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Local theater company takes practice to an unconventional location: the cemetery PAGE 5

• Latest bedbug update PAGE 3 • Student Choice ballot PAGE 7

thursday, january 26, 20112

volume 111, issue 088

DAILY NEBRASKAN the graduate dailynebraskan.com

story by tammy bain | illustration by ian tredway


To students who constantly wonder where their college educations will take them in today’s economy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Career Services has some answers. The May-August post-graduate statistics are officially in, with percentages of who is employed, where they’re working and even who is satisfied. Out of the 4,734 graduates, 4,516 replied to the Career Services’ survey. Chris Timm, associate director of Career Services at UNL, said the percentages should be reviewed with caution. The official statistics state that 50.47 percent of UNL graduates are employed, while 18.80 percent are unemployed but seeking work. Meanwhile, statistics say 24.16 graduates chose graduate studies and 2.06 percent aren’t yet seeking work. But these percentages are skewed, Timm said, and those who went on to graduate studies should be considered when looking at how many are employed. “Seventy-five percent would be working if you pulled out those who went to grad school,” she said. There are other situations that should be taken into consideration, Timm said. Some who are in graduate school could already have found a job while completing their studies, she said, giving the example of someone who may be working in marketing

while completing his or her MBA. Grad school keeps them out of the “employed” category. Some of those who are in the “unemployed but seeking” category could haven’t started seeking yet, or just began their searches, Timm said. Another situation to take into consideration is the military. “I’d normally count military as employed, but it’s not a long-range career for some,” Timm said, adding that some are finishing their obligations to the military before entering their career fields. There are various reasons why just more than 2 percent of 2011 graduates aren’t searching for work. They could be waiting for a significant other to graduate college or starting a family, Timm said. One area that has decreased from last year’s survey is satisfaction results. Out of the 4,500 2011 graduates who took this survey, only 400 answered this portion. While satisfaction was ranked at 90 percent this year, it went down from 94 percent in the 2010 survey. “One of the things that the tighter economy during the last few years has had is: There are people who find work, but it’s not exactly what they wanted,” Timm said. She

career services releases survey of 2011 graduates that reveals just where they’ve landed after graduation

gave the example of a mechanical engineering student whose dream is to design airplanes. The student may meet people who make them want to stay in the Nebraska area or can only find a job putting their degrees to other uses. “ I think things evolve o v e r time as a

people they are close to. Despite this, Timm said future graduates hoping to leave Nebraska shouldn’t be discouraged. “I think there’s equal opportunity,” she said. “(They) could find jobs out of Nebraska and (its) bordering states just as easily as they could here.” According to

freshman and a sophomore,” Timm said. “And I think that’s OK.” The locations of those who found employment are a good sign for future grads hoping to stay in the Midwest, she said, as 67.4 percent are in Nebraska and 12 percent work in bordering states. According to the survey, 70 percent of graduates chose the Midwest because of

the survey, UNL isn’t only a major grad school for 2011 graduates, but a major employer as well, and Timm said about half of Career Services is employed by UNL graduates. Despite changing economies, Timm has seen consistent results since she began taking the survey in 1994 — some results have even improved. In the 1995-1996

survey, only 18 percent of graduates went to grad school, compared to the 24.16 percent now. This is in part because of programs that have become more rigourous, such as the number of hours needed to become a certified public accountant, among other careers, Timm said. There are also more people in Nebraska now, 67 percent compared to 63 percent in 1995. And there are slightly more people working globally this year, which Timm said is a combination of students who work abroad and international students returning to their homelands to work. The survey showed signs for a changing future, Timm said. She spoke of how Chancellor Harvey Perlman challenged UNL to become a school of 30,000 students. If this happens, UNL will bring in more out-of-state and international students, and jobs as well as locations will change with demographics, she said. While Timm was optimistic of survey results, she said success didn’t lie heavily on the university. “UNL has a lot of good work ethic and job opportunities,” she said. “But the

student has to do their part too.” Greg Jameson, a May 2011 UNL graduate, is one of the 24.16 percent attending grad school. “I’m not burned out on school, I graduated in four years, and getting a Ph.D. was always a life goal of mine,” he said. While Jameson said he isn’t going for a set degree yet as he waits for a grant, his studies are in meteorology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Jameson chose to attend graduate school a month prior to graduation. “I can wait for the job market to improve and can get a more advanced degree to come out looking better,” he said. Jameson also knew his area of study was one that hadn’t had any decrease in funding, and is one where employers prefer a master’s or Ph.D. For now, Jameson has a non-paying internship in his area of study, as well as a part-time job outside his area of study. “I would suggest grad school to people who aren’t burned out on school,” Jameson said. “Do it while you’re in that mindset. If your field requires or recommends it, if it’s all or at least somewhat paid for, you might as well.” Jameson said a graduate

graduates: see page 3

Nebraska Bookstore to Legislative bills stay despite bankruptcy 952, 926 fight Medicaid cuts Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

The Nebraska Book Company announced the closing of seven off-campus bookstore locations around the United States on Jan. 5. The company, which is located in Lincoln and operates more than 290 college and university campuses, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 26, 2011. “At that time, you’re provided tools that come with filing,” said Alexandra Griffin, associate at AlixPartners, LLP, in a telephone interview. “We received a tool to reject property leases.” With this tool, the Nebraska Book Company (NBC) is allowed to review its stores. If it’s more beneficial for the company to cancel a lease, then they have the provisions to do so without penalty, Griffin said. Out of 138 off-campus bookstore locations, NBC canceled seven leases, according to a Jan. 5 press release. “Nebraska Bookstore is not one of them,” Griffin said. “We’ve told the court

frye page 3

we like this lease.” The manager of the Nebraska Bookstore couldn’t be reached for an interview. The seven off-campus stores are: GotUsed Bookstore in Pittsburgh, Penn., The College Store in Akron, Ohio, Spirit Shop in Lubbock, Texas, Traditions Bookstore-Woodstone in College Station, Texas, Chattanooga Books in Chattanooga, Tenn., Madison Textbooks in Madison, Wis., and Florida Book Store Volume III in Gainesville, Fla. These stores remained open for the back-toschool rush in January, the plan being to close in midto-late February, according to the Jan. 5 press release. Griffin said NBC will continue reviewing 40 stores. The company filed for Chapter 11 in June 2011 to restructure about $450 million in loans and bonds, including the reduction of a substantial amount of debt at the parent-company level, according to a media statement.

bankrupt: see page 2

jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

The company that runs the Nebraska Bookstore filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 26, 2011.

omniarts page 5

For a long time, Maura Farruggia of Omaha thought she would never hear her granddaughter, Kareaden, say “grandma.” Farruggia and her husband have cared for the 6-year-old, who is inflicted with cerebral palsy, legal blindness and other disorders, since 2006. Farruggia quit her job to care for her granddaughter, but she didn’t know how to teach Kareaden to do things that come naturally to most, like moving food with the tongue. The child couldn’t sit up on her own and suffered from frequent anxiety attacks, which usually resulted in vomiting. Medicaid changed everything. Kareaden can walk with assistance, speak and attend school, thanks to Medicaidfunded respite care — a temporary professional care for the disabled. “Now, she says she loves me,” Farruggia said. But assistance for many like Kareaden may be on the line with the Division of Medicaid & Long-Term Care’s $21 million in Medicaid spending cuts, mostly relating to private and

wrestling page 10

medicaid: see page 3

Weather | windy

Nominating a giant ego

Anything but the norm

Fearsome Freshman

gingrich combines condescension with no ethical standard

Lincoln theater company specializes in conceptual art

James green leads the way for husker wrestling

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home nursing services. Sen. Jeremy Nordquist of Omaha introduced LB 952 this month to halt the cuts, but Sen. Annette Dubas of Fullerton wants to take it one step further: Her bill, LB 926, would require Medicaid cuts, both present and future, to be approved by the legislature. “We need more than an opportunity (to review the cuts),” Dubas said at the bill’s hearing Wednesday evening. “We need to be actively involved in these decisions.” Current law requires the department to release a report of upcoming spending cuts before the legislative session begins, allowing senators opportunities to modify or stop them. But the legislature has too small a hand in such crucial policy decisions, according to Dubas. “These (cuts) affect the state budget,” Dubas said. “Our dollars are finite, and we must be efficient in the way they are spent.” Dubas and Nordquist said the cuts will result in more expenditures on the state’s behalf, because patients could be forced out of private nursing care into



thursday, january 26, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

ASUN aims Lied Center kick-starts renovations to boost RSO relationships sarah miller

daily nebraskan

daily nebraskan elias youngquist

In a flash, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska passed two bills and one resolution. In less than 30 minutes, senators were already preparing to meet with leaders of registered student organizations in an attempt to improve communications between ASUN and RSOs. At the latest meeting, ASUN senators approved the election rules for the semester, approved the joining of a national leadership council and passed a resolution that voices the student body’s support of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. All three passed with little discussion and only one abstaining vote on Government Bill #13, the ASUN election rules for the March 2012 election. According to Emily Schlichting, a senior communication studies and political science major and the ASUN speaker of the house, Senate Bill #5 allows ASUN to network and form coalitions to give students voices in political matters. “At this point there are about 150 members and the goal is 300,” Schlichting said. Schlichting went on to point out that membership comes at no cost but would nevertheless be on a trial run for next year’s ASUN administration to

take a look at it. The other larger piece of legislation passed in the meeting was the resolution affirming the student body’s approval of the FERPA law, which gives students 18 years or older the right to access his or her educational records, seek to have records amended, have control over the disclosure of records and file a complaint with the Department of Education. “This actually hits pretty close to home, because last year there were some issues with some student records getting out,” said ASUN President Lane Carr, a senior political science and history major. After the meeting, a large number of the senators rushed off to hold the Student Organization Representation Council (SORC), a workshop hosted by ASUN as a way to improve collaboration between ASUN and student organizations on campus. The meeting featured workshops on the 475-RIDE program, how ASUN can better serve students and RSOs and volunteer opportunities. “SORC was brought about last year and we’ve gotten a lot of feedback about how to improve,” Carr said. “It gives them the opportunity to coordinate with other groups as well as ASUN.” eliasyoungquist@ dailynebraskan.com

asun bills bills Government Bill #13: ASUN election rules for the March 2012 election The bill accepts the rules for the ASUN elections for the upcoming elections, the same laws that were put into place for last semester’s elections. Senate Bill #5: ASUN joins the National Campus Leadership Council The bill allows ASUN to accept membership into the National Leadership Council, an organization that networks with hundreds of other student body presidents around the country to “empower student leaders to engage in national dialogue.” Senate Resolution #7 The resolution expresses ASUN’s approval of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal law that protects the records privacy rights of students.


Bill passed

As the Lied Center for Performing Arts enters its 22nd season, renovations are beginning with the installation of a new sound system. The sound system at the Lied hasn’t been updated since it first opened in 1990, according to Bill Stephan, executive director of the Lied Center. “We like to brag about being state of the art,” Stephan said. “And 22 years old isn’t state of the art.” The new sound system will cost a total of $475,000, with $130,000 coming from grants and $345,000 from private donations. Raising funds for any performing arts is challenging, especially for building projects, Stephan said. Many theaters will stick with what they have before updating anything unless they have the funds for it. “A lot of times if it works, organizations continue to use it,” he said. However, the theater aims to match the caliber of the performances they bring in. “The Lied Center is unique in that we present some of the greatest performers ever,” Stephan said. “It’s expected to have a level of quality that matches the performances on stage.” Stephan says the center is honored by the support it receives. “You basically have to be a little visionary in wanting to have the best possible equipment and resources,” he said. Updates to the sound system include speakers that will distribute sound more evenly throughout the hall by amplifying sound directly to the audience. Before the renovation, sound was only being generated from the stage, Stephan said. There will now be speakers in the balcony, he said. By moving to a digital system, sound will be distributed equally throughout the

courtesy photo

The first phase of renovations at the Lied Center includes putting in a new sound system. The system hasn’t been updated in 22 years and will cost $475,000 in grants and donations replace. hall and will carry better to places that are oftentimes difficult to reach. The Lied Center began the process of updating its sound system when it first got in contact with Threshold Acoustics, a company from Chicago that has worked on performance halls across the world. Threshold conducted an acoustic study of the theater. Jonathan Laney, principal consultant at Threshold, said the process begins by identifying how the theater is used, the range of productions presented and any day-to-day complications. From there, Laney says a hall’s acoustics will be

analyzed by listening from a variety of places within the theater to form general opinions. Threshold then performs objective acoustic measurements in order to understand the “behavior of sound in the space,” Laney said. “The Lied Center has wonderful acoustics for symphony and opera,” Laney said, “but many of today’s productions depend on the use of amplification and don’t take into consideration the acoustics of the hall.” The center is also in the process of building a Lied Commons, Stephan said. This is expected to open

in the fall and will feature banquets, receptions and small theatrical and music performances. The new speakers will be ready in April, just in time for performances such as “Moulin Rouge: The Ballet” and Boyz II Men. University of NebraskaLincoln students can see some of the Lied’s performances for free through the Arts for All program. Stephan said the new sound system is just the first step in the Lied Center’s renovations before its 25th anniversary. “It was a proactive step of revitalizing the Lied.” sarahmiller@ dailynebraskan.com

ice We scream for cream

Bill passed

Resolution passed

bankrupt: from 1 Closing outlet stores is fairly common with Chapter 11 bankruptcy, said Gordon Karels, professor and chairperson of the finance department at the University of NebraskaLincoln’s College of Business Administration. “They also work with their debtors,” Karels said. “They look for, maybe, swapping debt for equity to get back on solid footing.”

Karels said some companies try to do a Chapter 11 plan and if they can’t make it, they end up filing for Chapter 7, which is liquidation. Griffin stated she couldn’t do media interviews about how the company was handling the situation, other than explaining how Chapter 11 works. franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Debrenee Adkisson (left), 27, shares a laugh with her college friend Sarah Sorensen, 27, Wednesday evening at Ivanna Cone in the Haymarket. “Not often enough,” Adkisson said when asked how often the pair come to the store. “Way too long, it’s so good,” agreed Sorensen, though she added with a laugh, “Every single time, I get a waffle cone, and I get ice cream on my shirt.” The two were among a healthy crowd, ranging in age from grade-school kids to their grandparents, who streamed through the homemade ice cream shop that evening.

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Paige Cornwell assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Robby Korth assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Kevin Moser editor

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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thursday, january 26, 2012

Daily Nebraskan


graduates: from 1

dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Cassie Anderson (photographer) and Kim Eiten of KOLN 10/11 News report from outside the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house yesterday evening. The fraternity is one of several residences on campus where the presence of bedbugs is either confirmed or under investigation.

UNL bedbug issue winding down, site says staff report daily nebraskan

The spread of bedbugs around the University of Nebraska-Lincoln housing system appears to be slowing down, after reports from UNL Housing yesterday of no new cases. All the rooms with confirmed cases have been treated, Housing Director Sue Gildersleeve announced on a special website set up to address the problem. The parasitic insects, about one-third the width of a dime, were first found on Jan. 6 by two roommates in Abel Hall. By Jan. 20, UNL Housing confirmed the bugs’ presence in The Village. Three days later, reports spread to a handful of rooms in Abel and Selleck Hall, where a single, dead bedbug was found in a dorm. Reports in The Courtyards were proven a false alarm, while Phi Delta Theta fraternity continues to investigate its own reports. UNL Housing has faced criticism for its handling of the problem, with some, including the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board, charging it took too long

to release information on the bugs’ prevalence. Bedbugs travel like ticks, hitching a ride on the clothing of an unsuspecting student. But they can also survive without food for several months, making the origins in the outbreak unclear. Keith Zaborowski, associate director of Housing Residence Life, has stated he’s confident the bugs weren’t present before students moved in. The nocturnal insects typically hide near beds in crevices and folds, becoming active at night in pursuit of the blood of sleeping humans. The university has hired exterminators to deal with them. Pesticides are usually enough, according to Housing, but heating the room to 120 degrees will kill the bugs if chemicals prove insufficient. Housing has also assured students that it will help clean and launder their rooms’ contents if bedbugs are confirmed. Housing continues to urge students who suspect bedbugs in their rooms to tell their resident assistant or dorm front desk. news@ dailynebraskan.com

degree will help in any field. “Even at entry level, you’re more qualified to climb the ladder faster,” he said. David McAninch, another May 2011 graduate, dove straight into the job market after college. Peter Schlette, also dove into the job market after college. A computer science and math major at UNL, Schlette was offered a few jobs from companies he’d interned for and chose Nebraska Global as a software developer. “Work’s a lot different than school – 40 to 45 hours a week is a lot more time than I spent on class and schoolwork,” Schlette said. “But, when the work day’s over, I’m never worried about getting started on that paper or whatever.” Schlette also said that despite being a solid student in both college and at internships, he learned a “whole, whole lot,” even more in his first six months of work than at school. Schlette considered graduate school and even had a professor who he did research for highly suggest it to him. Yet in the long run, Schlette chose not to apply for it, as a masters degree wouldn’t affect his position in computer sciences as much. “I don’t have any issue with grad school, but I think a lot of it is dependent on your field - I understand it’s very hard to get started on a chem or bio career without a master’s or PhD. and so on,” Schlette said. Schlette has seen a lot of changes from college to post-grad, but the change is positive. “My life is way more structured now,” he said. “(I) wake up around 7:30 or 8 every day. No one’s setting goals for you anymore so that’s weird.” As for preparing for the market with internships, Schlette said it’s “definitely a good idea.” He said the paperwork, management teams, “which are definitely not like professors,” and having it on your resume are all good pieces of experience to enter the job market with. Yet Schlette doesn’t think

neil orians | daily nebraskan

all students have to follow in his footsteps. “Depending (on) your field and your personality, not everyone has to work full time for an employer,” he said. “Self employment, contracting, consulting, freelancing, go to another country, part time ... lots of options that aren’t 9-5.” McAninch now works as a substitute teacher in West Denver, Colo., and despite having found a job, is still searching. He hopes to teach social studies at the middle or high school levels. What he does like is staying in the Midwest. “I’m an army brat, so I’ve been everywhere in the world,” he said. “I liked the Midwest the most.” As McAninch looks to become a full-time teacher, he said even coming this far was a climb. After graduation McAninch worked minimum wage jobs, including Best Buy, before landing his substitute teaching job. “I’m always looking to better myself,” he said. McAninch described the present job situation as

“horrible” and “impossible to find anything to work with.” While McAninch didn’t start his own career search until after graduation, his advice for future grads was to start their search early. McAninch advised creating a base to launch a career. “It takes a job to find a job,” he said. “Don’t limit yourself. Don’t think because you have a bachelor’s degree you’re entitled to a career.” Jordan Vargas, a May 2011 graduate, was more hopeful. Vargas was a communications major and found a job working at Lincoln North Star High School’s TLC program. While it wasn’t in his area of study, Vargas loves what he does. “I can really do anything I want with (my degree),” he said, adding that working with youth is what he wanted to do. Vargas is beginning to apply for other jobs where he could use his degree more, while still working with youth. The job he’s looking at is in Chicago, he said,

which fulfills his goal to stay in the Midwest. He said having a college degree helped him get the job he has now, but it was most likely not the deciding factor for his placement. Still, having a bachelor’s degree, he said, is important. “Having a degree should help me in other positions,” he said. “Because (employers) know that I am at least college-educated.” While his current job has setbacks, like its part-time status, Vargas is satisfied for the time being – more satisfied than if he’d gone into communications, he said. His advice was similar to that of Timm’s and McAninch’s, saying to start early when applying for jobs, by preparing resumes and cover letters. “A lot of people hire now to start in June and July,” he said. Vargas also said personal satisfaction is always more important than monetary satisfaction. “As long as I’m in this field, I’m set for life,” he said.

“The disabled community has fought to get out of public institutions for years,” Dubas said. “The Medicaid cuts would have the effect of moving them back into the institutions they worked so hard to get out of.” More than 10 state organizations, including the AARP and the Nebraska Hospital Association, have expressed support of the bill, and seven senators introduced the bill with Dubas.

Farruggia was the second to testify as a proponent of the bill. At the end of her testimony, she showed the committee a picture of her granddaughter on a school bus. The girl who once couldn’t sit upright was headed to her first day of kindergarten. “If it weren’t for (Medicaid), we would be lost,” Farruggia said.

tammybain@ dailynebraskan.com

medicaid: from 1 more costly public institutions. “There will actually be more cost to the state in the long run, because people’s health will deteriorate due to the cuts,” said Jocelyn Luedtke, Dubas’ legislative aide. “More people will be unable to work, unable to own their homes, unable to drive cars, which ultimately reduces tax rolls.” The bill’s hearing was the last on a list of several related measures overseen by the

Health and Human Services Committee. More than 50 citizens packed the hearing room, some there to testify to the committee, some simply to listen. Testimonies ranged from healthcare professionals to parents and relatives of the disabled to the disabled themselves. One man in a wheelchair took to the microphone to verbally express his support of the bill, despite his severe speech difficulty.

jacymarmaduke@ dailynebraskan.com


Gingrich’s ego toxic to GOP, thinking people


here’s no way to sugarcoat this – Newt Gingrich is a bombastic slut. The only thing bigger than his ego is his credit line at Tif-

fany’s. To call him the man of the hour would be an understatement. Gingrich has not only come back from the dead once, but twice – the latest leading to an impressive South Carolina win. When he’s not out working the crowds, you can find him on the debate stage, his thunderous voice echoed by the audience’s raucous applause. He’s passionate. The man’s articulate. And he’s certainly full of ideas. And it all makes me want to either puke or throw things. To be fair, any GOP candidate and I would never be what you’d call a “match made in heaven.” I may not be a liberal, but I’d certainly never call myself as a conservative. Romney is a greasy millionaire, Santorum owns one too many sweater vests and Ron Paul alternately spouts wisdom and insanity. To say I’m not enamored with the current field would be too kind. But Gingrich? Gingrich is like the moldy cheese you forgot in the back of the fridge. And now, against all odds, he’s beginning

to look like the best-positioned candidate to square off against Barack Obama in the fall. Which makes me ask: Republican voters, are you out of your minds? First of all, let’s look at history. Yes, Gingrich is an experienced politician – his years of service in the House are filled with many standout moments. But like many Americans, Gingrich was fired from his job. This wasn’t a “Sorry, but times are tough” kind of firing – this was a “Look, I’m you’re biggest friend and all, but you’re dragging the company down” kind of firing. House Republicans rebelled and forced him out. What did him in? His ego. You don’t have to listen to him for more than a minute before that becomes clear. After surging in the polls in December, Gingrich confidently predicted that he would be the nominee. When that didn’t pan out, he turned right around and did it again prior to the South Carolina primary. During the CNBC Republican debate, he had the gall to lecture moderator Maria Bartiromo on economics – a subject in which she has a degree, and in which Newt doesn’t. A terrible ego is one thing, but Gingrich’s excessive belief in himself has led to everything

jason frye from embarrassing gaffes to extreme racism. Recently, he famously said he would stand in front of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and tell them to demand paychecks, not food stamps. Maybe he was too busy to realize that the majority of people on food stamps are white. Perhaps he also overlooked that most people on food stamps have jobs. But how do you explain away his 2007 comments where he said Spanish “is the language of the ghetto?” And that’s what I don’t understand – this man is just plain offensive, but Republican voters lap up his every word. When he calls college students lazy for not paying their way through school? Audiences applaud. When he insults the debate moderators? He receives ovations. Even standing by his own racist comments had audiences swooning at a recent Fox News debate. He’s building a campaign off cheap applause

lines and made-for-TV moments. Pre-2012 politics, we’d say that person lacked substance. Today, we apparently call him the frontrunner. You know what? I could almost forgive the GOP base for overlooking all of the above. He’s not without his redemptive qualities – passion, charisma and vision. I could almost understand why voters were willing to give him a chance. Until I remember his marital history. It’s not that he cheated on his first wife. It isn’t that he cheated on that woman when she became his second wife. It’s that he cheated on and divorced his first wife while she was recovering from cancer. Then he carried on an affair with another woman during his second marriage. He finally divorced her – once she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and after he requested an open marriage. Or, as Newt Gingrich put it: “There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.” I’m sorry, Newt, but even if you had your affairs on a bed draped in the American flag, you’re not

allowed to say they were because of “how passionately I felt about this country.” And that’s what I can’t stand. He’s a blowhard who’s completely full of it, who tramples others to get what he wants and revises history and the facts to suit his needs. If he were a normal person I’d say he was an egomaniac. But seeing as that’s a requirement to be a politician, I’m not sure what to call Gingrich. Perhaps a bombastic slut? Republican voters, whatever you do, please don’t let this man become the face of your party. You may be dissatisfied with Obama. In fact, that’s probably putting it mildly. But do you really want years of Gingrich as “dick in chief”? Do the right thing – vote against Gingrich. Just go with Romney for your nominee. Yes, he may be boring and rich. But at least I won’t have to worry about my blood pressure rising every time I hear him speak. Because under a Gingrich presidency, there won’t be an Affordable Care Act. And with Gingrich at the helm, I’m sure we’d all need it.

jason frye is a senior music education major. follow him on Twitter at @lewisjlf and reach him at jasonfrye@ dailynebraskan.com.



page 4

thursday, january 26, 2012

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

news assignment editor

assistant opinion editor

our view

Post-grad stats give students hope for future The 2011 May-August post-graduate statistics are finally in and students, shockingly, have some positive news. In a job market painted as bleak and hopeless, University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduates are, for the most part, either enrolled in graduate school or employed. These two categories combine to a whopping 75 percent. Whether those employed are actually working in their fields of study is another question altogether, but it seems as though it’s not as scary out there as we all thought. The percentage of survey respondents satisfied with their jobs is 90 percent. This is a 4 percent decrease from 2010, but still quite high. In higher education today, the media and our professors constantly remind us that a degree is no longer a guarantee of employment. No one’s entitled to a job anymore, everyone says. Good luck finding something right out of school. But this statistic offers a glimmer of hope. If 90 percent of 2011 graduates (or, at least, 90 percent of the 2011 graduates who responded to the survey) are satisfied with where they are today, then perhaps we can sleep a little easier. The Daily Nebraskan sees this survey result as something to celebrate. Granted, it’s tough out there. But perhaps it’s time to ignore all the other statistics we’re bombarded with and focus on this. Doing everything we can to be marketable to employers is important, but what’s the use in worrying? After all, there’s a good chance a solid 90 percent of 75 percent of us will be satisfied in our post-graduation careers. And that’s not bad at all.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. E-mail material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

neil orians | daily nebraskan

HSUS policies harm farmers


y roommates think I’m crazy because I refuse to eat at Chipotle. They get annoyed when I say I won’t shop at Forever 21. And they think it’s weird that I get sassy with them when they bring home a bottle of Yellow Tail wine. You might agree with them now, but it’s my hope that after you read this column, you might change your mind and join the likes of me. You may be wondering, “Melissa – why on earth do you refuse to eat at Chipotle?! I mean, they have, like, the best burritos in Lincoln. And Forever 21?! My closet is, like, full of their clothes!” The reason is simple. Chipotle, Forever 21 and Yellow Tail wine support, or have supported, one organization that I don’t quite agree with. This organization’s main goal is to ruin what my family has worked for six generations. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is America’s largest animal advocacy group. In 2010, they brought in $131 million from supporters. So under first impression, we should think this $131 million funds our local humane societies. Wrong. I was punk’d, and so were you. Where’s Ashton Kutcher? HSUS isn’t associated with your local humane society. Actually, of the $131 million that they brought in two years ago, only 1 percent was donated to local humane societies. The main goal of this organization is to promote a totally vegan lifestyle and abolish all animal agriculture – not fund humane societies across the United States. If HSUS actually assisted local humane societies and didn’t spend so much money on other purposes, I might support them. How do they get so much money? I’m sure you’ve seen ads on TV, in magazines

melissa keyes and on billboards of sad-looking puppies and one-eyed kittens. That’s how they get you, your grandparents and the crazy cat lady that lives down the street. You feel bad for those dogs and cats that live in homeless shelters, so you send them your money. Each day, HSUS uses its multi-million dollar budget to lobby and change policy that would make it harder for farms to stay in business. Some examples include banning gestation crates for sows (pronounced “sau” —a pregnant pig), tail docking in dairy cattle and cages for egglaying hens. We’ve had farms for years. American agriculture is advancing more and more every day, and that’s a good thing! The population has doubled since 1954 and will double again by 2050. More people take up more space, which takes away from land that can be used for agricultural purposes. Agricultural purposes include growing the food you eat, growing the fibers that make up your clothes and the material you use to build your home. Pretty important, I’d say. Although I can’t speak on behalf of every farmer and rancher in the world, I know that the majority of producers use humane practices every day. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be successful. Livestock are dependent on humans.

They can’t load up the feed wagon by themselves and put it in the bunk for their livestock friends. They depend on us to fill that wagon with feed and put it in front of them to survive. If farmers didn’t give their livestock the necessary environment to survive, then the farmer would be in a world of hurt, both legally and financially. The livestock may be that farmer’s only means of income. Don’t think this means the farmer’s only concerned about money. No farmer wants to see one of their own die or suffer because of something they neglected. Many of the policies HSUS lobbies for are harmful to agriculture. These policies will make food prices go higher and, quite frankly, decrease the amount of food produced, because it will be physically impossible to produce that much food for the world’s growing population. Gov. Dave Heineman is one of my favorite people because of all he does for the agricultural industry. He’s openly against HSUS and he shows it. He knows the initiatives behind the organization and he knows it’s a bad idea to allow them in Nebraska. Gov. Heineman has said many times that if HSUS comes to Nebraska they will have to “fight for their life,” and they will. Agriculture makes up one in three jobs in the state of Nebraska, and if HSUS wants to change that, then they’ll have to fight against the governor, me and more than 47,000 farmers and ranchers in this state. So, you might still think I’m weird, crazy or a little too sassy. But if that’s what being passionate about being able to grow your food takes then that’s what I’ll be.

melissa keyes is a junior agricultural journalism major. she blogs at borninabarn-melissa. blogspot.com, and can be reached at melissakeyes@ dailynebraskan.com.

Religion has more value than atheism claims


umans love to divide themselves, as election years make painfully obvious. Lines are drawn in whatever topic dominates cultural conversation, and as participants of a shared culture, we are expected to pick a side. In matters of religion, the last decade has worked to intensify the division between “believers” and “nonbelievers.” The “New Atheism” movement, guided by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and the late Christopher Hitchens, champions the idea that religion is not only wrong but fundamentally dangerous. Their rhetoric has pushed forward-thinking minds, both religious and non-religious, further apart, and made shared values of humanity, morality and community less attainable than ever. Atheists have a lot to learn from the religious, and vice-versa, if we are to unite rather than attack the diversity that makes the best of shared cultural values. A middle ground between religion and atheism is nothing new, and is a stance quickly denounced by both sides. To identify as “spiritual” or “humanist” is seen as a cop-out. It’s an excuse to pick and choose within an arbitrary moral structure. But the moment any moral structure solidifies, the other side argues, you don’t have morality but doctrine, a way to blindly follow good decisions without critically appreciating why.

There is nothing wrong, however, with someone constructing their own moral framework based on principles of empathy. In a new TedTalk promoting “Atheism 2.0,” Alain de Botton shows how “we have secularized badly” by ignoring common claims to empathetic living. Empathy has us seek out the best in others and care for the common human condition, values that religions everywhere uphold in matters of charity and community. Critical empathy adds reflection and forward-thinking to this mix, teaching to discern which choices are most empathetic and productive, then incorporating what you learn into the best person you can be. Religion, though atheists aren’t eager to admit it, is based on these values. The cyclical processes of prayer and ritual encourage constant reflection on our own moral improvement. Observing the full moon, for instance, is highly revered in most Buddhist thought. This can be dismissed as pointless from a purely logical standpoint, but scientists everywhere attest how meaningful it can be to contemplate our existence in relation to the scale of the universe. Religion merely synchronizes this process of critical reflection. The supposedly free-thinking alternative is that it’s better to face moral tests as they come naturally in day-to-day experiences. But there’s nothing wrong, let alone reprehensible, with preferring a community

cameron mount that systematizes this thinking. The Catholic saints calendar provides another popular example, ensuring that we regularly brood on important moral and existential dilemmas. De Botton cites plummeting church attendance in 19th century England as an example of becoming aware of the shared moral structure we otherwise ignore. Scholars of the time suggested culture, books and art as sources rife with morality, consolation and guidance without the need for doctrine. Indeed, art remains a domain in which atheists could learn much from religion. The religious works of Rembrandt, Da Vinci and Michelangelo present the moral dichotomy of good versus evil, God versus sin. Like all great art, it pits what should be loved against what we fear. The major way secular art differs is that it normally presents these expressions as created by lone artists or writers, and brooded over independently in museums and academia. Secular thought purports that art is to be individually experienced, and artists

are often discouraged to claim moral messages. Religious art, on the other hand, is fundamentally communal and didactic. It pushes for disciplined moral growth within a caring community. Anyone who believes that humans are social creatures has something to learn from way of thinking. Cultural shifts don’t happen from purely individual expression and interpretation, but from spreading ideas within a social network. Elections aren’t won, and history books aren’t changed, by alienating and fragmenting diverse views, but by uniting under shared values. Religion is an effective, efficient and massive social network that has more in common with societal progress than atheists tend to realize. Sermons, like secular lectures, are where ideas for growth and improvement develop and spread. The question of a deity may seem like an insurmountable disagreement. But whether God is real or not, the belief in a deity reflects common human concerns. We must grapple with the dizzying scale of the universe. Whether from secular or religious origins, there is a state of mind where the productive, loving, appreciative and creative parts of our brains are aligned and we feel a sense of spirituality and fulfillment. It may come from making music, walking in nature or singing hymns, but it’s a fundamentally empathetic state. It serves the vital purpose of helping

us recognize our common humanity and the ability to reach heights beyond a limited sense of self. This belief isn’t in itself religious, but it wholeheartedly welcomes the feeling of mystery and self-betterment that is usually associated with religion. Einstein took this view, believing “not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind” but in a “humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we can comprehend about the knowable world.” Religion is a complex machine, with so many subtleties that it’s absurd to abandon the whole solely to the religious. The 20th century fragmented thought and asserted subjectivity, movements that validated the vast range of the human experience. In this vein, the “New Atheists” vehemently assert their perspectives in an increasingly fragmented conversation. But the 21st century is a new era. It’s one of collaboration; a Wiki era where the fragmented perspectives of the world can come together within a moral and mutually-beneficial superstructure. Both the religious and secular would gain from uniting where their goals and values meet, making full use of both our diversity and commonalities through the lens of critical empathy.

Cameron Mount is a junior secondary English education major. Reach him at cameronmount@ dailynebraskan.com.

performingarts DAILY NEBRASKAN


thursday, january 26, 2012




Flatwater Shakespeare Company brings classic performances to Lincoln in an unexpected way, using a cemetery as their home stage.


he Flatwater Shakespeare actors are used to performing for a dead audience – literally. After the troupe’s founding 11 years ago, Lincoln’s Flatwater Shakespeare Company began using the Wyuka Stables (of Wyuka Cemetery) — fondly known to the actors as the Swan Theatre, after Shakespeare’s theater — for performances. The professional company performs Shakespeare’s works, as well as contemporary plays, with their season running from late spring to early fall. This year they will open on Mar. 29 and beginning June 13, they will show adult and children’s performances of “Twelfth Night.” Flatwater Shakespeare director, Bob Hall, was first introduced to the stables when he moved back to Lincoln. He has performed in renditions of Shakespeare’s plays throughout his career and decided

it was exactly what Lincoln needed. The Swan Theatre added the perfect touch. “If you’ve studied Shakespeare and you knew Shakespeare, you would think, ‘Jesus, this is a Shakespearean theater,’” Hall said. Or at least, it was. The Wyuka Stable Building was finished in 1908 as part of a cemetery beautification project to house the horses needed to work on the grounds and drive funeral processions. Within a few years of the completion of the building though, the use of motor-powered vehicles began growing and the stables became a shed. The stable building has also previously been used for children’s theater and Medieval re-enactors. “What you’re seeing here is a building that really has not been used for its original purpose and was used for a long

Sharing files helps support smaller artists MUSINGS FROM THE MOSH PIT

neil orians On Jan. 19, the file sharing service Megaupload was shut down by federal prosecutors after its employees were indicted. According to The New York Times, the indictment claims more than $500 million in lost revenue because of pirated media. Megaupload was a file sharing service that, like many others, simply allowed users to upload content to share with anyone who has a link to said files. The service was free but by paying for a membership, users could gain access to quicker downloads and larger file sizes. Essentially, it was an extremely easy way to share things like music and movies. Content wasn’t well moderated and, though files were deleted on a periodic basis, virtually anyone could gain

access to anything uploaded. So while it was a great, free service to send files much larger than most email services can accept, everyone ever could download your stuff. It should be no surprise that I support file sharing. For smaller artists, file sharing is a fantastic way to get their music out there. For their last record, The JV All Stars released their album “Hold On To This” on multiple file sharing platforms, including Megaupload. The whole point was to release their album to their fans before their final show, so fans could celebrate their career as a band. Other bands have purposefully leaked their albums in an attempt to gain a larger fan base. This is a somewhat successful business model that seems to be proving itself more and more useful every day. The problem with groups like the Recording Industry

moshpit: see page 6

time (as a garage and storage for maintenance crews) ... until Flatwater Shakespeare discovered it,” said Lori Raphael, development director for Wyuka. Currently a rusting boat, trampoline and orange polyester chair litter two drafty stable rooms that are now destined to become an air-conditioned and heated meeting room, available to the community. Outside of the two rooms stands the stage, more of a decaying courtyard at this point. During its summer shows, about 120 audience members are able to squeeze inside. They sit on either side of the stage and in the instance of a summer storm they are able to move back into the garage space. The theater company

shakespeare: see page 6

pagE 5

Professor brings practice abroad to classroom kelsey Haugen daily nebraskan

Although much of their success comes from their individual talents, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chamber Singers have a director with worlds of experience and passion to teach and lead them. Therees Hibbard, the director of the Chamber Singers, began her schooling in Virginia and then earned another degree in Colorado, followed by a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in vocal music education and choral conducting in Oregon. Hibbard then moved to London for 12 years, where she was a choral conductor, singing tutor and senior lecturer at a series of colleges and universities, including the London College of Music. “London is a wonderful place for the performing arts,” Hibbard said. Living in London and connecting with other choral directors and musicians helped her to travel even further to conduct. From London, Hibbard traveled to Ireland, Hong Kong and Muscat, Oman, which she noted as her favorite place to travel and work. “It was a wonderful mixture of young people coming together to make music ... a great model for the way the world should be,” Hibbard said. Hibbard’s professional experience includes conducting everything from children’s to professional choirs, as well as university ensembles. “Some of my most memorable ones are honor choirs

made up of international schools,” Hibbard said. “Young people from all over the world come together for a festival weekend and it’s always very exciting.” For Hibbard working with international schools and building new audiences is a great means of outreach. “Music is like a common ground among international students,” she said. When Hibbard and her husband were still living in London, she was offered a position at UNL. Of course, she expected this move would bring changes. “Nebraska was as different to us as London at first, but I think we were meant to be here,” Hibbard said. She became an associate professor at UNL, where she now teaches choir, graduate choral literature and conducting. She is also the director of the Chamber Singers and an associate director of choral activities. “I love working with students, both undergraduates and graduates,” Hibbard said. “Some want to become teachers and others professional conductors. I enjoy the broad variety.” Hibbard brings her experiences from traveling to her classes and directorial strategies, but she also carries with her the personal experience of having been a singer and dancer as a student. “There are some pieces I love more as a conductor and some I love more as a performer,” she said. “I find that being solo is a totally different experience than

hibbard: see page 6

Company trades in concept art katie nelson daily nebraskan

The first hour of auditions for Omniarts Nebraska was a little slow. Two dancers showed up, completed paperwork and auditioned. Co-directors Daniel Kubert and Dustin Witte bustled between dance studios and the makeshift lobby. Officially founded in Aug. 2011, Omniarts Nebraska is the youngest of the professional theater companies in Lincoln. Saturday’s auditions marked the beginning of one of their first and largest projects – and it doesn’t even exist yet. After they cast the nine roles, Kubert and Witte will begin creating two separate productions, “Understanding K/The Red Balloon” and “Understanding K/Understanding Q.” Both are two-act performances with “Understanding K/ The Red Balloon” tentatively scheduled to open in June and “Understanding K/Understanding Q” is slated to open in October or November. The creation of the first production is expected to start in February with a series of workshops led by Kubert and Witte every Saturday from 1 to 3:30 p.m. The first set of workshops will concentrate on “Understanding K,” a play intended to “illuminate children’s struggles to be seen and heard,” said Kubert. They look to partner with the People’s City Mission (including the Men’s Shelter

and Women’s Shelter), Lincoln East High School and Northeast High School in order to reach out to the largest demographic possible. “Through all of these kinds of people ... it’s our goal to be able to illuminate all that is universal,” said Kubert. “The greater good of the piece

visualization sessions. They will also have the option of changing mediums as their responses switch throughout the day. “The day will serve as sort of a supportive system for people interested in learning about

is that LAUREN VUCHETICH it’s giving DAILY NEBRASKAN the comm u n i t y a chance to each other a n d meet itself.” When conducting workbeing compassionate tow a r d shops for “Understanding each other,” Witte said. Q,” the company is lookPeople will be encouring to collaborate with the LGBTQA resource center at aged to create from their the University of Nebraska- personal experiences. All theatrical producLincoln. Kubert will introduce tions include a mixture of workshop attendees to vari- the arts – literature, perous neutral scenarios, such as formance, music, visual walking in the woods, during art – but Witte and Kubert visualization sessions. Then want to make the audience people will be dismissed aware of all of them by into create visual art, musical corporating these elements compositions and dances that on a larger scale. “It’s really elaborating on depict their reaction to the

the fact that these elements do exist together, but making them all work toward a singular theme or purpose in the show,” Witte said. While the directors have rough ideas and concepts they would like to portray in the show, which Kubert fondly calls “the skeleton,” they haven’t begun putting “the flesh” on it. Similar to works like the movie “Moulin Rouge,” they plan to take a basic story line and mold it into a final product that is more than just a theater performance – it is art in and of itself. “The package, when it’s done, we’d like to have something that is four-dimensional,” Kubert said. The directors will then take written observations and recordings compiled by artists conducting each station in the workshops and use them to write “Understanding K.” As with many contemporary theater companies, Omniarts Nebraska will use shows as more of a conversation avenue between audience members and actors. “The Red Balloon” will be a modern dance interpretation of Albert Lamorisse’s 1956 movie. Music director Mark Wolberg is currently co-writing the score of the show. Before auditions started, Kubert and assistant director Ciara McCormack, who will be

OMNIARTS: see page 6

upcoming events Ignite Lincoln when: Thursday, 7 p.m. where: The Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O. St. how much: Free

“12 Angry Men” when: Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m. where: Lincoln Community Playhouse, 2500 S. 56th St. how much: $20 adults, $10 students

Orion Walsh Band w/ Midwest Dilemma, Manny Coon when: Thursday, 9 p.m. where: Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th St. how much: $5


thursday, january 26, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Band blends music, worship ingrid holmquist daily Nebraskan

››Editor’s note: For reasons of artistic integrity, the three members of Brothers Family Temple prefer to be referred to only by their stage names: Brother Joe, Brother Dusty and Brother Izzy. “Imagine a vast mystical expanse of grass and wildflowers, with star people dancing and dreaming in impossible shapes and colors.” These visions of grasses and wildflowers are what Brother Dusty, Brother Izzy and Brother Joe hope to inspire in audiences of their Lincoln indie trio, Brothers Family Temple. They are far from your typical indie outfit. The facade that the trio brings to the stage is idiosyncratic to say the least. The group strives to incorporate “The Gospel of Yes” into their performances and into a psychedelic sound that’s impressively difficult to paste to a single genre. According to Brother Izzy, “The Gospel of Yes” was inspired by the Transcendentalist wave and various cultural movements and has been incorporated into all facets of the Brothers Family Temple concert. “The Gospel of Yes” is comprised of three ideas: “yes,” “power” and “everything.” “‘Yes’ is the attitude of active engagement with the multiverse,” said Brother Izzy. “‘Power’ is the energy to shape reality through the focus of intent. The affirmation of ‘everything’ is the recognition of potential cosmos within all things and ideas.” The history of how the Brothers Family Temple was conceived is intriguing. According to Brother Izzy, the band burst into life under a bridge in the wilderness. “The idea was to induce blissful states through meditation,” Brother Izzy asserted. “It was in this state that the three of us were confronted by a blinding light dissolving away body confinements and projecting us into states of ‘suprabliss,’ or what we now call ‘The

morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Kingdom.’ ‘The Gospel of Yes’ became the only way of possibly surviving such heights of supreme peace and pleasure.” The Brothers Family Temple mixes the ideologies of poet Walt Whitman, musician Father Yod and The Source and family and fictional libertine Don Juan to shape their music. Their stage façade is that of a cultrock experience. “Rock music was the chosen catalyst for the ‘Gospel of Yes’ because of its cultural entrenchment in the mainstream American youth culture,” Brother Izzy said. At its core The Brothers Family Temple is noteworthy for its ability to mix music and spiritual worship. While religion and rock music seldom are intertwined, The Brothers Family Temple embraces the opportunity to preach the “Gospel of Yes.” “The young American has never consciously experienced the pleasure of worship through the medium of rock because the form has mostly expressed angst and frustration,” Brother Izzy said.

Creating a transcendental stage presence requires visual components, as well, notably dancers. And not the drunkenly swaying front row of women found at a typical concert. The Brothers Family Temple actually hires dancers to be apart of the experience. One such dancer, Leah Adams, recognizes her specific role in translating the message of the band aesthetically, calling herself “a priestess of the Temple.” The dancers are the spirit of the “Gospel of Yes” in the flesh. “Through dance I am able to be a fluid force between the message shared by the Brothers and those witnessing the message,” said Adams, “I show these witnesses how they too may celebrate freedom and pleasure.” It’s apparent that all the people involved in the experience believe whole-heartedly in the “Gospel,” which works its way into every facet of the Brothers experience. “I invite (the audience) to forget their inhibitions and free their bodies,” Adams said. “This is why the Brothers Family

Temple is a powerful experience for those who witness us.” Despite never recording their music, the band is staying busy this winter season. They will be performing their one-year anniversary show on Feb. 18 at Cultiva Coffee, which happens to be the site of their first performance. “It will be bittersweet, reflecting on how far we’ve come in 350 days.” Brother Joe said. The trio is also releasing their own comic book to help illustrate the mantra of the group. “I expect the upcoming comic book to revolve around the saga of a beautiful cat dancer named ‘Omaha,’” Brother Joe said. The fact that the only Brothers Family Temple recordings in existence are ones bootlegged from shows makes it difficult to completely understand the collective mindset of the trio without attending a concert. Only through a live performance can one truly experience the “Gospel” of The Brothers Family Temple and that’s the way they want it.

to hold graduation parties and meetings. While they are away from their home, Flatwater will perform at different venues, including the Haymarket Theater. But the great outdoors continue to call their name. Last summer the group toured Lincoln, performing in six local parks in an attempt to bring Shakespeare’s shows to a larger demographic. “We feel it really reached out to different parts of the community,” Hall said. However, the company’s home stage will always be at The Swan: It’s the place they have transfigured into

a Shakespearean world for more than a decade. Raphael remembers one particular production where a torrential downpour began halfway through the show. The theater cleared out, save for about 20 audience members and the actors improvised the rest of the show beneath the hay mount. “If they do a comedy, you will be in stitches,” Raphael said. “If they do a tragedy, you will feel tears come to your eyes. The audience was just overwhelmed with gratitude towards the actors.”

ingridholmquist@ dailynebraskan.com

shakespeare: from 5 usually builds a platform using an alley design. But actors are rarely limited to just the platform. Hall stages shows to use all parts of the stables, including the hayloft for balcony scenes, such as the famous “Romeo and Juliet” dialogue and sometimes actors will repel from the rooftop or other windows in the stables. “People see the outside and they’re like, ‘Does Shakespeare go on in there?’” Raphael said, “And it does, because it has this wonderful courtyard.” Despite its grave appearance, Hall said the Wyuka

Cemetery doesn’t affect audience turnout too much. Patrons attend shows, despite the location. “I think when people look beyond the sad times they’ve been here ... I think they get it,” Raphael said. According to her, the building’s restoration, which will be funded by the Federal Transportation Enhancement Program is set to begin as early as this spring and could take up to nine months to complete. When finished, the stable will continue to be used by the Flatwater Shakespeare Company as a theater and as a place for Lincoln residents

katienelson@ dailynebraskan.com

OMNIARTS: from 5 offered suggestions, advising her to move like a balloon. Music blared from speakers

and Wolberg improvised on his interpretation during each guitar. show. And, as of right now, this is Each creative session lasts how rehearsals are conducted. about three hours and on As Kubert and McCormack average, they are able to work through each step and se- turn out about five minutes quence, Wolberg and Ed Love of a 45-minute score, said elaborate on basic musical Wolberg. themes that Love has already In addition to their own written. creations, Witte and Kubert Kubert and Witte suggest will also produce other changes to be made to piec- shows, including “Waiting es during and after sessions. for Godot.” Sometimes though the sug“I think a lot of arts orgagestions are abstract, asking nizations half-do what they the musicians to interpret or want to do,” said McCorfeel the music differently. mack. “I think this will bring “In a way, I think it’s easier focus on people doing art to write for dance,” Woberg because that’s what they besaid, “There’s something lieve in and that’s what they there to describe. (Witte and Kubert) want to In addition to the set score, to 402.346.9802 people.” n i a for more info call: 402.706.8316 b co room for bring or katienelson@ there willithalso blackbe



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dancing the part of the Red Balloon, rehearsed choreography. Kubert watched and

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Ambition Tour w Black Ambition TourCobain

moshpit: from 5 Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is that they assume their audiences won’t spend any money at all if they pirate media. In reality, music and movie fans will pirate and spend money. It’s like Pete Wentz: goes both ways. The majority of the record industry isn’t getting its money from CD sales anymore. Fans are buying more vinyl as a way to have collectors’ items in their possession. Plus, vinyl is just sexy. People like the novelty and audio experience of it all. Larger acts, like Beastie Boys, Radiohead and They Might Be Giants have released vinyl records as a result of the rebirth of the market. That’s right, I’ll say it: Something good for the music industry is a direct result of the hipster boom. Live shows will always be a fantastic way for bands to make money. Yeah, the scene sucks for the most part. But kids will still come out to shows, as long as promoters and bars are doing their jobs and bands are making genuinely good music. Some of my best experiences playing in a band have been playing on tour where we had fans in cities

we’ve never been or have only been to once. This was a reality because we released our record for free on a web service much like Megaupload. Bandcamp is a better, more “legitimate” venue for these kinds of music outlets. Thanks to sharing our album online then selling a vinyl copy, we were able to not only reach a huge demographic we wouldn’t have otherwise, but we were able to successfully tour for a month on the road. It’s sad to see large corporations that make obscene amounts of money get upset over supposed lost revenue that clearly doesn’t affect them. They are still able to be extremely successful despite the economic downturn. It’s even somewhat ironic that the smaller acts are able to benefit from using these sources to gain a stronger fan base. These minor outfits see the potential in using the technology as a benefit to promoting their art, not making a quick buck. Neil Orians is a senior fine arts major and proud to admit he illegally downloaded “Teenage Dream.”Reach him at neilorians@ dailynebraskan.com.

hibbard: from 5 being in an ensemble.” Still, Hibbard is most comfortable shoulder to shoulder with other vocalists. “I’m drawn to it because I like that shared experience,” she said. “Sometimes you can’t do it by yourself and that’s what is fun about it.” She continues to be a professional singer and is a member of the Oregon Bach Festival Choir. “Everyone gathering together to make the most beautiful music we can is an enriching experience for me,” Hibbard said. “It’s where I study and grow as a musician and then I can bring that back to my own students and colleagues here.” Although she doesn’t dance anymore, she still incorporates bits of that particular art form into her teaching. “I do infuse with my teaching using your whole body to sing,” Hibbard said. “That puts me in a dance studio with singers sometimes.” Hibbard uses this technique with the Chamber Singers as she prepares the group for performances. “I love the heterogeneous grouping of majors and non-majors and the high level of musical expression,” she said. In recent years the Chamber Singers have found a performance home in the Rotunda Art Gallery and the Sheldon Museum of Art. “They have made such a lovely commitment to working with the Sheldon,” Hibbard said. Daniel Veneciano, director of the Sheldon, enjoys when the Chamber Singers perform or rehearse there. “You have to hear the singers in the Great Hall,” Veneciano said. “The Hall has cathedral acoustics and the singers sound absolutely celestial.” In addition, Veneciano regards Hibbard as a highly inspirational director. “(She) brings a palpable vitality that is infectious,” he said. “She inspires with her grace and sense of rhythm.” According to Veneciano, Hibbard varies the type of experience the singers

receive by having them experiment with different cultural and artistic inspirations, such as Sheldon’s Winter Gem program and also working with visual arts themes, such as the African American art and culture exhibitions at the museum. “At Sheldon, people come in to see art, but they don’t expect to hear it too,” Hibbard said. One of her favorite parts about choral music is that it is a mix of classical and contemporary. “The connection through the music is remarkable,” Hibbard said. She has also been a church musician in the past and she now works with the Hildegarde Center for the Arts, which is not a place of worship, but emphasizes broad-based art that encourages spirituality. John Richmond, director of the UNL School of Music, appreciates the experience Hibbard applies from various areas of choir music. “She brings tremendous expertise in chamber choir music and also in the use of choreography and dance pedagogy to improve choral performance,” Richmond said. “She is also a wonderful musician, which is very important.” Richmond also commented on the impact her travels have had on her teaching and conducting skills. “She brings a marvelous international awareness, and is able to pick music that is challenging … and appropriate for the (Chamber Singers’) next step in the musical process,” he said. Hibbard recently traveled to Princeton to work with the American Boychoir. After working with Hibbard, the choir booked a trip to Lincoln to perform with the UNL Chamber Singers and others this April. “I think my job is to bring the world to Nebraska, not just different kinds of music, but an additional perspective on what the music is saying or how it can be used,” Hibbard said. kelseyhaugen@ dailynebraskan.com

correction On Jan. 25, the Daily Nebraskan incorrectly identified an Asianinterest multicultural sorority, Sigma Psi Zeta, in a story profiling the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s multicultural Greek System. The article

incorrectly noted the sorority as Sigma Psi Beta. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error. If you spot a factual

error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

Daily Nebraskan

thursday, january 26, 2012


Students, let Lincoln know what you love! Welcome to the Daily Nebraskan’s first UNL Student Choice Awards, highlighting the best in Lincoln businesses and services as selected by University of Nebraska-Lincoln students. All this week, you can take this sheet, fill out up to three top choices in the categories below and turn it into collection boxes by the Daily Nebraskan stands in both the Nebraska Union and East Campus Union. Students who answer at least 11 of the categories below and provide complete demographic information at the bottom of this page will be entered into a drawing for either a $30 Red Lobster/Olive Garden gift card, a $50 Amigos gift card or a $75 cash prize. The survey will also be available online at www.dailynebraskan.com, but please note that only students who turn in a paper copy to the locations in the East Campus Union and Nebraska Union will be eligible for prizes. This page will run in the Daily Nebraskan every day this week. Results will be run in a special Daily Nebraskan section later this semester. The contest is open only to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Please provide a valid UNL email address where specified below. Winners will be selected via random drawing by a third party and will be contacted to verify their status as a UNL student.




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thursday, january 26, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

men’s gymnastics

NU takes to road against No. 6 Stanford about what we do,” Chmelka said. “We have concentrated a lot more this week on the quality and increasing the numbers of our dismounts because that’s where we really lost a lot of points.” For NU sophomore Mark Ringle, a native of San Ramon, Calif., traveling to his home state is even more of a motivator. “I’m really excited because I haven’t competed there since I came to Nebraska,” Ringle said. “So all my friends and family who haven’t seen me compete since I left are coming to watch me and support the team.” Ringle is excited to compete in his home state, and to show his family and friends how much he has improved since joining the Huskers. “We always have that drive to do the best we can and try our best to beat the other teams.” Ringle said. “This meet for me is just to show my friends and family how much I’ve improved since they’ve seen me.” Ringle is working extra hard not only to beat Stanford, but also because he injured his shoulder in November. “I’m battling some injuries right now,” Ringle said. “I found out I might have a torn ligament in my shoulder.” But Ringle won’t let a hurt shoulder keep him back. His plan is to “work smarter, not harder.”

Michelle O’Donnell Daily Nebraskan

After beating Air Force and improving their average score by five points, the Huskers are ready to face Stanford this weekend. NU will travel to Palo Alto, Calif., Satu r d a y to face off with the No. 6 Cardinal in its third ringle m a t c h of the season. After competing against Air Force in their second meet and again in the Rocky Mountain Open, the Huskers are ready to face a new team. “I think we can challenge them,” coach Chuck Chmelka said. “They graduated a lot of really good guys last year.” Chmelka realizes that even though Stanford lost some of its key players, the Huskers still need to put together solid routines. “They’re still good,” Chmelka said. “But they’re not as good as they were last year when they won the national championship, and I think if we put together six quality events we can do well.” The Huskers have been preparing all week for their match against the Cardinal. “We just have to worry

michelleodonnell@ Dailynebraskan.com



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No. 1222 8

















34 37







we come and play as well as we can play, we’ve got a chance to win every one of them.” Iowa coach Fran McCaffery acknowledged in his weekly press conference that even as he watched NU struggle early on, he knew they’d be a quality opponent once Jorge Brian Diaz and Dylan Talley returned from injury. “I think the thing about them, when they sort of stumbled out of the gate, it really wasn’t a reflection of that team. They had a great non-conference record. Two of their best players were injured for the first three games of conference play, and they played three great teams. “When Talley and Diaz came back and it gave them the seven quality

players that Doc goes with, that’s more of a reflection of what this team is capable of doing,” McCaffrey said. The Huskers have struggled in past years to win games against teams with similar talent levels, memorably down the stretch last year. But if NU wants to pull itself out of the conference hole it has dug itself into, that has to start Saturday. Just don’t expect a lot of hype to precede the game. Asked about the history NU and Iowa share, Sadler was unable to even come up with an answer. “I have no idea,” he said. “I don’t know what the history is. We’re our opponent right now.” danhoppen@ dailynebraskan.com

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1 2

file photo by jon augustine | daily nebraskan

After missing five games due to injury, junior Jorge Brian Diaz’s return has given NU a low-post scoring option.

phone: (402) 472-2589 Fax: (402) 472-1761


Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack, 402-476-7474.

slowly in their Big Ten schedules: NU is 2-6, Iowa 3-4. Both own upset wins over a conference foe: The Huskers took down Indiana and the Hawkeyes dispensed Wisconsin and Michigan. And both aren’t far away from the Big Ten cellar, currently occupied by Penn State. Iowa is ninth while the Huskers sit two spots lower in 11th. But NU seems confident that things are going to turn around soon. The opening month of their conference slate was littered with ranked teams and games in hostile road arenas. Seven of those eight games were against teams in the top half of the conference. The next 10 games appear to be much easier on the surface. As the rankings stand now, the Huskers would have only two more games against ranked teams. Sadler seemed relieved to be done with the month-long gauntlet, admitting that he expected some rough patches during the stretch. But he stressed that while the following schedule appears easier on paper, the Huskers are in no position to let up at all. “To be honest with you, I was hoping to be 3-5 out of this start,” Sadler said. “If we could have come out of that eight game stretch being 3-5, I would’ve been the happiest guy in the world. When you play seven of your eight games against teams that are going to finish maybe first, second and third in this league, now you’ve got that behind you. “That’s not to say these next ten are going to be easy, because they’re not. But they’re games that if




Ringle still works hard, and puts all his energy into practicing to make his routines as clean as possible for the Huskers upcoming schedule. “My goal for Stanford is to hit my routines as cleanly as possible,” he said. “And to show everyone who’s coming to watch see how much I’ve improved.” Ringle has a positive outlook for the matchup against Stanford and knows the team has what it takes to do what it needs to do. “I think the team will definitely build up confidence with this meet,” said Ringle. “We have to make sure everyone does their best and stays positive no matter what happens.” The team is in good spirits after their narrow win against Air Force (336.550331.750) last weekend, but is still concentrating on the road ahead. “Our scores haven’t been that far off of their scores,” Chmelka said. “We haven’t really excelled at floor– that’s been costing us a lot of points, but we’ve improved and can keep improving.” Chmelka is happy with how the practices went this past week, and he thinks the Huskers are ready to go up against Stanford Saturday. “We just have to do our job and hit it and see what happens,” Chmelka said. “But they don’t have the depth we have.”

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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, january 26, 2012


tennis preview »men’s » tennis Grant Muessel Daily Nebraskan

New courts, new opponents and a new conference, but nothing’s changed for the Nebraska men’s tennis team. Making the NCAA tournaments at season’s end: that’s everyone’s goal. Other than venue, things won’t change much for the Huskers in their first Big Ten season. A few more conference matches and more indoor tennis, which most team members agree favors the Huskers. With most of their core players returning from 2011, expectations surrounding Nebraska, who finished 40th last season, have never been higher for head coach Kerry McDermott. “I think we’ll be better

(than last year),” McDermott said. “The bottom of our line has improved. In fact, I saw some huge improvements.” The Huskers like their leadership this year, spearheaded by senior captains Benedikt Lindheim and Christopher Aumueller, who also happen to be the nation’s 7th-ranked doubles combo by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. After one their leaders, Taylor Boney, graduated, Aumueller and Lindheim stepped in leading by example. “We can always look to them,” junior Eric Sock said. “What they’re doing is always pretty good in practice, how they train and how they compete in matches. We can always look up to them and ask ourselves if we’re doing what our leaders are doing.”

With last year’s seniors gone, Aumueller said he feels like he owes it to his team to step up as a leader, especially in practice. “I’m not always the easiest guy to handle on the court,” Aumueller said. “When I see someone and I feel like he’s not using his feet right or whatever I get really loud. I’ll get in his face. It’s never anything personal, but if I feel like someone isn’t giving a full effort, you have to treat people differently.” Sock said their captains’ style of leadership helps when his team loses focus, something McDermott is always looking to improve. “We’ve had a couple days here and there with guys being 100 percent focused for two hours,” McDermott said.

“With two hours of concentration and working hard I think big things will happen.” According to Sock, it’s doing the little things like picking up balls after practice that set their seniors apart. “They don’t waste a lot of time in practice which I respect,” Sock said. “We get out there and they get down to business – they’re there to work and there to improve. There’s not just a bunch of talking on the sidelines.” Aumueller may get in their faces from time to time, but he is the team’s clear-cut number one. In addition to the NCAA team tournament, he hopes to reach the NCAA singles tournament for the first time in his career. He thinks he and Lindheim have

a good shot at a spot in the NCAA doubles tournaments as well – an achievement no Husker has accomplished since 2002. “I obviously want to finish strong,” he laughed. “I don’t want to look back and say my last season was the worst or anything. I don’t want to have to regret anything.” Aumueller said more important are the goals of the team, starting with representing Nebraska well in their first season in the Big Ten. They’d like to finish top-5 in the Big Ten standings without losing to an opponent with a rank lower than their own. The season kicks off Sunday morning against 34thranked Virginia Tech in Athens, Ga.

team as a reason for confidence. “We return our entire team from last year,” Jacobson explained. “The past two years we’ve made it to the NCAA tournament, so returning everyone from last year is very encouraging.” What’s even more encouraging is the fact that Nebraska made it to the tournament last year despite losing its team captain. Mary Weatherholt, a senior from Prairie Village, Kan., tore her ACL early in the season last year and was unable to compete. Weatherholt’s return is

very encouraging to coach Jacobson. “We’re really excited to get her back,” Jacobson said. “She has recovered from the injury 100 percent and is going to make an immediate impact on the team.” You can’t really blame Jacobson for his enthusiasm when it comes to Weatherholt’s return. As a freshman, Weatherholt had an astounding 20-2 singles record, was named the Big 12 Freshman of the Year, and was selected to the All-Big 12 singles team. By the end of her sophomore year, she climbed

to No. 1 in career singles winning percentage (.861) at Nebraska and was once again named to the All-Big 12 singles team. She was awarded a medical redshirt for the 2011 season. As the Huskers prepare for No. 24 Arkansas on Saturday, they will be looking to build off their successes of last season where they concluded the 2011 campaign with a 4-2 first-round loss to Tulsa in the NCAA Championships. “It’s going to be a great dual match,” Jacobson explained. “It’s a great chance for our team to play a team

who is ranked a little higher than us. We’re really excited to play a top-notch team like Arkansas.” Saturday’s winner will face off against Dartmouth or Northwestern in Sunday’s championship match. Nebraska will be led by seniors Madeleine Geibert, Jennifer Holmberg and, of course, Weatherholt. “I think the girls are confident, and they should be,” Jacobson said. “We’ve made it to the NCAA’s the past two years, and last year we did it without Mary (Weatherholt). This is one of the most talented teams we’ve


“We feel like they’re a team a lot like us,” McDermott said. “We want to see where we’re at. It’s kind of 50-50 match, a good test for everyone on our team.”

grantmuessel@ dailynebraskan.com

»women’s » tennis J.C. Reid Daily Nebraskan

If there’s one thing the tennis team isn’t lacking, it’s confidence. On Saturday, the Nebraska women’s tennis team meets No. 24 Arkansas at 3 p.m. to kick off competition at the Kickoff Classic, a dual that head coach Scott Jacobson believes will go in favor of his team, despite being the underdog. While Arkansas may be ranked higher than Nebraska, Jacobson, who is entering his 21st season as head coach at Nebraska, points to an experienced Husker

green: from 10

jcreid@ dailynebraskan.com

better: from 10

So far, that evaluation has In his final year of high school, Green amassed a been spot on. However, 29-0 record en route to win- Manning said it’s rare to see ning the first state wrestling true freshmen like Green title in Willingboro’s history. and teammate Jake Sue“I get to set a standard for flohn have the type of sucthe younger kids at the ju- cess they have had in their nior program trying to reach first seasons as Huskers. “I’ve had very few guys that goal, so it was pretty do it,” Manning said. “They amazing,” Green said. By that time, Nebraska both got going, they both kept believhad already ing in thembeen recruitAll those selves and ing Green teams ... were made quick along with adjustments. the likes of looking at me. They figPenn State, But Nebraska– ured it out. R u t g e r s , they saw what Once you’re Maryland, in pressure Arizona State, potential I had situations and Ohio State for college and you’re sucand North they stuck with cessful, it’s Carolina. easy to do “All those it even before it again beteams ... were I won my state cause you looking at championship. know how to me. But Nehandle it.” braska – they It took a saw what James Green while for potential I Freshman wrestler Green to dishad for colplay his true lege and they stuck with it even before colors. After claiming the I won my state champion- top spot on the team at 157 ship,” Green said. “All the pounds, he lost each of his other schools started con- first two matches. “I was a little nervous, tacting me after that.” Manning said the first time but I got through it,” Green he saw Green wrestle, he said. “And since then I’ve was impressed with Green’s just kind of been on a roll.” With a little experience skill and heart. “I saw a competitiveness under his wings, Green has in James, and once we got been able to confront presto know him and his char- sure situations well. “You handle it menacter, how he carries himself, that’s when we knew tally and then you can do he’d be a good fit for Ne- the physical part of the equation,” Manning said. braska,” Manning said.


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weatherholt had and they have a chance to do some great things.”


“There’s a lot of people up there that can do the physical part, but it’s the mental part that both Jake and James have done. Even if someone takes them down or scores a point ... they know how to respond.” He added that Green has made giant strides since the beginning of the season on bottom, on top and on his feet. “For us, as a program, we really focus on being good in all three areas because we know that’s going to be imperative to be a national champion,” Manning said. And that prospect is legitimate. “We’re never too young to win,” Manning said. In Green’s case, the statement is certainly true. Green is riding the tide of a 10-match winning streak, a wave that has carried him to the No. 9 ranking in the nation. Don’t think for a second, though, that he puts a lot of thought toward it. “It just shows that I got eight more people to catch up to and work harder than,” Green said. “Whoever I wrestle, 1, 2, 3, it doesn’t matter. I’m just going to wrestle.” zachtegler@ dailynebraskan.com

night. The Hawkeyes junior point guard is fifth in the conference in scoring (17.8 points per game) and sixth in assists (4.4) and has been the bright spot of a disappointing season. The Hawkeyes, thought by many to be Big Ten contenders in the preseason, come into Lincoln with a 11-9 record overall, 3-4 in conference play. “They have a lot of good playmakers on that team ... they’re a tough team to guard,” Moore said. “It’s surprising to see what their record is considering the fact that they have so many talented players on that team.” Something that should help the Huskers Thursday night is the play of freshman forward Emily Cady, recently named the Big Ten Freshman of the Week. The Seward native has become more involved in the Husker offense of late, scoring in double figures six games in a row and averaging 13.9 points and 6.1 rebounds per game in conference play. Cady has already proven a threat to Iowa. In the first matchup, she put up 14 points despite four missed free throws and three

fouls that limited her to 26 minutes of action. Scoring even more may take some of the pressure off of Moore and Jordan Hooper, which is something Cady’s teammates have been telling her she can do. “Everyone tells me I need to be more aggressive,” Cady said. “I like getting assists more than scoring ...but if I’m open, of course I’ll take (the shot).” Thursday’s game will mark the halfway point of Nebraska’s conference season. NU currently sits in a three-way tie for third in the conference at 5-2 (16-3 overall) with Michigan and Penn State. With a win, the Huskers will move into a two-way tie at 6-2 with Thursday’s Michigan/PSU winner. With another potential victory over 6-14 Illinois on Sunday, NU could find themselves all alone in third place on Monday and restored to the top-15 of the AP poll. While the team often speaks of taking things “one game at a time” the goal of the season has always been a trip to the NCAA Tournament, and the players know March Madness is approaching.

That’s why, to Moore, each game from here on out will have a particular intensity. “With it almost winding down toward the end of the season and conference play, we all want to be a tournament team,” she said. “We set out goals before the season started and we said we wanted to be a NCAA Tournament team. If we’re struggling in a drill, coach Yori will remind us of the goals that we set out ... and how we wanted to make the NCAA Tournament. We have to be constantly getting better.” But if the Huskers haven’t gotten any better since Jan. 8 and find themselves down late again, they know for sure they have what it takes to come back this time. “I remember (during the last Iowa game) just down the stretch almost trading baskets for baskets and how we came back,” Moore said. “We could have easily just called it a day and kind of had a pity party for ourselves. But instead we kept fighting and we have it within ourselves to come back and not give up and just pull a win out.”

seanwhalen@ dailynebraskan.com



thursday, january 26, 2012

story by zach tegler | photo by mary-ellen kennedy

page 10

True freshman James Green has become a young leader for the NU wrestling squad this season, compiling a 23-3 record uses his specialty: the takedown.


irst period, 1:25 remaining, Nebraska’s James Green takes down Tommy Churchard of Purdue. Churchard escapes three seconds later and the routine begins again. With 1:14 left in the period, Green scores another takedown and allows an escape at the 1:08 mark. Seven seconds later, another takedown for Green. The NU true freshman had been intentionally giving up one-point escapes for the chance to notch more two-point

takedowns. The game plan involves risk, reward and — most importantly — confidence. “I mean, if I wasn’t confident, I wouldn’t be giving up those escapes,” Green said, “but I’m pretty confident that I can take anybody down.” Green ended up winning the 157-pound match by a major decision, 16-7, with the help of seven takedowns – a number he also hit in a match against Indiana two days earlier. And tallying seven takedowns

in a seven minute match isn’t easily done. “The sport comes down to forcing your will on the other guy and really imposing it on him,” NU coach Mark Manning said. “You have to get busy, but you can’t be in a hurry. You’ve got to be smart.” The two victories moved Green, who has been in the lineup for all of NU’s duals except one this season, to 23-3. A year ago, he was a senior at Willingboro High School in Willingboro, N.J., doing much of the same.

green: see page 9

NU women prepare for round two against Iowa Sean Whalen Daily Nebraskan

file photo by kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Junior Dylan Talley’s return to the rotation has provided a spark for the NU offense.

Huskers look to bounce back against Hawkeyes Dan Hoppen Daily nebraskan

The hype surrounding the Iowa-Nebraska football game in November had bubbled and brewed for years. Fans from both sides had pleaded for an annual matchup. The Huskers’ entrance to the Big Ten provided that opportunity, and both schools seized the opportunity to forge a rivalry, even creating a trophy for the game.

The hoopla surrounding the football matchup was tremendous. Saturday’s basketball game? Not so much. In fact, the Huskers and Hawkeyes have hardly any hard-court memories. The last time the two faced off? It was the first basketball game played in the Bob Devaney Sports Center, way back in 1976. NU coach Doc Sadler was still in high school.

“So it was like 10 years ago,” Sadler joked before practice Monday. So there won’t be 90,000 people in the stands or a trophy waiting at midcourt for the victor. But because of the way both schools have started conference play, each is desperate for this victory. Both teams have started

iowa: see page 8

Nebraska coach Connie Yori has said before that she isn’t sure how her women’s basketball team wins sometimes. A prime example of that line of thinking was NU’s 77-72 win at Iowa Jan. 8. The Huskers lost the turnover battle, had fewer assists, missed six more free throws than Iowa and trailed by as many as eight points in the second half. The Huskers managed to pull out a win because of the heroics of Lindsey Moore (22 points, 11 assists, seven rebounds) who had a hand in NU’s final 19 points and the fact that Iowa struggled mightily from beyond the arc, going just 2 of 16 from 3-point range. If Moore had failed to heat up late, or if Iowa had hit a few more 3-pointers, Nebraska would have lost. Heading into Thursday’s home rematch with the Hawkeyes, it’s for that reason that the No. 19 Huskers feel the need to play better against a team it beat in order to win again. “We, in a lot of ways, were pretty fortunate to win that game at Iowa the first time around,” Yori said. “They didn’t shoot it particularly well. We know this will be a really good challenge for us. There are a lot of things we can do

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Lindsey Moore looks to replicate her last performance against Iowa (22 points, 11 assists, seven rebounds) in today’s matchup against the Hawkeyes. better, but I’m sure they’re saying there are a lot of things they can do better. (After Iowa), we go on the road for two games, so this is a really big game for us.” Priority one for the Huskers will be to stop Iowa’s Jaime Printy. Printy

torched the Huskers for a game-high 27 points despite Moore, whom Yori called “probably our best defensive player” Wednesday, guarding her all

better: see page 9

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