The Daily Northwestern - Oct. 11, 2012

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Knight News Lab wins award » PAGE 6 for election coverage

sports Football Defense seaching for nonconference glory » PAGE 8

opinion Muller Is the GOP trending toward crazy? » PAGE 4

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

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Evanston reacts to licensing punt By amanda gilbert

the daily northwestern

Kaitlin Svabek/Daily Senior Staffer

SENATE SPEECHES Associated Student Government Speaker Ani Ajith addresses senators Tuesday night during the first ASG meeting of the school year. ASG plans to focus its efforts on student interactions this year.

New year, new goals for ASG By Cat Zakrzewski

the daily northwestern

Northwestern’s Associated Student Government intends to improve connections on campus this year. Under the leadership of President Victor Shao and Vice President Brad Stewart, ASG will focus on a series of short-term and long-term projects. The first ASG Senate meeting of the year was on Wednesday.

“It’s all about bringing students together with other students, Evanston, the University administration and other student groups,” Stewart, a Medill senior, said. At Wednesday’s meeting, legislation was passed to change the 5K Initiative, a program that allows students to submit proposals for how ASG should spend $5,000. The program brought WiFi to the Lakefill this fall following an online poll of students last spring. The legislation proposed to increase

the $5,000 to $10,000. Shao, a Weinberg senior, said the new initiative would also expand the timeline for the initiative, allowing students to spend Fall Quarter brainstorming, Winter Quarter researching and streamlining ideas and Spring Quarter implementing the proposal. Funding for the new legislation was the subject of a heated debate at Wednesday’s meeting. Funding for the 10K Initiative this year came from the ASG » See ASG, page 7

Evanston residents and Northwestern students expressed mixed reactions to the Evanston City Council’s decision Monday night to postpone voting on a proposed rental licensing ordinance. As written, the ordinance would require Evanston landlords to register with the city for a license to operate. Shortly after the council announced its decision, Steven Monacelli, Associated Student Government’s vice president for community relations, took to Facebook to air his frustrations. “Spent three hours listening to a room full of angry people only for nothing of significance to happen,” he wrote in the public post. “Thanks Evanston City Council!” Monacelli, a Communication senior and former Daily columnist, represented NU students on the city’s Rental Unit Licensing Committee, which helped draft the original proposal in June. Currently, just over 30 percent of Evanston landlords are not registered with the city, Monacelli said. This has caused some students to feel ignored by the city because they are being housed in poor and unsafe living conditions. “A number of the houses the students are living in are in terrible condition,” Monacelli said. “This puts students between a rock and

hard place because they are afraid to call the city for a problem.” Monacelli said his goal is for the ordinance to protect NU students from absentee landlords and to take a positive step toward occupancy reform. City officials indicated that they will consider amending the over-occupancy rule, colloquially We known just want to as the “brothel make sure law,” if they the ordinance license creates a landlords to follow better living regulaenvironment tions. At every for students. meeting, city offi- Peter Braithwaite, 2nd Ward cials have alderman said they cannot change occupancy rules until the landlords start following the law. Monacelli said he wanted officials to pass the ordinance but now accepts that voting is being postponed to allow city staff to review the ordinance another time for clarity. Ald. Peter Braithwaite (2nd) said the point of the ordinance is to provide city staff with the resources they need to deal with problem landlords, including those who don’t

» See LANDLORD, page 7

Affirmative action NU remembers Medill lecturer case goes to SCOTUS By Cat Zakrzewski

the daily northwestern

By Zachary Elvove

the daily northwestern

The Supreme Court began hearing arguments Wednesday in the latest high-profile affirmative action case, and Northwestern joined nine other institutions in filing an amicus brief regarding the case. An What’s amicus at stake is the brief is a document legality and is filed constitutionality that to a court of race-based by someone not affirmative directly action. related to the case. Anthony Chen, SpeakNU political ing about science prof. the filing in August, University President Morton Schapiro explained, “It is important that Northwestern be ‘on the record’ about the connection between these policies and our mission to pursue diversity and institutional excellence.” The high court agreed to hear arguments in Fisher v. the University of Texas at Austin after the Fifth Circuit

Court of Appeals sided with the university, upholding their admissions process, which includes affirmative action based on race. Affirmative action has been a controversial topic in the U.S. for decades. In 1978, the court ruled in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke that the use of racial quotas was unconstitutional but using race in admissions decisions was allowed. More recently, in 2003, the justices upheld the University of Michigan Law School’s affirmative action policy in Grutter v. Bollinger. In the current case, Louisiana State University graduate Abigail Fisher alleges that she was discriminated against on the basis of her race by the University of Texas at Austin when she was denied admission in 2008, violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The university has stated that she would not have been accepted into the school, regardless of her race, because she did not meet admissions standards. “What’s at stake is the legality and constitutionality of race-based affirmative action, and the question is whether it will survive in some form or whether it will be eliminated altogether,” said NU political science Prof. » See SCOTUS, page 7

Serving the University and Evanston since 1881

Bill Jauss, an adjunct Medill lecturer from 1964 to 1979, died Wednesday at the age of 81. The Northwestern community remembers Jauss (BSJ ‘52) as a groundbreaking sports journalist, beloved professor and passionate Wildcat. “He always came across as a top-notch professional with high standards who also had this deep love of sports,” said Roger Boye (MSJ ‘71), professor emeritus. Jauss is remembered in sports journalism as one of the first reporters to work across media platforms in newspapers, radio and television. He worked for the Chicago Tribune for 37 years, according to the newspaper’s obituary. He also achieved fame on the “Sportswriters on TV” panel. During his 15 years at Medill, Jauss taught freshman and sophomore writing labs, said Boye, who worked with him during the 1970s. “You would just hear the highest accolades about Bill Jauss,” Boye said. “It was the quality of journalism that he practiced on a day-to-day basis and then brought back into the classroom.” According to Boye, Jauss was known for his “creative” teaching exercises, including rotating rewrites, an assignment still used today in the Medill Cherubs Program, a summer journalism program for high school students. During the rotating

Source: YouTube

IN MEMORIAM From 1985 to 2000, Bill Jauss appeared on “The Sportswriters on TV,” pictured above, discussing hot sports topics.

rewrites exercise, a student must write and rewrite a lead until it is approved by the professor, which can take more than 20 attempts. Carl Schierhorn (BSJ ‘71, MSJ ‘73) said Jauss was his professor in his first newswriting class. He remembered the rotating rewrites assignment from his time at Medill and said it taught perseverance. “Bill taught me to be exact, be accurate, and if you can, have fun writing,” Schierhorn said. Schierhorn, now a professor of

journalism and mass communication at Kent State University, said Jauss’s assignments were always fun. “I remember mostly feeling he’s a teacher who was very good, who cared about us, and who grew to a point where he was a friend, someone who we were close enough to invite to our wedding,” Schierhorn said. Boye said Jauss’s legacy would continue through Medill alumni. » See JAUSS, page 7

INSIDE Around Town 2 | On Campus 3 | Forum 4 | Classifieds & Puzzles 6 | Sports 8


Around Town

It’s sort of like when you put water into a big basin — you could be dumping water in from several different sources, but it’s all mixed in together.

By RACHEL JANIK Editor in Chief Kaitlyn Jakola

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COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Evanston Township High School Superintendent Eric Witherspoon briefs parents on academic changes being made at ETHS this year.

one area, they don’t have to feel like they’re in the remedial class,” she said. Witherspoon emphasized equality at the meeting. He said that the issue was the high school’s biggest challenge, one staff and administrators are making a big effort to tackle. “Educational equity is the civil rights issue of the 21st century,” he said. Other points of discussion included the school’s emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math, as well as efforts to improve gender equality

in those fields. Jordan grew up in Evanston and graduated from ETHS. After the meeting, she said she was very impressed by the gains the school has been making. “I’m excited to see from when I went there to when my kids did, how much things have changed,” she said. “I can’t wait to see what the school is like by the time my 6-year-old gets to high school.”

Church stripped of gutters

added. The down spout gutters were removed from the building. The gutters have a total value of approximately $1,000.

Police Blotter An unknown offender stole $8 and a cell phone charger from an parked car in the 500 block of Sheridan Road, Evanston Police Cmdr. Jay Parrott said. The vehicle, a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria, was in a parking lot and was unlocked.

The Daily Northwestern

the daily northwestern

Theft from motor vehicle

City’s “100 percent renewable energy” claim questioned Page 5

— Catherine Hurley, Evanston sustainable programs coordinator

ETHS meets to discuss new directions Parents, teachers and administrators of Evanston Township High School met Wednesday at Haven Middle School to discuss the school’s efforts to improve academic standards and educational equality. The meeting was part of a new ETHS initiative called Community Conversations, which aims to inform families of developments in the high school and to encourage feedback. District 202 Superintendent Eric Witherspoon opened the meeting with an update on the school’s successes and challenges. “The high school’s on the move,” Witherspoon said, adding that ETHS has seen much academic growth and the staff is looking forward to more improvement. Much of the evening’s discussion centered on the school’s “earned honors” humanities programs, which were executed at the beginning of the 20112012 academic year. Under the program, freshman students are not placed into separate honors, remedial or regular classes based on prior performance. Instead, all students are enrolled in a universal course with a heavy emphasis on advanced writing and analytic skills. Students have the chance to earn honors credit based on how well they master the course. Parents quizzed the superintendent and other high school staff, making sure they fully understood the new program. Alicia Jordan currently has two children enrolled at ETHS. She expressed support for the program because it gives everyone a chance to succeed, she said. “For those students who might be deficient in


An unknown offender stole three copper gutters from a Catholic church in the 1100 block of Washington Street, Parrott said. The incident occurred sometime between 3 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Tuesday, Parrott

— Ciara McCarthy

THE DAILY NORTHWESTERN is published Monday through Friday during the academic year, except vacation periods and two weeks preceding them and once during August, by Students Publishing Co., Inc. of Northwestern University, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208; 847-4917206. First copy of THE DAILY is free, additional copies are 50 cents. All material published herein, except advertising or where indicated otherwise, is Copyright 2012 THE DAILY NORTHWESTERN and protected under the “work made for hire” and “periodical publication” clauses of copyright law. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE DAILY NORTHWESTERN, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208. Subscriptions are $175 for the academic year. THE DAILY NORTHWESTERN is not responsible for more than one incorrect ad insertion. All display ad corrections must be received by 3 p.m. one day prior to when the ad is run.

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thursday, october 11, 2012

On Campus

This year we had 30 freshmen doing research, so we dramatically increased the number. We’re excited about that.

— Molecular sciences prof. Greg Beitel

the daily northwestern | NEWS 3 New director takes over Northwestern Bioscientist Page 6

Payne-Kirchmeier tackles housing, dining By Ally Mutnick

the daily northwestern

Almost a year after starting as the assistant vice president for student auxiliary services, Julie PayneKirchmeier is midway through several big projects, focusing on upgrading housing facilities and dining services and revamping the Norris University Center. Payne-Kirchmeier’s position as the head of auxiliary services is new. Patricia Telles-Irvin created the position when she became vice president for student affairs to decrease the number of staff reporting directly to her. Under the new organization, Payne-Kirchmeier oversees residential services, dining, Norris, Student Affairs Information Technology and SafeRide. “It’s very interesting to me because it seemed to combine a lot of my skill sets into one role,” PayneKirchmeier said of the position. “It really has a lot of different pieces.” She came to Northwestern with a long history in many divisions of student affairs. Originally from Texas, Payne-Kirchmeier worked most recently as the housing director and as an assistant provost at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She moved to Evanston after she and her husband, Tony Kirchmeier, director of off-campus life, were hired in January. Once on campus, Payne-Kirchmeier and her team toured every residential building, all the student affairs offices and Norris from basement to rooftop to assess the state of the structures. She said she saw many potential changes. “We have some facility work to do, there’s no question, with housing and with our university center,” she said. She started by combining the Housing Services and University Residential Life divisions into one Residential Services department and hiring a director. She and Student Affairs were behind many campus improvements, including the renovation and combination of Foster House and the College of Community and Cultural Studies, the revamping of the North

Photo courtesy of Julie Payne-Kirchmeier

project progress Julie Payne-Kirchmeier has helped implement renovation of dormitories and dining halls since her appointment as vice president for student auxiliary services.

Campus quads and the improved lounge spaces in Chapin Hall, East Fairchild and West Fairchild and Foster-Walker Complex. For the long term, Payne-Kirchmeier is working with Student Affairs to create a master housing plan that will map out changes in the residence halls over the next 10 years. She has also been helping lead the plans to gather input and suggestions for the renovation or possible rebuilding of Norris. She helped direct Universityhired contractors in collecting data from students, faculty and staff, after hearing from students that Norris was too difficult to navigate, was not aesthetically pleasing and lacked large gathering spaces. Payne-Kirchmeier said that any option is a possibility for Norris.

“We really need to figure out once and for all what we’re going to do with our university center,” she said, “whether it’s renovate, expand, construct new or whether it’s a third option we haven’t considered yet.” By the end of this calendar year, Payne-Kirchmeier said her team should be finished gathering input from the campus community, and the contractors should be finishing up their conceptual plan for the new Norris. She notes that she is particularly pleased with the recent addition of Frontera Fresco to the Norris dining options. She had heard from students about some of the Norris dining options and the Student Affairs office worked to bring the restaurant to campus quickly.

“A concept like that usually takes a year, and we’re going to have it done in six months tops,” she said. “That’s huge.” Besides Norris, Payne-Kirchmeier has helped implement a new “Dining by Design” system in the dining halls where more food is made in front of the students and the staff is more knowledgeable about what is being offered for the day. Payne-Kirchmeier said she has made it a goal to get as much student input as possible. She has encouraged the development of a student advisory board for Residential Services and for the dining halls and helped resurrect some that had faltered, like the advisory board for the Norris Center. She is active with many campus student groups, especially the residences associations and Associated Student Government. Residential College Board President Miranda Zhao has met with Payne-Kirchmeier and said she was very engaged with students. Zhao said while presenting plans for the combination of CCS and Foster House at an RCB meeting last year, Payne-Kirchmeier gave students different options of floor layouts and asked them to choose what they liked best. “I think she is really willing to listen to what students want,” Zhao, a Weinberg junior, said. “Recognizing student voice is really important.” Alex Van Atta, ASG vice president for student life, said that Payne-Kirchmeier was a strong bridge between the students and the administration. She sits in regularly on the student life committee meetings. “She’s definitely one of the most responsive administrators that I have worked with,” the McCormick junior, said. Payne-Kirchmeier has worked with Van Atta and his committee on the new plan for Norris and changes with the residence buildings on campus. He said he has seen a lot of things accomplished in a short time. “I see a lot of really good things coming down the pipeline for students,” Van Atta said. “And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all the changes are happening since she has assumed her position.”

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FORUM Thursday, October 11, 2012

Join the online conversation at OPINIONS from The Daily Northwestern’s Forum Desk

The Drawing Board


by Heather Mennefee

GOP brushing with some dangerous crazies YONI MULLER


Congratulations, Republicans, you’ve done it again. You have stood tall, raised your heads up high and expressed your beliefs proudly and passionately. More importantly though, you don’t let anybody stop you — not the radical left-wing media, not scientific fact and observation, not even standards-of-humanity nonsense can hold you back. For those who have not heard, two Republican lawmakers recently made comments that challenge even the fairest of us to stop likening the GOP to our racist uncles with dementia. The first of these comments was made by Arkansas state Rep. Jon Hubbard. Currently in his first term, Hubbard released a self-published book filled with racially charged declarations. The book hits a lot of questionable points, but some of the most jarring include his insistence that slavery was good, integrating schools was bad (maybe Hubbard is dyslexic), a parallel is developing between white Christians in America and Germans in Nazi Germany and, because of that last point, war and extermination will eventually be necessary. Hubbard says that African Americans must “understand that even while in the throes of slavery, their lives as Americans are likely much

The Daily Northwestern Volume 134, Issue 13 Editor in Chief Kaitlyn Jakola

Forum Editor Joseph Diebold

Managing Editors Marshall Cohen Michele Corriston Patrick Svitek

Assistant Forum Editors Blair Dunbar Arabella Watters

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent to 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, via fax at 847-491-9905, via e-mail to or by dropping a letter in the box outside THE DAILY office. Letters have the following requirements: • Should be typed and double-spaced • Should include the author’s name, signature, school, class and phone number. • Should be fewer than 300 words They will be checked for authenticity and may be edited for length, clarity, style and grammar. Letters, columns and cartoons contain the opinion of the authors, not Students Publishing Co. Inc. Submissions signed by more than three people must include at least one and no more than three names designated to represent the group. Editorials reflect the majority opinion of THE DAILY’s student editorial board and not the opinions of either Northwestern University or Students Publishing Co. Inc.

better than they ever would have enjoyed living in sub-Saharan Africa,” and “knowing what we know today about life on the African continent, would an existence spent in slavery have been any crueler than a life spent in sub-Saharan Africa?” and even “American Christians are assuming a similar stance as did the citizens of Germany during Hitler’s rise to power.” These are just a few of the wonderful thoughts Hubbard found fitting to write down on paper and sell on Amazon for $17.95 — which is fitting as (with apologies to our Founding Fathers) it’s the year his views seem to have come from. Seeing that he could not compete on the grounds of moral or ethical insanity, Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) decided to stand out in the arena of factual lunacy. A video has surfaced of a speech he made two weeks ago, in which he says, “All that stuff I was taught about evolution, embryology, Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell.” He goes on to say he believes the Earth is 9,000 years old and was created in six days. Now, that in itself is not crazy; more than 40 percent of Americans share this creationist view, and I’m sure we have some creationists in this school. (I’m sure we have some racists, too, but we like to talk about them less). The takeaway of this speech is that Broun can believe this after he was educated as a physicist — and after he was appointed to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. That’s right; a man with these religious, non-scientific beliefs gets a vote in the committee that shapes our entire national

policy toward science. How can a man elected to represent his entire district in the state legislature suggest that exterminating those that aren’t like him is necessary? How can he look back on something like slavery and suggest that it was ... two somehow better than Republican Africa, where it must lawmakers have been too hot to enjoy freedom? recently made How can a represencomments that tative who sits on the challenge even the House committee concerning space think that fairest of us to stop the Big Bang theory is likening the GOP Satan’s April Fool’s joke? to our racist uncles Or sit on a science committee and claim that with dementia. embryology is illegitimate — not morally so because of its developments in stem cell research and relationship with abortion, but factually so? It’s all too easy for mainstream Republicans to distance themselves, condone these statements and move on with their lives. “People at the fringes of any party are extreme,” they might say. True, but with each new incident this stops looking like a fringe problem and starts looking like a disturbing party transformation. If members of the House Committee on Science can discredit evolution, can another one go ahead and say something equally crazy, like

how if you got pregnant from rape it must not have been a real rape, because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down”? Oh, hello, Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.). If a man in Arkansas can bring to mind the horrors of slavery, the Jim Crow laws and Nazi Germany like they’re nothing, can other people nonchalantly tie in modern rivals with historical enemies, perhaps by saying 80 congressional Democrats are Communists? Pleasure to meet you, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.). The Republican Party is one with a rich historical background and plenty to offer American voters. Small government, low taxes, and AK-47s for everyone are all great things the Republicans bring to the national agenda. Mitt Romney wants this election to be about the economy. For that to happen, his party needs to stop distracting from those issues. It’s up to the intellectual wing of the Republican party (including College Republicans at Northwestern and around the country) to propose policies that can move the country forward. But until they are held accountable for the bigotry and dogmatic rejections of science in their party, Republicans will continue to fade in relevance to anyone that isn’t rich, white, older than 40 and Christian. Yoni Muller is a Weinberg sophomore. He can be reached at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, email a Letter to the Editor to

Rooting for happiness in Happy Valley MEREDITH GOODMAN


I remember watching Penn State lose to Virginia by a single point in early September. I watched the incredible Nittany Lion linebackers, especially Michael Mauti, crush the Virginia offense, recalling why Penn State earned the nickname “Linebacker U.” I thought to myself that those linebackers had more heart than any football players I’d ever seen. Kicker Sam Ficken missed four field goals against the Cavaliers as the Nittany Lions suffered a second loss to Ohio University during an opening week game. Fast-forward a month later and Penn State had earned four straight wins, one of which was against a ranked Northwestern team. Ficken nailed all his extra points and field goals. Quarterback Matt McGloin broke two Penn State offensive records and racked up his fourth straight 200-plus yard passing game. Of course the linebackers looked as solid and intimidating as ever. This is a team that was given a punishment “worse than the death penalty” after some of its former coaches and school officials were

embroiled in a child sexual abuse scandal. The Penn State football team will lose 40 scholarships over the next four years, is on probation for five years and have received a four-year postseason ban. Players were allowed to transfer without penalty to other teams, and as of late July, 18 players had left the roster, including starting kicker Anthony Fera. This is a community that has been devastated in the wake of the abuse scandal. The Second Mile charity, which Jerry Sandusky founded in the small university town of State College, Pa., was where he acquainted himself with his child victims. The Penn State community has seen their once legendary coach Joe Paterno disgraced in the scandal. Paterno’s statues around campus and the stadium have been torn down, and his 111 wins from 1998 to 2011 have been vacated. Students and Penn State fans, many of them with families and children of their own, watched as their community became infamous for the scandal that occurred there. This is also a team and a community with heart. As new coach Bill O’Brien prepared the Nittany Lions for their home opener against Ohio University, Beaver Stadium as packed with fans yelling, “We are … Penn State.” When O’Brien and the team arrived at the stadium early that morning, hundreds of fans were there

to cheer them on. Football players and fans alike wore blue ribbons to show support for victims of child abuse. Players wore their names on the backs of their jerseys for the first time, a move that marked a new era of personal responsibility. Penn State drew a crowd of more than 90,000 for its homecoming game, including many students wearing their traditional “white-out” attire. Of course, after Penn State beat us in that homecoming game, I was mad. They wrecked our undefeated season on their home turf and destroyed our first top 25 ranking in years. As a friend reminded me, “football is just a game,” and I thought about that as I sullenly went home to start my homework. My friend was wrong. Sometimes football is more than a game. It’s the inspiration when a team that was almost sentenced to death surprises everyone and comes back with an incredible season. It’s the pride you feel when tens of thousands of fans, even fans of the opposing team, refuse to give up on their team or community. Congrats on the win, Nittany Lions. You deserve it. Meredith Goodman is a Weinberg sophomore. She can be reached at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, email a Letter to the Editor to

THE CURRENT Your weekly dose of arts and entertainment • Thursday, October 11, 2012

Boulevard of Broadway Dreams

Northwestern senior Alex Nee takes center stage in ‘A merican Idiot’

Photo courtesy of John Daughtry

FROM WILDCAT TO ROCK STAR Alex Nee as Johnny and Trent Saunders as St. Jimmy in “American Idiot.”

About a month before what would have been the first day of his senior year at Northwestern, Alex Nee stood on a dark stage in Charleston, S.C., black nail polish and guyliner applied. Homework was the last thing on his mind. It was the third preview performance of the first international tour of “Green Day’s American Idiot,” a direct-fromBroadway musical in which Nee plays the role of Johnny, its main character. The cast had just finished an energy-building, mosh-pit-style pre-show ritual and were taking their places for the first song. “I sort of had one of those out-of-body experiences,” Nee recalled of that moment just before the curtain rose. “I looked up at one guy who was above me, and thought, ‘Two hours

ago, he and I were eating barbecue in South Carolina and now we’re about to put on this amazing show that people have traveled miles to see.’” Nee, a Communication senior currently on leave from NU, will spend the next nine months as the star of the second national, first international tour of “American Idiot,” an adaptation of Green Day’s concept album by the same name. The opportunity arose last fall when the show’s casting director attended NU’s Mainstage production of “Rent,” in which Nee appeared as Roger. Roger and Nee’s later role as Melchior in “Spring Awakening,” both leads in rock-influenced musicals, were helpful in preparing him for the part of

Johnny. “(‘American Idiot’) definitely deals with a lot of darker, edgier topics — the whole sex, drugs and rock and roll thing — which is definitely a side of theater that I’m really attracted to, and I’ve found myself recently being able to do more,” Nee said of the show. “This last year feels like it’s all been ramping up to where I am now with ‘American Idiot.’” While Nee said this tour marks the most major production of his career, it is not his first time performing professionally. After a small role in a thirdgrade play, Nee’s parents allowed him to audition for regional theater in the San Francisco area. His pivotal acting experience came at 10 years old in a performance of Christopher Durang’s “Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You,” which dealt with subjects he had never encountered prior. “My mom always said she wouldn’t have let me see the play unless I was in it. I got to be exposed to all of this stuff that was really exciting and taboo and made theater really seem like this cool, edgy thing that I got to be a part of.” Since then, performance in all forms has become Nee’s passion. Dan Cantor, Nee’s acting professor of two years, said Nee’s numerous talents set him apart from most performers. “Right from the get-go, he definitely stood out,” Cantor said. “He can sing, he can play the guitar, he can move really well, he has circus skills. There are triple threats — sing, dance and act — Alex is a septuple threat or something like that.” Cantor says while all these things are important, what really defines Nee is his commitment to the craft. “He would take the smallest assignment and do it extremely well, and clearly put the time in,” Cantor said.

This week we’re obsessed with...


With only 10 episodes left before the series finale of “Gossip Girl,” viewers are anxiously anticipating the conclusion of the six-season-long drama. Here’s why you should tune in, whether you’re a devoted fan or casual channel surfer.

Eye candy

“Gossip Girl” revolutionized the portrayal of fashion on television. In season one, Blair Waldorf was the queen bee of Constance Billard. Four years after graduation, she’s now heading her own fashion company. The next episodes are destined to be more stylish

than ever. The visual appeal of “Gossip Girl” isn’t just the fashion. Outsiderturned-insider Dan Humphrey finally cut his hair, after displaying a disgustingly shaggy mop for all of last season. While golden boy Nate Archibald is as adorable as ever, no one can rock a suit (or purple) quite like former womanizer Chuck Bass.

Goodbye, good riddance

All the annoying characters are gone. Blair exiled Jenny in the season three finale after some irritating reappearances, so Taylor Momsen’s bleached

blonde locks and raccoon eyes are gone for good. Similarly, Vanessa fled town after season four. Season five brought the confusing Lola/Charlie plotline. While Charlie will remain on the show, Lola will not, as Ella Rae Peck (the actress who plays Lola) booked a show with NBC.

Everything comes around again

If the previews containing flashbacks to the first season are any indication, season six will be heavily reminiscent of the beginning. Once again, Serena’s personal life is a wreck and it’s up to

“He’s an incredibly responsible student, a responsible guy, a responsible artist. He’s strong and solid as a person in all ways.” It was those assignments at NU that Nee said prepared him for the professional world. As the youngest person in the cast, he said a solid work ethic and constant drive to improve have been vital to his success. “I know a lot of people reference this, but that classically Northwestern mentality of working really hard and not accepting what’s good enough, but going beyond that ... definitely helps me get up to the level that other people are at,” he said. Although Nee doesn’t have a set plan once the “American Idiot” tour wraps up, he said he may try to work on some other projects or even continue with the tour if the opportunity arises. His dream projects include “Cabaret” and

What: A&O Productions Fall

Blowout When: 6:30 p.m. Where: Welsh-Ryan Arena Cost: $10 for undergraduates and $15 for graduate students through the Norris Box Office Nas and Young the Giant will perform at Welsh-Ryan for the annual Fall Blowout concert. WildCARDs will be checked at the entrance of the event.



What: Open House Chicago When: Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. –

What: Chicago Humanities Festival When: 12 - 8:30 p.m. Where: Various locations around

5 p.m. depending on the building Where: Various locations around Chicago Cost: Free Sponsored by the Chicago Architecture Foundation, the event gives visitors the chance to check out more than 150 buildings throughout Chicago and look behind the scenes at mansions, theaters and hidden rooms.

Northwestern University Cost: Free for teachers and students Northwestern will host events for the Chicago Humanities Festival, featuring special guests Yo-Yo Ma, John Hodgman of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” and Jeff Pinkner, former executive producer of shows such as “Lost.” — Annie Bruce

— Maria Theodore

Photo courtesy of John Daughtry

IN THE SPOTLIGHT Alex Nee puts his guitar-playing skills to work as Johnny in “American Idiot,” an adaptation of Green Day’s concept album.

Manhattan’s elite to save her. While stale, this story arch is redeemed by the reassurance that it will be Serena’s final downward spiral. Plus, Blake Lively is almost pretty enough that her character’s shallowness can be forgiven. Furthermore, “Gossip Girl” devotees can also be heartened to know that some old characters (Nelly Yuki, Blair’s high school rival) will be making a comeback.

What now?

Like any season finale, the end of season five left some definite questions. While the characters have graduated high school (college, on the other hand, was never really clarified) and are all working, the real drama lies in the Chuck/Blair relationship. After six years of head games, intense chemistry,


the new musical “Once.” Still, Nee said finishing his NU degree is a priority. “It’s something I’ve started and definitely want to finish. I just don’t know exactly when that’s going to be.” Cantor’s predictions for Nee’s future are just as open-ended. “I often tell students that when you’re pursuing work as an actor, it’s definitely playing the lottery, but certain things give you more tickets,” he said. “If you’re talented that’s a certain number of tickets, if you have connections that’s some more tickets. ... Alex has a lot of tickets. So his odds are a little better, maybe, than the average person in pursuit, but you never know what’s going to happen. He’s super versatile. I think that’s his greatest strength.”



break-ups and make-up sex, it’s almost a given that they’ll end up together, if only to satisfy fans. And, you know, they’re totally meant to be.

You know you love me

Before there was A of “Pretty Little Liars,” there was Gossip Girl. Even now, the identity of the character voiced by Kristen Bell has remained a mystery. However, season five seemed to be setting up for a big reveal. Nate has vowed to expose the anonymous blogger and even has a “Who Is The Real Gossip Girl?” spread tacked up in his office. While a name to the veiled face isn’t guaranteed, fans can definitely expect more hints as the show draws to a close. — Pam Keller


Q & A with NU alumna and “CSI” star Marg Helgenberger


Insert Coin: Gaming on a budget


“Iphigenia 2.0” entertains but fails to connect


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words for...

Liam Neeson

Q &A

Marg Helgenberger, otherwise known as exotic-dancer-turned-forensic-scientist Catherine Willows on “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” has won numerous accolades including an Emmy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a People’s Choice Award. The Nebraska native grew up in a small town where she attended a state college before transferring to Northwestern her junior year and graduating from the School of Communication in 1982. NU welcomes her back this Sunday at the Hilton Garden Inn Evanston to receive the 2012 Alumnae Award. Before her return to campus, Marg spoke with The Current about leaving “CSI,” her hometown and being an NU student. Excerpts:

The Current: What have you been up

to since leaving “CSI?”

Wikimedia Commons

“Taken 2,” the sequel to the hit action movie starring Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills, a retired CIA agent with a particular set of skills, premiered this weekend and was a huge hit at the box office. The Daily and Current staffers respond: “As redundant as ‘Hangover 2.’” — James Bien “You got kidnapped AGAIN? Really?!” — Laken Howard “Deja vu all over again.” — Ali Lasher “Same ‘where’s my girl?’ story.” — John Yang “Mills officially outlived QuiGon Jinn. — Sam Freedman “Sales don’t imply sequels’ quality.” — Sydney Zink “Yay! New Liam Neeson memes!” — Chelsea Sherlock “‘Taken’ terrified my mom. Shame.” — Katy Vogt “Watch ‘Liam Neeson: The Musical.’” — Chelsea Peng Compiled by Alison Abrams

The Current Editor in Chief Megan Patsavas

Assistant Editor Chelsea Peng

Design Editor Kelsey Ott

Assistant Design Editor

Chelsea Sherlock

Marg Helgenberger: Oh, gosh, a variety of things ... I’m quite involved in breast cancer advocacy. This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and so I currently have a PSA that’s airing and the proceeds for a sale of a shopping bag at certain grocery stores goes towards Stand Up To Cancer. ... I also have done a lot of traveling. I am getting ready to do the play “The Exonerated” in New York. ... I actually sort of feel like I’m becoming a student again, because I currently am in meditation workshops and I’m starting a master class in acting with this great teacher from New York (in November). So I manage to keep myself pretty busy. The Current: Tell me about your

decision to leave the show. MH: I had a very difficult time leaving the show. Career-wise, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, because I spent many years with that group of people. ... It’s a real family that you establish once you get on a television show that’s up and running ... And what attributes to some of its success is how tight the ensemble of people is, and I’m not just referring to the cast, I’m referring to everyone: the writers, directors and crew and all the production heads. You become a well-oiled machine and you become very proud of what you do. ... I love the work environment, I love the work atmosphere, I love the collaboration, but I felt compelled to

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Odds & Ends

Marg Helgenberger NU alumna and ‘CSI’ star step back and move on.

The Current: Now that it’s been a couple of months since you left, do you have any new reflections about your experience on the show? MH: (During) those first few seasons (of “CSI”) when we were working very long hours and lots of nights — the show is supposedly set at night, because we’re supposed to be the graveyard unit of the crime lab — we shot in insane locations in the middle of nowhere. In retrospect, I just wonder how I did it and how I got through it. My son was much, much younger then and I wasn’t able to sleep in past a certain time, even though I was coming home at five o’clock in the morning. And those were just crazy times, but it was also fueled by the excitement of the show because it became globally successful. The Current: You’ve played many love interests in your career. Which actor was the most fun to work with in romantic roles? MH: I loved working with Kevin Costner. He was one of my favorites, actually, because he’s very, very inclusive. He was very interested in what I had to say about the scene and there was something different about Kevin. He has an incredible boyish charm and I think he’s got great taste. Even though it was a relatively small role I had opposite him in “Mr. Book,” we were husband and wife, you have to explore so much history in a short period of time. You end up having a much more intense, intimate experience when the cameras are rolling, and even in between takes, you have an intense, intimate experience. The Current: What is it like to have a street named after you in your hometown of North Bend, Neb.? MH: It really is pretty special. When I went back for the unveiling of it, which was about five years ago, I was very touched by it. A lot of people turned out, and there was a program up at my high school where the students were doing scenes from shows that I had done. The Current: Tell me about your experience as a student at NU. MH: I knew I had to step up my

Photo courtesy of Marg Helgenberger

CSI: EVANSTON Actress Marg Helgenberger will return to Northwestern, her alma mater, this Sunday to accept the 2012 Alumnae Award.

game when I got to Northwestern, academically as well as knowing that I was competing against kids that were from New York and LA. It was a bit (intimidating), because they had their resumes and eight-by-tens. Nonetheless, I started auditioning and getting cast, and I was busy between classes and work-study. It was a very intense two years that I spent in Evanston. They didn’t give transfer students the same treatment as freshmen, so I had to stay at a dormitory at Kendall College. But it was a perfectly fine home for me. I had a wonderful time there.

The Current: Are there any particular plays that were your favorites? MH: I’m thinking of two in particular, which were game-changers for me. I played Blanche DuBois in “A Streetcar Named Desire,” and just playing that role, as an actor, it was expansive and extremely challenging. In playing that role, and understanding that character and trying to bring it alive, it made me realize that I perhaps could actually do

this for a living. And then I played Kate in “The Taming of the Shrew” after my senior year during the summer. It was pivotal for me, because I was seen by a casting agent, which eventually led to a screen test and a job on a soap opera called “Ryan’s Hope.”

The Current: What was your reaction when you found out you were the recipient of the 2012 Alumnae Award? MH: First off, I’m very flattered and honored that they would think of me for that award and I’m very touched by it. I’ve come back to school a few times since I graduated and I always enjoy working with the students. I think the last time was when I worked with the graduate students who had just all written plays, and I got signed to be a part of these stage readings, and it was just this great fun. I love being around students, young minds and hearing what excites them. All in all I was just really thrilled. — Junnie Kwon

Quirky questions with...

Juan Herrera, Quidditch team captain

Don’t have a Nimbus 2000 levitating in the back of your closet? Don’t worry, you can still play Quidditch like they do in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, with a few modifications. Instead of soaring through the air, Muggle Quidditch players run around a circular field straddling broomsticks. The Golden Snitch is a person who had better be fast and crafty because they’ve got two seekers trying to capture them. Juan Herrera, NU’s Quidditch team captain and Weinberg sophomore, sat down with The Current to discuss his favorite sport and answer some quirky questions.

The Current: Is Deering Library creepy to you? JH: No, I love it. Sometimes I go there for the atmosphere.

The Current: What’s your favorite Harry Potter character? Juan Herrera: Sirius Black. He’s really badass. He escapes from maximum security prison.

The Current: If you could be any superhero, which would you be? JH: That’s a tough question. There are so many good superheroes out there. Rorschach, from “Watchmen,” his whole purpose is to symbolize no compromise. He doesn’t have any superpower, he understands people — like the dark side of people.

The Current: If you were a Quid-

ditch ball which one would you be? JH: The Snitch. Physically I couldn’t be the Snitch, (but) they can run anywhere they want. There’s no rules. They can do whatever they want. Whimsical.

The Current : Do you own Converse? JH: No, I don’t like Converse. I don’t like how they look. They just don’t look very classy. I’m more of a fan of dress shoes. The Current: Would you rather

lose your arm or your leg? JH: Leg. There are prosthetics. A prosthetic arm doesn’t grab as well. It’s very easy to replace a leg.

The Current: Would you rather

dress up or be comfortable in sweats? JH: I like dressing up. It feels nice

to wear nice clothing.

The Current: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? JH: Israel. I went there when I was 18, last summer, and it was the best experiences in the world. (There’s) just something there, that people lack in the United States. The Current: What’s your favorite place on campus? JH: The Lakefill. The Current: Have you ever painted The Rock? JH: No, it’s something I’ve wanted to do. The Quidditch team is actually planning to do that. The Current: What’s your favorite childhood memory? JH: On my birthday, my parents got me a Gameboy Color — I was 7, 8 or 9 — and Pokemon Silver Edition. I stayed up and played it all night. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. The Current: Do you call it a backpack or a bookbag?

Photo courtesy of Matt Dean

Magical muggle Juan Herrera, captain of the NU Quidditch team poses with his steed.

JH: Backpack, bookbag is weird. It doesn’t always carry books, but it’s always on your back. — April McFadden

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Insert Coin will podlewski

Reviving ‘90s gaming on your laptop

Video gaming isn’t cheap. With a torrent of online passes, downloadable content and system peripherals taking a huge bite out of gamers’ wallets, it’s harder than ever to get a decent value when you plunk down your hardearned cash for the next big thing. But in an industry that seems to care only about the “Call of Duty” series and “Assassin’s Creed,” it’s easy to forget that some of the best games out there cost little-to-nothing to enjoy. That’s why every two weeks, I’ll be showing you a great new way to get your video gaming fix for under $20. So get your quarters ready and game on! In the pantheon of video game characters, one grossly overweight, mustachioed Italian plumber named Mario has achieved more lasting impact than all the Master Chiefs and Commander Shepards in the world — slipping down warp pipes, enthralling generation after generation of countless children and young-at-heart.

Dating and Confused chelsea sherlock

Just say no Getting rejected when you ask someone out sucks, especially if they do it incorrectly. I have felt the harsh sting of realizing someone does not feel the same way about me, and boy, does it hurt. That is why whenever I have to turn someone down, I try to do it in the kindest way possible. Case in point: when my co-worker asked me out. He was a new employee

Clothes Lines

pam keller

Putting style on the map There’s no place like home. It’s hard to deny that our personal fashion philosophies tend to reflect where we’re from, but that’s not to stay you can’t take inspiration from other style capitals. Here are three regional menswear methodologies and how to get each look.

East Coast

The traditional East Coast style is classic Ivy League refinement. Most New Englanders rarely take style risks, wearing variations of the same outfit each day. Layering is essential to keeping warm and looking put-together. Blazers, particularly in navy, instantly upgrade an outfit by evoking images of private school uniforms. They also serve as an outlet for expression when worn in tweed, a slight variation from the norm. The typical outfit includes a combination of V-neck sweaters or hoodies worn over button-down shirts (either solid T-shirts or polos on more casual days) with khakis or jeans. Boat shoes, like Sperrys, are popular. If sneakers are the choice, they’re less athletic and more polished. Accessories are kept to a minimum — a single leather-banded watch is nice. Clothes have a simple sophistication to them, without any embellishment or fussy accents. Logos are virtually nonexistent, save for the Ralph Lauren pony. Color appears on occasion, mainly for tops. Pastel shorts, paired with a neutral upper half, also make a subtle splash. East Coast collegiates consistently look classy and clean-cut (facial hair is virtually nonexistent) and are less likely to experiment with hipster

The Current | Page 3


But that is no excuse for Mario’s games to be so mind-bendingly hard. The chief offender is 1990’s “Super Mario World,” originally released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). An unforgiving and cruel platformer, the colorful aesthetics of Mario’s world ill-represent the tortuous enemies and controllercrushingly difficult level design that are the hallmarks of this title. Even the appearance of Mario’s adorable dinosaur steed, Yoshi, does little to mask just how truly punishing “Super Mario World” is. But really, who am I to complain? After all, I was just playing it for free … legally. How? Through the magic of one gem of a website — SNESbox. com. is a browser based SNES emulator run through Adobe Flash. This means that there are no files to download; just hop onto the SNESbox homepage and you can start playing “Super Mario World” within seconds. Or try the excellent “Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past” or “Super Castlevania IV” or one of the other 1,858 other games they have available — just about every SNES game released in North America, in fact. Good site structuring on the part of the developers means that every single game, from “Super Mario Kart” to the criminally under-appreciated “Earthworm Jim,”

runs smoothly in full 16-bit glory. And with the addition of online multiplayer and automatic saving (after registering for a free account), SNESbox is a marked improvement over the actual SNES console experience. Of course, some of the magic is lost when you end up guiding Mario through all those warp pipes with a keyboard instead of an actual controller, but thankfully hardware manufacturer Gtron has you covered with their SNES USB controller. A near-exact replica of Nintendo’s original, Gtron’s SNES controller works perfectly with the

plug-and-play mentality of SNESbox. com: There is no software to install (no instruction manual, even) or a product code to register. The USB connection is simple and reliable, and the controller works like a charm, even if the buttons can be a little stiff. For just under $9 on Amazon, retro gaming has never been so affordable. An entire console’s worth of games? Free. A modern spin on a classic controller? Less then $9. Screaming at your computer in frustration after dying for the tenth time in a row in “Super Mario World?” Priceless.

at the time, so we had only known each other for about two weeks before he proposed an inter-office (sans office) relationship. We had talked a little, mainly in the case of me trying to help him learn his job, so I was caught off-guard when he asked me out after work one day. I was completely uninterested in dating him, but unsure of how he would handle a “no.” So, I proceeded with caution. I began by telling him I recognized how much courage it took for him to share how he felt and that I had respect for him because of it. I then explained I was not interested in a relationship with him, clearly saying “no.” I explained my reasons, and fortunately he was understanding; we

still occasionally talk. Honesty is the most important thing when turning someone down. If there is no possibility of you ever saying yes, do not lead them to believe there is. Promises of “maybe another time” just provide hope they should not have. Likewise, do not lie about why you are saying no. They had the courage to ask you out, you should at least have the courage to tactfully explain your answer. It is okay to say you do not have feelings for them, but avoid insults or smugness. Never think you are obligated to say yes. I don’t care if they bought you roses and asked you out on the big screen at a Northwestern football game. If you want to say no, say no.

Be mindful of the situation. Do not be unnecessarily rude or cruel in your response. However, if they persist or react poorly, you should become more insistent. Be firm in your answer, and if they continue to press the issue, just walk away. Some people think of a no as playing hard-to-get or a sign they just need to convince you of how awesome they are. This brings me to the other side of the issue: how to react to being rejected. If someone turns you down, be graceful about it. Accept the answer without arguing. There is not much to gain from a date you had to talk them into. They should acknowledge your feelings, but you have to respect theirs.

or flamboyant styles.


European guys are less afraid to be in touch with their feminine sides. Consequently, bright color and pattern (even florals) appear much more frequently. Men also carry messenger bags. Scarves are ubiquitous, particularly indoors. Parisian style is achieved through extreme attention to detail. Men may have facial hair, but it is carefully groomed. They also pay attention to their hair, styling it with product. Everything is perfectly tailored (think slim-fit pants) and cuffed. A variety of textures and colors combine artfully in an unexpected, but uncontrived, way. According to Weinberg freshman Connor Steelberg of Paris, shoes (the first thing Parisians notice) should always make a statement.


The SoCal lifestyle heavily influences fashion in the Golden State. With an attitude described by Medill freshman Kevin Luong as “I don’t care,” clothes (usually whatever is clean) are extremely casual, regardless of the situation. With weather at or above 60 degrees year-round, Californians enjoy a nearly endless summer wardrobe. Regardless of whether or not someone actually surfs, swim trunks are omnipresent. Shorts, graphic T-shirts and flip-flops are the go-to outfit. Sunglasses, usually Ray Bans, are big. Cali boys are less afraid to take risks in fashion than East Coast fraternity brothers. They dabble in more contemporary pieces like skinny jeans, but to a lesser extent than their European counterparts. While these regions each have a distinct approach to dressing, individual style evolves over time as you incorporate different elements into your closet. Experiment all you want — just don’t end up in a swimsuit and a scarf in a snowstorm.

Here We Go Again

Will Podlewski/The Daily Northwestern

Dirty Talk phoebe gonzalez

How do you want it? Recently a good friend of mine confronted me with this headscratcher: “If you had the choice between being made love to or getting f--ked, which would you choose?” I was a little taken aback by the question — and it wasn’t because of her sordid choice of words. I was momentarily shocked for two reasons, the first being that there was somehow an important distinction between “f--king” and having sex that involved love. The second was that I immediately and unconsciously recognized this distinction. When she referred to “getting f--ked” she was referring to earth shaking, moan-inducing, toe-curling, headboard-breaking, capital S-E-X. “Making love,” on the other hand, referred to an entirely different experience: candle light, slow movements, emotions. No fireworks, no epiphanies and the toes remain uncurled. But why was it that I automatically knew what the difference between the two acts was? Why do we seem to think there’s a disconnect between hot sex and loving sex? My guess is that in order to “make love” you need to be in a relationship and you need to be at the point where you’re comfortable saying “I love you” to each other. As anyone who’s


been in a long-term relationship can attest, this often takes a while. And if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, sex with that one person over and over again has the potential to get repetitious and boring. But I think it’s more than that. I think this disconnect also speaks to a larger theory about one night stands and steamy hook-ups that pervades our campus. There exists this idea that making eye contact with someone at a party, being attracted to them and going home with them will somehow add up to amazing sex. But some of my most awkward and least satisfying sexual encounters have been one night stands. We had amazing chemistry in public, but once we got into the bedroom, neither of us was able to effectively communicate what we wanted. One night stands for me have been mostly good, but very rarely have they been great. Let me be clear, though, that I am in no way condemning one night stands. I’ve had a few, and I have zero interest in shaming anybody. What I will say is that the hottest sex I’ve had has been with people who knew me well and, whether or not we were in a relationship, loved me in some way. Regular sex with one person (or more, no judgement) allows you to reach a level of comfort in expressing your desires and intuiting theirs. And from that comfort, you can get both love and multiple orgasms. So, dear Wildcats, would you rather f--k or make love? Who says you can’t do both?

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“I can’t even think about being with anyone else than the man I’m with.” — Kim Kardashian to Tatler Magazine about her relationship with Kanye West. “April is like the little sister I never had. Because the little sister I do have is normal and not terrifying.” — Ben Wyatt, played by Adam Scott, describing April LudgateDwyer, played by Aubrey Plaza, on “Parks and Recreation.”

“Crashing parties is one of our favorite pastimes.” — Chuck Bass, played by Ed Westwick, in the first episode of the final season of “Gossip Girl.” “I know you are bummed to have me as a partner. … You didn’t turn up to rehearsal! I feel like you want to go home.” — Bristol Palin, complaining to “Dancing with the Stars” partner Mark Ballas. Palin and Ballas are currently competing on the All-Star

edition of the ABC show. “When you share history with somebody, then you tend to fall in love with somebody else, it’s kinda difficult. … Is there such thing as loving two people? I don’t know if that’s possible, but for me, I feel like that.” — Chris Brown, in a video he posted to Twitter called “The Real Chris Brown,” explaining his feelings for both Karrueche Tran and Rihanna. Tran and Brown reportedly broke up earlier that day. “We’ve got to get the elephant out of the room — obviously, what everybody’s thinking about when they look at this is: What were you thinking with ‘Jingle All the Way’? I mean seriously, just dreadful.” — Jon Stewart during his interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger after the release of Schwarzenegger’s book “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story.” Compiled by Annie Bruce

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Moderno For authentic Italian food, you might be tempted to head into Chicago to Café Spiaggia or Piccolo Sogno, but I recently took the Metra going the opposite direction and discovered some incredible Italian cuisine in Highland Park. It’s merely a 30-minute Metra ride to Moderno, 1850 Second St., and well worth the trip. Hop off the train and the restaurant is just two blocks away, offering some of the tastiest and most affordable Italian food north of the city. Evanston has Dave’s Italian Kitchen, but the food at Moderno is more thoughtful and refined. To start, bread service consists of fried pizza dough squares sprinkled with Grana Padano cheese. You’ll likely finish them off and be enticed to order a pizza to share. Two solid choices are the heavier pancetta, gouda and bechamel pie topped with a fried egg and the spiced lamb, arugula and yogurt pizza inspired by Middle Eastern flavors. A major theme at Moderno is that nearly everything is made in-house, from homemade creme fraiche to

Theater Review “Iphigenia 2.0” A military captain prepares to set sail for combat, but first, he must sacrifice his daughter to prove the justness of war to his soldiers. If the word “sacrifice” conjures up thoughts of an ancient polytheistic society, you would not be totally off the mark. “Iphigenia 2.0,” which is closing next weekend at Next Theatre in Evanston, is exactly what the name implies, a modern retelling of Euripides’ myth “Iphigenia at Aulis.” Writer Charles Mee temporally upgrades the story to a present-day Middle Eastern country, presumably Iraq. However, Agamemnon’s (Aaron Todd Douglas) hesitance about the pending sacrifice prompts a lecture by his brother Menelaus (Ricardo Gutierrez), on the challenges of being a true leader. The definition of a leader and the horrors of war are clearly the main players in this production, not Iphigenia. This is evident from the play’s opening, a monologue by Agamemnon that serves as a state address and meditation on the horrible acts of war that are often deemed necessary only by those removed from the bloodshed. While the thought of modern soldiers requesting a sacrifice from their captain seems illogical, it is not, in fact, so unbelievable. The gripe by some Americans that the president’s children are never sent off to war hits close to home. The play’s theme of war’s drawbacks continues throughout the production and is staged terrifically by director David Kersnar

house-smoked trout that is paired with hen of woods mushrooms and peanuts in a farfalle dish. All the pastas are handmade every morning, too, as the menu proudly proclaims. The farfalle was one of my favorite dishes, a successful combination I’d never tasted before. The coin-shaped corzetti streaked with vibrant green pesto was a close second, though; the creamy sheep’s milk ricotta is accented with crispy capers. The hand-stamped corzetti, reminiscent of sand dollars, are almost too pretty to eat. Meat lovers will salivate over the

confit pork shoulder, which marinates for 12 hours in grenache vinegar and spices. Fresh-caught seafood, with preparations changing daily, won’t disappoint either. On my most recent visit, I enjoyed a grey mullet with freshly shucked garbanzo beans, scallions and green olives. For dessert, the tartufi are a must. “Tartufo” means truffle in Italian, and these cream puffs fi lled with chocolate mousse, then rolled in pulverized chocolate cake crumbs, strongly resemble the subterranean mushrooms.

“These are the best thing to have in your fridge when you stumble home drunk,” chef/owner John des Rosiers says. When you make a reservation, ask for “Mamma’s Table,” an alcove booth that seats up to five. You get your own privacy curtain, lighting and music controls. Plus, chances are executive chef Phil Rubino will send you some off-menu bites and drinks he’s experimenting with, on the house. How’s that for a warm welcome? — Amber Gibson

Amber Gibson/The Daily Northwestern

IMPECCABLE ITALIAN Pancetta bechamel pizza topped with fried egg (left) and farfalle with smoked trout, mushrooms and peanuts (right) from Moderno in Highland Park

of Lookingglass Theatre. Kersnar uses physical theater (stepping and stunts) to convey his message. Standout scenes include the soldiers’ recitation of the many desires they have while on active duty and the traits of a capable and effective leader. One of the play’s most powerful moments is a soldier’s monologue about killing the enemy after forcing him to kneel and pray before the triumphant soldier’s god. It makes a powerful statement about the war the United States is currently engaged in and its resemblance to the Crusades of centuries ago. However, these moments seem totally disconnected from the main plot of the play: the sacrifice of Iphigenia. When Iphigenia does arrive (played almost too childishly by Rebecca Buller), we have almost forgotten she is the titular character of the show. Iphigenia’s only major scene comes at the play’s end when she agrees to her sacrifice, and in essence, becomes immortal like the tale itself. Save for Clytemnestra’s desperate attempts to save her daughter’s life (scenes which are near perfect thanks to Laura T. Fisher’s headstrong performance), portions of the play feel random. Many pop culture references and entire characters remain confusing and unexplained: a game of “Dance Dance Revolution,” a step by the soldiers as they sing Kanye West’s “Monster;” and a local man who addresses the audience in a foreign language. In short, while “Iphigenia 2.0” uses an interesting combination of stunts, song, stepping and pop culture, the connection between style, message and story is lacking. — Iman Childs

Movie Preview Guide to the Chicago Film Festival It’s not every day one can take a walk in a foreign world while remaining in a comfortable theater seat. There will be 150 films from 50 countries shown in 14 days at the Chicago International Film Festival. The longest-running competitive film festival in North America, now in its 48th year, runs Oct. 11 through 25. According to creator Michael Kutza, the festival is “dedicated to fostering better understanding between cultures and to making a positive contribution to the art form of the moving image.” At more than half of the screenings each year, filmgoers have the rare and exciting chance to meet directors, actors and actresses. For your convenience, I’ve perused the list of all 150 and included my top picks, all of which include a chance to talk with at least one active participant in the film. Unlike your run-of-the mill Hollywood flicks, independent films are known for taking on less-talked-about, real and pressing societal issues. Hopefully my picks reflect this. 1. “Agon” (Albania/France/Greece/ Romania) directed by Robert Budina This film explores the prejudice and bigotry two Albanian brothers face in a new country, and the complexities of their own relationship. 2. “Any Day Now” (USA) directed by Travis Fine A gay couple adopts a mentally handicapped teenager and becomes the family he’s never had, but must fight the legal system to keep him.

Ireland/USA) directed by Valeri Vaughn This documentary examines how the street art of murals tells the story of Northern Ireland’s history and violence. 4. “Cloud Atlas” (Singapore) directed by Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski This drama, mystery and action film explores how a soul can be turned from killer to hero, and the events and people involved. 5. “Everybody’s Got Somebody … Not Me” (Mexico) directed by Raul Fuentes Two teenage girls find each other in their private high school, in a youthful rendition of the classic “opposites attract” story. 6. “Flowerbuds” (Czech Republic) directed by Zdenek Jirasky In a snapshot of life in a small Czech town, tragedies of gambling addictions and unemployment unfold and push a family to the edge. 7. “Germania” (Argentina) directed by Maximiliano Schonfeld An Argentine family is forced to leave home after a plague decimates their farm, and in the process, they must reconcile with their past. 8. “The Last Sentence” (Sweden) directed by Jan Troell Based on a true story, “The Last Sentence” portrays Swedish journalist Torgny Segerstedt as he undertakes an anti-Nazi campaign. For more recommendations, check out an extended version of this article at

3. “Art of Conflict” (Northern

This week in the lives of the rich and famous… A couple trendy European members of the boy band One Direction commented Monday they saw a “likeness” between their band (Can we really call it that?) and The Beatles. Try to guess which one of the aforementioned pop groups played real instruments, wrote their own songs and ever-so-slightly revolutionized an entire genre of music. Hint: The other One is headed down a different path ... and in the wrong Direction.

The Rundown

Food Review

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city, will be officially renamed “The Middle of Middle-Earth” for a threeweek period during which the new movie “The Hobbit” will premiere. While New Zealanders bask in this tourist attraction, the rest of the sane world may think again before venturing to Middle Earth.

Mediocre screenwriter Kelly Marcel will write the first installment of the “50 Shades of Grey” trilogy. Her former work includes FOX’s “Terra Nova,” which I’ve only experienced through choppy previews while indulging in reruns of “New Girl.” Looks like the poorly written pornographic novel will have an equally inadequate sci-fi film companion. Rosie O’Donnell reported Sunday she’d like to buy Honey Boo Boo’s family a house. All people of the world subsequently cursed TLC for throwing more money at white American families with tons of kids. We also wonder why we have yet to absorb anything of value from this so-called “learning” channel. If you haven’t seen recent pictures of Sarah Palin, you wouldn’t know the former governor of Alaska now looks like a skeleton. So naturally, she’s set out to write a book on fitness and self-discipline. The Palins are all about enforcing their expertise in subjects they know nothing about, like politics. The media assumes everyone is shaking in anticipation to know the status of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson’s rocky relationship. You may breathe easy now because, as of Monday, the “Twilight” co-stars are reportedly back together. We think they should just move on because everyone else has ditched Team Edward for Team PeeNiss. The “Toy Story” franchise is taking a turn for the terrifying with the 2013 TV special “Toy Story Of Terror.” When it comes to introducing children to the horror genre, we might as well torture their favorite animated characters.

— Megan Pauly

— Haley Boston


Kaitlin Svabek/Daily Senior Staffer

A conversation with Alan Krueger

On Monday, students attended the Institute for Policy Research’s 2012 Distinguished Public Policy Lecture, titled “A Conversation with Alan Krueger.” Krueger is the chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers and is on leave from his position as a Bendhein Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Students hope he’s correct about what he described as a “slowly healing” economy, especially as they anticipate post-graduation employment.

Meghan White/Daily Senior Staffer

Newton Minow Lecture with Mark Shields

At the Newton Minow Lecture on Tuesday, Mark Shields shared his experiences as a journalist, particularly his coverage of the 2012 presidential campaigns. Shields is a 2012 Newton Minow Visiting Professor, a columnist and a political commentator for “The PBS NewsHour.” I wonder if Shields met up with “NewsHour” colleague Jim Lehrer post-debate to chat about Romney’s jab at their network.

Melody Song/The Daily Northwestern

Campus lighting assessment

With a mission to improve campus safety, NU administrators, Associated Student Government representatives and other participants assessed campus lighting Oct. 8. Addressing student concerns based on the ASG survey, the participants toured targeted locations at which surveys have shown some student feel unsafe. Ironically, the most unsafe and uncomfortable places on campus, like Tech LR3 and other exam hot spots, were not featured on that tour.

Mariam Gomaa/Daily Senior Staffer

Lakefill WiFi

Northwestern recently installed WiFi service on the Lakefill as part of the 5K Initiative, an Associated Student Government initative that allocates $5,000 to improve an aspect of Northwestern’s campus. Despite complaints of subpar WiFi performance in residence halls, students are now able to surf the web while they enjoy the view of Lake Michigan. — John Yang

the daily northwestern | NEWS 5

thursday, october 11, 2012 *Models used in this campaign are volunteers. Statements do not reflect personal experiences.

City’s renewable energy may not be fully green By audrey cheng

the daily northwestern

Where do I go?


Center for Awareness, Response & Education

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Searle Hall, 3rd Floor | 633 Emerson Street | 847/491-2054 | This project was supported by Grant No. 2011-WA-AX-005 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Jus�ce. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommenda�ons expressed in this publica�on are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Jus�ce, Office on Violence Against Women.

Evanston’s search for a new electricity supplier was carried out from March through August, with less than 2 percent of eligible residents and small business owners opting out of the program. The electricity aggregation program allows eligible Evanston electricity customers to receive cheaper rates and 100 percent renewable energy, city staff said. Yet the reality is that people may not be using what they paid for, calling into question whether aggregation allows the city to meet its 2008 Climate Action Plan goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Catherine Hurley, Evanston’s sustainable programs coordinator, explained that rather than paying directly to an energy distributor, participating Evanston residents and small businesses are part of an electricity aggregation program. The renewable energy certificates that residents purchase on the aggregate plan add to the percentage of green energy use on the electrical grid. The renewable energy originates either in Illinois or an adjacent state, Hurley said, but the energy that feeds into individual Evanston homes and small businesses may not be 100 percent renewable. “We know that there are other people that use the energy as it gets into the grid and as it gets close to them,” Hurley said. “But because of them not buying the green energy credits, they aren’t able to claim that their energy is green. We’re purchasing the green value of it.” Even though Evanston is running on an indeterminate mix of renewable and nonrenewable energy, Citizens’ Greener Evanston President Ron Fleckman said the city is contributing to the renewable energy effort in the Chicagoland area. Through the program, Evanston residents are purchasing green energy for the energy grid, which Fleckman said allows the city to claim use of 100 percent renewable energy. “Once it goes on the grid, all power is the same and it flows wherever the law of physics takes it,” Fleckman said. Hurley also compared the city’s 100 percent renewable energy use through aggregation to that of other utilities, such as water.

“It’s sort of like when you put water into a big basin — you could be dumping water in from several different sources, but it’s all mixed in together,” she said. “So, in the end, when you draw a little water out of a spigot, you don’t know exactly where all those water molecules came from.” Constellation Energy, the city’s new supplier for green energy, and the city cannot measure the exact percentage of green energy fed into Evanston’s system. Although the mix We energy residents and know that there of small businesses use is not are other people necessarily 100 percent renewable, the overall that use the percentage of renewable energy as it gets energy on the grid has into the grid and been increased directly of Evanston resias it gets close to because dents’ contributions. them. Charles Schultz, development director of Local Catherine Hurley, Power Inc., said his green Evanston energy consultant firm is sustainable currently meeting with the programs city of Chicago regarding coordinator its electricity aggregation plans. While he is supportive of Evanston adopting an electricity aggregation plan to promote renewable energy, he questioned the need to purchase renewable energy certificates. Renewable energy certificates represent the positive impact that renewable generators have on the environment to energy buyers who support them, yet may not receive the actual renewable energy. Constellation Energy spokesman Lawrence McDonnell, said renewable energy certificates are “financial instruments that trade on an open market and represent the environmental attributes of renewable resources.” “There is no way to separate electrons that flow on the power grid, i.e., you cannot tag certain electrons as green and others as brown,” McDonnell said. “Power customers and communities like Evanston support green energy generation by paying for RECs that offset or match the power they consume.”

this weekend in music

@ P I C K - S TA I G E R FRIDAY 12

OCTOBER 12 - 14, 2012



Keyboard Conversations Pick-Staiger, 7:30 p.m. $22/16

Cello Fest Pick-Staiger, 3 p.m. $6/4

Jeffrey Siegel, piano

Hans Erik Deckert, conductor

Featuring high-voltage, romantic compositions Bach wrote to wow his listeners with stunning virtuosity and deep expressivity, the program includes the exhilarating Toccata in D, the vivacious Italian Concerto, and the soul-stirring Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue.

Danish-German conductor-cellist Hans Erik Deckert conducts the Northwestern Cello Ensemble in a colorful program featuring his own works as well as music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Per Nørgård, Astor Piazzolla, David Popper, Maurice Ravel, and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. In several works the ensemble will be joined by talented young Chicago area cellists to form a 60-cello orchestra.

Jeffrey Siegel



Murray Perahia Piano Master Class Pick-Staiger, 3 p.m. Free The 2012 recipient of Northwestern’s Jean Gimbel Lane Prize in Piano Performance, renowned pianist Murray Perahia has won the Avery Fisher Prize, the Royal Philharmonic’s Instrumentalist Award, and numerous Gramophone Awards and Grammy nominations. In this master class he coaches talented Bienen School of Music piano students.

Murray Perahia



TICKETS: 847.467.4000

O R W W W . P I C K S TA I G E R . O R G

6 NEWS | the daily northwestern

thursday, october 11, 2012

Knight News Lab wins online award COMEDY! Congressional Primaries 2012 project recognized by Online News Association By Flora Sun

the daily northwestern

Congressional Primaries 2012, a project operated by the Knight News Innovation Lab at Northwestern, won an award recently from the Online News Association, the world’s largest group of online journalists. The project developed technology to help Illinois news organizations cover the state’s congressional primaries. Sixteen news organizations, including the Chicago Sun-Times, NBC5 Chicago and Evanston Now, supplemented their election coverage with the lab’s tools. Congressional Primaries 2012 also features profiles of each Illinois congressional primary candidate using social media. “We want to make our user experience

straightforward, so different users can obtain the information they need in a quick time,� said Medill Prof. Jeremy Gilbert, who led the design phase of the project. We “The biggest challenge want to make for us is how to analyze and interpret the subour user stantial data collected.� experience Congressional Primaries 2012 includes straightforward, information gathered so different through social media users can and automated aggregations, as well as camobtain the paign finance data. information “To achieve these, we have tailored a set they need. of tools for the project, Jeremy Gilbert, including an analysis Medill prof. and categorization of candidates’ tweets and the tweets of candidates’ followers, an aggregation tool that collected coverage of individual congressional primary races


from multiple sources and a snapshot of campaign contributions by geography,� said Ryan Graff, the communications manager of the lab. Third-year McCormick graduate student Shawn O’Banion works on the project team, which formed in December and launched Congressional Primaries 2012 in March. “My role mainly focuses on categorizing political communication on social media,� O’Banion said. “I built a tool that automatically analyzes what people are talking about on Twitter, as organized by their typical news categories — sports, health, technology, et cetera.� The project was developed on the basis of both the research topics of several graduate students and the Journalism 390: Innovation in Journalism & Technology, which Gilbert taught in fall 2011, where students from Medill and McCormick worked in groups to do projects. The Knight News Innovation Lab, a joint initiative of Medill and McCormick, was created in 2011 with a $4.2 million grant.

By Sophia Bollag

the daily northwestern

The NU Bioscientist program is now operating under a new director but continues to run as part of an effort to revamp Northwestern’s biology department. Molecular sciences Prof. Greg Beitel took over as head of the second-year program after former director Linda Hicke left NU to be dean of the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas in Austin. NU Bioscientist is part of Northwestern University Ventures in Biology Education, a project funded by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute that was awarded in 2010 to improve NU’s biology department. The program provides research opportunities for freshmen. Beitel said very few freshmen were doing research at NU before the program started. “There were less than 10 undergraduate research awards awarded to freshmen (in previous years),� he said. “This year we had 30 freshmen doing research, so we dramatically increased the number. We’re very excited about that.� Beitel said the transition into his role as director has been smooth and he does not plan


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NU Bioscientist expands with new leader to change the program from last year. “My impression was that it worked pretty well,� he said. “I haven’t seen a reason to change anything yet.� NU Bioscientist accepts 30 incoming freshmen each year. Most of the students are premed or biology majors, This said biological sciences year we had 30 Prof. Christina Rusfreshmen doing sin, who teaches one the classes in the research, so we of program. dramatically The freshmen take increased the seminar classes during Fall Quarter and Winnumber. ter Quarter, where they learn basic lab skills Greg Beitel, and techniques for molecular writing grant proposbiology als. They find labs to prof. work in and write their own proposals to obtain funding. In the summer, they conduct their own research. “When they are ready to do research in the summer, they can kind of hit the ground running,� Russin said. Weinberg freshman Danika Anderson, who is in NU Bioscientist this year, said the program

Double-Shot Showcase

has been practically helpful so far. “It’s really nice having someone tell you how to make connections and how to get into a lab,� she said. The students who participated in the program last year conducted research on a wide range of topics, including synthetic chemistry, detection of cancer cells, genetic medicine, communication sciences and gastroenterology. The program has organized two events in the past two weeks for last year’s students to share their findings with each other and with the students this year. “We definitely want to keep those students in touch with each other,� Beitel said. “They’ve established a community and we’d like to help foster that.� The grant money will fund the program for another two years, he said. After that, the University will have to start funding the program or Beitel will have to secure another grant. Russin said she is optimistic the program will continue to run after the money from the Howard Hughes Institute grant runs out. “The idea is that this program will continue forever,� she said.




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the daily northwestern | NEWS 7

thursday, october 11, 2012


From page 1 budget and an agreement with Student Affairs, which matched the budgeted $5,000. However, Student Affairs has not agreed to match ASG’s contribution in future years, and many ASG senators opposed a portion of the legislature that stated funding for the initiative would be taken from the student activities fund in future years. Senators voiced concerns that student group funding could potentially be sacrificed. The legislation eventually passed, following an amendment that struck the planned funding beyond this school year. “It was the democratic process at work,” Stewart said. “Now we have time to explore other funding sources.” Long-term focuses of the new ASG include plans for a new student center, a University alcohol policy and an interactive unofficial student guide. Last year, consultants evaluated Norris University Center and gathered feedback about the center from students, Shao said. The consultants will present mock-ups and renderings of new student centers or potential renovations to existing campus buildings in November, Shao explained. Following debate over NU’s alcohol policy during last year’s campaign, Alex Van Atta, vice president for student life, has been leading a group

Landlord From page 1

regularly maintain their properties and those who only meet minimum standards to pass inspections. “We just want to make sure the ordinance creates a better living environment for students who live off campus,” Braithwaite said of the decision to postpone the vote. Supporters of the ordinance say it will ensure the city’s housing regulations are being followed, and called for the city council to pass it at Monday’s meeting. On the other hand, antilandlord licensing ordinance advocate Howard Handler spoke out against the ordinance to The Daily on Wednesday. Although Handler said he was glad the ordinance was delayed, he would have preferred it to be rejected outright. The ordinance is a way to discriminate against NU students because it would add to

of students in researching alcohol policies at peer institutions and how students feel about NU’s own rules. “A majority of the campus doesn’t even know what the alcohol policy is,” McCormick junior Van Atta said. Van Atta and his group will publicize their report and recommendations Nov. 1. The unofficial student guide will teach freshmen the ins and outs of NU, from how to pick classes to how to replace a WildCARD, through interactive videos, Shao said. Shao said many of the students who will work on the guide include freshmen in ASG, but he will also seek feedback from students outside ASG. In the next month, Shao said, ASG will launch a revamped website. He also said he is following through with his campaign promise to launch Express NU, a website that will allow students to post and like suggestions in a format similar to Reddit. Shao and Stewart said ASG events like the activities fair during Wildcat Welcome, Big Bite Night and Deering Days have already connected the University community. Shao also noted ASG’s involvement in planning the memorial for sophomore Harsha Maddula early this year. “Certainly this was a rough way to start the school year,” Shao said. “But it was also a powerful way to bring the community together.”


From page 8 his family wouldn’t have to fly from their home in Florida to do it. “That would have been pretty emotional for the family,” Cooper said. “I had a good idea of what was important to him. That’s what they wanted.” In his own grieving process, football has served as an escape, a sanctuary where he can block out whatever pain he may be feeling. “Once I’m on the football field, my mind is clear,” Cooper said. “It’s been very therapeutic.” When he does think about Tinsley while on the field, the memory serves as a source of motivation for Cooper and his teammates, reminding them of how precious their opportunity is and how suddenly it can be taken away. “When things get hard, when your mind gets weak, think about GT, think about the opportunity that we have now that GT doesn’t have anymore,” Cooper said. “Think about the blessing that it is to wake up another day and be able

to be out here playing football. It was football, Cooper said, that helped him take the necessary, though sadly insufficient, steps to aid Tinsley on that morning in April, preparing him to keep calm in chaotic situations. “Everything we do with football, our workouts and our intense schedules, that’s all about being responsible and having composure in stressful situations,” he said. “That’s basically what it was that helped me stay calm.” Cooper still lives in the same apartment, living alone for four months until fellow linebacker Aaron Hill moved in before Minnesota began its fall practices. “It actually doesn’t affect me,” Cooper said of living in the same place where his friend passed away. “It felt like he had just gone home to Florida, took a vacation to be with his family. That’s really what it is. He’s laying peacefully in Florida right now with his family, where he’s going to be for a long time. We’re just waiting for him to come back.”



the many rental regulations on those living off campus, said Handler, who is the government affairs director for the Illinois Association of Realtors. “The proponents of this ordinance are those who live close to campus that want to control the students through housing, and it’s completely illogical,” he said. Handler said NU students need to be more engaged with the licensing ordinance issues and take steps to defend tenants’ rights. Monacelli is not convinced that the ordinance discriminates against students. He said NU students are aware of the ordinance and support it, adding that Handler represents landlords and property owners, not the student body. “The students’ interests will be benefited with the passage of this ordinance,” Monacelli said.

Anthony Chen. Whichever way the Supreme Court decides could have a tremendous impact on NU, which already has seen its non-white portion of its student population increase from 35 percent in this year’s senior class to 45 percent in this year’s current freshman class. The court’s ruling could also affect NU’s admission policy, said Thomas Cline, vice president and general counsel at Northwestern. NU takes a holistic approach to admissions, he said. “Race is a factor, as is socioeconomic status, as is GPA, test scores, geographical background because all of that contributes to diversity,” Cline said. If the court’s decision declares in favor of the plaintiff, affirmative action policies could be considered racial discrimination, and under Article VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial discrimination is forbidden from programs, agencies, or institutions receiving federal funding. As one of the nation’s leading research institutions, NU has a major stake in the court’s decision.

“The standards that he championed reverberate through the generations, through the students who he had in class who are carrying those kinds of same standards forward,” Boye said. The famed reporter’s passion for the NU community was well known. Jauss did not just cover NU sports, but actually lettered during his undergraduate years. He lived in a house by Ryan Field for 47 years, according to the Chicago Tribune. “We appreciate his coverage for so many years and his friendship,” said Doug Meffley, Northwestern Athletics senior associate director. “Big or small, he loved a good story.” Jauss is remembered by many of his colleagues at the Tribune for his ability to write about any sport and his local notoriety, which stemmed from his love of Chicago sports, according to a Chicago Tribune article. “Medill has been blessed with a number of distinguished sports writers,” Boye said. “Certainly Bill Jauss is a key name in that list of distinguished Medill alumni.”

From page 1

From page 1


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12-1481_EDU_Politics-Northwn_5-0625x7-833_BW_NF1.indd 1

Anna Netrebko opens the Live in HD season in L’Elisir d’Amore. PHOTO: NICK HEAVICAN/METROPOLITAN OPERA

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Volleyball 12 NU at Michigan State 5:30 p.m. Friday OCT.

Up until Saturday we’ve tackled really well. We need to get back to what we did in the first five weeks. — Pat Fitzgerald, football coach

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Cats’ defense takes step back By Rohan nadkarni

daily senior staffer

The performance of the Northwestern defense reads as a tale of two schedules. The unit, credited with carrying the team in wins against Vanderbilt, Boston College and South Dakota, returned to last season’s woeful ways at the onset of this year’s conference slate. After a three-game streak during which the defense allowed no more than 13 points, the Wildcats surrendered 29 points against Indiana and 39 points against Penn State, including 22 in the fourth quarter. Coach Pat Fitzgerald highlighted the areas the defense must improve on to regain its earlier form. “(We need) third-down stops. Number one, we need to tackle better,” Fitzgerald said. “We had some things where we made some mistakes on, so clean those up and correct those.” The Cats struggled mightily in the passing game against the Nittany Lions, one of the recurring themes from the past two seasons. Indiana and Penn State both successfully attacked the Cats on play-action fakes, screen passes and deep throws down the sideline. Penn State quarterback Matt McGloin shredded NU’s secondary, finishing 35 of 51 for 282 yards. Despite all of his dropbacks, the Cats only managed to sack McGloin twice. The senior quarterback even found room to scramble against NU, running in the go-ahead touchdown in the fourth quarter on a broken play. The struggles of the defense trace back to the second half against Indiana. NU allowed 29 points in the latter half of that game, as well as 29 points in the last two quarters of the Penn State game. In the past game and a half, the Cats’ defense surrendered 68 points. That total more than doubles the 33 points NU gave


Beauty and the underdog Nick Medline Daily sports

Daily file photo by Mackenzie McCluer

pretty offensive Damien Proby and Chi Chi Ariguzo lead an NU defense that has been shaky as of late. Dating back to the second half against Indiana, the Cats have allowed 68 points in six quarters.

up in the Vanderbilt-Boston CollegeSouth Dakota stretch of their schedule. Indiana and Penn State also racked up yards at will against NU defenders. Penn State notched 443 yards of offense, and Indiana managed 425. The 868 yards allowed in the start of Big Ten play approaches the 874 yards given up in the three games before Indiana. The Cats’ run defense must also improve for them to have any success in the Big Ten. In the first four games of the season, NU held teams to 291 yards on 107 carries, including a stellar game against Boston College, where the Golden Eagles ran 21 times for a paltry 25 yards.

But the run defense evaporated in the past two weeks. Indiana and Penn State combined for 320 yards on only 76 carries, a 4.2-yardsper-carry average, well above the season average of 3.3. The Cats also allowed five scores in the ground the past two weeks, compared to two in their first four games. However, Fitzgerald still believes in the run defense that flashed potential during non-conference games. “We’ve been pretty good up front,” Fitzgerald said. “Up until Saturday we’ve tackled really well. We need to get back to what we did in the first five weeks. We’re in position on all those plays; we just

didn’t run our feet on contact.” It will come down to the collaboration between the coaching staff and the players for NU’s defense to challenge conference opponents. In addition to execution problems on the field, the only noticeable scheme change in Big Ten play seemed to be more blitzing linebackers. “The first thing we look at — was it the right plan? Did we teach it right?” Fitzgerald said of his team’s defensive schemes. “We’re going to always start there and have a critical eye on ourselves as coaches.”

Minnesota linebacker shows strength By colin Becht

daily senior staffer

Keanon Cooper has recounted the events of April 6 many times. His memory of each stage is full of specific details, from his thoughts in a given moment to which ear he used to check if Gary Tinsley still had a heartbeat. Tinsley, a former In my mind, football it was just the player at Minnesota time that the and Coogood man per’s thenupstairs chose roommate, died that to bring him day from home. cardiomegaly, more Keanon Cooper, commonly Minnesota known as linebacker an enlarged heart. It was Cooper who discovered Tinsley’s body and called for help. Cooper woke up April 6 and began his normal morning routine. Tinsley’s alarm sounded, and he didn’t turn it off. “He was usually the guy to answer it on the first or second ring,” Cooper said at Big Ten Media Days in July. “So I found that real weird.” Cooper knocked on Tinsley’s door and, when he got no response, went into Tinsley’s room to wake him up. “When I went in, he was laying on the floor, nothing alarming, just like he just took his covers off the bed, made a little padding on the floor that was probably more


Mark Vancleave/The Minnesota Daily

strength through loss Minnesota linebacker Keanon Cooper has led on and off the field in the wake of teammate Gary Tinsley’s death. Cooper said he has come to grips with “how everything played out.”

comfortable for him,” Cooper said. “Our apartment at the time was real hot, so he probably just chose to get some fresh air.” Cooper then shook Tinsley and called his name. That was when he started to worry. He noticed one of Tinsley’s eyes was slightly open and abnormally red with a greyish-blue ring around the iris. “I started feeling his body, seeing if there was any temperature change,” Cooper said. “That’s when I kind of knew something was up.” Cooper then called Adam Clark, the Golden Gophers’ director of player personnel, who notified the team’s trainers. While they were en

route, Cooper dialed 911. “They had me check and see if he had a heartbeat,” Cooper said. “I flipped him on his back, put my right ear on his chest, checked to see if he had a heartbeat and didn’t hear a heartbeat. That’s when things really, really got weird for me.” The trainers arrived then and the paramedics soon after, but despite CPR and adrenaline shots, it was, as Cooper said, “just GT’s time to go.” Cooper, a senior linebacker for the Golden Gophers, tells the story with amazing calmness and tranquility, traits that he said have come from his own peace with Tinsley’s

passing. “Psychologically it’s had no effect on me because I’m comfortable with how everything played out,” Cooper said. “He passed away in his sleep. In my mind, it was just the time that the good man upstairs chose to bring him home.” Cooper said the support he received from everyone around him, especially his coaches, teammates and family, helped him achieve that acceptance. “I probably would have had some psychological effects if it weren’t for those groups of people,” Cooper said. And according to his teammates, Cooper has been a source of strength for them, as well. “He’s the one that’s been building guys up around him, even though he’s the one that found Gary,” Minnesota quarterback MarQueis Gray said in July. “He’s just been that leader in that circle that we need for guys to overcome the passing of GT.” Cooper’s steadiness has earned him the respect of those around him, most notably his coach, Jerry Kill. “I don’t think our team would be as far along as it is in handling the situation if it wasn’t for Keanon,” Kill said in July. “For what he did for our football team through that tragedy and how he handled himself, there’s no question that he’s the type of guy you want out front.” Cooper’s strength in the face of tragedy became immediately evident. He spent two to three days cleaning out Tinsley’s room so that » See COOPER, page 7

Watching the London Olympics as a proud Canadian was something of an ordeal. Canada won a single gold medal – in women’s trampoline – and reinforced the generally incorrect notion that my home country is only good at hockey. Laugh all you want, but we embraced it. Near the end of the Games, a Canadian television network invited a Jamaican commentator to its night show. The anchors had one request: They pulled up the iconic clip of Sidney Crosby winning hockey gold in Vancouver 2010 and asked their guest to give his best attempt at a play-by-play of the goal. It was about the equivalent of, say, if Dick Vitale called the Kirk Gibson homer in the 1988 World Series. So, in the wake of a disastrous Olympics performance by every standard, the attitude remained light. Sure, Canada poured money into Own the Podium, designed to actually bring in medals. And yes, the women’s soccer semifinal happened. I’m still irate. I dare you to find me a worse set of officials without including Sam Holbrook, he of recent infield fly rule infamy. But it’s just Canada. It’s OK. We may never win the 100 meters again. We will never have the best athletes. In 2016 – as was true in 2012 and all preceding Summer Olympics – Canada will be among the underdogs. And I love it. It’s part of the appeal. Sound familiar? I remember Feb. 29, one of my saddest days as a Northwestern student. Men’s basketball mounted a rousing comeback against top-10 Ohio State, before losing on a layup by Jared Sullinger. I watch the video of Alex Marcotullio hitting the game-tying three every day – primarily to hear Gus Johnson yell – but I wish the outcome had been different. Leaving Welsh-Ryan Arena, everything snapped into perspective. Imagine being an Ohio State fan that night, expecting a straightforward victory. You would be angry, let out a deep exhale after the final whistle and complain throughout the drive home about first-tier sports school problems. The Cats never had any business competing in that game, even with John Shurna. Other conference teams, steeped in tradition, draw from boatloads of talent on their way to routine NCAA Tournament appearances. Meanwhile, NU big men are usually more famous in dining halls than they are in NBA inner circles. At age 13, I usually threw things when my beloved Toronto Raptors lost. My coping mechanisms gradually improved, to the point at which I felt comfortable blaming everything that happened to the franchise on Vince Carter. And the Ohio State game left me with a sense of sports fan maturation: It was OK to be the loser; it was great to be the underdog. When this team finally breaks through and goes dancing, it will be so sweet. The same is true on the football field. Cue the Penn State game this past weekend. NU, with all of its offensive talent and defensive playmakers, headed to Happy Valley a spotless 5-0. The Cats entered the fourth quarter up 28-17, and somehow, it all slipped away. Their best quarterback never attempted a pass. The defense let the irritating Matt McGloin – Duke point guard in another life – lead an inspired rally. From undefeated to an unimpressive 5-1. Back on the outside looking in, as a Big Ten Championship appearance seems unlikely. And just like that, everything was back to order. I prefer the uphill battle.

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