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It’s been fun

film festival aims to inspire dialogue, change

Ross’ Prairie Pride festival to highlights social issues through LGBTQ cinema PAGE 5

Huskers finish 17-game homestand with 6-3 win against Kansas State PAGE 10

wednesday, march 28, 2012

volume 111, issue 126


Career Services warns of job scam jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

The email that management information systems graduate student Richard Lock received last month from a potential employer looked too good to be true. And it was. Multiple students have approached the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Career Services about a variation of the message Lock received, which claimed to be from Keurig, Inc. The email read “We got your resume from your school career services and would like to know if you are still looking for employment. Do get back to us via email at your earliest convenience.” Other variations of the email claimed to be from Corus Entertainment or promised students large sums of money in short periods of time. “We did our investigation throughout Husker Hire Link (UNL’s online job search service) and all of our resources and we see no trace of this organization, so we feel confident that it didn’t come from us,” said associate director of Career Services Chris Timm. “Likely, someone is pretending.” Timm said the emails, which students have reported since January, are spam. Lock, who works as a technology graduate assistant at Career Services, said his email looked “pretty suspicious” because of a lack of corporate logo or personal greeting. Additionally, the recipient address,, did not appear to originate from a corporate email system. Out of curiosity, Lock replied to the email, only to receive another message. “The next email was even more weird,” Lock said. “The message was the same, but this time it was ‘at hotmail. com.’ And the (subject) was just a computer code.” The emails appear to be rudimentary attempts to garner replies, said Timm, but she warned they could escalate to requests for bank account or social security numbers. “In a more dangerous situation, the email starts asking for more personal information,” Timm said. Timm and Lock cited poor grammar and the absence of marketing materials or contact information as tip-offs for potential scams. “Any legitimate employer should give good contact information,” Timm said. Although approved employers may contact students through Husker Hire Link, Timm said Career Services checks the legitimacy of all employers. Timm said students should evaluate emails from potential employers with a “buyer beware” mentality. “We just want students to be cautious,” she said. “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” jacymarmaduke@

Kohen page 4

RIGHT: Olivia Johnson, a sophomore English major, and Brianna Tichy, a senior international studies major, participate in the chicken dance during the Czech Komensky Club’s polka and dance night in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center last night. The event had a live polka band and instructors to teach polka. BELOW: Matt Erb, a member of Less Talk More Polka plays his tuba for the Czech Club’s polka and dance night. Erb is a UNL music education

Polka palooza


ike a magnetic force, the oom-pah of the polka music draws dancers toward it. As the tuba blares, the dancers begin to two-step across the room, first one pair, then another until a cluster of circling dancers skip to the beat in front of the band. On Tuesday evening, the Unity Room of the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center filled with the sound of polka music as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Czech Komensky Club hosted its annual polka night as a

story by Elias Younquist photos by Morgan Spiehs

Czech Komensky Club hosts annual polka night as part of Czech week

part of Czech week. From 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. members of the Czech Komensky Club and residents of Lincoln danced the waltz and the polka to a live band. “It’s like a really celebratory dance, like if skipping were a dance,” said Brianna Tichy, a senior international studies major and president of the UNL Czech Komensky club. “You can’t polka without smiling.” According to Tichy, despite popular belief, the polka is not a Polish dance but a Czechoslovakian dance. The word polka

polka: see page 2

Immigration observed on 7,000-mile bike ride Larry Brown Daily Nebraskan

Louis Mendoza biked 6,988 miles, hitchhiked 330 miles, drove 4,335 miles, rode by bus or train for 185 miles and caught ferries for 98 miles to see how Latino immigration has affected the United States. He brings his findings to kick off the Institute for Ethnic Studies Spring 2012 Celebration. Mendoza, associate vice provost in the Office for Equity and Diversity at the University of Minnesota, will speak at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center about his upcoming book “Conversations Across Our America,” which is due for a summer release. Amelia Montes, director of UNL’s Institute for Ethnic Studies, said Mendoza’s speech fits in with what’s happening with immigration in the U.S., citing the “stringent” laws passed in Texas, Arizona and Alabama. Arizona passed laws in 2010 which gave local law enforcement the ability to detain anyone who did not carry immigration documentation. Texas passed laws similar to those, and last year Alabama passed laws barring immigrants from enrolling or attending college, renting property and looking for work.


k as






Bost o n and traveled all the way down to the Rio Grande in Texas. What was most surprising to Mendoza was how rural areas are heavily dependant upon immigrants in local industries such as farming and meat packing. “Lots of this work is very hard manual labor, and it’s work not many Americans want to do,” he said. Mendoza also saw integration occurring on a large scale. He said Latinos have a high intermarriage rate and l



“It’s a big issue right now,” she said. Mendoza’s bike ride idea came from the “anti-immigrant reverent” that took place before the 2008 presidential election. Mendoza said, instead of relying on mainstream media for what was happening with immigration, he decided to take matters into his own hands and gain what he said was “streetlevel understanding.” One of the issues he looked at was the quality of life in rural and urban areas. “I wanted to meet everyday people that are in the trenches,” he said.

student life page 5

Mend o z a a d d e d that the changing demographics of Latinos in this country, which people are afraid of, have been in motion for the past couple of decades, and it is not a recent effect. When asked what his motivation was for taking a bike instead of taking a car, he said taking a bike would let him meet people in a happenstance way, and he would be

forced to go inside communities he might have passed if he were inside a car. “A bike took me off the beaten path and made me encounter people in a different way,” he said. His journey started in July of 2007 in Santa Cruz, Calif. From there Mendoza traveled to Eugene, Ore., and along the outer perimeter of the U.S. Along the way, he went to various big cities such as Chicago and

football page 10

ride: see page 2

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wednesday, march 28, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

‘Ask a Queer’ Speaker to focus on water loss event answers tough questions Daniel Wheaton Daily Nebraskan

Emily Nitcher Daily Nebraskan

Tony Moran officially told the world he was gay through what he describes as an “angsty Facebook status.” Growing up in Johnson, Neb., the sophomore philosophy major felt unsure about how his friends and family would react to the news. He had gone his entire high school career without telling anyone he was gay and decided to come out the summer before his freshman year of college. He thought the news would either “blow over or be the worst thing in the world.” He started telling people slowly. He sent a text to his friend, who was accepting, which gave him confidence to tell more people. Most of his friends thought he was playing an elaborate prank. Once he convinced them he was serious, most were accepting. It was a terrifying experience, but Moran now looks back and laughs with a little unease about how his friends and family thought he was capable of such an elaborate lie. Moran was one of the three panelists at Tuesday afternoon’s “Ask a Queer” panel in the Nebraska Union. The event was part of the LGBTQA Center’s “Be the Change Week.” The panelists encouraged the audience to ask them absolutely anything, insisting no topic was off limits. Panelists talked about their personal experiences with coming out to friends and family, struggling with personal identities, religion, having LGBTQ friends in the military and how LGBTQ individuals are portrayed in the media. Sindu, who asked to not have her last name printed because she is still not out to everyone in her family, identifies as queer and gender queer, not defining as either female or male. “I’ve never liked rules — taking those binary terms and throwing them out the window and not letting them define my life,” Sindu said. Robin Whisman, Campus Recreation assistant director for Injury Prevention & Care, who identifies as gender

queer — not identifying as either male or female — calls coming out “an ongoing experience.” Whisman came out to her mother while she was still in college, but was particularly nervous about coming out to her father, who she described as a “born-again Christian.” When she finally told her father he said “he had always believed that was a possibility for her.” Acceptance from Whisman and Moran’s families was important, but LGBTQ people still struggle with their personal identities in everyday life. Sindu was dating a transgendered male in the military. Sindu said she knew same sex couples who had been together longer than heterosexual couples but could not receive the same benefits from the military. Unequal benefits are issues panels like these hope to bring awareness and understanding to. Whisman has been doing panels since she was in graduate school. For Whisman the experience is an opportunity to share first-hand knowledge. “I hope people walk away with some answers to questions they’ve had and with a broader sense of humanity,” Whisman said. This was Moran’s first panel, but he had no qualms about sharing his experience. “Heterosexual people aren’t uncomfortable talking about their sexuality, so why should I?” Moran said. Alejandro David Benavente, a freshman general studies major, attended the panel. It answered some questions he had about transgendered people and which pronoun you should address them with. “I would strongly encourage people to attend this week’s events because it helps unwind minds and explore new things,” Benavente said. “Be the Change Week” continues today with LGBTea in the Nebraska Union’s Rotunda Gallery from 2 to 4 p.m. with a display and cups of hot tea. EmilyNitcher@ DailyNebraskan.Com

ride: from 1

The E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues will host its final lecture on Water and Global Security at 7 p.m. today in the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Donald Worster, a professor at the University of Kansas, will present “An Unquenchable Thirst: How the Great Plains Created a Water Abundance and Then Lost It.” The lecture is meant to end the 2011-2012 forum with a Nebraska-based focus. Worster’s lecture is also the beginning of a symposium hosted by the Center for Great Plains Studies, “1862-2012: The Making of the Great Plains.” The lecture will focus on current water issues, agriculture, the environment and the economics behind water. “We exist in an age of abundance and scarcity,” Worster said. Because there is an increasing amount of people vying for finite natural resources, issues of water will become more prevalent in the future, he said. “We thought we solved the problem,” Worster said. Worster explained that the economy of the Great Plains was built on the assumption

of unlimited water in the Ogallala Aquifer. Worster believes the Great Plains now functions as a mining economy, and that water usage has its limits. As agriculture increases, society will have to adapt to the changes in water scarcity. Worster’s lecture will explain the dilemma between a moral and a market economy. Worster hopes for a society in which natural resources can be distributed fairly between all people. However, he believes that a market solution to natural resources will only complicate existing problems. Worster sees increasing force for a market solution from political and academic voices. “I hope for a very imperfect, moral economy,” Worster said. Worster sees parallels between the debate over oil usage to that of water. Even though the lecture will be anchored in the Great Plains, the issues at play extend to a larger political, moral and philosophical conflict, Worster said. “I’m coming in as a historian to talk about the future,” Worster said. Katie Cervantes, coordinator for the E.N. Thompson Forum, said, “We were interested in looking at the issue

of water from a global perspective, but also bringing it back to the Great Plains.” Cervantes collaborated with the Center of Great Plains Studies to get Worster to the University of NebraskaLincoln. Worster was selected for his knowledge of the plains, and he is considered to be a founder of environmental history. Aside from teaching, Worster has served as the president of the American Society for Environmental History, and he also edits environmental publications for Cambridge University. Richard Edwards, director for the Center of Great Plains Studies, is excited for Worster’s historical perspective. “Worster’s discussion will explain how important legislation in 1862 shaped life in the Great Plains today,” Edwards said. In 1862, the Homestead Act and the Morrill Land Grant Act were passed, which lead to more people settling on the Great Plains. The Center for Great Plains Studies will begin its symposium after Worster’s lecture. Linda Ratcliffe, Center for Great Plains Studies publications specialist, said Worster was a perfect fit for both the E.N. Thompson Forum and

Donald worster her own group. The symposium features 10 historians who will be speaking on history and issues relating to the Great Plains. An electronic poster session will also take place where students can read recent research. “The Thompson forum has been thrilled with the speakers and topics centering around water,” Cervantes said. The forum’s five lectures have been a great opportunity to discuss a vitally important resource, Cervantes said. Next year’s theme will be religion and global issues, Cervantes said. DANIELWHEATON@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

RHA discusses board elections conor dunn daily nebraskan

Upon returning from spring break, the Residence Hall Association at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln didn’t address any legislation at its weekly Tuesday meeting. Instead, RHA’s Connect Party presented its platform for Thursday’s RHA executive board election. Meg Brannen, Ryan King, Nate Watley, and Justin King are running for next year’s executive board. Their platform included connecting with East Campus, leadership emphasis and creating an RHA-specific philanthropy. Sen. Brannen, a junior advertising major, is running for RHA president. She said the party wants to create an official RHA philanthropy that works closely with the Lincoln-based charity Friendship Home, a nonprofit organization that supports women and children

who are victims of domestic violence. “We want to connect students with the community,” Brannen said. Sen. Watley, a junior computer engineering major, is running for RHA treasurer. He said the party wants to create more events for students to attend on East Campus so there is a stronger connection between City Campus and East Campus students. “We’re not two campuses divided,” Watley said. RHA treasurer King, a junior computer science major, is running for RHA vice president. The party wants to encourage leadership among UNL students, he said. Connect Party is planning a partnership with the National Residence Hall Honorary, an organization made up of the top 1 percent of student leaders in the residence halls, to promote leadership on

campus. King also said the party also wants to give students the opportunity to “find their niche” on campus. He said RHA would match students with organizations they might want to join by having a fall event to get students engaged early. Justin King, a junior anthropology major, will run for RHA’s secretary position. During hall reports, Sen. Annie Hildebrand, a senior marketing major, reminded the senate about the RHA Hall Olympics that RHA is hosting through Thursday. The Hall Olympics involved the residence halls competing against each other for prizes. The hall that wins the entire Olympics will receive a trophy or plaque and all residents of the winning hall will be entered into a raffle for prizes, including: a bike, an iPod Touch and a Ticketmaster

gift card. On Monday night at 8 p.m., the Mario Kart portion of the tournament was held at Harper-Schramm-Smith Complex. Knoll Residence Hall won the event, according to Hildebrand. The reverse kickball event will be hosted tonight outside of the Kauffman Academic Residential Center at 6 p.m. On Thursday, RHA will host “Field Day,” which includes egg-balancing and a four-legged race, and will be hosted at 6 p.m. on East Campus outside Fedde Hall. RHA president Kevin Rush, a senior special education major, concluded the meeting and reminded the senators to continue attending meetings because there will be important legislation coming up — specifically legislation that could raise student fees. conordunn@

polka: from 1

courtesy photo

Louis Mendoza traveled the country in search of a better understanding of Latino immigration’s effect on the U.S. some end up marrying inside of the community they migrate to. He added the mainstream media portrays people who don’t get along with immigrants when that is not the case. “There are misconceptions that people don’t get along with immigrants and that immigrants don’t want to adapt,

and that’s not true,” he said. He said there are programs set up for immigrants to adapt to the local community. “Immigrants are being met halfway,” he said. Mendoza will speak in the Gaughan Center’s Ubuntu Room today at 3 p.m. LARRYBROWN@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

comes from the two Czech words “pul,” meaning half, and “ka,” meaning step, describing the half-step nature of the dance. As the attendees danced, the Less Talk More Polka, band played, as they have since the inception of Polka Night. With two clarinets, a trumpet, a tuba and a saxophone, the band played everything from the “Nebraska Polka,” to the “Beer Barrel Polka,” and even threw in a frantic chicken dance for variety. “We always have people coming and going,” said Molly Boyd, leader of the polka band by night and worker at a Lincoln genetics lab by day. According to Boyd, she initially came to the band because of someone she was dating but stayed because of the music. “I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, I have to play,” Boyd said.

The band is unlike the majority of local polka bands in that its members are primarily younger. “This band found me in a tuba drought,” said Matt Erb, the band’s tuba player and an elementary music teacher. “The tuba’s really important in polka, it’s one of the only forms that features the tuba in it’s rightful place, as it should be.” For many members of the Czech Club, the club and the dancing is a continuation of its members’ hometown experiences. “I was taught originally morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan by my grandparents, but I forgot a bunch of it,” said Molly Boyd, Kristin Malone and Lisa Keown, members of Arin Kudlacek, a sopho- the band Less Talk More Polka, take a break from their more electrical engineering playing Tuesday night. All three are UNL graduates. major. Kudlacek, like many of more elderly couple who she enjoyed it,” said Linthe Czech Club members, stopped in for a few num- coln librarian Layne Pierce. “Dance is a big part of her grew up in a Czech fam- bers. “I learned a little bit in my culture.” ily. Throughout the eveeliasyoungquist@ ning, Kudlacek and his high school, but my wife is from Czechoslovakia and girlfriend were taught by a

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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Daily Nebraskan

wednesday, march 28, 2012

r e p u S

From opinion

Active procrastination balances work, fun


have no difficulty admitting how careless and unmotivated I can be. I simply can’t focus on a single task for hours on end. I also can’t magically motivate myself into completing a task unless I truly feel it demands my attention. Yes, this leads me to put off various tasks when I shouldn’t. However, it’s also allowed me to learn a lot about myself and how I work best. Undoubtedly, I’m not alone in listening to the speeches of parents and adults, advising us to stay on topic, avoid distractions and get everything done on time. We’re told wasting time on “meaningless” distractions deters us from focusing and learning effectively, and leaving things to the last minute causes us to produce mediocre work. Many of these rules are easier said than done. Simply saying, “don’t procrastinate” isn’t enough for those of us who feel naturally uninspired. To be clear, procrastination involves pushing off fulfilling responsibilities, sometimes until the last minute. Those who do this simply aren’t motivated to complete a task unless it feels urgent. I can’t simply will myself into “work” mode and get into writing an essay or studying for a test. Putting off demanding work is also appealing because it allows us to, at least momentarily, avoid unpleasant tasks. We’re able to convince ourselves the job will be taken care of for us or it will simply go away with time. This makes it difficult to motivate ourselves to change. This natural tendency to procrastinate can be made into a useful habit. In “active procrastination,” a person is in complete control of the time they have and uses it to its

monica sanford fullest advantage. Active procrastinators enjoy the challenge of working under the pressure of quick deadlines. They also enjoy using their time for both the things they have to do and the things they want to do. They avoid the guilt and disappointment that come from lastminute cramming because they know exactly how much time it will take them to complete projects on time. The key to active procrastination is knowing your limits. I can’t force myself into being productive, even at the last minute. Thus, I’ve learned to set aside time to take breaks while I’m working and to leave several hours each day to do more fun activities. I know I won’t be able to focus on everything at the very last minute and locking myself away to cram will force me to miss out on the things I really want to do. Sometimes, building in time for fun means putting off more “productive” tasks, but it ultimately leads to better results. The best way to find a balance is to know exactly how long you can work on any one item. Weekly calendars and lists make it easier to keep track of goals and necessary activities for each day and each week. I prioritize every day by what needs to be finished and how much time each item will require. By knowing exactly how much time I have to complete something, I bring it into perspective. It moves from “Oh, I

should do that,” to “OK, I need to get this done now.” I make lists of what I need to accomplish on certain days and in the long term because I know if I don’t write it down, I won’t remember it. To increase production when it’s time to work, it’s also useful to know what kind of environment you need to study in. I discovered I can’t spend hours on end in my dorm room every week. If I have time, I will walk to CoHo, Panera or somewhere else with a quiet environment and free Wi-Fi. If I have less time and have to stay closer to campus, I utilize study spaces such as dorm study rooms, the library and the Nebraska Union. You have to know how much chaos can exist around you before you really can’t get anything done. Overall, this active procrastination will allow you to balance fun and occasional laziness with required productivity. After hours of work, I like to regain my sanity by coloring, watching TV shows and playing Tetris. Now, as I’m working, I’ll allow myself ten minute breaks. This way I satisfy my Tetris craving without keeping myself from what I need to do. The hours, days and weeks of working pile up on each other until we’re desperate for spring break just so we can have a chance to sleep. Destructive procrastination overtakes our lives until we’re drowning. Active procrastination prevents this burnout by balancing fun activities with responsibilities. Truly, Tetris is a genius way to maintain my mental health.

Amy Kenyon is a Freshman English and Secondary Education Major. Reach her at amykenyon@

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page 4

wednesday, march 28, 2012

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

news assignment editor

assistant opinion editor

our view

Mendoza talk accentuates important issue

Illegal immigration is a national problem. But the human side — the actual immigrant population — often remains ignored. Louis Mendoza traveled across America to see it. Mendoza’s travels by bus, train, car, bike, ferry and hitchhiking provide insight into the complex issue facing real people across the United States. In the absence of federal immigration reform, states like Texas, Arizona and Alabama have passed strong laws cracking down on the problem. Mendoza witnessed the effect of these laws, some of which bar immigrants from enrolling in college or allow law enforcement officers to detain anyone without immigration identification on their person. Mendoza is speaking today at 3 p.m. in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center. In a state that has recently witnessed efforts like the above to crack down on immigrants, from Fremont’s ordinance to Sen. Charlie Janssen’s immigration bill in the Unicameral, University of Nebraska-Lincoln students should hear another view on the issue. Some of Mendoza’s observations may not surprise Nebraskans — for instance, he didn’t realize immigrants were a base of meat packing in rural areas. But hearing a first-hand account may change student views. College is about exposing oneself to different and diverse viewpoints, which UNL’s Institute for Ethnic Studies Spring Celebration is sure to have. The Daily Nebraskan encourages UNL students to attend Mendoza’s talk and learn more about the challenging and divisive topic of illegal immigration.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

lauren olson | daily nebraskan

Don’t overthink books, movies


grew up thinking of Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia as a personification of God. This was in part because of many conversations I had with my dad after I had read the books — and because the Church has regarded Aslan as such for as long as those books have been around. I once had a wise, if overly philosophical, professor tell me that when we look to the clouds, many times we see the clouds take the shapes of something familiar — a rabbit, a fish, an airplane, an elephant riding a unicycle, whatever — because we’re afraid to look at the sky and see something unfamiliar. We don’t want to look at the sky and see just clouds. That’s boring, and clouds are rather foreign to us. But that’s what they are: just clouds. While we know that, we still try to look for something that simply isn’t there. When it comes to movies and books, we do this a lot. We get caught up in theories and conspiracies and made-up allusions and forget that most of the time a movie is just a movie and a book is just a book. As everyone probably knows, the movie “The Hunger Games” (based on Suzanne Collins’ bestselling book of the same name) was just released in theaters on Friday. For those of you who live under a rock, here’s the basic plotline. A country called Panem, which is North America in the future, is ruled by the Capitol. Each year, the Capitol randomly selects a boy and a girl from each of its 12 districts to participate in the Hunger Games, in which they will all fight to the death and only one person makes it out alive. After, the movie’s release, I stumbled across an article on The Huffington Post that struck me. In it, the Huff Post reports on Fox News suggesting “The

danae lenz Hunger Games” is really a story about big government. In Fox’s show “Fox and Friends,” RealClearMarkets and Forbes Opinions editor John Tamny said: “But certainly, if you look at countries where the people living in them are starving, those are countries oppressed by too much government whereby basically they cannot produce and be productive and get food in return for their work.” “This does not occur in capitalist societies. It occurs in societies overrun by government. They are also at war essentially with each other and if you look at historically when you’re not allowed to exchange what you work for for that of others, history says people go to war and that’s essentially what Panem is.” While it is no secret Fox annoys me, I do not think this is a Fox News blunder. (Although, with all its talk of “big government,” who knows?) I really think this is a man looking at the clouds and trying to make sense of them. Authors undoubtedly put some personal statements in their work. They draw on things that have happened in real life. But that doesn’t, under any circumstance, mean they’ve put a personification of God in their work, nor does it mean they wrote a book about the downfalls of big government, or any

other such nonsense. But trying to argue this point with people is like trying to argue with people about whether the relationship between Katara and Zuko (of Nickelodeon’s “Avatar: The Last Airbender”) is better that Katara and Aang. (Also, if you missed that online battle, you should be thankful. You’ve saved yourself quite a few brain cells.) My recent bout of sanity in this matter is mostly a side effect of exhaustion. You can argue with someone over the fact that Gandalf is Jesus and Sauron is Satan to the point of bashing your head against the wall. “Aslan is God. The White Witch is the devil. Edmund is Judas.” “If we don’t get our big government under control, we will become Panem.” “Maybe Suzanne Collins can see the future.” These things can drive a person to madness. So here is my plea: While the theories may be fun for a while (and there are an infinite amount of them for different books, movies, TV shows, etc.), eventually there’s no point in beating a dead horse. Speaking of horses, if it isn’t straight from the horse’s (or, in this case, the author’s) mouth, leave it alone. If Collins comes out and says she was deliberately writing about the United States’ eventual downfall because of big government, I’ll let Fox News point a finger at me and say, “I told you so.” As for C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, well, they’re already dead. So for now, let the clouds just be the clouds, and enjoy them for what they are: condensed water vapor.

Danae Lenz is a junior journalism major. You can reach her at or on Twitter at @danaelenz.

Foreign intervention proves ethical at times


henever I write about intervention, people who identify as pacifists assume I’m advocating for hundreds of thousands of American soldiers invading a foreign country and brutalizing those they were purportedly sent to save. Another group, who generally seem to be isolationists in disguise rather than actual pacifists, accuse me of wanting to kill Muslims and steal their oil. I can’t say much to these people, except they’re wrong. To the first group, there are all sorts of options that count as intervention in my book but don’t necessitate sending ground troops for a decade-long occupation. I invite the second group to pick a non-Muslim, resource-poor country whose government is murdering its citizens en masse; I’ll very happily recommend intervention there too. It’s not that I’m always in favor of foreign intervention, that I don’t care at all about the idea of state sovereignty or that I’m unconcerned about the consequences of meddling in the affairs of others. Indeed, in the wake of the mess made by Invisible Children with their viral video, a lot of compelling things have been written about Westerners getting involved in the affairs of non-Western countries. Teju Cole’s piece in the Atlantic about the White Savior Industrial Complex is likely the best of these, so I’m mindful of the pitfalls.

At bottom, though, I want to argue there’s a time for intervention and intervening in another country’s affairs isn’t necessarily an immoral thing to advocate. My reasoning is based on a position that holds human rights to be universal and sacrosanct, and thus that the alleviation of human suffering is such a very great good that its accomplishment can rightly trump state sovereignty. Now, if you think there’s no such thing as human rights, or that they don’t matter, I probably need to work harder in my role as Director of UNL’s Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. I’ll assume instead we have the same basic desire to minimize human suffering and move on to the interesting argument I have with a third group of pacifists. This group is the most thoughtful one and its members essentially agree with me about human rights and the alleviation of suffering. But, they argue, intervention — which generally seems to involve weapons and which generally seems to lead to further destabilization — clearly isn’t going to alleviate any suffering. So, if you’re keeping score, non-intervention means people will suffer and so does intervention. And so these pacifists tell me to donate money to a charity that will help people who are suffering if I really must do something. Or, in the extreme, I can go over there myself and, like Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell, fight alongside the rebels.

ari kohen The trouble, of course, is that most humanitarian aid organizations help people after the worst of the atrocities have been committed; they don’t prevent governments from murdering citizens. And, of course, we all know that the side supported by Hemingway and Orwell lost, and Spaniards suffered under a fascist dictatorship for decades. In the end, I come down on the side of intervention because it’s something we can control. It isn’t necessarily the case that an intervening force will cause more suffering. Even if it’s happened that way every single time in the past, even if the costs have never once outweighed the benefits (and we know, of course, that this isn’t the case), we can still argue the past is no predictor of the future. We can work harder to make the next intervention a good one, one that assists people who are suffering and imposes no additional suffering on them. We can look, for example, to the Responsibility to Protect doctrine and model a multilateral intervention on its tenets. And, importantly, we can think of each time I’ve used “we” above in a more inclusive sense than simply

“We Westerners,” so everything is done to support and assist the humanitarian efforts that are being done locally. But let me make it more difficult on myself. Let’s presume our intervention will put an end to one kind of suffering — the violence perpetrated by the government — but will also cause another kind of suffering, namely violence that accompanies an armed intervention. Whenever we discuss intervening, after all, there’s a very good chance weapons will be involved. And whenever weapons are involved, there’s a very good chance people will suffer (even if it’s unintentional). Could it still be ethical to intervene in this case? I think so. If we stay home, feeling good about ourselves for not having imposed ourselves on others or caused any possible additional suffering by our actions, we know for certain the suffering that is taking place is unlikely to come to an end. What we have to remember is that we’re not making a choice between war and peace, as pacifists would like for us to make. There’s already a war going on and the vast majority of the casualties are civilians. The choice is between people being killed and people being killed, which is something I don’t want to sugarcoat. In both instances, people die and it’s violent and awful. But in one instance — when we eschew intervention — the people who generally die violently are those who are attempting (and failing, due to inferior

military capabilities) to throw off a tyrant. Would a foreign government or governments have been morally blameworthy for assisting the Algerians against the French? How about helping Mandela defeat the apartheid government of South Africa or stepping in to prevent the slaughter of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda? What if the Egyptians hadn’t succeeded in ousting Mubarak, as the Iranians did not succeed in their revolution? Do we simply say “Shucks!” and watch the pictures of their executions come flooding in via Twitter? In those instances, it’s my position that to fall back on pacifism because war is awful amounts to something of a moral failing insofar as it amounts to siding with the tyrant. We should do better than we’ve done; we should be more thoughtful about what we do, more inclusive and respectful of those who are already working on the issue locally, more cautious with military options, more willing to try other options first, and generally just less imperialistic. But we shouldn’t decide doing nothing is somehow the best or only option, or fool ourselves into thinking the people we fail to assist will somehow thank us later.

Ari Kohen is Schlesinger Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. He blogs at Reach him at opinion@




tudent ife

wednesday, march 28, 2012

in the

pagE 5

SPOTLIGHT Prairie Pride Film Festival to bring students together for international depictions of LGBTQ experience Story by Cara Wilwerding Art by Stephanie Goodman


i n c o l n has pride. Pride for its art, pride for its cinema and pride for its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and allies (LGBTQA) community. That’s why University of Nebraska-Lincoln students and staff teamed up last year to host a film festival focused on LGBTQA identity. They’re excited to host the event again this year. The second annual Prairie Pride Film Festival begins Wednesday, March 28, at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. Diane Amdor, a second-year law student and president of Allies and Advocates for GLBT Equality, said the festival will not only be a fun celebration, but also an educational experience. “It’s a way for people to be seen as people,” Amdor said. “That’s how we connect; that’s how we communicate. It’s a good way to bring people together and for people to know (they’re) not alone.” A variety of films and documentaries will be shown through Saturday, March 31, including “The Wise Kids,” “Vito” and “Legalize

neil orians | daily nebraskan

Gay,” among others. Amdor said she is most excited to watch “United in Anger: A History of ACT UP,” which will show Saturday at 3 p.m. This is a documentary about the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power and the unique group of people involved. According to Amdor, it can be easy for people to forget about early LGBTQA movements such as this. “We’re still fighting a hard battle over marriage equality and parenting rights,” Amdor said. “The film shows the origins of that struggle where people aren’t being viewed as people. I think it’s important to show how far we’ve come and I think that film will show that in an inspiring way.”

Professor helps students build programming skills shelby fleig daily nebraskan

Elsbeth Magilton, law school graduate and member of Allies and Advocates for GLBT Equality, is looking forward to “Kiss Me,” the final film on Saturday at 7 p.m. This is a Swedish film about two

prairie pride: see page 7

prairie pride film festival schedule Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center — $7 for one show, $30 for all shows and a T-shirt wednesday march 28, 7 p.m.

thursday march 29, 7 p.m.

friday march 30, 7 p.m.

saturday march 31, 3 p.m.

“The Wise Kids”


“Legalize Gay”

“United in Anger: A History of ACT UP”

saturday march 31, 7 p.m.

“Kiss Me”

Cafe employee serves up smiles kelsey haugen daily nebraskan

Larry Rivers initiates conversations with customers that often stem from ongoing jokes, ultimately building relationships with them. Though he puts in about 34 hours per week at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Academic Grind, he works simply because he enjoys the job. “He’s just a people person,” said Bailey Kinney, a senior art education major and an employee at the Academic Grind. “He’s always kidding around and you can tell he really loves it.” Rivers, who has worked there for two years, is experiencing his first job in merchandising. “I’ve never been involved in retail before,” Rivers said. “It’s unique from a lot of standpoints, (and) for the most part, it’s very positive.” Although Rivers has been involved with several companies throughout the years, his expertise has been in business. He previously owned an advertising and marketing firm called “Rivers Advertising,” which closed in 1998. Rivers also owned and was president of a manufactured product line called ANGUS AllSteer from 2002 to 2010, which consisted of items

mary-ellen kennedy | daily nebraskan

Larry Rivers hands an Academic Grind customer change on Oldfather Hall’s first floor. “My style is based on developing some level of relationship with customers,” he said. dealing with four-wheel trailers. After being a part of many demanding business organizations, Rivers decided to apply at the Academic Grind, where the work is much more relaxed than he is used to. “I’ve been involved in some fairly high-stress positions and this job isn’t one of

those,” Rivers said. “I’m at a stage in my life where that’s not bad.” The Academic Grind has been essentially student-run for the past four or five years, which created some problems in the past. “For students, the job became secondary due to school,” Rivers said.

“Scheduling wasn’t smooth.” With Rivers working every day and helping things run more efficiently, those hiring at the Academic Grind decided he would be the perfect addition to the store. “I guess I fit the bill as far

grind: see page 6

“Hello, world.” This is the title of the first program almost any computer programmer will ever run. By (somewhat simply) getting this program to run, you’ve made Stephen Ramsay a happy man. “My students don’t know the tradition, but for me it’s like this amazing moment when they get it to run,” said Ramsay, associate English and computer science professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “The minute you write ‘Hello, world.’ you’ve crossed the line and are the latest member of a very long line of people who have tried to learn this.” Ramsay, 41, enjoys every instance of student success. That success might be writing a complex game program or finding a bug hidden in lines of code. But Ramsay said his most important role as a professor is just to make students feel competent in the programming world. “It’s very important to me that the students come to see themselves as the sort of people that can do this,” Ramsay said. Ramsay teaches both computer science courses and English courses, but said computer science is “where my heart lies.” His introduction classes in computer science usually hold more women than men. Ramsay said women especially tend to feel intimidated by programming classes, in which he sees an opportunity for change. “We get typecast really early in what our brains can do,” Ramsay said. “Half the time, that’s a lie. People are much broader than they think.” But Ramsay doesn’t want to make his class sound easy — it’s not. “This class is hard as nails,” Ramsey tells his students on the first day. In both literature and programming classes, Ramsay emphasized the importance of discussion. Once a week, Ramsay’s programming class discusses assigned readings — often sounding more like a Microsoft focus group than a group of college kids on a Friday morning.

“I really emphasize that what we’re trying to do is go from being users of Facebook and users of YouTube and users of the web to being builders of those technologies,” Ramsay said. Similar discussions incite within Ramsay’s circle of friends and co-workers. “That’s the great thing about working at a university,” he said. “I’m completely surrounded by people who are thinking about these things and, in a sense, it’s all we talk about.” Susan Belasco, professor and chair of the UNL English department, said Ramsay’s passion is contagious. “Steve is often inspirational in his enthusiasm for digital humanities and that enthusiasm is a wonderful impetus in group work,” Belasco said. In addition to teaching, Ramsay is a fellow at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at UNL. “I love doing research in that type of environment,” Ramsay said. “Steve helps make a team click,” said Katherine Walter, the co-director of the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. “He understands digital humanities issues very well, is excited about the research questions and the technologies and communicates that enthusiasm.” Ramsay, now proficient in at least a dozen programming languages, said he doesn’t think anyone could ever master the subject of programming, but he is as close as anyone. “Programming is endless, but I’m past the formal, explicit learning stage,” he said. “If I can think it, I can usually build it.” Ramsay started teaching himself to program after getting a part-time job during college at the university library tech center, where a team was putting literary texts on the web — something almost unheard of at that time. Ramsay thought to himself, “I wonder if there’s a way to automate this.” Eventually, he found himself so involved in the programming world he switched his dissertation. He said he had lots of help

ramsay: see page 6

this week in campus events E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues: Don Worster when :

Wednesday, 7 p.m. where : Lied Center for Performing Arts how much : Tickets available free at Lied Center

Czech Komensky Club Night when : Thursday, 7 p.m. where : City Campus Union how much : Free

Moulin Rouge: The Ballet where :

when : Sunday, 7 p.m. Lied Center for Performing Arts how much : $29-$39


wednesday, march 28, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Theory series lecturer to delve into biopower

Duke professor Hardt to discuss social crises Shelby fleig daily nebraskan

If you’re sick of listening to your roommate’s sad attempts at arguing politics, the Humanities on the Edge series aims to give you another option — a very intellectual option. Michael Hardt, professor of Italian studies and literature at Duke University and professor of political literature at the European Graduate School, will speak Thursday at the Sheldon Museum of Art to address current economic and social problems, as well as the impact of the Occupy movements in a speech titled “What to Do in a Crisis: a Biopolitical New Deal.” “The title of my lecture might be misleading because I won’t talk, or not much, about a New Deal,” Hardt said. “The reason is that I suggested that title before the Occupy movements, and I want to focus more on them.” In the first part of his speech, Hardt will talk about the social crisis that followed the economic crisis in 2008. Hardt has split his theory of the social crisis into four parts: the indebted, the mediatized, the securitized and the represented. “What that means is I’ll try to figure out some ways in which our subjectivities are determined by the experience of being in debt, our relation to the media, our position in the security regime and our passivity with respect to the current political institutions,” Hardt said. The second part of Hardt’s lecture will outline how the Occupy movements and the Arab Spring have affected the four biases presented in his explanation of the social crisis. Part of the Humanities on the Edge speaker series, created by Roland Vegso

and Marco Abel, Hardt’s lecture will continue discussion on the current theme of the series: biopower and biopolitics. “Biopower and biopolitics refer to a sense that power and politics no longer work they way they did 100 or even 50 years ago,” said Abel, associate Professor of English and film studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Power, back then, worked primarily negatively, that is, by exerting a certain amount of violence as a means to subject individuals, as a means to normalize them, to keep them in check.” Biopower, unlike previous modes of power, makes people desire the things that keep them “disciplined, in check and subjugated,” Abel said. Abel said Hardt’s biopolitical theory is based in the fact that power as we know it in 2012 has become biopower. message comes across “Today, we have more of much easier,” Gatzemeyer an opportunity to resist than said. ever before,” he said. “For The lectures are espeit is the intensification of cially beneficial for anyone power into biopower itself interested in theory or the that has increased, and con- specific field of expertise tinues to increase the forces each speaker offers, Gatzeof resistance to it by making meyer said. living labor — living beings UNL senior anthropol— ever more powerful by ogy major Teal Gardner virtue of ever more increasagrees that ing our apstudents titudes, our can gain Biopower and capacities, new perour abilities biopolitics refer to a spectives in to act.” sense that power and these talks. While un“I think politics no longer derstanding the point the theories work they way they of seekof biopower ing inteldid 100 or even 50 and biolectual and years ago. politics can personal seem dauntmarco abel growth is ing, UNL seto move unl english & film studies professor nior English out of the major Jace zones of Gatzemeyer, who has at- comfort,” Gardner said. tended every lecture of the “This series can be good series, recommends giving for that. Students interestthe lectures a chance. ed in intellectual challenge “Obviously, theory is shouldn’t miss the lectures, somewhat of an esoteric no matter what they study.” field, which is to say that Gardner said she attends relatively few people out- the lectures to fulfill her side the field understand own “intellectual curiosity.” much of it, but in lec- She said a previous speaker ture settings, I think, the in the Humanities on the

stephanie goodman | daily nebraskan

Edge series even inspired her to write a poem and song, which she now performs with her band, UUVVWWZ. Vegso, co-creator of the series and UNL English professor, said the series has a few main goals: creating an intellectual community on campus, teaching critical theory and popularizing theory. “We had the feeling that while UNL’s campus provided a lot of resources for those interested in the theoretical humanities, there was no unified forum for the discussion of these ideas,” Vegso said. “We were hoping to cast a wide net both in our selection of speaker, but also in terms of the audience we would like to reach.” Vegso said Hardt, after writing the bestseller “Empire” with Antonio Negri, was an obvious choice to speak as part of the series. “He is an internationally known young academic star whose work addresses contemporary political and cultural issues in a highly accessible language,” Vegso said. Gatzemeyer said Hardt’s status in the academic

if you go Michael Hardt’s “What to Do in a Crisis: a Biopolitical New Deal” when: Thursday, 5 p.m. where: Sheldon Art Gallery how much: Free

world will attract a large crowd. “He’s one of the most prominent speakers the Humanities on the Edge series has had to date, and I would even go so far as to say he’s about the closest thing to a rock star the theory field has to offer,” she said. But Gardner said students who attend need to realize what they’re in for. “The series is definitely functioning at a high level — drawing on theory and philosophy,” Gardner said. “Don’t come if you can’t take the precarity of the Edge, or if the contents of your cell phone are too irresistible to be ignored for an hour and a half.” shelbyfleig@

Valuable lessons learned from Vegas spring break

chance solem-Pfeifer If you’ve ever met me,

clean-cut is an all right description. I rarely rage. When I do, I mostly just sing the Indiana Jones theme song. Las Vegas is the opposite of me. It was described to me by a close friend as, “This giant balloon just waiting to be popped.” If you’ve ever been there, it’s true. I spent spring break in a

land of illusion: a giant, neon lie aimed to distract you while the city reaches into your pocket, empties your wallet and, maybe, tries to give you chlamydia. The best way to hide a robbery, I’ve taken to saying, is to make it look like a circus. Under certain circumstances (circumstances

promoted by every popular concept of the city), it will teach life lessons the hard way. Maybe I’m being too harsh. Spring Break 2012 in Las Vegas was fun. Of course it was fun. Here’s a few things I learned. 1. That friendly lady in the black cocktail dress is a prostitute. She’s being nice to you because she and her boss want your money. If you’re lonely, try going to sleep. 2. Improvise. Everything in the city costs money, even the things that normally someone would have you pay YOU to do. Twenty dollars to use the hotel gym? Consider running the stairs or just doing some push-ups in your hotel room instead. They would charge you for brushing your teeth if they could. 3. If you’ve ever seen the movie “Casino” or enjoy the mythology of Bugsy Siegel or, like me, are fascinated with the opulence and class of Las Vegas, just know that the Stardust (the real-life model for Scorsese’s Tangiers) is a giant, empty frame of a building languishing in the creeping darkness of the Strip’s shadow. That lifeblood of 1970s Vegas has dried up entirely. Thomas Hearns will not be playing dice. The best-dressed people in any given casino are the dealers. This is a playground for people, well, just like us. I guess it’s nice that we can afford it these days and wear shorts inside. Shorts are convenient. 4. Have some fun. This seems like it would go without saying in such a place, but you’d be surprised how many people become legitimately stressed about their success at the tables and forget they’re on a

vacation. Spend money on good food and experiences. Accept that you will not beat the House, lose the money you’re comfortable losing and walk away content. 5. Slow things down. Slow everything down. This is a city where you can drink and gamble 24 hours a day. No need to hang out at a table where you losing. No need to shotgun that free beer. You have all day to do the things you can’t do at home. They want you to make snap decisions. “I can break even,” you think, “if I just bet all my chips on this hand. Might as well go big, right?” Somewhere, casino execs are high-fiving and toasting drinks nicer than yours. 6. Ever played a “Dark Knight” slot machine? It’s the slot machine you both need and deserve right this minute. 7. Always support diversity by gambling at Jackie Gaughan’s famous El Cortez. I left money there. You’re welcome, inclusivity. 8. Yeah, those are fake. 9. If you like hotel vouchers and $300, fly Southwest and get bumped on the last day of your trip. If you need to be home, say, the day you booked your flight for (that’s nuts), fly another airline. 10. Spending Spring Break with your dad is no cause for shame. I wouldn’t have figured out most of this, if I hadn’t hung out with my father for four days in Sin City. Without him, I’d have less money, less dignity and I’d know a little bit less about that “giant balloon” in the desert. chance solem-Pfeifer is a junior english major. reach him at chancesolem-pfeifer@

grind: from 5 as the requirements go,” Rivers said. Though he’s not technically any higher up than the other employees, he seems to really keep the place in order. Some of his duties include serving customers, restocking, managing the cash flow and reordering products. Many of these responsibilities may become routine-like, but Rivers completes them with a smile on his face while conversing with students and faculty. “My style is based on developing some level of relationship with customers, especially the ones coming through the Grind daily and sometimes multiple times per day,” Rivers said. Regardless of what he is doing at the Academic Grind, Rivers promptly finishes tasks the correct way. “It’s the way I was raised — an attitude I have that if I do something, I’m going to do it to the best of my ability,” Rivers said. According to Rivers, the biggest difference between business and working at the Academic Grind is the pace necessary to handle consumers coming through on a very tight schedule. “I’m somewhat of a perfectionist and with the betweenclass customer flow, I’ve had to learn to handle what I can and wait for the rush to ebb before I restock,” Rivers said. Although he works every day, he makes sure there is time for his wife of 48 years and his four adult children. “They are the center of my life,” Rivers said. Kinney, who often works with Rivers, appreciates the way he knows how to handle all issues at the Academic Grind. “He knows exactly what’s going on and how to keep the place up,” Kinney said. “It’s much more efficient now that he works there.” She attributes much of his talent to his previous experiences in the business world. Kinney also enjoys the friendly attitude Rivers brings with him each day. “He makes customers laugh and they really like it,” she said. “He’s outspoken in a good way.” kelseyhaugen@

ramsay: from 5 while teaching himself to write code, but said anyone can do it if they’re determined to learn. “Right now, there’s some 15-year-old kid who’s sitting at home with a book on C++ and trying to write a game,” Ramsay said. “What’s motivating that person is that they really want that game built and you’d be surprised what you can do when you’re that motivated.” Ramsay admitted that his passion for digital humanities is “all-consuming” and follows him home every night. He winds down by having a glass of wine and cooking for his family. While his wife, June Griffin, also an English professor at UNL, was pregnant with their first child, Maggie, Ramsay had a revelation. “If this baby eats like us, it will die in three weeks.” Ramsay bought the most intense French cookbook he could find, and has since become a connoisseur of traditional French cuisine. Maggie, now 10, and Julia, 7, show interest in technology and English, like their parents. Maggie is even practicing original Shakespeare lines for her upcoming role as Oliver in her school’s production of “As You Like It.” “They show signs of being geeks like their dad in certain ways,” Ramsay said. For now, Ramsay will continue to teach, research and write software when he’s not cooking for his girls. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. “If I were to retire, I would read books all day and write software,” he said. “I wake up every day completely stunned that I do this for a living because I just absolutely love every part of it.” shelbyfleig@

Daily Nebraskan

wednesday, march 28, 2012


prairie pride: from 5 stepsisters-to-be who fail in love, causing turmoil within their family. Magilton said she believes community events like Prairie Pride bring people together, whether they identify with the LGBTQA community. Cinema allows people to contemplate topics in a different way than they would in conversation, in Magilton’s opinion. “I think it’s a comfortable way to start talking about these kinds of issues,” Magilton said. “When you put someone on the spot, it’s hard to talk about. When you watch a film, you get to quietly reflect on your ideas, on certain issues.”

Students buying tickets in advance may take advantage of a package deal including five tickets and one T-shirt for $30. Tickets cost $7 the night of the show. Amdor expects to see more attendants than she did at last year’s festival, which coincided with a blizzard. The weather should be better this year and the location is also closer to campus, she said. Allies and Advocates has also made many community connections, according to Amdor. “Just through getting to know more people in the past year we’ll have a much

bigger turnout and I’m excited to see lots of people out,” Amdor said. “I’m excited to see people engage with different ways you can be politically involved around LGBTQA issues.” Magilton encourages students to view trailers online and get excited for the festival. She said it’s always enjoyable to hang out with friends, meet new people and watch films together. “I just really enjoy ... that hour that we open doors and people are excited to go see a film,” Magilton said. “It’s really exciting to feel that buzz and talk about film and art together.” carawilwerding@

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Housing Roommates 1 room for rent in 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Washer/dryer, dishwasher included. Room is in basement with own bathroom. TV, Internet and utilities included in rent. Rent is $400 a month. Home is in a friendly neighborhood with street parking that is a 5 minute drive from campus. Room is available in May. Email if interested/for more information. Looking for 1 or 2 Female roommates to share newer 4 bedroom 2 bathroom duplex. Close to city campus and east campus right along bus route. Rent is $287.50a month per person plus affordable electric and internet. Available April 1st. E-mail if you are interested. Looking for 1-2 roommates for a duplex just north of 14th and Superior. No preferences to gender, 5 bedroom 3 bath, needing someone to move in late April to finish out the lease-possibly renewing after the summer. Rent is cheap at $255 a month, need first month’s up front. Bills are electric, water, trash, gas and internet- altogether with rent it totals just a bit over $300. Email or call (402) 805-7628 if you have any questions or want to check it out!

Looking for a roommate(s) to fill apartment for the summer (beginning of May until end of July). 2 bedroom apartment, room available is master bedroom with full bathroom, roomy walk-in closet, and tons of open space!! TANGLEWOOD APARTMENTS: Detached garages, controlled access, laundry facility, sparkling pool, sun deck, fitness classes, 24/7 fitness center, extra storage, pet friendly, clubhouse, spa, health club, racquetball court, tennis court, awesome walking/biking trail, cable TV, courtyards, lush beautiful landscaping, free WiFi in clubhouse, washer/ dryer unit, airconditioning, patio/balcony, wood burning fireplace, and TONS of room!! Email Looking to sublease my room in a 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment for the summer. Move-in date is flexible; as early as April 1st, as late as May 1st. Lease ends August 31st. Female preferred, as my roommate that is staying is a female grad student at UNL. Rent is $397.50/month and the apartment complex is at 50th & Vine. Master bedroom and own private bathroom complete with tub and shower. There is a bus stop right by the complex which is really convenient if you are taking summer classes on campus or don’t have a car to drive to work, etc. Cats and small dogs are allowed for an extra $15/month (my roommate doesn’t have any pets). Our apartment also has a washer and dryer in the unit that doesn’t cost any extra to use. Other great things that the complex has are a clubhouse with free wi-fi, a gym, a sauna, a racquetball court, an outdoor pool, a tennis court, and free yoga and zumba classes a few times a week. Email or call/text 402.802.1066 if interested.

Need one roommate to finish apartment lease at Claremont Park Apartments May-July. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Rent $350 per month, plus utilities, please contact Annie at 402-980-1420 or Needed one female roommate to finish apartment lease at Claremont Park Apartments May-July. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. You get the largest room and your own bathroom. Rent is $350 per month, electricity and gas charges are extra. Close to campus, great for summer classes! If interested, please contact Amanda at 308-999-0276 or Needed, sublease for 1 bedroom apartment May 1-July 31. Near campus. Clean, quiet, reserved parking, dishwasher, a/c, on site laundry. Rent is $430/ month. Electric only (bills usually less than $20) call 307-272-5893 or email Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number. Two females, one male looking for someone to move into a 2008 4 bedroom, two bath duplex. Gender doesn’t matter. Close to campus over in the Turtle Creek area. $300 per person plus electric a month. No internet, cable, water, or trash bills. Can move in ASAP. Cleanliness is preferred. If interested, email malnmeier or text 308-390-0457.

Houses For Rent ! Great Houses Close to UNL. Available in May. 402-432-0644. Must See! Reserve Yours Now! +1237 Court.................3 bed....1.5bath....$675 +2200 Dudley…….…...3 bed...1.5 bath….$825 More information and photos at: ! Great Houses Near UNL. Available in August. 402-432-0644 Must See! Reserve Yours Now! +726 Y St.......….2 bed.......1bath….........$650 +1140 N 29....…...4 bed…...2 bath….......$1100 More information and photos at: 721 N 30th. 6 bedroom, 2 bath, wood floors, Available May/2012. $1350/month. 402-4309618.

Duplexes For Rent 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOME

Only 2 left for May, 3 for August. Over 2,000 sqft. Large bedrooms. All appliances including washer/ dryer (no Microwave). $1,165/mo. Double Garage. Only 8 minutes to campus. Call Bob@402-430-8255 430 N 25th #1: 3 bed, 2 bath. Washer, dryer included. Walk to campus. Available in May. $855/month. 402-540-2883 475 N 26th: 2 bed, 1 bath. Washer, dryer included. Walk to campus. Available in May. $600/month. 402-540-2883 Newer 4br/2ba duplex, 2liv areas,eat-in kit. W/D,parking,H2O incl. $1200.00/mo. Avail 5/1/12 Contact Travis @ 402-890-8728.

Town Home

4 bedroom, each bedroom with private full bath and walk-in closets, double garage, washer/dryer, lawncare, storage space, on-site maintenance, $1395/month. Available May. Dorchester Court. 402-730-5474.

Apts. For Rent 1 bedroom, 1 bath, in 7-plex, clean, quiet, laundry. All Electric. N/P/S. 2040 ‘F’ St. $365/month. 402-560-9400. 2 Bedroom luxury Apartment downtown. All utilities paid including cable. $800. Call Mary Kaye 402 309-6213.

4 blocks from Memorial Stadium Now leasing for the 12-13 school year! 402-474-7275

Holroyd Investment Properties, Inc.

1-2 & 3 Bedrooms Apartments, Townhomes and Duplexes


3 bedroom, 2 bath. NICE. N/P, N/S. East Campus/City Campus location. On FaceBook at Starr Street Apartments (402) 430-4253.

First Month Free

2 bedroom, nice place, 1826 ‘A’ St. C/A, dishwasher, laundry, parking, no pets, no smoking, $450, 6-plex 402-423-1838.

Jobs Help Wanted “Need a really good part-time job?”

The University of Nebraska Foundation has openings for NU student fundraisers to call alumni and ask for their support. ∗ $7.50/hour guaranteed base pay, plus perks ∗ Tuition assistance program ∗ Flexible scheduling ∗ Relaxed atmosphere-casual attire ∗ Location five minutes from campus A minimum of three shifts per week is required. We call Monday-Thursday 5:30-10:00pm, Friday 5:00-8:00pm, and Sunday 4:00-7:00pm. If this works with your schedule, please call: Tiffanie Glaser at 402-458-1239 for more information or visit our web site to apply. then go to contacts/careers/phoneathon to fill out an application. Must be a NU student. ASSISTANT GROUNDSKEEPER Seasonal, now until November. Experience and mechanical ability required. Must be a self-starter. 40 hours per week, M-F. Rural Denton location. Driver’s license required. Wage negotiable. Call Mr. Coleman at 402-797-7700, 8-5, Mon-Fri.

Attention: Sports Minded Professionals

Our industry growth has allowed us to now offer select Sales positions for quality personnel. We provide industry leading support and development with rapid advancement into Management positions. We offer: + Great Pay + Complete training + Health Benefits + 2 Retirement Plans Call Brian 402-770-0745

B2B Outside Sales

Excellent part-time sales experience and resume builder! Sell payment processing services. Earn more in less time. Professional training. $225/sale and $100/closed referral, plus bonuses and contests. Contact:

Help Wanted Architectural Student Summer Intern in Scottsbluff, NE. Send resume and cover letter to 120 E. 16th Street, Scottsbluff or email to

Custom Concrete needs you.

Full and part time positions available now for labors and experienced personnel. Please call 402.465.8484. Leave message if necessary.


Weekends and auto required. Does not interfere with school or full time work. Apply at (contact us - Join our team). Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit:

Lawn Care and Sprinkler Personnel

Part-time in April and Full-time during summer. 40 plus hours per week. Must have neat personal appearance and good driving record. Call 402-432-5602.


Looking for a job that adds vaulable experience to your resume? If so, apply to join our team as a part-time Leasing Consultant at Old Cheney Place Apartments. We are looking for someone who is outgoing, organized and excited to be part of team. Apply in person at 27th & Old Cheney Road.

Progressive, growing credit union seeks part-time morning drive-up teller for our branch location at 86th and Old Cheney. Normal duties include providing a warm and welcoming presence at the drive-up while performing teller transactions; answering members? general questions or referring them to the proper person or department, performing miscellaneous cash transactions, balancing cash drawer daily, and maintaining good relations with members, fellow employees, and others visiting the credit union. Hours are Monday through Friday 7:30am-12:30pm and every other Saturday 8:30am-noon. Applications may be filled out at 4638 ?W? Street or 5705 S 86th Dr. between 8:30am and 5:00pm; resumes may be mailed to LincOne Federal Credit Union, PO Box 30659, Lincoln, NE 68503-0659; or e-mailed to, or through our website at

Marketing, Advertising

Ability to diagnose & repair computers, outgoing personality, email resume:

Any major eligible. Work with Lincoln businesses in their marketing efforts to reach the UNL audience. UNL’s daily newspaper is filling positions for summer and/or fall advertising representatives.

Inbound Customer Service Center Rep – Full Time and Part Time

Summer staff must either be enrolled in the spring, summr OR fall semester to be eligible. Pay is by commission on sales. Real businesses, real advertising, real experience.

Our inbound Call Center is expanding their hours and is starting a new training class soon Daytime and evening shifts available, with weekend hours to work around your class schedule. Speedway Motors is a growing catalog order company that sells classic and performance automotive parts to customers all over the world. Positions are available in our busy Call Center to process orders and answer general customer inquiries. Fun and fast paced. Must be a fast learner, have strong communication skills, an excellent attendance record and be able to provide industry leading customer service. Automotive experience a plus but not required. Computer skills are needed with the ability to type 30 wpm min. Previous customer service experience is required. Apply online or in person at: 340 Victory Lane, Lincoln, NE Speedway Motors is a Drug Free Workplace EOE

Part-time runner positions at small, professional downtown law firm. Hours MWF, from 12pm to 5 pm starting in May. Occasional additional hours available. Excellent position for motivated person with exceptional organization and communication skills. To inquire, please call Cindy at 402-435-6000.

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Part-time or full-time servers and bartenders positions available. Benefits and half priced meals. Apply online at Summer construction help wanted in Lincoln. Poured concrete foundations, $13/hr to start, end of summer bonus, Must have good driving record, prefer construction management or farm background. Call 402-430-6144.

The Steak House

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Mulligans Grill and Pub

Part time Office Position

Judson Irrigation Inc. is currently seeking an individual for part time seasonal (April-Nov.) office help. Duties include answering the phones, customer service and general office work. To apply, call Cary 402-430-6277, send resume to


Looking for a job with a great company where you get to work with our hands? Join our team at Old Cheney Place Apartments. We are looking for a part-time employee who loves to work outside, is detail-oriented and is willing to learn other areas of apartment maintenance. Apply in person at 27th & Old Cheney Road.

UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, March 28 6:30 p.m. Installation of 2012-2013 Execs, Senate, CFA, Academic Fees, and Student Court 7:30 p.m. Wick Alumni Center Info. and agenda available at 136 Nebraska Union

Business Opp’ties STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM Paid Survey Takers Needed in Lincoln. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys.

Announcements FREE SHAKES! Learn about the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge! #1 health challenge in America. Lose weight, gain muscle, Delicious! Learn how you can drive a FREE BMW like me! Get yours for FREE! Wednesday, March 28th 3-4:30pm Sam and Louie’s Pizza 1332 P street This is open to the Public! Stop by!

Student Gov’t STUDENT GOVERNMENT 2012-2013 POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Applications available for 29 different committee openings for over 200 positions for next academic year. Applications available at 136 Nebr. Union or online at Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m., April 9.

UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, March 28 6:30 p.m.

Apply online at or Room 16, Nebraska Union BY April 9.

Currently accepting applications for servers and bartenders. Apply at 5500 Old Cheney Rd. Now Hiring! Dairy Queen (38th & South St.) Looking for crew members/shift leaders. Fun, Professional, Flexible. Email for application or apply in person.


Part time Volunteer Assistant, office work and hosting tours, mostly nights and weekend hours. $10/hr. Call 402-475-1303.

LincOne Federal Credit Union

Computer Technician Part-Time

Looking for a job that is flexible enough to work around your changing school schedule? Then we are the place for you! We employ many students who are able to attend classes, work and still have time to study!

Help Wanted

HOMECOMING 2012 ROYALTY APPLICATIONS Apply now to be on Homecoming Court! Homecoming Royalty applications are now available ONLY online at Homecoming this year is early in the Fall 2012 semester - September 23 through 29. Applications and interviews for the 2012 Homecoming Royalty will be completed this Spring semester. Any full-time student who has completed at least 75 hours with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA as of the end of the Spring 2012 semester is eligible to apply. The application must be submitted online by Friday, April 6 at 5:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Rush at or 402-745-0664. Thank you and good luck!

Installation of 2012-2013 Execs, Senate, CFA, Academic Fees, and Student Court 7:30 p.m. Wick Alumni Center Info. and agenda available at 136 Nebraska Union


wednesday, march 28, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

offense: from 10

baseball: from 10 the season — only threw 55 pitches in three innings and gave up no runs. But after he completed those innings, Erstad decided to go to his bullpen for the remainder of the game. But Erstad was still impressed with Pierce’s performance. He said he put Pierce out there to see if he could put together a strong stretch of innings. “I thought he did a great job,” Erstad said. “I thought he commanded the strike zone better than he had all year or even last year. I thought he did a nice job. So we’re gonna continue to

look at options, stretch guys out and see what we can come up with.” Whether it’s out of the dugout at the beginning of the game or out from the pen, Pierce’s mindset doesn’t change. “If I’m coming in the eighth or the seventh I’m still trying to throw up a zero,” Pierce said. “I tried not to treat tonight any different. It’s all about just going out there ... At the end of the day it’s all about me coming out there and trying to pitch.” And the pen came through for Pierce. Nebraska’s relievers gave

up six hits and only one earned run in their six innings on the mound. “We used everybody we expected to use,” Erstad said. “We need to get everybody work in the midweek for the weekends and it went just as we planned.” Now that the 17 games in Haymarket Park are over, it’s time to put the past behind the Huskers, and overall they’re pleased with what they’ll leave in Lincoln. “We had some games where we didn’t show up,” Burleson said. “But 12-5, we can’t complain about that.” robbykorth@

softball: from 10

kaylee everly | daily nebraskan

NU’s Rich Sanguinetti runs the base paths Tuesday night against Kansas State. The junior’s production at the plate has been positive for Nebraska this season.

self-congratulatory bunch, in 2000 with the Angels, points higher than its oppothey are full of praise for served as the team’s volun- nents’ and it has 100 points Bolt and what his competi- teer hitting coach last year on opponents’ slugging tiveness has brought to the and said “the approach is percentage. This offensive team. fantastic” this year and Bolt surge isn’t just a factor of “I’ve never played under “has gotten everyone on a small sample size: the a more competitive coach the same page.” Huskers are now roughly in my life,” said Sangui“Everyone’s been very halfway through the regular netti, who played under unselfish, they’ve all been season. Bolt at Texarkana College. ready to play,” Bolt said of As the Big Ten is not as “He doesn’t care how it his hitters. “If their num- strong of a baseball confergets done — if we win and ber’s not called they don’t ence as the Big 12, it would grind it out and go 100 per- sulk about it; they’re not seem the Huskers have cent, he’s happy.” pouting about it.” a much better chance of Bolt himself sees the The Huskers have had keeping their offense going players as the catalyst, that this success without their in conference play this seatheir motivation to bring top hitter from last season, son. Ohio State isn’t sending NU back from its recent Cody Asche, who is now Taylor Jungmann to the hill. lack of success has been in the Philadelphia PhilEven if it did, the players more important than his lies organization. They’ve feel confident of success as work with them in the bat- generated the runs from a long as they bring the right ting cages. variety of sources — if Er- approach Bolt tells them “It’s basically just been stad wanted to, he could about. a matter of the guys being fill out a lineup card made “He’s kind of preached hungry,” he said. “They’ve up entirely of players with approach to us the whole soaked up everything we’ve double digit RBI totals and time,” Cory Burleson said. asked them to do since day on-base percentages equal “You don’t go up there and one and that’s what itThe takes greater than .373. WithSales waste an at-bat, not one atNeworYork Times Syndication Corporation ... If you’ve got a bunch of that lineup, he’d still have bat in the 27 outs we get 500 Michael Seventh Pritchard, Avenue, New York,do N.Y. guys all pulling in the right Austin we10018 want to waste. Right Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 direction, good things are For Darby and Kurt Farmer (27 now we’re dialed in and we typically going to happen.” combined RBI) to pinch hit. want to stay that way.” seanWhalen@ Coach Darin Erstad, who The team’s on-base perReleaseisWednesday, 28, 2012 hit .355 with 100 RBIsForcentage more than March 50



1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

23 26


33 34 35 38 40 42 43 45 47 48


Act greedy Newsman Lou Stand taken by a debater Elton John/Tim Rice musical ___ Gay Austen heroine Jeering from the bleachers Broom made of twigs Crazy sort End of some medieval tournament action? Charger Part of the translation of “anno Domini” Weapons that hit in a medieval tournament? Sum up Holy book Middleton and Moss Estuaries Track figure Flood survivor “The Most Happy ___” Imitated a wolf Spanish bear Really boring medieval tournaments?

51 52 53

60 61

62 66 67 68

70 71


5 8


1 8 9 6 8 9 1 3 Edited 8 by Will Shortz 4 6 8 9 7 2 8 3 9 7 3 5 3 1 4

Actress Zadora 1 Unwelcome 14 growth Joking around 17 at a medieval tournament? See 58-Down Noted declarer 23 of bankruptcy in EASY 2001 27 Olympics jump 33 W.W. II battle site 38 Accustom “The occupation 43 of the idle man, the distraction of the warrior, the peril of the sovereign,” per Napoleon 53 Creature known scientifically as 60 Bufo bufo 66 Heavy reading Donald and 69 Ivana, for instance

























# 33




41 45




47 50

4 2 1 9 7 52


56 61







36 42


5 8 8 1













No. 0222












Black mark 29 Some daily 50 Entertain papers, 9 Biblical fellow 53 Witticism 1 Shoot the breeze informally who was 2 Carnival city 54 Anne Frank’s 30 TV courtroom dis-tressed? father 3 Fracas drama, 1986-94 10 “Back to the 4 Hamper 55 Kareem AbdulFuture” transport 31 Start or finish Jabbar’s alma 5 Actress Mazar of an aphorism 11 Mine, in Marseille mater, in brief regarding justice 6 Fairly uncommon 12 Springsteen’s blood type, 56 ___ time at all 32 Patsy “___ Fire” informally 36 Made less 57 EASY # 35Oil container 13 Told all to the 7 Nonsense rigorous cops 58 French artist 37 Things binge famous for 21 Mont. neighbor drinkers 60-Acrossing ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 22 Crud sometimes do 59 Juana ___ de la 39 Sloppy O L O H S T O P R O M E 23 Chow down on Cruz, Mexican 41 Zebra M I R E P I N E O J A Y 24 ___ for (really poet/nun delicious) 44 ___ were E G O L I V E R S T O N E 63 Losing row 46 Blue G H S E R O O A S E S 25 Ultimate object 64 Brink 28 Follower of many 49 Accept A T T O N O S W A L T a dot punishment # 33 # 34 7 6 8 1 3 9654 French 2 5 article# 35 S O D A A M O E B 3A 4E 5 1 8 6 9 7 2 6 2 9 4 3 7 5 8 1 5 9 4 6 8 2 1 3 7 H A K I S E R F O D D 9 answers, 5 2 3call4 1-900-285-5656, 6 3 1 or, 2 with 5 4a credit 7 9 card, 6 8 $1.49 a minute; 1-800-814E B E C C A D E M O R N 1A 8Y 7 For 8 9 1 5554. 7 2 3 4 6 5 4 7 3 2 5 8 6 9 1 R E H G T S P O E M S Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 7 5 6 8 9 4 2 1 3 9 8 5 3 6 1 7 4 2 A R A L E E D E N S 4 3 2 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 6 1 5 8 9 7 6 2 1 7 9 4 5 8 3 users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit M A R T Y F E L D M 2A 1N 4 AT&T 5 6 8 7 3 9 8 4 7 9 1 3 2 5 6 for more information. G A S P A E C O C 9T 7O 3 2 4 1 6 5 8 2 3 6 4 7 5 8 1 9 Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, E S T P I C T U R E C 5P 6O 8 crosswords 3 7 9 1 2 4a year). 1 5 9 8 2 6 3 7 4 ($39.95 R I E N E E D E D O A K Share tips: E A L T O S S E Y R S Crosswords for young solvers: Page 9 of 25



5 2



6 7 3




2 1 8 4 9

that they have had time to practice outside. Revelle said it’s more mental preparation than anything that will help them against SDSU. “We had some trouble with them in the second game last year when we played, and so we’re really going into it just like it’s the next opponent,” Revelle said. “The game that we’re playing next is the most important game. The most important game of our season right now is the one that we’re playing tomorrow.” Haget agreed, saying NU has to keep its mentality strong against SDSU. “With them it’s more of playing to our level and keeping our mentality, our Nebraska softball way and not playing at any different level than we have before.” Keeping a consistent mentality might be difficult playing against SDSU, though. “They always put up a good fight. They’re a really scrappy team so we definitely need to stay focused and not say just because we’ve beat them in the past years that it’s gonna be easy,” Haget said. SDSU’s scrappiness is not the only caution for NU. There are girls from Nebraska on SDSU’s roster, many who have played on

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Nikki Haget and the Huskers face South Dakota State Wednesday at Bowlin Stadium. summer teams or against NU players in high school. Distractions will be present at the game, but Breault said no matter the opponent, NU just needs to worry about itself.

“We just need to be focused more on what we’re doing and if we do the things that we need to do then we’ll be successful,” she said. sarahinds@

women’s basketball


4 2 1 3 9

5 8 named All-American Hooper 2 4 after stellar sophomore year 4 2 3 Staff report

6 1 honorable mentions. The 6-foot-2-inch forward daily Nebraskan can add the 4 3 All-American Jordan Hooper just keeps honor to an already wealthy getting awards 7 for the 20111 supply 2 of awards for this 2012 season. season. Hooper made quite A little more on the 3 6than a week 7 the first impression 9 after the Nebraska women’s Big Ten in Nebraska’s first basketball 5 team’s 9 loss to season 7as members of the Kansas in the NCAA Tourn a mEASY ent, Hooper received A s s o ciated Press AllAmerican honors as she was named as one 3 of the 25 hooper 6 honorable 4 5 mentions 2 7 to the team. 7 first soph2 1 She9became the omore in Nebraska women’s basketball3 history to6receive any type of5 All-American 3 9 honor. 3 5AlliThe4sophomore from ance, Neb., was 7 only one 6 of4 four Big Ten players to re8 Ohio State’s ceive the 1award. Samantha MEDIUM Prahalis was a second team player and teammate Taylor Hill and Penn State’s Maggie Lucas received


4 7

8 7 6

conference. # 34 18.9 points She averaged a game and 9.3 rebounds a game, finishing ranked fourth and first in the conference, respectively. Those numbers earned her first-team All-Big Ten honors, as she was the only forward on the squad. She is just the fifth Husker sophomore to achieve a first1 all-conference award. 1 team Hooper also led the Big Ten in double-doubles with 14 on 8 the year to go along with 15 20-point performances and three 30-point outings. 5 Those scoring and re7 bounding numbers were also among the highest nationally. Hooper ranked in the top 30 in the country in scoring and in the top 50 in 6 rebounding. # 33was named to both MEDIUM She the Wade and Naismith Trophy watch lists midway through



2 8 7 4 9 3 7

1 2 7 5 8 5 6 3 2 1 4 5 8 1 5



4 8 Gould 1 by Wayne 1 6 3

7 8 2 4 9 6 3 5 1

4 Previous 8 answer 7 35 8 4 3 2 1 9 6 7 # 36 5 8 3 4 2 9 1 34 1 2 7 5 and comSolution, 7 9 6 tips 56 217 5 8 9 1 4 3 9puter 5 7 6program 3 8 4 at www. 1 3 9 7 6 4 2 8 5 2 8 9 6 5 9 1 2 7 3 6 8 2 1 7 4 5 9 1 2 8 3 5 4 6 1 4 2 5 997 14 25 68 49 53 36 72 81 2 4 1 7 9 3 8 6“medium” 7 4 1 7 8 5 2 5 6 8 5 6 9 3 2 7 1 4 4 6 9 2 7 1 3 4 7 3 1 5 6 8 9 2 7 3 5 8 4 6 9 3 8 2 9 1 4 7 8 5 3 6 MEDIUM


# 36

SU8DO KU: 2 6 4 1 3 7 5 9 8 2

the year for the best player in the country. Hooper also dominated play in the Big Ten tournament. She led the Huskers to a runner-up finish despite being a sixth seed in the tournament. She earned a spot on the All-Tournament team in Indianapolis. As far as school records, there doesn’t seem to be any offensive records out of reach for the sophomore, as she is quickly becoming one of the best scorers and rebounders in Husker history. Hooper is the fastest Husker ever to record 1,000 points in her career, ranking her 22nd 8 list at on the all-time scoring Nebraska with 1,078 points. 7This6 year, 8she2 became the 2first sophomore 9 to score 600 points and grab 300 re8bounds 5 in a7single 1 season. She ranks fifth 8 9 4 in Nebraska history with 134 3-point field 9goals 2 made.6 Hooper 5 also is eighth in career 1bles with 17 as4adouble-douHusker. 5 The 3 sophomore 1 8 will return next season to a talented 3 Husker squad looking to # 34 improve on a 10-6 record in conference play.

# 35

7 8




24 Jul 05

1 2 6 8 3 4 5 1

8 4 3 1 9 3 2 8



9 2 7 # 36

Daily Nebraskan

wednesday, march 28, 2012


Senior uses final meet to propell NU at Big Tens Nedu Izu Daily Nebraskan

Lora Evenstad’s last regular season meet as a Husker didn’t begin the way she pictured. The senior kicked off the Nebraska women’s gymnastics’ meet against Iowa State with a season-low 9.675 on vault, and as if that wasn’t enough, another blow came on beam when she performed a 9.05, also a season low. But the Grand Forks, N.D., native didn’t let the flaws get to her head, she said. “It didn’t pan out the way I wanted it to but sometimes you need that,” Evenstad said. The first-team All-Big Ten gymnast bounced back and scored a 9.925 on bars in her second event. Going into Nebraska’s last rotation, floor, Evenstad was inserted as the fifth perform on the event, which was fitting as it was her last performance ever. The senior, who also began the meet, finished the meet and received a warm ovation from the 1,559 fans in attendance. “I appreciated all the fans that supported me and it made me want to go out and perform even better,” Evenstad said. “It made it much easier and helped me forget that it was my last time performing.” The senior went on to score a 9.875 on floor and said it didn’t click right away that it was her last time performing

in front of the Husker faithful. “I didn’t even realize it was my last performance until my whole team came up to me at the end,” Evenstad said. “The support felt great and I was thankful that the fans were so gracious to me.” That emotion carried into the Nebraska’s next meet — the Big Ten Women’s Gymnastics Championship. In its first postseason meet of 2012, the fifth-ranked Huskers soared past their seven other conference opponents, posting a 197.100 to capture the championship. The score was the third-highest on the season and the sixth-highest meet score on the road in Nebraska history. The first-place finish was .875 points higher than No. 13 Ohio State (196.225), which finished second in the meet. It was the second consecutive conference championship for Nebraska, which won it in 2011 in its last season in the Big 12 Conference. Evenstad said she and the team were pleased to have their first goal completed this postseason. “It just crossed another check off our list as a team,” she said. “We’ve had this goal the last two years now to win the last Big 12 Championship and come out strong in the first Big Ten Conference. “It just placed importance on where we already wanted to start out and be at this post-season.” In the meet, Evenstad

displayed two instrumental scores on bars (9.925) and floor (9.90) finishing first for the Huskers in both events. The clutch performances assisted her in winning the bar title and tying with teammates Emily Wong and Jessie DeZiel for the crown on floor. Evenstad’s second consecutive 9.925 performance on bars Saturday impressed coach Dan Kendig. “She’s a great competitor and the big thing with her is that you can trust her,” he said. “We depend on her and she came up big for us.” But performing in three events wasn’t something Evenstad initially was plugged in the lineup to do, according to Kendig. “She was going to do just two events, floor and bar,” he said. “She won those two events and asked about vault. She warmed up very well before the meet and ended up doing three events for us.” Evenstad went on to help the Huskers clinch the Big Ten Championship when she nailed a 9.80 on vault for the team’s last rotation. Going into the meet, Nebraska had an edge on its competitors as they were chosen as the No. 1 seed. Although the team was given the high honor, Kendig made sure not to let the major recognition go to his gymnasts’ heads. “I think you use it to your advantage a little bit,” the coach said. “But the more

file photo by dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Nebraska senior Lora Evanstad hit a 9.90 on floor at the Big Ten Conference Championships last weekend in Iowa City. useless info you put in your head, the more it just clouds over what you’re trying to do. This team has been good in staying in the moment.” Evenstad knew that, regardless of the team’s seeded rank, the team had a chance to win. “We knew it was our meet to win or lose,” she said. “As long as we hit our routines, we knew we’d get the job done. Everyone did a good job following through on that plan.”

Her Big Ten Coach of the Year was satisfied with the outcome. “They’ve consistently shown that they have the courage and confidence to do what we’ve asked them to do,” Kendig said. “I’m just really proud of the effort they gave Saturday.” On Monday the team found out it was competing in the NCAA Salt Lake City Regional and would be the No. 1-seeded team. Until the meet on April 7, the team will be focusing on

the little details to polish its performances and making sure everyone stays healthy, Evenstad said. She added that the team is thrilled with the NCAAs announcement. “We are really excited to go back to Utah,” she said. “They’ve got a great crowd and there’s so much support for gymnastics there. We’re happy with we’re we seeded and thankful to perform there again.” neduizu@

women’s golf

Sophomore sets school record, improves scores angela Hensel daily NEbraskan

After a strong start for the Huskers as a true freshman last year, Nebraska women’s golfer Steffi Neisen has managed to avoid the sophomore slump this season. Neisen’s improvement hit a high point this last weekend when she shot the single-round school record of 66 at the Mountain View Colneisen legiate in Tucson, Ariz. Although Neisen holds the second-lowest stroke average for the Huskers this season, even she wasn’t expecting it when she captured the school record. “I was a little bit shocked and surprised,” Neisen said.

“I found out I can shoot low numbers, which is pretty exciting.” Neisen has shown signs of this kind of improvement throughout the season. She has lowered her stroke average by just more than a full stroke, going from a 77.13 last season to a 76.07 this year. This kind of impact was noticed right away when NU coach Robin Krapfl started recruiting Neisen. “I loved her golf game and competitiveness,” Krapfl said. “I loved her attitude and saw that she was a wonderful person.” For Neisen, the college decision process was a quick one. While the Minnesota native looked around other Midwest schools such as Minnesota, Wisconsin and Kansas, she decided on Nebraska her junior

year of high school. “The coaches are great and it’s a very positive atmosphere,” Neisen said. “It was a great fit for me right away.” That perfect fit with the team helped contribute to Neisen’s stellar freshman year. Neisen competed in all 32 rounds for the Huskers as a true freshman and ended the year with the third-lowest stroke average of all time for Nebraska freshmen. With those statistics and the expectations for Neisen, it can be a lot of pressure, but she has managed to handle it all. “(My freshman year) I tried not to put too much pressure on myself,” Neisen said. “The more tournaments you play in, the more and more comfortable you get.” During next season, Neisen will need to maintain that calm demeanor and strong

performance under pressure, as the team will lose senior Madeleine Sheils, who holds the best stroke average for the Huskers. Neisen could move up from her No. 2 spot to lead the Nebraska golfers. With two more seniors, Katie Keiser and Kayla Knopik, on the Huskers’ current roster and no juniors, Neisen could be looked to once again in a leadership role. But Neisen has been in this leadership role before. In her high school career, Neisen finished in the top seven four times at the Minnesota State High School Tournament and led her high school to its firstever team championship her senior year. In her collegiate career, Neisen has taken more leadership notes from the older class.

“The seniors have been great and very positive,” Neisen said. “I want to carry that over to the girls next year.” And while Neisen has her own individual goals she wants to achieve, her focus continues to remain on the bigger picture. “It’s always fun when the team does well,” Neisen said. Krapfl recognizes these team values Neisen holds and sees the leadership qualities in her. “She is very positive and very team-oriented,” Krapfl said. Neisen’s positivity has been a strong point for her. But even with such an optimistic person like Neisen, the mental strain of golf can take a toll. “When you have long

football: from 10 “One thing I made clear when I came in is I’m the new secondary coach and I’m gonna do things the way I wanna do it and that’s coming down from the top down,” Joseph said. “None of those guys have said ‘I was told this,’ or ‘I was coached to do it this way,’ so we’re gonna do it the way coach Joseph wants to get it done.” And so far the players have responded well. Green feels that Joseph has brought in a new mastery of how NU’s defense works and what the Huskers need to work on for the next season. “I feel like I’m really getting a better understanding of the defense more and more each day,” Green said. “I feel like he’s a good teacher.” But the Nebraska secondary doesn’t need to embrace Joseph yet, according to Joseph. He’ll show the defensive backs adjusting to him will be beneficial and that he’s the man for the job. “Obviously change is sometimes good,” Joseph said. “The great thing is that they’re all young people and they adjust well. What I told them is, me being their new coach, is that they don’t have to trust me right now. I’ll earn their trust.” Robbykorth@

days and might have a slow start, but you mentally have to grind it out the rest of the day,” Neisen said. Despite these mental challenges, Neisen’s improvement continues. Even though Neisen has made big strides for the Huskers this season, she still continues on becoming an even better golfer. “I want to continue to do what I’ve been doing but still would love to win a tournament,” Neisen said. And Krapfl knows that Neisen is capable of that and more. “She has all of the skills, and once she believes in that, she is going to be one of the best,” Krapfl said.



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page 10

wednesday, march 28, 2012

Nebraska 6 | Kansas State 3

Husker offense shines during March Run production, on-base percentage up from last season Sean Whalen Daily Nebraskan

Husker players congregate at the mound to celebrate following NU’s 6-3 victory against Kansas State Tuesday night at Hawks Field.

it’s been


Huskers finish 17-game homestand, which produced a 12-5 record, with 6-3 victory against KSU story by Robby Korth photo by Kaylee Everly We had fantastic crowds, fantastic weather. It’s tough to stay locked in for that many games. Darin Erstad


ffense has been the story of Nebraska baseball’s home stand that has spanned nearly the entirety of March. During that stretch, NU went 12-5, outscoring its opponents 157-81. And Wednesday night’s game against familiar foe Kansas State was no exception, as the Huskers won the game 6-3, and improved to 18-9 on the season. “Kansas State is a very good baseball team and they’ve got a lot of young talented arms and we jumped on them early, and we held them down, and that’s a big win against a Big 12 team,” NU coach Darin Erstad said. But there was a bit of a difference to the Husker victory this time around: early offense. The Huskers scored all six of their runs in the first four innings, which pleased catcher Cory Burleson. “We haven’t done much scoring in the first,” Burleson said. “Especially in this home stand, so it was nice to come out and get three runs in the first inning.” In the first inning, Kash Kalkowski walked with the bases loaded and Michael Pritchard trotted home. Then designated hitter Richard Stock grounded into a double play-fielder’s choice and the Huskers added one more run. Then with a runner on third and two outs, Kurt Farmer blooped a single into right field and Chad Christensen advanced home. The Huskers took the 3-0 lead and never looked back in front of the 4,155 fans packed into Haymarket Park. That crowd was slightly above the average of 3,080 for NU over the 17-game home stand — total attendance has been 51,367. It’s a home stand that Erstad is pleased with overall. “We had fantastic crowds, fantastic weather. It’s tough to stay locked in for that many games,” Erstad said. “But our guys did a good job of hanging in there for that. We had a couple hiccups in there but for the most part I’m very pleased with how we approached the game.” The Huskers also came through with a strong showing from the bullpen after they jumped out to that early lead. Starting pitcher Brandon Pierce — in his first start of

baseball: see page 8

nebraska baseball coach

Secondary adjusts to new coaches Robby Korth daily NEbraskan

Terry Joseph is a serious recruiter. When the defensive backs coach came to Nebraska football, it was understood he was serious about recruiting in the south. Just three years ago, the former Tennessee recruiting coordinator was named one of the top-five non-BCS recruiters of 2009. But the man who’s promised to recruit against southern schools for speedy Dixieland recruits has another job. And it’s to coach NU’s defensive backs, a job he takes seriously as well. Maybe even a little too seriously for the Husker secondary. “I don’t think he (has a) funny bone,” junior Ciante Evans said. “When you try and cut jokes, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile. “We just gotta crack him, I guess.” This unit needs to keep a sense of humor. It’s like the redheaded stepchild of NU. For three seasons, these Huskers have brought in a new coach and gotten to know him. In 2011 defensive backs coach Marvin Sanders announced he was leaving for personal reasons and then

Indiana secondary coach Corey Raymond was brought in to replace him. And just as quickly as Raymond was brought into the Huskers’ fold, he left to join Les Miles’ staff at LSU. So in late February, as the coaching staff was looking for a replacement, the secondary was once again left without a coach. “It’s tough because you get a relationship with one, then you’re like, ‘Crap, he’s gone,’” NU senior P.J. Smith said. “And then you get a new one and you start to get to like him. Then you’re like, ‘I like him,’ and then you get another coach. And then you’re like, ‘Man, I don’t want any more coaches’.” Every season Andrew Green has put on the scarlet and cream, he’s had a different position coach. But even though the junior has experienced so much change, some of which has been complicated, the new coaches have enlightened him. “You gotta listen to your coach so sometimes you gotta drop what the other coach said,” Green said. “You can kind of see different perspectives and you can see how much really being a DB is about technique and different

NU hopes to stay at high level for mid-week contest sara hinds daily nebraskan

file photo by patrick breen | daily nebraskan

crafts.” And dropping what the other coach said is crucial for Joseph. If he’s going to get his points across to the secondary, it needs to recognize that

he’s the man in charge now, and what the defensive backs learned in the past needs to stay there.

football: see page 9

offense: see page 8

SDSU vs. NEbraska | Wed., 5 p.m.

Softball takes eight-game win streak into Bowlin Stadium

NU safety P.J. Smith said having three new position coaches the last three seasons has been tough. Current coach Terry Joseph replaced Corey Raymond in March.

The year-to-year record may not reflect it, but this year’s Nebraska baseball team made some substantial improvements over the offseason. After beating Kansas State 6-3 Tuesday night, the Huskers are now 18-9. Last year, NU started 18-9 before embarking on a 10-16 skid that saw it miss the Big 12 Tournament for the third straight season. What makes this team stronger than last year is added punch from the Husker offense. NU scored 185 runs in its first 27 games of 2011 (6.85 per game). In the same number of games this year, Nebraska has 225 (8.33), nearly a run and a half more per game. All those extra runs have helped NU to a plus-111 run differential this season compared to plus-80 at this point last season. All of the difference comes from the offense, as this year’s pitching staff has given up nine more runs. Under the guide of new hitting coach, Will Bolt, the Huskers have fashioned themselves into an offensive force at Hawks Field, where they averaged 9.2 runs en route to a 12-5 home stand. While newcomers such as Richard Stock and Rich Sanguinetti have had a huge impact, most returning players have shown tremendous growth — especially junior Chad Christensen, who is leading the team with a career season. While the Huskers’ core of hitters is not a

Once Wednesday finishes, the rest of the week is downhill. That’s not the mentality held by the Nebraska women’s softball team. Midweek games help prepare NU for the upcoming weekend of games, usually against Big Ten Conference teams. The Huskers will get another shot at a midweek foe, as NU faces South Dakota State Wednesday at 5 p.m. “Being in the middle of Big Ten play and having these mid-week games, they’re really important because it keeps us physically ready,” outfielder Nikki Haget said. “But it also is really tough to

go back to staying mentally at our best level and that’s definitely the challenge because if we drop down in mid-week games then we’re gonna be hit with the Big Ten opponent on the weekend and not get prepared.” NU heads into the game with an eight-game winning streak and winners of nine of its last 10 matchups. Despite their recent success, the women still have things to work on in practice, Courtney Breault said. The junior said they’ve just been “tying up the loose ends and getting everything exactly the way we need. “We’ve been playing well but we haven’t been playing perfect,” she said. Coach Rhonda Revelle said there’s no specific thing the Huskers have worked on in practice, rather it’s

softball: see page 8

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