Palouse Seniors, Spring 2014

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February | 2014

Eyes on health

what your eyes can tell doctors

Advertising Supplement | Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Also Inside:

Nutrition and aging • Exercise after 50 Managing your Money • Tips for retirees traveling abroad

Eyes on health: P

Metro Editorial

eople who have been putting off eye examinations may want to call their opthalmologists to schedule an appointment. That’s because vision checkups can do more than protect your eyes. By examining the eyes, doctors may have a window into health problems affecting other areas of the body. Researchers recently discovered a link between detected retinal amyloid plaques and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. While evidence was found in lab mice, autopsies of at least eight Alzheimer’s disease patients have also shown amyloid plaques, which are known to interfere with memory and other mental functions, present in the retinas. Doctors at Cedars-Sinai Hospital

in Los Angeles, Calif., are gearing up for larger studies of humans to determine if an Alzheimer’s imaging technique can be perfected. Dementia is not the only thing that doctors may be able to detect through an eye exam. Jaundice in the whites of the eyes may indicate liver disease, and early warning signs of diabetes may be detectable in the eyes. The American Academy of Opthalmology says the eye is the only place where doctors can see veins, arteries and a nerve without surgery, and eye examinations are increasingly being relied on to gauge overall health. The following are a few additional conditions that may be detected through the eyes.

What your eyes can tell doctors

dark under-eye circles. While this can be a sign of aging, dark circles, sometimes referred to as “allergic shiners,” also may indicate certain allergies. When clogged sinuses cause a blockage of blood flow in the nasal passages around the eye, darkness may result. This symptom in conjunction with persistent nasal congestion could be a sure sign of allergies.

High cholesterol The presence of bumpy, yellowish patches on the eyelid, known as xanthelasma palpebra, is a warning sign of high cholesterol, which is often initially diagnosed during a routine eye exam.


Metro Editorial

Patients may be referred to an allergy specialist if they exhibit

See Eyes Page 3

Certain medical conditions can be detected early during routine eye examinations.

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Nutrition and aging go hand-in-hand utrition is important for people of all ages, but it’s especially important for men and women over the age of 50, who can dramatically improve their quality of life by eating a well-balanced diet filled with vitamins and nutrients. Though that may seem like common sense, research has shown that men and women in this age group, who are often referred to as “Baby Boomers,” are not necessarily as healthy as they may seem. While the baby boomer generation, which is generally regarded as those people born between 1946 and 1964, boasts longer life expectancies than any generation that came before them, some of that can likely be chalked up to advancements in medical care, including a booming pharmaceutical industry that seemingly has an antidote to every ailment. But a 2013 study from researchers at the West Virginia University School of Medicine found that baby boomers are less healthy than the generation that immediately preceded them, tending to be more likely to have

higher levels of hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. While that news might be sobering, it’s never too late for men and women over 50 to start eating healthier diets, which can reduce their risk of a wide range of ailments, including heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. The following are a few ways men and women over 50 can alter their diets so their bodies are getting what they need to live long and healthy lives well into their golden years. As is always the case, men and women should discuss any potential changes to their diets with their physicians to ensure the changes will be both effective and healthy. l Balance your diet. Kids hear of the benefits of a balanced diet seemingly from the moment they enter a classroom for the first time, but many adults fail to heed that basic advice as they get further and further away from kindergarten. When changing your diet, be sure to include plenty of protein and carbohydrates. Protein maintains and rebuilds muscles, which is especially important for aging men and women who might find themselves unable to keep up with the physical demands of ev-


elsewhere, but is much more visible in the brows.

from Page 2

Clogged arteries


Blockages in the smaller veins in the retina may indicate clogs caused by arterial plaque. This will show up as a retinal occlusion in a visual exam. If blood vessels in the eyes are blocked, clogged arteries may be present elsewhere in the body, so a cardiology workup may be ordered.


Metro Editorial

Some cancer metastases can be detected during an eye exam. The presence of a bump or brown spot on the eyelid also may be indicative of skin cancer. Many malignant eyelid tumors are basal-cell carcinoma. If the spot is brown, it’s more likely to be malignant melanoma.

Thyroid issues When the outer one-third of the brow (the part closest to the ear) begins to disappear on its own, this is a common sign of thyroid disease. The thyroid helps regulate metabolism, and thyroid hormones are essential to hair production. Hair loss may occur

Bell’s palsy The inability to close one eye or to control tear production in that eye may be a sign of Bell’s palsy. This is a condition of the nervous system that controls facial muscles, causing temporary paralysis in one side of the face. Sometimes Bell’s palsy follows a viral or bacterial infection.

eryday life as well as they used to. Including ample low-fat protein, which can be found in fish, eggs and low-fat dairy among other foods, will aid in muscle recovery, benefitting aging athletes as well as those men and women over 50 who recently started exercising as a means to regaining their physical fitness. A diet lacking in sufficient protein can contribute to muscle deterioration, arthritis and even organ failure, so it’s important for men and women to prioritize including protein in their diets. Carbohydrates are also an important part of a balanced diet, as they are a great source of energy that can help men and women stay active well past the age of 50. Carbohydrates found in fruits, grains and vegetables are the most beneficial, as these contain valuable vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Metro Editorial

Dairy is a great source of calcium, which promotes strong bones and teeth.

See Nutrition Page 6


Health n a m h it

and Rehabilitati

on C ent


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Exercise and aging Addressing common concerns about exercise after 50 xercise is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Including exercise in your daily routine can lower your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and exercise can even sharpen mental acuity, reduce anxiety and improve mood. But as beneficial as exercise can be, many men and women, particularly men and women over the age of 50, who

have not laced up their sneakers in years are hesitant to begin an exercise regimen for a variety of reasons, potentially putting their long-term health at risk. Regardless of a person’s age, beginning a new exercise regimen can be intimidating. But it’s especially so for men and women over the age of 50, who might not know where to begin or how to approach adopting a healthier lifestyle. According to the National Institute on Aging, the

Metro Editorial

Exercising after 50 is a great way for men and women to improve their energy levels and manage many existing medical conditions. following are a few points men and women should know as they attempt to improve their physical

fitness with a more active lifestyle. l Exercise is safe even if you have not been physically active in a long time. Many older men and women worry that suddenly embracing physical fitness after

years of inactivity may be detrimental to their health. But that’s only true if men and women don’t exercise caution at the outset of their routines. When beginning the routine, take things very

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slowly at first, choosing to walk or bike every day rather than hitting the treadmill and adjusting it to maximum resistance. When strength training, start off with very little weight so your muscles can grow acclimated to the motions and you can get the exercises down pat. As you grow more comfortable and your body starts to feel more up to the challenges of daily exercise, you can begin to gradually alter your cardiovascular and strength training workouts to make them more challenging. l Exercise can make existing medical conditions more manageable. Men and women over the age of 50 who have preexisting medical conditions are likely to find that exercise alleviates rather than exacerbates their physical problems. The NIA notes that studies have shown that regular exercise and physical activity can benefit people with arthritis, high blood pressure and heart disease. But it’s still recommended that men and women with preexisting medical conditions consult with their physicians before making any lifestyle changes. Some conditions may affect a person’s ability to be active, and it’s best to get the go-ahead from a physician before beginning an exercise regimen. Doctors may even suggest certain activities that have been known to alleviate particular conditions. l Exercise reduces fatigue, so sitting around to preserve strength is not effective. Exercise improves strength and energy levels, so sitting on the sideline to preserve your strength is counterproduc-

tive and could lead to serious medical problems. The “Report on Physical Activity and Health� from the U.S. Surgeon General’s office noted that men and women who are inactive are almost twice as likely to develop heart disease as those who are more active. While getting adequate rest and giving your body ample time recover from physical activity is essential, your body won’t benefit by avoiding exercise to preserve your strength. However, even moderate physical activity performed on a regular basis can reduce fatigue. l No one is too old to exercise. It’s not uncommon for men and women in their golden years to think they are too old to exercise. Some may feel that their toned down workouts cannot possibly be making much of an impact thanks to the physical limitations old age has put on their bodies, while others may think it’s unwise for someone in their 70s or 80s to be physically active. But no one is too old to exercise, as exercise helps the body stay strong and fit even when you can no longer max out on the bench press or squat hundreds of pounds. Scaling back your exercise routine will be necessary as you get older, but that does not mean you cannot still enjoy and benefit from physical activity. Continuing to exercise as you age is a great way to improve your quality of life and stay as active as possible well into your golden years.

Managing your money after 50 I

Metro Editorial

nvestors know that money management can be difficult. The ebb and flow of the economy can be similar to a roller coaster, with soaring highs followed by steep drops, and those changes all affect investors’ bottom lines. It’s no wonder then that many investors over 50 envision the day when they can get off that roller coaster and simply enjoy their money without having to worry about the everyday ups and downs of the market. But managing money after 50 is about more than just reducing risk. Reducing risk as retirement draws near is a sound financial strategy that can safeguard men and women over 50 from the fluctuations of the market That’s See Money Page 6

Metro Editorial

Managing money after 50 is about more than just reducing risk.

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Money from Page 5 true whether investors put their money in stocks, real estate or other areas that were not immune to the ups and downs of the economy. But there are additional steps men and women can take after they turn 50 to ensure their golden years are as enjoyable and financially sound as possible. l Prioritize saving for retirement. Men and women over 50 know that retirement is right around the corner. Despite that, many people over 50 still have not prioritized saving for retirement. It’s understandable that other obligations, be it paying kids’ college tuition or offering financial assistance to aging parents, may seem more immediate, but men and women over 50 should recognize that their time to save for retirement is rapidly dwindling. Just because you are retired does not mean your bills will magically disappear. In fact, some of those bills, such as the cost of medical care, are likely to increase. So now

is the time to make retirement a priority if you have not already done so. It might be nice to finance a child’s college education, but that should not be done at the expense of your retirement nest egg. Kids have a lifetime ahead of them to repay college loans, while adults over 50 do not have that much time to save for retirement. l Start making decisions. People retire at different times in their lives. Some people want to keep working as long as they are physically and mentally capable of doing so, while others want to reap what their lifetime of hard work has sewn and retire early. Finances will likely play a strong role in when you can comfortably retire, so start making decisions about your long-term future. Do you intend to stay in your current home or downsize to a smaller home? Will you stay in your current area or move elsewhere? These decisions require a careful examination of your finances, and many will hinge on how well you have managed your money in the past and how well you manage it in the years ahead. Managing money after 50 requires more

than just allocating resources. Sound money management after 50 also means making decisions about your future and taking the necessary steps to ensure those decisions come to fruition. l Pay down debt. Men and women over 50 are not often associated with debt, but that’s a misconception. Thanks in part to the recession that began in 2008 and led to high unemployment, many people in the baby boomer generation, which includes people born between the years 1946 and 1964, went back to school to make themselves more attractive to prospective employers. While that might have been a sound decision, it left many deeply in debt. According to a 2013 report from the Chronicle of Higher Educa-

tion, student loan debt is growing fastest among people over 60, and that debt is not inconsequential. In fact, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported in 2013 that the average student loan debt of those over the age of 60 who still owe money is more than $19,000, a considerable increase from 2005, when the average debt was $11,000. Men and women over 50 who are still carrying debt should eliminate consumer debt first, as such debt tends to be accompanied by higher interest rates than mortgages and student loan debt. Paying down debt can help reduce stress, improve your quality of life and free up money for living and recreational expenses once you retire. l Examine your insurance

Reducing risk as retirement draws near is a sound financial strategy that can safeguard men and women over 50 from the

fluctuations of the market


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policies. Your approach to insurance should change as you get closer to retirement. For example, you want to maximize your liability insurance on homeowners and auto insurance policies. This ensures the money you have set aside for retirement won’t be going to a third party should you be at-fault in an auto accident or if someone suffers an injury at your home. Experts recommend liability insurance be substantial for men and women over 50, with some suggesting it be as high as twice your net worth. If it wasn’t already, securing long-term disability insurance should be a priority once you have turned 50. A sudden accident or illness at 55 that prevents you from working could prove devastating to your financial future if you do not have disability insurance. Some employers offer long-term disability, though many people are left to secure policies on their own. Regardless of how you get your disability insurance, make sure you have it and that it provides adequate coverage should you succumb to an illness or injury and be unable to work.

on sodium intake takes more than just throwing the salt shaker away. Processed foods, soups, canned from Page 3 goods, salad dressings, condiments such as mustard and ketchup, l Don’t denounce dairy. Dairy is a great source of calcium, and breakfast cereals are just a few of the many products that which promotes strong bones may contain alarming amounts of and teeth. Men and women over sodium. That’s important to note, the age of 50 want their bones to as excess sodium increases blood be as strong as possible because pressure by holding excess fluid in aging is one of the strongest the body. That excess fluid puts risk factors for osteoporosis, a an added burden on the heart, potentially debilitating medical potentially increasing a person’s condition in which loss of tissue risk of stroke, heart failure, causes bones to become brittle osteoporosis, cancer, and kidney and fragile. Vitamin D is necessary to effectively absorb calcium, disease. The problem with cutting back on sodium is that salt is so and vitamin D can be found in often relied on to make foods taste certain dairy products, including better, and many people find saltpasture-raised eggs and grass-fed free foods bland. But the rewards cow’s milk, and can be generated when men and women get enough of reducing sodium intake are so sunlight. Other healthy sources of significant that it’s worth making the adjustment, especially for men vitamin D include salmon, light and women over the age of 50. tuna packed in oil, sardines, and No one is too old or too young sun-grown mushrooms. l Cut back on sodium intake. to embrace a nutritious diet. But men and women over the age of Cutting back on sodium intake 50 are in a unique position to can be very beneficial, especially vastly improve their quality of for men and women over the age of 50, who are at greater risk of di- life by adopting a low-sodium diet that is rich in vitamins and abetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease. But cutting back minerals.

Tips for retirees traveling abroad extended trips overseas should purchase an international mobile en and women phone plan that allows them to often dream of use their phones regardless of what jetsetting around country they happen to be in. A the world when they quick text message to a son or retire. Traveling the globe without daughter back home is all it takes worrying about timelines or what’s to let your family know you are going on back at the office is safe and having the time of your something many retirees reward life. Work out a communication themselves with after a life of hard plan with your loved ones back work. home before departing, agreeing As liberating as world travel to contact them via phone call, can be, retirees still must exercise email or Skype at least once per caution when traveling abroad. week for the duration of your trip. The following are a few safety tips This is a good way to share your for retirees who are ready to make experiences and help your relatives their dream retirements a reality rest easy knowing that you are by setting off for parts unknown. safe. l Stay in touch. Escapism l Don’t store all of your imis a big part of the attraction of portant documents in one place. travel for travelers young and old. When traveling overseas, it can But while you may want to avoid be convenient to keep important contact with the outside world items like traveler’s cheques, credit on your travels, it’s still necessary cards, passports, and identification to stay in touch with your loved in one place. However, storing all ones. Retirees who plan to take of your sensitive documents or Metro Editorial


financial items in one place is very risky, as a lost or stolen bag can leave you without identification or access to your funds. When traveling, couples should carry their own passports on their persons and split up credit cards and traveler’s cheques. This way you still have access to your funds, and one of you still has identification should items be lost or stolen. l Do your homework. Unplanned day trips are common among travelers who have been traveling for long periods of time. While such jaunts can add an element of spontaneity to a trip, they also can be quite dangerous if travelers have not done their homework on a particular destination. You do not want to end up in a place where tourists are not welcome or frequent targets of criminals. In addition, you don’t Metro Editorial

See Travel Page 8

As liberating as world travel can be, retirees still must exercise caution when traveling abroad.

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Memory loss is not an automatic side effect of aging


Metro Editorial

o one, regardless of age, is immune to random bouts of memory loss. While misplaced car keys or forgetting items on your grocery list are nothing to get worked up over, many men and women over 50 do start to worry about memory lapses, especially when they start to occur with more frequency than they might have just a few years ago. But while memory loss might be quickly associated with aging, increased forgetfulness is not an inevitable side effect of getting older, a fact that those at or approaching retirement age should find comforting. When considering the rela-

tionship between memory and aging, it’s important that men and women recognize the distinction between memory lapses and dementia, as the two are not one and the same. As a person ages, his or her hippocampus, the region of the brain involved in the formation and retrieval of memories, often deteriorates. This can affect how long it takes to learn and recall information. But just because this process is slower does not mean it’s a warning sign of dementia, which is the loss of certain mental functions, including memory. Though taking longer to recall information can be frustrating, many people still retain their ability to recall information. In addition, while dementia brought

Metro Editorial

Staying socially active after 50 can benefit the brain and even reduce a person’s risk of dementia. on by conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease is untreatable, there are things men and women can do to strengthen their memories and reduce their

momentary lapses in memory. l Start playing games. Games that test the mind have long been believed to benefit the brain, though some remain

skeptical about the true impact of brain games. However, a Uni-


her should you experience a medical emergency. Once you have arrived at your destination, it’s important that you continue to prioritize your health. Make sure the water is safe to drink before taking a sip, and investigate local cuisine to ensure it won’t enflame any existing medical conditions you may have. The quality of medical care varies greatly across the globe, so you must prioritize your health whenever leaving the country and avoid anything that might put your health in jeopardy. l Travel with friends or family if possible. If you have friends or family who also are retirees with time on their hands, organize a group trip abroad. Groups are less likely to be targeted by criminals than couples, and overseas trips with friends or family members can make trips overseas that much more memorable and enjoyable. Overseas travel is a popular goal of men and women on the verge of retirement or those who have already called it a career. But safety must remain a priority when traveling abroad.

from Page 7 want to visit a city or town and know nothing of its customs or etiquette. For example, locals may react negatively to visitors who have ignored accepted local standards for attire. You can still make spontaneous trips, but make sure you gather some background information, be it from the Internet, locals where you are currently staying or the hotel concierge, on a given locale and its customs before visiting. l Make sure your health will not be compromised. Retirees cannot travel in the same manner they did in the carefree days of their youth. Before traveling abroad, visit your physician and get a full physical. Refill any medications you will need during your trip, and speak with your physician about how to handle any medical emergencies while overseas. Carry your physician’s name and telephone number with you at all times, so local medical professionals can contact him or

See Memory Page 9

Things to consider before downsizing your home Metro Editorial


nce their kids have left the nest, many men and women over 50 begin to consider downsizing their homes. Downsizing to a smaller home can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, including less home to clean and maintain, more affordable utility bills and lower property taxes. But


the decision to downsize is rarely black and white, and men and women often struggle with that decision. Perhaps the most difficult part of the decision of whether or not to downsize to a smaller home concerns the sentimental attachment many homeowners, especially those with children, have to their homes. The home might be too big for your current

l Become a social butterfly. Maintaining a social life as you age is a great way to keep in touch from Page 8 with friends and family. But there’s another reason to continue versity of Iowa study funded by to be socially engaged. A 2008 the National Institute on Aging study spearheaded by the clinifound that brain games may in fact pay numerous and long-term cal trials administrative director at Southern California Kaiser dividends. In the study, 681 healthy volunteers over the age of Permanente Medical Group and 40 were divided into four groups. published in the American Journal of Public Health found that older One group played computerized crossword puzzles, and three other women who maintained large social networks were 26 percent groups played a brain training less likely to develop dementia video game from Posit Science designed specifically to enhance than women with smaller social the speed and accuracy of visual networks. In addition, those who processing. The volunteers showed had daily contact with friends and less decline in visual processfamily cut their risk of dementia ing as well as in other tests that by nearly half. The study also measured concentration, memory noted that regular social interacand the ability to shift quickly tion can delay or possibly even between tasks, and the benefits prevent cognitive impairment. from the training games lasted as l Continue your career. long as seven years after training. While the idea of retiring poolside Brain games are now more accesand watching the world go by sible than ever before, as players might seem nice, such a scenario can access such games on their is not necessarily good for your smartphones, tablets, ereaders, brain. Numerous studies have and computers. And in addition shown the benefits that staying to being effective, the games also engaged in professional activities provide entertainment value. can have on brain health. The l Alter your routine. Many brain does not thrive if it’s sitting working professionals recognize on the sideline. Staying active that each day tends to have its in your career will continue to mundane moments. The brain can grow accustomed to these mo- provide the challenges your brain ments, which tend to be a routine needs to stay sharp and avoid memory loss and struggles with part of the day. But altering your concentration. Men and women daily routine can jar the brain who want to leave office life beawake, forcing it to focus during hind can branch out on their own those times that had become and work as consultants or put mundane but now present new their years of experience to use by challenges. Something as simple teaching at a nearby university or as alternating driving routes to work from day to day or preparing secondary school. But heading off for the hammock once you have some new, yet healthy, breakfast hung up your briefcase can prove each morning can help the brain troublesome for your brain. stay alert and sharp.

needs, but it also was the same place where your son took his first steps and where your daughter lost her first tooth. Saying goodbye to a place that was home to so many memories isn’t easy. But there’s more than just sentimental value to consider when deciding whether or not to downsize your home after the kids have grown up and moved out.

Personal finances Your financial situation merits significant consideration when deciding if the time is right to downsize your home. If your retirement nest egg is not as substantial as you would like it to be, then it would seem as though downsizing to a smaller, more affordable home is a great opportunity for you to start catching up on your retirement savings. But that’s only true if your new home won’t incur See Home Page 11

Metro Editorial

Downsizing to a smaller home can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, including less home to clean and maintain, more affordable utility bills and lower property taxes.

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Starting your second act

How to choose your next career birthday, there are steps men and women over 50 can take when he days when profespursuing a new career to ensure sionals would spend their second act is as successful as their entire professional the first. lives with a single firm l Decide what you want, and are largely a thing of the past. In not just what you want to do. The fact, many people not only switch desire to pursue a second career no companies multiple times before doubt stems from more than just retirement, but some even switch dissatisfaction with a current proprofessions before retiring. fession. Many people switch jobs As exciting as it can be to pursue or even careers because they find a new career, men and women over their current careers too demand50 know that such a decision is not ing, leaving little time for family without risk. While younger profes- or hobbies that have nothing to do sionals with few obligations can with work. If what you really want often handle bumps in the road on is more time at home or more time their way to a second career, older to pursue a particular hobby, then professionals making a similar move keep this in mind when looking often must consider the potential for a second career, and make sure effects such a pursuit might have on that career won’t demand too much their families, finances and futures, of your time. For example, if your including their retirements. But as goal in finding a new career is to difficult as it may seem to pursue get more work-life balance, then a second career after your fiftieth starting your own business, which


Metro Editorial

can require long hours at the outset and even after the business has established itself, might not be for you. But if what you want is a more challenging career and to be your own boss, then you will likely find the cost of achieving that goal, even if that cost is more demands on your time, is worth it. l Assess your skillset. Professionals over 50 have lots to offer, but it’s still important for such men and women to make an honest assessment of their skillset and find a career in which those skills are transferable. Some men and women might want to pursue a second career that will make little to no use of their skillset, and that’s perfectly alright. But extra schooling might be necessary in such situations, and going back to school oftentimes See Career Page 11

Metro Editorial

Many men and women over 50 have turned their personal passions into successful second careers.

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can shed light on the inner workings of a particular industry, showing you how things work behind the curtain. from Page 10 Testing the waters may reaffirm your belief that a certain line of work is for requires a considerable commitment of you, or it might send you back to the both time and money. For those who drawing board. Either way, it’s valuable simply want to put their existing skills experience that may reassure you that to use in a different field or environwhatever decision you ultimately make ment, assess those skills and look for is the right one. lines of work in which they figure to l Don’t go it alone. Switching be especially valuable. If there are any careers after 50 carries some risk, but particular aspects of your current job it’s certainly a risk that many before that you want to avoid in the future, you have been willing to take. If you consider that when assessing your skills know any people, be it a friend, family and choosing a second career. Even if member or former or even current colthey don’t know it, established profesleague, who has reinvented themselves sionals over 50 have many transferable professionally, then speak with these skills, and such skills can be a considpeople and ask for any advice they erable asset when pursuing a second might have. If you know you want career, especially when those skills have out of your current career but aren’t been assessed and can be applied to a quite sure of what you want to do new profession. l Make a trial run. Nowhere does next, those who have faced a similar fork in the road may be able to help it say that professionals can’t take a trial you narrow down your options. The run at a second career while still fully notion of changing careers is exciting, engaged in their first career. In fact, and you can expect your personal and testing the waters before you jump in professional confidantes to share your is a good way to gauge your interest in excitement and be willing to help you a potential second career and how well in any way they can. your skillset applies to that field. A trial Making a career change after 50 run, which can be conducted by volun- can be a risky yet ultimately rewarding teering with a nonprofit organization move, especially for those men and or through a part-time job or simply women who take a thoughtful apoffering your services to a company proach to finding their second careers. free of charge in exchange for a chance to learn how the business operates,


new home. The nature of the real estate market depends on a host of factors, including from Page 9 geography. If the city or town where you currently live is in any additional expenses that are the midst of a seller’s market already taken care of in your and you are planning on movcurrent home. For example, ing to a location where buyers your current home may be fully have the upper hand, then now furnished, while a new, smaller might be a great time to move. home may require you to buy But if you currently live in a all new furniture because your buyer’s market and hope to existing items simply won’t fit. move to a seller’s market, then The cost of such furnishings you may end up paying a steep can be considerable. If you plan price, even when downsizing to move into a condominium, to a smaller home. Things may you can expect to pay monthly even themselves out if you homeowners association want to downsize to a smaller fees, and such fees are often home within your current comsubstantial. So while the condo munity, but do your homework itself might be smaller, the nonetheless, researching the additional expenses associated time of year when you’re most with the property may end up likely to get the most for your making the smaller home more home and find the best deal on expensive and prevent you your next place. The advantage from saving more money for men and women considering retirement. downsizing have is that they are rarely in a rush to move out Real estate market of their current home and into their next one. This gives them There are seller’s markets ample time to make the real and there are buyer’s markets, estate market work for them. and ideally you would like Space to sell your home in a seller’s market. But keep in mind that How much space do you this might be the same market really need? Once the kids have in which you hope to buy a

moved out, couples may feel like all of that extra space is going to waste. But that can be a knee-jerk reaction, and upon a more thorough examination of the space and your needs you may just find that you can put all of that extra square footage to good use after all. If you have always wanted your own art studio, then now might be the perfect time to make that a reality. Always wanted a room devoted to home theater? Get to work on converting your basement from an all-purpose game room to your own private movie theater. If, after considering the space in your home, you find that the extra square footage really is just upkeep you aren’t especially interested in doing, then you would no doubt like a cozier home that’s less of a responsibility to maintain. Downsizing a home is something many men and women over 50 consider after their children have moved out. Such a decision is rarely easy, so homeowners should take as much time as they need before making a final decision to move or stay put.

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