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Local artist Ben Jones has painted portraits of the active and opressed, started his own nonprofit and made prominent appearances at Occupy Lincoln. Throughout it all, social injustice fuels his work. PAGE 5

Some of UNL’s most successful alumni return to offer financial, life suggestions to students. Advice inside. PAGE 3

wednesday, november 2, 2011

volume 111, issue 050


Rec centers receive final ‘yes’ to begin renovation Legislature voted to issue bonds for updates to rec centers Christine Scalora Daily nebraskan

More than a year after students voted to renovate the University of

Nebraska-Lincoln recreation centers on City Campus and East Campus, the Nebraska Legislature approved the bonds needed to start the projects. On Tuesday, the Executive Committee of the Nebraska Legislature voted 7-1-1 to issue bonds for the Rec Center projects, which was the last hurdle the projects had to overcome before

they begin. Sen. John Nelson voted “no,” while Sen. Rich Pahls abstained. John Wightman, Mark Christensen, Deb Fischer, Mike Flood, Russ Karpisek, Chris Langemeier, Steve Lathrop were the senators who voted “yes.” “I’m just elated with the news,” said Lane Carr, president of the Association of Students of the University

of Nebraska. “I think the state made a great decision. It’s really big for the betterment of our campus.” Bonds will now be issued and the building process can begin, said Carr, a senior political science and history double major. In October 2010, 72 percent of students approved the “YES 2 Better Rec Centers” campaign, which

includes construction of a new East Campus Rec Center and a new Outdoor Adventures Center on City Campus. The campaign also includes the renovation of the City Campus Rec Center, including the expansion of the strength and conditioning room by adding 50 new cardiovascular machines. About 21 percent of the student body voted

on the issue, which was the highest voter turnout in UNL history, Carr said. Before the proposals reached this point, they went through a lengthy system of checks and balances, said Eric Kamler, chair of ASUN’s Government Liaison

Rec: see page 2

Water shortage topic of first E.N. forum Brent Koenigsman Daily Nebraskan

Gov. Dave Heineman called the special session late last month after weeks of pressure from environmental groups and concerned citizens. But he did so without a bill for the legislature to immediately consider, unusual for special sessions. He and other state senators even conceded the possibility that nothing would come out of the session, another historical oddity. Questions remain about what influence, if any,

Water stress and shortage impacts people worldwide, according to Sandra Postel, founder of the Global Water Policy Project and an E.N. Thompson lecturer. Postel opened this year’s E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues and discussed the emerging problem of water stress on the earth and its ecological, food-related and social implications Thursday at the Lied Center for Performing Arts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Water, unlike oil, is a renewable resource,” Postel said. “But we’re depleting it from places that need it, like groundwater in aquifers, and then farmers can’t use it, which affects food supply and the economy and it’s hard for some people in America to grasp that water stress is a problem.” The most drastic effects have been seen overseas. For example, in Asia where there is 60 percent of the population, only 36 percent water is usable, and often results in sharp food price increases. Agricultural hardships aren’t the only hurdle people in these areas face. “What’s interesting is what happens socially when prices spike this way,” Postel said. “We have in 2008 where we saw food riots in Haiti, in Senegal, in Bangladesh, in a dozen other countries. When prices spike for you and I, what do we experience? Maybe we pay a few cents more for a loaf of bread at the supermarket, but for the hungry it means the reduction of meals from two to one or one to sometimes none.” Lack of resources also resulted in some people turning to violence as a solution, Postel said. “We’re seeing in northern Kenya and in parts of the Sudan and Eastern Africa increasing conflict over water and grazing land,” she said. “In the Indus River, which now runs dry for large segments of the year, we see particularly young people up and going to Karachi which has turned out to be a prime area of recruitment for terrorists, so it’s little wonder that the Pentagon itself now refers to climate change as a ‘threat

pipeline: see page 2

en thompson: see page 3

Tim Hemsath, assistant professor of architecture at UNL, points out aspects of the ZNETH II house to his students. He was the architect for this project, the goal being to build a house that produced more energy than it used.



unl assistant professor designs house that uses zero netenergy

story by riley johnson | photos by nickolai Hammar


t’s nothing fancy. But it’s efficient. A 1,000 square-foot home with no basement, two bedrooms and one bathroom sits in the shadow of the trees at Omaha’s Hummel Park. Tim Hemsath, a University of NebraskaLincoln assistant professor of architecture, designed the home to outperform the energy efficiency of comparable houses. His goal: to create a home that requires zero net-energy. Although he’s awaiting final energy efficiency numbers, Hemsath is confident in the ability of his project, the Zero Net-Energy Test House II (ZNETH II). “You won’t find a house like this anywhere else in the state,” Hemsath said, lead

architect, “and for this cost.” The brown and white-sided, $110,000 home, completed in August, opened last week. The second of its kind built in Omaha, it combines design techniques and technology to conserve energy. But Hemsath hopes the project shows prospective homeowners and future architects that “sustainability” and “affordability” are compatible. “You can have a home that’s not necessarily a cookie-cutter home, and it can still outperform a traditional home,” said Matthew Gulsvig, a UNL graduate who helped

energy: see page 3

Hemsath explains how the architecture of the outside of the ZNETH II helps the house retain its temperature in order to prevent wasting energy. He described the “envelope” of the house and its essential role in the performance of making this a zero net-energy house.

Special session discussing Keystone XL begins dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

In a 16-minute meeting yesterday afternoon, the Nebraska State Legislature began a special session to answer the question of what, if anything, the state can do about the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline. The project, proposed by TransCanada, which would connect the oil sand fields of Canada to refineries in Texas, has roused Nebraskans because of its route through the ecologically sensitive Sandhills, which sit above a portion of the Midwest’s Ogallala

Kantack page 4

Aquifer. TransCanada has said this pipeline would be the safest ever built. But a leak or spill, opponents say, could be disastrous. Lobbyists and representatives from both sides, including members of pipeline opponent Bold Nebraska, waited outside the chamber in the Capitol’s main atrium as the session began. State Sen. Annette Dubas of District 34, three counties west of Lincoln, introduced the first of perhaps several bills that could come during the next few days. If her bill is passed, the Nebraska Public Service Commission,

which oversees utilities and transportation within the state, would have the power to review future oil pipeline routes, including for Keystone XL. “It also requires that no pipeline company can use eminent domain without state approval,” Dubas said in her office after the session. Because the pipeline is considered a utility, like electricity or water services, TransCanada could use that power to seize the land along the pipeline’s route without owner consent, she said. Whether the legislature should do anything is still

student life page 5

debated, but some students at the University of NebraskaLincoln said moving the pipeline would be the way to go. “It’s better to spend more money now to prevent (a future problem),” said Young Min, a senior business administration major. He brought up the nuclear plant disaster in Japan earlier this year as an example of doing the opposite, to the detriment of public safety. “I think they should try to move it, you know, take what measures they need,” said Elisabeth Arneson, a freshman journalism major from Hastings.

football page 10

Weather | rainy

Congress’s bad rap

On-campus retreat

The guy for the job

things people hate about congress preserve democracy

sheldon cafe offers drinks, quiet study area for students

Martinez maturing in second season running NU offense

@dailyneb |



wednesday, november 2, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Alumni return to share experience Diversity committee Ryan Kopekle Daily Nebraskan

For four years, they called the University of Nebraska-Lincoln home. Now, they return. During this year’s Alumni Masters Week, seven alumni plan to share advice “masters” once gave them. The 46th annual Alumni Masters Week will be held Wednesday through Friday this week at the Wick Alumni Center and in the classrooms of the alumni’s respective colleges. Sponsored by the Alumni Association, the Masters Week will feature a series of events where alumni talk about long-term success through academics and the importance of civic engagement for students. For the first and only public event with all seven members present, the Wick Alumni Center will be hosting a dessert reception followed by a panel on student civic engagement, giving students a chance to interact with the alumni on a more personal level. The event will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. tonight. “I think the students really enjoy interacting with the masters and hearing their perspective on the industry,” said Shelley Zaborowski, the associate executive director of the alumni association. “They feel a bit intimidated, but when they sit down and talk, they realize that they have shared experiences and they can achieve the same things as well.” Zaborowski anticipates 150 students will attend the dessert reception, though the hall is able to fit 200 if more students wish to enjoy free dessert and discussion. On Thursday and Friday there will also be dinner for alumni, their families, select faculty, students in Mortar Board, the Scarlet Guard and the Innocents Society. Also on Thursday and Friday, the alumni will return to their former colleges as guest speakers in select classes. They will give in-depth explanations on applying classroom knowledge to real-world careers. “The future of our great country depends on our young, educated citizens being informed and engaged,” said Dennis Hirschbrunner, one of the seven alumni masters.

advice from alumni Six UNL alumni wrote about the best advice they could give current UNL students. Dennis Hirschbrunner is a 1970 graduate of the College of Engineering. He is a retired executive vice president and director of marketing for HDR, an Omaha-based engineering and architecture firm. “My advice to students would be to become knowledgeable about local, national and world issues that are and will continue to impact and shape their lives and careers! They then must become civic minded and engaged in the political process.”

Frannie Sprouls The Diversity Strategic Development Committee is holding a town hall meeting Wednesday night. The executive committee is part of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska and focuses on the needs of the diverse populations on the University of NebraskaLincoln campus. The committee was formed during the 2007-2008 academic year. The purpose of the town hall meeting is for the committee to present to seven student groups, showing how the committee can help them. The student groups include Veterans Affairs, LGBTQA, non-traditional students, students with disabilities, the Women’s Center, religious student groups and international students. “We’re focusing on targeting (those student groups), but we want other students to come and learn about DSDC,” said Natalia Santos, a junior nutrition and health science major and communication committee chair. Emily Koopman, a senior economics and marketing major and the committee

Willow Holoubek is a 1981 graduate of College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Holoubek is the organizational director for the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska. “The advice I would give to current UNL students is to take advantage of the many opportunities available to gain knowledge, to stretch yourself personally and to meet others.” Kris Malkoski is a 1983 graduate of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. She works as the vice president and general manager of Craftsman, a tool and hardware company. She is a recipient of Advertising Age’s “Top 25 Women to Watch” and “Top 100 Marketers” awards. “Even if a job or project doesn’t seem exciting or glamorous, work hard and figure out what it will take to make a positive mark on it. If you keep being the person who is the difference maker you will be noticed by others and soon doors will open for you.” Thomas Campbell graduated from the College of Education and Human Sciences in 1975. He is the Sara T. Martineau Endowed Professor in Communication Disorders in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas. “I think the best advice I could give to a current UNL student would be to take full advantage of the outstanding academic opportunities offered at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I would also encourage students to become active in their communities during their undergraduate and graduate years.” Lee Stuart graduated from the College of Business Administration in 1991. He is the chief executive officer of NBC Bancshares, LLC, a federal savings and loan holding company headquartered in Lincoln. He is also the majority shareholder of Nebraska Bank of Commerce (NBC), where he is the executive chairman of the board. “Students should find internships early and often to expose themselves to the ‘real world,’ which will hopefully allow them to have a greater understanding of the potential career involved in that area of work, but also to network with professionals who may be helpful in finding employment, even if it’s not within that company.”

*Eartha Jean Johnson will also be present for Alumni Week, but could not be reached for comment. She graduated in 1990 from the College of Law. She is the president and CEO of LegalWATCH.

pipeline: from 1

dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

After Tuesday’s session, Barry Rubin, former executive director of the Nebraska Democratic Party, discusses the pipeline with Sierra Club lobbyists, who want the pipeline moved, outside the legislative chamber. In the background, Carol Reed of Bold Nebraska is interviewed. “I want to hear the scientific evidence (of environmental impact) as much as anything,” Wightman said. To pass, he continued, there “would have to be a bill probably a lot less regulatory than anything we’ve seen.” Dubas said she’s fully aware

if you go what: Diversity Strategic Development Committee town hall meeting. when: Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. where: Check Nebraska Union schedules for the room.

chair, said the committee is looking to get feedback and questions from the diverse groups. “We want to make students aware of DSDC,” Koopman said. “We want to help them be proactive in what they’re doing on campus.” The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. after the ASUN senate meeting. The room is still unknown but will be in the same room the senate meets in. The schedules posted around the Nebraska Union will list which room will be used.


rec: from 1

Roger Schluntz is a 1967 graduate of the College of Architecture. He teaches architecture and urban design at the School of Architecture at the University of new Mexico. “Students should fully express and follow their passions and make an effort to align their passions with problems plaguing our society.”

expressed alarm at TransCanada’s use of eminent domain. After that time, Dubas said, “I’m very certain” the state can make a change. For other senators, the issue is not yet so clear. “There’s still a big liability issue, I think, if we try to change it at this point,” said Sen. John Wightman, hinting at threats from TransCanada of a costly lawsuit against additional legislation. “I’m going to wait and see what bill comes out of committee.” Despite the largely one-sided testimony at State Department hearings in Lincoln and Atkinson in late September against the pipeline, Wightman said support for legislative action is split down the middle. “I would say, in our area, there is a lot of support to do nothing,” Wightman said, adding that another senator had said a majority of constituents were fine with the pipeline asis. Wightman represents District 36, which is right in the middle of the state. But both Dubas and Wightman said most senators are keeping an open mind.


Daily Nebraskan


Nebraska can legally have in the pipeline’s route. Permission for the project, including the route, would come from the U.S. State Department. And while the department has said states have authority on the conditions of the project within their borders, TransCanada lawyers and others have said changing the route would not only be costly and time-consuming, but would illegally preempt federal law. “I’m not certain there’s a solution,” Heineman said in his announcement. “But I know it’s important that we try.” For Dubas, very little question remains on how the state can be involved. “When this pipeline first approached the state ... most of us understood, or were led to believe, that because this was a federal project, the state didn’t have the authority,” said Dubas, who modeled her bill, after similar legislation in Montana, South Dakota and Minnesota. The bill was developed during two years with Sen. Kate Sullivan of District 41, after landowners in Dubas’ district

focuses on student involvement

of the discussion necessary for her bill, or another like it, to get off the ground. “I don’t have any expectations right now other than I’ve still got a lot of work to do,” Dubas said.

Committee and junior ag- Chancellor Harvey Perlricultural economics ma- man said recreation fajor. After the students ap- cilities are a factor when proved the measure, the students are deciding on Board of Regents also a college to attend and to unanimously passed the achieve his goal of havmeasure. But the Coor- ing 30,000 students attend dinating Commission for UNL, improvements have Postsecondary Education to be made outside of the decided not classroom. to recom“ T h e Students have for mend the world has generations made Outdoor Adchanged venture Cenand if a commitment ter project you’re gofor bettering our to the legising to comuniversity … I’m lature, Kampete you ler said. The have to be excited to leave commission is responthat kind of a a state agency sive to the legacy for other that reviews world as it is,” Perlpolicies for students. man said. universities lane carr Student and colleges asun president fees have across the already bestate of Negun to inbraska. The commission ex- crease to pay for the projpressed concerns about ects and will increase by the increase in student a total of $120 in gradual fees. Carna Pfeil, the increments, Kamler said. During his testimony, group’s associate director, said Tuesday that commit- Carr noted the committee members were con- ments previous students cerned about the rising have made to the univercosts associated with go- sity to benefit all students. ing to UNL, especially for “Students have for genlow-income students. erations made a commit“It is becoming more and ment for bettering our more difficult for middle- university … I’m excited income families to send to leave that kind of a legstudents to college,” Pfeil acy for other students,” he said, and the Outdoor Ad- said. venture Center would only After the hearing, Kaincrease this cost. mler said he was happy Despite the commis- that the student voice was sion’s position on the Out- heard. door Adventures Center, “I’m just happy we’ve fithe Legislature approved nally got this moving forbonds for all parts of the ward,” Kamler said. christinescalora@ project in its vote. In his testimony,


daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Noah Ballard Chance Solem-Pfeifer assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Andrew McClure assistant editor Jeff Packer assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Patrick Breen editor

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

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Daily Nebraskan

cops briefs Student found trespassing at Memorial Stadium On Oct. 27 at 11:32 p.m., University of Nebraska-Lincoln police officers were called to the east side of Memorial Stadium. Police spoke to Nathan Kuta, a freshman general studies major, in a gated construction area. When speaking with police, Kuta showed signs of intoxication and, upon further investigation, was found to have a .175 blood alcohol content. Kuta received citations for a minor in possession of alcohol and trespassing. He was then released to a sober party. Traffic stop leads to MIP, possession charges At 2:40 a.m. on Oct. 28, a police officer observed a vehicle speeding near 17th and X streets. The officer conducted a traffic stop and made contact with driver Lance Thomsen, 20-yearold Lincoln resident, who showed signs of drinking. The officer conducted a DUI investigation and found Thomsen had a .150 BAC. Thomsen was then cited and transported to detox on charges of minor in possession of alcohol and speeding. In the vehicle, there were also two passengers: Courteny Gerdes, a 20-year-old Lincoln resident and Brooke Andrew, a 20-year-old UNL student. When the officer spoke to the passengers, there was the smell of burnt marijuana, resulting in a probable cause search of the vehicle. Gerdes was cited for possession of marijuana less than an ounce and possession of drug paraphernalia. Andrew received a citation for minor in possession and was released. Fire extinguisher discharged at Alpha Gamma Rho UNL officers were dispatched to Alpha Gamma Rho in regards of a fire alarm on Oct. 29 at 3:34 a.m. Police found the fire extinguisher had been discharged. Police spoke with Steven Heermann, a junior agronomy major who, after celebrating his 21st birthday, discharged the fire extinguisher. Heermann recorded a .133 BAC, was cited and released for false reporting. — Compiled by Camille Neemann camilleneemann@

wednesday, november 2, 2011

en thompson: from 1


Global water scarcity expert Sandra Postel speaks at the E. N. Thompson Forum on World Issues at the Lied Center Tuesday night. multiplier.’” While there have been more adverse examples of water shortage internationally, it has become a problem within our borders as well. “Right now we’re using tomorrow’s water for today’s food,” Postel said. “This has created a sort of water bubble, and like we’ve seen with other bubbles, like the housing bubble, this will come back to get us and, in a sense, we’re in a bit of a water debt today.” A concrete and frightening example is Lake Mead, she said, the largest reservoir in the United States. Postel cited scientists from University of California, San Diego who claimed that there’s a 50 percent chance that all of Lake Mead could be effectively dry by 2021. Water stress hits even closer to home and directly effects the state as well. “For Nebraskans, the nexus between agriculture, food and water could not be more relevant,” said Sandra Zellmer, a UNL law professor and member of the board of directors at the Water for Food Institute. “As our state’s farmers know, feeding the world is a waterintensive enterprise.” Postel emphasized that there are many ways to reduce water

stress even on the individual level. “The average American uses 2,000 gallons of water a day,” Postel said. “That’s about twice the global average.” But it’s not just water that comes out of the tap, Postel added. “Most of our water footprint comes from our diet,” she said. Postel showed ways people can keep track of their water footprint. She helped National Geographic create a tool on its website that estimates the amount of water consumed, based on a short survey. National Geographic will also be launching a new tool that shows what part of the world people’s water footprint affects. While the issue of water stress is a daunting obstacle, Postel said she is still encouraged. “All in all it seems to me that there’s a decent chance of feeding 8 billion people by 2025 and at the same time achieving a more socially and ecologically secure world,” she said. “I think we have a ways to go to get there, but I’m pretty confident that if we put our minds to it and act with the intention to get there that we can do it.” BrentKoenigsman@

RHA meeting limited to Halloween talk Elias youngquist daily nebraskan

The University of Nebraska’s Residence Hall Association had a record-breakingly short 17-minute meeting Tuesday. After a brief call to order, senators discussed what they were for Halloween. Highlights included a campus cat, Quail Man of the TV show “Doug,” a 1 percent Wall Street broker and RHA president Kevin Rush as Harry Potter. Besides wizards and cats, RHA adviser Melissa Peter’s son, Tyler Peters was also in attendance, livening up the short meeting. “For those of you wondering who this noisy child is, he’s Tyler,” said Peters, with a jostling Tyler in her arms. From the Kauffman

Residence Center to the Harper-Schramm-Smith Complex, halls reported on the success of their respective Halloween programs. “We put on a murder mystery and it was a rousing good time,” said Sen. Nathaniel Watley, a sophomore computer engineering major. “We may do another one in the spring semester, it was such a big hit, this time one written by our own Kauffmanite. If anyone was wondering, it was I who was the murderer.” During the meeting, Rush passed around a pledge to “spread the word to end the word campaign.” The optional pledge was a promise to put an end to the word “retarded” due to its derogative and politically incorrect manner. eliasyoungquist@

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into the often unused or under-utilized space. On the outside of the home, the ZNETH II has Hardiplank siding, a fibercement siding designed to provide an airtight barrier lasting more than 50 years. A two-ton geothermal heatpump heats the home, combining a furnace blower with a hot water generator that has five kilowatt hours backup heat, according to Hemsath. The house also has an energy monitor and control system that allows the resident to view the peak and minimum electrical output in the home. Only LED lights ­— which have an average lifespan more than 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs — illuminate the inside and outside of the home, Hemsath said. With those features and more, Hemsath said he hopes to see energy efficiency calculations pin the home at 60 percent more efficient than homes of similar size.

On Monday, Hemsath brought his class of 14 architecture students to tour the home. In his architecture design studio, Hemsath’s students have currently started their own energy efficiency projects, entering in a national “Design to Zero” competition. Among the students who took the tour was Garth Britzman, a junior architecture major. Britzman said the project really excited him because he’s learning about energy-efficient design. “This adds a cool kind of reality to my education,” Britzman said. While Britzman said none of his designs will be constructed anytime soon, Hemsath and Gulsvig’s project gives him a chance to see the kind of work he’ll do in his future. Whether zero net-energy or similar home projects become the norm will have to wait until the housing market rebounds and building picks up, Hemsath said. rileyjohnson@

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energy: from 1 Hemsath on the project while earning his master’s degree. Air-tight walls, high-efficiency windows and energy-saving mechanical systems are key elements to energy efficiency, Hemsath said. Hemsath and Gulsvig said they spent most of the time designing the optimal wall and ceiling structure, or envelope. They settled on thicker walls with framing that allowed thermal isolation between the inner and outer walls. Hemsath said he wanted to minimize breaks in the envelope because they increase the likelihood of thermal loss. The resident does not have to worry about smacking himself in the face with an attic door. His attic door is outside, and Hemsath said there’s no reason to open it unless a raccoon infiltrates the attic. An outdoor attic door prevents thermal losses inside the home, he said. In-house attic doors allow heat to rise



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page 4

wednesday, november 2, 2011

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members ZACH SMITH


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

our view

ASUN should vote, take stance on Keystone XL

Confusion. Disorganization. These words accurately describe the slow start of Gov. Dave Heineman’s special session on the Keystone XL pipeline. Senators across the board reported concern about the lack of specific legislation and said they were unsure of what their powers were to alter the pipeline’s route. However, there is one group that knows exactly what it can do to oppose the pipeline. The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska meets tonight. To date, it has not voted on a resolution taking a stance on the Keystone XL pipeline’s current route through the Ogallala Aquifer. The Daily Nebraskan urges it to do so. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s student voice should make itself heard. This is the time to stand as a unified force, as the flagship campus of a landgrant university and present an argument to the state government. In the past, ASUN has passed resolutions supporting initiatives such as recognizing Native American Day rather than Columbus Day, condemning events like inappropriate gameday costumes and more. The pipeline, especially as Gov. Heineman’s special session continues, is as much a student issue as anything. Its route will affect the thousands of UNL students living in the state of Nebraska. As a unified student body, students have the power to weigh in on the argument. As ASUN prepares for its meeting in the Nebraska Union tonight, the DN hopes it will consider resolutions to make its voice heard on the issue of the pipeline, no matter what that stance may be. It warrants discussion. It warrants a resolution. It warrants someone taking the opinion of the student body to the state level as the issue reaches fever-pitch.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. E-mail material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

dan buhrdorf | daily nebraskan

A farm more than a plot of land


verybody’s passionate about something. Some are passionate about music, some about a specific sports team and some about cars. I, Melissa Keyes, am passionate about agriculture. Agriculture is my life, and has been since the day I was born the daughter of two Nebraska farm kids trying to make it in the ever-changing industry. This passion of mine began with my parents and the way I was brought up. My mom grew up raising crops and Simmental cattle outside of my hometown of Springfield, Neb. Walking beans — walking through the soybean fields to cut the weeds that leech the nutrients and water from the ground and prey on young soybean plants — and throwing square hay bales was a common occurrence in her childhood. My dad was raised on an Angus cattle and row-crop operation also outside of Springfield. He’s been able to drive a tractor since the age of 6. They grew up in the small town together, active in 4-H and sharing a love for the county fair. They married and continued work on the operation that my father’s father had built. I was destined to be involved in agriculture. There was no way around it. I’ve grown up living just about the same life my parents did. Chores of feeding calves and gathering eggs were daily occurrences, and those responsibilities taught me more than anything else I’ve learned in life. Caring for animals that depend on you to survive is a big deal for a 9-yearold, but it taught me and my sisters responsibility, as well as other skills you can’t learn in school.

Agriculture is simply the basis of life. It’s the production of the food you eat, the fiber your clothes are made of and the fuel in your vehicles. melissa keyes I wouldn’t want to have grown up any other way. Through the years, I’ve realized there are children in Omaha and Lincoln that don’t know what a farm is. I’ve been flat out asked by kids in elementary schools, “What’s a farm?” Nebraska’s No. 1 industry is agriculture. It’s disappointing that people ask questions like that when we live in such an ag-based state. For those of you reading this who, like those kids, wonder what a farm is, let me lay it out for you. The dictionary definition of a farm is a tract of land set aside for agricultural purposes. To me, a farm is much more than that. A farm is a home; it’s a workplace and it can be a way of life. Three major products come from farms, and they’re fairly easy to remember: food, fuel and fiber. Literally everything you eat came from a farm, whether it was produced conventionally, organically or any other way. If you put ethanol in your vehicle, you’re using a product of agriculture. Ethanol is made of corn! As many of you already know, many clothes are made of a fiber called cotton, and cotton is — you guessed it — a product from agriculture. You deal with agriculture every single day and you probably don’t

even realize it. Today, it seems like agriculture has a somewhat negative connotation as consumers become more removed from the farm. Less than 2 percent of Americans actually live on farms. In reality, without agriculture, we would not exist. We’d be naked and hungry. Agriculture is simply the basis of life. It’s the production of the food you eat, the fiber your clothes are made of and the fuel in your vehicles. The importance of American agriculture is not just its economic benefit, trade benefit or even having the most abundant source of safe food in the world. The strength and well-being of our agriculture industry is what defines the United States’ success. Agriculture is truly the backbone of America. Its unrestricted growth and advancement must continue in order for the United States to stay on the leading curve of global success. Agriculture will be around for the rest of time, whether we like it or not. So, next time you eat dinner, fuel up your vehicle or put that Husker Tshirt on before the game, think of the farmer who worked so hard to make sure you were able to do so.

melissa keyes is a junior agricultural journalism major. read her blog at borninabarn-melissa.blogspot. com, and reach her at melissakeyes@

Congress doesn’t fully deserve bad reputation


f “pro” is the opposite of “con,” then “progress” is the opposite of “Congress,” right? According to a Gallup poll last month, only 13 percent of Americans approve of Congress. That ties Congress’s alltime low approval rating as measured by Gallup. Compare that to 41 percent approval for President Obama and 46 percent for the Supreme Court, and it’s easy to see Congress is the least popular branch of government. Contentious battles about stimulus spending, healthcare reform and the debt ceiling have soured Americans on their elected officials. But although many common critiques of Congress are justified, some of the most despised aspects of our national legislature are in fact the most crucial to maintaining American democracy. Why does Congress get such a bad rap? Part of the problem is an image crisis. We perceive the president as a powerful leader and the Supreme Court as a wise, stoic group of legal scholars. By contrast, many Americans think of Congress as a room full of bickering politicians, jockeying for positions of power and selling their souls to special interest groups. This image is further hurt by the fact that many of Congress’s achievements are appropriated by others. It’s much easier to associate a piece of legislation with a highly visible president than with a faceless body of 535 legislators.

When the President signs a bill into law, the signing ceremony is the image that news outlets pick up, and the American public takes the cue. For instance, take the 2010 healthcare reform law, dubbed “ObamaCare” instead of “PelosiCare” or “ReidCare.” Opponents of the reform will blame Washington Democrats as a whole, but proponents are conditioned to give President Obama the credit for the accomplishment. They might as well have stamped the bill with the words “Please direct all gratitude to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.” Of course the President played a significant role in the reform, but the post-reform rhetoric has assigned Congress much less credit than it deserves. This appropriation of achievements, combined with the slow pace of congressional activity, make it easy to find fault with Congress. There’s something for everyone to dislike on Capitol Hill. If your party’s in the majority, the other side is blocking progress. If you side with the minority, the other party is pushing a radical agenda. If you’re a moderate or don’t identify with either Democrats or Republicans, you can still lament the intense partisanship that embitters discussion and inhibits compromise. But regardless of which party (or parties) ought to be blamed for the deadlock, everyone seems frustrated at Congress’s slowness. Next to a President of many words and

ben kantack many actions and a Supreme Court of few words and few actions, Congress seems to have found an unhappy medium: many words and few (visible) actions. It’s no wonder we idealize presidents like Thomas Jefferson, who authorized the Louisiana Purchase without congressional approval, or Theodore Roosevelt, who bypassed Congress to begin construction on the Panama Canal. History adores these men as bold actors and world-changers, in spite of (and, in fact, because of) their disregard for the concept of “checks and balances.” Is Congress really the stagnant cesspool of lazy, specially interested blabbermouths that the media portrays them as? Perhaps. But maybe that’s not as bad as it sounds. In fact, it might be the very thing that protects American democracy. Consider the issue of Congress’s slow pace. What might be interpreted as sloth or indecisiveness is actually something vital to the rational decision-making process: careful deliberation. Many Americans spend a great deal of time

agonizing about choices that will impact five or 10 people at most. If Congress’s decisions can potentially affect 300 million citizens, deliberation becomes all the more important. Deliberation allows Congress to consider the specific language of a bill, consult experts in fields related to the bill’s content, run the numbers to determine costs and, most importantly, get feedback from constituents. A slow legislative process also allows everyone in Congress to have their say regarding the issue at hand, so that members of Congress (and their constituents) from certain states or districts aren’t excluded. This is why many complained that the debate about healthcare reform was “rushed” even though it lasted for months: with thousands of pages of legislation, extensive deliberation was necessary. Anger about “special interests” and lobbyists is another source of congressional malaise among U.S. citizens. We are primed to hate special interest groups and their influence on American politics, yet many of us fail to recognize that we ourselves are represented through lobbying and special interests. Do you smoke? R. J. Reynolds and Phillip Morris are fighting to lower the price of your cigarettes. Do you have a job? The AFL-CIO is demanding better pay and conditions for you and your coworkers. Do you like guns? The NRA is working hard to preserve your Second Amendment rights. Any American with enough

political conscience to decry the prevalence of special interests in Congress has at least one lobbyist group fighting for their policy preferences on Capitol Hill. At the heart of all this hatred toward Congress is a lack of political perspective. The reason Congress is inefficient is that inefficiency protects the institution of democracy in the United States. By making the legislative process difficult and time-consuming, we ensure that any new laws or changes to old laws are carefully reviewed and considered. This doesn’t mean that every new law passed in the United States is a good one — we’ve certainly had our share of bad apples — but as a system it definitely beats the brutal efficiency found in authoritarian regimes. Maybe Congress isn’t perfect. It’s certainly boring: try watching C-SPAN and see how long you can last during a debate on potato research (I only made it 12 minutes before switching to ESPN). Maybe there are practical, measured reforms that can improve the legislative process in the United States. But the next time you see someone calling to abolish Congress or fire all sitting members, think about how Congress, in all its lethargic glory, is keeping democracy safe for you, your children and your grandchildren.

Benjamin Kantack is a senior political science and Spanish major. Follow him on Twitter at @BenjaminKantack and reach him at BenjaminKantack@




tudent ife

wednesday, november 2, 2011

pagE 5

stephanie goodman | daily nebraskan

Wet Ink! concert offers platform for student composers adrienne anderson daily nebraskan

Sheldon employee Laura Reznicek prepares herself a cup of coffee Tuesday morning.



Unknown coffee shop in corner of Sheldon offers students place for conversation, studying, but sees few customers STORY BY JACY MARMADUKE | photo by mary-ellen kennedy


t would be difficult to find a coffee shop that is more underground. The café in the corner of the Sheldon Museum store only has four regular customers – and the kiosk has been serving coffee, tea and pastries for about a year. “There are a couple art students that know about it because it’s close, but it’s kind of a well-kept secret,” said Vonni Sparks, manager of the Sheldon Museum store. Staff opened the café last October in an effort to add a new element to the museum experience. “People need a place to sit after standing and walking around from gallery to gallery,” museum director Jorge Daniel Veneciano said in an email. “People need a place

to sit and talk about the art or exhibition they’ve just seen. Good museums have good cafés. They make for thoughtful experiences.” Customers can buy drinks in the museum store and sit down to drink them in the lobby or on the second floor. The kiosk sells Coffee House coffee, tea bags and hot chocolate, all for $1.75, and it takes all forms of payment. Punch cards are also available for repeat customers – buy five drinks and the sixth is free. In the past, the kiosk has sold cookies, brownies and other pastries, and Sparks said they should be available again on Thursday. “If we get more traffic, we’d like to bring back these kinds of treats,” Veneciano said. “Also, we want to create pastries to reflect the artwork at Sheldon; that would be fun:

to see the art and eat it, too.” Sparks and Veneciano said the museum café could be easily integrated into a student’s daily routine. Its hours are the same as those of the museum store: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, so students passing through on their way to class “may as well get something warm on the way through,” Sparks said. But the museum itself could be an end destination. “There is no place on campus more beautiful than the museum, and just to think that you can sit in that Great Hall and sip a hot cup of coffee on a cool fall day should be a warming thought,” Veneciano said. The museum’s Great Hall has free Wi-Fi, four sets of tables and chairs and a sense

of solitude that can be hard to come by on a college campus. Sparks recommended it as a study spot for students. “It’s just a lovely environment,” she said. “It’s not like the (Nebraska) Union. It’s a nice quiet place to get some work done.” But Veneciano has his own method for appreciating the café. “Here’s a secret I’ve discovered there: To enjoy an exhilarating view of a Nebraska sunset, sit on the bridge in the Great Hall overlooking the sculpture garden and drink in the blue and orange sky,” he said. “It’s calming yet breathtaking. And our table and chairs look like Calder sculptures! It’s like sitting in a work of art.” jacymarmaduke@

Steve Kaup knows how difficult it can be to overcome distractions. “Our attention is often diverted to the distractions and we usually must struggle to pull our mind back to a place of quiet revere that is free from the stress of life’s business,” said Kaup, a first year doctor of musical arts composition student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He seems to instinctively know this to be true for most of his peers, too. But it is also true of his most recent composition, “Contemplation of Wind Quintet,” which will make its debut at the Wet Ink! concert on Nov. 2. The Wet Ink! event is a concert consisting solely of student compositions, started by UNL professor Randy Schneider, and now run by UNL composition assistant professor Eric Richards. “The purpose of the event is to make sure there is a practical application and concert venue for music students are composing so it doesn’t stay in a theoretical environment,” Richards said. “If the music is of sufficient quality, it won’t just be discussed and analyzed, but performed.” Among the many students who are participating, four are premiering pieces with the hopes that they can get real-world experience and eventually continue their careers in composition. Four students have worked closely with Richards to develop their musical skills and are hoping to showcase

if you go Wet Ink! Student Composers concert when: November 2, 7:30 p.m. where: Westbrook Recital Hall, Room 119 how much: Free, open to the public

the very pieces they have been working on this semester. Caitlin Gilmore, a freshman music composition/ pre-vet student focused on the harmonies between a cello and a piano in hopes that she could convince people of the importance of interaction. “I really dislike it when the pianist has to sit in the background playing a boring, static, bland part while the other instrument takes the lead, so I tried my hardest to make sure the piano part was just as essential to this piece as the cello,” Gilmore said. Her piece, inspired by the tango, is just one of the many compositions she hopes to perform in the future. “In an ideal world, I would love to be a composer,” she said. “However, I know that not all musicians have as much luck as they do passion.” Rachel Whelan, a sophomore music composition major, hopes for many of the same things as Gilmore. She too aspires to be a composer, and has worked tirelessly to create music that showcased an instrument in a new way. “I wanted to play around with the idea of an atypical flute solo,” Whelan said.

ink: see page 6

Local artist aims to end intolerance Cara Wilwerding Daily Nebraskan

Ben Jones is starting a revolution. No guns, no violence, no discrimination. Armed with a paint brush and a blank canvas, he wants his artwork to end intolerance. Jones, now 25 years old, founded Anti-Oppression Art in 2005. This nonprofit organization materializes his views on discrimination, politics and human suffering. His greatest motivation comes from his 2 1/2-yearold daughter, Nina. He claims she’s a better artist than him. She’s more brave, more genuine and more creative, Jones said. Another inspiration comes from the traditions associated with blues music. He said nothing is more soulful than somebody singing the blues. There is no art like the poor man’s. “The blues culture is important to society,” Jones said. “In that those oppressed and marginalized individuals have an opportunity to scream, sing, kick, punch, paint and

cry their voice back.” Art is not just some decoration to hang above your couch, he explained. It’s not a Wal-Mart sign or a stop sign. Emotions are important for creation. Jones has done portraits of notable activists such as Cesar Chavez, Julian Assange and Sitting Bull. He also works with those individuals who aren’t known worldwide. Johnny is a deaf man from Lincoln who makes music with a washboard for spectators downtown. A four-byeight foot abstract painting of Johnny greets guests at C Berry’s restaurant. Fellow artist and friend Norm4eva has known Jones for seven years. She has seen his artwork develop through time and she understands his unconventional way of viewing society. “It’s more of a mission rather than making art,” she said. “By putting focus on things that normally aren’t brought to the public attention, I think

jones: see page 6

brianna soukup | daily nebraskan


wednesday, november 2, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Author’s latest novel shows strong character voice chance solem-pfeifer daily nebraskan

After seeing his or her fiction appear in some of the country’s most prestigious literary journals (a la New England Review, Pushcart Prize and Best American Short Stories), tradition dictates that a writer move to conquering the world of the novel. Such has been the case for Mark Wisniewski, who in August saw his latest novel “Show Up, Look Good,” published from Gival Press. The novel’s protagonist, Michelle, makes the move from small-town Illinois to Manhattan brought on by a heavy bout of self-crisis. The big city represents a new world for the wildly insecure Michelle, one with the potential to frighten, surprise, sober and inspire hope. Wisniewski is the author of “Confessions of a Polish Used Car Salesman,” as well as a respected poet. The Daily Nebraskan caught up with the two-time University of California Regents’ Fellowship recipient to discuss his recent work. Daily Nebraskan: It seems of all the aspects of your writing, readers and critics tend to take notice of your voice, first and foremost. When it comes to your “binge writing,” does feeling like you’re in the midst of a certain voice that you want to exercise keep you at the desk? Mark Wisniewski: Absolutely. A story-laden voice in my head that’s coming out through my fingers on the keyboard feels like a gold mine, so if that happens, I don’t stop. Which is to say when “Show Up’s” narrator’s voice was in my head, I didn’t want to eat or sleep because you never know how long a voice like that will stay. John Edgar Wideman taught me this method of drafting fiction in 1989, when I was at UMass, and I can’t thank him enough, if for no other reason than this method helped me draft my Pushcart and Best American stories. Plus it’s fun to write that way. Certainly it’s

the case that once you finally do hear a vibrant voice, like Michelle’s, in your head, the pressure is off of you personally. DN: “Show Up, Look Good” takes off fast. Did it in the original drafts? Is it important for you to get a plot off the ground quickly for fear it may not otherwise? MW: The rush to Manhattan, that is, without Michelle describing every tree in Pennsylvania en route, is true to how her voice told the story to me. And I always try to trust the voice. Wideman’s theory was that the voice knows what it’s doing storytelling-wise, that it has its reasons for sometimes moving along quickly and sometimes slowing down to explain. And of course the pace of a first-person narrative is an aspect of the characterization of the narrator, so when I use this Wideman method, only later, after drafting is done, do I ask things, like, “Why my narrator didn’t give more details in a particular section?” In theory, the manner in which any narrator narrates a novel implies a lot about that character’s fears, hopes, level of dysfunction, occasion-to-tell and purpose in saying anything in the first place. DN: It’s not a particularly long novel either. When you’re starting out are you thinking, “I’m going to hit between 205 and 220 pages.” How much of the length of your novels is an organic product of the writing process, I guess is what I’m asking. MW: I didn’t think at all about a page count. Mostly I hoped the voice in my head would keep telling her story. In fact, the first time I transcribed her voice, the results covered maybe 12 pages. And I loved the results, but they appeared to be only a short story’s worth. Then, many months later, her voice again came alive in my mind, and it kept giving me three to 10 pages a day for weeks until I had about 450 pages. And that 450-page early

draft, in fact, even after quite a bit of revision and editing, was far more wise-cracky and irreverent and full of funny and sad side stories, just pure Michelle talking away as if she and I were at some bar and she’d had a few drinks. But after my agent, the one I had back then, failed to sell that version, I followed the advice of one presumed expert in publishing and cut away a lot of that original material, some of it pretty fine stuff. At least one chunk of it published subsequently as a short story and I also toned down the humor. DN: What is your relationship to a character, like Michelle? Can you feel closeness to a character if you don’t condone their actions or feelings and, if so, what form does that closeness take? MW: She fascinated me. When she did things I wouldn’t have done, I pulled for her. I myself had lived in Manhattan, and I, like Michelle, have never had a trust fund, so I knew what she was up against. I told myself that if I were her, I’d never do some of the things she did, but on the other hand my time in the city brought its share of opportunities to do shady things in order to pay rent. I mean, I lived in Midtown in the mid-`90s before Guiliani and Bloomberg “cleaned it up.” If you wanted to find trouble, all you needed to do was walk around the block. Back then I was also asked to do unethical things in academia and publishing, so as far as Michelle’s involvement with shady people went, I felt pretty darned close to her. DN: What are the pitfalls of crafting a character as lonely, insecure and isolated as Michelle? MW: I don’t consider Michelle lonely. I think she’s alone at times, as are many main characters now and then in any novel. If anything, she strikes me as someone who found a sort of happy solace in Manhattan, where all you need to do to fight loneliness is leave your building. I mean,

have to see their work as a responsibility. “You must realize that by making art you are impacting history,” Jones said. “You are impacting the world. Art is inherently political in that you are saying, ‘Here is the world and here is how I’m changing it.’” Jones also thinks students should see art as indigenous to their culture. True art doesn’t fit in a frame, museum or gallery, he said. The next text is called, “Criteria of Negro Art” by W.E.B. Du Bois. He wrote that all art is propaganda

and forever will be. “I do not care a damn for any art that is not used for propaganda,” Du Bois said. “But I do care when propaganda is confined to one side while the other is stripped and silent.” When Jones introduced these concepts to a class of middle school students at the F Street Recreation Center, his results were less than satisfactory. The class had planned to create a mural based on Tupac’s poem, “A Rose That Grew From Concrete.” Lincoln police thwarted Jones’ plans, saying

courtesy photo

I found it impossible to feel lonely in that city. There’s too much humanity, beauty, verve and energy. DN: What were your favorite and the most problematic parts of operating in a New York City setting? MW: Maybe the most problematic part has turned out to be this whole “loneliness vs. happiness in Manhattan” issue you just asked about. It could be that, for readers who’ve never been to New York, Michelle came off as lonelier than I thought she had, which could mean that some non-New York City readers won’t quite understand why Michelle so badly wanted to live there. I mean, if the reader isn’t bringing to the text what the author trusts the reader is bringing, you end up with fiction that not everyone gets and that some readers might even therefore resent. Who wants to be the wallflower not laughing at the joke? Regarding what I like about using a New York City setting, that answer is easy: believability. Because setting fiction in NYC is like setting it in a bar full of drunks, outlandish plot twists become far more plausible. DN: When I interview bands or musicians, I always ask them how “this album” embodies where they are as artists. Is that

a fair question to ask of you as an author with this novel? Do you conceptualize where you’ve been and where you’re headed artistically as a progression? MW: Novels strike me as indeed like albums. Both take a while to create and edit and produce and both need more than one person to get them out into the world. Both do tend to result in some overall theme or themes coming from their essence, as well as from how they’re promoted. And right now the themes in “Show Up” that resonate most for me are the themes of love vs. hatred and candor vs. pretension. Michelle had a lot to say about both of those tensions and a lot of public discussion about “Show Up” has addressed these themes or pursued them. If nothing else, emails I’ve received about “Show Up” have tended to be frank messages about people’s love of the book or odd ones lined with that veiled rudeness so often practiced by literati. And as much as I find those themes of interest, I’m not sure I want to write more fiction about them. As Michelle herself said, “If love exists, it exists, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t, and no amount of talking can change that.” chancesolem-pfeifer@

ink: from 5 “Most flute works sound light and delicate. So I wrote a flute solo that has a darker sound, more dangerous, intense, tribal.” But while Gilmore and Whelan focused on the instrument itself, working to manipulate the sound in a different way, Kaup placed his attention on something else: the feeling associated with his piece. “I wanted to compose something for wind quintet that would reflect a thoughtful and quiet attitude associated with meditation and contemplation,” Whelan said. Whelan’s piece works to parallel his life, the moments of “thoughtful contemplation punctuated by moments of distracting thoughts.” Senior composition major James Haschke not only hopes to continue with composition, but is also curious about the film industry. “I would like to maybe even write for a movie or two someday,” Haschke said. The Wet Ink! concert gives students a chance to showcase their talent for the faculty and students at UNL, and teaches them the confidence they need to succeed in the real world. As Richards said, each composer is responsible for getting up and speaking about the piece, as well as their own musical world view. They are given the opportunity to talk about the things that inspire them, and the visions they have for the future. Kaup agreed, saying, “Wet Ink! provides an outlet for me to share my creative work with others, while at the same time it allows me to take my thoughts from only dwelling in my head to living in the reality of an actual performance.” adrienneanderson@

jones: from 5 Ben can change the world.” But to change the world, he has to start small. Jones leads art classes with the belief that participants are students and teachers all at once. Despite the age of class members, they’re are all teaching and learning to come to a higher level of consciousness, he explained. Teaching primarily at the Malone Center, Jones guides classes based on a few written texts. One is a piece that he wrote, called “If you would like to call yourself an artist.” First, Jones said, artists



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writing this poem on an empty wall would be considered tagging for Tupac’s gang. “It more than disappointed everyone that was involved, especially the kids that were going to get to paint this mural,” Jones said. This is not the only issue Jones has had with local authorities. While camping out for Occupy Lincoln, he created a canvas listing 10 concepts he thought the Occupy movement should endorse. These 10 concepts came from the 10-point plan of the Black Panther Party. When police saw the list, formed by what some would call a controversial political party, Jones was asked to remove it. Because it consisted of wood and nails, he could have been ticketed if he didn’t remove the piece. Believing the 10-point plan was law-abiding, Jones kept his work up a few hours longer. The list of demands included full employment, decent housing and an immediate end to all wars of aggression, among others. “I think that they were afraid it might become contagious,” Jones said. Maybe this way of thinking is indeed contagious. It’s clear to see where Jones “caught” his political views. Richard Hargesheimer, a retired history and economics instructor, taught Jones in high school. Hargesheimer planted a seed of thought, which Jones cultivated and harvested. Nearly every student at Bryant Alternative High School had either rejected or been rejected by the conventional education system, Hargesheimer said. Students succeed or fail in class, regardless of what the school system does, he explained. Hargesheimer watched Jones evolve as a student, active citizen and artist. He described Jones’ biggest strength – his passion for the harsh reality he sees everyday. “He can occasionally see the softer side of humanity and he wishes there were a lot more of it,” Hargesheimer

Ben Jones Jones’ portraits of political activists, oppressed individuals and political prisoners: Emma Goldman – played a pivotal role in the development of the anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe. Tommie Smith & John Carlos – track and field athletes who showed the Black Power salute on the podium during the 1968 summer Olympics. David Rice & Edward Poindexter – Black Panther members who were charged and convicted of the murder of Omaha police officer, Larry Minard, who died from a suitcase explosive. Their case is controversial and many people (including Jones), believes they were framed. Leonard Peltier – A member of the American Indian Movement who was convicted and sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment for the murders of two FBI agents. This is also a controversial issue and Jones believes Peltier is innocent. George Clinton – an American singer and songwriter; the principal architect of P-Funk (ParliamentFunkadelic). said. “He’s really about trying to create, produce or help move along the softer, more peaceful and loving side of human nature.” Jones and Hargesheimer now live across the street from each other. Hargesheimer said they often discuss social issues and occasionally have a beer. Hargesheimer understands why Jones is influenced so much by AfricanAmerican culture. As an African American, race relations play a huge role in Jones’s art, Hargesheimer said. “The same time that we elected Obama and said racism is a thing of the past, we see it experienced by others on a daily basis,” he said. “It’s more subtle than lynching, but it’s still daily.” Jones closed the Anti-Oppression Art studio when his daughter was born, but plans to reopen in Parrish Studios Nov. 4. He hopes to eventually open more studios throughout the world, specifically in countries with the most poverty. These studios will host a

variety of events such as free art and dance classes, guest speakers and clothing drives. While Jones sells his art to pay rent, making a profit is at the bottom of his list of goals. He said no matter what amount of money he’s given, it’s never enough. Selling art is like selling your kids, Jones explained. After pouring your heart and soul into a creation, money is arbitrary, he said. Rather than making a profit, Jones hopes to change the way people think. He claims that is artwork is not functional enough, that it has never saved someone’s life or powered a home. Real art, however, is made to change minds. “Mostly, my art functions as a tool to raise consciousness,” Jones said. “The perfect painting to me would be for someone to see my painting and, from that moment onward, their life is forever changed. They become revolutionaries.” carawilwerding@

Daily Nebraskan


wednesday, november 2, 2011

Apartment party aftermath eliminates want for another HORIZONTAL I.D. NEBRASKA

Nate Ruleaux What you find after the party: You wake up on one of your nine couches to find the others all occupied by hungover friends and random kids whose faces hide from your big patio windows under pillows, your roommate’s blanket and those extra sheets you’d been meaning to throw out. There are cigarette butts in the sink underneath piles of dishes and empties

stewing in a pool of ancient alcohol and soda. You find out you have ants, because after Jennie broke that glass around 3:30 a.m., you just brushed the broken shards and the whiskey and squirt underneath the coffee table. You find one unopened Bud Light, some Bacardi fruity drink and one clove cigarette. You sit next to Sean’s sleeping shirtless body on the porch couch your old roommate left and take a worried peek inside the trash can that’s aimed at his face, propped at an angle

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For Release Thursday, September 23, 2010


5 10

13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 25 26 29 30 31 32 33

36 38 39

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42 43 46

48 49 52 53 54 58 59 60

61 62


1 2




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Ticket Exchange

down on hand and knee. You find hungry people wanting Bruegger’s bagels. Somebody took a Sharpie to your roommate’s collection of Rolling Stones magazines, while at the same time ripping down more than half of the posters on your walls. There is a stain on the living room carpet of leftover vomit, with a few chunks still stuck to couch number five. You see Matt Klosterman’s book on the coffee table under the thrown around deck of circle of death cards and remember those dudes from upstairs tried to steal it. Then you remember that puppet Mike got from the yard sale was missing, too. Of the six beer pong balls you purchased 30 minutes before the party, one


For Sale

against a leg of the coffee table. And then you realize that the clove had already been half smoked, but you re-burn it anyway. There is a big wet spot on the dining room carpet that won’t seem to dry. There’s poorly spelled signs that were hung, one at the back door that says, “Stay Inside” and one above the sink that has a photo of Jeff Goldblum and reads, “Jeff Goldblum doesn’t want you to use our dishes.” You then begin running around the apartment collecting all your used cups. The Swiffer Sweeper breaks because you tried to use it on a sticky spot without any wet jet juice, so the pressure you applied snapped the handle. So you get a Clorox wipe and get

5 7 9 3 2

1 3 9 6






by Wayne Gould

Previous answer


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wednesday, november 2, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

PRACTICE NOTES FOOTBALL Wildcats competitive despite record Northwestern’s record is nothing to get excited about. After beating Michigan State, this is the kind of game that might be tough for Husker fans to wake up for. But that doesn’t appear to be the Huskers’ approach. Tight end Kyler Reed said the Wildcats are much better than their record indicates. “They play really hard,” he said. “They’ve been in a lot of their games and just haven’t been able to pull it out in the end. We’re very aware of what they can do. It’s going to be a good challenge.” Northwestern is 3-5 and 1-4 in the Big Ten. However, all but one of its losses have come by 10 points or fewer, and several came while quarterback Dan Persa was getting back to speed after suffering an Achilles injury last season. Its defense, offensive coordinator Beck said, is an opportunistic one that is very good at forcing the opposition into miscues. “They don’t make a lot of mistakes,” Beck said. “We’ve got to be patient and take what they give us. They’re a good football team, a lot better than their record indicates.” Marlowe taking advantage of playing time Jamal Turner may still be the Huskers’ leader in catches and receiving yards, but his playing time Saturday didn’t reflect that. Michigan State was just the second time this year Turner didn’t record a catch (Ohio State was the other). Receivers coach Rich Fisher said Turner’s performance in practice has led to reduced field time. Beck chalked it up to the true freshman’s inexperience. “A lot of it just has to do with being more experienced, just becoming a veteran player and realizing it’s not always just about talent,” Beck said. “There’s a lot more that goes into it. When we go into a ball game, we’re not really sure how teams are going to try to defend us. They have to be able to adjust and just handle all that. Some guys can and some

guys can’t. Usually for the younger guys it’s very difficult for them to do all that. It makes them play slower.” One player who has been stepped into that playing time is Tim Marlowe. Marlowe, a junior, has been a kick returner for the Huskers all season. But he’s been getting more playing time and more opportunities lately. He made a catch in both the Minnesota and Michigan State games and had a 39-yard run last week. “He’s very disciplined and runs great routes,” Beck said. “He’s a go-hard guy all the time. Even in practice, he’s a guy that’s just 100 miles per hour. He has a lot of toughness and has good speed.” Production down, spirits up Tight end Kyler Reed isn’t used to going for long stretches without a reception. Last year, Reed caught 23 passes and eight touchdowns. He has just eight catches this season and has yet to reach the end zone. Reed was a wide receiver in high school and was used to getting a lot of touches. He admitted that a dry spell like the one he’s had this season would’ve bothered him early in his career, but he is comfortable in his role now. “This year I really haven’t been bothered by it,” he said. “I’ve kind of settled into my tight end spot and I know I’ve got to block first before I run routes. It’ll come.” Reed has played in two games without recording a catch this season, including this past weekend against Michigan State. He had one opportunity in the end zone, but Taylor Martinez’s pass fell just outside his outstretched arms. So why doesn’t it bother him? For Reed, the answer is simple: the Huskers are winning. “If I can make a key block on a touchdown, I feel just as good as if I make a 10-yard catch,” Reed said. “We’re winning, so it’s easy to stay happy. I just try not to be selfish, because if you play selfish you start messing up. I’ve got to play for the guys around me, not myself.” — compiled by dan hoppen

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women’s golf

Huskers falter in third round J.C. Reid daily Nebraskan

Golf’s a peculiar game. One minute you can be golfing like a pro then the next minute your game resembles something similar to John Van de Velde’s disastrous finish at the 1999 British Open. Such was the case for the NU women’s golf team. On a warm Tuesday in San Antonio, Texas, Steffi Neisen shined in Nebraska’s final tournament of the fall. She helped g u i d e the Nebraska w o m en’s golf team to a fifthniesen p l a c e finish at the Alamo Invitational. What turned out to be a great day for Neisen wasn’t particularly the case for the team as a whole. After Monday’s second round, the Huskers were

ranked first overall, had broken the all-time school record for lowest round total and had three players ranked in the top 10. Not bad for a pool that consisted of six of the nation’s top-50 teams. Tuesday’s third round, however, was a completely different story. A few unbalanced performances by the younger team members and one extremely rare performance by senior Madeleine Sheils proved to be enough to dethrone Monday’s top team. “I think we were just trying too hard,” said coach Robin Krapfl. “We just need to learn how to be in that position.” Learning from Tuesday’s woes could be quite useful for future tournaments, seeing as the younger, more inexperienced Husker golfers suffered the worst results of the tournament. True freshman Shelby Martinek shot a frustrating 17-over-par 89, while sophomore Katelyn Wright posted a 10-over-par 82. The normally dependable Madeleine Sheils recorded a

rare 12-over-par 84. “It’s just a different type of pressure for you, being the No. 1 team,” Krapfl said. “The girls wanted to win so bad that they put too much pressure on themselves. Madeleine is obviously disappointed.” Don’t let one bad round fool you, though. Sheils has been consistent all year for the Huskers. The senior from Boise, Idaho earned two Big Ten Golfer of the Week awards, placed first overall at the Edean Ihlanfeldt Invitational and has had three top-10 overall finishes this year. Although Tuesday didn’t go according to plan for the Huskers, there were some bright spots in the performance. For starters, Kayla Knopik shot a 3-over-par 75. After recording her careerbest performance Monday, the senior from Papillion finished the tournament ranked 13th overall. Even more impressive than Knopik’s strong finish was the 3-under-par 69 shot by junior Steffi Neisen. Only once throughout

the three-day tournament did she record an over-par round. This steady play was good enough to position Neisen at second place, only one stroke behind the leader. “It feels great,” Neisen explained. “I played well the past three days. It’s just an awesome feeling. I really have been struggling with my iron, but today I hit my irons really well and gave myself a lot of chances.” Neisen’s final round was six strokes lower than her career average (77), and her best individual ranking before the Alamo Invite was sixth place. Her second-place finish was tied with Baylor’s Hayley Davis, the 29th-ranked golfer in the nation. Neisen and the rest of the team look to build on their strong performance and carry it over into the spring. “I think this will give us the experience to compete next spring,” Neisen said. The Huskers won’t compete again until Feb. 2 at the Lady Puerto Rico Classic. jcreid@

green: from 10

file photo by mary-ellen kennedy | daily nebraskan

Nebraska defenisve back Andrew Green (right) attempts to take down Michgan State running back Le’Veon Bell Saturday at Memorial Stadium. Green finished seven total tackles against the Spartans. But he didn’t take his benchings lightly. Green fought back and gave himself an opportunity. When Jean-Baptiste’s minor injury flared up, he pounced at the opportunity. “I’m just going to continue doing what I’m doing in practice and try to get better,” he said.

Green’s play in helping lock down MSU receiver B.J. Cunningham was impressive Saturday, but so too was his play in run support. The 6-foot, 190-pounder notched seven tackles, including two for losses. Even after demonstrating drastic improvement, Green is far from a lock to

start this weekend against Northwestern. Jean-Baptiste will be in contention for the spot, as will Evans, who played well before leaving early in the Michigan State game with a minor injury. But Green insists there is no jealousy between the competing cornerbacks.

Other than Dennard, the cornerbacks are all sophomores or younger, so sharing insights can make up for the lack of experience. “We’re all brothers and we try to help each other out,” Green said. “We’re uplifting to each other.”


martinez: from 10 been easy for coaches. “It is still a challenge at times,” Pelini said. “He wants the ball in his hands. He has a lot of confidence in his abilities and that is part of the maturity of somebody, especially at his position, knowing when to and when not to.” Martinez’s throwing mechanics have come under fire as well. The sophomore is working on tweaking those, but not in any major way. Like Martinez as quarterback, his throwing motion is here to stay, said Pelini. “Everybody is not the same,” Pelini said. “Taylor has his style, but does that mean we can’t tweak it? It comes down to mechanics. We will help him within his motion to keep getting better.” Martinez has heard good things about his throwing motion from coaches and players alike. “I think I probably have one of the quickest releases in the nation,” Martinez said. “No matter how the ball gets there, your release is the main thing about your

file photo by Jon Augustine | daily nebraskan

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini said Taylor Martinez still has room to grow, but the quarterbacks maturation has helped the Huskers become the No. 9 team in the nation. throwing motion.” Changes aside, the head of the Husker offense is comfortable in his role, something he thinks really

started mid-September. “It was very tough earlier in the season,” Martinez said. “Now I’m kind of understanding what my role

on the team is – just to be able to manage the game and get us the win.”

Jeffpacker@ dailyNebraskan

Daily Nebraskan

wednesday, november 2, 2011



»men’s » tennis

NU’s Manning honored with coach-of-year award Staff Report Daily Nebraskan

A month and a half ago, former Nebraska wrestler Jordan Burroughs received national recognition for winning gold at the Senior World Championships in Turkey. On Tuesday, Burroughs’ former coach received his own commendation. Nebraska wrestling coach Mark Manning was named international freestyle coach of the year by FILA, the international wrestling federation. “I am very flattered and honored with this award,” Manning told USA Wrestling. “A lot of the credit goes to Jordan Burroughs and his performance, as well as my entire staff at Nebraska. It is our team effort that makes this award possible. It was an overwhelming surprise to be honored like this.” Manning continued to coach Burroughs after the senior graduated in May, and Burroughs didn’t waste much time making his way up the United States wrestling ranks. His victory in Istanbul guaranteed him a spot on the U.S. Olympic team in London. In 11 years as the Huskers’ head coach, Manning has coached 34 All-Americans and helped five NU wrestlers to national championships. Nebraska opens its season on Friday at the Devaney Center with the annual Red-White Wrestle-Offs. sports@

file photo by andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Huskers junior Andre Stenger is one of the tennis team’s top doubles players, according to his coaches.

file photo by andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

In 11 years as Nebraska’s wrestling coach, Mark Manning has produced 34 All-Americans and five national champions, including two-time champion Jordan Burroughs.

basketball: from 10

Nedu Izu Daily Nebraskan

file photo by anna reed | daily nebraskan

Forward Hailie Sample, one of six freshmen on Nebraska’s roster, scored three points and grabbed four rebounds against Pittsburg State on Sunday. started frustrating her (Roberts) when she started to sigh, so I just continued to pick up the defense.” Defense has not always been Laudermill’s strong suit, though. In high school, she had a “score first” mindset, being her team’s leading scorer and playmaker. Changing roles to becoming a great defender for Nebraska has taken a little time to adjust to, but has been in the works for a while, according to Laudermill.

Stenger excels in growing team role

“I started progressing into a better defender in high school when my role changed as more of a leader,” Laudermill said. Defense will be huge for Laudermill, but the freshman’s biggest contribution may be giving starting point guard, Moore, a rest once in a while, according to Hooper. Last season Moore averaged 37.3 minutes a game, including almost a full 40 minutes a game in conference play. Both Moore and

Hooper took on the majority of the scoring last season as well, with each averaging more than 14 points a game. Having Laudermill on the bench this year will definitely benefit the Huskers, according to Hooper. “We have a lot more playmakers this year so it doesn’t have to be just Lindsey and me all of the time,” Hooper said.

Numbers don’t always tell the entire story. During his sophomore year at Nebraska, Andre Stenger went 11-12 in singles play for the men’s tennis team. He went 11-13 in his doubles matches. But NU coach Kerry McDermott said he has seen a huge improvement from the 6-foot-4 junior this season. “He’s a big guy who’s coming along with unbelievable touch and soft hands,” he said. “He moves really well and has a huge serve. When he first got here he struggled with how to compete, but now he’s using the tools he has as an advantage for him.” So far this fall season, Stenger’s singles record is 3-2 and his doubles record is 6-2. One of the things that makes his play unique, compared to his teammates, is his touch for the net and short-drop shots, which at times go against him, McDermott said. “He gets in trouble doing that when at times he just needs to make an easy hit. But he’s starting to learn that when he uses his touch and plays smart, he’ll win more matches for this team.” Unlike some athletes, Stenger didn’t have problems in school his first year. Instead the Pocking, Germany native struggled with the sport itself. “School was easy for me, it was tennis that took me a while to adjust to,” he said. “In my first few matches I struggled and although I was focusing, it was tough. It’s totally different in Germany. People there during matches are quiet, here it’s the opposite. But now I enjoy the atmosphere and

the team culture.” In his first season, Stenger finished 12-12 in singles play with a 7-17 record in doubles. One of the many things he had to adjust to was working out more. He said that’s what has helped contribute to his increasing success. “The workouts have been tough,” he said. “But they’re helping a lot with my improvements here at Nebraska. We’re playing a lot of tournaments now so we haven’t had time to condition as much as we used to. But once we get our break, we’ll do a lot more and I can’t wait because they help my game a lot.” Stenger’s last meet was at the USTA/ITA Regional Championships where he was eliminated in the first round in the singles bracket and defeated in the second round of the doubles bracket with teammate Robert Schulze. Although he had an early exit, Stenger said the tournament was a good experience for him. “In doubles, we had a good first round, but in the second match I didn’t play too well and that led us to our elimination,” he said. “However, it was a good experience for me and I’m glad I played.” Despite the inconsistency, McDermott said Stenger is an asset to the Huskers’ doubles unit. “He’s actually one of our best doubles players on the team,” he said. “We’re having such success with (Christopher) Aumueller and (Benedikt) Lindheim, but we put him and Aumueller together last year and they won quite a few games.” The pair played the last

six matches of the 201011 season together, ending the year with a 4-2 record. “We’re not sure who we’ll pair him up with next semester,” McDermott said. “But we’re confident that whoever he’s with, he’ll be a good partner to have come spring completion.” NU assistant coach Joerg Barthel agreed and added that Stenger is the best doubles partner Nebraska has. “He’s a magnificent leader and he sets a good example for the other guys with his hard work off and on the court,” he said. “He’s the guy everyone wants to play doubles with because of his hard work. I can’t say enough about that part of him and he’s just a great guy.” Stenger’s next match will be in Minneapolis when he competes in the Minnesota Hidden Duals Invite, which starts Nov. 4 and ends Nov. 6. Teammates Aumueller and Lindheim will be in New York after qualifying for the National Indoor Championship, making Stenger the No. 1 player in the lineup for the Huskers this weekend in Minnesota. “He’ll be playing the best players from Minnesota, Notre Dame and Denver,” he said. “I can’t wait to see how he plays against them because they play fast singles. He has some pressure on his shoulders this weekend because he needs to show us he can compete against the best.” Stenger said he’s ready for the challenge. “I’m excited to take advantage of the opportunity to be in the No. 1 spot,” he said. “I’m looking forward to playing better and seeing my improvements.”



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page 10

wednesday, november 2, 2011

women’s basketball

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebaskan

Huskers guard Tear’a Laudermill drives on a Pittsburgh State defender Sunday at the Devaney Center.

Nebraska quarterback Taylor Martinez ran for just 12 times for 23 yards Saturday, but his passing ability in the third quarter helped the Huskers build a 21-point lead. Coach Bo Pelini said Martinez has become a better game-manager.

just the guy for the job M a r t i n e z q u i e t i n g s k e p t i c s w i t h i m p r o v e d p l ay, b e t t e r u n d e r s ta n d i n g o f q u a r t e r b a c k p o s i t i o n story by Jeff Packer | file photo by jon Augustine


ebraska fans have seen it all from Taylor Martinez in his young career as the Huskers’ starting quarterback. They’ve seen blinding speed and 21 rushing touchdowns, courtesy of his legs. They’ve seen 18 scores through the air. There’s been endless skepticism surrounding his decision-making and his abilities at a position that is central to any team’s success. Some of that controversy carried well into the 2011 season, but it was soon made clear that Martinez would be this team’s quarterback. It wasn’t the most popular decision, but NU coach Bo Pelini believes Martinez’s recent performances as a game manager are proof that it was the correct call. “I think he has done that very well,” Pelini said. “Early in the year when people were asking me about him, I still think there are places he can grow, but this is one of the things he has done really well.” With the new offensive game plan

coordinator Tim Beck, the coaches have regularly referred to the scheme as multiple in design. It’s a fast-paced plan where complex decisions fall on the quarterback. “We put a lot on the quarterback in this offense with the audible system and recognizing the defense and getting us in and out of plays, the change in tempos,” Pelini said. “He has done that all really well.” Senior receiver Brandon Kinnie has seen his quarterback grow in 2011, too. “He’s doing great at it. Obviously he knows the playbook,” Kinnie said. “He’s running what is called and he’s running what he sees.” What a quarterback sees determines the whole play, run or pass, and Martinez is pleased with his understanding of developing plays. “I think I’ve improved in all ways,” Martinez said. “I think I’ve done a lot better job handling the game, maybe not throwing a pass here and checking a play here, just different stuff like that.”

To this point, Martinez has passed for 1,256 yards and eight touchdowns with seven interceptions. He’s rushed for another 659 yards and another nine scores. Since halftime of the Ohio State game, Martinez is 26for-44 through the air for four touchdowns and one interception. Many have said the numbers haven’t been glamorous this year, but the Huskers have stood by their quarterback. “He hasn’t played perfect and he needs to grow, but he is doing well,” Pelini said. “It comes down to details and what he is being coached to do. He can improve on a lot of things that aren’t visible to the naked eye. Little details week to week present great opportunities for learning.” One idea for growth the sophomore has embraced is patience. Husker fans witnessed the Corona, Calif., native slide for the first time in his career against Washington in September. Pelini said he recognizes that his quarterback believes he can score every play. Dealing with that hasn’t

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‘Hounds’ to improve onball defense Andrew Ward daily Nebraskan

Freshman Tear’a Laudermill’s broken nose was the result of a collision with teammate Jordan Hooper midway through Friday afternoon’s practice. The two collided when Hooper went up for a rebound only to knock her elbow into the Laudermill’s nose. After being down for a couple of minutes the freshman stuffed some gauze up her nose and kept on playing. “Blood was everywhere, but it was kind of funny talking with my nose plugged up,” Laudermill said. Two days later, Laudermill was as aggressive as ever on the court in a Sunday exhibition game against Pittsburg State. The guard knocked down two 3-pointers in her Husker debut. Laudermill is one of six freshmen on the Nebraska roster and, like the others in her class, she is not afraid to shoot, according to coach Connie Yori. “We are a pretty offensiveminded team,” Yori said. The guard out of Riverside, Calif., averaged 16.6 points a game during her senior year at Canyon Springs High School, leading her team to a top-25 national ranking and an upset against the No. 2 team. Her team also earned a berth in the CIF Southern Regional

final with that win. Despite all of the offensive accolades for the freshman, Yori said Nebraska’s defense will excel most in the program. “Tear’a has a great chance to help us in our system because of her ability to play great defense in the open floor,” Yori said. Hooper said that Laudermill and fellow freshman Brandi Jeffrey are Nebraska’s main “hounds” on defense this season. The “hound” is the player who picks up the opponents chief ballhandler in the backcourt, according to Hooper. Junior captain Lindsey Moore also has “hound” responsibilities, but to a lesser extent, Hooper said. In Laudermill’s first game in this position, she shut down Pittsburg State’s Drew Roberts, the Gorillas’ leading scorer from a year ago. Roberts was held to just five points after scoring 21 on the Huskers in last year’s exhibition. After making only one shot out of eight attempts in the first half, Laudermill worked more seriously on the defensive end, she said. “After the first half and seeing that my shot wasn’t falling I knew it was time to crank up the defense,” Laudermill said. “I knew I

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After bye-week work, Green shines in start NU defensive back notches seven tackles and helps shut down MSU receivers Dan Hoppen daily Nebraskan

Last week, the starting corner spots finally appeared to be solidified after several auditions by different players during the season’s first half. Stanley Jean-Baptiste, completed a spectacular interception that helped spur

the comeback against Ohio State and didn’t allow a catch in his first start against Minnesota. But he battled a case of knee tendinitis in practice last week, cutting into how much time he could be on the field. And defensive coordinator Carl Pelini saw something in a player who had appeared to have already blown his opportunity to start, something he hadn’t seen before. He said he saw the light bulb really come on for that player during the middle of last week. So, much to Husker

nation’s surprise, Andrew Green started against Michigan State. “He looked really good in practice,” Pelini said. “On a gut, we went with Andrew as a starter. He had a great game and he’s really coming along.” Green started the Huskers’ first three games but struggled mightily at times, particularly against Washington. His inability to lock down the spot made the right cornerback position a revolving door, with Corey Cooper and Ciante Evans getting shots the next two

weeks. Green started again against Ohio State, but was eventually replaced by Jean-Baptiste, whose strong play ensured his playing time would skyrocket. But Green began to chip away at Jean-Baptiste’s lead, unwilling to give up his spot so easily. He said the coaches worked with players individually during the bye week, which helped him immensely. Last week, he studied Michigan State’s tendencies and focused on preparing himself mentally. He and

senior defensive back Alfonzo Dennard completely locked down the Spartan receivers, leading to the worst game of Michigan State quarterback Kirk Cousins’ career. “When you prepare for the game, it becomes much slower and you see how well you can play when you know all your assignments and know what the other team is about to do,” Green said. “I was really focused on my one-on-one battle.” Green admits he wasn’t ready to start at the beginning of the season. He was

On a gut, we went with Andrew as a starter. He had a great game and he’s really coming along.” Carl Pelini

nebraska defensive coordinator

understandably nervous leading up to his first college start and his play reflected it.

green: see page 8

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