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Rococo Theatre screens film exploring depedence on oil, possibilities of biofuel PAGE 6

Huskers strive to live up to higher expectations after rocky 2-0 start PAGE 10 thursday, september 15, 2011

volume 111, issue 019


Athletic department confirms TransCanada ad cut Riley Johnson and Frannie Sprouls daily nebraskan

The University of Nebraska Athletic Department ended its sponsorship agreement with TransCanada Wednesday, according to Athletic Director Tom Osborne. TransCanada video advertisements and sponsorships ran in the first two Husker football home games before the athletic department made the move to pull them. In a statement, Osborne

said the advertisements brought divisiveness to a place where the athletic department wanted unity. Political discourse has also ramped up in recent months regarding TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which would transport tar sands oil from Canada to Texas oil refineries across Nebraska’s Sandhills and over the Ogallala Aquifer. Osborne said this decision is not about having a say either way in that political discussion. “I want to make it clear

that the athletic department has no position, either pro or con, regarding the proposed TransCanada Pipeline,” Osborne said in a statement. “Since the contract negotiated by IMG Husker Sports Network was signed last April and approved by the athletic department, the pipeline issue has become very political.” The ads led to boos and jeering inside Memorial Stadium, as TransCanada highlighted national championship-winnning offensive lines

and created a false impression for many fans and Nebraskans that the athletic department and the university had taken a position on the contentious issue. “Whether you have the right and whether it is right are different questions,” said Jane Kleeb, a leader of BOLD Nebraska and an opponent of the pipeline. Kleeb criticized TransCanada’s decision to sponsor Nebraska Athletics, saying she did not think it was right for the company wrapped up in

a sharp political battle to advertise at a public university. Huskers fans want to escape politics when they come to the games, not have the issue shoved back in their faces, Kleeb said. Jeff Rauh, a spokesman for TransCanada, told the Daily Nebraskan the ad had been a tribute to Husker football and when the settlement comes, they will look to give back. “We’ll take the funds earmarked for the university to assist elsewhere in the state of Nebraska,” he said.

A NE W HI G H national survey shows increased drug use among young adults Dan Holtmeyer Daily Nebraskan

Last year, a larger proportion of Americans ages 12 or older used illicit drugs than in any other year in almost two decades. Those figures were released last week in the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. About 9 percent of the survey’s approximately 67,500 respondents reported abusing marijuana, prescription medications, cocaine and other illicit drugs during the previous onemonth period, a 10 percent increase from two years ago. Among the population aged 18 to 25, that proportion jumps to 21.5 percent, or more than one in five, findings that didn’t generate much surprise among officials and students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “I would say that definitely matches what I’ve seen,” said Jesse Epperson, a freshman math major. He went to high school in Omaha and said those numbers could have been easily matched there, but he added, “It is odd to think, when you put it in those terms. That’s several thousand students here.” George Nincehelser, a sophomore forensic science major, felt much the same level of surprise, adding that the one-in-five statistic seemed, if anything, a bit low. “From a lot of people I know, they do that all the time,” Nincehelser said. For some UNL officials, the survey’s results struck a familiar chord. “Not a whole lot of surprises for me,” said Terry Thomas, a registered nurse practitioner who has been at the University Health Center for three years. “It reminds me, actually, of a lot of other things I’ve seen.” Much of the jump in illicit drug use came from

UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman said, given the controversy surrounding the pipeline, it might have appeared that the athletic department or university had taken a stance on the Keystone XL pipeline. But Perlman said that is not the case. He said the university has not taken a position either way and that IMG secured the advertisements, not the university.

transcanada: see page 2

UNLPD search for missing guns at fraternity house conor dunn

daily nebraskan

Two guns were stolen from the Alpha Gamma Nu fraternity house late Tuesday night, according to Charlotte Evans, assistant chief of the University Police Department. “We received a report of belated burglary of two firearms at the Alpha Gamma Nu house located on East Campus,” she said. The two guns involved were a .45-caliber handgun and a 12-gauge shotgun. Kenny Buhr, a senior forensic science major and president of Alpha Gamma Nu, didn’t realize the guns had been stolen until an officer from the Lincoln Police Department showed up at the fraternity’s front door between 8:30 and 8:45 p.m. The officer questioned the fraternity about a .45-caliber handgun, which was turned into the LPD. Then they realized the shotgun was still missing. Despite UNL’s policy forbidding firearms on campus, Alpha Gamma Nu allowed one of their members to store his two guns in the house.

drugs: see page 3

neil orians | daily nebraskan

AGN: see page 2

Broken water main pours into downtown Lincoln Jacy Marmaduke daily nebraskan

Water gushed from the sewers and flooded a block of 14th Street Wednesday night, leaving only puddles, mud and disgruntled business owners as evidence of a broken water main between O and P streets. “The whole place was kind of on an island,” said Mark Willet, who was in The Zoo Bar on 14th Street when the water main broke around 6:30 p.m. “Luckily, these streets held up fine.” Willet exited the bar to find the street filled with water. Once the flooding had settled, dirt from the sewers and tree

kantack page 3

Not the right cup of tea Tea party threatens gop success in 2012 presidential race

plots created a soupy mix that coated the sidewalks. Officials shut down the block as repairmen assessed the break, which flooded the basements of many area businesses. Steve Owen, superintendent of water distribution for the city of Lincoln, said the pipes could be up to 100 years old, so the break did not come as a surprise. “It certainly happens,” Owen said. “It’s something we can’t really predict.” When he arrived at about 7 p.m., he said his first priority was to inform business owners of the break and how it would affect them. At about 10 p.m., Owen said it would take

between four and six hours from that point to complete the repairs. He estimated that businesses would be out of water while the repairs were underway. Until then, businesses planned to focus on controlling the aftermath of the break. The Post and Nickel, located on the corner of 14th and P Streets, had multiple feet of water in its basement and numerous puddles on its ground floor. Dominic Brazda, a longtime bartender at The Zoo Bar, cited similar problems. “There’s a real mess in our basement,” she said. “And, at first, our water slowed to a trickle.” Brazda said the bar was

performing arts page 5

continuing normal operations Wednesday evening but would be affected once the repairs began and the water was shut off. Owen said he anticipated the repairs to be done by Thursday morning. Footprints dotted the thick layer of mud coating the sidewalk on the east side of 14th Street, and only a few individuals braved the mud to keep watch over the streets. The flooding left its shadow along the block, but Owen said the break shouldn’t be exaggerated. “In terms of the water we distribute to the city on a daily basis, it’s not a real large amount,” he said. Jacymarmaduke@

football page 10

Weather | showers

Ready to rumble

Fire & rain

‘West side story’ opens lincoln playhouse season

the style of two husker leaders spells success

@dailyneb |


Lincoln residents try to keep their feet dry on 14th Street between O and P streets on Wednesday evening. Water from a nearby broken main flowed over the sidewalk, temporarily inundating the busy pedestrian thoroughfare.



thursday, september 15, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Health Center gains exclusive recognition conor dunn daily nebraskan

The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care has awarded the University Health Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln accreditation status, meaning students would feel safe using the university health services. “Every three years, the University Health Center applies for accreditation,” said Dr. Nate Haecker, chief of staff at UHC. “It’s a voluntary process, but it shows our patients that they are being cared for in the safest possible environment.” The University Health Center is the only Nebraskan ambulatory health clinic accredited by the AAAHC. Last March, during spring break, three people from the AAAHC arrived to perform the inspection. “They were in charge of reviewing all of our policies,” Haecker said. “Rights of patients, quality of management, lab work — all of these had a policy that needed re-approval. Because we had been accredited before, it was an easier process.” AAAHC spent three days wandering around the UHC

building, reviewing polices and questioning employees on their knowledge of the policies. “It can get pretty intense around here,” said Jennifer Snyder, marketing coordinator for the UHC. “After they were done reviewing, they reported that we worked well as a team and that they were impressed by how many services we have to offer compared to other colleges.” Dental services, x-rays and psychological therapy are just some of the medical services the UHC offers its patients. “They told us that we are one of the best schools they’ve accredited,” Snyder said. “It was certainly a sigh of relief.” Haecker said there are two types of accreditation that can be applied for. The first is ambulatory accreditation. “Ambulatory basically means that we don’t conduct major surgeries,” Haecker said. “I suppose the closest we get is removing moles, but I don’t really count that as a major surgery.” The second form of accreditation is joint-commission. “UNL used to apply for

joint-commission accreditation because the University Health Center used to be a hospital,” Snyder said. “Eventually, it was closed and transformed into the health clinic for students that it is today. That was when we decided to apply for accreditation from AAAHC.” Haecker mentioned that UNL is the only college health center in Nebraska accredited by the AAAHC. “It makes us stand out and we’re very proud of that,” he said. Alexiss Wall, a freshman pre-criminology and criminal justice major, was impressed by the work the health center has done for her in her first few weeks of school. “They were all really nice and the doctor listened to all of my complaints and then proceeded to help fix my pinkeye,” she said. “It was a good experience.” Snyder also wanted to remind students they are paying health center usage fees on their consolidated bill. “We always want students to know they pay student fees,” she said. “It is an excellent deal for you guys.” conordunn@

AGN: from 1 We have high respect for the integrity of the greek system. This was just a lack of knowledge.” kenny buhr

president of alpha gamma nu

“It was just a lack of knowledge,” Buhr said. “We thought because our fraternity was technically considered offcampus, the rule wouldn’t apply to us.” The guns were hidden inside cases located in a discreet place, he said. The cases were not locked and very evidently holding guns. “We figured it would be better to hide the guns inside of the house as opposed to his (the fraternity member who owned the guns) car,” Buhr said. “We don’t live in the best neighborhood and we didn’t want someone breaking in to his car and stealing them from there.” Although Buhr has an idea of who the suspect might be, he declined to release the name to anyone but the LPD and University Police. “It’s not another member of the university — it’s someone outside,” he said. “We’re working with the police and we just want this to go as smoothly as possible until the last gun is found.” Evans also declined to release names at this time and said the LPD and University Police have been working

courtesy photo

together to figure out the serial numbers for the missing weapon. “This is an active investigation,” Evans said. “We are looking for better leads and don’t want to release information that may not be completely accurate.” Buhr said Alpha Gamma Nu is cooperating to the best of its ability with police and have gotten in contact with Student Affairs. “We don’t want other students thinking that we’re just some ‘up-to-no-good’ fraternity,” Buhr said. “We have high respect for the integrity of the greek system. This was just a lack of knowledge. We were

just trying to keep the guns in a safe place.” Evans highly discouraged the possession of weapons on campus premises. “Weapons are not allowed to be secured on campus,” she said. “UNLPD offers weapon storage, free of charge. It’s in the housing policy.” Evans also wanted students to know the police are doing everything they can at this point. “If anyone has any further information, please call 402472-2222,” she said. “We appreciate every bit of help we can get.”


UNL acquires Native American cultural center ryan kopelke daily nebraskan

“The Indian Center lies to the west of the north end property and has not been purchased by the university,” said Christine Jackson, vice chancellor of Business and Finance. Despite popular misconception, the Indian Center is not actually an Indian reservation. While it is owned by the Native American community, according to McCready, it functions as a state nonprofit entity and is considered private property. This, not Native American affiliation, is the reason police are unable to enter without cause. “It’s just like your house, so long as you don’t do anything stupid that endangers others, the police have no reason to search the area,” McReady said. “We also have our own security personnel just in case.” And employees of the Indian Center have nothing but good things to say about Husker fans. “We’ve had our disputes before, but usually with our

security there, things are squashed before they even begin,” McReady said. “They pay the fee to use our lots,

they obey all the rules, and they all really get along. That’s what really impressed me, that so many people

together in one place all got along.”

Meg Brannen, a junior advertising and public relations major, said she wasn’t proud to be a Husker after seeing the TransCanada ads at the past two football games. For Brannen, the ads might have indirectly sent the wrong message to fans and the state. “It was really poor planning

on whoever placed the ad because I think anyone could have seen this is really controversial,” Brannen said. Casey Heier, a senior biological systems engineering major, said he was glad the athletic department listened to the fans who spoke out against the TransCanada ads.

Initially, Heier said he was surprised when the ads appeared on the HuskerVision screen the first two football games. “I can’t believe they put it up there,” Heier said. Kyle Bogus, a senior accounting major, said he didn’t think much of the ads, but

agreed with the athletic department’s decision to remove them. “It’s probably the right thing to do,” Bogus said. “I don’t want people booing during the game for something on the big screen.”

NEW UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN PROPERTIES The University of Nebraska-Lincoln purchased properties, which were close to the popular tailgating spot on 10th Street and Military Road. But the Indian Center’s property, commonly referred to as “the Indian reservation,” remains untouched by the university.


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N. 14th St.

UNL Purchase

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Indian Center Inc. “the reservation”

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Military Rd.

N 10th St.

This semester, rumors have flown among students of the University of NebraskaLincoln about the popular tailgating spot, the “Indian reservation.” This seven-acre stretch of land on 10th Street and Military Road is untouchable by both the UNL and the Lincoln Police Department because of its affiliation with Native Americans. Adding to the string of rumors is the whisper that, in response to tailgating, the university has purchased the property, making it a “dry” zone with no legal ramifications for alcohol use. The Indian Center Inc, known to students as “the Indian reservation,” is a nonprofit organization designed to cater to the needs of the Lincoln community. It makes no distinction based on race or skin color and offers a variety of services, from food stamps to childcare. The center was designed to “provide

value to the Native American community by creating and obtaining programs that empower self-sufficiency and positive quality of life standards in individuals and families,” according to the Indian Center’s website. However, it also acts as an integral part of Lincoln human services and an incredibly convenient spot to tailgate. “We are here to help all cultures of the community and, in my time here, we have been able to do just that,” said Alan McCready, director of community food programs for the Indian Center. Contrary to widespread rumors, things on the Indian Center’s land this year remain the same. UNL has purchased property along Military Road, but the Indian Center remains outside of university property and university regulation. The university purchased 10.9 acres just north and south of Military Road and west of Antelope Valley Parkway.

Court St.

bea huff | daily nebraskan


transcanada: from 1 “The ads themselves really focus on the offensive line and not the controversial pipeline, but I can also understand why some people reacted negatively,” Perlman said. University of Nebraska Regent Bob Whitehouse said he didn’t notice TransCanada’s ads while at the games.

But Whitehouse said there is a difference between advertisement and endorsement, and the notion that one means the other would set a bad precedent. “I would not want to think that every time we advertise something we imply endorsement,” he said.


daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Ian Sacks managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Courtney Pitts news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.1764 associate editor Ellen Hirst Hailey Konnath assignment editor opinion editor Zach Smith Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Noah Ballard Chance Solem-Pfeifer assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Doug Burger Andrew McClure assistant editor Jeff Packer assistant editor photo chief Andrew Dickinson Multimedia Patrick Breen editor

Design chief Emily Bliss Blair Englund assistant chief copy chief Andrew McClure web chief Andrew McClure art director Bob Al-Greene Bea Huff director Neil Orians assistant director general manager. . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1769 Dan Shattil Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.2589 manager Nick Partsch Rylan Fitz assistant manager publications board. . . . . . . . . .402.613.0724 Adam Morfeld chairman professional AdvisEr . . . . . 402.473.7248 Don Walton

Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

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thursday, september 15, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

ASUN debates benefits of Employee Plus One bill Frannie Sprouls daily nebraskan

Association of Students of the University of Nebraska’s decided to support Employee Plus One Benefits, which provide benefits to employee’s domestic partners, at their Wednesday meeting. “It’s an issue of fairness,” said Emily Schlichting, a senior communication studies and political science major and ASUN speaker of the senate. “As students, we have access to domestic partner health insurance, but faculty and staff don’t have that benefit.” The bill only recognizes ASUN’s support of Plus One, not the official adoption of Plus One. Schlichting explained to the senate that Chancellor Harvey

Perlman supported the proposal, as did all of the different Student Affairs directors and student governments in the University of Nebraska system. All of the Big Ten institutions provide benefits for employee’s domestic partners and by passing the policy, UNL will take a step to join its colleagues, said Lane Carr, a senior history and political science major and ASUN president. Senator Clay Livingston, a graduate business student, spoke against approving the bill. “Is this really going to make our university top one, two, or three of the Big Ten?” Livingston said. “Is this the step we are willing to make? It’s a slippery slope dealing with this issue.” Schlichting responded to

Livingston’s statement, saying there were a few things to consider when it came to the Plus One policy. “Realistically, no, it’s not going to make us the top university,” Schlichting said. “But it will be one less thing that would drive us down.” A resolution was also presented to go along with the bill on Plus One. Senate Resolution #2 reminds students they have the option of using an insurance plan that provides for domestic partners. “Kudos to the health center for offering this for students and their domestic partners,” said senator Larry McElravy, a graduate student and student services committee chair. “It’s a model of what we expect on campus of all the people and their rights.” franniesprouls@

ASUN Bills



Senate Bill #1: Committee for Fees Allocation Bylaws

This bill was presented at last week’s meeting and was tabled. The only change in the bylaws was adding The Dailyer Nebraskan section discussing budget requests.


Bylaw C - Amend ASUN Bylaws: The Shirt Committee

This bylaw was given to senators the previous week to read but not vote on. The change to Bylaw C was changing “The Shirt Committee” to “The Traditions Tee Committee.”


Senate Bill #2: Employee Plus One Benefits

This bill spelled out what the purpose of having Employee Plus One benefits at Nebraska universities. It only recognizes ASUN’s support of the policy.


This resolution is to remind students of the option to have domestic partners on the student health insurance provided by the University Health Center, in response to the Employee Plus One Benefits policy.


Senate Resolution #3 Domestic Partner Insurance

DRUGS: from 1 the increased prevalence of marijuana: 18.5 percent of respondents reported use in the last month in 2010, up from 18.1 percent the year before and 16.5 percent in 2008. Use of prescription drugs, including ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall, and other psychotherapeutics, fell slightly from 2009. “As states legalize marijuana ... we’re going to see that increase,” Thomas said. When patients come into the health center, basic questions on alcohol, tobacco and drug use are part of the routine, she said, but other than that, “Really, we don’t have very much data.” The health center’s pharmacy has begun instituting tighter regulations on stimulant and narcotic medications, including Ritalin, which Thomas called a “fairly easily abused drug.” Aaron Pembleton, education and crime prevention officer for University Police, said the rates on campus would likely be somewhat different, though marijuana is still the most common illicit drug the department sees. College attendance and habitual drug use can

often be mutually exclusive, he said. The department’s information on campus citations wasn’t available by press time, but Pembleton said drug use has been fairly stable. “It almost depends on the freshman class that shows up,” he said. Upperclassmen start to move off-campus, skewing any campus activity toward younger students. By far the most popular drug is alcohol. Almost half of the 18- to 25-year-olds — 44 percent — reported drinking four or more drinks within a two-hour period or binge drinking in the previous month, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Wow,” Epperson said. “That one does surprise me. I know the drinking rate is high, but I didn’t think binge drinking was that high.” Nincehelser disagreed, saying he thought the percentage “seems about normal.” “Most people my age drink,” he said, attributing much of the prevalence of binge drinking to inexperience. “They don’t know how long it takes to get


drunk.” Thomas and Pembleton both agreed on the primacy of alcohol on campus. “Alcohol is of course our biggest adversary in terms of abuse on campus,” Pembleton said. Alcohol is followed by marijuana, then ADHD medications. “I would say those are the big ones on campus,” Thomas said. “And do I think it’s a lot? No.” Alcohol is instead the biggest problem, she said. For example, Thomas said she has seen students come in with acute alcohol withdrawal, a sign of alcohol addiction. Freshmen students take a survey before starting class that covers alcohol use, perceptions and often misconceptions, she said, and since it began, reported alcohol use has decreased. The health center also organizes events throughout the year and sends out trained peer educators to spread information on alcohol abuse. “I don’t know about (the prevalence of) marijuana, but alcohol’s definitely a problem,” Thomas said.



Tea Party could undercut Republican candidates


benjamin kantack

n next year’s presidential election, the Democrats’ best friend certainly won’t be the economy or the health care bill. Instead, it could be the populist, antitax, pro-Constitution movement – the Tea Party. Monday, eight Republican candidates hoping to be the next president took the stage in Tampa, Fla., in the first “Tea Party Republican Debate.” The event began with the national anthem and candidates were asked questions by Tea Party members. Even the Gadsden Flag (with a snake and the words “Don’t Tread on Me”), popular with the Tea Party, made several appearances. Moderator Wolf Blitzer remarked before the debate that the Tea Party now had a “major role” in the Republican Party. The occasion of the Tea Party’s first sponsored debate has reignited media discussion about the Tea Party.

Republicans have tended to support the grassroots movement. In fact, six of the eight candidates in Monday’s debate have spoken at Tea Party events. By contrast, the left-leaning Huffington Post has expressed its disgust with what it calls a “fringe” group, while former “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones has launched what he hopes will be an equally powerful liberal counterpart to the Tea Party. It seems that Republicans are enthusiastic about the Tea Party, and Democrats are afraid of it. But the reality of the Tea Party isn’t that simple, even though its members tend to support Republican candidates and ideologies. Third parties in the past have often played supporting roles in America’s electoral history. However, on several occasions, third parties have amassed a large enough following to significantly affect national elections. Unfortunately for these third parties, their effect is often to aid their opponents. Theodore Roosevelt’s 1912 presidential campaign as part of the Progressive Party divided Republican support for William Howard Taft and allowed Democrat Woodrow Wilson to win the election.

H. Ross Perot’s candidacy in 1992 siphoned support from George H. W. Bush and allowed Bill Clinton to take the White House. In the extremely close race of 2000, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader’s involvement was blamed for costing Al Gore the race and allowing George W. Bush to become president. In all three of these elections, the presence of the third party allowed the candidate least in line with the third party’s ideology to take office. This is because third parties tend “split the electorate,” taking votes from a similar candidate and allowing a dissimilar candidate to essentially “divide and conquer” the other party. At this point, it is doubtful that the Tea Party will

nominate a presidential candidate of its own to contend with the Republican nominee. Currently, the Tea Party is a collection of loosely connected state and local groups without an established national organization. Despite this, the Tea Party has the potential to play a spoiler role in the 2012 elections that Democrats should welcome and Republicans should be concerned about. What sort of havoc could the Tea Party wreak on Republicans in 2012? One only has to look to the 2010 midterm elections for the answer. Many establishment Republicans were challenged in primary races by Tea Party-supported newcomers. In some cases, Tea Party-backed candidates (like Rand Paul in

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It’s still possible the Tea Party will throw its support behind Republican candidates in 2012. But establishment Republicans are already worried that the influence of the Tea Party might lead to the nomination of an unelectable candidate in 2012. Democrats, for their part, can thank the Tea Party for helping them hang on to a majority in the Senate for two more years. The Tea Party may have a simple platform of lower taxes and less government, but its effect on past and future elections in the United States is anything but simple.

benjamin kantack is a senior political science and spanish major. follow him on twitter at @benjaminkantack and reach him at opinion@

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Kentucky and Scott Brown in Massachusetts) earned Senate seats. But in several high-profile Senate races, Tea Party-supported Republican candidates proved to be too polarizing and Democrats maintained their seats. Ken Buck in Colorado, Sharron Angle in Nevada, and Christine O’Donnell (remember the “I’m Not a Witch” ad?) are all examples of Tea Party candidates who lost to their Democratic rivals. If those three Senate seats had gone Republican in 2010, Democrats would have lost their majority in the Senate. In the case of Sharron Angle, her failure to win allowed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whose loss would have been a major success for Republicans, to keep his position.

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page 4

thursday, september 15, 2011

DAILY NEBRASKAN e d i t o r i a l b o a r d m e mb e r s ZACH SMITH


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

our view

Jobs Act could build education system in US Last Thursday, President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress to promote the American Jobs Act, a package of job creation measures designed to spur the United States’ flagging economy. The proposed legislation includes significant tax cuts, infrastructure spending, state aid and an extension of unemployment insurance. But we at the Daily Nebraskan are most concerned with how it affects students. Unlike President Obama’s other signature measures — the stimulus and the health insurance overhaul — the American Jobs Act does not directly affect college students. Previous economic stimulus legislation has included an expansion of Pell Grants, used by many low-income college students in Nebraska and nationwide. Federal student loan reform was passed through a measure designed to make the health insurance bill deficit-neutral. The American Jobs Act, instead, focuses on elementary and secondary school education, as well as teachers already in the workforce. It includes $30 billion in renovation of America’s aging public schools, from making them more energy-efficient to modernizing school technology through computer labs and Internet connectivity. Parts of the package also address community colleges, which serve much of the technical and manufacturing sectors of our economy, including up to $21 million for Nebraska community colleges. Next, the legislation invests $35 billion in preventing state layoffs of public employees, including teachers. A summary of the impact on Nebraska by the White House indicates that Nebraska is slated to receive $176 million, enough to save up to 2,800 education, fire and police jobs. Most important, though, is an effort to support job programs for low-income youth, including both summer and year-round projects. The Daily Nebraskan applauds the concern the Act shows for the unemployment rate among young adults, higher than in any other section of the population. These ideas are not partisan – they are neither left nor right. They are simply the right thing to do, investing in the future of our education system and the present-day unemployment problems among college graduates. The Daily Nebraskan supports these common-sense efforts to spur job creation.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

bob lausten | daily nebraskan

Hard questions honor 9/11 victims


iven the recent furor over Paul Krugman and his comments regarding the awkwardness of 9/11 memorials, I’m afraid to say anything questionable – or even neutral – about the various tributes to the brave souls who died in the attacks of Sept. 11. If history has taught us anything, it’s that one cannot win against political correctness, particularly when it takes the form of ambiguous buzzwords like “patriotism,” “remember” and “War on Terror.” But, a la Chuck Klosterman, who wants to win? Like most people, I believe if “hero” describes anyone, it describes people like Jeremy Glick and Flight 93 and the firefighters and police officers who gave life and limb to save their fellow humans on Sept. 11, 2001. To press this point, there is nothing unclear about their heroism, and I don’t think anyone – from Krugman to the most radical, government-hating libertarian – would say otherwise. However, what is extremely unclear is how best to serve the memory of these heroes. Is their memory best served, as most suggest, by gathering once a year to mutter vague platitudes like “stand against evil,” “always remember” and “fighting for our safety?” Is their memory best served by signing Nebraska names onto a bulletin board in the Union? If we’re honest, we realize that “no,” 9/11 tributes are not the best or even most common remembrance of these people. The memory of the heroes and victims of 9/11, in fact, has already been served. It has been served not only once a year, but every day when we’re complicit in our government’s unconscionable reaction to the attacks of 9/11. And, though

david logan such a statement reeks with political taboos, it is really the only honest thing to say on a week when the 9/11 memorials have become ... well, awkward. The truth, albeit politically incorrect, is that all of us, not only George Bush and Dick Cheney, have, after 9/11, become compliant with a government that drone-bombs children and the elderly in search of terrorists. We are a nation that spends trillions on war when Americans are jobless. We are a nation that, under the guise of 9/11, killed more than 100,000 completely innocent people (nonmilitary) in our invasion of Iraq. For those who study mathematics, that amount is more than 30 times the amount of innocent people who died on Sept. 11. What’s more, we’ve become a nation that tries to frighten people with words like “terror” and then extols them to “never forget” how their lives are in harm’s way. We’re a nation that has displaced millions from their homes, only with the pathetic excuse that their own dictators — who were, ironically, supported by the United States throughout history — could do no better. As University of Chicago Professor of Law Brian Leiter explains, and it can’t be repeated enough, “there is no ‘War on Terror,’ not only because you can’t wage war on a technique, but because there is no single agent of terrorism motivated by a unitary set of concerns.”

The “war” on terrorism, which ironically meets the definition of terrorism in the U.S. Army Manual on Terror (“the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of violence ... (to) attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature”), is a complete fraud that only benefits a few politicians, bankers and zero-bid contractors who send brave Americans to die overseas. To insist, with the blessing of political correctness, that none of this be mentioned on 9/11 is in bad faith, not only to any substantive moral principle, but to the victims of 9/11 themselves. We should be sure that the victims on Sept. 11, and the heroes on Flight 93 and in the firehouses of New York City, would all feel their memory best served by a fiscally responsible, democratic nation rather than what we have, in fact, become. When someone ignores these facts of 9/11 or any day, only to spout vague, meaningless platitudes like “fighting for freedom” or “never forget” they tarnish the memories of those who died on 9/11. (If you’re wondering if something is vague, by the way, chances are if nobody could possibly disagree with it, then it’s vague. And how can one disagree with “freedom,” “safety,” or “remember?”) To paraphrase the screenplay for Michael Bay’s 1995 action thriller “The Rock,” I don’t see how one honors the dead by killing another thousand. And admitting, particularly on 9/11, that the United States dropped the ball with our trillion-dollar, wanton execution of thousands of innocents is not in bad taste on 9/11. In fact, it is the only sane memorial to this country and what it ought to stand for, but rarely does.

david logan is an undeclared graduate student. reach him at

Equality remains elusive due to differentiation


hroughout American history, countless individuals have sought the sacred ideal of equality. It’s a noble struggle that has defined a nation of idealists and fueled the constant desire of a more refined society. Call me a cynic, but we’ll never be equal. Not just you and I, but us, as a society, will never know true equality. Ask yourself: What is equality? It seems to me that people have a consistently hazy definition, one consisting of a vague premonition of a utopian society where individuals all get along happily and everyone greets the other with a passing “Good day!” It is a place where, dare I say it, everyone is equal. You know, we all treat each other without judgment. It’s one of those things that one will know when he sees it. But this isn’t reality. Where is the evidence that it will be achieved? What is the visible differentiation making us equal as opposed to ... not equal? More importantly, who will decide that this state of equilibrium has been achieved? Some envision a perfect meritocracy, where regardless of

gender, race or sexuality, one can obtain a job based on their skills. This, however, only pertains to the workforce and holds no relevance to a society. Or maybe how Martin Luther King Jr. put it: When a man is judged by the content of his character, and not by any other frivolous factors, is when we will be equal. I find this to be inspiring, but humanly impossible. We don’t have enough time to know every person for who they are. And as humans, we know ourselves and those like us, so we will favor those similar to us and who hold common values. Also, it seems it’s often the case that it’s not what you know but who you know. If you try to say that society today treats every individual equally, I’m sure you will find a chorus of nay-sayers telling you otherwise. And this is the trick, because things can only be equal when all people feel that it is. Otherwise, those who don’t feel as if things are fair will be marginalized and grouped together, which brings me to my next point. The very acts we take to acquire equality are the things that will keep us from it. Minority

Ryan duggan

organizations do a great thing by bringing to light the desires of an otherwise marginalized group, but their very existence sets them apart. By being a group of individuals with a common trait that is not of the majority and identifying oneself as a member of this group, one merely sets himself on a plane other than the majority. Let’s say there is a group of blue students who form a group that attends to the needs of other blue students. If they want to form this group, more power to them. However, if this wasn’t a self-imposed group (even if it was exactly the same, held the same intent and had the same members), but rather was imposed by the — let’s say green — majority, it would be discrimination. I realize the difference is that

the former group created itself freely and the latter was created in a sense of separation, but the fact is, it’s still the same. The group is still set off from the rest by its differences; it’s just a matter of setting yourself off as opposed to someone else doing it for you. Therefore, if the majority establishing the minority group is wrong, shouldn’t it still be the same the other way around? What these groups are doing is noting their differences, which make us view each other differently. These views are what inequality stems from: someone being different than the other. The obvious answer to this is tolerance. But, as long as someone views himself as belonging to a certain group, there can never be complete tolerance of other groups. If there were a perfect tolerance for all groups, there would be no foundation for any of them. Sure, they would have different values or ethnicities, but you couldn’t be in one because you thought it was better or that you identified with it more, because if you did so, you would have to view others as different and inferior to your group. Why else would you choose to

identify with a group? And we all know certain groups can have conflicting values, so for these to be tolerant of one another undermines the very core of their own beliefs. For there to be any equality, I believe that these kinds of groups would have to eliminate themselves. No one could set themselves apart from the majority, or else they would be notifying an inequality. At the same time, the majority would have to accept all of the minority groups as being the same. But the problem is that groups take pride in their differences. This will prevent them from wanting to become fully equal and join the majority, because they will have to give up that uniqueness that they had while in the margin. What should be done? Create one common culture: a supermajority that somehow encompasses all. That is, until the day we define ourselves only as humans and nothing more, we will not view each other equally.

ryan duggan is a junior english and classical languages major. reach him at opinion@

performingarts DAILY NEBRASKAN

thursday, september 15, 2011


pagE 5



bea huff | daily nebraskan

TADA musicals boast old and new characters Bethany schmidt | Daily Nebraskan

From Left: Nicolby Westover, Rachel Washington, and Caroline Ficke perform during a showing of “West Side Story” at the Lincoln Community Playhouse Wednesday night. Performances will continue to run through Sept. 18.


he Midwest meets the “West Side” as the classic Broadway musical “West Side Story” continues its run at the Lincoln Community Playhouse this week.

Jerome Robbins directed and choreographed the original 1957 show (based on the book by Arthur Laurents) with the music from Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. The Playhouse’s show

is directed and choreographed by Courtney Piccoli. The play is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” updated to the streets of New York City in the 1950s. The show

focuses on the rivalry between two street gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. The Sharks’ members are primarily from Puerto Rico,

Westside: see page 6

Passion important in career choice

katie Nelson I remember being asked, as a kid, what I wanted to be when I grew up. No, I’m not going to tell you I wanted to be a dancer (mainly because I can barely walk without endangering myself or others), an astronaut, baby sloth trainer or some other childish cliché of a job. By age 4, I was exploring the realms of quantum physics, writing entire symphonies with my crayons during day care and

reading various law journals in my free time. And I was bored. When it came time for me to respond to that hovering “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question, I didn’t really have an answer. It wasn’t until one warm, summer day that my life was altered forever and by nothing but a child’s easel and some cheap paints. My fingers touched the paint and came alive. I created a watermelon that day. I know because I still have the picture hanging above the dresser in my room back home. Painting is a release for me; when I have a brush in my hand, everything ceases to exist. People, time, stress – all these disappear from the forefront of my

mind. To me, there is nothing more natural, or beautiful for that matter, than paint on my fingers. But when the question was asked again: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I never said “artist.” We live in a society where money and status reign over everything else, and in my opinion, everything that matters. Time is money and money is happiness. But happiness is expensive and not something everyone can afford. And let’s not forget status. No one is going to respect you if you work multiple jobs, even if you’re doing things you love. We’re told as children that the sky is the limit and somewhere between being


5 and 25 someone tells us to stop dreaming – to grow up – that “it” isn’t possible and will never happen. We train ourselves to settle for the job that will gain us respect and enough money to make ends meet, idly promising ourselves that, one day, when we have made our way in the world, we will revisit the things we love. But we are always interrupted by life. People are married, buried and circumstances are constantly

nelson: see page 6

Kristina Jackson daily nebraskan

TADA Production is transforming classic images as diverse as Mark Twain’s classic characters and wellknown superheroes like Spider-Man into musical characters this year. The Lincoln-based theater troupe has dubbed their 10th season their “Magical Musical Season.” For their next production this semester, the company will put on “Big River” and they’ll finish the semester with “Nuncrackers.” Spring brings more shows TADA is eager to stage. “We have musicals for everyone,” said Bob Rook, TADA’s managing artistic director. The first show of the 2011-2012 season, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” closed on Aug. 28, and now TADA is entirely focused on their special presentation of “Big River.” The show is a musical reproduction of Mark Twain’s classic, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” with music written by Roger Miller. For this production, TADA paired with the Lincoln Choral Artists, formerly known as the Lincoln Civic Choir, and Nebraska Wesleyan University, which will host the performance at the O’Donnell Auditorium. The semi-staged show will feature 24 actors and a 60-member choir.

One minute he’ll be cracking jokes and then maybe he’ll have something really poignant to say.”

Ben reimer

TADA actor on Huck Finn

According to Rook, a production of this scale is not intimidating for TADA. “It’s how we started,” he said, comparing “Big River” to previous productions, like “Sweeney Todd” and “Beauty and the Beast.” Ben Reimer, who graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in May 2010 with a degree in musical education, plays Huck and has enjoyed taking on Twain’s classic hero. “It’s fun to go between emotions,” Reimer said. This jumping between emotions is part of the transformation the character undergoes and is one of many formulaic elements of playing Huck. Reimer said Huck lives in a world where society and his personal beliefs do not always match. “One minute he’ll be cracking jokes and then maybe he’ll have something really poignant to say,” he said. “And then he’ll go back to being a teen again.” The production will

tada: see page 6

Music, motion meld on Lied stage Brandon Perchal Daily nebraskan

The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, often considered one of the most refined acts of audible entertainment in the Star City, is adding a visual component. Opening its 85th season at the Lied Center for Performing Arts, the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra is partnering with the internationally renowned cirque troupe, Cirque de la Symphonie. “What better way to celebrate a new era for our incredible LSO,” said Edward Polochick, LSO’s music director in a press release. “I just can’t wait for it all to begin with the fantastic cirque show on Sept. 16.” To complement the

world-class acrobatics, the LSO musicians will be playing both classical and contemporary genres of music with famous pieces from Tchaikovsky to the music of “Star Wars.” In the opinion of Barbara Zach, the LSO’s executive director, this show is a truly unique experience to come listen and watch the symphony play. “The audience should expect great orchestra music,” she said. Cirque de la Symphonie is a troupe made up of 35 of the world’s most prestigious acrobats, aerialists, dancers, gymnasts, jugglers and mimes that do ornate routines both above and on the stage while the symphony is playing. One of the many

celebrities of the troupe is Christine Van Loo, a seventime acro-gymnast National Champion. “The idea (for Cirque de la Symphonie) began in Russia,” said Bill Allen, co-founder of Cirque de la Symphonie. While visiting Russia, Allen saw many different cirque artists and was inspired to bring cirque art to a fine art level by combining it with classical music. “The late Erich Kunzel, director from the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, came to me and asked if an orchestra would work with this performance,” Allen said. Finally in 1998, Cirque de la Symphonie became nationally known in the U.S.

Neil ORians | daily nebraskan

when the troupe appeared on PBS in a television special. Today the troupe is

booked with sixty orchestras for the next year and frequently sells out large

cirque: see page 6


thursday, september 15, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Nelson: from 5 changing. What happened to the finger paints? The music? The words? Why did we cram the truest, most natural parts of ourselves away? Who did we impress by doing so? Now, I’m not saying that pursuing a degree in painting or going on tour with your band is an excuse to be a lazy, noncontributing citizen. You’ve chosen a path that’s going to be more circuitous than others, but that means you’re going to have to look harder for the destination you seek. What’s so scary about that? When you’ve found the thing you truly love, nothing should stop you from pursuing it, from allowing it to consume you. Sure, you may have Courtesy photo

Film explores merits of ethanol Tyler Keown daily nebraskan

Anyone who drives and pays for their own gas may want to head to the Rococo Theatre Thursday night. “FREEDOM,” a film that addresses our nation’s dependence on oil and depicts how ethanol may be a better alternative, will be screened at the Rococo Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. with a suggested $10 donation. There are 1,000 seats available. Both Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell, the directors of the film, will be in attendance for a question and answer session after the showing. Todd Becker, the CEO of Green Plains Renewable Energy, and former presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark will also be available to answer questions. “Our main goal making this film was to find a way to get

America off oil. People have been told there are no solutions; they’re environmentally resigned,” Joshua Tickell said. “Our film offers solutions.” The film has been touring throughout the U.S., with plans to stop in 50 cities in just three and a half months. It features big names, including Jason Mraz, Amy Smart and Michelle Rodriguez. Sasha Forsen, a communications analyst at Green Plains Renewable Energy, has been helping advertise the upcoming showing. “This film has no set demographic; anybody who puts gas in their car will want to see it,” Sasha said. The film focuses on using ethanol, commonly known as E-85, as a main fuel source. This has become a relevant issue especially in Nebraska, which holds 24 ethanol-producing plants within state

lines. “It’s eye-opening to see where we are,” Forsen said. “These are facts that many of us are aware of, but the film really helps to put things in perspective.” Accompanying the film across the nation is the FREEDOM Bus, a school bus converted to run on E-85 fuel. It offers activities to help teach people about the use of ethanol as a fuel. Forsen also addressed the concerns of those who may be worried about the cost of buying a car that takes E-85. “You can actually buy a kit that converts your car to be E-85 compliant, which is a great investment, with ethanol being the cheapest fuel source available at pumps,” Forsen said. Pam Gregorios, the executive director of the Rococo, also expressed excitement for

the showing. “For us, we like to change it up,” Gregorios said. “We don’t get to have movie previews very often.” People inspired by the film have many options to get more involved. The film’s website offers suggestions to help become more efficient, and the $10 suggested donation goes toward the “I’ll Be The One” Organization (a charitable nonprofit that has a mission to spread information on green energy through media and entertainment). On the most foundational level, the creators of “FREEDOM” hope it will register on some civic terms. “The film is deeply confronting,” Joshua Tickell said. “I want people to walk out of the theater and think, ‘I can make a difference, and I know how to.’”

her last exposure to “West Side Story” was a stage performance in 2000 when her father conducted its pit orchestra at the Pinewood Bowl. It’s also important to Piccoli that he and his cast maintain a fair distance from the film but keep the familiar elements audiences are expecting. “You always add your own signature to it, but I try to keep it pretty classic,” Piccoli said. “People come to see ‘West Side Story’ to see the great dancing and singing.” A part of Piccoli’s signature is multiple planes of focus on stage. She wants to give everyone a chance to act and dance, as well as give repeat patrons something new to watch every time. Piccoli also prefers to

Katie Nelson is a sophomore Broadcast Journalism major. Reach her at Katienelson@

cirque: from 5 venues. “The show is a spell binding experience and also good for new concert-goers to get interested in orchestra music,” Allen said. “It (the orchestra) gives everybody what they came to see.” The Cirque de la Symphonie performance is just the beginning of what the LSO has in store for the upcoming season at the Lied Center. In October the LSO is performing Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” with violinist Rachel Barton Pine. And in November, pianist Mark Markham, will be featured in Prokofiev’s “Piano Concerto No. 3.” Furthermore, to start off the LSO’s new season at the Lied Center,

If you go Cirque de la Symphonie when: Friday, Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m. where: Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $10 (students) and $25 (GA) the symphony has lowered their ticket prices to make it more affordable for University of Nebraska-Lincoln students. The ticket prices now begin at $10 for UNL students and start at $25 for general admission. Tickets are still available for Friday night’s show and for the rest of the LSO season. brandonperchal@


tada: from 5

Westside: from 5 and the Jets are from a white working-class background. On this Lincoln stage, the best-known of characters of Tony and Maria will be played by Michael Corner and Natalie Tavlin, respectively. Theater patrons might be most familiar with “West Side Story” from the 1961 film directed by Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins. Tavlin, however, said she wanted to distance her performance from Natalie Wood’s classic film incarnation of Maria. “I deliberately have not watched the movie (recently),” Tavlin said, “I didn’t want to pick up any of her habits. If I’m like her, it’s probably by accident.” It has been years since Tavlin has seen the film and

to work a few extra jobs (some that you may not necessarily like), but if it’s because you need that money to pursue your dreams, what could be better? Do you remember those kids who were always different in high school? They were the dreamers and they are the ones who will end up where they want to be. Do not allow fear to be the thing that holds you back from pursuing the arts. In the end, you may not make the most money or be the most popular, but you will be yourself. And therein, happiness lies.

use actors and not a running crew to achieve scene transitions. In the director’s mind, it’s simpler because the actors already know the location of props and sets. Working as both director and choreographer, Piccoli had a lot of control over what has ended up on the stage this past week. She tries to choreograph based on her performers, tailoring the dancing to their specific skills and inclinations. “It’s easier choreographing with the bodies I have, because they are super talented,” Piccoli said. Ironically, Tavlin is one of the few trained dancers in the cast, yet she doesn’t do much dancing herself. That does give Tavlin more time to focus on acting, specifically on the difficult

If you go “West Side Story” when: Sept. 15-17, 7 p.m. where: Lincoln Community Playhouse, 2500 S 56th St. how much: $10 (students), $20 (GA) transformation Maria goes through in Act II. She tries to sneak off to the green room to change and avoid other actors in preparation for her final entrance. Tavlin said the musical appeals to a wide audience. There is macho violence for the men and a sweet love story for the ladies. “There’s a lot for everyone,” she said.

feature cameos and performances from several TADA alumni, including Steven Rich, a Wesleyan graduate and professional actor in New York City. Rich will return to Lincoln to play Jim, Huck’s companion throughout the show. In Rook’s mind the show has great music, great characters and a message that still resonates. “It’s as important today as it was when Twain wrote it,” he said. Following “Big River,” TADA will move forward to their holiday show,

“Nuncrackers.” And the spring semester will bring a pair of regional premieres with “The Spidey Project” in April and “Avenue Q” in June. The latter has the TADA artists particularly excited. “That was a huge night, when we got that,” Rook said. He said the company is lucky to have TADA alumni as well as college students in their shows this season. “It’s a great gathering of talent.”



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Daily Nebraskan

thursday, september 15, 2011


UNL strings set for home show Cara Wilwerding daily nebraskan

A quartet of strings is as much about balance as it is about individual musicianship. Tonight, the Chiara String Quartet will perform a recital in Kimball Recital Hall. Free and open to the public, tonight’s recital will begin at 7:30 p.m. The quartet is comprised of Rebecca Fischer and Julie Hye-Yung Yoon on violin, Jonah Sirota on viola and Gregory Beaver on cello, all artists-in-residence at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Music. They have played together for more than 11 years, touring nationally and internationally. Their honors include first prize at both the Paolo Borciani International Competition and the Fischoff Chamber Music Competition, among many others. The quartet averages between 40 to 60 concerts per season. The pieces on the bill for tonight include “Sonata in C minor” for unaccompanied viola, “BWV 1001” by J.S. Bach, “The Études for Viola” by Nico Muhly, and “Sonata in E-flat Major,” Op. 120, No. 2 by J. Brahms. Sirota is looking forward to the piece by Nico Muhly because it is the most modern in the lineup. While few viola pieces have been written in the last 50 years, Muhly, a New York composer, just finished this piece in 2009. “It’s got a good groove and it is really hard, but in a fun way,” he said. Sirota encourages students — even those unfamiliar with classical music — to attend the recital on the pretense that the viola makes great music for a

courtesy photo

Courtesy photo

date night. Sirota has been teaching at Westbrook for more than six years. He gives lessons to viola students, coaches chamber music groups and helps run the chamber music program. “I try to help my students find ways to communicate through their instruments, how they feel about the music they are playing,” he said. As a teacher, he tries to focus mostly on the technical work of each instrument and spends time exploring the body and mind link to music. This includes finding ways to practice mentally – without the instrument – and teaching students to reprogram their hands to play better. Sirota experienced performance-related injuries while in school and wants to help students improve while preventing injuries. Graduate student Jeffrey

Neil is finishing his master of arts in music. He meets with Sirota for weekly viola lessons. “He’s very honest with you and during an actual lesson, he rarely compliments you,” Neil said. “He goes straight for the issues and things he wants to fix.” While Neil described Sirota as blunt and harsh, he also said he’s the best teacher he’s ever had, by far. Neil previously attended the University of Indiana and St. Olaf University. He said the teachers there offered constructive criticism, but never actually taught him how to play the instrument. Neil says the most important lessons Sirota has imparted to him are time management skills and how to practice efficiently. “He taught me to focus my time in the practice room,” Neil said. “He said I was making great progress and I really improved

If you go Chiara Quartet Recital when: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. where: Kimball Recital Hall how much: Free in that respect. My parents came to my Master’s recital and were blown away by how much I improved from my undergraduate recital.” Neil would like to learn a few other things, including a better stage presence and positivity when going into a performance. He is confident Sirota can address these issues and recommends him to any music student looking for extra help. “I love teaching,” Sirota said. “It is amazing to watch students grow into full-fledged artists.” carawilwerding@

Slumber party brought outdoors Cara Wilwerding daily nebraskan

In kindergarten, most children hate required nap times. Years later, a great many college students wish midday slumbers were mandatory again. Next week, students will have the opportunity to nap among hundreds of their peers. Nap-a-thon on the Lawn will take place Sept. 19, on the Selleck Quadrangle. All students are welcome to catch some Zs before, between and after classes. The event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., but may run longer depending on how sleep-deprived attendants turn out to be. Freshman secondary education major, Chelsea Lemburg, created the event on Facebook during the first week of school. Lemburg labeled Nap-a-thon as “the siesta to end all siestas.” “I know college students

take a lot of naps because we need them,” Lemburg said. “A lot of time is spent studying or in class, so it’s nice to just have time to relax.” Students are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows and even glasses of warm milk. Schuyler Geery-Zink, a freshman international studies and pre-law major, plans to bring an alarm clock so she doesn’t miss class. Reading and studying are also allowed, but chatter must be kept to a minimum. Lemburg and Geery-Zink will judge the success of the event by having attendants sign a poster with their name and how Nap-a-thon impacted them. Geery-Zink also realizes the importance of naps. She said the best nap she ever took was one day after school while she had mono. “I just napped the entire afternoon into evening,” she said. “It was like ecstasy in nap form. When I got up, I felt like I was alive again.”

Lemburg wants to boost attendance as much as possible through word of mouth. The Facebook event lists 334 students as attending. While Lemburg and Geery-Zink are shocked by this outcome, there are more still awaiting reply. “Chelsea and I tried to do a lot of crazy events, but nothing like this and nothing on this scale,” Geery-Zink said. “Honestly, I thought we’d get like 20 people.” Attendants seem excited, according to their Facebook wall posts, with one respondent writing, “This is one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a long time.” Lemburg decided the beginning of the year would be the best time for Nap-a-thon because it’s not as busy as finals or midterms. Students are still getting acclimated to the campus lifestyle but have a tough workload nonetheless. The weather also might present issues where Nap-a-thon would be held in coming

If you go Nap-a-thon when: Monday, Sept. 19, 10 a.m. where: Selleck Quadrangle how much: Free months. “I wanted to do it before it got too cold, so we don’t have to look for a place inside,” Lemburg said. To continue these refreshing sleep sessions, Lemburg and Geery-Zink are considering making Nebraskans Advocating Public Sleep a recognized student organization. They are searching for a faculty adviser, who could reserve indoor locations for community naps. “It’s just going to be an event club,” Geery-Zink said. “Were going set up places around campus, tell everyone and just nap.” carawilwerding@

Theater takes to screen for world broadcast cameron mount daily nebraskan

Live theater in high definition may sound like an oxymoron, but the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center is part of a decidedly ambitious goal to bring cultural events to global audiences. Thursday and Sunday the Ross will join hundreds of other theaters across 22 countries in broadcasting “One Man, Two Guvnors” from the London National Theatre. The Richard Bean comedy stars James Corden as a failed skiffle band player who finds himself with two employers: Rachel Crabbe, disguised as her murdered brother Roscoe, and Stanley Stubbers, Roscoe’s murderer and Rachel’s secret lover. To explain further would only convolute a brilliantly intricate story, revamped from the Italian play “Servant of Two Masters” and receiving almost worldwide praise. The Ross has worked with BY Experience, which broadcasts the National Theatre Live events, since they began three years ago. Since then, the showings have grown in popularity. “This is a natural for The Ross,” said Ross Director Danny Ladely. “Being located on the university campus and right next to the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, we knew this is something that would really be well-received here, and so far it has been.” This year the Ross will also take advantage of the recently purchased 4K digital projection system, which was installed late August in the north theater. “It really, really improves the quality,” said Ladely. “I’m very anxious to see our first performances of both the National Theatre Live and the Metropolitan Opera Live.” Julie Borchard-Young is president of New Yorkbased BY Experience and spoke about the unique partnership they provide between theater and

cinema. “We take the signal that they produce on the stage and we beam it out across Europe and the U.S. and Canada, and on the delay system in several other markets globally,” BorchardYoung said. “It’s a very targeted distribution. We go to theaters, such as (The Ross), that are on college campuses and have a theater-loving audience that is interested in arts and entertainment programming.” While the performance itself will be sent through a live signal, time-zone realities complicate the logistics of a worldwide scale. “The Europeans take it totally live,” Borchard-Young explained. “And then in the U.S. and Canada, most record the live signal for showing in the evening that same night.” Ladely said that a live screening would occur during the busiest part of people’s days, so it makes more sense to save the recording until evening. In addition to the initial 7 p.m. showing, the Ross will play a repeat performance Sunday at 3 p.m. Even if the stage aspect stays the same, Ladely highlighted some of the new opportunities allowed by broadcast theater. “It’s not just a static camera like you’re sitting in the audience with a play,” he said. “The camera’s moving all over the theater – on the stage, off the stage, closeups, long-shots. It’s just like you would in a movie or any live performance that you see on TV.” Borchard-Young was also excited about the possibilities, though made sure to note that the live HD experience wasn’t meant to replace actual theater-going. “It’s the next best way of experiencing the plays,” she said. “A lot of the plays that happen don’t get to travel and go out to audiences, so this is the way to do that, to bring the widest possible audience to the theater.” CameronMount@


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thursday, september 15, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

PRACTICE NOTES FOOTBALL Shoring up special teams Special teams coach John Papuchis was not happy when he reviewed the first half’s game film against Fresno State. The miscues included a 67-yard punt return by Devon Wylie that put the Bulldogs on the board first. Papuchis said he counted eight different breakdowns on the play, an unusually high number and a large contributor in Wylie’s score. “It’s not my style to call individuals out; it wasn’t one guy,” Papuchis said. “It was a group effort. Ultimately it’s my job and my responsibility so I can look in the mirror and blame myself too.” But the coach said he saw the coverage units improve in the second half. The coaching staff challenged them at halftime, and he could see the difference when his units took the field. “There was a better sense of urgency,” Papuchis said. “I think a lot of times you

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another day, another question about health of alfonso dennard, still no answer “That’s up to the training staff,” secondary coach Corey Raymond said. “I’m just waiting for the training staff to say he’s ready to go. I have no idea what’s going on with that.” Dennard pulled a muscle in his leg a week before NU’s first game against Tennessee at Chattanooga. Considered a preseason AllAmerican and future NFL first-round draft pick by many, Dennard has yet to take the field this year. “He’s doing real good,” Raymond said. “I know he’s been preparing and he’s been working to play. He’s coming along and hopefully we get him back.”

compiled by Dan Hoppen



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Wearing them down When the Huskers got the ball back Saturday with 5:24 remaining in the game and a 35-29 lead, everyone knew what they would run. They needed to bleed the clock, and although the NU offensive line had struggled against the Bulldog’s aggressive style, the ball was going to Rex Burkhead. Burkhead got the ball the next six plays, smashing his

way forward for 34 yards after entering the fourth with only 13. “I told the guys, those six plays that Rex carried the ball are like the 14th round of a 15 round (boxing) championship,” running backs coach Ron Brown said. “You know you’re wearing them down. You’re getting shots in and you’re scoring points with the judges.” On third-and-three with Fresno State expecting another Burkhead run, quarterback Taylor Martinez took an option keeper 46 yards for a touchdown to end the Bulldogs’ upset bid. “That was the knockout,” Brown said. “That was when the fight was over.” But Brown said that drive was set up all game by the Huskers’ offensive line. Though they struggled to open holes earlier, they had worn the Fresno State defense down. “That drive at the end of the game was the combination of a series of hitting and smacking all day long


For Sale

can have the mindset that you’re waiting for someone else to make the tackle. When you get one returned on you, you realize really quick that you better be the one making the tackle.” Papuchis said he didn’t plan to make any changes on the coverage units this week. He believes that the problems were in the execution, not the players, and plays like Wylie’s return can be avoided this week. “It’s just a perfect storm of bad execution,” he said. “Hopefully we get that addressed and we’ll never see it again.”

Daily Nebraskan. Something for everyone. Misc. Services

Misc. Services

Daily Nebraskan

thursday, september 15, 2011

»»women’s tennis

hardrick: from 10

Huskers stress grades, then play Faiz siddiqui daily nebraskan

Fresh off an injury-laden 20-8 showing last season, the academically driven women’s tennis team is back in action and back to business as usual. For them, that means eyeing a Sweet 16 finish at April’s NCAA Tournament. But that’s still far away for a team that finally returned to the courts in an official practice setting this week. Junior Janine Weinreich couldn’t be happier to kick off the fall festivities. “It’s just good to be able to get back on our feet and see how practice pays off,” she said. “We had to get prepared mostly on our own for the first tournament.” Of course, this self-preparation was a nonissue for Weinreich, who snagged the Drake Invitational title for Flight A after competing with teammate Mary Weatherholt for the championship. It was a favorable result for both team members with Weatherholt making her NCAA return after an ACL injury early last season. But Weinreich made sure that the elation drawn from the tournament victory was short-lived. For Weinreich and her teammates alike, the

tournament-heavy fall season presents an opportunity to focus on individual improvement, team chemistry and academics — something that the team has never taken lightly. The team’s grade savviness helped the players earn last year’s Herman Award, presented to the NU team with the highest yearly GPA across women’s sports. This year’s team, nearly identical to 2011’s, has increased its academic rigor for the fall season in hopes of lightening its load for the match-heavy spring. Evidently, the academic focus hasn’t diminished. “We put a lot of emphasis on school because it’s so important for our futures,” said senior Madeleine Geibert. “We take classes and we help each other out. If somebody is unmotivated, we bring that person up.” The players ensure that they’re on par with their studies before traveling to tournaments, even bringing class materials along with them for the extended trips. It’s this academic zeal that propelled every player on the team to either First-Team Academic All Big-12 status or the Big12 Commissioner’s Honor Roll. According to junior Patricia Veresova, this drive

is fueled by recruits who relish the opportunity to both study and compete in a college environment, something that European countries seldom offer. “I decided that I needed my education and ( U N L ) gave me such a good opportunity to combine both tennis and veresova school,” she said. But Veresova, who hails from Slovakia, still has her sights set on competing, on establishing NU women’s tennis as a dominant force in her last two seasons as a Husker. The team as a whole looks forward to the opportunity to compete against Big Ten opponents in its first season as a member of the celebrated conference. But NU is no stranger to the competition, coming off of a 4-1 showing against Big Ten opponents last season, the sole loss coming to Northwestern in bagel fashion, 0-7. In spite of the tough loss, Weinreich is keen on doing some Big Ten damage.


“My goal is for the team to get better every time we go out there and just show that we can be one of the top teams,” she said. And with a fresh set of healthy players and a similar lineup to last year’s, Geibert is confident that this team can improve on its 20-8 record from last year, second best in school history. “The skill level this year is a lot higher,” she said. “We have better players and this is the first time that this is the same team as last year.” Next up for the team is the Midland Invitational in Texas this Friday through Sunday. In the long term, the players are excited to compete with some of the nation’s best at the Riviera All-American Tournament in Los Angeles, with Geibert echoing the team sentiment that “it’s nice to get out of Lincoln.” But for now, in spite of the team’s competitive ambitions, the focus remains on conditioning, individual preparation, and, most important for the team, academics. “So few college athletes actually turn pro,” Geibert said. “If you don’t have anything besides sports you’re totally screwed.”

andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Hardrick’s right pinky had bone exposed after his collision in the first quarter last weekend. With help from the NU training staff, he was back in for the second quarter. fourth place in the Big Ten in rushing yards per game at 224 yards per game. Nebraska will have a chance to increase that number this weekend against Washington. The Huskers ran for 383 against the Huskies last season in Seattle. Hardrick plans to be on the field Saturday, cast and all. “He’s been practicing every day,” offensive coordinator Tim Beck said. “He hasn’t missed a rep. He’ll be ready to go. He’s


a tough kid and I appreciate his effort in everything that he’s doing.” And one would imagine that Hardrick’s determination to get back on the field after his injury can only work as motivation for his linemates. “It just makes everyone else around him say, ‘You know what? I can give a little bit more,’” Cotton said. “If he’s capable of doing that, I think we can all do a little bit more ourselves, too.”


football: from 10 mean, we can’t look ahead to Wisconsin. We’ve still got Washington and Wyoming in front of us. We’ve got to go week-by-week, day-byday.” The Huskers are their own worst enemy, Sirles said. The hype is something that can’t be downplayed enough. “In college football, we had guys predicting national championship winners three days after the national championship last year,” Sirles said. Sirles believes the NFL lockout only amplified the attention paid to college football. With all the commotion caused by speculation, a team can buy into the hype easily. If a team does buy it, the Lakewood, Colo., native said, they think of how good outsiders say they are. Not how good they want themselves to be. Through two games against an FCS team and an upper-echelon WAC team, Nebraska is averaging 244.0 rushing yards per game, good enough for 24th nationally and fourth in the Big Ten. Nebraska is passing for 177.0 yards per game, 91st in the nation. Defensively, the Blackshirts have given up 337.0 yards per game, an average of 125 yards allowed on the ground and 212 through the air. The numbers on each side of the ball haven’t been up to the Huskers’ standards, but junior running back Rex Burkhead said the Huskers need resolve heading forward. “Yeah, we’ve made some mistakes, and we didn’t play at the level we thought we could play at, but at the same time you can’t let that get you down,” Burkhead said. “We still have to come out and notice those improvements and work on them. The confidence can’t drop. That’s the biggest

soccer: from 10

in high school,” Jackson played together I know said. “Since I knew she what she is going to do. was coming here it was “If I pass the ball to the just another perk for Ne- middle of the field I know braska, even though in the she is going to get it and long run it didn’t affect my have a chance to score, decision a whole lot.” we have that much confiThe decision of both dence in each other.” players proved to be benThe relationship has eficial for NU as the duo not only affected the way has lit up the pitch. Marlborough and Jackson Both were members of play, but also the rest of the Big 12 All-Conference the team. Marlborough team a year ago and were said that no matter how chosen to the Big 12 All- well Jackson and her play Tournament team, Marl- together; it is still a team borough being named the sport. Most Outstanding Player “When you are close to of the tournament. They the people you play with, were also selected by Col- you play better,” Marlborlege Soccer as a ough said. “I have a great relationship with Jordan, “Dynamic Duo”. The success and chemis- which is seen in our sucandrew dickinson | daily nebraskan try just continues to grow, cess, but we also hang out with our teammates all of according to Jackson. Despite two lack luster performances, NU coach Bo Pelini and the Huskers are glad to be “When we play on the the time which is another 2-0 headed into this Saturday’s game against Washington. field I just know where reason why we have been she is and what she’s go- successful as a team as The New Yorking Times Sales Corporation thing. You’ve got to realize met expectations, Sirles New Orleans.” to Syndication do,” Jackson said. well.” 500 Seventh Avenue, 10018 jeffpacker@ said. But their title dreams you won those games. andrewward@ “After all New the York, yearsN.Y. we’ve For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 Junior defensive end are still intact. While NeFor Release Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Cameron Meredith has braska’s entrance into the found the Huskers’ recent Big Ten has some conjurgame against Fresno State ing images of a Rose Bowl the Huskers to be a grounding reminder. bid, Sirles said EASY #9 EASY # 10 “Fresno came in here, and are dreaming bigger. Edited by Will Shortz “The expectation is the I’m actually going to give a No. 0714 lot of credit to those guys,” best and that’s the expectaMeredith said. “They came tion we put on ourselves,” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 58 Ruing the Across 29 Thin as ___ in here and they threw ev- Sirles said. “We put the 1 “Roger that” workout, maybe 30 Itʼs under a foot 13 14 15 erything they had at us. It expectation that we want sayer 31 Bullet-point item 59 Where élèves study was just kind of humbling to go play in the nation- 5 Cakes with a 16 17 18 33 Ironic marriage 60 Prom night worry to have that experience and al championship. We’re kick plan? 19 20 21 61 Helpful not shooting for the Rose 10 “A ___ on you!” 38 Grows darker still be 2-0 doing it.” connections Sure, the Huskers haven’t Bowl. We’re shooting for 13 ___-kiri 39 Ride for 22 23 24


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page 10

thursday, september 15, 2011

Pitcher Ehlers decides to leave NU baseball team Staff Report Daily Nebraskan

NU pitcher Logan Ehlers has decided to no longer be part of the NU program, according to a statement from baseball coach Darin Erstad Wednesday. “We wish Logan nothing but the best of luck in the

future,” Erstad said. “We will continue to support him in any way we can.” Ehlers sat out almost two-thirds of his freshman season because of a NCAA suspension after an adviser representing Ehlers made illegal contact with the Toronto Blue Jays, the team that drafted Ehlers in the

eighth round of the 2010 MLB Draft. The Nebraska City native was one of the Huskers most highly touted recruits. He was twice named the Gatorade Player of the Year in the state of Nebraska, posting a 0.20 ERA in his junior season and 0.27 ERA in his senior season.

When Ehlers returned, he was immediately inserted into NU’s weekend rotation. The left-hander’s first start came on a Sunday rubber match against Kansas. Ehlers went 4 1/3 innings giving up eight runs (only three were earned) on five hits. His most impressive performance

came against Creighton at TD Ameritrade Park. He pitched 5 2/3 innings in relief, picking up the win in Nebraska’s 2-1 victory. Ehlers’ departure doesn’t seem to have been caused by academic or disciplinary reasons. Multiple reports say Ehlers will finish the fall semester at UNL

& fire

before transferring to a different school — one that is still to be determined. Ehlers finished his Husker career 1-3 with a 4.30 ERA in seven appearances, while striking out 20 batters. sports@

Ehlers ends Nebraska

»football »

Huskers shrug off opinions, not going to panic


After failing to play to their own standards, the Huskers’ goals are still intact Jeff Packer daily nebraskan

Two Huskers have been complimenting each other’s styles for years story by andrew ward photo by kyle bruggeman Longtime teammates Morgan Marlborough and Jordan Jackson lead the Huskers in goals and assists repectively, helping the Huskers to a quick start.


ne plays with a frantic but controlled style that consists of running full speed after the ball to supply pin-point passes and accurate shots on goal. The other is a silent assassin that lulls the defense to sleep and then strikes when it’s least expecting it. However, it’s the combination of both of these styles of play that is needed for success. Juniors Jordan Jackson and Morgan Marlborough have brought these approaches of the game to the Nebraska women’s soccer team and their skills have been on full display in the 2011 season. The differences in play have led to success for not only the team, as Nebraska knocked off undefeated Virginia Tech over the weekend,

but also for the players. Marlborough leads the team in goals and is second in assists while it’s vice versa with Jackson, who leads the team in assists and is second in goals. Half of Jackson’s team-leading four assists have been to Marlborough this season as well. Jackson said the accomplishments they have been able to achieve as individuals and as a team is because their styles of play balance each other out nicely. “Before games I am really nervous but Morgan is just so laid back,” Jackson said. “It’s the same way when the game gets started. She has a really laid-back style on the field, sort of a laid-back confidence that enables her to get free. “I like to run around though and attack in different ways, which is

good because then we balance each other out nicely and defenses are forced to adjust.” The chemistry of the two juniors originated way back in elementary school, according to Marlborough, as they competed with and against each other. “Actually, we were on opposite teams in elementary school and (were) big-time rivals,” Marlborough said. “Then we got on the same club team together in 6th grade and it just went on from there as we ended up playing all of middle school together. “We played on separate teams in high school until our senior year, which by then we were just increasing our chemistry together for college.” Even though they played together a lot during that time, both

When we play on the field, I just know where she is and what she is going to do with it” Jordan Jackson junior forward

Marlborough and Jackson said it had little effect on the outcome of their decisions to come to Nebraska. It was, however, definitely nice to know someone going to one of the schools she was considering, Jackson said. “Morgan decided a year or so before me when we were sophomores

soccer: see page 9

Depending on the poll one glanced at before Sept. 3, Nebraska was ranked somewhere near the top 10 of NCAA football programs. Publications dedicated entire pages to praising the Blackshirts’ talents. The defensive line was widely regarded as one of the best in college football. There were myriad question marks regarding an offense that had received a face lift in the winter, abandoning cluttered verbiage for a quick-tempo look. Not enough question marks to eliminate the Huskers from being a dark horse national title contender, though. Fast forward a couple of games that have deflated some of the hype around the 2011 Huskers, and you’ll find a team that hasn’t changed their approach to the game. “It is just, to me, a continual process,” NU coach Bo Pelini said. “I don’t worry about rankings. We are 2-0 and will work to get better.” Nebraska is 2-0 with what some feel are unconvincing wins over lesser opponents, but the Huskers aren’t pressing the panic button. “We’ve just got to keep progressing every week and we can’t look too far ahead,” NU offensive tackle Jeremiah Sirles said. “I

football: see page 9

Hardrick bounces back from injury, fights for team Doug Burger daily nebraskan

Yoshi Hardrick was doing what any instinctive football player would do. The ball was on the turf, possession was up for grabs and all 22 players on the field were fighting for the ball. Hardrick didn’t come up with the recovery. His teammate, Rex Burkhead, did. Hardrick did come away from the pile of Bulldogs and Huskers with something, though — a mangled right pinky finger. When the Nebraska trainers reached the 6-foot-7 senior on the far sideline, they told him to get up and go straight to the locker room. “They knew right away something had to be done,”

Hardrick said. “It was just a lot of blood and a little bit of bone sticking (out)” But even with a broken finger that would make some men queasy, Hardrick had one thought on his mind. “Tape it back up and let’s go,” he said. The injury, which occurred late in the first quarter, didn’t keep Hardrick out of the game for long. Hardrick, whose real first name is Jermarcus, was back at his left tackle position in the second quarter and helped clear the way for Burkhead’s 1-yard score that tied the game 14-14. “Yoshi will do anything,” tight end Ben Cotton said. “I respect him a lot because he’ll do anything to be on that field with you. He

doesn’t play for himself. He plays for the guys around him.” Nebraska went on to rush for 219 yards against the Bulldogs, but NU’s most important drive came late in the fourth quarter with the Huskers holding on to a 6-point lead. Nebraska, led by the offensive line, got the drive it was looking for. Burkhead ran six times and averaged almost six yards per carry. On a third down with 2:10 to play in the game, quarterback Taylor Martinez took a run around left end for a 46-yard touchdown to securing the victory for the Huskers. Hardrick had the sealing block. “We had to put it away this time,” Hardrick said.

“We felt it every play like we were getting stronger and stronger. It made us show how good we can be and we put our team on our back and we had to come through with it.” There hasn’t been a shortage of criticism of the offensive line this season, though. NU’s offense has had trouble sustaining drives, relying on long runs and passes from Martinez. But Hardrick said he has seen improvement in the two weeks Nebraska has played. The Huskers average 6.3 yards per carry on Saturday, up from 5.3 yards per carry in week one. NU currently stands in

hardrick: see page 9

andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Yoshi Hardrick’s teammates have complimented the tackle’s seflesness and strength after breaking a finger against Fresno State.

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