Oct 6 2016

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Hi, friends, The first time I covered Lincoln Calling, I met my best friend. Alex Lucke and I covered Duffy’s Tavern on Oct. 8, 2014. We covered three bands, while talking in-between sets. It was the first time I had beer spilled on me and could laugh about it. I had no idea what I was doing, but Alex was a seasoned reporter. She showed me the ropes on covering shows—something I didn’t know I could love so much. Through getting ready for the series of concerts and finding out we had a scarily similar music taste, Lincoln Calling slowly introduced me to someone I now view as a mentor, not just in reporting but in life. But Lincoln Calling isn’t just important for journalists. In fact, Lincoln Calling is more important to the community. Stretched across eight venues, Bodega’s Alley, Bourbon Theatre, the interior and backlot of Duffy’s Tavern, The Bay, Tower Square, Vega and the Zoo Bar; Lincoln Calling 2016 is the biggest it’s been to date. For 13 years, the festival has given musicians a platform to showcase their greatest talents in front of audiences from across the state of Nebraska. This year, Hear Nebraska is producing the festival, which has brought music acts and

comedians from all over the nation coming from places such as Illinois, California and New York. The Daily Nebraskan saw the importance of this festival and chose to expand our coverage of the event further than we have before. This issue contains an inside look at just a sliver of the talent that will perform throughout the next three days, Oct. 6 to Oct. 8. There are a lot of artists we’ve covered in the past (because Lincoln arts is a damn cool thing), so we chose to add to a few new pieces to our collection. Enjoy, Stephanie Cavazos


front page file photo by james wooldridge | dn The Bottle Tops play at The Zoo Bar during Lincoln Calling on Sept. 30, 2015.


Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. The board holds public meetings monthly. © 2016 DAILY NEBRASKAN


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Author to speak about immigrant experience Rafe Parker dn saff writer

Award-winning novelist and memoirist Reyna Grande will be at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Thursday, Oct. 6 for a reading of her latest book, “The Distance Between Us.” Grande’s books have won the American Book Award, the El Premio Aztlan Literary Award, an International Latino Book Award and the Luis Leal Award for Distinction in Chicano/Latino Literature. She has also been a finalist for the prestigious National Book Critics Circle Awards. Joy Castro, director of the Institute for Ethnic Studies at UNL has worked with Grande before and is excited to host her at UNL. “I taught with her at the Macondo Writers’ Workshop in San Antonio, Texas once, and she was a lovely, fascinating and gracious presence,” Castro said. Students should expect to learn how one specific author views and creates the world, concerning issues like poverty, family rupture and immigration, Castro said. Many students can relate to Grande’s story of coming to the U.S. from Mexico – even if they haven’t crossed a national border, Castro said. “Reyna Grande’s story is a family story, but one inflected by the larger world and the position our parents occupy within that landscape,” she said. Grande said there are several reasons why she wrote her book, “The Distance Between Us.” “As I was growing up in the US I wanted a book that addressed immigration from a child’s perspective, a book that spoke to my

experiences as a child immigrant,” Grande said in an email. “I never found that book, and my creative writing teacher once said to me, ‘Reyna, you have to write a book that you want to read,’ so that is what I did.” Her book speaks about the heartbreaks and traumas of being a child left behind in Mexico by both parents, then running across the border to be reunited with her father, only to be marginalized and discriminated against while trying to reconnect with her parents. She said by writing about her own experiences with immigration, she contributes to the conversation about immigration in the U.S. She also hoped to help readers understand the young immigrants of today and the more recent arrivals, unaccompanied minors from Central America. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Grande said she will speak about the challenges she has faced as a Mexican, Latina writer and an immigrant woman as a way to give insight to the challenges artists in her community and culture face while trying to pursue their passion to create. Grande said she hopes her talk will inspire students to persevere and fight for their dreams when they enter the real world. She wants to inspire them to find courage within themselves so people are no longer made to be ashamed of themselves or their heritage. “A world where we are all treated as equals, where we celebrate our differences but also acknowledge our shared humanity,” Grande said. “I believe that it is our youth who will change the world.” Grande’s reading will take place at 5 p.m. in Bailey Library at Andrews Hall, Room 2290.

“...my creative writing teacher once said to me, ‘Reyna, you have to write a book that you want to read,’ so that is what I did.”


courtesy photo




TBT: Greek housemothers get schooled Elsie Stormberg DN STAFF WRITER

Back in the fall of 1954, freshmen were not the only new arrivals to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Sororities Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Beta Phi welcomed new housemothers — however, these ladies were a little different from other housemothers on Greek Row. Before arriving at UNL, the three women participated in Purdue University’s Housemother Training School. The Daily Nebraskan reported on Sept. 29, 1954 that the 13-yearold school included a two week and three weekend course in the summertime. “The Purdue school is simply marvelous! We learned everything from how to plan meals to how to counsel the coeds on their current love affairs,” said Mrs. Edythe B. McKnight, housemother to Pi Beta Phi. McKnight went to high school in Decatur, Alabama and later attended Mrs. Ponder’s Private School for Girls before coming to UNL, reported the Daily Nebraskan. McKnight and the other two housemothers, Mrs. D.B. Reinhardt of Alpha Chi Omega

and Mrs. Harry A. Scott of Kappa Alpha Theta, said they had enjoyed their job so far. “I very much like Lincoln and working with coeds. Being a housemother is a very interesting experience,” Reinhardt said. Prior to Housemother Training at UNL, Reinhardt taught in Chicago schools for five years. Scott said she loved her job, but shared a few obstacles she faced. “What scares most housemothers is the commissary work,” she said. “Although it is still a form of homemaking, it is on an enormous scale. I was accustomed to purchasing for two people, but now I have 46 to 47 to plan for.” Purdue’s Housemother Training School was established with the help of Dorothy C. Stratton, the university’s former Dean of Women. Currently, the Housemothers Training School no longer exists. However, the profession is still very popular and prosperous. Patty Wade, present house mom of Pi Beta Phi, has been in the business for five years. Initially, she watched over the Delta Tau Delta men for the first four years but decided she wanted a change. She crossed the street to be a house mom to the Pi Beta Phi women.


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According to Wade, the most important part of the job is to be there for the students. “I’m probably a sheriff without a badge,” she said. “I keep law and order and I just make sure that everyone is safe. I can’t control all that happens but if there is ever an issue in the house, I’m there every night.” Although Wade never went to a Housemother Training School, she feels that some form of training would be helpful for her and the other house directors at UNL. “Personally, I think for the experience, I would be interested in it,” Wade said. “I always like to learn new things so I think it would be really interesting. And to be able to meet women from the different colleges, not just Big Ten, but all over the United States would be interesting, too.”. Wade said her favorite part of being a house mom is the students. “I just love young people,” she said. “You don’t have to understand young people, you have to like them. I love their energy and they’re so vivacious.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

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One-man play highlights suicide prevention Collin Spilinek dn staff writer

International public speaker Josh Rivedal gave a performance of his one-man play “Kicking My Blue Genes in the Butt” at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus Union Wednesday afternoon. The play focused on Rivedal’s upbringing and how he dealt with his father’s suicide. The performance was followed by a presentation on raising suicide awareness. Along with having careers in acting and voice-over work, Rivedal is also an author, having published his memoir “The Gospel According to Josh: A 28-Year Gentile Bar Mitzvah” in 2013. Rivedal is also the co-founder and executive director of The i’Mpossible Project, creat-

ed in 2014 to help raise suicide awareness. He has taken his awareness speeches to Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. “With suicide prevention and mental health, this is only now becoming a little bit of a phenomenon where you get this information in high school and college,” Rivedal said. “So, there’s lots and lots of gaps. There’s a lot of people that aren’t getting this information.” Throughout “Kicking My Blue Genes in the Butt,” which was based on his memoir, Rivedal played 15 different characters, including his mother, father, teachers and members of the church in which he grew up. “Think of it as the lovechild between stand-up comedy [and] traditional theater,” Rivedal said. “That’s where I come from in with piece.” Rivedal portrayed his father multiple times throughout the play, showing his rough up-

bringing in New Jersey. Rivedal’s father often tried to force him to play sports, while Rivedal was more interested in theater and the arts. After attending a community college and participating in the theater program there, Rivedal moved to New York City and began auditioning for acting roles. Rivedal’s father committed suicide in 2009 after divorcing his mother. His grandfather before him had committed suicide as well. “It can be difficult playing my dad,” Rivedal said. “And I will say that often, doing this presentation, I’ll have to take an hour of just chill time afterwards, just to decompress.” Rivedal led a presentation after his performance on what can lead to suicide and how other people can recognize signs of suicidal thoughts. After his father’s suicide, Rivedal began to realize his depression that he had felt since he

was younger, and spoke to his mother about what he was feeling. He said the most important thing she did for him was listen to what he had to say. “Listening is so, so huge,” Rivedal said. “It shows that you care, it shows that you’re a friend. It also validates what that person is going through.” Rivedal also urged people to take time from their day to listen to anyone they think has suicidal thoughts and try to encourage them to get the help they need. “Every day is a gift,” Rivedal said. “And every day is an opportunity to help and to love and to share rooms with people like you, who can then pass along this life-saving information to other people as a gift, to help other people not be the same that I was.” NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

siqu liu | dn Public speaker Joshua Rivedal speaks at the Nebraska Union on Oct. 5, 2016. Rivedal performs his one-man self help plays in the United States and abroad.



Hear Nebraska produces Lincoln Calling 2016 Natasya Ong dn staff writer

After years under the supervision of one person, the three-day Lincoln Calling music festival will be officially sponsored and produced by Hear Nebraska this year. The nonprofit festival was first established in 2003 by Jeremy Buckley. “Music and art is a really integral part of the city both within Lincoln and outside,” said Hear Nebraska executive director Andrew Norman. “I hope its impact is that it will make people want to do more of these things and support more of these things.” Norman and his team have always admired the festival and helped cover it in the past years, he said. As they assumed an organizing role this year, festival-goers can expect a wider range of artists from around the nation. The festival’s 50 national artists include bands and comedians. Norman said that despite having national bands this year, local acts are still at the forefront of the event with a total of 70 local artists. In partnership with StarTran Bus Service, Lincoln Calling will also provide buses that will take guests to venues ranging from The Bay on Y Street, Vega in the Railyard and several other locations on O Street. The buses will run in 20 minute cycles. Norman said there was more of a push on advance ticket sales this year. There are two kinds of passes: festival passes and day passes. Guests who purchase their tickets online will have to exchange them for festival wristbands at Tower Square on the corner of 13th and P streets. Tickets can also be bought there. Norman said he hopes both the local and national artists connect through Lincoln Calling to build relationships that will lead to future opportunities. Norman said he hopes this will be a great way to future boost Lincoln’s recognition and reputation. “I hope that the national artists really enjoy the city and enjoy our venues,” Norman added. “I hope the people who come from out-oftown for this concert do the same. I hope they fall in love with the city like we have.” Gabriella Parsons, Hear Nebraska marketing intern and a senior journalism major at UNL, said she hopes Lincoln Calling attracts more students. She said students living on campus in particular can be closed off from things happening outside of UNL, but are also more apt to spend more money on tickets and travel for

emily mcminn | dn a live show eight hours away. Lincoln Calling could help people realize there are ample live shows here in their own city, she said. “Come experience how cool your city is,” Parsons said. “Especially if you moved here and you’re from somewhere else and you’re having a hard time meeting people or you maybe want to go out but don’t know where to go. This is your chance.” Students can get $10 off a festival pass with the code “STDNT2016.” There’s also special code for single-day tickets to watch Domo Genesis perform on Thursday — “LCDOMO.” Both codes must be entered at checkout. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

“Come experience how cool your city is. Especially if you moved here and you’re from somewhere else and you’re having a hard time meeting people or you maybe want to go out but don’t know where to go. This is your chance.”




Universe Contest appreciates Lincoln’s support Sam Crisler dn staff writer

Lincoln’s Universe Contest is right where it wants to be. The five-piece band formed in 2010 and has since undergone a number of lineup changes and is now made up of Timothy Perry Carr on vocals and guitar, Saber Blazek on bass and vocals, Joe Humpal on rhythm guitar and vocals, Jordan Ellis on vocals and violin and Jordan Elfers on drums. But what has remained constant for the band over the years is the incorporation of an array of influences to produce an ever-changing musical style. The band is inspired by artists from across the music spectrum, such as Built to Spill, Prince and Beastie Boys. But none of those artists are distinctly evident in Universe Contest’s sound. In a single song, Universe Contest might include raging guitar riffs, cacophonous synths, and post-rock-flavored drum fills. Whatever the combination, Universe Contest writes music with a sound that is definitively their own.

Matt Mejstrik, a video producer at Hudl, the Lincoln-based sports video analytics firm, has directed music videos for Universe Contest. He says he is always impressed with how eclectic the band’s songwriting is. “I think what’s most impressive is just how versatile they are,” Mejstrik said. “Every single song seems like it’s its own genre.” Universe Contest’s diverse approach to making music has caught on, and the band has received frequent praise from local music critics. The Lincoln Journal Star has called UC the best band in Lincoln, and in 2012, the band won the award for Best New Artist at the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards. Universe Contest welcomes the accolades, but they are even more focused on pleasing their audiences. “It’s nice to have a pat on the back, no matter who it’s from,” said guitarist/vocalist Timothy Perry Carr on Friday. “But, if we play a show in front of 600 people, and one person likes it, that’s awesome.” UC has released three projects so far in

its six years as a band with 2014’s full-length “We Are the Rattlesnake” being the most recent. The band has continued to alter its sound since “Rattlesnake” dropped and has been back in the studio working on a new LP which the band describes as having songs that are stylistically “all over the place.” But the band’s members say none of their evolution as a band has been entirely deliberate. “We’re not super pre-meditative in our work,” said bassist Saber Blazek. “We just go with the flow and see what happens.” This attitude has influenced the band’s decision to continue releasing all of their albums and funding their tours independently despite their success. They said they are content with where the band is right now and have no intention of seeking out a record label. Rhythm guitarist Joe Humpal compares the choice to remain independent to being pleased with a car. “I’m getting out of [the band] what I want out of it. I’m not trying to sell the car; I like the car.” And UC is doing just fine on their own,

too. The band went on tour in July and August and was so successful that the production for their new album will be entirely financed by proceeds from the tour. The band said that after years of playing shows around the Midwest, their tours just continue to get better. They have learned what to expect from the types of venues that host them, but they still encounter plenty of surprises on tour. They even performed in a double-wide trailer in Arkansas on their summer tour. The band says it’s those sorts of venues that are the most hospitable and friendly. And while their tours continue to improve and their audiences continue to grow, UC still appreciates how supportive and close-knit the Nebraska scene is. “Everyone’s really nice to us for some reason,” said Carr. “Everyone’s really supportive. I feel like they always have been.” The band has forged countless friendships with local musicians and members of the music community throughout the years. Carr attributes some of the connections he has made in the music landscape to the togetherness of Lincoln Calling, where the band will headline at Duffy’s Tavern on Oct. 8. “That’s why I’m friends with all these dudes, kind of, because of Lincoln Calling,” he said. “Meeting up with all these bands and becoming friends with all these people.” UC said they love what the festival provides for Lincoln’s local scene and national reputation. An outsider’s first reaction to the Nebraska music community might be to overlook it initially, but the band thinks Lincoln Calling gives it an opportunity to reshape opinions. “You don’t hear of a lot of bands coming out of Nebraska, so you don’t think there’s a lot of good bands in Nebraska or around Nebraska,” said Humpal. “And Lincoln Calling is kind of like, ‘wait a second, here’s what we’re doing.’” The band said they are excited to perform at the festival, as they are for any other show they play. They are just happy that audiences enjoy their music. “It can be tough,” said Carr. “But in the long run, I think it’s worth it. I’m happy.” Universe Contest plays Duffy’s Tavern at 12:45 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8 as a part of Lincoln Calling. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

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Q&A with Chicago band Twin Peaks Mari Crisler dn staff writer

The Chicago band Twin Peaks’ old-fashioned rock ‘n’ roll style has gotten the band noticed and acclaimed in a brief amount of time. Their third and latest album, “Down in Heaven,” set landmarks for the band, and is considered by some as one of the best albums of 2016. “Down in Heaven” sets itself apart from the band’s previous releases, “Wild Onion” and “Sunken” with spacey grooves and acoustic ballads, while still keeping it’s signature lo-fi sound. Twin Peaks will be performing at Lincoln Calling Friday, Oct. 7 at 9 p.m. at the Bourbon Theater. The Daily Nebraskan chatted with Cadien Lake James of Twin Peaks in anticipation of their festival performance. The Daily Nebraskan: You’ve been on tour for about a month now; how are you staying sane? Cadien Lake James: Tour’s been great. We had a couple months off in Chicago this summer, so it’s good being back out on the road. It’s been great. DN: If touring has taught you anything, what would that be? CLJ: It’d be hard to say it in one sentence; I’m not that clever. But it’s certainly taught me a love of driving a car and looking out the window. I still have a love to travel in me.

courtesy photo CLJ: We try to play with our friends, usually. When we have a choice and we’re headlining, we try to make sure it’s with friends because it’s a fun way to travel. There’s lots of camaraderie at shows.

about trying to write, and words come out. You’re not analyzing it yet, you’re just kinda letting yourself out. Whenever I have writer’s block, I like to learn other people’s songs to get inspiration going.

DN: How long have you been playing your instrument?

DN: Do you write most of the songs or do the other members contribute equally, too?

DN: What is your favorite song to perform live?

CLJ: I picked up guitar, I think, when I was 11, in fifth grade, or something like that.

CLJ: We have four people writing songs now. It’s a pretty easy split.

CLJ: Well just playing the song “Have You Ever” on this tour is sweet. Usually, tour starts to make songs new and different.

DN: You guys formed when you were still in high school, right? What made you want to start the band?

DN: What is your recording process like?

DN: Is there a song you like to play the least, but still feel like you have to?

CLJ: We just liked playing shows and playing music with friends. Me and Jack have been playing together since elementary school. We wrote our first song together in sixth grade or seventh grade. It’s just something we had always done. It was an outlet we enjoyed and had fun with.

DN: How do you make your live shows different from your albums? CLJ: We just play with a lot more energy live, I think. Some of the stuff on our most recent record has a trippy, mellow atmosphere going on, but when we’re playing it during our set it’s usually got a little more fervor to it.

CLJ: People certainly expect you to play some songs, but I’d say all the songs we’re expected to play, we would want to play anyway. We don’t have any that we’re like, “Ah s***, we gotta do that one tonight again.” DN: What kind of venues do you like to play at the best? CLJ: I like playing in all sorts of settings, but I like playing clubs, smaller bars and more intimate kinds of settings. DN: What kinds of bands do you usually play with on tour?

DN: What is the chemistry like in the band? CLJ: We’re all just boys. We’re friends. We’ve been together for a while, and we’ve lived together. DN: What is your songwriting process like? CLJ: It’s a sporadic kind of thing. Just picking up an instrument. The best songs just kind of come out when you’re not thinking too hard

CLJ: We record our own stuff most of the time. Or all the time, really. Me, Clay and Colin all have a lot of interest in production and engineering and we worked with our buddy who has a tape machine. We try to record off of that and then bounce down to computers sometimes to get more tracks, but we try to get the sounds before it hits the machine. DN: How was recording “Down In Heaven” different from recording “Wild Onion” or “Sunken”? CLJ: Definitely we were using all our own gear. The one before [“Wild Onion”], we recorded in the studio. We were still producing it, but it was at the studio. We like having all our own stuff, and when we got to hunker down somewhere, we could take our time on it. It

was certainly a different experience from last time, when we had to clock into the studio. We were able to get in our group more. DN: “Down In Heaven” has been regarded as one of the best albums of 2016, how does that feel? CLJ: I’m all for it. If people like it, that’s great. There’s been a lot of great records this year, so it’s sweet. DN: If you were to rank albums of 2016, which album would you put at the top? CLJ: I’m not good at putting a No. 1 on anything. There’s so many good things, good records, good vibes for music. It’s been a really good year for music. DN: The band is based in Chicago, right? How has being in such a big city helped or hindered your progression as a band? CLJ: I think, especially in Chicago, it’s been really great playing because there’s a really nice community of people and bands that seem to just want to see each other succeed. It’s a very kind and accepting community. That was encouraging. The city is a sure place to start. DN: What is the creative scene at home in





Q&A with Lincoln Calling headliner Domo Genesis DG: I was able to experiment and find out who I was. I was able to find out who Domo Genesis was, and if someone doesn’t like me for who I am that’s how it is, but I’m glad I was able to experiment and break down barriers to discover who I was as an artist DN: You’re a member of the Odd Future hip hop collective lead by Tyler, The Creator. You also have worked with Juicy J of Three 6 Mafia and Wiz Khalifa on your last album. What is it like working with these big names? DG: I just see it as working with friends, not much other than that. It’s fun to work with those guys, but I keep it on a business level. It’s great working with friends because they are the ones who push you and want to see you succeed, and keep doing more with your career. DN: You’re one of the big names at Lincoln Calling this year. What are you expecting going into the show? DG: I don’t really know what to expect. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I just want to go out onto the stage and do great things with my DJ and just kill it and just have a great show. Domo Genesis plays Duffy’s Tavern at 11:05 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 5, as a part of Lincoln Calling. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

courtesy photo Jake Larsen dn staff writer

Rapper Domonique Cole, otherwise known as Domo Genesis, is headlining Lincoln Calling Thursday, Oct. 6 at Duffy’s Tavern in support of his highly-anticipated debut album “Genesis.” Genesis has already established himself in the alternative rap scene as a member of Odd Future, the Los Angeles-based hip hop collective led by Tyler, The Creator. He released his first solo album, “Genesis,” on March 25, 2016 and has released five mixtapes under the Odd Future label. He has also recorded songs with artists such as Wiz Khalifa, Action Bronson and Vince Staples. Genesis talked with The Daily Nebraskan about becoming a rapper, what to expect in his Nebraska show and the beauty of old Kanye. The Daily Nebraskan: What do you think of when people mention “Nebraska”

Domo Genesis: Honestly, I think of the college football team, and well, I also think of corn (laughs).

very own way and in your own terms. I also have to say Kanye West is my favorite rapper, because he demands respect and is going to always be himself. If he has an opinion, popular or not, you’re going to listen to it.

DN: Well, you’re not too far off, those are the two best things about us! Changing the subject, what made you want to pursue a career as a rapper?

DN: So, I have to ask, old Kanye or new Kanye?

DG: I was in college, and I would take notes in class and all my notes would turn into lyrics. I had just so many ideas and lyrics that I had to let it out somehow, so I pursued becoming a rapper DN: Which rappers really influenced you the most? DG: MF Doom is really dope, I always listened to him in high school and he was great, but he was a mysterious person. How he performed showed me that you could do music in your

DG: I’d have to say old Kanye. I love his new stuff too, but I’m going to go with his older work. DN: Yes! I would have to agree with you there. I have to say his first three albums are three of the best I’ve ever heard. DG: Yeah, Late Registration is one of the greatest albums of all time. Such a beautiful album. DN: How have those artists and other experiences helped you with your last album Genesis?

“I was able to find out who Domo Genesis was, and if someone doesn’t like me for who I am that’s how it is.”

10 • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2016



Jordan Kleine finds humor in adversity Stephanie Cavazos senior arts and entertainment editor

Jordan Kleine came out to her grandmother when she was 16, after she fell in love with another girl. She said her grandmother didn’t believe in homosexuality, but Kleine didn’t care. “If you’re going to come out, don’t come out to grandma first,” she said. “Come out on Facebook like everyone else.” Growing up in Grand Island, Nebraska, Kleine said she didn’t fit in. She was bullied in school and she said she used laughter to make a name for herself. Laughter is her thing, she said. One day in high school, her teacher gave a storytelling assignment and Kleine decided to do an animal impression. “The whole class laughed,” she said. “I remember that energy. Something in me was like ‘I love this feeling.’ And I later found out that’s what stand-up comedy is.” Kleine is performing for the second time at Lincoln Calling as a part of Zoolarious on Thursday, Oct. 6 at the Zoo Bar. Kleine didn’t find out she could make it as a comedian until she moved to Lincoln. She moved to the city when she accepted a temporary job, and some of her new friends introduced her to Duffy’s Open Mic Night— an event still hosted every Monday at the bar. She did a short three-minute set in front of other comedians and Duffy’s regulars. After the show, Kleine said she loved the feeling of being on stage. “I thought ‘this is it,’” she said. That was a year and a half ago and Kleine’s been doing comedy ever since. She’s opened for some of the bigger names in comedy including Brian Posehn, Jim Florentine and Jeff Dye. Kleine is also nominated for Best Comedian in the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards.

“If you’re going to come out, don’t come out to grandma first. Come out on Facebook like everyone else.”

karissa schmidt | dn Comedian Jordan Kleine performs at Crescent Moon Coffee in Lincoln on Oct. 4, 2016. Kleine started out with jokes about her personal experiences with homophobia, coming out and being gay during her set. “Every comedian does bits on what you know,” she said. “So being a gay comedian, that’s what I knew, and that’s what I did.” Even now, Kleine develops her new jokes to reflect recent experiences she has being a lesbian in Nebraska. She said it’s easier to do comedy about being gay in Lincoln because it’s a more liberal part of Nebraska, unlike some of the smaller towns. Kleine still books shows in rural Nebraska, but the reception has had mixed reviews. “I had a show in Beatrice and I did my gay [stuff] and and they were like totally not into it,” she said. But that’s not always the case for Kleine. About a month ago, she performed a show

in Hastings where she said four members of the audience left because they “didn’t like lesbians.” However, another member of the audience came up to her after the show to congratulate her on her courageousness. “Someone told me, ‘Hey, I think you’re really brave for what you do,’” she said. “That was amazing.” Kleine said her mentor in the comedy world is Brad Stewart, a local comedian who Kleine calls Lincoln’s “comedy uncle.” Stewart booked the comedians for Zoolarious at Lincoln Calling for the second year in a row and added Kleine both times. He said he admires what Kleine has done to succeed in Lincoln’s comedy scene. “I think Jordan is the perfect example of what young comedians can accomplish with the right amount of talent and ambition,”

Stewart said. “She has accomplished so much is such a short time I can’t wait to see what happens for her in the next few years. I predict big things.” Kleine said she performed at Lincoln Calling last year and it was the one of her best shows to date. She said she’s excited to see what this year’s set brings. “All year comedians go to open mics, and you don’t know what to expect,” Kleine said. “Lincoln Calling is the best of the best and it’s so cool to see it come together in front of a crowd that actually wants to see you.” Jordan Kleine performs Zoo Bar at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 6, as a part of Lincoln Calling’s Zoolarious. ARTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



TRACEY: Death penalty should not exist in Nebraska

Greg Tracey dn staff columnist

Mention the 2016 election and you likely will get a negative, perhaps even dismissive reaction from most people. Looking at the Presidential race, this is understandable. However, Nebraskans have a unique chance to do something worthwhile come November 8th, thanks to Governor Pete Ricketts. That’s because he has given us the opportunity to confirm what our state legislature decided last year. In May 2015, the Legislature voted 32-15 to repeal the death penalty in our state. Governor Ricketts promptly vetoed the measure. However, the Legislature then voted to override the Governor’s veto, making the repeal law . The group “Nebraskans for the Death Penalty” promptly started an ultimately successful petition drive to put the issue to a referendum vote, supported significantly by

Governor Ricketts . This has presented the people of Nebraska with an extremely important task. For financial and moral reasons, we must retain the repeal of the death penalty. The raw numbers do not lie. Executing criminals is far more costly for the state than simply sentencing them to life in prison without parole. Trials involving the death penalty require extra experts in areas like genetic testing, lawyers that are certified in such cases, and the genetic testing itself. Furthermore, death penalty cases involve many layers of appeals which add to the overall costs of the trial. All in all, it is estimated that it is ten times cheaper to simply sentence criminals to life in prison rather than deathIf we simply sentenced people to life in prison, many of these costs could be eliminated. In addition, we must consider the methods of execution. Long gone are the days when criminals were served justice with a length of rope and gallows, or a mere blade. New, more “humane” ways of killing have developed. The primary method of execution in every state is lethal injection. Nebraska is currently out of the drugs that are required for lethal injection, so inmates on death row are essentially serving a life sentence anyway. These drugs are also terribly expensive. The state spent $54,400 on obtaining them just days before the vote to repeal the death penalty. There is also the slight hitch that importing these drugs is illegal. Since the advent of in the United States,

17 people that were on death row have been exonerated due to genetic testing . That’s 17 lives that would have been taken if the system had run its course before genetic testing found them innocent. One can only imagine how many innocent people have lost their lives because they were sentenced to die for a crime they did not commit. One common argument for the death penalty is that we must obtain justice for the victims. This hearkens back to the days of the first legal frameworks of an eye for an eye from Hammurabi’s Code. This is an outdated approach that does not have a place in our modern society. Life without parole is an incredibly harsh punishment that fits the crime. The person who commits the crime is left to reflect for the rest of their life on what they did and how it has ruined lives, including their own. This also possibly gives them a chance to find some remorse for their actions. This goes hand in hand with defeating the argument that the death penalty somehow makes society safer. Whether you kill someone or lock them up forever, they are removed from society and cannot be a danger. The American prison is much more secure than other countries and the chance of a prisoner escaping is extremely low. The escape of two murderers from a New York prison was so newsworthy because it is so incredibly rare. Another favorite argument of death penalty advocates is the argument of deterrence.

The logic of deterrence goes like this; if potential criminals know that they can be executed for their potential crimes, they will be less likely to commit them. This sounds great until you find out that it’s not actually accurate. Due to factors ranging from people committing crimes of passion, in which they do not weight potential consequences of their actions, to criminals being more preoccupied with not getting caught than their punishment, a multitude of studies have found that the presence of the death penalty does not deter crime whatsoever. No one disputes that violent criminals ought to be punished. However, how we do it should matter to everyone. We have come far enough as a society that we can safely incarcerate criminals, even exceptionally violent ones, and it even makes economic sense to do so. No matter how you feel about the Presidential or Congressional candidates, there is an issue that really matters on the ballot this November. Get to your polling place and vote to retain LB 268. Confirm that all human life, no matter what it has done, is sacred. It could possibly be the most meaningful civic duty you undertake for years. GREG TRACEY IS A FRESHMAN GLOBAL STUDIES MAJOR. REACH HIM AT OPINION@DAILYNEBRASKAN. COM OR VIA @DNOPINION

TWIN PEAKS: FROM PAGE 8 Chicago like compared to the scenes you’ve been exposed on tour? CLJ: I think music in Chicago, and in the Midwest in general, has an earnest feel to it. It’s not super beachy or anything. It’s got its own character, and I feel like a lot of bands from the Midwest have a very honest vibe about them, heartfelt. There’s a lot of people to be connected to. Chicago’s got it all. DN: Who were your influences in the start, and how have they changed as time progressed? CLJ: I think early on a lot of the influences were just the need and the want to play shows that have higher energy, like the Black Lips. Once we had our feet in the water, our songwriting was going a lot of different ways. It

was kind of about breaking out of the goal to make garage music to play in a basement, but we still have influence from bands with a kind of reckless nature. DN: Do you see yourselves influencing other bands and people? CLJ: It’s cool having kids who are starting bands, like fans of our shows. That’s an awesome feeling. It’s so cool that we can spread that to people. DN: What is the most encouraging thing someone has said to you after a show, or just in general? Something that really makes you want to keep doing what you’re doing? CLJ: I’d love to come up with a good answer

to that, some worthy, awesome moment. In general there’s so many people expressing love and joy for it, and that’s what music is about. It’s just a collection of all that happening, inspiring and encouraging. We’re making differences for people, so I wouldn’t really want to single one out. Each one is sweet, and we don’t want to take it for granted.

CLJ: We’re excited to play; it’s gonna be a fun set. We’re looking forward to seeing Real Estate, and just hanging in Lincoln. We played in Lincoln a long time ago on our first tour and since then, we’ve been in Omaha, so it’ll be cool to hang out in Lincoln and do regular s*** in a new place. It’s all fresh.

DN: After the success of “Down in Heaven” and the constant touring, what is next for the band?


CLJ: More touring. Making music. Recording. Figuring out how to put it out. We’re staying on the road and keeping the wheels rolling. DN: What are you looking forward to at Lincoln Calling?



NU softball player becomes homecoming royalty Aaron Hegarty dn staff writer

The student body voted from the list of finalists Thursday, and Sjulin learned she won at the same time as everyone in Memorial Stadium. Sjulin has made the Nebraska Scholar-Athlete Honor Roll six times;every semester she’s been at the university. The 2016 homecoming queen was also named an Academic All-Big Ten honoree and a Big Ten Distinguished Scholar twice. She is a biology major with minors in

Husker softball outfielder Lotte Sjulin wore grass stains and dirt on her uniform Sunday afternoon at Bowlin Stadium. A day earlier, she was crowned homecoming queen in front of 90,374 people at halftime of the football game. Sjulin is the first homecoming queen on Nebraska softball coach Rhonda Revelle’s roster in her 25 years at the helm. “I said to her ‘Just think 24 hours ago, you were dressed up as the homecoming queen, and now you’re a dirty mess,” Revelle recalled telling her at the doubleheader against South Dakota. By definition she is a student-athlete, but Saturday was the culmination of Sjulin’s achievements beyond the field and classroom. “You’re not going to find a harder worker,” Revelle said. “She’s done everything in her ability to maximize the skills that she has, and no one is going to outwork her.” “She’s throwing her body around all over the place and diving for the ball. If she has to miss some practice time because of a lab, she’s going to make it up plus some on her own.” Chants of “Lotte” rang in the background Saturday as Sjulin’s hard work was recognized. emily mcminn | dn “It was just really surreal,” Sjulin said. “Almost like an outbusiness, biochemistry and gerontology. of-body experience.” On top of academic honors, Sjulin has re“It started with my teammates, and then I ceived awards recognizing her leadership and guess all the athletes started coming in,” she said. “I got goose bumps, and could barely community involvement. “She’s done it all. She’s absolutely done it even smile because I just wanted to laugh and all,” Revelle said. “She has a great energy for go hug everybody.” The process began in March when about life. It doesn’t matter what she’s doing. She’s 200 applicants for queen turned in résumés, a doing it to the fullest.” Sjulin is one of three captains on the softball letter of recommendation and a response to team this year, and received the Nebraska Stuan essay question. This group was narrowed down to 20 who were interviewed. In July, 10 dent-Athlete HERO Leadership Award in 2015. Revelle said Sjulin and fellow senior captain finalists were announced. MJ Knighten have played a major role in the

development of younger players on the team. “Not only with stuff on the field and at practice, but also things off the field and academics,” Revelle said. “She’s tried to take them under her wing and lead the way in every way she can.” Sjulin was named to the Tom Osborne Citizenship Team each of her three years on campus. Every Tuesday, she volunteers for a

program called Reading is Leading at Clinton Elementary in Lincoln. She also volunteers at Legacy Retirement Home, visiting a woman named Flossie, 97, weekly. “I just feel like I get a lot out of it, from her life experiences,” Sjulin said. “It’s kind of cool to have an hour and a half every week where I get to slow down. I don’t have my homework; I don’t have softball or anything when I’m around her. We just talk about life and her experiences.” The Alpha Phi sorority and Mortar Board Honor Society member is also president of

the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. As president, she plans all meetings and oversees 10 subcommittees. All of her activities make for a busy day. Althoughhough every day is different, Sjulin “religiously” eats breakfast at the Lewis Training Table. Most days, breakfast is followed by a class. Then comes bullpen work, where she catches for a pitcher on the team. This is followed by more classes, individual hitting work, team practice in the afternoon and busy evenings. Time management is key. “My freshman year, I was kind of blind-sided by all the work that I was going to have to do,” Sjulin said. “Now I keep everything on my phone,minute-by-minute every day. Even if I have a free 10 minutes, I can knock out an assignment in those 10 minutes, or half an assignment in those 10 minutes instead of just wasting those 10 minutes sitting around and talking.” Revelle said one of the stories that best encapsulates Sjulin was when she visited a Lewis Training Table employee who had cancer. Sjulin was one of the last non-family members to visit him in hospice care, according to Revelle. “She had everything else in the world going on, from school to softball,” Revelle said. “That always stood out for me, about Lotte. It’s about more than just achieving awards. It’s about being a good person too. I think that’s a great testament to the type of person she is.” Sjulin plans to spend an extra semester at UNL, then ideally attend dental school and pursue an orthodontics career. “I really think she can achieve anything,” Revelle said. “Whether it’s in the medical field, or with her family, or with her philanthropy or whatever she chooses to do.” “What does her future not hold?” SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2016 • 13

Coach Miles addresses concerns heading into season

andrew barry | dn Brett Nierengarten SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

With basketball season starting up this week, Nebraska coach Tim Miles met with the media for the first time in the 2016-17 season. Miles’ team finished 16-18 last season, and lost its top two scorers from a season ago, Shavon Shields graduated and Andrew White III transferred to Syracuse. Miles will look to veteran Tai Webster and sophomores Glynn Watson Jr., Michael Jacobson, Ed Morrow Jr. and Jack McVeigh for leadership this season. Nebraska’s team also showcases plenty of newcomers, including transfers Evan Taylor and Anton Gill, in addition to freshman Jeriah Horne, Isaiah Roby and Jordy Tshimanga. Here are some notes from Miles’ presser Wednesday afternoon.

Injury update Both Roby and Gill were not available Monday when the team officially started practice, and both are going to be out for the foreseeable future. Roby, who had been nursing a sore hip for months, had a stress fracture in his pelvic area and Gill had a procedure done on his knee in the offseason. Miles said Gill should be ready for the season opener Nov. 13, but Roby will not. However, Miles said Roby has a bright future for when he gets on the floor, because when he was practicing injured, he was one of NU’s better players.

NU’s big man is ready After a late commitment from Tshimanga, Miles said he’s ready to throw his 6-foot-11 center into the game immediately.

“He’s gonna play,” the fifth-year coach said. “I didn’t recruit him to do anything slow. You know, I think when you look at things, one, he wants that challenge, and two, I trust him.” Miles also said the freshman is eager to learn, and has an attitude that craves improvement. Miles added that Tshimanga comes and asks questions all the time, which is important because the Congo native has only been playing basketball for five years. Miles’ biggest concern with Tshimanga is him getting into foul trouble. The freshman will have some help in the front court. Sophomore Michael Jacobson added 19 pounds of muscles in the offseason, and added a lot of power and strength to his game. Also, according to Miles, Ed Morrow has become the most powerful guy on the floor.

Versatile backcourt Miles said he’s not afraid to move around Webster and Watson this season. Webster could be used at the 1, 2 or 3, while Miles sees Watson being able to play both backcourt positions. In addition, Evan Taylor could see time at point guard. “Evan has shown to be a fast player with good defensive instincts,” Miles said. All the unit is thin, Miles is high on all of his guards. “When we put he (Taylor) and Tai (Webster), that’s two long, strong, athletic kids,” he said. When Gill comes back from injury, he will also be thrown into the guard mix, and freshman Roby and Horne will both play at wing spots. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


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14 • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2016



Nebraska uses bye week for well deserved R&R

amber baesler | dn Michael Dixon dn senior writer

It’s a bye week. You can take it easy. But that doesn’t mean Nebraska will, and after practicing for a while Wednesday afternoon, select players and coaches met with the media for a bit. Here are some notes.

Trying to get (and stay) healthy After injuries to both Jordan Westerkamp and Cethan Carter, Nebraska’s lone bye week of 2016 comes at just the right time; both likely won’t be available for NU’s trip to Indiana, but it’s always better to miss one game than multiple. Still, this week is important as any for ensuring the longevity of players throughout the final seven weeks of the regular season. “I think we’ve got to rep some more guys and get some guys in different positions,” offensive coordinator Danny Langsdorf said. “The bye came at a good time.” However, that also requires certain players

who haven’t been getting as many chances to step up and perform. “I think (tight end) Sam Cotton has to take a little bit of a different role,” Langsdorf said. “And with the receiving crew and the guys who are playing some different positions that they haven’t played as much, we have to make sure they are up to speed and ready to go.” As a homegrown senior, Cotton hasn’t seen many opportunities offensively in his four years of eligibility. But he does have a catch in each of the last two games, and slots into the rotation with the injury of Carter. “I’ve talked about that next man mentality,” Cotton said. “Obviously, (Cethan Carter) had a huge part in our passing game. So me, Trey (Foster) and Tyler (Hoppes) have to be ready.”

Building on success in last week’s fourth quarter

It wasn’t just Terrell Newby – it seemed as though every player on the field struggled through the first three quarters in Saturday’s win against Illinois. But Newby and the Huskers completely

turned things around in the fourth, running for 113 yards and two touchdowns, including the 63-yard, game-sealing scamper late in the game. “(Saturday) was great,” Newby said. “As a team, we want to finish well. And Coach (Mike) Riley always talks about playing three hours and twenty-seven minutes, no matter what. We’re going to fight all the way to the end.” Now, both Newby and his teammates hope to use the bye week to get situated for an outburst in the second half of the year. “Like Coach Langsford says: ‘There are lots of things we wouldn’t accept in a loss, and we can’t accept those in a win,” Newby said. “There are a lot of things we have to work on, and we want to hit on those during this bye week.”

What goes on for these guys on a bye-week Saturday?

Just as it’s a Saturday with no Nebraska football for a fan, it’s a Saturday with no Nebraska football for the players and coaches, too. Of course, it’s a much-deserved day off for

the players, but not necessarily for the coaches. “I’ll be on the road (recruiting),” Langsdorf said, quite simply. “I’ll spend a majority of the time with the quarterback, and then I’ll look at some top guys by position, whether it’s going to evaluate a kid or making sure we’re staying on a guy we really want.” The same goes for defensive coordinator Mark Banker, who also has a reward waiting for him when he gets back from the road Saturday evening. “I try not to consume myself with football, because we get so much,” Banker said. “But my wife just came up to me a little bit ago, and it was to put the hook in me and make sure I get back on time on Saturday because she scored some Keith Urban tickets. So I’ll probably go see Keith Urban.” The players, however, finally get a full Saturday to themselves. “I’m going to be watching a lot of football,” Newby said, with a laugh. SPORTS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

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Crossword Across   1 Disgraced  Armstrong   6 Energize,  informally 11 Movie org. that  created a top100 list from  which all of this  puzzle’s quotes  come 14 Item in a  squirrel’s hoard 15 Duct outflow 16 One may play  something by  this 17 Memorable movie line spoken by … Jack Nicholson 19 Boarding  house?: Abbr. 20 Tito of Latin jazz 21 Ulster, e.g. 22 … Haley Joel Osment 26 Hand-held  organizer, briefly 27 Aromatherapist’s  supply 28 Target

31 Flawed, as  mdse. 34 Bern’s river 37 … Renée Zellweger 40 … Marlon Brando 41 Digital  communication,  for short? 42 Conjure up 43 Many Sylvester  Stallone  characters 44 Singer DiFranco 45 Capp and Kaline 46 … Greta Garbo 55 Cuckoo 56 Cheesy treats 57 Snap, Crackle or  Pop 58 … Debra Winger (heard but not seen) 63 2001 Will Smith  biopic 64 Nautical hazard 65 Victors’ shout 66 Kinsey topic 67 Adorable one 68 Many a deli  offering
























Down   1 “Well,  ___-di-dah!”   2 Star pitcher   3 Hammerfest’s  locale: Abbr.   4 Often-filled  breakfast food   5 Come next   6 Do penance   7 Maestro Zubin   8 Like French  doors   9 Mantel piece 10 “Gangnam  Style” rapper 11 There was  always a point  to what he  wrote 12 Like some  attractions 13 Steamed 18 President  Bartlet of “The  West Wing” 21 Mustard, for  one: Abbr. 22 Mad magazine’s  Usual Gang of  ___ 23 Barber who  composed  “Adagio for  Strings” 24 Some laureates 25 Pizza slice, often 26 ___ visit   (drops in) 29 Calder Cup rink  org. 30 What “America’s  Got,” on NBC 31 Texter’s “As I  see it …” 32 Stink 33 Martha a k a  the Big Mouth 34 Rocker Gregg  who married  Cher


Edited by Will Shortz 1









No. 0410 9












20 22



















40 41



44 46






















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35 Alternative form  of a gene 36 Dappled horses 38 Shipboard crane 39 Shoebox letters 44 Tiny soldier 46 Gray matter  output 47 2008 Pixar  robot 48 Tack on

49 Baked, so to  speak 50 Religion  founded in  Persia 51 Where to learn  anglais 52 Philip of   “Kung Fu” 53 Bygone theater  chain

54 Milo of “The  Verdict” 58 Key to the left  of F1 59 Ascension Day,  e.g.: Abbr. 60 Avian pal of  Eeyore 61 Extinct flightless  bird 62 The ___  [fittingly]

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james wooldridge | dn

james wooldridge | dn Photos from Lincoln Calling 2015.

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