Your Health, Spring 2021

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Your Health

Spring 2021


Your Health Spring 2021

2 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Your body needs water more if you live in hot climates, are more physically active, sick or running a fever and having diarrhea or vomiting. Water helps your body in so many ways — and does more for your body than sugary drinks such as sodas and energy drinks can do for you. You may feel awake and good as you drink the sugary drinks, but unlike with water, the feeling from sugary drinks doesn’t last.


Why Drink Water? Green Shoot Media

All life on Earth relies on water. Drinking water everyday consistently can bring added benefits to your life and your health. Drinking water every day can make you feel better throughout the day.

RETHINK THE DRINK Drinking too many sugary drinks can lead to significant health problems in the future. Sugary drinks are anything sweetened with added sugars. Sodas, fruit drinks, sport drinks, energy drinks and coffees are considered sugary drinks. The CDC says people who often drink too many of theses sugary drinks are prone to face health problems such as weight gain, kidney disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and more health issues. Limiting the amount of sugar you drink can help you prevent these kinds of diseases and help you lose weight.

HOW WATER HELPS YOUR BODY Water not only keeps you

hydrated and feeling good, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says water also helps your body by keeping your temperature normal, lubricating

Sometimes you need to ease yourself into the habit of drinking water if you’ve spent all your life drinking sugary drinks. Try these tips from the CDC to help ease yourself into drinking more water and less sugary drinks. Try plain black coffee or teas, sparkling water, seltzers or flavored waters if you want some hydration with a little more flavor your joints, protecting your spinal than water. You can also drink cord and other sensitive tissue 100% fruit or vegetable juice to and gets rid of wastes through get some of that flavored hydraurination, perspiration and bowel tion. movements.

• Water just won’t do? Reach for drinks that contain important nutrients such as You need more water as the Choosing water over sugary low-fat or fat-free milk, climate gets warmer, and with drinks can be difficult for many fortified milk alternatives or spring coming, it’s the perfect people, especially if you tend 100% fruit or vegetable juice. time to get started creating a to drink these sugary drinks a lot • At the coffee shop? Skip the habit of drinking more water. To during the day. Most people’s flavored syrups or whipped help you, here are some tips problem with water is it contains cream. Ask for a drink with form the CDC: no taste or flavor. low-fat or fat-free milk, milk • Carry a bottle of water with Although this is true, here are alternatives such as soy or you and refill it throughout the some tricks the CDC shares to almond, or go back to the day. help you rethink your drink. basics with black coffee. • Freeze some freezer-safe • Need more flavor? Add


water bottles. Take one with you for ice-cold water that will last all day long. • Chose water over sugary drinks. • Opt for water when eating out. You’ll save money and reduce your calorie intake. • Add a wedge of lemon or lime to your water for added flavor if you don’t enjoy the taste of water itself.


berries or slices of lime, lemon or cucumber to your glass of water. • Missing fizzy drinks? Add a splash of 100% juice to plain sparkling water for a refreshing, low-calorie drink. • Need help breaking the habit? Don’t stock up on sugary drinks. Instead, keep a jug of cold water in the fridge.


Remember that water is the cornerstone for all life. Water is very important for your health and the health. Set an example by starting off your journey today drinking more water. Use the steps to rethink your drink and lead yourself to a better healthier lifestyle.

Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 3

selves and others from COVID-19, but taking care of your health is much more than successfully staying virus-free. Here are some important ways you can continue to give your health the attention it deserves.

mary care provider play a key role in your overall health and well-being. That goes for all ages. Well checks help you and your provider stay up to date on your unique health needs and address issues as they arise. Knowing your family medical history and health risks, your provider can help you keep track of needed screenings and potential issues to watch for.



Your Health Means Everything: Taking Care of Yourself In A Post-Pandemic World easier and more effective treatment. And, if you’re at higher risk, you may need to start annual screenings earliLife changed. Plans and er. Talk to your doctor about priorities shifted as we cauyour risks and the right timing tiously made our way for you. The American through a situation we had Cancer Society estimates never experienced before. almost 1.9 million new canAs we get closer to putting cer cases will be diagnosed the COVID-19 pandemic this year and are projecting behind us – thanks to wider Health screenings are an increase in late-stage vaccine distribution and safe important markers on your diagnoses and preventable practices to slow the spread health journey. These cancer deaths due to – many of us are looking for- include annual mammodelayed care. If you’ve been ward to getting back to grams if you’re a woman putting off your screening, things we’ve been missing. who’s 40 and up, yearly colo- now’s a great time to get it There’s one priority we all noscopies if you’re 45 and scheduled. shared during the pandemic older and low-dose CT that should remain high on screening if you’re a current your list: your health. We or former smoker. Screenings have appropriately put a lot like these can help detect Like regular screenings, of energy into protecting our- cancer early and allow for annual well visits with a priBy Holly Urban Chief Nursing Officer, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center


When an emergency puts your health at immediate risk, it is vital you get the care you need, as soon as possible. Don’t wait! If you’re experiencing chest pain or any emergency, minutes matter. It is critical that you get to the hospital and get the care you need right when you need it.

LIVE HEALTHY Creating good habits and routines – like eating healthy, engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, reducing stress and taking care of your mental health – have major benefits for your health, and can help reduce your risk for certain diseases. If you’re struggling in any of these areas, your primary care provider can offer advice and connect you with specialized care you may need to feel your best. Your health affects every aspect of your life, so don’t wait to get the care you need. Start a healthy habit, schedule that check-up and screening and take care of yourself. Your health means everything. If you are looking for a provider or need to schedule a screening or appointment, visit

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4 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News Metro Editorial

Nutrition is a popular topic of conversation, particularly among those embarking on a weight loss or maintenance plan. Individuals carefully study food macros and pore over various diets to get the most out of the foods they eat. When the end goal is simply looking good, it may be easy to forget about the other benefits of nutritious diets, including their link to overall health. A close relationship exists between nutritional status and health. Experts at Tufts Health Plan recognize that good nutrition can help reduce the risk of developing many diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. The notion of "you are what you eat" still rings true. The World Health Organization indicates better nutrition means stronger immune systems, fewer illnesses and better overall health. However, according to the National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Aging, one in four older Americans suffers from poor nutrition. And this situation is not exclusive to the elderly. A report examining the global burden of chronic disease published in The Lancet found poor diet contributed to 11 million deaths world-

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Your Health Spring 2021

wide - roughly 22 percent of deaths among adults - and poor quality of life. Low intake of fruits and whole grains and high intake of sodium are the leading risk factors for illness in many countries. Common nutrition problems can arise when one favors convenience and routine over balanced meals that truly fuel the body.

IMPROVING NUTRITION Guidelines regarding how many servings of each food group a person should have each day may vary slightly by country, but they share many similarities. The U.S. Department of Agriculture once followed a "food pyramid" guide, but has since switched to the MyPlate resource, which emphasizes how much of each food group should cover a standard 9-inch dinner plate. Food groups include fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. The USDA dietary guidelines were updated for its for 2020-2025 guide. Recommendations vary based on age and activity levels, but a person eating 2,000 calories a day should eat 2 cups of whole fruits; 21/2 cups of colorful vegetables; 6 ounces of grains, with half of them being whole grains; 51/2 ounces of protein, with a focus on lean proteins; and 3 cups of low-fat dairy. People should limit their intake of sodium, added sugars and saturated fats. As a person ages he or she generally needs fewer calories because of less activity. Children may need more calories because they are still growing and tend to be very active. Those who are interested in preventing illness and significantly reducing premature mortality from leading diseases should carefully evaluate the foods they eat, choosing well-balanced, low-fat, nutritionally dense options that keep saturated fat and sodium intake to a minimum.

Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 5

Healthy Spring DieT your morning coffee. As time goes on, you can slowly and The change of weather should gradually add more goals and bring out a change in yourself. changes to your routine. Create Create goals and set yourself up goals for success and don’t set for success with modest changes your self up for failure. to your lifestyle. Here are some tips to get you started. Green Shoot Media

MORE HEALTH TIPS One of the reasons most people fail a diet is because they try and quit foods they’ve eaten all their lives. This does the opposite of what you might think it would. Rather than help you, it hinders you from committing to your diet. Don’t think of any certain foods as off limits, but try and lower the portion you eat them. A diet doesn’t mean you have to quit all of your favorite foods. You can still eat your favorite foods, but now you will eat them in moderation. Instead of having a burger from your favorite place Monday through Friday, you can moderate it to only Tuesdays and Thursdays. Many people beginning a diet choose to eat healthy foods Monday through Friday and having their cheat days on the weekend. Dieting doesn’t have to be grueling and torture. Do what works best for you and your life.


Starting a diet doesn’t have to be complicated and life-alterMaking the switch to a healthy ing. You can begin creating little diet doesn’t have to be immedi- changes that will help you ease ate, though. Start with a gradual, into a healthy eating lifestyle. modest change to your diet. Begin by focusing on one goal Small changes, such as drinking at a time and grow from there. more water than sugary drinks You can begin by doing someeach day or putting less sugar in

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thing as simple as paying more attention to the labels on the foods you buy. Be aware of what’s in your food, as manufacturers sometimes hide large amounts of sugars or unhealthy fats in packaged foods. Another way to set yourself up for success is to focus on how you feel after you eat something. This will help you create good habits for yourself and know what your body responds well to.

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6 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Recommended Men's Health Screenings to get routine physical exams and screenings. An American Academy of Men need to be proactive in regard Family Physicians survey found that 55 to monitoring their overall health. This percent of men had not seen their includes seeing their doctors for regular doctors for a physical exam in the prewellness visits and keeping up with rec- vious year, even though 40 percent ommended screenings to catch and/ had a least one chronic condition. or prevent illnesses. While men and While many screenings are recomwomen can experience the same mended starting at age 40 or 50, men conditions, health experts recommend should discuss family histories and risk specific tests and screenings for men in factors to determine if testing should various age groups. begin earlier. The following are imporJohns Hopkins Medicine advises that tant health screenings to consider. men are at risk for certain conditions, • Prostate-specific antigen test: A including several types of cancer, such PSA is a blood test that measures how as prostate, colon and lung cancers. much prostate-specific antigen is in However, Harvard Medical School the blood. Measuring PSA has been a states men are less likely than women standard for prostate cancer screening Metro Editorial

for 30 years. General guidelines indicate PSA screening begin at age 55. However, having at least one firstdegree relative with prostate cancer could necessitate earlier testing. • Colorectal cancer screening: Colorectal cancer screening generally occurs between ages 50 and 75. Tests include fecal occult blood tests, stool DNA tests, colonoscopy, and contrast barium enemas. Doctors will determine which tests are applicable and how often to conduct them. • Diabetes: Men who have a BMI over 25 are overweight and should consider a diabetes screening. In addition, blood pressure above 130/80 mm Hg or other diabetes risk factors could require a blood test to check for elevated glucose levels. • Abdominal aortic aneurysm: Guidelines recommend a one-time screening for men who have smoked between the ages of 65 and 75. • Hepatitis B and C: Men are at increased risk for infection if they have had unprotected sex with multiple partners, received blood transfusions or transplanted organs before June

Your Health Spring 2021

1992, are healthcare workers who have been stuck by needles, or travel to regions with high rates of the hepatitis B virus. • Lung cancer screening: Men should undergo a lung cancer screening through low-dose computed tomography if they are over age 55, have a 30-pack-per-year smoking history and currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years. • Testicular cancer screening: Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers among young men, says Johns Hopkins Medicine. Early screening can include self-checks. Routinely checking the testicles for any lumps or unusual features while showering can help detect testicular cancer. Doctors may order a painless ultrasound if something is discovered. Health screenings are an important component of men's health care. Now is the time to have a discussion with the doctor about which screenings are necessary.



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Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 7

Eat More Greens Green Shoot Media

Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet is a simple and fun way to begin your healthy living process. It’s also a little change that will help ease your way into better habits.

ADD FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and are packed with nutrients, vitamins, mineral and antioxidants that will help your body stay healthy and make you feel good. says you should be eating is a least five servings of fruit and vegetables per day. This can be seem like a lot, but with the proper food prepping you can build upon this maybe eat more than five servings. A serving is half a cup of raw fruits or vegetables or can also be measured at a small apple or banana. also shares some tips on ways you can increase your intake: • Add antioxidant-rich berries to your favorite breakfast cereal. • Eat a medley of sweet fruit such as oranges, mangoes, pineapples or grapes for dessert. • Swap your usual rice or pasta side dish for a colorful salad. • Instead of eating processed snack foods, snack on vegetables such as carrots, snow peas or cherry tomatoes along with a spicy hummus dip or peanut butter.

WAYS TO MAKE VEGETABLES TASTY Plain salads and steamed vegetables can be torture to eat day in

and day out. It can be hard to keep up a healthy diet if you don’t enjoy the foods you are eating. Here’s some tips from Helpguide. org on making vegetables tasty for you and the family. • Add some color to your plain salad or steamed vegetables. Use sun-dried tomatoes, glazed carrots or beets, and some colorful peppers. • You can also replace lettuce with other greens such as kale, arugula, spinach or Chinese cabbage. • Satisfy your sweet tooth with carrots, beets, sweet potatoes and bell peppers. Adding these vegetables will help satisfy your craving of flavor without ruining your healthy diet. Don’t be afraid to mix in and try different types of greens to enhance your diet and your taste buds. Vegetables can be just as tasty as any snack you love if you take the time to learn to make them tasty.

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Your Health Spring 2021

8 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

A Brief Comparison of Whole Milk and Some Popular Alternatives According to the American Society for Nutrition, plant-based People avoid traditional cow's milk alternatives like oat milk and milk for many reasons. Some people pea protein milk bear some interesthave ethical concerns about coning similarities and differences to trasuming animal products. Individuals ditional whole milk from cows. may be lactose intolerant or have a • One cup of oat milk has nearly milk allergy, while others simply don't as many calories as one cup of like the taste of cow's milk. Though it whole milk, as the ASN notes that might once have been difficult to the former checks in at 130 calories find alternatives to cow's milk at the compared to the 148 calories in one grocery store, the growing number cup of whole milk. The online mediof people who avoid it has led to cal resource Healthline notes the something of a boom in dairy alter- difference in calories is more signifinatives. As a result, it's now easy for cant among other popular milk consumers to find various alternaalternatives. For example, one cup tives to cow's milk when shopping of unsweetened almond milk confor groceries. tains just 40 calories, while unsweetMetro Editorial

ened soy milk contains about 80 calories. • Not surprisingly, the fat content in many milk alternatives is considerably lower than it is in whole milk. The ANS reports that most milk alternatives contain anywhere from 25 to 63 percent of the fat of cow's milk. For example, one cup of unsweetened rice milk contains just 2 grams of fat compared to the 8 grams found in a single cup of whole milk. • Most milk alternatives contain significantly less sugar than whole milk. Healthline notes that unsweetened almond milk actually contains zero grams of sugar compared to

the 12 grams of sugar found in one cup of whole milk. However, the ANS notes that one cup of oat milk (17 grams) and one cup of hazelnut milk (13 grams) actually contain more sugar than one cup of whole milk. • Only soybean, pea and flaxseed milk contain as much or more protein as whole milk. Whole milk contains 8 grams of protein, which is the same amount that's found in pea milk and flaxseed milk. Soybean milk contains 9 grams of protein, while unsweetened almond milk contains 2 grams of protein and unsweetened rice milk contains zero grams of protein. • One cup of coconut milk (15 micrograms) contains considerably less sodium than one cup of whole milk (105 micrograms). More information about milk alternatives is available at www.nutrition. org. People considering milk alternatives for purely nutritional purposes can conduct their own research to ensure they're making the most informed decision possible.

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Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 9

Outdoor Workouts Green Shoot Media

There is no better time than spring to start some outside workouts. Outside workouts can be a jog, high intensity interval training, or HIIT, cardio and or even just a light jog through the park with your dog. Here’s some outside workouts you can do to take advantage of the beautiful spring workout.

RUNNING Running can be a great workout that is versatile. You can run anywhere at any time making it a workout that you can do year around. As spring draws closer, the weather will be warmer and sunny making it the perfect time to take yourself out to the park and begin your running journey. There’s a lot of way you can run, long distance, short intervals and more. Remember, if you are a beginner, don’t run for more than your body can take. It puts a lot of stress on your legs and spine, so begin moderately and slowly build up your stamina. Set yourself up for success by creating goals that are easily attainable. This will help you enjoy and fall in love with running as your body trains and gets use to the sport.

age gym-goer. There are two types of HIIT workouts, the one we just explained and SIT, or sprint interval training, recommended for well-conditioned people.


As the name suggests, with this workout, there are no types of bars or gear you work out with. Solely just your body weight at a park. Workouts consisting of push ups, sit ups, jump rope and dips. This workout can really be done anywhere there is room for your body to be laid out in push-up position but being in the park adds a little more pleasant circumstances to the workout. Take the time to learn these HIIT, or high intensity interval workouts and apply them in your training, is a workout involving daily life. Try and begin by taking periods of ranging from 30 sectwo days a week to go out to onds to two minutes working your favorite park and try these between 80 to 100% of your maxworkouts. Add more days as you imum heart rate with short recovadjust and find yourself enjoying ery periods. HIIT cardio can be the time to workout. done by anyone, even the aver-


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Your Health Spring 2021

10 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Healthy Activities For Kids of All Ages Metro Editorial

Children have a seemingly endless supply of energy. Channeling that energy into something positive can benefit kids' minds and bodies. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends various amounts of daily physical activity for children depending on their ages and abilities. Adhering to these recommendations is especially important in the wake of what many public health officials fear has become an epidemic of childhood obesity in many nations. For example, the United States-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that roughly 13.7 million children between the ages of two and 19 are presently obese. In Canada, the Childhood Obesity Foundation reports that childhood obesity rates have hovered around 12 percent for years. Routine physical activity can help children maintain healthy weights, and

it also pays dividends for youngsters' mental health. According to the American Psychological Association, children between the ages of six and 18 who exercise regularly tend to have lower levels of depression, stress and psychological distress. Those findings, part of a 2019 study published in the journal Sports Medicine, reflect the ways exercise affects the mind. And the mental benefits don't stop there, as the study also found that youngsters who are physically active also have higher levels of positive self-image, life satisfaction and psychological well-being. The amount of physical activity children need each month depends on their age, and the AAP

recommends the following age-based guidelines. • Infants: The AAP recommends infants get at least 30 minutes of tummy time and other interactive play throughout the day. • Toddlers: Toddlers can be tough to keep up with, and parents can channel that energy into something positive by ensuring their kids get at least three hours of physical activity every day. Free play outside and daily neighborhood walks are some examples of appropriate physical activities for children in this age group. • Preschoolers: Threeplus hours of physical activity, including one hour of moderate to vigorous exercise, is recommended for preschool-

aged youngsters. Tumbling, throwing and catching are some of the activities recommended by the AAP. • Elementary school students: School-aged children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. The AAP recommends giving children in this age group ample opportunities for free play but also notes that organized sports focused on fun can be great outlets for kids in elementary school. Parents can speak with their children's pediatricians about appropriate muscle/bone strengthening activities, which the AAP recommends three days a week for kids in this age group. • Middle school students: Students in this

age group need the same amount and types of exercise that elementary school students need. But the AAP advises parents to guide children toward physical activities that encourage socialization and to avoid having kids this age specialize in a single sport. • Teenagers: Teenagers need an hour or more of physical activity most days of the week. Muscle/bone strengthening activities should be included three days per week. Activities that encourage socialization and competition are beneficial to teenagers' development. Physical activity can benefit kids in myriad ways and should be a vital component of their daily lives.

Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 11

Spring Skin Care Green Shoot Media

Warmer weather means more sun and that means you will have to take extra care of your skin. This section will go into teaching you how to take better care of your skin during the spring and summer months.

EXFOLIATE Cold weather can really do a number on your skin and dry it out. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to get rid of the dry, dead winter skin. You should exfoliate your face as well. Local pharmacies and grocery stores will sell body and face exfoliants for you to use. Remember, you will need to buy separate exfoliant for your body and face. You’ll want to use a more gentle exfoliant for your face than you would use for your body. You can also find face masks that will help get all the dead skin off your face without having to use a scrub that could cause tiny skin tears.

SUNSCREEN IS SELF CARE The sun’s warm rays can be very harmful to your skin. As the temperature begins to rise, people want to be outside and enjoying the sun. You should always be careful exposing your skin to sun without sunscreen. It’s crucial to apply a good sunscreen during the spring and summer months. Apply sunscreen with at least a good SPF 50 to both your face and your body.

MOISTURIZE Cold weather dries your skin

out and your skin may have soaked up the heaviest of moisturizers you may have. During spring and summer, you’ll want to switch it up to a light moisturizer that won’t leave your skin feeling greasy. Find one that makes your skin feel hydrated and healthy. Find a hyaluronic acid- or water-based formula. Your skin seems to hold more water during the summer and spring months, so you won’t need as much moisturizing protection as you would during cold months.

EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Applying sunscreen and moisturizer are great ways to liven your skin up during the warmer weather, but there are also dietary things you can do to help your skin. Eating nutrient rich food packed with vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables also work wonders for your skin. Fruits and vegetables such as blackberries, guavas, kiwi fruits, cucumbers, oranges and strawberries are just a few examples of the kinds of fruits and vegetables to aid in skin care. Drinking a lot of water not only hydrates your body but it also hydrates your skin as well.


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12 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Your Health Spring 2021

How Meditation Can Help Combat Work-life Imbalance able to mental health problems. In fact, the Juggling a family and a same survey found that thriving career is no small more than half of all worktask. It's easy to become ers who work long hours overwhelmed when feel irritable, while 27 perfaced with responsibilities cent acknowledged feelat home and at the ing depressed. office, and it's even easier Various strategies can to fall victim to a work-life help working professionals imbalance. Such an overcome the negative imbalance can have side effects of work-life troubling short- and long- imbalance. In addition to term consequences. exploring ways to work More than 40 percent of fewer hours and find more working professionals who time for their families, prowere recently surveyed by fessionals who feel their the United Kingdomlife lacks balance can based Mental Health seek ways to overcome Foundation noted that the stress associated with they are neglecting varisuch an imbalance. ous aspects of their life Meditation is one such because of work. The option. MHF notes that such an imbalance can make professionals more vulnerMetro Editorial

tions are limited • a specific, comfortable posture The Mayo Clinic notes • something people can that meditation dates focus their attention on back thousands of years. while meditating, such Modern meditation often as a set of words or an aims to help people relax object and reduce stress. When • an open attitude meditating, people focus How does meditation their attention as they benefit the mind and attempt to eliminate jumbody? bled thoughts. That can Meditation advocates be especially valuable to note that the practice adults who are feeling can provide a sense of overwhelmed by their inner peace and help many personal and propeople rebalance their fessional responsibilities. lives. That can pay diviThe National Center for dends for both physical Complementary and and mental health. Integrative Health notes The NCCIH notes that that there are many types evidence suggests mediof meditation, but most tation can help reduce require four common eleblood pressure. High ments: blood pressure has been • a quiet location to linked to both heart dismeditate where distrac-


ease and stroke. A small study by the NCCIH also found that a form of meditation known as mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia helped reduce instances of chronic insomnia in adults. According to the NCCIH, a 2013 review of three studies suggested that meditation may help slow, stall or even reverse age-related changes in the brain. Adults confronting a work-life imbalance may feel as though they don't have the time to address their concerns in a healthy, effective way. Meditation need not take up much time each day, but it can be an effective tool in the fight against work-life imbalance.

Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 13

Getting Good Sleep Green Shoot Media

Getting good, quality sleep is essential to a healthy life. Not enough sleep can cause many mental and physical issues. Here are some tips to help you get better quality sleep at night.

MAKE A SLEEP SCHEDULE You should sleep for no more than eight hours each night although the recommended amount for adults is seven hours. Most adults in the United States don’t even sleep seven hours. Setting a sleep schedule begins with setting a time to go to bed and setting a time to wake up. Creating a sleep schedule also creates a sleep cycle in your body; being consistent will help your body’s sleep cycle line up.

HOW TO FALL ASLEEP Have you ever tossed and turned in bed struggling to sleep at night? If you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes of lying down in bed, leave your room and do something that relaxes you. You can read a book, listen to soothing music or sit down and draw. As soon as you feel tired, go back to bed. Repeat this as many times as it takes for you to finally fall asleep. Do not watch television. Although this can be relaxing, it is easier to be tempt-

ed to stay up and watch what ever series you may be binging.

LIMIT NAPS If you ever find yourself tired throughout the day and feel the need to take a nap, don’t. Daytime naps can interfere with your sleep cycle, causing you to be wide awake at night. If you do need to take a nap, lay down for 30 minutes. Avoid napping if it’s close to whatever time you are scheduled to go to bed.

GET YOUR WORRIES OUT Sometimes your thoughts and stress can keep you up at night. Try and get rid of those thoughts or worries by solving them or writing your feelings down into a journal to get them out of your head. Find a relaxing activity such as reading, drawing or painting you can do close to when you are scheduled to sleep to help relax you and destress you.


Your Health Spring 2021

14 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News

4 Interesting Health Benefits of Garlic Metro Editorial

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Garlic makes a delicious addition to various meals. Though some people may avoid garlic because of its potential to contribute to bad breath, doing so means people may miss out on some surprising health benefits produced by this powerful, if pungent, bulb. 1. Garlic bolsters the immune system. A 2015 review published in the Journal of Immunology Research found that garlic appears to enhance the functioning of the immune system by stimulating certain cell types. A strong immune system helps people fight germs that can lead to colds and other illnesses. 2. Garlic can have a positive effect on blood pressure. According to the Cleveland Clinic, researchers believe that red blood cells turn the sulfur in garlic into hydrogen sulfide gas that expands the blood vessels. That makes it easier to regulate blood pressure. That's no minor benefit, as the American Heart Association notes that high blood pressure can contribute to

heart disease and stroke. 3. Garlic can benefit the skin. Allicin is a compound that is produced when garlic is crushed or chopped. According to the online health and wellness resource MedLife, allicin benefits the body in various ways, including killing the bacteria that causes acne. 4. Garlic may help reduce lead levels in the body. A 2012 study published in the journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology studied the potentially therapeutic effects of garlic on 117 workers in the car battery industry. The clinical signs and symptoms of lead poisoning were significantly higher among workers who were not treated with garlic compared to those who were. Authors of the study concluded that garlic can be recommended for the treatment of mild-to-moderate lead poisoning. Garlic can make for a nutritious addition to any meal, and some of its many health benefits may surprise even the most ardent supporters of this unique bulb.

Your Health Spring 2021

Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | 15

Healing For Your Heels experiences increase strain to the plantar fascia. Look for shoes that are supportive and do not Heel pain is a challenging foot bend at the arch. This will help problem that affects millions of restore the normal function of people each year. The most frusthe foot. A strong heel counter trating part about heel pain is that does not collapse in the how it frequently returns soon back is another key feature to after successful treatment. include. Many people discover Individuals of all ages and levels that the correct shoe is the only of activity may experience this thing they were lacking. pain. The technical term for heel Key to lasting treatment is to pain on the bottom of the foot is reduce the plantar fascia’s tenplantar fasciitis. The plantar fassion on the bone. Reduce tencia is the thick band of tissue sion through strengthening. that attaches the heel bone to Weak foot muscles are closely the toes. This tissue helps mainrelated to the incidence of plantain the arch and adds spring to tar fasciitis. One simple strengtheach step. The heel hurts ening technique is to use your because the fascia is tearing off toes to curl a towel on a smooth of its attachment from excess floor surface. Patients have tension. Successful treatment called this the magic cure. heel pain includes reducing Additionally, one can strengthen inflammation, wearing approprithe front of the leg with a resisate shoes, strengthening, and tance band. Use a loop band stretching. and pull back on your foot. This is Reducing inflammation is the opposite motion of pushing important because this allows on a car’s break. performance of the necessary Also reduce tension through exercises. This is a short-term way stretching. Stretch the calves to control pain to the foot. Ice, after activity by leaning over at compression, and elevation are the ankle. Keep a gentle bend in ways to naturally control inflamthe knee. Hold the stretch for mation. Oral medications thirty seconds. Be sure not to include non-steroidal anti-inflamallow any pain while stretching. matory drugs (NSAIDS) and steStretch the bottom of the foot by roidal anti-inflammatory drugs. rolling a towel under the toes Even more effective is an injecand standing for another thirty tion of Triamcinolone acetonide seconds. Complete these two (Kenalog) also known as a cortistretches on a daily basis after a sone injection. Another shortbout of exercise or after work. term solution involves shoes. It only takes a couple of minSelect appropriate shoes for utes a day of strengthening and your foot type. Some individuals stretching to avoid heel pain, require supportive shoes. If your and shoes that compliment your bare footprint looks more like an foot type are worth the investoval than a typical footprint, ment. Your feet will thank you. then your feet are flat. Flatfoot By Karl Johnson DPM, Tri-State Podiatry


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16 | Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Lewiston Tribune & Moscow-Pullman Daily News


Your Health Spring 2021

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