3 minute read
Wanderlust: Can’t wait to resume air travel
Funeral Home
Jason Harwick
•Cremation and burial services •Competitive, all-inclusive prices •The area’s most modern and updated facilities •No unwanted solicitation •Guaranteed prearranged funeral or cremation •Family owned and operated since 1924
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(208) 743-4578 • 1711 18th St., Lewiston www.malcomsfuneralhome.com
Valley Community Center Annual Indoor
Saturday, July 10th 8 am to 4 pm

in the dining room at the Center, morning coffee and treats available. 549 5th Street, Clarkston, WA 99403
Items Available: Books, puzzles, kitchen items, VCR and DVD tapes, baked goods, Wizard of Oz Tin Men, picture frames, electric and plumbing items, crafts, pictures, paintings, canning supplies, games, hand bags, wine glasses, ironing board, brief case, flower pots, fan, vacuum, lamp, walker, tools, nuts, bolts, nails, Christmas stuff, card table and chairs, furniture, fabric, lawn chairs, towels, first aid supplies, RV heater, hats, computer and printer stuff, and lots of miscellaneous items (no clothes).

Donations of baked goods and miscellaneous items will be set up Friday July 9th starting at 8 am. We are asking for donations of similar items, especially furniture, computers, printers, and Christmas Decorations (please no clothes), dropped off at the Center until 4 pm Friday, July 9th, or if you need items picked up, please call Bob Burton at 509-295-6139 or e-mail him at bob84311@aol.com. We could use volunteers to help sort and price donations on Friday afternoon.” We encourage masks and social distancing.
The WA-ID VOLUNTEER CENTER, in the Lewiston Community Center at 1424 Main St., strives to provide individualized volunteer opportunities for those wishing to serve in Lewiston, Clarkston, Asotin, Pomeroy, Moscow and the Orofino area. Information and other volunteer openings can be found at waidvolunteercenter.org or by calling (208) 746-7787.
Volunteer needs include:
ï Do you like driving and helping the homebound? Senior meal providers need regular and substitute delivery drivers. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license and auto insurance. ï Do you have a desire to turn the tide of opioid addiction? Opioid information instructors are needed to lead an online class through a Power Point-based curriculum. Instructors will facilitate discussions based on audience questions regarding opioids, their use and their disposal. Training is provided. ï Are you committed to feeding the hungry? A food bank needs volunteers to repack frozen and dry foods for distribution, staff the front counter and drive for morning food pickups. ï Are you good with people? A blood drive canteen needs volunteers for follow-up duties, including maintaining a comfortable atmosphere, serving refreshments and talking with donors and answering questions while observing them for possible adverse reactions. ï Do you get satisfaction from cutting through red tape? The State Health Insurance Benefit Advisors program needs volunteers to assist local seniors with Medicare questions. Training is provided.
ï Do you enjoy hand crafts? Project Warm-Up needs people to make hats, scarves, mittens and lap robes to be donated to more than 30 nonprofit agencies in the fall. Yarn is provided. ï Are you passionate about helping the less fortunate? Nonprofit thrift stores need volunteers to work as sorters, cashiers and on the sales floor, and to do general cleaning, pricing and other tasks as needed. ï Does your heart ache for vulnerable children? Court Appointed Special Advocates/guardian ad litems needs volunteers to speak on behalf of children. CASA/GALs work independently to investigate and monitor cases of juvenile abuse, neglect or dependence in the Asotin and Garfield County Superior Court. Background checks are required. Training is provided. ï Are you good in an emergency? The American Red Cross needs volunteers to serve on its Disaster Action Team. The group serves as the agency’s first-response team, providing comfort and assistance to those affected by disaster. ï Are you a history buff? The Nez Perce Historical Society needs volunteers to greet visitors, guide tours, assist in the office and do custodial work. Training is provided.
VALLEY MEALS ON WHEELS provides daily home-delivered meals to seniors, home-bound and special needs clients in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley.
If you or someone you know would benefit from in-home meal service, contact the office between 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. at (208) 799-5767 or by email at valleymeals@aol.com.
Couldbe�erhearingmakelife ...Sweeter?
Be�erhearingwidenstherangeofsoundsyouhaveaccess to.Liketheamazinginsightsofclarityfromyour granddaughter.Shewillfeelheardbyyou.Yourconnec�on withherwillbestronger.
Be�er hearing Be�erhearing truly leads to trulyleadsto a sweeter life! asweeterlife!

AnneSimon,AuD Anne Simon, AuD
See VOLUNTEER, Page 10