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make it green UNL students work to make Pinnacle Bank Arena environmentally friendly PAGE 2

Bassists bring pluck to UNL Orchestra members mesh quirky personalities, musical talent PAGE 5

thursday, march 8, 2012

volume 111, issue 118


Morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Party Party candidates, Blake Rostine and Kate Miller, nervously await the election results outside of the ASUN office in the Nebraska Union on Wednesday.

For Party Party, loss delivers sense of relief jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

The Party Party executives ended their fourmonth Association of Students of the University of Nebraska campaign with an election loss and — what else? — one last party. Seventeen percent, or about 4,200, of the University of NebraskaLincoln student population voted in ASUN elections online Wednesday, and the Impact Party emerged victorious with 59 percent of the vote. Of 23 Party Party candidates on the ASUN ballot, including executive candidates, two won seats in the association. Party Party external vice presidential candidate and sophomore English major Dillon Jones sat in the ASUN office at about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday to hear the news. Kate Miller, presidential candidate and sophomore philosophy major, and Blake Rostine, internal vice presidential candidate and sophomore political science and German major, stood outside the ASUN office and received the results via phone call. Only one party member was allowed in the office during tabulation.

kaylee everly | Daily nebraskan

President Eric Kamler, Senator for College Education and Human Sciences Natalia Santos, Internal Vice President Kaitlin Mazour and other Impact Party supporters celebrate Kamler’s win after receiving the ASUN election results at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday. “I’m just thrilled right now that we basically swept every seat,” Kamler said.

winner’s circle Impact Party clinches ASUN victory against Party Party candidates elias youngquist

Wroblewski, ASUN’s external vice president-elect and a junior civil engineering major, had spent the nervedaily nebraskan wracking day campaigning around campus. His phone rings and the room falls silent, each bright or“I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas, you know ange and blue shirt-toting person focuses intently on Eric what I mean,” said Wroblewski before the announcement. Kamler, a junior agricultural business major and Impact’s After the announcement, the entire executive board, presidential candidate, as he listens to the voice on the especially Kamler, was mobbed by friends and family. Kaother end of the phone. mler in particular was supported by a table of family, his “You guys, we got it,” Kamler exclaimed. fraternity house mom and family friends. Immediately the room of Buffalo Wild Wings erupted “It’s a real ‘wow’ feeling,” Kamler said. “It’s a feeling of into hugging, hooping and hollering at the news that the true elation, and it’s good to have an end.” Impact Party had won the 2012 Association of Students Current and past ASUN members stopped by to conof the University of Nebraska elections.The Impact Party gratulate the winners of the elections, including past filled every senate position but two, the Hixson-Lied Col- ASUN President Justin Solomon. lege of Fine and Performing Arts seat and a College of Arts Kamler explained that as soon as tomorrow he would and Sciences seat, which went to the Party Party. be meeting with current ASUN President Lane Carr to be“To Mr. President, Eric Kamler,” shouted Justin Spooner, gin the transition of administrations. a junior history and political science major, as he hoisted “We’re just going to take it easy, catch up on some sleep,” his beer into the air. Kamler said.“It’s beginning a new chapter.” The flurry of cheers and hugging went on for the next The election saw some controversy in the election of 15 minutes as the party breathed a collective sigh of re- Wade Walters — who had been dropped by the Impact lief. Party because of homophobic comments made on Face“I feel like I can finally breathe for the first time here,” book — to the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natusaid Kaitlin Mazour, ASUN’s internal vice president-elect ral Resources advisory board.According to the ballot and and a junior history and English major. the Impact Party’s website and Facebook page, he was Impact’s executive team of Kamler, Mazour and Kyle

impact wins: see page 2

“I’m kind of happy,” Miller said. “I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. I’m not coming within 500 feet of this office for the rest of my life.” Miller said she felt “an overwhelming sense of relief” because she didn’t feel ready for the responsibility of the win. Jones agreed, citing numerous Impact Party-filed complaints and fines, the last of which was resolved just minutes before the election results. “I’ve really become disillusioned with ASUN in general,” said Jones, who joined ASUN his freshman year. “I’m actually really relieved to not have to deal with it ever again.” Both Jones and Miller said they don’t plan to return to ASUN, but Rostine said he will stay involved. Party executives said they saw a strong response to the party’s humorous social-mediacentered campaign. “They respond to this because it’s something similar to them,” Rostine said. Jones said the Party Party could have won, had the voter turnout been higher, but he said

party party: see page 3

for Full voting results: see page 2

Engineering student dies after stabbing in Omaha dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

Vedant Patel, a senior studying electronics engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was stabbed and killed in northwest Omaha early this week. Police arrived at 10435 Sahler Plaza, off of Interstate 680, just before 10 p.m. Monday and pronounced Patel dead at the scene. Patel lived at the address with a roommate, according to information provided by the Omaha Police Department. The next morning, police arrested Gregory Dodds, 23, on charges of criminal homicide and use of a weapon to commit a felony. His first court appearance was Wednesday. News reports indicated that Dodds was the brother of

Koenig page 4

Patel’s roommate, and police reports show Dodds was arrested at the same address. There was no information available on a possible motive, OPD Officer Jacob Bettin said. Patel had been studying at the University of Nebraska at Omaha through the Peter Kiewit Institute, a collaboration between the Lincoln and Omaha campuses that linked UNL’s College of Engineering with UNO’s College of Information Science and Technology. Patel would have celebrated his 23rd birthday a week from Wednesday. One of his professors said in a phone interview that the loss was keenly felt in the program. “Our department, CEEN, is really a small and very tightly wound learning community,”

said Bing Chen, a UNL engineering professor, referring to the computer and electronics engineering department. “The faculty and the students really are very intermingled,” Chen said. “Vedant especially, I think, had a very warm place in the hearts of the staff, the faculty and his classmates.” Chen described Patel as a “bright star” of the department, a student who’d transformed from an unsure freshman from India into a confident and capable senior and mentor for new freshmen students. “His team is now missing a key member,” Chen said. “He was a person that always had a ready smile, a little quip to share with us.” Patel was one of the College of Engineering’s Diplomats,

performing arts page 5

who work in the recruitment and mentoring of incoming students. He was on the Honor Roll and Dean’s List. On the college’s website, Patel said he worked on a research project on wireless communications and robotics with Yong Cho, an associate construction professor. “I just feel very sorry,” Cho said by phone Wednesday after a moment of speechlessness at the news. “I cannot believe this would happen.” Cho added that Patel wasn’t the perfect student — he didn’t make it to every class, Cho said with a slight chuckle. But he said Patel was a hard worker who enjoyed the subject and was steadily building his research skills. Patel also mentioned on

UNL’s engineering website that he was interested in renewable energy, a field he considered pursuing in graduate school. The greatest tragedy of Patel’s death was the loss of his personal and technical potential, Chen said. “He was on the cusp of achieving his dream of becoming a practicing engineer,” Chen said, adding Patel had been offered a job with John Deere in North Carolina. “I feel badly for humanity at the loss of this kind of person.” Patel’s team members and the students he mentored were unavailable to comment Wednesday. Chen pointed to the department’s unusual system of friendship, where seniors and freshmen knew


Supporting contraception

Hear the best of the best

Ready for redemption

birth control use helps lower abortion rates

Local band universe contest keep things spontaneous

Nu gets another shot at purdue in big ten tourney

@dailyneb |

vedant patel each other well. “There’s just so much grieving going on,” he said. “If we could have a department flag, it would definitely be at halfmast.” danholtmeyer@

Weather | mostly sunny



thursday, march 8, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Students plan ‘green’ Haymarket arena cristina woodworth daily nebraskan

file photo by dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Sen. Mike Flood

Senators predict cash crunch for 2012 legislation State’s revenue forecast plateaus, raising concerns over bill funding


So senators introduced ambitious bills calling for jacy marmaduke an overhaul of child weldaily nebraskan fare services, increased The Appropriations Com- health care coverage and mittee unveiled its 2012 property tax reform, among Budget Recommendations other things. Additionally, on Wednesday, but the 49- Gov. Dave Heineman propage document is more posed major tax cuts that than a list of numbers. It’s a would result in a $326 million loss in revenue during reality check. Some senators were a three-year period. “Everybody just wanted to hopeful that a recovering economy might allow for get their idea out, and you increased spending, said get your idea out by preSpeaker Mike Flood of Nor- senting a bill,” said Approfolk, but last month’s rev- priations Committee chair enue forecast held the state Sen. Lavon Heidemann of flat for the next two years. Elk Creek. Flood said a lack of fundThe Appropriations Committee budget proposal al- ing could put otherwiselocated funding to 77 state popular bills in jeopardy. agencies, including child Each bill requires 25 votes welfare institutions and in the body to move forhigher education-construc- ward for consideration, and tion projects. The remain- the senators will take funding $17.64 million beyond ing into consideration. “You’ll see a lot of bills the minimum reserve must that move be distributed through the to fund bills You’ll see a lot of system, and emerging from bills that move then (we’ll what Flood through the have to) go called one of up to some the most finansystem, and then senators cially ambitious (we’ll have to) and say, sessions in rego up to some ‘We simply cent years. don’t have “Do the senators and say, the money math, and ‘We simply don’t for this, and there’s not the have the money your bill is authority that not probfolks thought for this, and ably going we’d have in your bill is not to pass,’” January when probably going to Flood said. the bills were “We’re gointroduced,” pass. ing to be Flood said. After at least mike flood in a very speaker of the house trying spot three years of when it zero excess comes to funding, the state boasted about $63 mil- deciding what the priorities lion beyond the minimum of the state are.” Fargen said appropriation reserve this year, sending a message to legislators that requirements “can be a hindrance” for some bills when it was time to spend. “Just having that out there money is tight. “But historically if it truly after a lot of tough budget years, after tightening belts is a priority of the body, the for so long, it seemed kind appropriations committee of like the prime time for and the bill’s sponsor work new spending or reductions together to see that it can in revenue,” said Appro- happen,” she said. jacymarmaduke@ priations Committee clerk Anne Fargen.

It all started with a compost pile. That’s where Jesy Hansen, a senior environmental studies major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, developed an interest in environmentally sustainable ideas. She grew up on a family farm and remembers having to go out and mix up the compost scraps, helping to stimulate the growth of healthy microorganisms. Now, Hansen is hoping to work with a much bigger compost pile — one involving all of the waste from the new Pinnacle Bank Arena, which is under construction in Lincoln’s downtown Haymarket district. Hansen and other students in an environmental engagement in the community class are helping develop a financially feasible way to make the new arena more environmentally friendly. “We want to make the city aware that the social norm is to recycle, compost and be sustainable, it has to be,” Hansen said. “It is also the right thing to do and is more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.” Environmental Engagement in the Community is a UNL class that has been available since 2009. The class brings in local clients who pitch environmentally minded projects to the students. Students can choose which project they would like to work on. Hansen decided to help Cleaner Greener Lincoln, an initiative of the Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler’s office, with the arena project. Other clients that pitched ideas included local groups like Tri-Con Industries Ltd and the Norris School District form Firth, Neb. Hansen said there are several different groups of students working on the arena project, including a Big Ten group that looks at what other universities in UNL’s conference are doing to make their stadiums greener. There is also a public attitudes

ian tredway | daily nebraskan

group that studies students’ and community members’ feelings toward recycling and a vendor group researching ecofriendly materials for concessions like popcorn containers and plastic utensils. “Our job is basically just to figure out a way the program can be funded in the long run,” Hansen said of her group. It is projected that every attendee at the new arena will produce around 2.5 pounds of waste per event, Hansen said. Cleaner Greener Lincoln’s goal for the project is to have 75 percent of that waste be either recyclable or compostable. Ninety percent diverted waste is considered zero waste in the environmental studies world, according to Hansen. Compost is formed through a biological process where organic materials like grass clippings and wood chips are broken down, releasing nutrients and minerals. Hansen said there are many companies and individuals in the Lincoln area who would be interested in purchasing compost made from the arena’s waste

products. “Nebraska’s a big agricultural area,” she said. “A lot of people use compost for their gardens and lawns.” Hansen said her group is looking into contracting with local compost and recycling companies to transport waste from the arena to their composting process areas. David Gosselin, director of the environmental studies program at UNL, teaches the class of 45 students. He said he thinks students in the class have a tremendous opportunity to get real-world experience from working with actual clients. “They are doing real work and having a real impact,” Gosselin said. “The students are really jumping in and getting to experiment and getting good chances to network.” Gosselin said the majority of the students in the class are seniors and many are so passionate about this project that they use it as a basis for their senior theses. Hansen said she is enjoying working on the project and

helping make Lincoln a more environmentally friendly place. “This is a good opportunity to make a big impact,” Hansen said. “There is going to be lots of concentrated waste at the new arena.” Hansen said she hopes the project will spur other Lincoln venues to be more conscious of waste output. “I think this should encourage places like Memorial Stadium to really step up their game and do more recycling as well,” she said. “With a new competing arena that is going to be a lot greener than them, the stadium could cut down on a lot of its waste.” Overall, though, Hansen said community support is essential for any environmental project to be successful. “(This project) wouldn’t just set the standard for businesses, but also for your house, dorm or apartment complex,” she said. “We just need the community to support it like they do our football team.” Cristinawoodworth@

impact wins: from 1 still running under the Impact Party. “After we dropped wade Walters, I approached Marlene (Beyke, director of administration for ASUN) and she said it was not physically possible to remove his name from the ballot,” Kamler said. “We did everything we could from our end. He did not campaign under the Impact Party.” The party also had some miscommunication about which senator won an Arts and Sciences chair. “We were originally told that I lost, but I got it by one point,” said Mike Wehling, a junior political science major. “I just went from being totally depressed to really happy. It sucks for Justin (Spooner) though, I was looking forward to working with him.” Spooner lost by one point. Angered by the sudden change in his election status, he punched a nearby wall. “He was kind of a bit upset,” Wroblewski said. “From his perspective it was a big upset.” In general, the mood stayed ecstatic for the near-sweep of ASUN for the Impact Party. “I couldn’t have picked a better team. Today was wonderful,” Kamler said. eliasyoungquist@

voting results:

Vote to increase elected ASUN senators from 35 to 41 Vote fails 61 percent voted yes: 2,182 39 percent voted no: 1,418 66 percent was needed Vote to change wording of constitution from “he” to “(s)he” to reflect gender neutrality Vote passes 70 percent voted yes: 2,567 30 percent voted no: 1,125 Approval of ASUN potentially sending one email or newsletter per month to the student body 2,912 voted yes 790 voted no 2012 Football Migration Game 1,391 voted for Northwestern — Saturday, Oct. 20 2,230 voted for Michigan State — Saturday, Nov. 3

Approval of $11.64 in student fees for ASUN (including student legal services and 475-RIDE) 2,242 yes 1,385 no Approval of $4.38 in student fees for University Program Council 2,071 yes 1,512 no

Approval of $86.12 in student fees for Nebraska Unions 2,387 yes 1,196 no Approval of $4.37 in student fees for Newspaper Readership Program 1,821 yes 1,742 no

Approval of $3.06 in student fees for the Lied Center for Performing Arts discount 2,436 yes 1,201 no

Approval of $73.50 in student fees for faculty fee for the Nebraska Union, East Union and University Health Center 1,882 yes 1,658 no

Approval of $146.63 in student fees for University Health Center 2,071 yes 1,555 no

Approval of 15 cents in student fees for DailyER Nebraskan 1,887 yes 1,773 no

Approval of $140.58 in student fees for Campus Recreation and facilities 2,646 yes 978 no

Approval of $2.49 in student fees for Daily Nebraskan 1,912 yes 1,727 no

Approval of $9 in student fees for Parking & Transit Services 2,524 yes 1,083 no

Approval of 82 cents in student fees for University Program Council speakers program 2,272 yes 1,381 no

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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, march 8, 2012


UNL to host 4th annual Japan festival Daniel Wheaton daily nebraskan

To get away from classes, students can learn the art of calligraphy or origami Thursday afternoon. For the fourth year in a row, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is hosting the annual Japan Festival. Sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, the festival aims to bring unique pieces of Japanese culture to UNL’s campus. Starting at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, the festival will feature workshops on calligraphy and origami. Also, a free showing of the film “Cherry Blossoms” will be shown at the Ross Media Arts Center at 7 p.m. The event is coordinated by Chisato Steele, a professor of Japanese at UNL. The festival follows a different theme each year. “This year, I wanted to do something more handson,” Steele said. In the past,

the focus has been on music and pop culture, which tends to draw in anime fans and others interested in Japanese culture, Steele said. She said the size of the crowd tends to fluctuate. Steele teaches introductory Japanese classes and said she hopes that her students will be able to come to the event. Steele contacted Koichi Sato, an education graduate student and calligrapher, and Linda Stephen, a Lincoln origami artist. Sato’s calligraphy workshop will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the Heritage room, and Stephen’s origami workshop will begin at 4:30 p.m. Stephen’s love of origami began at age 15, where she began folding paper cranes for a church project. “My family made 3,000 cranes,” Stephen said. From there, it became a hobby, she said. “My fingers would just do it.” Stephen studied Japanese when she was in college

and lived in Japan for periods of time. “I studied Japanese culture and art,” Stephen said. After her degree, she decided to stay in Japan for the next three years. In the Shiga Prefecture, she started collecting Japanese papers and used them in her art. She described the region as a place where samurai films are still shot today. Stephen said the art of paper making and origami go hand in hand. “Japan is home to a variety of papers,” Stephen said, and each type is used for different origami creations. In her lesson, Stephen will explain the history of origami and her own art. She uses multiple origami sculptures and puts them together in a montage. “I call it applied origami,” Stephen said. She started her current style after she left Japan. “I will be teaching how to make a tulip box,” Stephen said. Given the amount

Linda Stephen’s origami collage, “Union College in April.” of time, she might go on to more difficult forms. “The more people, the more simple the design needs to be,” Stephen said. Both

Stephen and Steele are excited to bring different forms of Japanese culture to campus. “(Calligraphy and origami) isn’t something you

courtesy photo

can’t just do,” Steele said. “You need someone who can guide you.” DANIELWHEATON@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

Study: Nature scenes History professor wins dwindle in kid’s books fellowship to pen book Sarah Miller daily nebraskan

When J. Allen Williams Jr. was a kid, his mother read her favorite book to him: “The Secret Garden.” “I wanted my own secret garden,” Williams said. The book had such an impact on him, that he and his siblings planted flowers in the forest behind their house and actually grew a garden of their own. Williams, a sociology professor emeritus at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, recently published a study examining the use of the natural environment in children’s books. His research, which began about seven years ago, found that during the last several decades, nature’s prevalence has decreased in children’s books. Williams said this relates to society’s increasing isolation from the natural world. “I was surprised that it was as severe as it was,” he said. The research concluded that built environments were depicted in 58 percent of the images and were the major environment 45 percent of the time. Natural environments were present in 46 percent of the images and were the major environment only 32 percent of the time. “As people have become less connected to the natural world, it occurs to them less, so they’re less likely to write and include them in their books,” Williams said. The study examined books from 1938 to 2008 that received Caldecott Medal awards or honors. This turned into an examination of nearly 300 books and 8,100 images. The Caldecott awards are given to children’s books with the best illustrations in a given year and are judged by the American Library Association.

Williams studied these books because they are most likely to be read by children because they are displayed most prominently in libraries and bookstores and are read most in classes. Images in the books were then classified into three general categories: natural environments like forests or jungles, built environments like a house or office, or environments in between like a mowed lawn. The use of animals within the books was also studied. “Early childhood socialization is so important,” Williams said. “If you’re not exposed to (natural environments), it’s going to be hard to understand and care about these problems.” Philip Schwadel, an associate professor of sociology at UNL, began working on the project and helped analyze the data after all the images had been classified. “I was hoping there would be increased focus on environmental issues,” Schwadel said. “I was disconcerted with the results, with the lack of emphasis on the natural environment in children’s books.” Schwadel said there was a movement away from t h e use of

nature in books, despite more focus being placed on environmental issues within the past 10 to 15 years. “I think one worry is that as they mature, this affects their views of how important the natural environment is in their lives,” Schwadel said. Williams does a project with students in his environmental sociology class that compares Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax” and a children’s book called “Truax,” which is sponsored by a variety of timber industry groups and can be found for free online. “Truax” is sent to children and tells the story of Truax, a logger, and Guardbark, protector of the trees. Truax wants to cut down the trees in order to build houses and other goods, while Guardpark simply wants to protect the environment. In the book, the two make a compromise that satisfies both sides. “This book is a complete lie,” Williams said. Once students have read both stories, they investigate whether “The Lorax” or “Truax” is right. “(The students) come back absolutely appalled at this book,” he said. It’s examples like this that really concern Williams and he hopes the study on children’s books leads to more illustrations of the environment within them. Williams said, “Maybe people will begin to say ‘Well, we really, really should get some books about the natural world and show ‘em to our kids.’” When Williams had his own children, he read “The Secret Garden” to them as well. Now that he’s 76, he said, “I’m gonna make darn sure my grandkids hear it.” Sarahmiller@ dailynebraskan. com

demetria stephens daily nebraskan

The pied piper of the United States could be the states themselves, according to a historian at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In the 1960s and 1970s, the U.S. government took a swath of Native American children from their families and put them in the child welfare system, said Margaret Jacobs, the chancellor’s professor of history at UNL. Jacobs won a fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) that she’ll use to write a book on this aspect of U.S. history. Social workers thought Native American children weren’t being properly cared for, Jacobs said. She said Native Americans thought social workers were biased and didn’t recognize that Native Americans had extended family who cared for the children as a community. Native Americans organized in the 1970s to stop the social workers. The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 was created, which made it harder to remove Native American children from their families, Jacobs said. She added that 34 states might be in violation of the act right now. “(Native American) children are being removed at much higher rates than non-Native American children,” she said. Jacobs plans to call her book, “Where have all the children gone?” Jacobs said American Indian woman activists are an inspiration to her. “Indigenous women were working together to change the system,” she said. William Thomas, chair of the history department at UNL, said he has known Jacobs since 2005 and taught a class with her that he “thoroughly enjoyed.” Jacobs focuses on the history of the American West, indigenous people and

women as well as the history of America’s South. “We have a lot in common, so it was a blast,” Thomas said. Thomas pointed to the size of the applicant pool to emphasize Jacobs’ accomplishment. He said only 60 applicants were awarded out of more than 1,200. “It is a great achievement for Margaret and shows the caliber of work at UNL’s history department,” Thomas said. Many of the leading scholars in the field of American History read the applications and award the fellowships, he said. It’s a blind process that makes it fair and equitable. Kellie Buford, one of Jacobs’ former students going for a doctorate in American history, has worked with Jacobs on the fellowship project since last summer. She started researching a handful of court cases from the 1950s and beyond where Native American children were abused and neglected by their parents. She said court cases are hard to find, “literally scattered throughout country,” at federal and state courthouses. “I’ve kind of been on an egg hunt for the last 10 months,” Buford said. It’s hard to find children, now adults, decades after the court cases, Buford added. Any child that’s taken out of their culture and put into another would have a tough transition, she said. “I can imagine that would wreak havoc on a childhood.” Jacobs said other studies looked at the motivation of families who adopted children. She’s looking at the effect on Native American families. Native Americans could have adopted their children back, but didn’t always, Jacobs said. She said Native American tribes got jurisdiction to decide where the children were placed. The 1978 act also allowed social services to help families so children wouldn’t

margaret jacobs get taken away in the first place. “She works on things people are scared to talk about,” said Buford, who has known Jacobs for three years. Jacobs said ACLS is one of three main fellowships that humanities scholars compete for. The other two are from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Guggenheim Fellowship. This is the third time she applied for an ACLS fellowship and the second time for this project. She was rejected five times by other organizations. “It wasn’t easy to get, I almost gave up after the first round.” The project came from a previous book Jacobs wrote, “White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940.” This book looked at the same practice in the U.S. and Australia and up to the 1940s. She said she was originally going to bring it up to present, but it became so huge she cut it off at 1940. She said her previous projects looked at the turn of the 20th century. For the project she’s now working on, she’s been able to do in-depth interviews with people who are still alive. “It’s a challenge,” she said, “unfamiliar, like working in a foreign country.” demetriastephens@


lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

party party: from 1 the results weren’t “the end of the world.” “The Impact people are gonna say, ‘These people really weren’t fit to be in ASUN, so everyone made the right decision,’” Jones said. “That’s not really true. Just because our worlds aren’t shattered doesn’t mean we didn’t want it. It’s just — it’s student

government, at the end of the day.” The party executives said they still felt like winners. They made new friends, raised $10,000 for the World Energy Project with the Lumberjack Club Dance Party Party and managed to shake up the competition, Miller said. And because they lost, the executives won’t have to

tattoo red Solo Cups on their bodies like they promised — but as they headed to a party Wednesday evening with their supporters, they said they’d keep their options open. “We might still do that,” Miller said. “The night is young.” jacymarmaduke@

In Tuesday’s article, titled “UNL bedbug sniffing dog uncertified,” the Daily Nebraskan reported three dogs provided by Plunkett’s Pest Control were certified by the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association (NESDCA) and one dog hadn’t been certified for 2012. Plunkett’s marketing representative,

MaryLou Wick, stated Ricky, June and Fern were certified. On Wednesday morning, Wick was informed Fern’s NESDCA certification was pending. Only two of Plunkett’s dogs had up-todate certification and two dogs didn’t. The Daily Nebraskan regrets this error.

A story on human trafficking, which ran in the Daily Nebraskan on March 6, misquoted Lincoln Public Safety Director Tom Casady. In the story, he is quoted including “belly dancers” in a list of sex-related businesses that escort services may be fronts for during his testimony to the state Legislature’s Judiciary Committee. According to the committee hearing transcript, the phrase in the quote should instead be “lap dances.” Belly

dancing is a form of Middle Eastern dance taught and practiced around the world. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error. An article on warm weather that ran on Wednesday, March 7, said Omaha hasn’t dropped below freezing this winter. It should’ve said Omaha didn’t drop below zero degrees during the winter. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error.


page 4

thursday, march 8, 2012

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

news assignment editor

assistant opinion editor

our view

Impact urged to keep open mind during term On Wednesday, the Impact Party won a unified executive slate and numerous other seats in the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, taking 59 percent of the student turnout in a victory over the Party Party. Impact’s victory begins a new chapter in ASUN’s long history. Its platforms, including strong opposition to Sen. Charlie Janssen’s voter ID bill, LB 239, and development of a new “ClubRed” app for smartphones, are commendable, and should be implemented for the betterment of the students. Yet the Party Party’s goals of opening up ASUN, making it more inclusive and serving students better are equally admirable. Its 41 percent showing doesn’t grant Impact the ability to shut Party Party views out of government. The Daily Nebraskan is confident new president-elect Eric Kamler, internal vice-president-elect Kaitlin Mazour and external vice-president-elect Kyle Wroblewski will include the Party Party’s senators in decisionmaking. To the members of the Party Party, particularly presidential candidate Kate Miller, internal vice-presidential candidate Blake Rostine and external vice-presidential candidate Dillon Jones, congratulations on a long and well-fought race. Your message of an ASUN with a less stuffy atmosphere clearly resonated with a large portion of the student body. Your coordination with the World Energy Project, a University of NebraskaLincoln-based charity, was commendable and presented an example of the good political parties can do outside of the electoral process. The DN hopes you will continue your activism on and off campus. Finally, to the student body, the DN extends its thanks to you for once again voting to support us with your student fees. In an era of college newspapers being forced to shut down because of declining revenue, your support allows the DN to continue operating and publishing high-quality news, arts, sports, opinion and multimedia content. We look forward to your continued support of college journalism over the next year.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

NEIL ORIANS | daily nebraskan

Mind links unexpected ideas


ight now, you might be sitting at the back of your classroom — bored to tears, wishing you had a creative teacher, for a different way of teaching, for cutting-edge ideas, for creative materials or for sophisticated teaching techniques that make you stay tuned in throughout the class. Or, you might be thinking of students who have creative thoughts that might challenge the norms of the class substance. Or, you might be bored to death from the robotic daily work in your office. If you’ve ever been in such a situation, then you might find an answer in the few lines below. But first, what makes a teacher or a student creative? Is knowing the materials enough to be creative? Is there any secret to creativity? Do we often think beyond rigid conventions and preconceived attitudes? Or do we need to go through trauma or dissatisfaction to become creative? How does our brain deal with abstract concepts such as beauty, success and perfection? Before tackling the aforementioned questions, let’s see if we can define the concept of “creativity.” According to the Oxford Dictionary Online, creativity is “the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.” To understand more the concept of creativity, neuroscientists, such as the world-renowned neurobiologist, Semir Zeki, argues that one function of the brain is knowledge acquisition, which is a prerequisite for the brain to develop new concepts and build on what is already there. If I read a book on the concept of power, for example, my brain starts developing a theoretical concept of power. Yet, the latter could take a different dimension when it’s exercised. Also, the same concept could take a diverse perspective when I read another book on power, which later could evolve to a mix of many concepts of power. Still, one might be dissatisfied with the narratives of power. The perpetual dissatisfaction of what we read swells reading appetite and, as a matter of fact, broadens imagination and creativity. So, being critical with what we

BELIGH BEN TALEB receive could be a stimulus to the inception of robust ideas. Another illustrative case: A professor of history has the ability to create a vivid picture of his/her own historical expertise. The same picture could be delivered in a very creative way. In fact, historians not only know what happened and the possible interpretive approaches, but also can transform a historical event into creative digital reality. Recently, I had the chance to attend a presentation titled “A Virtual Reconstruction of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls” by Professor Robert R. Cargill from the University of Iowa. He brilliantly presented a 3-D, virtual reality reconstruction of the archaeological remains of Qumran, near where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. We often define creativity along the motto “out of nothing comes something,” but in order to get to creativity, one already must have a “first idea.” Perpetual dissatisfaction, referring to the example above, could reenact or enliven a historical event (the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls) in the light of the marriage between the humanities and digital design (in the 3-D reconstruction). So, one of the secrets of creativity is to figure out that there is something wrong with or not matching the first idea. Then, you can start working on a remedy, which eventually ends with thought-provoking ideas and creative thoughts. Other neuroscientists suggest creativity and imagination go in tandem. The way our brain perceives things determines who we are and how challenging our thoughts could be. Albert Einstein once said, “imagination is more important than knowledge,” and one would add creativity comes from the

womb of imagination. It remains the best path to break out of the cycle of experience-dependent categorization. It defies the existing narrative and allows our neural circuits to demystify rigid conventions. In other words, imagination is learning how to see things differently. Whether we’re born equipped with some abnormal chromosome there are certain dramatic events that may foment creativity. Cases of war, accident or the loss of a loved one leave no option to people but to accept it, even though their brain plummets into a process of questioning, of rediscovering these new realities. A Tunisian author dubbed Mahmoud al-Messa’adi describes creativity as “the womb of dissatisfaction.” This is a slightly different perspective, but remains an important aspect of creativity. When everything is OK, living a monotonous or linear life, instead of a jumpy life, you can’t expect any development of robust thoughts. In other words, creativity asserts there is nothing unsolvable or unachievable as long as one knows how to make use of one’s creative powers. One enjoys listening to people’s ideas from different parts of the world and one can sense the beauty of their input to one’s mind. One hears things never thought of, and they may, as a matter of fact, help build the thrill of creativity. Last but not least, whenever we hear words such as torture, occupation, threats of war, poverty, etc., our consciousness tells us we need to do something to stop these cancers spread across the body of humanity. Feelings of resistance jump in, which automatically breed creative thoughts. You may see protesters dressing in a certain creative way, enacting a creative show or decorating banners in a stunning manner. Such disobedient acts translate the creative ideas to convey a message of seeing a possibility rather than an obstacle in a cathartic sense. Hence, as William Plomer put it, “creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.”

Beligh Ben Taleb is a graduate student in history and a former Fulbright scholar from Tunisia. Reach him at belighbentaleb@

Contraception poses alternative to abortion


egardless of where you stand on the recent controversy regarding the Obama administration’s contraception mandate, it’s obviously brought out the worst tendencies of certain antiabortion constituents. The latest, most egregious reaction to the mandate revolves around a rant by Rush Limbaugh about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, who testified before the House of Representatives’ Democratic members on the need for free contraception. Limbaugh’s comments, full of slurs about Fluke’s sex life, included calling her a “prostitute” and “slut,” as well as facetiously suggesting she post videos of her sexual activity to the Internet. The comments have been roundly condemned by many, and even chastised by Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner. Likewise, many companies have pulled their advertisements from Limbaugh’s show, forcing him to elicit something resembling an apology. While the national outrage is justified and heartening, Limbaugh’s misogynistic tirade has also, unfortunately, resonated with many antiabortion individuals. Pamela Geller also chimed in on the debacle, conflating Fluke’s views on contraception with her “rampant sexual activity” and echoing Limbaugh’s slut-shaming jabs. What makes the backlash all the more heinous is that Fluke’s testimony regarded contraceptive availability in

non-sexual medical circumstances. Fluke cited a friend with polycystic ovary syndrome who was unable to receive the medication needed to treat her condition, because of a lack of contraception coverage under her insurance plan. Knee-jerk responses like Limbaugh and Geller’s are filled with empty, confused rhetoric that serves only to muddle an issue that, above all, requires our sober judgment. First of all, what exactly Limbaugh objects to in Fluke’s testimony is purposely unclear. When pressed for an apology, Limbaugh clarified that his objection to Fluke’s testimony was that it promoted socialized medicine. Even if this is so, Limbaugh’s correction completely elides his ad hominem attacks on Fluke’s sexuality. The comments on Fluke’s alleged promiscuity above all make tacit, false assumptions about sexuality. One of these assumptions is that contraception is a method to avoid sexual responsibility. One must assume that “responsibility” refers to maturely weighing the possibility of conception. But to call this an objection to contraception is backwards: Those using contraception fully account for and respect life by taking measures to avoid unplanned pregnancy, removing any reason to pursue an abortion. This is the pinnacle of sexual responsibility. A second tacit assumption is that sexual activity is in some way a dirty, novel or infrequent phenomenon

marc koenig among Americans (in particular, among women), instead of a basic aspect of daily life. Therefore, the need for an encouragement of a healthy sexual ethic and access to contraception is remote in the Limbaughian mind. Furthermore, concerns about health care’s ominous slippery-slope advance into the clutches of socialism ignore the fact that much of American health care is, in fact, already socialized. Less profitable health care services are subsidized by more profitable sectors; you can see this plainly in hospital budget management. In a world where health care lives or dies by capitalist merit, things like pediatrics wards would disappear because of their unsustainable profit margins. However, pediatrics wards continue to exist because they are essential in terms of national health. Individuals recognize the need to redistribute hospital wealth in order to protect what’s truly valuable, in terms of family and cultural capital both: our children. Similarly, taxpayers are largely

willing to pay increased taxes if they believe the money will be funneled toward their children’s education. The long-term dividends of such an investment exceed the temporary setback. I hold the position William Saletan advanced in an 2009 op-ed, where he argued that “morality has to be practical, and that practicality requires morals.” In other words, a moral position against something like abortion must have a practical solution, such as the promotion and availability of contraception. Furthermore, a practical solution requires a moral core: The argument for contraception is much stronger when wedded to the fact that the alternatives are abortions that no one desires. I support mandates that maximize a woman’s access to contraception, not as a handout or some plea to sympathy or ethics (compelling as these pleas are), but because we as Americans can’t afford not to. Access to contraception lowers abortion rates and raises the standard of women’s health, and thereby, cultural health. As someone who takes a self-professed pro-life, anti-abortion stance, I empathize with those who find aspects of the contraception mandate unsavory, uncomfortable or even morally repugnant. All things considered, I feel forced to be against abortion — if it’s impossible to determine when human personhood begins, I opt for being on the safe side. Some drugs supported

by the mandate, like Ella and Plan B, could be called abortifacient rather than preventative, an issue that’s rightly troubling to anti-abortion advocates. However, I support the birth control mandate because regardless of qualms about Ella and Plan B, free access to birth control will ultimately reduce abortions, by reducing unplanned pregnancy. Furthermore, the Blunt Amendment, rejected last week in the Senate, would have opened the door to unsettling violations of civil liberties. Under the amendment, health care could easily be denied to employees and patrons for nearly any reason. Hospitals could opt out of covering blood transfusions, circumcisions or basically any procedure, given an arbitrary objection. And finally, those who find certain drugs unconscionable will not be forced to use them, even if their insurers freely provide them. In allowing women to pursue contraception freely, the health care mandate promotes greater respect for individual moral agency. In other words, as stated by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, the best healthcare option can be prayerfully determined “by a woman and her doctor” — not by her boss or healthcare provider.

Marc Koenig is a senior English major. You can reach him at marckoenig@

performingarts DAILY NEBRASKAN

thursday, march 8, 2012


pagE 5

Bassics story by Kekeli Dawes | photos by Kyle Bruggeman

University of Nebraska-Lincoln bassists bring a sense of community, quirkiness to UNL orchestra group


he start to any University of Nebraska-Lincoln Orchestra rehearsal seems like a race to the first downbeat. The small strings, brows furrowed, frantically drill themselves on difficult runs. The brass rush to start warming up their chops with long and loud octave exercises. The percussionists gather and their equipment, making the slightest adjustments. But if you look back far enough, you can see six musicians laughing, dancing and shouting across the noisy rehearsal hall. Those are the UNL bassists. Jenny Wood, a senior music education major, greets every bassist who enters the room with smile and a shout. Mitch Benson, a freshman music performance major, spends his warm-up time singing and noodling on his bass, “Jenny has her baby carrots...” Ian Wright, a freshman music education major, turns to his section and declares, “I just farted.” After being reminded that he was on the record, he shrugs. “That’s fine.” It’s quite apparent the UNL bassists do things differently. Hans Sturm, a UNL professor of jazz and bass studies has heard it said that people are attracted to instruments that reflect their personalities. “I don’t know if that’s true or not ... but players of certain instruments tend to have like personalities,” he said. “Bass players tend to be more laid back than other musicians. They tend to hang out. They tend to be more supportive and the role of the instrument is supportive.” The UNL bassists admit to fitting this bill. A well as being very close-knit group, partly many are still learning the ropes at UNL. “We are all pretty new,” said Sena Dawes, a sophomore anthropology major. She is a transfer student from the University of South Carolina. Benson is a freshman from Norfolk, Neb., and Wood is a Ball State University transfer, following in the footsteps of Sturm, her instructor. “I like to think we are supportive of

each other, Dawes said, mentioning the friendly competition within the section. “We help each other so we, as a section, sound good. Its just so we all sound better together.” Many of the bassists at UNL have similar experiences starting out in music, as well. Some of them began with violin and cello in grade school. Picking up bass was something very different for them and they liked it. Sturm took up the bass after hanging out with jazz musicians in his high school, and Wood and a few of her friends in fifth grade thought it would be funny if all of them picked up the bass. “Now I’m the last one standing,” she said with a laugh. Jason Lenz, a senior musical education major, began working on jazz with the electric bass at age 12, and, because he’s previously played the tuba, was familiar with the lower tonal range the bass. Lenz acknowledged the value in gathering

bassists: see page 6

(TOP): From left to right in the background Jenny Wood, Mitch Benson, Sena Dawes and in the foreground Sam Lueck play the string bass inside Westbrook Music Hall on Tuesday. (ABOVE): Jenny Wood plays the string bass.

Band knows Singer brings controversy in music importance of spontaneity kelsey haugen daily nebraskan

katie fennelly daily nebraskan

“Oh great. Tim died.” Brenton Neville and the other members of Universe Contest groaned as they woke up in the back of Dharma, their touring van halfway between Mankato, Minn., and Chicago on the last tour. The singer, Tim Carr didn’t. “Well, we’ll just have to play the show without him.” As the members of Universe Contest contemplated what to do with their dead singer, common sense kicked in. Neville, being the responsible one, took it upon himself to check and make sure Carr was actually dead. So he punched him. Carr slowly came to and mustered the words, “I need to piss.” But it was too late. That window of opportunity passed hours ago, evidenced

by his soaked pants. The band pulled off at the next rest stop and let Carr go to the bathroom. Carr came back to the van wearing nothing but a leather jacket. “You’ve got to watch out (on tour),” Neville warned during a phone interview. “You never know when bartenders are going to put acid in your drink, like that guy did to Tim. They think it’s funny and you don’t even know about it until you are stuck in a van with a bunch of sleeping guys who don’t think you tripping out is cool.” Neville and Carr are spending their Saturday afternoon at O’Rourke’s during the interview, passing the time with the two things they know best — alcohol and pinball. “It’s just us and a bunch

universe: see page 6

Performing songs based on controversial topics such as religion, abortion and politics is one attentiongrabbing tactic singer/songwriter Susan Werner uses to draw in listeners. Werner will be at the Lied Center for Performing Arts Friday at 7:30 p.m., sharing music that smoothly slides between folk, blues and jazz, among other styles. “She’s an absolutely incredible writer of melodies, with an unlimited style,” said Cliff Seltzer, Werner’s manager. “She works in many genres ... like a musical chameleon.” Werner, an Iowa native, also creates classical, pop and rock ‘n’ roll songs. Although she frequently changes the style in which she plays, Werner’s lyrics are usually about provocative issues. “The best songs say things that people can’t bring themselves to say directly, things that you might be afraid to say or can’t find the words to say,” Werner said. Not all her music addresses debatable subjects, but she tends to lean toward

them when composing. “I think it’s more interesting to draw someone in and reveal something,” Werner said. “Those are the songs that stay with people.” Part of the reason those tunes stick is because they are unique, arguable topics that generally aren’t written about, Werner said. Being a musician her whole life, Werner has traveled all over the country and to Canada to perform. “It’s a way of life to be away from home,” Werner said. She enjoys playing Canadian festivals since the country and the festivals attract large populations of immigrants. The diversity brings an interesting dynamic to the shows, Werner said. She hopes to book gigs in Europe soon, because though she’s been there before, it’s never been as a performer. “I would love to be able to play a show and talk to the audience completely in German,” Werner said. She speaks German, French and Italian, and would like to be able to use the languages during a show. Though she is a musician, Werner views a performance

courtesy photo

Susan Werner as a time to entertain the crowd in various ways. In between songs, she likes to converse with the audience and make jokes, especially leading up to humorous numbers. “I love when the funny songs are funny and when, during the serious songs, I can feel people leaning in to listen,” Werner said. For her, each piece resembles a tale or narrative she is recounting to listeners. “It’s very exciting when you are telling a story well and the audience is leaning in to hear what’s next,”

Werner said. “It makes you want to do your job better.” Seltzer, who has worked with Werner for three years, manages her affairs, including booking shows at performing art centers or folk clubs and helping with recording. “She’s a genius to work with ... so creative and full of ideas,” Seltzer said. “Her career has been on a constant upswing her entire life.” According to Seltzer,

werner: see page 6

upcoming events ZZ Packer reading and reception

when: Thursday, 7 where: Great Plains Art

p.m. Museum,

1155 Q St. Free

how much:

“Cherry Blossom” screening when:

Thursday, 7 p.m. where: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center how much: Free

Theatrix New Artists Festival when: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. where: Temple Building, Lab Theatre how much: $6

Succession of the Mic: Lip Sync Contest where:

when: Friday, 6 p.m. Nebraska Union, auditorium how much: Free


thursday, march 8, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

universe: from 5

lauren cloyed | daily nebraskan

Mary-Ellen Kennedy | Daily Nebraskan

Band members Joey Humpal, John Freidel, Will Holmes, Brenton Neville and Tim Carr all hang out at one of their favorite local bars, Bob’s Tavern. Their next performance will be at Duffy’s on March 13th at 9 p.m. going to go pee, and then you can talk on the phone. I know how you love to talk.” Carr continues our conversation. I try to focus on what he’s saying and not the fact that he’s talking to me with one hand and emptying his bladder into a urinal with the other. Carr doesn’t make it an easy task. He starts singing into the phone: “I’m peeing, I’m zipping up my pants. Now I’m washing my hands, lather up, lather up. Got to dry them good!” He finishes the song. “So, I have to go. It’s my turn in pinball. You want to talk to Mr. Brenton?” he asks, and before I can respond, passes the phone to Neville. “I know Tim comes off as kind of crazy,” Neville says. “But he’s at home at O’Rourke’s. It’s the location of his office, his ‘Creation Station.’” Carr’s Creation Station is a booth in the outdoor smoking section of the bar. It’s where he comes up with his best ideas, Neville said. “So yeah, he’s crazy. But we all are. He’s just the craziest.” Neville is the self-described responsible member of Universe Contest, a group he describes as “the perfect storm.”

And that storm is coming. The band will release their new EP, “Discovering and Deciphering Your Value as a Human Being,” on March 13. “I’m excited we can give people something new,” Neville said. “We did everything on our own and it was nice to do everything at our own pace.” Neville, with the help of friends, recorded the album on the band’s own equipment. Without the pressure and cost of a recording studio, the group put together four songs easily, with a little help from copious amounts of whiskey. “We would like to thank Dr. Kessler for helping us find the liquid inspiration to make the EP,” Carr added. The band then took the record to Matt Hovanec to help with the mixing. “I remember when Brenton said to me, ‘I give you complete creative control,’” Hovanec said. He admitted that was scary, but once he started the mixing process, it was easier than he expected. “Brenton really is great at recording solid tones and performances,” Hovanec said. “All that matters in a band is that the drummer doesn’t suck. Well, that isn’t all that matters, but if the band’s drummer sucks, then

nothing else matters. Imagine Led Zeppelin sounding like dubstep — not on purpose, just because the drummer couldn’t correctly count to four. What I’m trying to say is that Brenton is an awesome drummer and a great visionary for the band.” With the new EP under their belt, Universe Contest hopes to tour in May. “It seems like every band has some reason why they can’t tour,” Neville said. “We don’t have that. We want to take our music and the party to more people.” But the band hasn’t forgotten about its home. “When we play in Lincoln, we’re a party band,” he said. “We don’t want people to just come and see us, we want to give them a reason to party.” Universe Contest is already planning a Cinco de Mayo show and Neville promised that the band would be dressed as conquistadors. “We can’t wait. There will be a lot of sombreros.” As we end our conversation, I ask about the outcome of the pinball match. “Tim won,” Neville said. “I mean, he’s better than me. He has to be — all he does is drink and play pinball.”

That’s what Loeck loves most about rehearsing Beethoven. “He has an incredible ability to mix quick and slow, powerful and delicate, overwhelming and understated,” Loeck said. “I love the power behind the instrument.” In the same way they need to find that balance in technique, balance is required in their rehearsal style. They have a basic “party in the back” approach in full orchestra rehearsals — a mentality that often draws professorial rebuke for excessive chit chat. Jenny often nibbles baby carrots and peppers, hidden behind her back,

during rehearsal. During sectionals, however, their discipline is more evident. There is much frustration, but it turns to positivity and results. Still, Sturm acknowledged that the bassists quality product is wrapped up in their personalities. “I love all the students,” he said. “Every student is unique. They’re laid back. They’re funny. They’re a great hang. They all have got a focus.” Or, maybe, Sturm asserted, the long-perceived “cool” of the instrument is just working its magic.


bassists: from 5 musical experience from various places, criticizing the fact that most orchestral musicians seem to be very focused on orchestral music alone. “Playing other genres helps a musician,” he said. Sturm is a firm believer in the connections between classical music and jazz, as well. “They feed each other perfectly,” he said. Sturm finds the instrument’s versatility to be the “cool factor” of the bass. Each year Sturm meets thousands of other members of The International Society of Bassists or has he likes to call it ”the biggest, hippest, bass party in the world

... because the bass is involved in virtually every kind of music.” The bass has a wide contextual range, but possesses wide tonal and textural range, as well. One must reach far down the fingerboard to play the higher notes cleanly. After playing a difficult sequence at a rehearsal last week, the otherwise stoic sophomore music performance major, Sam Loeck, breaks into a wide smile of frustration. It takes a great deal of work to get a full sound out of such a large instrument. The bassits have to learn how to play aggressively as well as delicately.


Literary League seeks out new involvement Jourdyn Kaarre

grow in the future,” she said. To meet their goals of increased membership, the group is vying for greater visibility. In their most recent and most successful event on Feb. 9, the Literary League hosted a reading from Pulitzer Prize winner Ted Kooser with nearly 100 attendees. On March 25, the RSO will host a free viewing of “The Hunger Games” at the Lincoln Grand Cinema and a poetry slam at the Crescent Moon Coffee in April. In addition to these events, the group will be selling T-shirts March 11 through March 16 at Andrews Hall and distributing fliers around campus. “We’re giving life (to the group) with these events,” Sauma said. Any students in becoming members of the Literary League are encouraged to attend these upcoming events. To attend the free screening of “The Hunger Games” (time TBD) interested parties must join the Literary League Facebook Group page and email to receive a reservation confirmation. Free tickets will be given to the first 80 people to sign up and some tickets have already been claimed. Because the Literary League aims to give back to the community, it asks those who receive free tickets to donate a non-perishable food item. Although the Literary League was founded only a semester ago, the group is gaining momentum. With increased membership, upcoming events and the goal of creating a comfortable atmosphere for students interested in literature, the RSO hopes to establish a strong sense of community in the English Department.

daily nerbaskan

The Literary League isn’t a book club. The English Department RSO is, however, meant to be comfortable space for individuals pursuing English majors or minors (or any other major for that matter), those who simply enjoy the craft of writing and reading and students seeking greater involvement in the university. Formerly the Undergraduate English Organization (UEO), members of the Literary League are anxious to expand its horizons and after merging the Sigma Tau Delta English honor society and UEO in the fall of 2011, the Literary League is gaining momentum. With only six original members, the group boasts more than 50. “We have been on the rise,” said Karen Wohlgemuth, president of the Literary League and senior English major. The RSO meets once a month in the Nebraska Union to discuss anything and everything under the literary scope. “We’re pretty laid back once you come and see what we’re about,” Sauma said. The group is also eager to partner with like-minded organizations and serve in the community where they can. Last semester, fall 2011, the group raised 138 books for the Lincoln Literacy Council. “It is very important to build connections outside of UNL,” Wohlgemuth said. For that very reason, the group is looking for an opportunity to read with children in the Lincoln community next fall. In the future, Wohlgemuth hopes to see continued expansion and a greater sense of community within the English Department for students to connect with one another. “It feels great to see our group grow and I hope it continues to


werner: from 5 Werner’s increasing success can be attributed to her workaholic attitude, constantly writing and rewriting her music. “She also tries to play with musicians better than herself,” Seltzer said. “She finds top-notch bands to tour with and that helps her to improve her own work.” Werner puts out an album about every two years, with her latest being a live recording of an entire concert last March in Boston. On Friday, Werner will be at the Lied with Trina Hamlin,

if you go when: Friday, 7:30 p.m. where: Lied Center for

Performing Arts $18 (public), $9 (students)

how much:

a harmonica player, and Natalia Zuckerman, who plays bass and lap steel guitar. “We try to keep our musicianship at a super high level,” Werner said. “We set out to blow your minds.” kelseyhaugen@

Bring your N-Card! $5 off or free dessert with any entree purchase.

of old drunks,” Neville said. “We have to get here before the young hipster crowd takes the place over.” Carr takes the phone as Neville steps up to the Rolling Stones pinball machine. The first question to Carr is immediately interrupted. “Do you mind if I smoke?” he asks. Thinking he’s talking to someone else, I don’t say anything. “Do you mind if I smoke now?” he asks again, this time yelling into the phone. “No. I don’t mind.” “Good.” Universe Contest is a band that doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. They’re just out to have a good time. They all share an “anything goes” attitude, which is how they got their start. “Brenton and I used to be in a band called Gooses,” Carr said. “And one night just before we were about to go on stage, the other guy in the band kind of had a nervous breakdown. And we already had shows booked, so we just got the other guys to play with us.” And just like that, Winners of the Best Band in the Universe Contest Three Years Running was formed. The band consists of Carr, Neville, Joey Humpal, William Holmes and John Freidel. “We’ve never won anything,” Carr said. “We lose. But band names are just so goddamn dumb, and we’re a bunch of stinky dudes, just touring and partying. We didn’t really care about the name.” But when the band planned their first tour, they decided to shorten the name. “We imagined all the promoters getting pissed that they couldn’t fit our name on signs,” Carr said. “So we changed it to Universe Contest.” Carr starts to talk about how some people in Lincoln still call the band Winners, and how it annoys him. But then he interrupts himself. “I’m going to go pee now.” As he walks to the O’Rourkes’ bathroom, he passes Neville. “Oh hey, Brenton! I’m

Daily Nebraskan

thursday, march 8, 2012

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Apts. For Rent

Apts. For Rent


Need a place to stay this summer? Female student seeks roomie for two bedroom apartment. Gender doesn’t matter. You get the larger bedroom with half bath. Can be used for one person or two. Rent is $295 if we split it two ways plus utilities. Water paid by landlord. Call or text 804.503.2778 or email Second year, female law student looking for female roommate, preferably a law student or other graduate level student. I do not have an apartment yet, as I would like to find a roommate first. Must be ok with living in a “large dog” friendly apartment. Please email for more information. The master bedroom I’m subletting is at Chateau Meadow Apartment on 61st and Vine. This apartment is a 2 bed 2 bathrooms so you will be getting your own bathroom, walk-in closet and a storage to yourself. Washer and dryer in the unit. Electricity only, no gas bill. Internet bill is about $15 per person. The monthly rent is $390. There should be a deposit when we both come across to signing the sublease paperwork. The lease needs to be continue till Feb 2013. Email to


Houses For Rent ! Great Houses Close to UNL. Available in May. 402-432-0644. Must See! Reserve Yours Now! +1027 Charleston….....3 bed.....2 bath…..$775 +2200 Dudley…….…...3 bed...1.5 bath….$825 +1541 N 26……...….....4 bed…..2 bath….$975 +1541 Whittier…..…....5 bed...…2 bath...$1200 +927 N 30....…………..6 bed…..2 bath...$1600 More information and photos at: ! Great Houses Near UNL. Available in August. 402-432-0644 Must See! Reserve Yours Now! +836 Y St..….......2 bed…....1 bath…........$625 +1246 Court... …3 bed…...2 bath….........$825 +1531 N 22...…....3 bed…...2 bath…........$875 +1140 N 29....…...4 bed…..2 bath….......$1100 +709 N 25....…….4 bed…...2 bath.…......$1100 More information and photos at: 721 N 30th. 6 bedroom, 2 bath, wood floors, Available May/2012. $1350/month. 402-4309618.

Two female, juniors at UNL looking for a roommate to share a 3-bedroom loft, 2-bath apartment in Northeast Lincoln. The name of the apartments are Fountain Glen. You would have your own room and share a bathroom. Rent $267/month plus utilities. Utilities will be split evenly between all three of us. Washer and dryer are on same floor of apartment. Only ten to fifteen minutes from UNL campuses. Apartment complex takes care of snow removal, landscaping, maintenance etc. Needed by beginning of May. Non-smoker and no animals please. E-mail Erika at or call (402)490-1932 if interested.

Apts. For Rent

Apts. For Rent

Help Wanted

Two females, one male looking for someone to move into a 2008 4 bedroom, two bath duplex. Gender doesn’t matter. Close to campus over in the Turtle Creek area. $300 per person plus electric a month. No internet, cable, water, or trash bills. Can move in ASAP. Cleanliness is preferred. If interested, email malnmeier or text 308-390-0457.

Three rooms for rent in 4 bedroom, 2 bath energy-efficient home. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, most furniture, and kitchen appliances included. Deck for grilling, walk-out basement, and fenced-in backyard. Friendly neighborhood five minutes from campus (driving). One spot available now, others open in May. Rent averages to $350 after utilities split amongst renters. Please text/call (308) 379-6537 or e-mail Gary at for more information.


Duplexes For Rent 2821 South 79th Street

4 BEDROOM/2 BATH TOWNHOMES Available May & August Large units with big bedrooms. All appliances included $1,165, Call Bob@402-430-8255. Newer 4br/2ba duplex, 2liv areas,eat-in kit. W/D,parking,H2O incl. $1200.00/mo. Avail 5/1/12 Contact Travis @ 402-890-8728.

Apts. For Rent 3 bedroom, 2 bath. NICE. N/P, N/S. East Campus/City Campus location. On FaceBook at Starr Street Apartments (402) 430-4253.

4 blocks from Memorial Stadium Now leasing for the 12-13 school year! 402-474-7275

Driver, local deliveries. CDL required. Monday-Friday. Some heavy lifting. Good driving record required. Apply in person. 200 West South St. Shelter Distribution.

Inbound Customer Service Center Rep – Full Time and Part Time

Looking for a job that is flexible enough to work around your changing school schedule? Then we are the place for you! We employ many students who are able to attend classes, work and still have time to study!

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2403 Lynn (24th and Vine). Large one bedroom apartment. C/A, off-street parking, free cable. NS/NP. $350+ deposit/utilities. 402-488-2088 or 402-450-9160. Available Now!

First Month Free

2 bedroom, nice place, 1826 ‘A’ St. C/A, dishwasher, laundry, parking, no pets, no smoking, $450, 6-plex 402-423-1838.

Busy office seeks part time office help. Duties include data entry, answering phones and using company provided vehicle for deliveries. No experience necessary, although it is helpful. Please send, or email resume and hours of availability to: Professional Business Services 7700 A Street Lincoln, NE 68510 Pioneers and Holmes Golf Courses are now hiring for Beer Cart/Snack bar and Pro Shop. Apply in person at either clubhouse.

PT Web Developer

Innovative Marketing firm is looking for a PT Web Developer. This is a great opportunity for someone who likes to see a project through from conception to deployment. Fun, casual, collaborative environment with opportunities for creative retreats and bonus. 24hours/ week flexible schedule. Ideal candidate must have knowledge of html, css, Wordpress, php, and .net. Jquery and html 5 preferred. If you are looking for a position where you look forward to going to work and make an immediate contribution, please send your resume to:

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1-2 & 3 Bedrooms Apartments, Townhomes and Duplexes


The Fish Store

Part-time help. Flexible hours. No fish keeping experience necessary. Apply at The Fish Store, 921 N 48th St. 402-466-7811.

Homes For Sale

The Parthenon

For Sale, close to campus

3728 Madison Ave, 2+ 1 bedroom, 1.75 ba, large yard, Finished basement,1.5 stall garage, $105,000, Jennifer Dickey - Prudential Ambassador - (402) 805 - 0463.


Looking for summer part time child care (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday) for two boys age seven and nine. Please call 402-318-6806.

CNA/Nursing Students


For Release Thursday, March 08, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 5 9 14


16 17


21 22 23 25 28 29 31 32 35


Nursery rhyme vessel Candy used to be seen on it Like a celestial body Oscar Wilde poem “By the ___” Ingredient in traditional medicine Uncertain Start of a Confucian aphorism Man’s name that’s Latin for “honey” Not so great Arm raiser, informally Like the gang, in an old song Single, e.g. Accept eagerly, with “up” A goner Dig it Work assignments TV network that broadcast live from Opryland USA

37 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 49 53 54 55 56 60 61 62 63

64 65

Two-time Oscar-winning cinematographer Nykvist Aphorism’s middle Draftable Tick off Journalist Howell Actor Wheaton Medgar ___ College Number twos, for short Some galas Accustoms Place for family portraits Together, in Toulon Suffix with manager Aphorism’s end Beau Call ___ (stop play after service) “Am ___ only one?” Terminals in a computer network Minuscule issues Word with china or chop





















24 29



37 40


Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number. Three undergrads looking for 1-2 females to fill a split level apartment at the Grande Manse. Would have/share master bedroom with walk-in closet, big enough for 2 full beds plus desks, dressers, etc. Lease Aug.-Aug. Rent $550/month for 1, $409 if split between 2 (plus small utilities and parking). Newly renovated. 2 blocks from UNL campus. Contact Sarah at 605-228-4613 if interested.

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55 59







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39 44 45 48 50 51 52 54 56 57

58 59

Chicago’s Saint ___ University Fishermen with traps Browning piece Hindu princess Bad demonstrations Prefix with -meter Time out? ___ fruit On one’s ___ When doubled, Miss Piggy’s white poodle N.H.L.’s Laperriere Start of an alphabet book# 33

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thursday, march 8, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

big ten: from 10

lopers: from 10 need more than just pitching to get the win. And that came in the form of a big sixth inning. Kiser started that sixth inning with a bang. He cracked the ball deep into right field. It soared over the fence for his second home run in any of the season and Nebraska’s second run of the game. Two batters later, a wild throw to first advanced Ty Kildow to third base. Kildow would score two batters later on a blooper by Austin Darby. On the next at-bat, a grounder down the first base line by Chad Christensen scored Sam Stucky and gave the Huskers a 4-0 lead. The Lopers responded with a run of their own, as a Brandon Landanger single in the seventh inning scored Chase Saxton, who doubled one play earlier. Shortstop Mike Nowak flied out to right field to end the inning on the next at-bat leaving the score 4-1, which would wind up being the final tally

KAYLEE EVERLY | daily nebraskan

Kale Kiser’s second home run of the season sparked NU’s three-run sixth inning to lead the team to a 4-1 victory against the Lopers Wednesday afternoon. in a win for the Huskers. “I think they’re treating the game right. They’re respecting the game; they play it hard,” Erstad said. “And

that’s the first step in this whole thing. We’ve been in every single game, we’ve made a ton of mistakes, but at the same time we’ve

responded and learned from those and we just continue to grow as a team.”

chrispeters@ file photo by andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

preview: from 10 Huskers. But the tournament is a chance for the players to clear their minds and get past the difficulties they’ve faced this season. “It’s wearing on us more mentally than physically,” Richardson said. “We’re having an up-and-down season and not really having a great season, but you move on in the postseason. You leave (the struggles) out on the floor.” And the tourney is Nebraska’s only chance of keeping their season going after finishing the regular season with a losing record. Looking forward to a shot at redemption is reason enough for the players to take their daily trips to the Hendricks Training Complex in preparation for games against Big Ten opponents. “Kids are always optimistic, they’re always thinking

the sun is coming up the next day and they see this tournament as another opportunity,” Sadler said. “So I think more that’s what excites them more than (I can).” Nebraska’s first-round matchup will be broadcast on ESPN2 at 8 p.m., or 25 minutes after the game between Northwestern and Minnesota. Although Nebraska has lost to Purdue already this season and has struggled mightily in the Big Ten, the team will look to replicate its more impressive performances from the season. For example, in the Illinois game at the Bob Devaney Sports Center, Nebraska shot 55.6 percent from the field and went 10 for 20 from behind the arc. And flashes of brilliance like that should be motivation enough for Big Red faithful to

Jared Sullinger and the third-seeded Buckeyes look to win their third-consecutive Big Ten tournament.

MEN’S FIRST-ROUND SCHEDULE EARLY SESSION No. 8 Iowa (16-15, 8-10 Big Ten) vs. No. 9 Illinois (17-14, 6-12) Starts at 10:30 a.m. No. 5 Indiana (24-7, 11-7) vs. No. 12 Penn State (12-19, 4-14) Starts 25 minutes after previous game LATE SESSION No. 7 Northwestern (18-12, 8-10) vs. No. 10 Minnesota (18-13, 6-12) Starts at 4:30 p.m. No 6. Purdue (20-11, 10-8) vs. No. 11 Nebraska (12-17, 4-14) All games on Big Ten Network

stay optimistic for the game, according to Sadler. “Our players are gonna come out ready to play and everybody at this level can play,” Sadler said. “If we come


out and shoot the ball like we did against Illinois, then do it for four straight days then you have a chance to win the tournament.” robbykorth@

it with the two teams we are in with, who are just quality programs with quality coaches. Now we move on to the tournament, and we do the best we can in the tournament.” The Wolverines represent the No. 2 seed in the tournament after losing out on the record against common opponents tiebreaker to Michigan State. Beilein isn’t worried about his team’s seeding. “Not one bit at all,” he said. “I can remember in one of my earlier tournaments, back as a younger coach, I rooted for one team to win that we would play the next day. They proceeded to win. I got my wish, and they kicked our tails. It was Skip Prosser’s Loyola team. “I promised myself I would never care about a preference there. Just do the best

you can, and be careful what you wish for.” One team with a lot on the line this weekend is Northwestern. The Wildcats sit firmly on the NCAA tournament bubble and could use a few wins in the conference tournament to solidify their position as a NCAA tournament team. “I’m not going to lobby for anything,” coach Bill Carmody said. “The stats are out there. Every team will present their case, and all that is put forth. We have our case. This is our body of work, and I will let the committee do what they do.” If Northwestern is selected to participate in the NCAA tournament, it would be a first for the men’s basketball team. lannyholstein@











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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, march 8, 2012



track and field

Wrestlers earn at-large bids NU relay team Zach Tegler

Daily nebraskan

Tyler Koehn lost both matches he wrestled at the Big Ten Championships. Entering the tournament as the No. 7 seed at 174 pounds, Koehn lost by scores of 2-1 and 8-2. He finished outside the top nine in the conference and didn’t qualify automatically for the NCAA Tournament. But two matches cannot define an entire season, and Koehn, ranked No. 17 in the nation, compiled a record of 18-12 in his 2011-2012 campaign. “That’s why they have the at-large process,” NU assistant coach Bryan Snyder said. “For things like this, if guys have a bad tournament but put together a hell of a year.” Koehn and No. 18 133-pounder Ridge Kiley claimed at-large bids, which were announced Wednesday, to the NCAA Championships in St. Louis For Kiley, the competition will be the second appearance at nationals, where he won one match last year. “Being there’s a big deal.

You’ve been out in front of the lights,” Snyder said. “I think Ridge knows what to expect in terms of preparation and the type of competition he’s going to face. I think he’s ready for the challenge.” Kiley, a junior, is 17-14 on the year — with all 14 defeats coming against tournament qualifiers and nine coming at the hands of wrestlers seeded 10th or higher in the national tournament field. “He’s wrestled a lot of tough guys,” Snyder said. “He’s the type of kid that has the character, the wherewithal to be able to draw from that and get better and persevere. “He got through that and now it’s time for him to go on a little run down in St. Louis.” While Snyder added that Kiley will be able to feel things out with his previous NCAA experience, Koehn is set to compete at nationals for the first time. But after the Big Ten Championships ended Sunday night, he didn’t know he still had a chance to make the field. “I didn’t really know how they did the qualifying,”

Koehn said. “I was really bummed out on Saturday and Sunday.” But a few days later, Koehn was excited to learn that his season is still very m u c h alive. Snyder said Koehn w r e s tling two weight koehn classes up from last season has been one of the keys to his tourney bid. “He’s able to bring a lot of energy to the mat,” Snyder said. “He’s going out there and he’s getting to his attacks, and he’s wrestling with confidence. He’s been a big part of our success this year.” He added that Koehn has brought a new mindset to this season. “He’s definitely night and day from last year,” Snyder said. “His commitment and his work ethic and his character in and out of the room have always been good. This year,

he’s stepped it up.” Among Koehn’s 18 victories this season are four against NCAA qualifiers. In the middle of the season, he won eight of 10 matches in a key stretch that propelled him into the rankings and into position for an at-large qualification. “It helped my confidence a lot, just from beating guys ranked seventh, 11th,” Koehn said. “That’s a big confidence boost. It makes you want to come back and ... practice harder.” Snyder said that run will pay dividends for Koehn in a huge way. “He knocked off an AllAmerican, he’s beaten a lot of ranked guys,” Snyder said. “As long as he’s in that mindset and operating at that confident level, I think he’ll be able to draw off the good parts of the season.” Snyder added that, much like Kiley’s previous NCAA experience will aid him, Koehn was able to learn a lot from not only wrestling, but beating a number of quality opponents. zachtegler@

Bettiol, Huskers aim to end slump Nedu Izu Daily Nebraskan

For a new student in college, being successful starts with making adjustments — especially when you’re a freshman athlete coming from a different state. Freshman Jordan Bettiol, a College Station, Texas, native, is one of the starting outfielders for the Nebraska softball team. The athlete said she admits it took a while to settle in during her first semester at UNL. “It was difficult at first and things have sped up a lot this semester,” Bettiol said. “Academically, I realized I needed to stay more focused since we’re not in town during the beginning of the season.” The nutrition and health science major said she realized she had to do something to keep her grades consistent. “I’ve found ways to meet with tutors and teachers to get more info,” Bettiol said. “I’m finally starting to get the hang of academics and traveling.” Since the 2012 season began, Bettiol and the Huskers have done nothing but travel. The team’s first 21 games this season have all been on the road, and all tournaments have been in the southwestern region of the country. Jumping from state to state each weekend was an adjustment that came fairly easy to Bettiol. “I’ve gotten used to the traveling because during summer ball we did a lot of traveling,” the freshman said. “After the first tournament it was easy to get in the routine of traveling all over for games.” Before coming to Nebraska, Bettiol joined the club team, which teammate Gabby Banda also played for before joining the Huskers. In the Huskers first tournament, Bettiol went 4-for-14 picking up her first hit in the Huskers’ third game against

Idaho State. The No. 9 hitter finished the tournament holding a .285 batting average with an RBI and four walks. However, those numbers quickly declined. Since the tournament in Arizona, Bettiol has hit .235, going 8-34 and adding just two more RBIs. But she’s not the only one who’s seen her offensive numbers collapse. Through 21 games the team has dumped its batting average down to .300 and the lack of offense has caused NU to drop eight out of its last 10 games. In their last tournament, the Huskers traveled to Texas, Banda and Bettiol’s home state. Before the tournament, Banda predicted her team would turn things around. “We’re going to go after the teams with everything we have and show them all we got,” she said. Unfortunately, the outcome turned Nebraska’s dreams into a continuing nightmare. The Huskers went 1-4 scoring just five times in as many games during the Texas A&M Invitational, dropping the team out of the top-25. “Being in my hometown I expected us to play like we usually do,” Bettiol said. “We just didn’t compete at the level we wanted to. And when you’re not in your rhythm, a lot of negative thoughts come in. We just didn’t find that spark.” Although the results dropped NU’s record to 1011, Bettiol said she enjoyed seeing her family and friends during downtime. “It was good to be back in College Station and seeing all my friends and family I haven’t seen in a while,” she said. “The weather was perfect and it was a really good tournament.” The team hopes to turn things around as they travel to Stillwater, Okla., to compete in the Mizuno Classic. The tournament will include Oklahoma State,

file photo by kyle bruggeman

Freshman Jordan Bettiol and the Husker offense started the season strong, but recent struggles on the road have resulted in a 10-11 record for the squad. Loyola-Chicago and Arkansas Pine-Bluff, which the Huskers face in their first game Friday at 1:30 p.m. This will be the first tournament this season where the Huskers won’t face a single ranked opponent. The tournament comes before the team’s first home game Tuesday against South Dakota. Bettiol said it’s important for her team to finish the tournament better than its previous trials before heading to home to Bowlin Stadium. “With all the work we’ve done this week, to come out 5-0 would be a huge boost,” the outfielder said. “I think us going undefeated in this tournament, then starting Tuesday with our debut will just give us more energy

playing for the first time in front of our own crowd. “It would give us more positive momentum starting our season the way we’ve wanted to, the right way.” neduizu@

eyes success at NCAAs Chris Peters Daily Nebraskan

It took two school records just for the Huskers to get in. The Nebraska women’s distance medley relay team qualified fifth for this weekend’s NCAA Championships with an automatic qualifying time of 10 minutes, 58.74 seconds, the team’s second school record in 2012. The national meet, held in Nampa, Idaho, on Friday and Saturday, normally supports a 10-team field. This year, however, the NCAA had to take 13 teams. Twelve teams automatically qualified for the meet, passing the NCAA automatic qualifying time of 11:03.50. Oregon’s DMR team qualified with two different lineups, but is only fielding one team. “It’s the most AQs we’ve ever had,” said Michigan coach Mike McGuire, whose women’s DMR team snuck into the NCAA’s as a No. 12 seed. “We have had 13-team fields in years past, (but) not very often.” McGuire’s Wolverines got in, along with Stanford, as the only two non-automatic qualifying teams. ”We definitely were on the bubble,” McGuire said. “I felt like they were either going to take 11 or they were going to take 13.” One of the biggest determinants for the field size in an NCAA event is the number of athletes qualified in multiple events. NCAA Championships are limited to a total field size of 284 female athletes and 284 male athletes, so having athletes who participate in multiple events allows more competitors to attend the meet. Of Michigan’s fourperson DMR team, three athletes already posted NCAA-qualifying times in other events, allowing the team to get in. Stanford’s DMR time of 11:04.31 was just 0.01 seconds behind Michigan’s, so the NCAA invited the Cardinal to attend as well. Nebraska’s team of Jessica Furlan, Ellie Grooters, Ashley Miller and Mara Weekes is running the DMR exclusively, whereas teams like Michigan will have their athletes running multiple

events in preliminaries and finals during the weekend. “The teams that have athletes that are running the 3,000 (and the) mile may switch s o m e l e g s and use an alternate,” N e braska distance coach David H a r grooters ris said. “That may actually help us.” Nebraska didn’t claim its spot in the meet until the last second, when Nebraska posted its school record time at the Alex Wilson Invitational at Notre Dame on March 2. The Irish jockeyed for position and even passed the Huskers in the race, until Nebraska’s Ashley Miller pulled ahead at the end to win the race. As a result, the Irish found themselves on the outside looking in. Notre Dame’s time of 11:04.45 trails Stanford by 0.14 seconds and the NCAA auto mark by 0.95 seconds, leaving the Irish as the top team not to qualify. Harris said coaches were “shaking their heads at how fast you have to run in the DMR” to qualify for the NCAA’s this year. The NCAA continues to lower the time it takes to qualify for the DMR every year, but this year, there was simply too much talent around for the NCAA to keep pace. Strong feeder systems in high schools are a big part of the reason McGuire says nationwide talent has improved in distance races. “A few years ago a kid running (a mile) under five minutes was special,” McGuire said. “Now it’s fairly common.” In addition to improving youth talent, McGuire said faster, state-of-the-art tracks and a mild winter helped Midwest teams train better and post quicker times. Michigan and Nebraska will have a chance to showcase those quick times on Friday as the finals of the DMR, which begin at 8:25 p.m., will conclude day one of the NCAA Championships. chrispeters@

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page 10

thursday, march 8, 2012


Former Vols coach joins Husker staff Andrew Ward Daily Nebraskan

ONESHOT Senior guard Brandon Richardson looks to lead the Huskers in their first Big Ten tournament. NU squares off against Purdue tonight in the first round of the tournament.



Nebraska only won four games in the Big Ten conference this season, but the Big Ten tournament gives the Huskers a chance to continue their season


t all comes down to this. After finishing tied for last place in its inaugural season in the Big Ten, the Nebraska men’s basketball team has one last shot to redeem itself: The Big Ten Tournament. The 11 seed Huskers take on 6 seed Purdue Thursday night in Indianapolis for the nightcap of day one action at the tournament. The Boilermakers, who finished sixth in the Big Ten, are favored. But for Nebraska there’s still a chance PU might overlook NU, a potential advantage Husker coach Doc Sadler would rather not have. “When you’re depending on people overlooking you, you’re in trouble,” Sadler said. The Boilermakers and Huskers have only met

once this season, and in that meeting in West Lafayette, Ind., Purdue had NU’s number with a 83-65 victory. In that game the Boilermakers managed 26 points in the paint and 13 3-pointers. “I know there’s a few times that we didn’t make plays on the defensive end where we let Robbie Hummel get shots that weren’t contested,” NU guard Brandon Richardson said. “We gave them the (3-pointers) and the inside game and we have to at least take one away.” A 18-point loss is certainly discouraging. But this season has been far from easy for the Huskers. NU went 4-14 in its first season in the Big Ten and that finish has taken its toll on the

Nebraska football will give its fans a little taste of the Southeastern Conference in the fall, at least in the secondary. Coach Bo Pelini hired Terry Joseph this week to replace Corey Raymond as the new Husker secondary coach. Joseph coached the defensive backfield and was the recruiting coordinator at Tennessee the last two seasons. Pelini worked with Joseph when he was the defensive coordinator at Louisiana State University. Joseph was a graduate assistant at the time working under Pelini for the 2006 season. Joseph said in a press release that he wanted to work with Pelini again. “Coming to a place like Nebraska was a great opportunity for me,” Joseph said. “And then to throw in the chance to work with Bo again, it was the perfect fit. I am excited to get to work with our players and other coaches as we start spring ball and get prepared for the season.” The new secondary coach brings success to the Nebraska secondary. Before Tennessee, Joseph held the same position at Louisiana Tech University for three years. In 2008, he was part of the team’s first bowl bid in seven seasons. At Tennessee, Joseph had one of the best secondaries in the country. In both of his seasons with the Volunteers, Joseph


coached his secondary to two top-20 finishes nationally in pass defense. Most recently, Tennessee finished 12th nationally giving up just 177.8 yards a game through the air last season with one of the youngest secondaries in the SEC. Joseph looks to have the same success at Nebraska as he inherits a secondary featuring junior cornerbacks Andrew Green and Ciante Evans and senior safety Daimion Stafford. Pelini said in a press release that he looks forward to the success Joseph will bring to the Huskers. “Terry Joseph is a tremendous addition to our staff,” Pelini said. “I have worked with him in the past, and he is about as perfect of a fit as you can have. He is a good football coach, a great person and will bring a lot to our staff.”


men’s basketball

Big Ten tourney slates first ever NU pitching stifles UNK bats 12-team field preview: see page 8

Lanny Holstein

Chris Peters

Daily Nebraskan

Daily Nebraskan

While the Huskers relied on their bats Tuesday against Kansas State, it was their pitching that got them past Nebraska Kearney on Wednesday. Nebraska (8-4) held the Lopers (5-7) to one run. A three-run sixth inning, plus another run in the third, gave the Huskers a 4-1 victory. First-year coach Darin Erstad wasn’t impressed. “We were lucky to win today,” Erstad said. “We kind of came off flat, and it was kind of uninspired how we played.” Erstad said he told his team Wednesday’s game would be a “trap game” following Tuesday’s exciting home-opener — one that featured 70-degree temperatures and the largest crowd size at Hawks Field since April 2009. “We tried to address it and it all just sits on me to not have them ready to play,” Erstad said. “It’s a good learning lesson.” While the Huskers struggled to avoid a trap game, the Lopers were busy struggling against NU’s pitchers. UNK registered just five hits and left seven runners on base. Two of UNK’s hits came from Tommy Barnes, who set a Division II record for most consecutive times on base with 17 at-bats, in the fourth inning of


Junior pitcher Ryan Hander allowed just one hit in his three innings pitched against UNK to earn his first win of the season. The Huskers improved to 8-4 on the year. Wednesday’s game. A two-out double in the fourth gave him the record. Barnes grounded out in the sixth inning to end the streak one hit short of the Division I mark of 18. NU pitcher Ryan Hander helped break up Barnes’ streak in his third and final inning Wednesday. Nebraska continued to rotate pitchers like it has

all season long, using five pitchers over the course of the game. “We’ve preached open competition,” Erstad said. “Once we get into conference play or close to it, we’ll have an idea of what we’re going to go with. Until that point, everybody is going to get a chance to play.” Husker pitchers totaled six strikeouts and one earned run, and walked only one batter.

“You’re going to have games like this where the offense can’t do it all for you,” NU left fielder Kale Kiser said. “We were just fortunate today to where the pitchers picked us up and they had our backs.” Still, the Huskers would

lopers: see page 8

It’s tournament time in the Big Ten, and the conference is set to begin its first-ever 12-team event Thursday. With the addition of Nebraska, the league’s tournament bracket will look a bit more conventional this season, awarding byes to the first four seeds while the rest of the field will play first-round games. The tournament marks the culmination of a Big Ten men’s basketball season that saw its share of ups, downs, lead changes and just about everything else. “You’ll get arguments until the cows come home about what conference is the best, and this and that,” Michigan State coach Tom Izzo said. “I still say you look top to bottom and if (the Big Ten) isn’t the best it’s certainly the best in the 27 years that I’ve been here. We’ve all beaten up on each other. Usually there are one or two teams that haven’t gotten a win in the league, but this year that isn’t the case.” Despite losing its final game 72-70 to Ohio State, Michigan State will be the

top seed in the league tournament, held Thursday through Sunday in Indianapolis’ Bankers Life Fieldhouse. The Spartans won a tiebreaker against Ohio State and Michigan to be awarded the top spot in the bracket. It marks the fourth time the Spartans have been the tournament’s top seed. “I was disappointed that we couldn’t finish things off in front of an incredible crowd and the whole setting, but I think it speaks more to what (Ohio State) did,” Izzo said. “We are going to have to stew about this for another five or six hours, and once the 24-hour rule is up, we’ll have to move on. That’s what we’re going to do.” Michigan coach John Beilein liked the way his team finished up the regular season and said that winning a share of the conference crown was a deserving reward for his squad. “As everyone knows, it’s such a revered honor,” he said. “As a result, we are very proud to have won it and proud to have won

big ten: see page 8

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