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in their own backyard

NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE UPDATE W ith two and a half weeks to go, senators pass slew of bills PAGE 2

The NU softball team remains unbeaten at home cappping their homestand with a 8-0 win against SDSU PAGE 10

thursday, march 29, 2012

volume 111, issue 127


Housing transfers RA after bedbug dispute Former Selleck RA relocated to Shramm Hall; reassigned to special project Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

Amanda Wekesser knew she could lose her job. More than two months

ago, Wekesser was told by her then-residence director Corrine Gernhart that she shouldn’t verbally tell her residents about a bedbug infestation in her room. Instead, Wekesser was told to post a sign on her door, “indicating that maintenance was working in (Wekesser’s) room,” according to a March 8 disciplinary letter addressed to Wekesser from Director of University Housing Sue

Gildersleeve. But maintenance wasn’t working on Wekesser’s room. On Jan. 24, Brooks Exterminating Service inspected Wekesser’s room. On Jan. 28, her room was receiving a heat treatment to get rid of the bugs by Plunkett’s Pest Control, a Minnesota-based company. Not UNL Facilities. Wekesser said the omission of the truth made her uncomfortable. Some residents

would undoubtedly want to check their rooms for bugs as well, she thought. So she told them anyway. In the three-page disciplinary letter that was served to Wekesser at a March 8 meeting, Gildersleeve maintained that Gernhart, Wekesser’s former residence director in Selleck, didn’t instruct Wekesser to lie. “ ... Ms. Gernhart never instructed you to lie or to not disclose information about

bedbugs found in your room. What she had communicated was that you could put a sign on your door indicating that maintenance was working in your room, but not to lie and say that maintenance was working on the HVAC.” After a free fall of events, being stripped of her resident assistant duties and being told to transfer to Schramm Hall from Selleck 8200 to begin work on an ambiguous

“special project,” Wekesser’s saga ended March 16. She quit. On Jan. 27, feeling threatened by Housing and not knowing what to do, Wekesser contacted the media for the first time. The story spread through Nebraska. Throughout Wekesser’s

RA: see page 3

e.n. thompson forum

Local water overuse drains supply KU professor ends series with warning of depleted water reserves story by daniel wheaton photo by matthew masin

Matthew Masin | Daily Nebraskan

Lane Carr swears in Eric Kamler, the new president of the ASUN during the inauguration ceremony at the Wick Alumni Center. Kamler will serve as president for the next school year.

Matthew Masin | Daily Nebraskan

Donald Worster talks to students from the University of NebraskaLincoln and members of the Lincoln community about water usage in the Great Plains.


he only reason anyone exists is because of one thing: water. And aside from sustaining life, water was pivotal in building the Great Plains. Last evening, the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues presented its last lecture on Water and Global Security. Donald Worster, a professor at the University of Kansas, presented the lecture “An Unquenchable Thirst: How the Great Plains Created a Water Abundance and Then Lost It.” This lecture was meant to conclude the forum with a Nebraska focus.

Worster also served as an opening to the Center of Great Plains Studies’ 2012 Symposium: “1862-2012: The Making of the Great Plains.” Anthony Schutz, a UNL assistant law professor, introduced the legality of water use. “There is no free lunch in the hydrologic system,” Schutz said. Laws about water use have led to conflicts on who is allowed to use water. Nebraska and Kansas have argued over who should be allowed to use water from the Republican River, he said. Worster began his talk with

a synopsis of water use within the Great Plains. Early travelers viewed the Great Plains as the “Great American Desert” and the Platte River was described as “the most wondrous and useless river,” Worster said. Because of this, legislation ignored the issue of scarcity, he said. As the Plains began to be used for agriculture, water was believed to be an infinite resource, Worster said. “Legislation in 1862 set the stage for the Plains we know

dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

Koenig page 4

elias youngquist daily nebraskan

The meeting began with the typical clatter of nameplates as now former Internal Vice President Jeff Lopez, a senior chemical engineering major, poured the box out onto the table for the last time with a smile rather than the typical grimace from the sound. Next came the new President of the Association

forum: see page 2

Campus blooms early, thanks to high temps Summer’s warmth has come early. March high temperature records across Nebraska, many more than a century old, have fallen to the unusual heat, according to the National Weather Service station in Valley, Neb. For much of the month, highs near 80 in Lincoln have been just a few degrees shy of highs in Arizona, more reminiscent of summer than spring. There was little complaining among the student body at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “It’s awesome,” said Aiko Carter, a freshman English major, outside the Nebraska Union Wednesday morning. “Sometimes it gets too hot for me — I’m more of a cold person — but I really missed this weather.” Several yards away,

ASUN welcomes new senators, executive board

Climate scientists stress weather isn’t caused by global warming; attribute high temperatures to climate change daily nebraskan

dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

blooms: see page 2

Robert Jellison, a sophomore Russian major, studied

performing arts page 5

asun: see page 3

Warm weather boosts belief in climate change

dan holtmeyer

Jonathan Seik, a graduate statistics student, studies Wednesday afternoon in Selleck Quadrangle, crabapple trees blooming a few feet away. Crabapple and other trees on campus have returned to life several weeks ahead of schedule.

of Students of the University of Nebraska, Eric Kamler, a junior agricultural business major, marching into the Wick Alumni Center, wielding the American flag in one hand to place at the head of the square of white tables for the meeting. The latest ASUN senate

On top of early blooms, and the allergy-suffering to match, a warm winter and spring for the record books has brought a bump in the belief in climate change. Almost two-thirds of Americans believe the globe is warming, according to a study released in late February by the Brookings Institution, a nonprofit think tank in Washington, D.C. Not all

of those people think human activity is to blame, the study noted, but the number is a new high after spring 2010, when about half of those surveyed believed in climate change. With March on its way to becoming the warmestever recorded in Nebraska, that bump has likely stuck around. If nothing else, climate change is on the brain a little more often, according to several students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “It’s crossed my mind,” said Emily Danekas, a sophomore business administration major. “I just thought, wow, it’s really strange that it feels like summer already and it’s only March.” Rodkayla Howard, a junior secondary education major, said she wasn’t too worried about climate

football page 10

climate: see page 2

Weather | stormy

Stop pursuing happiness

Change from on High

Ready for action

Wholeness better than happiness, life “running silently”

Part two of “Angels” to stage drama, social commentary

Jamal turner looks to play bigger role in NU offense

@dailyneb |

change, given the beautiful weather outside. “I would say it’s global warming at its best,” she said with a smile. But after a moment, she recalled a classmate back in high school whose dad was a climate scientist. Howard didn’t pay much heed to the student’s warnings of climate change back then, she said. “Now, I kind of do,” said Howard, who has lived in Nebraska for about 13 years. “Nebraska weather has never been like this as long as I’ve been here.” Other students remained skeptical. “Living in Nebraska all my life, weather this nice in March is very unusual,” conceded Angela Kisicki, a freshman



thursday, march 29, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Bills wait to advance to final reading Jacy Marmaduke Daily Nebraskan

Tuesday was a big day for the Nebraska Legislature. The 2012 session is in its home stretch with only two and a half weeks of negotiation to go, and the body advanced a score of bills to the next step of the legislative process Tuesday. Here’s an overview of some bills that progressed to enrollment and review for engrossment, the last step before the final reading. If senators vote in approval of a bill at final reading, the legislation advances to the governor, who has five days to sign the bill or return it to the body. LB863: Include film production under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act Director Alexander Payne

(“The Descendants,” “Sideways”), an Omaha native, testified at the hearing for this bill, which would provide economic incentives for movie, television and commercial production in the state. Sen. Colby Coash of Lincoln introduced the bill in January, and the Legislature advanced the bill to enrollment and review for engrossment on Tuesday. Coash said the measure would attract more filmmakers to Nebraska and thus boost the economy. LR373CA: Constitutional amendment to change annual legislative salaries to twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars This controversial amendment would result in the first salary increase for senators since 1988. Senators in favor of the resolution argue that the current $12,000 salary deters

potential candidates from running for the legislature, but those in opposition say the low salary prevents senators from becoming “career politicians.” Legislators approved the amendment 28-9 earlier this month and advanced it to enrollment and review for engrossment on Tuesday. LB882: Require certain cancer treatment insurance coverage Introduced by Sen. Jeremy Nordquist of Omaha, this bill would require insurance companies to grant equal coverage to both methods of chemotherapy: oral and intravenous. For many cancer patients, Nordquist said, oral chemotherapy is the only method of treatment for their illness, but many insurance companies don’t provide adequate coverage for the procedure. Because of this, patients are often forced

to pay out-of-pocket or abandon treatment. The Legislature on Tuesday advanced LB882 to enrollment and review for engrossment. LB1079: Provide grants for educational bridge programs for low-income adults Omaha Sen. Heath Mello’s bill would establish a job and life-skills training program for low-income, under-educated Nebraskans. A 2009 U.S. Census Bureau study revealed that only one-third of Nebraska’s workforce has achieved an associate’s degree, representing “a skills gap of educated workers to serve key roles in highdemand industries,” according to Mello’s bill. On Tuesday, the Legislature advanced LB1079 to enrollment and review for engrossment. jacymarmaduke@

blooms: from 1 under the archway into Selleck Quadrangle. The sweet, thick scent of a nearby clump of crabapple trees in bloom wafted over to his spot. “It is absolutely beautiful,” Jellison said. He lamented missing a Nebraska winter — his native Virginia doesn’t get much snow — but, he said, “It has been amazing.” One of the warmest winters on record has led to what looks to be Nebraska’s warmest March recorded. As the showers of pink, purple and white petals over campus sidewalks show, UNL’s shrubs, plants and trees are coming to life several weeks ahead of schedule. “An awful lot of the plants are at least three weeks ahead of time,” said Emily Levine, a horticulturist who oversees UNL Gardens and has been on campus for about 30 years. “This is probably the earliest spring I’ve seen.” Lilacs, magnolias, crabapples. The university grounds are alive with spring colors, smells and the buzzing of insects, including some

mosquitoes. “Insects and plants pretty much rely on the same ... gradual warming up of the season,” said Jim Kalisch, a UNL entomologist, or, in other words, a bug scientist. “This means we have insects emerging early as well.” American dog ticks and moths that depend on blooming lilacs, both of which usually come out in April, are among the early arrivals, Kalisch said. Because they and other insects, including crop pests, have such a head start, they might be able to fit in two new generations this year instead of one, he added. But Kalisch emphasized everything depends on the rest of the season. “We might have some battles with some of these pests, but it’s just hard to say now,” he said. “Nebraska weather is so unpredictable.” Joining the insects in the air: pollen. March has brought a spike in tree pollen that last year wasn’t seen until May. “It’s not record high, but it’s darn close to it,” said Dale

Benham, a biology professor at Nebraska Wesleyan University, who tracks the area’s pollen counts. Trees typically release pollen in successive waves, one species after another. Oak’s the big player right now, Benham said, and the schedule is already almost halfway over — good news for allergy sufferers. “I’m so sorry for everyone with allergies because it’s a heck of a year,” Benham said with a laugh. Pollen counts are equally high across much of the country, spreading misery among those with allergies from the Great Lakes to the South, according to Associated Press reports. “Oh, it’s not good,” said Emily Danekas, a sophomore business administration major. “Have to get the Claritin out, that’s for sure. That’s the only drawback.” Rodkayla Howard, a junior secondary education major and resident assistant in Pound Residence Hall, said

she didn’t have problems with allergies. The same couldn’t be said of many of her residents. “When they open their windows, they’re all sniffling and sneezing,” Howard said. But March’s solid record of warmth doesn’t guarantee that temperatures will sail upward right into summer. “A warm March is often followed by a freeze in April,” said Becky Kern, a weather service meteorologist, noting that around half of the last freezes of the year have come after April 20. “We’re not out of the woods, let’s put it that way.” If a drastic drop in temperature comes, pollen and insect counts will likely take a hit. Allergies might get some relief, but the plants will have to bear the brunt of the freeze. “If leaves and flowers are killed ... the trees are going to be set back quite a bit,” said Mark Harrell of the Nebraska Forest Service. “And that throws everything up in the air again.”

shouldn’t use daily events or daily experience,” he added, to evaluate climate science either way. “That doesn’t mean climate change isn’t happening,” Hu said. “Climate change is a fact.” Climatologists often stress that climate operates over years, decades and centuries, and is distinct from weather, which operates over weeks and months. “Folks should not confuse this with global warming,” said Emily Levine, a horticulturist who’s worked with UNL for about 30 years, though she added, “which is

not to say it’s not happening.” But abnormal weather such as this spring’s can be a good way to get climate change on people’s minds as well, Hu said. “I think some skepticism is good, but I’ve gone up and talked to people who are really against (climate change),” he said. “Oftentimes it takes some kind of strong weather event to get people to think or re-evaluate their position ... This kind of weather hasn’t happened for quite some time.”


climate: from 1 history major. “I just think climate change always happens ... Most of us are just kind of taking it and enjoying it.” Climate scientists have observed the Earth’s average temperature to has risen several degrees Fahrenheit since the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1800s, when humans started emitting carbon dioxide from coal in huge amounts into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide absorbs heat reflected from the planet’s surface and emits it back like a blanket on a bed. Atmospheric carbon dioxide are now at levels not seen

in hundreds of thousands of years, according to NASA. Most climate scientists agree the human-caused release of carbon is responsible for the temperature change, which appears to be already disrupting ocean currents and acidity, ice sheets, global weather patterns and the ecosystems humans depend upon. But there’s a problem with taking this year’s warmth and pinning it to climate change, said Steve Hu, a UNL climatologist. “We won’t be able to see such change on an annual basis,” Hu said. “People


ian tredway | daily nebraskan

Expensive land leaves farmers without fields ashley burns daily nebraskan


Heath Zuellner can’t buy any more cows. Zuellner, a graduate of the Nebraska College “It makes it harder to purof Technical Agriculture (NCTA) in Curtis, Neb., par- chase land because the upticipated in the 100 Beef front cost is so high, and it Cow Ownership Advantage takes time to see a profit,” Program through NCTA. Witte said. According to Johnson, This program, upon completion, gives the student during the past 20 years 100 beef cows to start his land productivity has inor her own herd and keeps creased while landowners young farmers and ranchers have been holding onto acres as investments, creatinvolved in farm life. The problem is land pric- ing for a decrease in supply es, according to his sister and increase in demand. Siera Zuellner, a senior ag- This imbalance has spurred ricultural education major the rapid rise in prices. “Land is an incomeat the University of Nebrasproducing asset,” Johnson ka-Lincoln. “It’s pretty much totally said. “The value of the land stopped him, at this point,” reflects the income expected off it.” Zuellner said. According to Johnson, According to Bruce Johnson, an agricultural eco- these immense gains in nomics professor at UNL, value may be drawing to a agricultural land prices in close due to dropping comm o d i t y Nebraska have prices as soared durIt makes it harder the rates of ing the past return on five years, to purchase land investment reaching rebecause the are getting cord dollar upfront cost is so dangeramounts and ously low. gaining more high, and it takes Zuellner than 15 pertime to see a is also cent in value profit. skeptical annually. of the skyAccording rocketing to the NebrasKristin Witte land prices ka Farm Real junior agriculutural economics major and says Estate Market that the Highlights, a situation publication is similar through the UNL Agricultural Economics Department, to that of the 1980s when the value of agricultural the bottom fell out of the commodities land of any kind (dry land, agricultural pasture, irrigated, etc.) in- market. Witte, on the other hand, creased 22 percent and land irrigated by a center speculated that for now and pivot in central Nebraska into the foreseeable future, rose more than 30 percent. land prices will stay high “Over the last five years, because of high commodity land prices have doubled,” prices and investors outside Johnson said, adding that the agricultural sector. As for Zuellner, for the this growth has been mostly during a period where interim, his cows are stayhousing prices have de- ing at home on the familyrun farm until property valcreased 30 percent. The price of farmland has ues drop and land becomes produced a frustrating situ- available for him to strike ation for incoming farmers, out on his own and finally like Zuellner, said Kristin buy some more cows. ashleyburns@ Witte, a junior agricultural economics major.

forum: from 1 today,” said Richard Edwards, director of the Center for Great Plains Studies. The legislation drew borders disregarding the actual flow of water, both streams and groundwater. “Before there were climate change deniers, there were aridity deniers,” Worster said. Near the turn of the century, the Ogallala Aquifer was discovered, he

said. These discoveries lead to increasing deep well use. The availability of water caused an increase in agriculture and moved the meat industry deeper into the Great Plains, Worster said. “Some Americans were sure that God put the water there for us to use when we needed it,” Worster said. Because the water in the Ogallala Aquifer was being

used quicker than it replenished, agriculture has become a mining economy. “We’re not in an eminent crisis,” Worster said. “But how much longer do we really have?” Worster then argued that climate change will accelerate depletion and turn the Great Plains into the “Great American Desert” maligned in the 1840s. Deep wells

were seen as a way to prevent another dust bowl, but excess fossil fuel use may create another one, Worster said. Worster sees a solution in changing the economics of water. He believes in a communitarian system — the needs of the society are more important than the needs of the individual. “Europeans viewed the

new world as an infinite resource,” Worster said. When the use meets the reality of a fixed supply, problems of scarcity arise, he said. Worster fears a market solution will further complicate the matter. “There is an old saying: water flows uphill to money,” Worster said. If a market solution was taken to water problems, urban

areas and industry would control water. He hopes for a moral economy where the needs of the people are addressed before capitalistic gain. Worster wants society to begin asking questions about natural resources. “Thinking about water should be complicated,” Worster said.


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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, march 29, 2012


ra: from 1

Morgan spiehs | daily Nebraskan

Louis Mendoza, the chair of the Department of Chicano Studies and the vice provost to the Office for Equality and Diversity at the University of Minnesota, speaks during his lecture in the Gaughan Multicultural Center yesterday. Mendoza rode his bike 8,000 miles across America to better understand how Latino immigration has changed the United States.

Prof’s 8,000-mile bike ride unveils immigration issues Larry Brown Daily Nebraskan

Louis Mendoza pedaled his bicycle more than 8,000 miles to see how immigration has affected the United States, and he brought his experiences to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. UNL’s Institute for Ethnic Studies Spring Celebration 2012 began with a speech by Mendoza, associate vice provost for equity and diversity at the University of Minnesota. The speech took place in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center’s Ubuntu Room and was preceded with a welcome by Amelia Montes, director of the Institute for Ethnic Studies and remarks by Chancellor Harvey Perlman. He said he was pleased with the enthusiasm for the Mendoza’s speech and said if he thought back to when he was a student, he would have thought of ethnicity as “white men,” adding history and political science was taught that way. “We’ve come a long way from that,” he said. The speech was titled after Mendoza’s forthcoming book, “Conversations Across Our America: Talking About Immigration and the Latinoization of

the United States,” which showed his experiences along his journey, beginning in June of 2007 in Santa Cruz, Calif., and ending December 2007 in Oakland, Calif. Assisted by a slide show that displayed facts, figures and percentages, Mendoza illustrated how Latino immigration has been happening since the earliest immigrants came from Mexico in 1848. “Latinos have a very long presence here in the U.S.,” he said. Along his trip, Mendoza stopped in Erie, Penn., Springfield, Mass., Houston, and Kalamazoo, Mich. He said as chair of the Chicano Studies Department at the University of Minnesota, he said he has unique opportunities and the responsibility to be a resource of information to the emerging immigrant population. In his travels and encounters with immigrants and the “broader public,” he said he gained new insight to migrants’ decisions to leave home and risk life in “el Norte” (the North). “I witnessed, firsthand, what it was like to be considered a problem,” he said, adding migrants and the industries that rely on migrant labor thrive in a mutually

beneficial relationship. Mendoza touched on how the media portrays a role in an anti-immigrant movement; immigrants form intercultural relationships within the local community, he said. “What information and whose voices are missing from the hostile debates?” he asked. After the presentation, Mendoza said he wouldn’t predict what the U.S. would do in terms of its immigration policy, but he hopes the federal government challenges state and local laws stopping immigrants from going to school, gaining employment and renting property. “You’re not going to get a solution unless it’s dealt with at the national level,” he said. He said immigration enforcement at the local level leads to more tension in the community and anti-Latino hate crimes. Cale Kaiser, a freshman secondary education major from Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, said Mendoza’s speech opened his eyes. “He made a good point that immigration has been around longer than we’ve thought,” he said.

“I can’t believe how great of a year it’s been,” Lopez said. “This has just been a really incredible experience, but it’s an experience that doesn’t just belong to me. This year I’ve been able to work with a great senate.” After the title was handed over to Mazour, she commented on the bittersweet transition, pointing out that while she was sad to see this year’s executive board go, she would be “thankful to step into the office without being shot by a Nerf gun.” Before the final piece of ASUN was transferred over, Carr reminisced about the first time he met his successor. “I would like to take moderate credit for getting Eric to ASUN,” Carr said. Carr went on to explain that he interviewed Kamler for Freshman Campus Leadership Associates, a time period Kamler likes to refer to as “Kamler 1.0.” “This version of Eric came in, in a full suit, with a flip folio, I didn’t even know what a flip folio was until three days ago, and had a business card with all the details of his life on it, down to his underwear size,” Carr said. Kamler was then sworn in by Carr and Lieutenant Gov. Rick Sheehy, ending the evening’s transition. After the inauguration, Kamler said he looked forward to starting business and settling in.

This has just been a really incredible experience, but it’s an experience that doesn’t just belong to me. This year I’ve been able to work with a great senate.


asun: from 1 and executive board were inaugurated Wednesday after a final, brief meeting tying up the loose ends of the season. “This is, as I like to call it, the outstallation of the old and the installation of the new,” said Lane Carr, former ASUN president and a senior history and political science major, as the inauguration began. As each new executive board member was introduced, they mentioned the large shoes left to fill by the previous administration. “I would talk about how hard it would be to fill your shoes, but you never wear shoes, so we’ll just move on,” said Kaitlin Mazour, a junior English and history major and ASUN’s new internal vice president, speaking of Lopez. Carr gave evidence of those big shoes by recapping ASUN’s projects throughout the year. Under the Carr administration, the graduate student travel fund was created, the think tank ACT Green was hosted, a 9/11 memorial was hosted, plans for a 24-hour study lounge were created and the association was able to find $10,000 to cut from their budget. At the end of its final meeting, members of the senate were told to slide their names from their placards to reveal their successor’s name beneath their own. Those placards were then handed to the new ASUN senators.

jeff lopez

former internal vice president

“Well, I think next will be getting out of the suit,” Kamler said. “It’s a good deal to be done with the formalities and get down to work. We’ve got an exciting year ahead of us.” As for former president Carr, he said he looks forward to graduating like a normal college student. “I still have a few loose ends to tie up, but in general I’m excited to have the time to give back to the people who help me get here,” Carr said. “It’ll be good to finish out the year like a regular college student and just relax with friends.” eliasyoungquist@

ordeal, she asked on multiple occasions to have her father, Tom Wekesser, present at her meetings. Although Housing has no specific clause restricting RAs from speaking to the media, Wekesser said RAs know that it could have grave consequences. Consequently, she didn’t want to be alone in the meetings. Wekesser was denied this request and told that she wouldn’t need her father because Housing would provide Rob Andrews, assistant director of Residence Life, and Nanda Ramanathan, Human Resources Employee Relations director, on her behalf. But Wekesser didn’t feel comforted, and she decided to record the meetings. Nebraska is a “oneparty consent” state when it comes to audio recording, meaning it’s legal to record meetings as long as one party is aware of the recording — even if that person is the one doing the recording. One of the reasons for Housing’s disciplinary action toward Wekesser was that Wekesser recorded her meetings with Housing, without Housing’s knowledge. This was included as a part of a list that Gildersleeve said were “specific examples” of how Wekesser’s behavior violated Housing’s standards. Gildersleeve wrote, “Recording this meeting demonstrated another failure to act with honesty and integrity, showed poor judgment, created the risk that confidential matters could be shared outside the staff meeting…” Housing also said a reason for her relocation was refusing requests to meet with Gildersleeve. “…(A)rgumentative responses to a request to meet are simply not acceptable. The series of emails in which you have refused to meet with me and/or argued about meeting demonstrate insubordination, unprofessionalism, and poor judgment.” Wekesser said her “argument” was that she had an important test to study for. Already with accommodations for ADHD, Wekesser had been having trouble concentrating in her classes. She said she asked to postpone one meeting from March 6 to March 8, to have more time to study — something Gildersleeve agreed to. Another reason cited for her relocation was her choice to inform her residents verbally and through notes that her room was being treated for bedbugs, against the advice of her residence director. “Given all of the above,” Gildersleeve wrote, “it is no longer appropriate for you to be an RA at Selleck.” Wekesser read the threepage March 8 letter in silence as Gildersleeve, Andrews and Ramanathan waited for her to finish. “It was just intense pressure in there, them all just sitting there while I’m going through page after page,” Wekesser said. She would continue receiving free room and board and the year-end RA stipend, but would work on a special project. Escorted back to Selleck, Wekesser turned in her keys and was told not to inform her residents of what happened. Andrews would communicate Wekesser’s transfer to her floor residents and the Selleck RA staff. “You are not to discuss these changes with your floor or other RAs before then,” Gildersleeve wrote.

Gernhart and Andrews held a floor meeting the night of March 8. Wekesser left for her Bible study, not returning until well after 11 p.m. “They wouldn’t let Amanda tell us herself,” said Nour Amoun, a freshman business marketing major and resident on Selleck 8200. “Before that meeting, Amanda was crying. She was in tears … it was heartbreaking.” When Wekesser returned to her floor that night, she said about 15 of her residents were waiting at her door to know what was going on because questions weren’t answered. Before telling her residents what she knew, Wekesser had to check for an “OK” email from Housing. The email was there, so Wekesser informed her residents what was going on and why she was being transferred. Wekesser was provided with little information on the “special project,” which would include developing promotional and other materials related to upcoming training on the topics of time management and study, according to the project description with her disciplinary letter. She would work with Ina Luhring and Monica Martinez, Luhring’s assistant. Luhring is the assistant director of Residence Life mental health and residency compliance counselor. Gildersleeve explained special projects in an email to the Daily Nebraskan Tuesday afternoon, writing, “It is fairly common for employers to assign special projects in addition to or instead of other assigned duties.” Throughout Wekesser’s process with Housing, her father, Tom, attempted to appeal to NU President James B. Milliken and UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman in early February via emails. In his initial email to Milliken on Feb. 9, Tom Wekesser explained Amanda Wekesser’s situation with the bedbugs, the challenges she faced and Housing’s requests to meet with her. “All of this has been handled extremely poorly, and I honestly have no reason to believe that this proposed meeting with my daughter can or would be handled any differently because of the lack of impartiality of those present,” Tom Wekesser wrote. Milliken responded on Feb. 10, writing that he hadn’t been directly involved in the issue. Milliken directed Tom Wekesser to Perlman. Perlman responded Feb. 12, letting Tom Wekesser know he was generally informed of the matter. “In any employee relationship, the best outcome is always when the employee and employer sit down and discuss the details of the misunderstanding and resolve it to their mutual belief,” Perlman wrote. Perlman also assured Tom Wekesser the university had procedures that would permit an independent review of any action taken against Amanda Wekesser by Housing. In



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an email Monday, the Daily Nebraskan asked Perlman about the process of an independent review and whether there were plans to perform one. Perlman responded, writing he wasn’t in a position to respond to anything with regard to this particular case. In response to questions about Wekesser’s transfer and resignation, Gildersleeve wrote that she was unable to answer any questions about employment or any personnel actions. Wekesser turned in a letter Tuesday morning to Associate Director of Residence Life Keith Zaborowski to waive her privacy rights and for the information to be provided to the Daily Nebraskan. But Housing said it was still unable to comment on the situation. Kelly Bartling, UNL director of news, cited Nebraska Statute 84-712.5 as the basis of Housing’s refusal to comment. Section 7 of the statute, which is among Nebraska’s Open Records laws, states that a public entity may withhold “personal information in records regarding personnel of public bodies other than salaries and routine directory information.” “By nature of this law the university will not disclose information contained in or relating to personnel records other than routine directory information,” Bartling wrote in an email. Nearly two months after she first spoke out, Wekesser said she made the decision to resign because of the difficulties she experienced with Housing. In the Daily Nebraskan’s Jan. 31 article, Wekesser said she was willing to lose her job because she felt Housing was restricting the truth. “I’m honestly debating quitting because I know the fallout is going to be bad,” Wekesser said in the article. “It’s going to be a living hell for me.” Wekesser has the option to seek legal action by going to the Nebraska Ombudsman’s Office and seeking protection under the Nebraska State Government Effectiveness Act, also known as the Whistleblower Act. This act prohibits agencies of the state government from retaliating against employees who report wrongdoing in the state government to the proper authorities. Wekesser told the Daily Nebraskan on Wednesday night that she would rather not discuss if she was thinking of taking legal action. “I just want to focus on being a student,” Wekesser said. “That’s one of the reasons I quit.” But looking back over the weeks spent stressed out and worried about her position as an RA with Housing, Wekesser said she would make the same decisions again in a heartbeat. “There are days I question it just based on what all I went through,” Wekesser said. “But I still think it was worth it because I did the right thing for my residents and looked out for their best interests. That’s worth it.”


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page 4

thursday, march 29, 2012

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

news assignment editor

assistant opinion editor

our view

RA’s transfer exposes UNL’s opaque policies

On today’s front page, you read the story of a resident assistant at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who spoke out against her employers, who said she was asked to conceal an infestation in her room, who subsequently transferred and expressed such dissatisfactions she resigned. You read the story of student who says she still believes she made the right choice. On today’s front page you also heard the voices of her employers primarily through a signed disciplinary letter provided by the RA. You read about Housing officials who say they never performed unethically, who say they couldn’t comment further because state laws prevent them from doing so, employee waiver or not. If you read that story, you may have been left wondering what exactly happened in the holes, what could be done to gain more information. In many ways, the Daily Nebraskan wonders that as well. Communication is key. And while Housing’s communication to students regarding the spread and treatment of bedbugs at UNL has been handled with poise since beginning its daily updates, communication on this issue hasn’t been. Housing and University Communications cited to the DN a Nebraska statute stating that personal information regarding employees of public bodies can be withheld, and claimed they couldn’t comment regardless of a waiver. If this is the case, the avenues for waiving rights and opening communication must be made more clear. A Feb. 26 public information request filed by the DN to receive emails concerning bedbugs since mid-December was returned unfulfilled, citing too much work. Seeking further information on the legality of Amanda Wekesser’s transfer is stalled as well, unless she continues legal action, a costly and timely affair for any student. As journalists, we do our best to present a balanced story. We want all sides, all aspects and possibilities to be represented. But when only one party engages in full conversation, we’re left wondering what happened. We should wonder what happened. Because we’re left with a student employee and her residents feeling dissatisfied. We’re left with disciplinary letters and questionable transfers. We’re left with issues that should be easy to address but aren’t — that should concern students until full and honest discussion occurs from both sides. Transparency can’t end with tracking the spread of pests on campus. It must apply to student rights as well.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

neil orians | daily nebraskan

Politics need more substance


urn on any news station, and you will see Rick Santorum bashing Barack Obama or Obama bashing Santorum. With the Republican presidential primary in gear, the animosity between the United State’s two most prominent political parties is clear. I write this column focusing directly on neither the Republicans nor the Democrats, but more generally on the state of this country’s political discourse. And its current state can only be described as both negative and unproductive, relying on bringing down others to get ahead. It seems hopeless to think we can ever get a clear view of policy or even a candidate’s integrity if focus lies on nothing but accusations and blame. Candidates need to look at issues objectively. It’s clear this is optimistic and, realistically, asking for a lot. Candidates and parties should focus on the problems and not on dragging down their opponents. Voters need to be well-informed, and this is an impossible task if they don’t know what the candidates or parties stand for, but just why they should apparently dislike the others. The approach boils down to saying something such as, “Vote for us. We are the lesser of two evils.” Voters should be provided with positive reasons and understand the platforms of

stephanie shipp each candidate and party, and they can’t effectively do this with the current state of discourse. I’m not naive. I understand much lies on precedent, and nothing is likely to change. The point is that it highlights deeper problems in our political system. Our political focus is more concerned with a candidate’s personality and political affiliations, not on what they stand for, what they will attempt to do or what changes they aim to make while in office. And things in the country aren’t going well. I don’t wish to discuss why or who’s to blame, as I think herein lies much of the problem, but things need to change. If we could focus on policy and substance, maybe we can avoid further crises by correcting current problems. Politicians spend so much time trying to defend their persons and finding a place to lay the blame. Surely all of the time spent on this could be used trying to correct problems. Simply finding someone to blame, especially if he or

she is already out of office, will do little good. I understand integrity is important, but a candidate who holds this character trait wouldn’t participate in such mudslinging. Most of the candidates in both parties do this. And this shows that at the moment, it appears candidates are more concerned with the appearance of integrity rather than its practice. Not only does this highlight obvious problems in society, it shows the focus of voters to lie outside of the issues. Candidates will do what will get them elected, and if that means claiming they hold the same views as what their party is perceived to represent, then they will claim what they feel they need to. This can be seen through candidates’ change in views — flip-flopping. I’m not criticizing the candidates necessarily, but more so the system that encourages their behavior. A candidate would be unlikely to stand a chance in an election if they were to simply focus on the issues. The candidate would need to spend most of their campaign on the defensive. And it’s easy to go from a defensive stance into one of accusation. It’s clear things are unlikely to change. It’s certain not to if there is no pressure for political discourse to focus on what matters.

Stephanie Shipp is a PhD candidate in philosophy. Reach her at stephanieshipp@

Wholeness, not happiness, creates better lives


he pursuit of happiness isn’t a good thing. Obligatory shock lead aside, being happy isn’t a bad thing either, necessarily. But our culture, entertainment and relationships are more and more geared toward the idea of happiness as the defining goal and end point. And this perspective can be deeply destructive. First off, American culture. Examine the famed words inscribed directly into the United States’ DNA, penned by Thomas Jefferson. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are the three of the human birthrights fit to enumerate in our break-up letter with King George III. The third of these has grown to exclusively define the idea of being American, in all spheres of the culture. Secondly, our entertainment. The use of the word “entertainment” is itself telling of the times, as the label of consumption. Not our “art” or our “music,” but “entertainment.” To amuse is the ultimate goal. This isn’t to say we’re stupid or incapable of artistic appreciation, but that anything other than pleasure has become a second or third-tier priority. From a young age, daily doses of television and video games have conditioned me to expect one certain thing of art:

my pleasure. Our education isn’t safe either. The softening of the educational process, built now on an ethic of affirmation, is a well-noted phenomenon. A fear to critique and be critiqued limits teachers’ abilities to, well, teach. I was tempted to say “to guide” or “to lead students,” passive language that illustrates the modern educational bent. Zero-criticism brainstorming has become omnipresent, despite all indicators it probably doesn’t work. Finally, happiness-seeking dominates our relationships. While the reasons for the waning of marriage are manifold, excess focus on our personal happiness meters is one of the big ones. When the foundation of a relationship is determined by fickle, individual happiness, long-term relationships are tenuous at best. My point isn’t that theories of education based on affirmation are the most awful thing. We shouldn’t strive to tear down students. Nor do I propose all television shows, music and novels should aim at getting rid of entertainment value, purposely antagonizing audiences. And if you’re in a long-term relationship with someone who gives you daily joy, you will avoid much needless pain. Pleasure shouldn’t be avoided simply on principle.

Marc koenig Robert Oppenheimer once said: “To try to be happy is to try to build a machine with no other specification than that it shall run noiselessly.” Happiness isn’t good as a primary goal, because happiness is just a sign of being untroubled. Being untroubled is nice, but it’s no indicator of the goodness or meaningfulness of a life, only that it’s “running noiselessly.” Instead of an ultimate goal of happiness, our lives should aim for a less elusive “wholeness.” Social researcher Hugh Mackay sums it up: “We’re kind of teaching our kids that happiness is the default position — it’s rubbish. Wholeness is what we ought to be striving for and part of that is sadness, disappointment, frustration, failure; all of those things which make us who we are.” Building wholeness is fundamental to our human experience. We can view our daily pains, pleasures and confusions as a unit: a collective, struggling

movement toward something meaningful. Ditching a happiness-driven perspective frees one in many ways to live, not ephemerally happy, but with a deeply-seated joy. It frees from the great fear of sadness. Viewing our daily experiences as a journey toward wholeness has long been embraced by religious traditions. For example, the Christian New Testament commands believers to “Rejoice always,” but elaborates by adding to “pray continually, (and) give thanks in all circumstances.” These two additions qualify the initial command to rejoice: to acquire a real, substantial joy, one must visualize life in context of greater meaning (prayer) and recognize the growth that comes from “all circumstances.” It’s significant that the words “wholeness” and “holiness” are etymologically close, both derived from the Old English “hal.” Living a life geared toward wholeness allows a healthier perspective toward life’s hurt. Instead of viewing pain as a mere obstacle on the road to happiness, it can be viewed as symptomatic of an underlying problem, or even, sometimes, of growth. Author David Foster Wallace underlines the same point: “Getting rid of the pain without

addressing the deeper cause would be like shutting off a fire alarm while the fire’s still going.” If we pursue wholeness, instead of demanding quick pleasure from our entertainment, we’ll find it can instruct us, challenge us and offer us compelling representations of true human realities. If we pursue wholeness, we’ll be able to embrace criticism. We’ll seek knowledge not from a desire for quick merit or passing affirmation. We’ll be able to contextualize success and failure, reaping more from our experiences, good and bad. If we pursue wholeness, our relationships will be built on a desire to grow from one another and contribute to one another’s wholeness. Our marriages and friendships will be able to withstand the inevitable hurt, betrayal and selfishness all human relationships must weather. And they’ll emerge from said pain stronger, more whole, as iron sharpens iron. I’ll finish by paraphrasing Mackay: Instead of asking if you’re happy, ask yourself, is this contributing to my wholeness? And if you’re having a bad day, it probably is. Marc Koenig is a senior English major. Reach him at marckoenig@

performingarts DAILY NEBRASKAN

thursday, march 29, 2012

pagE 5




Story by Kelsey Haugen | Photo by Dan Holtmeyer

courtesy photo

Prior Walter (played by Andy Dillehay), a gay man with AIDS in 1985 New York, struggles with the disease and its impact on his friendships and relationships throughout “Angels in America.” The second part of Tony Kushner’s duology opens Friday at the Haymarket Theatre.

‘Angels in America: Perestroika’ completes the Pulitzer Prize and Tony award-winning tale of a gay man suffering from AIDS in the 1980s.


mphasizing the experiences of gay men in the 1980s in the midst of the AIDS Crisis, playwright Tony Kushner’s “Angels in America” will return to Lincoln with a second part, titled “Perestroika.” Last spring, the Flatwater Shakespeare Company and the Haymarket Theatre produced “Angels in America Part One: Millennium Approaches,” which consisted of nine main characters. On March 30, the same cast and crew will perform the second part of the series at the Haymarket Theatre. “It’s a philosophically epic production with many different locations,” said Bob Hall, the director of the series. “It has very interesting artistic problems to solve.” Some of the issues addressed in both parts are the AIDS epidemic in America and the obstacles faced by gay people during the national hysteria. Throughout “Angels in America,” there are strands of various stories weaved together. Much of the plot revolves around the character Prior Walter, a gay man with AIDS and played by Andy Dillehay, whose partner, played by Nathan Weiss, is unable to cope with him having the virus.

“It’s more of a focus on gay society­­­­­­­­— something that has permeated American society,” Hall said. “(The production) incorporates a lot of what’s happening now with gay marriages.” The story shows how Americans have had to adapt to the “reality of homosexuality,” Hall said. This reflects the title of the play, “Perestroika,” which means reconstruction or reformation in Russian. “A central concern is what happens to social order when some of the most basic assumptions are challenged,” said Stephen Buhler, the education director at the Flatwater Shakespeare Company. “The AIDS crisis forced our society to start rethinking attitudes about ‘acceptable’ sexuality and basic rights being respected, even for citizens previously marginalized.” In “Millennium Approaches,” many characters experience visions marked as separate from everyday life. However, in “Perestroika,” Kushner makes their imaginations even wilder. “It becomes harder for the audience to tell what’s objectively real and what is not,” Buhler said. “In Part One,

angels: see page 6

Famed violinist to play on Lincoln stage Award winning Perlman to return to Lied Center for performance Katie Nelson daily nebraskan

He performed at the opening of the Lied Center for Performing Arts in 1990. Now, 12 years later, he’s coming back. World-renown violinist Itzhak Perlman is performing at the Lied Center Saturday evening at 7:30. “It kind of speaks to how long he’s been the name in

violin,” said Matthew Boring, the marketing and sales coordinator for the Lied Center. “When they brought him here in 1990, he was the guy and he still is.” He has won four Emmy Awards, 15 Grammy Awards and is known for his violin solos featured in Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List.” He also performed at the 2006 Academy Awards. “I expect the audience to be dazzled by the talent and performance of Mr. Perlman,” said Ann Chang, the artistic director for the Lied

perlman: see page 6

Versatility of Lied to host Moulin Rouge ballet saxophone speaks to UNL musicians adrienne Anderson daily nebraskan

ally phillips daily nebraskan

It was by chance that Cassie Berry, senior saxophone performance major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, met her current saxophone professor, Paul Haar, when she was in eighth grade. Berry was from Iowa and had come to Nebraska to repair her saxophone. The man at the shop recommended she meet Haar and work with him. After Berry played for Haar a little, she began to take private lessons from him once a week. The opportunity to continue working with Haar was one of the main reasons Berry decided to attend UNL. Haar began playing the saxophone in fifth grade. He originally wanted to play the trumpet, but, the introduction to the instruments at his elementary school in Fremont happened during recess. The trumpet line was long, so he walked over to the saxophone line because he thought it “seemed like a pretty cool instrument.” It turned out to be an important decision for the course of his life. “At first I just wanted to do it because everybody plays music ... whether it be choir, band or orchestra,” Haar said. His passion for the saxophone hit Haar in seventh grade. His instructor gave him an ultimatum: fail band or join jazz band, playing

tenor saxophone. Choosing jazz band, Haar was given a tape of saxophonist Stan Getz. “I became addicted to the saxophone, and music, ever since then,” Haar said. Berry started playing the saxophone in fifth grade as well. In her school, if you wanted to be cool, you played the drums or saxophone. Her parents said no to the drums. “I was like, all right I can still be hip by playing the saxophone,” Berry said. She continued to make the saxophone her passion with the help of high school band directors, Haar and her grandmother, who has a degree in music. “I realized I’m good at this,” Berry said. “I really like to do this, so I want to keep going.” Both Haar and Berry began college with a major in music education and switched over to saxophone performance. An epiphany hit Haar while he was in his string skills class at the University of Kansas, and he realized he didn’t care about the tuning tendencies of a cello. Then Haar was told he would have to cut down the amount of time he spent playing the saxophone. “I said I won’t quit,” Haar said. “I won’t give up the hour lesson or being in jazz band.”

saxophone: see page 7

The Moulin Rouge, though it’s best known as the birthplace of the can-can and the quadrille, and the home of countless dancers and performers, is also the title of a wildly successful musical film, starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Located in the heart of Paris, this famous cabaret has been inspiring artists since its construction in 1889. Just four years ago, that inspiration struck again with the conception of “Moulin Rouge – The Ballet,” performed by Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet. The company is traveling to Lincoln to perform its show for one night only, and has already managed to sell out. “It’s been one of the most popular ballets that we’ve brought in,” said Matthew Boring, the Marketing and Sales Coordinator at the Lied Center. “We’ve got 1,600 people coming. Those tickets sold out really fast.” Students were able to purchase free tickets through the Arts for All program and though those have already sold out, UNL students can still buy tickets at half their original price. “Moulin Rouge – The Ballet” follows the story of Nathalie, a young laundress, who is scooped up and brought to the Moulin Rouge to perform. There she is taken in by two other dancers and made a star. “I compare her to Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast,’” said Amanda Green, who plays Nathalie in the upcoming production. “She’s a caring person that everyone loves.”

courtesy photo

Green has been with the company since they performed “Moulin Rouge” the first time, making her an important source of information for new cast members. This adds a certain production value and quality to show that only comes with experience. “I think this art form is all about dedication,” she said. “It takes a lot of personal time. You take it seriously and strive for the best and grab any kind of opportunity that comes your way.” Green also hopes to show the audience the ballet is not just a performance. It is a process. “You need to know how the product gets on stage,”

she said. “To see the final product is a great experience, how each person, each dancer is so involved in the production.” “Moulin Rouge” is her final product, and one she has labored tirelessly for over the past eight years. Green has worked her way up in the company from apprentice to soloist and has been given many parts tailored exactly to her talents. “Being with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet company has been an incredible experience,” she said. “There’s always highs and lows, but these past couple years have been great.” With that great experience

if you go Moulin Rouge – The Ballet where: Lied Center for Performing Arts when: Sunday, 7 p.m. how much: $39 (public), $19.50 (students)

under her belt, Green will help bring “Moulin Rouge” to the stage and will bring the cabaret to life here in Lincoln. “‘Moulin Rouge’ is a great production,” she said. “A lot of beautiful costumes, great music. I hope we can take the audience to Paris.”



thursday, march 29, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Live theater allows for deeper crowd response Shows on stage make genuine reactions more possible than movie theaters courtesy photo

Dude Won’t Die

Lincoln rockers’ release rings clever, enjoyable joe wade daily nebraskan

Finally a chance to bring home the sounds and antics of one of Lincoln’s most upbeat bands, Dude Won’t Die. They will release their fivesong eponymously-titled EP this Friday at Knickerbockers at 9 p.m. This quirky rock band’s album showcases the talent, musicianship and sense of humor fans have come to expect. Opening with the grungy guitar-driven song, “Useless Objects,” Dude Won’t Die pulls the listener in and excites him/her with feel-good rhythms and layered ambient sounds that neatly blend with the rest of the music. As is normal with Dude Won’t Die, the vocals are soulfully delivered

and add just the right edge to whatever style is presented. The song “Bitch with a Capital ‘C’” draws from guitarist Todd Rischling’s musical background in Nashville and delivers a twangy tale of love gone wrong. Although love may go wrong at times, you won’t go wrong listening to this particular song over and over, enjoy every ounce of its meaty guitar solos and chunky bass riffs. And speaking of bass riffs, “Windowshopping” features the inspired bass slapping of the bands own Jason MartinTardy. The band has hinted that this song is about bar hopping, but whatever it’s really about, it’ll have you hitting the repeat button once again. No album is complete

DUDE WON’T DIE EP Dude Won’t Die



without a song or two that go just a little slower and this one is no different. “If I Died...” and “Amour Fou” allow the listener to experience the romantic side of the bands clever songwriting. These two songs’ ballad qualities and subtle intensities round out the album perfectly. Despite denying us the pleasure of full album, this EP is wonderfully crafted and produced. By all means, go out and get it. joewade@

angels: from 5

dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Louis Ironson (played by Nathan Weiss), a Jewish gay man in “Angels in America,” reacts to the death from AIDS of Roy Cohn, a character based on a real-life lawyer who helped Sen. Joseph McCarthy target gays in the U.S. government.

characters talk about visiting a ‘threshold of revelation,’ but Part Two actually places the audience there.” The protagonist, who has contracted AIDS, has an extended encounter with a visiting angel — the same one who appears at the end of the first part of the duology. During this scene and several others, the playwright tackles both reality and fantasy. “Part One is more grounded in reality, but Part Two is more strange and unreal,” Hall said. “It has a lot of the same elements and dramatic structure, but it has a different feel to it.”

Although there are heavy topics involving illness and sexuality in “Angels in America,” Hall said Kushner writes humorous dialogue, which keeps the audience members’ emotions bouncing back and forth. “It’s a wonderful play in that respect,” Hall said. “This is also a group of remarkably fine actors ... (whose) characters grow throughout the play.” The production of “Perestroika” will bring “Angels in America,” a Pulitzer Prize and Tony-award winning story, to its conclusion. “Kushner tackles some very

if you go “Angels in America Part Two: Perestroika” when: Friday, 7:30 p.m. where: Haymarket Theatre, 803 Q St. how much: $5 (opening night only) big ideas about history, society and philosophy ... and includes both heartbreaking and hilarious human stories,” Buhler said. “‘Philosophically epic’ is a fitting description.” kelseyhaugen@

katie nelson I was having a discussion with one of my friends the other day about where performances are more convincing: movie theater or live stage. He argued humor is funnier if it’s live and dramatic performances are more accessible to audiences via film. He’s no fool, and I agree with this statement. I recently went to the Second City show at the Lied Center and, although it was a mediocre display of humor (at best), it was still funnier than if I had seen the same show on television. Humor is always funnier in person. I am a huge “Community” fan and am just breaking into “Arrested Development.” Both shows are hysterical, but a live theater show is likely to beat them every time. In the same way, it’s much easier to grasp and appreciate a joke if someone cracks it in person than if they text you. Likewise, I completely agree with my friend’s perception about drama. It is much easier to feel a character’s pain when the actor’s face is only rows away from your own and roughly 20 feet by 20 feet wide. The character’s pain or happiness, triumph or anger is very visible on screen. Even the worst actors can portray a shadow of emotion. But they have a little help with the process. But I suppose I should disagree with at least one of the points my friend has made, or I might as well end the column here,

a proposition that may or may not please you, dear reader. While I agree with the notion that humor is funnier live and drama is more dramatic on screen, a live performance is more likely to be more captivating and evoke greater audience participation because it’s playing out directly in front of them. And not only is it happening in real time, but the actors are in the same room, almost close enough to touch for the front rows. American movies — mainstream or indie — are both products. It can take months, even years, to complete a movie. While the same may be true for play rehearsals, the difference is the final product. The filming process includes multiple takes for every scene. Once filming is done, a team of skilled editors gets their hands on it. Special effects are added and actors become more beautiful. On stage, you get one take, and it had better be right. Take it from the girl who played the “Red Queen” in her middle school’s production of “Alice In Wonderland.” If you give a convincing performance on stage, people will remember you longer. I kid you not: the performance a bunch of my pimply, newly pubescent peers and I put on was remembered for close to a year-and-a-half later. Until my freshman year in high school, I was sometimes stopped by community members who remembered my performance as the Red Queen, but not my name. I’m still not sure why my mother didn’t take their compliments to heart and fly me to Hollywood. My name should really be in a star on a block of sidewalk, instead of this byline. Ego aside, the performance was live and memorable, but only because (and keep in mind that we’re talking about middle school here) everyone knew their lines, costume changes were smooth and light and sound cues were timely. Not to mention the


fact we had a kid running a smoke machine. More often than not, you’re going to find convincing emotion displayed on the silver screen. But if and when you get the chance to see a live performance that absolutely nails it, it will always enhance the emotion you can find in film for the same reason a joke is more enjoyable live. There is a connection made between the audience and the actors that can only be achieved when the performance is live. Please don’t misunderstand me — movies can definitely draw an audience in. But it’s much more enthralling when a live show presents an interesting plot and conveys emotion in a way that the audience is also feeling it. It all unfolds in one take before your eyes and nothing is edited. I know I joked earlier about my blossoming acting career in middle school (probably the only thing about me that truly blossomed in middle school), but I did actually act for years afterward. And let me say, there is nothing better than when everything on stage clicks. There is also no more meaningful compliment than hearing an audience laugh or even, hearing them cry. That soundtrack is one movie actors don’t experience as they move through each of their takes. Movies will always gross more money, but if ever on vacation to one of the theater capitals of the United States (New York or Chicago) splurge on a ticket and see a show or stay in your hometown and go to a community performance. You may be surprised what kind of memorable characters you see in a middle school show. Katie nelson is a sophomore broadcast journalism major. reach her at katienelson@

perlman: from 5 Center. Perlman will be playing four pieces: Schubert’s Rondo Brilliant, Brahms’ Sonata No. 2, Three Hungarian Dances (Nos. 9, 2 and 1) and Prokofiev’s Sonata No. 2 in D Major for Violin and Piano Op. 94. Perlman will be performing with pianist Rohan De Silva. Chang said each of the pieces will show off Perlman’s artistry and virtuosity as an artist. In addition, she said, attendees will be hearing the compositions “played to their highest levels” and expects people to recognize at least one of

the pieces played during the evening. “The four pieces he’s playing in the program are very standard war horses of the violin repertoire,” she said. “This will be a once in a lifetime experience for patrons on pieces that may be familiar to them.” Chang has seen Perlman perform once before. “It’s always a thrill to hear a violinist of this caliber and I remember being very moved by his performance,” she said. Both Chang and Boring are highly encouraging all to attend Saturday’s performance, especially students. Neither knows when Perlman will be coming back, if ever. Tickets for the performance are $75 for the public. The event isn’t an Arts for All event, but all


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if you go Itzhak Perlman when: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. where: Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $37.50 (students), $75 (public)

university students can purchase tickets for half price. “We’re expecting a sellout or near sell-out,” Boring said. “It’s always really fun when we get to pack the house with something.” Chang said Perlman’s performance is an accomplishment for the Lied Center as a venue, adding it displays the Lied’s commitment to “high-caliber” performances. Patrons continue to donate money so the performing arts center can draw these kinds of acts. “I think there are very few times in your life where you can see the greatest artist in a certain discipline and that’s definitely the case with Itzhak Perlman,” Boring said. “He’s as good as it gets and I think that’s why anyone goes to see him.” katienelson@

Daily Nebraskan

thursday, march 29, 2012


saxophone: from 5 Berry experienced a similar instance, except she was learning how to play the tuba. “Although it is a great instrument and I know a lot of great people that play it, I don’t really care about it,” Berry said. “I just really want to play this song on a saxophone.” One of the reasons Haar and Berry find saxophones unique is how versatile they are. “I don’t know of another instrument that can create the variety of tone colors that it can create,” Haar said. Berry compared the instrument to a chameleon, noting it can imitate brass instruments, as well as woodwinds. “Then when you stick a saxophone by itself it can do some extremely moving things just because of the timbre of the instrument,” Berry said. Throughout his 30 years of playing, Haar has developed a strong relationship with his tenor saxophone, Esther, which he named after his childhood baby sitter. Esther has been with Haar since 1996. According to Haar, Esther used to win a couple of arguments between him and his girlfriend, now wife. “In the early stages of our relationship, there were three of us she (Haar’s wife) used to say,” Haar said. “One of them is kind of old and smells funny, and that was Esther.”

lauren vuchitech | daily nebraskan

Berry doesn’t name her saxophones, but she is still able to have a personal relationship with her instrument. “When I’m playing I have that deep connection, and I really like to get my message across without using words,” Berry said. Haar and Berry were both able to have life-changing experiences while playing their saxophone. Berry traveled to seven countries throughout Europe and most recently played with the Omaha Symphony. “(My fondest moment is) seeing all of these different

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things and seeing all of the all of the places that I’ve gone because of playing the saxophone,” Berry said. Along with traveling around the United States and to other countries, Haar was able to impress artists like Lou Rawls and Tony Bennett. “To know that you’re doing something and you have somebody like that ... go, ‘Yeah, I like what you’re doing,’ maybe all of those years of studying and neglecting my wife when she was my girlfriend was worth it.” Haar said.

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College Students


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Misc. Services

Announcements HOMECOMING 2012 ROYALTY APPLICATIONS Apply now to be on Homecoming Court! Homecoming Royalty applications are now available ONLY online at Homecoming this year is early in the Fall 2012 semester - September 23 through 29. Applications and interviews for the 2012 Homecoming Royalty will be completed this Spring semester. Any full-time student who has completed at least 75 hours with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA as of the end of the Spring 2012 semester is eligible to apply. The application must be submitted online by Friday, April 6 at 5:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Rush at or 402-745-0664. Thank you and good luck!

Student Gov’t STUDENT GOVERNMENT 2012-2013 POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Applications available for 29 different committee openings for over 200 positions for next academic year. Applications available at 136 Nebr. Union or online at Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m., April 9.

Misc. Services


thursday, march 29, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

softball: from 10


a 1-0 lead. However, the Huskers squandered two batters in scoring position leaving what could’ve been a bigger inning. The Husker coach wasn’t impressed. “We had a big opportunity in the first,” Revelle said. “We were a little disappointed we got out of it with one run.” Drake said she realized after that first inning the offense needed to change its approach at the plate. “I thought we were pretty calm so we tried to switch up our approach and get things going, which we did,” she said. Nebraska pleased their coach in the second inning when Drake crushed a tworun home run, just inside the left field foul pole, to give her team a 3-0 lead over the Jackrabbits. “Maddie sparked us again with that home run,” Revelle said. “And then we just kept chipping away.” After four scoreless innings pitched by sophomore

file photo by Morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

New secondary coach Terry Joseph is working with a new-look defensive backfield. Heard’s transition going well Braylon Heard’s position change from I-back to defensive back is running smoothly, according to NU secondary coach Terry Joseph. Heard’s got a knack for the position and can run with the veterans of NU’s secondary, Joseph said. “Braylon’s a guy who has a tremendous skill set in my opinion,” Joseph said. “Great change of direction, good ball skills and, being an offensive player, he has some football IQ.” In fact, the sophomore has been performing so well in practice he’s competing for the number three spot on the cornerback depth chart. A position battle that’s sure to get interesting as the spring progresses, Joseph said. “(Heard) and Ciante (Evans) have been doing well at that (nickel) spot,” Joseph said. “They both are just gonna keep battling. The more we put the pads on, the more we’re gonna find out about them.”

defensive line unit that could see playing time this season. And keeping guys like redshirt freshman Todd Peat Jr. and sophomore Walker Ashburn sharp during full-contact practices can be a challenge, NU defensive line coach Rick Kaczenski said. The young players on Kaczenski’s unit who won’t necessarily see too much of the field this season are learning how to handle themselves in spring practices in the future. “Everyone’s excited first day with pads,” Kaczenski said. “Now, there comes the grind and you’re getting double teamed and all of those things. That’s the big thing for these younger guys — can they keep up with the tempo and be efficient?”

Overall improvements are key for NU It’s early in the practice process, but Nebraska defensive coordinator John Papuchis is already looking toward the future. He sees his players making errors in practice, but for now the first-year defensive coordinator is OK with it. “The biggest thing I’m looking for is to see guys who correct mistakes they’ve made from the previous practice,” Papuchis said. “We’ve got to eliminate the errors, and guys are going to make misMEDIUM takes.” However, just because the defense might make mistakes it doesn’t mean Papuchis will just accept them. In fact, spring practice is all about building upon problems in Nebraska’s game, he said. 6 5 “That’s what practice is 2 spring 8 about, that’s what ball is for: to1learn and 7 kind of develop in the system,” 1 Papuchis said. “But I want to see guys that can cor2 6 they’ve made 3 rect mistakes from the 9 previous practice, and that’s what I’m looking 4 6 for.”7


7 8

1 2

ingrid holmquist daily nebraskan


6 8 3 4

5 8 battles3 Nebraska through 1 first 5 2day


with pads HARD Nebraska has plenty of young players in the


5 1

na Junior College product is # 34 getting used to the system, he looks like he could be a valuable addition to NU’s secondary, Joseph said. “He’s still getting accustomed to the system, but as far as where we’re at with five practices we’re happy where he’s at right now,” Joseph said. 3And as Seisay learns how to play 9 for NU he’s even6 getting reps with the first team 2 and the second team so9that Nebraska’s coaching8 staff can do a better job at 5 evaluating him, according5 to Joseph. 6 now we’ve got ev“Right erybody split up because we want everybody getting reps,” Joseph said. “The big4 thing is getting a lot of rep-3 etitions that we can get on # 33 HARD film and correct it.”

3 1 9 3

2 8



9 2


4 5 1 8 7 2 3 9 6


For Release Thursday, March 29, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 6 10 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 31 33 34 35 40 42


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24 27




33 40
















46 49

























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58 65


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# 35

games out of her.” Revelle’s team ends its seven-game homestand undefeated, doing so against three teams, including a sweep against Northwestern this past weekend. The Huskers will hit the road this weekend for a three-game series against another Big Ten school, Minnesota. The series begins Saturday with a doubleheader starting at noon.

Lincoln, Nebraska,” Richards Watrous to return to UNL for if you go said. this performance. The opportunity for the Watrous was introduced to when: Thursday, 7:30 members of the two jazz en- music at a young age by his p.m. sembles to not only perform father and paved his way in where: Kimball Recital with Watrous, but also attend the industry by debuting with Hall how much: $5 (public), a master class conducted by Billy Butterfield, working $3 (students) him, is a remarkable experi- with Quincy Jones, Maynard ence, said Richards. Ferguson, Johnny Richards, The Jazz Orchestra and Big Kai Winding and Woody Her- you do not have to be a Band Jazz ensembles are the man. He went on to play in “hardcore jazz listener” to entwo most popular UNL jazz Mery Griffin’s television band. joy the wide range of jazz that groups. He was later a part of the the performance will entail. “The jazz orchestra is the jazz-rock group Ten Wheel “There is no experience top ensemble at the univer- Drive and soon after led his greater than a live perforsity,” said Paul Haar, assistant own big band. mance,” Haar said. “Whether professor and coordinator of “The students have enjoyed you’re a fan of jazz music or jazz studies. “Its programing working on the music to pre- not, you can’t beat the fact is geared primarily toward pare for this event that will that it’s a live performance. original music or cutting edge feature Watrous,” Richards Whether it’s country, pop or jazz music. The big band is said. “It’s high-quality music rock, when it’s live, it has more traditional, core litera- and some of it is quite chal- emotion.” ture that falls in the big band The evening of jazz on The Newlenging.” York Times Syndication Sales Corporation era.” Both professors agree the Thursday, March 29 will take Avenue, 10018 Watrous had visited UNL 500 to Seventh event is bound to New appealYork, to N.Y. place at Kimball Recital Hall Call: 1-800-972-3550 play with the Nebraska Jazz For notInformation only jazz enthusiasts, but from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Orchestra. Haar gave Watrous also anyone with an interest ingridholmquist@ a CD of the group, enticing in music. In Richards’ view,


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Jazz blares from the Kimball Recital Hall all week as students, professors and guest artists bring the intricate rhythms, polyphonic ensembles and free melodies of jazz music to life. “Jazz can be very optimistic, life-affirming music,” said Eric Richards, assistant professor of composition/jazz studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “With this beautiful weather we’re having, it seems natural for people to come out and see some swinging jazz after they’ve spent a day in the beautiful sunshine.” The event, A Week of Jazz, is a three-day series consisting of the many jazz ensembles at the Westbrook School of Music. The jazz program has been hosting various outreach events to help educate the community about jazz and promote UNL jazz studies, but this is the first year they have had the weeklong celebration of the genre. Previous performances included Tuesday night’s concert by the faculty jazz ensemble, which consists of seven professors from different areas of jazz, as well as guest artist, Jackie Allen, an internationally known jazz vocalist. Students from four different jazz combos performed on Wednesday evening. The three-day event will conclude after the keystone concert on Thursday by The Jazz Orchestra, Big Band Jazz and special guest, world-renowned trombonist, Bill Watrous. “(Watrous) has played 3 in hundreds of recordings, mo3 9 and 1 television 7 tion pictures projects,” Richards said. “To 1 4 have an artist of that caliber 3 with our stuhere9 working dents, performing with them and making music with8them, is a6 really 1valuable experi2 ence for the students.” 9 is one 3 of7 the most Watrous respected jazz 6 soloists 5in Los 9 8 Angeles. “The people who come to the concert are going to # 34 get a chance to have a taste of world class talent here in

# 36

SU2DO KU: 1 3 9 3 7 6 4 5 1 8 2


-Compiled by Robby Korth


there today,” the Lincoln native said. Tatum closed the game out shutting down the last three SDSU hitters to earn the complete-game win. In five innings the sophomore allowed no runs on one hit, three walks and four strikeouts. “I think Tatum did a nice job establishing herself on the mound,” Revelle said. “We got a really nice outing out of her. It’s encouraging to get two back-to-back

Jazz Week inspires, educates UNL during performances

Sadler surprises Huskers Former Nebraska men’s basketball coach Doc Sadler dropped in to The Hawks Championship Center to check out NU’s football squad. The six-year coach looked jovial and joked around with staff members and NU coach Bo Pelini following practice. After practice when asked what he’s up to Sadler said “a whole lot of nothing.” As for the 51-year-old’s future; he’ll be teeing it up on the golf course Thursday morning.

8 4

file photo by Kyle Bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Sophomore Tatum Edwards finished with a complete-game win, allowing just one hit and no earned runs.

from arts

7 6 8 2 2 9 8 5 7 1 8 9 4 9 2 6Seisay 5 shines in practice 1 4 Transfer Mohammed Seisay is looking good for 5 3 1the Huskers 8 thus far in the spring. 6 And as 3 the Eastern Arizo-


Tatum Edwards, the Husker offense came up to bat in the fourth in what would turn out to be its most explosive inning. After walks by Drake, Haget and sophomore Taylor Edwards to load the bases, senior Ashley Guile hit an infield single up the middle to improve the NU lead, 4-0. With two outs, junior Brooke Thomason then nailed a double to leftcenter field, driving in three more runs to increase the Husker lead. Leading 7-0, two more walks load the bases to plate Drake for the second time in the inning. The leftfielder took the second at-bat to her advantage and delivered her third RBI of the day. With Nebraska now leading 8-0, the mercy rule was in effect going into the fifth inning. Drake said she liked what she saw from Tatum the entire game. “I think Tatum did a good job. She kept her emotions under control, and I thought she just looked solid out

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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, march 29, 2012

Men’s Golf

Husker senior aims to top leaderboard as season dwindles Scott Willman has two tournaments left to finish first Lanny Holstein Daily Nebraskan

For Nebraska senior Scott Willman, golf has never been anything but fun. The top golfer on the Husker squad is in his final season of collegiate competition and is looking for a tournament victory to cap off a career at Nebraska that he says has given him everything he could have asked for. Willman’s last two tournaments have yielded one fifth and one sixth place finish, respectable outcomes for may golfers, but the Husker senior is looking for the top spot. “(Willman) is every bit as good as any of the top golfers I have coached here,” Nebraska coach Bill Spangler said. “The only thing he is missing right now is a tournament win. He’s been close, and if by

chance he doesn’t get one, that doesn’t take away from what he has done.” The Huskers have two tournaments left on their schedule before they head to Indiana for the Big Ten Championship to end the season. Willman would like to win one of those remaining events, but won’t get too worked up over it. “I try not to think that far ahead,” he said. “I used to focus more on my score, but now I just focus on the shot at hand, and that’s why I have been so consistent this year.” As the lone senior competing for the Huskers this season, Willman has assumed a leadership role with some of the younger members of the team. And while he certainly competes for his own achievements, he is also well-invested in the success of the rest of the team. “I’m just trying to teach the younger guys the things that I’ve learned over my career,” he said. “I’m trying to guide them in whatever I can — golf, life, anything.

I enjoy it, and I’m open to answering anything.” Making sure that the team is having fun is priority number one for Willman. “When they’re not having fun, they don’t play well,” he said. “We are extremely lucky to play these really nice courses each week, and our time in college goes by fast. I want them to realize that it won’t be long until they are seniors like me, wishing that there were more tournaments after this year.” Being a senior in the final few months of his collegiate career has come as a bit of a shock to Willman. “When I was a freshman and sophomore, I was the youngest guy on the team, so I didn’t feel the pressure to be the best on the team,” he said. “Now I feel more like I need to be high on the leaderboard for us to be successful. There is some added pressure on me, but it’s good pressure.” Part of the pressure Willman feels may come from the heightened expectations

that he helped create as a Husker. “When I first came in, the team h a d g o n e willman through s o m e tough years, but we have had some good teams during my years here. We turned it around, and hopefully there will be future success when I’m gone,” he said. Willman said that helping turn around the team will be one of the things he is most proud of after he is done at Nebraska. Flat out having fun is another. “Some people get wound up about tournament golf, but it’s fun for me,” he said. “Some people say that a round of golf is a waste of four hours. For me, it’s the best four hours of the day.” lannyholstein@

women’s volleyball

Maui trip builds chemistry for veteran-laden volleyball squad An exhibition match against Hawaii served as more than a tune up for the Huskers; the team also used the trip as a bonding experience Andrew Ward Daily Nebraskan

Something stuck with senior Lauren Cook from the Nebraska volleyball team’s trip to Hawaii last week. It wasn’t the 15-hour roundtrip flight, which included layover after layover. It wasn’t going to the beach or even the actual match, the reason Nebraska went to the islands. It was when Cook and her teammates jumped off a cliff into the Pacific Ocean, she said. “Everybody did it but one person and it was just really cool, all of us experiencing that together,” Cook said. Something about long trips just bring a team together, assistant coach Dan Meske said. Last week, the Huskers traveled to Hawaii for a weeklong trip to get away from life for a little. Time was spent either on the beach or practicing in various facilities, according to Meske. “Well, the girls are happy because everyone has a tan now,” Meske said, chuckling. “You know when you travel with someone for 15 hours you get to see a different side of them. I think being together that whole week brought the girls

together with no other distractions. “The girls got to step out of their environment with no distractions, and it really brought them together.” The trip opened Nebraska’s spring schedule. However, this match was a little different from the rest, Cook said. It was played in a small military gym in Maui. Meske said NU had to fly to the island from Honolulu to get to the small arena. When the Huskers arrived they were in for a surprise. The gym, which hosted two Maui Invitational men’s basketball tournaments in the 1980s, seated a little more than 2,000 people. But that place was sold out when the match started. “Maui was awesome,” Cook said. “It reminded me a little of Norfolk, because it was so much like a high school match. It was so small that whenever Hawaii did something good file photo by matt masin | daily nebraskan the crowd would go nuts After an abrupt end to the 2011 season, Lauren Cook and and the place was super the Huskers look to build momentum this spring season. loud.” Meske said the players Nebraska returns six se- of upperclassmen, chemadjusted well as a team in niors to a team that was istry is always a focus,” the tough environment. “I don’t think the floor ranked in the top 10 all Meske said. “Our compethat we played on had last season. Three of those tition for some spots has been cleaned since before seniors are returning start- been really healthy so far, a lot of our players were ers in Cook, Hannah Werth which helps our chemistry born,” Meske said. “It was and Gina Mancuso. The as well.” Leadership is on the a tough environment. The Huskers also have two jumind of all of the seniors, niors and an experienced girls really stepped up and sophomore to go with according to Cook. adjusted well together.” “As you get older, you This Hawaii trip has jump those seniors. With all of those upper- start to see things a little started the spring for Nebraska, just a semester after classmen, one would think differently,” Cook said. being upset in the second chemistry would be easy. “You know a lot more round of the NCAA tourna- Sometimes that isn’t the than you used to, and the ment. This spring’s roster is case though, according to younger girls start to look up to you. But we all just small because the recruit- Meske. “Spring is a great time to try to lead by example and ing class is not yet with the team, but it’s a veteran bind for these girls because get better every practice.” andrewward@ even though we have a lot group.

Men’s Gym: from 10

file photo by daniel holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Despite his plans of joining the military, and eventually the CIA, Eastman plans on staying on the gymnastics scene. military experience and a law degree under my belt.” However, Eastman isn’t ready to quit doing gymnastics and plans on being in the gym even with his busy future. “I want to still be involved in the sport,” Eastman said. “Hopefully I can coach part time at the gym wherever I happen to be.” “I hope he continues to work and play around in the gym,” coach Chuck Chmelka said. “It’s going to be rough not having him next year.” With the end of his senior year coming up, Eastman’s competitions as an NU gymnast are dwindling. But he has full confidence that the team can end the season with a bang.

“We just need to hit,” Eastman said. “We’ve been ramping up pretty consistently lately so I think we’re ready to really peak and really break out something huge.” The Huskers will compete in the Big Ten Championships next weekend in Iowa. In just a few short months Eastman will be leaving NU behind in pursuit of his exciting future. “My personality is more behind the scenes, with the idea of the guy behind the scenes feeding information to the commander, it struck my fancy,” Eastman said. “Plus it’s super cool.” michelleodonnell@

Miles releases Moore, 2 recruits from NU program Staff Report Daily Nebraskan

Nebraska men’s basketball team just got a little smaller. NU coach Tim Miles announced through a press release that he would allow current Husker Josiah Moore to transfer and released current recruits Keith Coleman and Jerran Young from their

signed letters of intent. Moore saw limited action last season for NU as he averaged 7.6 minutes in 15 games. That leaves Nebraska with two high school signees, Shavon Shields and Benny Parker, alongside junior college transfer Fahro Alihodzic for its 2012 recruiting class. sports@

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Football: from 10 and day compared to where he was a year ago. “It feels good, I know a lot about the playbook now and I know what the defenses are running,” Turner said. “It’s been a good spring for me. I’m just trying to get better with the little things, technique wise, and go from there.” Now that Turner knows the offense, the question is, how does he get more involved?

“That’s up to the coaches,” Turner said. Since Turner was a quarterback in high school, rumors have spread of instituting the converted receiver in the backfield with I-back Rex Burkhead at times. Turner said he likes the idea of the Wildcat formation because he knows the different positions of the offense better. However, he said it’s all up to the coaching staff. For now, coach Bo Pelini

wants Turner focused on being a receiver before making any wrinkles to the offense. “First things first, we want to get him honed up at the wide receiver spot so he can continue to grow,” Pelini said. “He hasn’t played there for a long time, and we want to give him the best chance to let that talent come through.” With this talk about incorporating Turner into the offensive in different ways and

getting him the ball more, Turner said he’s just going to trust the coaches to make the right decisions. “Yeah, they have (emphasized getting me the ball more),” Turner said. “Just with certain plays I can kind of feel that the ball is coming to me. I just got to show them that when they call my number, I’m going to go out and make a play.” andrewward@


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thursday, march 29, 2012

him loose


page 10


amal Turner streaked past his defender and put his hand up to signal he was open. Quarterback Taylor Martinez threw the pass, but it was short forcing Turner to slow down. The defender caught up and blindly threw his hands in the air, trying to prevent the freshman from catching the pass. Turner turned, caught the ball calmly over the defender’s shoulder and fell to the ground, the ball still secure. That was Turner’s longest catch last season in just his first year as a receiver. It was a 43-yard bomb in the second

Sophomore wide receiver Jamal Turner has his sights set on a substantial role in the NU offense

game of his freshman season against Fresno State. Not bad for a player recruited as a quarterback. Now that Turner enters his second year as a receiver in Nebraska’s offense, the expectations are high for the former quarterback. Turner is a playmaker. He says it and his coaches agree, which is why he switched to receiver in the first place. Turner said he has already been compared to a certain NFL wideout after just one year of playing the position. “People compare me to DeSean Jackson from the Eagles,”

Turner said. “I’ve watched him play before. We’re both small and fast, but I really don’t pay much attention to all of that. I don’t really model my game from anyone in the NFL though.” Turner, a native of Arlington, Texas, was a heavily recruited, dual-threat quarterback coming out of high school. However, the NU coaches already had a competitive quarterback battle on their hands and didn’t want to add Turner to the mix. Turner’s playmaking abilities were too good to leave off the field though, according to offensive coordinator Tim Beck.

story by andrew ward photo by jon augustine

The converted receiver provided some bright spots in 2011 to go along with the catch against Fresno State. That included five catches for 84 yards against Wisconsin in front of a national TV audience in Nebraska’s Big Ten opener. But after that performance, Turner disappeared from the Husker attack. He recorded just two catches in the remaining eight games, finishing the year with 15 catches for 243 yards and no touchdowns. Turner said his lack of knowledge in the offense hindered his production. “I knew only a little more

(W)e want to give him the best chance to let that talent come through.

BO Pelini


than half (the offense) last year; I’d place it at like 65 (percent) to 75 percent,” Turner said.“I would know what I was supposed to do, but I didn’t really know the scheme of the play and why I was doing this or that.” This spring has been good for the sophomore learning the playbook. He said it’s night

Football: see page 9

Huskers extend win streak with victory against SDSU Nedu Izu Daily Nebraskan

When it comes to producing runs, it’s nice not to have to depend on the top half of the order all the time. The Nebraska softball team picked up its ninth consecutive win Wednesday when they defeated South Dakota State, 8-0, in five innings. The bottom half of the order produced five of the team’s eight runs helping them finish the homestand with a flawless 7-0 record. NU coach Rhonda Revelle said she was impressed with the bottom of the lineup’s offensive production. “When you’re scoring in every inning that you’re hitting except for one, you are taking care of business,” Revelle said. The victory improved Nebraska’s overall record to 20-12 on the season. Senior Madison Drake went 2-for-3 in the No. 9 spot producing a careerhigh three RBI on the day. Nebraska’s offense jumped off to a quick start in the bottom of the first inning on a single hit by sophomore Taylor Edwards which scored junior Nikki Haget to give the Huskers

softball: see page 8

men’s Gymnastics

NU senior plans for CIA future

Senior gymnast Will Eastman’s future will go beyond the gymnastic mats

Michelle O’dOnnell Daily Nebraskan

file photo by kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Senior Madison Drake belted a two-run home run and drove in a career-high three RBI in Wednesday’s 8-0 win against South Dakota State.

Big Ten Championships, NCAAs, graduation. Then, for senior gymnast Will Eastman, it’s a possible future with the CIA. Eastman competes on three of the six events for the Huskers: vault, floor and high bar. He will walk across the stage on May 7 with a major in criminology and criminal justice, take a few months off for relaxation, and then start his new life. “I’m hoping to go to law school,” Eastman said. “But in the meantime I’m going into the Army, so when I graduate I’ll commission as a second lieutenant and military intelligence officer.” Eastman enrolled in the ROTC program when he transferred to NU in the fall of 2011 after spending three years at the Air Force Academy. ROTC continued to further Eastman’s military interest, who is scheduled to begin school in Arizona in September. “The schooling will cover

imagery intelligence, human source intelligence, counter intelligence and counter terrorism,” Eastman said. “I’ve been doing ROTC here since I’ve been at NU, so the last few years have just been leading up to this.” Eastman’s interest in the military began early, but ROTC is where Eastman decided on which route he would take in the Army. “I’ve been wanting to go to the military in general for a long time and intelligence just strikes me as one of the most interesting things you can do,” Eastman said. “You’ll always be on the forefront, it’s all about providing the information.” After graduation, Eastman plans on returning home to Georgia and taking time off to relax before he leaves for school in September. He’s set to finish his schooling in Arizona in January, but has bigger plans than just the military. “I’m hoping to go to and graduate from law school too,” Eastman said. “After law school, I’m planning on applying to some of the intelligence agencies, so hopefully (that will work out) with a few years of

men’s gym: see page 9

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