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Wearing heavy bags a cause of back cramps, posture problems, health center says PAGE 2

UPC sells out Mac Miller tickets in less than two hours, leaving students frustrated PAGE 6


volume 111, issue 024



New retention program targets freshmen

NEBRASKA UNION Dairy store TO close down because of poor sales Riley Johnson Daily Nebraskan

The UNL Dairy Store location inside the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s City Campus Nebraska Union will permanently close after Thanksgiving break this semester, according to Dairy Store and UNL officials. The Dairy Store and Nebraska Union mutually agreed to end the contract which would have ended June 30, 2012, said Charlie Francis, director of Nebraska Unions. Rolando Flores, director of the Food Processing Center at UNL, oversees the Dairy Store. Flores said the union location lost around $25,000 last year and has struggled to turn a profit since opening in 2008. Dairy Store staff wanted to bring a scoop of East Campus to City Campus, but Flores said his staff knew it would be a challenge. “There is a point when you have to explore a market, and we arrived at the point when the market is not there,” he said. Staying open meant making $150 per day, Flores said. The majority of the time revenue wasn’t even close, he said. The union did continue to collect rent from the Dairy Store, and the Dairy Store will absorb the loss, Francis and Flores said. The union will lose $10,000 in the closing, Francis said, but will divert money from other areas to cover that

loss. Students won’t have to pay for the closing, he said. Selling a seasonal product such as ice cream at a year-round location was a struggle, but Flores sees this closing as an opportunity for the Dairy Store to improve its product line and its 94-year presence in East Campus’ Filley Hall. “Be bold enough to try new things and smart enough to know when it’s not going to work,” said Steve Waller, dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Universities make bold moves and wise decisions, Waller said, just like the Dairy Store did with its satellite location. Waller helped establish the City Campus store along with Francis and Flores. While he said he’s sad to see it go, he said the ice cream market and union location don’t jive with the academic calendar. Flores agrees. He said with ice cream weather only in Lincoln for two to three months of the academic year, people don’t buy as much the majority of the time. An ice cream shop inside the union made sense for the beginning of the academic year, Francis said, but during the summer the business’ location made ice cream sales a struggle. With the union closing at 8 p.m., many people looking for ice cream couldn’t enjoy the Dairy Store’s ice cream

Haley Whisennand Daily Nebraskan

patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Brendan McNally prepares to take down the cones before closing the Dairy Store for the night. McNally has worked at the Dairy Store for two years and says he’ll miss it. because they couldn’t get to it. Francis said he still wants to make Dairy Store products available to students, faculty and visitors at Nebraska, so the Nebraska Union Board will look into cold storage space for future sale of the products. Flores said he’d like to have coolers for his product in the union as soon possible. But without an ice cream -server scooping the UNLmade product, Francis said selling ice cream in the union wouldn’t be the same. “I think it’s different when someone hand dips you a cone versus just buying one out of the freezer,” he said. Sarah Ward, a worker at the union location since

May, said she likes seeing customers sample the unique and new flavors before buying a scoop of vanilla. Behind the glass and ice cream tubs, Ward, a junior pre-inclusive early childhood education major, said she liked the easy business pace. Often working alone, Ward could set up the station how she liked and even do some homework in between sales. And the customers always brought a smile in exchange for a cone, she said. “You get to make everyone’s day,” Ward said,

dairy store: see page 2

The Academic Affairs department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln purchased a new program last week allowing UNL advisers to maintain contact with students and track their progress in the classroom. Administrators hope Starfish Retention Solutions will help increase UNL’s retention rate of first-year students by giving advisers a chance to see how their students are doing in the classroom as early as next fall. UNL’s current retention rate sits at 84 percent, according to UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman. While this number is moderately high for a national university, it still means 16 percent of incoming freshmen either transfer to another university or drop out of college completely. Perlman said the university needs to focus on its freshmen. “UNL is not as engaging with the incoming class year-round as other Big Ten schools are,” Perlman said at the Sept. 13 Faculty Senate meeting. Big Ten schools have an average retention rate of first year students of 91 percent, he said. UNL also had a lower six-year graduation average at 64 percent than the Big Ten average of 79 percent. At his State of the University address, Perlman

announced increasing retention rates as one of the university’s top goals. While there are no concrete signs indicating which students are at risk of not returning for a second year, Perlman said students who struggle academically through their first year should be the first to be confronted by advisers. The bulk of efforts made to increase retention rates at the university comes from the Office of Academic Affairs, which created a specific project this year to help increase the success of first-year students both academically and socially. This project — the Student Success Initiative — is in charge of overseeing firstyear support groups, advising, transfer credits and other programs including Starfish. Faculty will have the chance to ensure students have the support needed to keep them in school. “The Student Success Initiative that I’m helping to spearhead in this office takes sort of a broad look at all the different ways that students can be supported,” said Amy Goodburn, who heads the initiative and is associate vice chancellor of academic affairs. Starfish, a stand-alone company, would work in unison with the software

starfish: see page 2

Student senate fails to Cheating students misuse meet quorum for vote clickers in large classrooms Frannie sprouls daily nebraskan

The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska didn’t have enough senators present to hold its meeting Wednesday night. In order to vote on issues, ASUN needs twothirds of senators present at the meeting. Only 20 of 34 senators came to the meeting. “I am disappointed with the Senate tonight,” said Lane Carr, a senior history and political science double major and ASUN president. “We have too much going on to let the responsibility we signed up for slide.” The meeting, which started at 6:30 p.m., lasted until 7 p.m. Jeff Lopez, a senior chemical engineering major and ASUN internal vice president, went through as much as the meeting as he could allow. As long as a vote wasn’t necessary, it could be discussed. After making calls to senators, Emily Schlichting, a senior communications and

ben taleb page 4

We have too much going on to let the responsibility we signed up for slide.”

Lane Carr asun president

political science major, jokingly asked if any senators volunteered to be cut in half in order to make quorum. Schlichting deals with absence excuses, excusing senators if they are involved with an “immovable” event that cannot be missed. Most of the issues she has dealt with this year have been for academic reasons, like an exam scheduled during the meeting. “I generally try to be understanding,” Schlichting said. After the ASUN meeting, members of the executive board met to discuss ways to handle senator absences and how to put a stop to


unexcused absences. Carr said it is up to the executive members to help nip the situation in the bud. “It’s unfortunate, but it’s not something that’s going to stop us,” Carr said. “This is a learning experience.” Both Schlichting and Carr are understanding of some of the absences, knowing the senators lead busy lives. “We have great senators who are really busy,” Carr said. “An example of that is coming into fruition with tonight’s meeting.” But Carr said he is not trying to excuse the senators who are absent. Until this meeting, ASUN has not had an issue with meeting quorum. “I’m not worried about it,” Schlichting said. franniesprouls@

performing arts page 5

Daniel Wheaton daily nebraskan

Grant Aslup had good intentions when he helped his friend cheat the attendance record for a science class at the University of NebraskaLincoln last spring. “My friend was recurrently sick and had unfortunate things happen to him, so I just kept his clicker,” said Aslup, a sophomore theater major. Aslup said he assisted his friend by using his clicker, in addition to his own, to answer quiz questions and report attendance. Misusing clickers has grown across campuses nationwide. In his class of about 85 students, skipping was an easy matter for those who wanted to. With the clickers, lying about attendance just requires the goodwill of a classmate. “In my Geology 101 course, many people skipped,” said Reed Felderman, an undeclared sophomore. “I remember one guy having five clickers.”

gabriel sanchez | daily nebraskan

As reported in the Sept. 9, 2011, issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, students at colleges across the U.S. have been misusing the clickers to skip class or cheat. Some UNL students have admitted to misusing clickers and don’t see it as a major issue, but UNL administrators can’t tell how widespread the problem is because the issue hasn’t been investigated. “I’m an adult. I pay for classes,” Aslup said. “I can

volleyball page 10

cheating: see page 2

Weather | sunny

No clash of civilizations

Jacket required

Roaring start

tunisian student counters american islamophobia

Wesleyan theater stages lloyd webber’s “Joseph”

Huskers take down Penn State In Big Ten Conference opener

@dailyneb |

choose if I want to go to class and deal with the consequences.” That attitude has faculty like Brad Buffum, an instructor at the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, frustrated. Buffum has dealt with this issue, but has embraced the caveats of using the technology. Buffum said he




dairy store: from 1 “because when you go out to eat, you might be having a bad day, but everyone who comes here is happy.” When the union location closes, Ward said she hopes to put in hours at the East Campus store. Work there should help her continue to pay bills, she said, and put her closer to her East Campus classes. Flores said no student jobs have been guaranteed, but he will do his best to keep as many on staff as he can. Inside the Food Processing Center, Flores said students and faculty should make the trip to the Dairy Store. In the future, he said customers can look forward to new and unique cheeses, probiotic ice creams and other healthier foods like salads and sandwiches. Closing the City Campus location, Flores said, will only make the Dairy Store stronger in the long run. “They haven’t heard the last of the Dairy Store,” Flores said. Rileyjohnson@

Daily Nebraskan

Backpacks cause health problems in future Christine scalora daily nebraskan

Spending hours hunched over textbooks isn’t the only way college students can hurt their backs. Carrying too much in a backpack and wearing a backpack improperly can lead to back, neck and shoulder problems for students. Wednesday in the Nebraska Union, the University Health Center gave backpack assessments to raise awareness about the proper way to carry a backpack. About 75 students had their backpacks checked by UHC physical therapists Jane Austin and Andrew Mason. The goal was to raise awareness and give students tips on how to have good posture. “They’re doing a lot of sitting in class, a lot of typing … and the backpacks don’t help if they’re not adjusted correctly or if they’re too heavy,” Austin said. Part of the assessment included finding the weight of a student’s backpack. Students’ backpacks should exceed no more

than 15 percent of their body weight, Austin said. So a 140-pound student shouldn’t carry more than 21 pounds in his or her backpack. Austin also recommends that students carry backpacks using both straps and alternating which shoulder one-strap bags are carried on to prevent back and shoulder problems. Backpacks should sit on the middle to central part of the back, and shouldn’t sag too low, Mason said. Madeline Lierz, a freshman secondary English major, learned that her backpack was too low on her back, a problem even though her backpack accounted for only about 10 percent of her body weight. As someone with scoliosis, Lierz was told she needed to pay more attention to her back. “They were talking about how it is quite a bit more important to me to know how my backpack is fitting and making sure I’m not totally slouched over at a computer and (that) just kind of opened my eyes,” she said.

cheating: from 1 understands the limits of evaluation techniques such as the clicker and knows students misuse them. “I know that people know how to cheat with them, I’m not dumb,” he said. “If the student is dumb enough to get caught, they deserve whatever they get.” In response to this, Georgetown University has implemented a “5 percent” rule, which means that only up to 5 percent of grades can be derived from clicker attendance and questions. UNL currently has no regulations regarding clickers, but some professors have led the charge against their misuse. In his classes, Buffum uses the clickers as a way to promote discussion, which he sees as the clicker’s purpose. Because of his experiences, he altered his syllabus to reward people who come to class, rather than punish those who skip. After an experience with a student who walked out

correction An article on Alpha Chi Omega’s “Chips and Dip” Philanthropy that ran in the Daily Nebraskan on Wednesday, Sept. 21 incorrectly stated that the event would be held on Friday, Sept. 23. The philanthropy event will actually be held on Thursday, Sept. 22 from 10 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The article also stated that ticket price would be $3. To clarify, ticket prices are $3 in advance and $4 at the door. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error and apologizes for any confusion that may have resulted from the mistake. If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 4722588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

on his class after using his clicker, he realized he had to change his thinking about the issue. In that experience, Buffum said he saw no need to use clickers for grading students. “No matter how cynical I get, it’s never enough,” Buffum said. Kevin Lee, a research associate professor at UNL, supports the clickers in teaching and uses them for peer instruction. “Its main benefit comes from students learning from each other by explaining and defending their understanding of concepts,” Lee said. “Often the percentage of correct answers to a projected conceptual question will go from 40 percent on a first vote to 90 percent on the second vote when a vibrant student discussion occurs in between.” Voting gives both instructor and students good feedback on what is understood by the class and what is not,

he said. Lee said he thinks instructors who use clickers to take attendance and give quizzes are missing the boat, because they’re focusing on the technology instead of the teaching methods. Even though the University Judicial Board hasn’t heard a case of clickercheating, misusing clickers is punishable under academic dishonesty. Offenders could lose credit from a class or face suspension if found guilty, according to the UNL Student Code of Conduct. Matthew Hecker, dean of students, said he hasn’t dealt with any students cheating via clicker yet. But the attitude that it’s OK doesn’t sit well with him, he said. “Where do they draw the line, at which act of academic dishonesty do you consider it a big deal?” Hecker said. Danielwheaton@

starfish: from 1 already available to students and faculty such as Blackboard. Other fouryear public institutions who have used the system, such as Northern Arizona University and Alabama State University, explain that the program is very user-friendly, yet provides online tools that are top of the line, Goodburn said. The service would provide faculty the ability to maintain appointments with students online, as well as provide them with the ability to see real-time snapshots of students’ current academic records, she said. The company also features what is called an Early Warning System, which allows professors to identify students who have a poor attendance record in class and send them a warning notifying them that they aren’t performing up to expectations. The Early Warning System will also notify the student’s adviser. Goodburn said that while Starfish

is an upcoming addition to the university, the new technology is only a small part of the initiative. “A lot of the literature nationally on retention says that what’s really important is that first semester, that students feel like they’re a part of a community, that somebody cares about them, that they have touches from a lot of different people, whether it’s advisers or faculty or RAs or somebody in the dining hall that’s checking their card,” Goodburn said. While the Student Success Initiative is still in its drafting stages, Goodburn said she hopes the initiative will identify a way to recognize those students who aren’t thinking of returning to the university for another year and offer support by whatever means necessary to ensure that they continue on the path that is best for them. Haleywhisennand@

Leaving back pain untreated over time can lead to knee or hip problems or difficulties walking, Austin said. To treat more chronic problems, Austin recommends seeing a physical therapist for exercises and treatments to help students’ posture return to normal. Emily Estes, a first-year graduate student with a focus in dietetics and community nutrition, has already felt the affects of posture problems in the form of tightness in her upper back. She learned her backpack is too heavy for her body weight. “I think I can probably minimize what I do carry around to class every day instead of having my whole life in my backpack,” Estes said. “It’s kind of hard just being on campus all day and making sure I have everything.” Still, the backpack assessment gave Estes insight into the long-term effects of her back problems. “I don’t want to have a curved back for the rest of my life,” she said. Christinescalora@

Matt Masin |Daily Nebraskan

After finding out her backpack weighed a whopping 20 pounds, Lindsey Schmitz, a learning and teacher education graduate student, shares a laugh with Andrew Mason, a physical therapist at the University Health Center. Students were weighed with their backpacks on and off to assess what percent of their body weight was in their bookbag. Health center physical therapists also instructed ways to wear backpacks that are healthier for students’ backs and shoulders.

Women, minorities lag in pay despite earning degrees dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

Work hard, earn an education and a job and stable flow of money will follow. It’s a pillar of American culture, and each level of education has been clearly shown to increase median income after graduation. But according to a new study from Georgetown University, which analyzed data from the U.S. Census, a student’s race and gender are wild cards that impact lifetime earnings more than education or occupation. The difference is dramatic and persistent. For example, an African American who earns a master’s degree can expect to make as much as a white worker with a bachelor’s. The impact of gender is even larger: A woman must earn a doctorate before she can expect to match the earnings of a man with a bachelor’s degree. “It doesn’t surprise me at all,” said Ann Mari May, a professor of economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who specializes in feminist economics and women and higher education. Equality has improved throughout history and people might think everyone is equal today, she said, but clearly the data disagree. “The funny thing about progress is that one should never take it for granted,” May said. “There’s nothing inevitable about change ... The reality is there’s a long way to go.” Miguel Ceballos, an associate professor of sociology in UNL’s Institute of Ethnic Studies, echoed May’s lack of surprise, and both agreed on another point: The significant gaps between the different groups come from a variety of factors. “Basically, most experts in the field would say it comes from two areas,” May said: choice of occupation and discrimination — in hiring and promotion, for example — once a student gets there. For one, multiple studies have shown that women get lower evaluations than men for the same work, she said, adding,

“It’s an institutional-level problem, and it just replicates itself.” Women also tend to concentrate in different fields than men. According to a report on the status of women released by the White House last year, one-fifth of women are in just five occupations, one of which is nursing. Meanwhile, men continue to dominate hard-science fields such as engineering, which tend to have higher salaries. “We know that we’re highly segregated in the labor market,” May said. “Is this because women just choose not to go into (those fields),” she asked, or are women encouraged to go in some directions and discouraged from others? “I think most people who study this would say it’s probably a combination of both,” she said. In terms of race, Ceballos also pointed to differences in occupation, with minorities more likely to go into government or teaching jobs, toward the bottom in earning potential. And there’s no denying the power of a history that has included slavery, segregation and discrimination. Race has always mattered in society and continues to matter, and people continue to judge against it, Ceballos said. “Just because you get a college degree or a law degree doesn’t mean things become equal,” he said. “You can’t just forget about history. It doesn’t disappear.” Ariel Fullinwider, a junior psychology major, said she saw the same pattern. “People aren’t accustomed, sometimes, to minorities being successful,” she said. Women face the same force of the past, and both groups can lack role models and connections. Women can easily go their college career without seeing a female engineering professor, May said, making it difficult to ever imagine themselves as engineers. Having a diverse faculty at a university would change that and bring in other perspectives, like she does for her own department, she said.

“This is the weight of culture,” May said. Several UNL students said that matched what they saw on the ground. “I think it’s pretty much embedded into our society,” said Samantha Jones, a junior family science major who is also Native American. Her friend, Kendra Haag, also Native American, added, “It’s been traditionally that way.” Racial minorities face a higher rate of poverty and unemployment, Ceballos said, and politics unfriendly to programs addressing those facts, including affirmative action, aren’t helping. Students who make it to college are often the first in their families. “So they don’t have family they can kind of fall back on ... to navigate the professional world,” he said. “They think their goal is just getting a B.A., that’s the goal.” What those students do with it is secondary, and their earnings can suffer. It could be those difficult conditions, however, that turn many minority students to lowpaying fields, Ceballos said. “They see the need for teachers, they see the need for social workers,” he said. “They see it as helping their own community.” For her part, Jones said she plans on working in the Winnebago Reservation in northeastern Nebraska. “I see a lack of community support in my community,” she said. Haag, a junior in biological sciences, felt the same way. “There’s a lot of health disparities really prevalent among Native American communities,” she said. “I just want to be that person who steps in and help.” Far from being discouraged by the report, Haag, Jones and Fullinwider said they were still determined, if not more so. “You can’t let it be discouraging, because what else are you going to do?” Jones asked. “Are you going to give up and drop out?”


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Daily Nebraskan


Language lab left behind in transition to digital LORENA CARMONA DAILY NEBRASKAN

Zach LaPuma sits silently in 302 Burnett Hall staring at the computer screen. The senior athletic training major has uncovered the benefits and flaws of the Modern Languages Laboratory tucked away on the third floor of Burnett Hall at the University of NebraskaLincoln. “I use the language lab every day,” LaPuma said. “I am required to go to the lab once a week, but I stay longer because, if not, you just can’t comprehend the language to the fullest.” LaPuma said he gets assignments weekly that require him to go to the Language Lab and stay at least 50 minutes per week. He taking French 102. In that class, students have to record their voices onto audio cassettes so their instructors can hear whether or not their voices are picking up the pronunciation correctly. “There are always problems with the tapes,” LaPuma said. The language lab isn’t completely ancient technologically, he said, but compared to other Big Ten schools, the lab could take a more modern approach. The lab is for students enrolled in language courses who need a place to practice. “We are a place where students can come to work on their assignments, and we know that the technology available will work,” said Matthew Maddox, interim lab manager. The lab consists of 64 work stations for students,

Maddox said. There are 40 stations with iMac computers and the remaining 24 have no computers, only monitors to view VHS tapes. Each station has a cassette tape deck located on it, he said. Room 302 is the primary lab for students to use, while Burnett 305 is for instructor use, Maddox said. Maddox said he thinks the last major renovation occurred in 1991. “The computers have been updated, but the audio has not,” Maddox said. He said there are still courses that use cassette tapes in the classroom versus others that have gone digital. “I think that our lab would still be state-of-the-art if we didn’t use the tape decks,” he said. Maddox said the lab is in transition. “We have the old and the new,” Maddox said. “We are kind of like a hybrid lab.” Even with the advancement of technology, some schools are behind others in implementing them into their universities. With a demand to go digital, schools are taking notice on making their resources reflect the change. The University of Iowa offers a Language Media Center for their students and professors. “We are growing toward digital,” said Becky Bohde, who deals with the video and instructional computing for the Language Media Center at Iowa. The University of Iowa offers an area with 50 computers and two digital classrooms. Bohde said the digital

classrooms have either 16 or 29 stations in which the use is focused on audio. There are audio control pads with headsets for students to listen and practice, she said. She said between 200 and 240 students pass through the language lab within a week. This number is higher than activity at UNL. “In one week, an average of 104 students check-in to work in the lab,” said Maddox, the UNL interim lab manager. The average individual spends 50 minutes in the lab, meaning there are 5,200 minutes in which the lab is in use, he said. Both Maddox and Bohde said that the amount of foot traffic at their labs fluctuates throughout the semester. “As finals week approaches, the activity increases due to certain deadlines that students have to meet for their particular course,” Maddox said. Something the University of Iowa has that UNL does not is the advancement in digital format. “Over the past four years, we have gone away from cassette tapes,” Bohde said when speaking about the University of Iowa. She said students are able to put audio recording on MP3 files and upload them to their professors. “It is an easier way to do things in regard to audio,” Bohde said. The University of Iowa also has a multimedia studio available to language graduate students to work on long-term projects, she said. The basic language center is for short term and quick things, similar to what

undergraduates work on, and the multimedia studio is for graduate students, she said. “There is different intent of use,” she said. The University of Iowa has advanced in the use of digital audio over classic cassettes. Michigan State is similar to UNL when it comes to audio technology. Michigan State’s Language Learning Center includes two main labs. One is a teaching lab, while the other is focused on students, said Dennie Hoopingarner, the director of the Language Learning Center. “We are trying to phase out audio cassette tape usage,” he said. “We are using particular technology less and less.” Hoopingarner said past technologies were disparate to what they are now. Things that used to be available only on a certain device are now readily accessible on the computer. Hoopingarner said the Language Learning Center has television channels they subscribe to from foreign countries so students can see what is happening and the style of television. He said it is a way for students to get exposure to the language. The University of Michigan has opportunities to advance language learning that are both similar and different from UNL. “We have a film library that students and instructors use,” said Sean Lemons, an employee at the Language Resource Center and a sophomore astronomy and astrophysics major at the

We have the old and the new. We are kind of like a hybrid lab.” Matthew Maddox interim lab manager

University of Michigan. The University of Michigan’s film library consists of about 90 percent DVDs and a small percent of VHS tapes. The Language Lab at UNL has a higher percentage of VHS and cassette tapes, Maddox said. “We have a video and audio library,” he said. Maddox said instructors use the library more for resources to show in class. There are similarities when it comes to accessing material in the language libraries. Undergraduate students are unable to check out movies at UNL, the University of Michigan and University of Iowa. They all have policies that don’t allow students to borrow the materials. Graduate teaching assistants and professors are able to get material to use in classes or for research preparation. At the University of Michigan, audio language packs are offered for students who don’t want to take a class in a certain language, they get the chance to get a taste of the language with these resources, Lemons said. Some Big Ten schools offer distance-learning language programs. The University of Michigan and Indiana University are just two of the schools that interact through digital classrooms. “We have professors that


teach less common languages to students from different universities,” said Lisa McCune, the lab coordinator for the Center for Language Technology and Instructional Enrichment at Indiana University. There are two big televisions and microphone equipment available, so students have a digital classroom, Lemons said. The UNL Language Lab is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. while other universities make their hours more flexible. Indiana University is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and the labs are open on the weekends. Many universities are trying to change their language centers into a more digital resource. According to the Ohio State website, all language labs on campus have gone digital. “I want to see change occur in the language department,” said Lola Lorenzo, assistant professor of practice and undergraduate modern language adviser at UNL. “A good thing about the Big Ten is if we don’t have a language, our students will be able to take them from other Big Ten schools.” She said she wants UNL’s language courses to go online so they can be used. She said this is something that is still to come. “We want to use the lab in a more realistic and modern way,” Lorenzo said.



Facebook falls short of social media potential


ear world (or devoted Daily Nebraskan reader), I have a confession to make. You may judge me all you want, but I feel the need to get this out there: I have never, ever, had a Facebook. And, hopefully, I never will. This may shock you. This may even alarm you — though if it does, I encourage you to question the direction your life is taking. The truth is, I just don’t see the point in creating a Facebook profile. When Facebook began, it was a means of translating our everyday social interactions into an online format. Not only could you stay connected with your friends — just in case seeing them every single day wasn’t enough for you — but you could also stay in touch with friends who no longer lived nearby or people who you had the chance to meet briefly over the summer or at a short-term job. It changed the way we get to know each other; what used to be a process of sitting and talking with people to find out what made them tick has changed into a quick Google search, give or take your privacy settings. This is incredible. Now, instead of having to sit through boring

Evangelical preachers not to be ignored

I understand Zach Smith’s points in his recent article about futile exchanges with evangelical campus preachers. I’ve also been listening to those frustrating conversations since freshman year every time a radical speaker has been bold enough to take his or her place in front of the Nebraska Union. I agree that no one is really going to win in such a situation, because there is not truly an argument at all. What I disagree with is Zach’s strategy of inaction, one that would have students and faculty closing their ears and eyes to what these zealous preachers are trying to get across to the public. This reaction may seem wise to some, but it appears more dangerous than helpful. By giving no reaction, Zach

small talk after meeting someone, I can just find them online. Within a week, even if I don’t see them every day, we’ll probably already be making connections over our various mutual interests or hilarious status updates. (Face it: Deep down, we all think we’re hilarious on the Internet.) But let’s be honest. Is that reality? For how many of us is Facebook something we pop open as soon as we enter class? We scroll through our news feed, liking the things that amuse us, or we poke one of our friends, who also happen to be sitting next to us in the lecture hall with their laptops open to Facebook. The news feed becomes full of vague song-lyric inspired cryptic status updates or passive-aggressive rants. Or better yet, you find someone’s vacation photos, because what used to be the greatest torture of the office workplace is now the best way to waste time. And did so-andso and so-and-so just break up? Scandal! Time to poke your friend again. And let’s not even mention Farmville. Yes, this is (slightly) exaggerated. Yes, Facebook has many potential uses, including organizing groups to coordinate information, especially for clubs and group projects. But as I’ve looked

jason frye over my friends’ shoulders day after day as they check their news feed, I know this doesn’t happen. We’ve gone from legitimately adding an extra layer of meaningful social interaction into our lives to just tallying up how many people we’ve met since middle or high school or at the bar with beer goggles on. Call me crazy, but I’d prefer something a bit more meaningful and personal. It’s not that I’ve never tried social media platforms at all. This past year I jumped onboard the Twitter bandwagon, mostly to satisfy the small Internet nerd inside me. And you know what? I think Twitter is fun. It challenges the writer part of me to fit an idea into 140 characters — brevity is not my strong suit — while not sacrificing the idea or the clarity. Lately, my Twitter activity has taken a dive, because my professors have discovered my account,

just like your parents have found you on Facebook. Another one bites the dust to professionalism. But Twitter wasn’t for me anyway. While I like finding and sharing humor online, that’s not exactly the “meaningful social interaction” that I’ve been trying to get at. I still wasn’t satisfied. And then I discovered microblogging, via the web platform known as Tumblr. For those that don’t know, Tumblr is a micro-blogging platform that incorporates the use of text, images, sound, video, etc. Not only do your posts appear on your Tumblr’s web page, but they also appear in the dashboard — think news feed — of everyone who is following you. Now, if you were to somehow find and visit my Tumblr, you would see a lot of things. You might see a poem, because I try to post one a day. You might see some random updates on my life, which right now would be all about trying to write an opinion article. You’d probably see the occasional news- or politics-related item. And you would definitely see a lot of funny photos, many of which may or may not involve cats. But what you wouldn’t get a sense of is the connection that my Tumblr has to so many others — the messages that we

exchange, the sharing of posts, or how that picture of the puppy being eaten by the stuffed octopus was crazily popular. On some levels, that’s just as superficial as Facebook can be. But when I’m looking for best education practices and a hundred different teachers from around the country respond? Or when other accomplished writers offer tips on how to write better? Or even when you’re just feeling down and out about something and suddenly a realm of people can relate, suddenly you start to realize we all have more in common than you’d think, beyond a mutual dislike of Farmville. Let’s be honest: It was the funny photos that drew me in. But it’s definitely the community that I’ve become a part of that causes me to stay. That, and the poke-free zone. Who knows, maybe a couple of years from now all these social networking sites will disappear the way MySpace and Friendster have. But in the meantime, I’m enjoying meeting new people and sharing funny cats. It’s all fun and games anyway, until your parents follow you again.

jason frye is a senior music education major. follow him on twitter at @lewisjlf and reach him at jasonfrye@

letters claims that these devoted religious people will eventually tire of shouting, arguing, and making sweeping moral claims about homosexuality, women, and the like. Yet, doesn’t it seem more likely, if a preacher is truly committed to their position and believes it could save someone’s soul (I assume many are this way), that he or she will continue speaking regardless of the audience or situation? Certainly, if I thought the message I was preaching in some context was strong enough to save people from eternal punishment and suffering and I truly believed I was called to spread that message, then I would continue to evangelize no matter the circumstances. In this case, passive resistance would be ineffective. I believe students react the way they do toward fundamentalist evangelization

because they realize that the best strategy against hate speech is to confront it headfirst. This approach has proven successful historically through peaceful but engaging resistances like the civil rights and gender equality movements. Thus, students’ reactions, at least those that are reasonable and disciplined, are something of an implicit acknowledgement of tactics used successfully in the past to counteract discrimination and stereotyping. With time, I hope to see fewer shouting religious zealots on campus; but I do not want that to be because we responded with passive inaction to their ridiculous moral claims. I hope it happens because students brought forth strong points against bigoted, fundamentalist morality. True, no one should expect to reason these preachers

out of positions they never reasoned into in the first place – I agree, that would be unlikely. But ignoring the problem is not going to make it go away.

Michael Milone

Philosophy and Psychology Major

Disrespectful religious demonstrations don’t deserve attention

In a recent article “Ignore the angry preachers,” Zach Smith argues that UNL students should be indifferent to the “evangelical screamer,” representing, I suppose, the evangelical preachers who harangue the crowds outside the Union, since, as I take it, such people do not respect their audience as thoughtful human beings worthy of the courtesy granted in cordial discussions. I am an evangelical Christian

and agree with Mr. Smith that ranting and raging does not add to a case for the truthfulness of Christianity. Mr. Smith is disturbed and annoyed at such displays of anger; few people are not. Yet feelings toward any person are not adequate reasons to ignore the claims he or she makes. To have “deaf ears” is a dangerous idea; for all points of view that purport to be true have real consequences in society. Further, Mr. Smith says that “proving him (the preacher) wrong isn’t the point.” This implies that sound arguments are irrelevant. On

the contrary, forming correct beliefs through careful thought is central to an education; and truth ought to reign supreme in the university. Thus I think students need to be encouraged to give each preacher a proper hearing. If one presents his Faith thoughtfully, he ought to be listened to; if one is ignorant of his religion, then he does not warrant attention. Any idea with intellectual merit should be considered — and done so apart from its source. Respectfully,

Jonathan K. Metcalf

Philosophy Major

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/ or group affiliation, if any. email material to or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 685880448.


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DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members ZACH SMITH


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our view

bea huff | daily nebraskan

Language labs need update for global education Extending life ignores inequality

bob lausten | daily nebraskan

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln could be left behind in its goal to expand global engagement. Right now, UNL has issues keeping up with current technology in its language labs. With new resources from the Big Ten’s Committee on Institutional Cooperation, including online courses in less commonly taught languages, having the most up-todate technology is more important than ever. Computers in the UNL Language Labs, fortunately, have been updated relatively frequently. The main lab, in 302 Burnett Hall, has 40 iMac desktops. What is troubling, though, is the technology used for audio recording. UNL still runs on a cassette tape-based system. It’s the 21st century, people — let’s get some MP3 files. Digital classrooms and language labs at our peer institutions in the Big Ten have much higher usage than UNL. Part of this is because of instructor requirements — in Russian 101, for instance, students must go to the language lab at least 50 minutes per week, depending on the instructor. But in Russian 102, that requirement is dropped. As such, language lab usage also declines. Granted, much of the equipment in the language labs relies on old teaching standards and old textbooks. Cassette tape systems are widely used even in some Big Ten institutions, like Michigan State. But UNL’s digital classroom capability, particularly with new virtual courses through the CIC, is far behind some of its peers. Lastly, UNL language labs are only open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Other universities keep them open into the evening and on weekends to allow busy students access during off-peak hours. The Daily Nebraskan encourages the university, if it wants to live up to its goal of global engagement, to update and modernize the language lab classrooms and expand their hours.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.


f you could live a healthy and happy 200 years, wouldn’t you? Respond “no” and you are only fooling yourself; try telling me that on your deathbed. As humans we are aware of one inevitability: Death waits for no one. It’s a thought so chilling that we would do just about anything to delay it. Luckily, with modern technology and medicine we can live much longer than our ancestors. Extending life has been very beneficial for humanity, but some forms of life extension have serious ethical implications. The world simply isn’t ready to bear a population that doesn’t die. Life extension therapy needs to take a backseat until we solve our population issues. First, it’s important to clarify what I mean by life extension. Arguing against it’s a philosophical crapshoot. If you say you are opposed to extending life, then you believe we don’t need seat belts, anti-smoking ads and vaccinations. All these things prevent death and therefore extend life. A viewpoint like that is simply asinine. To avoid this quandary, I’m only focusing on life extension therapies designed to slow the natural aging process. Scientists now believe that our best chance at stopping diseases is slowing how fast the body ages. Our cells accumulate damage over time, making us much more susceptible to illness as we get older. By slowing cell death, we can effectively keep people alive longer than ever imagined. Someone who is 40 years old could be as healthy and agile as a 20-year-old. So, why am I arguing against that? I’ll be the first to admit I’d be in line to get life extension therapy, and that’s the problem. Everyone would want it. Here are the facts. The world is already facing an overpopulation problem in some areas. To make matters worse, according to the United Nations, most population growth is occurring in Third

Kevin Moser World countries that cannot support growth. The overpopulation problem also has an effect on resources. Because of problems like a lack of resources, an unequal distribution of wealth and conflict, 1.34 billion people live on less than $1.25 a day. Furthermore, the World Bank estimates that almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. This all leads up to the hunger issue. According to the World Hunger Education Service, 925 million people are undernourished. Children are most affected by malnutrition, with at least 5 million deaths per year. The world produces enough food to solve the hunger problem. Although population has increased, we now produce 17 percent more calories per person than 30 years ago. Still, because of geographical and monetary limitations, many starve to death each day. Increasing life expectancy will have negative effects on all of these areas. Some people disagree, believing that slowing aging will allow people to work longer and contribute to the economy. However, this is a misnomer, as economic professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown that life expectancy increases don’t lead to per capita economic growth. Supply and demand will also play a role. As with any other medical treatment, life extension therapy will be used by drug companies to turn a profit. The demand for such treatment is almost universal; everyone will want

to get his or her hands on it. As such, only the wealthiest individuals will have access to therapy. With the ability to live longer than anyone else, these people will be able to accumulate more resources leading to an even worse distribution of wealth. This situation could put an even larger strain on the population. The two distinct populations that will emerge from life extension therapy is another issue. With “superhuman” and human groups, a societal rift could emerge. The superhuman group will be mostly people in the highest class and will undoubtedly have influence. One of the good things about government is that new ideas often come in when new officials do. A superhuman Supreme Court justice could potentially be in office for more than 100 years. Sometimes change really is good. Slowing the body’s natural aging process would be perfect in a world that could feed, water, clothe and shelter all its inhabitants. Unfortunately, we aren’t quite there. Increasing life expectancy in a world that is already overpopulated and undernourished is a dangerous idea. The fact of the matter is simple: Resources for everyone are limited. Money spent to research life extension would be better spent on renewable energy, clean water systems and methods to increase food output. With these important issues solved, humans can focus on living longer than ever imagined. It simply comes down to a hard decision. Life extension seems pretty sweet, but it isn’t if just one person has to suffer so you can selfishly live longer. Can humans learn to selflessly face death so others simply have the opportunity to live? My guess is no, but I sure hope I’m wrong.

kevin moser is a senior psychology major. reach him at kevinmoser@

Post-9/11 lit encourages religious intolerance World politics has entered a new stage since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Discussion of division and annihilating the other has grown in literature of “belongings.” A few theorists, such as the British historian Paul Kennedy, Samuel P. Huntington, Benjamin R. Barber and journalist Robert D. Kaplan, have devoted their writings to alarm against an imminent threat. They divide the world into good entities and bad entities, as in Barber’s book title “Jihad vs. McWorld.” This dualistic approach of reducing cultures into single entities has been severely aggravated with the atrocities of Sept. 11, 2001. A picture of the “West vs. Rest” is a powerful avenue through which media propaganda has been conducted against the “other,” triggering the aggressiveness of U.S. policy-makers. A quick look back at the last decade – two devastating wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, terrorist bombings across major cities of the world, popular rage and discontent, violation of human rights, freedom and liberties have skyrocketed in the name of national security. Feelings of mistrust among cultures have grown massively. No matter what form or shape terrorist acts might take, they are undeniably irreligious and irrational, but as the saying goes “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.” Oftentimes one misses

questioning the fire’s cause and contents oneself with “from the smoke comes wonder.” We fail to address the effectiveness of American interventions around the world and the abandonment of intellectual responsibility from academics. The “Why do they hate us?” rhetoric launched massive publications, lectures and documentaries about Islam, Muslims, Jihad and the Middle East. This infatuation has been accompanied by the growth of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, not only in U.S. institutions but also around the world. What is disheartening is the presentation of selective, partial and decontexualized themes of some Islamic literature. Choose whatever is appropriate, and apply it to your convenient context. It is as if more than a billion Muslims scattered across five continents are only one person, speak one language and have only one concern, which is plotting how to destroy the West. Is this the best way to understand the world we live in? Is it wise to produce a simplified map of the world and hand it to generals and policymakers? Doesn’t it mobilize nationalistic and chauvinistic feelings of annihilating the other? Shouldn’t we question our actions in the light of whether it aggravates or mitigates hatred?

beligh ben taleb

Serious attempts exist to revive the mutual understanding and exchange between the nations. Yet Wayne Bell, author of “We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom,” has a different stance. It’s filled with depictions of iconic pictures from 9/11 and widens the gap between the media and Muslims. Bell said his book is meant to be “a memorial tribute ... and an informational piece to help educate children on events on 9/11.” He added that it is “a simplistic, honest tool.” These words did not mollify the Council on American Islamic Relations representatives, such as Dawud Walid, who described the book as “more than just coloring in the lines.” “Little kids who pick up this book can have their perceptions colored by those images ... it instills bias in young minds,” Walid added. What is really problematic and inappropriate is the implicit attitudes that breed a psyche of fear, hate and

dismissal of the other and particularly Muslims. A phrase like “radical Islamic Muslim extremists” is used at least 10 times to instill certain parts of a political agenda into the children’s psyche. Do the children need such materials to find common grounds to unite with others? What kind of attitude would they adopt at an early age toward more than 1 billion Muslims around the world? Does this profound skepticism come to terms with the other in a cosmopolitan culture? Such work whips up feelings of hostility and antipathy against a sizeable minority in the United States and more than a billion people worldwide. The least accurate thing to say is to describe the Islamic world as full of terrorists and fundamentalists, and different and irrational compared to us. It’s important to mention that certain small groups exist in any given religion who try to speak in the name of the group or in the name of God and give themselves the right to act on behalf of the group. This intellectual violence, entrenched in this tiny group’s mind, is bankrupt and should not outweigh everything else. The world today is in fact a world of mixtures, of crossings-over, of migrations, of boundaries traversed. No culture or society is purely one

thing. There is no such thing as insulated cultures, and any attempt to build xenophobic ideologies does damage to the variety and the sheer complexity of others. The more consistent in dismissing and boxing in one group, the more inaccurate we are about ourselves and about others. As Aimé Césaire once put it, “The work of man is only just beginning, and it remains to conquer all the violence entrenched in the recesses of our passion, for no race possesses the monopoly of beauty, of intelligence, of force. And there is a place for all at the rendezvous of victory.” So major steps must be taken toward bringing back the hijacked commonalities that unite us. One needs to recognize the existence and the complexity of the other. Plus, denationalizing education from the intellectual cleansing of the other makes it possible for people to understand our complex and mixed world. We must train ourselves to look beyond the monochromatic world of stereotypes, authoritarian and dogmatic principles, to see a world that is full of vibrant colors and textures, a world of depth and dimension.

Beligh ben taleb is a graduate student in history and a former fulbright scholar from tunisia. reach him at balighbentaleb@

performingarts DAILY NEBRASKAN






pagE 5

Midwest choirs congregate at UNL for festival

Nebraska Wesleyan University Theatre stages vibrant, engaging ‘Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat’

Gabriel Sanchez | daily nebraskan

Molly Manhannah daily nebraskan


ebraska Wesleyan’s McDonald Theatre may be your ideal destination if you’re looking for a fun, musical evening during the next couple weeks. Both Wesleyan students and Lincoln residents will comprise the cast of the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” The cast features 37 college students, 10 children and a

seven-member orchestra. The musical, originally written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, opened on Broadway in 1982 and is a retelling of the biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. Dan Hays, the production’s director, said that the college originally planned to stage “South Pacific” but was unable to because of copyright issues. “(‘Joseph’) seemed like the right musical to change

to,” Hays said. “It’s fun from the start to the end, and it’s one that a lot of people know.” Hays was quick to talk about how much he thought audiences would love the music, regardless of personal taste. “The songs are just infectious,” Hays said. “There’s all different genres of music, from 1920s music to hip-hop. There’s something for everyone.” The director also aims to alleviate any fears that the

musical may not be modern enough for younger audiences. “The cool thing about this show is that you can do it in so many different ways,” Hays said. “We chose not to set any of it in biblical times. There’s really exciting costumes and sets and lights. You’ll see all kinds of different situations.” Christian Muñoz, a freshmen musical theater major

joseph: see page 6

The different corners of Nebraska bear some distinct differences, but fine arts students from the north, south, east and west of the state possess at least one common theme: talent. Sept. 25, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host the all-day Intercollegiate Choir Festival. College choirs from all over Nebraska, including ensembles from Doane College, Grace University and Nebraska Wesleyan University will be spending the day in Lincoln to share music with one another and show off their vocal chops. Presented by the Nebraska Choral Directors Association, the Intercollegiate Choir Festival takes place every odd-numbered year in the fall and is a chance for the college choirs to showcase their music and sing together as well. One highlight of Sunday’s events will be the time that the choirs will spend in clinic with James Rodde, Ph.D., director of Choral Activities at Iowa State University. About a dozen choirs will be at UNL, each singing for about 20 to 30 minutes, and Rodde will be listening and making comments. “I’m really looking forward to it.” Rodde said. At the end of the evening a free performance will be held in the Kimball Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. for any students or members of the public interested in hearing the choirs perform individually, two or three songs apiece. At the end of this finale concert, all the ensembles will come

It’s a neat tradition and it’s a tradition that colleagues from other states would love to have.” peter ecklund

unl director of choral activities

if you go Intercollegiate Choir Festival Concert when: Sunday, Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m. where: Kimball Recital Hall how much: Free

together to perform an arrangement of “Amazing Grace,” directed by Rodde. Peter Eklund, Ph.D., director of Choral Activities at UNL, is also looking forward to the event. “It’s a neat tradition and it’s a tradition that colleagues from other states would love to have,” Eklund said. “It’s really exciting and it’s at the beginning of the year. It’s a really neat collage of Nebraska’s best choirs.” In addition to his role as a clinician, Rodde is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to hear what these groups of fledgling artists have to offer. “I get the chance to hear music and see people perform,” he said. “It’s going to be a very enjoyable day and being able to close the concert off with a mass choir number is going to be very exciting.” Mollymahannah@

Mediterrania dances blend philanthropy, European culture Adrienne Anderson daily nebraskan

At a school of nearly 25,000 people, it can feel impossible to find a group that encompasses everything a student wants: somewhere they fit in, with a community of people who are similar to one another but have individual ideas that propel the group forward. Fortunately for Fernando Napier, a senior sociology and pre-med major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he found that community through the European Students Unite club. Now

the treasurer of the group, Napier is helping reach out to others who want to find their niche by throwing Mediterrania VIII, a dance party that raises money for local causes. The event will be held on Friday night as the Bourbon Theatre and will feature Fusion and DJ TyeDup. This year the proceeds from the dance will go to Camp Kindle, a foundation that works to children infected with or affected by HIV or AIDS the chance to attend camps and workshops with kids in their same situation.

Camp Kindle has its roots at UNL, according to Erin Fitzgerald, the Program Coordinator for the foundation. In 1998, founder Eva Payne was attending UNL and saw a need for those who were affected by or infected with HIV or AIDS after she volunteered at a summer camp in California, Fitzgerald said. From there, Payne worked with the local Lincoln radio stations to reach out to others who were willing to help her with her dream. By 1999, Camp Kindle had held its first official camp. Now,

more than a decade later, ESU is using its resources to provide for this foundation and the children who look forward to this camp every year. However, Mediterrania VIII isn’t just for Camp Kindle. ESU club members host the event for themselves and the sharing of their diverse cultures, as well. The focus of the club — to spread awareness and acceptance of European culture throughout Lincoln — lends perfectly to a dance party. “Mediterrania is special because it is an event that

allows us to bring an authentic experience of the European club nightlife, full of electronic music, to a Midwestern town like Lincoln,” said Napier via email. “But the focus of Mediterrania is to donate funds to charities that are nonprofit organizations.” ESU has cultivated Mediterrania since its inception eight years ago, helping it grow from a small, niche event to a party that draws crowds of 750 or more people. “Mediterrania started out at a tiny Bosnian bar by the name of Sapna,” Napier said.

if you go Mediterrania VIII when: Friday, 9 p.m. where: Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. how much: $7 (21+), $5 (18+)

“Over the years, through word of mouth, this event has grown to the point where we consistently exceed capacity at each and every venue we go to,”

dance: see page 6



Daily Nebraskan

Broadway musicals offer heavenly voices Katie Nelson

courtesy photo

Students snatch up Miller tickets in less than 2 hours Danielle Rue daily nebraskan

The clock read 3:30 a.m. when freshmen Aaron Arana, Justin Langdon and Dom Lincoln slipped out of the Acacia fraternity house Monday. While the rest of campus slept, the trio walked briskly through the cold morning air toward the Nebraska Union. It was the day tickets went on sale for the Mac Miller concert and Arana, Langdon and Lincoln weren’t taking any chances, determined not to miss the boat when the rapper comes to campus next month. “It (the wait to buy tickets) was worth it because I got the first ticket sold,” Lincoln said. “It just shows that we’re true fans and it’ll make going to the concert that much better. I’m definitely saving my ticket. It’s going up on my wall after the concert.” Although Arana, Langdon and Lincoln’s early morning trek may seem excessive to some, many students left the Union empty-handed and disappointed Monday morning. The University Program Council, which is sponsoring the concert, began

selling tickets at 9 a.m. on Monday. By 10 a.m., more than half of the tickets had been sold. UPC was fresh out 90 minutes later. “It’s pretty evident that campus is really, really excited for this concert,” said Timothy Kinoshita, a senior biological systems engineering major who heads public relations for UPC. The concert will take place Oct. 21st at 7 p.m. at the Bourbon Theater. Given the event capacity of 750 people, Kinoshita anticipates that the concert will be a “small, close-knit” experience. But not all students are thrilled with the venue. Manav Nirmalraj, a freshmen general studies major, showed up only 10 minutes after tickets sold out. “I was so pissed,” he said. “I’ve been a Mac Miller fan forever.” Had a larger venue been selected, latecomers, like Nirmalraj, might have been able to attend. Tickets might also have been available to the public. But, of course, scheduling has its limitations. “At (the time we planned the concert), Mac Miller wasn’t quite as big as he is now,” Kinoshita explained.

“We take a chance with every single event — with the student body not liking it or getting a less-than-ideal turnout or, in this case, the student body actually loving it and not having enough tickets for the demand.” Although there are struggles with planning events a semester in advance, there are also tangible benefits. UPC booked Mac Miller, opening acts Casey Veggies and The Come Up and the Bourbon Theater for less than $15,000. With his rapid surge in popularity, Miller’s current artist fee is between $20,000 and $25,000. By comparison, last year’s Big Boi concert required $35,000 of UPC’s annual budget. Finances aside, students are eager for Oct. 21 to arrive. Arana, Langdon and Lincoln are already considering what time they will arrive for the concert. “We plan on showing up really early,” said Arana. But how early are they planning hitting the sidewalk outside the Bourbon Theatre? “We’re not going to give a time,” Arana said. “We don’t want anyone to beat us there.” daniellerue@

The combination of my Disney and musical-driven childhood and my gay father really only ever left me with one destination for my musical interest: Broadway. In my past columns, I have tried to speak to you, dear reader, to draw you into the world of fine arts, be it through visual or performance disciplines. This week I’m going to depart from beating what I assume is a dead horse. Blah, culture, blah, intelligence, blah, art. For those of you who felt a connection to any one of my columns, gold star. And please keep reading — I do love it when intelligent people read my work. However, this week I’m going to take a bit of a hiatus from my usual rants and just chat about Broadway, which, coincidentally, is a perfect combination of visual and performing arts. Broadway is like any other kind of theater — or movie, for that matter — with the acting, costumes, sets and makeup. But there is one key element that sets it apart from anything tainted by Hollywood or your average dinner theater: the music. For some, musicals are a hassle to watch. Let’s face it, people don’t burst into

song for no good reason in real life. Well, I plan to, but only once I’ve mastered my tap routine. But this isn’t about whether it’s conventional to dance in the middle of streets or whether it’s necessary to sing about dancing in those streets or whether the combination of my dance and singing routine will land me in the realm of stardom. This is about the raw music produced for and featured by Broadway. The musical arrangements are unique in that they are written to tell a story, as well as support voices. Instruments — real instruments — are used to actually play the music. Each track is different as the plot of the musical changes. I know some of you are reading this, ready to email me and argue that the “Pirates of the Caribbean” or, perhaps, the “Tron” soundtrack were produced in a similar fashion. Hold your horses for a second, because I haven’t even touched on, undeniably, the best part of Broadway music. Almost every musical arrangement is written to accompany vocals and these voices are unmatched by anything or anyone you will ever hear, except maybe Freddie Mercury. For starters, the voices are not limited to a singleor double-octave range. It’s customary for both male and female performers to boast ranges of several octaves. But what really gives me goose bumps every time is the power


behind the voice. Soprano voices are nice — and a good one is hard to come across — but hearing those notes being pushed from someone’s throat with no sign of vibrato is absolute heaven. And it doesn’t just have to be the highest notes; I drool over anything. Broadway voices aren’t operatic voices or jazz voices or auto-tune. They’re pure, they’re strong and they’re easy to listen to. I grew up with Barbra Streisand’s “Hello, Dolly” and the entire Rodgers and Hammerstein collection, so you have to take my advice. There are hundreds of Broadway shows available, some political, some Disney remakes, and some are just classics. If it’s accessibility you’re after, ease yourself into the Broadway music scene with some “Wicked,” “Phantom of the Opera” or “Sound of Music.” From there, begin exploring other shows — I wasn’t kidding when I said there were hundreds of them — and you may just surprise yourself. But don’t venture near “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.” That shit’s just bad.

Katie Nelson is a Sophomore Broadcast journalism Major. Reach her Katienelson@

Joseph: from 5 at NWU, said it had been fun putting together the musical. “Being my first college show, it’s been good to come in and not worry about putting on something more dramatic,” Muñoz said. “It’s a really great show and it’s nice to be able to let loose.” From an audience perspective, “Joseph” offers an opportunity to engage with a theatrical production in an atypical way. “We really try to get the audience involved and make them part of the story,” Muñoz said. “We go

out in the crowd and get people dancing.” Josh Greiveldinger and Lacey Johnson, both senior theatre arts majors, had similar feelings. “Because the show is shorter, we get to go all out,” Greiveldinger said. “We’re putting as much intensity into it as we can. It’s really engaging and offbeat.” Mostly the cast feels that the overwhelming positivity in Webber’s renowned production will carry audiences along. “It’s very fun and entertaining,” Johnson said.

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if you go “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” when: 7:30 on Sept. 2224, 29, 30 and Oct. 1 2 p.m. on Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 where: McDonald Theatre, 5000 Saint Paul Ave. how much: Adults - $15, Students - $7.50 “Everyone will come away with a happy attitude.”


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Daily Nebraskan



New Blink-182 maintains sound, but plays too safe Matt Havelka Daily nebraskan

Punk-rock fans everywhere rejoiced when Blink-182 announced they would bury the hatchet and resume making music. Their new album “Neighborhoods” is set to be released on Sept. 27, but this Daily Nebraskan reporter finds himself a little disappointed. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom DeLonge was the major creative force behind this record, because it sounds like a new album from DeLonge’s side project Angels and Airwaves only with Mark Hoppus providing backup vocals. That’s not to say that this is a bad record, but it doesn’t sound like a step forward for Mark, Tom and Travis Barker. Blink-182 was one of my favorite bands growing up, and “Neighborhoods”

possesses some of the endearing qualities that made me love Blink-182. The album is filled with catchy verses and choruses, and DeLonge’s guitar playing is as good as it’s ever been. My only beef with the album is that the songs seem over produced. What I loved about their previous albums “Take Off Your Pants and Jacket” and “Enema of The State” was that the songs sounded raw and radiated punk-pop sensibility. These new songs sound too much like what each band member has been doing on their time away from Blink-182. A little too much synthesizer is used, and the guitar sounds tighter and more controlled than the typical punk sound we’ve grown accustomed to from Blink-182. Barker, like always, is phenomenal. His drumming

sets the tone for some of the darker songs and proves that he’s the strongest pure musician in the band. Barker sounds exceptional on the opening track, “Ghost on the Dance Floor,” which is one of my favorites on the record. The verses are pure Blink-182 and the entire sound seems really cohesive. On their self-titled last album, Blink 182 showed us their darker side with songs like “I Miss You” and that morose flavor carries over to this album on tracks like “Native” and “Even If She Falls.” But in the end, “Neighborhoods” just doesn’t feel like a Blink-182 record to me. A lot of the songs seem like a combination of Box Car Racer and Angels and Airwaves. I loved both of those bands, but when Blink-182 puts a record out I expect

something grandiose. But on “Neighborhoods,” the band does us the favor of saving the best for last. “Even if She Falls,” the album finale, plays out like everything I hoped for from this album. It sounds like a mature punk-pop opus with DeLonge and Hoppus both in control of their creative juices and playing off

each other the way every Blink-182 fan wants them to. This new CD will likely please most Blink-182 fans, but it won’t exceed anybody’s expectations. I think it’s something of a safe record for a band that usually takes a lot of chances. But I can’t complain too much; at least I have a few more




Blink-182 songs to add to my collection.


dance: from 5

neil orians | |daily nebraskan

Napier said. By hosting the event, ESU is bringing together two groups that are looking for the same things: acceptance and community. Through ESU’s “pay it forward” approach, Camp Kindle will continue to receive funds to improve the lives of those children. “European Students Unite has made an impact on my life more than I could be thankful for,” Napier said. “Most importantly though,

this organization has provided me the opportunity to give back to those in need

in the Lincoln community.”


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Daily Nebraskan

NU freshmen contribute despite growing pains

»softball »

Andrew Ward daily nebraskan

file photo by patrick breen | daily nebraskan

NU coach Rhonda Revelle believes junior Nikki Haget has improved in all facets this offseason.

Improved outfielder poses triple-threat Hard work in the offseason has helped Haget heading into the Husker Fall Classic Nedu Izu daily nebraskan

“Safe!” That’s a word softball player Nikki Haget has heard many times in her career as she’s only been caught stealing nine times in 39 attempts. NU coach Rhonda Revelle called her the fastest player on the team and thinks she has improved in all aspects her junior year. “I thought she had a breakout year last season,” Revelle said. “She became entrenched in that number one spot in the lineup and hit for more power.” During the 2010 regular season, Haget stole a careerhigh 16 bases while getting caught just four times. But sliding in safe isn’t the only thing she improved in. Along with lower strikeout

(18) and higher walk (20) Revelle said the Elkhorn, totals, the senior also hit Neb., native has been using her first career home run. this off-season to improve “That was one of the all elements of her game. coolest moments of my “She’s really worked hard life,” Haget said. “Because I to be a triple-threat,” Revnever have hit one from the elle said. “She’s a predomileft side. I switched when I nant slap hitter and has was ten.” worked hard at trying to Haget said that overall, slap the ball for power. You she was pleased with her put her in any situation and production last season and can be productive at the was happy to bat over .300 plate and on base.” for the secHaget led ond straight the team in year. hits last year She became “I’ve made with 62 and a lot of finished the entrenched in changes hityear second that number ting and the on the team coaches and I one spot in the with a .341 have tried to batting avlineup and hit improve my erage. She power at the for more power. also scored game,” she 51 times last said. year and led Rhonda Revelle the team in “I definitenu softball coach ly wanted to that category. hit as well, if The Husker not better,” she said. “Even lead-off hitter said she fothough it was a little lower cused on remaining quick than my sophomore year, this off-season, especially I was happy to improve in with the transition to a new my strikeouts and walks. I conference. felt more comfortable and I “I worked on quick movedefinitely positioned myself ments because of most better at the plate this year.” of my game is based on speed,” Haget said. “Working on the fundamentals of running is very important and every step counts. The Big Ten is a strong conference academically and athletically.” “We’re excited to begin the season in the Big Ten and it’d be nice to say in our first year, we came out on top.” Haget added that she’s also excited to begin exhibition play this weekend at the Husker Fall Classic. “I can’t wait to start playing some real games,” she said. “We’ve been having some red and white games but we’ve been down a few players. It’s going to be awesome getting back into the flow of things and I’m excited to get to compete.” neduizu@

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Going to college is daunting enough on its own, but imagine adding a Division I sport to the list of things to do as a freshman. Every year many collegiate athletes participate both on the field and in the classroom for the first time. Some are forced to quit because of the stress while others thrive in the high-pressure situations. This year is no different for the Nebraska women’s soccer squad as seven of its players are freshmen and many of them have played a key role in a 4-3-1 start to the season. Freshmen that have contributed with points in 2011 include forward Mayme Conroy and midfielders Samantha Areman and Caroline Gray. Areman has the lone goal of the freshman class while Conroy and Gray have two and one assist respectively on the year. However, growing pains did occur for the freshmen before they could fit well into the Huskers squad and succeed, according to Areman. “When I came here I didn’t really know what to expect,” Areman said. “One thing was clear though, Nebraska has high standards for its athletes and when I first stepped onto the field you could definitely tell I wasn’t quite ready to be out there.” Scoring her first goal as a Husker in Nebraska’s 8-1 win over Northern Arizona helped Areman gain more confidence on the field and feel like she was contributing she said. It was not just the freshmen that were struggling in the beginning though. The rest of the team was having a difficult time meshing

file photo by nickolai hammar | daily nebraskan

Mayme Conroy is one freshman in a young group that has contributed to the Huskers early this season. together at the beginning of the year, Gray said. “The team has come a long way from the beginning of the season,” Gray said. “We are extremely young and it took us a while to figure out how to learn to compete as a team. “It really wasn’t until the Virginia Tech game that we really started to bond.” Gray also said that competing against Top 25 teams has given the Huskers more confidence than ever when playing together. Freshmen often times will set goals for themselves at the beginning of their careers and this is no different in the cases of these newcomers.

Both Areman and Gray plan on building at Nebraska for not just this year but for many years to come, individually and as a team. “This year the big goal is making the NCAA tournament and competing well in it obviously,” Areman said. “And as an individual this year I really want to just compete well and make the most of my opportunities when I get into the games, nothing too special.” All of the NU freshmen will get a chance to further their confidence as the Huskers will travel to Purdue and Indiana this weekend to continue Big Ten conference play.

andrewward@ dailynebraskan.cOM

PRACTICE NOTES FOOTBALL Crick Out Wednesday Jared Crick was held out of practice for at least the second consecutive day. The senior pre-season All-American walked off the practice field in street clothes for the second day in a row. The reason for which Crick has not practiced remains unclear, as does his status for Saturday’s game against Wyoming. The Cozad, Neb., native has 14 tackles, 3 for a loss, and one sack on the season through three games. Jean-Baptiste transitioning to defense Sophomore JUCO transfer Stanley Jean-Baptiste is in his first week of practice at Nebraska as a member of the secondary. The 6-foot-3, 220-pound Miami native made the switch to defensive back after spending the first portion

of this season and spring at wide receiver. Secondary coach Corey Raymond says that JeanBaptiste, who played safety in high school, will have no trouble adjusting in the talent department. “He (Jean-Baptiste) is a little raw just because of the system we run,” Raymond said after Wednesday’s practice. “It’s going to take him a little time to get it, but athletic-wise, he’s going to be pretty good.” husker O-line looks to stick to last week’s script Last week’s win over Washington showcased a more fluid offense due largely to a more cohesive and effective offensive line. The Huskers kept an emphasis on getting fresh players in the game, rotating seven and eight guys in on the line throughout the game. In the high altitude of

Laramie, the Huskers are expecting to do more of the same. “The plans are to be like we were last week,” offensive line coach Barney Cotton said after practice.

BIG 12’S BEEBE TO RESIGN According to a report from the Kansas City Star Wednesday night, Big 12 Conference Commissioner Dan Beebe, the league’s commissioner since 2007, is expected to resign. Beebe’s reported resignation comes after members of the conference shared negative sentiments toward his handling of conference realignment. The Big 12 seemed to be on unstable ground after the departures of Nebraska and Colorado. The report says Beebe is expected to be replaced by former Big Eight Commissioner Chuck Neinas.


football: from 10 “That’s basically what he tells me. If you overthink,

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that’s when you mess up.” With or without Dennard, the secondary is going to face another test this week at Wyoming. The Cowboys employ a spread offense that spreads the ball around. UW has five players with eight receptions or more. So it would be nice to have No. 15 back out there. Several times against Washington, Yoshi Hardrick jogged off the field after an offensive possession and was

shocked to see Dennard running past him towards the field. Turns out the cornerback was only playing a joke on his good friend, but NU fans would love to see Dennard leave the sidelines for real this weekend. “In my opinion, there isn’t a better corner in the country,” coach Bo Pelini said. “I think he is that good. Obviously, you miss a guy like that.”


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Huskers proving they have versatility early on jeff Packer Daily nebraskan

The Nebraska offense has been through some growing pains this season. The Huskers have come under scrutiny early in the 2011 campaign, labeled with a reputation similar to the identity that they had back in 2010. Unable to move the ball consistently. Too dependent on the big play. “I think the whole big play thing is a plus, you know, any time you’ve got an offense that threatens to make big plays, that scares defenses,” NU freshman wide out Kenny Bell said. The Huskers have used large gains through the air and on the ground to move the ball this season. In their first three games, the Huskers have gained more than 30 yards on 12 occasions. Each of those 12 possessions ended in points for the Huskers. Half of those 12 plays occurred against the Fresno State Bulldogs, a team the Husker offense knew could be hurt by the big play. After the first two weeks of the season, comparisons to the 2010 crew were popping up. The Huskers had three touchdown drives of seven or more plays through two games. All three had been spurred by a gain of 35 yards or more. Too reliant on the huge gain, some said. Then the Huskers played

Washington last weekend. Nebraska put up four drives with seven plays or more that ended in points on the score board. Brett Maher’s field goals capped drives of seven and ten plays in the first half. Then the Huskers posted nineplay touchdown drives to start the third and fourth quarters. NU running back Rex Burkhead felt the Huskers’ game against the Huskies proved the offense’s ability to sustain drives. “I think we came out early shooting pretty hot and whenever we did have those long drives, we did pretty well,” Burkhead said. “Like I said, there are still some areas we can improve on, but I thought we saw a lot of improvement on this week from the previous week.” Burkhead has contributed on explosive and sustained drives alike. In the fourth quarter against Fresno State, the junior back carried the ball six times before quarterback Taylor Martinez ran away from the Bulldogs for a 46-yard touchdown. In the game against Washington, the Plano, Texas, native got the ball six times in a row on a time-killing drive late in the game. Junior tight end Ben Cotton feels the Huskers have grown more comfortable in their new offense. “We just put in this system last winter,” Cotton said.

file photo by andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Rex Burkhead and the No. 9 Huskers have proven to be more versatile as the season progresses, scoring on the big play and the long drive. we’ve done this before. We’ve changed tempos on teams before and stuff like that.’” The NU offensive line spent more time rotating fresh faces in and out against the Huskies, something that can help a team wishing for longer drives. “Well, I think it helps

“Us switching coaching staffs – I think it really just comes in to finally settling in, getting more comfortable with running this offense. Not just against our own defense in practice or anything, but getting more game type situations where guys can really calm down and say, ‘Hey,

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Big Red” #9 chant began before the beginning on the fifth set. Mancuso started the set with a precise kill down the line and Nebraska jumped out to a 3-0 lead. “I’m going to have to give credit to the crowd because that was just amazing,” Mancuso said. “I don’t know if you can feel so special in a place like Nebraska. “The crowd was literally roaring. I paused for a brief second just to soak it all in.” NU sealed the victory on a Morgan Broekhuis kill that bounced off PSU’s block and flew out of bounds. At this point, you couldn’t hear the person sitting next to you, even if he or she was talking

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# 10

Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Like the air in a cigar bar 6 In heaps 11 Medallioned vehicle 14 Soup serverʼs implement 15 Dins from dens 16 Ill temper 17 Davy Jonesʼs locker 19 Hoops org. 20 Irksome type 21 Look forward to 22 Foot problem, perhaps 23 Motel extra 25 Playful puppies, at times 27 Sʼmore ingredient 32 Frisk, with “down” # 12 33 “Gone With the Wind” plantation 34 Loonlike bird 37 VW or BMW

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MEDIUM When the players reached the locker room, their ears were ringing. “I was telling one of the girls, I wanted to start crying because our fans were just so loud,” Cook said. “That makes you feel so special to be a part of that and that they’re cheering for you.” For those fans who sacrificed a little extra sleep to get their hands on a ticket it was worth it. They got to see the beginning of a new chapter of Nebraska volleyball. It’s an experience everybody should have. Just ask Gretchen Woessner. “My mind is literally blown,” she said moments after NU’s win.

# 11



off a dig. Her efforts — she pulling ahead 22-21 late be- to force match point, and, on added another three kills to- fore Penn State’s Ariel Scott the second attempt to close out wards the end of the set — took over with two kills and the match, Broekhuis forced a added to Broekhuis’ five kills forced an error by Hannah wide return and NU had beaten that set led NU on a 15-7 run Werth. Despite the win, the the four-time defending nationto end the second set. After team lamented the missed op- al champions 25-18, 25-16, 23two sets, Mancuso had 13 kills, portunity. 25, 18-25, 15-10. combining with Broekhuis to “I think we learned a lot from “We should’ve finished ‘em have as many (20) as the en- off in three,” Lauren Cook the Colorado State game (where tire Penn State team. said. “We made a lot of errors. NU lost after winning the first “Gina’s a stud,” junior setter That’s part of our learning pro- two sets),” Lauren Cook said. Lauren Cook said. “I’ve played cess. We’re going to have to “And that’s always brought up with Gina for years now, and learn to finish games in three every time we go into the fifth this is how Gina plays every because we can’t keep going game, ‘don’t let what happened game. We need her – she drives five games every (match) of to Colorado State happen,’ so this team.” the year when we don’t need I think that was the big focus.. Mancuso started the third set to.” using that in the third game.” with another kill, and added NU has to turn around and The Huskers came out flat two more as NU built a 10-5 in the fourth set, as Mancuso play a tough Ohio State team lead. Afterwards, she — and was unable to get a single kill on Saturday at the Coliseum, the Huskers — went cold, and and NU had trouble replacing but, for now, the team is riding Penn State showed the Huskers her offense, going down 16-8. the thrill of taking down a fourwhy the last four championship Ariel Scott led the Nittany Li- time defending national chamtrophies reside in Happy Valley, ons, with eight of her game- pion in their school’s first ever Big Ten conference game. going on a 20-13 run — aided high 23 kills during the set. “It’s just a blessing and an by eight NU errors, after a comNU finally came back alive bined nine the first two sets — at the start of the final set, honor to be able to be a part to take the third set 25-23. For as two early Mancuso kills of something so special,” Manthe set, NU hit just .135, while put Syndication NU up 6-2,Sales and Corporation NU cuso said. “We beat Goliath The Newhelped York Times conceding .289. never looked back. Mancuso 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018tonight.” seanwhalen@ NU still had an excel- For took a Lauren set and Information Call:Cook 1-800-972-3550 lent chance to pull a sweep, Forpushed down August the baseline ReleaseitTuesday, 24, 2010

anna reed | daily nebraskan


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Gretchen Woessner was on hand with more than 4,000 other Husker fans to witness Nebraska’s innaguaral Big Ten volleyball match.


309 yards. “We didn’t get a chance to get tired,” senior lineman Yoshi Hardrick said. “We ran a lot of no-huddle and we wore them down. When they got tired we just went fast and faster.”

volleyball: from 10

burger: from 10 And if you haven’t, it’s about time you should. Fast forward to about an hour before match time. Woessner couldn’t even sit still. She was too excited. She had her spot in the second row of the student section at the NU Coliseum. Wearing a pair of red “Get Rec’d” sunglasses, her knees bouncing and a super-sized smile stretched across her face, she waited in anticipation for her first-ever Nebraska volleyball match. “But not the last,” she insisted. After three hours of drama-filled volleyball Wednesday night, it’s hard to imagine any of her subsequent NU volleyball experiences topping her first. Nebraska was on fire in the first two sets. Junior Gina Mancuso was killing everything in sight. Setter Lauren Cook was pulling her best Steve Nash, MEDIUM distributing the ball to her teammates. The 4,186 red-clad fans were on their feet for ovation after ovation. But Penn State is Penn State. The Nittany Lions won the third set in comeback fashion and rolled through the fourth. “We definitely expected them to have motivation,” Mancuso said. “Adjustments they made; really I just think it starts with attitude. I think they trust themselves more.” It sure didn’t look like Nebraska had that kind of trust in the third and fourth sets. And heading into the deciding set, the Huskers looked like the underdogs. Maybe that’s what NU needed, though. A

throwing fresh legs out there and actually, it’s something we should have done the week before,” NU offensive line coach Barney Cotton said. The Husker substituted new faces in every other series, resulting in their highest rushing total of the season,

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39 “Hold the rocks,” at a bar 42 ___ mater 43 “All ___ is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry”: G. K. Chesterton 45 Shaker contents 47 Pop musicʼs ___ Lobos 48 Site of Londonʼs Great Exhibition of 1851 52 Yucky, in baby talk 54 Cap-and-crown org.? 55 Shore washer 56 Rich soil deposit 59 Repairs some tears 63 Big fuss 64 Veneration of a cult image 66 Turkey piece 67 ___ Street, Perry Masonʼs secretary


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68 Name associated with the starts of 17-, 27-, 48- and 64Across 69 Sterile hosp. areas 70 “As You Like It” forest 71 Food for birds Down 1 Barely edible fare 2 Knightʼs club 3 Keatsian works 4 Coffee ___ (social gathering) 5 Cash in Kyoto 6 Shipʼs front 7 Least bit 8 Monterrey miss, e.g. 9 Rated X 10 Mil. award 11 Rags-to-riches heroine 12 Shady area 13 Grizzlies, e.g. 18 Dynamic Duo member 22 Setting for a Marx Brothers farce 24 Cheerios grain 26 UPS delivery: Abbr. 27 Transcript nos. 28 Brother of Fidel 29 Responders to “Sic ʼem!” 30 ___-Magnon 31 Mrs. Gorbachev 35 Coll. football star, e.g.







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Puzzle by Ed Sessa

36 Life of Riley 38 One way to eat ham 40 Low-___ (for dieters) 41 City across the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juárez 44 Cheat, in 43Across 46 Little bit

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page 10


nebraska defeats penn state, 25-18, 25-16, 23-25, 19-25, 15-10

Fans see dramatic finish to end long day

Doug Burger

The No. 10 Huskers avoided a dramatic come-from-behind attempt by No. 5 Penn State to win the program’s first ever Big Ten conference match.

roaring start story by sean whalen photo by anna reed

Huskers open Big ten play with thrilling five-set win against penn state

Whenever he’s asked, NU volleyball coach John Cook will say that every game in the Big Ten conference will be a challenge for his team. Through one game, he’s dead on: after cruising through two sets and building a lead in the third, Penn State roared back and nearly pulled out a five-set comeback victory. Nearly. “We almost had ‘em in three there, and they didn’t quit,” NU coach John Cook said. “You never know what your team’s got unless you see them in that situation. Our fans and the Husker nation and our team has to be

really pleased with how they responded.” With NU down 7-6 in the first set, a high-flying kill by Gina Mancuso served three purposes: it tied the match, brought 4,186 fans to their feet and began a killing frenzy that would last the rest of the set. Each time the Nittany Lions would score, and they rarely did for the 22-11 run (including the first part of the second half), it seemed Mancuso would be waiting to answer. Through the first set, Mancuso had seven kills with no errors and a .714 attack percentage. At first in the second set,

things wore off for a bit for Mancuso, who had no kills through the first 19 rallies. Continual Penn State service errors ­ — they averaged 8.4 per match (to Nebraska’s 5.0) heading in and added another 12 against NU — and strong play by Morgan Broekhuis during that span kept the Huskers up 10-9. Coming out of the timeout, Mancuso and the Huskers took over again, as she blasted three straight kills, including the final one

volleyball: see page 9

NEBRASKA VS. PENN STATE NEBRASKA 3 Penn State 18 Nebraska 25 Kills Errors Digs Blocks Assists NU LEADERS

16 25 NU 62 26 66 11 58

PENN STATE 2 25 25 10 23 19 15 PSU 56 27 60 9 55

Kills: Gina Mancuso 22, Morgan Broekhuis 12 Digs: Lauren Cook 17, Hannah Werth 13 Assists: Cook 53 SOURCE: HUSKERS.COM

On Wednesday morning, Gretchen Woessner was up earlier than most. She had somewhere to be. At 6:30 a.m. the freshman general studies major was in line at the Nebraska Athletics ticket office, hoping to get her hands on a student ticket for NU’s matchup against Penn State that night at the NU Coliseum. Tickets went on sale at 8 a.m. and there weren’t many to go around – less than 50 student tickets were sold. The odds of being in attendance at the Huskers’ Big Ten opener were slim, but Woessner was there still. Why? “We love Husker volleyball,” she said exuberantly. By 8:03, the tickets were gone. Woessner was one of the lucky few to get a ticket. So was Rachel Compas. She bought her ticket online and planned on going with her friend. Her friend was online only moments later, but didn’t get as lucky. Students camped in line overnight. Tickets were gone in two minutes. “I guess we really are the best fans in college volleyball,” she said. Sure, that’s a bit biased. But if you’ve experienced the NU Coliseum before, you’d agree she’s not that far off.

burger: see page 9

Inexperienced Husker secondary is still learning Dan Hoppen daily nebraskan

For the past two seasons, Memorial Stadium has been a “no passing zone” for opposing teams. With the likes of Prince Amukamara and DeJon Gomes roaming the defensive backfield, NU’s secondary picked apart Heisman resumes and draft positions for several future NFL quarterbacks. But with that trio gone, this year has been different. Derek Carr and Keith Price, the quarterbacks for NU’s last two opponents, are nice players, but the Huskers have allowed young passers to look like seasoned veterans. The problem is that the secondary, and the cornerback position in particular, is full of talented but inexperienced players who are still learning the ropes. The solution? Just add an All-American candidate. That isn’t an option for most teams, but it’s exactly what NU will be doing sometime in the coming weeks. Alfonzo Dennard missed the Huskers’ first three contests with a leg injury, but practiced for the first time Monday. While no official word has been given on his status

for this Saturday yet, he hopes to play against Wyoming. “We’ll be much, much stronger (with Dennard back),” cornerback Josh Mitchell said. “He’s an incredible leader and an incredible player. He brings a swag to the secondary, and that’s what we need right now.” Without Dennard, the Huskers had gone with Ciante Evans and Andrew Green as their starting cornerbacks and Justin Blatchford as the nickelback for the first two games. But against Washington, Mitchell, a redshirt freshman, came in when the Huskers employed three corners, shifting Evans to the nickel spot. With his whole family watching, Mitchell had five tackles and one pass breakup. “He held his own for being out there for the first time,” Evans said. “I can tell you he didn’t want to mess up. He was just worried about giving up the deep ball or not getting beat.” The pass defense was far from perfect, however. Price threw four touchdowns, including three to Green’s man. But with so many

inexperienced guys (the top three cornerbacks have a combined seven starts among them, including just one before this season), perfection wasn’t an attainable goal. The first three games have been a learning experience for the youngsters. “It’s football. Plays are going to be made and you’ve got to have a short-term memory,” Mitchell said. “We’ve just gotta go out there and believe in ourselves and believe in our ability.” But just because Dennard isn’t on the field doesn’t mean he’s not impacting the game. He’s constantly in communication with the younger players, helping them with both opposing schemes and their own confidence. “If he wasn’t out there, I don’t know what I would do to tell you the truth. He’s like my big brother out there,” Mitchell said. “When he speaks to me, it’s more just about the mental aspect and what’s going through your mind. Don’t overthink it. It’s football. It’s easy to you. You’ve been doing this you’re whole life.

football: see page 8

file photo by kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Cornerback Andrew Green is part of a young group in the Husker scondary is trying to grasp the ins and outs of Husker defense.

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