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friday, october 21, 2011

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•DN Arts & Entertainment section reviews downtown bars •UNL administrators, coaches, professors reveal favorite destinations

volume 111, issue 042

DAILY NEBRASKAN National sales BRAVING THE organization dailynebraskan.com

—o c c u p y

Cold weather challenges the occupy Lincoln protesters as they try to stay warm in chilly nebraska weather

l incol n—


story and photo by dan holtmeyer


University of Nebraska-Lincoln business and journalism students are jump-starting a new organization to help gain experience in the field of sales. Students banded together to launch a UNL chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon, a national business organization. While the organization is technically considered a fraternity, it isn’t the typical meaning of fraternity, said Scott Friend, one of the group’s advisers and an associate professor of marketing. It’s an association for entrepreneurs in the field of marketing and business, he said. Matt Benson, a senior finance major, and Shane Hertig, a junior industrial engineering major brought the idea to create the UNL chapter to Friend. Benson decided to try

Employers are always willing to spend a lot of money to find qualifications they’re looking for in students.”

Shane Hertig

junionr industrial engineering major

to bring Pi Sigma Epsilon to UNL after hearing from friends at University of Northern Iowa and University of Missouri who were each presidents of a Pi Sigma Epsilon chapter at their respective schools. Benson was a member of the American Marketing Association at the time. Benson said he had nothing against the association. “It just wasn’t a sales organization,” he said. “It’s not supposed to be.”

business: see page 3

dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Susan Watson, one of the dozens of Occupy Lincoln protesters who camped out in front of the Capitol brandishes a donated blanket from Occupy Lincoln’s supply tent, which holds piles of blankets and is surrounded by bins of coats and boots. All items are donated to the cause by supportive Lincoln residents, and most are eagerly snatched up by the Lincoln occupiers in light of dropping temperatures.


uesday night was Occupy of the top 1 percent of the country to planned for dinner. “There’s always nice, hot coffee,” Lincoln’s first introduction the detriment of everyone else, among to below-freezing tem- many other complaints. Several stu- Watson said. Closer to the Capitol, another tent is peratures, with a low of dents from the University of Nebraska31 degrees. Wednesday Lincoln were among the hundreds that piled full of blankets. Plastic bins of night, the temperature marched Saturday to kick off Occupy coats, gloves and boots surround it. dropped two degrees lower. Lincoln, and many are camping out as All are donated by supportive Lincoln “It was pretty freaking cold,” said the protest continues. residents or members It has to Susan Watson, 45, as she sipped cofThe next march will of the protest, many fee yesterday morning under the pro- be Saturday at noon on of whom come durbe a fully tection of a thick, knitted sweater, the Capitol Building’s ing the day and hold functioning scarf and gloves. The protest’s tents, northern steps. signs along the street occupying Centennial Mall between “We rocked it,” said before going to work movement. We the Capitol Building and K Street, sur- Eric Ellenwood, 30, returning home. And need to be able or rounded her. of the night’s chill. He those supplies are in to take care of It’s a challenge that everyone saw held a steaming mug high demand. coming: not food — there’s plenty of coffee and was eatgo just about our own people. as“Those of that — or even support from the ing a warm breakfast fast as we can fill that community, but a of bread tent up,” Taylor said of Nebraska winter. covered in William Matchett the blankets, adding Right now occupy lincoln protester The fledgling Lincoln scrambled that more donations are it’s a comfort movement started last eggs and always welcome. Many Saturday, a month afcheese. participants also share tents — and thing and ter Occupy Wall Street “We are not discour- warmth. Members are also looking for not a health first began in the aged, sir,” agreed Mark a propane heater, because campfires streets of Manhattan. Taylor, 51, who works in aren’t allowed in the park. concern, but In Lincoln, their deencampment’s impro“It has to be a fully functioning we’re going to the termination to force a vised food kitchen and movement,” said William Matchett, a get into that. change in how they pantry, housed mostly fixture at the food tent. “We need to be see politics work, in a large brown tent. It able to take care of our people.” even as the mercury contains even more food Shauna Nielsen, a 20-year-old forStephanie Dank than two days previous, mer student at the University of Nedips lower and lower, occupy lincoln protester is undaunted, Linincluding produce, pea- braska-Lincoln, said she borrowed a coln’s occupiers say, and they have nut butter, bread and coffee and tea bed roll and comforter from that trove a steady stream of the necessary sup- — important on cold mornings. for Tuesday night and “just bunkered plies. Warm food is a constant there at Anger was the spark — disgust the heart of the roughly 50 tents. Two occupy: over the perceived power of money portable stoves wait outside on tables and wealth over politics and favoring laden with coffee mugs, and chili was see page 3

point/counterpoint page 4

MUSIC page 5

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

David Alloy speaks at the dedication ceremony for UNL’s new Strength Complex named for him and his wife, Carol.

New complex focuses on NU volleyball Daniel Wheaton Daily Nebraskan

On Thursday evening, an 8-foot pair of golden scissors cut the ribbon on the newly dedicated David and Carol Alloy Strength Complex. The Alloys, philanthropists from Omaha, donated the funds for the new complex. Because the recent Ndamukong Suh Strength and Conditioning Center focuses on football, this recent complex is focused on the needs of other Husker athletes, notably volleyball. “We have been very fortunate in our lives and wanted to do something more substantial by giving back to the University of NebraskaLincoln and the volleyball

Football page 10

alloy: see page 3

Weather | sunny

Taking it to the streets

The Hood Internet

Containment plan

columnists debate occupy wall street protests

MASTERS OF MASHUPS RETURN for loyal lincoln fanbase

Huskers hope to slow down Gophers’ Mobile quarterback

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program,” David Alloy said. Alloy is a UNL alumnus who graduated with degrees in business administration and from the teachers’ college in 1973. Alloy and his wife Carol fell in love with the volleyball program after attending the 1988 Big Eight Tournament in Omaha. After becoming fans, the couple decided to give back to the program. The volleyball team, along with other varsity teams, have had to compete for the facilities with other teams, said John Cook, head coach of NU volleyball. This new complex gives the teams greater



friday, october 21, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

dn flashback May Exclude Women Oct. 21, 1901 Women students may no longer become members of the debating association if the action taken at its Saturday meeting is affirmed by the association next Saturday. By a good majority it was decided to insert the word “male” in the membership clause, thereby restricting the membership to men students. This action is not final but is only preliminary to the adoption of the constitution which will be done after the document voted on Saturday has been posted a week. Jack Frost Visits Campus Oct. 21, 1913 The first hint of real winter has made itself noticeable in the last two days. Warm gloves, mackinaws, overcoats and even a few furs are now a common sight on campus. Dr. Bessey is having the canna beds dug up and mulched for the autumn bulb planting. The gardeners are kept busy raking up the fallen leaves, which the sudden appearance of cold weather has nipped from the trees, and in general a wintry atmosphere has enveloped the student life Innocents Call For More Fight Songs Saturday Oct. 21, 1934 More entries in the contest to find a new Nebraska fight song were called for Saturday by the Innocents society, sponsors of the competition. It was stated by members of the organization that they wish to have a large field from which to choose as soon as possible so that the new anthem may be presented not later than the Pittsburgh game. To the composer of the winning selection will go the cash prize of $20. Competition, which is scheduled to close Nov. 1, is open to everyone outside the university as well as students and faculty members. Those wishing to submit the music or words may do so and an effort will be made to secure someone to complete the song.

University leaders’ ages raise concerns for schools Lauren geiger daily nebraskan

Many universities may soon face high rates of employment turnover and planning for presidents’ and chancellors’ succession because of the escalating ages of their leaders. The average age of a college leader nationwide is 60, according to an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The article also states that an aging leadership force may not be beneficial for students and their respective universities. In the Big Ten Conference, the average age of presidents and chancellors combined is approximately 63. An aging leadership force on a collegiate level raises questions about what happens when a leader steps down and what sort of communication is possible between an older leader and students. Neither J.B. Milliken, president of the University of Nebraska, nor Harvey Perlman, chancellor of the University of NebraskaLincoln, has suggested that

they have plans to leave their posts. “Harvey Perlman is not looking to leave the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” said Kelly Bartling, director of news for UNL. “He stated that clearly in his State of the University address.” O n e t h i n g students and university l e a d ers alike c a n ’ t predict is when an emergency milliken situation will arise. But they can count on being prepared in the event of an unexpected crisis that could leave university leaders unable to perform their duties. “Yes, we do have a plan in place in case there are vacancies in any of our senior leadership positions,” said Melissa Lee, Communications Manager at the University of Nebraska. Those policies can be found in the Board of Regents bylaws, Lee said, which are posted at

Nebraska.edu. Chapter 2.1 of the bylaws states that appointment of the president shall be made by the board. The authority to make all other senior administrative appointments — vice presidents, chancellors, vice chancellors, deans and equivalent ranks — resides with the president or administrative officers designated by the president, subject to approval by the board. The policy also states that advisory committees will be appointed to assist in the search for and selection of suitable candidates to fill vacant positions. “The University of Nebraska consists of four campuses: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska at Omaha, University of Nebraska at Kearney and the University of Nebraska Medical Center, which is located in Omaha,” Lee said. “The Board of Regents is the governing body for the entire University of Nebraska system — so regents bylaws apply to all four of our campuses.” Increasing turnover rates in college leadership are affecting Ivy League and

major research institutions, the Chronicle reported. However, a greater opportunity for diversity in fields traditionally dominated by white men opens up with more vacancies in college presidency and chancellorship positions, it said. But University of Nebraska students have no need to worry about succession planning for leadership at the top, Bartling said. Another concern suggests that this may not be the bottom line in the graying presidency issue. Interconnectivity and communication between students and UNL’s leaders may prove to be a difficult gap to bridge. “I think the age difference does make it harder for them (President Milliken and Chancellor Perlman) to understand everything,” said Ashley Rogge, a sophomore engineering major. “I’ve never even seen them. My grandparents aren’t familiar with technology, so understanding everything we have to learn and how we have to learn it could be hard for them (college leaders) to understand.”

laurengeiger@ dailynebraskan.com

Editorial: We Like Ike Oct. 19, 1956 Let’s get something straight. The Nebraskan has committed itself to support President Eisenhower and the present administration in the coming campaign and cannot qualify as an independent newspaper. Neither does it consider itself a strongly partisan Republican paper as evidenced by another editorial in today’s column. However, the policy of this newspaper shall be to influence students at the University to vote and/or support Mr. Eisenhower. Swine Flu Seriousness Challenged Oct. 21, 1976 Two doctors were challenged about the seriousness of swine flu Wednesday (sic) at a seminar in the Nebraska Union. Dr. Paul Stoesz, state director of communicable diseases, and Dr. Kenneth Hubble, director of the University Health Center, told about 75 students about swine flu inculations (sic). Paula Purviance, wife of a UNL student, questioned Stoesz concerning a study done in Salisbury, England. She said officials staged a mini epidemic and exposed six men to swine flu. Clinton Seeks to Retain Lead as Election Day Looms Near Oct. 21, 1992 Bill Clinton summoned supporters Tuesday to “end trickle-down economics” by ousting the Republicans as he set out on the final lap of his marathon quest for the White House. President Bush stressed that character counted as much as the economy, adding that his rival was deficient on that count. One day after their third and final debate, the campaign rivals thus embarked on a two-week sprint to Election Day, the Democratic challenger working to hold a large lead in the polls while the Republican president hoped for a late turnaround in the race. Nebraska Ready to Bounce Back Oct. 21, 2010 For Dejon Gomes, the film of Nebraska’s 20-13 loss to Texas was hard to watch. The Cornhuskers had just endured months of fan and media attention on the last second loss to the Longhorns in the 2009 Big 12 Conference title game. A loss on Saturday only amplified the notion that Nebraska can’t beat Texas. “I felt, personally, like I didn’t want to watch it even though I needed to,” Gomes said. “Some guys probably felt the same way. I’m glad we watched it, and hopefully we learn something from it.”



There’s a rhythm to the violence and an art to the brutality. Take a look inside the life of a young boxer learning his craft in Lincoln’s South Side Gym. Check out the video online at dailynebraskan.com.

— compiled by mitch mattern mitchmattern@dailynebraskan.com

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friday, october 21, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

UNL Transportation cautions drivers about deer season maren westra daily nebraskan

signs, because these are the areas in which deer collisions are the most problematic. When a deer does suddenly run onto the road, don’t swerve, Hams said. Experts caution against this kind of reaction, which, according to the Transportation Services press release, is the initial response many drivers have when spotting a deer. “The worst thing you can do is swerve, especially on gravel roads,” Hams said. “People often lose control when they do a panic swerve.” Transportation Services supported this notion, saying in its press release, “Collisions that occur from swerving are typically far worse than hitting the animals.”

Deer hunting season, which runs Sept. 15 to Jan. 18, is under way in Lancaster County. It’s a fact that may seem unimportant to many nonhunters in and around Lincoln, but the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Transportation Services recently reminded students and faculty of one reason to stay informed about deer season: driving safety. During the fall and winter months, deer on the road pose a threat to many drivers. Transportation Services released a number of safety tips that warn drivers to look out for deer and caution against common mistakes many drivers make when they see one on the road. One tip is to simply slow down and pay attention. Kit Hams, big game program manager for the Nebraska Game a n d Parks Comm i s sion, s a i d t h i s is the most i m portant safety tip for drivers. “If you can safely break hard and slow down immediately,” he said, “that’s the lauren olsen | daily nebraskan best thing to do.” The press release There are more deer in said following these basic the eastern part of Nebraska safety precautions is espe- than the western part, accially important in areas cording to Hams. For this where the Nebraska Depart- reason, Lancaster and Dougment of Roads has posted las County citizens should

MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS INVOLVING ANIMALS The number of animal-related traffic accidents in the state of Nebraska from 2000 to 2009 are shown below. Deer are involved in more crashes than any other animal. 5,000 4,035 4,000











2,000 1,000 0












take extra care when driving during deer season. Patrick Barrett, director of Tr a n s p o r t a tion Services, said deer are more of a problem on the highways outside of Lincoln than in the city itself, and that there are no incidents of UNL students or faculty being seriously injured due to a deer collision, as far as he knows. Hams, however, warns that most accidents involving deer happen in highly populated areas like Lincoln and Omaha. “There’s a lot of deer in the county and a lot of drivers,” he said. “The more people that live in a county, the more collisions you get.” According to the 2009 Traffic Crash Facts Book published by the Nebraska Department of Roads, 3,734 animal-related motor vehicle accidents occurred in 2009. Deer are involved in these crashes more often than any other animal. Other tips were given for drivers who see one or more deer on the road. According to Transportation Services,

it’s safe for drivers to use the brakes to slow down when hitting a deer, but it’s important that the brakes are released just before impact. This is because when brakes are being used, the front end of a vehicle is lower to the ground. This would allow a deer to slide over the hood of the car and break through the windshield much easier than if the brakes were released before the collision. Transportation Services also encourages drivers to use their high-beam headlights when doing so is legal. This not only maximizes the driver’s vision, but the lights can also illuminate the eyes of deer either on the road or to the side of it. Deer are herd animals, so when one is spotted, there are generally more in the area that the driver should look out for. If a driver were to hit a deer, the results can be serious. According to Hams, the damage done by a collision with a deer can range from no injury and very little vehicle damage to a totaled vehicle and, in some cases, fatality. When a deer is hit, it is advised by the Transportation Services that the driver keep steady, pull over, and stay away from the deer, which, if injured, may act unpredictably and dangerously.

practicing those skills,” he said. Since coming to UNL last year, Friend has developed networks with local businesses who come into his classes to provide hands-on knowledge. Friend said he also hopes those networks can extend their hands to the organization. Hertig said members will be expected to be actively involved in the organization and “not just sit through a meeting to put on their resume.” Hertig said the organization is open to everyone — not just business majors. “It’s definitely open to all majors,” he said. “Engineering students and journalism students have skills employers look for as well. (It’s open to) any student who wants to develop skills and sales marketing entrepreneurship.” In fact, one of the group’s associate advisers, associate professor of advertising Amy Struthers, is a faculty member in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.

“We wanted a variety to get a perspective, but we also knew that in the College of Journalism, those skills were very valuable as well,” Hertig said. Struthers said she was happy to be asked to be a part of Pi Sigma Epsilon, as she herself teaches two sales courses in marketing. As for the student leaders, Hertig said Pi Sigma Epsilon comprises eight students on an executive team. “Everyone who joins the recruiting process will be a founding member,” he said. In the meantime, the group is still in the process of getting forms approved with the national Pi Sigma Epsilon chapter. Benson and Hertig both hope for the organization’s members apply the skills they learn to the real world. “Students have the ability to make what they want of this,” Hertig said. “Hopefully we get something big on campus, here.”

marenwestra@ dailynebraskan.com

business: from 1 Benson realized UNL had no sales organization and wanted to fill the gap. To begin the process of starting up the organization, Benson touched base with his friends at other schools who had brought Pi Sigma Epsilon to their schools. He also contacted the headquarters of the organization. He found he needed 20 members and had to find an adviser to start the organization. Benson found friends who shared his interest of sales and who he felt could handle leadership roles. The interviewing process for potential members is set to take place in a few weeks, Hertig said. “Anywhere from 20 to 40 (students) would be a good number,” he said. “From there we hope to grow and not necessarily be the largest business organization on campus, but be the organization that has the highest progress at UNL.” The organization not only teaches skills to those interested in sales, finance

and business, but also lets them practice it in the field. “Employers are always willing to spend a lot of money to find qualifications they’re looking for in students,” Hertig said. Hertig described other schools, namely UNI, that have been known to have 10 projects happening at once. One project he hopes comes to the UNL chapter would allow students to sell T-shirts to the student body for local bars. The T-shirts get students drink discounts on certain days, and the members gain skills interacting with local businesses and students. Another long-term goal Hertig spoke of was a potential career fair for salesrelated majors with numerous potential employers at UNL. Hertig said he hopes the organization teaches members skills like communication and leadership but doesn’t want them to be formed from just presentations. “(It’s) not just hearing a speaker, but actually

Tammybain@ dailynebraskan.com

campus briefs Nonprofit grant proposal deadline approaches Nonprofit organizations in Lincoln have until Nov. 1 to apply for funding from the Learning by Giving Foundation. The Organizational Theory and Behavior Management class at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is accepting proposals to help nonprofits benefit the community as part of the philanthropy “Project Impact Lincoln.” Students in the class will learn how to start a funding process, create requests for proposals, evaluate applications and make decisions on providing grants. Nonprofits can win awards of up to $5,000. The businesses need to demonstrate the number of people served, the degree to which the identified need will be met, the long-term impact and the ability to successfully execute the project if funded. UNL faculty encourages support of Breast Cancer Awareness month The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is showing its support for breast cancer awareness by hosting its “Wear Pink and Walk at Work Against Breast Cancer” event today. Individuals and groups are encouraged to wear pink, which is the color for breast cancer support, and walk to raise money for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign. Faculty and staff need to get approval from supervisors, but are encouraged to recruit friends or colleagues. Participants should plan their routes and set a time on Friday to go out and walk around campus. The suggested pledge is $5 for every 15 minutes of walk time. Participants can also register online for the Making Strides walk at 1 p.m. on Oct. 23 at Holmes Lake Park. For more information, visit http://go.unl.edu/ghr. Poet and activist to visit UNL campus The “poet of witness” will be at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus for a reading and book signing Nov. 3. Carolyn Forche, a poet and human rights activist, will be at the Great Plains Art Museum at 7:30 p.m. Forsche has written four poetry books and written articles and reviews for newspapers and magazines. She has also won the Yale Younger Poets prize and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Award. Forche will also give a lecture titled “The Poetry of Witness” in the Bailey Library in Andrews Hall at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. is keynote speaker for UNL symposium The Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. will speak at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as the keynote speaker for the Nebraska Black Leadership Symposium. Jackson, a civil rights leader, will give a speech titled “There’s Still More to Be Done” at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Following the lecture will be a question-and-answer session. Free tickets for reserved seating will be available at the Lied Center starting Nov. 1 for UNL students, Nov. 7 for UNL faculty and staff and Nov. 14 for the general public. Each person will be limited to two tickets. Free Chinese workshop to teach cultural awareness Pingan Huang, an associate professor and associate director of the UNL Confucius Institute, will lead a workshop in the Nebraska Union Colonial Room from noon to 1 p.m. on Oct. 24 and 26. Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the free, two-hour workshop to learn to interact with Chinese students and scholars. Huang will talk about overcoming language and cultural barriers and review 20 common ways in Chinese to greet, introduce, express thanks and apologize and say goodbye. Space is limited to 50 attendees. For more information, visit http://go.unl.edu/pky. — compiled by Kim buckley kimbuckley@dailynebraskan.com

occupy: from 1 down.” Watson called her bed a “bed cake,” with layers on top of layers of sleeping bags and blankets. “I am so cocooned at night,” she said with a smile. Everyone asked said they were ready for the temperature’s inevitable drop, and many have experience and knowledge for the others to draw from. “I was in the Marine Corps,” Ellenwood said, holding a steaming mug of coffee. “I have cold-weather training.” That training is how he knows jeans don’t work well for warmth and wool is far better, and that layers are everything, Ellenwood said, and he’s spreading the word. He and others also pointed out that people camp in the winter out in the wilderness, which Lincoln isn’t. “Right now it’s a comfort thing and not a health concern, but we’re going to get into

that,” said Stephanie Dank, 24, a waitress and member of the protest’s medical committee. She said they’re preparing to begin the training for that transition. Occupiers will continue occupying “until it gets absolutely too cold for it to make sense for us to be here,” Matchett said. Watson said she hadn’t heard any complaints that would indicate that point is approaching. “We’re all Nebraskans; we know what’s coming,” she said. “We just want to be prepared.” She also has reason to be optimistic, for now. Temperatures are expected to rise for the next several days. “In my opinion, the universe is shining on the occupation,” she said.

Alloy thanked the people who made his and his wife’s donation possible and explained how his success through life made him want to give back to his alma mater. Aside from the complex, the donation will aid athletic scholarships and capital improvements, he said. He praised Maggie Griffin, a former player and current assistant to the volleyball team who inspired the Alloys to support the team. Griffin didn’t achieve high success, but was a pivotal supporter of the team.

“This facility is an asset to the training boot camps, and now the athletes have a big sandbox to play in for some variety,” Alloy said. He said he is excited that eight varsity teams will benefit from the facility, and it will help those teams fight for Big Ten championships. “If this facility can help get that extra kill or goal, extra hit, an extra bullseye, a strike during a bowling game or an extra inch on the track, then this is worth every penny,” Alloy said.

danholtmeyer@ dailynebraskan.com

alloy: from 1 opportunities to train, he said. The Alloy Strength Complex hosts an indoor sand volleyball court, a turf for pushing sleds and the “Transformer” squat system that focuses on the needs of different athletes. The complex has been in use since the beginning of the semester and has been used by the volleyball, gymnastics and rifle teams as well as other teams. Laura Buttermore, an assistant strength coach, said “having everything together is great.” She works with volleyball, softball, gymnastics

and rifle teams and said she is glad to not have to worry about scheduling for her teams. She said this creates a new home for these athletes and is a new source of pride and will motivate them to work harder. “It’s great that we aren’t in anyone’s way,” said Lora Evanstad, a senior nutrition and health sciences dietetics and exercise major. As a member of the women’s gymnastics team, she said this facility allows the team to maintain its strength during the offseason.

Before the actual dedication, the coaches and Alloy spoke about the new complex. “This is not a football weight room, as much as we love football,” Cook said. “It is nice to have your own place.” Cook also explained the difference between non-football athletes: They require different training, and this facility allows for that. Gesturing at the plaque dedicating the building, he said, “Our hope that young men and women training in

this facility will build teamwork, loyalty, friendship, memories and lead successful people in their future endeavors.” Cook also mentioned that this would continue to aid recruitment efforts for all Husker athletics. Athletic Director Tom Osborne spoke about the positive athletic and academic potential of the teams that will be using this facility. “I think this is a great facility,” he said. “And to thank the Alloys for their support of volleyball.”

danielwheaton@ dailynebraskan.com

overly radical, ambiguous goals disfigure otherwise understandable frustrations of OW eing anti-Occupy Wall Street isn’t a popular liberal position. Nevertheless, I’m not in support of OWS. At least, Occupy Wall treet hasn’t yet shown the kind of oherence in a movement that can roduce results beyond shifting the raming of the national debate. And iven the structure and the nature of he protests, they might never develop t. Occupy Wall Street protesters ave displayed a remarkable lack of rganization in political goals. I’m not alking about a lack of internal organiation. Daily Nebraskan reporter Dan oltmeyer met with a former UNL tudent, Katelin Brennan, who spent ime at OWS working on their logistial team. She discussed the handling f food donations and other things ong-term protests require. Good for them. I’m glad protesters an eat. But I’m still not sure what ccupy Wall Street protesters actually ant. Blogger Mike Konczal developed method for analyzing text posted n photos in the popular Tumblr We Are The 99 Percent.” What he ound was striking and something I ould probably get behind. Protestrs demand healthcare, education, a eneral broad-based anger at income nequality and an entirely rational esire to stop living month-to-month, aycheck-to-paycheck on bills. But I’m still not convinced this is hat OWS protesters really want. hese are rational demands, ones that an be made and satisfied through the ormal political system. People don’t ake to the street for a month because hey don’t like the healthcare system nd want single-payer. No, I think Ocupy Wall Street is about something lse. As it hapens, pollter Dougas

Schoen’s firm did a series of face-toface, random-sample interviews in New York City’s Zuccotti Park Oct. 10 and 11. The results didn’t surprise me: 52 percent had previously participated in a political movement. Of those surveyed 98 percent said they “would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals,” and 31 percent allowed for the use of violence. Political movements are great. So, too, is civil disobedience, when there’s a call for it. Think the Civil Rights Era or the Arab Spring. But violence? Is this reasonable in a society where your right to protest and to petition the government for a redress of grievances is protected by our government, from left to right? Also, Occupy Wall Street isn’t the Arab Spring, regardless of how the movement was inspired. Protesters, you can still freely protest. You have freedom of speech. You have a functioning representative democracy with some dysfunctional politicians that people nevertheless freely and fairly elected. This isn’t Egypt: It’s New York City. Look, it’s just one survey. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. Let’s take a look at another method for finding out exactly what protesters believe: signs. Signs aren’t representative of the larger crowd, necessarily. They’re generally one person’s view. But Occupy Wall Street signs are distressingly dismissive of actual financial and economic knowledge. Readers, I am not a Communist. I am a liberal. Being a liberal means I have a commitment to our capitalist system, even though I think its excesses can be regulated. Which is why a sign reading “Private Ownership of Industry is THEFT” disturbs me. Private ownership isn’t theft. Property rights are part of the

OWS protesters deserve credit — as people on its Open Market Commitdoes the President, I think — for shifttee — to take a short, wonky turn — ing the debate from deficits to jobs. . is a step in the right direction. I also sympathize with the broader And it’s hardly a secret that OWS protesters are anti-corporation. Should “We Are The 99 Percent” movement. Income inequality is a huge issue. It’s corporations pay their fair share? Yes. far past time people actually menI’m with you all the way there, OWS. tioned it beyond left-liberal pundits. But should we kill them? At some But OWS is about other things than level, anti-business rhetoric goes too these, and that makes me stay away. far. zach smith I wish Occupy Wall Street protestProtesters are understandably foundation of a democratic society. ers would put out a list of goals and angered by the gigantic bank bail“End the Fed” signs are also comsolutions broadly agreed to by the outs of 2008 — the Troubled Assets mon. This Ron movement. A solution to “makPaul-inspired noning the corporations pay,” for sense comes from a example, could be a financial failure to understand transactions tax, something I monetary policy. support and something with That’s fine. I’m not significant support among our convinced Ben nation’s elected officials. Bernanke himself But I don’t think OWS prounderstands montesters really have that in mind. etary policy. And OWS is probably best characcertainly, the Federal terized by its diffuseness and its Reserve should be lack of organization — in terms held accountable of goals, not logistics. A Tumblr for its culpability in with images of people holding the recent — some up papers describing their situwould say ongoing ations, while heart-wrenching, — recession. is not a manifesto. But an indepenAnd so, I am probably andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan dent central bank is doomed to say, no, I will not Ann Humphreys spins a hula hoop at Occupy Wall Street absolutely essential occupy Wall Street. Nor will I in New York City Oct. 6. to a functioning Occupy Lincoln, though OWS country. The Federal Relief Program — but those bailouts could take some lessons from Occupy Reserve can announce interest rate were actually necessary to save the Lincoln’s daily general assembly meettargets, spurring private investors to economy. TARP, for all it’s derided in ings. Occupying UNL is even further buy and sell bonds. Or, it can anthe media, worked. The banks have out of the question. The far-leftist nounce specific amounts of bonds it pretty much all paid back their loans, views of many protesters simply don’t wants to buy or sell, depending on with interest. And the economy could resonate with me, and my bank and I economic circumstances. have been much, much worse had get along pretty well. The Fed has a dual mandate: Promore banks beyond Lehman Brothers The liberal inside me just squirmed. mote full employment, keep inflation collapsed. But I’m not a socialist. I’m a liberal. low. Right now, the Fed isn’t doing On a large level, I sympathize with And I won’t occupy Wall Street anyits job very well. Unemployment, as the Occupy Wall Street frustration. time soon. OWS protesters would agree, is pretty Zach Smith is a senior music an Piles of student loan debt and no job political science major. follo darn high, even though inflation opportunities are problems him on twitter @smithzac is low. Ending the Fed, though, the United States must and reach him at zachsmith isn’t the solution. Getting the pay attention to. The dailynebraskan.co right

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

Twitter @ dillonjones6.

he Occupy Wall Street movement is pretty neat. The protests are the latest viral phenomenon, in part, inspired by the Arab Spring. Why it took so long to get here, I have no idea. While the goals of the movement are somewhat ambiguous, the intentions are noble. Even if the movement is ultimately unsuccessful, it serves to expose a deficiency in our democracy. The protest started Sept. 17 and has garnered quite a bit of media coverage. A quick Google search of the words “Occupy Wall Street” generates the latest news on the movement, the website (occupywallstreet.org) created by the group, a Facebook page (shocker), and a Wikipedia page (you know it’s a big deal if it has its own Wikipedia page). People around the world have been inspired to coordinate similar protests. There’s even one in our own backyard; more than 100 people showed up for the Occupy Lincoln demonstration. The about section of the movement’s website describes Occupy Wall Street as a “horizontally organized resistance movement employing the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to restore


democracy.” Sound vague? There’s more: “#OWS is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations.” The nebulousness of the objectives of Occupy Wall Street is a weakness that critics have been quick to point out. A litany of salivating columnists, pundits and GOP candidates have loudly criticized the movement as being misdirected and/or unfocused. I’ll admit, I too, have been slightly confused about the objectives of these temporary street dwellers. In my investigative quest to answer this question I knew the logical first step was to consult the newly developed digital oracle colloquially known as Siri. I closed my eyes rotated three times with my finger outstretched and stopped and (surprise) the person my finger landed on had the new iPhone 4S. I explained my dilemma and she was happy to assist me. I said, “Siri, what is the point of this Occupy Wall Street thing?” Her answer: “I don’t know. But I think there’s an app for that.” I retired my quest after my Plan A failed, my logic being that if Siri didn’t know, then

movement is that it’s redirected at the people who have the power to change the way that our country operates: the politicians. My hope is that the politicians listen. My fear is the 99 percent don’t have enough street cred (pun intended). My fear is the plutocrats are beyond reproach. My fear is our nation, which constantly claims to be the greatest, most dillon jones amazing, magical, sexy, nobody does. So, I am democracy ever, has let sorry to disappoint, but I a democracies primary don’t really know exactly weapon dull. I fear that if what the people who the government doesn’t are occupying Wall Street respond to the issues that ultimately hope to see concern so many Amerihappen. cans that things will get However, I pose to you ugly. that the fact that the goals The divide between are somewhat ambiguous the government and the is a small distraction from people has become so the real takeaway here. wide that only loud and The economic situation passionate action will in this county is such bridge the gap. If it apthat the people who are pears that such action, feeling the brunt of its which brought about negative effects are finally change in the other pissed off enough to vocountries that invoked the ANDREW DICKINSON | DAILY NEBRASKAN calize their pain. Michael D’Antuono protests at Occupy Wall Street in New Arab Spring mentality, is There’s a dangerous insufficient to force our York City Oct. 6. form of complacency politicians to act, then our that has afflicted Amerigovernment will have become less shouting loudly that they aren’t cool cans for a while now. It has with that. But they are democratic and definitely less sexy. I eroded our sense of shouting at the wrong say, “Occupy on!” civic engagement. Dillon Jones is a sophomore people. English major. Reach him at Moreover, My hope dillonjones@dailynebraskan. it for this com and follow on has contributed to a disconnection between the governors and those they govern. Furthermore, disconnect has weakened the general public’s ability to hold its politicians accountable for the policies they champion or for the laws they enact. The barons of Wall Street were playing by the rules that our government set for them. The Occupiers are

Occupy Wall Street protesters’ intentions are noble, expose flaws in economic system

TAKING IT TO THE STREETS point/counterpoint


Opinion friday, october 21, 2011

page 4






friday, october 21, 2011





Young professionals, artsy kids specials: Various speciality cocktails check out: Gourmet appetizers drinks: Beer $4, Cocktails $6

12th St. 12th St. Pub 1200 O St.


Pool tables & TVs, live music crowd: College to 30s specials: Happy Hour M-F, 4 to 7 p.m. check out: Taco Tuesdays, 2 tacos for $1 drinks: Beer $3, Cocktails $4

13th St.


124 N. 13th St (Alleyway behind Rococo Theater) atmosphere:

Dark, theatrical, classy crowd: People with blazers, rich theater kids specials: Happy Hour M-F 4 to 7 p.m. check out: Weekday evenings for quiet, relaxing drinks drinks: Beer $4, Cocktails $7

O’Rourke’s 1329 O St.


Casual, calm during the day, wild at night crowd: Gets younger as the night gets older specials: Weekly specials check out: Friday night happy hours drinks: Beer $2.75, Cocktails $3.25

Duffy’s Tavern 1412 O St.


Dark, loud, a lot of standing crowd: Hip, college crowd specials: Dad’s Beer Night, $1 tall boys check out: Fishbowls, bring a friend to help drinks: Beer $2.5, Cocktails $3.25

14th St. Sandy’s 1401 O St


Spacious, lots of seating crowd: College kids, Husker fans specials: Elk Creek Water check out: Karaoke drinks: Beer $2.50, Cocktails $4

Raising the Bar

1140 O St.

Everyday, someone turns 21, or someone else counts down the days until they reach that level of maturation. But those new to the scene don’t yet know the layout of Lincoln’s bar scape quite yet. It’s important that they’re clued in — bars can be expensive, draw a certain type of crowd and offer certain specials on certain days. Here are Arts & Entertainment’s picks for top downtown bars.

O St.

Marz Bar

Drinking isn’t for everyone. If dank bars and taverns aren’t your style, here’s a list of eatery and entertainment favorites from some favorite UNL faces. Whether you’re looking to kill a few hours over a cup of joe, or hot meal or just see a show after a stressful week, the prominent UNL figures have you covered.

Centennial Mall


bartender has a different special depending on the night check out: Nights with musical acts drinks: Beer $4.50, Cocktails $6

Yia Yia’s Pizza and Beer

1423 O St. atmosphere: Spacious, lots of art crowd: Mixed ages, hip, okay for parents specials: Wide bottled beer selection check out: Weekday lunches and weekend afternoons, great pizza drinks: Beer $4, Cocktails $6

16th St.

Harry’s Wonder Bar 1621 O St


Compiled by Jacy Marmaduke and Noah Ballard Art by Bea Huff

Small, quintessential sad bastard bar crowd: Older, ironic hipsters specials: Cheap beer all the time check out: The working-class charm drinks: Beer $2, Cocktails $3.50

Don’t Take Our

live music

crowd: Young, Deep specials: The nightly

Word For It

1415 O St.

Hip, casual,

favorite place to grab a cup of coffee: The

Coffee House

favorite place to take someone new to lincoln: First Friday Art


favorite bar or lounge: Zoo Bar i wish more people knew about: The Par-

rish Project Galleries/ Shops

Doc Sadler

Head Basketball Coach favorite place for a casual dinner or lunch:

Buzzard Billy’s

favorite place for a nice dinner: Lincoln

Country Club

favorite place to see a movie/play: Lied Center i wish more people knew about: How nice

people are in Lincoln

Jorge Daniel Veneciano, Ph.D.

Director, Sheldon Museum of Art

favorite place for a casual dinner or lunch: I lunch at the Q. favorite place to take someone new to lincoln: THE place

of extreme beauty — Sheldon.

favorite bar or lounge: Marz Bar i wish more people knew about: The Cafe

at Sheldon; it serves Coffee House coffee in the Great Hall.

Juan N. Franco

Bourbon Theater atmosphere:

Paul Steger

Director, Johnny Carson School of Theatre & Film

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

favorite place for a casual dinner of lunch:

Blue Orchid or Five Guys

favorite place for a nice dinner: Misty’s or


favorite place to take someone new to Lincoln: Usually some-

thing at the University ( a play, the opera, the museum, a game, etc)

favorite place to see a movie or play: The Lied

Center, Ross or the Grand

Wheeler Winston Dixon

Ryan Professor of Film Studies

favorite place for a casual dinner or lunch: Jimmy John’s


favorite place for a nice dinner: Dish favorite place to take someone new to lincoln: The


favorite bar or lounge:

None; I don’t drink, but Zoo Bar has great blues.

John Cook

Head Volleyball Coach favorite place to take someone new to lincoln:

Wilderness Ridge

favorite place to spend a weekend night out:


Charlie Francis Director, Nebraska Unions

favorite place for a casual dinner or lunch:

Olive Garden

favorite place for a nice dinner: Misty’s

pagE 5

Hood Internet set for return to Bourbon Theatre Lindsay McCoy DAILY NEBRASKAN

It’s like an indie, hip-hop, rap and pop concert all in one. It sounds a little bit like Broken Social Scene with R. Kelly, Ellie Goulding with Portland Cello, Beastie Boys with Weird Tapes. The Hood Internet is bringing its electric heat once again to the Bourbon Theatre next Friday, Oct. 28; tickets are $10. Their hundreds of mash-up songs hit the Internet in March of 2007, and the duo is currently finishing up production on an all-new album, which combines the many different artists they’ve gotten to know over the past four years. It’s set to hit the market in spring 2012. The duo, separately known as ABX (Aaron Brink EX-clamation point) and STV SLV (pronounced Steve Sleeve), have come a long way since creating their first mash-up track in 2007. They take indie and hiphop songs and stir them up to create a redeveloped version of the originals, which are made available for download on numerous sites thanks to their record label, the Real Internet. “The remix is nothing new to the music world,” said Steven Matrick (STV SLV), “but there’s certainly a lot more to sift through nowadays as the digital era has spawned lots of new producers and DJs. That notion has helped us build a fan base, as our mixes have made their way to people’s music libraries via various channels of The Real Internet like music blogs, Soundcloud, The Hype Machine, et cetera.” The connection of the Internet has allowed the Hood Internet to expose their early tracks and gain recognition by not only their fans, but also indie and underground music scouts. “Our inspiration was hearing other like-minded tracks that came our way, like Sammy Bananas’ mix of Purple Ribbon AllStars and Broken Social Scene or Them Jeans’ mix of Rich Boy and the Spinto Band,” Matrick said. “Things gained steam in April 2007 when the music site Gorilla vs. Bear posted one of our tracks.” The Hood Internet has an ear for pulling together all different frames of music and unleashing unheard of, innovative sounds, with such collaborations as hiphop artist Taio Cruz and indie pop band Foster the People. They hope to bring that same effect to their 2012 work-inprogress album, which will bring all new material to the table. “We’re excited to release an album of completely new songs for people to check out,” Matrick said. “The idea behind working on collaborations like the ones we’ve been doing feels like a natural extension of what the Hood Internet does in terms of getting some otherwise unlikely things together.” Junior biochemistry major Tyler Chonis appreciates the remix-style music the duo concocts. He visits their site and keeps updated on their recent works. “I really like the Hood Internet because of their sweet techniques to remix some of the top songs on the radio,” Chonis said. “Their songs are sick. They really develop some beats that are great to dance to. I’m pumped for their concert coming up.” The duo’s remix music style has become increasingly popular during the past few years. Other producers like Paper

hood: see page 6


friday, october 21, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Singer Post & Nickel picks up pieces flourishes in contest Jacy Marmaduke DAILY NEBRASKAN

Matt Havelka Daily Nebraskan

In the coming weeks, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student has the chance to make some real waves in the music world. Through Guitar Center’s nationwide Singer-Songwriter competition, freshman child, youth and family studies major Nicole Lape is hoping to break into the music industry and record a three-song EP with Grammy-winning producer John Shanks. “I heard about the competition through a Guitar Center newsletter,” Lape said, “and I figured I might as well try it since I’ve recently started to record my own music.” The first round of the competition is already underway, and Lape is currently in 75th place out of thousands of singers nationwide. With every new “like” on her Facebook page comes new hope of climbing the national list. If she advances to the next rounds, Lape will be competing with some of the best amateur singer-songwriters in the country, and the exposure will no doubt do wonders to her budding celebrity. “The cool thing about this competition is it’s more open for female performers,” said Jake Van Noy, Guitar Center store manager. “Guitar Center has previously hosted a competition for King of the Blues and other male-centered competitions, and with this we really wanted to step outside that gender bias, so this singer-songwriter competition really allowed us to encourage women to compete.” With two more weeks to go in the first round, Lape still has a lot of ground to make up, but with a strong Facebook fan base, the prospects for advancing to the next round are encouraging. “To qualify for the next round, you have to be in the top 10 of vote getters in the standings by the end of October,” she said. “Each ‘like’ on your official Facebook music page or YouTube channel counts as a vote.” To understand Nicole’s musical ambition, one must examine a long musical history that traces its roots to Rockford, Ill., her hometown. “I have been singing ever since I discovered I could make noise,” she explained, “However, I first realized I

had a gift when I was in fifth grade and was asked to sing the hymn ‘The Old Rugged Cross’ for a homeless shelter.” During the past 10 years, Lape has been honing her skills in various church choirs and youth events. She made the move to Lincoln this past August to attend UNL and she’s still looking for the perfect output for her musical endeavors in Nebraska. “Since I’ve known Nicole, she’s had a great voice, singing beautifully at church, youth group and even various gatherings among friends,” said Peter Spana, one of Nicole’s best friends. “She has always been one person who I’ve set apart from other singers and musicians.” Nicole realizes her uphill battle in Guitar Center’s Singer-Songwriter competition, but she’s hopeful her fans can continue to bolster her standing. Winning the record contract would no doubt be the biggest occurrence in this young singer’s life, and she has planned accordingly. “The preparation for this competition has been taking place for a long time,” Lape said, “That involves practicing my songs until they’re perfect and then recording them the best I can. Sometimes recording one song can take a whole weekend.” Her Facebook and Youtube pages are littered with examples of her voice and lyrics. Her friends have described her voice as “Taylor Swift meets Adele,” with justifiable reasoning, and her evangelical background is evident in her lyrics. Her musical influences include Colbie Caillat and Ingrid Michaelson, but Lape insists she isn’t trying to emulate anybody with her music. If she wins, Lape will be working with producer John Shanks, who recently won a Grammy award for producer of the year. Shanks has already conquered the singer-songwriter genre by working with musical heavyweights Sheryl Crow, Stevie Nicks and Alanis Morissette. The resulting three-song EP will give Lape the exposure she needs to achieve her dreams. If you’re interested in supporting Lape’s musical ambitions, visit her Facebook page and “Like” her, or subscribe to her YouTube channel at iNicoleMarie. matthavelka@ dailynebraskan.com

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Not a raindrop fell from the sky, but the water hit 14th Street like a flash flood. Within hours, the concrete river had drained, leaving behind only muddy trenches on the sidewalks. Most people forgot about the water main break between O and P streets Sept. 14. Not Tafe Sup Bergo. “Originally there was so much water, and then all of a sudden it was gone,” said Sup Bergo, co-owner of the Post & Nickel clothing store on 14th and P streets. “It went into our basement. It honestly looked like a hurricane going through.” When the 98-year-old water main burst, an estimated 96,000 gallons of water flooded the Post & Nickel basement, ruining computers, heating and air conditioning equipment, antiques and hundreds of units of unsold merchandise, predominantly shoes. The water rose an inch a minute, eventually leveling off at about six feet. For three and a half weeks, the

family-owned and -operated store closed its doors as employees struggled to cope with destroyed inventory and structural damage. “I know there are a lot of people in this state that lost a lot because of the floods,” Sup Bergo said. “In no way does this compare. Nobody got injured, nobody died, we didn’t lose our house. But we did sustain a massive loss financially, and it will take us a long time to recover from it.” Sup Bergo’s father opened Post & Nickel as a men’s clothing store in 1966, eventually expanding the business to include women’s clothing and two more adjacent buildings. It’s the largest specialty store in the Midwest, according to Sup Bergo, who took over as co-owner when she was 21 years old. She said the store’s wide selection reflects a customer base ranging from high school to retirement age. “It’s a really big staple of downtown Lincoln,” said Kiara Letcher, a senior broadcast journalism major who works at Post & Nickel.

TOM HELBERG The remakes keep coming. Howard Hawks and Christian Nyby’s “The Thing from Another World” (1951) was already remade as John Carpenter’s “The Thing” in 1982. Now there is a third “Thing” in theaters, although it claims to be a prequel to Carpenter’s film. All the films follow scientists in frozen landscapes trying to survive as an alien being tries to kill all of them. The first film takes place at the North Pole; the second moves South. The Hawks’ version is actor-driven, not camera-driven. The camera pans with characters as they speak. As a whole, the camera work does not draw attention to itself and is secondary to the blocking of the actors.

The camera dollies back as the crew walks toward it, showing that they are authoritative. Emphasizing the power of the group, two or more actors fill almost every frame. All the characters try to find quick solutions to problems, which mirrors the efficient pace of the filmmaking. Scenes are short and direct, just as the characters and their decisions. Scientists and military officers struggle to find common ground, providing one of the film’s main conflicts. Several references are made to the bombing of Hiroshima, as it was in recent memory, and characters wonder if the violence was worth it. Shots on location at the Glacier National Park are smoothly inter-cut with studio shots. Hawks’ films have a tradition of strong female characters. Nikki (Margaret Sheridan) holds her own among the men and could be seen as post-feminist before the movement even started. In other films of the era, she might have been fawning over Pat (Kenneth Tobey).

jacymarmaduke@ dailynebraskan.com

Instead, she goes in for the first kiss and even ties him up. Nikki was a “Hawksian woman,” a tough-talking female archetype present in many of Hawks’ films. Carpenter, who is a Hawks fan, features such women in his other films, but not in his “The Thing”; the voice in a computer chess game that our hero Mac (Kurt Russell) plays is the closest thing to a female character. Because of the limitations of special effects and makeup, the decision was made to not show any close-ups of the original Thing. The Thing is seen mostly in medium shots and in shadows, allowing the audience to fill in the blanks. Creature makeup in Carpenter’s flick is very convincing and graphic. The gore may be a bit gratuitous, but it is likely why the movie is a cult favorite. Carpenter’s film is mood-driven and slower paced, and many scenes take place at night. Its ending is more bleak than that of the original. One of science fiction’s most well-known shots


comes from the first film, in which scientists form a circle that traces the outline of a spaceship trapped in ice. Carpenter’s film wisely doesn’t recreate the shot, but it pays homage to it as characters watch a similar scenario unfold on television. Likewise, the last line in the original film “keep watching the skies,” had as much to do with the Red Scare as aliens and was omitted from Carpenter’s film. Both films have become lasting genre pictures with one focusing more on science and the other on the scares. A third “Thing” in theaters tells us either that big studios are creatively bankrupt or that the story still has resonance.

Tom Helberg is a senior film studies major. Reach him at tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com.

hood: from 5 Diamond and Pretty Lights are taking their electric songs on tour this fall, igniting their Lincoln shows in full-force — lights, bass and nonstop energy, which is what can be expected from the Hood Internet. “The concerts are great,” said sophomore marketing major Michael Kupfer about last year’s show. “They play extremely well to the crowd, have an awesome sound and light setup and really know what it takes to get the crowd going.” Kupfer, along with other returning fans, say he expects to see the same intensity. The Hood Internet began doing shows in 2007 when a friend introduced them to the idea of a live DJ show. They started out using partially pre-mixed tracks before gaining experience and quickly improving. Their fan base continues to expand each year. “I went to the concert last

year and it was crazy,” Chonis said. “The place was packed and everyone was raging. I have a feeling that this year is going to be even better now that people know about them.” To check out the Hood Internet’s sound and personality, go to their website at thehoodinternet.com or check out what the duo does with their down time at albumtacos. tumblr.com/ archive. Spoiler alert: they hide taco images in iconic album covers. lindsaymccoy@ dailynebraskan.com

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“It’s a community, and we all rely on each other,” said Footloose and Fancy co-owner Matt Stricker, who helped his down-thestreet neighbors at the Post & Nickel move boxes from the basement. “We have to be able to compete against all the big-box stores coming in.” Employees and volunteers later had to move all merchandise back into the store for inventory. Sup Bergo said the process of recovery will be a slow one, although she would not comment on specific details. The store re-opened for business Oct. 13, and the family is focused on the future. “The plan is to move forward with a smile on our face,” Sup Bergo said. “My husband runs the men’s; I do the women’s. My parents, my sister-in-law, my brother — everybody comes together and helps. So it’s a whole family problem when something goes wrong. But it’s also a great family joy when everything does come back together.”

Two ‘Things’ diverge as third looms

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“My dad will say, ‘I remember when I shopped at the Post & Nickel when I was in college.’ It’s great to have people like that come in.” For four days after the flood, an employee was on location around the clock, working with local government officials and restoration workers to assess the damage. Next, Post & Nickel employees, most of whom are University of Nebraska-Lincoln students, had to move ruined inventory out of the basement and intact merchandise out of the upper levels. “Everyone would go to class and then right after class come back and help move everything and then go to class again and come back,” Letcher said. “It got done pretty fast because there were enough of us willing to hang around here and put in the hard work.” Community support made the seemingly daunting process move more quickly. According to Sup Bergo, local business owners and employees as well as community members “just showed up,” to help out.

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Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 21, 2011

AIDS documentary tells heartfelt story Tom Helberg

hopeful in the 1990s when the medical community catches up, yet there still is no cure. The gay community is hit hard by the disease, with friends disappearing from their daily routines almost without notice. People rose to the occasion and helped one another through the illness, which provides for some of the most heartfelt stories. Some begin to question their free love lifestyle when the disease takes down so many. Interviews are more engaging than standard talking head accounts. Speakers vividly recall the harrowing circumstances their community went through and welling up is inevitable. Newsreel footage is cut in, and much of it features

Daily Nebraskan

As intimate as documentaries come, “We Were Here,” directed by David Weissman and Bill Weber, looks at the arrival and impact of AIDS in San Francisco. In the time frame that the film covers, from the inception of the outbreak to when drugs become available to make life sustainable, some 15,000 lives are lost. Heartbroken friends and lovers recount deep and reflective tales. The earliest diagnoses of Kaposi’s sarcoma, or “gay Cancer” as some called it, is a warning sign of AIDS that would be classified later. Things are more

Director: David Weissman and Bill Weber Mary Riepma Ross


the interviewees so the whole picture feels very cohesive. The interviews, archival photos and video could kill a documentary in less skilled hands, but here they succeed. “We Were Here” works because of its sense of pathos and heart. The interviewees who open up seem to hold nothing back, making for a candid affair. tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com

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7 4













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32 36








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No. 0810

55 58

42 47

52 56











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30 ___ alcohol 31 Litigate

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34 Lodge member

36 Audi alternative 40 Truckerʼs place

41 Greek New Age musician 44 Wool variety

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friday, october 21, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

big ten teleconference

Dantonio addresses Spartan penalties, league’s defenses Faiz Siddiqui daily nebraskan

Defense was the hot topic for Michigan State head coach Mark Dantonio during Tuesday’s Big Ten teleconference. Specifically, defensive penalties. The Spartans’ head coach was forced to defend his defensive unit’s play after it committed a slew of personal fouls in Saturday’s 28-14 victory over intrastate rival Michigan. Defensive coordinator Pat Narduzzi’s controversial remarks following the bloodbath only made things worse. “That’s what we tried to do, 60 minutes of unnecessary roughness,” Narduzzi said in Saturday’s postgame press conference. Dantonio went on to suggest that Narduzzi’s statement was made in jest. “Coach Narduzzi’s comments were taken out of context,” Dantonio said Tuesday. “If you look at the entire press conference, he talks about how we’re coaching (the players).” But the weekend’s Big Ten action wasn’t limited to foul play and accusations

of misconduct. Dantonio proceeded to discuss the continued defensive dominance within the conference, which carries five of the top 18 teams in the NCAA in terms of defense. “There’s great coaching going on in this conference,” he said. “There’s continuity for a lot of football teams in this conference. One of our biggest attributes here and reasons we’ve been successful here is that we’ve had the same defensive staff in place for five years now at Michigan State. It’s the ability to recruit good players and then they execute.” That’s not to say the conference isn’t performing on the other side of the ball. Anchored by the return of suspended recruits, head coach Luke Fickell and his Ohio State Buckeyes executed this weekend. On the strength of running back Daniel “Boom” Herron’s 114 rushing yards and tackle Mike Adams’ run blocking, Ohio State soundly defeated 16thranked Illinois 17-7. The 4-3 Buckeyes

notched their first conference win just a week after suffering a disappointing loss at Memorial Stadium, where NU mounted the biggest comeback in school history, defeating them 3427. Fickell highlighted the impact of the victory on his players. “It was huge for us to get a win and a little bit of momentum, and our confidence back,” he said. He also noted the morale boost arising from the return of seasoned veterans in Herron and Adams. “Mike, kind of along with Boom (Herron) a little bit, is one of those guys who gives us more confidence,” he said. “(Mike) can do a lot of things for us. Not only can he run block, but he can pass block too. He bring us a whole lot of things, not just from his game but also his attitude and his confidence level.” And even after a bye week, NU football wasn’t absent from Big Ten discussion. Five days ahead of a matchup with the Huskers, Minnesota head coach Jerry Kill called NU “hardnosed, tough, the type of

football team we’d like to be.” After suffering a devastating 58-0 loss to Michigan to begin conference play, the Gophers again fell short the following week, allowing Purdue 45 points in West Lafayette. Kill seemed wary of the threat for potential disaster Saturday when Minnesota hosts the 13th-ranked Huskers. “We’ll have our hands full, and we’ll have to play with a lot of heart and toughness and we’ll have to play together,” he said. Kill went on to address the legion of issues, including his own health, that have plagued his program since the beginning of the season. In September, the coach suffered a seizure in the waning seconds of a 28-21 loss to New Mexico State. The team hasn’t fared well since, posting a 1-3 record with the sole victory coming against the Miami (Ohio) Redhawks. “You’d like to snap your fingers and make everything OK,” he said. “But the world doesn’t work that way.” faizsiddiqui@ dailynebraskan.com

from arts and entertainment

lauren vuchitech | daily nebraskan

Grand concludes Fright Fest film series with ‘Child’s Play’ Ryan Kopelke DAILY NEBRASKAN

“Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna play a game?” Horrifying viewers since 1988, these simple lines begin Charles Lee Ray’s (Chucky) dialogue with the innocent Andy Barclay in “Child’s Play.” They will be heard during Fright Fest at the Lincoln Grand Cinema on 13th and P streets for the final showing of the month. Fright Fest at the Grand features a horror movie at 10 p.m. every Thursday night in October for $5 per person. For those four nights, the classic horror films that made generations afraid of the dark come back to the big screen. Fright Fest starts with “Poltergeist” Oct. 6 and progresses through “The Shining” Oct. 13. It continues with “The

Amityville Horror” Oct. 20 and ends with “Child’s Play” Oct. 27. Fright Fest promises the most extensive horror movie series in town, according to Lisa Fryda, the Grand’s general manager. As a special treat, “The Amityville Horror” was preceded by a 7 p.m. showing of “Ghostbusters” and followed by the midnight premiere of “Paranormal Activity 3.” The festival’s first year was a huge success, Fryda said, with many viewers coming back for the entire series. “They wanted to have it again,” Fryda said. “A lot of times there are certain horror films out that premiere about a month before Halloween, but we have them every week so people can see them more often and get their horror fix.” Choosing to showcase

horror movies from previous generations came from a culmination of viewer preferences from last year’s Fright Fest, the psychology of horror movies and business sense on the corporate level. “They are the classic older horror films that are a little more accessible to people rather than the older horror movies and also not as readily available for people to see on cable as the newer films,” said Carlo Petrick, communications manager for Marcus Theatres. Fryda gave light to viewers’ attachment to older horror films. “A lot of it is more blood and gore now,” she said. “The older films have this energy, the suspense of what will happen, so you are kind of always on the edge of your seat.” Balancing this edge-ofyour-seat thrill with the

preference of the viewers, Fright Fest brings together a community of people seeking the full Halloween experience. It’s a pregame selection of horror from days gone by, a horror premiere from today, all made better by the community of viewers that choose to experience it together every seven days this month. “It’s a lot more fun to go out to a movie theatre than sit in your room and watch one alone,” Petrick said. “Comedies are so much funnier when you get to experience them with other people and horror movies take on a different tone when you have a group of people experiencing the suspense.” For more information and show times visit http:// www.marcustheatres.com/ Promotion/PromotionDetail/31. ryankopelke@

Minnesota Golden GOPHERS


1. Stop the run The combination of Taylor Martinez and Rex Burkhead will no doubt gain some yardage, but if they are contained to short yard gains on first and second downs, the Gophers have a chance to make some stops. Currently, Nebraska is 11th in the nation in rushing offense with 247 yards per game. If Minnesota is able to contain that to 150, that should be enough stops to keep them in a close game. The Gophers will need to stack the box with safety Kim Royston most of the afternoon, exposing their cornerbacks, but it’s a worthwhile trade-off if they are able to contain the Nebraska running attack.

1. Keep Gray at bay Like the Huskers, Minnesota is coming off its bye week and had the opportunity to recover from some injuries. One thing that has plagued the Gophers offense early this season is a less-than-100-percent MarQueis Gray. The dual-threat quarterback will be a weapon for Minnesota’s offense this weekend, both with his legs and arm. NU’s defense has struggled with quarterbacks that have similar athleticism to Gray early this season. Nebraska cannot allow Gray to use his feet to extend drives and keep Minnesota’s offense moving, much like Braxton Miller did two weeks ago. Forcing Gray, who has completed just 48.5 percent of his passes this season, into to 3rd-and-long situations will lead to good things for Nebraska.

2. win time of possession battle The longer Minnesota can keep the chains moving, the better its chances are of pulling off the upset. When Nebraska isn’t on the field, Minnesota will be able to save its undersized defensive line from overexposure against the Cornhuskers’ big offensive line. Minnesota is down to two healthy running backs but welcome back MarQueis Gray and his legs. If the Gophers are able to run the ball and move the chains to maintain time of possession, then playmakers Martinez and Burkhead are on the field less. That’s just simple math that would make the game manageable for the Gophers to stay close. 3. Special teams play The Gophers have improved on special teams each week and now have the speedy freshman Marcus Jones returning kicks. He returned one for a 92-yard touchdown against Purdue and had another one called back against Michigan the week before. Minnesota needs to get better field position throughout the game to maintain pressure on the Nebraska defense, which is without tackle Jared Crick. Meanwhile, Nebraska leads the conference and is second in the nation in average kick return yards thanks to the electric freshman Ameer Abdullah. If Minnesota is able to bust the wedges on kickoffs and get to Abdullah early, its field position advantage may allow it to manage the flow of the game. — Compiled by Adam Richard, Minnesota Daily Sports Reporter

2. Hone passing game Quarterback Taylor Martinez passed the ball effectively during Nebraska’s comeback against Ohio State. But his throwing ability still isn’t up to par with the top dualthreat quarterbacks in the nation. Everybody knows he can run the ball, but Saturday against the Gophers might be a good opportunity for the sophomore to show off his arm. Minnesota has the thirdworst passing defense in the Big Ten this season, giving up an average of 247.7 yards per game through the air. The Gophers also only have five sacks through six games this year. Martinez can hopefully improve upon his 54.3 completing percentage and become a more comfortable passer this weekend. 3. Focus on Gophers Key No. 3 is probably something coach Bo Pelini has been preaching to his team all week. The Gophers haven’t been a tough opponent this season during their Big Ten schedule. In two league games, Minnesota has been outscored 103-17. On the horizon for Nebraska is a matchup in Lincoln against Michigan State. The winner of that game will probably control its destiny to Indianapolis to represent the Legends Division. But Minnesota will probably prove to be a stiff test for NU. The Gophers took a ranked USC team earlier this season to the brink. Nebraska can’t look past its matchup in Minneapolis and will have to wait to start thinking about Sparty on the plane ride home. — compiled By Doug Burger, DN Sports editor

Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 21, 2011




Team hopes to perform Huskers to wear pink better away from home for cancer awareness zach tegler daily NEbraskan

Even though the Nebraska rifle team has opened its season with two losses, it’s not time to panic. In NCAA rifle, victories and defeats take a back seat to points, which serve as the basis for qualification for the national championships in March. However, after falling to ranked o p p o n e n t s W e s t Virginia and Air Force last hicks weekend, the 12thranked Huskers would still like to put one in the win column. “It’s always nice to have a win,” NU coach Morgan Hicks said. “It definitely boosts our confidence.” This weekend, the Huskers will get a crack at two more ranked opponents at matches in Lexington, Ky. They will face Mississippi on Saturday and defending

national champion Kentucky on Sunday. “I know the girls are excited for it,” Hicks said. She added that the tough competition to lead off the season provides perspective. “I think it will give us good insight into what our weaknesses are ... and what our strengths are,” Hicks said. In the first two duels of the season, one of NU’s pitfalls was tension. “We have a lot of nerves,” Hicks said. “The faster we get over that the better off we’ll be.” Youth, in part, contributed to this anxiety. Of the eight shooters on this year’s team, four are coming in with a year or less of NCAA experience. But Hicks said nervousness should not be as much of an issue this weekend. She said in the past the team has actually shot better on the road and that a good week of practice has eased nerves. NU junior Janine Dutton also said the stage fright of the season opener has dissipated. The Huskers will have calmer minds come

Saturday. “I don’t think anybody is going to have nerves,” Dutton said. As for going toe-to-toe with the reigning national champions, the team is not particularly worried. “It’s just a regular match,” Dutton said. “Their scores don’t affect our scores.” The end game is simply hitting on as many shots as possible. “The points count in the end,” Hicks said. “Every single point counts. Every single shot counts.” The Huskers hope to score highly enough to make the national championships when selections are made in late February. “We have until then to improve,” Hicks said. She offered another tidbit of advice for her team to take to heart in its opportunity to shoot against the No. 2 team in the nation. “Make the most of it,” Hicks said. For the NU rifle squad, it partly comes back to controlling those pesky nerves. “Everybody’s got them,” Hicks said. “We’ve just got to learn to deal with them.”

me out there.” But the quarterback isn’t just the defensive line’s responsibility. Some of the duties also fall on the linebackers, who must take down the quarterback if he escapes the pocket and gets upfield. The Huskers struggled doing that against Miller, but linebacker Will Compton said NU got back to tackling basics during its bye week. He said that going against the less-talented scout team in practice can make the starters’ tackling sloppy but believes the work put in the past two weeks will remedy that. “You get caught dancing with a dancer, and you can’t do that,” Compton said. “You stop sprinting and break down too early, respecting the ball carrier

daily Nebraskan

In accordance with team tradition, the Nebraska swimming and diving team plans to kick off its fall season in unorthodox fashion — literally. The Huskers will “go pink,” adopting pink swimsuits and caps to promote breast cancer awareness for Saturday’s season-opening meet against South Dakota State. T h e change of unif o r m is a recently adopted ritual that jun i o r A s h reiter ley Reiter said would be “more involved” this time around. “We’ve never had as many fans supporting it,” she said. “Now we have Facebook groups, and we’re trying to get the crowd more engaged, so this is new for me.” Reiter, along with the

rest of the team, is passionate about the custom, believing that the team should have a hand in raising awareness for a disease that kills thousands each year. “We’ll either be affected by it or we’ll know somebody who will be affected by it,” Reiter said. “It’s a good thing to stand for being that we’re a girls’ swimming team.” But for assistant coach Doug Humphrey, who will be clad in a pink polo himself, the focus remains on competition. The Huskers are 7-0 all-time against SDSU, but that doesn’t mean that they’re taking preparation lightly. “The girls have been working very hard for the past couple of weeks,” Humphrey said. “This is a chance to see how they can work under not-soperfect conditions.” Hoping to be in the best physical shape of their lives by mid-season, the women have adhered to a strict practice regiment that’s pushed them to their limits in a month known to the swimmers only as

“Shocktober.” “Every week we go about it pretty much the same way,” Reiter said. “We’re still doing the same thing, but with a few different warm-ups. We’ll do a little bit more stretching and get mentally prepared.” And despite the fact that the Huskers routed the Jackrabbits 175-91 in the teams’ November 2010 meeting, Humphrey remains wary of their strengths for the upcoming meet. “They’re very, very wellcoached,” he said. “And they usually bring their best, so we’ll see how it goes this year.” But she knows the caliber of her fellow swimmers, and Reiter is set on team dominance. Not only in Saturday’s meet, but also later in the season during Big Ten play. “This is the best team that I’ve ever been a part of, both physically and mentally,” she said. “Everyone is really involved and just excited to make an impact in the Big Ten.”

Golden Gopher squad that went 3-9 last year. “You’d like to snap your fingers and make everything OK, but the world doesn’t work that way,” Kill said. Minnesota comes into its seventh game trailing behind the rest of the Big Ten. The team is last in scoring offense (18 points per game), scoring defense (35 points per game) and in total offense (300 yards per game). “You take over a program like he did, that was struggling a little bit, you’re not going to come out and be dominant in year one,” Pelini said. “It’s a process; they understand that. But what you watch from this football team is they play hard. They are well-coached, they’re aggressive. They do present some problems for you.” Despite their struggles, the Gophers’ defense has

impressed NU running backs coach Ron Brown. Brown noted their similarity to Fresno State in some ways. “They play the game low and hard, and they fly around,” Brown said. “They get five, six, seven guys around the football all the time. So it’s going to be a very active game.” The Gophers may be 1-5, but as far as Brown is concerned, they’ll be 0-0 when Saturday arrives. Brown believes the Huskers cannot afford to overlook their game in TCF Bank Stadium. “A team that does that is a team that will beat itself, so you have to have the discipline, the self-control to go out there against every single opponent and play your best football,” Brown said.

faizsiddiqui@ dailyNebraskan.com

zachtegler@ dailyNebraskan.com

Kill: from 10

minnesota: from 10 quarterbacks that are leading conferences and teams in rushing, including our quarterback here. It’s hard to defend, it really is. We just have to be more aware of where he is.” To combat the additional effort required to defend a mobile quarterback, Meredith said the team will do even more rotating than it has in recent weeks, saying as many as eight defensive linemen could see solid playing time Saturday. “It just lets me go that extra mile and take that extra step to give effort,”Meredith said. “If I am tired, I’ll tap my helmet and Josh (Williams) or Jason (Ankrah) or Eric (Martin) or any of them can come in and play just as good, if not better. If I’m tired and not going full speed, there’s no use for

Faiz Siddiqui

too much. You can’t do that. You just have to take your shot, use your leverage and go attack.” Despite the recent struggles against runners, the Huskers are confident they can handle Gray, who has gained 371 yards on the ground but is completing less than 50 percent of his passes and has more interceptions than touchdowns. A great deal of that confidence comes from the dominating second half NU had against Ohio State, when the Buckeyes gained 106 yards and scored just seven points. “You build off all the good stuff,” Compton said. “Any time you’re backed out to a corner and you come out swinging and succeed, that’s pretty good stuff. We’re pretty motivated off

Volleyball: from 10

times we’ve also seen their potential.” Kill was the head of the program at Northern Illinois for three seasons, during all of which the Huskies qualified for a bowl game. He racked up a 2316 record with one MAC title game appearance. Heading into the 2011 season, Kill had a career .635 winning percentage as a collegiate head coach. In his previous four head coaching stops, the team had a better record in his final season than it did in his first. When he was brought to the Twin Cities in late 2010, he assembled a coaching staff with more than 94 years of combined experience, a point of pride for the 50-year-old coach. He’s made a habit of helping programs turn things around. Now he’s in the midst of trying to transform a

jeffpacker@ dailyNebraskan.com

Soccer: from 10

Matt Masin | daily nebraskan

NU and Illinois — both 9-0 in Big Ten Conference play — will meet Saturday in Lincoln. also forced opponents to make 6.2 errors per set. This doesn’t faze coach Cook, because that’s what his squad looks to do with every match as well. “Their system is to play low-error volleyball,” he said. “They rely on their defense and blocking and we’re trying to do the same thing. “So it’s going to be two great teams going at it.” Each week since the start of Big Ten play NU has played at least one ranked opponent and the opening week the Huskers played two. Following a Wednesday night sweep of Iowa, Nebraska is 9-0 in the Big Ten. This conference success has the

team excited. “Everything has been clicking a lot lately,” Lauren Cook said. “We’ve just been figuring out it’s all about having fun and then just executing and everyone is doing a great job.” Despite the weight behind the match, Nebraska’s matchat-a-time approach to preparing for Big Ten conference play means the Huskers really don’t know much about their top-ranked opponents from Champaign, Ill. “The only time we’ve looked at tape of them is when we’ve looked at tape of the other team we’re scouting,” Lauren Cook said. “We know they’re big, they have great ball control and they’re very tough

offensively. But that’s always what you can expect from a No. 1 team.” The chance to showcase their talents against an undefeated top team is an exciting opportunity for the Huskers. “It’s going be great,” outside hitter Gina Mancuso said. “It’s going be a fun night. Whatever happens we know we’re going give it our all and just have a great time.” And what about the fact that it’s the first time NU has played a No. 1 team at home since 1995? “That’s just kind of the cherry on top,” Lauren Cook said. Robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com

and Katie put a good cross in and I just finished it.” The Huskers had an earlier chance at victory when sophomore Maddie Hanssler launched a header into the crossbar. Marlborough initiated the goal-scoring opportunity when she sent in the cross from the near sideline and Hanssler timed her jump with near perfection. The close-call to end regulation left junior Jordan Jackson anticipating the game’s end. After sustaining a leg injury to end her first half, Jackson reentered the game, saying she was “100 percent,” despite an apparent bruise. “(There) was just a cleat that was tackled into my knee, and when it first happened I couldn’t really move my knee, so I’m thinking ACL and kind of just freaking out,” she said. “I heated it during halftime and it’s just a really bad bruise now, I think.” Upon reentering the game, Jackson knew she would have to be fully alert, both physically and mentally, to compete in such a hostile playing environment. “It was intense,” she said. “You see people flying everywhere to try to block a cross. That’s the environment you look for, the intensity, the competition.” NU’s overtime win came after both teams held their

ground on defense, mak- Tournament bid. Although ing for two scoreless peri- the Hawkeyes entered ods of regulation. Consis- Thursday’s game two points tent defending was vital ahead, the win pushed the for the Huskers, who saw Huskers in front of Iowa the Hawkeyes waste all of in the Big Ten standings. their 10 corner kick oppor- In order to qualify for the tunities. Goalkeeper Emma eight-team tournament, Stevens stepped in with NU must place seventh or six saves for the Huskers, better in the conference. earning her a third shutout Regardless of the final for the season. standings, the host-school, Still, MarlNorthwestborough was ern, receives ...(W)e really need an automatic quick to acto win from here bid for qualiknowledge Iowa’s resilon out. Obviously fication. Aimience. Before ing for postwe cut it close, the game-endseason play, but sometimes ing goal, the the Huskers Hawkeyes’ have their you just have to Emily Moran work cut out grind out these captured nine for them. wins.” saves of her “The way own. our season’s Jordan Jackson going we re“They’re a nebraska forward very strong ally need team,” Marlto win from borough said. “They kind here on out,” Jackson said. of take pride in competi- “Obviously we cut it close, tive play like us. It was a but sometimes you just really competitive, really have to grind out these hard game.” wins.” The win is NU’s second And even though fans in a row after the team were delighted to see her was plagued by a five- game-winning goal, Marlgame skid beginning in borough isn’t interested late September. The streak in celebrating just yet. included losses to Penn The Huskers will battle to State, Wisconsin, Michigan, keep tournament qualificaMichigan State and Indiana tion hopes alive when they — all Big Ten opponents. host on 24th-ranked IlliBut despite the Huskers’ nois Sunday. poor in-conference per“Now we’ve got to focus formance, the win moved on Illinois and try to win the team, now 7-8-1 over- that one as well,” she said. faizSiddiqui@ all, closer to a Big Ten



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friday, october 21, 2011

nebraska vs. minnesota | saturday, 2:30 p.m. TCF Bank Stadium | Minneapolis | Tv: ABc

containment plan

courtesy of mark vancleave | the minnesota daily

Minnesota coach Jerry Kill has turned programs around in the past. His career collegiate head coaching win percentage entering this season was .635.

KIll, Gophers searching for first Big Ten win Jeff Packer daily Nebraskan

Minnesota’s MarQueis Gray is expected to be at 100 percent this weekend against the Huskers. The junior quarterback is averaging 74.2 yards per game this season, but has completed only 48.5 percent of his passes.

story by Dan Hoppen p h o t o c o u r t e s y o f M a r k Va n c l e a v e | T h e M i n n e s o t a D a i l y Minnesota’s Gray is just another on a long list of mobile QBs the NU defense has had the task of slowing down this year


here were several reasons why Wisconsin quarterback Russell Wilson was able to turn in such a game-changing performance against the Huskers two weeks ago. Putting NU’s defensive mistakes aside, he’s a senior and a Heisman trophy candidate. Keith Price and Braxton Miller are not. Yet the Washington and Ohio State quarterbacks have two things in

common with Wilson: They are all mobile quarterbacks and had good games against the Husker defense. A new test comes this weekend for the Blackshirts as they again face a quarterback who is as dangerous outside the pocket as he is in it. While Minnesota’s Marqueis Gray isn’t as talented as the aforementioned passers, he too has the ability to make plays outside the pocket. “We’ve got a game plan to adjust to his mobility,” defensive end Cameron Meredith said. “But it just comes down to effort I think. The past few times we’ve faced mobile quarterbacks we’ve kind of lost that. I think that’s going to be the key.” The Huskers are 2-1 against running quarterbacks this year, but the mobile

passers have done their damage. The trio didn’t hurt the Huskers too much on the ground, gaining 133 yards combined. But the threat of the run and quarterback rollouts have affected the pass rush, and consequently, the secondary. Price, Wilson and Miller combined to complete 61.5 percent of their passes against the Huskers, averaging 208 yards through the air and throwing seven touchdowns against just two interceptions. NU linebackers coach Ross Els has noticed more and more teams favor dual-threat quarterbacks who can both pass and run in recent years. “It’s a concern for everybody in the country,” Els said. “I don’t think we’re any different. Look at all the

minnesota: see page 9

The 2011 season has not been the easiest for Minnesota coach Jerry Kill and company. It’s no secret the Golden Gophers will meet the Huskers in Minneapolis with a 1-5 record and without a Big Ten win. Throughout the season, injuries have plagued the team. But for many, the defining moment of a difficult season came on Sept. 10. Millions of fans were updated on a minute-byminute basis when Kill collapsed on the Golden Gophers’ sideline six weeks ago. A seizure from medical complications took Kill from his rightful place with his team. The episode overshadowed a failed Gopher comeback attempt that day against New Mexico State, but more importantly, it injected many with that familiar feeling there’s more to life than football. Kill coached two more games but had to step away briefly. He returned for Big Ten play, which hasn’t gone the Gophers’

way either. Now they are staring down the barrel of a schedule that includes No. 13 Nebraska, Iowa, No. 16 Michigan State, No. 6 Wisconsin, Northwestern and No. 23 Illinois. Kill has remained upbeat amid his health issues and the team’s poor start. “I’ve been OK. I’ve been through it,” Kill said. “We went through it at Southern Illinois. That’s not the Big Ten, but it’s still the same thing. They hadn’t won in a long time, and I’ve been through it at Northern Illinois. Been through it at every stop I’ve been at.” NU coach Bo Pelini said that Kill has done admirably during his first season at Minnesota. “He’s gone through some tough times obviously,” Pelini said. “He’s been through some things physically, and we all wish him well. To say that’s not going to affect your football team some — that’s difficult. I think they’ve persevered through it. They’ve had some struggles, but at

Kill: see page 9


NU readies for match against perfect Illini Robby Korth daily Nebraskan

It’s been 16 years since a No. 1 volleyball team other than the Huskers has played a game in the NU Coliseum. In 1995, NU played its second game of the season against No. 1 Stanford and lost 3-1. But the Huskers got the last laugh and went on to win the next 31 matches, clinching Nebraska’s first national title in volleyball. So there’s a lot at stake for No. 4 NU’s Saturday night game at the Coliseum against undefeated and No. 1 Illinois, and the Huskers want the place rocking. “I’m hoping for a Penn State-like atmosphere,” setter Lauren Cook said. “That’s the loudest I’ve ever heard the Coliseum. Fans were into it.” The atmosphere from the Penn State match won’t be the only parallel coach John Cook looks for in the Fighting Illini. They’re just as strong and physical as the Nittany Lions and many of the Big Ten opponents NU has squared off with so far this season, he said. “Them and Penn State are very close,” coach Cook

NO. 1 ILLINOIS VS. NO. 4 NEBRASKA Saturday, 7 p.m. | NU Coliseum Illinois: 20-0 overall, 9-0 Big Ten Key wins: vs. Tennessee, vs. Purdue, at Penn State Away: 7-0 vs. top 25: 6-0 Nebraska: 16-1 overall, 9-0 Big Ten Key wins: vs. Iowa State, vs. Penn State, at Minnesota Home: 8-0 vs. top 25: 6-1 said. “Ohio State is pretty physical, Michigan State might be the most physical team we’ve played ... (Illinois is) big at all the positions and there’s a reason they’re undefeated.” Illinois enters the match with a perfect 20-0 on the season. The squad has outhit its opponents .260 to .158 and averaged 13.7 kills per set. “This is the big time now,” coach Cook said. “We get a chance to play the best now in the country. Nobody has been able to beat ‘em yet, so it’s a great opportunity for us.” The Illini are ranked No. 1 in the RPI poll and the Huskers are ranked No. 2. It’s also the second time the two squads have faced

off in the past two seasons. Last year Nebraska faced the third-ranked Illini in the Coliseum and eked out a 3-2 victory. But coach Cook doesn’t take that win into consideration for Saturday’s match. “They have different players now,” he said. “They’re running a little bit different system, but I don’t know if they’re going to be any tougher. “That’s why we play the matches.” Illinois relies on keeping the ball in play and forcing its opponents to make mistakes. On the season, the Illini have averaged 15.4 digs and 4.5 errors per set. They’ve

Volleyball see page 9

jon augustine | daily nebraskan

Junior Morgan Marlborough escapes an Iowa defender Thursday at the Nebraska Soccer Field. The forward scored the game-winning goal in overtime.

NU scores in 99th minute to top Iowa Faiz Siddiqui daily Nebraskan

After 98 minutes of brutal, breakneck soccer Thursday, Morgan Marlborough had one thing on her mind: putting the war of attrition to an end. And

on the strength of a linedrive cross from senior Katie Goetzmann, she did just that. When the NU junior finally drove a booming kick into the lower-left corner of the net, she and her teammates found themselves

blanketed by an unfamiliar sense of calm. “It was a huge relief,” Marlborough said. “I was getting really tired out there going into overtime

Soccer: see page 9

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