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Artists sought for Artwalk
Beautiful Downtown Lewiston is seeking artists to display and sell artwork at its 10th annual Artwalk, Oct. 1-2.
At artwalk, artists show their work at downtown businesses which hold receptions. More than 30 locations participated in 2019. The event was canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic.
The event will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Oct. 1 and noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 2. Artists are encouraged to be present at their location, but it isn’t required.
Artists can apply online at beautifuldowntown lewiston.org/events, where a link to an application is available. A fee of $20 is required to reserve a spot. Artists can work directly with a downtown merchant or have a location assigned to them. Registration closes Aug. 31 or until all locations are filled. Calling all tech-savvy seniors It’s common to hear of teens teaching older generations and grandparents how to use technology, but how about having tech-savvy elders help their own peers navigate technology?
SeniorLiving.org is inviting older adults to enter its first “Become a Viral Video Star!” contest, which is now accepting entries.
According to a news release from the organization, people 60 or older are invited to create and submit a “how-to” video that instructs older adults on something technical, from how to use Zoom, to setting up a robot vacuum to storing digital photos. Winners may receive a cash prize and a chance to be featured on the group’s YouTube channel, which is watched by more than 25,000 subscribers nationwide, according to the news release.
To Enter:
ï Visit seniorliving.org/ viral-video-star-contest/. ï Decide on a tech topic you want to teach. ï Record a video of no more than 5 minutes. ï Upload the video to the SeniorLiving.org website by July 31.
Questions may be directed to Steve Stratz at (206) 300-9134 or by email to steve@relevanzpr.com.
Area readers who take part in the contest are invited to share their experience with the Golden Times for a possible future story. Editor Julie Breslin can be reached at (208) 791-6635 or by email at jbreslin@lmtribune.com. Senior activities planned in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley
ï Line dancing, 10 a.m., Lewiston Community Center, 1424 Main St. ï Fit For Life, 10-11 a.m., Grange Hall, 2220 Reservoir Road, Clarkston. ï Senior citizens nutrition program meal (pickup) 11-11:30 a.m., Lewiston Community Center. ï Senior citizens nutrition program meal (dine in), noon to 1 p.m., Lewiston Community Center.
ï Senior Round Table meal (pickup), noon, Valley Community Center, 549 Fifth St., Clarkston. ï Senior citizens nutrition program meal (pickup) 11-11:30 a.m., Lewiston Community Center. ï Senior citizens nutrition program meal (dine in), noon to 1 p.m., Lewiston Community Center.
ï Fit For Life, 10-11 a.m., Grange Hall, Clarkston. ï Senior citizens nutrition program meal (pickup) 11-11:30 a.m., Lewiston Community Center. ï Senior citizens nutrition program meal (dine in), noon to 1 p.m., Lewiston Community Center. ï Pinochle, 6 p.m., Lewiston Community Center.
ï Line dancing, 10 a.m., Lewiston Community Center. ï Senior Round Table meal (pickup), noon, Valley Community Center. ï Painting group, noon, Lewiston Community Center.
ï Fit For Life, 10-11 a.m., Grange Hall, Clarkston. ï Bridge, noon, Lewiston Community Center. ï Senior Round Table meal (pickup), noon, Valley Community Center.
Those seeking information about senior meals may call the Senior Round Table at (509) 758-3816, or Lewiston Senior Nutrition Program at (208) 7436983. July menus are on Page 12. Alzheimer’s Association to host webinars throughout July The Alzheimer’s Association and University of Washington Memory and Brain Wellness Center are offering Wellness Wednesdays, a webinar series for people with memory loss and their families. This month’s classes include: ï “Practicing Self Compassion” with Dr. Nancy Isenberg is 1-1:45 p.m. Wednesday. This talk will focus on learning the practice of mindful self-compassion to enhance emotional well-being and build resilience. ï “An Introduction to FTD, PPA and PPAOS” with Sydney Zenzen is 1-1:45 p.m. July 21. This class is for individuals hoping to learn about other types of dementia than Alzheimer’s. The presentation will give an overview on frontotemporal dementia, language and behavioral syndromes, assessment and treatment and functional strategies for individuals and caregivers.
For a full course list and descriptions and to register, visit www.alzwa. org/wellness or call (800) 272-3900.

News items for Briefs may be sent to goldentimes@lmtribune. com or Golden Times, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. All submissions are edited for brevity and clarity, and will run as space allows. Questions may be directed to editor Julie Breslin at jbreslin@lmtribune.com or (208) 791-6635. Deadline for the August edition is 5 p.m. July 15.

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