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friday, november 11, 2011

volume 111, issue 057


Meet ‘the Prop’

s ta f f E D I T O R I A L editorial board members IAN SACKS ZACH SMITH

Two UNL graduates designed a portable laptop stand made from biodegradable plastic. Now, the pair is looking for financial support to put it into production. Jordan Martin

jon augustine | daily nebraskan

Justin Brouillette holds his laptop on “the Prop,” an invention he and his roommate invented. began. The original model was amended and tested with twenty different profiles, Pajerski said. “We tested whether (the prototypes) held up the laptop and tried to minimize the product while maximizing the size for computers of different sizes,” Pajerski said. As Brouillette and Pajerski finessed their designs, interest in their product started to grow, and they decided to consider mass marketing so it could be shipped. Their solution was to make the product small enough that it could fit

inside of a tube. They also began talking to plastic injection manufacturers to figure out what the limits were for products made from plastic. At last, they created the product the two have labeled “the Prop,” a two-piece design that is long, slender and is made out of biodegradable recycled plastic, Brouillette said. It would be able to support 13- to 17-inch laptops. The two designers are using the website kickstarter. com to try to raise the funds to purchase a tool that injects plastic into the product mold to manufacture the Prop. The

fundraising effort, which lasts 30 days, has raised $15,400 so far, or 85 percent, of their $18,000 goal. However, the contributors on kickstarter. com must raise the full $18,000 by the Nov. 20 deadline, or Brouillette and Pajerski will receive none of the money pledged for their product. Even if the Prop does not receive enough pledges to be funded, Pajerski said he and Brouillette would try to seek other methods to market the Prop. “By no means would it

prop: see page 2

CBA corrects pass/no pass mistake jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

Proposed route of pipeline held till 2013 decision dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

The Obama administration announced Thursday afternoon that it would investigate alternate routes in Nebraska for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, likely delaying its decision on whether to approve the project until 2013. The United States Department of State, which must approve the pipeline because it crosses the Canadian border, has been reviewing the project’s route for the past three years and was expected to make its decision by the end


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

Penn State must consider forfeiting remaining games

Daily Nebraskan

Two University of NebraskaLincoln graduates have nine days to raise $2,600 and launch their new laptop product. Nicholas Pajerski and Justin Brouillette are trying to get the money to manufacture a laptop stand called “the Prop.” The Prop is a two-piece laptop stand made from plastic materials designed to not only improve the typing experience, but also to give a laptop ventilation, all while being aesthetically pleasing. Pajerski, a 2011 graduate, said the original inspiration for the product came from frustration with laptop stands already available on the market. “We were looking for an affordable product, but we couldn’t find one that was on the market and portable,” Pajerski said. He added that he was looking for something that was durable but didn’t want to fork out the money for large, bulky stands. As a result, Pajerski began working on a sketch for a laptop stand that would work for his computer, creating the first Prop. The original prototype was made out of basswood and was shaped using laser cutters from the university. Eventually, Brouillette, a 2010 UNL graduate and Pajerski’s roommate, asked Pajerski if he could have the product made for his own computer. From there, the process of creating the present model for the Prop

editor - in - chief

of this year. But during the past several months, more and more Nebraskans have protested the pipeline’s proposed route through the state’s Sandhills region. Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman called a special session of the Legislature late last month to see what control, if any, the state would take over the pipeline route, partly in response to that pressure. Before the announcement, the special session was expected to begin debate

pipeline: see page 3

point/counterpoint page 4

Fifty students got a chance to take classes in the College of Business Administration on a pass/no pass basis Thursday. That’s against college policy, but because of a clerical error that allowed the students to enroll in ECON 211, ECON 211X and ECON 212 on a pass/no pass, rather than graded, basis, officials were forced to make an exception. But it was a close call for some of the students. When senior philosophy major Christian Habib checked his phone about 4 p.m. Wednesday, he felt like he’d been knocked over. He’d received an email from the College of Business Administration explaining that he would receive a letter grade in ECON 211, effective immediately. The email stated that “there was an error in MyRED when you registered for ECON 211, ECON 211X or ECON 212. The error allowed the grade option for these course(s) to be changed from ‘Grade Only’ to the ‘Pass/No Pass”’option. This is not allowed per the College of Business Administration policy, which states that no student enrolled in any college may take a business course pass/no pass.”

The deadline to drop the class was Friday. Habib had three choices: Take the class for a grade and suffer a “major blow” to his GPA, which he likes to keep at 3.5 or higher; drop the class or contact the office to “discuss further options.” He walked to the advising office immediately. Habib said the college was “taking its mistake and throwing it onto students” by expecting them to be familiar with pass/no pass policies. Habib believed he could take the class pass/ no pass because his course syllabus informed him of a deadline for switching to that format. “They are legally grounded in that we should have read bulletins before we chose pass/no pass,” Habib said. “OK, sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s common knowledge.” At the advising office, Habib learned that he would have to make an appeal to the college in the form of a two-page letter explaining his situation. “The disregard for students was where it came into the wrong,” Habib said. “I walked out of the advising office with more questions than answers, two days

downtown page 5

classes: see page 2

The last few days have been tumultuous for Pennsylvania State University, to say the least. The Penn State athletic program has been rocked by scandal.Wednesday night saw the removal of longtime coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier, with the athletic director and vice president still facing charges of perjury. Following the announcements, students took to the streets in anger. And through all of it, Penn State had to look toward Saturday with its last home game in mind. Discussions among administrators, fans and bloggers since Wednesday night have brought forth a number of reasons for altering Saturday’s planned Nebraska-Penn State game. Safety of players is the primary concern, and Penn State announced Thursday that receivers coach Mike McQueary, who reported an alleged abuse to Paterno in 2002, will not be on the sidelines for the game, due to “multiple threats.” Fearing both an unfair game atmosphere following Penn State’s change of coaches and the safety of Nebraska fans and players in a volatile atmosphere, commentators have offered ideas from NU Regent Tim Clare’s undefined “Plan B” to a one-game forfeit to the most extreme option: Penn State forfeiting the season. Although certainly the most maligned of the three options, the Daily Nebraskan would like to defend the season forfeit.The DN editorial board believes the athletic and administrative departments of PSU should at least consider forfeiting the remainder of its football games. With three games remaining — against Nebraska, Ohio State and Wisconsin — the DN sees value in the possibility of Penn State suspending its on-field operations as a football team and instead turn to what is most important: addressing and fixing the issues of distrust, disgust and anger that are being felt across the campus. Penn State must do whatever it takes to fix these issues, a process that won’t be accomplished in any short amount of time. Because of the sensitive nature of the allegations and the suddenness with which events have occurred, football should be placed on the back burner of priorities. Of course, the idea of forfeiting the season throws itself against two obvious counter-arguments, each equally viable. One, it seems to punish players rather than the administration responsible for the scandal.Two, it may be best for the image of the Penn State football program to end with a strong season despite the setbacks and scandals. On the first point, it’s impossible to argue that forfeiting the season seems a fair solution for Nittany Lions still eager to take the field. However, their season has already been disrupted, at least image-wise, beyond repair. Unfortunately, the team became just one part of a troubled university system as the depth of the scandal was revealed throughout the week. Separation between different teams and departments has disappeared. The NCAA should take some initiative and grant at least upperclassmen the ability to transfer to other schools without penalty, as it did with the University of Southern California after the school was sanctioned in 2010. On the second point, forfeiting could actually go a long way toward preserving the image of Penn State and the Big Ten Conference as a whole.Any success, any bowl game the team could achieve, will be tainted by the scandal. Should the team continue to play, especially if it places highly, it could seem cavalier on the part of both the Penn State program and the Big Ten Conference.At this point, officials in the Big Ten must already be questioning, in light of the scandal, how it would

Staff ed: see page 2

letter to the editor Penn State student welcomes Husker fans I hope this gets published in time for people who are traveling to Penn State. For all of you Huskers coming to Penn State, we welcome you. But the last week has been very difficult for everyone here in Happy Valley. The mood at Penn State is somber. We have been inundated by

football page 10

Bearing your soul

Line `em up

Valley of the unknown

is one’s sense of self biological or metaphysical?

Bourbon bartender pours drinks professionally

After tumultuous week, Huskers to take on Penn State

@dailyneb |

national media and we have lost an icon that has been part of this community for most our lives. The mood in State College is similar to that felt by the nation on 9/11. Keep this in mind and please be considerate of the feelings of all of the Penn State fans and enjoy your stay.

David KOlesar

Engineering State College, PA

Weather | sunny



friday, november 11, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

campus briefs Tigers Vanquished on Two Fields Missourians Outclassed in Both Foot Ball and Basket Ball November 11, 1901 They came, they saw, they were conquered. Last Saturday witnessed the defeat of the Missouri Tigers and such a defeat as it was, 51-0. It was an ideal day, Y.M.C.A Park was the battle ground. About two thousand people were scattered about the gridiron. The field was in rather poor condition as one fitted up for the occasion would be naturally. The Cornhuskers fairly overwhelmed the Southerners at every point and stage of the game. Only once did the Tigers make the required distance. Their punting was the feature of their play. Nebraska’s all-around, sound, snappy football prevented any especial feature. Traveled Alumnus Presents Interesting Views to Students November 11, 1911 Mr. W.E. Hardy conducted a large and enthusiastic party of tourists through Italy at convocation last evening. Starting with a view over the harbor of Naples, one of the beauty spots of the world, they were taken through the city. The customs and practices of Italian life today were viewed with interest. Vesuvius was seen in eruption, and the party were brought into the old city of Pompeii, buried for almost nineteen centuries. Be Peaceful, Damn It! November 11, 1945 Robert P. Patterson, Secretary of War, stated Thursday that the only justification for compulsory military training is that “it is needed to give the United States security and to make it possible for us to underwrite world peace.” Mr. Patterson made his statement before the House military committee at its first session to consider universal military training. What we want to know is just how Mr. Patterson, in his own mind, made the two halves of his statement compatible. Job Corps Considers Air Base As Center November 11, 1965 A proposal to use the Lincoln Air Force Base, set for de-activation in June as a Jobs Corps Training Center is now in the hands of Job Corps officials in Washington. Sponsored jointly by the University and the Northern Natural Gas Co., the proposal was submitted to the Job Corps office last month. Deputy Job Corps Director Wray Smith has said that the Lincoln plan is one of a “handful under very active consideration” by the Office of Economic Opportunity officials. Smith said that he hoped the evaluation would be finished before the end of November. Kerrey Calls Special Session For Legislature November 11, 1986 Gov. Bob Kerrey ordered Monday that the Legislature convene in special session on Wednesday to deal with a pair of farm credit issues. Kerrey signed and issued the call that set the agenda for the special session, which will begin at 2 p.m. Wednesday. The governor said he is hoping for enough senatorial support to enact immediate changes in state law. Kerrey will leave office in January. —compiled by mitch mattern

staff ed: from 1

appear if the school were celebrated or rewarded, regardless of performance. Postponing further play until next season and starting the football schedule fresh avoids these problems on both ends. Perhaps, more than anything, is the fact that these feelings, among campus fans, among Penn State and the Big Ten administration, won’t change by next week’s game at Ohio State. Or by the Wisconsin game the week after. By forfeiting the remainder of the season, Penn State would be able to begin the

process of recovering from a terrible situation that involved members of the administrative and athletic departments. And, through a forfeit, the university can focus on addressing what issues it can immediately and start looking ahead to the future. It’s not the only solution. In many ways, it’s not even the most fair. But among unprecedented uproar in college football, the DN stands by the viability of forfeiting the remainder of the season.


prop: from 1 stop,” Pajerski said. Brouillette said that even now, in the fundraising process, the Prop has received 100 pre-orders and isn’t just getting attention from the domestic market. “We’ve had people offer from Malaysia to invest and retail the Prop,” Brouillette said. Getting from the laser-cutting stage to $15,000 raised has not been a one-man job, Pajerski said. Both he and Brouillette have

individual skills that contributed to the final product. Pajerski said he was the one who initially thought the current laptop stands on the market were too expensive, and bulky and who created the original design. However, it was with Brouillette’s help that the design was perfected and the marketing process began. “Justin’s very forward thinking,” Pajerski said. jordanmartin@

Family’s influence sparked interest in sustainability Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

Light chatter filled the room and the aroma of brewed coffee accompanied each breath of air. Matan Gill sat at the table with his mug of tea in hand. “To me, I just want to preserve what has been given to me,” Gill said. “I go by the motto ‘Whenever you enter a place, leave it better.’ To me, it is the way for me to have that impact.” For Gill, a junior construction management major at the University of NebraskaLincoln, sustainability is an issue he is passionate about. “I want to be able to go camping with my kids 20 years from now and still have there be trees,” Gill said. At first glance, Gill seems quiet and reserved, taking a moment before answering questions. Gill is the Environmental Sustainability Committee chair for the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, a committee he helped create. “I realized there was too much for me to do,” Gill said. “I worked a lot with Justin Solomon to create the framework and put the legislation in.” The committee was only an ad hoc, or a group formed for a specific purpose, before becoming a part of the ASUN executive committee in March 2011. “Matan has taken this committee that didn’t know what it was supposed to do and taken it far past anybody’s expectations,” ASUN President Lane Carr said. “He has really worked to get everybody on the same page with

sustainability.” One project for Gill and his committee is working with the Chancellor’s Commission on Environmental Sustainability to create a master plan for UNL. “It’s all over the place and they aren’t all coordinated,” said Carr, a senior political science and history major. “He has really pushed to get a plan. His defining thing will be his work on the strategic plan.” Gill also worked on Focus Nebraska, a week during the 2011 spring semester that educated students on the issues of sustainability. Prabhakar Shrestha, a natural resource sciences graduate student and the UNL Recycling coordinator, said he views Gill’s work on Focus Nebraska as a positive in Gill’s leadership. Focus Nebraska started out as an idea. “He took that from an idea to making it,” Shrestha said. “Focus Nebraska would not be possible without him.” Carr, who has known Gill for about five years, compares him to a character in the “The Most Interesting Man in the World” commercials. “Delve into his past and his family history and where he comes from,” Carr said. “I’ll be sitting next to him and he’ll get a call – he’ll immediately be speaking Hebrew with his parents.” Gill is from Eilat, Israel, which is on the southern tip of Israel on the Red Sea. Gill and his family lived in Israel until 2004, when the IsraelGaza conflict caused them to emigrate. Gill said his father ran a tourism company in Israel, which would arrange day

Sustainability roundtable The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska’s Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) is hosting the Sustainability Roundtable on Nov. 15. Faculty will facilitate discussion among students on energy, water usage, campus sustainability and materials use. Background knowledge on sustainability is not required to participate in discussion. Matan Gill, a junior construction management major and ESC chair, said ESC will use student feedback to help create a sustainability master plan for UNL. “Although my committee is 10 people, we’re still not the entire student body,” Gill said. “We want to do the best job and represent the students the best that we can.” when: Nov. 15 from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. where: Regency Suite, Nebraska Union topics: Energy, water usage, campus sustainability

and materials use Students aren’t restricted to stay the entire time. Dinner from Chipotle will be served at 5 p.m. Only 80 spots are available and the deadline to register is Friday, Nov. 11. Email Matan Gill at matan.gill@ with questions.

classes: from b1

before the drop date.” He spent the rest of the day Wednesday and all day Thursday consulting with ASUN Academic Committee chair and senior nutrition science major Stephanie Lee, working with the Daily Nebraskan and constructing his appeal. But Thursday afternoon, Habib received word from the college that he wouldn’t have to finish his appeal. He would be able to take the course pass/ no pass, as originally intended. By Thursday evening, the college had called all 50 students to inform them that they would retain the pass/no pass option. “Because the MyRED system is new, there are going to be problems such as this that

happen every now and then,” said Sheri Irwin-Gish, executive director of communication and marketing at the college. “We take some responsibility in that because that is the system we chose to pick.” Lee consulted with more than 10 students with similar problems Thursday, according to Habib, and speaking with faculty advisers on the matter. Habib said he had ASUN, in large part, to thank for the turnaround. “This is just an example of ASUN in action,” he said. “This is the kind of stuff they take action on that no one sees.” Lee said ASUN was able to act as a “non-biased third party” in relations between

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

trips to Egypt, rent out Jeeps for desert tours and had a scuba diving school where Gill helped out. He said Eilat wasn’t doing too well because it was built on tourism and people weren’t coming because of the conflict in Jerusalem. Gill sat at the table quietly for a moment as if choosing the right words to say. “My dad did really well for a period of time before the war started,” Gill said. “Then there were days when my mom couldn’t buy me an ice cream cone.” In August 2004, Gill moved to Omaha with his mother, sister and brother while his father stayed behind in Israel to sell the house and take care of things. Gill leaned forward so his elbows were on the table. He looked down at the mug of tea, thinking about his words. “For me, it was probably the easiest (to transition),” Gill said. “I’m not sure why. I was just ready to leave Israel in the past and move on.” But while Gill decided to leave Israel in the past, there was one attitude he brought to the United States with him: his passion for sustainability. “I think it was just the close connection I had with the environment there and the close connection with the sea, being there every day,” Gill

said. “You were depending on people to be really good stewards of the sea.” In an effort to move forward with his life in Omaha, Gill involved himself in many school activities during high school and has done the same at UNL. ASUN and the Environmental Sustainability Committee are not Gill’s only commitments. He takes a total of 21 credit hours, 18 at UNL and three at Southeast Community College, and works at the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction for 25 hours a week. Gill also does UCARE research for 10 hours each week. For Gill, working with ASUN and other groups on sustainability relieves stress. It is something he said he loves and he said he would rather do that than almost anything. Gill sees sustainability as a smarter way of doing things and said being green doesn’t necessarily cost more in the long run. “It’s better use of our brains,” Gill said. “It’s just things you should do. If you put your mind to it, you can come out with a better project that’s good for the occupants and good for the environment.”

affected students and the college. “I was pleased that someone had come to use ASUN as a resource, because that’s what we’re supposed to do,” she said. “It was a pretty collaborative effort.” The retention of the pass/no pass option will save the GPAs of some students. Senior German major Kaylee Barber said she was “definitely relieved.” “I’m not in the college, so reading their bulletin isn’t something I’d ever think of doing,” Barber said. “I’m glad they took into account how late they caught the error.” Habib said he is primarily satisfied with the outcome of his efforts, but one thing still

irks him. “I’m so happy that I passed the class, and I’m not going to ask for anything more,” he said. “But I think they underestimated what one student would do. The question is, ‘Why did it take something of this nature for them to institute a change?’” Irwin-Gish said the college made the change with students in mind. “We don’t want students dropping the class and then having to take it another semester,” she said. “That is by no means the goal we are trying to achieve. We want our students to be able to graduate on time.”



daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Noah Ballard Chance Solem-Pfeifer assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Andrew McClure assistant editor Jeff Packer assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Patrick Breen editor

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

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Daily Nebraskan

friday, november 11, 2011

Study links alcohol to breast cancer; UNMC doc isn’t sold conor dunn daily nebraskan

Alcohol consumption, even a few drinks a week, can raise a woman’s risk for breast cancer, according to a study conducted by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. A recent article in The New York Times said the study observed the drinking habits of more than 100,000 women, including the quantity, frequency and age at which women consumed alcohol from 1980 to 2008. Researchers concluded that drinking as much as five to 10 grams of alcohol a day — about three to six glasses of wine a week — raised a woman’s risk for breast cancer by 15 percent. Dr. James Edney, a breast cancer surgeon at the University of Nebraska Medical Center said this study is nothing new and has his doubts about the findings. “This study was merely observational and had no control group,” Edney said. “It was based off of self-reporting, which in itself has the potential for flaw.” Edney said the reason people believe alcohol is a mechanism for breast cancer is because it increases women’s estrogen levels. “But there are also a number of other contributing factors that the study did not research,

such as family history and obesity,” Edney said. “Lean women and women who aren’t related to a family member with breast cancer aren’t going to have as high of a risk.” The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services reported breast cancer as the second leading cause of death for women after heart disease. One in seven women are diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 70. The latest report was released in 2008 and diagnosed 1,313 cases of breast cancer, putting it at the top of malignant cancers. Although the number of breast cancer diagnoses has increased steadily since 1960, Edney said the mortality rate has decreased for the first time in 50 years. “It’s very encouraging,” he said. In contrast, moderate alcohol consumption is said to be healthy for a female’s body because it reduces the risk for heart disease. Because of this, Edney said he wouldn’t go as far as to advise women to stop drinking completely as a result of this study’s information. “It really just depends if you’re more worried of having an increased risk of breast cancer or an increased risk of heart disease,” Edney said. “Both average each other out.” Sarah Knight, a freshman psychology major, said she

lauren olson | daily nebraskan

didn’t know that drinking could potentially affect risk for breast cancer and that it really “freaked her out.” On the other hand, Sarah Lewandowski, a freshman nutrition, exercise and health science major, wasn’t fazed by the study’s results. She said she believes everything leads to cancer.

“What these people do is take everyone who has breast cancer and search and search and search until they find something that all these people have in common,” Lewandowski said. “ ... and then hope to God they can do a study and get a higher than 5 percent chance that it causes breast cancer. It’s stupid.” In relation to college students, Edney said women shouldn’t be worried unless they already have high risks of being diagnosed with breast cancer. He recommends women get annual breast cancer screenings when they turn 40. Self-checks for breast cancer are also encouraged, he said. “Just because this study exists doesn’t mean it’s going to affect the way we as physicians counsel our patients,” Edney said. conordunn@

Man educates public by biking proposed pipeline’s 1,700 miles Dan Holtmeyer Daily Nebraskan

The controversial Keystone XL pipeline, as developer TransCanada proposed it, would stretch from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of almost 1,700 miles. And one man is biking it all. Tom Weis, a resident of Boulder, Colo., an advocate for renewable, clean energy and president of Climate Crisis Solutions, is biking from Montana to Texas, camping out at night if he must. He calls it the “Keystone XL Tour of Resistance,” meant to unite local voices and opposition to the pipeline and the diluted tar sands oil it would carry. This Saturday, he plans on making a stop in Lincoln, with a rally planned at 11:30 a.m. at Cooper Park to greet him. “I tried everything else,” Weis said by phone Thursday afternoon. He’s working in politics, environmental groups and the wind energy industry. Nothing advanced clean energy enough, he said. “So I decided I’d try something else.” Along the way, other bikers, walkers and horseback riders have joined him, Weis said, and some towns have held parades and rallies when he arrives. “The reception we’ve received in tribal communities is totally amazing,” Weis added, particularly the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Weis was on the Lincoln side of Albion, a small town about 100 miles northwest of Lincoln, he said between breaths. Passing semis roared in the background, and reception was lost several times.

His opponent is Alberta’s tar sands oil, which would flow through the Keystone XL pipeline. The process of extracting the oil from tar sands releases three times as much carbon dioxide as regular oil extraction, according to National Geographic, and requires virtual strip mining for miles. “I like to use the term ecocide,” said Ron Seifert, who works as a kind of advance scout for Weis, generating publicity one town at a time. “To get tar sand oil, you have to destroy the earth.” “Then there’s climate change from increased carbon dioxide, Seifert continued. “Tar sands are the largest carbon bomb yet to go off.” Nebraska is no stranger to the pipeline’s controversy, as landowners along the route and environmental groups have expressed alarm at the risk of an oil leak in the ecologically sensitive Sandhills region, which lies over part of the Ogallala Aquifer. TransCanada and its consultants have continually said the pipeline would be the safest ever built, with minimal impact from any leak. Seifert has been staying with friends of friends in Lincoln for the past several days, he said, connecting with Bold Nebraska, a local political organization, and Occupy Lincoln, a local offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement that began in Manhattan two months ago. Members of both groups have united in opposition to the pipeline or its route and will be part of the rally. Bold Nebraska will have a speaker at the event, Seifert said, and Weis will take

part in Occupy Lincoln’s regular Saturday march through downtown. “We thought it was just a great idea,” said Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska’s executive director. With the ongoing special session in the state Legislature on the pipeline and a United States Department of State announcement yesterday that the route would move out of the Sandhills, “it’s like the worst and best time for us,” she said with a laugh. This isn’t the first time Weis has biked thousands of miles in his “rocket trike,” a reclined tricycle enclosed a torpedo-like shell, in the name of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. A year ago, Weis said he rode from Colorado to Washington, D.C., to promote the goal of completely renewable energy for the U.S. by 2020. This particular journey began in August, when Weis and Seifert were both arrested with hundreds of other demonstrators outside the White House. Though they hadn’t met and didn’t meet for weeks after, the pair both called for President Barack Obama to reject the pipeline project’s permit. Seifert was working at the University of Montana before then, Seifert said, but got hooked on environmentalism and the pipeline issue. “So I quit my job and sold off all my stuff and threw myself into the fray,” he said. Now he’s on the road with the tour’s support vehicle. “I’m willing to be more or less homeless and unemployed for this project,” Seifert added. “Some things just aren’t supposed to be easy.”

The largest obstacle has been lack of information, he said. “We feel that so much of the problem building opposition (is) people are unexposed,” Seifert said. “Once people know all the facts, they’re either for it or against it. Our feeling is most all the facts are on our side.” Another potential problem is that many of the pipeline’s opponents in Nebraska often describe themselves with a negative: “not an environmentalist.” They just want it out of the Sandhills, which they say might never recover from the pipeline’s construction or an oil spill. But Seifert wasn’t discouraged and saw plenty of common ground. “I would suggest that there are good reasons all these landowners should be opposed categorically to the pipeline,” he said. “The idea that their personal ways of life … could be destroyed for money is ridiculous.” Nebraska is a state defined by commitment to the earth, Seifert said, and can easily understand the problem with tar sands. “Every living element of the ecosystem is destroyed as far as the eye can see,” Seifert said of the tar sand mines. “It’s a travesty, and it has global ramifications.” Weis took a more direct stance on the Obama administration, calling the government’s step of changing the route an “insult.” “The exploitation of tar sands is an affront to humanity,” he said. “(The pipeline) should go nowhere.”

“We’re still pondering that,” Langemeier said. The Sandhills area in northcentral Nebraska is known for its high water tables, and sits atop part of the massive Ogallala Aquifer. Opponents have said any oil leak there could be disastrous and almost impossible to clean up. TransCanada, the pipeline’s developer, has often countered that the lengthy federal review had decided that route was best, and the pipeline would be the safest ever built. But the State Department will now look at another route. The announcement follows the beginning of an investigation this week into

the department’s initial report on the project, following accusations of several conflicts of interest. The engineering company that prepared the department’s environmental impact statement, for example, counts TransCanada as a major client. The announcement was hailed by several Nebraska groups. “I think that the President is making a tough, but right, decision,” said Jane Kleeb, executive director of Bold Nebraska, a political organization that has aligned itself against the pipeline’s planned route. The process needed a deep, clear and independent

Looking into ‘Lady windermere’ Video online at DN goes behind dailynebraskan. the scenes of the com and Johnny Carson Theatre’s production dailynebraskan of Oscar Wilde’s “Lady Windemermere’s Fan.” Performances run at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 1012; 16-19. Tickets can be purchased online at

India Night brings ‘light’ to campus mary rezac daily nebraskan

Hundreds of University of Nebraska-Lincoln students are expected to gather in the Nebraska Union Saturday night to celebrate the festival of Diwali and experience Indian culture during UNL’s India Night. The India Association of Nebraska and the India Students Association of UNL will host the event. Manmeet Singh, an agronomy graduate student and general secretary of ISA, said the festival is a celebration of lights and happiness, commemorating the winning of good over evil. “For Hindus, we celebrate the homecoming of the lord Rama, who was in exile and defeated an evil man,” he said. Those practicing Sikhism are celebrating Guru Arjan Dev’s homecoming from Amritsar, Singh said, where he was freed from Muslim rulers and saved many Sikhs from the Muslims. Still people of all religions participate in the festivities, Singh said, which usually fall in late October or early November, according to the Hindu calendar. “It’s kind of like Christmas or Thanksgiving here,” Singh said. “It’s the most-celebrated holiday in India.” Amey Patwardhan, a graduate industrial engineering student and president of ISA, said Diwali literally translates as “row of lights.” People decorate their homes with strings of lights and candles for the celebration, symbolic of light’s victory over darkness. Children also light fireworks throughout the festival, Patwardhan said. The five days of the festival, which began Oct. 26, each commemorate a different thing, he said. The first day of Diwali is a time for prayer and the beginning of the Indian financial year, he said. “Everyone will go to temple to pray early in the morning, at about six o’clock,” Patwardhan said. The temples are decorated and lit with candles, much like Christian churches are for Christmas, with traditional prayer services, he said. “It’s a very holy festival,” Singh said.

The celebration of Diwali also includes lots of food, especially Indian sweets and desserts, Patwardhan said. “One sweet is called ladoo, it kind of looks like a cheeseball, but it’s made of different flowers and dried fruits,” Patwardhan said. Indians also dress traditionally during the celebration of Diwali. Patwardhan said women wear a dress called a sari, and men wear a long garment called a sherwani. Other traditions include painting a rangoli design near the front door, which symbolizes welcoming. People often have days off work or school, unless they are in college, Patwardhan said. “If you are studying for an undergrad degree or something, you usually don’t get a holiday,” Patwardhan said. While these are the basic traditions of Diwali, Singh said there are different ways of celebrating the holiday throughout the different states of India. Students attending India Night can learn about these different traditions. “We’ll have the lighting of the lamps to inaugurate Diwali,” Singh said. “Then we’ll have cultural performances by students, and some Lincoln families will bring their kids in to perform traditional dances, as well as (some contemporary) dancing.” And it’ll be informational too, Singh said. Throughout the night, some students will give presentations about their states in India and how they celebrate Diwali, as well as the state’s history and short videos about the state, he said. According to Patwardhan, the $15 tickets for India Night sold out after the first few days of advertising. “More than half the students are from America or are UNL students from other countries, and the rest are Indian,” Patwardhan said. He said a good time will be had by those attending the event, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Centennial Room on Saturday. “It’s a fun way to celebrate a different culture’s holiday,” Patwardhan said. “And there will be a lot of food – everyone always loves the food.”




pipeline: from 1 Monday on a bill that would give authority to the governor to review and approve pipeline routes. The Legislature may yet debate the bill, but questions remain and the element of urgency is gone, said State Sen. Chris Langemeier, chairman of the Natural Resources Committee and author of the bill. “We’re still digesting what we’ve heard,” he said, pointing to the emotional back-andforth debate that has characterized the State Department’s review process. The Legislature’s regular session is little more than a month away, he said, and any siting bills might simply wait.


analysis, Kleeb said. “That’s not what’s happened,” she said. “This was the only decision (Obama) could make.” Calls to a TransCanada spokesman were not returned, but the company has often said any delay in the review process could jeopardize its contracts with oil refineries on the Gulf of Mexico coast. Several labor unions also warned that delays would keep jobs away from workers. Canadian government officials doubted that the project would be killed, however, according to Canadian media. danholtmeyer@

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friday, november 11, 2011


dissecting the

BRAIN Materialism approach flies in the face of common sense; immaterial soul is bizzare, but a possibility


s your grief about the Northwestern loss only a matter of the brain and complex molecules? Is there an immaterial soul, or is every experience wholly reducible to physical parts? The theory that says we are only the sum of physical parts, called “materialism,” isn’t without consequences. If materialism is true, our lives are defined by our relatively brief tenure on Earth. There is no afterlife, no communion with dead relatives and no reincarnation or other traditionally held beliefs. Free will wouldn’t exist, if materialism were true. And that’s because no physical particle marches to any general beside randomness and the preordained laws of physics and chemistry. That is fine. Certainly the science from which materialism follows confers great benefits on society. But if our experience is entirely reduced to the physical, we should be able to live with wild consequences, such as the potential for millions of pain-receptive Ramen noodles. And perhaps, such a belief is just as strange as believing, as I do, in immaterial souls. Suppose the experience of humans and other carbon-based life is merely a nervous system. If that’s right, we must endorse the elitist premise that no entity is capable of conscious experience without the peculiarities of life on Earth. But that can’t be right. Couldn’t carbon-free aliens have conscious experience? Couldn’t machines have conscious experience? It’s implausible that only life like that which exists on this tiny corner of the Universe could experience pain, love or awareness. Professional philosophers call this problem “multiple realization.” And because of multiple realization, those who believe we’re physical parts flock in droves to a theory called “functionalism.” Functionalism says it’s not only neurons that could produce an experience like ours. Functionalism says nanochips and alien slime could produce such an experience, as long as those physical parts play the same functional role as neurons. Such a thesis, though, is shockingly offensive to common sense. If functionalism is right, it means very weird assemblies of physical parts could experience life as long as those parts play the right functional role. For instance, according to functionalist theory, millions of Ramen noodles, connected in the right way to garden gnomes and boxer shorts, could feel pain or fall in love. And shockingly this would be true, according to functionalism, as long as those items play

david logan the same functional role as neurons. Also, as philosopher Eric Schwitzgebel writes, functionalism implies that conscious experience is ascribable to groups as a whole. For instance, consider the University of NebraskaLincoln: a monolithic organization that sometimes acts unilaterally in response to certain stimuli (votes, budget changes, etc.) Is the university itself a conscious being? According to functionalism, it might be. If we are just the collection of functional subparts, then UNL, itself a collection of the same subparts, ought to logically exist separate from its constituents. And I’m not joking or arguing a red herring. I’m merely pointing out that which follows trivially from functionalism (unless we let fly with trivial logic). To be clear, it’s often argued that we are just a collection of mentally functional subparts. And so, there is little reason to think UNL, itself a collection of these subparts, isn’t conscious when it acts unilaterally. And there’s also little reason to think strange collections of physical items, like garter belts and greeting cards, couldn’t feel pain as long as they play the same role as neurons. Remember, we can’t say that only neurons and nanochips are able to have conscious experience. That was the problem that brought us to functionalism in the first place. And we can’t posit some mysterious, yet-to-be-discovered property on neurons either. An unverifiable, mysterious property is exactly the reason we thought we were only physical parts in the first place. Finally, the materialist faces all the problems that come with defining our daily persistence in physical terms. Why, intuitively, do we think people still exist after losing their arms, legs or some of the

neurons in their cerebral cortex? Which are the “necessary” parts? And why, if the vast majority of our matter is replaced each year, as research into radioactive tracers shows, do we think we’re physically continuous with the person here yesterday? These are hard questions without any obvious materialist answer. If we reject any day-today physical relation in our body AND reject immaterial souls, I’m afraid we are — like the Buddha — left to thinking we don’t ex-

ist at all. And that’s fine. But it’s also an extremely radical theory that isn’t based upon physical parts (Buddha believed in some variety of reincarnation). There are plenty of reasons to deny the existence of an immaterial soul, as my fellow columnist Kevin Moser mentions. I agree it’s extremely bizarre to believe, as I do, that every time I think, my immaterial soul violates the laws of physics. But it’s just as strange to believe billions of greeting cards and lawn gnomes, hooked together in the right way, could feel pain or cry at the movies. And it’s just as bizarre to believe UNL is a conscious entity, apart from its constituency. In truth, all views about the mind are quite bizarre, and that’s why the mindbody problem is still a live issue in 2011.

David Logan is an undeclared graduate student. Reach him at DavidLogan@

Science, logic point toward a sense of self caused by biology, not a metaphysical phenomenon


ne of the most unsettling existential concepts humans face is the fact that we are animals — a result of millions of years of evolution. However, there is something that sets us apart from other animals — our sense of self. We hold ideas about who we are, where we want to be. We make moral or amoral decisions by ourselves. We can even understand the fact that we will all die someday. The self is truly an important aspect of humanity. But

kevin moser

railroad worker. Phineas Gage was a competent foreman on a railroad construction crew. People who knew Gage believed he was a capable and smart individual. They viewed him as a hard and efficient worker. It was a regular day for Gage on Sept. 13, 1848. Little did he know, he was about to make a mind-blowing psychological discovery. While preparing a railroad, an explosion sent a 13-pound tamping iron through his skull. The rod passed under his cheek bone and through the front part of his brain. Remarkably, Gage was alive after the event. Months after the metal rod blasted through his head, Gage returned to work. However, he didn’t seem like the same person. The clear-headed, professional had become incredibly profane and disrespectful. Those closest to him said Gage was “no longer Gage.” This single bea huff | daily nebraskan event is the best evidence that the self and where does the self origithe mind are biological phenate? Is it beyond the physinomena, not metaphysical. cal realm — something alGage went from one end most spirit like — or is it just a mass of neurons, chemicals of the behavioral spectrum to another. Those arguing and electric signals? Philosophers and scientists have for a metaphysical self will be hard-pressed to describe pondered this question for how he changed so much a long time. For the longest after losing part of his brain. time, we believed a metaPerhaps the soul is slightly physical force drove who we magnetic and some of it are and what we do. attached to the rod as it However, science tells us passed through his head. a different story. The self is Maybe it’s pressurized, and incredibly difficult to undersome escaped when a hole stand and even harder to was punctured. Or maybe study. Still, we have strong the self is simply the result evidence that the self is not of biology. metaphysical, but rather has The next problem with its roots in biology. a metaphysical self comes For many people, “soul” from the fact that we are is used synonymously with susceptible to behavior “self.” changes after taking certain In fact, Merriam-Webster drugs. Just look at antidedefines soul as “a person’s pressants, one of the most total self” or “the moral and prescribed drugs in America. emotional nature of human According to WebMD, 19 beings.” Many people bemillion American adults suflieve the soul is what drives fer from major depression. their daily activities. These individuals go However, this concept falls flat on its face when we look through life feeling worthless and helpless. They have inat all the evidence against creased fatigue and difficulty it. Our first clue that the self making decisions, giving is rooted in the brain came rise to feelings of pessimism. from an unlikely person – a

However, there is hope for depression. Research shows these people suffer from imbalances in critical chemicals. By administering antidepressants, these imbalances can level out, making the individual feel happier. This highlights another problem with arguing a metaphysical self. If the self is beyond the physical realm, we would not be able to alter it chemically – something that is easily done. Ever had too much to drink and turn into a completely different person? Maybe you become quieter or maybe you become a jerk. These behavior changes show up because alcohol affects brain chemistry. If the mind is beyond the physical realm, this wouldn’t be possible. You could remain clear-minded no matter what level of intoxication. The next problem with a metaphysical self is personality disorders. An antisocial personality is a disorder where the affected individual is deceitful and manipulates or exploits the rights of others. Because of its link to criminality, antisocial personality disorder has been heavily researched through the years. These individuals are pretty nasty overall. Interact with them, and you might argue they have no soul. However, these symptoms are because of biological and social differences. For people affected by antisocial personality disorder, the region of the brain that handles aggression and recognizing fear in others tends to be smaller. Genetics and twin studies have also showed that heredity plays an important role in this behavior. One easy way to find the influence of genetics is through adoption studies. Using these studies, we can look at how genetically similar individuals differ when raised in different environments. By looking at this data, we can see there is a genetic influence to antisocial personality disorder. If the self was beyond the physical world, we would likely not see patterns of heredity. Individuals would be no more likely to behave like their parents and everyone would have a clean slate. This, unfortunately, is not the case. The simple fact of the matter is that the self is easily modified. If the self were beyond the physical world, it would remain unchanged through time. From brain damage to drugs, behavior can suddenly change in anyone. The self clearly has its roots in biology. We may not be able to fully understand the concept of self, but it doesn’t mean we have to come up with our own reasons. There is no evidence that what drives us is metaphysical; it’s just a mass of neurons, chemicals and electric signals. Talk about mind blowing.

Kevin Moser is a senior psychology major. Follow him on twitter @ Kevin_R_Moser and reach him at kevinmoser@


friday, november 11, 2011

pagE 5

Edson pours a Guinness for a customer. He placed among the top 10 at the United States Bartenders’ Guild Summit contest in Las Vegas by creating a drink that will be featured in GQ magazine’s “Men of the Year” edition, which will be released mid-December.


Bourbon Theatre bartender Luke Edson stands behind the bar waiting to serve the next customer on Thursday night. Edson brings passion, knowledge and class to the bar atmosphere.

story by bethany knipp | photos by mary-ellen kennedy | art by bob al-greene


ressed for business in black slacks, suspenders and a gray button-down shirt, complete with a tie, Luke Edson, 35, sliced a fresh lime for a customer’s cocktail at the Bourbon Theatre at 1415 O Street. An off-duty coworker supplied Edson with baggies of fresh spices for cocktails yet unmade. After she sat down, he made her a hot buttered rum cocktail. Edson’s passion for bartending started nine years ago when he started his first gig at Sandy’s, another O Street bar. “Sandy’s was my bachelor’s and this is my grad school,” he said. Edson describes himself as a professional bartender, which is one of his reasons for wearing classic clothes at work. “When trying to get people to try something different, I need to

get people to trust me,” he said. Keeping up a professional classic bartender look makes customers feel like he knows what he’s doing when he’s making their spirits. Edson’s professionalism was profound as he helped customers make decisions for what they wanted from involved drinks. Not only does he help them figure out what their tastes are, he tells them the history behind the ordered drink for a reason. “I’m trying to get people to think (bartending) is a professional job again,” he said. Edson said before Prohibition in the 1920s, bartending was a respectable job, but, since then, it has gone downhill. He is trying to make bartending what it once was: classy. “Bartending has slipped so far since before Prohibition times …

` up

all of our tradition and skills just died,” Edson said. “If you wanted a finely crafted drink before Prohibition, I bet you could have found a guy who could make you some pretty cool shit … There’s more to spirits than soda pop and straight spirit.” He said he is trying to make bartending more respectable as chefs have done for themselves. “Being a chef is more respectable now than it was. It’s not like, ‘Oh, you’re a loser.’” But, for Edson, bartending is more fun than being a chef. “I like that (bartending) is like cooking, but it’s faster than cooking,” he said.

bartender: see page 6

Holiday shopping starts early jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

This year, boughs of holly line the aisles of air-conditioned department stores. Plastic trees sit in their boxes mere aisles from the racks of Halloween costumes. Strings of lights and ornaments beg to be purchased, weeks before Thanksgiving. When it comes to holiday shopping, there’s no such thing as too early. “There is an incentive to start earlier and earlier for retailers because they want to make sure they get their share of the holiday dollars – even if that means rolling it out earlier and earlier,” said Ronald Hampton, an associate professor emeritus of marketing at the University of NebraskaLincoln. “It used to be that until Halloween hit, most of the merchandise was still in the stockroom. Today, you can’t afford to do that. So you have this cultural change taking place in America of shopping earlier and earlier for Christmas.”

According to National Retail Federation research, holiday spending won’t see a significant increase this year. But competition between retailers for consumer dollars is strong as ever, according to marketing experts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which explains the gradual creeping back of the holiday season. Many stores, including Wal-Mart and Sears, break out the Christmas merchandise as early as September. “It prevents sales from dropping,” said Robert Simon, an assistant professor of practice in marketing at UNL. “Retailing is kind of a following business. One person does it, so everybody else does. It’s more a factor of trying to protect what you’ve got and not letting anyone else take it from you.” Christmas is the biggest season for retailers, according to Hampton. So department stores, big-box stores, specialty boutiques and everything in between look to maximize profits as early as

Lincoln stores get creative in offseason African-influenced band to play Bourbon TAMMY BAIN


Two girls chatted in East Stadium at the NebraskaNorthwestern game, but one was soon heading off. When asked by her friend where she was going, she simply flashed a smile and replied, “downtown!” Lincoln’s downtown business owners are preparing for the end of the football season, which brings a decrease in the weekend crowds. As they’ve gotten used to a Husker gameday crowd, they’re now faced with maintaining business as usual during the offseason. Merchandise Francie Boon, an employee at the apparel store

Pacific & Maine, located at 1339 O St., doesn’t know what to expect after the Husker season ends, since the store has only been open since late summer. Yet she’s already seen a slight decrease in business. She said for the first home game, it seemed the only merchandise the store sold was its Husker apparel. Since then, “it’s dwindling down,” she said. Paige Chaney, an employee at Husker Headquarters at 1120 P St., provides a bit of hope. Chaney said the business at the Husker merchandising store remains steady into the

postseason: see page 6

Lindsay McCoy Daily Nebraskan

The unique, artful sounds Toubab Krewe creates through its world-influenced music cannot be encompassed in just one musical genre. The Mali, surf, folk and classic rock-infused band is returning to the Bourbon Theatre tonight, with special guest Euforquestra, an afro-beat band. Tickets are $13 in advance and $15 at the door; $1 of each ticket sold will be donated to the School House Krewe Project, which puts instruments into the hands of less-fortunate children in Africa. The original guys of the

Toubab Krewe — guitarists Drew Heller, Justin Perkins and David Pransky, drummer Teal Brown and percussionist Luke Quaranta — met during college in Ashland, N.C. The newest member, Vic Stafford, replaced Brown this year as drummer. Despite having grown up on classic rock, soul, jazz and blues, the group shared a common interest in African styles and percussions. The group started traveling to Africa in 1999. They’ve traveled to such places as Mali, Guinea and the Ivory Coast, where they “made great friends and had great teachers,” Quaranta said.

lauren olson | daily nebraskan

possible, which means the average consumer can, and will, buy Christmas items long before Santa Claus comes to town. “Because the economy

“It’s nice to be able to become accustomed with the styles and music culture there,” Quaranta said. “It’s really affected us and our music.” Even before the band formed in 2005, the guys called themselves the Toubab Krewe. “Toubab” is a West African word for “foreign,” and “krewe” is the New Orleans spelling of “crew.” “It kind of speaks to our music being from a mix of different styles,” Quaranta said. “We’re not from West Africa, but we love the music from there and have embraced it. Our music is very much from there, but it’s also very much our own.”

has been down in the last year or so, retailers

christmas: see page 6

if you go Toubab Krewe when: Tonight, 9 p.m. where: Bourbon Theatre how much: $13 in advance, $15 at the door

During their voyages, the band has picked up on such West African instruments as the kora, a unique 21-string, harp-like instrument, and the soku, a single-stringed fiddle, which create the unique Mali-style sound. “My favorite song is this one called ‘Mariegou,’”

toubab krewe: see page 6


friday, november 11, 2011

Daily Nebraskan


Sigur Rós concert Movie translates paranoia with grace A movie attempts to break genre’s mold Starring: Michael Shannon Mary Riepma Ross

Cameron Mount



As one of the most enigmatic bands out there, it would be fitting that a Sigur Rós concert film would be inscrutable as well. But “Inni,” directed by Vincent Morisset, fits the bill. While the concert movie elevates itself to the level of an art film, the experiment is not entirely successful. Hailing from Iceland, Sigur Rós mixes post-rock with ambient soundscapes to create soaring, encompassing tunes. Sometimes singing in its own nonsense language, the band has never been an easy act to pinpoint. This concert film does nothing to change that, obscuring the footage through unknown layers of manipulation. The concert was shot digitally in 2008, transferred to 16 mm and further altered. The resulting black and white images carry both digital and filmic artifacts; the images look otherworldly. Color footage of television interviews and older concerts

Daily Nebraskan

INNI Director: Vincent Morisset Mary Riepma Ross



are placed between songs, but the clips are maddeningly short and uninformaGRIMM tive. it’sCentral refreshing to 9 Though p.m./ 8 p.m. see NBCa concert film break the mold, this avant-garde endeavor can’t quite sustain even its Grade scant 75-minute running time. After a couple numbers, the images project a sensation of sameness, and it’s easy to get lost. More dynamic visuals could have improved the film’s sustainability, but, as it is, it becomes repetitive. The band puts on a strong show, and the music of Sigur Rós still shines through the dense filter of the filmmaking. As good as the music is, “Inni” asks the viewer to meet it halfway, but doesn’t quite hold up its end of the bargain.



christmas: from 5

obviously want to sell as much merchandise as they possibly can,” Hampton said. “And consumers want to get something as inexpensively as possible. So you have those two dynamics working around the coming season.” And the longer retailers wait to sell the holidaythemed merchandise, the lower the prices must drop. Retailers reap the most profit from the 38 percent of consumers who begin their holiday shopping before November, according to the NRF. “It’s a very small window of opportunity to sell (holiday items),” Hampton said. “The season really ends, in terms of -profitable Christmas decorations and trims, before Dec. 1, because the prices start dropping.” Simon agreed, calling the discount factor “a huge issue.” For all the hype around Black Friday, only about 40 percent of consumers begin their holiday shopping in November. Regardless, stores like WalMart have pushed back

their opening times for Black Friday sales as early as 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Twenty-one percent of shoppers wait until December to begin, but Hampton said most consumers feel pressure to complete a significant amount of their shopping before then to avoid the time crunch and long lines. This pressure leads to a “buy now, worry later” mentality. “They know that if you wait till Black Friday it may not be there,” Hampton said. Stretching the holiday season into summer months may reap higher profits for retailers, but Simon said it could also change the way consumers view Christmas, perhaps expanding the buildup to unforeseen levels. But the extension of the holiday season isn’t really about Christmas cheer, according to Hampton. It’s a money thing. “It’s the almighty dollar that drives this process,” Hampton said. jacymarmaduke@

Holiday Open House! Saturday November 12th

Shop the 2011 Ugly Christmas Sweater Collection!

Psychological, economic and apocalyptic disaster are difficult enough themes to tackle individually, yet “Take Shelter” weaves a powerhouse allegory out of all three. Director Jeff Nichols’s portrait of a man whose nightmares increasingly shake the foundations of his middle-class home is quietly haunting, deeply engrossing and unsettling while being realistic. Michael Shannon plays Curtis, and, much like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining,” is too

obviously sinister to feign a fully innocent character. But both actors use their heavy, practical demeanors to play their downfalls with convincing delicacy. Curtis’ dreams follow an eerie pattern: Each begins with a storm of oily brown raindrops, with a constant sense of directed harm against his wife and young daughter. The hallucinations perfectly embody the uncanny aura of nightmares, and it’s not a stretch to enter Curtis’ shoes. The dreams cut deep enough into Curtis’ subconscious to bypass reason and trigger a need to protect. The dog, a beloved

pet, is fenced in. An underground storm shelter is given an expensive renovation. All the while looms Curtis’ mother, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in her early 30s. Curtis refers to mental health books and counselors while clinging desperately to normalcy. When a storm does hit, and Curtis is finally coerced into leaving the shelter, it’s difficult to place the source of the tension. Either Curtis was right, and life as he knew it was destroyed, or he was wrong, verifying his instability and the economic blow to his family.


Starring: Michael Shannon Mary Riepma Ross


Both are devastating possibilities, and a lesser director would have danced around tough questions and left the scope of the answers to imaginations. Luckily, Nichols does neither, harnessing theINNI very essence ofVincent paranoia until the Director: Morisset final Maryshot. Riepma Ross

And, at the Bourbon, Edson makes sure he brings quality service and fine specialty drinks to his customers as fancy restaurants would bring plates of great food, something that Edson said is somewhat hard to find. “Most things are like McDonald’s rather than a fine restaurant,” he said. Alex Munson, a manager and security employee for the Bourbon, said Edson is a rarity because of his passion for bartending.

“I honestly have never met anyone who knows as much about the drinks as he does,” Munson said. “There are not many people who care about what went in to those drinks and their history.” Edson has taken his passion for bartending all the way to Las Vegas, where he placed among the top 10 at the United States Bartenders’ Guild Summit contest. Edson had to make a cocktail recipe under a time limit. The drink that placed him




bartender: from 5


was the Debonair Pear cocktail he had been working on, made of Bombay Sapphire Gin, Aperitivo Cocchi Americano and Belle de Brillet pear liqueur, topped with honey, lemon and egg white foam and spritzed with a flame of green chartreuse. Edson and the Debonair Pear will be featured in GQ magazine’s “Men of the Year” edition, which will be released mid-December. Making a cocktail recipe out of real ingredients is what

Edson enjoys most. “I don’t need 40GRIMM flavors of vodka and 49 flavors of rum,” 9 p.m./ p.m. Central he said. 8Edson has his own NBC of sugar, fruit and spicsupply es to make his drinks unique and flavorful. Edson said one day he’d like Grade to own his own bar with a restaurant, but, for now, as the bar manager of the Bourbon, he gives his customers their own unique cocktail experience. “I don’t have to do this stuff; my boss lets me do this stuff.”

“Your bar isn’t necessarily a destination, it’s just where a person goes on gameday,” he said. “It’s when it’s not on gameday that it becomes a destination for bar-hopping.” Chatters saw good and bad aspects to the end of Husker football, calling it a “double-edged sword.” He said that out-of-town crowds can bring more liability, as many don’t understand local liquor laws. This can come with people having to be told not to take alcohol out of the bar. “So you’re excited, because it’s less liability, but you’re sad, because it’s less business,” Chatters said. Rick Willmont, owner of the Hour Lounge at 101 N. 14th St., concurred that an end to Husker season doesn’t necessarily mean an end to business, merely acknowledging the upcoming offseason as “back to business as usual.” While Willmont sees benefits during Husker season — such as an earlier crowd and sustaining the club’s occupancy longer­­— he said his night club makes sure not to base any business on the football season. Since the Hour Lounge is a nightclub, not a sports bar, he said, the club still offers live DJs, light shows and dancing, and Husker games just add to the crowd. Yet Willmont won’t feel Mullen’s relief when the Husker crowds disappear. “We absolutely love it,” he said. “We hit 40-hour days in one weekend and everyone has a smile the whole time.” Willmont said workers benefit from working at a bar, because while they’re working they can watch the game, listen to the music playing but go home with money they made rather than spending it while at the bar. It also helps that, even on the craziest game days, Willmont

said crowds are always respectful. Out-of-town fans who have stopped in his club are always surprised at how friendly Husker fans are, even after a loss, he said. “It’s not a booing contest, it’s a welcome to Lincoln,” he said. The Hour Lounge offers “Husker Punch,” a red mixed drink, and caters to out-oftown teams with custom drinks as well. When it comes to offseason, Willmont would rather use the allure of his club than cheap drinks. “People will come not based on the fact that people can get drinks for $1,” he said. “We don’t try to draw them in so they can drink for $10 and be done.” The biggest loss to Jake’s Cigars & Spirits, at 101 N. 14th St., are the absence of foreign visitors. “It’s nice to see different people from different cities, and then they’re gone,” said Diana Gutsche, bar manager. “It’s nice to have foreigners around for a day.” Even with the absence of out-of-town visitors, general manager Jason Hutchison said the cigar bar will still cater to its locals with constant events, including an upcoming mustache competition on Dec. 4. However, the offseason isn’t the main focus of the bar’s gimmicks. “It’s not so much to keep crowds coming in,” Hutchison said. “It’s to keep something fresh in Lincoln, because anyone can go to a bar.” O’Rourke’s Tavern, at 1329 O St., also hold events during the offseason, with a chili-cooking contest on Superbowl Sunday and a decked-out St. Patrick’s Day. While gameday crowds bring business to O’Rourke’s, bartender Don Burbach has no worries about the offseason. “It’s still pretty nutty down here,” he said.

and having grown up on classic music, the band has also been influenced by folk music from everywhere.

“Peruvian music, Appalachian music and even Cajun have really become a big influence, given all the time we’ve spent down in Louisiana, playing in New Orleans,” Quaranta said. The group has continued to mold and grow during the past six years. The mainly instrumental band has recently incorporated vocals into its songs during the past year and a half. “It’s been a natural progression to include all of our influences into the music,” Quaranta said. Friday’s concert will be a combination of both instrumental and vocal songs, and will display the band’s wide range of influences.



postseason: from 5 Husker football offseason for one main reason. “People like to Christmas shop here,” she said. Fortunately, in its 11 years of business, Husker Headquarters has learned how to keep business coming. The manager of the store will send out coupons during the offseason as an incentive, Chaney said. Chaney said even after Christmas, there’s still some business, and attributed the business’s success to the expertise of the manager, even when there’s no football game. Restaurants Buffalo Wild Wings is a huge gameday spot. When the games stop, crowds go down dramatically on Saturdays, and even a little on Sundays from the visitors that won’t be staying overnight, said general manager Tami Uldrich. While Uldrich said the restaurant always has busy weekends, it’s “not Husker-homegame busy,” Uldrich said. To prepare for the offseason, Uldrich said the restaurant has cut back not only employees’ hours, but ordering of foods as well. However, Uldrich said, “We’re just lucky to be in that location to have home games.” That location, as well as beer options and upgraded flatscreen TVs, are what Uldrich thinks will keep attracting fans after Husker football season. “We have the most TVs out of any location,” she said. Despite not hitting the overtime that Husker season brings, Uldrich had to admit that the offseason can be a relief. “We’re ready for them (the games), but it’s a nice break when the season ends,” she said. When it comes to offseason preparations, Brix & Stone Gastropub is gearing up. “(We’re) starting to reach out to other companies for private parties,” said Kay Davison,

co-owner of the restaurant. “(It’s about) business coming into Lincoln, showing people from other states what business is all about.” She said the pub, located at 802 Q St., is also working with the Lied Center and the community, as well as catering to businesses such as the YMCA. Meanwhile, the business is updating its website, and looking at other avenues for business, Davison said. An example of this is “Today’s Deal” through the Lincoln Journal Star, featuring deals such as buying a gift card for $10 and only paying $5. “We want local people to patronize us,” she said. “And with the Husker season, it’s just a bonus.” Like Husker Headquarters, the holiday season makes up for the Husker season for Misty’s, 200 N. 11th St., according to Jay Erickson, bar manager. Instead of there being a loss when the football season ends, “There’s more of a help when there are games,” he said. While the total volume decreases after gamedays, the same thing happens at the restaurant on days of road games, so Erickson is used to the change. Last year, the restaurant ran a gift card special, and though he said he doesn’t know what gimmicks this offseason holds, he knows the restaurant will fare well. Bars Jarod Mullen, a manager at Brewsky’s Food & Spirits, at 201 N. 8th St., said the end to Husker football is a hindrance to the business of the sports bar. Fortunately, Mullen said, Brewsky’s is equipped with a piano bar. “That helps bring in a definite crowd apart from football,” he said. Lawrence Chatters, the owner of Main Street Cafe downtown, disagreed that the end to game days is a real hindrance.


toubab krewe: from 5 November 10 - 12 & 16 - 19 @ 7:30 p.m.

a comedy riddled with gossip, misunderstandings and unknown identities

Howell Theatre 1st floor Temple 12th & R

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Quaranta said. “It’s a tune I’ve loved for years, and we’ve just started playing it. It’s mainly a Malinké song,

which is one of the biggest ethnic groups in Mali.” Aside from learning the West African music styles


Daily Nebraskan


friday, november 11, 2011

‘Wings of Desire’ remake doesn’t hold up to original its remake as a tepid romantic comedy by Brad Silberling, which was called “City of Angels” (1998). The film from Wenders follows two angels, Damiel (Bruno Ganz) and Cassiel (Otto Sander). The pair hover above a divided Berlin, acting as witnesses to the mortals they meet. They are invisible to humans, except the occasional child, but they nevertheless give a sense of comfort and hope to the depressed souls they meet. The angels meet, usually atop high buildings or statues, to compare notes. Watching and listening, but not able to interfere, the angels have seen

Tom Helberg How could one have life everlasting but not be able to feel anything? How does it compare with living only temporarily but to be able taste, touch and feel? These questions and more of the eternal variety are explored in the New German Cinema director Wim Wenders’ classic “Wings of Desire” (1987), and


2 roommates needed for the spring semester! 3 bed, 1.75 bath house with a garage located conveniently off of 48th and O. Rooms will be available January 1st. Rent is $267 a month plus electricity, gas, cable, and internet. (Apprx. $70 per month) Water and trash paid for. Washer and dryer included. Email or Call/Text 402. 210.8486. 1-2 roommates needed in 4 bedroom, 2 bath house on 14th and Superior. Available middle of December through August. Wireless internet, cable, washer/dryer. Rent is $243/mo. Generally under $300/mo with utilities. Call 402.659.9736. 1-2 roommates needed. The house has 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and is located in the Highlands just a few minutes north of Lincoln. The rooms are available now through August. Rent for the smaller room is $235 plus utilities, this room does not have its own closet and is smaller then the rest of the other rooms. The other room available is $375 per month and it comes with a big closet. Washer and Dryer. Internet, and cable included. E-mail at if interested. Graduate student, female, non-smoking, to rent downstairs suite in SE home (700 sq. ft). Nice neighborhood near Holmes Lake. Small family upstairs, private entry, garage, share kitchen and laundry. $400.00 includes utilities and wifi. Contact 402-327-8890 if interested.

Vehicles For Sale One owner, 2007 Toyota Carolla Sport, 4-dr sedan. 4-speed ECT automatic. 54,000 Miles. Color- impulse red pearl. Power windows, alloy wheels, AM-FM-CD with 6 speakers. Power locks, and fog lights. List price $17,906. Will sell for $11,300. 402-488-0539 or 402-525-436.

Services Adoption Active, creative, loving couple READY FOR baby’s endless needs, toddler’s energy, child’s exploration, rebellious teen years to happy adulthood AND a lifetime commitment to keep in touch with you, birthmother, if you want. Please call/text Patty & Steve, 1-973-477-9886. Expenses Paid. Legal. Confidential.

Legal Services DWI & MIP

Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack, 402-476-7474.

Looking for a female roommate for a one-bedroom apartment for 210 rent a month for next 7 months. Can move in immediately and stay short-term or till end of May. No signing the lease. Kitchen, one bathroom, and a living room as well. Just need someone to share the rent and utilities. Open to everyone, but International students are preferred. Call 480-225-4712. Thanks. Looking for two roommates to live in 4-person home in a nice neighborhood. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher included. Extremely reasonable rent at $280 plus utilities. Fenced-in backyard, five minute drive from campus. Please e-mail Gary at or call at (308) 379-6537. Available second semester.






















ment for a trailing team Normal muscle tension Search It originated at Zurich’s Cabaret Voltaire in the 1910s Get blitzed Ignored, with “out” Actress Chandler and others Occasions to use pepper? Caesarean section? See 46-Down A.A.A. listings Parts of e-mail addresses Baking need Tiki bar order Golfer who turned pro at age 15 Things locked into place Newswoman Lesley Wharf fare? 1948 Literature Nobelist

55 57

61 62 63

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








___’acte Apothecary’s stock & 60 Risky “Jeopardy!” declaration Out with the junk, say It’s risky to build a house on this In case DOWN A baker might have a hand in it Massachusetts city called Tool Town “I swear I ___ art at all”: “Hamlet” Give the flavor of Court fig. Gives a shot in the arm Hurricane survivor, maybe Lots are in lots Something to take a pass on Often-referenced but never-seen wife on “Scrubs” Site of Vulcan’s smithy




Tom Helberg is a senior film studies major. Reach him at tomhelberg@

$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4 p.m., weekday prior





Duplexes For Rent 3 Bedroom Duplex, $645 Near UNL campuses & bike path. The Arter Group 402-525-1483 or 402-477-9300

Inbound Customer Service Center Rep – Part Time

NEAR UNL STADIUM, 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, Rec-room. Central Air, Washer/dryer. Dishwasher. $700/900. 402-770-0899.























4 7 6 9 6 8 5 8 3 1 7 3 9 4 2 1 1 7 6 1 3 9 8 Meetings 8 Weekend 6 help! 3 2 PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 9 2 7 5 1920 West ‘O’ Street 7 9 4 3

Spanish translators needed to translate English ebooks, into Spanish ebooks. Can use Microsoft “Word” for translations. Also need two websites translated. Call: 402-806-4342 (8:30am to 5pm), if interested. We have over 40 ebooks, and two websites that need translated, and time is of the essence right now, so we may hire a “coordinator” who can line up multiple translators, and get the job done quickly. Work from your dorm or home, all contact will be via email or phone...Pay is negotiable.

Mary’s Place is currently hiring energetic, personable associates to add to our wait staff. Apply in person after 3pm Tuesday to Friday.




6 4

46 54


60 61

No phone calls please!

V. EASY Services Misc.


15 16 23 25

28 29 30

# 18 Misc. Services




4 1 3


44 47


8 4 1 9 4 7 5 3 8 9 6 1 5 3 2 16 9 3 2 3 9 25 4 77 6 5 8 9 9 4 51 1 39 2 6 7 2 5 1 3 8 5 9 8 4 7 3 2 2 1 6

2 7 1



8 3 8 5 2 7 1 2 9 3 3 pieced 7 2 6 Pedigree 5 Things alternative together Recap figure 8 21985 Oscars co-3 Java setting with Fonda 9 host 7 8 5 and4 Williams Java, e.g. One might make part waves 6Nut 4 9 Its products go 59





The Parking Advisory Committee will meet Monday, November 14, 2011 at 9:30AM at Parking and Transit Services, 625 Stadium Drive Suite A.

38 40


Part-time checkers and stockers needed at ‘A’St Market. Daytime and evening hours available. Apply in person 3308 ‘A’ Street.





Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit:

# 17 Misc. Services

23 26









22 24





Job Opportunity

Train now for second semester position in the Kappa Delta kitchen. Monday availability manditory, 2-3 hours weekdays. No weekends. $8/hr, meal included. Call Sherry, 402-436-7062.

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STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM Paid Survey Takers Needed in Lincoln. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys.

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Our inbound Call Center is expanding their hours and is starting a new training class November 14! Daytime and evening shifts available, with weekend hours to work around your class schedule. Starting wage is $10.00/hour.

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Apts. For Rent

Childcare Wanted!!! Monday, Tuesday, Friday, noon-6 p.m. $10.00/hour. Start 11/14. email Lindsay at or call 402-216-5345.

Integrated Life Choices Direct Support Professional

FedEx Ground

Part-time positions available loading and unloading trucks. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 5-7:30 a.m. Wages are $9.00/hour to start with $1,500 tuition assistance after 60 days plus an additional $0.25/hour after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months. Paid holidays and paid vacation after 6 months. Apply in person at 6330 McCormick Dr.


Red Lobster

Part-time or full-time servers and bartenders positions available. Benefits and half priced meals. Apply online at

Child Care Needed

Are you looking for extra income? Do you need flexibility with your work schedule? We currently have openings for home health aids on mornings, evenings and weekends. Student nurses who have completed nursing fundamentals are welcome to apply. We offer excellent pay and flexible scheduling. Call or stop by to apply. EOE. FirstCare Home Health 3901 Normal Blvd., Suite 102. 402-435-1122.

Houses For Rent


Help Wanted

Earn $1000 - $3200 a month to drive our cars with ads.

CNA/Nursing Students

Two female UNL seniors looking for third roommate (female only). One Bedroom with full bath. Second floor, open kitchen, ,spacious living room, patio, full-size wsher/dryer, A/C. Excellent condition. Close to city campus and downtown. $255/month + $60 utiilities. No smoking and/or pets. Park Ridge Apts. 812 Hanneman Dr. Lincoln. Call Julie at 402-760-1452.


Help Wanted

Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number.






14 & 17 Encourage-

reveal himself to people at will, which erases some of the original’s intrigue. Dennis Franz, of “NYPD Blue” fame, takes the Falk role, with none of the grandfatherly warmth. “City of Angels” is enjoyable enough as a romantic comedy, but it is more on-the-nose than Wenders’ lyrical masterpiece, “Wings of Desire.”


3 4 1 The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 5 1 9 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 7 1-2 & 3 Bedrooms 2 5 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 DN in the morning. 402-465-8911 6 GREAT START! For Release Friday, October 01, 2010 9 5 8 2 1 2 Edited by Will Shortz No. 0827 Crossword ACROSS Vienna-based 7 5 6 grp. with no Lanai’s county European Five-spots 6 7 members Deep-sea Opposite of exploration 2 9 4 yours, in Tours pioneer 47



Help Wanted

3 bedroom, 2 bath. NICE. N/P, N/S. East Campus/City Campus location. On FaceBook at Starr Street Apartments (402) 430-4253.

Male Roommate wanted, 1311 North 14th Street, Apt. 2, 2 bedroom, one bath unit, $250 month, all utilities paid. Washer/dryer, non-smoking. Call 402-730-0813.

Male roommate needed ASAP in “The Links”. Larger of 2 bedrooms available.. Lease expires May 1. $397.50 month, golf course view with patio (8th hole, very private). personal bathroom, 3 closets. Contact Dustin at 402-616-7664, 473-7 Fletcher ave, Lincoln NE 68521.


Apts. For Rent

Female roommate wanted to share a four bedroom two bath duplex at 1311 N. 14th with three other female UNL students, available now. Non smoking. $240 month, all utilities paid, 402-730-0813.


University of Michigan/Nebraska football tickets for sale. Make Offer. 419-474-5001.

beings can hear the innermost thoughts of the city dwellers. Their questions are timeless and resonant. “Why am I me and why not you? Why am I here and why not there? When did time begin and where does space end?” They evoke the oft-whispered ruminations of a Terrence Malick film. Delicately asked questions are bluntly answered in Silberling’s remake, “City of Angels.” What was once meditative and indescribable has been turned literal and more apparent. Seth (Nicholas Cage) and Maggie (Meg Ryan) take the leading roles, and this time the woman is a surgeon, not a trapeze artist. Seth can

phone: (402) 472-2589 Fax: (402) 472-1761


Ticket Exchange

on his fingers, to drink coffee. Peter Falk plays himself, in Berlin, on a movie shoot. The self-referential appearance is warm and comfortable; Falk is the only human besides children that can sense the presence of angels. He was once an angel himself who chose to fall for the same reasons as Damiel. Falk gives him pointers on his newfound humanity. Wenders’ film is fine cinematic poetry. Cinematographer Henri Alekan’s camera effortlessly floats over the city, or glides along the ground. The camera is as weightless as the angels. Not only are the images lyrical, but the dialogue is as well. The celestial


For Sale

and heard it all since the beginning of time. Angels are able to fly in close and lend an ear, but cannot really reach out and touch someone. What starts as curiosity about what it feels like to be human becomes something more powerful for Damiel. He observes Marion (Solveig Dommartin), a trapeze artist for the circus, who fears she may fall on a full moon. Her aerial feats must rival those of the angels, though their flight is only implied. Damiel falls in love with the woman and seriously considers a “fall” to become human. He forsakes his wings and immortality in order to really feel, to get newsprint

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friday, november 11, 2011

Daily Nebraskan



NU looks to hold onto Huskers top Bucknell success against UNO 28-9 with late surge Staff Report

daily nebraskan

The Nebraska women’s swimming and diving team will host in-state rival University of Nebraska at Omaha Friday night at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The event will take place at 5 p.m. in the Devaney Natatorium. Huskers coach Pablo Morales has never lost a match to the school that is just a short drive up Interstate 80. His Huskers have dominated the last five meetings between the two schools, winning by an average of 109.6 points. martin In 2007, the Huskers demolished the Mavericks by 174 points. One year later, they put another 141-point beating on their in-state rival. Friday’s matchup offers no reason to believe that the Mavericks will end this losing streak. UNO is coming into Lincoln

with four straight losses. So far this year, the Mavericks have failed to produce a win in their previous matches against Northern Colorado, Air Force, Northern Iowa and Illinois State. Despite UNO’s poor start, the Huskers aren’t taking their opponent lightly. “A lot of our girls know people on the UNO team,” swimmer Hayley Martin said. “I don’t think we’ll treat this any differently than we would any other team, but it will mean a lot to get the win.” Although the rivalry has been a one-sided affair under Morales’ tenure, the Mavericks have closed the gap during the past few years. Since the 141-point blowout in 2007, UNO has substantially improved the point differential. Last year’s matchup produced the closest result in the five-year span. The Huskers triumphed with a 185-109 win in Omaha. “We want to make sure we pull out a win,” Martin said. “It definitely means a lot, with UNO being so close and all.” In order for the team to

perform well, they will look to build on their performances during the last few weeks. Two weeks ago, the Huskers traveled to Houston, Texas to compete at the Holiday Inn and Suites Med Center Invitational. Strong performances by Hayley Martin and Alyson Ramsey helped guide the team to a fourth overall finish. Martin finished third in the 200-yard freestyle, while Ramsey placed third in the 1-meter dive. Martin, a junior from Monona, Wis., has started the season strong. Three weeks ago, she finished first in both the 50-yard freestyle and in the 500-yard freestyle against South Dakota State. “I’m definitely doing a lot better than last year,” Martin said. “I have more control over what I’m doing, more control over my speed. That’s the biggest difference.” When asked how she thought the match would turn out tomorrow, Martin replied, “I think we’ll perform well, but there’s always the possibility of an upset. I expect us to do well, though.” Sports@


Veterans lead team into season-opening match Austin EPp daily Nebraskan

Nebraska coach Bill Straub and his team of six traveling bowlers are set to kick off the season this weekend at the Crusader Classic in Valparaiso, Ind. Nationally ranked No. 5 in the preseason polls, the Huskers look to continue their success from recent years. In their pervious three seasons, Nebraska has finished in the top Straub three at the NCAA Championships. This year’s team will be lead by seniors Kayla Johnson and Valerie Calberry. Also competing this weekend are juniors Shalima Zalsha and Kristi Mickelson. Rounding out the team’s top six are sophomore Yan Ling

and freshman Liz Kuhlkin, who will both be making their debuts as Huskers. “We fell comfortable going into this tournament,” Straub said. “We won here last year and have good returning experience.” The Crusader Classic will host nine teams, five of which are ranked, including No. 6 Arkansas State. Even though the Huskers will be the highestranked team in the tournament, Struab says the ranking have no effect at this part of the season. “I don’t know if the girls are even aware of the standings,” Straub said. “Once the first round of tournaments are over, we’ll have a better idea of where we stand.” To prepare for the season opener, the Huskers have been practicing 18 hours a week, during which they do drills to work on fundamentals and hold competitions within the team to help develop poise for pressure situations. Calberry, who is entering her

final season, is more than excited to get back to action after a long offseason. “The whole team is happy to be here, which is great for me as a senior,” Calberry said. ”If we perform like we know we can, I expect us to win the tournament.” With four upperclassmen leading the way, experience won’t be a problem for the Huskers. Additionally, even though Ling and Kuhlkin will be wearing Husker red for the first time, Straub is not worried about their poise. “They’ll be just fine,” Straub said. “There is no problem emotionally with these two. Both of them act more mature than their age says.” The Crusader Classic officially begins Friday at 1:30 p.m. with the first round of baker game matches. Play will continue Saturday with team competition, and conclude on Sunday with another round of baker match play. austinepp@

football: from 10 Ten, averaging 237.7 yards per contest. “They want to stop the run and we want to run it so, it’s on the front five and we got to play with a chip on our shoulder,” Hardrick said. Hardrick and the Huskers are taking extra motivation into Beaver Stadium. Their performance against Northwestern at home left them wanting. “We’re not here to go through the motions, we want to get the win,” Hardrick said after the

team’s Tuesday practice. According to the senior tackle, the Huskers are fired up in a big way. Practice hasn’t been a cakewalk and fights have even broke out this week. Monday, Hardrick said, saw numerous scuffles between players. He used words like “hungry” and “passion” to describe his teammates and how they are approaching this game. As always, the Husker offense will take the brunt of the 110,000-seat stadium waiting

for them. The game’s early time slot is good, said junior receiver Tim Marlowe. The crowd may not be as rowdy. “Obviously it’s going to be a very hostile crowd,” Marlowe said. “I’m excited for that. I like playing on the road and I think a lot of the guys on the team do as well. We really rally together and take an ‘us versus the world’ feel to it. It’s going to be hostile, but it’s going to be fun. It’s going to be a great game.” jeffpacker@

Staff Report daily Nebraskan

In its season-opening dual, the Nebraska wrestling team saved its best for last. After trading matches with Bucknell to start the dual in Lewisburg, Pa., the Huskers took control with five consecutive victories to conclude it. NU won the dual by a final tally of 28-9. To kick off the dual, NU sophomore Shawn Nagel fell to Bucknell’s Austin Miller 4-3 in the 125-pound weight class. In the next two matches, Nebraska fought back to take the lead, just to see the Bison reclaim it after another two matches. At 133 pounds, NU junior Ridge Kiley defeated Shawn Armato 2-0, and in the 141-pound weight division, Nebraska freshman Jake Sueflohn overcame a 4-0 deficit to beat Alex Pellicciotti with a pin. After the Huskers took a 9-3 advantage in the first three matches of the night, Bucknell clawed back to knot the score at 9-9. The Bison notched victories in the 149-pound and 157-pound weight classes, where Derrik Russell and John Regan beat NU’s Brandon Wilbourn and

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Redshirt freshman Robert Kokesh helped NU to victory with his pin of Ray Schiltt. James Green, respectively. In the next match, Nebraska would halt Bucknell’s comeback and run away with the dual. Redshirt freshman Robert Kokesh pinned Ray Schlitt of Bucknell to earn six points for the Huskers at 165 pounds. Following the second Nebraska freshman to earn a victory with a pin, NU junior Tyler Koehn beat Stephen McPeek 7-6 at 174 pounds. Then, junior Josh Ihnen and seniors James Nakashima and Tucker Lane wrapped up the night with

victories for Nebraska. Ihnen defeated Jamie Westwood 9-3 in the 184-pound division. At 197 pounds, Nakashima routed Tyler Lyster 19-7, and to wrap up the win for Nebraska, Lane beat Joe Stolfi 5-2 in the heavyweight division. Nebraska will follow its victory in the season opener Thursday with three more matchups during the weekend. The Huskers will face No. 24 Kent State, North Carolina and Navy at the Wrestle for a Cure duals in Harrisburg, Pa.



Squad continues search for first win Zach Tegler daily Nebraskan

In some sports, an 0-4 start would derail a season. The Nebraska rifle team is winless through four duals this season, and the Huskers find themselves ranked No. 11 in the nation. V i c tories are not criteria for ranking rifle teams. In this sport, squads a r e j u d g e d woltersdorf based on point totals, which also determine the field for the national championships. That tournament is still more than three months away, and the Huskers have more urgent business this weekend against No. 6 Army and No. 19 North Carolina State. And while wins are not vital to its long-term success, claiming a victory is still among the items on the to-do list in West Point, N.Y. “We want a win up there,” NU senior Katelyn Woltersdorf said.

She said the winless record partly reflects Nebraska’s competition up to this point in the season. In their first four events, the Huskers shot against the top three teams from last season. “Our first matches were against some very tough people,” Woltersdorf said. The hefty competition out of the gate has helped the Huskers improve in the weeks following the season opener. “As a team we’re doing a lot better,” Woltersdorf said. “Our scores are slowly improving.” And a bye week last weekend fostered that improvement even more. Since its last meet, Nebraska has had two full weeks to prepare for this weekend’s competition. The team has taken advantage of the extra practice time. “If we need to change anything in our position or on our rifle, it gives us time to change it,” NU junior Janine Dutton said. The Husker shooters scrutinized and examined their form, making adjustments in order to be both more comfortable and more effective. “Hopefully our changes are going to help,” Woltersdorf said. “This week I

think it will really show.” It won’t be an easy task. Army represents NU’s fourth top-six opponent of the year, but the team is confident it can get on the board with a win. “We need a win,” Woltersdorf said. “I honestly think we can do that.” As for the Huskers’ 0-4 start, she noted that fans paying attention to the sport pay attention to the wrong aspects. “They look at wins and losses,” Woltersdorf said. “We look at, ‘We broke this barrier today’ or ‘we were able to do this today.’” The nature of the sport takes significance away from the only measuring stick for teams in other games, and Woltersdorf said the NU team can be successful without winning. “We’re going to keep climbing up the charts and shoot better scores,” she said. Dutton echoed this idea. “This sport is about shooting the best every single time,” she said. Still, Nebraska would like victories. “We want to win,” Woltersdorf said. “Score and wins can go hand in hand.”


hoppen: from 10 masses. Nothing too violent happened. A couple light poles were taken down and a news van was overturned. Not acceptable, but watching the mob when it first formed suggested things would be worse. This all happened because a football coach got fired. Meanwhile, a candlelight vigil is scheduled to be held Friday night for Sandusky’s victims. I have no idea what the attendance will be like, but I can bet it won’t compare to the crowd on Beaver Avenue. The anger has risen to the point where Tom Osborne had to send out a statement reassuring Husker fans they would be safe if they made the trip. For one second here,

let’s forget football. What we have is much bigger issue. According to national statistics, one in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused by the time they’re 18. That’s an unreal number. It makes me furious and heartbroken at the same time. If you have the means to do something, please do. Most of us will never be in the McQueary’s situation, where we have a chance to interrupt the action. But there are other ways to help. Check out the website of ex-Saints fullback Heath Evans, whose wife suffered long-term efforts of childhood abuse (heathevans. org). There are a lot of ways to get involved and make

a difference in the lives of these kids. If nothing else, say a prayer for the victims. Not just for those affected by Sandusky, but everywhere. These people are the real story here. Though there was talk of cancelling Saturday’s game, it appears the contest will go on as planned. And that’s fine. Watch the game. Root for the Huskers. Revel in victory or be disappointed in a loss. But when the game is finished, let it go. Penn State couldn’t. They lost sight of really matters. And the lives of many young boys were the price.

Dan Hoppen is a senior News-Editorial Major. Reach Him At danhoppen@

Daily Nebraskan

friday, november 11, 2011


NU to open season against Arkansas-Pine Bluff Andrew Ward daily Nebraskan

Two teams looking to rebound from disappointing seasons a year ago will take the court at the Bob Devaney Center Saturday afternoon. T h e Nebraska women’s basketball s q u a d is coming off a subpar coverage 2010-2011 Video online at dailyneseason in and which it went 13- dailynebraskan 18 including a 3-13 mark in Big 12 Conference play after being ranked to start the year. NU looks to bounce back in its first season as members of the Big Ten Conference. Nebraska will take the court with a young roster featuring six freshmen, four true and two redshirt. Two of those freshmen, forwards Emily Cady and Hallie Sample, started the two exhibition games and are expected to start in the opener. Sophomore Jordan Hooper said that she is ready to start the 2011-2012 season and forget about last year. “I’m really excited to get this season underway,” Hooper said. “I haven’t really seen how they play yet, but we’ll watch some film and get to work.” The film being watched

will be on the ArkansasPine Bluff, a team that won a single game a year ago. Because of an 11 a.m. start to the football game, tip-off time for this matchup will be at 3:05 p.m. Saturday. The Lady Lions will be one of the youngest teams the Huskers will face this season, as only one of their 15 players is a senior. More than half of the roster is filled with players that have little experience. Arkansas-Pine Bluff was outscored by an average of 25 points a game last season, giving up 78.1 points while only scoring 53.1 a game. That struggling offense, which also shot only 31.6 percent from the field last season, lost its top-two scorers to graduation as well leaving no double-figure scorer on the roster. Saturday’s meeting will mark the second time the Huskers have faced the Lady Lions as Nebraska beat UAPB in 2008, 67-39. Nebraska has had success in its home openers as it has 35 wins to just two losses in all openers at Lincoln. Despite the struggles Arkansas-Pine Bluff has faced, Lowe’s Senior Class Awardnominee Kaitlyn Burke is only worried about what her team needs to do to be successful. “Defense is something that we need some work on,” Burke said. “If we play good defense, that will lead to some run-outs for easy baskets.”

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Guard Tear’a Laudermill (11) and Nebraska open their regular season Saturday at the Bob Devaney Sports Center against Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Nebraska will look to improve on a defense that gave up 39 points in the second half of its final exhibition game against University of Nebraska at Kearney after surrendering just 16 in the first half.

Coach Connie Yori said even though there is always room for improvement, the defense is getting better, much like other aspects of the Huskers. “We have been a good practicing team this year

for the most part,” Yori said. An additional perk to this weekend’s games, to honor Veterans Day, Nebraska basketball teams will have a special Military/Veterans Appreciation Promotion.


Regionals could be Dirksen’s final meet Nedu Izu Daily Nebraskan

Like any sports team, the Nebraska cross-country team has had its ups and downs throughout the 2011 season. From first-place crowns at the beginning of the year to recent last-place team finishes, the Huskers have had trouble adjusting to the Big Ten Conference. This weekend, the schedule won’t be any easier. N e braska travels to DeKalb, Ill., to c o m pete in the 2011 N C A A dirksen Midwest Regional Championships this Saturday, hosted by Northern Illinois. But the race won’t be the only thing on NU runners’ minds. Besides the championship being potentially the last race for eight seniors, the meet could be the last coached by Jay Dirksen. Senior Katie White said she

admits that the retirement is something she’s thought about this week. “We try not to have it put too much pressure on us but it’s definitely been in the back of our minds,” she said. The top two teams from the Midwest Regional race will automatically advance to the national meet, which will be held Nov. 21. White said she hopes it’s not her last race, nor the last coached by Dirksen. “We definitely want to give everything we have on that course,” she said. “The whole season we’ve been trying to give it all we could for (Dirksen) and us, and it would be great for Jay’s last season to have some success.” The Midwest Regions includes teams from 10 conferences – 27 men’s teams and 31 for the women. Dirksen said the women’s toughest competitors will be Iowa, Iowa State, Oklahoma State and Minnesota – all teams that rank in the top 30 nationally. “On the women’s side, Iowa State’s the favorite,” he said. The coach said he thinks his team has a chance to do well. “After those four we’re certainly a contender,” he said.

“If we do everything right, you never where we might finish. All our seniors — Ashley Miller, Katie White, Jessica Furlan and Erica Hamik — are all running well right now. I think all of them might have the best race of their life this weekend.” According to Dirksen, the men’s toughest challenges will be No. 18 Minnesota, No. 5 Oklahoma and No. 2 Oklahoma State, which was previously ranked No. 1. “I’d say they’re going to finish top three this weekend,” Dirksen said. “There are a number of top teams competing in this race so we’re hoping we can at least finish in the top half, better yet the top 10. We’re not a great team but the guys have been working hard. “(The race) will be a little easier than the conference championship since two-thirds of the Big Ten won’t be in our region. We’re just hoping to end our season with the best effort we can give.” It will be the first 10K race for the men this whole season. However, Dirksen said the race will be similar to their regular 8K races. “There’s not too big of a difference for many of our guys,” he said. “The training is similar, and if anything, the race will

just be at a slower pace. I’m hoping we finish in the middle of the pack this weekend.” In their last race at the Big Ten Championships, the Huskers top finishers from the men’s side were Trevor Vidlack and Brad Doering who finished 35th and 42nd. On the women’s side, White finished first for the Huskers with a 22nd-place finish, running a time of 20:53. White said that although the women placed seventh, she thought their first conference championship went pretty well. “I had a big improvement from last year,” she said. “And my goal was to get under 28 minutes, which I did. My goal this race is to try and run with the leaders of the race. Our team as a whole also wants to run together and hopefully that will help us qualify for nationals.” Last week, seniors White and Doering were honored with sportsmanship awards by the Big Ten. The 11 honorees from both the men’s and women’s division were chosen as individuals who have distinguished themselves through sportsmanship and ethical behavior. Dirksen said he’s not surprised his two athletes were chosen.

“They’re just great people and they do things the right way,” he said. “They both have great values and are more than just runners. They’re positive people who are involved in the community while also working hard in school.” The Midwest Regional Championships begin Saturday, with the Nebraska men beginning their race at noon and the women following at 1:15 p.m. White said she’s excited to see her hard work in practice this week pay off in the regional meet. “We’ve just been focusing on having our best race right now and we’re ready to show it this weekend,” she said. Dirksen said that although this could be his last race coaching the Huskers, he doesn’t want to treat this meet any different than the previous others. “I’ll miss the relationships I’ve made here with coaches and players the most,” he said. “Coaches all quit sometime: This season just happens to be my time. When it’s over, I’ll definitely miss it, but now I just want to enjoy it.” neduIzu@

All military and veteran personnel can receive one free ticket for both the men and women’s basketball games this weekend, according to associate athletic director Marc Boehm.


volleyball: from 10

A return by Cook should aid the team, which didn’t have its finest hour attacking with Brigette Root at the position during the weekend, posting a .217 total attack average. Cook is third in the Big Ten with 10.91 assists per set in conference, and Nebraska has hit .272 in her starts. While Root has received a lot of credit from teammates and coaches for her play last weekend, she seemed a good sport about a possible Cook return on Monday, saying “hopefully we can return to normalcy as soon as possible.” The Huskers also announced the signing of three new recruits Thursday morning: outside hitter Kelsey Fien from Bakersfield, Calif., setter Lauren Sieckmann from Omaha and setter/opposite side hitter Alexa Strange of San Clemente, Calif. All three are highly touted. Fien was ranked No. 19 in the country by, Sieckmann has played on the U.S. Youth National Team and Strange was ranked No. 46 in the country by


basketball: from 10 maybe a little ahead of schedule on offense,” Sadler said. The offensive improvement comes from changes Sadler and his staff made during the offseason, according the Richardson. “In the transition game we go after the defense a little bit,” Richardson said. “We try to get at the basket when we can … it could create problems for defenses.” But Sadler’s unsure feeling on the defensive end is a result of starting the season so early in the year. Nov. 11 is the second-earliest start date for NU in program history, and that leaves Sadler uneasy. “The season has been moving up so much there’s still so much we have to get done,” he said. But that’s where veteran leadership comes in to play, he said. Sadler feels fortunate to have “basically four seniors,” on the Husker roster. NU can look to Richardson, Toney McCray, Caleb Walker and Andre Almeida as leaders

who can prepare the younger players for the season, he said. But the Husker coaching staff still has a job to do. It needs to prepare NU for play as much as possible, even if there’s limited time, Sadler said. If not, there could be repercussions. “If you’re not careful, you won’t pay as much attention to the detail as you need,” Sadler said. “You don’t want to lose a ballgame and then pay attention to them. You want to try and take care of that before.” And NU has an opportunity to take care of the turnover problem. Richardson and the rest of the Huskers are ready to come out and keep the ball against South Dakota. “You’ve got to have the mindset to just be focused,” Richardson said. “Just be focused, if it’s not there, it’s not there. Just let it come naturally, and that’s what you can do, you can’t force anything.” robbykorth@

file photo by marcus scheer | daily nebraskan

Huskers coach Doc Sadler said preparation is vitally important to getting off to a good start this season.


page 10

friday, november 11, 2011

nebraska vs. penn state | saturday, 11 a.m. cst beaver stadium | state college, pa. | tv: espn

Noting PSU victims takes priority Saturday DAn Hoppen Football is a big deal in Nebraska. Spend 10 minutes in the state and you figure that out pretty quickly. Same with Penn State. These are two schools with tremendous histories. They are two of just eight

college football programs with 800 wins. Both have continued to add to that success this year, leading up to an epic matchup Saturday with Big Ten title game implications galore. But sometime around 3 p.m., the game will end. The players will retreat to the locker rooms. The fans will go home. The game will be finished, and in 10 years people will have to stretch their memories to recall the heroes of this contest. That’s why football doesn’t

matter. I almost feel blasphemous saying it. I grew up in Nebraska as a diehard Husker fan. I understand what the game and the program mean to the state. But the events that happened this week in Happy Valley serve as a reminder that football is a game and nothing more. At Penn State, it became more than that. Both coaches and administrators thought the overall health of the football program was


of the


xecute. That’s the word that Nebraska receiver Kenny Bell has for the Husker football team as it heads to Penn State this weekend. A word that in concept seems so simple will be put to the test amid off-thefield controversy and on-the-field battles Saturday in Happy Valley. To Bell, that’s what a football game is: battles. “We say, ‘win your battle.’ There’s individual battles on a football field every play,” Bell said. “To win that battle against a veteran cornerback, a guy that plays good, I mean that’s tough and it’s something you have to prepare for all week and that’s exactly what we’re going to do as a receiving corps.” The Husker offense looks to be the unit that will be tested greatly on its 1,092-mile trip to State College, Pa. The Huskers will face a defense that ranks near the top of the conference in every major defensive category. In the Big Ten, the Nittany Lions are ranked first in pass efficiency, third in pass defense (170.4), third in total defense (282.3 yards/game) and first in scoring defense (12.4 points/game). The Huskers are full of compliments and respect for such a stingy outfit Penn State has created. “They’re good, man,” Bell said. “They play downhill. They tackle well in the open field. They get in and out of their breaks. Solid unit, absolutely.” NU senior offensive lineman Yoshi Hardrick praised the Nittany Lion’s ability to make things work. He said that Penn State may not boast the best run defense or the best pass defense, but combine the two? “They’re probably the best combination I’ve seen,” Hardrick said. The Huskers head into the game with the second-best rushing offense in the Big

football: see page 8

more valuable than the protection of the young boys that Jerry Sandusky allegedly victimized. If true, Sandusky is a monster. He did unspeakable things, acts that make me so angry I want to punch a wall. And people at Penn State knew about it. Mike McQueary is one of those people. He said as much in a 2002 grand jury testimony. He walked in on Sandusky and a 10-year-old boy in the shower. Didn’t stop the act. Didn’t call the

police. He said he told coach Joe Paterno about it. Paterno then reported it to the athletic director. Up and up the story went, but nowhere along the line did someone act. Everyone was too worried about putting a black mark on the program or their own reputation to stop Sandusky. They slapped Sandusky on the wrist and took away his keys to the facilities, telling him he shouldn’t be around the football program. Yet he

was in the weight room last week. It’s right that Paterno was fired. McQueary should be gone, too. But that’s the biggest problem with all of this. Everyone’s first thought was football. The first question asked after the Penn State Board of Trustees announced Paterno’s ouster was about who would coach on Saturday. The students were so angry they took to the streets in

hoppen: see page 8

story by jeff packer | file photo by andrew dickinson

At the start of this week, The top story out of Lincoln was how the Huskers would respond after their loss to Northwestern. Now, after the developments this week in State College, who knows How this weekend will go?


hoppen: see page 8

Senior Yoshi Hardrick and the rest of the Huskers offensive line hope to get the running game back on track this weekend against Penn State.


men’s basketball

Purdue ready for second shot at NU Fewer turnovers Sean Whalen daily Nebraskan

Indiana’s volleyball has struggled this season. In conference play, the Hoosiers are 0-14, hitting .114 while giving up .284 to their opponents, both last in the conference. Nebraska, meanwhile, tops the Big Ten with a 13-1 record, .264 hitting perc e n t age for and .151 against. It’s easy to see why NU turner is up 13 games in the standings on IU. While this weekend’s trip to Indiana starts with a Friday night match in Bloomington to face the 8-18 Hoosiers, most will just be waiting for Saturday’s showdown between the No. 2 Huskers and No. 10

Purdue. The Boilermakers are perfectly capable of handing NU its second conference loss. They come into the match fresh off a sweep of Iowa Thursday night, a win that brought them to 12-3 in conference play and 23-3 overall. PU will be extremely motivated, as a loss to NU would all but mathematically eliminate Boilermakers from a Big Ten title shot. PU’s chances with a loss are long. With a win, however, it might hold the tiebreaker (it would with a sweep, wouldn’t with a five-set win and a four-set win is complicated) and will be just one game back with four matches to play. While Purdue coach Dave Shondell has a lot of respect for Nebraska, his thoughts on Purduesports. com were that of how there is no dominant team in the conference this season. “I think in our league this year, as it has been proven, anything can happen,” he

said. “There’s not a King Tut per se. Nebraska being the closest thing to that: They have a two game lead over everyone else. They’ve found some real battles in the Big Ten.” One of those battles was the Oct. 7 match against Shondell’s club at the NU Coliseum. The teams split the first two sets, NU then blew Purdue out in the third and took a hard-fought fourth for a 3-1 victory. In the match, the Huskers got a good look at Ariel Turner, a junior outside hitter in contention for Big Ten Player of the Year. Turner earned Big Ten Player of the Week honors for the second straight week, and fourth time overall, on Monday and comes in with a league-leading 5.13 kills per set in conference matches. She also comes in with more than 1,200 attacks (next highest on the team is 410) on the season, showing that, unlike Nebraska, PU has no problem having one player

account for more than onethird of the team’s attacks. NU coach John Cook is aware of how difficult Turner could be to stop. “(Turner’s) one of the top outside hitters,” he said. “She doesn’t wow you like maybe Ariel Scott will or Deja McClendon will … but she touches the ball a lot and it’s very low error. She’s hard to defend because she moves it around a lot. “I wonder how’s a kid like that last? She has three times as many attempts as anybody (else) on the team. She must be in tremendous shape.” Nebraska as a team should be in tremendous shape as well. After being accepted into a diversion class following charges resulting from an auto accident, setter Lauren Cook is expected to play during the weekend, according to a spokesperson for the team.

volleyball: see page 9

a focus after 28 in exhibition

“Maybe it was jitters,” guard Brandon Richardson said. daily Nebraskan “I’m sure everybody has gotNebraska basketball wants to ten those jitters out, and just celebrate Veterans Day during (Wednesday) coach (Doc Sadler) was its first game of saying, ‘It’s the 2011-2012 In the transition time for evseason. game we go erybody to Friday at 7 be excited, p.m., the Husk- after the defense a ers play South little bit. We try to get this is our first game Dakota and the at the basket when out.’” athletic departAnd for ment is offer- we can... NU’s first ing free tickets Brandon Richard- game out, to active and sonnebraska guard Sadler feels former military that the personnel. Huskers are faring better on This game will be Nebraska’s first opportunity for real one side of the ball. “We’re probably behind action, and the players are exschedule on defense and cited despite a performance where NU turned the ball basketball: over 28 times to Doane College in Monday’s exhibition. see page 9

Robby Korth

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