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SIPPING GLASSES IN CLASSES UNL wine-tasting class offers older students chance to expand palettes PAGE 3

WEEKEND IN REVIEW Husker women’s soccer defeats Northern Arizona 8-1

tuesday, september 6, 2011

volume 111, issue 012


UNL freshmen rally for student tickets

Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

About 20 University of Nebraska-Lincoln freshmen met outside of Memorial Stadium on Friday to rally for student football tickets. The ultimate goal of the rally was to allow for freshmen voices to be heard. Much of

the outrage focused on the amount of seats made available to UNL students. “We want to see an increase of students in the stadium,” said Tanner Vonnahme, a freshman general studies major and the creator of the UNL Student Rally for Tickets Facebook event. A lot of freshmen “didn’t even have a chance” to get

student tickets, Vonnahme said. Tom Osborne, NU athletic director, met with the students just outside the stadium. Osborne answered questions, assuring students “we will do what we can” and apologized for the problem. “It shows they care,” said Jim McManus , another freshman general studies major.

On Friday, announced 200 more tickets would be available to students. “We’ve helped every person on the waiting list, so this is an additional 200 tickets,” said Chris Anderson, associate athletic director for community relations. The tickets are in the East Stadium student section and

are standing room only. The price is the same as the regular season ticket price: $147 plus a processing fee. Anderson said East Stadium was the best place to add standing room for students; they couldn’t be added on to the west side because of the television truck. “We’ve tried to be as helpful as possible and tried to

get more freshmen in the stadium,” she said. “This is all we can safely do.” Students are also trying to get signatures on a petition demanding more student tickets. Tyler Hatfield, a freshman

tickets: see page 4

New facilities Irene impacts students accommodate I was just worried NU athletes about my plenty of time to watch the storm lumber toDaily nebraskan ward their homes. Both More than a week after students and their famihitting the East Coast, lies said they were more the effect of Tropical fortunate than many afStorm Irene is carved ter the floods receded. across more than a dozen states. At least 44 Before the storm “I was following it deaths are attributed to pretty closely,” said MiIrene. A few thousand chael Dunn, a junior homes and businesses are still without power, sociology major from according to, Bethel, Conn., located and hundreds of roads about 20 miles from have been washed the coast and 10 miles away by flooding. The from the New York bordamage will likely der. In fact, Dunn said, make the storm one of he told his parents and the nation’s most ex- sister about the storm’s pensive natural disas- approach. “Mike sent a text sayters. ing, ‘Are you getting Even after it weakready for the hurriened below hurricane level, Irene was par- cane?’ I replied, ‘What ticularly damaging due hurricane?’” said Mito its size — more than chael’s mother Rose500 miles wide — and mary Dunn by phone. moved very slowly, “He was more worried with about half the about it than we were.” She decided to stay speed of the average partly because there hurricane on the eastern seaboard, accord- were no evacuation oring to The New York ders for her area, she Times. This allowed it said, in contrast to sevto dump several inches eral areas of New Jerof rain as it moved up sey and New York. “The other thing the coast over several is, I’ve lived here my days. whole life,” Rosemary For two University of Nebraska-Lincoln stu- Dunn said. “When dents, one from Con- we’ve had (storms like necticut, the other from this), they haven’t been New York, they had very dangerous.” Nevertheless, the Dan Holtmeyer


71,000 square feet $18.7 million

New Strength Training Facility and Nutrition Center

New practice facilities for wrestling team

New practice facilities for men’s and women’s basketball ARTIST RENDERING COURTESY OF EXPANDTHEIREXPERIENCE.COM

bea huff | daily nebraskan

riley johnson daily nebraskan

Student athletes at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will have two new sports facilities to swing, shoot and sweat inside this fall. Athletes from the men’s and women’s Husker basketball teams will have a new place to hone their skills in the $18.7 million, 71,420-squarefoot facility called the Hendricks Training Complex, according to a UNL press release. The building extends from the south side of the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The Hendricks Training Complex contains multiple practice courts for both teams and makes room for a new wrestling facility and a new strength complex and nutrition area. Its construction also allowed for 4,000 square feet of renovated space inside the Devaney. Sluggers on the baseball and softball teams can practice inside the new $4.75 million Haymarket Park Training Facility near both Haymarket Park and Bowlin Stadium. The 22,000-square-foot facility — to be completed this month — will house a large practice area, batting cages and pitching tunnels, as well as restrooms and a storage room. The new practice spaces free up practice congestion for the athletes, and, one official hopes, they can help the athletic department continue its symbiotic financial relationship with the university. “If the only lab you can get for your biology major is at 3:30 p.m. and that’s when your (basketball) practice is, sometimes you had to miss practice,” said John Ingram, associate athletic director. That kind of scenario seemed commonplace for members of the men’s and women’s basketball teams

Moser page 6

In the past we have had to share facilities with a number of different teams.” cory burleson NU baseball catcher


the past few years because of practice schedule trade-offs, Ingram said. Every semester the teams would have to switch between morning and afternoon practice schedules, which, he said, disrupted school schedules for the students. The men’s and women’s teams not only competed with each other for the space, but the Devaney also housed many other university events, Ingram said. With the Hendricks Traning Complex, each of the teams will have its own practice courts, he said. The baseball and softball teams saw similar practicetime troubles previously that the new facilities might resolve. “In the past we have had to share facilities with a number of different teams, limiting the number of hours and space we could practice in the colder months,” said Cory Burleson, a senior finance major and catcher on the Husker baseball team. Burleson said he and his teammates are excited to use the new indoor baseball practice facility and have a space of their own to practice on. With the new facility, Burleson said the team can spend

The other thing is, I’ve lived here my whole life. When we’ve had (storms like this), they haven’t been very dangerous.” rosemary dunn

mother of unl student keviin dunn

Athletes: see page 4

parents, really. Is the house going to hold up? Are my parents going to be OK?”

Kevin luparello

sophomore political science major

family made sure there was nothing outside that could blow around and stocked up on easily prepared food and cash, in case the ATMs stopped working. In Rockville Centre, N.Y., on the other side of Long Island Sound from the Dunns, Denise and Ed Luparello were stocking up on food, batteries and gasoline — stores were out of generators and plywood for windows — after deciding to stick it out, Denise Luparello said in a phone interview. “The night of the hurricane, (local officials) said where you are at 5 p.m. is probably where you should stay,” she said. “This house is 100 years old, and we’ve been through a couple other storms,” she added. The rest of the family, and anywhere else they could have gone, was in the mandatory evacuation zone, she said. “So we decided, ‘Well, we’re just going to stay here and see how it goes.” As the storm’s edge crossed over the town, they kept in “constant contact” with their son, Kevin Luparello,

a sophomore political science major. “I was just worried about my parents, really,” he said, asking himself, “Is the house going to hold up? Are my parents going to be OK?” ‘There is no help coming.’

The storm hit at about 3 p.m., Denise Luparello said, adding that as Irene moved along, both the rain and the trees outside were “completely horizontal” from the wind. “It lasted at least 12 hours, constant, constant wind and rain,” she said, adding that those were sleepless hours. “At 11 o’clock that night, the local officials’ announcements changed from a general ‘Stay where you are’ to the more ominous ‘If you’re in trouble now, there is no help coming,’” she said. Kevin said he gathered as much from talking to his parents as the storm hit: a lot of wind and rain. “My mom said, ‘Thank God our basement didn’t flood,’” he said. “They said the house was holding up, everything was OK.” In Connecticut,

irene: see page 5

music page 7

football page 10

Weather | sunny

I’m going to need proof

Tyranny of genre

Kicking off a new season

questioning evidence improves critical thinking.

local artist reinvents old songs through improv

Brett maher makes debut for Nu with great success

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tuesday, september 6, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

on campus

ASUN plans memorial to honor 9/11 Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

Ten years have passed since the Sept. 11, 2011, attacks at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on American Flight 93. The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska is putting together a memorial week in recognition of 9/11. “The reason why ASUN is taking it under our wing is because we’ve done this in the past, back in 2002,” said Lane Carr, a senior political science and history major and ASUN president. Original discussion for a memorial week began in July and the planning began in the second week of August, said Eric Kamler, a junior agricultural economics major and Government Liaison Committee chair. “When you think of things, you look at pre-9/11 or post-9/11,” Kamler said. “It’s one of the pivotal moments in our generation.” The main event of the week will be the candlelight vigil service by the Nebraska Union at the Broyhill Fountain Sunday night. Carr, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Juan Franco and Malika Yadgarova, a graduate student and guest for the Muslim Student Association, are a few of the speakers for the vigil. The prayer service will be led by someone from the Association of Campus Religious Workers, followed by the candlelight vigil,

Kamler said. A flag display will be set up, first on the East Campus greenspace on Sept. 6 and 7 and later in the Nebraska Union greenspace from Sept. 8 to 12. Seventy flags will be placed to represent each of the Nebraska soldiers who’ve died since 2001. Pictures of each soldier will be on display inside the Nebraska Union. A TV will play commemorative documentaries by National Geographic inside of both unions throughout the week. There will also be a live wall for students to record “what 9/11 means to them” and memories from Sept. 11, Kamler said. “The Blue Star Mothers of America Heartland Chapter donation box to collect items for care packages for soldiers will also be on display,” Kamler said. The events of the week will lead up to the National Day of Service and the 9/11 memorial service Sunday. ASUN is partnering with the UNL Office of Civic Engagement for the National Day of Service, which will be from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 11. Students who volunteer will be doing basic community service around Lincoln and other surrounding communities. “I think 9/11 deserves a week,” Kamler said. “The memorial for the soldiers is important for the students.” Franniesprouls@

UNL professor’s passion challenges students’ views taught from a young age that what mattered was to DAILY NEBRASKAN serve others in the commuWake up, shut off the alarm nity, a belief that prompted and find something nice her to pursue a doctoral to wear for the day. Then degree. it’s off to breakfast and the “I woke up one morning day begins. For Donna Ak- ... and thought what was ers, this ritual is the same the point? I had been doexcept for one crucial dif- ing everything for me. My ference. Somewhere in salary, my position. All for her morning routine she me. That wasn’t how I was places two small devices raised or what I believed, in her ears so I went back that allow her to school for It affects me to hear the a doctorate in everyday. world around teaching,” Akher. ers said. Whether it is in “It affects Her newly my personal or me every day. gained educaprofessional life, Whether it is tion originally in my personlead her to an it is something al or profesassistant proI always have to sional life, it fessor posideal with. is something tion at Purdue I always have It donna akers University. to deal with,” was not until UNL professor said Akers, being recruitprofessor of ed for a full Native American history, professorship in 2005 that when asked about her she came to teach at UNL. hearing disorder. “I had never even conAkers has Meniere’s dis- sidered UNL before they ease, a degenerative dis- recruited me,” Akers said. order she was diagnosed In her six years at UNL, with at age 30, that will Akers has established hereventually leave her com- self as a heartwarming and pletely deaf. This disorder energetic teacher that chalalso affects her balance, lenges her students to beleaving her unable to walk come conscious of world or run after dark without views beyond that of the assistance. predominately Eurocentric What it has not affected views most students were is her ability and passion to raised to believe. By using teach the history of Ameri- stories of her childhood, can Indians. along with the life lessons After 12 years as a suc- she learned growing up, cessful marketing execu- she brings a distinctly hutive at IBM, Akers awoke man element to the classone morning to the realiza- room that elevates her curtion that her job was not riculum beyond the page only meaningless in the and into the lives of her long run, but contradicted students. her cultural beliefs. As a “I love hearing the stopart of the Choctaw na- ries that she tells us during tion of Ohio she had been her lessons. They are my

Ryan Kopelke

favorite part of the class,” said Ginger Waite, a junior psychology major. Outside of the classroom, her chief passion is conveying the oral histories of her people to an educated audience through her research and writing. Akers has four books written on subjects ranging from the culture and customs of her own Choctaw Nation to the standing of American Indian women in tribal societies. “The history of Native Americans has always been written by Europeans,” Akers said. “It has always been stereotyped. My goal

courtesy photo

is to dispel these myths and bring to light the true history of native peoples.” Being confronted with the loss of the most fundamental sense for communication is difficult; it is something that cannot be truly understood unless it affects you. “I could be one of those people that are bitter about it all the time, but then that is all I would ever be,” Akers said. “I can still see, I can still run, I can still move, and I can still pursue my passions. That is what I focus on.”


Community desk 9/11 Memorial — East Campus when: Tuesday, Sept. 6, all day to Wednesday, Sept. 7, all day where: East Campus Greenspace and East Campus Union, what: U.S. flags will be set up in the East Campus Green Space representing each of the 70 Nebraska soldiers who’ve died since 2001. Photos of the soldiers will be on display in the East Campus Union, as well as photos of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and a TV with a commemorative documentary. The display will also include a donation box collecting items for the Blue Star Mothers of America Heartland Chapter and a wall of white paper for students to write comments, prayers or words of remembrance. A 9/11 documentary, writing wall and Blue Star Mothers donation box will also be set up on City Campus in the Union Alcove during the East Campus display.

Job Search Survival Tuesday, Sept. 6, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Workshop to help with writing resumes and cover letters, using Husker Hire Link, networking and interviewing. when:

Health Insurance 101: The Basics when: Wednesday, Sept. 7, noon to 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. where: University Health Center what: Session to give students information about health insurance and the UNL Healthy Option Student Plan. Food and drinks provided.

will be provided. Facebook: UNL Hillel contact:

Women’s Center Open House when: Thursday, Sept. 8, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Room 340 what: Open house to inform the public about the Women’s Center’s resources. Refreshments provided.


LGBTQA Resource Center Open House when: Thursday, Sept. 8, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Room 345 what: Open house to inform the public about the LGBTQA Resource Center and its services. Refreshments provided.

OMMUNITY DESK 9/11 Memorial — City Campus when: Thursday, Sept. 8, all day to Monday, Sept. 12, all day where: City Campus Green Space and Nebraska Union what: The East Campus memorials will move to City Campus.

Eating Disorder Education and Prevention meeting when: Wednesday, Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Eating Disorder Education and Prevention is an association of UNL students and volunteers with an interest in eating disorder awareness and prevention.

Hillel/Jewish Student Association Open House when: Thursday, Sept. 8, noon to 7 p.m. where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, Room 312 what: Open House to get to know members. Free t-shirts

Sustain UNL meeting when: Thursday, Sept. 8, 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: First meeting to discuss goals of the club, which strives to make UNL more sustainable. United By Yarn meeting when: Thursday, Sept. 8, 8 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Room 338 what: Meeting for students who are interested in knitting and crocheting with any level of skill. Snacks provided.

Geography General Seminar when: Friday, Sept. 9, 2 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. where: Hardin Hall, Room 228 what: Lecture on the 2010 Census and how Nebraska’s demographics are changing. contact: Jim Merchant at 402-472-7531 or American Copy Editors Society when: Friday, Sept. 9, 3:30 p.m. where: Andersen Hall, Room 120 what: Meeting for students interested in learning how to be better editors in the journalism field and beyond. Find out about scholarship and internship opportunities. Faculty artist Kate Butler when: Friday, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. where: Westbrook Music Building what: Recital by mezzosoprano Kate Butler cost: Free and open to the public contact: Mike Edholm at 402-472-6865 or Husker Gameday Tailgate when: Saturday, Sept. 10, three hours before kickoff. where: Nebraska Union plaza what: Hotdogs and music


CD hosted by KFRX and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska. contact: Lane Carr at 402472-2581 or lane.s.carr@ 9/11 National Day of Service when: Sunday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. where: City of Lincoln and surrounding community what: The UNL Office of Civic Engagement hosts

a National Day of Service helping around the Lincoln community by doing service. To sign up for the event or to sign up your RSO or group, email service-learning@ or call the ServiceLearning Staff at 402-4726150. cost: None/Volunteer tools will be provided —Compiled by Kim Buckley Community@

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Design chief Emily Bliss Blair Englund assistant chief copy chief Andrew McClure web chief Andrew McClure art director Bob Al-Greene Bea Huff director Neil Orians assistant director general manager. . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1769 Dan Shattil Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.472.2589 manager Nick Partsch Rylan Fitz assistant manager publications board. . . . . . . . . .402.614.0724 Adam Morfeld chairman professional AdvisEr . . . . . 402.473.7248 Don Walton



Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.



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Daily Nebraskan

tuesday, september 6, 2011

LPD receives grant to crack down on drinking Camille Neemann Daily nebraskan

The Northwest Team of the Lincoln Police Department launched a project to raise awareness of underage drinking with the help of a grant from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety. The office approved funding for the project this year, which aims to reduce binge drinking and alcohol-related crimes. “Once they approved the funding, we were ready to roll,” said LPD Captain Anthony Butler. The Lincoln Police Department is one of 60 agencies that received the grant for the project from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety. It is a part of

the national crackdown on impaired driving, said Fred Zwonechek, a highway safety administrator. All agencies are encouraged to participate. The Nebraska Office of Highway Safety sends out solicitation to agencies each year with a packet to publicize the national crackdown. It asks the different agencies to target certain areas in a community as high risk and address those areas as a priority. LPD plans to use a variety of approaches, including increased uniform patrol on certain nights, increased patrol in target areas and use of plain-clothed and uniform officers. The LPD hopes to better observe what’s going on, Butler said.


Hopefully, word will get out and people will be a little more responsible. And we won’t have to make lots of arrests. anthony butler lpd captain

Lincoln Police Department has another project of increased enforcement running in the North Bottoms neighborhood. “Hopefully, word will get out and people will be a little more responsible,” Butler said. “And we won’t have to make lots of arrests.” Rebecca Haimann, a

freshman pre-health major said if the project helps out, she’s all right with the increase in patrol cars around the neighborhood. The project aims to reduce youth alcohol-related fatal and serious injury accidents by 10 percent. The average for the last three years has 21 accidents involving 18- to 20-year-old drivers, according to a Lincoln Police Department news release. The LPD wants to improve quality of life and reduce noise disturbance, assault, traffic violations and driving under the influence. CamilleneemaNn@


campus briefs Tech service makes fitness mobile The Department of Student Recreation is helping students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln get fit on-the-go by partnering with the technology service peerFit. Students can use mobile technology to find group fitness classes on campus and get information about workout plans and announcements. UNL is one of about 15 universities teaming up with peerFit to improve students’ fitness in the United States. For more information on the service, visit www.peerFit. com. Workshop prepares students for job search The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Career Services will host a workshop on Sept. 6 to help students improve their job and internship prospects. Career Services will focus on writing resumes and cover letters, networking and interviewing. There will also be an additional session for international students to get information on gaining career experience in the United States. The workshop will be split up into four sessions, but students are free to choose what they attend. Career Services aims to help prepare students for the fall career fairs on Oct. 4 through Oct. 6. For more information, call UNL Career Services at 402-472-3145. UNL Inventory revises scrap disposal policy The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Inventory will now need to OK departments and individuals to remove or take scrap metal off campus or to recyclers. UNL departments must contact UNL Inventory to identify the scrap metal and determine how to remove it. Payments to the recyclers are to be made, by check, to UNL Inventory to reimburse. For more information, call John Lohmeier at 402-4721187 or Roger Spiehs at 402-472-5741. Nebraska Lead announces 2011-2013 fellows Nebraska LEAD Group 31 fellows were announced last week. The newest members of the two-year agricultural leadership development program comprises participants who are involved in production agriculture or agribusiness in Nebraska. The program begins in September and lasts two years. The fellows will participate 12 monthly seminars across the state, a 10-day national study and two week international travel seminar. Themes include leadership assessment and potential, natural resources and energy, agricultural policy, leadership through communication, our political process, global perspectives and more. Nebraska LEAD is operated by the non-profit Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council with the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and 10 other institutions of higher education throughout Nebraska.

taylor meyer | daily nebraskan

Barb and Jim Ballard own the James Arthur Vineyard in Raymond, Neb. Jim started growing grapes as a hobby and then five years later he opened up the Vineyard.

Class teaches history of wine, vines Tammy Bain Daily Nebraskan

The full class listens intently as the professor begins the lecture, an ancient history lesson on the oldest agricultural field ever. Then it’s time for lab, and wine tasting is on the agenda, as it will be all semester. This is the scene in Vines, Wines and You, a class taught by Paul Read, professor of agronomy and horticulture at the University of Nebraskan-Lincoln. The course gives students a chance to learn about wine tasting. In fact, the class went on its “field trip” Tuesday evening, to James Arthur Vineyards in Raymond, Neb., just 15 minutes from campus, to see the grapevine up close and do some more tasting. “It was perfect timing,” Read said. “The grapes were on the vine, and (the vineyard) was harvesting on Wednesday.” The field trip, which Read takes his students on every semester, reinforces what the students learn via textbook, explains harvest timing and gives students a vision of a common vineyard. At James Arthur Vineyards, the students were introduced to Jim and Barb Ballard, who have operated the vineyard for 14 years. “It’s great to see the university support appreciation of wine,” Jim Ballard said. “You can teach the students that in moderation, alcohol

can be a part of a healthy lifestyle.” The class, as Read emphasizes, isn’t so much about wine tasting as it is about learning the history and ways of viticulture, or the study of grape cultivation, and enology, the study of wine-making. “On the first day of every class I ask the students, ‘How many took this because they heard they could drink in class?’” he said. “Then I tell them if that’s the only reason why they’re taking it, I will sign their drop sheet.” The class has been offered for about 10 years and requires students to be at least 21 years old. “We will be tasting wines as we progress,” Read said. “We cover different wines from several different places.” That alone is the best part about the class, in Read’s opinion. The class also takes a look at safe wine consumption. While students are encouraged to enjoy the culture of wine, they are also taught that it must be enjoyed in moderation and responsibly. Along with wines, the course takes a deeper look at other grape uses, including juice, raisins, jams and jelly. The study comes with a deep history. “Wine is the oldest in the agriculture industry, and we study that,” Read said. The class will eventually dive into the ancient history of the grapevine, as wine

making goes back 9,000 years and grapevines have inhabited Earth for 60 million, Read said. Tasting and history may not seem relevant to many careers that students study, but Read finds the class to be a great future preparation. “(My students study) architecture, business administration, economics, horticulture,” he said. “Many view it as an opportunity to make a selection at business functions. They want to use it for business reasons.” While Read said it is a “very enjoyable class,” he went on to say, “it is a very rigorous course. It had to be for officials to approve it.” The exams, Read admitted, “are tough,” but rest assured, “most do well because they enjoy the class.” Read isn’t the only one who assures the class is enjoyed. “It’s very interesting and informative,” said senior Jennifer Reed, who plans to use the course in her hospitality, restaurant and tourism

QUIRKY COURSES “(The field trip) allowed us to see equipment used for making wines and see the work that goes into it. jennifer reed senuior hospitality,

management major. “(The field trip) allowed us to see equipment used for making wines and see the work that goes into it.” The class is so enjoyed, in fact, that it usually fills up within the first morning of registration. “A lot of my students are seniors,” Read said. “It’s the last chance to take a class that you could enjoy.” tammybain@

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UNL journalism professor heads to China In an effort to build ties with Chinese universities, the College of Journalism and Mass Communications is sending Joseph Weber, associate professor, to teach abroad in China. Weber will travel to Beijing for a four months beginning Sept. 8. He will teach graduate students in the Global Business Journalism program at Tsinghua University’s School of Journalism and Communications. Weber will also lecture Southwest University of Political Science and Law in the central Chinese city of Chongqing and two other universities. He came to UNL in 2009 after working 35 years in magazines and newspaper, including 22 at Bloomgberg’s Businessweek. —Compiled by Daily Nebraskan Staff


tuesday, september 6, 2011

Daily Nebraskan


22,000 square feet $4.75 million

Large indoor practice field

Batting cages

Pitching tunnels


more time hitting and working on defense inside. When the team gets to hit, batting practice is limited by the lack of batting cages at Haymarket Park. The extra swings the new facility allows, he said, should help the team’s performance on game days. The pricey projects open just months after another round of budget cuts at UNL. Ingram said Nebraska Athletics is aware of how that looks to the students and the community. While the department remains self-sufficient financially, Ingram said it continues to kick back money to the university’s general fund, as well as provide student

bea huff | daily nebraskan

athletes and nonathletes with scholarships. Fielding competitive teams, Ingram said, will help the athletic department remain selfsufficient. “In order for us to continue to support the university at our current level, we need to continue to give our teams the opportunity to remain at our current levels and hopefully achieve new levels,” Ingram said. When asked how the new facilities might impact Husker recruiting, Ingram smiled. “Well, it doesn’t hurt,” he said. rileyjohnson@

Blackboard 9.1 aims to keep up with technology Lorena Carmona Daily Nebraskan

It’s easy to miss, but students and faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are seeing something new when they log on to the UNL Blackboard website. The university has taken its Blackboard system from version 9.0 to 9.1. At first glance, the change is merely of color. The look feels more Husker. When students log in, they are asked for their UNL ID and password. The differences may be hard to notice once logged in. Students who were wellversed in the previous Blackboard version will find the new version is similar, said Pam HolleyWilcox, director of Information Technology Support. “I don’t think students will notice any big

changes,” she said. A convenient change, she said, is students will be able to personalize their Blackboard. When entering into the new Blackboard, students will see their courses, organizations they are in, alerts and tools. The user has the option to add modules like news, student life, campus information and support. And for purple-andgreen lovers, there is also an option to personalize individual pages by changing the viewing colors. “We are trying to keep our technology up-todate,” said Mark Askren, chief information officer for Information Services. He said UNL is not the first university to roll out the new version. “We don’t want to get left behind,” Askren said. “It depends on the vendor when updates will occur.” Askren said they want to

work on finding balance while minimizing disruption. Updates usually occur yearly and over winter break. The rollout of Blackboard 9.1 was different from previous ones. Both Blackboard 9.0 and 9.1 were running until May, when 9.1 took over. During that time, faculty got the chance to see what the new version was like, Holley-Wilcox said. But even with an upgrade, errors can still occur. “We had a glitch,” Holley-Wilcox said. She said courses that had been copied from previous semesters were not showing up for students. The instructors couldn’t see the problem because students and faculty see different things on blackboard. “We are always concerned when students can’t access content,”


Holley-Wilcox said. She said getting a problem fixed and learning from it is first priority when something goes wrong. Holley-Wilcox said they tested only with instructor accounts, not student accounts, before the upgrade. Information Services and Information Tech Support are available to anyone having issues with technological needs. Even with the small problems that have occurred, the 9.1 version lets the user control how information is presented. “Blackboard is more than just a place to put a syllabus,” Holley-Wilcox said. lorenacarmona@

tickets: from 1

kyle bruggeman | daily Nebraskan

Athletic Director Tom Osborne meets with students outsided Memorial Stadium on Friday as the students voiced their concerns about a lack of tickets available. marketing major, said he said. “We can’t stop now.” freshmen who come to UNL,” Vonnahme said he and oth- that UNL is one of the small- student’s right to get tickets to thinks Osborne might not exThe students at the rally said Tyler Christensen, a ers looked at the sizes of stu- est school in the Big Ten. the football games. pect the petition effort to con- said they were upset with the freshman business adminis- dent sections in other Big Ten But that won’t stop students “We are the true Cornhusktinue. But it will. situation but were trying to tration major. “A lot of stu- schools. NU’s is smaller than from trying to increase the ers,” McManus said. “Every“We’re going to keep try- find the best way to handle it. dents come for the football some, he said. availability of student tickets. one else is just a fan.” franniesprouls@ ing to get petitions,” Hatfield “We want to help the next games.” Osborne told the students McManus said it is a


Daily Nebraskan

tuesday, september 6, 2011

looking ahead

The aftermath Flooding and power outages. That was Irene’s mark. Several towns in Vermont, for example, were cut off from the rest of the state when connecting roads were obliterated. Major cities were luckier, but Philadelphia was drenched in six inches of rain. “We were fortunate, because we live in a small town,” Denise Luparello said. “They actually import their power from Canada,” avoiding for the most part the persistent outage blanketing Long Island and other parts of New York and other states. She still has a tree down in the backyard that narrowly missed the house, and a “20foot stump” is all that remains of a tree in the front. For others, however, “it’s been a real disaster,” Denise Luparello said. “We really were blessed, but I’m telling you, people have lost everything.” Most insurance plans don’t include flood damage, and many people seem lost, not knowing

video by mitch mattern | Daily Nebraskan

Check out for more footage from Monday’s press conference. Coaches and players discuss areas they are looking to improve going into Saturday’s game against Fresno State.

student profile

Irene: from 1 Rosemary Dunn said life was relatively normal before the storm hit, with joggers out on the sidewalk. But that didn’t mean they weren’t prepared. “By the afternoon, there were no cars on the road,” she said, adding she later decided to watch the storm from her porch. “It was kind of cool, actually,” she said. “We have a lot of trees, and they were really bending this way and that way.” In Lincoln, Michael Dunn was watching the storm’s progress. “It’s just very strange,” he said, to watch and know the towns being named on the news reports. The Weather Channel had a map tracking Irene. “At one point, the path was going to be five streets from my house,” he added.


what they’ll do now, she said. For them, “everything’s gone.” “Imagine a tornado, and then flooding,” she said. Kevin Luparello called the day after the storm hit to find out what happened. A firefighter back home, he was also concerned about his co-workers. His friends, cousins, uncle, aunt and grandparents are OK, he said, although some lost power and a tree fell on a cousin’s boyfriend’s car. In Bethel, Conn., the beginning of school was delayed a week, Rosemary Dunn, who is a school teacher, said. “At my house ... you would never know there was a storm,” she said, but “if you go around the corner, the road is closed” from trees and branches. “I know a friend who’s a few streets over,” Michael Dunn said. “His whole area, there were trees falling down everywhere.” He added that he thinks the area will recover eventually, but the next couple of weeks will be frustrating and difficult without power. According to USA Today, about 260,000 in Connecticut were without power Friday. As for the Luparellos, they said the storm wasn’t as bad as they expected. But Denise Luparello expressed frustration at the local authorities handling. “I think the county executives really dropped the ball,” she said. But Kevin Luparello said the area would bounce back, as it has from past storms and blizzards that brought several feet of snow. Denise Luparello agreed, although she referred to a different kind of storm. “We lost 45 people on 9/11,” she said, her voice starting to falter. “And I think we’ll recover, just like we did from that.” Danholtmeyer@

Student overcomes blindness to pave path in broadcasting conor dunn daily nebraskan

Color defines everything. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the students wear the color red to show their school spirit. But for some students, color doesn’t exist. One such student is Jeremy Fifield, a freshman broadcasting major. Fifield was born visually impaired. Like many disabled students, he lives life in a unique way. “Fortunately, I grew up in a family that wasn’t going to let blindness prevent me from doing anything,” he said. “I played outside, fell down stairs and got bruised and beat up just like every other little kid.” Fifield chose to study at UNL because of its broadcasting program. Having previously learned his way around Lincoln in the summers, he figured it would be a convenient city to live in. “I did a work experience program for the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired,” he said. “It was called the wages program, which was a program for blind high school students designed to give them more work experience so they would have a more successful future.” In high school, Fifield was highly involved in speech team and choir. He was on the speech team for all four years of high school, performing informative, persuasive and entertainment

speeches. In March of 2010, Fifield was the Class B State Speech champion in entertainment speaking. “I just enjoyed standing up in front of people and talking about a particular topic,” he said. Even before he decided to study broadcasting, Fifield already experienced the world of sound through radio. “Ever since I was 4, I was always fascinated by how some place far way could beam sound into countless car and home radios instantaneously,” he said. When he was younger, Fifield went to local radio stations and made recordings. He also worked at KZUM, writing press releases and recording a couple of underwriting announcements. “Once a week, I was on a radio show about the Beatles, which is my biggest musical obsession,” he said. Different from most students, who look for the shortcuts in getting to their classes, Fifield has to find nonvisual alternatives in getting to classes. He said he commonly looks for auditory cues such as the fan near Hamilton Hall or the texture of certain sidewalks. If he is near streets, he listens for traffic to determine when he should cross. “Other blind students speed-walk to their classes and that’s just because they’ve learned the area,” he said. “Once I’ve figured this place out, I’ll know it like the back of my hand.” UNL has an office called

Services for Students with Disabilities. Textbooks are provided in electronic format with computers for the students to use. The office can also provide Braille, which is a series of dotted symbols read by a blind person’s fingers. Fifield said that he can’t completely rely on the office all the time, because they have a lot of students they need to do things for. He also said sometimes the office does a little too much for him. “Any blind student should not expect the SSD office to do everything for them,” he said. “They have to talk to their professors and advocate for themselves.” Fifield left a lot behind when he moved to UNL. This included Mindy Pfannenstiel, his mother. “It was very sad for me to see him go,” she said. “I know that he is becoming an independent person now and I’m happy for him. I just want the best for him and for him to be successful in life.” Fifield grew up with divorced parents and an older sister. His mother is now remarried, which in turn brought him two stepbrothers. “I know my mom has had a hard time letting go,” he said. “My mom was my main caretaker, and that’s why it was harder for her to let me fly, simply because I’m on my own now.” At one point in Fifield’s life, his doctors discussed a possible surgery that could

be available for him some time in his late 20s. The surgery, if done correctly, was believed to give him sight. However, Fifield declined even the slightest mention of the surgery. “It would be like blinding him all over again,” Pfannenstiel said. “He’d have to relearn everything and he doesn’t want that.” Fifield believes that blind people pay more attention to details and, in doing so, they have a larger awareness of their surroundings. “I think being blind is better, because I’ll have more of an awareness of what’s around me as far as buildings and streets, just everything,” he said. “Blindness doesn’t affect my way of doing anything. I just do tasks differently. I don’t ever want to think something can hold me back, no matter how complicated it is.” Fifield is looking forward to furthering his education at UNL. Although he isn’t yet involved with any student organizations, he’d certainly like to be. In his free time, Fifield enjoys listening to music (particularly rock ‘n’ roll), watching the History Channel and working with technology. He isn’t worried about his disability. “There’s going to be people who say that I can’t do this, I can’t do that,” he said. “But that just tends to motivate me to do something even more.”


Commuters not guaranteed spot on gameday Carrie Zepf Daily Nebraskan

To avoid the meter mayhem, some students purchase a parking permit for one of the lots or garages surrounding City Campus. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln sold 4,438 resident parking permits, along with 4,887 commuter permits this semester, said Dan Carpenter, director of UNL Parking and Transit Services. This year, daily permits are $5 and the most

expensive permits are annual student permits for $612. Although permits provide a sure spot for the school week, Husker gameday is a different story. Resident permit holders remain safe in their search for parking on gameday, but people with commuter permits can be displaced. The commuter lots and garages are opened to the public for $15 parking. Without gameday parking revenue, there would be a need to raise prices

elsewhere, Carpenter wrote in an email. Parking and Transit Services has more than $9 million in expenses, including operating and maintenance, personnel, debt service and debt coverage payments. Parking permit revenue is about 75 percent of the total parking budget, and football and other athletic and special event revenue is about 10 percent of the total parking department budget. “Without the football and other special event

revenue, we would need to raise parking permit fees to cover the lost revenue, and as a part of the Parking and Transit Services mission we would still (need) to provide parking for campus visitors and special event attendees,” Carpenter said. Last season, the total revenue generated from public parking on game days was $489,000. Although some students get upset, because they are not aware the lots are closed, other students are willing to give up their spots.

“I assume the reason they kick us (commuters) out is so they have more room for the large amount of people that came for the game,” said Ryan Smith, a junior journalism major. “There isn’t school on those days so it doesn’t really bother me much.” Smith doesn’t understand why other students make a big deal about not getting into their lots on game days. “People need to stop their bitching and just walk the few extra blocks,” she said. “Last time I checked,

walking is still good for the body.” However, all is not lost for commuters wanting a spot on game day. There are a few lots kept open for permit holders. Lots open for UNL permit holders include Area A at 16th and X streets, 1700 Y Street and 1901 Y Street. Lots at 14th and New Hampshire, 16th and Court streets and the parking lots around the Bob Devaney Sports Center are also open, Carpenter said.



page 6

tuesday, september 6, 2011

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members ZACH SMITH


opinion editor

copy chief



assistant opinion editor

news assignment editor

our view

Gameday campaign fails to materialize dan buhrdorf | daily nebraskan

Embarrassing. Disappointing. Lackluster. Any of these adjectives could be used to describe what happened between the third and fourth quarters of Nebraska’s win against the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The much-hyped “Take Back Gameday” amounted to very little for fans who didn’t attend Friday night’s student rally, as the chant of “Can’t be beat, won’t be beat,” confused many and left the student section noticeably quiet. Nebraska’s move to the Big Ten obviously called to attention the need for a louder, more unified student section. The Daily Nebraskan supports efforts to create this. However, there were several problems in the student section Sept. 3, from a strategy that simply wasn’t designed for Nebraska to poor communication. The first problem may have been that “Take Back Gameday”’s main goal seemed to be emulating the impressive performances of other schools, without accounting for differences in Nebraska’s stadium and student section. Penn State packs 21,000 students into Beaver Stadium, clad in all white and ready to sing along whenever “Zombie Nation” starts playing. Wisconsin’s Camp Randall Stadium shakes as 20,000 students scream the words to “Jump Around” between the third and fourth quarters. Iowa’s stadium hosts more than 10,000 students, and Michigan and Ohio State sells about 22,000 student tickets for every game. But Nebraska’s smaller student section, 8,700 at most, coupled with a much smaller enrollment than our Big Ten peers, doesn’t really allow for mimicking those performances. And even if enrollment reaches those high numbers, decisions made by NU Athletics have shown that keeping students close to the field, where they can make the most noise, is not a priority. The second problem was one of poor communication. “Take Back Gameday” had the admirable goal of unifying the student section, but in an effort to drum up support and intrigue for its rally, secrecy and a lack of promotion were the chosen methods. The events during the intermission were kept quiet, in an apparent attempt to surprise fans and potentially participating students. A video that was supposed to guide students didn’t. Nothing to inform students about the chant was posted in the campaign’s Facebook group, which could have served as a strong distribution platform for those unable to attend the actual rally. The page has more than 3,000 “likes,” which certainly includes members of the student section. Save for a story published about the pep rally in last week’s DN, there was little printed promotional material. The people behind the organization of “Take Back Gameday,” which according to an Omaha World-Herald article includes “UNL student government, the athletic department and Dean of Students Matthew Hecker,” need to focus on what is important: getting students involved and tailoring to UNL. The student sections across the Big Ten should serve as wake up calls to UNL. Who’s listening?

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2011 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

Skepticism helps critical thinking


was recently named the Duke of Wales. It was shortly after my visit to the moon where I had a meeting with Martian dignitaries. Of course I funded this through my cancer research in Botswana. Hopefully, you raised your eyebrow at these statements. Maybe you even Googled my name to check the claim. If you did, then you are practicing skepticism. I hope somewhere along your college career a professor has talked, or will talk, to you about critical thinking. The Foundation for Critical Thinking defines it as a method in which one improves the quality of his or her thoughts by imposing intellectual standards on them. Skepticism is one of the most important standards you can apply to thinking. Being skeptical of information will make you a better critical thinker. By saying skepticism, I have probably already lost half of you. Many people see skeptics as a bunch of downers who reject all new information. However, skepticism is not the same as cynicism. As “South Park” aptly put it, cynics see the world as shit. Skeptics, on the other hand, try to see the world for what it really is. According to the Skeptic Society, skepticism comes down to testing hypotheses and gathering data. It’s all about one ideal: “Show Me.” If I were to tell you I am the editor-inchief of the Daily Nebraskan, you have two choices. You can take my word for it. Or you can say “show me” and check the staff information. If you put my claim to the test, it shows you can think critically. The editor-in-chief would be writing a letter from the editor, not a column. Decided not to be skeptical? That means I fooled you, making you a fool. To be an effective skeptic, you have to know the ways one can deceive you. Research Methods is a required course in the psychology department, but everyone should take it. Above all things, it teaches students how to critically evaluate information. On the first day of class, professor Calvin Garbin explains how someone can make a fool out of you. He explains the world is filled with lies, damned lies and statistics, referencing a quotation popularized by Mark Twain. Lies are simply lies. My editor-in-chief bit is a good example. It occurs when

Kevin moser someone tells you something is a fact, when it’s not. The only way to detect a lie is to either know more than the liar or to do the research. A damned lie is when someone collects data to show a desired result. Here is a classic example from Professor Garbin. If you watch enough insurance commercials you can come up with one conclusion: Switching to Progressive, Geico, State Farm and Allstate will all save you money. They are all telling the truth, but they are telling damned lies. First, they only say “people who switched.” Do you know anyone who would switch auto insurance if it meant paying more? Next they never say anything about comparable policies. If you are switching you may choose to pay a higher deductable and pay less each month. Lastly, each company targets different types of people; still they let you think the people who switched are just like you. The last category — statistics — is used all too often. This occurs when someone uses incorrect measurements or presents information inaccurately. One of my favorite examples also comes from professor Garbin. Years ago, UNL wanted to increase the percentage of female faculty who were working toward tenure positions. Several years later, two groups evaluated the progress and came up with different values. One group excluded nursing and library faculty, although they hold tenure positions. The other group effectively reduced the number of male faculty by excluding CBA and engineering faculty who had high external salaries. They also left out faculty in administrative roles. You can summarize this problem with one expression: The devil is in the details. Both groups gathered their data in a way that proves a point. By cheating and messing with data, one can effectively make a point. Still,

especially in the world of science, lies will surface. Science can be summed up with one word: transparency. You have to explain how you found your evidence and show everyone. People will then either analyze your data or replicate your study. You will be discovered if you try to cheat and falsify evidence. When that happens, the liar is dragged through the halls of science in the most embarrassing manner. What a glorious sight. Carl Sagan once said “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” To be an effective skeptic, you have to know when doing the research is worth it. Some claims simply have weak or no evidence to back them up. Research isn’t needed when someone tells you McDonald’s has the best fast food cheeseburgers. You can assume they base this claim on opinion, not through empirical testing. No research needed to debunk that claim. Some claims however, have entire pages of evidence to back them up. This is where the work is worth it . A year ago a Duke professor resigned partially due to some serious problems with his research. Anil Potti was doing research on cancer when, in 2007, two statisticians found some serious problems in his results. It turned out Potti falsified his results to produce the desired effect. Upon further investigation, Duke retracted his study and all other papers related to the study. The liar was found, and his ass was dragged through the halls of science. Even in science, people can try to fool you. You can be a cynic and say all science is crap, filled with a bunch of liars. Or you can take the time to do the research, crunch the numbers and find out for yourself. Critical thinking is a choice; be a skeptic, not a cynic. Our world is filled with “lies, damned lies and statistics.” They come from your friends, advertising and maybe even your professors. Don’t be a fool, do your research and approach the world in an intelligent manner. Not sure if skepticism is right for you? Good, you’re already on the right track.

Kevin Moser is a senior psychology major and he would like to thank professor Cal Garbin for helping him become a better critical thinker. Reach Kevin at kevinmoser@ and follow him on twitter @Kevin_R_Moser.

Wounded dove gives insight to human freedom


unday, I arrived at my girlfriend’s house to a flurry of feathers and a guilty look on her cat’s face. The cat had been on the prowl. And the victim was a young turtleneck dove minus most of her tail feathers. When I got there, the dove was struggling to fly and frightened of the two giant humans who tried to make calming noises, which were anything but. It was too late to take the poor thing to a vet. I put the dove in a shoebox. And my girlfriend, Karma, tied its broken wing and administered an antibiotic to the wounds. Now dammit, I’m a columnist, Jim, not a veterinarian. But my feeling is the dove will live. Although one of her wings is broken, she doesn’t have internal injuries, and she walks easily and doesn’t seem disoriented. After a few weeks at casa de shoe box, she should be ready to support Bo and Co. in Madison. But here’s the hard part. We’ll take the bird to a vet this week, and though her feathers may grow back, it’s possible she may never fly free again. And if she struggles to regain her capabilities of flight, thereby losing valuable seconds against predators, she might wind up an hors d’oeuvre for some hungry alley cat. Or maybe, perhaps worse, she will be ostracized by

her bird colleagues for her gimpy appearance. And nobody will invite her to the “bird enchantment under the sea dance,” thereby jeopardizing her future offspring. What then? If the bird was faced with a life of pain and suffering, clearly it would be humane to just put her out of her misery. (Maybe I will call former DN columnist and gun-enthusiast Jake Geis.) But it’s probable that our bird won’t face such a choice. More than likely, if she recovers partially, she would face a life in human captivity. A life in human captivity would certainly be a life of pleasure. I assume birds, like most creatures, have the sort of nervous system that delights in things like good food, safety, having someone rub your neck and so on. Further, our turtleneck dove would almost certainly live longer in a duplex than as an injured bird in the wild. Unfortunately, the captive bird would lose one thing: the freedom to provide for herself. And when this thought came to mind, I realized this situation was about more than just this one bird and my meaningless decision. In 2011, humans are in one sense more free than ever. Unhindered by the ravages of climate, formidable predators and analog technology, we’re free to engage in limitless pleasure-seeking

David Logan

instead of battling Mother Nature for survival. Indeed, we can watch Netflix, sleep with whomever we’d like, travel abroad, and try new foods and activities unavailable to our cave people ancestors. Additionally, although we face a total financial and ecological catastrophe, it seems right to say that police, agricultural science and our trillion-dollar military keep us safer than we might have been under other arrangements. However, in one important aspect of freedom, the freedom to influence life or death circumstances, we have as much control as a caged bird in a duplex. In truth, we don’t exert any practical control over life or death issues like the amount of pesticides or carcinogens in our food. And we don’t directly influence the political or economic conditions that impact all of us. And when injustice abounds, it’s the police

and courts that “handle” the problems rather than those who’ve been wronged (in fact, in many cases it’s illegal to be a vigilante.) In any important, nonpleasurable matter, decisions are made by large organizations, not individuals. And though we can provide for ourselves by punching a clock, wearing a tie or lab coat, this provision is only indirect. For instance, a wild bird can migrate and hunt for food, but our livelihoods are at the mercy of economic institutions and technological innovations. And our jobs are only ours in lieu of a lifetime of rigorous coursework determined by someone else — and keeping our behavior tightly regulated to the tune of bosses and alarm clocks. To paraphrase Mike Judge’s screenplay for “Office Space”:w We weren’t meant to spend our lives like this. We may live longer and with more objective safety than our caveman ancestors, but our long lives are filled with baldness, wrinkles, chronic disease and the neverending threat of global collapse. According to Ahmed Djoghlaf of the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity, we’re currently in the midst of the largest mass extinction since the dinosaurs kicked the bucket 65 million years ago. And

what practical control does any of us have over this life and death situation? Practically zero. And that’s not to say that engineers won’t solve the problems of civilization, it’s only to say the solution will be out of most people’s control. We don’t have to hunt for our food anymore, but we’ve adopted a “Brave New World” of safety and pleasure, and the results are, well ... pleasurable. Anyone who knows me knows I’m hardly the William Wallace to fight against modern society. I spend a good chunk of time watching heavy metal videos on YouTube, and even if I didn’t like our dopamine-addicted, utility-gobbling society I’m the first to admit I exert little practical control over its course. But, when I think about the decision to keep the injured bird in captivity, I think about humanity itself. There’s only one way to live on this here planet and that’s with the freedom to influence those things most important to you, not the freedom to engage in hedonism. A well-fed, well-dressed, entertained zoo animal is still a zoo animal. I hope my little turtleneck dove recovers from her injuries soon, so she may fly free and care for herself.

David Logan is a graduate student. Reach him at DavidLogan@


tuesday, september 6, 2011

pagE 7

tyranny of genre Not afraid of improvising, Higher Empathy Movement reimagines same-old sound story by kelsey lee photo by bethany schmidt

Higher Empathy Movement’s Alex Walker smiles at the crowd during a show at the Zoo Bar Aug. 31.


here is a booming musical community in Lincoln, creating a welcoming atmosphere for musicians to cultivate new bands and new sounds with a variety of venues to share their music. With a growing musical culture in our city, how can artists keep things fresh? The band Higher Empathy Movement follows this philosophy every time they hit the stage. The five-piece band describes their music as reggae, funk and rock, but the band members don’t like to get trapped in one particular genre. There is a musical intuition connecting the band members, so they create music with ease. This allows them to effortlessly find new structures and sounds in their music and instantly share that with an audience through improvisation. Higher Empathy Movement has been around for nearly a year, starting with vocalist

Alex Walker and drummer Nolan Eisentrager. “I was working at Red Robin, waiting tables,” Walker said. “I was a solo artist at the time and some buddies from work came to a show of mine.” Nolan was also at Alex’s show and asked him if he would want to jam sometime. “It pretty much took one session,” Walker said. “Then we could tell we had something here.” Over the next couple months, Cooper SotoOlson, Keaton Soto-Olson and Chris Covey completed Higher Empathy Movement. They immediately connected, discovering that they had very similar musical tastes and influences. “We all put in our 2 cents when it comes to the music,” Walker said. “Chris and I come up with the core progressions and the shell of a song, and our drummer has a really good

ear for turning that shell into a whole song. As a band, we all do our part. It’s very collaborative.” Higher Empathy Movement performs their well-structured songs but also enjoys improvisation. This allows their music to always take new direction whenever they perform. “Lotus Jam” is one of their improvisational songs, beginning the same way each time and progressing into something new and totally different. “We start it and don’t know where it’s going to finish,” Walker said. “It’s always the same core progression, building it up for a minute or so with ambient sound, just making noise with our instruments. Nolan does a great job of driving us where the song needs to go.” Walker says the band members have established trust within the group, so they are comfortable letting the music flow freely

onstage. If someone wants to break out into a solo, the rest are all for it. Guitarist, Chris Covey, says their chemistry can lead to 10to 12-minute improvisations during a performance. “Just being able to come up with something on the spot and take direction with it, it’s a great skill to develop,” Chris said. “It feels so good. Gives me that ‘O’ face.” The band performs their own music, comes up with it on the spot and also performs covers on occasion. “We do a remix to ‘Ignition’ by R. Kelly,” said Chris. “We rock that song. And also a super funky version of Sublime’s ‘What I Got’.” They have also performed with hip-hop and rap artists, keeping true to their philosophy of experimentation and exploring a variety of musical genres. Higher Empathy Movement will be playing

higher: see page 8

BMX rider performs for UNL Staff report daily nebraskan

Friday afternoons on the University of NebraskaLincoln campus generally offer some tranquil dead space between the bustle of morning classes and the bevy of night time activity. But this past Friday the silence was interrupted by the tire and brake screeches of professional BMX rider, Terry Adams. Adams, a Flatland athlete — which means he stages his runs and tricks without the use of rails or ramps — performed three impromptu shows on campus before the weekend and one at local bar The Downtown Friday night. It was an opportunity for students and visitors to the UNL campus to be spontaneously entertained by world-class Flatland tricks. “It’s cool because how often do you get walk up and meet an extreme sports athlete?” said Adams, who has been a professional rider since the age of 16. “I mean, you see us on TV, but you don’t get the opportunity to walk up and talk to one of us.” No stranger to promoting himself, his sport and Red Bull (the biker’s primary sponsor) on college campuses across the country, Adams relishes in the role of being a Flatland ambassador and living out his passion in front of widespread audiences.

“(Flatland) is a very authentic form of BMX; students are seeing exactly what I do when I practice and train,” Adams said. “It’s all pretty cool knowing that this is my job.” And what students saw on Friday was a brand of extreme cycling they probably weren’t all that familiar with — more dance than jumps and more rhythm than racing, runs that can be done in barrooms and residence hall courtyards. “You don’t need a lot to do it and that works to my advantage,” Adams said. “It’s a very artistic form of cycling.” While the demonstrations themselves are visually impressive, Adams described Flatland as a bit of an acquired taste. Suffice to say, the audience almost has to know what they’re looking at before they appreciate how impressive it is. “It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate it and you almost have to take a second look,” he said. “Sometimes even I watch Flatland and think to myself, ‘How are they doing that?’” Many of the competitions that Adam participates in are viewable on television or are live streamed online with his next notable outing being the 2012 Voodoo Jam in New Orleans. On the whole, though, Flatland is a bit of an international phenomenon despite its omission form

Group travels coasts, Lincoln with Cali sound

courtesy photo

Chance SolemPfeifer daily nebraskan

nickolai hammar | daily nebraskan

Professional BMX rider, Terry Adams, demonstrates flatground riding techniques outside the Nebraska Union on Friday afternoon. the X Games in the early biggest competitions are.” Adams also visited cam2000s. “Fly to any country in pus in 2008. His most rethe world and they’ll have cent appearance was ada Flatland scene,” Adams ditionally sponsored by said. “Europe and Asia: Raising Canes. arts@ That’s where some of the

Associating a city with a certain musical “sound” can be dicey territory as bands and fads come and go and the generalizations persist, sometimes to the displeasure of the acts to come and sometimes to their indifference. Labeled ambassadors of the psychedelic San Francisco sound, the members of the rock trio Electric Shepherd — Tommy Anderson on bass, Sonny Pearce on drums and Mark Nelsen on guitar

and vocals — aren’t overly concerned with the distinction. “Why not?” said Nelsen, the Electric Shepherd frontman, of the categorization. “The old San Franciscan bands jammed and they were all about freaking out and losing themselves in the jam, but the term doesn’t really limit us — it’s more definitive.” “Losing themselves” in the music is an apt classification of what you see watching any live video of Electric

electric: see page 8


tuesday, september 6, 2011

Daily Nebraskan

Despite trends, good, EP’s sound stays in relevant radio stays line with typical indie Neil Orians I’ve been listening to a lot of radio lately. To be perfectly honest, I feel like the radio has been abused and neglected in recent years. Granted, with podcasting and streaming radio online, the exact definition of what radio is has changed a bit, but that doesn’t really matter and is barely worth mentioning. Whenever I forget my iPod on my drive up to Omaha or wherever, I’ve begun to listen to the radio to provide distraction. My youth was laced with the Iowa Western Community College-based 89.7 “The River.” Because that is, apparently, all I cared to listen to. I was young, I hated my parents and wanted to rebel. So what better way to do that with mainstream rock? Whatever, I forgive myself, I had no idea what punk was back then. Anyway, The River is pretty great now because they’ve opened up programming a bit to include more genres. Nothing quite makes a 2 a.m. drive from Omaha 8/1/11 10:03 AM Page 4 worth it like a live-techno DJ spinning records like it’s going out of style. When I moved to Lincoln I started listening to KRNU, but honestly, the whole “Get

Indie’d” thing creeped me out. What the hell does that even mean? You can go indie yourself, fine sir, before indie-ing me. Then, I found the specialty shows. I used to commute Sunday mornings up to Omaha, which meant listening to everything from barber shop quartets to ridiculous pop-a cappella arrangements. Mind you, this was way before Darren Criss made a cappella look cool. Of course, there’s the movie soundtrack show. There’s nothing better than starting your car to the chase theme from “The Incredibles.” The extremely appropriately titled “Play That Funky Music White Boys” show, where (spoiler alert) white boys play funk music, is a wonderful way to learn about the ever intriguing world of funk music. So, ridiculous and almost invasive branding aside, KRNU has a few gems that makes it worth listening to. Lincoln-based KFRX is another station I frequent. I listen to this station mostly because they play Katy Perry quite often. But you know what? Matt McKay’s morning show is actually kind of funny sometimes. It has made me giggle before. The DJs are actually funny and have a decent rapport with each other. It’s entertaining to listen to that instead of music, which is laced with sexist language that contributes to a culture of irresponsibility and perversion. But hey, I digress. If you can ignore

MUSINGS FROM THE MOSH PIT how ridiculously bad most of the music played on KFRX is, it can be pretty interesting. By far the absolute best thing on radio has been and always will be National Public Radio. You can find NPR in Nebraska on 91.1. Now stay with me for a minute. NPR is not the boring, stale programing you may have come to believe. Remember that the Public Broadcasting System brought us “Magic School Bus.” Seriously, “Wait Wait ... Don’t Tell Me!” is the best thing to listen to ever. Period. Don’t even bother trying to argue with this one, it’s just fact at this point. Not only do you learn a bunch of gratuitous facts you will never need outside that day’s show, but you do it in an entertaining fashion. Some of the other very specific programming on NPR makes for an interesting experience. Turn on the radio and learn exactly what makes spaghetti different from linguine. Or perhaps a music historian will be detailing on what happened between the Baroque and Romantic periods that make their music differ. Don’t give up on radio as a media device quite yet, it’s still worth it. Neil Orians is a senior fine arts major. Reach him at neilorains@

higher: from 7 a free show Sept. 15 at The Alley in Lincoln. So that would be a great opportunity to see a group of people who care about their music

and the energy they give the audience. “There is a lot of talent in Lincoln,” Walker said. “Coming together after

being solo, I’ve definitely found some great musicians and am lucky to be playing with them.” kelseylee@

Neil Orians Daily Nebraskan

››Editor’s Note: Bryan Klopping, one of the performers in the following review, is a contributing artist for the Daily Nebraskan. He was not interviewed or consulted on this review, nor was his involvement in the Daily Nebraskan considered when reviewing this album. You guys like art rock? You guys like it when sometimes it’s more like rhythmic poetry rather than melody? Well if that’s the case, listen to the Two Black Cats’ EP. Seriously, when I think of the contemporary quintessential indie music sound, this is exactly what I think of — musicthat-doesn’t-give-a-crap attitude whether or not it actually makes any sense. Talking when singing would most likely be more appropriate. Awkward lyrics, syntax and pronunciation. Reverb. Loads and loads of reverb. Drum beats that feel like they were ripped from Homestar Runner. Tempo changes, because hell, why not? I do have a bias against this genre. Half of the time I feel like it’s weird for the sake of weird. I feel like maybe this is the wrong type of music for me to review. Like, it’s not fair to this band because I just don’t have any reason to like it. What I don’t understand is that Amy’s vocals, when she wants them to be, sound great. She has a great voice for this style. But half of the time she’s talking. And I feel like I want to listen to some music and not

courtesy photo




it seems like weird for the sake of weird rather than real artistry. Write lyrics that make me think to prove your conceptual point. Fans of anything ever by Darren Keen rejoice; he mastered this album. So if you like any of his pompous attempts at music, these guys are much, much better, and they will make your ear holes happy. I can safely say these guys are better live. I feel like they could do better if they wanted to, but choose not to. Perhaps there’s a certain sense of artistry to that I’m missing out on. I have to say, at the very least, that they’re good at what they do. I just don’t like it.


DN seeks new talent for features section

Ready for some brain-twisters on an

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feel like someone’s talking at me. Or she says “diamond in the rough,” pronouncing the word “rough” like an imitation of a puppy barking. Really? Come on, you can do better. What could have made this record much more successful is layering. There’s not much to the musicality. Guitar, bass, drum machine, the occasional synth and flute line. That’s it. The beats sound like they were programmed by a nonpercussionist. The bass lines are nice. One of the things they do very, very well is the lining up of songs. If you aren’t paying attention, it sounds like one long song. I will be the first to admit one of the reasons some indie music really appeals to me is the gang vocal, and the fact that there is no concern for tune correction. The music, as a result, sounds much more raw and genuine. Unlike the processed crap I tend to listen to, this has an authenticity to it. However, to restate my initial anti-indie point,

Noah Ballard You’re reading the paper, so you have a leg up on this whole process. These first few weeks of the semester — for some it’s the first few weeks of college — have gone by, and as you’ve seen, we’ve covered a plethora of topics in the Arts & Entertainment section, as well as the paper in general. But we’re not done quite yet.

The Daily Nebraskan is a place for students to express their concerns, their opinions and their talented voices in a daily publication to the whole campus, as well as the world. And, as Uncle Sam famously coined in times of need, I want you. The Arts section needs more talented writers to help us fight the good fight. And we’re not talking only about journalism; the three editors here aren’t J-School babies (although said babies are more than welcome). All we’re asking for are creatively minded individuals who want to say something. In the coming weeks, we’re going to introduce several new series, and running

more interactive content, including the publication of fiction, poetry and advice columns. It’s important to embrace and celebrate the different voices on campus, and this will be one of the more effective ways of doing so. So if you’ve made it through this brief note, take the initiative to come down and talk to Chance SolemPfeifer or me. We’re friendly enough, and we’d be thrilled to help new writers, as well as new college students, acclimate themselves to these new environs. Looking forward to seeing you.


electric: from 7

Analytical Student Positions. Use your intelligence and critical thinking skills to protect your nation while gaining valuable skills. Apply for an exciting and challenging internship or cooperative education experience at the Directorate of Intelligence within the CIA. You’ll work with and learn from analysts responsible for providing timely, insightful assessments to US decision makers and others in the intelligence community. Applications for Summer 2012 employment will be accepted until October 15, 2011. Applications for winter, spring and fall employment should be sent nine to twelve months before the desired start date. Opportunities are available for undergraduate and graduate students with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must have US citizenship and the ability to successfully complete medical examinations and security procedures, including a polygraph interview. An equal opportunity employer and a drug-free work force. For additional information and to apply, visit


Shepherd. In Anderson’s mind, the transformation to otherworldly rockers is inherent in the jam-based music they write and play. “Music is this profoundly creative act that you can really share with a fellow performer in the moment,” he said. “We really do create something unique together and something that I’d like to believe is transcendental.” The Northern California outfit is currently in the midst of their first transnational tour, which stops at Lincoln’s The Powerhouse, 647 S. 28th St., Sept. 12. Thus far, it’s been a laborious, yet eyeopening experience for the group as they weave their way back to California from the East Coast. “It’s been great,” Anderson said. “We played a couple awesome shows in New

York last night and the night before last.” As a band, the three musicians are Nebraska virgins, though they’re confident they’re music is “accessible enough to interest” the audience the Powerhouse audience. Close to home, Electric Sheperd’s year-old eponymously titled album has received rave reviews with one East Bay Express review commenting that “‘Mildred Harris’ could hold its own against any Zeppelin tune.” Estimating that critics and audiences alike have latched on to the tune’s varied pacing and bluesy feel, the band was supremely flattered by the praise. “It’s always nice to be compared to rock gods,” Pearce said. “It was huge honor to even be mentioned in the

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same breath as Zeppelin.” And by virtue of existing as a jam band, the trio not only perceives the tracks from their debut album differently than they did a year ago, but perhaps differently than they did on a darkened stage last night. “They (the songs) are recorded as a framework for what the live show is all about,” Anderson said. “Every night is a new reimagining of these songs, so we’re developing new motifs and parts out of the jams that we feel are now part of those songs.” Ironically enough, this band that rests one guitar riff or bass groove away from the cusp of something sparkling new has been consistently referred to as a throwback to the days of the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. In this common instance, as well, the San Franciscans will consider the talk as just that — gleaning that which is constructive and leaving the rest. “It’s certainly true that we wear our influences on our sleeves,” Pearce said. “I’d really like to think that we’re taking that old sound and reimagining it for 21st-century audiences.” chancesolem-pfeifer@

Daily Nebraskan

tuesday, september 6, 2011




Now accepting applications for Wait Staff and Door. Apply in person from 8-10pm. Mon. thru Sat. at 1426 ‘O’ Street. Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit: KLKN-TV has an opening for a part-time Production Assistant. Duties related to news/general program production including operation of character generator, editing of video tape, camera operation, and assistance in commercial and station promotion production. Previous experience and/or education preferred but not required. Excellent entryway into the television industry. Please fill out an application at our office located at 3240 S. 10th St., Lincoln, NE from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., send your resume to KLKN-TV, Attn: DNBM, 3240 S. 10th St., Lincoln, NE 68502, email your qualifications to, or call Jeff Swanson, Operations Manager at (402) 436-2238. Equal Opportunity Employer all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.


1 bedroom in a 3 bedroom,2 bath apartment 7 minutes North of Campus. Lease is through May. $260 Rent plus cable/internet/electric. Call/text 402-649-3835.

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Earn up to $1000 in cash for College While Working Part-Time! Farmland Foods is looking for dependable workers with an excellent attendance record and a commitment to safety to perform general production duties during our busy season. Farmland offers a flexible part-time schedule for students AND up to $500 per semester in education assistance. Starting wage is $10.50/hour. Must be able to stand extended periods of time, work in cold temperatures and be able to lift up to 20 pounds. If you are interested in joining our team, email Dao Nguyen at or call 402-479-1363 ext. 401

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Edited by Will Shortz

Down 1 Carpenterʼs curved cutter 2 Uncalled-for insult, say 3 U2 guitarist 4 Brother and husband of Isis 5 Arias, usually 6 Robin Hood or Jesse James 7 “Same here” 8 Director Polanski 9 Obama, e.g.: Abbr. 10 Performed, as oneʼs duties 11 Purify 12 Quaker breakfast offering 13 Prescriptions, for short 21 Keanu Reevesʼs role in “The Matrix” 22 Middling grade 24 Chilean cheer 26 Poi source 27 Aves. 29 Foreign policy grp. 33 Pilgrimage to Mecca 34 Kwik-E-Mart clerk 35 Proof ending 37 Well-regarded 38 Fall through the cracks? 39 A.S.A.P. 40 A TD is worth six: Abbr.

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68 Late 69 Organize alphabetically, say 70 Chips in the pot

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Apts. For Rent

31 Female flock member 32 N.B.A. nickname 36 Film units 37 Small sci-fi vehicle 40 Rapperʼs crew 43 Director Apatow 44 Obstruction for salmon 47 Culmination of a Casey Kasem countdown 49 Book size 52 “Get Smart” device 56 Toothpaste with “green sparkles” 57 Falsity 58 Blastoff spot 60 Uses sleight of hand on 62 Head of Québec 63 French girlfriend 65 Aerodynamic 66 Tied, as a score 67 “Boy Meets World” boy

The memories are fading!

Neemann & Sons, Inc.


Across 1 Voice above tenor 5 Cross: Christianity :: ___ : Judaism 9 Interior design 14 Cries from Homer Simpson 15 Very very 16 Going brand? 17 Number between eins and drei 18 Neeson of “Clash of the Titans” 19 Track-and-field events 20 “Oceanʼs Eleven” actor 23 Follower of spy or web 24 Any Beatles song, now 25 Tweaks 28 Enters Facebook, maybe 30 Annoys incessantly

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Help us establish an on-line social media marketing position. Work with our account executives on advertising packages which include smart phone applications, twitter, facebook, web page, web video and email notifications. Hours and wages would be variable while position grows. Bring us your ideas and experience and we’ll develop a job description that will enchance our advertisers’ campus efforts. Applications available in room 16, Nebraska Union, Daily Nebraskan Advertising Department and online on the advertising page of Inquiries can also email, with “Marketing job” in the subject line.

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Business Opp’ties


A&M Contractors, Inc. is currently hiring part-time construction help with flexible hours, $10+/hr start. Please visit to learn more & call Owen to apply (402) 890-2343. Harvest help wanted. Experience necessary and CDL preferred. Contact Mark 402-665-2523 or 402-429-2967.

CNA/Nursing Students

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Help Wanted

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6 4





by Wayne Gould

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page 10

tuesday, september 6, 2011


Nebraska 40, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 7


Offense lacks needed punch

Jeff Packer

file photo by kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Rex Burkhead (22) trips on Taylor Martrinez, stepping out of bounds. The often-clumsy offense showed there are plenty of kinks left to work out before Big Ten play begins.

Dan Hoppen

kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Daily Nebraskan

The patch of turf where Brett Maher set up his first official field goal wasn’t far from the spot of the most prominent kick in Husker history. Seven yards back and a few feet were all that separated Maher’s big debut from Alex Henery’s memorable kick. Skeptic and anxious Husker fans watched as the junior who’s attempting to fill the shoes of a Husker-alreadyturned legend lined up a 50-yard field goal. Maher’s end-over-end boot fought a strong wind and fell squarely through the uprights, sparking a 4-for-4 breakout performance. While NU special teams coach John Papuchis didn’t find the new kicker’s first try as ideal, the coach had confidence in Maher. “It wasn’t the dream scenario that his first field goal attempt would be from 50 yards out, but I guess if he’s gonna put it right down the middle, I’ll live with that,” Papuchis said.

Brett Maher wasn’t sure how his kicking experience at Nebraska would begin, but a 52-yard punting average and several impressive field goals placed him in the good graces of the Husker faithful. Maher was at the edge of his range, Papuchis said, but in pregame warm ups the kicker had reached the distance the attempt called for. “He probably could have gone back a bit further,” Papuchis said. Maher connected on four point after attempts as well, amassing 16 points on the day, giving Nebraska fans a gleam of hope in lieu of losing Henery to graduation. His second came from 48 yards in the second quarter, which he followed up with a 34-yarder 10 minutes later. In the third quarter, he put one through the uprights from 21 yards out. “I was pretty blessed to have a pretty good day,” Maher said, looking back at his debut. “I didn’t really have a lot of ups and downs, but I know it’ll come throughout the year. Just have to keep working hard to try and duplicate that every week.”

While Maher counted his blessings, NU coach Bo Pelini saw what he knew Maher to be capable of. “I’ve been saying all along, we feel really good about Brett and what he brings to the table,” Pelini said. “I don’t know if you can have a better start than he had. He really hit the ball well.” So well that the Big Ten awarded Maher with the co-special teams Player of the Week award. Maher split the award with Penn State kick returner Chaz Powell. With the award, Maher became the first Husker to receive an award in their new conference. There has been anxiety amongst Husker fans, after Henery graduated and moved onto the NFL, that the special teams would take a kick in its statistics.

gameday: see page 11

Healed Meredith shines matt palu daily nebraskan

Tip-toeing up the sideline, ball held high and tight, hair blowing frantically out of the back of his helmet, Cameron Meredith tried his hardest to line up blockers during his best Rex Burkhead impersonation Saturday afternoon. The junior defensive end made one thing very clear – Rex Burkhead he is not. But after the first three quarters Meredith put together in Nebraska’s 40-7 victory over the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, why not see him run the ball trying to avoid tacklers rather than the ordinary inverse? The Huntington Beach, Calif., native had three tackles, two sacks and an interception to go along with the 7-yard return he gained scooping up the ball after junior Josh Williams’ block of a fourth quarter Chattanooga field-goal attempt. “Cam was a little bit more than just the steady eddy today,” defensive line coach John Papuchis joked in assessing the play of Meredith. “I know he (Meredith) was really hungry to go out there, and he’s really starting to feel comfortable in his role in the defense,” Papuchis said.

“If we get play like that from him on a consistent basis, it will obviously make us a very formidable defensive line.” Formidable may seem like an underselling appraisal of Meredith’s start to the season, but it’s not adulation that excites Meredith, it’s finally being healthy again. Meredith was limited considerably in the spring while on the mend after a January surgery to repair a nagging shoulder injury. “It felt great,” Meredith said of playing in NU’s opener injury free. “The first game last year, I got hurt with my shoulder ... I got that surgery, I’ve been full speed ever since. It feels good.” The Mater Dei High School product started every game last season, tallying 64 tackles, eight of them for a loss, and 1 1/2 sacks, all while being admittedly “hesitant to make tackles” due to the injury. Now healthy, Meredith looks poised to emerge as a major player on a national stage, bringing attention his position coach doesn’t believe he gets yet. “I think, maybe, he (Meredith) gets overlooked from a national perception, just from

patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Cameron Meredith attempts to block a pass from UTC’s BJ Coleman. His ball awareness played a large part in recovering a blocked field goal and an interception. an outsider’s perspective,” Papuchis said. “But we know how good he is, and our opponents know how good he is,” Papuchis added. With any more statistics like he had Saturday, Meredith, who enters the season on the Hendricks Watch List, should have a difficult time remaining under the radar, especially on such a big-name defense. However, Meredith insists that lining up next to preseason All-American Jared Crick wasn’t the sole cause for his impressive performance against the Mocs.

“I thought they (Chattanooga) were just worried about the d-line as a whole,” Meredith said. “Not to brag or anything, but I just think we’ve been kind of been known at the University of Nebraska for a good defensive line.” Though he may not draw many comparisons to Adrian Peterson or Arian Foster, Meredith’s first game of the 2011 season is certainly a welcome sight for teammates, a peek into the potential his coaches have raved about and hopefully, for Husker fans, a sign of things to come. Mattpalu@

So this is it. After suffering through a few years of offensive purgatory under Shawn Watson, the entire state had anxiously awaited the unveiling of new coordinator Tim Beck’s offense. It was seduced by the use of words like “speed,” “versatility” and “tempo.” On Saturday, the curtain was pulled back. The shiny new offense was finally revealed. Well, kind of. Both coaches and players admitted after the game that the offense we saw Saturday afternoon was a very watered-down version of what they’ll run in the coming weeks. No need to tip your hand against a cupcake team and give Wisconsin and Ohio State some film to study. While the whole scheme wasn’t revealed, we still saw plenty. And the results were a bit uneven. First and foremost, the option is back. And with a burner at quarterback in Taylor Martinez and a quartet of talented running backs, it makes sense. The Huskers repeatedly ran the option out of several formations: under center, from the shotgun and even some that included pre-snap motion and had a receiver running behind Martinez. That’s the kind of creativity that’s been mostly absent in recent years. And Martinez seems to like it. He scored all three of his rushing touchdowns on option plays, including scoring scampers of 43 and 47 yards. One came when he ran the option to the short side of the field, sidestepped one overmatched defender and was gone. Somewhere in Ohio, Frank Solich was crying tears of joy. But much like last year, the offense was far too dependent on the big play, usually from its speedy quarterback. The Huskers had five plays account for a total of 192 yards; the other 63 plays netted just 172 yards. Big plays certainly aren’t a bad thing, but they’re far harder to come by against Michigan State than the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. For this offense to truly be successful, it has to prove it can sustain a long drive and still get points. That didn’t happen often Saturday. And for all the talk of the depth on the offensive line, the boys up front were underwhelming. And those aren’t my words. That comes from coach Bo Pelini (“Really, across the front, it just wasn’t up to our standard.”) and offensive line coach Barney Cotton (“Obviously, I think we would all agree that we need to make a big jump between this time and this time next week.”).

The much-ballyhooed trio of freshmen backs struggled to find any running room, particularly between the tackles, as did Rex Burkhead. Excluding a 52-yard dash by Burkhead on an option play, the four backs combined for 43 yards on 19 carries. That’s not going to get it done. To be fair, there are mitigating circumstances. The right side of the line, Spencer Long and Tyler Moore, both played their first snaps Saturday, as did substitute Jake Cotton. Left guard Andrew Rodriguez made his first career start. Youth was plentiful, and that means there will be mistakes. Plus, the Huskers mixed and matched linemen to get guys playing time and to show what they have. That lack of continuity is never helpful to a line. Once NU officially decides on its starting line, linemen can start developing cohesiveness and will improve. It’s easy to point to the problems, but there were successes, too. Receiver Quincy Enunwa had a big first half, with four catches. Martinez seems to have recovered the speed he displayed early last year before ankle and toe injuries robbed him of it. And Saturday’s most electric play may have been provided by Jamal Turner, who took a two-yard out pass, juked a defender, reversed field and was a shoestring tackle away from a long touchdown. Behind Martinez, he appears to be the offense’s most explosive player. He just needs the ball. And while the tempo wasn’t breakneck, the Huskers were consistently snapping the ball with 15 seconds left on the play clock. No more timeouts wasted to avoid a delay-of-game penalty. So what do we really take away from Saturday? In the end, probably not too much. It showed us that Martinez can run better than he can throw. We knew that. It showed that all the dynamic freshmen on offense are going to need some time to adjust before making gamechanging plays. We figured as much. Until NU settles on a starting five up front and unveils the full playbook, it’s not fair to judge the offense. That’s like critiquing a movie after an hour or a gourmet meal after the appetizer. But we can see that the offense is far from a finished product. There’s still time for adjustments, as the Huskers won’t likely have to be perfect to win out the non-conference schedule. But Oct. 1 and fierce opponents are looming in the not-so-distant future. The shiny new car was on display Saturday. It’s going to need a few tune-ups before the Big Ten schedule rolls around.

dan hoppen is a senior news-editorial major. reach him at danhoppen@


Daily Nebraskan

tuesday, september 6, 2011



NU defeated by sloppy play Huskers pound “Everything we lost was on our side of the net,” Delano Daily Nebraskan said. “It all came down to It takes three sets to win a stupid errors. It is comforting volleyball match. Against No. knowing that it was all under 15 Colorado State on Friday, our control. We have to reNebraska volleyball could member what this feels like. We can’t let it happen again.” only take two. In the final three sets, NU’s Nebraska took the first two sets in quick fashion, 25-12 hitting percentage fell rapidly. The Huskers hit .483 and and 25-11. However, the Huskers .357 in the first two sets. In were unable to keep it up for the third, its percentage fell the final three sets losing 25- to .057. Nebraska was able to im17, 25-20 and 15-9. prove on that “From the percentage in first to second game we came That’s one thing the fourth hitout strong,” our players have tingH o.194. w e v e r, senior middle got to learn, they the final set blocker Brooke was the roughDelano said. cannot change est on NU: “When we get their emotion They hit -.043. on the road just just based on the CSU was because we also able to imbeat them the score.” prove after hitfirst two sets it John Cook ting .033 and doesn’t mean NU Volleyball head coach .080 in the first they’re going two sets to outto fold, and we hitting the Huskers in each of need to remember that.” NU was able to bounce the final three. Delano said that the target back Saturday, sweeping Albany 25-12, 25-13 and 25-12. on NU’s back was a big reaThat win following the loss son for the Rams’ improveFriday night gave Cook some ment in the last half of the hope heading into this week- match. “Any team that is going to end’s matches in the Ameritas Players’ Challenge at the NU play us is going to play out of their minds just because Coliseum. “I hope it’s a wake-up call it says Nebraska on our jerand my only indication that seys,” Delano said. “Every it was was how we did Sat- single team is going to want urday against Albany,” Cook to beat us.” Cook said that when said. “Albany is not a Big Ten team or whatever, but matches start like that, NU they are an NCAA-qualifying has success. He believes that Nebraska let its guard down team.” For the squad, the game Friday and that its inability to was encouraging. Delano finish is something to work saw the loss as evidence that on in the coming weeks. “Usually in matches like NU can’t turn down the intensity no matter how com- that, we win 3-0,” Cook said. fortable its lead is this season. “It’s a new team and I think She credits errors to the they underestimated Cololoss and claims Nebraska lost rado State’s ability to fight the game more than the Rams and that crowd. Volleyball is a game of emotion, and the won it.

opponents, put 14 goals in net

Robby Korth

file photo by kyle bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Morgan Marlborough dribbles past several Arkansas players during the first of two games this weekend. Her five goals brought her season total to seven.

Andrew Ward Daily nebraskan

file photo by andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Brooke Delano and teammates faced a tough Colorado State team, losing in five sets. Coach John Cook said he hoped the loss would be a “wake-up call.” emotion of that game completely changed. “That’s one thing our players have got to learn, they cannot change their emotion just based on the score.” Delano had the highest hitting percentage both nights, .450 on Friday and .667 on Saturday. However, the coaching staff feels that the team’s ability to bounce back was the most encouraging

thing on the weekend rather than any individual performance. “It was a team weekend more than anything,” assistant coach Dan Meske said. “We learned a lot and we’ll see who emerges as the go-to player. There is still an opportunity for somebody to step up late in matches.”


big Ten homeroom

compiled by chris peters 1. Wisconsin (1-0) Next game – vs. Oregon State Quarterback Russell Wilson has arrived, and he’s here to take the Badgers to a BCS Championship. Wilson’s 46-yard rushing TD, the longest of his career, put the exclamation point on an incredible 51-17 win against UNLV. Running backs Montee Ball and James White combined for five scores. The Badgers offensive line and defense looked like they hadn’t missed a beat. Wisconsin has the best chance by far of any team in the Big Ten to win a national championship in 2011.

4. Penn State (1-0) Next game – vs. Alabama The quarterback controversy in Happy Valley is still very much alive. Head coach Joe Paterno gave sophomore Rob Bolden the nod to start in the 41-7 win against Indiana State, but both Bolden and junior Matt McGloin played at quarterback, although neither surpassed 100 yards passing. Both will play next week against Alabama. The rushing game was firing on all cylinders, amassing 245 yards. While it won’t be a complete shocker if the Nittany Lions win the Big Ten, they seem to still be one step away.

2. Nebraska (1-0) Next game – vs. Fresno State The Blackshirts showed once again that they’re among the nation’s best by shutting down the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s rushing game, allowing only 60 rushing yards in the Huskers’ 40-7 win. Nebraska’s offense struggled to develop a rhythm, but consistently produced big plays, showing off sophomore quarterback Taylor Martinez’s legs for three TDs. Still, the Huskers will need to make significant steps on offense before Big Ten play opens with Wisconsin.

5. Michigan State (1-0) Next game – vs. Florida Atlantic Kirk Cousins showed that he’s still one of the best quarterbacks in the Big Ten with a strong performance, going 18-22 with 222 yards and a TD. Cousins helped senior wide receiver B.J. Cunningham tie the school record for most career receptions in the Spartans’ 28-6 victory against Youngstown State. The rest of the team looked stale, however, blowing assignments in the defensive front seven and on the offensive line. Head coach Mark Dantonio made it very clear: If they want to win a Big Ten Championship, they have a lot to fix first.

prepare for Notre Dame next week, quarterback Denard Robinson will need to find a way to spark Michigan’s offense, because right now it’s all defense in Ann Arbor. 7. Iowa (1-0) Next game – at Iowa State Iowa’s offense looked like it hadn’t missed a beat. New starting quarterback James Vandenberg threw for 219 yards and three total TDs in a 34-7 win against Tennessee Tech. A huge concern for the Hawkeyes came in the second quarter when freshman running back Mika’il McCall broke his ankle after already amassing 61 yards on just nine carries, but will miss the rest of the season now. The Hawkeyes will have to stay healthy or find a suitable replacement at No. 2 running back if they want to contend for a Big Ten title this season.

TDs. Most importantly, the Illini were safe with the football. Illinois has some good raw talent and this year should be huge for developing that talent. 10. Minnesota (0-1) Next game – vs. New Mexico State Although they allowed a USC school record for receptions, Minnesota’s defense made immense improvements during Saturday’s 19-17 loss. The Gophers’ defense came out in the second half refreshed and clamped down on USC’s drives, shutting them out. A last-second push showed that Minnesota has a second gear. The question is: Will they be able to play at that gear for an entire game? If so, the Gophers could be a prime candidate to ruin someone’s national title hopes.

11. Purdue (1-0) Next game – at Rice The Boilermakers had a 8. Northwestern tough time with middle-of(1-0) the-road Middle Tennessee State. However, a clutch Next game – vs. Eastern throw by quarterback Caleb Illinois Northwestern caught some TerBush in his first career start gave Purdue the 27-24 bad breaks to start off the lead with less than a minute game, but as the game dragged along, it was clear to play. Still, MTSU found a way to set up a gamethat the Wildcats were a strong unit, with or without winning field goal with one second left. The Boilermaksenior quarterback Dan Persa, as they were able to ers blocked the attempt, securing the win and snaphang on for the 24-17 win 3. Ohio State (1-0) ping their six-game losing against Boston College. Once they get their signal- streak. Purdue could have Next game – vs. Toledo a tough go this year. caller back, Northwestern Yes, it was Akron. But still, 6. Michigan (1-0) could be a giant-killer in it’s hard to argue against 12. Indiana (0-1) the race for the Big Ten the Buckeyes at this point. Next game – vs. Notre Next game – vs. Virginia championship. New starting quarterback Dame Saturday was a rough Joe Bauserman shined, National defensive player of 9. Illinois (1-0) start for new head coach posting three passing TDs the week Brandon Herron Kevin Wilson. There were a Next game – vs. South and cutting through to the single-handedly slammed couple impressive plays on Dakota State end zone in a surprising the door on Michigan’s Illinois and impact-quarter- offense that show glimpses rushing TD in the Buck2010 season with a pair back Nathan Scheelhaase of hope, but ultimately the eyes’ 42-0 win against Ak- of huge defensive TDs bad outweighs the good got off to a slow start ron. The Buckeyes defense that sparked Michigan’s as Indiana fell to Ball State against Arkansas State. looks every bit as good as defense. The Wolverines, 27-20. If the Hoosiers were As the Illini neared halfit has in the past. If Ohio who gave up more than susceptible to deep plays time, they started to gain State can continue to play 2,000 yards last year, have against Ball State, then it’s at this pace all season, turned things around. They momentum and ended up going to be a tough road securing a 33-15 victory they may be able to topple topped Western Michigan ahead for Indiana when against the Red Wolves. Wisconsin in the Leaders 34-10 after the game was Big Ten play begins. Scheelhaase looked imdivision. called due to the threat of Chrispeters@ pressive in the pass game lightning late in the fourth with 267 yards and two quarter. As the Wolverines

The onslaught of goals displayed by the Nebraska women’s soccer team more than tripled its previous total on the year. The Huskers put 14 balls in the back of the net this weekend in a pair of games. Against Arkansas, Nebraska scored six goals in a shutout and then added eight more against Northern Arizona in an 8-1 victory. NU had scored four goals in its first three games of the season, all of which were losses. Junior Jordan Jackson said it felt good to finally see the ball pass the keeper. “It felt amazing to see us score so many goals,” Jackson said. “It was a definite confidence boost as well considering we started the season out so poorly.” The main goal scorer on the weekend for the Huskers was junior All-American Morgan Marlborough who recorded her second and third straight multi-goal games. Marlborough had two goals against Arkansas and added a hat trick against Northern Arizona to help lead NU (2-2-1) to its first and second victories of the year. She now has seven goals in 2011 and 46 in her Husker career. The junior forward said it was nice to score but she was happier to see her other teammates involved in the offense. “It was great to see my teammates score so many times,” Marlborough said. “So many players took advantage of their opportunities.” Marlborough wasn’t kidding, as six other players on NU scored goals including three players who recorded their first

goals as Huskers. Jackson scored three goals on the weekend, but her passing was even more impressive, especially in the weekend finale. She passed to eventual goal scorers three times to have three assists on the afternoon, giving her four on the weekend. The other multi-goal scorer for the Huskers was Stacy Bartels, as she added her second and third goals on the year. Many of Nebraska’s players scored their first goals of not only the season but of their Husker careers in the Northern Arizona game on Sunday. Sophomore Bri Badje scored her goal after being fouled inside the box off a corner kick. The penalty kick rocketed to the upper left corner of the goal. It was a freshman-to-freshman combo for the next goal when Mayme Conroy assisted Samantha Areman for her first goal in her young Husker career. Another sophomore, Maddie Hanssler, scored her first goal as well from another assist by Conroy to finish the Nebraska offensive attack. NU travels to Blacksburg, Va. this weekend to participate in the Virginia Tech Classic. The Huskers will play a pair of ACC teams as they face off against Virginia Tech and Wake Forest. Marlborough said that the weekend has helped Nebraska prepare a couple of tough contests. “This weekend was definitely a learning experience for us even though we won both of the games,” Marlborough said. “It helped us work on things we weren’t very good at early this year and now we feel we can only get better to win the games next weekend.”


gameday: from 10 The pressure to live up to Henery’s legacy has been external, Papuchis said. Maher is trying his best to handle the challenge well. ““I think that it was a little bit of motivation, but at the same time, I’m trying to be my own person and kind of make my own footprints here,” Maher said Monday. “And try to follow him as much as I can and learn from what he did.” Senior safety Austin Cassidy has spent the fall holding Maher’s place kicks as Maher did for Henery last season. Cassidy has seen the junior handle the pressures of the job well, keeping a consistent approach to every attempt. “You know, he just came with the same cool, calm approach,” Cassidy said. “Which is cool because you need to treat every kick the same, every play the same or else you get nervous and you start shanking it or do whatever else kickers do to mess up.”

While most are downplaying what the Huskers had accomplished against a midlevel FCS team, Maher’s numbers elsewhere in the kicking game cannot be ignored. The Kearney native punted the ball four times for an average of 52 yards and booted three kickoffs for touchbacks. Each kick helped the Huskers in terms of field position. “I would say more than anything that he’s just focused on doing his job to the best of his ability,” Cassidy said. As for the pun of filling a legendary kicker’s shoes, Maher is just glad he got experience with Henery at Nebraska. “I was actually lucky enough to work with him some before he went to Philadelphia,” Maher said. “He’s a great friend and he’s been a great mentor to me.”

Jeff packer is a senior broadcasting major. reach him at jeffpacker@

travis beck | daily nebraskan

Daimion Stafford celebrates after a hit against the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. In his first appearance as a Husker, he recorded six tackles, five solo and one assisted, including one for a loss. Stafford and his teammates on defense held the Mocs to 60 yards on the ground and only 230 overall.

nebraska 40, Tennessee at Chattanooga 7


debut Huskers win, showcase little of new offensive system

twenty-eight Number of Huskers who recorded at least one tackle on Saturday. Linebackers Lavonte David and Trevor Roach led the charge with nine and seven tackles, respectively.

16 one

andrew dickinson | daily nebraskan

Quarterback Taylor Martinez goes airborne during a rushing attempt against UTC. Martinez rushed for 135 yards and three touchdowns.

Number of points junior kicker Brett Maher contributed to the Husker total of 40. Maher was 4-for-4 on PATs and converted field goals from 50, 48, 34 and 21 yards.


Time left in the first quarter when Taylor Martinez scored his first touchdown. It was his first rushing touchdown since scoring four last October against Kansas State in Manhattan.


Number of yards the Huskers’ first play from scrimmage went for. The significance comes with who was carrying the ball — senior fullback Tyler Legate. It was the first carry for a Nebraska fullback since the 2004 season.

Passes caught by sophomore receiver Quincy Enunwa. Three of those completions were for first downs, keeping Husker scoring drives alive. Enunwa had just one catch for 10 yards his entire freshman year.

travis beck | daily nebraskan

Cameron Meredith makes another tackle on what was his best day as a Husker. Meredith, who was injured all last season, had surgery in January and returned to the field with a new attitude.

game balls

Trevor Roach  WIll Compton came out with a foot injury during the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s first series, thrusting Roach into action early. He responded with seven total tackles and tied for the team high with two tackles for loss and made the defensive calls for much of the game.

Brett maher  Brett Maher entered Saturday’s season-opener as one of the biggest question marks to onlookers: He left with a game ball. The redshirt junior from Kearney put 16 of the Huskers’ 40 points on the board, going 4-for-4 on field goals in the game, including kicks from 48 and 50 yards. Maher was also 4-for-4 on extra points, averaged 52 yards on four punts and kicked off for three touchbacks.

Cameron Meredith Meredith recorded three total tackles against the Mocs, maintaining a presence in their backfield all game. He sacked Mocs quarterback B.J. Coleman twice for a loss of 22 total yards and intercepted a tipped third-quarter pass inside the Mocs’ red zone. Meredith also scooped up a blocked field goal in the fourth quarter, returning it seven yards.

-Doug Burger, Sports Editor

-matt palu, football beat writer

-Jeff Packer, assistant sports editor

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