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friday, october 28, 2011

volume 111, issue 047

DAILY NEBRASKAN dailynebraskan.com




A month after the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ campus and local recruiters say they do not see lowering of local enlistment


story and photo illustration by Dan Holtmeyer

ast month’s repeal of in the wider military force, felthe military policy low soldiers. He said the cadets known as “Don’t Ask, absorbed the training well. “I didn’t see a huge reaction,” Don’t Tell,” which barred the enlistment agreed Nate Dibbern, a junior or continued service of any criminal justice major in the openly gay or “outed” soldier, in- ROTC program. “Everyone just spired grave concerns and pre- grabbed onto it and said, ‘OK, this is how it’s going to be.’” dictions from its opponents. If anyone had a serious prob“Today is a very sad day,” Sen. John McCain told Congress the lem with the new policy, they day it voted to end the ban, add- didn’t show it, Dibbern said. As ing his voice to the many that a whole, the main reaction took warned of an exodus from the the form of jokes, mostly along armed forces and potentially the lines of dramatic affectiondeadly distractions on the bat- ate behavior followed by the tle field if some soldiers were joker declaring ‘It’s legal now!’ or other comingallowed to be If you’re out punch lines. openly gay. He didn’t know But now, a between 17 of anyone who’d month after the and 35, we actually revealed policy formally don’t care his or her sexualand completely ity. ended, none of what color And despite those conseyou are or opponents’ fears quences materiwhat gender. otherwise, solalized, said local diers unhappy military personStaff Sgt. with openly gay nel on and off the University of Joseph Strack colleagues didn’t leave en masse. Nebraska-Lincoln “We saw a slight increase in campus. “We have seen no change to the overall enrollment for the our operations in any manner,” semester,” Blankenhorn said, emsaid Lt. Col. John Blankenhorn phasizing that he couldn’t attribute that to any one factor.“But I from the Army ROTC program. In February, Blankenhorn can say,” he added,“I haven’t had spoke to the Daily Nebraskan anyone drop the course because about the training that would be of (the repeal).” In Lincoln’s recruiting offices, set in place as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was cautiously rolled back the story was the same. “Since the repeal, we haven’t by the government. Then, the training was being developed seen an influx or de-flux,” said just as slowly; this year, it was Staff Sgt. Jeromy Beebe at the an integrated part of the ROTC Army recruitment office on 27th Street, which shares its building program. “It was very comprehensive,” with recruitment offices for evBlankenhorn said, including ery other branch. “It’s been a non-issue,” agreed vignettes of scenarios and situations involving gay soldiers, Marine Staff Sgt. Christopher which allowed discussion and Bruns down the block, manning interaction among students and, an office complete with large

windows and the Corps’ signature red pull-up bar. “It’s been business as usual.” Those trying to enlist have to meet the same requirements, he said, in terms of criminal background, general health and medical history and other areas. Everyone has the same tests, and everyone is treated the same, Bruns said. Through its 17-year history, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” led to the discharge of between 13,000 and 14,000 soldiers, some of whom came out on their own terms while others were outed by fellow soldiers or circumstances. But Beebe might have been onto something, according to other recruitment personnel. “Nobody’s expressed or denied anything with their sexual orientation,” he said. “Even if they did, it wouldn’t matter.” Next door at the National Guard recruiting office, the situation was much the same. The Army office: no significant change in the last month. Air Force and Navy: nothing to report. “Even before, it wasn’t a really big issue,” Beebe said of soldiers’ sexual orientation. As Bruns had explained before, the Midwest lived in a kind of bubble. In fact, the Navy recruiter, who would not give his name, said bluntly that the Daily Nebraskan was the first to ever bring up the repeal there. For Pat Tetreault, the director of UNL’s LGBTQ Resource Center, whose name refers to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning population, none of this was a surprise. That anyone thought otherwise might reflect the gap between politicians and the media that cover them, and everyone else.

DADT: see page 2 point/counterpoint page 6

downtown page 7

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

UNL rank falls in Trojan sexual health survey conor dunn daily nebraskan

The University of NebraskaLincoln ranked 84 out of 141 American colleges this year on Trojan’s Sexual Health Report Card. The report ranks student health centers in 13 different categories related to sexual health awareness and services. Last year UNL ranked 78, meaning UNL had not only dropped six places since then, but its sexual health has the lowest ranking in the Big Ten. Bert Sperling, president of Sperling’s Best Places, the company Trojan hired to produce this year’s data on student health centers, said UNL’s fall in the rankings might mean that UNL has gotten worse in terms of sexual health.

trojan: see page 3

‘Ask an Atheist’ panel responds to questions Answers cover range of topics from fossils to the afterlife­ jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

Less than 15 minutes into the fourth annual “Ask an Atheist” panel, the discussion had already shifted to death. It may seem like a heavy topic for a Thursday evening. But for the four Secular Humanists of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln members sitting on a panel designed to answer questions about atheism, it was just another talking point. “You see lots of death in nature,” said member Emily Zahn, a junior biological sciences major who sat on the

football page 12

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The tipping point

columnists pick favorite candidate in 2012 gop field

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MSU’s nichol draws attention of NU receivers, defense

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“There isn’t a large difference between 78 and 84,” Sperling said. Researchers from Best Places surveyed and evaluated health centers and their websites on their ease of use and effectiveness in 13 areas of research. A few of the categories that are judged include hours of operation, contraceptive availability (whether it is free or at-cost), HIV testing on or off campus as well as if there are student peer groups, such as UNL’s Students for Sexual Health. “UNL has improved in most categories, however, decreased in sexual assault awareness and education,” Sperling said. Lee Heerten, the clinic

panel for the first time. “It’s just what happens. I view death as an entirely natural process. It’s a fact: We are all going to die. It might be painful, it might not. It’s just the end of a life.” And they were just getting started. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, the panel members answered questions about the origins and nature of their beliefs. They spoke about love, fossil records and everything in between. About 50 people attended the event in the Nebraska Union auditorium, not including the SHUNL members who patrolled the room with note cards on which attendees could write questions. For the first time, the second

atheist: see page 5

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friday, october 28, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

DN flashback Multimillionaire October 30, 1906 Hon. A.S. Tibbets spoke at Convocation yesterday morning on the subject, “The Multimillionaire.” It is a prominent question before the people of our country, he said, what is to be done with the multimillionaire, for never before was the wealth so largely in the hands of a few. This has developed to its greatest extent in our country, since we have three times as many multimillionaires as Great Britain, the next richest nation. Pioneers came to enjoy individual freedom and to hold property under protection of the constitution. It was then, as now, the law that private property shall not be taken without just compensation, taxes excepted; but individuals have taken advantage of this. Nebraskans Favor Arming Supply Ships October 28, 1941 Surprisingly different from student opinion throughout the nation is the result of the University of Nebraska poll. Here, according to cross-section canvassing, 79 percent of the students are in favor of arming supply ships and allowing their entry into war zones. More pessimistic than the average campus, students at Nebraska, almost 88 percent of them, feared that the United States could not stay out of the war. College Editors Like LBJ In Poll October 28, 1964 A landslide preference was shown for Lyndon B. Johnson over Barry Goldwater in a nationwide poll taken by the Drury Mirror among college and university campus editors and newspapers. In its Oct. 23rd issue, the Drury College Mirror in Springfield, Missouri, reported that of over one hundred schools responding to the survey, the ratio was more than 8-1 in favor of Johnson. Scoring Explosion II Trounces Kansas State October 29, 1984 Saturday’s 62-14 Nebraska victory over Kansas State was a crowd-pleaser for the 76,068 at Memorial Stadium. Not only did they witness the greatest first-half scoring output ever by a Husker team in the stadium (48 points), but they also saw what they had been clamoring for: a passing attack. Nebraska quarterbacks Travis Turner and Craig Sundberg only threw 11 passes, but completed 10 for 145 yards and a Turner touchdown to freshman split end Jason Gamble. Fed Reports Economy Continues To Grow October 28, 2004 The U.S. economy continued to grow in the early fall despite being buffeted by rising energy costs and hurricanes, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday, providing its last snapshot of business conditions before Election Day. The survey of business activity around the country, compiled from reports submitted by the Fed’s 12 regional banks, depicted an economy that was moving ahead despite the string of hurricanes that hit Florida and other Southern states and a surge in crude oil prices. —Compiled by mitch mattern mitchmattern@dailynebraskan.com

LGBTQA dinner kicks off with poetry, speeches Robin walz Daily Nebraskan

Sarah Schulman took a drink of water and cleared her throat as the 300 audience members waited for the conclusion of her speech Thursday night. “We have to acknowledge that homophobia is the problem, not homosexuality.” With those words, the respected author concluded her speech at the ninth annual LGBTQA History Month Dinner Oct. 27 at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln. An activist, playwright and journalist, as well as cofounder of MIX NYC, New York City’s lesbian and gay film festival, Schulman was the key speaker of the event, presenting ideas from her book “Ties that bind — Familial Homophobia and its Consequences.” The book presents the experiences of homophobia within the family. Before the dinner started, Schulman signed copies of her book. “We are working towards a social agreement that homophobia is a pathology,” she said. Society is part of the problem, she said. People try to find a reason for homosexuality, instead of finding out why homophobia exists. This is especially for familial homophobia, in which family members face rejection from their parents, siblings or relatives because they’re gay. Despite that, it took Schulman 13 years of research to complete her book because she said the issue of familial homophobia is so repressed. “I had to invent the name for it because there wasn’t one,” Schulman said of the term, ‘familial homophobia.’

Daily Nebraskan

“I think sometimes they’re out of touch with what people’s everyday life is like,” Tetreault said, and in that life being gay isn’t always earthshaking. To her, the difference between the dire predictions and reality is “why you can’t make decisions based on fear.” In the weeks immediately following the final repeal on Sept. 20, some news outlets reported a new pattern of recruitment outreach to the wider gay community. But for the recruiters here, just as the people walking through the door haven’t changed, outreach efforts haven’t been altered, either. “We don’t specifically target any certain groups,” said Staff Sgt. Joseph Strack, UNL recruiter for the Army National Guard. “If you’re between 17 and 35, we don’t care what color you are or what gender.” He added, however, that he’d be interested in talking

to centers like UNL’s LGBTQ Resource Center, “if they’re open to it.” “I think it would be good to be able to connect with each other,” said Tetreault, who comes from a military family. The information the center can provide on sexual orientation, particularly in the context of a university, is helpful for anyone, she said, straight or otherwise. “My guess is they probably have some of their own internal education.” “I don’t really know what their needs might be,” she continued. “But we are more than willing to assist.” Back at the recruitment offices, Army recruiter Beebe echoed many of the other recruiters, referring to an inclusive philosophy. “It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white or if, you know, you’re open or closed,” he said. “If you’re willing and qualify, let’s rock and roll.” danholtmeyer@ dailynebraskan.com

“Everybody just calls it, ‘it,’” she said. The family is the place where most people are introduced to homophobia, Schulman said. “Nobody intervenes because the family seems untouchable in our society.” Schulman said she thinks this is an issue caused by a heterosexual culture. Yet the LGBTQA community is seen as the cause and punished when they attempt to rectify this, she said. Today, people are far more likely to call the police if they witness a sexual assault or have knowledge of it than they were in decades past, Schulman said, because society itself has changed. It is this change that Schulman said she hopes to achieve for homosexuals, making it

socially unacceptable to ignore homophobia. “Silence is the greatest gift you can make the perpetrator,” Schulman said. She said she believes that as a whole, society can change. It’s the influence of political and religious leaders and of friends and family that cause the belief that we have to be homophobic, Schulman said. Families should no longer have the right to shun homosexual members, Schulman said. At the end of her speech, Schulman received widespread applause and a gift from the LGBTQ Resource Center as memorabilia from her first visit to Nebraska. Apart from her lecture, the evening had a diverse entertainment program. Stacey

Waite, a new assistant professor of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, received thunderous applause and laughter for her beat poetry performance. The three poems depicted her experiences of being mistaken for a man in her childhood and in more recent events. Rebecca McPherson also performed a live rendition of “Open Road” by Eve 6. Pat Tetreault, director of the LGBTQA Resource Center in Lincoln, held the opening speech, calling the dinner both a celebration of the history of the organization as well as an event that makes history with a record attendance of more than 300 people. “We’ve come a long way,” Tetreault said.

Robinwalz@ DailyNebraskan.com

Crews work to stir up home-field advantage Jordan Martin

dadt: from 1


Slam poet Stacey Waite spoke and performed at the LGBTQA History Month Dinner at the Embassy Suites on Oct., 27, 2011. She shared pieces written about being mistaken for a male and other hardships.

It’s the third-biggest city in Nebraska on gameday. It’s the “Sea of Red.” It’s tradition. But for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Memorial Stadium, providing any semblance of a home-field advantage for Husker football depends on many things. Michael Stephens, assistant athletic director of marketing, licensing and concessions, and Ethan Rowley, marketing director for athletics, are both part of the process that tries to keep Memorial Stadium’s competitive edge. The task of coordinating HuskerVision features, sponsor obligations, short music clips called “stingers” and the marching band is “more of an art than a science,” Stephens said. He and Rowley said the script developed during the week tries to take all factors into account, but ultimately, as Rowley said, “the script is more of a guideline.” “There’s no hard-set rules,” Rowley said. “There are times when we don’t have

to play stingers (to pump up the crowd) because the crowd knows what’s happening.” While Stephens and Rowley said they try to do what they can to keep traditions that the fans like in the script, they’re also open to new ideas to get the fans more involved in the game. “We want to find out what is it that comes from the ground up,” said Stephens. “We can learn from what works at other schools.” Miles McLaughlin, a sophomore nutrition science major, said he’s been to Camp Randall Stadium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and said it has a similar atmosphere. “It is on the same level,” he said. “There’s more people tailgating because it’s a bigger school, but both of them sell out.” He went on to add that Camp Randall’s stadium spirit was a little bit above Nebraska’s, with one of the highlights being Wisconsin’s famous dancing during “Jump Around,” played between the third and fourth quarters. However, he said he still thought the two

bea huff | daily nebraskan

stadiums were very close. “We’re definitely one of the top-20 stadiums,” said Jeremiah Wistrom, a freshman general studies major. “It’s one of the top venues to go to.” Wistrom said some traditions, like holding up shoes before kickoff and chanting “Husker power,” during the games help enhance the experience. McLaughlin had some ideas for how to add more to the gameday experience. He suggested the student section be expanded and “blackouts” could be sponsored

with black shirts sold at the gate. These suggestions, among others, will probably not fall on deaf ears. Stephens said there has been discussion during the past month about adding new traditions and possibly changing some things in the future. However, he said nothing dramatic would happen in the short term. “At the end of the day, the focus is on the game, and the fans’ focus to the game,” Rowley said.

jordanmartin@ dailynebraskan.com

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Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 28, 2011

Pumpkin Paradise

patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Crisp air and crunchy leaves signal autumn is in full swing, and Nebraskans young and old are soaking it in at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch in Gretna. Visitors wander the corn maze, watch pig races and eat fall fare. andrea vazquez | daily nebraskan

Video online at dailynebraskan. com and facebook.com/ dailynebraskan

SRx39xUNExCAMPUS SIZE 10.25 x 10.5 andrea vazquez | daily nebraskan

trojan: from 1 outreach coordinator for the University Health Center, said he could understand why UNL went down in that category. Most of the sexual assault awareness come from the women’s center rather than the health center, Heerten said. “The health center, on the other hand, takes care of the physical and mental aspects of it,” he said. “We offer counseling and mental health services to people who have experienced sexual assault.” In many cases, students have used the Trojan Sexual Health Report Card to bring more awareness to university administrators, Heerten said. But some students say the health center and the university need to provide more sexual health services and increase awareness on campus. To Lexy Gleis, a freshman general studies major, UNL’s ranking is unacceptable. “Sexual activity on campus is something that shouldn’t be brushed under the rug,” Gleis said. “Students should have the right resources that allow them to be safe, whatever the decisions they make.” In her experience, Gleis said she’s rarely heard of free condom distribution on campus, and the only time she heard of such an event was in the Harper dining hall conference room around midnight. Desiree Botica, a freshman computer science major, said her boyfriend attends the University of Iowa and resident assistants there are required to keep condoms in their rooms to distribute upon request. “I think that would be at least a start for us,” she said. “It’s kind of ridiculous.” In response, Vince Marasco, a senior psychology major and president of Students for Sexual Health, said UNL’s SSH follows a condom-distribution policy. “We can’t actively hand out condoms,” he said. “They have to elect to take them, and that’s just because condoms can make people uncomfortable. Some people just don’t like to take them in

Students should have the right resources that allow them to be safe, whatever the decisions they make.” Lexy Gleis

freshman general studies major

front of others.” Marasco said it is hard to educate people on sexual matters because people are uncomfortable talking about them. “It’s kind of sad that we’re ranked less than half of the other schools,” he said. “It’s hard to get a message out when people don’t really want to listen, which could be why we dropped spots in the ranking this year.” There’s always room for improvement in regards to sexual health outreach at UNL, Heerten said. “What we’re doing now is not the end-all be-all,” he said. “One area we could improve in is updating our website and making it more user friendly. Our goal is to make students aware of the services we have to offer. If students don’t know about these programs, then our programs aren’t really doing any good.” Sperling also had advice on what UNL could do to improve its score. “Some schools have published advice columns in their school newspapers once a week with info disregarding the misconceptions about sex,” Sperling said. “A representative of the health center typically writes these advice columns dispelling the misconceptions. It’s important to get students talking about sex so that more awareness can be made.” In regards to sexual health across the country, Sperling said that every school is getting better, including UNL. “It’s like runners running around a track,” he said. “Everyone is still moving forward, but situations change.”

conordunn@ dailynebraskan.com

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friday, october 28, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

NUTS seeks safety, good treatment of campus squirrels Mary Rezac daily nebraskan

“Squirrels! Squirrels! Squirrels! Squirrels!” This was the battle cry of the 20 students in attendance at the Thursday meeting of the Nebraskans for the Upgraded Treatment of Squirrels (NUTS) as they watched a YouTube video entitled “Squirrel vs. Snake.” The squirrel won. Of course. NUTS treasurer Kirk Miller, a junior computer science major, said he joined the club last year, following in the footsteps of his older brother who restarted the club in 2009. “It existed around 2001 to 2003, and after that it was one of those clubs everyone kind of talked about but never started,” Miller said. “I think he was inspired after seeing a squirrel that had been killed.” The club discussed the level of squirrel safety on campus, which is currently at a green (low) level despite a recent comment made to NUTS vice president Holly Ahmann, a freshman hospitality, restaurant and tourism management

lauren olson | daily nebraskan

UNL STEM-field researchers bond in new group

jon augustine | daily nebraskan

Holly Ahmann, vice president of Nebraskans for the Upgraded Treatment of Squirrels (NUTS), leads proceedings at the club’s meeting at the Nebraska Union on Thursday, Oct. 27. The club welcomed over a dozen new members, discussed current squirrel news and elected leadership positions during the gathering.

notions about members of terrible,” Ahmann said. The club also watched a NUTS that are not true. “A lot of people think video of the St. Louis Cardinals rally squirrel, which we’re weird or maybe crazy was dubbed “Squirrel of the or even violent, but we’re definitely not about vioMonth.” “I mean if a squirrel makes lence,” Ahmann said. “It’s the news, they’re definitely mostly just for fun and laughs ‘Squirrel of the Month,’” Ah- and friendships. I mean, we care about the protection mann said. Junior pre-law major An- of squirrels and they’re the cutest things gela Everever and ley said she don’t harm joined the anyone, but club just this we’re not year because crazy about of her love it.” for squirrels. N U T S She heard elected two about the new officers club when at its meeting considering last night. coming to K e l s e y UNL. “At first, I Kirk miller McGreer, a nuts treasurer senior hosdidn’t think pitality, resit was a real taurant and tourism manclub,” she said. Everley said she joined agement major is the newly mostly for fun, but believes elected secretary of squirrel that protecting squirrels is a relations, in charge of making posters and other advergood thing. “Depending on the level tisements for the group. Freshman English major of violence against squirrels, we might do a protest,” Susan Payne is the newly elected general of squirrel Everley said. President Taylor Wilson, protection army. Any stua freshman general studies dents that witness acts of vimajor, said she knew she olence against squirrels may wanted to be president of report them to her at squirNUTS ever since she heard relreport@gmail.com. NUTS also has new Tabout the group in high shirts available for $15. Stuschool. “I have loved squirrels dents interested in T-shirts jon augustine | daily nebraskan since I was a little girl,” she can find more information An eastern fox squirrel — known as a “red squirrel” locally said. “I have always wanted on the NUTS Facebook The New York Times Syndication Saleson Corporation and Sciurus niger in the scientific community — perches to be president of this club.” page. 500on Seventh Avenue, of New York, N.Y. 10018 Ahmann said she believes a tree limb south of Avery Hall the evening Thursday, maryrezac@ dailynebraskan.com For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 there are some preconceived Oct. 27. For Release Monday, September 20, 2010 major. “Someone came up to me and said, ‘Yeah, I saw a dead squirrel in the road the other day, and I made sure I ran over it – again,’ and I thought that was just

Group hopes to foster community, increase research collaboration

going on in other areas than our own.” During the meeting, the group also shared what they hope to gain and accomplish. DBER is intended to prokaitlin karins mote discussion about scidaily nebraskan ence education research Faculty researchers from and findings at the unthe University of Nebras- dergraduate level, Arthurs ka-Lincoln launched a new said. “The group is targeted group Monday aimed at bringing together scientists at discussions as of now,” she said. “We do not have and their ideas. The Discipline-Based Ed- plans for a research project ucation Research (DBER), as a group. If it happens, which held its first meet- great, but it is not an exing Monday, is open to all pectation.“ DBER will split its meetfaculty, post doctorates, graduate and undergradu- ing times with guest speakate researchers, as well as ers and the opportunity for those who are generally group members to share. interested in and support Members can discuss anyscience education research thing from published work at the undergraduate level. or ongoing research in the Individuals can get together field to thesis statements and talk about their areas of of new ideas. Students and expertise within the science, staff can receive the feedtechnology, engineering back from the group memand mathematics, or STEM, bers as well as the network they plan to fields. build. “ O u r “There are goal is to It will also help us some amazbuild a ing sciencestay on top of the s t r o n g e r, education deeper current research researchers c o m and learn about and sciencemunity, education research going since we educators on don’t have on in other areas campus who that,” said than our own. have develLeilani oped excelArthurs, lent proMarilyne Stains a group assstant professor of grams and founder who conduct and an assistant professor of earth excellent research,” Stains and atmospheric sciences. said. “However, there was no formal way for them to “Right now, # 14 there are a lot of individuals doing their know each other and colown thing, but there is no laborate.” As of now, the group has community to bring us all no plan to create a standtogether.” Monday’s 50-minute ing day and time for its meeting kicked off with weekly meetings – it will the introductions of the 20 post the day and time of faculty and students who the meeting each week in attended, stating their in- the UNL announcements. Arthurs terests and which depart1 8 said 9 the flexibly 3 of ments of STEM they were the group is key. 4 5 “The 1 main 3 9benefit is to with. be as inclusive as possible Arthurs, along with Mari2 3 4 5 lyne Stains, an assistant and to include as many as possible in 7 7 professor of chemistry ini- researchers these discussions during tiated the group. The two 6 4 any given semester,” 5 8 she are both new to UNL. “Since we are new, this said. 8 Stains and Arthurs weltype of meeting will help 2 col- come 6questions from7 anyus meet and develop laborations with faculty 4one 5 interested 7 2 in DBER. and students throughout Contact them at mstains2@ 3 2 larthurs2@unl. 1 and the campus,” Stains7said. unl.edu edu. “It# 13will also help us stay HARD on # 14 kaitlinkarins@ top of the current research dailynebraskan.com and learn about research

I think he was inspired after seeing a squirrel that had been killed.

2 3 7 7 4 5 5 8

8 4

38 Permanently sever ties 42 Parisʼs ___ de la Cité 43 Austrian peaks 44 Laugh-a-minute folks 45 Appetizer, entree or dessert 47 President of Egypt before Sadat 48 Franciscan order member 53 Ooze 54 “Alley ___” 55 Greek love god 59 “___ Abner” 60 What each of the characters named at the ends of 17-, 24-, 38- and 48Across is 64 ___ Vegas 65 French place of learning 66 Anne Frankʼs hideout 67 “Go, bullfighter!”

8 5



6 4

Down 1 Grand party 2 “Famous” cookie guy 3 No longer worth debating 4 One in a jam? 5 “What ___ the chances?” 6 Awful mistake 7 Ship of Columbus 8 Early night, to a poet 9 Environmental prefix 10 Robert of “Meet the Parents” 11 Got up 12 ___ Abdul, former judge of 22-Across 13 Having the jitters 18MEDIUM 24 cans of beer, e.g. 23 Word after skinny or salsa 25 Pisaʼs river ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 26 Baby sheep F I S T B U M P S P R E A D 27 Bloom: Sp. A T T H E Z O O T U I L L E 28 Both: Prefix R A R E B I R D A S S I G N 29 Author Bellow O L A E S P I A L S N O N 30 “And our love I T T H U N K Y D O R Y become a # 13 6 1 funeral 8 4 3___” 5 7 9 D A T A R E M Y C O R E S 2 9 (lyric 4 6 from 7 1the3 5 E N O R M O U S J A R 3 7 Doorsʼ 5 2 9“Light 8 6My4 S O N A T A S P U T I T T O 7 2 Fire”) 9 5 6 3 8 1 N E D S A D S T O R Y 33 Indian 4 6 1 8 2 9 5 3 A B C T V W O R D O K I E8 5 metropolis 3 1 4 7 9 2 Telepathʼs “gift,” Z E R O E D O U T S Y M 5 34 4 6 3 8 2 1 7 brief T S E R U N R I O T O M S1 8 in 7 9 5 4 2 6 Divas have E T C H E S S C R A M J E T9 35 3 sensitive 2 7 1 ones 6 4 8 C O H O S T O L D S C O R E 36 Apportion, with S W E E T S P E S K I E S T “out” www.sudoku.com

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52 Sacred choral work 56 Baptism or bar 47 “Ainʼt gonna mitzvah happen” 57 Roman author of 48 Pablo Casalsʼs “Metamorphoses instrument ” 58 Cabinet head: 49 Like some Abbr. symmetry 61 RCA product 50 Throb # 15 9 4 8 5 6 7 1 3622Buckʼs mate 6515Christmas 3 2 1 carols 4 7 8639Crowʼs call


46 Drink served with a mint leaf

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# 15


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Puzzle by Andrea Carla Michaels and Jennifer Nutt

37 Leninʼs land, for short 39 Ogden who wrote “Candy / Is dandy / But liquor / Is quicker” 40 Tehran is its capital 41 Quaint computer insert # 14that 45 2 Firecracker 8 fizzles


7 4


43 45








# 13






2 8 1 3 4 4 3 7 2 9 7 1 5 3 5 1 6 8 3

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Edited by Will Shortz

68 “Give it ___!” (“Quit harping!”) 69 Like an untended garden

2 9 1 7


8 2 9


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7 9


# 16

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9 2 6 8 4 # 16

Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 28, 2011

atheist: from 1 hour of the event con- understanding of atheism sisted of one-on-one and rather than an arena for small group discussion argument. between SHUNL members “If I ever want to underand audience members. stand and appreciate what “We got a lot of good he thinks, I have to step questions and we an- out of my comfort zone,” swered them well,” Zahn said Poore, who graduatsaid. “Obviously we’re not ed from UNL in 2002 with here to convert people; a degree in elementary it’s more just to bring un- education. “I have a very derstanding. And I think sheltered existence, and I we accomplished that.” like it that way, but I also There were “surprisingly have to step out of that.” few Bible But not quotes” in all audiIf I ever want audience ence memto understand questions, bers felt according they gained and appreciate to moderasomething what he thinks, from the tor and senior Engdiscussion. I have to step lish major “I just out of my Neal Gebwanted to hard, but see if there comfort zone. the converwere any sation soon Heather Poore p l a u s i b l e turned to arguments,” former unl student, christian Christiansaid Matt ity and Simmons, a miracles. Panelists had a focus missionary with the succinct response to those Newman Center. “There questions, however: Don’t weren’t. It seemed to me always believe what you to be more of a sense of see. rebellion.” “Just because we don’t According to the panknow how to explain elists, though, their besome kind of testimony, liefs revolve less around it seems kind of a stretch rebellion against the beto jump to a supernatural liefs with which they were explanation,” said Michael raised and more around Milone, a senior psychol- personal fulfillment. “It’s nice to know that ogy and philosophy major and vice president of all of my accomplishments SHUNL. “That should be and all of my failures are my own, not part of some the last resort.” The meaning of life was plan,” said Kate Miller, a philosophy also a frequent discussion sophomore point for the panelists, major, SHUNL president who said they don’t seek and returning panelist. And when the discusout significance in a celession shifted to morality, tial being. “I don’t see how life the panelists were ready to could be pointless,” said answer a frequently asked first-time panelist Ethan question: As an atheist, Van Winkle, a senior where does your sense of physics and math major. morality come from? “I don’t value (moral“Every single action that I do affects the total of ev- ity) because someone has erything. Everything that said that it’s good.” Milone you’re doing is affecting said. “I don’t value it because it was written somesomething in some way.” Van Winkle’s sister, where. I value it because Heather Poore, attended it makes the world a betthe event although she ter place. It gives everyis Christian. She was one one a shot at well-being.” jacymarmaduke@ of many audience memdailynebraskan.com bers seeking a greater


Probasco remembered for intellect, fairness Maren Westra Daily Nebraskan

Former Daily Nebraskan editor Herbert Probasco died Sunday at his home in Montrose, Colo. Probasco, who served as the editor of the DN in the first semester of the 1960 academic year, passed away unexpectedly on Oct. 16. His family told the Omaha World-Herald he may have died of a heart attack, although the cause of death is not known and an autopsy is not planned. In his time with the Daily Nebraskan, Probasco rose from reporter to editor-inchief and shifted the paper’s editorial and political stance without inserting his subjective views into objective stories. “I considered (him) the conscience of the copy desk,” said former WorldHerald colleague, Don Summerside, of Probasco. “He was the epitome of a ‘fair and balanced’ newsman.” Probasco experienced a turbulent and eventful ride during his days at the Daily Nebraskan. He started his sophomore year on the reporting staff, but after getting in an argument about the way he had handled a story, walked out. He returned the following semester and eventually became editor his senior year. After attending a conference for student editors, he stopped favoring the traditional, conservative viewpoints he’d been raised with and opted for a more liberal stance on many political, cultural and social issues. Frank Partsch worked at the Daily Nebraskan shortly after the end of Probasco’s term as editor. Partsch said Probasco’s political transformation from a conservative to a liberal occurred before the two met, but was still

file photo | daily nebraskan

evident afterward. “He was considered a very left-wing editor,” Partsch said. Probasco’s involvement with political stories of the time put him under scrutiny. In January 1961, he criticized a film being shown on the University of NebraskaLincoln campus. He satirically commented in his column, “Why, look at the film which shows how the Communist Party in this country is manipulating the youth and infiltrating student movements with its agitation tactics.” After publishing this column, titled “A Liberal View,” both the World-Herald and the American Legion attacked Probasco and criticized his journalistic skills. The American Legion referred to his work as a “demoralization

of Americanism.” This didn’t cause him any regret; in fact, he said had he known the drama his column would cause, he’d have written it much sooner. After graduating from UNL, Probasco spent two years in the Peace Corps. He spent this time in the Philippines as a teacher’s aide, and was one of the first UNL graduates to join the Peace Corps, according to a previous Daily Nebraskan article. Despite the World-Herald’s condemnation of “A Liberal View,” Probasco was hired as a World-Herald reporter in 1971, where he stayed until 1999. For many of those years, he worked as a copy editor and earned the respect of many of his coworkers. One of Probasco’s

colleagues, World-Herald editor Dan Sullivan, agreed that Probasco was a fair journalist. “He was very professional and would never let his own views affect his work,” he said. Sullivan explained that Probasco was a reporter who never let fear of missing a deadline influence the objectivity or quality of a story, and that his liberal beliefs weren’t displayed in his writing. Instead, they gave him ideas on who and what to investigate. “He was a … person who rooted for the underdog and was suspicious of people in power,” Sullivan said. “His intellect was superior and he was always thoughtful.”

marenwestra@ dailynebraskan.com


Exotic animal deaths show need for new law


debated for about five minutes whether I should click “Warning: photos of the slain animals are graphic.” Finally, I just clicked it and instantly regretted doing so. Lying in patches of grass and mud was the sad, lifeless face of a lion, blood dripping from its face and nose. I could feel my eyes well up with tears and a sick feeling approach my stomach. In my head I asked myself, why in the world were these innocent animals, some of which are on the endangered species list, killed? On Oct. 18, about 50 exotic animals escaped from a farm in Zanesville, Ohio. Out of these, 49 were killed. The 49 animals killed included 18 rare Bengal tigers, 17 lions, six black bears, two grizzly bears, three mountain lions, two wolves and a baboon.

Of course, the first question is, why weren’t tranquilizers used to capture these animals? Muskingum County Sheriff Matt Lutz claimed his deputies didn’t have tranquilizers. He then went on to say that after shooting one Bengal tiger with a tranquilizer gun, it became even more aggressive and tried to charge. Not only do these statements contradict each other, he also claimed you can’t use tranquilizer guns at night. Although some of this may be true, it’s hard to believe this was the absolute last resort, especially when there’s fewer than 2500 Bengal tigers left worldwide. The fact that nearly 50 innocent animals died is heartbreaking, but knowing that these animals died due to the fault of their owner is even more tragic. These animals didn’t just accidentally escape. They were set loose

by their one hand, owner, Terry Thompson Thompson. and his wife Thompson appeared to reportedly deeply care let the aniabout these mals loose animals. and commitThey spent ted suicide many years shortly of their life after. He was gabrielle Lazaro and a lot of found with money on a bite on his head that apthem. They bought some peared to have been from a of the animals, and several large cat. were even rescued. A maThere’s been much specu- jority of the large cats and lation as to why Thompson bears were bottle-fed from killed himself. According birth and had also been to many, he was “in too declawed. deep.” Apparently, he and Marian Thompson, in his wife, Marian, were particular, cared about the around $70,000 in debt. He animals and even begged was also just released from former director of the Cofederal prison in September lumbus Zoo, Jack Hanna, after serving a year for posnot to kill “her babies.” sessing unregistered guns. Marian and Terry Thompson Although it’s apparent had separated, however, Thompson was under a lot and Marian had not lived of stress, it’s hard to deat the home for several termine what exactly was months. going on at his farm. On But Thompson set his

animals free when he knew this would result in their deaths. He had also been charged with animal neglect and cruelty in past years. Police had been out to the Thompson farm on numerous occasions because of animals getting out, among other things. According to Hanna, the animals on the preserve were living in horrific conditions. Along with veterinarian Barb Wolfe, he mentioned he had a feeling something like this would happen at some point, because of the large number of exotic animals living there. Regardless of whether Thompson cared for his animals or not, the bigger question is why wasn’t something ever done to protect these animals? If the animals were living in such bad conditions and people suspected something of this nature to happen, why

didn’t they do anything? It’s almost as if the preserve was a ticking time bomb, and the whole town was waiting for it to go off. Danielle White, a neighbor of the Thompsons, said she spotted a lion in the area in 2006 and always felt fear due to the number of animals living on the preserve. Fortunately, lawmakers have been working on passing laws that prohibit owning so many exotic animals. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, stated he will make sure existing laws will be enforced and new ones will be made. Many believe this occurred in the first place because Ohio has such lax laws when it comes to owning exotic animals. With the protection of new laws, we all can hope 49 animals’ deaths will not have been in vain.

Gabrielle Lazaro is a junior news-editorial major. Reach her at gabriellelazaro@ dailynebraskan.com.

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page 6

friday, october 28, 2011


For this week’s point/counterpoint, the opinion section asked two of our democratic/liberal columnists to pick their favorite GOP candidate for president. What follows is a take on the GOP primary unlike any other.

donkeys picking

elephants Political novice Herman Cain’s big plans for America include indecision, simplicity and more pizza


hen selecting a candidate for the R e publican Party presidential nomination, there are many things to take into account. And that is great, because there are also a lot of candidates to consider. If you wanted to rank them, I’m not even sure what kind of yardstick you’d use. There’s the neoPalin and the Tea Party’s Mad Hatter, Rep. Michele Bachmann; Texas governor and C-average student, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, who despite being the former governor of Massachusetts, is best known for being a Mormon. There really are no bad choices here. There’s no doubt that Bachmann’s leniency toward fact-checking would make for a good story. Perry’s “catch ‘em, kill ‘em” strategy does make him look like a badass (though, admittedly, also like the Grim Reaper wearing foundation). And Mitt Romney should really be given a chance to overcome his name. These candidates are nothing compared to the tour de force that is the Herman Cain campaign. Herman Cain is the perfect blend of former pizza company CEO and crazy. Of all the crusty relics or former beauty queens the GOP could choose from in all the political offices in all the republican world, Cain’s the winner. He exemplifies everything it means to be a republican: he’s been affiliated with the military (his website states he was a civilian employee for the Navy), he’s got a talk radio show and he doesn’t require a birth certificate. One of the best things about Cain is how eager he is to show you everything he has done. It seems every time he is mentioned, it is directly followed by a list of the positions he has held. According to the Cain 2012 website, he is a former computer analyst for Coca-Cola, former regional vice president of Pillsbury’s Burger King division and former Godfather’s Pizza president and CEO. This shows one thing: This guy can throw some wild, wellcatered parties. Seriously. The White House kitchen staff is not going to know what hit them. But wait, there’s more! He’s has also been head of the National Restaurant Association, chairman of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and the host of the radio show, “The Herman Cain Show.” That’s a vast array of experience.

kaley cook And he is looking to add another job: elected official. Yes, Cain has never held political office before. This will become a major advantage for him during his presidency. He will have none of the nasty habits that can be developed in the smaller game of politics – like bipartisanship or the understanding of bureaucracy. That means we, the people, will be able to mold him into the politician we desire. Make him into an educationfocused reformist. Or a corrupt official dealing with prostitutes. Whatever you’re into. Because even if you don’t know exactly what Herman Cain stands for, that’s OK. He doesn’t either. He seems to waver on his own opinions, like whether or not to run for president. He tried it once before in 2000 but dropped out of the race, though I’m sure he learned a lot. And, taking a cue from Rick Perry, failing is just what Americans do. See, Herman Cain is just like you. He’s also ready to pull the presidency into the modern era. He may not be a president (yet), but he does play one on YouTube. Or he tries. Cain’s viral videos, featuring his chief of staff on a smoke break, show a candidate who really understands the lifestyle of the American people. His music selection also suggests his Inaugural Ball is going to be awesome. To the skeptics, Cain is covering all his bases to win you over too. He will never be accused of being too intellectual. He doesn’t over-complicate. His tax plan features only one number. He’s somehow both antiabortion and for abortion rights. That’s talent. He’s going to stop the illegal immigration problem. Give them liberty (legally) or give them death (by electric fence). He’s got a sense of humor. It may be offbeat, but

it works for Charlie Sheen. Herman Cain has a vision for America. He’s proven himself to be a forward thinker. He’s already got a plan for the Republican Party’s next primary. In 2006, Cain wrote his own opinion column, announcing his endorsement of Tiger Woods for the 2016 presidential election. That was also intended to be a

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Earl Johnson the pick for pot-smoking, online gambling-addicted America


h i c h GO P candidate do I think d e serves to win the Republican nomination? Easy. I’m throwing my inconsiderable weight behind former New Mexico governor Gary Earl Johnson. After an extensive 20-minute research session, I’ve come to believe Gov. Gary J’s upside is simply too vast and sparkly to resist. Take Johnson’s nickname: Governor Veto. He received this nickname in recognition of his particular proclivity for saying “No,” and doing it often. I bet his veto pen is platinum or diamond or something; I bet the pen is unbreakable, just like Johnson’s will.


lauren olson | daily nebraskan

joke. However, if he tacked Arnold Schwarzenegger onto that ticket, he may really have something. That’s the kind of thinking that can get a fast food magnate elected president. It also shows modesty, because Cain didn’t assume he’d be running in 2016.

kaley cook is a sophomore international studies major. reach her at kaleycook@ dailynebraskan.com.

have faith in a man who stubbornly refuses to give ground on 32 percent of the issues that require his John Hancock. According to the list of accomplishments on Johnson’s website, he’s responsible for cutting 1,200 government jobs without firing anyone. I guess this means he’s both considerate of other people’s feelings and brilliant, because he found a way to take someone’s job away without

dillon jones actually firing them. I’m not sure why Gary Johnson’s platforms haven’t made him an instantaneous success; they seem to target the everyday American. Consider the following: imagine you are in your mid-20s. You’ve had a grueling week at your middle-management job performing tasks among a number of other middle managers. The company you work for is of average size. The benefits are good, not great, but you take it because, let’s face it, it could be worse. You live in a city that, after five years, has ceased to quicken your heart whenever you spy the skyline. All you want is to make a quick run to the medical marijuana dispenser on the corner and grab oneeighth, which can subsequently be smoked in the comforts of your own home, with you clothed only in your underwear, enjoying online poker persecution-free. Gary Johnson understands the plight of the average American: the innermost desire to get blazed and throw money away needlessly. My boy Gary J. believes that “the federal government should not be involved in restricting lawful commerce that doesn’t harm anyone.” He understands that to gamble online is less addictive and involves less compulsion than casino gambling. And he’s also been quoted stating this whole marijuana debate “isn’t just about pot. It’s about common sense.” I think Gar Bear has hit it right on the head here. We’d all really enjoy the right to light up at literally anytime without the fear of the “man” putting us down. Gary gets it. You like cannabis and so does Gary. Now don’t think just because the good governor doesn’t care what we do with our money or to our brains, he’s without principles. The man has seven of them. Become reality-driven. Always be honest and tell the truth. Always do what’s right and fair. Determine your goal, develop a plan to reach that goal and then act. Communicate (my personal fave). Don’t hesitate to deliver bad news. Be willing to do whatever it takes to get your job done. To you high brows out there, Johnson’s principles

may seem rooted in simplicity to such a degree they shouldn’t be mentioned. I, for one, appreciate a candidate who is simple. Our current politicians should take a POLS 101 course taught by Gary Johnson. Or, just read his book, “Seven Principles of Good Government,” out sometime in 2011. Those in the LGBTQ community need fear not. Gary Johnson isn’t another GOP candidate who believes samesex individuals in front of an altar are blasphemous. He stands firm for civil unions. (Look, it’s a start.) In addition, to all you liberal ladies out there, G.J. believes the right to choose is yours! At least until the fetus is viable. Now, I wasn’t sure whether or not to include this tidbit, but I couldn’t resist. Did you know Gary Johnson summited Mount Everest? I’m serious; check Wikipedia, its true. Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to say, “My president climbed to the top of Mt. Everest.” I know. Awesome, right? Oh, and by the way, Johnson also competes in Ironman Triathlons. This means, of course, if the GOP candidates were forced to compete in a winner-takes-all battle royale, Johnson would kick some serious ass. And he’d have red eyes when he did it. The time I’ve spent learning about Gary Johnson has truly been enlightening. In fact, I’m so supportive of his candidacy, I plan on hosting a house hangout with Gary. According to his website, this means he’ll come over to my house, smoke weed and take my money. You’re invited. I’ve also emailed my endorsement to endorse@ garyjohnson2012.com. I gave my name, title and a quote explaining why I support Gov. Johnson. My quote: “I can’t really see myself sitting down with him and having a beer; but I can definitely see myself taking a hit from a Volcano with Gov. Gary J.” I’m not the only person who has endorsed him. According to Johnson’s website, country singer Willie Nelson has also expressed solidarity with the governor. Johnson has been barred from televised GOP debates for reasons I vehemently disagree with, even though I didn’t research them. However, Johnson will not be silenced. On Nov. 2 at 5 p.m., Johnson will participate in a live, unmoderated online video town hall using Yowie. I encourage you all to grab a bottle of wine and tune in. Prepare yourself to be seduced by the words of the GOP’s diamond in the rough.

dillon jones is a sophomore english major and will be hosting a gary johnson house hangout in november. again, you are invited. contact him at dillonjones@ dailynebraskan.com.


friday, october 28, 2011


pagE 7

box office

business downtown Lincoln offers filmgoers both blockbuster entertainment and arthouse cinema story by kelsey lee and tom helberg | art by lauren vuchetich


he theater occupies nearly an entire block at the epicenter of downtown Lincoln. Bright blue awnings shelter the sidewalk and orange text spells out “The Grand,” with letters so large you can read them from blocks away. Lights illuminate movie posters that line the outside of the building, hung at eye level for passersby to ogle at. This is your typical multiplex theater, a monument of advertising and Hollywood promotion. A few blocks away, The Ross theater inhabits a quarter of a block. A small marquee hangs above the entrance, advertising upcoming movies and events. There are two screens and a single register at the concession stand. Downtown Lincoln exhibits two sides of cinematic entertainment. Likewise, major film distributors and independent distributors release their films on different scales. “Most of our films roll out slowly,” said Tom Prassis, senior vice president of sales at Sony Pictures Classics. “They require word of mouth to travel.” As is typical for an art house distributor, Sony Pictures Classics films typically open in limited releases and open in more theaters as time goes by. According to BoxOfficeMojo.com, the summer release of “Midnight in Paris” opened on May 20 in six theaters. In its second weekend the film played in 58 theaters, and by its fifth and widest weekend it played in 1,038. In comparison, the big-budget Disney film “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” also opened on May 20, but in 4,155 theaters. By its fifth weekend it was playing in 1,000 fewer locations. Films released by major studios typically open saturated and slowly dwindle as weeks go by. Most major distributors set national release dates and films are released at the same time across the country. Prassis said most Sony Pictures Classics films take about two months before they’ve played in most areas of the country. Word of mouth is one of their biggest components in getting audiences to come to the theater. With film distribution rapidly shifting from shipping 35 mm film prints to digital copies, all theater owners will have to

stephanie goodman | daily nebraskan

Simplistic sets update ‘tale asA old as time’


Director: Asif Kapadia Mary Riepma Ross


Katie Nelson convert their projection systems to stay competitive. Up to 25 percent of Sony Pictures Classics’ films are distributed digitally, and within a few years Prassis expects that number to jump to around 90 percent. The conversion from film to digital for theatrical distribution and exhibition could potentially change what films play where. Carlo Petrick, a communications and marketing manager for Marcus Theatres, thinks digital copies could open up prints to smaller markets. “Theaters in very small towns might have to wait a few weeks to get a copy of the movie, but that is changing in the digital world,” Petrick wrote in an email. “A digital ‘print’ of the movie costs much less to produce and ship than its 35 mm counterpart.” Larger distributors could be more likely to make a film available to small theaters if they could eliminate 35 mm prints, which could set distributors back thousands of dollars apiece. Smaller theaters might not sell enough tickets

theater: see page 8

Costumed bands to play Bourbon Kassi Nelson Daily Nebraskan

Thirteen bands. Two stages. Horror films. Costumes. On Sunday, local bands will come together to play Devil’s Night. For $5, people can hear heavy metal, punk, electronic, indie rock, polka and bluegrass music. Beginning at 7 p.m., shows will alternate between the Rye Room and the Theatre Stage at the Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St., for about six hours of continuous music. “It’s a constant good time,” host Barry Petersen said. “Everybody is meandering back and forth between the stages. It’s constant music so there’s not much time to mingle.” The Devil’s Night tradition began seven years ago when a group of friends contacted Petersen about having a Halloween show. Since then, he has continued to put on the show every year to support Nebraska’s first and only community radio station, KZUM. “Every year, the bands pull out some special shows for this because it’s been very well attended,” he said. “It seems like they save their special shows for Devil’s Night.” All of the bands will be dressing up in Halloween costumes and horror movies will be projected on the

screens behind the bands. “I heard one of the bands is going to have actors portraying themes involved in the songs they write,” Petersen said. Scott Trampe has played at Devil’s Night since year one and has seen it evolve into a bigger and better event each year. It’s just a bunch of friends playing together, having fun and supporting a good cause, he said. But what really stands out in Trampe’s mind are the costumes. “We have a lot of people come out with a lot of great costumes,” he said. “The only question is, what is Barry Petersen going to show up as?” Among the bands playing, Petersen noted a recently reunited rock ‘n’ roll band, Ghost Runners. A lot of people are going to come see a band that hasn’t been around for six or seven years, he said. Trampe’s band, Skullskowski, will be playing Devil’s Night for the first time. Playing in the past with The Fallen Seventy Seven, Trampe thinks that the audience will be surprised with the nature of Skullskowski when they first hear it. “It’s a lot like The Fallen Seventy Seven, but it’s actually going in the direction where I was trying to take The Fallen Seventy Seven before,” Trampe said.


The Beauty fell in love with the Beast. A candlestick pursued a feather duster between jokes. A clock tried to keep order in the castle. And various types of china, in addition to a decorative rug, sang and danced. The transformation was pulled off without a hitch and confetti dropped on the audience during and after “Be Our Guest.” I have seen “Beauty and the Beast” multiple times both as a movie and as a stage performance. I have even seen this show on Broadway. Last night, I left the theater speechless. Travelling theater is a difficult feat to pull off. Costumes are limited and sets are small in order to be moved across the country without difficulty. The actors are travelling when




they’re not performing, and it’s sometimes hard to have a high-energy show. For a show like “Beauty and the Beast,” there needs to be greater emphasis on the costumes, as half of the characters are inanimate objects. From the Vegasstyle silverware to Belle’s yellow dress, the costumes were as lively as the show was. In turn, the sets were very simplistic: a series of backdrops, a few movable props and some cutouts of the town. However, the most impressive scenes were those inside the castle.

beauty: see page 8

German comedy duo to screen films at the Ross Cameron Mount DAILY NEBRASKAN

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

Being there from the beginning, Trampe has seen a lot of the music change and grow from year to year. One thing that he can count on, though, is that it will always

be a crazy, wild time. “It’s the best show of the year,” Trampe said. “If you miss it, you’re a loser.” kassinelson@ dailynebraskan.com

Comedy duos have been a staple of film for decades, from Abbott and Costello to Jay and Silent Bob. On Friday, German filmmakers and actors Markus Mischkowski and Kai Maria Steinkühler will bring their unique blend of deadpan humor and social commentary to the Ross, along with a chance for audience interaction and questions. Their “Westend” film series consists of five short films and one feature-length, following the pair through adventures in boredom, beer and the job market of their hometown of Cologne, Germany. The Cologne Group, as they’re known, met in the mid-1990s, in a largely underground film community with little-to-no budget. “We were some friends

In Germany, the film industry is so small, that in order to survive, it needs to have subsidies.” Marco abel associate professor of english and film studies

who wanted to make films,” said Mischkowski, who plays the character Mike in the “Westend” films. “We ran a film club where we showed films that we liked in a cultural center. So we were around people that were very enthusiastic about cinema and in filmmaking, who wanted to make films together. In making the first shorts in the ‘90s, we realized that it was everyone

filmmakers: see page 8


friday, october 28, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

‘Solaris’ original captures sci-fi feel more than remake FACE OFF

Tom Helberg Though both based on the same Stanislaw Lem novel, the two film versions of “Solaris” are worlds apart. Andrei Tarkovsky’s 1972 film and Steven Soderbergh’s 2002 remake mine the same source material and hit the same beats, but they wildly differ in subtext and tone. As Tarkovsky’s film begins, scientist Kris Kelvin (Donatas Banionis) arrives at a research station in orbit above the planet Solaris. Research has been continual for years, yet scientists are still baffled by the complex intelligence that seemingly lies within the planet’s ocean. After the mysterious death of one of the scientists, Kelvin tries to determine what is really happening on the base. The two remaining researchers are secretive and less than helpful. Kelvin’s most startling find on the base is that of his late wife Hari (Natalya Bondarchuk), who committed suicide several years ago on Earth. She is unaware of her death and cannot explain how she arrived on the station. Deducing that she is a psychological construct caused by the mysterious effects of Solaris, Kelvin leads her to a shuttlecraft and launches his “wife” into space. However, when she returns a second time, Kelvin becomes more attached to the idea of staying at the station. The consciousness of the planet Solaris is a single organism that covers the entire surface of the ocean. The ocean’s vast intelligence can manifest itself physically as people, objects and phenomena in ways that human scientists cannot explain. The mind of Solaris is so vastly different from human thought that any attempts to communicate are disastrous. As Kelvin and the other scientists become more forceful in trying to contact Solaris, the planet in turn makes their experience more

traumatic. The ocean makes the humans confront their own painful and repressed memories, causing Kelvin to reflect on his guilt and grief regarding his late wife. Though often compared with Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) for its deliberate pace and meditative tone, Tarkovsky disliked the film. He thought it was cold and sterile, though the films are more aesthetically similar than opposite. Both employ lingering shots of space and space stations, showcasing the carefully crafted art direction. Tarkovsky’s film features a four-minute sequence of a drive down a highway, where little else happens besides driving. It could be viewed as a substitute for a space flight, which would be more technically difficult to pull off, but Tarkovsky supposedly said it was to drive the idiots from the theater. Tarkovsky’s film is more about the eventually fruitless attempt to communicate with an alien life-form on a distant planet, and less about the relationship drama that makes up Soderbergh’s film. Soderbergh’s film is much slighter, both in running time and substance. It is more concerned with the relationships, using flashbacks of how the main couple first met, and less with the idea of an alien consciousness. It’s also more than an hour shorter than the original, which mostly cuts out the slower, meditative passages. Soderbergh’s film is highly abridged. George Clooney plays the new Chris Kelvin and Natascha McElhone plays his wife, Rheya. Too often remakes have nothing to add to an original, even when made by a good director. This is the case with “Solaris,” as Soderbergh’s film can’t touch Tarkovsky’s enigmatic sci-fi classic. Tom Helberg is a senior film studies major. Reach him at tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com

Fill the empty chairs

Racer’s career drives documentary Tom Helberg Daily Nebraskan

“Senna,” a 2010 documentary directed by Asif Kapadia, depicts the life of Brazilian Formula One racing champion Ayrton Senna. The film begins with Senna’s first season with Formula One in 1984 and ends with his last in 1994. It focuses on his time with the British McLaren team and rise to fame. Senna is fiercely competitive, and his biggest rival, Alain Prost,

is actually on the same team. Senna goes on to become a three-time world champion, and winning those races seems to complete him. Even though success means so much to him, he ultimately seems humble. Senna is victimized by the politics of Formula One, and he longs for his early days as a go-kart racer, where there was pure driving and less red tape. Part of what makes “Senna” fascinating is that Formula One is foreign to American

audiences, so much of this information will be new. There is action akin to the best thrillers and heartfelt emotion to counter the thrills. The pacing is nearly as quick as the races themselves, and there is not a wasted moment or shot. Using home video footage from the Senna family, as well as television broadcast footage, director Kapadia crafts a compelling film that hardly feels like a documentary. Narration and talking heads are nowhere to be found. The

SENNA Director: Asif Kapadia Mary Riepma Ross



film plays like a great drama and is thoroughly exciting. People who don’t like watching cars drive in circles can still marvel at the cinematic BEAUTY AND achievement that is “Senna.”


tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com

Lied Center

A Star Wars updated for Blu-ray release Grade

Matt Havelka Daily Nebraskan

George Lucas is at it again. Last month, the entire Star Wars saga was released on Blu-ray with significant changes and updates, which were met with delight and criticism from fanboys around the world. The Blu-ray collection, which retails for $88, provides fans with a beautiful digital transfer to go along with staggering bonus footage on two bonus discs. The original trilogy (Episodes IV through VI) is a welcome addition to any movie fan’s video library. While the films are listed as the originals, they are in fact updated in an all-new George Lucas special edition, much to the disappointment of many Star Wars fans. Even with the changes, the film looks and sounds the way revolutionary film was meant to be experienced. With improved CGI and HD video technology, the film’s CGI updates finally blend well with the original masterpieces. During the first special edition update of the series in 1997, the CGI updates seemed out of place and overly sleek, but with this new Blu-ray transfer the films seem as complete and seamless as ever before. Episodes I through III look

STAR WARS SAGA ON BLU-RAY Dir: George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand



amazing on Blu-ray, but the terrible acting and awkward chemistry between the film’s stars (Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman) are hard to ignore. The remarkable special effects make up for the lacking qualities, but the films don’t hold up well next to the original trilogy. The two bonus discs are an astonishingly comprehensive look at the creation of both trilogy and are a must-own for any true fan of the series. This newest release will satisfy “Star Wars” fans until the entire series is released in theatres in full 3D starting in 2012. When Blu-ray discs were first introduced to the home media market, fans were anxiously waiting for Star Wars to get the complete HD treatment. The beautiful updates made to the original trilogy will please and delight fans of the ultimate science fiction saga. matthavelka@ dailynebraskan.com

bea huff | daily nebraskan

beauty: from 7 Every scene in the castle was created with a series of staircases. Each arrangement symbolized a different room or area within the castle. Surprisingly, it worked. There was never a point when I couldn’t distinguish the setting or wanted to see more of the castle. The simple setting allowed audience members to use their imaginations and helped

keep the focus on the phenomenal acting. The acting and dancing were nothing short of Broadway quality. It was clear the best actors and vocalists had been selected to play their parts. The actors maintained high energy throughout the show, which kept the audience engaged all the way through. However, I noticed the

characters sounded incredibly similar (both speaking and singing) to the Disney movie. In fact, the show and movie only vary by a few songs. Characters like Gaston and the Beast sang solos. The stage version is by far more comedic than the movie, with Gaston coming off as an egotistic idiot and the Beast being inherently

awkward. Lumiere, always the ladies’ man (or candlestick), was even more outlandish in this show. However, the difference in the characters only enhanced the show. It is a tale as old as time, but the company brought a fresh twist to it. This show needs to be seen.

katienelson@ dailynebraskan.com

theater: from 7

filmmakers: from 7

to recoup that money, Petrick said. An example of this is the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, because ticket sales only make up a portion of their income. Director of the Ross, Danny Ladely, said films shown at the theater are not going to get the same audience as other box offices showing mainstream films. According to Ladely, they want to screen films that would not make it to commercial theaters. “The films we show, for the most part, are films that don’t make a lot of money,” Ladely said. “Box office is business … commercial theaters wouldn’t be interested in what we show at the Ross.” Besides bringing in nonmainstream films, the Ross also promotes film as art. They screen current-release films, specifically ones that are of high quality, artistically speaking. Education is an aspect they like to highlight as well, Ladely said. Because the theater is directly on campus and owes part of its funding to the University of NebraskaLincoln, a large portion of audience members are students.

helping each other with their projects. It was completely no-budget.” The film market is quite different in Germany than the United States, relying on television and other sources of funding. “In America, cinema and television are, generally speaking, kept apart,” said Marco Abel, associate professor of English and film studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “But in Germany, the film industry is so small, that in order to survive, it needs to have subsidies. And the subsidies come from the government, from tax payer money, and from television. So if you were like Martin Scorsese in Germany, you would be working for NBC most of the time, instead of making ‘real cinema.’” For filmmakers, the television format is very restricting, requiring writers to work in repetition and cliffhangers to keep the audience interested through commercials. “You’re very, very framed,” Steinkühler said.

“We show documentaries and foreign films,” Ladely said. “I try to make a balance between mainstream and films we know won’t draw big audiences, but are important.” The local community is also taken into consideration when selecting movies. Members of the Friends of the Ross contribute $40,000$50,000 a year. The Ross recently screened “The Whistleblower,” which is based on a true story centering on a female police officer from Lincoln who served as a peacekeeper in postwar Bosnia. “We can look for some kind of an angle that would interest local people,” Ladely said. “As well as being artful, wellmade and informative.” Even though chain theaters and art houses and their distributors play films, they have one thing in common; they will be nearly all digital within a few years. “Even the small mom-andpop theaters are going to be converting,” Prassis said. tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com kelseylee@ dailynebraskan.com

“You’re forced to work in a certain way.” Mischkowski and Steinkühler decided early on to stay away from these hindrances and keep a specific and independent artistic vision. “TV producers wanted Mike and Alfred to have a backstory,” said Mischkowski. “A family, a psychological and sociological background. To explain why they’re jobless, why they’re drinking beer. They wanted Mike and Alfred to become strengthened by conflict, like what you’d read in a handbook for screenwriting. We wanted the world to change, and the protagonists have to stay the same.” Each film starts and ends with Mike and Alfred jobless, but contains a wealth of social commentary, often showing up as business ventures that invariably go wrong. Rasto, played by Jens Classen, is a recurring character modeling the capitalistic go-getter who usually finds himself over his head. cameronmount@ dailynebraskan.com

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Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 28, 2011


Show it off this holiday!!!



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10 friday, october 28, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

women’s golf

NU faces tough field at upcoming invite Zach Tegler Daily Nebraskan

With finishes ranging from fourth place to 11th, the Nebraska women’s golf team has been inconsistent at times in its four tournaments this fall season. And it won’t get any easier in the Huskers’ autumn finale at the Alamo Invitational. Six of the 13 teams competing in San Antonio this weekend are ranked in the top 50 in the nation, but NU coach Robin Krapfl said the team is ready to wrap up the fall campaign with a good showing. “I think everyone’s excited,” she said. NU senior Madeleine Sheils said she and her teammates have been disappointed with some of their results this season. But she added that the team has put in hard work and is on the verge of playing well. “We have a lot of potential,” Sheils said, adding, “a lot of people have come a long way.” Krapfl echoed this mindset. “We’re real close to putting it all together,” she said. One of the pieces may already be in place. Sheils has had some great individual results in the four events, earning three top-10 finishes that include a win. Krapfl attributed Sheils’ good play to effort in the off-season

file photo by matt masin | daily nebraskan

Senior Madeleine Sheils said her team is “excited” as the Huskers enter the final event of the fall season. and in practice. “It all goes back to the hard work she put in,” Krapfl said. “It’s just a testament to her hard work.” But the team has also had its share of weaknesses so far this year. Krapfl said the Huskers have taken too many double bogeys in their events, and the remedy is easier said than done. “String some good holes together, string some good rounds together,” Krapfl said. Other issues are occurring on the green. “We haven’t, overall, been putting very well,” Krapfl said. She added, though, that the squad has had nearly two weeks since its last invite to get back on track.

“We’ve had a good week and a half of practice,” Krapfl said. “And I think we’re going to have a good tournament.” Sheils said a strong showing to end the autumn season would be a boost to the team. “It’s always nice to end on a good note,” she said. And beyond the results on the leaderboard, she added another aspect of the game she wants to have a good performance in this weekend. “I would just like to see everybody play with confidence,” Sheils said. And as for the strong field? Krapfl has a goal in mind: “We’d like to have a top five,” she said. Zachtegler@ dailynebraskan.com

volleyball: from 12 background they’ve won the last four national championships. “But they’re just another team in the Big Ten who is in our way of the title.” The two Big Ten foes already are looking to beat Nebraska as payback for the opening weekend of conference play. But this time around, the Nittany

Lions and the Buckeyes will get extra motivation from Nebraska’s new ranking. “(The No. 1 spot) definitely puts a target on our back,” Dykstra said. “I mean, I think there was already one there before because we’re the new team to the Big Ten, but, yeah, now there’s an even bigger target.”

But has the new ranking changed the way Nebraska approaches big games like the ones against Big Ten opponents? Dykstra contends no. “We try not to think about the rankings,” she said. “But about what we need to do as a team and what we need to work on.” robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com

three keys Michigan state


1) Pressure Cousins Michigan State quarterback Kirk Cousins isn’t as fleet-footed as some of the previous quarterbacks Nebraska has faced, but he still can move around the pocket well. The senior brings experience to the MSU offense and has completed two-thirds of his passes this season. Last week in the Spartans’ win against Wisconsin, Cousins was 22-for-31 for 290 yards and three touchdowns. The last senior quarterback the Huskers faced was Russell Wilson. He went 14-for-20 for 255 yards and two touchdowns. If Nebraska wants to win Saturday, it can’t allow Cousins to dictate the pace and comfortably find his receivers. The Huskers have to make Cousins hurry his throws and make him turn the ball over – something he didn’t do against Wisconsin.

1) Force Taylor Martinez to throw At 261 rushing yards per game, the Cornhuskers own the best ground attack in the Big Ten this season. A large part of that is due to the legs of Nebraska’s Taylor Martinez, who, as a quarterback, is averaging 91 rushing yards per game – sixth of any player in the conference. With 110 running attempts and only 41 more passing, it’s safe to say he is a signal caller who prefers to scramble. As a passer, Martinez is much worse, throwing for only 168 yards per game. In recent weeks, the Spartans have made their living on shutting down the conference’s top quarterbacks. First Michigan’s D e n a r d Robinson, then Wisconsin’s Russell Wilson and now they’ll be forced to do the same to leave Lincoln with a victory.

2) Win battle for field position Michigan State’s defense is probably the best Nebraska will face all season. The Spartans lead the Big Ten Conference in total, rushing and passing defense. Points will be hard to come by for both teams Saturday if the defenses are up to the task. Those types of games are usually decided by who gets an extra field goal from a good return. The Huskers will need to find a spark from its special teams, because if the offense is backed up near its own goal line all day it will be hard for NU to do what it wants offensively. Ameer Abdullah’s name wasn’t called at all against Minnesota last weekend, but for Nebraska to keep up its 37.6 point-per-game scoring average he’ll need to make an impact. 3) Learn from Wisconsin mistakes Nebraska got pass happy when it started to fall behind the Badgers and the game got ugly in the blink of an eye. Michigan State showed last weekend that it isn’t over until it’s over after falling behind 14-0 to Wisconsin within the first eight minutes. NU looked dejected when the Badgers took a two-score lead. MSU fought back. The Huskers need to remain calm within its offense and not allow the score or how the other team is playing dictate how they play. NU should benefit from playing in front of its home crowd, but if the Huskers get down early and play like they did in the second half in Madison, things won’t turn out positively. — Anthony Odoardi, sports reporter for the (Michigan) State News

2) Take the crowd out of it fast Memorial Stadium is among the best — if not the best — college football atmospheres in the country. The 81,067 capacity crowd of fans that make up the Sea of Red live for Husker football on Saturdays. Unlike the Spartans did against Wisconsin, digging themselves into an early 14-0 hole, they can’t treat the opening minutes the same way on the road. Allowing this Nebraska team to gain momentum from its stellar fan base would basically seal the victory for the country’s No. 13-ranked team. Start fast, the same way MSU did against Ohio State (the 10-7 score is not indicative of how lifeless the Spartans defense made that Buckeyes crowd early) and the Spartans will make this interesting for all four quarters.

3) Offense needs to find consistency Senior quarterback Kirk Cousins must get the offense into a consistent rhythm and establish themselves as a threat early. Too many times this year the MSU defense had to carry the Spartans to victory. They did so against Ohio State and Michigan and needed a safety, blocked field goal and blocked punt for a touchdown to claw their way back into the game against the Badgers. Forcing two interceptions and stalling two fourth-quarter drives on the Badgers still proved not to be enough last weekend. Hopefully for MSU, the last-second Hail Mary pass is the spark the offense needed to carry them to solid finish. If the Spartans fail to find that consistency, they can kiss their Big Ten title hopes goodbye.

— Doug Burger, DN sports editor

football: from 12

There’s an APP for That.

coutesy photo by matt radick | the state news

Michigan State quarterback Kirk Cousins celebrates after the Spartans’ victory against Wisconsin. Coach Mark Dantonio hopes the team will be celebrating again Saturday, as his last three visits to Memorial Stadium all resulted in Husker wins. Gholston disrupt the opponents’ running game is defensive tackle Jerel Worthy. On film, the Huskers are impressed by Worthy’s abilities. “He’s the best one we’ve seen on film,” NU tackle Jermarcus Hardrick said. “He’s got a motor, he’s big, he’s athletic. He’s got a nose for the ball.” The Huskers set a season high in rushing yards against Minnesota with 346. Their numbers have risen consistently since a slow start that had some fans shaking their heads. The success of NU running back Rex Burkhead has Dantonio shaking his head, though. When the Spartans’ coach heard that Pelini has

claimed Burkhead was underrated nationally, he politely disagreed. “I wouldn’t say undervalued, from where I’m sitting,” Dantonio said of Burkhead. “That’s for sure. But I would say he’s an extremely tough running back. He plays with great effort, catches the ball well.” As MSU coaches would say, Burkhead runs through the smoke, Dantonio said. That ability to break tackles won’t be overlooked by those in green and white this Saturday. For a Husker team that is accustomed to moving the ball on the ground, the Spartans’ effectiveness at attacking gaps will change things.

“You’ve got to put a hat on a hat,” Hardrick said. “It’s going to kind of be like Fresno State. They like shooting a lot of gaps, they don’t like playing over the top of things and they don’t play straight. When they see it, they shoot. You’ve got to meet them and hit them right in the mouth, best man gonna win.” Hardrick mentioned Michigan State linebackers as being downhill attackers. Led by Max Bullough, who has 45 total tackles this season, the linebackers boast just as good a balance between speed and power as anyone in the conference. The Huskers’ young receiving corps will have their hands

full as well. Safety Isaiah Lewis is third on the team in tackles with 37 and has four interceptions, two of which were returned for touchdowns. Despite his youth, this game’s importance isn’t lost on NU wideout Kenny Bell. “Ohio State was just the same way,” Bell said. “You know, played downhill, played physical and weren’t afraid to let you know when they came. I’m looking forward to it. Those kind of guys – they’re fun to play against. As a competitor, you want to play against the best and that’s what we’re about to face this Saturday.”

jeffpacker@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 28, 2011



Women’s basketball

NU hopes to return to Minnesota game a must-win glory with star recruits for tournament qualification Sean Whalen

Andrew Ward

Daily Nebraskan

Last season was an unmitigated disaster for the Nebraska women’s basketball team. After going 16-0 in the Big 12 conference in its recordbreaking 2009 campaign, NU went 3-13. The team scored 13.5 points less per game and the defense gave up 6.4 more points. Attendance between senior days was down almost 62 percent from the year before. But all of that is now behind the team. And so are the injuries that played a major part of the team’s struggles. Almost the entire roster comes into Sunday’s exhibition against Pittsburg State healthy after a year in which Lindsey Moore averaged 39.3 minutes in conference play simply because NU didn’t have another point guard to play. Outside of Harleen Sidhu and coach Connie Yori, every Husker will be ready to start the season. And they’re all happy to have a nice, blank slate again. “It’s really nice – last season was really tough for a lot of us,” Moore said. “A lot of us aren’t used to having a losing season – in high school, in college, whatever. To just kind of start new, start fresh is really beneficial to us.” Luckily for the team, Yori will be there to see it. After NU got back from its tour of Scandinavia, Yori had a seemingly simple surgery on her left knee, which she injured as a player in the 1980s. It seemed to go well, until Yori began experiencing pain in the knee around a week later. After she was treated for staph infection, a blood clot grew in the knee, requiring more time in the hospital. She is now at every practice, albeit with aid from crutches or a scooter. But up until recently, much of the team was at the direction of Sunny Smallwood, who is entering her seventh year with the program and fourth as Yori’s top assistant. While Smallwood said “there was no way to be prepared” for Yori’s condition, she believes the team still made good progress without her. “I think from the minute we took the court going into the summer, we’ve gotten days of practice, of course, for the summer tour, and we utilized that very well,” Smallwood said Wednesday at Big Ten basketball day in Chicago. Among those who made the most progression, according

Daily Nebraskan

file photo by andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Assistant coach Sunny Smallwood has steped into Connie Yori’s shoes following Yori’s complications from knee surgery. to Smallwood, was sophomore forward Jordan Hooper. While Smallwood said Hooper had a great season as a freshman, Hooper was more somber, saying she needed — and has made — improvements in her game, particularly in moving with the ball and shot selection. “I’ve tried to put in more dribble offense this year. I’m trying to get closer to the basket, get fouls, easy baskets,” Hooper said. “I want to do something besides just shooting for no reason. It was just awful last season, really (36 percent for the season). I won’t need to be doing that hopefully.” An improved Hooper, who averaged 14.6 points and 6.6 rebounds last year, and the addition of the country’s 29thranked recruiting class (by ESPNU) should make things much easier this season. Emily Cady, a 6-foot-1 forward from Seward, and Tear’a Laudermill, a 5-foot-9 blur of a guard from Riverside, headline the class and should play major minutes. But four other freshmen, Hailie Sample, Brandi Jeffery, Katie Simon and Rebecca Woodbury, are expected to play as well. Sample

and Jeffery are a pair of threestar recruits while Simon and Woodbury redshirted with injury issues. Smallwood and Yori expect major contributions from their young players: They’ve already been impressed by what they’ve seen. “And from the first practice, we already discovered a very big change of intensity, a very big level of passion and I think that was partly due to the incoming freshmen,” Smallwood said. “They just are a group that loves to compete. They have great skill, and they don’t like to lose.” All this is music to Moore’s ears. On several nights when the frontline got into early foul trouble, Moore would have to carry the entire team. Now, she feels sure she’ll get more help. And Moore wins. “We remember last season just because we don’t want to have that season again,” Moore said. “It’s definitely in the back of our minds, entering each practice, each day so that we don’t have a repeat of last season. I don’t think we will.”

Molly Thomas knows what is at stake for the Nebraska soccer squad when it travels to Minnesota Friday night. “It’s a must-win game for us,” Thomas said. “Everyone knows that if we win, we have a shot to make the tournament.” thomas Thomas is referring to the Big Ten Tournament from Nov. 2-6 in Evanston, Ill. Only the top eight teams in the conference make the tournament, and the host team receives an automatic bid. As of Oct. 23, four teams (Penn State, Illinois, Michigan State and Wisconsin) have already sealed their spots in the field. Northwestern, despite ranking last in the Big Ten standings, has an automatic berth being the host team in 2011. That leaves three spots available for the remainder of the conference with only one regular season game remaining for each

team. Nebraska is one of six teams in the race for those spots. The Huskers currently rank 10th in the conference, but only two points separate them and the fifthplace teams, Iowa and Minnesota. Nebraska will take on the Gophers in a showdown at Elizabeth Lyle Robbie Stadium in St. Paul, Minn. NU needs to win Friday and have two of the remaining four teams in the race lose in order to get into the tournament. Of those remaining teams (Iowa, Ohio State, Michigan and Purdue), three play teams in the Big Ten’s top four spots on Friday to finish up their seasons. Despite needing a lot of help from other teams, winning its own game on Friday is top priority for the Huskers, according to senior Michaela Fulmer. “First things first, we have to win this game against Minnesota,” Fulmer said. “Everything else is worthless if we do not take care of business. They are going to be fighting for a spot in the tournament as well, so we cannot worry about stuff we cannot prevent.” The Nebraska seniors want to win their final regular season game as Huskers, according to senior Blair Slapper. She said the loss against No. 25 Illinois

in the final home game of 2011 left a bad taste in the mouths of the players. “After the disappointment of losing our final game in Lincoln, we want to win this game even more,” Slapper said. “We all really want this season to continue and hopefully a win will do that for us.” Minnesota enters the match with a 4-4-2 conference record compared to the Huskers’ 4-6-0 record. The Gophers have scored 23 goals on the year, just three fewer than Nebraska forward Morgan Marlborough’s season total of 20, which ranks second in the nation. TopDrawerSoccer.com recently honored both Marlborough and fellow junior Jordan Jackson in the national top-100 list. Marlborough was ranked as the 19th best player in the country with Jackson as the 84th best. The match on Friday could be the last time this year’s senior class will take the pitch. That gives the players only that much more incentive to play for each other, according to senior Katie Goetzmann. “It would make me so happy to know I won my last game here,” Goetzmann said. “I want my career to continue and I don’t want it all to end.”

andrewward@ dailynebraskan.com



seanwhalen@ dailynebraskan.com

Swim team prepares for first 2011 road meet Zach Tegler Daily Nebraskan

Nebraska swimming and diving team junior Ashley Reiter called this weekend’s Holiday Inn and Suites Med Center Invitational a “growing meet.” A n d since the event is the swim team’s first of the seaReiter son outside Lincoln, there may be some truth to that. Reiter said there is room for improvement in the team’s racing and in its strategies, all as it remains a tight-knit, supportive unit. This mindset could come in handy in the Huskers’ first invitational of the fall, with a field that includes Arkansas, Boise State, Houston and Rice. “These are all teams that are going to make us better,” Reiter said. “We are

definitely going to have to put up our best fight if we want to compete with them.” Fellow junior Hayley Martin said the team can tell a difference with a meet like this one and the duals that opened the season. “I think that there’s definitely a little more intensity there,” Martin said of the invitational’s atmosphere. “It’s a different feeling.” But even with that sense of a larger competition, Martin added that the Huskers won’t allow pressure to affect their mentalities. “We treat every meet the same,” she said. Both Martin and Reiter said the biggest strength of this year’s squad is its openness and togetherness. “We’re just meshing really well this year,” Martin said. Reiter added that along with the team unity, the group has good leaders across the board. “We have leadership throughout the classes,” she said. Even the freshmen have a voice. “They aren’t afraid to lead

by example,” Reiter said. Because of all of this, Martin said this season’s squad has been the most enjoyable in her three seasons at NU. “This is my favorite team,” she said. “Everybody’s getting along. It’s just a great fun time.” And this weekend in Houston, the strong bonds between the team’s members could make a big difference in performance. “I think we’re just going to feed off each other,” Reiter said. And though they would obviously like to win some races, Reiter and Martin have other objectives in mind as well. “I’d just like to see the team come together,” Martin said. When the competition gets underway Friday afternoon, Reiter said the Huskers will be ready to perform well. “I think our expectations are just to go out and compete as hard as we can,” she said. zachtegler@ dailynebraskan.com

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friday, october 28, 2011

Nebraska vs. michigan state | saturday, 11 a.m. memorial stadium | lincoln | tv: espn football

Michigan State packs a strong defense Jeff Packer Daily Nebraskan

Memorial Stadium has played host to Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio three times in his coaching career. In 1992, he was a secondary coach with Kansas when the Jayhawks came to Lincoln for a 49-7 drubbing. In 1994, still with KU, Dantonio saw his secondary give up 267 yards to Brook Berringer and the Huskers in a 45-17 loss. In 1996, then the secondary coach at Michigan State under coach Nick Saban, Dantonio made the trip once more and again took a beating, 55-14. “I’ve been there three times – three eventful times,” Dantonio said, chuckling. “Thrashed pretty good all three times, but I was always impressed with their fans and their support.” Dantonio and the Spartans are making a return to Nebraska’s capital for what many are sure will be a much better game than those previously mentioned. Their defense is a little better this time. Michigan State brings in a defensive unit that ranks first in the Big Ten in four categories: rushing defense (88.9 yards per game), pass defense (134 yards per game), total defense (222.9 yards allowed) and sacks (3.4 per game). “I think they play hard and physical. They have good players,” NU coach Bo Pelini said of the Spartans’ defense. “They do what you have to do to play good defense. They execute well. They put in a good mix of pressure and four-man rush.” The boys from East Lansing, Mich., have pulled off three consecutive wins against ranked opponents and have done so with some of the more marquee defenders in the league. Those defenders can be found at each level of the Spartans’ defense. Up front, defensive end Williams Gholston has 20 tackles on the year, seven of which were for a loss. Helping

football: see page 10

courtesy photo by josh radtke | the state news

Keith Nichol (with ball in hands) may have been single-handedly responsible for changing the course of the season in the Big Ten. After upsetting Wisconsin, Michigan State’s national image has improved, and the team brings a steady offense and highly ranked defense to Lincoln Saturday.

the tippin

g point

Michigan state’s Nichol draws attention of NU receivers and defense


oommates Brandon Kinnie and Jason Ankrah were watching the clash between Wisconsin and Michigan State this past Saturday when MSU quarterback Kirk Cousins hurled the fateful Hail Mary pass with no time remaining. The ball was tipped around and ended up in the hands of Spartan wideout Keith Nichol, who lunged toward the goal line before being pulled back by several Badger defenders. Nichol was originally ruled down at the one, but the officials wanted to check the replay. The uncertainty didn’t calm the reaction of the two roommates. “He was screaming and I was screaming,” Kinnie said. “And I was like, ‘Jason, did you just see that?’ And he was like, ‘Oh my goodness.’ It’s crazy because looking at the replay, he got in for sure.” By the time Monday’s press conference rolled around, Kinnie had calmed himself. But he couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if it had been Nebraska

running that play, not Michigan State. The Huskers have practiced the play before and he is supposed to be the one who hangs back, like Nichol, in case the ball is tipped. “You’re supposed to do what he did, just sit on the outside and see if it gets tipped around,” Kinnie said. A few years ago, Nichol never would have imagined he would. Coming out of Lowell High School in Michigan in 2007, Nichol was a four-star quarterback prospect, the 22nd best at his position according to Scout.com. Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio had just been hired by the Spartans and made getting Nichol a priority. On the day he was hired, Dantonio said Nichol was the one recruit he tried to contact. No dice. Nichol was headed to Oklahoma. Nichol saw some playing time during his year in Norman, but the Sooners chose another freshman to start – Sam Bradford. It quickly became apparent that Bradford was OU’s future at the position, so Nichol

story by dan hoppen

transferred to Michigan State. After sitting out the 2008 season, Nichol saw action at quarterback in 10 games, including one start. But Kirk Cousins was the starter, and Dantonio wanted the athletic Nichol on the field somewhere. So as the Spartans practiced for their upcoming Alamo Bowl appearance, he switched to wide receiver. “He’s able to play so many positions and he would probably be a starting safety for us, maybe an outside linebacker by now, 220 (pounds), 225,” Dantonio said. “But he is that type of athlete and that type of hitter. He’s one of our better special teams players.” Nichols started the Alamo Bowl at receiver and had two receptions for 11 yards against Texas Tech. He’s stuck at the position since. “I think he’s the model for our football team in terms of sacrifice and commitment and trust for our program,” Dantonio said. “He’s done a tremendous job.” Nichol has hauled in 36 passes for 475 yards and two touchdowns

during his career, none of which were bigger than the 44-yarder that sent Sparty home with a victory Saturday and likely knocked Wisconsin out of the national championship picture. “It was an incredible moment, really,” Nichol said. “I’m glad it came down to that moment and I was able to capitalize.” Nebraska had a Hail Mary opportunity earlier this season against Fresno State, though the stakes were significantly smaller. It was a prayer right before the half, but the Huskers executed it wrong. Instead of letting 6-foot-2 Quincy Enunwa try to tip it back to Kinnie, all the receivers went for the ball, which Fresno State intercepted. “It’s so hard being a wide receiver seeing the ball in the air,” Kinnie reasons. But what if the Huskers had run the play right? What if Kinnie would have had the opportunity Nichol did? Kinnie smiles at the question. “I would’ve caught it, too.”

danhoppen@ dailynebraskan.com

At No. 1 spot, NU volleyball begins second half of season Robby Korth Daily Nebraskan

It’s time for the second half. And Nebraska volleyball couldn’t have asked for a better start to its Big Ten campaign. The No. 1 Huskers are undefeated through their first 10 conference games. But now it’s time to finish, and the back stretch begins with two teams looking for revenge. This time, No. 8 Penn State and No. 23 Ohio State have the home court advantage. “It’s going be a tough weekend,” libero Lara Dykstra said. “We’re just going to go in and focus on our side and playing Nebraska volleyball.” On Friday, NU travels to Columbus to take on the Buckeyes at 6 p.m., and Saturday the Huskers will be on the national stage when the game is broadcast live on the Big Ten Network at 7 p.m.

After last weekend, coach John Cook said he knows a lot more about his team, and that should show the Huskers what they can do in what Cook called Nebraska’s biggest road trip of the season. “To (perform like that) against Illinois Saturday night here, that shows our team the level they can play at and the level they have to play at,” he said. “We need to try and achieve that level like that for the next five weeks and get to the tournament.” And this road trip will require that level, he said. “This one ups the ante,” Cook said. “We’re playing two ranked teams on the road and we haven’t had to do that. This is two ranked teams back to back and the biggest distance we’ve traveled, so it’ll be tough.” Setter Lauren Cook is keeping everything in perspective and treating this weekend like

any other in the Big Ten, like NU does every week. However, the Huskers are hyped for the game because they’re going up against ranked opponents and the second game will be shown on BTN. “This weekend stands out,” Lauren Cook said. “Penn State is going to want to beat us because we beat them and Ohio State’s always good. It’s at both of their homes, and it’s hard to play on the road, especially back to back, so it’s going to be tough.” The Nittany Lions have impressive size and talent, Dykstra said. But despite their talent and prestige, she said there really isn’t anything too special about the squad. “They’re a really big team,” Dykstra said. “They’ve got a lot of height at the net. And just the

volleyball: see page 10

file photo by anna reed | daily nebraskan

Libero Lara Dykstra will face two back-to-back tests on the road this weekend against Ohio State and Penn State. Both teams are looking for revenge wins against No. 1 Nebraska.

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