S.A. Indoor Championships. The Bob Devaney Sports Center Indoor track echoed its loudest during Friday’s Nebraska Tune-Up during the men’s 3,000-meter run. Adams ran unattached in his first season since graduating from Nebraska. The announcer pumped up the crowd, telling them to rise to their feet and cheer on Adams, who quickly jumped to the front of the pack. Lap after lap, the crowd grew louder, until finally he crossed the finish line just short of eight minutes. His final mark was 7:59.53. Adams qualified for the national meet. Less than a minute behind him, current Husker Peter

Falcon crossed the finish line with a season-best time of 8:48.78. Falcon was just one of 19 Huskers who set a season-best or personal-best at Friday’s last-chance meet. Nebraska had 13 athletes place first at the meet. “We’ve had some good season-bests which is great to see a week before conference,” coach Matt Martin said. “I think mostly we’ve got to be feeling pretty good about ourselves going into next week.” One of the biggest areas of focus for Nebraska’s athletes at Friday’s meet was the pursuit of a spot on the Big Ten roster. While coaches will sit down and determine the roster Monday, Martin and distance coach David Harris said a number of athletes cemented their place on the roster with strong performances at the Tune-Up. Harris said they would let everything cool down for a couple days before sitting down and logically composing a roster. “You’ve got the emotion of the meet and how they did,” Harris said. “You want to sit back and look at the Big Ten rankings, look at what they

did, and see if they’re that 29th, 30th, 31st person to put in the meet.” Both Harris and Martin said coaches will look at Big Ten performance rankings to determine who should join the team for the Big Ten meet. Athletes on the border of making or missing the cut will likely be chosen if they would place in their event at the Big Ten meet and score team points for Nebraska. Not every competitor at Friday’s meet was fighting for a spot on the roster, however. “This is just a preparation meet this week — trying to fine tune things,” Martin said. “(For) some people it’s good to compete. Some people have gone on for five weeks so they need a break.” Notable athletes who sat out Friday’s meet for Nebraska include Ashley Miller, Chris Phipps and Luke Pinkelman, who all competed at the NCAA Championships last season. Nebraska’s other All-American, Nate Polacek, opted to compete this week. Polacek, a senior pole vaulter, improved upon his season-best, jumping 17-10 ¼. Top high

“This is just a preparation meet this week — trying to fine tune things.” Matt Martin

nu track and field coach

jumper Carlos Hernandez, a freshman, also competed once more before the Big Ten meet and attempted a top jump of seven feet. “Jumping at seven foot was really important because he knows next week that’s going to be a scoring place,” Harris said. At Friday’s event, the Huskers did not field a women’s 4x400-meter relay team or men’s and women’s distance medley relay teams. Last week at the Iowa State Classic, the women’s DMR team broke the school record with a time of 11:15.38. The only record that fell this week was the Devaney Center record in the 800-meter run, as Boglarka Bozzay of Kansas State broke the record with a time of 2:05.16. Nebraska also opted not

file photo by kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Husker Peter Falcon set a personal best in the 3,000-meter run with a time of 8:48.78. to field participants in the men’s 5,000-meter run, 3,000-meter run or mile run. The Husker women ran the

5,000-meter, 3,000-meter and mile runs, but passed on the 1,000-meter run.

Chrispeters@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

monday, february 20, 2012

Burke, Cady pick up offensive production


Sean Whalen Daily Nebraskan

If one lesson has been learned over the past 10 days, it’s that even a duo as dynamic as Jordan Hooper and Lindsey Moore need help. The Nebraska women’s basketball team has had an enormous amount of trouble finding points to complement the scoring of their AllBig Ten candidates. During last week’s three-game losing streak, the entire team minus Moore and Hooper scored a grand total of 63 points, or 21 per game. That had to change. On Sunday, it finally did change, as the other seven players put up 38 points against Wisconsin, and NU finally eked out a win, 68-59. You could cite the quality of the competition, as this was the Badgers’ fifth straight loss, and they fell to 8-19 on the season. You could credit free-throw shooting, as the Huskers hit 17 of 21 free throws after hitting just 23 of 40 as they fell from first place in the Big Ten to No. 6. Or, you could credit NU attacking the basket more often, as NU attempted just 17 3-point shots Sunday after throwing up 88 in the three losses. “We worked on getting the ball inside a lot more this week in practice, that was a big emphasis for us,” Hooper said. “Other than that, we did pretty much the same thing we always do, but we shot the ball a lot better tonight.” All of the above were good things for the Nebraska offense, and coach Connie Yori was happy to see the team’s game plan pay off Sunday. “There was a concerted effort by us to see if we could get the ball inside and we finished more of those buckets,” she said. “Emily (Cady), especially in the first half, was particularly aggressive taking the ball to the basket.” Emily Cady broke out of her slump, scoring 13 points in the first half, Kaitlyn Burke put up 11 and the bench, after scoring a single point against Northwestern Thursday, helped out with nine points. This helped NU

chris dorwart | daily nebraskan

NU senior Kaitlyn Burke goes up for a shot Sunday against Wisconsin. The guard scored 11 points. put up the most points it scored in regulation in exactly a month (the loss at Ohio State on Jan. 19). Going forward, with just two games left in the regular season, whether NU’s secondary offensive players can keep attacking the rim and picking up buckets could be the key to how long NU continues its season. “Especially in the first half we were really attacking the hoop, whether it was our guards or our posts and that really helped get us going,” Burke said. “This allowed us to penetrate and have open layups. It also helped open up the outside shot for us.” The apparent left knee injury to Cady in the second half could put a damper on things for NU’s offense. NU is at its best when Cady steps up as a third scoring option, as she can get to the free throw line and has enough range to keep defenders from constantly doubleteaming Hooper. The injury looked bad as it happened, with two trainers having to heavily assist Cady, hopping on one leg, over to a chair on the sideline as Yori looked on. While Cady was not forced into the locker room

following her injury, Yori had little to say on the injury at her postgame press conference, saying only that she hadn’t had time to speak with team doctors. Hooper and Burke also had limited information on the subject. NU now looks to improve its seeding for the Big Ten Tournament in its final two games. While Yori was adamant that the team is looking toward Michigan State Thursday night and nothing else, NU finds itself tied in third place with MSU, Iowa and Purdue at 9-5 in the conference. Two of those four will likely receive first-round byes in the tournament as the No. 3 and No. 4 seeds. With Nebraska holding an RPI of 44 going into the Wisconsin game, according to realtimerpi.com, another win would certainly strengthen an NCAA Tournament resume that took some hits over the last few games. To do that, the Huskers might want to keep getting to the rack. “Getting to the rack helps a lot,” Hooper said. “Once you see (a shot) go in, especially an easy one, your outside shots will start to fall.” Seanwhalen@ dailynebraskan.com


NU sweeps weekend with offensive breakout Nedu Izu

Daily Nebraskan

In college softball, the mercy rule comes into effect after a team is ahead of its opponent by eight runs after five innings. The Nebraska softball team used that rule to its advantage this weekend as the Huskers showed no mercy to their opponents four times in a total of five games during the Troy Cox Classic. In its second tournament of the year, No. 22 Nebraska won all five games, improving its season record to 8-3. During the weekend, the Huskers faced off against four teams in Colorado State, Weber State, Stephen F. Austin and host New Mexico State. Assistant coach Lori Sippel said she was impressed with the team’s offensive production throughout the weekend. “(Sunday) we started out behind 2-0 and we thought right away it would be a slugfest,” she said. “But we were able to stop the momentum in the first inning.” After sophomore Tatum Edwards gave up a two-run home run in the top of the first inning, Nebraska answered back in the bottom of the third with seven runs, including a three-run home run by junior Brooke Thomason. Freshman Mattie Fowler’s first career home run in the bottom of the fifth inning ended the game with a 10-2 win, making it the seventh time this year the Huskers have defeated their opponents by eight or

more runs. Sippel said the offensive surge from Nebraska this weekend helped the pitchers’ arms stay fresh. “The run rules are always kind of nice for me as a pitching coach,” she said. “It cuts down the innings our pitchers have to throw. I was really pleased with the girls’ productive at-bats.” Senior Ashley Hagemann, who earned the win, came in to replace Edwards in the third inning and pitched three innings of scoreless ball, allowing four hits, while striking out four. Edwards, who started the game, threw two innings, giving up three hits and two runs. The sophomore, who pitched a total of 11 innings, picked up two wins in the Troy Cox Classic against Colorado State and Stephen A. Austin. Edwards, who pitched only eight innings last weekend, said she was happy to have contributed to the team’s wins this weekend. “I’ve been doing a lot of treatment and I just wanted to come out and get ahead of batters,” she said. “It felt great pitching well for my team and I wanted to give them the best games I could give.” In the tournament’s first game, the Huskers beat the Rams, 10-2, in six innings thrown by Edwards. Her second win came in a 9-0 victory against the Lumberjacks. She also helped her cause with the bat.

In the first game against the Rams, Edwards went 3-for-4 with two RBI, combining for six RBI with her sister, Taylor, in that game. “I was just seeing the ball well,” Edwards said. “And when that happens you just want to make sure that the next game is better than the game before.” And that’s what happened for Edwards in Game 2 of Friday’s tournament. Against the Aggies, Edwards connected for two long balls and tied the school record with seven RBI. Sippel said she’s noticed Edwards’ confidence grow in each game. “She’s getting stronger every time she gets the balls,” the pitching coach said. “Not just physically but she’s understanding her game more and more. She’s a great athlete and her confidence is constantly building.” Edwards is now tied with senior Ashley Guile for 16 RBI on the team. Although the team’s biggest concerns coming into this weekend were their defense and pitching, they also were happy with the consistency in their offense, Edwards said. “Overall we did great this weekend,” she said. “We made quick adjustments against the pitchers we faced and hit solid ball in every single game. “Coming off last weekend, this weekend moved us into the right direction that we wanted to go.” neduIzu@ dailynebraskan.com

morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Sophomore Jordan Hooper (35) looks to score against Wisconsin’s Anya Covington on Sunday. Hooper led the Huskers with 19 points in the 68-59 victory.

Huskers top Wisconsin, tie for third in Big Ten Andrew Ward daily Nebraskan

Nebraska can breathe easy again. The Huskers beat Wisconsin 68-59 at the Bob Devaney Sports Center Sunday afternoon to snap a three-game losing streak. “Of course, you think about those three losses a little bit,” senior Kaitlyn Burke said. “But we were so focused on this game that we didn’t worry about the past and we got the job done.” In front of a sea of pink for breast cancer awareness, NU showed no signs of its recent offensive struggles as it shot 43 percent from the field, its highest mark in its last four games. Jordan Hooper led the way for Nebraska with a doubledouble, scoring 19 points to go along with a career-high 18 rebounds, the 12th highest mark in school history. “I have never coached a player that has had that many rebounds before,” coach Connie Yori said. Things were different offensively for NU right from the start when Burke made the first of her two 3-pointers to open the game. Moore added another three to help the Huskers jump out to an 11-4 lead. “It’s a huge confidence boost for us to come out and make those threes early,” Hooper said. “You just see one go in and you know the next one is going to fall because that confidence is back.” Wisconsin battled back to

take the lead by one at 18-17 midway through the second with 9:57 to go in the first half half with a knee injury. to counter Nebraska’s initial The combination of Hooper burst. Emily Cady then made and Cady gave NU a signifia bucket to give Nebraska a cant advantage inside. The 19-18 lead. A 41-16 Nebraska Huskers outscored the Badrun ensued to make it 60-34 gers 36-20 in the paint and with 13:40 to go in the game. outrebounded them 34-31. The Badgers proceeded to NU also recorded 12 offensive fight, though, cutting the lead rebounds finishing with 16 to eight points with 1:27 to go second-chance points. by holding Nebraska scoreless “The biggest thing for us for an eight-minute stretch offensively is we got the ball from 13:40 to 5:41 in the sec- inside and we offensive reond half. Wisconsin scored bounds,” Yori said. “We got a 13 unanswered points during bunch of put-back baskets and that time frame to catapult the there was a concerted effort 22-4 run to cut on our part the lead under to get the ball “You just see one double digits at inside more go in and you 64-56. this game.” Moore finThe inknow the next ished the deal crease in ofone is going to for Nebraska, fense added fall because that knocking down to the Huskfour key free ers defensive confidence is throws in the intensity as back.” closing minute the Badgers of the game to fought for halt the Badgers’ every bucket. Jordan Hooper W i s c o n s i n momentum. The nebraska sophomore junior finished shot just 38 with 11 points percent for and six assists. the game and After those initial threes, turned the ball over 15 times. Nebraska made just two more Nebraska turned those turnthe rest of the game. It was overs into 14 points. the Huskers’ ability to score in Nebraska now looks ahead the paint that enhanced their to a big game on Thursday at offensive efficiency and gave Michigan State to keep its hopes them the much-needed win. for a Big Ten title alive. Cady, who did not score “We need to just practice remore than 10 points in any ally well this week and finish game throughout the losing really strong,” Hooper said. streak, scored 13 points in “You don’t take anything for the first half and was more granted. You take each day as aggressive in the paint with it comes and you don’t look eight free-throw attempts. Un- past any day.” andrewward@ fortunately, she left the game dailynebraskan.com

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page 10


monday, february 20, 2012



Nebraska guard Caleb Walker reacts after a basket Saturday afternoon at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The senior scored 13 points in 31 minutes of action.

Huskers experience winning end of blowout with 80-57 victory against reeling Illini Story by Robby Korth | Photo by Morgan Spiehs


ith 4:11 remaining in the first half, the Nebraska basketball team found itself down 24-23, but the Huskers were surging. At that point, NU was on a 7-0 run when guard Caleb Walker stole the ball from Illinois’ D.J. Richardson, passed it far up the court to Bo Spencer and then took the return dish inside to give Nebraska a 25-24 lead. And what ensued was something the 7,820 fans at the Bob Devaney Sports Center hadn’t seen since Jan. 18 as Nebraska (12-13, 4-10 Big Ten) went on to beat Illinois 80-57. The aforementioned 9-0 run in the first half didn’t just end

there. The Huskers put together a 17-2 run to close the first 20 minutes to take a 33-26 lead at halftime — but the monster spurt didn’t end there. It ended with Nebraska up 59-31, a 43-7 run. And no, that isn’t a typo. The 23-point margin of victory was NU’s largest of the season. The Huskers shot 55.6 percent from the field — its highest field goal percentage ever in a Big Ten contest — and Nebraska went 10 for 20 from behind the arc, which ties a season-high percentage set back in November against South Dakota. The question running through the minds of the Nebraska

basketball faithful was, “Where exactly was the team that showed up against Illinois (16-11, 5-9) all season?” Spencer scored 27 points and went 9 for 11 in the field. Rather than answer the anticipated question with a rant about how frustrating the season has been, Spencer took a positive outlook on this result. “Better late than never,” he said. “That’s all I can say. I could question, but there’s nothing I can go back and change. “Hopefully we can just string together these five and try to have a run in the tournament.” But Nebraska didn’t really play the game any differently,

basketball: see page 8 »baseball »

Senior Lane grabs 100th Bullpen falters; NU career win against UNI

begins season 0-3 Dan Hoppen daily NEbraskan

The Husker offense and starting pitching did its part and gave Nebraska a chance to win three times this weekend in its three-game series against Gonzaga in Peoria, Ariz. Unfortunately, the bullpen coughed up the lead all three times and the Darin Erstad era begins with a 0-3 record. “I’d rather this happen now and have us deal with some adversity right out of the chute,” Erstad said in his postgame radio appearance. “This is the best time for it to happen. We don’t want this happening later in conference play. These are great learning lessons, but it’s very difficult.” The Huskers started slowly Friday night against the Bulldogs’ ace, Marco Gonzales, the WCC Co-Player of the Year last season, falling behind 2-0. But NU battled back and tied the game in the 6th inning on a Kash Kalkowski home run. A one-out RBI single by Cody Burleson gave the Huskers a 4-3 lead, but NU stranded three runners in the inning. After Gonzaga tied the game at 4-4 in the seventh inning, Eric Lane singled in a run off Dylan Vogt in the eighth. Gonzaga added two more after NU shortstop Pat Kelly made an errant throw to first.

“We were right in that game with them,” Erstad said. “(We) just didn’t get that hit when we needed it.” After a strong start by Jon Keller Saturday, the Huskers scored three runs in the sixth inning and two more in the eighth, handing an 8-5 lead to new closer Tyler Niederklein. But the junior was unable to close the door, allowing five hits and five runs while only recording one out. Ryan Hander eventually got NU out of the inning, but the Huskers were unable to score in the last frame after a leadoff double by Rich Sanguinetti. Sunday’s game looked like it was going to be a different story. Freshman starter Kyle Kubat tossed five scoreless innings and reliever Tom Lemke got through the sixth and seventh innings unscathed. By then the Huskers had built a 4-0 lead. B u t the Bulldogs got to Lemke in the eighth, scoring twice. Erstad Gonzaga loaded the bases with two outs, but Travis Huber got Billy Moon to lineout to left to end the threat. An opportunity to add insurance runs in the bottom

of the frame was squandered when Ty Kildow was tagged out at the plate on a squeeze play, sending NU into the ninth with a tworun advantage. This time, Erstad picked Brandon Pierce to close it out. Pierce struck out the first batter before things fell apart. The next three batters walked, reached on an error and walked, respectively, bringing Gonzales to the plate. The sophomore lined a bases-clearing double into the gap, giving Gonzaga its first lead of the game. The Huskers got runners on first and second with one out in the ninth, but Sanguinetti flew out and Austin Darby struck out to end the series. Over the course of the series, NU starters pitched 15 innings, giving up 17 hits but only five runs. The bullpen fared much worse, surrendering 24 hits and 17 runs (12 earned) in 12 innings. Erstad was positive after the series, believing that the bullpen questions will be answered soon. “We’re trying to fit different pieces of the puzzle and find the right combination that works,” he said. The NU lineup produced well, batting .286 as a team and getting home runs from

baseball: see page 8

Zach Tegler daily Nebraskan

The victory was the Nebraska wrestling team’s 15th on the season. The No. 8 Huskers defeated Northern Iowa 26-16 in front of an NU Coliseum crowd of 524. But all those numbers were insignificant compared to the one that defined a milestone Sunday afternoon: 100. In the sixth match of the contest, Nebraska heavyweight Tucker Lane earned his 100th career win with a 6-1 decision against UNI’s Blayne Beale. The NU senior became the 20th wrestler in Nebraska history to reach the 100-win total. “It feels great,” Lane said. “My last career dual just so happened to be in front of the home crowd. My parents were able to make it out. I was able to come out strong, get a good lead and wrestle my game plan.” NU coach Mark Manning said he hopes Lane still has more achievements to reach. “Tucker has been our heavyweight the last four years and I really want him to go out a national champion, a Big Ten champion,” Manning said. “He’s had a great year for us, capable of beating anyone. We’ve just got to get him primed for the Big Ten Tournament and come March Madness a couple weeks after that.” For Lane and the rest of the team, the dual represented a last shot to gain experience in competition before postseason action. After the grind of the regular season, though, the Huskers will use the next few days to regain their breath.

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Heavyweight Tucker Lane battles with Northern Iowa’s Blayne Beal Sunday at the NU Coliseum. The Huskers defeated the Panthers 26-16. “We’re going to take a little bit of a break here next couple of days, but then we’re going to get back grinding it and really try to peak our team for this time of the year,” Manning said. “Our sport’s a lot like basketball — everything’s really done in March. It’s great to be undefeated or be ranked high, but it’s what you do come that time of the year.” Lane said having nearly two full weeks to prepare for the

conference tournament is advantageous. “It’s going to be huge,” he said. “You go through that Big Ten dual schedule, we just came back from National Duals, and it’s going to help us a lot. Extra week to recover, get our bodies healthy and peak our conditioning.” Lane added that he and his

wrestling: see page 8

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