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the truck stops here


New Asian fusion food truck hits campus, hopes to inspire more truck-style food in the Star City PAGE 5

Students must return to quarters as UNL’s pay-by-phone parking option ends prematurely, unexpectedly PAGE 3

wednesday, september 14, 2011

volume 111, issue 018


NU Athletics to consider pulling TransCanada football ad Ian sacks, riley johnson and daniel holtmeyer daily nebraskan

For the past two Saturdays, Sept. 3 and Sept. 10, a TransCanada video advertisement has filled the mammoth HuskerVision screen in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Memorial Stadium. The ad, contracted to run throughout the season, associates the international

energy company with the national championship-winning 1995 Cornhusker team. After discussion between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln athletic department and its media partner, IMG College, the ad may not see Memorial Stadium again. NU’s athletic department is currently undergoing talks with IMG College, a national ad agency, about the possibility of reaching a settlement to end its contract with TransCanada,

according to Athletic Director Tom Osborne. IMG College has been the NU athletic department’s representative for media rights since the two entered a $112.5 million partnership in July 2008. Still, talks are only just beginning, and the parties are yet to come to a decision. “All I know is that we have at least explored the possibility,” Osborne said. “There is a contract. There would have to be some type of settlement

reached if it were to be pulled.” Discussion is so initial at this point that when called Tuesday afternoon, TransCanada Nebraska spokesman Jeff Rauh said he was unaware of the issue. “It’s speculative. We’re waiting until we hear from the university,” Rauh said after receiving confirmation Tuesday evening. “(TransCanada) has been a part of Nebraska since the 1980s. We look forward to being a part of the state of

Nebraska for years and years to come.” Increasing political controversy surrounding TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline may be behind the decision to re-evaluate the advertisements. The pipeline would run over areas of Nebraska including the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s largest underground water system, according to U.S. Water News. The aquifer also provides about 30 percent of U.S. irrigation water, according to

the United States U.S. Geological Survey and supplies drinking water to residents of South Dakota,


transcanada: see page 2

Supreme Court justice to speak at College of Law Maren Westra Daily nebraskan

Ruilong Gao (left) and Xiang Cong pay for fresh produce in the Haymarket on Saturday. The University students were exploring the diverse selection of natural foods at the Farmer’s Market for the first time this year.

bills of


Organic foods perk students’ interest, burn holeS in pockets

s to ry b y ta m m y b a i n photos by jon augustine

From left to right, Meng Gao, Shuai Zhao, Ruilong Gao and Xiang Cong learn how to prepare their newly purchased corn.

hen asked if she lives organically, Chelsea Liu, senior finance and accounting major, shook her head, no. When asked if she would if it were cheaper, the young woman’s eyes lit up as she eagerly nodded. Liu, among other students, have been left wondering why it’s not cheaper to live organically. Both local and chain grocery stores show that organic living comes with a

“Sometimes I go to farmers’ market and feel less guilty.” However, she added, “I’ll go to farmers’ market, and easily spend $50.” Garvue has one haven, which has cheaper organic goods but isn’t so conveniently located. “I’ll try to go to Trader Joe’s, but it’s way across town, so I (also) go to Russ’,” Garvue said. Despite a tight budget, Garvue makes an exception.


price, often too hefty for a broke, college student. Junior history major Daniela Garvue, is no stranger to this. “I’m ashamed to admit it, but if it saves money, I’ll just go with (what’s cheaper),” she said. Garvue is environmentally conscious, but on a college budget, has to pick and choose what to be conscious about. “Organic isn’t a buzzword for me,” she said.

“Cage-free eggs are the one thing I put my foot down on,” she said, speaking of the farming method where chickens are freeroaming as opposed to breeding from cages. “The first time I saw it, it was just a news special,” she said about the cagefree issue. “Then I saw a documentary about it and I couldn’t get the image

organic: see page 2

On Thursday, Sept. 15, the University of Nebraska College of Law will host a Supreme Court justice for the fourth time in 15 years. Justice Clarence Thomas, 63, will present a lecture at noon on Thursday in Hamann Auditorium in the College of Law. Molly Brummond, director of communications and alumni relations for the college, has assisted in the preparation for Thomas’ visit, which is made possible by the Roman L. Hruska Institute for the Administration of Justice. The Hruska Institute was founded in 1995 and has coordinated on-campus visits by influential legal figures since that time. The organization is the partnership of three cooperating agencies: the College of Law, the Nebraska State Bar Foundation and the Federal Bar Association. The Hruska Institute has organized the speech as a free event also open for the public, and Brummond said she believes that this is a powerful learning experience. “When I was a student at the college, I was fortunate to get to attend a lecture given by Sandra Day O’Connor,” Brummond said. “Being able to listen to any U.S. Supreme Court justice is an incredible opportunity for anyone.” In addition to Thomas’ public lecture, he will also be lecturing in classes in the College of Law during his visit and will be meeting with small groups of students for discussion. He has decided that instead of giving a traditional lecture for the main event, he will participate in a public discussion about the U.S. Constitution with the

courtesy photo

college’s three constitutional law professors. “This format will make that opportunity even more interesting for law students,” Brummond said of this change. “It will provide the unique opportunity to hear Justice Thomas talk about important opinions that he wrote or played an important role in writing.” One of the professors who will be included in Thursday’s dialogue is Richard Duncan, a Cornell Law School graduate and a former New York City lawyer. Duncan said that in his three years as a student at Cornell, he never had the opportunity to attend a speech given by a Supreme Court justice. “It’s a rare treat for our students,” he said. The other two professors who will be participating are Josephine Potuto and Eric Berger. Thomas was elected to the Supreme Court in October of 1991 after fighting allegations of sexual misconduct from a former employee, Anita Hill. Appointed as Thurgood Marshall’s replacement on the court, Thomas was nominated by former President

thomas: see page 2

Competition helps UNL consider energy-saving options elias youngquist daily nebraskan

Green is all the rage this year. Green lights, green windows, green heating and anything green in between is flourishing across the nation in a rush to become more energy efficient. Last year, the University of North Carolina

Lazaro page 4

at Chapel Hill’s Morrison Residence Hall won the Environmental Protection Agency’s Battle of the Buildings award. While the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has yet to receive as public an award as UNC’s, it is no exception in the push for energy conservation. Since 2009, when UNC first started its energy program,

the college has saved $10 million and cut 24 percent, on average, across campus in energy usage. To measure those numbers, it takes expensive equipment, which UNL doesn’t have. So UNL doesn’t have the same numbers available. “It is something that we are going to do, but we haven’t compiled it yet,” said Glen

off campus page 5

Schumann, associate director of Facilities Operations for UNL Housing. “There are some places that are spending money to look at a building’s energy day by day and month by month, but we feel that isn’t the way students are wanting us to spend their money.” Of the four areas UNC focused on to get Morrison

Residence Hall onto the victor’s podium, one was optimizing its touch-screen energy dashboard located in the lobby which updated residents on energy usage floor by floor. “We had an energy dashboard system already, but we updated it and tied it into an occupation and energy awareness program,” said

Football page 10

energy: see page 3

Weather | rainy

Don’t mess with the army

Getting graphic

Creating his own hype

Rapper Soulja Boy’s lyrics insulting, offensive to Troops

unl alums open up design firm, look for customer ideas

Abdullah Proving his worth on offense, special teams

@dailyneb |

Chris Martin, the director of University of North Carolina Energy Management. UNC also worked on optimizing the roof’s hot water solar panel system, worked on lighting opportunities and improved the university’s



wednesday, september 14, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Perlman, Faculty Senate talk enrollment, 120-hour majors

Haley Whisennand daily nebraskan

The meeting opened with the bang of a gavel. Rows of tables were set, all facing the center where a modest podium stood. The first Faculty Senate meeting of the 2011-2012 academic year began with Chancellor Harvey Perlman addressing some of the newest information pertaining to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Focusing on that which he addressed in his State of the University address, Perlman began with the university’s new dedication to increasing its enrollment numbers. “Growth (is) essential to transforming the university into a Big Ten university,” he said. He continued to clarify that the university’s aim for larger numbers is one that will be taken on gradually to ensure there is some crowd control. The Faculty Senate members were challenged to embrace the growth as a challenge to them professionally. “The thing that attracts students the most is being able to speak with faculty (during their visits),” Perlman said. Other issues were addressed by the chancellor, including how to improve the university’s retention rates. These rates, which measure the percentage of students who return to the

university for another year, led executives to examine how to best identify what they call “atrisk students.” These students are those most likely to drop out of college, whether that is due to family issues, academic difficulties or something completely unrelated. Perlman expressed that, though it cannot always be trusted, a simple correlation suggests that students who are struggling in classes their freshman year show signs of being at-risk students. To confront this issue, it was suggested that more faculty members consider midterms in their freshman classes, as they gauge a student’s academic performance halfway through the semester, as opposed to a final which is too late. Jody Isernhagen, associate professor of educational administration, presented the committee’s numbers. She stated in the May 2011 commencement, a record number of degrees had been presented. This record topped the previous — which had been set in May 2010 — by 174. Perlman also mentioned that new technology may provide a unique perspective. Starfish Retention Solutions, a new program which would work in partnership with

Blackboard and other university programs, provides faculty and advisers with the ability to track a student’s academics, schedule appointments through the program’s interface and even conduct assessments. The program would allow advisers to see real-time snapshots of a student’s academics, as well as opening another, more easily accessible form of virtual communication. However, many were eager to hear Perlman’s further explanation concerning the newly approved 120-hour degree program. Perlman said that requiring only 120 hours to graduate was not a bad thing for the university. In fact, the largest pressure would be put upon the faculty, who must decide what classes should be required for each major within the 120-hour framework. Administration saw the lower requirement as an opportunity to raise retention rates as well as ensure that students are able to receive a degree without attending school for an excessive period of time. “Most of the things that (students) will be doing 10 years from now probably haven’t been invented yet anyway,” Perlman said. haleywhisennand@

RHA approves funds for Abel carnival, begin budget plans Elias Youngquist Daily Nebraskan

Despite a miscommunication on location, senators, representatives, advisers and students filed into the Nebraska Union Ballroom ready to begin the second Residence Hall Association meeting of the year. The room ballooned with chatter prior to the meeting until it was swiftly popped by the banging of the gavel and the start of the meeting. While most committees are still in the brainstorming process, some have already gotten into the swing of things and have started planning and budgeting. The bid committee is starting to plan a potential national conference in order to put a bid in for the National RHA conference. If they win the bid, residence hall associations from across the nation will gather in Lincoln for the

conference. This year’s new events planning committee is also busy at work and has formed its first event for the new semester. On Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. there will be a duct tape creations night at the Village Clubhouse. “It’s a chance to come and create wallets and be creative, plus the winner gets a prize,” said events committee chair Annie Hildebrand. “Prizes include Red Mango money, RHA mugs and duct tape for future creations.” Treasurer Ryan King brought forward the majority of the finalized funding for the first semester, more than $27,000. In the upcoming week, residence halls will be finalizing their budgets as well. One of the events and groups that RHA funding goes toward was also brought forward as the first bill was presented to

RHA. The bill gave $100 to the campus carnival fund for the carnival that will be held Wednesday Sept. 14 in Abel Hall. The money will support the renting of equipment and the cost of transporting the equipment from Omaha. Even though RHA is only two meetings in, it has already received two OTM awards from the National Residence Hall Honorary. “It stands for ‘Of the Month’ and it’s a program set up by NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary) in order to recognize people’s efforts,” said RHA President Kevin Rush. One of the OTM’s went to RHA for the showing of “Yes Man” on the green at the start of the semester. The next RHA meeting will be in the East Campus Union at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20. eliasyoungquist@

organic: from 1 out of my mind.” Garvue finds her cagefree eggs at Russ’s, where, “It’s a crappier brand, but the same price. Eggs are eggs.” Alex Bischoff, a first-year graduate student in music, also sees the difference in prices, but has sided with organic living. “It’s a conscious choice,” Bischoff said. While students like Garvue and Bischoff are setting an example, it still poses the question of why it’s more costly. “When you spray pesticide on something, it gets you more yield,” TJ Tweten, store manager or “captain” at Trader Joe’s, said. “So, when organic farmers don’t use pesticide, you get way less product.” However, Tweten, who sees his “fair share” of students at Joe’s, can also see the trend elevating the price. “A lot of companies take that organic, and put a premium on it,” he said. “The only times we raise our prices is when the costs go up.” However, more producers doesn’t necessarily reduce price. “To be certified organic, a producer has to meet certain standards: soil, crops and certain types of seed. By not using pesticides, they have all sorts of steps they have to take and that often cost a lot more,” Comer said. “Organic farmers do use methods, but they have to be organic methods, organic pesticides and they tend to be a smaller producer,” she added. Bischoff admits he pays more for some of his groceries. “It’s better to shop local, and I like to pay attention to petroleum miles on food,” he said. “It’s easier to network through them,

cops briefs

environmentally conscious, that sort of thing. Go local and all that.” To Sydney Schaaf, a senior mechanical engineering and music major, it’s more about a healthier lifestyle. “I don’t like to sacrifice (for price), especially for grains and fruits,” she said. “I like to watch what I put in my body.” Schaaf finds most solace in a farmers’ market, which she says is, “superreasonably priced.” Students aren’t the only ones setting the organic example. Alex Matzke, a barista at The Coffee House downtown, even gets to sell some of it. “The coffee we sell, Panache, is fair trade,” she said. “Sometimes we get different foods in that are organic, depending on the season if it’s open harvest. For a while we were getting milk from a local farm. It really just depends on how much it costs.” Matzke also said some coffees at The Coffee House are organic just because they happen to be, without the label of it. However, that’s not what’s most important to her. “More important than organic is buying locally and supporting your local economy,” she said. “That way the food doesn’t travel.” While these prospects all break their paychecks for a better lifestyle, others, such as Liu, don’t spend the money on it, but would if it cost less. Comer provides hope to Liu and similar students. “The difference (in organic and non-organic pricing) has become narrower, as there are more growers that get into organic,” she said. “Those issues are slipping away as organic goes more mainstream.” Tammybain@

thomas: from 1 George H.W. Bush for his conservative viewpoints and history with the Republican party. After the U.S. Senate narrowly confirmed Thomas’ nomination, he argued for anti-abortion laws and other conservative stances and also managed to dispel much of the controversy surrounding his appointment to the Supreme Court.

“A lot of people who were opposed to his nomination have come to respect (him),” Duncan said. Thomas does not do interviews, but any individual may attend the dialogue on Thursday and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the event.

the Keystone XL. “It was not the best decision for the athletic department to make,” he said. Still, he said, the discussion regarding the ads “speaks volumes to Mr. Osborne’s leadership, and just the fact that he was willing to listen.” Marisol Saldana, a sophomore textile, clothing and design major, said she didn’t even notice the ad at the Sept. 10 Nebraska vs. Fresno State game. Saldana, a Madison, Neb., native who witnessed the building of the original keystone pipeline, said while she saw potential danger in the pipeline, the ad shouldn’t have to be removed. “It’s an ad,” she said. “I think the pipeline itself might (hurt someone), but not the ad … You can’t please everybody.” Dana Becker, a junior biological systems engineering major, disagreed, applauding the

decision to examine controversy at games. Becker also saw the construction of the original pipeline near her home in Norfolk, Neb. She said her father had difficulty growing crops on portions of his land during construction. “I saw (the ad), and everyone booed it … I couldn’t believe that, when everyone booed,” Becker said. “I don’t think (the ad) was right … We really don’t want that type of atmosphere at the ballgame.” Osborne said he hopes for a resolution by Saturday’s Nebraska vs. Washington game. Until then, he said, there’s no telling. “We have some guidelines,” Osborne said. “But no guidelines regarding pipelines or anything like that.”


transcanada: from 1 Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. Osborne said while the pipeline “wasn’t as much of a political issue” when IMG signed its contract with TransCanada in April, it has become one now. During the last four weeks, several Nebraska politicians have spoken out against the proposal, including Gov. Dave Heineman, who addressed an Aug. 31 letter to President Barack Obama, expressing concerns about the pipeline’s effect on the purity of the aquifer. Activist organizations such as BOLD Nebraska have also identified the pipeline as a key issue. “We want fans to be able to go to the games, and enjoy the games, and not be caught up in things that might be controversial in some way,” Osborne said. “We normally will stay

away from any political issues.” Robin Donovan of the Omaha advertising firm Bozell told the Daily Nebraskan that contract breaches are not uncommon in the advertising field, but they are not the norm either. Many times firms modify contracts with an advertising client rather than cancelling a contract outright, Donovan said. Contract cancellation creates a hole the firm then needs to fill, she said. The financial penalty for breaking a contract or negotiating a contract cancellation varies depending on the demand for the open slot, she said. Donovan likened advertisement contracts to apartment leases. “They don’t mind if you break a lease as much if they can get someone else in,” Donovan said. Larger cancellation costs come when the deal ends

abruptly, she said. With more notice, the client might be more willing to work with the firm to end the contract and the financial costs might be lower, Donovan said. Osborne said he couldn’t recall any similar cases in recent history of the NU athletic department, although in the prior to the partnership with IMG, the department dealt with its sponsors more directly. Still, even among students, there remains debate about the necessity of pulling the ads. Tyson Johnson, a UNL senior political science major and intern at BOLD Nebraska said he was “shocked” when he saw the ad first in the stadium and later on the Big Ten Network. Earlier this semester, Johnson was arrested in Washington, D.C., for taking part in a BOLD Nebraska protest against

frannie sprouls and Courtney Pitts also contributed to this report. news@


Minor in possession of alcohol in Abel Residence Hall On Sept. 8 at 10:39 p.m., University of Nebraska-Lincoln police officers were dispatched to Abel Hall after reports of a narcotics complaint was received. When officers made contact with the occupant of the room, Jihyun Kim, a freshman accounting major, Kim handed over marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Kim was cited with minor in possession of alcohol, marijuana less than an ounce and possession of drug paraphernalia. Student ejected from football game University police were dispatched to Memorial Stadium on Sept. 10 at 6:38 p.m., on reports of a male smoking marijuana at the game, said Charlotte Evans, director of patrol operations for University Police. When officers made contact with Jacques Tallichet, senior Spanish major, he turned over a pipe. Tallichet was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia and was ejected from the game. Student found attempting to conceal beer under his shirt at Memorial Stadium Officers observed a man concealing something under his shirt by an entrance of Memorial Stadium on Sept. 10 at 6:18 p.m. Officers approached Brian Betlej, sophomore criminal justice major, who then removed Busch Light beer from under his shirt. Betlej was cited for minor in possession of alcohol by University Police and then released. Fire in Knoll Residence Center On Sept. 10 at 8:30 p.m., University Police and Lincoln Fire & Rescue were dispatched in reference to a fire alarm being pulled at Knoll Residence Center. Residents of a room in Knoll pulled the alarm when a fire started in a microwave while cooking ramen noodles, said Katie Flood, public information officer for the Lincoln Police Department. The fire was contained to the room. A Jimmy John’s employee’s bike stolen A Jimmy John’s employee called to report his mountain bike had been stolen when delivering food to Sigma Alpha Epsilon on Sunday, Sept. 11. The case is currently active with University Police watching the area so they can retrieve the stolen property. — compiled by camille neemann camilleneemann@


daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Noah Ballard Chance Solem-Pfeifer assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Andrew McClure assistant editor Jeff Packer assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Patrick Breen editor

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

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wednesday, september 14, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

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stephanie goodman | daily nebraskan

UNL’s vendor ends mobile payment option for parking lorena carmona daily nebraskan

Put your phones away and find those coins, the pay-byphone option at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln exists no more. UNL Parking and Transit Services rolled out with a pay-by-phone option in June. It barely lasted three months. “It is very disappointing,” said Dan Carpenter, director of parking and transit services. “The option was convenient and great and now it is gone,” he said. Carpenter said he found out Sept. 9 about 1:30 p.m. that the service would be discontinued by 5 p.m. that day. Carpenter said he called his supervisor and told him that there was a situation. It took everyone by surprise that UNL didn’t have a vendor anymore, he said. “All the things that we were getting away from, we will have to go back to them,” Carpenter said. Cobalt Holdings, the organization behind the RingGo phone parking brand, announced they were closing their North American operations. The service is still available in Europe. The official statement said the shutdown was due to the desire to refocus resources in light of market conditions developing in North America. “I don’t think they gave it enough time,” Carpenter said. RingGo decided to break into the North American market in November 2010. Rollouts started in March, and UNL’s was in June, he said. Carpenter said he believes the company was expecting larger growth. There are other companies

PAY-BY-PHONE PARKING USE In the few months pay by phone was offered at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, usage continued to increase.

June July August

TRANSACTIONS 205 393 601

NEW USERS 71 108 212


$ 88

REPEAT USERS 134 285 398


who provide pay-by-phone options in California, New York and Florida. It just hasn’t caught on in the U.S. like it has in Europe. Carpenter said the pay-byphone loss is only temporarily. “We will try to get another pay-by-phone vendor,” Carpenter said. “It would be nice if we had the city involved, because we share the same border and similar users.” The numbers show there was an increased amount of use at UNL in the three months it was available, according to Carpenter. In June, there were 205 transactions, 71 new users and 134 repeat users. There were 393 transactions in July, 108 new users and 285 repeat users. In August, there were 601 transactions, 212 new users and 398 repeat users, Carpenter said. “I have been contacted by three vendors already,” he said. “We are just trying to figure out how to move forward.” He said most vendors operate the same so the transition once a new vendor is located will be seamless. The cost of ending RingGo has been minimal, Carpenter said. He said parking enforcement officers removed all the

maintain it,” Martin said. “Just like changing a spark plug, we have to change filters and light bulbs.” While UNL Housing has been less vocal in their improvements, they’ve made every effort to make any renovations as green as possible. “Every purchase we make, whether it’s carpet or furniture, we take a look at what we can do to make it green,” said Schumann. This summer, Selleck Quadrangle received new doublepane windows to improve heat retention. Other improvements include replacing old lights with fluorescent bulbs that consume half the energy, purchasing low-flow toilets and shower heads and installing motion sensors for lights in low traffic areas. “We’re taking every opportunity to save energy,” Shumann said. “The desk worker turns off the Abel lobby lights every morning to conserve energy,”

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Tony’s stickers located on the meters during Saturday’s game. Carpenter said Parking and Transit Services are trying to get all the things taken down and communicated to our users. The challenge has been in the parking garages, he said. The 17th and R Street Parking Garage will be the most difficult, and the spaces allocated for the pay-byphone option will be coned off for future use when a new vendor is available, Carpenter said. “We are trying to have the least confusion for our users,” he said. “We apologize because the inconvenience is the larger cost.” For Elizabeth Chu, a sophomore textiles, clothing and design major said the loss of the pay-by-phone option hasn’t affected her. She said she was sure that this will affect students on campus. The option brought convenience of having payment right at the tips of the fingers. “I will just stick to coins,” Chu said. lorenacarmona@

Energy: from 1 heating and cooling system. Of the four, updating the heating and cooling system saved the most energy, contributing to 33 percent of the almost 36 percent that Morrison Residence hall saved. “All four focus areas required a different department from the university,” said Martin. “We flexed the entire muscle of the university, not just one or two.” In total, the renovations and changes cost $35,000 dollars but netted $215,000 in savings for the year. “The payback was measured in weeks instead of years,” said Martin. Since the award, the program has spread to more than 120 buildings across campus with two focuses – spreading to buildings not yet altered by the program and maintaining the buildings already set up. “The initial effort is like planting the grass, and we still have to mow the yard and

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Despite these many efforts to decrease energy consumption, students’ benefits aren’t directly seen. “Here’s the dilemma in today’s world: You put in the energy saving things but then rates rise,” Schumann said. “In a way it’s saving the students because, think what costs would be if you hadn’t put those things in.” For instance, with new heat pumps installed, the university didn’t have to expand its power station. “I don’t know of any of us who don’t believe in saving energy philosophically. Unless you’ve had your head in the sand for the last 20 or 30 years, you know it can’t continue the way it is,” Schumann said. “The majority of people know they need to be responsible consumers, and by saving money through lower consumption, you’re actually saving the planet.” eliasyoungquist@

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wednesday, september 14, 2011


page 4

editorial board members ZACH SMITH


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

our view

NU athletics right to consider pulling ad

Tuesday night, the Daily Nebraskan received word that the University of Nebraska Athletic Department was considering pulling the “Pipeline: Brought to you by TransCanada” ad from Husker football games. Given the proposed pipeline through Nebraska’s Sand Hills, it’s no surprise the ad and its sponsor are controversial. The ad, which features video and commentary of past famous Husker offensive lines — the “pipeline,” if you will — is bookended by the phrase “brought to you by TransCanada,” the company building the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Current plans call for it to run from Alberta, Canada, through Nebraska, Cushing, Okla., and ending at various distribution sites in Texas to serve the Gulf Coast. In a previous staff editorial, the Daily Nebraskan expressed strong concern regarding the ad, which advocates for a position Nebraska’s statewide elected officials — Gov. Dave Heineman, Sen. Ben Nelson and Sen. Mike Johanns — strongly oppose. Heineman recently submitted a letter to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressing his deep reservations about the Keystone XL project. That week, the “Pipeline” ad was roundly booed by the student section. The jeers only got louder in the NebraskaFresno State game this past Saturday. It became clear that, far from the successful advertisement TransCanada must have envisioned in April, when it planned the ad, the “Pipeline” spot had backfired. The Daily Nebraskan reached Athletic Director Tom Osborne on the phone late Wednesday night for comment. He confirmed that the Athletics Department is in discussions about dropping the TransCanada ad. However, the department has reached no final decision, though Osborne says he would hope that a decision is reached before Saturday. Complicating the matter is the contract Nebraska Athletics holds with IMG College for media rights and advertising. As for the original decision to run the advertisement, Osborne noted the ad wasn’t controversial in April, and explained that Nebraska Athletics doesn’t air advertisements for alcohol, tobacco and gambling, and stays away from any politically sensitive issues. The Keystone XL pipeline is now much more controversial, as the final day of authorization nears, than it was in April. Osborne said, “We want fans to be able to go to the game and enjoy the game and not be caught up in things that might be controversial in some way.” The DN could not agree more. Fans ought to be able to enjoy Husker football without being dragged into a political debate. The DN urges Nebraska Athletics and IMG Worldwide to pull the TransCanada advertisement from Husker football games, both for the division it creates between our state’s public institutions, and for the unnecessary political controversy it adds to an otherwise apolitical football game.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

dan buhrdorf | daily Nebraskan

Soulja Boy’s latest lyrics offensive


round this time of year Americans are reminded of the tragedy that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, in New York City, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. This year is even more significant, as Sept. 11, 2011, marks the 10-year anniversary of the day that changed everyone’s lives. With it being this time of year, patriotism is expected, and everyone is a little bit more sensitive to antiAmerican remarks. It’s no wonder people reacted the way they did in response to Soulja Boy’s recent antiAmerican lyrics in his song “Let’s Be Real.” It’s also extremely questionable as to why he would decide to release a song containing these lyrics during Labor Day weekend, just a few days before the anniversary of 9/11. In Soulja Boy’s song he says, “And fuck all the Army troops. Fighting for what? Bitch, be your own man.” Regardless of the meaning behind it, this is an extremely offensive statement. Not agreeing with what’s going on in this country or overseas is fine, but it’s enormously disrespectful to criticize the troops serving abroad in this way. If it wasn’t for people in the military, Soulja Boy might not even have had the freedom to write such insulting lyrics. By his statement, it’s apparent he lacks respect for the sacrifices these men and women make. It’s also ironic that he calls himself “Soulja” Boy — the slang way of saying and spelling “soldier” — yet he says “fuck” soldiers. One soldier, Leo Dunson, a former infantry sergeant and combat veteran, responded with a song dissing Soulja Boy. Dunson, who goes by the rap name Sgt. Dunson, recorded a song called “Change Your Name” with the lyrics, “The kid got rich … his name’s out there … while my soldier’s in a ditch buried out there / While ya’ll don’t even care still supporting this shit / You can’t call yourself soldier if you ain’t been through it.” On the other hand, there has also been some criticism of the

If it wasn’t for people in the military, Soulja Boy might not even have had the freedom to write such insulting lyrics. Gabrielle lazaro people offended by Soulja Boy’s remarks. These soldiers fight for our freedom, which includes freedom of speech – even this type of speech. If you take a step further and look into what Soulja Boy says he “meant” through his remarks, it does make a little bit more sense. Soulja Boy explained in a blog post on “I have watched our country fight two wars that seem like they are never going to end. I have seen thousands and thousands of our brave men and women get killed in battle and often times, I think, for what? A lot of people in this country are struggling to make ends meet and I think a lot about what if we had never gone to war. Where would our economy be? Our schools, our after-school and work programs, our streets? I mean, damn, 48 people got shot in New York City just this past weekend ... in 3 days ... I’m not saying that it is just because of a bad economy, but at a certain point we have to take care of our own people.” Some could agree with the U.S. needing to focus more on its own people instead of other countries. Perhaps if Soulja Boy had expressed his concerns with soldiers being killed overseas and the problems we face in our own country, instead of writing “fuck the army” he wouldn’t have received such backlash. He may have even been applauded. More of Soulja Boy’s apology, released on Tuesday, included, “As an artist I let my words get the best of me. Sometimes there are things that we feel, things that we want to express, and when we put them on

paper and speak them out loud, they can come out wrong,” Soulja Boy went on to say “When I expressed my frustration with the U.S. Army, not only did my words come out wrong, I was wrong to even speak them. So, I write this to give my sincerest apology to all members of the United States military services, as well as their families that were offended by my most recent lyrics.” Although his apology sounds heartfelt, it’s hard to tell if it’s truly sincere, or just something he did because he realized the repercussions and didn’t want to lose a large amount of fans. Soulja Boy also offered to play free shows for the military and insisted this song would not be on his new album “Respect My Hustle.” Regardless, Soulja Boy may have dug himself into a hole he can’t get out of. Nearly 7,000 people have signed a petition on boycotting Soulja Boy’s merchandise. According to Army and Air Force Exchange Service spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Schrader, it’s very unlikely military bases will sell his CDs and ever take him up on his offer to play free shows. In addition, a post has spread across Facebook backing the military, informing people of Soulja Boy’s remarks and urging people to repost. What Soulja Boy said is tremendously offensive and could have been worded much better. But with freedom comes freedom of speech. Nevertheless, Soulja Boy probably should have bit his tongue when he said “fuck the army.”

gabrielle lazaro is a junior news editorial major. reach her at opinion@

Low-cost student shopping surprisingly possible


f there’s one thing I know, it’s that I can never do as much shopping as I’d like. Whether it’s groceries, clothes or magazines, it seems like there’s always something new I want to have. Unfortunately, with the economy the way it is and my current status as a college senior, I don’t have much money to spend. And what I do have, I either budget really carefully or save – just in case. So as a student on a budget, I’m always trying to figure out the best places to shop. Saving money is important, especially when those fall tuition bills come around. One way to save money is to be a better shopper. So, before doing my usual weekly grocery shopping, I decided to do a little research. Which store really is the best place to save money? Is it WalMart, like the corporate giant would want you to believe, or is it some other company? According to business professors, there are five basic strategies a business can use to keep its customers. One of these strategies is a low-cost approach. This is the strategy that Wal-Mart has used for years. Basically, it amounts to nothing more than

charging the lowest prices for almost every product offered. If the store’s costs to purchase these products are less than what the customer will pay, and they get more customers than rivals do to pay this price, then the company will make money. However, I don’t know if it’s true to say that Wal-Mart’s prices are always lower. It seems like the only items that do consistently cost less are items that customers, like students, usually buy and will notice. These include milk, bread and gasoline. The rest doesn’t seem to cost less at all. A few other things I’ve noticed when it comes to shopping for groceries: All the healthy basics are kept on the perimeter of the store, milk and bread are kept at the back of the store, and the most tempting candy is kept at the register. I do understand their motives for these placements. Stores like Wal-Mart know their customers. They know if they can get you to walk all the way to the back of the store for milk or bread, for example, you’ll most likely run across something else that you think you need to buy on the way there. They also

stacey bristol know that purchases like candy are something you won’t have on your list but might be tempted to buy as an impulse purchase when you’re almost ready to leave the store. These things make it seem like Wal-Mart knows how a student shops better than we do ourselves. One way to save money then, is to know in advance what products you need and where you can find those products for the best prices. The economic climate has made savings like these important to all customers. One thing is certain, with the recent financial crisis, many stores have either lowered their prices or offered better sales than they ever have before. I know there have been many times recently where

I’ve been able to get a great pair of Gap jeans for $10 or less, for example, which is something I definitely do not remember doing a few years ago. Great sales like this aren’t really something that Wal-Mart has ever offered. Instead they try to gain more customers by emphasizing the fact that they always offer low prices and are a onestop shop – all about convenience. This idea competes with stores like Target and even Dollar General, which has recently been gaining customers with its own low prices. After researching and visiting the stores themselves, I discovered what I think are general rules for low prices. First, if you need food or pharmacy aisle items, Dollar General usually has the lowest prices. For everything else, Target and Wal-Mart are fairly evenly matched. One good way to save more at Target is to take advantage of their temporary sales. These sales will make your overall Target bill as much as 3 percent lower than Wal-Mart’s. One other idea to save money is to use coupons. Whether looking in your local Sunday newspaper or in sites like www., coupons are available for almost anything you can think of. The trick then is to first write down a list of things that you need, then see if there are coupons for any of those items. If so, use them. If not, don’t. Or, if you don’t want to carry a lot of coupons around, only use the ones that are worth $0.50 or more. The options for saving money as a college student are endless, it just takes a little thought and creativity. First, know how much you can spend. Second, make a list of things you want and things you need. Whether groceries or clothes, you can still make a list of things that you want, as well. This will give you something to save for, if you want to pay cash. Or, you can wait to buy it at a great sale, like the one I found at the Gap. Either way, you’re saving money and shopping for the things that you really want to have. Both of these things are always a good thing, whether you’re a college senior like me, or not.

Stacey Bristol is a senior finance major and program assistant at the Student Money Management Center. Reach her at staceybristol@


l The Truck StopsHere DAILY NEBRASKAN

tudent ife

Worship group lives, breathes ‘Xtreme’ faith Jacy Marmaduke

wednesday, september 14, 2011

pagE 5

Asian fusion food truck offers cheap late-night meals, plans to bring food truck culture to Lincoln

Story by Jacy Marmaduke | Photo by Noah Smith

Daily Nebraskan

In the basement of the University Lutheran Chapel, 11 people don’t need stained glass windows or velvet pews. This is a place where the pages of the Bibles in their laps lay flat and singing sounds better when your eyes are closed. They come here every Thursday night to worship as the light of the day above them fades. They call themselves Xtreme Devotion, and they believe the Holy Spirit is with them tonight. Xtreme Devotion is a 14-year-old nondenominational Christian worship group that preaches, above all else, love. “If you don’t realize that God loves you, you can’t love yourself and you can’t love other people,” said junior Sheila McKay, a family science major and president of the group. Their goal is to help others realize that love. Emphasizing the presence of the Holy Spirit in day-to-day life, they go on “treasure hunts” twice a month, searching for people who look in need of love, in need of food, in need of prayer. They take hot coffee and sack lunches in a van from People’s City Mission homeless shelter, wandering the town in search of people who fit the visual “clues” that they received in prayer beforehand. They saw a man with a brace on his knee who swore he could feel the warmth passing over the joint after they prayed for healing. They saw a woman, nondescript but heartbroken, who began to weep in the middle of the Target store they’d staked out. They saw more homeless people — near-desperate and stricken with hunger — than

xtreme: see page 7

Minh Nguyen takes an order at the Heoya Korean barbecue food truck on Monday night on S Street, east of the Nebraska Union. The truck makes nightly stops at varying locations across Lincoln and the UNL campus.


n a 12’ by 8’ white truck, a new University of Nebraska— Lincoln institution was born. The Heoya food truck towers over the curb like a champion. Equipped with one cook top, one boiler, one toaster and one 48-inch prep table, Minh Nguyen and the rest of his three-person team are ready to feed the growing clientele of the city’s premiere mobile eatery, which opened last month. But the customers will have to find them first. The Asian fusion food truck moves throughout the day, parking for a two-hour lunch rush and reappearing

hours later in a new spot for dinner. It can be spotted on campus around 8 p.m. until as late as 3 a.m. on weekends, usually near 16th and S streets, but Nguyen likes to mix it up. But why not just stay in one place? “Then it would be a restaurant,” Nguyen said. “We like the fun and the excitement of it. Our motto is to not really advertise, to go more the viral way through the Internet and word of mouth. That’s where this century is headed.” Heoya serves a variety of Asian food, ranging from Vietnamese hoagies to Korean barbecue tacos. “I’m Vietnamese, my business

partner is Chinese and my wife has always cooked a lot of Korean food,” Nguyen said. “That’s why we did a fusion truck. We think all the cuisines have something to offer.” There are fewer than 20 items on the menu — including drinks — and most entrees are less than $5. Nguyen said the prices are low because operating costs are low – the daily cost of running the generator for the truck, buying and preparing food and feeding the occasional parking meter still rolls in at about a fifth of what a restaurant would pay. Nguyen, his wife Linda and his business partner Yao Hau began

Recent alumni manage blossoming design business Kelsey Haugen Daily Nebraskan

The logo and phrases will soon be everywhere. “Show me your Bo face” and “Bo is my bro,” read two of Uprise Design’s Husker football shirts. These clever phrases are a new and exciting way for fans to display their Husker spirit. Uprise Design is a design, screen printing and marketing company aspiring to be the next Hurley or Famous. It was created by three of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s own: Kyle Jensen and Kyle Faucheux, graduates of 2010, and Alex James, graduate of 2008, all graduates of the graphic design program. “It was a group effort,” Jensen said. “We got out of college and none of us were happy with where we were at.” The three started planning in October 2010. Jensen wanted to open in January 2011 for the beginning of second semester at UNL, which no one thought possible, but

they reached his goal. Uprise Design was open for business on Jan. 10, 2011. From there, “everything really fell into place,” Jensen said. The guys began cranking out designs for shirts, and soon they created guys’, girls’, Husker and greek shirts. Jensen wanted to have a line for sororities and fraternities because he was a Delta Tau Delta at UNL. The creative designs quickly began selling to sororities, fraternities, high schools, Husker fans and everyone in between. Customers can enjoy Uprise Design’s look – from their original designs to their soft and water-based ink shirts. “We create every design from scratch; we don’t use clip art,” Jensen said. Faucheux creates most of the designs, though Jensen and James also design and give creative input. “He really has a gift for graphic design,” Jensen said of Faucheux. Faucheux makes designs with a purpose, rather than

tossing around the idea of a food truck a few months ago. The trucks are mainstays in other big cities – Nguyen said Los Angeles alone hosts 3,400. Putting Hau’s experience in restaurant management to use, the three decided to try out the business model in Lincoln. “There’s negative connotations to a food truck,” Nguyen said. “People think they’re dirty and greasy, but we’re far from it. We clean three, four times a day. Our food is fresh.”

food truck: see page 7

Bloody Mary memories finalize 21st HORIZONTAL I.D. NEBRASKA

Nate Ruleaux

bob al-greene | daily nebraskan

creating meaningless art. “We like to have some sort of message to get across, along with a cool design,” Faucheux said. These “messages” are often images or phrases pertaining to a meaningful place, person, or event. Uprise has designed shirts modeled after

the Battle of Hiroshima, the Empire State Building and the Wright brothers. They want to have a clothing line with these types of shirts entitled “Revolution,” as well

alum design: see page 6

Katie and I sat in Mazatlan Mexican restaurant waiting for our burritos and eating chips. I sipped on a Dos Equis and wished I’d gotten water. My arm was still filled with bugs, and I kept feeling like I was going to shit my pants. The next morning I woke up at nine and headed to my parent’s house. My mom, dad and I drove out to the Horseshoe Casino for my first real gambling experience. I felt bad in the passenger seat, but my mother insisted. Felt bad with a mild hangover, felt

bad for buying cigarettes at the gas station we stopped at for soda, felt bad for being a pukey mess last night and telling my girlfriend off for abandoning me at the Slap The Sack apartment just because she got asked by a friend of ours for a ride from the hospital. I had to admit that I’d done it before. I gambled at an Indian casino in Southern California almost a year ago to the day, but that time I only had $20 (all of which I lost in one machine in the first five minutes), and this

ruleaux: see page 6


wednesday, september 14, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Carson school ready to begin second three-year film project Katie Nelson Daily Nebraskan

Three years, more than 150 students, faculty and professionals and multiple film festivals. And not a single award to show for it. The Johnny Carson School of Film and Theatre is the first school in the nation to attempt one of most time-consuming and costliest projects for its students: film production. Each project takes three years, with the first year spent in pre-production, the second spent filming, and the third year used for editing. Students are primarily responsible for all aspects of film creation, ranging from writing the script to designing sets and costumes to filming and editing. The project included other colleges on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, including the School of Music, the Department of Art and Art History and the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET) took part as well. These organizations worked on other aspects of the film, such as composing the score, advertisements and the final editing process. Students involved in the film production take classes that teach needed skills for the filmmaking process and apply them directly to the short film process. For the past three years, students, faculty and professionals spent countless hours on the production of “Vipers in the Grass,” a drama about a small town’s dark secrets forced to unravel when a local girl goes missing. As part of the learning process, students are given the chance not only to work with faculty, but also with professionals in the field. Numerous professionals in the film industry volunteered their time and ideas in return for lodging and food. Jorge Zamacona wrote and produced the film. Alex Zakrzewski directed, and Harley Jane Kozak and Dean Winters

> _ 0.08 party ‘til you puke

courtesy photo

starred in the film. Other than the named professionals, a photographer, assistant photographer and several others were hired. “It was really kind of neat. It was Hollywood professionals, professionals from within the region and professionals from within the school itself,” said Richard Endacott, an associate professor of film and new media at the Johnny Carson School of Film and Theatre. Funding for the film process came from both the Hixon-Lied endowment fund and the Johnny Carson Film and Broadcast fund. The film cost about $80,000 to make. Two-thirds of “Viper’s” budget came from the Hixon-Lied endowment fund, while the remaining third came from the Johnny Carson fund. The Hixon-Lied endowment fund was a grant for the college. “Any producer worth their salt is going to work to put that money on the screen,” said Endacott. “I’m happy we were able to pull it in, at least in the production phase, to slightly under budget.” Once the film had been planned, shot and edited, it was time to send it off for review. The college sent “Vipers” to various film festivals, but the film was rejected by every one.

Despite the setback, professors feel the film was a success. “I think that it was a great experiment our first time out,” said Sandy Veneziano, an associate professor of scenic and film design at the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film. “I think it taught our students what it is like to work in the film field.” And next week preproduction is scheduled to begin for the school’s latest film. This time, they hope to learn from their past mistakes, and improve their next film, as well as their chances of being accepted into film festivals. Last semester, a screenwriting contest was held. Between 40 and 45 scripts were turned in, and a student committee has been rigorously reviewing them. The numbers have been narrowed down to three finalists, which have been sent off to Donald Petrie for review. Final selections will be made by a faculty committee and Paul Steger, the director of the Johnny Carson School. Veneziano said multiple changes have been made to the film and filmmaking process, starting with the fact the script is a comedy this year. With “Vipers,” the process was similar to that of a television show. Veneziano said the new film, however, will be produced like a feature film.

Finally, the teaching and learning process will be changed, with more time being devoted to instruction. “The second one, we’re going to aim for the festivals, (but) the festivals aren’t our judge of success,” said Veneziano. “Our judge of success is what students have learned and what students have taken from it.” Professionals will be asked to volunteer, once again, to assist students throughout the process. Like “Vipers,” the film will cost $80,000 to produce, with one-third of the money coming from the Hixon-Lied endowment fund and the remaining two-thirds from the Johnny Carson fund. Despite the fact the second film has not yet started, plans for a third film in the series have been tentatively affirmed. However, funding for this production will come solely form the Johnny Carson fund, which is expected to continually grow with interest. Although the process has faced challenges, faculty members hope to keep it in the curriculum. “Have (students) learned to work in the professional world? The answer is yes,” said Veneziano. “In our book it was a success.”

getting the company’s name out there. Uprise Design encouraged UNL students and alumni to check out their website, where viewers can scroll through a portfolio of designs, order shirts online or contact the owners with personal requests for shirts. Uprise likes to make everything just the way the customer wants it. “Clients give us an idea,

and we make it a reality,” Jensen said. The guys are ecstatic about their company, which has now been open for eight months, and they hope to continue to make it even better. So whether you’re looking for a Husker shirt, a greek shirt or just a uniquely designed shirt, check out UNL graduates’ Uprise Design.


ALUM DESIGN: from 5 as a “Revolt” clothing line, which would be a more rebellious style. Faucheux added that shirts are only $17, and that price goes down with higher quantities of shirts, like when they created 1,500 shirts for River Riot in Omaha.

ruleaux: from 5

Business is going well for Uprise. They promote their company through social networking, their own website, and simply through word of mouth. Friends and family of the three owners, they said, help tremendously with


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The 2011-2012 University of Nebraska– Lincoln Student Directory will be on campus mid-October. Your name, campus address/phone, and home address/phone will automatically appear in the directory. If you do want to appear in the directory, you must restrict your directory information before . You can restrict directory information by going to Registration and Records, 107 Canfield Administration Building. Please have your student ID available. If you have previously requested directory restriction on a Change of Address Form, you do not need to do it again.

bryan klopping | daily nebraskan

time my parents gave me extra dough to blow. When we got to the casino, my parents insisted I sign up for a membership and get my free gift for being a first-time player. It was an extra buck on any slot machine. My mother then dragged me around from machine to machine showing me all the fun ones and insisting that it’d be OK for me to smoke in here. “But you should quit,” she said. My friends always give me shit about not smoking around my parents. They’ve known I’ve smoked ever since I started freshman year. But I’ve rarely can ever bring myself to do it in front of them. My mom ordered us both Bloody Marys from the touch screen located at the base of every slot machine. An old woman hanging out of a skimpy “cigars, cigarettes” style flapper dress brought us our drinks and I lit a smoke. It was the worst thing I’d ever drank. Two wrinkled olives sat at the bottom of the glass, bruised purple and yellow on the sides. I ended up breaking even after spending a couple hours at a slot machine themed to the movie, “The Hangover.” My brother and sisterin-law showed up and we all ate at the buffet. I had the worst Bloody Mary of my life and four mimosas. My parents bought birthday “21” candles and put them in a slice of buffet cake. They all sang whispered “Happy Birthday,” and my mom wiped tears from her eyes. We headed back to

That deep desire to rage, and rage hard. It’d been laying dormant for a year plus now and suddenly, it was back.”

Lincoln around four, and my hangover from the previous night’s Franzia had finally lifted. I got back to my apartment at five to find my roommates waiting – Matt with his girlfriend and Peter with his beer. I gave them a wave and crashed down on one of our nine couches, half of which were given to us by old friends who had graduated and moved away. I could barely keep my eyes open. I never fit in that nap yesterday after my shift at the dorms, 6:50 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. The day had just kept going until my 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. crash on the john. “So what’s the plan, Nate?” Peter asked. “We only have an hour and a half before your Facebook event says you’ll be at Zen’s.” I had this little flash of energy. It’s that energy I remember emitting out my ass freshman year, which had finally started to fade near the end of sophomore year. That deep desire to rage, and rage hard. It’d been laying dormant for a year plus now, and suddenly, as if my liver woke up from hibernation, it was back. “Let’s head to the Tam,” I said.

Nate Ruleaux is a senior theater performance and news-editorial major. Reach him at nateruleaux@

breakfasts for $5 - sat & sun - 8am - 10am $7 angus burgers every wednesday 1/2 price martinis and cocktails every day

330 South 10th St. | 477-0330 |

Daily Nebraskan

wednesday, september 14, 2011

Anchor Splash hosts week-long festivities


food truck: from 5

Greek house to hold aquaticthemed event to benefit the blind Kelsey Lee Daily Nebraskan

Guys will be swimming, diving and walking runways in nautical gear. It’s like a dream come true right here on the University of Nebraska—Lincoln’s campus. And it’s all for a good cause. Every fall, UNL’s Delta Gamma sorority holds their Anchor Splash philanthropy. Traditionally proceeds from the event go to an organization to aid the blind. This year, the sorority is putting more than just a drop in the bucket for charity. According to Delta Gamma president, Maddie Henning, a senior business administration major, they are going back to their roots by making Anchor Splash a series of events occurring throughout the week. “In previous years, it was just a single event,” said Henning. “But back in the 1970s and 80s, they did week-long events, so we’re bringing it back to that.” Male-oriented organizations on campus, including fraternities and the Big Red signers, have formed teams to compete in the events and raise money for charity. “The event is always open to anyone on campus,” said Delta Gamma senior, Erika Quechenberger, a junior advertising major. “The majority are fraternities, but we also have some unique groups.”

noah smith | daily nebraskan

Minh Nguyen dons his gloves to handle food at the Heoya truck Monday night to the east of the Nebraska Union.

bryan klopping | daily nebraskan

Quechenberger said that a group of study abroad students from Oxford have formed a team and are competing. On Wednesday, September 14 at 7 p.m., the teams will put their best man forward in the Anchor Splash pageant, held at the Nebraska Union. They will perform a dance number, strut down a runway and test their wits in a Q&A. Then, one will be awarded the title of Anchor Man until next year’s Anchor Splash rolls around. Thursday night will see the main event at the YMCA downtown. The teams will compete in a variety of swimming activities, including relay racing and synchronized swimming. “The biggest thing will

if you go Delta Gamma presents Anchor Splash when: Tonight, 7 p.m. where: City Campus Union how much: $5 be the synchronized swimming,” Quechenberger said. “The guys picked their own song and the girls helped choreograph it.” Delta Gamma will be selling tickets for $5 in the Nebraska Union. They encourage everyone not to miss out on this opportunity to witness some friendly male competition for a good cause. kelseylee@

Nguyen is the “mouth of the truck,” taking orders and answering calls, while his wife prepares most of the ingredients and Hau cooks the food. But the three have increasingly begun to share responsibilities as daily visits have grown from about 30 in the first week of business to more than 100 in recent weeks. On a Monday night, a small crowd congregated before the glow of the truck off 16th Street. A month ago, Nguyen said passersby simply gawked at the truck, but word of mouth has helped to develop a fan base for the business, which boasts nearly 700 fans on Facebook and 150 followers on Twitter. “That stuff you see in restaurants like fried rice and chicken, that’s not real Asian food,” said Brian Pham, a senior chemical engineering major. “They’re afraid to use original ingredients because there’s not

enough Asian support. This is more authentic.” And as the fan base continues to grow, Nguyen wants to assist others in opening food trucks of their own in the area, cultivating a special type of food-centric atmosphere. “It’s like a culture,” Nguyen said. “You meet new people just waiting in line. You can sit and have lunch with someone you’ve never

find heoya on: To find their current location: twitter: heoyanebraska met. I know this is a traditional town, but we’re trying to break that.” jacymarmaduke@


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xtreme: from 5

they could begin to count. But they’ve also been screamed at through car windows. They’ve been too close to narrowed eyes and twisted brows. They’ve been rejected by those who they feel the system has failed. “That’s the most difficult part, not having many options to give them,” said Cristina Musquiz, a former UNL student. “(There are people) sleeping on the streets while I’m in my warm bed.” Wendy Barber, the director of the group, spoke of her love for God like a teenager talking about her first boyfriend. “I’ll be driving down the street and have to put on my dark shades, make sure the windows are up, and I just

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sing at the top of my lungs and I’m crying and loving on the Lord,” Barber said. “And I can do anything and be anybody with him, because he loves me for who I am.” When she was 12 years old, Barber was baptized in a tank of water and she felt transformed. As she left the water, it was as if she was being lifted, with no fear, no sense of being watched or even being in a church. She said she felt touched by God. “I almost live for that touch,” she said. With their heads bowed and their eyes closed, they let the visions wash over them. There are visions of children in dirty clothes crying for their father. Visions of stepping stones drawing

out an uneven and nearly invisible route, and God saying, “I never said you could see the whole path.” There is a song about the Lord’s throne room, and finally, there is prayer for a girl in the room who cannot share her faith. “Is it you?” Barber asks, reaching her hand out to the girl. They bow their heads and close their eyes and they pray for one another. And they whisper, “Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.” Xtreme Devotion meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays in the University Lutheran Chapel, located on 16th and Q Street. jacymarmaduke@


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wednesday, september 14, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

PRACTICE NOTES FOOTBALL Fumble problems continue After an offseason where Nebraska coaches were preaching ball security, the Huskers have put the ball on the ground seven times in two games. Two of those have been lost. Sophomore quarterback

Taylor Martinez had two fumbles in the Huskers’ win over Fresno State. Though the Huskers recovered both, the trend was brought up after Nebraska’s Tuesday practice. “You know, I think he’s improved on contact – you see him covering the ball

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Kinnie’s production lacking In two games senior wide out Brandon Kinnie has two catches for seven yards, all of which came against Tennessee-Chattanooga. “BK works hard,” Beck said.

misjudged the ball. “He’s just got to keep working through it,” Beck said. “All great hitters go through slumps. Maybe he’s just in a little bit of a slump, but he’ll bounce out of it. We’re gonna need him and he knows it. We still love him.”

-compiled by Jeff Packer

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“I expected a big year. For some reason, he’s struggling a little bit. I know he’s disappointed in himself. I think he feels there were some catches that he should have made.” Beck said that there were some noticeable plays in the game against Fresno State where more than one receiver

Beck said.


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with two hands on contact,” NU offensive coordinator Tim Beck said. Beck said he is working with Martinez, encouraging the Corona, Calif., native to get out of bounds quickly. “In terms of getting just hit and the ball popping out, that hasn’t happened,”

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Page 3 of 25

Daily Nebraskan

wednesday, september 14, 2011

MEn’s cross-country

men’s tennis

Work ethic key to Blackwell’s improvement Nedu Izu daily nebraskan

Tom Blackwell doesn’t play like Andy Roddick, nor does he want to. The Jacksonville, Fla., native, is in his second year at Nebraska and is ready to make a name for himself on the men’s tennis team. “Right now I’m trying to just get to the point w h e r e people know who I am,” Blackwell said. blackwell “My goal, whether it be this year or junior year, is to be one of the best on this team.” When recruiting players for the 2010 season, coach Kerry McDermott saw something special in Blackwell. “I recruited him from Florida and saw him competing in tournaments,” McDermott said. “He looked like a great player and fights for every point. That’s what I saw and those are the type of guys who are going to win us matches.” Blackwell said he chose Nebraska over other Midwest schools Purdue and Indiana because of the hard-working program and traditions. But tennis wasn’t always the sophomore’s main sport. “I started tennis when I was 10 years old,” Blackwell said. “I played baseball until I was 16 years old and it wasn’t until I stopped that I realized tennis was the sport I had a future in.” In his first year at Nebraska, Blackwell went 6-13 for the Huskers with his biggest win coming against Vanderbilt when he won his No. 4 singles match to clinch the overall win for the Huskers. But the match that sticks out to him the most came April 10 against Junior Ore of Texas A&M. Blackwell lost the No. 6 singles match, 2-6, 7-6 (1), 7-10. “That loss was a big eye opener for me,” Blackwell said. “When I played Texas A&M he was at the time the best player in the U.S. He was the overall No. 2 recruit in my class as well. The loss made me realize that I can compete with the best and I can be the best as long as I keep competing.”

Despite his losing record, McDermott said Blackwell had a great year and has matured as a player since then. “He realized tennis was competitive and he’s not afraid to work,” McDermott said. “Last year was an eye opener and now he sees what he has to do since he’s gone through that experience. It’s not easy especially having to adjust to the weather here and getting use to new teammates and a new environment. “By the end of the year he realized it’s a process, nothing happens overnight. He’s learned a lot and is now trying to be a team player and only help the program in any way he can.” Blackwell admitted that the transition from high school to college wasn’t as yielding as he thought it would be. “I realized I wasn’t working as hard as I should have and it wasn’t easy, it’s a lot of work,” he said. “The biggest difference I noticed is that you have to be way more disciplined and do all you can do to make sure you can compete and stay on the team. “It’s not just fun and games. It took me a semester to realize that.” McDermott sees signs of Blackwell having a great sophomore season. “He’s got that quiet look to him, like he knows he’s going to do something big,” he said. “He just looks like he’s more assured of himself and wants to show us he’s that athlete to step up for us. If he has a great year hopefully that will coincide with the team having a great year.” The men’s team kicks off their season in Colorado at the Denver Invite Sept. 23-25. Blackwell said he’s eager to show his growth in maturity to his teammates. “I’m super excited for this tournament,” Blackwell said. “I was extremely disappointed in how I ended last season, considering I started off well. I trained hard this summer and now I know what it takes to work hard. Last year, it was easy to lose focus since everything was new to me. “I wasn’t sure how good of a player I was last year but now I’m ready show my team the improvements I’ve made, and how great a player I can be for them.” neduIzu@

Big Ten: from 10

“Our students were great; I think the passion you felt in that stadium was second to none. It was fun for our players, obviously, and they stayed in the game and didn’t let it get to them.” Hoke was much happier than his rival, Ohio State coach Luke Fickell. While the Buckeyes managed to defeat Toledo, they did so only by a five-point margin, and were outgained at home by their MAC opponent. With the Buckeyes averaging just 6.3 yards per passing attempt and 3.3 yards per rush, Buckeye fans have been wondering whether senior QB Joe Bauserman will remain in the starting lineup when Ohio State travels to Miami (FL) on Saturday. Fickell answered those questions by saying, “Joe will be our starter” and that there is a

courtesy photo

plan for Bauserman’s competition, top recruit Braxton Miller, to get into the game as well. With much of the attention focused on off-the-field drama (both schools have been involved in numerous NCAA investigations recently) some are worried that the game itself has been sidelined. Not Fickell. “Our young guys, they’ve been through this time and time again,” he said. “There’s always going to be distractions here in Columbus, Ohio, just like in Miami of Florida. Whether it’s off the field stuff, stuff in this locker room, stuff in their personal life, it’s handling those things that is what it really ends up defining the team and how they stick together and how those teammates help each other out.“ seanwhalen@


Huskers preparing for season without last year’s top runner Nedu Izu daily Nebraskan

Whenever a team loses its head honcho, it is not uncommon for fear to ensue in the minds of every teammate. But cross-country runner Jarren Heng said that although the group will miss the leadership of last year’s catalyst, David Adams, they’ve c o m e closer as heng a team. “That’s the unique thing about this season’s team,” Heng said. “From the seniors to the redshirt freshman, we have more leaders and now that we are closer, it makes us run better.” Last season, Adams led the Huskers in every meet, surging past all his teammates

with no competition. He was also the only men’s crosscountry runner to make it to the NCAA Championships. “Adams was always up front and ahead of the other guys,” NU coach Jay Dirksen said. This season, Heng believes the team has the potential to have more than one man represent them in the postseason. “There are quite a few guys who have stepped up to the challenge,” he said. “Everyone knows David was a great runner last year and we’ll need four runners just like him to make it to the championship. We’re trying to run like he did and if we do, we have a good chance in taking over the Big Ten.” Dirksen agrees and thinks Heng is one of the Husker’s top runners. “He’s young and only a sophomore,” Dirksen said. “He’s got great leadership skills and is definitely way ahead of where he was a year ago. In track last spring I saw a lot of improvement

and you can see it carrying over to this season. “I expect him to be a topthree runner for us this year.” The Norfolk native proved his coach right in Nebraska’s first meet on Sept. 3 in Omaha when Heng placed first for the Huskers and second overall in the Creighton/ UNO Classic. “He ran a good solid race,” Dirksen said. “He left the pack and led them well. He’s been practicing well and the race was a good solid effort.” Heng said the first race is always the most challenging and it felt great getting it out of the way. “Coming into the season I was excited to run,” he said. “When the meet rolled around I was nervous at first since it was the first 8k of the season. But around 4K I was in a good groove then around 7K I felt really good and just took off from there.” Despite being one of the youngest on the team, Dirksen said he’s not surprised Heng came in first for the Huskers. “He’s a hard worker, strong

and has potential,” he said. “The biggest thing is that he’s stronger this year and now that he’s completed his first year, he understands what the competition is and knows what it takes to be a good runner. “He trained well this offseason and I know he’s got better races ahead of him this season.” This summer Heng increased his mile total from 50 to 70 miles a week. He said the transition helped him increase his strength and speed. “Our coach really emphasizes training, getting those miles in,” Heng said. “Especially with the transition into the Big Ten. Once I did that I knew it would make me faster. More mileage makes you stronger and I want to make an impact in this new conference. “I feel we have a good team this year and we’re pumped to aim high and challenge ourselves against these teams.”

Abdullah can see the end zone. He’s just not sure if he’s going to make it. There are several Fresno State players chasing him down. He’s already run about 85 yards and brought the kicker to his knees with an anklesnapping move, but he’s getting tired. And now his leg is starting to cramp up. None of that is going to keep him from scoring. He jukes the last Bulldog in front of him at the 10 and makes a mad dash for the end zone. Another Fresno State player catches him at the two, but the ball crosses the goal line. NU is now up 35-26, finally putting some breathing room between NU and the Bulldogs. “Everyone did a great job of clearing a hole for me,” Abdullah said. “Coach told me, ‘If you get caught by a kicker, you’re going to get kicked off.’ “So I had to make a move and make a play.” Combine that return with Abdullah’s four others, and the freshman has 211 yards on the day, breaking Josh Davis’ school record. For his efforts, he was honored as the Big Ten special teams and freshman player of the week. “It means a lot to me,” Abdullah said. “I can celebrate it today, but tomorrow I’ve got to put it behind me. “We’ve got a new week. I’ve got to focus on the game plan and try to do the same thing next week.” Returning kicks is something Abdullah has done since middle school. He’s fast (he’s clocked a 4.38 40-yard dash) and fearless, making him the perfect returner. But with fellow freshman Jamal Turner and junior Tim Marlowe also fighting for return spots, Abdullah had no guarantee he’d get the chance.

We all put our pants on the same way. We all came in with work to do and we still have work to do now.”


football: from 10 committed to Nebraska yet. How could he turn Auburn down? “I was pretty much here,” Abdullah said. “Everyone knew I loved Nebraska at that point.” Heard was eventually admitted by the NCAA, and on signing day NU acquired the services of Texas star Aaron Green. When Abdullah decided on the Huskers, only Burkhead stood between him and the playing field. Now with Green and Heard in the fold, the backfield had become very crowded. The competition didn’t stop the three from becoming great friends. They’re roommates now, and, while the three battle for playing time on the field, Abdullah said they’re far from enemies off it. “Just last night we were laughing for 30 minutes about something very silly,” Abdullah said Monday. “We’re just silly guys and we really get along with each other. I love those guys. They’re like my brothers.” Friends or not, Abdullah wanted their carries. But both Heard and Green were more highly thought of by the recruiting services and it seemed they would get the first cracks at the backfield. Burkhead thinks that the lack of attention might have driven Abdullah. “He’s a very competitive kid. That’s what I love about him,” Burkhead said. “He comes to work every day and we have some great competitions in practices or workouts.” But Abdullah denies it. All he wanted was a fair shot to get on the field, wherever that might be. “I never really believed in the hype,” Abdullah said. “I know those guys don’t either, even though they were highly praised out of high school.

Anything (the coaches) needed me to do, whether it be kickoff or hands team ... I was willing to do it.” It was then that Abdullah had to remember what Sproles had told him. Back in Alabama, Abdullah had trained with an ex-NFL player named Otis Leverette. Leverette worked with several players, including Abdullah, who said the former defensive end helped “craft his game.” “Nobody knew me (back then),” Abdullah said. “He really brought me up and I love him for it.” Leverette had been a defensive end for four professional teams, including the Chargers in 2003, when he played with Sproles. He invited Sproles down to work out with some of his players. Abdullah had met star players before. Aside from Newton, he’d also met former West Virginia star Noel Devine and his favorite NFL player, the Eagles’ DeSean Jackson. But the diminutive Sproles was the one who left an impact on Abdullah. The freshman has always kept Sproles’ words with him, and put the saying over his bed as a daily reminder. “I look at it every day to keep me motivated,” Abdullah said. “His work ethic is bigger than what his stature is, and that’s something I really respect.” So excuse Abdullah if he doesn’t get caught up in the stars and hype his roommates received. Pelini has always made it clear he’s going to play who he deems is best, not who loved the most, and Abdullah embraced that mentality. “We all put our pants on the same way,” Abdullah said. “We all came in with work to do and we still have work to do now.”

Ameer Abdullah

nu freshman running back

The Tuesday before NU’s first game, he was relieved to be told he’d be the team’s kick and punt returner. “It’s just the thrill of the crowd,” Abdullah said. “That’s one of the most exciting aspects of the game. I love the excitement the crowd brings with it.” Winning the return jobs wasn’t a huge surprise. But that Friday, Pelini released the depth chart, which listed Abdullah in front of buddies Green and Heard at running back, trailing only Burkhead. “He’s very explosive,” Burkhead said. “He’s always eager to learn in the film room or just trying to get as much as he can from the film and Coach (Ron) Brown and the older backs as well. I think he’s bought into that.” Abdullah has yet to completely get untracked in the run game. Much of the offensive line is inexperienced and has struggled opening holes for the backs. And with Burkhead and Martinez both carrying the ball a lot, there simply aren’t many touches left. But Abdullah doesn’t question his decision. Even as Auburn has earned a 2-0 start, he’s knows that here he can be truly home. “At Nebraska, there’s the tradition and the atmosphere that comes along with it,” Abdullah said. “You can’t top it.”


golf: from 10 Nebraska got the win, eight strokes ahead of second-place finisher Missouri State. Manuel Lavin took second place, two strokes behind Daily Young of Missouri State. Lavin was joined in the top 10 by teammates Neil Dufford, who finished tied for seventh and Scott Willman, who finished tied for 10th. Lavin’s finish was justification for the work he put into the summer, according to NU coach Bill Spangler. “Manny’s been working really hard on his game,” Spangler said. “He spent part of his summer here working on school and on golf.” Spangler had similar sentiments to Krapfl. He felt like his team played solidly, but, in his opinion, there is a need for improvement.

“We have work to do to achieve our goals this season,” Spangler said. “We want to qualify for postseason play. There were some bright spots for us, Scott (Willman), Neil (Dufford) and Manny (Lavin) played really well. We’re confident in one through three. “We need to work with guys four through seven.” There was a lot of work that went into the tournament for Spangler. He wasn’t able to watch as much golf as he would’ve liked. “Your primary focus is to make sure that all your guests have a good tournament,” Spangler said, “making sure that the course is clearly marked and ready to go. There’s just a lot that goes into (hosting a tournament) that you don’t normally worry about.” robbykorth@

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page 10

wednesday, september 14, 2011

big ten teleconference

UM’s Kill recovers following in-game seizure sean Whalen daily nebraskan

played host to 12 teams over two days.

There weren’t a lot of laughs during this week’s Big Ten Teleconference. Between Penn State getting smacked around by Alabama, Purdue falling to lowly Rice and Iowa being upset by in-state rival Iowa State, as well as numerous other teams struggling, the league’s on-field performance last weekend left much to be desired. The mood was even more grim at Minnesota. Defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys handled the Gopher’s interview, as head coach Jerry Kill suffered a seizure during the second half of Minnesota’s loss to New Mexico State. The loss itself would have been bad enough, given the fact NMSU had lost 18 of its previous 20 games heading into the season. But Kill — brought in during the offseason to attempt to bring a winning tradition to the Gophers — didn’t see all of it, and was taken to the hospital in the closing minutes of the game. His recovery — Kill has a history of seizures and isn’t expected to miss any games — was the subject of many questions during the conference. “I see the family, and visit with him each day,” Claeys said. “Just letting it roll through the procedures the doctors feel they need to do, and look forward to his return.” Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio, who suffered a heart attack around this time last season, was, like many of the conference’s coaches, full of sympathy. “Absolutely, it did hit home with me and my family,” he said. “My immediate reaction was to pause and say some prayers for coach Kill and his family. “What people need to understand, I think, is that coaches are just like everyone else in this world and there are going to be times when things happen to all of us. Sometimes I think people think that ‘Hey, this doesn’t happen to people in the public eye.’ They do. The important thing is that he be able to get well, and it sounds like that will be the case. Very happy for that.” Not all the news coming out of the teleconference was depressing, however. In the first night game in Michigan Stadium’s 84-year history, Michigan scored a game-winning touchdown with two seconds left to beat Notre Dame in what was widely acknowledged as the best game of the weekend. Wolverines coach Brady Hoke wasn’t sure which was better: the result of the game or the atmosphere. “It was electric, obviously; the university and community did a tremendous job,” he said.

golf: see page 9

Big ten: see page 9


Running back Ameer Abdullah (8) celebrates with teammate Rex Burkhead after Saturday’s win when Abdullah set NU’s single-game return record.


Ameer Abdullah wanted to play running back. Nebraska gave him the chance. Now he’s making the most of his opportunity. Story by Dan Hoppen | Photo by Andrew Dickinson “It’s not the size of the dog, it’s the size of the fight of the dog.” Those are the words that hang above Ameer Abdullah’s bed at his home in Homewood, Ala. They came from the mouth of Darren Sproles, the New Orleans Saints running back who has achieved great success despite his 5-foot-6 frame. Abdullah, just 5-foot-9, has taken those words to heart. Though he came to Nebraska as the least heralded member of the freshmen running back trio, Abdullah has quickly established himself as Rex Burkhead’s backup and a dynamic special teams player who can change the game on any given return. But if not for a recruiting oversight by an SEC school, Abdullah wouldn’t even be a Husker. To understand how NU plucked him from the middle of

SEC country, one must realize Auburn’s mistake. Abdullah grew up just two hours away from Auburn University and went to nearly every Auburn game since he was 6 years old. He was in attendance at most Tigers games last year when they won the national championship. He even got to meet Heisman trophy winner Cam Newton. Like Nebraska, Alabama doesn’t have a professional team in any of the four major sports, so college football reigns supreme. Abdullah was enamored with Auburn his whole life, but the Tigers didn’t necessarily feel the same way about him. Abdullah dominated his senior season at Howewood High, rushing for 1,800 yards and 24 touchdowns. He also played cornerback and took

four punt returns back for scores. But Auburn was unimpressed. They offered Abdullah a scholarship, but wanted him to play safety. That didn’t mesh with him. “You see my stature,” Abdullah said Monday with a smile. “I’m only 5-foot-9, so it’s kind of tough for me to guard the taller receivers on the deep patterns if I played safety.” Abdullah wanted to play running back, wanted someone to give him a shot. That’s when Nebraska stepped in. The Huskers had been sending him letters for a while, but communication thinned out. Abdullah assumed the NU coaches backed off because they thought he wouldn’t want to go so far from home. But the Huskers were still haunted by questions of

Braylon Heard’s eligibility. The stud running back from Ohio was a member of NU’s 2009 class, but academics kept him ineligible. Now there was doubt that Heard would be available for 2010, and the Huskers needed a back. Tim Beck turned to Abdullah. Abdullah visited January 14, in the dead of winter. There was no home game to attend, no opportunity to see Memorial Stadium packed with rabid fans, a major pull for most recruits. But Abdullah became captivated by Nebraska anyway. He got to meet Prince Amukamara. He even saw snow for the first time. “I came up, saw the place and fell in love with it,” Abdullah said. “And coach Bo (Pelini) was really straightforward with me in the recruiting process. He didn’t try to sugarcoat anything.

He didn’t say, ‘We’ll promise you this,’ or ‘We’ll promise you that,’ like some other schools did.” But one of the deciding factors was the opportunity that Auburn was afraid to give him, the chance to line up in the backfield. “Nebraska offered me at running back, which really caught my eye,” Abdullah said. “I’ve played running back the majority of my life. It’s something I’m accustomed to.” Late in the recruiting process, the Tigers changed their minds. They came to Abdullah and offered him as a running back. He’d grown up with the Tigers and all his friends begged him to stay. Plus, he hadn’t officially

football: see page 9

Golf teams open season with positive results Robby Korth daily nebraskan

The Husker women’s golf team is feeling good. NU finished fourth at the ChipN Club Invitational at the Country Club of Lincoln. “I think we’re very optimistic for this season,” senior Kayla Knopik said. “There were a lot of fans and people here and it was exciting. We’re going to get better and better.” Nebraska finished the tournament six strokes back of champion Southern Methodist University and one stroke back of third-place finisher and Big Ten foe Iowa. Despite the feeling of optimism among her squad, coach Robin Krapfl sees room for improvement.

She recognizes the technical skill the Huskers feature, but thinks they need to work on the mental aspect of the game. “We have a ton of talent,” Krapfl said. “They need to be more confident the whole way through. It’s a mental issue.” Knopik finished tied for sixth with teammate Steffi Niesen and Catherine Dolan of Missouri State. Knopik and Niesen were the highest finishers for the team, and she believes she and her teammates could have played much better. “I’ve never even finished top 10 before,” Knopik said. “We all had better golf to play. All of us scored well, but we could have played much better.”

For Knopik, the struggles came from her short game. She hit a 75 both on Tuesday and during the first round on Monday, yet she had different feelings about each game. “I hit the ball really well today,” Knopik said. “But I didn’t hit any putts, it was a little disappointing. When I shot a 75 (on Monday) I felt good about it, but when I shot a 75 (on Tuesday) it didn’t feel as good.” Despite a finish that ties Nebraska’s highest of last season, Krapfl feels like the Huskers have only scraped the surface of their potential. “I’m pretty disappointed,” Krapfl said. “We put in a lot of time and effort and we didn’t perform like we’re capable of doing.”

Patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Senior Kayla Knopik shot 75s on Monday and Tuesday. The men’s golf team also hosted a tournament this week in Nebraska City at the ArborLinks Golf Course. The Fairway Club Invitational

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