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Greeks design floats for participation in annual Homecoming parade. PAGE 5

friday, october 7, 2011

volume 111, issue 035

DAILY NEBRASKAN dailynebraskan.com

Sig Ep uses float funds to fight hunger

faculty fellow. “She challenged Daily nebraskan us to do more On Thursday afterwith our time noon, almost all memand money,” said bers of greek life at the Drew Hines, a juUniversity of Nebraskanior business adLincoln could be seen ministration major constructing floats and and Sig Ep memhomecoming decoraber. tions. However, Sigma Hines brought Phi Epsilon appeared up the idea to his eerily vacant, the fall fraternity, who breeze blowing across jumped on the an empty front lawn. cause. But Sig Ep doesn’t As well as the lack homecoming $500, the fraternispirit. The fraternity ty also spent fours simply found a new hours on Tuesday form of it, replacing and Wednesday, an elaborate float packaging 40,000 with a service project meals for Kids to help Kids Against Against Hunger. Hunger, an organiza“I don’t want to compare (to other tion feeding kids in fraternities) and need both globally say, ‘Oh, we and locally. did more,’ beSig Ep gave cause I don’t $500 of its want to homecomtake away ing funds to from the Kids Against tradition,” Hunger, and Hines said. the frater“But putnity hopes to ting more raise an additional $4,000. manpower The initial idea toward a comcame in m o n March from lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan g o o d Debra Mullen, the associate dean of sig ep: the College of Education and Human Services and a see page 3

Tammy bain



Cheerleaders at the Homecoming parade in the mid-`70s.

courtesy photo

HOMECOMING HISTORY 1912 1930s 1940s 1971

Nov. 16: First homecoming football game vs. Kansas Lawn decoration competition begins. Homecoming games continue despite World War II. Johnny Carson crowns the homecoming royalty.

1994 Mid-1990s 1996 2006 2000s

ASUN takes charge of organizing homecoming week. No homecoming parades.

Homecoming update courtesy photo

Johnny Carson at Homecoming game in 1971.

System for selecting royalty changes to a track system. Homecoming parades return.


Mid-to-late: Monday Night Live is held at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. First year of the Homecoming Jester Competition, created by the Nebraska Alumni Association.

Frannie Sprouls daily nebraskan

University of Nebraska-Lincoln alumni and current students unite to show their Husker pride for one week in the fall: Homecoming. Since 1912, Homecoming has been a part of the UNL campus. The first homecoming game, on Nov. 16, 1912, was against Kansas. The Huskers won the game 14-3. About 500 NU alumni returned to campus for that football game, said Andrea Cranford, senior director of publications for the Nebraska Alumni Association. Through the years, many traditions sprung up around homecoming week. One of those traditions is homecoming royalty,

Alpha Tau Omega’s 1954 homecoming decorations

point/counterpoint page 6

University of Nebraska-Lincoln students gathered Thursday night for a free Homecoming concert with country music artists Josh Gracin and DJ Miller. The event was presented by the University Program Council and is part of the week-long festivities leading up to the Homecoming game with Ohio State University on Saturday. Gracin, a Michigan native, was excited to not only perform in Lincoln, but also having the Huskers in the Big Ten. “Great school, great academics, great history and that’s what the Big Ten is about,” Gracin said before the concert. “A lot of great history.”

which the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska has always been in charge of. “We did the election for the royalty before we started doing the entire (homecoming) program,” said Marlene Beyke, ASUN adviser. In 1996, ASUN developed the track system for students to apply for the royalty court. Students can apply through three tracks: campus involvement, community involvement and athletics. “What we found was in the academic area, in order to be able to compete with someone in the campus involvement area ... the application was weighted differently,” Beyke said. “It was always just campus involvement (that won).” The track system was revised to give everyone the opportunity to be on the homecoming court. The size of the court is typically limited to 10 men and 10 women, with the exception of this year. Instead of 20 royalty members, there are 24 total because of tied scores. “We had larger courts, and we primarily went on where there was a good break in the scoring,” Beyke said. “Some of the courts became quite large.” ASUN has always been in charge of royalty, but they haven’t always been in charge of organizing homecoming week. Before 1994, homecoming week was planned by a single group on campus. ASUN took charge because it needed more buy-in from other organizations, so ASUN created a structure in order to involve other groups, Beyke said.

courtesy photo

downtown page 7


today’s events Football Friday where: Wick Alumni Center when: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. features: Preview of the Nebraska-Ohio State game from former Huskers Tommie Frazier and Brendan Stai, and Greg Sharpe of the Husker Sports Network. Homecoming Parade

where: Vine, 16th and R when: Begins at 6 p.m.

Judging will take place at the corner of 13th and S streets ‘Guys & Dolls’ drag show where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, room 212 when: 7 p.m. Pep Rally where: Wick Alumni Center when: After the parade, about 7 p.m. includes: Announcement of parade float winners, introduction of Homecoming royalty candidates and the second annual jester competition. Block Party Featuring D*Funk

where: R Street outside Wick Alumni Center when: After the conclusion of the pep rally

HOMECOMING: see page 2 football page 12

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friday, october 7, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

dn flashback Game May Be Off Oct. 7, 1914 There is a strong possibility that the game with South Dakota, scheduled for next Saturday, will not be played, unless the authorities of the northern school show an inclination to abide by their contract with Nebraska. Assistant Coach Hoeffel returned from South Dakota Monday, with the wierd (sic) news that there are men in the regular Coyote line-up who have been upholding the honor of their institution on the gridiron for the last six or seven years. Pershing Rifles Give Tryouts for Basics Oct. 5, 1934 Nearly eighty basic military students took the qualifying tests held Thursday afternoon for the fifty available positions in the Pershing Rifles, Honorary basic military science organization. The tryouts held in Nebraska Hall covered points on the manual of arms, personal appearance, close order drill, and military courtesy. The test was scored on a point basis, and the sixty having the highest score will be eligible for membership. University Problems Reported by Hardin Oct. 5, 1956 In a “State of the University” convocation report, Chancellor Clifford Hardin told students Thursday morning that “we are facing a difficult staff problem.” Dr. Hardin said he appreciated the devotion of the staff to the University. “I know that many of them have turned down offers to go elsewhere at higher salaries. I know that many of them will receive even more attractive financial offers in the future.” Task Force Probes Dorm Life Oct. 6, 1976 High-rise structures, immovable furniture, many persons living on a dormitory floor — these are just some aspects of dormitory life being studied by a subcommittee of the Environmental Task Force. The subcommittee is investigating the sociological and psychological effects of dormitory living on residents. According to subcommittee chairman Joseph McCarty, his group will conduct a behavioral study of one campus dormitory to find out if dormitory design is conducive to living. Pot Backers Rally in ‘Joint’ Effort Oct. 7, 1994 “Hemp, hemp, hurrah,” ralliers at Broyhill Fountain shouted Thursday as a giant joint burned. “We like pot; we smoke it a lot,” supporters said at the rally, which was sponsored by the National Organization for Reformation of Marijuana Laws/Help End Marijuana Prohibition at the University of NebraskaLincoln and the Cannabis Action Network, a national group to end marijuana prohibition. — Compiled by Mitch Mattern mitchmattern@dailynebraskan.com

correction A homecoming section in the Oct. 6 Daily Nebraskan featured swapped photos of royalty candidates Emily Koopmann and Erin Reynoldson. The photo run by Koopmann’s information actually displays Reynoldson,

while Reynoldson’s photo actually displays Koopmann. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error. If you spot a factual

error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

Shirts challenge speech rights Riley Johnson Daily Nebraskan

University of Nebraska-Lincoln student Chad Pruehs will finally get to wear his newest Husker T-shirt at Saturday’s Husker football game against Ohio State. But whether security officials at the game let him into the event is another story. Pruehs, a freshman chemical engineering major, bought a red “Lincoln Fucking Nebraska” T-shirt before the Washington game on Sept. 17. He said he wore it to a tailgate that day and even showed his parents, who laughed. But Pruehs didn’t get the email from the athletic department the day before concerning his new shirt. On Sept. 16, the athletic department sent an email to student season ticket holders asking students not to wear profane T-shirts or bring inappropriate signs to Memorial Stadium to Husker games. The email, co-written by Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne and UNL Dean of Students Matt Hecker, encouraged students to leave their inappropriate apparel at home and make a good first impression with visiting Big Ten

Conference fans. “We want (the students) to be loud, we want them to support our team,” Osborne said. “But we don’t want them to reflect poorly on our university.” Osborne told the Daily Nebraskan that vulgar and inappropriate shirts and signs disrupt the family atmosphere of Memorial Stadium and taint the esteemed reputation Nebraska fans have across the country. Students could be denied admittance, have their signs or shirts confiscated, be removed from the stadium or have their tickets revoked, according to the email. Earlier in September, similar shirts at West Virginia University prompted a letter from WVU Athletic Director Oliver Luck asking students to leave the shirts at home. At UNL, university and athletic department officials say the policy complies with free speech rights, but some students question its fairness and where the profanity line is drawn. “Nobody needs to come to our campus to be insulted by our fans,” Hecker said. Families and visitors shouldn’t be subjected to profanity at Husker games, he

said. As far as protecting free speech rights, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that federal and state governments can place restrictions on the time, place and manner of free speech expression, and the athletic department and the university have done just the same, he said. John Bender, a professor of journalism at UNL who teaches mass media law, said Memorial Stadium is not a public forum like sidewalks, streets or the Broyhill Fountain. Memorial Stadium acts more as a “limited public forum,” where communication and discussion is not the primary gathering purpose as it is in more public venues. That distinction allows the athletic department to limit shirts and signs at its events, he said. “You don’t have to go to the football game,” Bender said. “You could pay a little less money and watch it in the privacy of your own home.” Under the athletic department’s ticket policies, the university can refuse admission or eject any ticket holder from any venue for any lawful reason. That includes inappropriate conduct, according to the policy.

Greg Straley, a freshman political science major, said families aren’t the only fans at the games. Students, he said, deserve equal consideration in the profanity debate. Straley also said what is profane to one person might not offend another, so censoring students at games concerns him. “What exactly can they put a limit on?” Straley said. Another student, Nanette Heimes, a freshman pre-landscape architecture major, said she personally doesn’t find the shirts offensive, but she said they send the wrong message about the university. Students can send the same message of support and devotion without dragging down UNL’s reputation, she said. “There’s a different way to ‘Go’ for ‘Big Red,’” Heimes said. Pruehs sees it differently. When Saturday night arrives, Pruehs said he might wear a sweatshirt to cover his shirt, just to avoid hassle from security. But when it comes to supporting the Blackshirts, he said he won’t hide his shirt or his intensity. “It’s like if you can’t handle it, go home,” Pruehs said.

Rileyjohnson@ dailynebraskan.com

TransCanada ad features prof Ryan Kopelke Daily Nebraskan

Amid the political turmoil surrounding the TransCanada Keystone pipeline expansion project, an unlikely voice has left his imprint on the issue. Jim Goeke, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor emeritus, appeared in a televised TransCanada advertisement trying to allay the fears many have about the pipeline’s environmental impact. The hydrogeologist is taking a stand against what he considers a large gap in the public’s knowledge of aquifers. Goeke not only boasts a 41-year tenure at UNL but has also worked times with the Nebraska Geological Survey and was an expert witness for the Republican River Compact Defense. His expertise of Nebraska’s water systems originally drew TransCanada to him and prompted the company to ask if he would appear in its advertisement. “It is important to work with those individuals who are knowledgeable about the aquifer, like Mr. Goeke,” said Terry Cunha, a spokesman for TransCanada. “He received no compensation for his

contributions.” According to Goeke, however, the offer of compensation was made. This is not the first time UNL has been associated with the Keystone pipeline. Earlier in the semester, TransCanada was mentioned in connection with the NU offensive line during Husker football games. The university canceled the contract after the pipeline became a politically charged issue. Goeke said he felt guilty about associating the university with TransCanada. “It might have been injudicious to lend my status to them,” Goeke said. Goeke said he wants to educate others. According to him, many people are under the impression that an aquifer is a deep underground pool of water encased in a layer of rock. The Ogallala Aquifer is much more complex, he said. The water from the aquifer is encased in rock, but it seeps through a series of pores and openings in the rock, greatly reducing the risk of widespread pollution. The outcry against the pipeline confuses Goeke and Cunha. They say the science is readily available and

supposedly ignored by the protestors. The pipeline would run through a portion of the Ogallala Aquifer with 75 to 80 percent of the water being to the west of the pipe and the remaining to the east, Goeke said. Due to the position of the pipeline, any spill along the aquifer would be contained because of the west-toeast flow of the water, he said. TransCanada also has a sophisticated protection system, he said. In areas where it crosses the river, the pipeline will sink 30 to 40 feet below the riverbed and be encased in one-inch-thick steel, a rubber capping system and sensors every 20 miles. Despite the security measures taken, members of BOLD Nebraska, an organization against the pipeline, are less than pleased with the pipe’s ability to safely transport the oil. “I don’t know the odds, but TransCanada’s first pipeline has leaked over a dozen times in the past year,” said Ben Gotschall, head of pipeline outreach for BOLD Nebraska. “I think that a small leak going unnoticed is the greatest danger, because their system can only detect a 1 percent flow.

On 800,000 barrels a day the system would not be able to detect a leak until 8,000 barrels a day had already leaked.” There is also danger due to the variability of the water flow rate throughout the aquifer, according to Gotschall. “There have been no studies done on the Ogallala Aquifer in the Sandhills regarding contamination,” he said. “Goeke himself claims that the characteristics of the aquifer are highly variable from region to region, yet no study has been done on the specific region that the pipeline will be passing through.” Gotschall said Goeke’s studies are based on a spill in Bemidji, Minn., not the Sandhills. “Therefore, his claims are an opinion, and interpretive at best,” he said. Goeke maintains his position that the ability for the pipeline to cause widespread pollution is limited. He said he’s spent 41 years talking to anyone who would listen about the aquifer. But some people don’t want to, he said. “They are locked into a stereotype and they just don’t hear,” Goeke said.

Before the association was at the Wick, a gathering was held at the Cornhusker Hotel after the football game. “Since we’ve been here, we’ve done a homecoming celebration and reception,” Cranford said. “It’s a part of our Football Friday program.” Back in the `60s, `70s and `80s, the receptions put on by the association were geared toward returning alumni. Now the emphasis is placed on families and on students, Cranford said. The most familiar sight during homecoming week is the lawn decorations created by the greek houses on campus. “It’s one of the

longest-running traditions,” said Linda Schwartzkopf, director of Greek Affairs. Schwartzkopf and Jeff Beavers, an assistant director of admissions, couldn’t determine when the tradition started. Both guessed the tradition dated back to as early as the 1930s. Greek houses are put into triads, a grouping of greek chapters, to create their lawn decoration. Some of the regulations for the decorations deal with safety regulations. Decorations cannot block the entrance or exit of the chapter house and a fire extinguisher has to be on sight by the display area.

Moving parts also have to be mechanical and not operated by a person. “You can’t pedal a bike to make something spin,” Beavers said. Both Beavers and Schwartzkopf agreed homecoming was a good community builder. Beavers said Greek Affairs’ goal in Homecoming was to try to create a sense of community. “I’ve heard a lot of students express Nebraska has a lot of Husker spirit and tradition,” Beavers said. “Homecoming is one of the big avenues to show off and display the pride of being a Husker.”

ryankopelke@ dailynebraskan.com


Homecoming decorations in 1962.

courtesy photo

Since ASUN took charge of organizing homecoming week, it has renewed old traditions and created new ones. One tradition it brought back was the homecoming parade. “The parade was a very integral part of homecoming for years,” Beyke said. “In the mid `90s, that part of it went away.” In 2006, the parade returned with the Freshman Campus Leadership Association planning the parade. At the end of the parade, a pep rally is held at the Wick Alumni Center. The alumni association has always done something for returning NU alumni.

franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Noah Ballard Chance Solem-Pfeifer assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Andrew McClure assistant editor Jeff Packer assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Patrick Breen editor

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

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Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 7, 2011

Horticulture Club holds fall plant sale Mary Rezac Daily Nebraskan

For students looking to spruce up dorm rooms for fall, the Horticulture Club has just the thing. Cornucopias, bursting with lush plants, decorated pumpkins and fall colors are for sale this Thursday and Friday in front of the East Campus Union and Nebraska Union. For the first time, Pumpkins and gourds are also for sale. The annual fall sale is one of three sales put on by the Horticulture Club each year. The group also takes trips every spring and fall and holds many social events for its members. “We’re very active,” said Ashley Nunnenkamp, a senior agribusiness major, who serves as the club’s website coordinator. “We’re not just one of those clubs that gets together once a month for meetings and that’s it.” From preparing for the sales to bonfires or pizza parties, Nunnenkamp said the group is “always getting together for something.” Han Do, a senior horticulture major, first learned about the club her freshman year during the fall sale and has been a member for three years. She said the main focus of the club is to expose students to what they can do in the field of horticulture. “Being in the club really lets you see how classroom knowledge is applied,” Do said. “Everything you learn really gets reinforced.” The club uses a section of a greenhouse on East Campus to house its plants. Members volunteer

jon augustine | daily nebraskan

Lindsey Brenizer, a graduate student in earth and atmospheric sciences, points out a piece of produce to Paul Mlinar, a senior horticulture major, at the Horticulture Club’s annual fall sale in front of the Nebraska Union on Oct. 6. to water, fertilize and apply pesticides to the club’s plants as needed. According to Nunnenkamp, the club’s focus is not just the growing of plants. “We’re really starting to branch out to include agronomy and landscape design,” she said. Nunnenkamp said she is one of a handful of members whose major is not horticulture, and the club is open to anyone from any major. The club’s trips, one per semester, help members

learn more about horticulture, agronomy and landscape design, but include fun things as well. “Last year we visited a vineyard and an advertising firm that worked with horticulture companies,” Do said. “We also went to an apple orchard, and we got to experience the production side of things – what goes on behind the scenes.” The club leaves next week for this year’s fall trip in Minnesota. Nunnenkamp said the trip will include

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tours of landscape design businesses, visiting growers in the area and a trip to the Mall of America. “A lot of it is paid for,” Nunnenkamp said of the trip, which uses funds from the club’s sales. “We get to reap some of the benefits of our work, which is nice,” she said. Club funds also are used for social events and purchasing seeds and fertilizer for its other sales – the poinsettia sale in December and the spring sale next semester.

sig ep: from 1

to help others makes it even closer (to the project).” Of all the money raised for Kids Against Hunger, 10 percent of the funds go to kids in Lincoln. The fraternity’s $4,000 goal equals 200,000 meals. Hines wasn’t the only member excited about the project and said there were little to no objections from other members. “We’ve spent thousands of dollars on a float that will get torn down by the end of the week, and this will have more of an impact,” said Chris Connor, a senior biology major and Sig Ep president. Connor said the timing of UNL’s move to the Big Ten made it even better. “The idea of this catches on, not just for fraternities, but for the whole university,” he said. Connor encouraged other members of greek life to join the cause. “There’s a lot of great charities in our area,” he said. “Not just Kids Against Hunger, but the Lincoln community could really use our help.”

Nunnenkamp said she was unsure of the exact number of members in the horticulture club because it has recently gained many new members, but she estimated the number to be in the high 20s or low 30s. Do said anyone interested in joining the club can visit hortclub.unl.edu or the UNL Horticulture Club Facebook page to contact Jenny Freed, a senior horticulture major and the club’s president.

Tammybain@ dailynebraskan.com

Maryrezac@ dailynebraskan.com


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friday, october 7, 2011

Daily Nebraskan


friday, october 7, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Volunteers aim to help homeless dylan roberson daily nebraskan

FLOAT YO’ GREEK BOAT Video online at dailynebraskan. com and facebook.com/ dailynebraskan


This Saturday marks the 15th annual Huskers Helping the Homeless, sponsored by the Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach. During Huskers Helping the Homeless, volunteers go around the city – mostly in the downtown area and around Memorial Stadium – collecting money for the Matt Talbot Kitchen before the football game. Every year this volunteer-run fundraiser brings in cash to help keep the soup kitchen running and provides food to the homeless people of Lincoln. “We rely on volunteers to make this event a huge success each year,” said Susie Wilson, a development specialist for Matt Talbot. “This year we have close to 500 people signed up to volunteer.” Volunteers for the event don’t come solely from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “We also have students from Wesleyan, Doane, Union


Variety of interactive e-books simplify studying for students

Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach is Lincoln’s largest community kitchen and outreach center. Last year the kitchen: ··Provided approximately 100,000 meals ··Provided more than 19,000 outreach and homeless prevention services ··Assisted 2,362 individual clients (in addition to those coming for meals) ··Added new services including drug and alcohol counseling, showers and laundry services for the homeless ··Received 10,812 instances of volunteer assistance for a combined 32,436 hours of community service

if you go Who: Huskers Helping the Homeless, Matt Talbot Kitchen What: 15th annual fundraising event to raise money for the Matt Talbot Kitchen in Lincoln When: Saturday, Oct. 8, 3 p.m. Where: Volunteers meet at the Newman Center and are then stationed around Lincoln to collect donations Why: To help keep Matt Talbot running How: Contact Susie Wilson at susiemtko@ windstream.net, or by phone at 402-4774116

College and many of the high schools in Lincoln and surrounding communities, as well as lots of families and community members coming out in support of this event,” Wilson said. Collecting donations will begin about four hours before kickoff this Saturday, when volunteers meet at the Newman Center. Afterward, all volunteers will return to the Newman Center, where they can go and cheer on the Huskers, Wilson said. In addition to lending a helping hand for a good cause, volunteers get free “Huskers Helping the Homeless” T-shirts and snacks. Anyone interested in volunteering can get into contact with Wilson through the Matt Talbot website or by emailing her at susiemtko@windstream.net. “It’s important to give back,” said freshman music major Cameron Eckardt. UNL students are lucky to have the benefits and education that they have, she said, and it’s vital to recognize the opportunities the city of Lincoln provides and do something in return. “It’s important to support and give back to a community that has given us so much,” Eckardt said.

dylanroberson@ dailynebraskan.com

Race to fund research on depression Haley Whisennand Daily Nebraskan

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

Lorena carmona Daily nebraskan

Digital textbooks have become more than just a PDF version of the real thing. A new platform, CafeScribe, offers students an easier and more effective way of using digital textbooks. “We did a rebuild from the ground up,” said Elio DiStaola, director of public and campus relations for Follett Higher Education Group. DiStaola said Follett realized more can be done to serve students better. The new features include the ability to move seamlessly between devices, unique social note-sharing, better study tools, online and offline access and the amount of titles available. He said that his favorite feature is the snap summary, which takes all the highlights and notes that a person has in the digital textbook and by clicking one button forms an outline and a study guide, he said. The University of Nebraska-

Lincoln has been offering digital textbooks for several years, said Derek Schuckman, store director of the University Bookstore. He said students can save 40 to 60 percent with CafeScribe digital textbooks, and renting textbooks through Follett’s Rent-A-Text program can save students 50 percent or more off the cost of new books. Schuckman said used books can save students approximately 25 percent off the original cost. “We believe in giving students many options so they can choose what’s best for them to be successful in the classroom,” he said. In an informal poll, 14 percent of students preferred digital textbooks, while the remaining 86 percent favored traditional textbooks. Narges Attaie, a senior journalism major, said she prefers the use of traditional textbooks instead of digital.

“If I’m paying for something, I want the real material in my hands,” she said. Attaie was also concerned with the battery life of reading devices. Alyc Beasley, a freshman anthropology major, chose traditional textbooks for a few different reasons. “It’s easier for me to actually do reading assignments if I have a tangible object in my hands,” she said. “It feels more natural for me.” Beasley said reading a computer screen makes her eyes tired and said her head starts to hurt 10 times faster than when reading a book with a cover and pages. The small percentage that favored digital instead of traditional had a similar reasoning. Adrienne Elmquist, a sophomore nutrition and health sciences major, said she favors digital because it is more convenient and saves money. She also likes that her backpack weighs less. “The one downfall is that I

don’t get the feeling of flipping the pages,” she said. Anne Johnson, a freshman international studies major, said she sees a benefit from CafeScribe and the features it offers. Having the ability to highlight the digital textbook is useful, she said. Schuckman said he understands that students are not going to be ready for change right away. “Some students may not be comfortable with digital texts yet and we understand that, which is why we offer the ‘Try Now, Buy Later’ program,” Schuckman said. The program offers a free threeday trial for most of the CafeScribe titles. Students will get the opportunity to test the functions and features CafeScribe books have to offer. After three days, if students choose to not purchase the books, access is revoked, he said. “We want to become a collection of choices for the students,” DiStaola said. Lorenacarmona@ dailynebraskan.com

Depression due to stress from difficulty transitioning into a new environment, financial difficulties and academics proves to be fatal for many college students. According to Medscape, suicides directly linked to depression are the second-leading cause of death in students. “Forty-four percent of American college students reported feeling symptoms of depression,” said Justin Pfeifer, a spokesperson for BryanLGH Heath System. According to Psych Central, about 19 percent of young people contemplate or attempt suicide each year. Young adults diagnosed with depression are also five times more likely to attempt suicide than adults. “Many students don’t associate their lack of energy to a mood disorder,” said Tricia Besett-Alesch, interim director of Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This Sunday, BryanLGH hosts the 2011 Run to Overcome: Adam’s Race to support depression and mental health research. The event boasts both a 5K and 10K race. BryanLGH hopes the event will become an annual fundraiser in memory of critical care nurse Adam

if you go 2011 Run to Overcome: Adam’s Race what: 5K and 10K races when: Sunday, Oct. 9 at 1 p.m. where: BryanLGH LifePointe (7501 S. 27th St.) supports: Depression and mental health research cost: $20 registration fee note: Registrations will not be accepted after 3 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 7.

Zetterman, who died after his own battle with depression. “We encourage the participation of everyone from the beginner to experienced road runner,” Pfeifer said. The race has attracted more than 700 people and more are encouraged to join. Both the 5K and 10K races are in out-andback form — half of the race will be to a certain point and the other half will be coming back to the starting position — and begin at 1 p.m., following a one-mile Kids’ Fun Run which will begin at 12:30 p.m. An awards ceremony will follow the race.

haleywhisennand@ dailynebraskan.com



page 6

friday, october 7, 2011


10 years

too long?

With an unfinished job and looming threats, we cannot make the mistake that we made last time


n Feb. 15, 1989, the last of the Soviet troops left Afghanistan, ending a decade-long invasion that President Jimmy Carter called “the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War.” The defeat of the Soviet Union was due in large part to Operation Cyclone, a covert CIA program that procured arms and training for the Afghani Mujahideen. This proxy war became one of the longest and most expensive undercover operations in CIA history. But when there were no more communists to fight, the Reagan administration was unwilling to commit funds to building schools and infrastructure in a warweary Afghanistan. Today, on the 10th anniversary of the War in Afghanistan, the United States faces a similar situation. Only this time, the stakes are much higher. Operation Cyclone was a covert action in a distant land that claimed no American lives. Operation Enduring Freedom is an overt response to a terrorist attack on American soil, and 1,801 Americans have died fighting this war. Yet despite continued Taliban threats and the destabilizing influence of Pakistan, America is increasingly eager to once again pack up its bags because of domestic politics. It’s a mistake we shouldn’t have made the first time and one we would be extremely foolish to repeat. Despite being overthrown, the Taliban remains a powerful force in Afghanistan. BBC News reports that 20 to 30 villages in western Afghanistan are controlled by the Taliban, who maintain a bloody order through public executions. Villagers comply out of fear, but also because they don’t trust the official Afghani government to administer justice. Taliban members also exert influence over telecommunications in Afghanistan by demanding that cellphone towers be turned off at night and threatening to destroy them if workers fail to comply. Twenty of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces regularly experience these interruptions in cellphone communication. Shutting down cellphone towers serves two purposes. Strategically, it disables the communication of coalition forces fighting the Taliban. Symbolically, it demonstrates the Taliban’s power in defiance of the new government. Tower workers submit to the requests because they doubt their government can protect them from the Taliban. The new Afghani government cannot consolidate its power while the Taliban’s influence persists. Stephen L. Carter, a Yale professor writing for The Daily Beast, insists that leaving behind an Afghanistan run by the Taliban would not only pose a threat to our national security but would also be “disastrous for the people of Afghanistan.” But the Taliban isn’t the only obstacle to Afghanistan’s progress. Pakistan

benjamin kantack continues to be the worst possible neighbor for a nation struggling with regime change and democratization. The killing of Osama bin Laden last May highlighted Pakistan’s lack of cooperation in the War on Terror. The compound in Abbottabad where bin Laden was killed is only two hours away from Pakistan’s capital city, and less than a mile from the Pakistan Military Academy. Prominent media voices demanded that the United States cease aid to Pakistan, while Pakistani officials claimed that they had no idea bin Laden was hiding within

With unfair views from media about Afghanistan and a looming economic crisis, let’s stop this war

Asif Ali Zardari allegedly visited high-ranking Taliban prisoners in 2010 to promise them his support and their eventual release. Pakistan’s meddling makes it impossible for Afghanistan to move forward with any stability. Last Friday, when Admiral Mike Mullen stepped down from his post as U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he warned “I continue to believe that there is no solution in the region without Pakistan, and no stable future in the region without a partnership.” After 10 years of war, the United States is understandably eager to conclude Operation En-


his nation has fought in Afghanistan for more than 10 years. During this period, we placed most of our attention on suicide bombers, al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden. However, we ignored the initial goals and the progress we’ve made. Under the current economic and social conditions, is this war still a good option for this country? Afghanistan is a country located in South Asia. Many people probably couldn’t locate it on a map, even after 9/11

jiajun (abe) xu the Muslim faith. According to a Bangladesh student at University of NebraskaLincoln, getting a visa to the United States is very difficult for people from Afghanistan and other Muslim countries. One Malaysian student said he had to wait for an extra six months to get a U.S. student visa because Malaysia is a Muslim coun-


• Site of helicopter downed by Taliban missle • 30 U.S. soldiers and eight Afghan soldiers killed; worst loss of life since 2005


• Capital of Afghanistan • Site of late June 2011 attacks on Intercontinental Hotel by Taliban forces

ABOUT THE ISSUE • The war in Afghanistan, by a U.S.-led coalition of forces, began on Oct. 7, 2001. • Since then, 1801 U.S. soldiers and 2,753 coalition troops have died in combat, according to icasualties.org. • At least 17,000 Afghan civilians have died as a result of insurgent or foreign military actions since 2001. • The war is estimated to have cost the United States more than $461 billion. • Should the United States have fought the war in Afghanistan?

their borders, which wasn’t convincing. But when one considers Pakistan’s detrimental influence on Afghanistan, his or her “ignorance” of Bin Laden’s whereabouts is only the tip of the iceberg. Pakistan remains a safe (and willing) harbor for the Haqqani Network, a pro-Taliban insurgency. Last month, the Haqqanis laid siege to the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters in Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul, killing seven. A week later, a suicide bomber assassinated Burhanuddin Rabbani, head of the Afghan High Peace Council and a former president of Afghanistan before Taliban rule. No group has claimed responsibility for the assassination, but the Haqqani Network is a prime suspect. Pakistan may even be directly contributing to the chaos that threatens the new Afghani government. Various sources have accused Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan’s chief intelligence agency, of training Taliban insurgents and masterminding embassy bombings and other attacks, including the Rabbani assassination. Even Pakistani President


• Mountainous region formerly home to Al-Qaeda forces • Site of ongoing battles between NATO and insurgent forces


• Homeland of Afghanistan’s largest group, the Pashtun • Taliban stronghold • In April 2011, more than 470 prisoners, including Taliban officials, escaped from prison in the province bea huff | daily nebraskan

during Freedom. In June, the Pew Research Center found that 56 percent of Americans favor removing troops “as soon as possible,” although 57 percent still think that going to war in Afghanistan was “the right decision.” But if we leave Afghanistan at the mercy of a Pakistani-Taliban alliance bent on toppling a weak Afghani government, those same Americans may be clamoring for another intervention 10 years down the road. By then, Operation Enduring Freedom will be nothing more than a wasted opportunity, just like Operation Cyclone. Then we will be starting from scratch again. Unless we commit to fighting and winning the War in Afghanistan, we will find ourselves fighting an endless cycle of half-wars with no chance for success.

Benjamin Kantack is a senior political science and Spanish major. Follow him @BenjaminKantack on twitter or reach him at benjaminkantack@ dailynebraskan.com.

happened. All we knew about Afghanistan was what came from the media. However, every medium is biased to a certain point. They would love to pay more attention to one area than another, just to seek the satisfaction of their audience. Most of the time, terrorists and suicide attacks are the only topics discussed about Afghanistan. As a result, when Afghanistan is mentioned now, the images that come into people’s minds are terroristst, bombs and injured American soldiers. We can’t simply blame the media for this. If the news talks about the lives of ordinary people in Afghanistan, it won’t draw as much attention as a suicide bomber or the deaths of American troops. To bring people’s attention or revenue, the media is more than willing to talk about the negative part of Afghanistan. Here is the problem: To meet the market’s demand, worldwide media focuses on the worst area of Afghanistan, the negative side of the Afghan people and

try. These practices aren’t right, but people are scared because of the information they received from the mainstream media. When we only know one side of a problem, how are we supposed to make the right decision? As a member of the general public, it might be difficult to see why we need to understand all these complicated relationships and the history. However, 10 years after 9/11, when the country still struggles with what seems like an everlasting war, it might be worth our time to rethink other solutions rather than staying in this costly war. There is no doubt war is a way to solve terroristic problems, but it shouldn’t be the only way. Bin Laden was in Afghanistan when 9/11 occurred, but the Afghanistan people shouldn’t bear a consequence of war because of his wrongful ideological beliefs. The mainstream media are sources of information, but we also should try to have a better understanding of the problem based on our own analysis and reflection. Keeping the war could be an option if the country’s economy is in good shape, but that isn’t the case right now. At the very beginning, the war was designed to defend the prosperity and the freedom of the U.S. As it is, the war is expensive. According to costofwar.com, the war that started 10 years ago has since cost this country more than $460 billion. An Oct. 5 CBS news article stated that tens of thousands

of Americans have served, and more than 1,800 have died, not counting the deaths of Afghan civilians and U.S. coalition partners. Statistics have told us how costly this war has been, but we shouldn’t ignore other negative consequences. A soldier was killed before his son was born. A girlfriend was waiting for the body of her significant other. Those are damages to a society that cannot be measured by numbers. The Taliban government was removed. Bin Laden was killed. So, at this stage, should the troops still stay to risk thousands of military people’s lives and spend millions of dollars every day? If you still remember 10 years ago, this nation was the engine of the world economy. Now the U.S. suffers from a financial crisis. A popularly held belief is that if the American people are determined to bring their country back to the right track, then America will be prosperous again. However, the Afghanistan War distracts the American people from focusing on the recovery of the economy. The financial burdens of the war still hold this nation back. Then the action to take should be obvious: Stop this war! Leaving Afghanistan might increase the risk of more terrorist attacks, but staying there isn’t the only solution to eliminate that risk. The ongoing Afghanistan War through the last 10 years has shown people that staying in Afghanistan probably wasn’t the best idea. The fast-growing national debt in America has also indicated to the public that the war wasn’t a sustainable method, either. At this time, the options in front of the people are either spending more money in the Afghanistan war and purchasing the “insurance” against the potential terrorist attacks that may not be needed, or stop the war and invest the money in the future of the U.S. Developing the economy probably wasn’t the highest priority of the government 10 years ago when the nation was under a high risk of terrorist attacks, but times have changed. More money and efforts should be invested in the economy in America, not the war in Afghanistan. So, stop this war! Today, with the limited information that is available, it’s not easy to tell whether going to war in Afghanistan was the best option. However, at this time, when people have to deal with challenges from this recent financial crisis, when the government is struggling with making ends meet, having a costly war surely isn’t the best option that this nation could have right now. The story about America should be about a strong economy and wealthy people instead of aggressive foreign policies and debt problems. It’s time to correct mistakes. Stop this war!

Jiajun (Abe) Xu is a Junior Finance and Economics major. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.




owntown friday, october 7, 2011

pagE 7

courtesy photo

When finished, Block 38 will have 10 stories. The first story will be devoted to retail stores and restaurants, including Chipotle, and will expand outdoors with a plaza on the south side of the building, located on 13th and P streets. Levels two through six will be public parking, with the seventh floor of parking reserved for the building’s residents. Floors eight, nine and 10 will hold 52 residential units. Units will hold between one and four bedrooms, and each apartment will have two bathrooms, a common area and a kitchen. These floors will form a “C” shape on top of the building, leaving a space for an open-air roof garden on the eighth level. The units will provide several different amenities for residents, including a fitness center, mail services, wireless Internet and cable. There will also be a separate elevator for residents. Living units will be partially furnished, and an exclusive furniture renting and buying program will also be available to residents.


soon s t o r y p h o t o s b y

b y k a t i e n e l s o n k y l e b r u g g e m a n

The Block 38 project looming on 13th and P streets will offer shopping, parking, restaurants and apartments to Lincolnites when it opens next year

(Left) Terry Nelson welds rebar on the topmost level of the under-construction Block 38 project. Started in 2009, Block 38 is one of 10 pillar projects in Lincoln’s “Vision 2015” development. “It’s the first high-rise building in Downtown Lincoln in 15 years,” said Liz Kuhlman, the project manager of Block 38.

Cory Koll (right) hands a drill bit to Dan Mumm on the topmost level of Block 38. The estimated finish date for the project is the summer of 2012. However, students interested in the apartments will have a chance to view them earlier. Zach Wiegert, the project manager and a partial owner of Block 38, said apartment models are being built and virtual tours are being created so students can view the finished product before renting. Living costs have not yet been computed, but they will be comparable to the typical prices on the housing market at the time of retail. “It’s true urban living, which, in Nebraska, you don’t get very often,” Wiegert said. “We think it will be a unique experience. We think it will be very popular.”


friday, october 7, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Chamber Singers to combine art and music Katie Nelson Daily Nebraskan

In an attempt to get more in tune with art and music, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chamber Singers will be singing at the Sheldon Museum of Art Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. During the concert, the ensemble will sing various pieces touching on African, Renaissance and modern themes, including Kurt Knecht’s “Michelangelo’s On Beauty” and Hildegard Von Bingen’s chant “O Virtus Sapientiae.” The program will showcase a range of chamber music, from as early as the 12th century up to music arranged last year. “You can see how chamber music has evolved in the past 1,000 years,” said Jennifer Vanderholm, a graduate student working on her doctorate in musical arts. The music for this concert will have themes concerning truth, beauty and nature, said Therees Hibbard, associate professor of choral music, associate director of choral activities and conductor of the UNL Chamber Singers. Sunday’s show will serve to foreshadow pieces and themes that can be heard in the choir’s other concerts throughout the year,

beginning Monday, with a second presentation of the chant at a lecture at the Great Plains Art Museum. “A lot of the music we’ll introduce, people will hear again in other places,” Hibbard said. Sunday’s performance will be informal. Minimal seating made up of drawing stools and scattered benches will be available for audience members to sit and listen. However, aside from a short lecture about the Chamber Singers, audience members will be encouraged to move around as they listen to the music. And they won’t be the only ones –­ the choir will also move to different areas of the museum. This year, the UNL Chamber Singers has 28 members. Members were selected by an audition process at the beginning of the year. Any interested student is welcome to audition, and as a result, the choir has a wide variety of ages and majors in it. This year, the choir has architecture, chemistry, journalism and psychology majors participating, as well as a wide age range of other students. Unlike other choirs on campus, the Chamber Singers have a unique connection to another building on

campus: the Sheldon Museum of Art. Seven years ago, Hibbard was introduced to the acoustics in the Sheldon by a fellow colleague and fell in love. She began taking her students to the museum to practice once or twice a week. After a number of rehearsals in the museum, the Chamber Singers were asked to perform during that December’s First Friday. The audience’s positive response encouraged the choir to continue performing in the museum in the years since. “Of course we’re a part of the school of music, but part of our heart belongs to the Sheldon,” Hibbard said. “The acoustic in Sheldon is like one of the voices in our choir because of the way the acoustic blends our voices together.” Hibbard encourages students to attend the concert, saying they may surprise themselves and enjoy the music. “It’s like putting unusual flavors on pizza. You like pizza, but you may not know if you like duck on pizza,” Hibbard said. “It (the concert) might open their minds to trying something new.” katienelson@ dailynebraskan.com

Old or new, ‘Ocean’s’ flicks embody cool Tom Helberg If trying to narrow down the epitome of cool to a single human being, you could make worse choices than Ol’ Blue Eyes. The Rat Pack, whose core members included Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr., was arguably the coolest group of entertainers around in the 1960s. Director Lewis Milestone packed the whole clan into “Ocean’s Eleven” (1960), a film with some serious star power. The picture included the other clan members, Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop, as well as appearances by the “mascots”

Angie Dickinson and Shirley MacLaine. In Steven Soderbergh’s 2001 remake, the director did the best he could to match the star power of the first film by casting some of Hollywood’s most famous actors: George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, Andy García and Julia Roberts, among an ensemble cast with other recognizable faces. Even though the three lead men have only gotten bigger since this film, packing the cast any more could have left the film feeling bloated. However, the film is about as effervescent as Hollywood pictures can be. In a way, Soderbergh’s film is a remake in name only. The lead character is still Danny Ocean, and he recruits 10 of his closest buddies to pull of a major heist of Las Vegas casinos. But the robberies, motivations and outcome are much different. The two films complement each other. The first

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lauren olson | daily nebraskan

Art performances to celebrate unique styles ryan kopelke

film has developed characters, and the second has a light touch in the filmmaking. The 1960 film spends the first 50 or so minutes studying the lives of the crooks. Jimmy (Lawford) has a rich mom approaching marriage number five. Ocean (Sinatra), unsurprisingly, can’t choose between women. Backstories flesh out the characters and make them more compelling; however, the narrative thrust doesn’t take off until halfway through the picture. Even during the heist, the movie can’t recover from the dragging first half. The 2001 film has slight character histories penciled in, the exception being Ocean (Clooney). His goal with the heist is to win back his wife Tess (Roberts) from casino owner Terry Benedict (García). The ensemble is fun to watch as we see their roles in the robbery, but we don’t learn who they are as people. The filmmaking itself is effortless, as Soderbergh’s gliding camera and slick editing make the picture a breeze. Milestone largely lets his cast do the heavy lifting, making a performance-based film. Davis and Martin each get musical numbers, and the camera is largely unobtrusive. Davis’ number “Eee-O-11” features few cuts as the camera lingers on the performer. Soderbergh succeeds in polished filmmaking. Cuts draw attention to themselves, as do camera moves, but it all works. While elements of the 1960s may seem dated now, like fuzzy orange sweaters and Dino’s magic tricks, the rest is cooler than ever, partially thanks to the “Mad Men” trend, of course. The 2001 film is light, escapist fun, and replacing Sinatra with Clooney is about the best match possible for the cool factor. Both “Ocean’s” are entertaining caper flicks, with either film lacking what the other has in spades. Tom Helberg is a senior film studies major. Reach him at tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com.

deaily nebraskan

First Friday, second show. Local performance artists and University of Nebraska-Lincoln students Samuel Berner, a second-year master’s of fine arts student, and Bryan Klopping, a senior art major and Daily Nebraskan artist, will be participating in Project Mercury at Club Blue, located above Libations, 317 S. 11th St. On Friday, starting at 8 p.m., Project Mercury will feature a series of performances changing every hour until the final showing at midnight. “Project Mercury is an experimental collaboration of local Lincoln artists whose focus is to blur the lines of medium specificity of art and life,” Berner said. “The event will take place in a club atmosphere to promote the energy of the performances, which will be juxtaposed with sculptures and wall pieces, creating a conducive area for dialogue.” Attendees will be welcomed to Club Blue with a genre of music that escapes both Klopping’s and Berner’s vocabularies and a projected head tinted green, emulating the Wizard of Oz. “Welcome to Project Mercury,” the voice will boom. What will follow during the next several hours can only be described as a tornado of art, Berner said. “The entire night is going to be starting at 8 (p.m.),” Berner said. “There are going to be performances every hour on the hour till midnight. Each performance will be done by a

different artist. I like it as a collage of open ideas, and putting one main idea on it takes away from the freedom I see with this performance.” Each performance will not only be put on by a different artist throughout the night, but will also showcase a wide range of talents. Music, static art such as sculptures and paintings, digital media creations and live performance will all be featured at some point during First Friday at Club Blue. Berner said his feature is a four and a half act production of what he calls, “spidermanthemusical.” I don’t really want to give away the plot, but Mary Jane is a victim. She gets kidnapped, but she isn’t exactly who you would expect her to look like in this one,” he said. Where Berner’s show focuses on art as a witty form of entertainment, Klopping delves into the darker side of life exploring domestication and the nature of being. “Mine is a piece about loss and the cyclic nature of life taking place in a domestic setting,” Klopping said. “You will only see my silhouette but there will also be a video paired with the screen and as the quality breaks down, so will I. It ends in the notion that this is a cycle and this happens over and over again.” Klopping and Berner are offering a unique style of art to the Lincoln area. As far as either is aware, these East Coast-style performances have remained relatively unknown in

if you go Project Mercury performance where: Second floor of Libations on 11th and M streets when: 8 p.m.- midnight how much: Free Midwestern performances and artistic circles. So what is the goal of this radically different style of performance, and the Mercury Project in general? “Dialogue. I just want any dialogue, I want people to be talking,” Berner said. “Silence is a killer and I’m seeing conformity everywhere, and I feel like this will help the dialogue to prevent conformity.” Klopping best described the other goal of the Mercury Project as a call to arms. “As a whole, I think this project is working, if not to change art in Lincoln but to push people to see what they can do and what they see is art and that it is OK to use non-static forms of art,” Klopping said. “There are other aspects and we are trying to bring that to light in Lincoln.” This event, the pair said, will help usher in a new era of art and performance in the Lincoln area. Undergraduate students like Klopping are in the same position to get behind this movement and create something, he said. “We are counting on the hipsters and the art grads, but anyone interested in art performance, experimental music and everyone else should come in that order,” Berner said. RYANKOPELKE@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 7, 2011


Documentary salutes women artists for the director. The film’s flow is odd, the storytelling Daily Nebraskan scattershot, and it’s difficult Can you name three woman to follow. artists? However, the film is not This question is posed without its merits. Leeson early in the feminist art scanned thousands of imagdocumentary, “!Women Art es and includes numerous Revolution.” This query is looks at little-seen artwork a litmus test for the docu- reaching from the 1960s to mentary’s own relevancy, today. Paintings, installaas well as a telling exer- tions and video art are all cise. Museum-goers outside on display, and the glimpsthe Whitney es of art are a Museum of ‘Revolution’ pleasure to beAmerican Art hold. Roughly depicts an in New York half the film important City struggle is made up of to name anyhistorical, cultural this footage, one other than and the other and artistic Frida Kahlo. half is talking movement, Artist and heads. filmmaker especially for The interLynn Hershviews are inwomen. man Leeson’s teresting, but fourth feathe way they ture-length film has been are tied together is a bit 40 years in the making. In haphazard. The interviews 1966, when Leeson first be- with female artists are nucame involved in the art merous. Judy Chicago and world, she began interview- Miriam Schapiro talk about ing every woman artist she the feminist art education met. The amount of foot- programs they founded in age she accumulated is im- the `60s and `70s. Hannah mense: The film is a scant Wilke, Martha Rosler, Su83 minutes compared with zanne Lacy, and the Guerthe 12,345 minutes that rilla Girls also appear to dislanded on the cutting room cuss their work. Yoko Ono floor. and Yvonne Rainer also Perhaps it’s because of turn up in some clips. the enormous amount of “Revolution” depicts an material available that made important historical culturreining in the film difficult al and artistic movement,


Tom Helberg

Dir.: Lynn Hershman Leeson Mary Riepma Ross



especially for women. The film tries to give a broad historical context. Judy Chicago’s controversial 1979 work “The Dinner Party,” which depicted female genitalia, was even debated in Congress. Tragically, many of the artists featured in “Revolution” were rape victims, and many others were sexually repressed. This seems to fuel much of the work and the desire to deconstruct the male-dominated society. While pieces of this artdoc are fascinating, the barrage of talking heads interviews badly needs a central figure or idea to hold everything together. Watching the piece can get unnecessarily grueling, though the snippets of footage and ideas themselves somehow push through. “!Women Art Revolution” could have been a truly fascinating document of feminist art history but suffers because of its own massive history weighing it down. Tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com

lauren olson | daily nebraskan



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36 Simbaʼs love in “The Lion King” 37 Ka-ching? 40 “Listen!”

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44 Perch

45 DNA units

47 ___ Alamos, N.M.

48 “Sesame Street” character with a unibrow 49 Inexact fig.

50 Long, drawn-out stories 53 Like the arms of a starfish 55 Spectrum? 60 Top-notch 61 Cancel











62 Look out a window, say 63 What top seeds often get at the starts of tournaments 64 Moisten while cooking 65 Alluring Down 1 Linkletter who hosted TVʼs “House Party” 2 “___! Humbug!” 3 She raised Cain 4 Kind of brake 5 Shorthand takers 6 Marry 7 Ancient 8 Skunkʼs defense 9 Dict. offering 10 Quarterfinals or semifinals 11 Something ___ (a lulu) 12 Err 13 Saying “Iʼm not sure that dress looks perfect on you,” e.g. 18 “Scarface” star Al 19 Bearing 22 Mrs. George Washington 23 Hawaiian greetings 24 Tribal advisers, typically 26 Gobble (down)
















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Puzzle by Diane Baker van Hoff

38 Leon who wrote “Exodus” 39 Human 44 Mediocre 46 Play (with) 47 Spikes, as a drink 48 Buildings with lofts 50 Knife

5 4 6

4 3 9 2






28 Hazard 29 Put Xʼs over 30 Tooth next to a premolar 31 Mixes 32 “Thou ___” (Jesusʼ response to Pilate) 35 Total (up) 36 Bright star

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10 friday, october 7, 2011

Daily Nebraskan



White team opens NU hopes to shore up defense against Badgers fall with 6-3 win Andrew Ward

Sean Whalen

Daily Nebraskan

daily nebraskan

Two teams struggling to win soccer matches will face off this weekend in Lincoln at the Nebraska Soccer Field. The Nebraska and Wisconsin women’s soccer squads both enter Friday afternoon’s matchup winless in their last three games. It has been a rough stretch of matches for Nebraska (5-61, 2-3 Big Ten) as it has gone from a tie for third to a tie for eighth place in the Big Ten Conference standings after beginning the conference season at 2-0. In much of the same way, Wisconsin (7-4-2, 2-1-2 Big Ten) has dropped significantly in the conference standings, as it dropped from a tie for first to a tie for fourth. Both schools have struggled to score during their winless streaks. For the Badgers, scoring has been a struggle all season, as they have scored more than two goals in a game just once this season. During the losing streak, the Huskers have scored just two goals, both coming from junior forward Morgan Marlborough. The offense is not the major concern for NU, however, as it still remains in the upper half of the Big Ten in scoring, ranking in the top three in both assists and goals per game. Nebraska remains positive, but it still knows what it needs to do to end the losing streak on Friday, according to sophomore goalkeeper Emma Stevens. “The preparation this week has been no different than it normally is,” Stevens said. “However, we are focusing on defensive organization more this week because we have struggled with it.” That defense ranks as one of the Big Ten’s worst in 2011 thus far, ranking 11th in the conference, allowing 1.44 goals per game. Despite the problems on defense, Nebraska will not make any changes to its style of play, according to assistant coach

Darin Erstad was one heck of a defender in his day: He remains the only player to win Gold Glove awards at three positions (left field in 2000, center field in 2002 and first base in 2004). If first impressions are correct, the Nebraska baseball team will need all the instruction its coach can give. NU had five errors combined in the seven-inning opener of the Red-White series, a 6-3 victory for the White team. “It is what it is. We’ll work on it,” Erstad said. “I’m not one to panic over one day. We’ll just continue to get better.” Besides the defensive issues, both sides played fairly well. Perhaps most importantly to the fans in attendance was the play of Kash Kalkowski, who drove in two runs for the White team while playing right field. While Erstad and the coaching staff haven’t decided yet where Kalkowski will play — as evidenced by the three gloves he brought to the game — he will certainly be an offensive cornerstone for the team at whatever position. Someone needs to replace All Big-12 Cody Asche’s production in the lineup, and Kalkowski seems the obvious choice, not that he would say that himself. “I think (replacing Asche) is a team thing,” he said. “You can’t replace Cody. He was a great hitter. I don’t know if I can step up to his plate, but I’ll try.” Kalkowski’s situation on the field is very representative of the rest of the squad.

anna reed | daily nebraskan

Junior Ryan Hander picked up the victory in Thursday night’s 6-3 win, giving up two unearned run in four innings pitched while striking out five. Erstad said he is keeping an open mind in regards to where everyone fits in on the field and was quick to add that the players, and not him, decided where they play and who pitches for the series. A particularly interesting choice by team Red was its choice of starting pitcher: sophomore Brandon Pierce, a hard-throwing Texan who mostly worked out of the bullpen last season. Conventional wisdom would have held that Pierce would have had first shot at replacing Casey Hauptman, one of the best closers in the country last year. Instead, Pierce threw three innings with two hit balls, but two walks and several errors led to him leaving the game down 4-2, despite allowing only one earned run. Erstad was noncommittal about Pierce’s role this season. “We haven’t decided about any of that stuff,” he said. “It’s an ongoing battle, everyone’s got a fair shake

in this. We’ll see what happens.” While Erstad in general thought there were too many walks — eight combined — by his pitchers, he couldn’t say many negative things about the night’s winning pitcher. Junior Ryan Hander threw four strong innings, striking out five and not allowing an unearned run on 71 pitches. USC transfer Richard Stock, competing with Cory Burleson for the starting catcher spot, had a strong debut getting both of Red’s RBIs and Michael Pritchard had a strong game batting leadoff, going 2-for-4 with an RBI, while recording four putouts in left field. All in all, Erstad said, the night wasn’t really about baseball. “It hasn’t been so much about baseball for us this fall,” he said. “It’s been about how we go about our business. We’re just working on the motors. We’ll be just fine.” seanWhalen@ dailyNebraskan.com

file photo by matt masin | daily nebraskan

After starting conference play 2-0, the Huskers have dropped three straight games to fall to eighth in the Big Ten standings. Dan Bassett. He said that the up with the Badgers physicalHuskers still have complete ity, Stevens said. Physical play has not been a confidence in what they are problem for Nebraska this seadoing. “We aren’t going to try and son, however, as it is currently reinvent the wheel because we tied with Wisconsin for the lost a few games,” Bassett said. second place in the conference “We still believe in what we are with nine yellow cards in 2011. The Huskers will continue to trying to do here.” Wisconsin will provide a play confidently this weekend strong opponent for NU, de- no matter what situation, acspite its recent struggles. The cording to Stevens. “Showing ourselves what we Badgers still rank in the upper half of the Big Ten and have can do is extremely important knocked off the only ranked for this game,” Stevens said. team in the conference in No. “We need to show ourselves that we can win because we 18 Penn State. The strength of Wisconsin is believe that we can come out its physical play much like the and win out in our remaining majority of the teams in the Big Big Ten games.” Andrewward@ Ten, according to Bassett. dailynebraskan.com Nebraska will need to match

PRACTICE NOTES FOOTBALL Huskers lose Cotton, gain Heard Nebraska offensive lineman Jake Cotton sustained a season-ending injury earlier this week when another player landed on the back of his leg in practice, tearing Cotton’s ACL and MCL. “We lost a good football player,” Pelini said. “I feel bad for Jake. He was getting better and playing well, but he’ll come back strong.” Pelini said Cotton had already undergone surgery on his knee, and the Huskers expect him back “in no time.” While the Huskers lost Cotton, they may gain freshman

running back Braylon Heard, who has been out the past two games with an infection that Pelini said has improved to the point of making the Youngstown, Ohio, native questionable for Saturday. Pelini frustrated by attention paid to Martinez In wake of a much-critiqued performance by quarterback Taylor Martinez, Pelini gave his thoughts on how the sophomore’s peers have backed him this week. “That’s what teammates do,” Pelini said. When asked how Martinez was responding to the

criticism, Pelini responded with a question or two of his own. “What, are you guys trying to get a reaction from him? Is that what you’re trying to do?” Pelini asked. “I’m just wondering. You guys are asking me. Is this a deliberate thing?” “Honestly, I don’t think Taylor or anybody else on our football team cares what you guys write or say,” Pelini said. One member of the media mentioned that Martinez seemed bothered by the attention directed his way. “He’s human,” Pelini said. “You guys are the ones that should be bothered by it.”

— Compiled by Jeff PAcker


Daily Nebraskan

friday, october 7, 2011

three keys: Football Ohio State Buckeyes

No. 14 Nebraska

1. Spark the quarterback(s) Freshman Braxton Miller, who according to coach Luke Fickell is “still the starter,” will need to improve on his 51.3 percent completion rate if the Buckeyes want a chance at a win. If the Buckeyes continue to switch quarterbacks, behind him sits senior Joe Bauserman, who also has a 51.3 passing percentage. The quarterbacks have combined for only eight touchdowns, but have thrown two interceptions and been sacked 14 times. Unless these two can make plays, the offense isn’t going to score any points. It took until the final 10 seconds of last week’s home game against Michigan State for the Buckeyes to score, and playing on the road at Nebraska won’t make OSU’s quarterback situation any easier.

1. Make life difficult for Bauserman and Miller Terrelle Pryor isn’t walking through that door. The Buckeye quarterback position has been unstable all season long. Joe Bauserman and Braxton Miller have shared duty under center this year, but neither has been that impressive. Ohio State is averaging 154 yards per game through the air, which is last in the Big Ten Conference. The Huskers were able to apply pressure on Wisconsin quarterback Russell Wilson at times last weekend, but Wilson was able to escape and make plays downfield. OSU is without two of its top playmakers, so the pressure will be on the quarterbacks’ shoulders. NU needs for Bauserman and Miller to force turnovers and make game-changing mistakes.

2. Quiet the crowd Nebraska is coming off a blowout loss on the road at Wisconsin, a game that left many Husker fans confused about the direction of the program. If the Buckeyes can break through NU’s weak defense, it’s possible Memorial Stadium can be silenced. OSU’s first road game (and loss) came against the University of Miami, and the Hurricanes jumped on top early, scoring 14 points in the first quarter, limiting the ability of the Buckeyes to come back against an energized home crowd. Avoiding another start like this is the only way OSU has a chance of keeping the crowd out of the game. 3. Focus on the game Offseason suspensions and departures have plagued the Buckeyes, with quarterback Terrelle Pryor leaving the team for the NFL in June after the NCAA ruled that Pryor, along with four other teammates, would be suspended for the first five games of the 2011 season for selling memorabilia. On May 30, coach Jim Tressel resigned after acknowledging his involvement in the scandal. However, for the four suspended players, their return was supposed to come against Nebraska. But once again, Daniel Herron and DeVier Posey are suspended for being overpaid at their summer jobs, where they worked for a booster. Ignoring these distractions once the Buckeyes step on the field will be necessary if the team wants even a chance at playing well against a fired-up Husker team. — Compiled by Andrew McClure, DN assistant sports editor

2. Play with emotion Saturday marks Nebraska’s first Big Ten Conference home game. Bo Pelini will be on the opposite sideline from his alma mater Buckeyes. The Huskers need to avoid a hangover loss after a blowout in Madison last weekend. There’s plenty to play for, and NU needs to play with more passion and aggression than it showed as last weekend’s game got out of hand. Ohio State has had a rough go so far this season. If Nebraska can come out and punch the Buckeyes in the mouth early, the Huskers should be able to roll to their first Big Ten victory. 3. Run out of the wildcat Rex Burkhead is Nebraska’s most consistent player on offense. He’s scored eight touchdowns already this season and amassed 516 yards on the ground. But when the Huskers had trouble establishing offense in the second and third quarter against the Badgers, Burkhead’s carries were limited. He had only six at halftime. Nebraska effectively ran Burkhead out of the wildcat last season, as well as during NU’s win against Wyoming. Nebraska will need to be effective in the run game to defeat Ohio State, and it’s never a bad idea to get the ball in the most productive player’s hands as much as possible. — Compiled by Doug Burger, DN Sports Editor


Two Nebraska teams still alive in doubles play Staff Report daily Nebraskan

Nebraska sent four men’s tennis players to Tulsa, Okla., for the ITA All-American Championships and all four qualified for the main draw of the tournament. In singles play, NU’s Christopher Aumueller won his first match Thursday against Nelson Vick of Ohio State, 6-2, 6-3. In his second match, the senior’s singles run ended with a 4-6, 7-6 (7-3), 3-1 retired, loss to Oklahoma’s Guillermo Alcorta. Senior Benedikt Lindheim also made it to the main draw in singles action. He played two matches Thursday, winning 7-5, 6-2, against Ohio State’s Peter Kobelt and losing to North Carolina’s Jose Hernandez, 7-6 (11-9), 6-2.

Aumueller and Lindheim’s tournament was not finished, though. The duo, the No. 13 NCAA men’s doubles team in the country, played in the main doubles d r a w as well. They beat M a r k o Krickovic and Rob e r t o Maytin of Bayaumueller lor, winning 9-8. In their next match Friday, they will face last year’s tournament runner-up: Ohio State’s Chase Buchanan and Blaz Rola. NU’s other doubles duo, juniors Eric Sock and Andre Stenger, played in main draw action after advancing

through qualifying. They won 8-6 against David O’Hare and Joe Salisbury of Memphis and will play Tsvetan Mihov and Peerakit Siributwong of Oklahoma on Friday. In the women’s ITA Riviera All-American in Los Angeles, Nebraska’s doubles team of senior Madeleine Geibert and junior Stefanie Weinstein was in action in qualifying play Thursday. After beating Texas A&M’s Nazari Urbina and Cristina Sanchez-Quintanar, 8-1 on Wednesday, they moved on to defeat Monika Kochanova and Klara Vyskocilova by the same score Thursday. Their run toward the main draw came to a halt against Kaitlyn Christian and Sabrina Santamaria of USC, who beat Geibert and Weinstein 8-5.


Generations of Huskers to compete at alumni meet Faiz Siddiqui daily nebraskan

NU swimming and diving hosts its eighth annual Alumni Meet Saturday. For 20 former Huskers, this means becoming reacquainted with NCAA-level swimming and diving, coaches Pablo Morales and Doug Humphrey and the familiar corridors of the Bob Devaney Sports Center. But for the current squad, it’s just business as usual. “I just like to compete,” said sophomore swimmer Bailey Pons. “I think that about every single meet we have. It makes us that much stronger.” The alumni meet was established by Morales and Humphrey in 2003, aimed at serving as an extra pre-season warmup in a more relaxed environment than the team’s traditional intrasquad competition. The alumni meet’s relaxed competitive environment allows some swimmers the added challenge of taking on events from which they would otherwise stray. “They’ll get to choose their

events,” Humphrey said. “A lot of them will be swimming some of the strokes they won’t usually swim.” Member of this year’s competition will be largely familiar to a squad that features 15 upperclassmen. The returnpons ing alums include seven graduates from the past three years, many of whom competed alongside the current Huskers on teams past. Fresh off two individual intrasquad victories, Pons welcomes the challenge with open arms. “I’m excited to see some of the former upperclassmen come and race us,” she said. “It’s nice to see some of the people we used to compete with compete again.” Also included on the guest list is 1983 graduate Stacia (Porter) Costa. NU swimming is no stranger to

hosting participants from the late 1980s and early 1990s – some graduating before the current roster of swimmers’ dates of birth. It’s all embedded within the tradition of an event that has typically hosted participants aged in their 60s. Because this year’s meet is NU’s last event before the swimmers’ Oct. 22 season opener against South Dakota State, it will serve as an extended practice for the team, with the Huskers competing after completion of regular team workouts like time trials and endurance swims. According to Humphrey, the Huskers will utilize this event to further their commitment of attaining their “lives’ best times” by the end of the semester. But that doesn’t mean the fun element of an alumni reunion and the learning experience for the team will be completely eliminated. “Intrasquad was for the bigger preparation,” Humphrey said. “The alumni meet is definitely more of a fun event.”

faizsiddiqui@ dailynebraskan.com

volleyball: from 12 help them compete with Nebraska. She said their ability to pass and steadily attack could lead to an upset against the Huskers. “They’re really consistent in how they play,” Lauren Cook said. “They have really good ball control and they’re just a smart team. “They know how to play.” On Monday, Boilermaker outside hitter Ariel Turner was named Big Ten Player of the Week. Turner has

averaged 4.54 kills per set this season and leads the Big Ten in points. Cook and his staff are getting NU ready combat her after she had 72 total attacks against Illinois. “(Coach Cook) keeps saying she’s one of the best players in the country right now,” Werth said. “We’re really excited to take on that challenge. So we’ve been getting ready with drills all week to combat maybe what

they have in store.” Despite the hype for a ranked Purdue squad, Nebraska isn’t overlooking the Hoosiers. Last season Indiana made it to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournament, its best finish in program history. “We’re not overlooking Indiana at all,” Werth said. “They’re also a great team. We’re looking forward to that challenge as well.”

robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com



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friday, october 7, 20111

page 12


Ohio State vs. No. 14 Nebraska | Lincoln, NEb. | Memorial Stadium Saturday, 7 p.m. | tv: ABC

flipping gnippifl


Struggling OSU offense still sans Posey, Herron

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini played his college football at Ohio State. He will lead the Huskers against his alma mater this weekend in NU’s first Big Ten Conference home game. Jeff PAcker daily Nebraskan

It’s not often said that Bo Pelini is nostalgic. Crediting his normally straightforward reputation, it was the media that brought up the 43-year-old coach’s connection to Nebraska’s first official Big Ten opponent in Memorial Stadium. With Ohio State coming to town, Pelini has been thrust into a historical conversation – one the fourth year coach hasn’t traditionally embraced. “I just don’t believe that is how you carry yourself,” Pelini said. “You are humble and do what you need to do. What happened in the past is in the past. I’m glad of my experience and thankful for them, but that’s about it.” Pelini was a free safety for the Buckeyes from 1987 to 1990, playing under famous coaches Earle Bruce and John Cooper. He was on two Buckeye teams that earned bowl appearances, which was not a given at that time for the Buckeyes. “I had a great experience there. I enjoyed my time playing there,” Pelini said. “I have a lot of friendships I’ve made and played for a lot of good coaches. I played for coach Bruce and coach Cooper and a lot of great assistants. I’ve always said the experience you have helps lead to where you are and what you accomplish.” Pelini said he was recruited by multiple schools but chose Ohio State because it allowed him to play at a high level and still have his parents easily attend games. His experience led him through the NFL and the college level as an assistant coach until his hire at Nebraska in 2007. Now, 21 years later, Pelini is preparing his team for one of the biggest games in the program’s history against his alma mater. Pelini’s connection to the two teams playing on Saturday makes one wonder what it would have been like if today’s Pelini coached player Pelini. “There would be a lot of arguments,” he said. “As a player, I thought I knew everything.”

courtesy photo

Ohio State coach Luke Fickell said this week that the Buckeyes are going to “focus on what we have, not what we don’t have” this weekend in Lincoln.

Dan Hoppen Daily Nebraskan

file photo by matt masin | daily nebraskan

Husker coach Bo Pelini leads his team onto the field earlier this year at Memorial Stadium. The Youngstown, Ohio, native played free safety for the Buckeyes from 1987-1990. But Pelini said where he played football 21 years ago won’t be a determining factor of how Nebraska approaches its Big Ten home opener against the Buckeyes. “Honestly, it is about our football team. I don’t pay attention,” Pelini said. “It isn’t more or less meaningful. It is about doing a job. I want our team to be better and to walk off the field Saturday night a better football team than we were when we started this week.” Improving after a tough loss against Wisconsin has been labeled by many as crucial this week. The Huskers bring to the table Saturday a team that is struggling on both sides of the ball. Nebraska’s offense, while better than the Buckeyes in every major category, had difficulties against the Badgers, a defense considered to be middle-of-theroad. Ohio State’s defense won’t do them any favors, as the Buckeyes are ranked in the nation’s top 30 in every category. The Husker defense may be looking at an easier feat this weekend as they will face a Buckeye offense that is reeling from suspensions and injuries. OSU is

ranked 111th in the nation in passing offense (154.0 yards per game) and 108th in total offense (308.2 yards per game). However, the Husker are not looking at statistics when judging the Buckeyes. “Their skill guys are fast and they are physical up front,” NU defensive line coach John Papuchis said. “They are a big, physical Big Ten offensive line, and that’s what we expected when we were moving to the conference and to this point, it hasn’t disappointed.” A Husker win would go a long way in the team’s standing in the Legends division and toward settling the stomachs of everyone around the Husker program. The importance of the game is not lost on NU running back Rex Burkhead. “It’s important. We can’t get caught up in all of that, though,” Burkhead said. “We just have to take it day by day and keep focused on fixing us. “That’s the biggest thing – not worrying so much about your opponent, but just what’s going on with us and the small details in practice.” Jeffpacker@ dailynebraskan.com


No. 11 Purdue to bring balanced attack to Lincoln Robby Korth daily nebraskan

Nebraska volleyball isn’t getting a break this weekend. For the third week in a row, NU is taking on a ranked opponent. Friday at 7 p.m., No. 11 Purdue (14-1) will visit the NU Coliseum, followed by Indiana at 3 p.m. on Saturday. Despite the competition NU has dealt with, outside hitter Hannah Werth feels that Nebraska can handle what the Big Ten throws at it. “I think it all comes down to going into practice every single day and winning the day,” Werth said. “Everything that we put into it, the coaches are having us prepare for each game and I think our attitude is a huge part of it.” A 4-0 conference record was NU’s goal up to this point and coach John Cook has been impressed with the play of each Big Ten school. “We’ve played three out of four ranked teams,” Cook said. “And Michigan State should be ranked. I’m shocked that they’re not ranked. We’ve done a pretty good job to be that consistent.” And that consistency is what has Cook ready for the rest of

the season. He said Nebraska will constantly have to grind games out against opponents like Michigan State, Michigan and Purdue. “There’s matches in this conference where you just have to win,” Cook said. “I don’t care how you do it. You take the win and you go. I don’t care how you do it.” With the fresh format of back-to-back games, Nebraska could have faded. But instead, Nebraska is dealing with the new format in an efficient way, Werth said. “I think we’re doing a great job of staying strong,” Werth said. “The training that we had put in all summer, conditioning-wise, working-wise, extra time we would just dedicate to getting better, stronger and more fit has really helped us.” Cook is also impressed with NU’s performance in the format. He’s pleased that NU is responding to their competition and winning games. “I really like how our team’s been responding,” Cook said. “They’re showing some toughness. They’re playing as a team. And we couldn’t get that in the first three weeks.

file photo by matt masin | daily nebraskan

The Huskers, who are still undefeated in league play, return to the NU Coliseum this weekend for Big Ten matches against the Boilermakers and Hoosiers. “The competition is bringing that out in us so I really like how we’re developing.” After coming off a game Friday against Indiana, NU will face Purdue. The Boilermakers have been one of the most competitive teams in the conference. Last weekend, they took No. 1 Illinois to four sets on the road and each set that Purdue lost, it was two points behind the Illini. PU has the kind of depth that can keep them in games

and create problems for higher-ranked teams like Illinois and Nebraska. “They’ve got a great outside hitter like every team does (in the Big Ten),” Cook said. “And their middles, their setter is good. They’ve got good liberos, they’re very well coached. It’s a comfortable package.” Lauren Cook also recognizes how PU’s talent can

volleyball: see page 11

When Ohio State coach Luke Fickell took the podium for Ohio State’s weekly press conference Tuesday, he made a request to the media members. “Talk football,” Fickell said. It wasn’t going to be that easy. This week, receiver DeVier Posey and running back Dan Herron had their suspensions extended for taking too much cash for summer jobs that required little work, robbing the Buckeyes of their leading receiver and rusher of 2010. Offensive lineman Marcus Hall was also suspended. Defensive coordinator Carl Pelini said he doesn’t think the new suspensions will affect the g a m e plan the Huskposey ers had originally laid out for Ohio State. “It really doesn’t change anything because the team we’ve been breaking down for four weeks didn’t have Posey and Herron,” Pelini said. “We’re preparing against the team we’ve been watching on film. Now had they been playing, it might have made us look back toward last year a little more and see how they use those guys.” This was supposed to be the game when everything came back together for Ohio State. Last December five Ohio State players were suspended for selling various sports memorabilia items, including Posey, Herron and quarterback Terrelle Pryor. A few months later, coach Jim Tressel joined them. But the water quickly became murkier than originally thought. Pryor’s scandal ran deeper, and he bolted for the NFL. Tressel resigned under heavy pressure from the university. Both are currently employed by NFL teams but suspended for a few more weeks. Fickell was chosen as the interim coach to replace Tressel. He knew he faced a tough road in the shadow of the NCAA violations, but these continued struggles weren’t expected. The Buckeyes have a 3-2 record with losses to Miami and Michigan State and now travel to Lincoln to face the No. 14 Huskers. Though the other two suspended players, Mike Adams and Solomon Thomas, return, Posey and Herron, the players Ohio State desperately needs to lift a sagging offense, won’t be in uniform.

“How many times have we said, we are going to focus on what we have, not what we don’t have and focus on moving forward?” Fickell said. “So that’s what we have to do. We are not going to make excuses for guys.” Fickell said that both Herron and Posey are still members of the team and he won’t make any decisions on their status until he knows the full story. Ohio State has struggled offensively without the suspended players and ranks last in the Big Ten with 308.2 yards per game. The Buckeyes were dealt another blow this week when receiver Verlon Reed, the team’s second leading receiver, tore his ACL and was lost for the season. “Offensively wise, it’s a lot of things,” Fickell said. “You can’t just point a finger and say, “‘Well, well, it’s the quarterback, well, it’s the offensive line, or it’s the wideouts not getting open or it’s the call.’” While the team may not be finger pointing, the rest of college football is and much of that has been at the quarterback position. Freshman Braxton Miller and senior Joe Bauserman have combined to complete just better than 50 percent of their passes for only 154 yards per game. Miller, a highly touted recruit, led Ohio State to a win in his first start two weeks ago against Colorado, but struggled mightily against Michigan and was replaced by Bauserman, who led the Buckeyes’ lone touchdown drive. Fickell said Miller would start Saturday against the Huskers. “Braxton is the guy that right now is our starting quarterback, and you know, I would think hook-wise, we don’t want him to ever think that,” Fickell said. “And I think it just came into a situation for what they were doing and what we needed to do at the time (against Michigan State).” The last several months have been a nightmare for Ohio State as the suspensions and losses have continued to pile up. But the Buckeyes are looking forward to Saturday, when they get an opportunity to battle another traditional power and a chance to prove that Ohio State football is still alive and well. “We really need to take advantage of practice this week and I’m going to keep fighting my heart out for these guys,” center Mike Brewster said. “(The Huskers) are going to be ready to go. I think there is always extra adrenaline in these types of games, especially in a night road game.”

danhoppen@ dailynebraskan.com

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