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Setting their sights

also inside: • ASUN meeting PAGE 2 • FDA reviews inhalable caffeine PAGE 3

NU sports writer Zach Tegler gives an inside look at the sport of rifle

thursday, february 23, 2012

volume 111, issue 108

DAILY NEBRASKAN dailynebraskan.com

Opera deemed inappropriate LPS students not attending opera because of R-rated material

jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

The University of NebraskaLincoln opera program is launching its spring production this weekend, and for the first time in more than a decade, Lincoln Public Schools isn’t bringing high school music students to see it. The original script is set in ancient Rome (UNL’s production is set in the 1940s) at the time of Emperor Nero and centers on a woman sleeping her way to the throne, “The Coronation of Poppea” was deemed simply too sexual for the school district, director and UNL voice professor William Shomos said. “These are really lurid tales,” Shomos said, adding that such a subject was “very much ancient Rome.” “They’re just jam-packed with sex and violence,” he said. Ray Lowther, the LPS music supervisor, compared the decision to the district’s policy of not allowing R-rated movies in its curriculum. “It’s (because) the content and the staging and interpretation of that content has a lot of sexual innuendos and sexuality,” Lowther said. “We’re not going to endorse attendance of an opera that could also be considered R-rated.” Lowther added the decision was made after a staff member raised questions over the opera’s content. Shomos has invited LPS high school music students to UNL’s operas in November and February for about 15 years, he said. The students attend the final rehearsal, which is done in full costume. “This is something I’ve built up over the years,” Shomos said. “It’s a really cool way to expose high school kids to opera.”

Discrimination bill would end Omaha LGBT ordinance

Courtesy of todd clark

Senior music major Arica Coleman and music graduate student Adam Fieldson perform in a rehearsal as Poppea and Roman emperor Nero in UNL Opera’s “The Coronation of Poppea.” Lincoln Public Schools has declined to bring its usual contingent of high school music students, citing the opera’s sexual content.

opera: see page 3

| see the review OF THE OPERA IN A&e ON PAGE 5

A bill designed to promote uniformity in discrimination laws across the state could have more detrimental effects on unprotected groups, including the LGBT community, according to opponents at the hearing for LB 912 Wednesday afternoon. By requiring homogeneity among local law regarding discrimination, the bill would strike down a proposed ordinance in Omaha ruling against discrimination based on sexual orientation and prevent other cities from passing similar measures. Sen. Beau McCoy of District 39 said he introduced the bill to put a stop to disparity among discrimination law throughout the state. “If something is discrimination, why does it stop at the city line?” McCoy said. “If it is discrimination, it is discrimination anywhere.” But McCoy’s bill would limit cities to protecting groups already protected by state law. Nebraska statutes prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, disability, marital status, age and retaliation, but sexual orientation isn’t included. “It’s very clear that this was brought as an attempt to roadblock (the Omaha) ordinance,” said Shelley Kiel, president of Citizens for Equal Protection in Omaha. “We can talk around this all day and all night, but that is the intent of the legislation.” McCoy denied that intent, but he made no promises to seek an amendment to state statues prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination. “That’s not what this legislation entails,” he said. “It’s impossible for me to define how it would operate in that environment.” Ben Gray of Omaha City

Council said he introduced the Omaha city ordinance, which would enable LGBT community members to file complaints of workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation, because the city “know(s) that there is a problem” with sexual orientation discrimination. About a third of LGBT Nebraskans surveyed in a 2010 University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health study said they had experienced workplace discrimination. “We have a class of citizens who are not being treated as they should be,” Gray said. “We are not talking about citizens with ear piercings or recovering addictions. We are talking about citizens who work every day and contribute to our economy. Who have fought and defended our nation. Who continue to do so as law enforcement officials and firefighters.” Shane Strong of Omaha said he saw numerous examples of sexual orientation discrimination during his time in the Air Force. “I saw individuals who completed training and were ultimately reduced to a single word,” Strong said. “The government was trying to root out homosexuals.” Strong went on to argue that Omaha should have the freedom to enact its ordinance. “I see this bill as turning civil liberties on its head,” he said. “I don’t see why the state is interested in taking away rights that a city wishes to give its people.” But issues of discrimination, particularly those that involve the addition of a protected class, should be left to state — not local — jurisdiction, said John Chatelain, president of Metro Omaha

policy: see page 3

Raikes students win $58,000 for creating app Rachel Staats Daily nebraskan

Winning an app-building competition falls somewhere between getting an “A” on a test and winning “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” on the excitement spectrum, according to junior computer science major Chris Johnson. Johnson is one of five juniors in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management to build a three-part app that won $58,000 for them and $10,000 for the Raikes School in the TradeKing API Campus Challenge. Johnson and his five teammates, Derek Guenther, a computer science major; Clay Upton, a computer science, physics and math major; Alec Johnston, a computer science major; and Neema Bahramzad, a computer engineering major, make up team “Stock Bros,” which competed in a national competition that tested their knowledge of business and technology. Their app, “Swift,” includes a browser extension for Chrome

keyes page 4

that will scan for stock symbols and provide viewers with more information about the stocks they find. It also allows them to trade through their TradeKing accounts. The second part of their application uses a cloud-based server to facilitate between the Chrome application, Android app and TradeKing. According to Bahramzad, this aspect of the Stock Bros project is what made them stand out in the competition. “It’s one thing to have the app checking for things,” he said. “It’s another to have an app that notifies you (about your stocks).” According to the Stock Bros, other competitors mainly worked on one aspect. Some created mobile apps, like the Stock Bros’ own mobile Android app that allows users to read notifications and trade with TradeKing on a mobile device. Others created purely Web-based applications. “We were trying to think of something that wasn’t totally obvious that everyone would

do,” Guenther said. Their decision paid off. TradeKing noted during the official announcement that the group’s willingness to think outside the box set them apart from other competitors. “Raikes School really prepared us for a competition like this,” Bahramzad said. His other team members echoed the sentiment, crediting the Raikes School with giving them real-world knowledge and experience to create a product like the one they made. “It’s definitely a world-class honors program,” Johnson said. “By the time we got around to sitting down and programming it … we were definitely prepared.” Projects like the one submitted for the contest aren’t unusual in the Raikes School. Professor David Keck, director of the Raikes School, heard about the competition from fellow professors at UNL. “Interestingly enough, it was

raikes: see page 2

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From left junior computer science major Derek Guenther, junior computer science physics and mathematics major Clay Upton, junior computer engineering major Neema Bahramzad, junior computer science major Chris Johnson and junior computer science major Alec Johnston sit behind a computer running their chrome extension.

men’s basketball page 10

Don’t take kids out of ag

Play fighting

Back on the wrong track

new farming rules on child labor restrictive, harmful

UNL johnny Carson school revamps ‘the three musketeers’

after an impressive win against illinois, nu falls to purdue

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thursday, february 23, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

CFA presents 2012-13 budgets to ASUN

elias youngquist daily nebraskan

The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska tackled nine appropriation bills and one bylaw change at last night’s meeting. The Committee for Fees Allocation brought forward its budget recommendations for the Lied Center for Performing Arts, Daily Nebraskan, DailyER Nebraskan, University Program Council, ASUN, Nebraska Unions, the UNL Readership Program, Campus Recreation Operation Budget and Campus Recreation Operation Repair and

Improvement of Facilities. While no bills initially asked for an increase in funding, Emily Schlichting, ASUN speaker of the senate and a senior communication studies and political science major, added an amendment to the UPC appropriation bill. The amendment raised the budget from $200,729 to $203,094 to afford to pay a graduate student to work for UPC. “If you look at the amount they spend, it’s minimal and I think that this is an increase that is vital to UPC,” Schlichting said. Because of the new system

of cycling through graduate students, two out of every three years UPC will have to pay for a graduate student. The other year, a graduate student cycling through student affairs would be provided. According to UPC Program Coordinator Karen Wills, UPC was willing to foot the bill for the first year using reserves. However, according to Wills, UPC funds would have to be raised next year for long-term sustainability. “Is it going to work for the next year, yes,” Schlichting said. “Is it going to work for the next two years? Maybe if

they have enough reserves.” Some senators, like Nolan Johnson, a junior management major and CFA chair, argued that the raise couldn’t be justified at this time because students wouldn’t see a visible benefit. “Students do see the benefit, because this is the person that makes those events run smoothly,” Schlichting said in response to Johnson. “So I would argue that they would see the benefit through UPC being comfortable by having this a secure position.” The amendment to raise the appropriation was passed, followed shortly after

by a passing of the bill itself. Appropriations for ASUN, Nebraska Unions, the Readership Program, Campus Recreation Operation Budget and Campus Recreation Operation Repair and Improvement of Facilities passed with little discussion. Neither the Daily Nebraskan nor DailyER representatives were present at the meeting, causing both bills to be postponed until next week’s meeting. “I’m kind of unnerved that the DN isn’t here to speak today,” Schlichting said. “I’d urge you to vote yes, but I’d urge next year’s CFA to take


a look at this (the budget).” The last piece of legislation to be passed for the night was Bylaw I, a revision to the bylaw which revises the Homecoming Steering Committee. One position is removed from the steering committee because the student foundation no longer exists.

eliasyoungquist@ dailynebraskan.com

Sandhills Publishing program aims to keep students in state Heather Haskins daily nebraskan

Sandhills Publishing, an information processing company located in Lincoln, has partnered with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to encourage computer science and engineering majors to stay in Nebraska by creating the Sandhills Publishing Student Program. The program supports the University of Nebraska’s Campaign for Nebraska: Unlimited Possibilities, which aims to increase student scholarships and enhance the University’s IT programs. “There are many interesting engineering challenges we are tackling every day, which allow us to offer unique careers in these fields, said Scott McKinney, the manager of Web and mobile development for Sandhills Publishing in an email. “Sandhills Publishing is looking to hire and retain the best and brightest talent from UNL to help us with these challenges.” Future computer science and engineering majors will have the opportunity to win the Sandhills Publishing Scholarship, which will eventually award $8,000 worth of scholarships to students each year. This fall, two incoming freshman will be awarded the scholarship and they have the chance to receive it for an additional three years based on

academic achievement. This will continue for two new freshmen each year. Eventually eight students will hold the scholarship per year. The scholarship will be awarded by the Scholarship Committee of UNL and will go to students in any major within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Students need a high school GPA of 3.8 or above and an ACT score of 30 and above and students from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota will be given preference. “We were trying to promote opportunities at the computer science field here in Nebraska,” said Heather Thomas, a human resource manager at Sandhills Publishing. Steve Goddard, the John E. Olson Professor of Engineering at UNL and chair of the Department of Engineering, spoke about what this new partnership means for students. “The real benefit for the students will be that approximately each spring, an engineer will help teach a class on current technology,” Goddard said. “That is a way for students to get a little bit more insight (to what) current engineers are using as opposed to what we are (using in the classrooms).” Students involved in the program also will be able to receive paid company

internships, which will help them prepare for their futures. “We want to make sure that students understand that there are many high paying jobs in Nebraska,” Goddard said. “Many people think they will have to go to the East or West Coast (for a job), but there are many good companies (here).” Sandhills Publishing recruits interns for a variety of jobs such as working in sales, software development, IT support and marketing. Due to its name, many people mistakenly believe Sandhills Publishing is only involved in the publishing business. Thomas explained that Sandhills publishing hires IT people to help run online versions of publications and closely work with a variety of companies to manage their websites. They are also involved in mobile and database development. Some of these diverse companies include companies involved in the construction, agriculture and computer industries. Publications of the company include Machinery Trader, Auction Results, PC Today and First Glimpse. Goddard is pleased with the partnership and expressed admiration for Sandhills Publishing. “It’s quite impressive,” he said. “They’ve got quite an organization.” heatherhaskins@ dailynebraskan.com

raikes: from 1 similar to a project we had done in the class last year,” Keck said. “So it kind of addressed what I wanted to do with (this year’s) class project anyway.” Students from UNL participated in a competition to see who would go on to the national competition, which eliminated many worthy competitors from the field, Johnson said. “Some of this talent you find here you can’t find in other places,” Johnson said. All five members of Stock Bros expressed their admiration for the other teams at UNL, saying they were lucky to be chosen to represent the school at the national competition. In fact, TradeKing liked the work of one other group so much they gave them an honorable mention in the contest. The group, WYSIWYG, included junior marketing

major Jessah Hofker, senior computer engineering major Cody Jung and senior industrial engineering major Emily West. Their Windows 7 phone app won them the Chairman’s Prize and $1,500. The Stock Bros said although they were proud to win for themselves and the school, it was hard to believe it. Throughout the process they encountered many difficulties, especially when the due date for the project was approaching. “There were lots of late nights,” Bahramzad said. But for them, all the effort was worth it in the end. “You kind of ignore the frustration after winning it,” he added. Keck said while the prize money was considerable, the most important part was that the students learned during the process. “Nobody here knew how

big the prize money would be initially,” he said. “I think the real value is (discovering how to) create a more engaging, challenging classroom experience.” “The coverage of the win was nationwide, so it did bring a lot of attention to the school,” Keck added. It also brought attention to the members of Stock Bros. “We have had our work validated by a fairly large player in the stock brokerage world,” Johnston said. And in today’s business world, that’s big. But for now, the Stock Bros plan on using their winnings to throw a big party — and to invest. “We spent three months building the app,” Johnson said. “Now we have a bunch of money for the first time to invest with.” rachelstaats@ dailynebraskan.com

ian tredway | daily nebraskan

UNL brings Climate Masters to campus Sarah Miller daily nebraskan

Climate Masters will give people the chance to learn about climate change and the efforts they can take to reduce their personal carbon footprints. The new School of Natural Resources program will start this spring. “This is strictly an action-based program,” said Tapan Pathak, one of the project assistants and assistant extension educator in climate variability at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The program is one of three in the nation, according to Tonya Bernadt, the Climate Masters project coordinator and education & outreach specialist at the National Drought Mitigation Center. The first started in Oregon in 2008, she said. The other is in New Mexico. “It’s pretty cool that we’re alongside Oregon, doing this, you know, because they’re so proactive with sustainability,” Bernadt said. The course is funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which provided a $47,000 grant, Pathak said. UNL is also contributing to the project to give the Climate Masters program between $66,000 and $67,000 total to cover costs. The program is free, open to anyone 19 years or older and will begin March 8. A second round of training will begin January 2013. Participants will first learn about the basics of climate

change, Bernadt said. From there, students will learn ways to change their habits, ranging from green building, water conservation and transportation methods, Bernadt said, adding there will be expert speakers throughout the course. Cecil Steward, dean emeritus and professor at the School of Architecture at UNL, will be talking about green building, and a speaker from Lincoln Electric System will be presenting about energy, Bernadt said. Students will also go on field trips to local farms and the landfill, she said. Bernadt said her first trip to a landfill was an eye opener. “It’s an interesting place and I think it’s good for people to see,” she said. Once students graduate as Climate Masters, they are expected to volunteer 30 hours to spread awareness about climate change. “A lot of these actions, you don’t actually invest anything,” Pathak said. “It’s just changing some of the practices, and that’s what we are going to teach them.” Bernadt said they will be pushing volunteers to conduct carbon analyses on people’s homes. After completing an analysis, the Climate Masters will give tips on ways to reduce emissions. Other ways Climate Masters can fulfill their volunteer hours is by participating in local events to teach others what they

learned in the course. Natalie Umphlett, another project assistant and a regional climatologist for the High Plains Regional Climate Center, said they will have booths at the Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium and Family Weatherfest in March and at Earth Day Lincoln in April. Climate Masters is a partner project with Cleaner Greener Lincoln, Mayor Chris Beutler’s sustainability initiative. “We still have some challenges because a lot of people still don’t accept the climate change trends,” Pathak said. Despite this obstacle, Pathak said people don’t have to believe in climate change to be a part of the program — there are economic and environmental incentives. “Even though you don’t believe our belief, the action-based program is going to benefit the people and the environment,” he said. The class is open to 25 people and has nine seats available, Bernadt said. Climate Masters applications can be filled out online at climatemasters.unl.edu and are due March 1. The program will be on Thursday nights from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. March 8 through May 10. Bernadt said they hope to keep the program going through more grants. “We are really excited to kick off this first session,” Pathak said. sarahmiller@ dailynebraskan.com

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1764 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Katie Nelson assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Robby Korth assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Kevin Moser editor

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is published by the UNL


Daily Nebraskan

thursday, february 23, 2012

SIFE partners with cancer foundation kaitlin karins daily nebraskan

Last spring, when Murphy Larson was named project manager for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Students in Free Enterprise’s newest project, she knew she wanted to work with a cancer foundation. SIFE is a nonprofit entrepreneurship organization for business students. But the project didn’t fall into place for the sophomore and economics major, until she met freshman Marisa Braddock, a biological sciences major and fellow SIFE member. “I met Marisa at recruitment this year and I felt we connected since we had both lost our moms to cancer,” said Larson a junior economics and finance major. After meeting Braddock, Larson learned of the LisaMom Foundation, a nonprofit started in memory of Braddock’s mother, and knew she had found SIFE’s newest project. Thus Courage to Conquer, SIFE’s team working with the LisaMom Foundation, was born. “My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year after I was born,” Braddock said. “She battled for her life for four years and in March of 1999 she died. Throughout her illness, my family had a lot of support from our community, the hospital and our church.” One of Braddock’s mother’s nurses began taking care of the family. The LisaMom foundation was founded by Connie

Davison, the nurse who helped Braddock and her family through everyday life after the loss of their mom. The main purpose of the foundation is to help families like the Braddock’s the same way Davison helped them. The non-profit trains nannies and gives them skills necessary to help families in this transition, whether the family has just lost a mother or if she is still in the final stages of cancer. “Connie spends a lot of her time in Africa as a nurse, so she basically provided us with a name, a check and a dream,” Larson said. “The rest of the LisaMom foundation is SIFE putting that dream into action and keeping the foundation alive.” Larson said SIFE interviews and trains the nannies, provides the families with two meals a week with the help of local churches, and raises money for the nannies’ gas. Braddock said SIFE recently had a fundraiser selling Tshirts to benefit the families. It plans to hold similar fundraisers in the future, she said. SIFE delivers Sunshine Baskets to patients at local hospitals. These baskets include items to help the newly diagnosed patients cope with the treatment process. Although Larson’s team is very large, SIFE itself is always in need of new members to help with its growing list of projects. Anyone interested in joining SIFE can contact project leader Murphy Larson at larson6@gmail.com or SIFE recruitment chair Carla Talmadge at carla.talmadge@ huskers.unl.edu. kaitlinkarins@ dailynebraskan.com

opera: from 1 Past productions, Shomos said, have included Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” which has its own share of sex and violence, and Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro,” which follows a count desperate to sleep with one of his servants. There was no objection in those cases. “I’m very saddened that the kids aren’t coming,” Shomos said. “I disagree with it, but I do respect their decision.” But a Lincoln school canceling its students’ attendance has some precedent. “Several years ago we did ‘Julius Caesar,’ and there was one school that found the content objectionable,” Shomos said. “Since then I’ve been very sensitive to this.” Shomos, who is a parent himself, said the story had a moral lesson despite the sexual tone, but he added he was very open to questions or concerns in his invitation to LPS. Lowther agreed. “Bill Shomos was very upfront with the way the opera is staged,” Lowther said. The offending sections of the opera include a sequence where Nero, the emperor, dreams of a steamy encounter with the noblewoman Poppea. But there is one particular sequence that could have been problematic. Overcome with his feelings for Poppea, Nero decides to leave his wife for the woman. When his mentor, Seneca, objects, Nero has a henchman kill Seneca. The henchman and Nero then drink merrily over the corpse, Shomos said, and wax poetic on Nero’s love and lust for Poppea. The henchman then goes in to kiss Nero. In shock, the emperor strangles him. Same-sex kisses in school plays and operas have long

I’m very saddened that the kids aren’t coming. I disagree with it, but I do respect their decision. william shomos

director and unl voice professor

inspired controversy around the country. In Connecticut last fall, a high school’s antibullying musical that included two men kissing led to some students and parents protesting and walking out of the play. Both Shomos and Lowther said no specific section was the basis of the decision. “They never said that was the reason,” Shomos said. “It is just the pervasive sexuality. There was never, ever any specific (problem).” Both men also expected LPS would be open to returning to the UNL opera in coming years. “Certainly,” Lowther said, adding the same policy would still be in play. “I appreciate the sensitivity of UNL Opera in understanding where we’re coming from.” danholtmeyer@ dailynebraskan.com


ian tredway | daily nebraskan

FDA investigates inhalable caffeine conor dunn daily nebraskan

For some students, the word “shots” brings a single thought to mind. But to Breathable Foods, Inc., shots are all about caffeine. This is the case with the product AeroShot Energy, a lipstick-like canister mixed with 100 milligrams of caffeine and B vitamins. This amount of caffeine is about the equivalent of a large cup of coffee, according to its website. One canister of AeroShot gives its user four to six “puffs” of caffeine, it said. The manufacturers market AeroShot as “a higher level of freedom and control that you can only get from airborne energy.” However, this instant boost of energy has attracted enough concern by state legislators that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has taken the product under review. “I am worried about how a product like this impacts kids and teens, who are particularly vulnerable to overusing a product that allows one to take hit after hit after hit, in rapid succession,” said New York Sen. Charles Schumer in a Feb. 19 article by the Huffington Post.

A Breathable Foods representative said although the company’s marketing strategy targets people like college students who need more study time or people working overtime, AeroShot isn’t intended for children. The FDA is investigating whether selling inhalable caffeine in lipstick-sized canisters is safe for the public and if Breathable Foods was right to brand it as a dietary supplement. “I am not sure that this product would be considered as a food, because it is meant to be inhaled,” said Steve Taylor, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor of food science & technology. He said the same applies to labeling something as a dietary supplement. Caffeine is considered safe when taken orally, according to Taylor. “Obviously a consumer can get jittery if they take too much,” Taylor said, “but this is a temporary effect and not seriously harmful. FDA has allowed products with exceptionally high levels of caffeine onto the market in the past, for example, Jolt Cola.” However, Taylor said Breathable Foods cannot overstate the effectiveness of AeroShot. “This product does not really

boost energy, because it has no source of calories, or if it does, a very limited source,” Taylor said. “It is a nervous system stimulant.” He said that because the government has allowed companies to make energy boost claims for products with caffeine taken orally before, he believes the FDA is unlikely to hammer Breathable Foods for its claims. Karen Miller, nutrition education and wellness coordinator at Campus Recreation, said businesses might label their products as dietary supplements to bypass certain FDA regulation. Miller said 300 milligrams of caffeine a day is typically the limit. And Breathable Foods doesn’t recommend inhaling more than three canisters a day. David Edwards, inventor of AeroShot and a Harvard biomedical engineering professor, said in the Huffington Post that the product is safe because it doesn’t contain any of the common additives used to enhance the effect of caffeine, such as the taurine ingredient in most energy drinks. TJ Deaver, a sophomore general studies major, said he doesn’t drink anything with caffeine and, even if he did, he


wouldn’t use AeroShot. “I think it’s pretty sketchy,” Deaver said. “I’d be curious to find out what the side effects of inhaling something like that are.” The side effects are unpredictable, because people have different levels of tolerance, according to Miller. She said that it sometimes affects blood pressure, and with the risk of high blood pressure, comes the risk for stroke. “This isn’t something I’d recommend for people,” Miller said. “I wouldn’t recommend (5-Hour Energy) either. It’s just too much caffeine in a short amount of time.” Tom Hadfield, CEO of Breathable Foods, said in a statement that the company will cooperate with the FDA’s review to address the issues raised by Schumer. He said the company is confident the review will conclude AeroShot is a safe product that complies with FDA regulations. conordunn@ dailynebraskan.com

policy: from 1 Property Owners Association. “We do not want additional burdens added to our business,” Chatelain said. “If you’re going to add those classes, it should be statewide.” Additionally, Chatelain said the LGBT community may not require protection from discrimination. “I don’t think ... (LGBT) members need special attention,” Chatelain said. “They’re already renting property; they’re already working. (The Omaha ordinance) appears to be an elevation of the (LGBT) class.” The University of Nebraska-Lincoln prohibits discrimination based on gender, age, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, veteran’s status, national or ethnic origin and sexual orientation, a policy which is applicable

because the university acts as a business rather than a city. Disparity also exists in areas such as the Omaha Public School Board’s prohibition of sexual orientation discrimination and the city’s protection against housing discrimination based on age and marital status. “LB 912 would set the city back 20 years in the protection of age and marital status,” said Rhonda Uher, Human Rights and Relations Manager at City of Omaha. More than 100 Omaha businesses support Gray’s ordinance, and most Fortune 500 companies prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, said Chad Eacker of Omaha Young Professionals. “We have the momentum behind us,” Eacker said. “We simply ask that we are

allowed to keep going.” Gray said the passage of LB 912 and the resulting halt of his ordinance would send a negative message about the city of Omaha.

“We need to have our best face on,” Gray said. “And our best face is that we have a welcoming city and a welcoming state.” jacymarmaduke@ dailynebraskan.com

Would 1) change “he” to “(s)he” 2) change “his” to “his/her” in the entire ASUN constitution. The consitutional Amendment would remain unchanged. Be a regularly enrolled member of the college he proposes to represent and agree in writing to resign if he should terminate his/her enrollment in that college during the term of the office for which he seeks election. Be a regularly enrolled member of the college (s)he proposes to represent and agree in writing to resign if (s)he should terminate his/her enrollment in that college during the term of the office for which (s)he seeks election. Section 1. The Student Senate, hereafter referred to as the Senate A. Composition. The Senate shall consist of forty-one (41) elected members with voting privileges, and the president, Internal Vice President, and External Vice President, who shall serve without voting privileges except herin after noted.

Off Campus Housing Fair March 7. See what’s out there.



thursday, february 23, 2012


page 4

editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

our view

Canceled opera trip needs re-evaluation

For high school artists considering the practicality of their art form in the real world, there are few things more valuable than a chance to see what performance opportunities look like at the next level. According to a Feb. 23 article in the Daily Nebraskan, Lincoln Public Schools is denying its students a schoolsponsored visit to see the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s spring opera production. The performance, a modernized version of the classic Italian opera, “The Coronation of Poppea” has been deemed by LPS officials to be too lurid for high school students. This is a perfectly reasonable sentiment, too. However, LPS has brought students to past UNL productions, containing lewd and violent content, including “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Marriage in Figaro,” in which a count lusts after one of his servants. What sets “The Coronation of Poppea” apart is that it features a kiss between two men. While LPS officials haven’t explicitly stated that the kiss in question is the impetus behind their decision, the Daily Nebraskan sincerely hopes an act of intimacy between two men isn’t influencing their stance. This would constitute a clear heterocentric bias, as well as an implicit condemnation of gay intimacy. Ultimately, district officials should reconsider. Stage violence and sex are prevalent in a great many classical works with which high school students are likely very familiar. Such content shouldn’t prohibit students from bearing witness to a fine arts production put on by artists in their own community.


Kruger’s goofy antics uplifted spirits, will never be forgotten I once asked him why a 6-foot 8-inches tall guy like himself would ever decide to play piccolo in the first place. “I wanted to create irony,” he said. But Andy “King Band Nerd” Krueger brought so much more than that to our piccolo section and to the whole Cornhusker Marching Band. The CMB family lost our king nerd, and a great brother, to an untimely heart attack on Monday. Therefore, I would like to use my first-ever personal column to try to thank him for everything. Andy, this one’s for you, kid. I remember meeting you our rookie year of band camp, and thinking two things: One, you were tall (shocker), and two, you were weird. But it wasn’t long before your weirdness became endearing — because let’s be honest, is anyone who continues onto collegiate marching band ever normal anyway? Andy, I would like to thank you for every time I stood next to you in a half-time show or on the march from Westbrook to Memorial Stadium. When my family would ask me where they could find me on the field, I’d just say, “Oh, I’m next to Andy,” and finding me was a cinch. I know my mom, a bandmom to the core, is especially grateful for that. Andy, thanks for being unbelievably patient as one of the only guys in our entire section. I have no idea how you handled constantly being around 25 spastic, giggly, often melodramatic college piccolo-playing women at 7 a.m. every morning, but you did so like a (very) big, loving brother. Thanks for letting us put ribbons in your hair to wear in public, for reaching the things

that were past our 5-foot-5 inches tall bodies’ reach, for always switching out the DVDs for us on long band bus rides, and for smiling and laughing through endless “tall” jokes and “boy” jokes and “we’re going to buy you pants someday” jokes. Seriously, you were a trooper. Andy, thanks for raising your eyebrows at me and making weird faces until I couldn’t hold in my laughter any more. Whenever I felt grumpy in the morning, all I had to do was catch your eye and I knew you’d cheer me up. Andy, thanks for not running me over when you were in front of me during Husker orbits. I was so sure I would end up squashed, but you cautiously maneuvered around me the whole time. I think I only lost a toe or two. Andy, I will never forget the time you befriended one of the praying mantises flying around the stadium, naming him Ralph and letting him hang out on your uniform for the whole football game. Or how you could make it from yard-line to yard-line in two steps while most of us piccolos can barely make it in six. Andy, thanks for being goofy without being (too) obnoxious. Thanks for being a reliable rank leader who was never late and never overbearing in sectionals. Thanks for inventing the coolest piccolo lyre ever. Thanks for always wearing shorts (and consequently making me feel like wimp on cold practice mornings). Thanks for always being ready with a hug and a smile. Thanks for four years of marching memories. And thanks for warming up the marching field in heaven for us. I bet they can do Husker orbits like nobody’s business up there.

mary rezac

senior news-editorial and english major

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

neil orians | daily nebraskan

Modernize military spending


s the last troops leave Iraq and are on a hard schedule to leave Afghanistan, the public is looking to where U.S. military operations expand next. With a rising national debt, one of the clearest offenders is military spending, where the United States continues to victimize itself in the security dilemma. The security dilemma is most commonly manifested by a cycle in which a nation (or state) builds up its defense capabilities in order to directly counter an opposing threat. The opponent, then, perceives this as a danger and counters by increasing its arms. In the Cold War, this was clearly shown in the nuclear arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States. But we aren’t fighting the Soviet Union anymore. In the aftermath of the nuclear buildup the United States is left with extensive military hardware to fight an opponent that no longer exists. So what accounts for our 41 percent of global military spending in 2006? The maintenance of a thorough veterans program accounts for a decent share of that spending, but a higher proportion goes to the maintenance of hardware. The fact still remains that with these extensive forces, there is no match. As an example, the total number of U.S. aircraft carriers in service (11) is more than the total number of active aircraft carriers of all other countries combined. These old technologies are obsolete in the modern interests of protecting security. Conventional warfare has ended, just as trench warfare before it, and the U.S. is the largest stockholder clawing for its technology to stay relevant. Any operation the U.S. has been involved in during the post-Cold War era hasn’t required brute force, and there isn’t any indication of such combat arising anytime in the near future. Massive ground battles were common in both the World Wars but are ineffective against current security threats. Because of the leadership and resources

kerry jarvi the invasion of Iraq only took from March 19, 2003 to May 1, 2003. The occupation, however, of the Iraq War lasted until the last troops were withdrawn Dec. 18, 2011. Any conventional aspects of the war were over in about a month, at which point the advantage of superior strength was next to useless against guerilla tactics. If the goal of U.S. defense is to truly “defend,” it’s unnecessary to prepare with hard military. For all the billions of dollars poured into maintaining U.S. interests worldwide, it’s important to resolve domestic security issues first. The flow of communication to and from the battlefield has rapidly increased, but this has opened the door for a new type of war. Information warfare or “cyber warfare” involves military use of computer networks to disable or disrupt the flow of this communication information. This is the area where the highest priority needs to be placed. A perfect example lies with the increased use of unmanned drones in military operations. Their capabilities extend worldwide, with the use of satellites to transmit information to their pilots who can safely remain outside of enemy territory. Pilots require a constant feed of information in order to use them successfully, making them susceptible to enemy attack. An event involving the Iranian capturing of a U.S. drone occurred last December. Dan Goure of the Lexington institute said “Either this was a cyber/electronic warfare attack system that brought the system down or it was a glitch in the command-and-control system.” Either way,

it demonstrates a need for expansion of defense and strength in communications systems. While it’s important to protect our military investments and operations, an act of cyber terrorism is an even greater threat. Individual computers may not be targeted but the electronic grid and other networks are of much greater concern. To make an example of weak security, a hacker known as “pr0f” broke in to a South Houston water treatment facility last fall. The system, apparently, was protected by a three-character password and the techniques that were required were fairly basic, the hacker claimed in an email to Threatpost News. It isn’t just water treatment facilities that are vulnerable. So is the power grid. After hackers found ways into the system fairly easily, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano told the BBC “The vulnerability is something (we) have known about for years.” One of the goals of the Obama administration has been to expand cyber security. To accomplish this, the Unites States Cyber Command, or CYBERCOM, was established in 2009 as part of the Department of Defense. These security efforts are vital to the defense of public net security, an exponentially important part of everyday life. There are numerous ways in which our military spending could more adequately address this threat. CYBERCOM is a start, but it should advise and instruct U.S. companies and municipalities on how to protect their data. Access to public systems should be protected at the highest level. Whether through subsidies of technical degrees or extensive hiring of freelance code writers, something needs to be done to address this issue. Until then, the public must simply wait, hopeful that no rival power would attempt a preemptive technical assault on such vulnerable systems.

Kerry Jarvi is a sophomore Political Science Major. Contact him at kerryjarvi@ dailynebraskan.com.

Proposed laws weaken farms


merica is a country that was built by farmers. Those farmers passed on their skills, land and passion for generations. It’s common to see a father or mother working shoulder to shoulder along with their children on the farm or ranch and has been that way for years. A statement by the United States Department of Labor has proposed a change in child labor laws directly affecting the agricultural industry and these common customs. At a time when the agricultural industry needs workers most, the government is creating barriers to young people entering agricultural careers. These laws would prohibit, or seriously limit, some of the types of work that young adults and children are currently able to do. Children whose family owns the property and farming operation would still be allowed to work on those farms, but a family member whose parents don’t hold a majority of the ownership wouldn’t be able to because he or she doesn’t own the property. Other rules prohibit children from working with sexually mature livestock such as bulls or nursing cows. Some farm advocates say some of the laws would limit programs like the Future Farmers of America and 4-H. Farming and ranching are among the most dangerous jobs in the world, which makes them especially dangerous for children and young adults. In fact, the Department of Labor believes that children employed in agriculture are among the most vulnerable workers in the country. But I disagree. Most farmers and ranchers see their career in agriculture as a way of life. Most of

MELISSA KEYES them have grown up on that same farm they’re working on now. Many believe that, to prepare someone for the line of work that is agriculture, the long days, hard hours and vacation free, you must start them young. Not only would family farm children be affected by the proposed changes, children who spend their summers working for the neighbor farmer or detasseling operation would lose their jobs as well. On the flip side, there are individuals and groups such as the Human Rights Watch group that believe the faster these laws are changed, the more lives of children we’ll save. Granted, agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries you can be a part of. The combination of sharp tools, heavy machinery and livestock has lead many to believe that it‘s unsafe for children. There have been countless numbers of children injured and killed in agriculture related accidents. But farm kids generally start at a very young age. I can remember doing some chores by myself as far back as 7 years old. While most kids my age went home after school and played in the backyard or went to the park down the street, my sisters and I were gathering eggs and feeding calves before any fun could be had.

When I turned 8, I was introduced to 4-H and began exhibiting livestock at my county fair, and it eventually lead me to become involved in cattle shows across the country. As I got older, my responsibilities grew. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for my sisters and I to administer shots or sort cattle. We drive tractors on a regular basis and have been since before we even turned 16 and could drive a car legally. Without our help, my dad would have spent hours completing tasks whose time was at least cut in half when the whole family could help. Growing up on the farm and being able to participate in 4-H have shaped me and other farm kids into the people we are today. Working with livestock meant we learned responsibility and compassion to the utmost degree. Going to the local co-op or feed store involved speaking with adults and strengthening communication skills. Should these proposed laws be set into action, just who will police the more than 2 million farms in the United States to make sure kids aren’t driving tractors or working with livestock? I highly doubt the officers of Lancaster County are going to check up on the farms to see if a child under the age of 18 is helping a cow give birth to her calf rather than patrolling O St. at 2 a.m. on a Saturday. Farming is our way of life and the source of our generational values. Ultimately, these laws will erase the “family” from family farms, and the future of agriculture will be in jeopardy.

melissa keyes is a junior agricultural journalism major. she blogs at borninabarn-melissa.blogspot.com. reach her at melissakeyes@ dailynebraskan.com.

performingarts playfighting DAILY NEBRASKAN


Johnny Carson School features mondern redux of classic play ‘The Three Musketeers’

thursday, february 23, 2012

pagE 5

STORY BY KELSEY HAUGEN PHOTOS BY DANIEL HOLTMEYER With realistic fight scenes and live rock music, the Johnny Carson School plans to put on a very modern version of “The Three Musketeers,” a play about love, betrayal and friendship, that will keep the audience on their toes. Opening night is tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Howell Theatre, with subsequent shows running through March 3. “I always look forward to opening night to see if how I envisioned the audience to respond actually comes true,” said Ian Borden, the director of the play. Specifically Borden is interested in the audience reaction to the carefully choreographed stage fights. “I hope the audience will respond very vividly,” Borden said. Since he is one of the Johnny Carson School’s certified teachers of stage combat, Borden has been able to work with the performers on perfecting their skills. Julie Hagemeier, general manager of the Johnny Carson School, views stage fighting as one of this production’s strongest points. “This play highlights the school’s expertise in stage combat,” Hagemeier said. “We are the only university in the nation with three certified teachers of stage combat on our faculty.” Hagemeier sees this as a draw for the play and hopes the spectators will be impressed by the skills in the fight scenes. “Since contemporary audiences have been raised on action movies, it will

If you go: when:


Tonight, 7:30


Howell Theatre, Temple Building how much: $10 (students), $16 (public)

certainly appeal in the action category,” she said. “The performance of it and the choreography are very interesting and exciting.” This incarnation of the play follows the adapted version of “The Three Musketeers” written by Ken Ludwig. “The language is more contemporary and Mr. Ludwig has a faster-paced, more in-your-face approach to comedy,” Hagemeier said. Although Borden’s version is based on Ludwig’s, it’s a bit of a spinoff. By adding a new element of modern rock music, the director hopes to further improve an already popular play. “It’s one of the greatest romantic stories of all time but ... it’s funnier, quicker and will include a live rock band,” Borden said. “Sound will be huge in this play.” With intense rehearsals at both the Howell and Studio Theatre spaces six days a week, the actors are fully prepared for the first show, Hagemeier said. “They are ready for an audience to provide them with feedback,” she said. Borden is looking forward to seeing the finished product of “The Three Musketeers,” as the actors transform their hard work into the real thing

(top) D’Artagnan, portrayed by Jordan Deffenbaugh, a senior theater major, confronts the Three Musketeers to tell them he wants to join the trio. The theater program’s production of “The Three Musketeers” opens today, kicking off its spring season. (right) Senior theater major Calen Calero portrays Athos, one of the Three Musketeers, drunkenly revealing his past to d’Artagnan. Nearly two dozen undergraduate students perform in the play, which runs until March 3. and others involved with the production enhance the play. “It is a very technically involved set and a lot of fighting,” Borden said. “Hopefully

the skills of the actors will make these fight scenes come to life.”

kelseyhaugen@ dailynebraskan.com

Novice, experienced musicians to demonstrate Beethoven masterpieces Lied Center event features two classically trained Lincoln music groups Katie nelson daily nebraskan

The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra has featured multiple guest performers this season, from acrobats to world-renowned classical artists and groups. But on Feb. 25, they’re aiming for something a little more localized. The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra will be joined by the Lincoln Youth Symphony and professional, local pianist, Mark Clinton, in their show “An Evening With Beethoven.” The show will begin at the Lied Center for Performing Arts at 7:30 p.m. and will feature three of Beethoven’s masterpieces: the Egmont Overture, the Emperor

Piano Concerto and his Symphony No. 7. The Lincoln Youth Symphony will join LSO in the Egmont Overture. This is the second year that LYS has been invited to play alongside LSO and the first year they will be joining the symphony in its new

home, the Lied Center. LYS was founded more

than 50 years ago by the Lincoln Public Schools system. Lincoln high school students in grades nine through 12 are able to audition for the group. “I always feel like the youth symphony is the best-kept secret in town,” said Clark Potter, the

If you go: “An Evening with Beethoven” when: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. where: Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $10 (students), $25 (public)

BETHANY SCHMIDT | daily nebraskan

Pepe Fierro stands at the counter of his Havelock restaurant, Pepe’s Bistro, on Feb. 14. Pepe’s is a cash-only restaurant and is open for lunch and dinner Tuesday through Saturday.

at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “I think people may be surprised by how good this is going to sound.” LYS had one of their regular performances about 12 days ago and played the Egmont Overture. Potter said they have been rehearsing the piece since midNovember and the upcoming performance will give them a chance to integrate their sound with a lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

Pepe’s Veg-Mex Bistro serves up mediocre food

beethoven: see page 6

Pepes: see page 7

conductor of LYS and an associate music professor

cara wilwerding daily nebraskan

When most people hear “Mexican food,” they think beef enchiladas, chicken tacos and pork carnitas. But Pepe’s VegMex Bistro, located at 6220 Havelock Ave., gives diners some different options. The unique vegetarian/vegan menu varies by season and currently offers three entrees. The tostada plate was my favorite. The crispy corn tortilla contrasted nicely with soft black beans and was topped with fresh, tomato-filled pico de gallo, smooth Daiya cheese and organic greens. The plate

included two tostadas and a side of cilantro lime rice for $7. My boyfriend ordered the Seitan taco plate, which I didn’t enjoy quite as much. The $8 plate consisted of two soft corn tortillas filled with palabi-spiced seitan (wheat gluten), potato, tomato, onion, apple pico, various spices and a side of lime rice. I disliked the strange texture of the seitan, but I don’t care for tofu either — so maybe that’s not such a problem for others (especially vegetarians). The apple pico, however, was

upcoming events “Little Shop of Horrors” Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Center for Performing Arts how much: $20

when: where: Lied

Split Lip Rayfield w/ Kris Lager Band when: Friday, 9 p.m. where: The Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. how much: $13 (in advance), $15 (day of)

The Mezcal Brothers w/ Lloyd McCarter and the Honky-Tonk Revival when: Thursday, 9 p.m. where: Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th St.


thursday, february 23, 2012

beethoven: from 5 professional one. “Every year we try to work with them (LYS) and try to give them a little taste of what life in a professional orchestra is like,” said Barbara Zach, the executive director of LSO. Each member of the youth symphony will be paired up with a LSO professional musician, who plays the same instrument. “It’s a true side-byside experience,” Potter explained. “There’s really nothing like it. I will also have my foot in both worlds, as I will be one of the professionals and have one of my students sitting beside me.” In addition to the opportunity to work with local professionals, LYS students will work with Edward Polochick, LSO’s music director and an internationallyrecognized conductor and musician. But members of the LYS won’t be the only guest performers on stage. Mark Clinton, an associate music professor at UNL, will join the symphony for the Emperor Piano Concerto in his third performance with LSO. Although Clinton has known the concerto for years and has even taught it to students, however, he has never performed the piece himself. “It’s an extremely regal piece,” he said. “There’s a great sense of majesty and heroism.” Clinton said his favorite part of the piece is the second movement because of its transcendental sound and because it’s “unlike anything else Beethoven ever wrote.” He has been working to add his own flare and interpretation of the piece for the upcoming show. “I think when one interprets any kind of music ... you have to find a way to get inside the mind of the composer,” Clinton said. “Then once you get into the composer’s mind you have to take that into your own heart and soul — it has to become yours.” Ultimately, this concert is expected to be a big draw. Traditionally LSO has performed at Kimball Recital Hall, but this year they landed the Lied Center as their new, permanent home. According to a LSO press release, the symphony has seen an increase in audience turnout with a parallel increase in subscription ticket sales and four show sell-outs of the house or main floor. But it’s not just an increase in stage and audience size that makes this show an important one. The youth symphony’s presence on stage will double the size of the Lincoln Symphony. “What I think is going to be kind of exciting is that there’s going to be so many players on the stage,” Potter said. “It’s going to be a big sound and I think a place like the Lied Center is going to make it sound even better.” LSO holds two pop, two family and five classical concerts each year, with “An Evening With Beethoven” being part of their classical series. UNL students are eligible to join the 20|30 Club — a group for people 18 to 39 years old — and purchase their tickets for $10. “People may come thinking Lincoln Symphony or Youth Symphony, but they’ll leave thinking Beethoven,” Potter said. Clinton added, “On top of that, we have a world-class orchestra playing in a world-class facility. What more can you ask for?” katienelson@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

Musicals prove too complicated to generalize

katie nelson A colleague posed an interesting question to me yesterday: What makes a musical good? For someone who has grown up with musicals, such a question seems as vague as another regularly contemplated question (if we are to say the first question is regularly contemplated): What is the meaning of life? The two inquiries are the same in that they are broad questions with multifaceted answers. I mean, you can’t just ask what makes a musical good. You could ask what separates good vocals from bad or if sequins were truly a good choice for that costume, but the question at hand is so all-encompassing, it can’t be answered within a single column. But, I digress, and as he seemed truly interested, I feel obligated to educate him and all of you, for that matter. Musicals take multiple forms, whether they’re on

Broadway’s stages in New York or forcing newly pubescent high schoolers to prance around their high school auditorium. And don’t forget about the movies, which can range anywhere from classic Rodgers and Hammerstein to that Disney atrocity “High School Musical.” If the entity of Disney could eat, then that “musical” was what it threw up. Believe it or not, musicals require a bit of talent, both from the perspective of the performers and, in a way, the observers. To watch a musical is to suspend your disbelief that people can randomly break into song or dance in the streets. And for those of you who live and breathe musicals, no, you can’t make it socially acceptable to do so. Musicals are kind of theater performances on steroids — everything is bigger. And as the plot line leans further from reality, so does everything else on stage. The costumes and makeup get kookier and, once again, everyone seems to live in a world where just about anything has the ability to sing and dance. Even in serious shows, such as “The Phantom of the Opera,” or “Les

Miserables,” there is still the element of sporadic song and dance. However, it’s the format itself that makes a musical stand out in the realm of theater and, in it’s own awkward way, makes it endearing. It should be noted a performer must be considered a “triple threat” to truly succeed in musical theater — “triple threat” being a term for someone who can act, sing and dance, sometimes simultaneously. And the actors in the chorus need to possess all three skills, even if they don’t have spoken lines or solos. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all who are singing need to sound like Idina Menzel, as every part doesn’t call for a “pretty” voice. Sometimes the actor is portraying a villain or a character who is old, both of which aren’t going to sound the same as Glinda the Good Witch. The plot always comes first and foremost and the dancing and singing is simply a natural extension of each of the character’s behavior and for that matter, society’s. So all musicals, by definition, are ridiculous. How then, can any of them be worse than another if they

are already off-kilter and open to an “anything goes” mindset? One of the largest divisions in musicals is the difference between film and stage. Musicals are automatically better if they are on stage. Yes, movie musicals are entertaining (I, myself, accredit my love of musicals to the works of Rodgers and Hammerstein), but they eliminate the mindset that one is watching an unreal thing in real time. When you are on stage, there are no takes. Whatever happens, happens. You are hearing pure vocals, saved from auto-tune. If a dancer falls or lines are forgotten, you, as the audience member are going to see. A musical is already difficult to relate to, so when it’s presented in the high-definition perfection of Hollywood, it can be even more tedious to watch. So what separates the good from the bad on stage? Obviously a show with better music and flashier costumes and sets will always outrank a performance that is considered bland. Oddly enough, newer shows have all of that, but they are not sticking around as long as the classics. The


difference? The plot. What separates a good show from a great show on stage is simply the story. The longest running shows on Broadway (“The Phantom of the Opera,” “Chicago,” and, yes, “Cats”) have stayed on stage because they provide a plot that people either can or want to relate to. After all, isn’t that why we suspend our disbelief in the first place? We fall in love with the characters and their corner of the universe and ultimately, that’s what makes us want singing and dancing to be acceptable in real life. In a way, that’s exactly what the meaning of life is: the constant search for a situation in which we can relate and in which we fit. And so, for anyone who was curious, you’re welcome. katie nelson is a sophomore broadcast major who particularly likes the soundtrack to the “Lord of the rings musical.” reach her at katienelson@ dailynebraskan.com

School of Music presents re-envisioned opera staff report

assassinated by Poppea’s ex-lover. daily nebraskan “The opera is really about Affairs tied to politicians corruption and corruption aren’t uncommon in today’s of power,” Shomos said. newspaper and tabloid “The main theme is how headlines, but throughout love controls passion and history such affairs have how it corrupts.” been documented through The opera was originally opera,immortalizing the set in Rome in 60 A.D., durscandalous lives of many ing Emperor Nero’s rule. historic politicians. The main scenes from the The University of Nebras- original opera were set ka-Lincoln School of Music around ancient Rome and is presenting a modernized in Poppea’s villa. However, version of “The Coronation in Shomos’s version, the of Poppea” at Kimball Re- opera placed in a hotel. cital Hall on “I set it in Feb. 24, and a hotel beWe have a Feb. 26. Wilcause there liam Shomos, are a bunch strong cast and UNL director of places for the music is of opera, has scenes that phenomenal. restructured fit into the this classical opera, such Visually ... piece with as the lobby, Vettriano (the a film—noir bedrooms, artist’s inspired tone and setsuites and ting. designs) has made bathhouses,” “Despite Shomos said. the opera sexy, the fact that “In a hotel dangerous and this is one there is nothof the oldest ing that has sophisticated. I opera’s that think it’s visually a p e r m a n e n c e there is, there of power.” stunning piece. is something S h o m o s deeply modalso felt a hoWilliam Shomos tel is a metaern about the unl director of opera subject matphor for gainter,” Shomos ing and losing said. “The power. With the constant reason is it just hits us clos- coming and going of peoer to home. It’s about so- ple, there’s no such thing as ciety, government and the a constant authority or presway our world is.” ence in the building. Even “The Coronation of Pop- given the change in era and pea” is placed in post-WWII scenery, Shomos was careItaly at the Hotel Roma, ful not to alter the plot in where Nero (an Italian poli- any drastic way. tician in this adaptation) “It’s the same story,” is catering an affair with Poppea, his mistress, who is also staying at the hotel. Nero’s wife, Octavia, finds out about the extramarital affair and tries having her husband’s mistress


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If you go: “The Coronation of Poppea” when: Friday, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 3 p.m. where: Kimball Recital Hall how much: $10 (students), $20 (public) Shomos said, “The difference is only the context.” In creating the film—noir setting Shomos wanted for the opera, he drew inspiration from paintings done by contemporary artist, Jack Vettriano. “I was very attracted to his artwork because of the use of power,” Shomos said. “The characters in paintings are asserting some type of power over each other, especially his women. With the help of the set design, costume design and lighting, it looks like his paintings have come to life.” The transformation of a classical theater production into a modern work isn’t uncommon in today’s theatrical culture. The updating shouldn’t be a shock for audiences. “For theatre goers that aren’t familiar with it (the practice of updating classical theater), a lot of Shakespeare’s plays are very frequently taken out of the period in which they are originally set,” Shomos said. “This happens all the time, virtually any opera has seen a modern setting.” Shomos’ expectations for

neil orians | daily nebraskan

audience reception of “The Coronation of Poppea” are high. The director is anticipating a positive response to the modern feel of the piece. “We have a strong cast and the music is phenomenal,”

he said. “Visually ... Vettriano (the artist’s inspired designs) has made the opera sexy, dangerous and sophisticated. I think it’s visually a stunning piece.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

thursday, february 23, 2012


pepes: from 5

courtesy photo

Film analyzing land use to be screened at UNL

BETHANY SCHMIDT | daily nebraskan

A plate of Pepe’s butternut squash enchiladas, one of the many vegan options on the menu. a refreshing addition to the otherwise bland dish. The third item offered is a $9 butternut squash enchilada dinner. Two fresh, red chile corn tortillas are filled with roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions and chipotle black beans. The dish is topped with a tomatillogooseberry-pepita sauce and is served with cilantro lime rice and organic greens. While the food took my taste buds out of their comfort zone, there was something left to be desired — meat. Pepe’s Veg-Mex Bistro may indeed be a haven for vegetarians, but as a carnivore, I was less than impressed. Although it may go against Pepe’s ideals, I think the restaurant could benefit by providing both meat and meat-less options. The portion sizes were small for the price. An $8 dinner

should leave patrons with leftovers — not extra room in their stomachs. In addition to seasonal entrees, Pepe’s offers a number of drinks and desserts. Thirsty diners may enjoy the fresh cucumber lemonade ($3) or tea, hot tea or coffee ($2). Those hoping for something to nibble on before a meal can order chips and salsa ($3) or chips and guacamole ($7, when available). Customers with a sweet tooth should try the vegan chocolate pudding pie or the peach pie, both $3.75. Pepe’s supports local farmers by buying all food fresh and local. Suppliers include Robinette Farms, Branched Oak Farm and Common Good Farm, among others. The hippie-esque atmosphere of Pepe’s almost makes up for its mediocre food and small portion sizes. Hardwood

6220 Havelock Ave. $5-$10 entrees


“It’s a movie about Aldo Leopold and his philosophy regarding land usage,” said Brian Baskerville, a graduate teaching assistant at the School of Natural Resources and organizer of the screening. “It’s about developing a land ethic to preserve natural resources.” Baskerville points out that environment-oriented films generally fall into two camps: either establishing awareness or to trying to scare the audience into taking action. He recognizes this film as different in that it promotes discussion on solutions for environmental issues. “Green Fire” backs a “ground-up approach,” so each individual becomes conscious of the problems he or she faces in terms of sustainability.

daily nebraskan

Aldo Leopold spent the majority of his life promoting a philosophy regarding land ethics. As our media and scientific community continue to direct attention to environmental issues, Leopold’s 20th century philosophy of conservation remains relevant. The School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will be hosting a screening of the documentary, “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time” Thursday on East Campus. The film was screened earlier this month, but demand from students and the Lincoln community for a second airing has fueled its return.


floors, small mismatched tables and chairs and oversized paintings are reminiscent of a cozy home. Amid the floating Hispanic music and the smells of flour and cornmeal, diners will find a variety of props and decorations, including a guitar and a pair of maracas. Pepe’s supports bicyclists by offering them a 10 percent discount anytime. They also barter for bikes, frames and parts every Saturday. Old bikes brought in are donated to the Near South Bike Kitchen.

carawilwerding@ dailynebraskan.com



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“(This film) goes at it from a viewpoint of getting people to think about things differently,” Baskerville said. “It encourages them to evolve their core belief system.” The screening will be followed by a discussion, providing an opportunity for those in attendance to talk about the problems and possible solutions the documentary presents.

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# 32

24 Jul 05

Off Campus Housing Fair March 7. See what’s out there.


thursday, february 23, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

women’s golf

men’s golf

Huskers aim to improve in Arizona this weekend

Young NU squad looks to exceed expectations

Angela Hensel Daily Nebraskan

Although the Nebraska women’s golf team had a long break from competition during the winter, they don’t plan on letting time off hinder their performance. The golfers kicked off their spring season at the Lady Puerto Rico Classic a little over a week ago and head down south again this weekend to compete at the Westbrook Spring Invitational in Peoria, Ariz. With the exceptionally warm winter this season, the Huskers were able to take advantage of the weather and play a couple of rounds in January. Even with that chance to get some practice in, they were still ready to get back into competition mode. “You don’t know what’s going to happen until you step on that course and compete,” NU coach Robin Krapfl said. “We just want to keep getting better from tournament to tournament and see where that takes us.” The Huskers started their spring season with their toughest competition of the year according to Krapfl. With competing against some of the best, the Huskers got to see where they stood and what they need to improve on to be up there with the best. “We need to show a little

more consistency,” coach Krapfl said. “We want our score to drop significantly.” While Nebraska was 14th out of the 15-team field in Puerto Rico, Krapfl believes they aren’t far from competing against those top teams. The teams that the Huskers are golfing against t h i s weekend will give t h e m another g o o d chance for comparison, sheils as the competition will be more at their level. “There is nobody in the field that is out of our league,” Krapfl said. One of the teams that Nebraska will be looking to battle against is Texas Tech. The Huskers concluded their fall season by finishing ahead of the Raiders at the Alamo Invitational. Texas Tech is currently ranked 28th nationally. In order to have a strong showing this weekend, the Huskers will be looking for leadership from senior Madeleine Sheils. Sheils handled the strong field well at the Lady Puerto Rico Classic by

finishing in eighth place with a three-round score of 220. “I was proud of the way I played,” Sheils said. “I was able to put three good rounds together.” Krapfl also recognizes the success Sheils is having. “It’s a real testament to the hard work she has put in,” Krapfl said. As Sheils’ career as a Husker comes to a conclusion, she is looking for all of that hard work to pay off. Most importantly, she is looking for another individual title. Sheils won the Edean Ihlanfeldt Invitational in Washington during the fall season, and in doing so tied the Nebraska single-round scoring record of 67. But for Sheils, it isn’t only her hard work that has helped her succeed, but her passion for the sport as well. With all of this passion, she is looking forward to the tournament this weekend. “It’s another chance to compete, which is what I love,” Sheils said. And with Sheils’ success leading the way, Krapfl is looking for the rest of the dedication from the Huskers to pay off and keep them near the top of the leaderboard. “I want them believing that they are ready to play some good golf,” Krapfl said. angelahensel@ dailynebraskan.com

Lanny Holstein daily nebraskan

There is no substitute for experience. The Nebraska men’s golf team understands the old saying well enough. Most of the team is relatively new to the college golf scene and has had to adjust to their new surroundings on the fly. “Without a lot of college golf experience, we need to get used to the new courses we are playing and the new teams that we are playing,” sophomore Manuel Lavin said. “I think with a little more experience in college, we will play at a better level.” The Huskers are led by a senior, Scott Willman, but the rest of the team’s top golfers are relatively young compared to teams around the nation and around the conference. At last week’s Big Ten Match Play tournament in Bradenton Fla., the Huskers sent out a freshman, two sophomores, two juniors, and Willman as their top six. This weekend, in the Wyoming Desert Intercollegiate tournament, they will likely send out a similar lineup. Most of the team hasn’t played this course before, but will be looking

to pick up any experience on the course that they can get before the tournament begins on Saturday. “It allows you to know exactly w h a t shot to take,” Lavin said. “ W e get a practice round, b u t somewillman times y o u don’t know what shot or how to get to a place on the course. That will come along with a little more time.” Although they haven’t been able to get outside since playing last, the Huskers are still hoping to make their greatest improvement from game one to game two as they go to Palm Desert, Calif., for their second tournament of the spring. “It’s definitely different going from hitting off mats to ‘go play golf,’” sophomore Ryan Grassel said. “Every match that you can play in is a big step. It’s good to play as early as you can, because every match that you play is a step that you can get ahead.” In an effort to do just

that, the team will be participating in a meet with a few teams before the weekend’s tournament. “It will be like a practice,” Lavin said. “We are going to play some of the same teams, and we will play a similar course to the one we will play this weekend. So that will help us.” Beyond pure practice, Lavin outlined a specific strategy for success this weekend. “We are trying to focus on the practice round, and knowing what shot to play on what hole, taking more notes than usual,” he said. “We are talking more so that we know how to attack the golf course and improve our score.” Instrumental to the flow of knowledge among the golfers is Willman. The senior has been through the schedule more than a couple times, and isn’t afraid to help his fellow teammates with a piece of advice here or there. “Scott is a senior and he is the best player,” Grassel said. “He is the definite leader on our team, at least to me. I’ll ask him what to do, what to wear, that kind of stuff. He is a pretty good guy to copy.” lannyholstein@ dailynebraskan.com

rifle: from 10 for four hours and not move, they look at you like you’re crazy,” Hicks said. This end is achieved not only through physical conditioning, but also with the specialized equipment the team uses. Shooters wear flat-soled boots with square toes so they don’t rock and waver in either of their positions. In addition, they wear jackets and canvas and leather pants. “It’s not for protection like a lot of people think – it’s for stability purposes,” Hicks said.

And though the guns the rifle team uses are built to be as personalized and accurate as possible, the most important weapon for a shooter might be her own mind. Hicks and Wilson said rifle is a sport that is 10 percent physical and 90 percent mental. “It’s very true,” Hicks said. “It’s more of a mental sport than anything, but it does physically drain you after a while as well. If you count it up it’s like four or five hours of just shooting straight. To be at the top of your


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mental game for four or five hours straight is exhausting.” Wilson said this part of the sport is much more difficult than the physical part. “I don’t think anybody can say they’ve completely mastered the mental aspect of shooting,” she said. “It’s technically not possible, I think.” NU senior Sheena Mahloch agreed that mentality is the most crucial feature of rifle. “Being confident, believing in yourself, being meticulous,” she said. “You just have to remember to do it every single shot. If you don’t do it, it makes the difference between a nine or a 10.” Mahloch, the only Nebraska native on the team, got her start in rifle through 4-H and hunting with her dad as a kid before setting the goal to shoot collegiately. “Find a Nebraska kid who doesn’t want to be a Husker,” Mahloch said. Wilson’s origins in the sport are similar. Hailing from Bozeman, Mont., Wilson and her family enjoy outdoor activities. To her, the toughest opponent in rifle is the shooter’s own thoughts. “In your mind, you’re always constantly battling yourself,” Wilson said. For this reason, Hicks said she encourages her shooters to visit a sports psychologist to be able to better harness their nerves. “Those things are very helpful,” she said. “I think you really need to be self-disciplined and have the patience and work ethic to make it through.” Mahloch said patience is vital to excel in rifle. “There are so many little, teeny, tiny things. On our triggers, if you move it – your finger up and down – that can make the difference between a nine or a 10,” she said. Mahloch added that she and her teammates have taken up knitting, and she compared the perfection needed for that activity to the perfection needed for her sport. “I enjoy it because it’s just the same thing over and over again,” Mahloch said. “That’s what shooting is about. You’re working to make something perfect.” Striving for perfection is the name of the game. “It’s very hard and it takes a lot out of you,” Hicks said. Because to master the sport of rifle, one must be able to maintain needle-sharp focus, exercise discipline and endure hours of remaining as stoic as a pillar. And, from about 17 yards away, shoot the period at the end of this sentence. zachtegler@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

thursday, february 23, 2012

NU faces tough test tonight against MSU

Chris Peters Daily Nebraskan

file phototo by margan spiehs | daily nebraskan

The Huskers could be without the services of freshman Emily Cady after she injured her knee against Wisconsin. and she said her status day-today. Despite Cady being NU’s second-leading rebounder and third-leading scorer, Lindsey Moore is confident in her team’s chances with or without her. “(Losing Cady) doesn’t really affect our game plan,” Moore said. “We’re assuming we’re going to have her, but we have a lot of girls that can step up and fill that role.” The loss of Cady would hurt depth in an already thin frontcourt, as Adrianna Maurer was lost for the season before conference play started. Expanded roles for Meghin Williams and Katie Simon would be in the works to replace Cady’s 32 minutes per game in conference play. The battle in the paint could come down to Jordan Hooper, who is in the running for Big Ten Player of the Year as she is second in the league in scoring (19.7 points per game) and first in rebounding (9.5). After notching 19 points and 18 rebounds Sunday against Wisconsin, Hooper knows she will have to play at a similar level to negate Johnson’s impact. “I’m going to have to be pretty physical (against MSU),” Hooper said. “I’m going to have to box out well. My defense is going to have to be good down low. (Johnson is) a really athletic, really good player so I’m going to have to bring my ‘A’ game for her.” Hooper isn’t the only player up for a major award. Lindsey Moore, also in the running for

player of the year honors, was one of eight finalists named for the Nancy Lieberman award, which goes to the nation’s top point guard. Moore sits on the list alongside such stars as Skylar Diggins (Notre Dame), Samantha Prahalis (Ohio State) and Odyssey Sims (Baylor). Ever the point guard, Moore chose to dish out an assist to her teammates. “I feel very honored. I wouldn’t be anything without my team making shots ... it’s almost like a team award,” she said. To Moore, Thursday night is about more than NCAA or Big Ten seeding. It’s about righting NU’s ship and picking up some momentum so they won’t be trying to get their mojo back when it’s win or go home. “You want to play your best basketball at the end of the year,” Moore said. “You don’t want to wait until the Big Ten Tournament or ... the NCAA Tournament. You don’t want to wait until that first (tournament) game. You want to kind of be on a roll, playing and executing.” For that, the right mindset is key. “It’s a huge game, one of the last ones of the season,” Hooper said. “(Michigan State is) really talented (and) really athletic. We just have to go in there with the right mindset, the right focus, and we’ll be fine.” seanwhalen@ dailynebraskan.com

Ricco Hall was struggling. His junior season at Wyoming Park High School was bumpy at best. Injuries slowed down Hall, and at the state meet, he placed fifth in the 400-meter dash. Fifth place was nothing to be ashamed of, but wasn’t likely to earn him a spot on a college track team. The root of his struggles at Wyoming Park, Hall said, wasn’t just a lack of team chemistry. In his three years at Wyoming Park, Hall ran for three different coaches at what Hall called a “guinea pig school” for new coaches. “The way they set up workouts was completely different,” Hall said. So he made a change. Hall left Michigan High School Division 2 Wyoming Park for Division 1 powerhouse East Kentwood High School – the five-time reigning state champion. The coaching he received at East Kentwood in one year under coach Dave Emeott propelled him from the fifth place finisher in Division 2 to the Division 1 state champion in the 100- and 400-meter dashes and the title of Michigan’s “Mr. Track and Field.” Just moments after Hall ran personal bests of 10.55 and 47.00 seconds, respectively, Nebraska coach Billy Maxwell offered Hall a full-ride scholarship to run for the Huskers. Once the offer was official, Hall signed with the Huskers, skipping out on in-state Michigan, Central Michigan and Eastern Michigan. “I think they’re coming in like they might’ve seen something that I might’ve not seen,” Hall said. “I’m pretty confident that they knew what they were doing.”

file photo by jon augustine | daily nebraskan

In just his first season with the Nebraska track team, Ricco Hall has left most of the competition in the dust. Now in his first season as a Husker, Hall works closely with Maxwell and coach Matt Martin. In his first season at Nebraska, Hall is leading the team in the 200- and 400-meter dashes. Coach Martin said that, in Hall’s first season, he’s been very attentive and has absorbed the advice his coaches have to offer. “What’s been exciting for us as coaches has been how open-minded he’s been to the work level, the intensity, the coaching tips we’re giving him,” Martin said. “You never know with any kid how they’re going to respond to that. “He kind of came out of nowhere in Michigan high school ranks. So, he doesn’t pretend to think he’s got it all figured out yet.” While he may not have it all figured out, it appears as though Hall, the nation’s 18th ranked 400-meter runner, has an idea at least. Still, Hall says his immediate success has caught him a bit off-guard. “It was a surprise to me, actually,” Hall said. “I didn’t think I was going to improve as much as I did the first year in college.” Because of his hot start at Nebraska, Hall will compete alongside his teammates at the Big Ten Indoor Championships Friday and Saturday. Hall ranks second in the conference in the 400-meter run and fourth in the 200-meter dash.

Martin said Hall is a “national-level sprinter” and has a chance to qualify for the NCAA Championships if he performs well at this weekend’s Big Ten meet. “Sometimes in the sprint races they’re electric and the track lights up because you’ve got a good competition and everybody’s fighting for points and you do see that,” Martin said. “So you don’t know how the conference plays itself out, but I certainly think he’s going to have a good chance to run something even faster.” Hall will need to run a 20.73 in the 200-meter or a 46.00 in the 400-meter on the Devaney Center’s banked track to automatically qualify for the NCAA meet. His current personal bests are 21.33 and 46.93, respectively. “He understands that the times that he’s run, the achievements that he’s had thus far, they really don’t mean anything up to this point in terms of what’s perceived as high level in the NCAA,” Martin said. The Big Ten meet won’t be the last chance for Hall to get his time, however. There are a couple “lastchance” meets where runners can qualify for the NCAA Championships. Hall said he still would have to post his best performance. “I think possibly this year, if not next year,” Hall said. “I guess we’ll see.” chrispeters@ dailynebraskan.com

14th Annual Off-Campus

Housing Fair “See what’s out there”

purdue: from 10

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

NU senior guard Bo Spencer led all Huskers with 19 points in a losing effort Wednesday night against Purdue in West Lafayette, Ind. side. PU did most of its work toward the victory in the first half as it went into the locker room with a 47-30 lead over Nebraska. During that half, Purdue standout, forward Robbie Hummel, led Purdue with 18 points. His squad shot 63 percent from the field and made seven 3-pointers. And in the second half, six more 3-pointers gave PU the momentum it needed against NU.

Freshman sprinter blasts past Big Ten competition Freshman runner Ricco Hall looks to qualify for the NCAA Championships

Sean Whalen Daily Nebraskan

It’s “Judgment Week” in college basketball. Talk of bubbles, resumes, RPI, SOS, standings and brackets have engulfed the actual games in the final week of the regular season. Well, at least they have outside the Nebraska women’s basketball team’s locker room. Inside the Hendricks Center, everyone is too busy preparing for tonight’s game at Michigan State to worry about what comes after. And they should — the Spartans come into Lincoln on a roll, having won five of their past six games to pull into a tie for third in the Big Ten Conference with NU and two other schools. “Michigan State’s playing really well,” coach Connie Yori said at her weekly press conference. “I think they’ve found themselves lately, and they’re playing some really good basketball.” That ‘really good basketball’ has put MSU on the right side of the bubble, as ESPN’s Charlie Crème has the Spartans as one of the “Last Four In” on his ESPN Bracketology. After dropping three out of its last four, No. 23 Nebraska has dropped to a No. 8 seed (in Crème’s bracket) and could use a win to stop itself from making an appearance on the bubble alongside MSU. “They need to win this game – they have NCAA Tournament hopes,” Yori said. “As do we and it’s a big game for the both of us.” Seeding in the Big Ten Tournament is also a factor on Thursday night. With only Penn State (the almost certain regular season champ) having clinched a bye, six other teams are fighting for the other three byes in the tournament. As NU and MSU are two of those teams, the winner would seem to have a very strong chance of earning an extra day of rest and preparation. Earning that bye won’t be easy against the Spartans, who have a strong frontcourt presence in 6 foot 1 inch forward Lykendra Johnson, who is second in the conference with 8.9 rebounds per game. The Huskers will have an especially difficult time handling Johnson inside if they are without the services of Emily Cady. The freshman forward from Seward went down with a left knee injury and her status for the game is uncertain. Yori said she suffered cartilage damage in her knee


“(Thirteen 3-pointers) is like seven dunk shots and you know this place here got into the game when they made it so you’ve got to give them credit,” Sadler said. But, that loud atmosphere was something NU’s players expected coming into their game at Mackey Arena, a venue that first opened its doors in 1967. “It’s our guys against the whole building, basically,” Richardson said before the game. “We’ve got to stay mentally

focused and not get caught up in the emotions of the game.” But despite the hostile environment and the deficit Sadler’s squad faced at the end of the first half, he’s very proud of how well his team performed for its first trip to the Hoosier state since 1985. “When you go on the road and teams shoot just as well as you do, you’ve gotta hang tough and can’t get frustrated,” Sadler said. robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com

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thursday, february 23, 2012



STORY BY zach tegler Photos by andrew dickinson NU senior Sheena Mahloch practices the prone (lying down) position of smallbore shooting.

This NU squad doesn’t get the TV time of the basketball or football teams. But there’s no doubt, these Huskers are dangerous


NU sophomore Sunny Russell demonstrates her kneeling position for shooting the smallbore rifle.

NU freshman Kelsey Hansen displays the standing stance utilized in smallbore competition.

he period that concludes this sentence has a diameter roughly equal to one-fiftieth of an inch. At a distance of 50 feet away, it would make a threateningly small target. Luckily for the members of the Nebraska rifle team, the bull’s eye they face is much larger and easier to hit. Their target is one-twenty-fifth of an inch wide. “You’re basically saying, ‘shoot a perfect shot.’ Fifty feet away, shoot something that’s the size of a period at the end of a sentence, and then repeat that 60 times, the exact same thing,” NU rifle coach Morgan Hicks said. The objective of rifle is simple: shoot a spot as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen 60 times using two types of rifles and a meticulous amount of discipline. Rifle competition is split into two portions. Hicks said most duals begin with two hours of firing 60 shots with a .22-caliber (smallbore) rifle – 20 shots each in standing, kneeling and lyingdown (prone) positions. The second half of the competition is done with an air rifle in a standing position only 33 feet away from the target. Each shot is worth a possible 10 points, making a perfect score for each round 600 points. “Most of the good shooters are around the 575580 range for scores,” Hicks said. NU sophomore ReAnn Wilson said that while many consider the competitions boring and tedious, the opposite is actually true. “People think it’s like watching paint dry or watching grass grow,” she said. “But really, it’s something that, once you’ve been exposed to it, it’s captivating.” Rifle does, however, entail a different breed of captivation because it employs a different kind of endurance. Where in most sports, the goal is to move the fastest or be the strongest, rifle’s purpose is to remain painstakingly still for a long period of time. “It’s a tough sport. People don’t think that it is, but if you ask somebody to hold as still as possible

rifle: see page 8

Smallbore (.22-caliber) rifles are designed to be accurate and customizable for any shooter.

The leather and canvas jackets worn in rifle are not used for safety, but rather provide shooters with more stability.

Shooters wear gloves to relieve pressure on their hands and specially shaped boots to help them keep balanced.

The air rifles used by the rifle team use compressed air instead of powder to propel shots.

Hot-shooting Purdue dominates Husker defense Robby Korth Daily Nebraskan

The Nebraska men’s basketball team hadn’t made a trip to the state of Indiana since 1985. In that game the Huskers were unable to take care of the Evansville Purple Aces, losing the game 80-73. Wednesday night’s game

against Purdue in West Lafayette, Ind., didn’t go much better for NU, as it lost 83-65. In the contest both squads shot more than 50 percent, NU shot 52 percent while Purdue shot 55 percent, but NU coach Doc Sadler thinks PU’s ability to play on its offensive end is what cost the Huskers the game. “Offensively, we did well to go on the road and score 60

points,” Sadler said. “But, we had no answer for them defensively. They spread you out; they had three shooters on the floor. They created mismatches. It’s just a difficult team to defend when they’ve got three perimeter shooters shooting the way they did.” But, it wasn’t just from behind the arc where NU struggled on Purdue’s end of the floor. The

Boilermakers grabbed nine offensive boards and converted them into 16 points while the Huskers only managed a single second-chance bucket. And that balanced attack is difficult to defend. The only way NU stood a chance was to force Purdue to take perimeter shots, according to Sadler, which is why he had his team played zone for stretches of the

game. But, to the demise of the Huskers, Purdue was able to beat the zone by going 13 for 29 from 3-point land. But, that doesn’t mean Sadler was disappointed in his team that shot 27 for 52 in the game and eight for 19 from behind the arc. In fact, he was proud of his team for its effort even in the face of a hot-shooting

Boilermaker squad. “We didn’t just say completely ‘hey to heck with it,’ for as well as they was shooting the basketball,” Sadler said. However, the hot shooting was enough to build up momentum on the Boilermakers

purdue: see page 9

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