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huskers beat minnesota 41-14 BY-THE-NUMBERS PAGE 10

monday, october 24, 2011

volume 111, issue 043

DAILY NEBRASKAN dailynebraskan.com

occupy lincoln: round two UNL Libraries advocates for open access to resources frannie sprouls daily nebraskan

photos by matt masin | daily nebraskan

Justin Tolston, a UNL senior in political science, leads Occupy Lincoln protestors across O Street during a march in downtown Lincoln Saturday, Oct. 23. Tolston used a megaphone to lead chants, which included “We are the 99 percent” and “Do you see us now?”

dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

It had been one week since Occupy Wall Street found itself on Lincoln’s O Street, which meant it was time for another march to assemble at the Capitol’s northern steps and move through downtown. Saturday, Oct. 15, about 500 Lincoln residents, including dozens of college students, turned out for the protest, inspired by the five-week-old original “occupation” in New York City and one of hundreds more around the world. At noon a week later, under an overcast sky with just a hint of rain, about 120 participants held up their signs and voices to express their frustration and anger with the influence of wealth in politics, income inequality

occupy lincoln: see page 2

A protestor in the Occupy Lincoln march waves an American flag outside the Wells Fargo building in downtown Lincoln. Protestors gathered outside banks along the march’s route, taking extra time to voice their demands and outrage with a political system they see as weighted in the banks’ favor.

Students and faculty depend on research journals for cutting-edge knowledge on various fields, yet many don’t have access, because journals are unaffordable at some institutions. Including at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. International Open Access Week brings awareness of denied access to students, researchers, professors and others. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition began Open Access Week four years ago. It began as Open Access Day, said Elaine Westbrooks, associate dean of University Libraries. “The main impetus was the soaring prices of journals that libraries were purchasing for students, faculty and staff,” Westbrooks said. “The whole idea is that if research data were open, if cultural materials were open, we wouldn’t have to spend these exorbitant prices for our journals.” Research journals cost thousands of dollars, which the library pays for partly through student fees. UNL libraries pay about $58,000 a year for JSTOR, an online system for archiving academic journals. LexisNexis, an electronic database for legal and publicrecords, costs about $48,000. “These costs are really high and I think people have no idea how much we spend on content,” Westbrooks said. “Just one book is around $150 dollars and that really adds up.” Westbrooks said she would

love to be able to subscribe to every journal available. “If we could buy everything, we would,” Westbrooks said. “Even Harvard can’t afford it anymore.” Because of these prices, Open Access Week began to bring the issue to students, faculty and others. UNL Libraries, UNL Graduate Student Association and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska are sponsoring the three-day event. On Monday and Wednesday, a booth will be set up in the Alcove of the Nebraska Union from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “We’re there really to engage students and increase awareness of what it is and how to get involved,” said Sylvia Jons, an ASUN senator and educational administration graduate student. A viewing party will be held on Monday night at 6:45 p.m., where students can watch a live webcast of an open access discussion. The two speakers are Heather Joseph, the executive director of SPARC, and Goldis Chami, a medical student at the University of British Columbia and a member of the Right to Research Coalition Steering. “RIP: a Remix Manifesto” is the event for Tuesday night, from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m., which discusses the cultural open access issue. A lot of arts are closed off to the public, such as some Emily Dickinson poems and musician’s pieces, Westbrooks said. With cultural material available to the public, people would be able to make

open access: see page 2

International students reflect on Libya’s future riley Johnson Daily Nebraskan

The bullets that killed Abubaker Atnisha’s oldest brother in August robbed him of his chance to see a free Libya. Atnisha, a doctoral student at the University of NebraskaLincoln, said his brother, although not officially part of the rebel movement, would have celebrated the end of Moammar Gadhafi’s regime. Days after the death of its former leader, the Libyan transitional government announced the end of the revolution and a path to democracy, according to the Associated Press. News of Libyan dictator Gadhafi’s death on Oct. 20 signaled the beginning of the end to an eight-month civil war in the North African country. After protests ousted Tunisian and Egyptian leaders, Libyans began their own antiauthoritarian regime protests

in February. As the seasons changed, the idea of a free Libya and promise of the push for democracy known as the Arab Spring stood in question. With Gadhafi’s death, Libyans declared their country free, waving flags and shooting celebratory rounds of ammunition into the air. However, video and photos of rebels beating a bloodied Gadhafi surfaced on the Internet when reports of his death broke, and photos of a public display of his body at a commercial freezer also emerged during the weekend. Several University of Nebraska-Lincoln students from Libya and its neighbor, Tunisia, said the rebels’ treatment of their leader shocked and appalled them, but they have hope that a post-Gadhafi Libya will flourish. “Libya now has freedom,” Atnisha said. . Atnisha said he’s happy for his country. For 42 years, his family and country lived under

Gadhafi’s thumb. His brother died after he was caught in the crossfire between pro-Gadhafi and rebel forces in August, he said. However, Atnisha said he didn’t receive the news of his brother’s death for several days and couldn’t contact his brother for several weeks prior to his death because Gadhafi stopped communications inside the country. Atnisha said he’s sad his brother didn’t live to see the country’s newfound freedom because his brother knew only a Gadhafi government his entire life. As for the way Gadhafi’s life ended, Atnisha said he disagreed with the rebels’ killing of the dictator because the Libyan people will not have a chance to see him stand trial. “We wish that Gadhafi was still alive, because I would see him in front of me and he is in judgment,” he said. On trial, Gadhafi’s testimonies would have to face the Libyan people, Atnisha

said, and answer to his brutal crackdown on protesting and why he allegedly recruited mercenaries to fight the Libyan rebels. With Gadhafi’s death, that information died too, Atnisha said. Another UNL graduate student from Tunisia, Beligh Ben Taleb, said he disagreed with the way the rebels treated Gadhafi in his final hours. “Would Libya be safe in the hands of those people?” asked Ben Taleb. Ben Taleb, who studies history at UNL and also writes a column for the Daily Nebraskan, said the rebels’ treatment of the fallen leader raises concerns about how they would govern the country. The rebels violated the values and ethics of Islam in their treatment of Gadhafi, Ben Taleb said. Going forward, he said

END OF AN ERA Former Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi’s death Oct. 20 sent shockwaves across the world and Libyans into the streets of Tripoli and Benghazi, celebrating the end of 42 years of his authoritarian rule. With Gadhafi gone, some UNL students from North Africa hope a new government can unite Libyan tribes in the country’s transition to democracy.






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monday, october 24, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

occupy lincoln: from 1 at historic levels and a host of other economic and political issues. “The weather may not have cooperated entirely with us,” said William Matchett, a self-described wandering poet and handyman, with a glance at the flat, gray clouds. Matchett helped distribute food at both marches. But few protesters said they were discouraged by the lower turnout, which many of them attributed to the weather or the Husker football game. “I expected it,” said Christine McManaman, 53 and a local employee who held a sign that read “Money isn’t speech.” Saturday was a family affair, thanks to McManaman and many of her fellow marchers. She marched with her husband and 26-yearold daughter. Several others brought their children along — some parents held a child in one arm and a sign in the other as they joined in chants — and the crowd ranged in age from kindergarten-aged children to military veterans walking with canes. McManaman said she wasn’t discouraged by the smaller numbers; Daniela Garvue, a junior history major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, agreed. “I was worried that the novelty had worn off,” Garvue said. “But this is still pretty big for a Lincoln protest.” The event seemed more organized than the first. Participants coordinated its pace with compact walkie-talkies and handed out flyers to passing drivers. There was a new focus on

voting, with voter registration forms given out and a sign that read “Occupy the Voting Booth.” While decreased in number, the march also included a mix of new faces among the familiar. Dana Garrison, a junior animal science major who marched at the head of the column, said she learned about Occupy Lincoln the previous Monday. She now volunteers at the movement’s information tent, one of a group of about 50 in the Centennial Mall, a stretch of grass and sidewalk between M Street and the Capitol where dozens of protesters spend part of their days — most have jobs or school — and nights in support of the movement. One protester, a 57-yearold woman who works in the State Office Building along the mall, said she joined after seeing the camp spring up and grow. She asked to remain anonymous because she works for the state. The procession made its way through downtown and around the Capitol in about two hours, with chants like “We are the 99 percent,” referring to everyone other than the richest 1 percent, and “Tax the rich” – in the style of “Go Big Red.” Drums kept time, punctuated by supportive honks from traffic and cheers in response. As with last week’s march, protesters brought a variety of grievances. The state employee, for example, had no solutions for the fact that her retirement money dropped 20 percent in the recession, or that banks were bailed out only to turn

registration schedule around and force people from their homes – just frustration. “Somebody got that money,” she said. “I don’t know what the answer is, but maybe someone does.” In the meantime, she’ll march. “I’m just hoping that people will start thinking there is something that can be done,” she said. Lindsey Knop, 26, said she hadn’t been aware of the first march, but came out this time to voice her disgust with politicians, who she said don’t listen to common people. “Whoever pays the most money, that’s how they vote,” she said. Keni Hanson, 49, had been to the first march and also had a political bone to pick, saying some Republicans had let poverty, income inequality and resulting social injustice worsen, while Democrats hadn’t gotten a foothold. But it went further for Hanson, who raises free-range chickens locally. “It’s a systemic problem with our election system,” Hanson said, mostly referring to the cost of getting elected, which gives disproportionate power to politicians’ donors. “That needs to be changed.” Hanson said she wasn’t discouraged at all by the decreased turnout, and said she’d continue to attend each weekend, even if it means she stands alone. “Some people get very enthusiastic the first time,” she said. “I don’t want anything to deter me from fighting for social justice.” danholtmeyer@ dailynebraskan.com

Priority registration for the spring 2012 semester begins Oct, 24 and concludes on Nov. 8. Registration times are assigned to students based on their current class standing. Students can find their assigned registration time by visiting myred.unl.edu, clicking on “self service” in the drop down menu on the left side of the screen, clicking enrollment then enrollment dates.

Students should then click the spring 2012 check box and hit continue. Order of priority is as listed: ··Graduate Students ··Seniors (89 credit hours or more) ··Juniors (53-88 credit hours) ··Sophomores (27-52 credit hours) ··Freshmen (0-26 credit hours)

libya: from 1 he doubts whether a rebel government would properly handle a fragile country and keep it from failing. While Libyans went about securing their freedom differently than Tunisia and Egypt, Imene Belhassen, a doctoral student in modern languages, said Gadhafi and his regime showed no tolerance for the protests, leading to violent clashes between the groups. “He didn’t leave them a choice,” Belhassen said. Belhassen said the Libyan people needed to fight back

and stand up against Gadhafi’s tyranny, and she’s happy to see the Libyan people freed of Gadhafi’s reign. Both Ben Taleb and Belhassen said the new Libyan government must unite the many tribes within the country to prevent a fall back into authoritarian government. Moving ahead might prove a challenge for the country, Atnisha said, as Libya’s transitional government, the National Transitional Council, will pave the way for a democratic government in

open access: from 1

“We’re hoping that we’ll get lots of students interested in the idea of open access and realize it impacts libraries,” Westbrooks said. “But it’s not just solely helping the

remixes of popular music with classic literature, such as Emily Dickinson with the Beatles. Wednesday will feature a roundtable discussion on open access.

the next two years. “We knew just Gadhafi,” he said. “Gadhafi for 42 years.” To achieve freedom, Atnisha said the country needs to learn to be democratic by writing a constitution and setting up the structure for a successful government. Like Ben Taleb and Atnisha, Belhassen said she’s optimistic the Libyan people have a bright future. “They have to build one Libya, strong and democratic,” Belhassen said. rileyjohnson@ dailynebraskan.com

libraries. It’s really about access to information, data and cultural materials that we need as citizens to stay informed, to entertain and to be educated.”

franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

schedule of events Monday, Oct. 24 event: Open Access Week Information Booth; 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Nebraska Union Alcove event: Open Access Viewing Party; 6:45 p.m., Nebraska Union Regency Room

Tuesday, Oct. 25

event: Film screening and

discussion - “RIP: A Remix Manifesto;” 6:45 p.m. - 9 p.m., Nebraska Union Regency Room

Wednesday, Oct. 26 event: Open Access Week Information Booth; 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Nebraska Union Alcove event: Faculty and student roundtable discussion; noon, Love Library, Instructional Room

Community desk Rotunda Gallery exhibit sponsored by EDEP when: Monday, Oct. 24 through Friday, Oct. 28, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Rotunda Gallery what: Interactive and education display on the process of disordered eating. Financial Health Check-Ups when: Monday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, near the Food Court what: Test how healthy your financial life really is by completing a 10-15 minute Financial Health Check-Up. Learn ways to become more financially healthy. Chinese workshop what: Monday, Oct. 24, and Wednesday, Oct. 26, noon to 1 p.m. both days where: Nebraska Union, Colonial Room what: Workshop to teach common etiquette when interacting with Chinese people as well as common Chinese phrases and sentences. Workshop is taught by Pingan Huang, associate director of the Confucius Institute at UNL. Only 50 seats available. First come, first serve. cost: Free contact: Pingan Huang at 402-472-5369 or phuang@ unlnotes.unl.edu STEM Discussion Group when: Monday, Oct. 24, noon to 12:50 p.m. where: Bessey Hall, Room 109 what: Discussion groups for

students and faculty in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics. contact: Leilani Arthurs at larthurs2@unl.edu Faculty artists: University of Nebraska Faculty Brass when: Monday, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. where: Kimball Recital Hall what: Concert by the University of Nebraska Faculty Brass ensemble. cost: $5 general admission, $3 student/senior, available at the door one hour before performance. contact: Mike Edholm at 402-472-6865 Tuesday Talk: The Art and Science of Patchwork Tessellations when: Tuesday, Oct. 25, noon where: International Quilt Study Center and Museum what: Lecture by Barbara Caron from the IQSCM contact: Maureen Ose at 402-472-7232 or mose2@ unl.edu Maxwell Arboretum Walking Tours when: Tuesday, Oct. 25, noon to 1 p.m. where: Maxwell Arboretum on East Campus what: Tour the Maxwell Arboretum on East Campus and learn more about the plants from horticulturist Emily Levine. contact: Emily Levine at 402472-6274 3rd Annual Mentorship Roundtables when: Tuesday, Oct. 25, 6 p.m.

where: Champion’s Club what: Roundtables to help

students and alumni connect to the local business community. Students will be connected to chosen mentors. All majors and grades are welcome. Bring a copy of your resume. contact: Rose Graves at 402-472-3353 or rgraves@ unlnotes.unl.edu ‘Vratne Iahve’ movie when: Tuesday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Showing of the movie “Vratne Iahve” by the Czech Komensky Club. Brownbag Lunch: Justice, Conflict and Well-Being what: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 12:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Brownbag lunch on ethics in context. contact: Steven Swartzer at 402-472-2104 or swartzer@ unlserve.unl.edu Nebraska at Oxford 2012 Meet and Greet when: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. where: Village Clubhouse what: Opportunity to meet the Oxford program coordinator and past UNL Oxford alumni. Pizza and pop available. informational sessions dates are:

··10:30 a.m., Oct. 24, CBA 114 ··3:30 p.m., Oct. 25, CBA 114 ··2:30 p.m., Oct. 26, CBA 132 ··4 p.m., Oct. 27, CBA 105

National Broadcasting Society meeting when: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. where: Andersen Hall, Room 213 what: Meeting of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln student chapter to welcome new freshmen and new students. contact: Laurie Thomas Lee at 402-472-0595 or Jason Steiner at jasonsteiner89@ hotmail.com UNL College Republicans when: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Centennial Room what: Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning will speak to the club about his campaign for the U.S. Senate. Find a Major when: Thursday, Oct. 27, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Workshop by Career Services and General Studies to help students choose a major and identify academic and career options. contact: Emily Wilber at 402-472-3145 or ewilber1@ unl.edu Seven things small business owners should know about the IRS when: Friday, Oct. 28, 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Workshop to learn about the responsibilities and shortcuts to IRS services. Register to get workshop materials beforehand

at http://ptac.unomaha. edu/businessworkshops/business_plan_lincoln.cfm cost: $10 (cash only at the door) contact: Marisol U. Rodriguez at 402-472-5222 at MRodriguez2@unl.edu East Campus Chili Cook-off 2011 when: Friday, Oct. 28, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. where: East Campus Union, Great Plains Room what: Chili cook-off with red chili, white chili and vegetarian chili. cost: $5 or five cans of food for an individual, $10 or 10 cans for a family An Evening with Mike and Alfred: 2 German Filmmakers at the Ross when: Friday, Oct. 28, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. where: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, Van Brunt Visitors Center what: Features Markus Mischkowski and Kai Maria Steinkuehler. There will be a question and answer session following the screening of the feature, intermission and screening of the shorts. contact: Marco Abel at 402472-1850 or mabel2@unl. edu GLOBAL FRIENDS OF JAPAN HALLOWEEN DANCE/COSTUME CONTEST when: Friday, Oct. 28, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Regency Suite what: Wear a costume and enjoy free candy, drinks and other treats.

Cost: $7 per person HUSKER GAME DAY TAILGATE when: Saturday, Oct. 29, three hours before kickoff. where: Nebraska Union Plaza what: Hotdogs and music hosted by KFRX and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska. contact: Lane Carr at 402472-2581 or lane.s.carr@ gmail.com DIA DE LOS MUERTOS FAMILY FESTIVAL when: Sunday, Oct. 30, noon to 4 p.m. where: Sheldon Museum of Art what: Festival to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. Arts and crafts for children and a play directed and performed by the Lincoln High School Theater Department. Music along with food. DAVID KUBICEK BOOK SIGNING when: Sunday, Oct. 30, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. where: A Novel Idea Bookstore, 118 N. 14th St. what: Book singing of “The Moaning Rocks and Other Stories” by author David Kubicek. Copies will be sold at a special rate of $9.95 day of signing. Reserve a copy at 402-475-8663 F STREET COMMUNITY CENTER HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL when: Sunday, Oct. 30, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. where: F Street Community Center what: Halloween activities for kids.

— compiled by Kim Buckley Community@ dailynebraskan.com

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monday, october 24, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

NU to compete against Big Ten schools in recycling challenge frannie sprouls daily nebraskan

courtesy photo

Nursing director retires from UHC after 35 years Conor Dunn Daily Nebraskan

Linda Rizijs always knew that she wanted to do something important with her life. It was her personal philosophy to help other people and she did so by becoming a registered nurse. For the past 35 years, Rizijs has been the director of nursing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Health Center. But now Rizijs is retiring, leaving a path of hard work, dedication and compassion in her tracks. “She’s a wealth of knowledge that has been around for nearly four decades,” said Jennifer Snyder, marketing coordinator for the health center. “She was planning to retire in January, but her last day is going to be Oct. 24 because she is having total knee replacement surgery done and needs to do that before she retires.” In 1976, Rizijs was hired by the health center to replace the previous director of nursing. This was around the same time the health center was making the transition from a hospital into a medical clinic owned by Student Affairs. Originally, a physician had owned the building privately before it came under the university’s ownership. “At that time I had the experience they were looking for, so I was fortunate to get the job,” Rizijs said. As the nursing director, Rizijs had to oversee and hire the staff of nurses working at the health center. She also coordinated all of the activities in the medical clinic, working with the doctors, director and everyone else on the first floor of the building. “We’re very about teamwork here,” she said. “Everyone is equal in many ways. Having degrees and titles doesn’t mean anything in terms of respect and regard for people. When I find someone who is disgruntled, I’ll put a lot of effort into solving the problem. I consider myself a peacemaker in that way.” Before studying to become a nurse, Rizijs was a music major. “My first love was playing the piano and singing,” she said. “My folks kept reminding me that’s good, but what else could I do? You’d have to do a lot of traveling, so I had to rethink.” According to Rizijs, the health center was very different 35 years ago compared to today. “The whole top floor of the building was a hospital and there was a lot more staffing then, because we were open for 24 hours,” she said. “We started to cut back the night shift in the last 30 years and migrate from a hospital setting into what we are today. We also had no idea what a computer even was. That’s all changed now, of course. Everything we do is stored electronically now.” One of the strangest things she had ever come across at


the health center was when a patient was being treated in the middle of the night, Rizijs said. “This was when we were open for the night shift,” she said. “The patient was treated and went back downstairs. On the way out, he and a few others, I think they were frat boys, picked up the couch and tried walking out with it. That was when the nurse yelled out on the intercom system, ‘God is watching you!’ causing them to drop the couch and bolt out of there.” Nursing also led Rizijs to her husband. During World War II, her husband’s family had to flee Latvia. They lived as refugees in Germany before coming to the United States when he was 7 years old. Later Rizijs was the nurse to her husband’s grandmother, and he had to help his grandmother communicate with Rizijs. “That communication eventually got us going out on dates and with time, we were married and had three wonderful daughters,” Rizijs said. In her nearly four decades of working with the health center, building the travel clinic has been Rizijs’ proudest accomplishment. “The travel clinic offers all of the unusual immunizations that you’d only need when traveling to other countries,” Rizijs said. “It’s a good service that benefits a lot of people and also brings in money which helps keep student fees down, so it’s a real plus in that way.” Rizijs said she hopes the next person to become nursing director tries to keep the group actively updated and moving forward. “Get involved with health education and really try to reach out to the students,” she said. “There’s still so many problems on college campuses related to drinking, STDs and drugs. There’s a lot that can be done to reduce the risks of those problems.” She had always been planning to retire at 66, Rizijs said. Even so, she still has many plans for her life ahead, mainly spending time with her family and getting more involved with volunteer work in her church. “I’ve also thought of working a doggy daycare,” she said. “I really like animals and because I’ve got three fully fenced acres of land, I could do just that.” Rizijs said she will really miss the people she has gotten to know and work with throughout her career. “I’ll also miss the students because each generation of students that come in here, they have a different philosophy and new ideas,” she said. “I’ll miss hearing about all of that. Students make you feel young.” Conordunn@ dailynebraskan.com

Two competitions take place on Saturday in Memorial Stadium: the Nebraska football game against Michigan State, and the Game Day Challenge after the football game. The Game Day Challenge, run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is a recycling competition between colleges and universities to promote waste reduction at football games. The main goals of the challenge are to lower the waste generated at games, increase participation and raise awareness of waste reduction programs, according to the website. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln participated in the challenge last year for the first time, collecting 7,380 pounds of waste. This year’s challenge is Oct. 29. Volunteers will meet at Gate 15 in the northeast corner of Memorial Stadium after the football game. UNL Landscape Services is teaming up with Husker Athletics, ROTC and Recycling Enterprise. But those groups cannot do the entire challenge alone: They need student volunteers. “We’re hoping to get students involved and see how much we generate and what volume of that we recycle,” wrote UNL Recycling cocoordinators Jeff Henson

gabriel sanchez | daily nerbaskan

“Every year, students at Nebraska said they want to recycle,” said Butch Hug, associate athletic director for UNL Facilities and Event Management. “We meet with them and everybody is excited about it. When it comes time to do it, they don’t show. We really need to get after it.” In 2010, UNL had a diversion rate, which is the overall recycling rate of trash, recycling and compost, of 25.39 percent. Compared to the six other Big Ten schools in the competition last year, UNL would be second to last. The University of Michigan’s diversion rate in 2010 was 25 percent. Athletics is willing to allow students in after the game to recycle and are providing the canvas bags

and Prabhakar Shrestha in an email. The only student group that has confirmed for the challenge is Sustain UNL. UNL Recycling hopes to get the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, the Graduate Student Association and the School of Natural Resources Graduate Student Association to participate. Last year, about 40 volunteers came to collect waste in the stadium after the Nebraska vs. Missouri football game on Oct. 30. UNL Recycling aims to have about 100 volunteers to blanket the stadium. UNL Recycling attempted to collect recyclables after the Nebraska vs. Washington game on Sept. 17 but fewer than 10 people showed up.

if you go when: Saturday, Oct. 29 after the Nebraska vs. Michigan State football game where: Northeast corner of Memorial Stadium, Gate 15 how many volunteers: 100-125 people contact: Jeff Henson or Prabhakar Shrestha at 402.472.9139 or email recycling@unl. edu

to pick up recyclables, Hug said. “Recycling is not a onetime deal,” Hug said. “Everyone should be conscious of recycling and do it every day of their life. Let’s challenge and do it every game. Every game, every day.”

Franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

corrections An Oct. 18 staff editorial incorrectly implied the University of NebraskaLincoln Residence Hall Association had allocated $6,000 to the University Program Council for its homecoming concert. The $6,000 was only the maximum amount offered to UPC, pending approval from the RHA senate. UPC did not

seek approval for the amount but included it in its September budget for the concert. RHA was ultimately only able to pass a $1,000 donation for a generator. The editorial also implied the $6,000 in question was a portion of RHA’s $33,234 total budget. It was instead a portion of RHA’s $11,000

programming fund, approved in late August this year. The $11,000 programming fund marks an almost 50 percent drop from last year’s $20,000 and may not be altered without further senate approval. The programming fund is typically reserved for university events seeking funding throughout the

semester. RHA expects to use a portion of the remaining amount to support spring’s BurrFedde Bull Fry, which is in its planning stages. The Daily Nebraskan regrets these errors.

If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

Trevor Birdzell, an 11thgrade student, texts while driving the Simulated Imparied Driving Experience, or SIDNE, battery powered vehicle through a peanutshaped course while Janay Berks, a 12th-grade student, rides along to distract Birdzell at North Star High School on Oct. 21. The SIDNE demonstration coincided with National Teen Driver Safety Week, Oct. 16 through 22. “Car crashes remain the number one killer of teens,” said State Farm agent John Curry. SIDNE was purchased by the Nebraska Safety Council thanks to a grant from State Farm. The goal is to take SIDNE to high schools in Nebraska so teens can see for themselves the effects of impaired and distracted driving.



















ROTC, Air Force bands come together for performance to honor veterans Ryan Kopelke Daily Nebraskan

The sounds of string and horn wove through the spacious hall of Lincoln North Star High School. The United States Air Force concert band and the Singing Sergeants under the direction of Col. A. Phillip Waite completed the public section of their fall tour, Music of America, on Oct. 22. Featuring a series of patriotic classical and jazz arrangements, the first act of the Music for America program took the audience on a journey from the upbeat rendition of “Symphony No. 2 ‘The Big Apple’” to the triumphant return of military men in “On the Town.” The men and women of the Air Force concert band were greeted with thunderous

applause from the audience, even before the Singing Sergeants took the stage. “We want to showcase the mission of the Air Force,” Lt. Mark Flannery said. “If you saw any precision, intelligence, skill or passion on that stage, then we are doing what we came here to do.” Showcasing the vocal talent of the Air Force concert band, the Singing Sergeants were greeted by excitement and enthusiasm. The singers brought the audience on a musical tour through the American West with a combination of pilgrim folk songs and American spirituals. Intermission came and went in a flash. When the band returned it was time to put a quarter in the country jukebox. In a stylistic shift, the Air Force band, led by the Singing

Sergeants, began a small series of popular country tunes bringing to mind the sacrifice and courage of the men and women in uniform. To end the musical portion of the night’s concert, the Air Force band paid a patriotic tribute to both civilians and those that serve the U.S. in combat with “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “America the Beautiful” after the signature songs of all five branches of the armed forces. “It was fabulous, inspiring and very musically talented,” said Kentucky Holland, a Kansas City native and mother of one of the Air Force band members. After the music was finished, Col. Waite took center stage for a moment to explain the purpose of the concert. The goal has been to bring the applause

and messages from the audience to those who can’t hear them in person. “We are going to keep doing this until we can reach them live,” Flannery said. “When they air these events on bases they are filled to capacity.” A special message was sent out to thank the veterans in the audience. According to Waite, in every concert he has ever done, which is more than 1,200, there is a veteran in the audience who has never been thanked for his or her service. All veterans in the audience were encouraged to stand so they could be recognized and thanked by the crowd. Not a single veteran left the Air Force concert without receiving that thanks.




page 4

monday, october 24, 2011

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members ZACH SMITH


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

our view

Attentiveness to world events a must for students Faith defined by experiences, interests

bob lausten | daily nebraskan

Last Thursday, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi died in Libya’s long revolution, the latest toppled tyrant in the Arab Spring. The surprising development came as part of a NATO-led no-fly zone and air bombing campaign in support of Libyan rebel ground troops. Libya is far away. Perhaps it doesn’t seem relevant to your daily life – and indeed, your trips to The Coffee House or your morning bike ride to class won’t change as a result of Gadhafi’s death. But we at the Daily Nebraskan believe that Libya matters, and not just as another domino in the line of leaders upended by the Arab Spring. We’re witnessing the birth of, basically, a new nation. Libya post-Gadhafi has the potential to be very different than Libya under his rule. While Gadhafi’s Libya was never pro-United States, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof recently described Libyans as thankful for America’s help in their revolution. Our planes, along with those of our NATO allies and countries of the Arab League, patrolled Libya’s skies and supported ground troops. The United States supported a revolution without occupying a country, without even putting troops on the ground. The United States was part of these events and will be part of a heretofore unseen rebuilding. How many people, though, could find Libya on a map before these events? How many University of Nebraska-Lincoln students could pair Moammar Gadhafi with Libya? While the DN doesn’t know those numbers, it’s important to stay informed about not just happenings in Lincoln, but also global affairs. In our modern world, cataclysmic events are only as far away as an Internet connection. The DN advises all college students to stay current on news, both domestic and international.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. E-mail material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

››this week, we asked our writers “How did you come to your religious beliefs?” Each day, the opinion section will run one or two columns answering this question. today features columnist marc koenig.


f you’re like me, the immediate reaction to someone talking about their religion is to interpret their words as a slickly packaged attempt to rhetorically coerce you, the reader, into conversion. In Christian circles this often goes by the code word “witnessing.” You might want to read an unpacking of my religious views as a veiled way of saying: “I’m right, you’re wrong; be like me.” Which is why I’m going out of my way to preface this as an intensely personal, non-argumentative account of how I became a Christian, as well as a response to how I interpret the whole “coming-to-my-faith” question. If one reads this as a sort of aggressive attack, I submit that it’s due to your own subjective interpretation, as an individual. Far more interesting than getting angry at me or the column, I think, would be to analyze that reaction, and what about yourself and your experiences gives rise to any feelings of acrimony. Immense, grand falsehood and immense, grand truth can provoke the same desire to lash out. I became a Christian proper at an age I’m too young to remember clearly. Some of my first religious memories are memorizing Bible verses in Sunday school, at the church that my family attended. Like most pre-kindergarten memories, my earliest religious memories are more like vague scene directions, accompanied with some bright pangs of emotion and a few distinct images. An early recollection involves getting a wooden tablet commemorating some verseleaning achievement. It had a cross and my name engraved into some faux-gold substance. I’m sure my parents prayed with and for me regularly. I learned some catechism. I listened to fantastical biblical stories, sang hymns and dozed through sermons. At some point, I’m certain I parroted a perfunctory prayer for salvation, to Jesus, who I learned loved enough to lay his life down for his friends. I learned of God, who is said to be a father, a shield, our creator. This understanding of God and Christianity grew naturally out of my

marc koenig community, church and family. A religious and strictly human understanding of life weren’t separate elements, one for Sunday and the other for the remaining six days: rather, the two interwove indistinguishably. There was never a later, grand rebirth of my faith, when I could suddenly define God and how he related to me in exact terms, now fully cognizant of what it meant to be Christian. Rather, faith has had to be reborn each day. It has to be stretched and challenged regularly, in order to grow both in depth and in scope. Like all real truth, real Christian understanding is neither tidy nor easy to delineate. I don’t find the fact that I was “born into” a Christian understanding an obstacle to my faith, though I know some might. I’ve heard Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist, discuss how he shed his Christianity when, as a child, he found out that there were multiple, discrete religions. Not all can be right, Dawkins reasoned, and the only reason he believed Christianity was because of the context in which he was born. This particular objection to faith has always struck me as a nonissue. Certainly, in a world with multiple, mutually exclusive religions, not all can be true. And it’s true, too, that if I were born in a place that has no access to Christian teaching, as a child to devout Hindus, I’d probably be Hindu myself. But to follow this line of reasoning to the conclusion that no one religion can be true is nonsensical. If that were so, Dawkins’ own worldview is certainly suspect too: his atheism is as much a product of his cultural milieu. Were he were born in a Hindu context, he’d probably be Hindu as well – yet I’m sure he thinks there’s validity to the specific, thoughtfully considered belief he holds in atheism, in spite of this. And if the fact of a multiplicity of conflicting viewpoints renders all given viewpoints false, then all truth is suspect,

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

not just religious truth. Clearly, the single, objective truth of an issue can be found, despite all the conflicting theories: otherwise, modern science would be something worse than a joke. I’ve answered how I became a Christian. But coming “to faith” is a different issue, as it’s less an event than a process. Dawkins is right inasmuch as he underlines the need to investigate one’s own assumptions and grow, to not be content with the thimble of understanding you’ve already acquired. What’s of the greatest import are the reasons why one comes back to their faith, every day: how it makes our world more clear each day, more brilliant, imbued with glory and meaning. I come back to my faith because it makes sense of my intuitions about beauty and aesthetics. It adds clarity to the purpose of art, as an act of creation and simulation, inherently worthwhile and praiseworthy. It justifies hope. Christian faith accords with the sense of meticulous design inherent in nature. It promises purpose to devastating pain and unbelievable joy both, that they might arise from something greater than neurons fidgeting in the void between our ears. It allows a worldview of love and radical othercenteredness, enabling us to transcend mere self-interest. My faith acknowledges my reprehensible faults, but fails to condemn me for them. It provides a rationale for inherent human worth. It is intensely personal, communal, and, ultimately, the antidote to a deep loneliness that is part and parcel of being human. These are all things that I didn’t grasp when I first came to Christ as a barely conscious 4 year old, and I’m still just grasping for them today. I trust I’ll be fumbling for an eternity to come.

Marc Koenig is an English major and hopes you’re having a Monday par excellence. Feel free to shoot him an email at marckoenig@ dailynebraskan.com.

Female sexuality in horror movies begs for innovation


alloween is, hands down, my favorite holiday. It’s all about watching spooky movies, eating candy and

being silly. The experience of Halloween has changed a lot in the past 30 or so years, with the notable exception of watching “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” (Linus kicks ass.) We see this cultural shift in our media. So, readers, if you haven’t guessed it already, we’re talking about horror movies. If you’re unfamiliar with the horror film genre, you might not know that there are a few “rules” most of the movies adhere to. The dumbass teenagers always go into the spooky forest/basement/whatever, despite being warned. The stoner character senses the evil right away and bolts. (Because being stoned makes you more perceptive, I guess.) The villain/ monster is never really dead, even if the hero dealt a lethal blow. The one racial minority character dies first. And if any young woman has sex during the film, she dies. Sometimes that last rule applies to the young male characters, too, but it’s more heavily enforced on females. The rule is what I like to call “sluts die, virgins survive.” It’s a harsh rule, and one that’s

difficult to stomach as a young feminist horror-enthusiast. The rule doesn’t apply to every single horror movie ever made, but it’s in so many of them, it’s difficult to ignore. “Dracula,” both the novel and the 1931 version of the film, illustrate this rule really well. The difference is between faithful, virginal Mina and flighty, threeproposals-in-one-day Lucy. If you know the story, you know that Lucy gets turned into a vicious vampire by Dracula himself. She goes around killing children and delivers some pretty sexually charged lines. Mina, too, is bitten by the count, but she’s saved. Lucy dies. Many of you probably know that the Dracula character was inspired by Vlad the Impaler. What you may not know is that author Bram Stoker wrote at a pretty pivotal time in British history. Yes, it was the Victorian era and a time of great Gothic literature, but it was also a time when women began to gain equal rights. Stoker wasn’t exactly a progressive thinker. So his commentary on these “new women” was to make them into scary vampires. Stoker probably wasn’t the first person to enforce the virgin/ whore binary, but “Dracula” is a vital part of the horror canon. Anyway, fast-forward to the successful 1931 Bela Lugosi

rhiannon root version of the film. Naturally, the studio said, “Hey! Let’s make more horror movies so we can make buckets of cash!” So more horror movies followed and sure enough, you’ve probably seen the image of the helpless woman passed out in a big, scary monster’s arms. Films like “King Kong,” “The Wolf Man” and half a dozen other B-movies capitalized on this image. Arguably, the 1960s kept up with the trend of scary monster and helpless woman. Except we saw a slight shift with “Night of the Living Dead,” “The Stepford Wives” and “Rosemary’s Baby.” Sure, the women all lost in the end, but the resistance is the important thing here. In 1974, at least Sally from “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” survived. She outlasted her male counterparts. The 1970s and ‘80s were when the “Sluts die, virgins survive” rule started to take off. It happens in “Halloween,” “Carrie,” “Friday the

13th” and arguably the opening scene of “Jaws.” (Nudity is often shorthand for sluttiness in the movies.) And again, in a lot of Bmovies we saw this, too. So why is this rule so pervasive? One could argue that many of the psycho deranged killers so thoroughly believe in patriarchy they enforce it with their bloody killing sprees. Women, according to the villains, can be virgins or whores, no gray areas exist. And, of course, sluts must die. Another argument is that these movies are merely a product of their time and should be treated as such. I don’t really buy either idea. The horrific thing in these movies isn’t just the masked killer or wild beast: It’s the sexuality of women. And the reaction is often to snuff it out before it gets out of control. Just like with Stoker’s Lucy, we see a fear of the power of women, especially through their collective sexuality. So, let’s dig a little deeper. Why is it that so many of these movies adhere to the rule? The best answer I can find is from rock star/horror movie director Rob Zombie. “Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don’t know how you ended up getting there,” Zombie said. Then he added, “You don’t care

about baseball. You care about the Manson Family murders.” Zombie is a horror nerd all grown-up, like so many other horror directors, and here’s my educated guess as to why “the slut rule” is as pervasive as it is. Horror directors tend to be former “weird kids,” and if you went to an average American high school, you know that the “weird kids” don’t get laid. So in effect, at the very least, many of these directors subconsciously punish the embodiment of the teenage girls who didn’t sleep with them in high school. Now, I’m happy to say that in recent years the “slut rule” has been turned on its head. Films like “Jennifer’s Body” play with it in a clever way. Jennifer is sacrificed to the devil by a wimpy emo band in exchange for wealth and success. She begs for mercy saying she’s a virgin (she’s not). Because Jennifer isn’t a virgin, she becomes a succubus and kills tons of people. Instead of following the ridiculous virgin/whore binary, why not do something truly innovative and frightening? Hop to it, horror directors, you can do better.

Rhiannon Root, a senior newseditorial and history major, has plenty of ideas for horror films. Follow her on Twitter @ rhiannonroot and reach her at rhiannonroot@ dailynebraskan.com.




ArtS Entertainment monday, october 24, 2011

pagE 5


Patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Inside the Bourbon Theatre, the crowd cheers before the start of the UPC-sponsored Mac Miller concert. The sold-out show attracted hundreds of University of Nebraska-Lincoln students Friday night. patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Members of the Bourbon Theatre crowd watch performances by Mac Miller’s openers in anticipation of Friday night’s headliner. hate him. His lyrics are uninNeil orians spired hip hop about booze, women and drugs; precisely daily nebraskan three things I am completeMac Miller is a 19-year-old ly disinterested in. His work white rapper and he acts like effectively promotes an unit. healthy, unproductive lifeI went into his show at style and is a good example the Bourbon Theatre this of how kids our age these past Friday with absolutely days get a bad reputation no previous exposure to his for being lazy party freaks. work, i.e. I had never heard Yet I cannot deny a truly a Mac Miller song before talented performer when I hearing him perform. And see one. I was extremely enhonestly, I really wanted to tertained and impressed by

his act. He is a young, successful, independent musician: not an easy combination. Dude is miles ahead of me and nearly everyone else walking around. Now, I am pretty well versed in my white-boy rap. I’ve referenced Sage Francis, Atmosphere and Aesop Rock as being among my top influences as a song writer. Miller doesn’t fit in with that crowd, but his talent in rapping and rhyming and delivery is up there with the masters. He is talented and unlike one of his openers, Casey

Veggies, he retained musicality within his raps. Dude sings his own hooks. Dude has flow. He can play guitar and has a definite grasp on music as an art. He’s not just a guy who started rapping for the hell of it; his passion makes itself present in his music and in my mind that means he deserves his success. And Friday night, Miller did a nice job of keeping the crowd tuned to him, as midway through the show, he grabbed a few hats, had his DJ throw out a beat, signed them and threw them out

to the audience. That was real, real cool to see. Rarely do performers seem to care about their fans as much as Miller clearly does. His actions speak just as loudly and brashly has his words, something you have to respect. Of the performance related criticisms I have, my biggest issue was (for lack of better words) his timeouts. He would break out of a song for an a capella, almost slam-poetry like verse, often times with a lack of regard for the set tempo and begin accelerating. It

MAC MILLER The Bourbon Theatre



was really cool the first few times. Doing it almost every song, however, ruined the idea rather quickly. Mad flow and amazing freestyle abilities aside, the luster is easily lost without the flexibility to treat the audience

Mac Miller: see page 7

Festival to showcase faculty creative writing staff report daily nebraskan

Celebrating creative writing is all about recognizing voices: those which communicate verse, that which trade in prose and those that together speak to readers in a vein that textbooks and lectures simply cannot. This Thursday, the annual Creative Writing Festival will be held at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center with readings from English Department faculty. In the opinion of department chair Susan Belasco, the event constitutes a great opportunity for creative writing students — especially those who may not feel fully familiar with the writing culture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln — to be exposed to the work of their professors (some of it critically acclaimed), affirming that the students are in capable hands. “We are fortunate to have creative writers on our staff who are both outstanding teachers and writers,” she said. “Our creative writing faculty members are widely published and distinguished writers.” The festival is also meant to stand as the official university welcome for Kwame Dawes, the new Glenna Luschei Editor of Prairie Schooner, the UNL literary magazine, which is celebrating its 85th year of publication. However, when Gerald Shapiro, a longtime professor of creative writing, died earlier this month, it became clear that the event would be slightly modified in light of the loss. “It was Kwame Dawes’ idea, actually, that we


Lauren Vuchetich | daily nebraskan

should find a way to use this event as a way to recognize Gerry, his writing and his contribution to the department,” Belasco said. In light of this decision, a recently finished short story of Shapiro’s that he was scheduled to share will be read by a creative writing graduate student. Belasco recognizes that for some undergraduates this posthumous reading may be their first exposure to the beloved professor. “I think students who didn’t know him or who had the chance to be in his classes will enjoy his wit and humor,” Belasco said. “Our intention is to celebrate our creative writing program and to honor those who can be with us and those who cannot.” And though an official celebration of Shapiro’s life and work is scheduled for

IF YOU GO Creative Writing Celebration when: Thursday, 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, 1505 S St. how much : Free December, Thursday will likely hold special meaning for those he mentored and worked alongside. “Gerry Shapiro has taught hundreds of undergraduate students at UNL during his career, and there are many alums out there who are working as writers today who learned from him,” Belasco said. “In the midst of our celebration, we want to take an opportunity to honor his work and his memory by including him.” ARTS@ dailynebraskan.com

New Deer Tick album offers trademark grit, appealing abandon Katie Fennelly daily nebraskan

Many people find providence in a higher power. Deer Tick found it in a sixpack of beer. “Divine Providence” is the Rhode Island band’s fourth album. Gone is the band’s controlled sound that showed itself on previous records. This is inyour-face, blues-bruised folk. The band flings saloon doors open with “The Bump,” a honky-tonk stomp. They introduce themselves as they mosey up to the bar: “We’re fullgrown men but we act like kids/We’ll face the music next time we roll in.” That reckless attitude hangs throughout the album. The blazing “Let’s

All Go To The Bar” ends with a man burping. The crass addition is only a minor misstep on the album, though most songs are littered with unapologetic grit. But for music so whiskey-soaked, the album has incredible depth. Many songs find singer John McCauley caught in elaborate narratives, especially “Main Street,” the album’s first single. The band consistently exudes a rough exterior, even in the quieter moments. With the addition of soaring strings, “Electric” offers a moment of solace, but remains just as coarse as the rest of the album. The honest “Now It’s Your Turn” finds McCauley lamenting lost time and a former flame. As he nears




the tip of despair, a searing guitar solo rips through, only to tear his heart even more. One man’s sorrow has never sounded so good. It’s obvious that inspiration came 12 ounces at a time for Deer Tick. Or in a glass of wine. Or a shot of whiskey. It’s hard to tell; they pay tribute to them all. Whatever they were drinking did the trick. “Divine Providence” isn’t sent from above, but it certainly comes close.

katiefennelly@ dailynebraskan.com


monday, october 24, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

‘Bones’ novelist Diana ‘what if’ novel lacks coherence fails to transcend previous tropes Rachel Staats daily nebraskan

chance Solem-Pfeifer Remember when you boldly signed up to run the 1,600 meter race in fifth grade? I know you’ve tried to forget, but alas you do. “Pace yourself,” Mom chided as you practiced at the track by your house. “It’s a long mile.” What sound advice, Mom. I always did appreciate your insights. So you worked on your breathing in attempt to stave off the gnawing pain of the imminent side ache. You were ready when the big day came in your Russell Athletic gym shorts because Nike is expensive and what is your dad, made of money? But in the end your pacing was futile because Terrell Tyrance went on to play running back at a Division II college. You could have too, but just had other stuff going on. But don’t forget Mom’s good advice. Pacing is paramount to a healthy life. There’s a reason I don’t wake up and sprint to my first class of the day. Chance, you never go to your first class of the day. Quiet. We read at a reasonably measured pace from fiction too. Sure, every writer needs a good hook – something to draw the reader in – to let he/she know immediately that the book you’re opening at the Barnes and Noble coffee shop, but have no intention of buying, is worth reading (but not buying). Bear in mind though, that an effective hook isn’t the same thing as laying down your whole hand or playing narrative 52 pickup. Doing so can be funny (like “laugh at you” kind of funny, a la, the first ten minutes of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” when Nicolas Cage screamed at that whiny kid, “I CAN READ YOUR MIND!”), but hold it together please. If you can’t


muster the self-control to unravel your important plot elements at a reasonable pace, you’ll excuse me if I don’t read your book at a reasonable pace, and just skip to the back cover. This is my primary issue with Kathy Reichs’ latest novel, “Flash and Bones.” Alright, I didn’t expect a great deal of craftsmanship from the woman and author who inspired “Bones,” but, hey, why do we pick up these books? Because we think they might surprise us. One assumes that somewhere out there exists a writer of TV fiction who’s overachieving and that would be an appealing discovery indeed. No such luck here. Within the first, count ‘em, ten lines, the narrator, Temperance Brennan, is telling us, “I’m a forensic anthropologist. I recover and analyze the dead...” First of all show, don’t tell. It’s the programmed speech of every English teacher, fifth grade and up. I’m not writing this book, but there has to be a way to clue a first-time reader into Brennan’s profession besides the always lacking “oh, oh, shit, I’ve gone and just said it” mode of representation. Just find another way. Good writers do. Bad writers don’t. I’m hard pressed to boil it down much more.

Delta Delta Delta Kappa Chapter at UNL

Delta Delta Delta Kappa Chapter raised nearly $7,500 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital at Flapjack, their annual philanthropy, on Thursday, October 6. The women of Delta Delta Delta want to thank everyone who came out to support the cause.

Be Involved.


Here’s my other thing. If the 16th “Bones” novel begins with this immature introduction to the subject matter and then belabors the specifics of forensics science by simply describing darkness and bodies, is there even remote differentiation among any Reichs’ near score of novels? I’m inclined to say that it’s unlikely. I understand that the crime genre of novels is nothing if not formulaic, but I can’t condone reading the same book over and over. Unless it’s good. But you know what I mean. I have to imagine that reading these novels is much like watching episodes of “Bones.” Emily Deschanel, why can’t you be more like a normal lady? Don’t you see, it’s her idiosyncrasies that make her so special! Oh, hell, you’re right. Now make out with that guy who used to be on “Charmed.” Granted, Reichs is a forensics scientist first and foremost. We probably shouldn’t anticipate a professional scientist to be able to pick up a pen and write lucid fiction without academic training (what up, the David Eagleman exception? More to come next week). So what have I done here? Written another snarky self-fulfilling prophecy? I mean, maybe, but let’s not ruin this by being excessively self-aware. We hold out for the surprises. That’s what makes this job fun. That’s what makes being a receptive reader worth the disappointment of these bone dry (sigh) novels. Chance solem-Pfeifer likes that one episode of ‘bones’ where they find that gross, dead body. reach him at Chancesolem-pfeifer@ dailynebraskan.com

In 1997 Princess Diana, her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed and their driver famously perished in a car accident in Paris. But what if they hadn’t? “Princess Diana: The Day She Didn’t Die,” by British author Heath Samples, is a debut novel that explores what life would have been like for Princess Diana if she and Fayed had survived the automobile wreck. In Samples’ alternate Diana reality, her Egyptian film producer boyfriend proposes and they have a child together during their engagement. These circumstances lead to a discussion of morality and religion throughout the text, particularly because Diana considers converting to the Islamic faith. The novel, the plot of which beings the day of the accident in 1997 and continues until September 2001, is told from the point of view of Ella, a British college student who desperately wants to emulate Lady Di. The story line is engaging, but the link between the book’s two parallel narrators is not made clear until halfway through the novel when


Ella also considers conversion to Islam. Despite the compelling narrative, the novel simply didn’t hit the mark. Ella’s narrative was written in first person, almost like a diary, which was essentially a fruitless pursuit, as her voice came off flat and uninteresting. And the fact that the entire piece was relayed in present tense was unconventional in a disconcerting kind of way. But the high point of the novel was certainly the relationship between the historically extrapolated

PRINCESS DIANA: THE DAY SHE DIDN’T DIE Heath Samples Smashwords $16.99



characters and the conclusion of the work might have been the most intriguing part of the story, both for what it said and left out.

rachelstaats@ dailynebraskan.com


Real Estate’s latest infused with fluidity Katie Fennelly daily nebraskan

New Jersey: fist pumps and hair poofs, right? Wrong. Far from the shore lies Ridgewood, New Jersey. It’s an affluent suburb nestled in the northern part of the Garden State. To Real Estate, a major up-and-comer in the indie rock world, it’s home. Real Estate embraces its slice of suburban life on “Days,” the band’s second album. Unlike their self-titled first release, “Days” has a natural structure, confirming the New Jersey crew is comfortable in their own skin. Although “Days” has 10 distinct tracks, the music seamlessly drifts together, creating

forty minutes of chill-wave bliss. The fluidity in sound is cohesive, but by no means boring. Each song captures a different angle of days gone by, while keeping sights on what lies ahead. Lush, warm riffs only magnify the humming nostalgia of “Green Aisles.” “Our careless lifestyle/It was not so unwise now,” reflects singer Martin Courtney. “All the Same,” the album’s conclusive song, soars for seven minutes until it rolls to a complete stop, punctuating a lustrous record. Listeners can take comfort in Courtney’s consolation: “It’s OK, because the night is just another day.” The drama of “Days” may be muted, but the music isn’t

DAYS Real Estate



minimal. Courtney’s vocals float over textured layers of gleaming guitars and hazy melodies. “Believe me when I say it’s real,” Courtney begs on the album’s first single, “It’s Real.” For those not convinced, one listen of the album offers more than enough proof. The effortless yet deliberate flow from song to song makes “Days” one of the sincerest, most real albums of the year.

katiefennelly@ dailynebraskan.com

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Daily Nebraskan

monday, october 24, 2011


MAc Miller: from 5 in different ways. I didn’t so much love the random hype dudes either. I understand having a hype man contributing backing vocals, but it doesn’t make any sense to just have a dude in long blond hair on the side of the stage just lip syncing to your songs. Dude didn’t even have a mic. He

didn’t even seem that enthusiastic about being there, as though he was along for a somewhat unwelcome ride. I guess his younger brother needed a job or something. Granted, I love The Mighty Mighty Bosstones and their dancing dude, so I can’t hate that much. But that guy, at least, dances.

Ultimately, Miller showed himself to be a man of the people and a student of the game, remarking Friday on the importance of appreciating various musical genres: “There’s nothing that sucks more than someone who won’t open their mind up.”

neilorians@ dailynebraskan.com

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Help choose future editors, forge policy, and approve budgets for the Daily Nebraskan and the Dailyer. To apply, contact the ASUN Office, 136 Nebraska Union


page 8


monday, october 24, 2011

Nebraska 41, Minnesota 14

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Nebraska running back Rex Burkhead is taken down short of the end zone during the Huskers’ opening drive.

Nebraska receiver Kenny Bell eluded multiple Gophers defenders on his second quarter 82-yard touchdown run.

off to the


Bell’s speed exposes Minnesota Defense as Huskers jump out to Big Lead, Cruise to easy Victory in Minneapolis on Saturday story by doug burger | photo by kyle bruggeman MINNEAPOLIS--The bounces probably didn’t need to go Nebraska’s way for the Huskers to win Saturday’s game against Minnesota. They did anyway. No. 13 Nebraska, in front of a TCF Bank Stadium crowd that looked to be filled with more red than maroon and gold, used some good fortune to improve to 2-1 in Big Ten Conference play Saturday with a 41-14 victory against the Golden Gophers in Minneapolis. The Huskers were aided by the rulebook during their second possession. On fourth-andone, Taylor Martinez’s pitch to Aaron Green was off target. The ball bounced off Green’s hands and forward past the first down marker. NU was awarded the first down. “I actually didn’t understand the rule myself,” NU coach Bo Pelini said. “It’s not a fumble, it’s a backwards pass and because it obviously wasn’t intentional … the ruling is it goes where the ball goes out of bounds.” Two plays later, Martinez hit fullback Tyler Legate for a 10-yard score. It was Legate’s fourth career touchdown on

seven career receptions. “I was surprised,” Legate said. “When I caught the ball I turned around and was looking for somebody to hit me. There was nobody there, so I just ran it in.” The touchdown gave NU a 10-0 lead and the Huskers rattled off another 24 straight to take 34-0 lead to halftime. The most exciting moment of the game, though, didn’t involve any fortunate bounces – just pure speed. Redshirt freshman Kenny Bell took a reverse in the second quarter 82 yards for a touchdown. NU offensive coordinator Tim Beck said the play was set up by the aggressive style of Minnesota’s defense. “Earlier in the week I said I felt this team (Minnesota) was very aggressive,” Beck said. “They play hard and they run to the ball. I felt like there could be a chance for it. They were playing hard.” The original action of the play drew the Gopher defense one way, allowing Bell to have a nearly open field on the opposite. A couple key blocks and a quick juke later, only open

sean Whalen

it easy to believe coach Cook when he said, “As a team, this was our best match of the season.” “I’d say we played pretty solid,” Thramer said. “Looking at the score – I mean we played as a team obviously, you can just tell all the love and trust we have for each other.” Broekhuis led the team with 17 kills and a .444 hitting percentage (one error on 36 swings) while also notching 11 digs and four block assists. “I think I played well – I was given great opportunities by my teammates,” she said. “I was put in a position to do what I’m supposed to do, I guess.” The lopsided final result was even more surprising given what happened in the first set. The offensive struggles the Illini would have the last three sets (.119 combined) were nonexistent in the first, as they hit .429 and looked every bit the top team in the country. Still, NU hung with them, hitting .412, and forced an extended rally despite being down 23-20. After both sides hit more than .400 in the first, neither hit .100 in a fairly ugly second set. This change suited NU, a team that doesn’t have to get tons of kills to play well. Fifteen Illini errors (six service) and five NU blocks proved to be the difference, as the Huskers never led by less than three after 10 rallies.

field was between Bell and the end zone. “I just tried to win with speed,” Bell said. “I think I can run kind of fast.” Kind of fast doesn’t quite describe it. Martinez gave his own opinion. “I think he’s the fastest player in the NCAA,” he said. Bell’s lone run was good enough for second-most rushing yards of any player in the game. He also caught four passes for 25 yards. “I was a part of it, but you have to look to the big man Rex (Burkhead) and Taylor,” Bell said. “All credit goes to those guys and the big men up front. They did an incredible job today.” Nebraska ran for 346 total yards and had a season-high 515 yards of total offense. Burkhead ran for a game-high 117 yards, which was his fourth 100-yard game of the season. Pelini said there were still things that need to be cleaned up in the run game. “I would give us somewhere around a B in how we played in the run game,” he said. “They gave us a lot of different looks

than we expected. I don’t know if we reacted real well to some of those looks, especially as the game went on. We left a lot of big plays out there on the field.” The Huskers got another play to go their way when Minnesota quarterback MarQueis Gray lost his handle on the ball after pulling the ball away from his running back on a zone read. Cassidy kicked the ball to himself before scooping it up and scoring from 11 yards out, giving NU a 27-0 lead. Minnesota had just 88 yards of total offense in the first half compared to NU’s 330. “When you shut a team out in the first half, it doesn’t matter who you’re playing, it feels good,” Cassidy said. The Gophers finally got on the board in the third quarter on a run by Gray. They added another touchdown late against Nebraska defensive backups. Minnesota dropped to 1-6 on the year and 0-3 in the Big Ten. “We just need to keep fighting through these tough times and everything will eventually get better,” Minnesota coach Jerry Kill said.

Offense falters at goal line, settles for FGs DouG Burger daily Nebraskan

MINNEAPOLIS--All Brandon Kinnie wanted to do was score. He took the pass from Taylor Martinez on the jailbreak screen and broke free from a couple tackles and had the end zone in his sights. He thought he was going to score. “I did,” the Nebraska wide out said, “until I looked right and I tried to stiff arm and I missed the stiff arm.” He was taken down at the Minnesota 2-yard line. He petitioned NU wide receivers coach Rich Fisher to get back into the game so he could have the chance to score, but the Huskers were in a heavy formation to attempt to pound it in. Nebraska ran the ball three times, but couldn’t score a touchdown. “We still got a field goal out of it, so it’s all good,” Kinnie said. Offensive line coach Barney Cotton didn’t have as

positive an outlook as Kinnie did. “Not happy about that,” Cotton said. “We didn’t execute down there. We ran one option that they got us on and we ran an option and kind of got ourselves.” On first-and-goal after Kinnie’s 61-yard catch, running back Rex Burkhead ran for a single yard. Taylor Martinez then ran a quick option to the right and was stuffed. A similar play on third down led to a late pitch from Martinez that Burkhead couldn’t handle. Then, Brett Maher came on for a 25-yard field goal attempt. “We need to be able to run downhill at people down there too,” Cotton said. “Not just run sideways.” The Huskers settled for field goals twice after having first and goal Saturday against the Gophers. Nebraska has the third-best redzone offense in the Big Ten,

football: see page 9

Dramatic upset puts ‘must-win’ NU beats Illinois, takes hold of Big Ten tag on Saturday daily nebraskan

Of all the things John Cook has accomplished as head coach of the Nebraska volleyball program, one thing still eluded him: a victory against the topranked team in the country. Well, he can scratch that one off the bucket list, as fourthranked NU made a strong case to be No. 1 with a four-set victory against undefeated Illinois Saturday night. With the 24-26, 25-18, 25-19, 25-11 victory, NU took sole possession of first place in the Big Ten Conference at 10-0 and improved to 17-1 overall, with 15 straight wins since a Sept. 2 loss at Colorado State. Even the most ardent of Husker supporters had to have been shocked with the ease at which NU took the fight out of the Illini, essentially running them off the court in the final set. The Huskers hit .696 in the fourth, with just one error on 23 swings, while holding the Illini to .148 (six errors) on 27 attacks. During an 11-3 run to end the game, five Huskers had a kill. Those five (Gina Mancuso, Brooke Delano, Morgan Broekhuis, Hayley Thramer and Hannah Werth) all hit at least .300, combining for 62 kills, 42 digs, two solo blocks and 18 block assists, making

dougburger@ dailyNebraskan.com

Dan Hoppen

bethany schmidt | daily nebraskan

Right side hitter Morgan Broekhuis led Nebraska with 17 kills and a .444 hitting percentage Saturday night. The third set began every bit as competitive as the first, but an 11-3 run turned a 13-13 tie into a 24-16 NU lead. The Illini couldn’t deal with the balance the Huskers brought offensively – during the key run, four NU players had two kills. Despite how well the Huskers played in sets two and three, heading into the fourth,

Cook was still thinking about a five-set match. “I was mentally prepared to go to five games,” he said. “When we started game four, I was thinking ‘OK, what matchups do we want, where do we want to start ... but then Lauren

volleyball: see page 9

Well, that was pretty easy. It was a classic example of taking care of business. The Huskers showed up, pounded on a team they were supposed to pound, avoided major injuries and got an easy win. That victory set up what figured to be a pretty pivotal game with Michigan State next Saturday. But that was before Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema completely mismanaged his timeouts. Before Jared Abbrederis mistimed his jump and Keith Nichol plucked the ball out of the air in what has to be one of college football’s greatest finishes ever. Before the Spartans took down the conference’s Goliath. Michigan State was supposed to lose that game. Then both the Spartans and Huskers would have one conference loss. Next weekend’s game would play a large part in determining who represents the Legends Division in

Indianapolis in December, but it wasn’t make or break. Now it is. Sparty is in the driver’s seat now. A win against the Huskers would basically lock up the division. The moment Nichol crossed the goal line, the magnitude of the showdown increased dramatically. Are the Huskers ready? Their first six quarters of Big Ten football were a mess, as they were outscored 68-23 against Wisconsin and Ohio State. The past game and a half has been much better, with NU outscoring the Buckeyes and Golden Gophers 6921. The defensive play has drastically improved during that stretch. Stanley JeanBaptiste appears to have finally given NU its answer opposite Alfonzo Dennard and the defensive line held up Saturday without Jared Crick. Rex Burkhead continues to be a workhorse and Taylor Martinez keeps improving as a passer (look past the throwing motion – he’s been really on-target lately). But as always, there

hoppen: see page 9

Daily Nebraskan

monday, october 24, 2011

Illini win seventh straight, top NU

»volleyball »

Expectations met with victory, NCAA title on the horizon

Game point, set four, the score is 24-11 Nebraska against No. 1 Illinois. Lauren Cook collects the ball and places it right at the net for Hannah Werth. The outside hitter from Springfield, Ill., a mere hour and a half from the Illini campus, smashes the ball into the body of Annie Luhrsen for the final point. The NU Coliseum erupts like a volcano. The Huskers had just ended the Illini’s run of being the only undefeated team left in Division I volleyball. Nebraska hadn’t won a match like that all season; it hadn’t beaten a No. 1 team at home since it topped UCLA in five sets 21 years ago. Nebraska is ready to be the team it was in 2006. The Huskers are ready to win John Cook’s third national title. One would expect emotions to run high after a victory of that magnitude, but there was an unexpected emotion coming out of the postgame press conference. “Relief,” middle blocker Hayley Thramer said. Why would Nebraska be relieved? The Huskers had finally lived up to expectations. Nebraskans always expect national championships. The fans that sell out games in 30 minutes and generated $1.4 million last season in revenue don’t want the team that dropped sets to schools you couldn’t


Andrew WArd daily Nebraskan

The hottest team in the Big Ten Conference proved to be too much for the Nebraska women’s soccer squad on Senior Day. No. 25 Illinois won its seventh straight game and thwarted the Huskers’ upset chances with a goal in the game’s final minutes to win 3-1 in a physical match on Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately for NU, its four seniors, Molly Thomas, Michaella Fulmer, Blair Slapper and Katie Goetzmann, could not pull out a win in their final home games as Huskers. The four were honored in a ceremony on the pitch following the game where the majority of the match’s spectators attended to show their appreciation. The seniors deserved to win this game because of their commitment to the program for such a long time, according to sophomore forward Stacy Bartels. “Three of our seniors (Fulmer, Slapper, Goetzmann) have been here for five years now with Molly being here for four so they all have been so great for this program,” Bartels said. “We just could not give them that win in their last game in Lincoln today, but they still have an opportunity to finish the season strong against Minnesota. They deserve to make the Big Ten tournament so much that we need to help them get there.” In the first 20 minutes of the game it seemed it was going to be another lowscoring thriller much like it

find on a map. They expect the team that beat Illinois. This was the team that lost to Colorado State on the road earlier in the year. The Huskers dropped two early sets to Western Athletic Conference foe New Mexico State. But now the team that features two former AllAmericans, a coach who has won two national titles and is stocked with some of the top prospects from last year’s recruiting class, Lara Dykstra and Taylor Simpson, is proving what it can do. Expectations were high, as usual, from the players and the fans. And based on Thramer’s response, and Cook’s outlook on the game, NU thought it was going to win, too. And the reward from this win should be significant. It would be stunning if Nebraska wasn’t No. 1 in the coaches’ and RPI polls that come out later today. Nebraska has now beaten the first-, third- and fourthranked teams in RPI after the Illinois victory. The Huskers are now one of three remaining one-loss teams in the nation. That No. 1 ranking is something Nebraska should get now. But whether NU should keep it for the rest of the season is yet to be seen. The Huskers have a tough road ahead. Just look at the schedule. If Nebraska can escape all that without another loss, it will be an historic run to start its Big Ten membership. A run that can certainly end with a Final Four appearance, a Big Ten crown and a national title.

Robby Korth


scoring points 91.2 percent of the time. Of NU’s 31 redzone scores, 22 have been touchdowns and nine have been field goals. Huskers running backs coach Ron Brown said some of the goal line difficulties were because of how Minnesota was defending in that area of the field. “As we ganged up with our size, as we got into big personnel, where we had three tight ends in the game and two backs, they jammed it up in there tight and made it tough,” Brown said. On Nebraska’s first drive, NU had the ball first and goal at the Minnesota 7. The Huskers made it to the 4-yard line, but kicked a field goal. # 14 Brown said at times goalline offenses can overthink themselves. “As we look back on it, maybe we get into smaller sets,” Brown said. More wide receivers, less tight ends and spread the field a little bit more and then maybe 2 run inside when they have to spread it out 8 4 some.” In a 27-point blowout, 4 9 3 2 settling for two field goals 4 1have9 much7consedoesn’t quence. But with a highly anticipated game next 2 6 8 weekend against Michigan State, losing points near the goal5line9could make a difference.2 “(Minnesota) showed us 8 7 a different defense than we were expecting,”# 13offensive lineman Marcel Jones said. “We just had to make adjustments to it and we


7 4

robby korth is a sophomore broadcasting major. Reach him at robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com



2 8 1 1 3 4 7 4 3 hoppen: from 8 6 7 2 9 are questions. Where is the ominous cloud that looms in Huskers’ 7 9pass rush? Husker the distance7with the poten1 5 fans have been spoiled in re- tial to jeopardize the season cent years health. 3 by the dominance is 3the quarterback’s 5 1 of Crick and Ndamukong Despite taking some shots, 4Suh, both of whom frequent- he’s held 6 up great thus 8 far. 3 ly took up residence in the opposing# 13 backfield. But with Crick out, where does the pressure come from? While the Huskers did a good job containing the speedy MarQueis Gray running the ball, there weren’t too many white jerseys around him when he was throwing the ball. NU didn’t have a sack and has just nine on the season. And while this new receiving corps is often spectacular, it let Martinez down a few times against Minnesota. Jamal Turner dropped a touchdown pass and Kenny Bell had a couple drops of his own, including one that would have put the Huskers inside Minnesota’s 10-yard line. As I said earlier, Martinez is making strides as a passer. But he’s far from refined. When he puts one on the money, you’ve just got to catch it. Speaking of Martinez, the

But running quarterbacks MEDIUM are always susceptible to injury. Saturday was supposed to be a great chance to see what the insurance policy, Brion Carnes, had to show. But thanks to a couple of long Minnesota drives in the second half, the backup quarterback only got six 6 plays, five of which were runs. His lone passing attempt came on third-and-16. Not a desirable situation for your second career pass attempt. Although there are issues that went unresolved, the 3 Huskers did exactly what they wanted Saturday. 8 1If they want any shot at win7 ning the Legends Division, they better do it again next weekend.

2 1 5 7


7 6 5 8 3 6 9 2 1 9 4 6 8 4 7 9 dan hoppen 1 is a senior 5

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5 3

4 5 1 9 7 3 2 8 6

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7 2 1



News-Editorial Major. Reach him at Danhoppen@ dailyNebraskan.com

# 15


# 16



3 2

by Wayne Gould

Previous answer

Solution, tips and com# 15 8 puter 5 6 7program 1 3 2 at www. 3 2 1 4 7 8 9 gamehouse.com 2 8 9 3 4 5 6 1 4 6 7 5 9

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being able to finish them,” Conroy said. Illinois then counterattacked after the Bartels’ attempt and sealed the game three minutes later on Vanessa DiBernardo’s goal. Nebraska has one more chance to get into the eightteam Big Ten tournament when it plays Minnesota on Friday. The Gophers are currently one point ahead of the Huskers in the conference standings. andrewward@ dailynebraskan.com

Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Male ballroom dancer, traditionally 5 Total 10 Laundry unit 14 Not ___ many words 15 ___ Granada (old Spanish colony in the Americas) 16 Org. for Annika Sorenstam 17 Oyster ___ 18 Cooler, to a hiphopper 19 Broccoli centers? 20 Goal of 39Across 23 Whitman or Whittier HARD 24 Gives a leg up 27 Swipe at the store 29 Bucks and rams 32 Extreme


33 ___ & the Blowfish 35 Part of a jug band 37 Lockup 38 Objective 39 Activity associated with the word ladder formed by 1-, 10-, 70- and 72Across 42 What a swish shot swishes 43 Ton 45 Mary ___ of cosmetics 46 Battlefield shout 48 Grand ___ National Park 50 ___-ray Discs 52 Glasgow negations 53 Decorates 55 Tirade 57 39-Across, for one

8 5 1


6 4


# 15



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2 9 1


# 16

1 2 3 4







29 34 39 44










32 36



46 50


54 57

37 41









55 58

42 47

52 56











Puzzle by Peter A. Collins

30 ___ alcohol 31 Litigate

7 9

33 “___ luego”


41 Greek New Age musician

3 1 5 7 9




8 4 6 5 3




4 2 1 6 7




5 8 9 3 1




6 7 3 2 8



5 Down8

34 Lodge member

36 Audi alternative 40 Truckerʼs place

44 Wool variety

47 Like most of the Harry Potter films 49 Havana-to-Miami dir. 51 Bearlike 54 “The World of ___ Wong” 56 Wasnʼt passive 58 Ominous

59 Audi alternative 60 Part of a plea 61 Mine find 62 Abbr. on a city limit sign 63 Oscar-winning director Lee 64 Jersey greeting?

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No. 0810



Tilt ___ʼacte Between ports Rehearsed perfectly 5 Manga-like art form # 14 6 Lake Superior port 7 Shoulder muscle, briefly 8 Sclera neighbor 9 Second section 10 Rapper born James Todd Smith 11 Batting position 12 AARP membership concern 13 “___ Kapital” 21 Braga of Hollywood 22 Letters from a short person? 25 Judges and juries 26 Dirty 27 Dirty 28 Dice rollerʼs # 16 exclamation

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63 Latin loverʼs word? 65 “Shut up!” 66 Ski-___ (snowmobiles) 67 “Not a chance” 68 Ryan of “The Beverly Hillbillies” 69 Subdivision map 70 Incite 71 Sniggled 72 Olympic prize

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24 Jul 05

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five shots on goal for the afternoon, two of them coming from the foot of Marlborough. Nebraska’s best opportunity to tie the game came with seven minutes left in regulation when Marlborough pulled all the defenders to her in the box then passed it to Bartels in front of the net. Bartels’ shot was deflected high at the last second, though. “It is very frustrating to have so many shots and not

got in (to serve) and (made to keep up their level of play weren’t able to do it. We still a six-point run) and then the heading into next weekend’s should have capitalized. We crowd got going. It was deaf- trip to Ohio State (Friday) and still should have punched it ening, and I think that really Penn State (Saturday). In the in. It’s kind of tough to get took some energy out of Illi- Big Ten, no matter how big down there within the five nois.” the win, one can’t dwell on it and not be able to capitalWhile neither Cook nor the for long. ize.” players spoke much of their “Coach (Tom) Osborne alCotton said the Huskers desire for the polls to name ways says he enjoys it until will look at film this week NU No. 1, there is no doubt he gets to the locker room, to hopefully turn those goal that the AVCA ranking NU then he starts worrying about line chances into touchNo. 1 for the first time in four the next match,” Cook said. downs in the future. years would be huge for the “Hopefully, I’ll be able to en“That’s what you’re down program. But it may not hap- joy it for a little longer than there to do,” Burkhead said. pen; No. 2 California earned that before I start worrying “And when you can’t, it’s twoTimes sweeps this weekend. about Ohio State and Penn The New York Syndication Sales Corporation very disappointing.” What the players didN.Y. speak Avenue, New York, 10018 State.” dougburger@500 Seventh seanwhalen@ about, however, is the need dailynebraskan.com For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 dailynebraskan.com For Release Tuesday, September 14, 2010


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file photo by jon augustine | daily nebraskan

Junior Jordan Jackson gets tangled up with an Iowa defender last Thursday. Illinois ended Nebraska’s two-game win streak with a 3-1 victory Sunday.

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# 13

was against Iowa on Thursday. Neither team was receiving many chances to score with the Fighting Illini, in particular, having a hard time getting a shot off. All of that changed, though, when Illinois’ Marissa Mykines shot a rocket from 30 yards out just past the outstretched fingertips of NU goalkeeper Emma Stevens. That goal ended up being the difference in the first half for Illinois as it later went on to score again 10 minutes later to lead 2-0 at halftime. Illinois gave the Huskers problems with its quick passing attack in the first half, according to freshman Mayme Conroy. “It is a different style that not many Big Ten teams do,” Conroy said. “However, our coaches told us to just continue to pressure the ball, and we did that better in the second half.” It didn’t take long for Nebraska to fire back in the second half when Bartels led junior Morgan Marlborough into the box with a pinpoint pass. Marlborough, second in the nation in goals, knew what to do when she received the ball as she put in her 20th goal of the year. This gave the Huskers a much-needed momentum swing cutting the Illinois lead in half. Nebraska attacked even more, finishing the game with 19 shots compared to 17 by Illinois. Despite the amount of shots the Huskers were getting, players were unable to put many of those shots on goal. NU ended up with only

football: from 8




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Outstretched Nebraska receiver Kenny Bell can’t quite haul in Taylor Martinez’s pass Saturday afternoon at TCF Bank Stadium in Minneapolis.

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

nebraska 41, Minnesota 14

Golden on the

ground NU rushes for season-high 346 yards against Gophers

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Number of plays this season Nebraska has had of 40 yards or more. The Huskers had two such plays on Saturday with Kenny Bell’s 82-yard touchdown run and Brandon Kinnie’s 61-yard reception. NU posted a season-high 515 yards of total offense as well.

Nebraska’s Big Ten Conference rank in rushing yards per game this season. The Huskers surpassed Wisconsin for the top spot with an impressive day on the ground against Minnesota. NU ran for 346 yards on Saturday and now have a 261-yardper-game average.

2,049 Career rushing yards for Nebraska running back Rex Burkhead. The junior had 117 yards and a score on Saturday and has 752 yards and 10 touchdowns rushing this season. He became the 26th Husker in history to eclipse 2,000 career yards.

Consecutive points Nebraska scored on its opponents before Minnesota’s third-quarter touchdown. The Huskers finished their win against Ohio State with 28 straight points and rattled off 34 straight to start the game Saturday in Minneapolis.

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Huskers running back Rex Burkhead fends off Minnesota defender Michael Carter Saturday. Burkhead ran for a game-high 117 yards.


Number of career touchdowns for senior Austin Cassidy. The safety scooped up MarQueis Gray’s fumble and took it in for an 11-yard score. He also returned an interception for a touchdown against Iowa State last season.

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Quarterback Taylor Martinez is forced out of bounds as a flag (holding on Quincy Enunwa) flies in the background.

game balls rex burkhead  Saturday wasn’t a career game for Rex Burkhead, but the Plano, Texas, native lived up to his nickname of Superman against the Golden Gophers. He had 23 carries for 117 yards with a touchdown late in the second quarter. Burkhead also became the 26th Husker in program history to pass the 2,000 yard career rushing mark.

stanley jean-baptiste No, he didn’t have a game-altering interception this week, but his performance might be more impressive. Minnesota had two weeks to figure out ways to try and exploit the former receiver, but Jean-Baptiste more than held his ground in coverage. He also made a couple of nice plays in the run game, coming up making tackles like a seasoned defender.

kenny bell The redshirt freshman receiver had the second most rushing yards on Saturday and he gained them all on one carry. Bell showed husker fans his electric speed with an 82-yard reverse run in the second quarter. He caught a game-high four passes for 25 yards and is slowly starting to become a bigger part of Nebraska’s offense.

— jeff packer, dn senior reporter

— Dan Hoppen, DN Senior Reporter

— Doug Burger, DN Sports Editor

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