Health Beat 2020

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At Bryden General & Implant Dentistry

YOU ARE CONSIDERED A V.I.P.! Our team of Doctors and professional staff are here to be of service to you. Whether your needs are small or great, we have been there before and can work with you to address your dental needs.

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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 3


Brookdale of Lewiston ....................................................Page 5 Wedgewood Terrace Senior Living Community .........Page 5


Simon Audiology & Tinnitus, Dr. Anne Simon ..............Page 6


Elm View Chiropractic ...................................................Page 7


Ozeran Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Steven E. Ozeran .......................................................Page 7


Bryden General Dentistry ..............................................Page 3 Dentistry by Design, Dr. Jonathan Nash ......................Page 8 Leavitt Family Dentistry, Dr. Erin Leavitt & Dr. Nathan Leavitt .............................Page 8 Two Rivers Dentistry, Dr. Michael Durnin .....................Page 24


Valley Facial Plastics, Ear, Nose & Throat ....................Page 9


Snake River Community Clinic.................................... Page 10


Rosauers Huckleberry’s Natural Market ..................... Page 11


Seubert's Quality Home Care ..................................... Page 12


Tri State Hospital ..............................................................Page 2 Pullman Regional Hospital .......................................... Page 13


Cancer Care Center Northwest ................................. Page 14


Bryden Family Vision, Dr. Jason Ritter ......................... Page 15 Klemp Optometry, Dr. Daniel Klemp .......................... Page 15


Pathologist's Regional Laboratory.............................. Page 16


Rosauer's Pharmacy .................................................... Page 17


Dynamic Physical Therapy .......................................... Page 18


Dr. Cory Brown .............................................................. Page 19


Aspen Park of Cascadia .............................................Page 20 Lewiston Transitional Care of Cascadia .................... Page 21 Life Care Center of Lewiston .......................................Page 22 Royal Plaza Health and Rehabilitation ......................Page 23

4 | HEALTH BEAT 2020


Courtesy of Metro Editorial Juggling responsibilities to work and family can sometimes make parents feel a little overwhelmed. That feeling of being stretched thin can contribute to stress, which many parents acknowledge is part of their daily lives. Stress isn’t always caused by life-changing events. In fact, a recent study of 2,000 parents in the United Kingdom found that the daily worries of bed time, getting homework finished, weekly food shopping, and meal times were parents’ biggest

stress triggers. The research, conducted by BPme, a new app that allows customers to pay for their fuel without leaving their car, said the average parent felt stressed six times a day. Data from a 2015 Pew Research Study indicates 15 percent of American parents say their job as a parent is tiring all the time, while an additional 18 percent say parenting is tiring most of the time. Ten percent indicated being a parent is stressful all of the time, while 15 percent said it is most of the time. The younger the age of the


children at home, the more stress many parents say they face. It is well documented that stress can have various negative physical and psychological symptoms, which put stress sufferers’ overall health at risk. Parents can curtail stress by instituting some lifestyle changes and employing other management techniques. • Don’t take work stress home. It’s easy to bring home work-related problems, which can then combine with issues at home. Try to talk to a coworker or a

spouse before leaving work to diffuse tricky situations so they can be left at work. • Increase quality family time. Take a break from the extracurricular activities, volunteer responsibilities and the other tasks that pull families in different directions. Slow down and schedule fun activities that foster parent-child relationships, such as game nights or family movie nights. • Seek professional help. Parents who are having difficulty coping can enlist the services of trained mental health professionals, advises Psychology Today. These therapists can offer helpful strategies for coping with life’s challenges. • Stick to a routine. Keeping kids on routine schedules enables parents to know which moments of the day they can get a break to rest and recharge. • Ask for help. Do not be a martyr or attempt to be a superhero. Parents who need help should reach out for assistance, especially if it’s to tame stress. Doing so is in the best interest of the entire family. Stress is something many parents face, but it can be overcome.




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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 5


from Commencement. Schools are in a trial separation from students. Some Doesn’t it feel like the Workers have been whole world is getting a divorced from their jobs. Pro- cities want to divorce from law enforcement. Some divorce? It sure does to me. fessional sports are divorcgroups want to divorce from Look at the last couple of ing from their stadium fans. the United States of Amerimonths. College sports divorced ca, but not actually leave. their seasons. Major League Impeachment, a very These same groups divorced Baseball looks like players grave matter, looked like an themselves from respect of and owners are getting a episode of Divorce Court. divorce. Professional athletes the property of others. Left divorcing from Right. The Federal Government are promising to divorce Social distancing divorced from standing for our nation- has long divorced from the us from each other. Families al anthem. concept of a balanced are separated from vulbudget. Local and state Department stores and nerable loved ones. We’ve governments are divorced national retail chains are divorced from hugs and from common sense. How divorcing the Valley. Gradhandshakes. State governcan some protests be uates are being divorced COVID-approved, but not church, nail salons, and AUDIOLOGY & TINNITUS restaurants? Simon Audiology & Tinnitus

ments declared divorce from small businesses.

Treating your hearing loss makes you more resilient With better hearing, you’ll have more strength for the day-to-day challenges



1022 Bryden Ave

6 | HEALTH BEAT 2020

It seems like we keep coming up with new reasons to turn on one another. I understand the outrage over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. From the video I saw, I was outraged. Using that heinous act to justify the destruction of private property is like blaming the lighting of a match for the explosion in a gas-filled room. That gas-filled room represents a persistent, chronic anxiety that we are living in. That anxiety envelops and connects us. As that anxiety seeks an emotional release, we find reasons to turn on one another. We lose the view of what we have in common; what connects us as a community. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Man must evolve for all human conflict

a method to reject revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.” It’s not the hostility of our environment that determines our responses. It’s our responses that determine how we prosper in the face of hostility. Yes, I said, “prosper!”

HE = Hostility of Environment RO = Response of Organism This fraction is a formula for the effect our environment has on us. The denominator (bottom number) of the fraction (our response) has far more influence on the fraction’s value than the numerator (top number). Source: Edwin Friedman (1932-1996), author, family therapist, and leadership consultant. HE / RO is a principle of nature. It works for the firmly rooted tree that withstands the storm. It works for a rabbit when coyotes are on the hunt. It works for you and me in a divorce-infested world. There is an ‘intelligence’ that comes from our connection to the people and world around us. The atmosphere of anxiety can rob you of that connection. There is ingenuity, brilliance and beauty in our relationship with each other. Don’t let anxiety turn you away from it. Hearing is the sense most vital for relationships. Having trouble hearing? Call my office to schedule an appointment. 208-746-7022.

HOW PARENTS CAN FIND THE RIGHT PEDIATRICIAN FOR THEIR CHILDREN tend and where did he or she undergo postgraduate or residency training?

Courtesy of Metro Editorial Expecting parents must make a host of important decisions before their children enter the world. Finding the right pediatrician is one of the decisions that expecting parents, especially those who are expecting their first child, may find challenging. The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that pediatricians have special training in the health and illnesses of children from birth through adolescence and into the young adult years. In many instances, parents trust the same pediatricians to look after their children’s health for years on end, making the choice of pediatrician a highly important one. In recognition of that importance, the AAP facilitates the process of finding board-certified pediatricians via the ÒFind a PediatricianÓ tool on the website. Similary, the Canadian Paediatric Society, via the website CaringForKids.cps. ca, provides links to various organizations that can help

parents find pediatricians for their children. The AAP recommends that expecting parents interview pediatricians to learn more about them. Pediatricians are accustomed to such interviews and will likely be happy to schedule visits with expecting parents (or parents who are looking for new pediatricians to care for their children). During such meetings, the AAP advises parents to ask the following questions.

mine if a pediatrician’s office is accessible by bus or train. Many parents also prefer pediatricians who are local, as that can make doctor’s visits more convenient, especially in the case of sick visits.

• What are the pediatrician’s current hospital appointments? This is an important question as it can indicate which hospital a child would be admitted to in the event that the youngster had to be hospitalized. Parents may prefer certain hospitals and may want to find a pediatrician who is affiliated with those preferences.

• Who returns phone calls? Parents of newborns often have many questions in the first few months of their child’s life, and some may feel more secure knowing the child’s pediatrician will be the one returning their calls.

• Where is the pediatrician’s office located? Parents who rely on public transportation should deter-


continued on page 20


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• Which medical school did the pediatrician at-

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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 7

ADDRESSING THE CHILDHOOD OBESITY EPIDEMIC Courtesy of Metro Editorial Obesity is a health epidemic that does not discriminate based on age, gender or ethnicity. While obesity poses a serious health risk for everyone, children who are obese may be setting themselves up for a lifetime of medical problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. According to the CDC National Center for Health Statistics, 18.5

percent of children and adolescents are considered obese, which equates to around 13.7 million youth. In Canada, obesity rates among youth have nearly tripled in the last 30 years, as noted by the Government of Canada. Children who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of developing a range of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and bone and joint problems. Females may miss or experience abnormal menstrual cycles. Childhood


obesity is not just an issue in North America, as it has even reached epidemic levels in developing countries. Childhood obesity has become the most chronic disease of childhood, states the Obesity Action Coalition. Although the causes of obesity are widespread, certain risk factors are major contributors. Some causes can include:

• heredity; • lack of physical activity; • dietary patterns, such as poor portion control; • socioeconomic status; and • eating more meals out than at home.


continued on page 19


Leavitt Family Dentistry

Erin Leavitt DMD

Nathan Leavitt DDS


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8 | HEALTH BEAT 2020




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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 9


MINDFULNESS: A COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH APPROACH By Amanda Blankenship Snake River Community Clinic

When you think about health what comes to mind? For most of us, it is diet and exercise. I want to introduce you to a less obvious, but equally important, part of being healthy. Mindfulness. Mindfulness benefits your whole body by engaging the most important muscle—the brain. Being mindful can reduce stress, anxiety, and anger. Mindfulness can increase feelings of happiness, life satisfaction, gratitude, and being present. Though I don’t have the space to discuss all of the practices of mindfulness, I can highlight a few important pieces that will allow you to explore further resources and start practicing on your own terms.

ness or anger? Our internal monologue can frame our entire experience and how we interact with the people in our life. With mindfulness, you can train yourself to reduce harmful thoughts and you can actively develop new positive narratives that benefit you and make you happier. Eventually, positive speak becomes your habit. This can greatly reduce stress, feelings of unhappiness and any anger that can be avoided. Positive speak can lead to personal growth and help you meet your goals. It is also a great example to set for others in your life. Perhaps, you spend time living in the past-- reliving and regretting choices and thinking “if only I had (insert your memory here) would be so much better now”. Or, maybe you are the opposite, and you live in the future telling yourself “As soon as I get that (insert dream here) I will finally be happy”. While these practices do take us away from whatever pain we are feeling in the moment, they also take us away from learning how to be present

One of the most important practices in mindfulness is becoming aware of your brain's habitual narratives: those thinking patterns your brain engages in that cause you harm or hold you back. Do you find yourself practicing negative speak, talking yourself out of things, or talking yourself into sad-

Mindfulness includes the practice of meditation. I am new to the practice but daily try to take time to relax, clear my head, soak in the tub and just breathe. This practice has worked well for me and I encourage you to explore meditation on your own terms. There is no wrong way to meditate.

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SNAKE RIVER Please see our article on Mindfulness for Health COMMUNITY CLINIC a 501c3 Non-Profit Free Clinic

10 | HEALTH BEAT 2020


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Snake River Community Clinic PO Box 6 • Lewiston, ID 83501 208-743-5899•

and be happy today. With mindfulness, you can learn the tools to start living each day with more gratitude and joy. You can be happy today, you just have to change your mindset.

The most important part of mindfulness for me has been learning positivity. It is so easy to be unhappy and negative but we lose precious time that

we cannot get back. Teach yourself to look for the good in others, to smile at strangers, to say hello and a few kind words as you interact with the world. Look for the silver linings and the growth experienced from difficulties. Find ways to volunteer and serve your community. These seemingly small acts will have huge impacts on your life. I encourage you to explore mindfulness and take control of your health today. There are many books, websites, magazines, and groups to explore. I highly recommend checking out the local online course https:// You can set your own pace and there are links to more resources.

HOW TO TEST HOME WATER QUALITY Courtesy of Metro Editorial

Courtesy of Metro Editorial Arthritis has name recognition, even among people who are not suffering from it. But despite that recognition, arthritis is not as well understood as one might think. According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis is not a single disease, but rather an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. In fact, the term ÒarthritisÓ is so wide-ranging that it actually refers to more than 100 types of conditions. Despite that complexity, arthritis often produces four important warning signs, regardless of which type of arthritis a person may have. 1. Pain The Arthritis Foundation notes that arthritis-related pain may be constant or intermittent. One common misconception about arthritis pain is that it only occurs during or shortly after a body is at rest. However, arthritis-related pain can occur while the body is at rest and is not always triggered by an

activity that incorporates a part of the body affected by arthritis. In addition, pain from arthritis can be isolated to one area of the body or affect various parts of the body. 2. Swelling Skin over the joints affected by arthritis may become red and swollen. This skin also may feel warm to the touch. The Arthritis Foundation advises anyone who experiences this swelling for three days or longer or more than three times per month to contact a physician. 3. Stiffness This warning sign is, along with pain, the one that is most often associated with arthritis, even by people who don’t suffer from the condition. Stiffness when waking up in the morning or after long periods of being sedentary, such as sitting at a desk during the workday or taking a long car ride,


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When people consume water, they are doing so with the assumption or hope that the water is clean and free from harmful contaminants. Even though municipal water systems filter and test water supplies, the company EcoWater Systemsª says some of the most common tap water contaminants they encounter actually enter water sources after they have been tested at treatment facilities. Drinking water may contain small amounts of contaminants that are not unsafe to consume at certain levels.

However, at higher levels, these same substances can be problematic. Contaminants can include hydrogen sulfide, raised acidic levels, arsenic, lead, nitrates, and microbiologicals, which include viruses, protozoan and parasites. Homeowners can take proactive approaches to test their water to determine if it contains potentially harmful levels of contaminants. This is especially crucial for those who rely on residential well water, which is not subject to the same testing as municipal systems. Anyone who knows there may be a problem with the ground water or drinking


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Water is essential for life. Generally speaking, a human can go without food for about three weeks, but typically would perish without water after just three to four days.

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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 11

THE BASICS OF LYME DISEASE Courtesy of Metro Editorial Lyme disease poses a threat to millions of people across the globe. The misconception that Lyme disease is exclusive to the United States, and the northeastern portion of the country in particular, is understandable. Hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year, but the 2017 U.S. Geological Survey found that 95 percent of those cases are in the northeast, mid-Atlantic or northern midwest regions. In spite of that, no one is immune to

Lyme disease, regardless of where they live. The World Health Organization notes that, in addition to the United States, there are foci of Lyme borreliosis in forested areas of Asian and in northwestern, central and eastern Europe, proving that Lyme disease is a global issue. With that in mind, it behooves everyone to take steps to understand Lyme disease and how to reduce their risk of getting it. What is Lyme disease? According to, an online resource


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12 | HEALTH BEAT 2020


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that supports science-based advocacy, Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium known as Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme disease can affect any organ of the body, and it is often misdiagnosed because it tends to mimic symptoms of other diseases. Lyme disease may be misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and even psychiatric illnesses like depression. Such misdiagnoses can delay treatment of the underlying infection. How do I get Lyme disease? The majority of Lyme disease patients get the disease from the bite of a nymphal tick. Nymphs are immature forms of ticks that are very small, typically the size of a poppy seed, according to Lymedisease. org. The bites are painless and, when coupled with the size of nymphal ticks, that increases the likelihood that people will not even realize they’ve been bitten. Ticks can stay attached to the body for several days, feeding all the while. notes that the longer the tick stays attached, the more likely it will transmit the Lyme and other pathogens into the bloodstream of the person it’s attached to.

How can I safeguard myself against Lyme disease? The Global Lyme Alliance, which funds research aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating tick-borne illnesses, notes that practicing tick bite prevention habits is the best way to prevent Lyme disease. Through its ÒBe Tick AWAREÓ campaign, the GLA urges people to follow these simple steps to reduce their risk for Lyme disease: • Avoid high tick traffic areas, like tall grass and leaf piles. • Wear proper clothing, including long pants, sleeves and socks. Avoid walking in grass barefoot or in open sandals, even when grass has been cut short. • Apply tick repellent approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. • Remove clothing upon entering your home, tossing clothing into the dryer at high temperatures for 10 to 15 minutes to kill live ticks. Note that the GLA says putting clothes into the washer will not kill live ticks. • Examine yourself for ticks every day. No one is immune to Lyme disease, regardless of where they live. Recognizing that and take protective measures can help people lower their risk for Lyme disease.

HOW TO BE SAFE IN THE SUN Courtesy of Metro Editorial A relaxing day outdoors soaking up some of the sun’s rays is how many people prefer to spend their free time when the weather allows. While the very vision of a warm summer afternoon spent outdoors can invoke positive feelings, it’s important that people take protective measures before going outside and continue to do so while they’re out there. According to the American Cancer Society, most skin cancers are the result of exposure to ultraviolet rays in sunlight. UV rays are a type of radiation that do not have enough energy to penetrate deeply into the body. As a result, they primarily affect the skin. Overexposure to these rays can lead to skin cancer. Protection from UV rays The ACS notes that there are no safe UV rays, so it’s imperative that people take UV protection seriously. The following are some of the many ways to protect yourself while still enjoying sunny days outdoors. • Go out at the right times of day. The ACS notes that UV rays are at their strongest in the middle of the day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so staying inside during these hours can protect your skin. This is especially important in the spring and summer, as the ACS says UV rays are stronger during these seasons than other times of year.

• Employ the shadow test when going outside. It may not seem especially scientific, but the shadow test is a simple way for anyone to gauge how strong UV rays from the sun are at any given moment. According to the ACS, if your shadow is shorter than you, that means the sun’s rays are at their strongest. This simple test can help people immediately determine how strong the sun’s rays are, compelling them to be extra cautious if necessary. • Apply sunscreen early and reapply often. The ACS recommends using sunscreens with broad spectrum protection that protect the skin from both UVA and UVB rays, and applying them before leaving the house and reapplying often while outdoors. When choosing a sunscreen, choose one with a minimum sun protection factor, or SPF, of 30. Understanding SPF can help people recognize the importance of reapplication. When an SPF 30 product is applied correctly, a person gets the equivalent of one minute of UVB ray exposure for each 30 minutes he or she spends in the sun. So one hour in the sun wearing SPF 30 sunscreen is the same as spending two minutes totally unprotected. Reapplying SPF 30 sunscreen often can ensure you are protected at all times.

ears, and scalp. Choose a hat with a dark, non-reflective underside, as such a hat can lower the amount of UV rays that reach the face

from reflective surfaces such as water. Sun protection is important year-round, and especially so during spring and summer.



• Wear a hat. Hats with a brim that is at least two to three inches all around protects vulnerable areas such as the eyes, forehead, nose,

HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 13


14 | HEALTH BEAT 2020

CANCER WARNING SIGNS Courtesy of Metro Editorial No one is immune to cancer, which the World Health Organization notes is the second leading cause of death across the globe. Though cancer is responsible for more than nine million deaths per year, the WHO notes that many cases of cancer are preventable. The WHO estimates that one-third of deaths from cancer are due to five behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption. People who smoke, drink to excess and/or eat unhealthy diets can greatly reduce their risk for cancer and the likelihood that they will join the millions of cancer patients who die from the disease each year. Learning the warning signs for cancer is another way people can reduce the likelihood that they will die from cancer. Cancer Research UK notes that cancers diagnosed at

early stages are more likely to be treated successfully than those that are in the later stages. Late-stage cancers have typically spread beyond their origination point, making treatment more difficult and survival less likely. Early detection of cancer is vital to survival. For instance, Cancer Research UK notes that more than nine in 10 bowel cancer patients will survive their disease for more than five years if diagnosed at the earliest stage. The five-year survival rates are similar for Metro Editorial breast cancer and ovarian cancer patients whose Maintaining an ongoing dialogue with your physician is a great diseases are diagnosed in way to detect cancer in its earliest stages, which is when the disease is most treatable. their earliest stages. By learning some of the common warning signs of cancer, people can increase the likelihood of early detection, greatly improving their chances of surviving this potentially deadly disease. Each type of cancer has its own unique symptoms, and




continued on page 23

DR. KLEMP OPTOMETRY Rainbow Dance Theatre


Saturday, February 22 at 2:00 PM The Jones Theatre, WSU in Pullman

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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 15

FIVE BIG HEALTH THREATS FOR MEN Courtesy of Metro Editorial

for certain health conditions than others. Among the 15 top causes of death, men lead women in all of them, except for Alzheimer’s disease, according to WebMD.

Many men do not feel the need to visit a doctor unless there is something that is causing problems that can no longer be ignored. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says men are 33 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year. By the time men see a physician, the window of opportunity to screen for early health problems may already have passed, and now it becomes essential to treat complications of a disease.

1. Cardiovascular disease: The American Heart Association says more than one in three adult men have a form of cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure is a major concern and stroke affects more than three million men. Changing one’s diet, exercising and getting routine health examinations can go a long way toward preventing the onset of heart disease.

Men are at a higher risk




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16 | HEALTH BEAT 2020

2. Liver disease: High levels of alcohol and tobacco use among men can put them at a risk for diseases of the liver, such as cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease. Globally, cirrhosis caused more than 1.3 million deaths in 2017, two-thirds of which were men. And experts at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine say hepatitis B and excessive use of alcohol are notoriously high in men, contributing to liver issues. In addition, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is especially prevalent among obese individuals, can contribute to cirrhosis. 3. Respiratory diseases: COPD and other respiratory conditions can lead to life-threatening conditions. The American Lung Association says more men are now being diagnosed with lung cancer than in years past. Smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer.

4. Depression: Men can experience depression and suicidal thoughts. Researchers at The National Institute of Mental Health estimate that at least six million men in the United States suffer from depressive disorders, including suicidal thoughts, each year. Men may exhibit different symptoms of depression, such as fatigue and irritability, than women. Although more women are likely to attempt suicide, men are more likely to die by suicide. Anyone who needs help is urged to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. 5. Unintentional injuries: Risky behaviors, such as driving recklessly, can lead to injuries and accidents. In 2016, unintentional injuries were the third most common cause of death in men above the age of 20, according to the CDC. Men need to assess their risks for various medical conditions and take charge of their personal well-being.

MIGRAINES DIFFER FROM OTHER TYPES OF HEADACHES Courtesy of Metro Editorial Migraine sufferers are adept at recognizing when migraines begin to form. Many people only find relief after spending several hours lying down in pitch-black rooms. Calling a migraine a headache is somewhat misleading, as migraines produce an assortment of symptoms and may not feature pain at all. The Mayo Clinic says sinus headaches, which occur

with sinus infections or symptoms like congestion and facial pressure, sometimes are mistaken for migraines. But migraines often are much more menacing than sinus headaches. Migraines stand alone because they are often intense and severe and have other symptoms in addition to head pain, states Healthline. Symptoms associated with migraines include: • pain behind one eye or ear • temple pain

WHAT A ‘FATTY LIVER’ MEANS Courtesy of Metro Editorial Men are at an elevated risk for cirrhosis. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation says twice as many men as women are dying from liver cirrhosis, which annually causes more than 1.3 million deaths in the United Sates, two-thirds of which are men. While hepatitis B and alcohol-related liver disease are the biggest contributors to cirrhosis, another factor is emerging. Men who have fatty livers also need to be concerned by cirrhosis. The National Institutes of Health says fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common in many parts of the world, affecting 25 percent of the population. Fatty liver disease occurs when too much fat builds up in liver cells. The liver is considered fatty if more than 5 percent of it is

comprised of fat, according to Healthline. Several factors contribute to the formation of fatty liver disease. WebMD says fatty liver can be nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcohol-related fatty liver disease or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Causes of fatty liver disease include alcohol consumption, obesity, excess belly fat, insulin resistance from type 2 diabetes, high intake of refined carbohydrates, and impaired gut health. The Mayo Clinic says NAFLD is the most common form of chronic liver disease in the United States. While NAFLD can be reversible with certain lifestyle modifications, some individuals go on to develop non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, an


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2. Aura phase: Auras are sensory disturbances that occur before or during a migraine. Auras can affect vision, hearing, touch, or speech. 3. Headache phase: If pain appears, sufferers are in the headache phase. Pain may range from mild to debilitating. It’s important to note people can have a • seeing spots or migraine without head pain. flashing lights The American Migraine • nausea Foundation notes that silent • sensitivity to light or acephalgic migraine is a and/or sound type of migraine that can • temporary vision loss be very alarming. During • vomiting these types of migraines, Changes in brain activity one experiences dizzying can affect blood flow in the aura and other visual disturbrain and surrounding tissues bances and nausea, but no that contribute to migraine head pain. symptoms. That’s what 4. Postdromal phase: makes migraines more than This is when the migraine just severe head pain. pain has subsided. People Penn Medicine states may feel tired and unwell that migraines occur in four during this phase. different phases. Migraines generally have 1. Prodome phase: triggers. Finding the cause This pre-headache phase can help sufferers avoid includes painless symptoms these triggers and tame that can occur days or hours the severity or frequency of before the migraine. Mood migraines. Allergies, hormonswings, stiffness in the neck al changes, family history, and food cravings are some changes in weather, certain of these symptoms. aromas, and lack of sleep can contribute to migraines.


FAST & EASY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE! • Friendly, Personal Service ROSAUERS / • Low Prescription Prices Every Day • Preferred Providers for PHARMACY Most Insurance Plans 322 Thain Road, Lewiston - (208) 743-6511 411 N Main Street, Moscow • (208) 882-0900

HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 17

AVOID INJURY DURING WORKOUTS Courtesy of Metro Editorial Any time is a great time to get in shape. People with more time on their hands due to stay-at-home restrictions may want to begin an exercise regimen right away. When proper form is followed, exercise can be highly effective. However, failing to exercise properly can result in injuries that sidetrack fitness plans. Exercise is a significant component of a healthy lifestyle. The U.S. Surgeon General, the Institute of Medicine, the American Heart Association, and the

American College of Sports Medicine all say that daily physical activity is necessary, but recommendations from these groups vary in regard to how much exercise is best. Harvard Medical School says most people should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise or 15 minutes of intense exercise a day. As important as duration of exercise can be, proper form is a must. The following are some ways to avoid injury while exercising. • Consult with your doctor. Speak with a doctor before beginning an exer-



cise regimen, especially if it has been some time since you last exercised. A physician will tell you if there are certain workouts or activities you should avoid, or give you a green light. Discuss exercise each time you get a physical.

gradually can help prevent some of these injuries. Choosing non-impact exercises, such as swimming, or using an elliptical machine, can be helpful if you have a preexisting condition like arthritis or osteoporosis or a history of injury.

• Consider a personal trainer. Many people do not know where to start their exercise journeys. A personal trainer can help you begin safely and structure a fitness plan that becomes more challenging as your body acclimates to exercise. Personal trainers also can hold you accountable. Many trainers work independently and may offer guidance remotely through services like Skype, FaceTime or Zoom.

• Warm up. Don’t start workouts cold. Spend several minutes stretching and gradually increasing your heart rate.

• Begin slowly. Harvard Medical School experts say that sprains, muscle strains, tendinitis, knee injuries, and rotator cuff tears are some of the more common exerciseand sports-related injuries. Slowly wading into the water and building up intensity

18 | HEALTH BEAT 2020

• Exercise caution when lifting weights. Get instructed on the proper form for lifting weights, as there is a risk for serious injury when not following form. Spotters are key when lifting heavy weights or if you’re jittery after an intense routine. Ask a friend or family member to spot you any time you’re doing strength training. This can prevent injuries and emergencies. Novices need to learn the ropes when they begin to exercise for the first time or after a long pause in physical activity.


continued from page 11

water in their area or who notices a change in water odor, color and taste can request more information. One place to start is with a Consumer Confidence Report. Most people on municipal water should receive an annual water quality report called a CCR, or Consumer


continued from page 17

aggressive form of fatty liver disease. NASH can progress to advanced liver scarring (cirrhosis) and liver failure Ñ damage similar to the effects of heavy alcohol use. By and large NAFLD does not cause any noticeable symptoms. Doctors may discover the condition only during routine lab work on patients’ blood samples. Should NAFLD progress to


continued from page 8

The CDC defines obesity as a body mass index, or BMI, at or above the 95th percentile of the CDC’s sex-specific BMI-for-age growth charts.

Confidence Report, states Consumer Reports. People who rent or didn’t receive one can contact their local water supplier or their landlords. Testing can be initiated by contacting one’s local health department, which may provide free private well or drinking water testing, advises the Environmental Protection Agency. NASH, abdominal swelling, enlarged spleen, red palms, and yellowing of the skin and eyes can occur. In addition to cirrhosis, NAFLD is linked to a risk of other diseases, including kidney and heart disease. It is essential that all people, and especially men, take their liver health seriously. Men can speak with their doctors about their risk for fatty liver disease and cirrhosis during routine health exams.

lack of portion control, to help obese youngsters lose weight. Focus on consuming fewer calories each day while increasing nutrient intake if previous diets were low on fruits and vegetables.

Homeowners also can reach out to a state-certified laboratory to test drinking water. These organizations can provide the most accurate results. Call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. People also can buy test kits from their local home centers or online. These tests come with a package of


continued from page 11

can be symptomatic of arthritis, especially if the stiffness lasts an hour or longer.

Parents can help set positive examples about healthy eating and exercise by incorporating healthy habits into their daily routines and encouraging kids to join in.

• Change dietary habits. Entire families may need to change some of their dietary habits, such as poor food choices and

Obesity is prevalent among children, but it can be overcome with diligence on the part of parents and youngsters.

Testing drinking water can alert to potential problems and compel homeowners to take action regarding contaminated water.

of bed. People who experience such difficulty may have arthritis.

People who recognize any of these warning signs should report them to their 4. Difficulty moving a joint physicians immediately. Be as specific as possible when The Arthritis Foundation notes that people should not describing these symptoms, experience difficulty moving, as specificity can help physicians design the most effecsuch as when getting out tive course of treatment.



pting Acce ew N s! nt Patie

• Help kids change their behaviors. Children also Treating obesity begins may need to modify bewith changing behaviors. haviors if they routinely turn The following lifestyle chang- to food for stress relief or to es may be effective. quell boredom. • Place a greater emphasis on daily physical activity. Eschewing devices for physical activity can help children get off the couch and lose weight.

strips that contain reactants that change color to indicate the presence of various contaminants in the water. Keep in mind that quality control may vary, and that tests can give false readings.

• Foot & Ankle Issues • Hammer Toes • Bunions • Ingrown Toenails



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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 19


weeks in a skilled rehabilitation facility or nursing home.

A trip to the hospital can sometimes take the most attentive families and patients out of their comfort zone. Even with the smallest of setbacks, we anticipate our loved ones to recover quickly and return home. You might not expect a change in medications, the need to regain prior function, or assistance from a medical professional to manage a new diagnosis. It is important to carefully consider all options for a full recovery, even if that option might include a few

Today, more nursing homes are specializing in rehabilitation services, a short-term program provided for those who need treatment from a licensed nurse and specialized therapy team. Our once traditional nursing home is now an innovative facility where a patient can receive customized care to assist in returning to their prior independence. Nursing staff are available 24/7 to assist with daily needs and therapy sessions are scheduled five to seven days per

week. Discharge planning starts the day of admission and includes therapy, nursing and social services. This extensive planning ensures a safe and smooth return home. Medicare may cover a short-stay up to 100 days depending on your status and length of stay at the hospital. Check with local facilities to discuss your specific insurance benefits and coverage. Tour these facilities and meet their staff and residents. Learn about their rehabilitation program and their care outcomes. There should always be a plan in your back pocket to ensure you return to your best health and a trusted skilled nursing facility could be your best partner in getting you there.



20 | HEALTH BEAT 2020


continued from page 7

• Is this a group practice? If so, how often will my child see our preferred pediatrician? And who covers for the doctors during vacations or times when the preferred pediatrician is out of the office? • What are the short notice visitation policies? These policies will indicate how accessible a pediatrician is when children develop spur-of-the-moment issues like colds, sore throats, etc. Many parents prefer practices that have daily walk-in hours. • Which insurance does the practice accept? When interviewing pediatricians, parents should not hesitate to ask any questions they have. A good pediatrician will welcome all questions and patiently answer each one.


WHY PATIENTS MAY FACE ISSUES AFTER RECOVERY Courtesy of Metro Editorial A cancer diagnosis can be a life-changing moment marked by uncertainty. As patients and their families prepare for treatment, they may not know what to expect, though it’s important to remember that the five-year survival rates for many types of cancer have risen dramatically over the last several decades. A remission or recovery from cancer can bring about great happiness and relief. However, for some people, it may be the beginning of another set of hurdles, particularly if treatment involved time spent in intensive care. According to the Cleveland Clinic, anyone who survives a critical illness that warranted admission to an intensive care unit may be susceptible to a condition called post-intensive care syndrome, or PICS. PICS is a series of physical, mental and emotional symptoms that persist after a patient leaves the ICU. Medical professionals have recently begun to delve further into tracking patients and their recoveries, especially long-term outcomes of survivors of critical illnesses. The Cleveland Clinic says that, even as the rate of ICU survival has improved, patients do not always return to their previous levels of function, noting it can take anywhere from weeks to even years to get back

to normal. The Society of Critical Care Medicine offers that PICS symptoms can include thoughts or feelings that affect emotional well-being and ICU-acquired muscle weakness. The SCCM says 33 percent of patients on ventilators, 50 percent of all patients admitted with severe sepsis and up to 50 percent of patients who stay in the ICU for at least one week will experience PICS. Some with PICS may have memory issues, trouble solving problems, issues speaking, and difficulties working on complex tasks. Anywhere from 30 to 80 percent of those who have been in the ICU may experience these kinds of problems. The health resource After the ICU states that PICS can contribute to mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and nightmares/ trouble sleeping. Health professionals believe that PICS occurs due to the intense, often stressful level of treatment in the ICU. The Cleveland Clinic says the use of life-sustaining equipment as well as medicines geared toward managing pain that can cause sedation or other mind-altering effects may result in PICS. Doctors will use various cognitive


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continued on page 22

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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 21

SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE ALLERGIC TO YOUR MEDICATION Courtesy of Metro Editorial Medicine helps billions of people across the globe stay healthy. Medicines are used to treat existing illnesses and reduce a patient’s risk of developing others. As effective as medicines can be, no two humans are the same, so medications that may help one person could prove harmful to another. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology notes that all medications can cause side effects, but only 5 to 10 percent of adverse reactions are due to allergies. Allergic

reactions begin in the immune system, which controls how the human body defends itself. If a person is allergic to a certain type of medication, his or her immune system identifies the drug as an invader or allergen and it can respond in various ways. The AAAAI notes that the most common immune response to medication is a result of the expansion of T cells. These cells identify the drug as foreign and create a delayed immune response that most often affects the skin.


While allergic reactions to medications may not be very common, the AAAAI says that such reactions can be life-threatening. That highlights the importance of learning the signs of allergic reactions. Symptoms of drug allergies The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology advises anyone who experiences these symptoms while taking medication to speak with their physicians, including an allergist, immediately: • Skin rash or hives • Itching • Wheezing or other breathing problems • Swelling • Anaphylaxis

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go into shock. Even people who have already administered epinephrine, the drug used to treat severe allergic reactions, should visit an emergency room immediately at the first sign of anaphylaxis, which may include trouble breathing, tightness of the throat, hoarse voice, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and dizziness. Rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, a feeling of doom, cardiac arrest, and fainting are some additional signs of anaphylaxis. According to the AAAAI, most anaphylactic reactions occur within one hour of taking a medication or receiving an injection of the medication. However, such reactions also can take place hours after a medication has been taken. Antibiotics are the most common cause of anaphylaxis, but the AAAAI notes that recent research has shown that chemotherapy drugs and monoclonal antibodies also can induce anaphylaxis.

People take medicine to feel better, but sometimes their bodies and certain Anaphylaxis is a rare but medications are not a severe allergic reaction that match. As a result, people can occur suddenly and must be vigilant when taking quickly worsen. Symptoms of medications for the first time, allergic reactions to medicapaying particular attention tion are not often life-threatto how their bodies react. ening, but anaphylaxis can More information about be deadly. The ACAAI notes allergic reactions to medithat anaphylaxis occurs cation is available at when an over-release of chemicals forces a person to

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22 | HEALTH BEAT 2020 Call to schedule your tour


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mental and cognitive issues associated with PICS.

Post-intensive care syndrome can be a side effect of intensive care treatment. Individuals or caregivers who recognize symptoms should discuss them with their physicians.

MENTAL HEALTH IS IMPORTANT By Ashley D. Blake Royal Plaza Health & Rehab

During this unsure and unprecedented time Royal Plaza remains committed to our residents and their continued health. The impact of COVID-19 on our resident’s mental health has been significant and far reaching. Residents and their family members are experiencing unprecedented levels of loneliness and depression as the support they typically rely on, like organized activities and visit from friends and family, are no longer available. Here at Royal Plaza mental health is very important to us and we are taking every measure possible in order to ensure residents can connect to family members face-to-face via various technology based options. We encourage all family members and friends to regularly send cards & old family photos,


call your loved ones as often as possible, and participate in window visits. Variety paired with regular contact can help mitigate monotony, isolation, and uncertainty. Our activity departments are focusing on providing stimulating and interactive activities for the residents. These activities include bingo, trivia, exercise classes, outside time, nail care, coffee & doughnuts, a daily chronicle, and multiple van rides throughout the community for small groups of residents. The mental health status of our staff can also have a direct impact on the mental health of our residents. We ensure staff has access to employee assistance programs, local resources for emotional support, and access to other communities and groups that can help our staff manage anxiety and depression during the pandemic.

• Change in bowel or bladder habits continued from page 15 • A sore that does not heal • Unusual bleeding people with family histoor discharge ries of cancer are urged • Thickening or lump in to discuss those histories the breast or elsewhere with their physicians so they can learn the warning • Indigestion or difficulty swallowing signs of the specific can• Obvious change in cers that may run in their a wart or mole families. In addition to such discussions, men and wom- • Nagging cough or hoarseness en can keep an eye out for these symptoms, which the More information about Cleveland Clinic notes are cancer is available at some of the more general indicators of cancer.


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HEALTH BEAT 2020 | 23


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