The Daily Northwestern - May 8, 2014

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The Current

Theatre Stands With Autism opens for 2nd year » INSIDE

12 sports programs get academic recognition » PAGE 3

opinion Pinto Forging an identity as a Turkish Jew » PAGE 6

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

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Sheridan bike lane plan comes to ASG By rebecca savransky daily senior staffer @beccasavransky

Sean Su/The Daily Northwestern

A climate of respect Author Gary Howard interacts with students during his talk Wednesday night. Howard spoke about creating a culture of acceptance and respect at Northwestern.

Author talks equity on campus By annie mcdonough

the daily northwestern @anniemcd_news

Equity consultant and author Gary Howard spoke Wednesday night on creating a climate of respect at Northwestern.

Howard, founder of the REACH Center for Multicultural Education, led a workshop on diversity and inclusion hosted by the Women’s Center. He led two workshops on NU’s Evanston and Chicago campuses and will lead two more Thursday. The workshop is the third and final keynote address in the Women’s Center’s

“Power and Privilege: A Call to Action” series, which focuses on promoting power and social change, as well as creating a more welcoming environment at NU. Renee Redd, the director of the Women’s Center, said the series aims to » See equity, page 7

NU-Q survey examines censorship By Olivia Exstrum

the daily northwestern @olivesocean

A new survey commissioned by Northwestern University in Qatar and the Doha Film Institute found that although many Arab residents in the Middle East and North Africa watch Hollywood films, some believe the films include content “harmful to morality.” The researchers interviewed more than 6,000 people in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. “In the Middle East, there’s a huge advent of Western media content, and at the same time, people will say they like local content that is respectful of the culture and accurate to the country,” said NU-Q Dean Everette Dennis. The study, “Entertainment Media Use in the Middle East,” found more than 80 percent of respondents preferred Arab films, while only about half said they enjoy American and European movies. According to the study, residents of Saudi Arabia and Egypt are most in favor of media censorship, with support from more than three-fourths of citizens, while residents of Tunisia are the most tolerant. Still, more than half of Tunisian respondents supported

censorship. Dennis said NU-Q was inspired to carry out the study after the University published a report, “Media Use in the Middle East,” which tracked usage of informational media, such as newspapers, magazines, the Internet and social media, in eight countries in the Middle East. When the University decided to do a second study, this time with only six countries, it asked the Doha Film Institute if the institute would be interested in collaborating and helping with preliminary research. The team then hired Harris Interactive, a market research firm known for its Harris Poll, to help do fieldwork. Dennis added the study not only provides information about entertainment usage in the countries examined, but also the industry as a whole. “It gives us more intelligence on what’s going on in the entertainment industry,” he said. “It also tells us a lot about how audiences respond to social media and also a lot of things about what people think about media, media regulation and freedom of expression.” The results of the study show that although people in the Middle East are in favor of freedom of expression, they are also in favor of some form of government regulation when it comes

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to media. D. Charles Whitney, associate dean for academic affairs in the School of Communication, attended the first presentation of the study this weekend. He said he agreed with the study’s main findings, pointing to the “twomindedness” of what media consumers want. “They want it all,” Whitney said. “They want it to reflect the values of their culture, but also represent the views of the outside world. On one hand, they are uneasy of censorship, but on the other hand, they think it helps society.” Dennis said he is confident that as countries in the Middle East and North Africa modernize and globalize, there will be more opportunities for filmmaking, production companies and entertainment as a whole. “I think the prospects for entertainment industries here are great,” he said. “There are enormous opportunities. That’s very exciting.” The study’s findings will be presented May 22 at the International Communication Association Conference in Seattle and at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference on Aug. 6 in Montreal.

Associated Student Government discussed lending their support Wednesday to creating a bike lane running down Sheridan Road and facilitating the addition of an ad-hoc analytics committee that would send out surveys during the year to gauge student opinion. The legislation for the bike lane addition cited various statistics that demonstrated student support and referenced the $1.5 million in federal funds that will go toward the creation of the additional lane. Members who proposed the legislation said the bike lane would serve the community well due to the percentage of students who ride bikes on campus and the number of students who demonstrated support for the initiative. “What’s been missing from this conversation has been student support,” said Wesley Lien, former ASG sustainability vice president. “So based on the all-campus ASG survey last winter, it was shown that a plurality of students on campus supported developing a bike lane on Sheridan Road.” Senate also discussed the creation of an ad-hoc analytics committee, which would be responsible for organizing student feedback and developing a plan to send out the campus-wide student survey in an efficient manner. This past year, former ASG vice president of academics Sofia Sami spearheaded the initiative to send out the large-scale survey and members of Senate proposed the committee in an effort to reallocate this responsibility. In order to begin forming the committee as soon as possible, the legislation was fast-tracked, moved to old business and passed at the meeting. ASG members were also presented with a proposal to make the University more eco-friendly through requiring that

all ASG events go through the Sustainability Committee’s Green Events Consulting team. Medill sophomore Christina Cilento, ASG sustainability vice president, said this initiative would not only make NU a leader in green initiatives but would further encourage students in other groups to utilize the service and expand this effort. “I think the value of having ASG go through us really sets a precedent for the rest of the University so if other groups see that ASG has gone through Green Events Consulting, that could provide them with an incentive,” Cilento said. “It’d just really be committing ASG to sustainability.” An NU Listens representative also spoke to Senate about the services the organization offers and the goals the group is hoping to accomplish. Billy Choo, from NU Listens, began his talk by outlining how the the service started and shared the mission statement of the organization, which is currently in a pilot version. Senate members also heard from Victoria Getis, manager of faculty support services at NUIT, about the attributes of the Canvas learning management system, to which the University will be officially transitioning. Getis spoke about the overwhelming support that students and faculty demonstrated for the new system and documented the timeline for the transition plan, noting in the next year, it is likely students will have classes run in both Canvas and Blackboard up until the transition is completed. Getis said she is hoping to increase student communication through the Canvas transition and asked Senate members the best ways to go about increasing student involvement and spreading the word about the new system. Senate also debated allocating money from the Project Pool to several different student groups, ultimately amending » See senate, page 7

Nathan Richards/Daily Senior Staffer

a blank canvas Junior Alex Deitchman raises a point during a discussion on the implementation of Canvas at Northwestern next year. Victoria Getis, manager of faculty support services for NUIT, visited ASG to explain the forthcoming transition from Blackboard to Canvas.

INSIDE Around Town 2 | On Campus 3 | Opinion 6 | Classifieds & Puzzles 7 | Sports 8

2 NEWS | the daily northwestern

Thursday, may 8, 2014

Around Town NU students perform ‘Trouble’ for city residents not portray the true situation of black Americans. For example, in plays, black Americans often are given the role of maids. “There are a couple of times when I get calls from actors today, and they say ‘Ron, they got me playing this maid.’ ... This is 2014,” Parson said. “You go to some of these companies, and they are still doing these plays, and they think that’s a true portrayal of who we are.” One actor, Communication junior Zachary Nicol, said his character deals with situations he will likely face in his own life after college as an actor expected to likely play these stereotypical roles. Nicol told The Daily his participation in the play is important to him because it deals with subject matter that should be discussed at NU. Theater has the power to raise issues and cause change, he said. After the two scenes from “Trouble in Mind” were performed, Parson opened the session to audience questions and comments. A number of people spoke less about the play

By bailey williams

the daily northwestern @news_BaileyW

Northwestern students performed two scenes Wednesday afternoon from a play examining race in American theater for an audience of more than 20 people at the Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center, prompting a discussion of race today beyond the stage. Director Ron OJ Parson said he wanted to stage a production of the play in Evanston because of the city’s rich black history. “That’s why we wanted to do this,” Parson said. “We want to show that it’s black folks up in here.” The scenes performed Wednesday came from “Trouble in Mind,” a play that will run on campus from May 16 to 25, at the Louis Theater. The play addresses the issue of black Americans being given menial roles in theater that do

Police Blotter 2 teenagers attempt to steal from another teenager Two teenagers attempted to steal a phone from a 16-year-old in west Evanston on Monday morning. The high school student was in the front yard of his residence in the 2000 block of Grey Avenue at about 10:40 a.m. when two teenagers approached him, including one the 16-year-old knew by name, Evanston Police Cmdr. Jay Parrott said. The two young men asked if they could use the student’s phone to make a call, and the 16-year-old refused to give it to the two men. The two teenagers then tried to snatch the phone from his hand, police said.

Parrott said there was no indication of any threat of force made by the two teenagers.

Graffiti sprayed onto public property A vandal sprayed graffiti in a parking garage in downtown Evanston sometime between Friday and Monday. Black lettering was sprayed onto a column in the garage of the main branch of the Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Ave., sometime between Friday and Monday nights, police said. The writing does not appear to be gangrelated but is likely an instance of tagging, Parrott said. ­— Julian Gerez

and more about current problems with race and society today. One audience member talked about a movie in which a young black girl denied her racial identity, and no one tried to help her change this view. Suggestions were brought forth for a play adaptation of the story. Community activist Betty Ester, who attended the performance, remarked that discussions like the one held Wednesday tend to attract mostly older individuals, notably women with gray hair. The time allotted for the performance and discussion was less than an hour, but Parson and others encouraged people to stay and talk to the actors afterward. Everyone who attended the discussion will have the chance to attend the entire play for free on May 16, courtesy of NU, said Tim Rhoze, artistic director at Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre.

Possible ETHS mumps case part of broader trend across Illinois

The possible case of mumps at Evanston Township High School is part of a statewide increase in the virus, Evanston Health Department director Evonda Thomas-Smith said. ETHS parents were alerted of the suspected case of the contagious disease Monday in a letter from Thomas-Smith and District 202 Superintendent Eric Witherspoon posted on the high school’s website. The case at ETHS is classified as “suspected” because the affected person had symptoms mimicking mumps, but the disease was not confirmed though a lab test, Thomas-Smith told The Daily. “In Illinois. we’ve seen a significant

Bailey Williams/The Daily Northwestern

trouble in paradise Northwestern students perform a scene from “Trouble in Mind,” a play with characters who grow to better understand race and prejudice.

(increase) across the state,” Thomas-Smith said. From January through April, 82 instances of the virus have been reported in Illinois, triple the total number of cases reported in the state in all of 2013. Five cases of the disease were reported at Northwestern over the summer. One of the many possible reasons for the increase could be that fewer people are getting vaccinated for the disease. “We have reported more children and families opting out of vaccinations, and we’re seeing different strains of viral infections returning to the surface,” Thomas-Smith said. Symptoms of mumps include a fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. — Sophia Bollag



Contemporary Music Ensemble Pick-Staiger, 7:30 p.m. $6/4

Alan Pierson, guest conductor Steve Reich, Tehillim Aaron Jay Kernis, Goblin Market

Ran Dank and Soyeon Kate Lee, piano Lutkin, 7:30 p.m. $8/5

The New York Times has praised Ran Dank ĨŽƌ ͞ƚŚĞ ƐǁĞĞƉ ĂŶĚ Į ƌĞ ŽĨ ŚŝƐ ƉůĂLJŝŶŐ͟ ĂŶĚ ^ŽLJĞŽŶ <ĂƚĞ >ĞĞ ĨŽƌ ŚĞƌ ͞ůŝǀĞůLJ ŝŵĂŐŝŶĂƟ ŽŶ ĂŶĚ Ă Į ƌŵ ƐĞŶƐĞ ŽĨ ƐƚLJůĞ͘͟ dŚĞŝƌ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐ ^ƚƌĂǀŝŶƐŬLJ͛Ɛ The Rite of Spring, piano ƐŽŶĂƚĂƐ ďLJ :ĂŶĄĐĞŬ ĂŶĚ ZĂĐŚŵĂŶŝŶŽī ͕ ĂŶĚ ŵƵƐŝĐ ďLJ ƌĂŚŵƐ ĂŶĚ ^ĐƌŝĂďŝŶ͘

10 SAT

Thaviu-Isaak Endowed Piano Scholarship Competition Lutkin, 3 p.m. free


Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra Pick-Staiger, 7:30 p.m. $8/5

Victor Yampolsky, conductor Claire Werling, clarinet ĂƌŽŶ ŽƉůĂŶĚ͕ Appalachian Spring and ůĂƌŝŶĞƚ ŽŶĐĞƌƚŽ ZŝĐŚĂƌĚ WƌŝŽƌ͕ ^LJŵƉŚŽŶLJ EŽ͘ ϯ

11 SUN

Percussion Ensemble Pick-Staiger, 3 p.m. $6/4 She-e Wu, conductor Ŷ ĞĐůĞĐƟ Đ ĂŌ ĞƌŶŽŽŶ ŽĨ ƌŚLJƚŚŵƐ͘

Samuel and Elinor Thaviu Endowed Scholarship Competition in String Performance Lutkin, 3 p.m. free


Bienen School of Music • Northwestern University • 847.467.4000

Thursday, may 8, 2014 the daily northwestern | NEWS 3

On Campus Study examines drunk driving deaths Children killed more likely to be in car with drunk driver, researchers find By jordan harrison

the daily northwestern @MedillJordan

Children who are killed in car accidents involving a drunk driver are more likely to be riding in the car with the impaired driver, a Northwestern researcher’s study concluded. In a study published online Monday, Dr. Kyran Quinlan, a Feinberg professor and pediatrician at the Erie Family Health Center, said between 2001 and 2010 the number of child deaths occurring in a car with an alcohol-impaired driver decreased by 41 percent, but of all alcohol-related child deaths in car accidents, 65 percent of children were riding with the impaired driver. “I think a lot of people probably think, well, there’s a family that’s out going to dinner or something, and they’re in their car with the whole family and then there’s a drunk driver going some opposite direction and crashes into them, maybe runs a red light and then hits their car,� Quinlan said. “It’s a

12 athletic programs earn academic progress awards from NCAA

Twelve Northwestern athletic programs were recognized for their performance in the NCAA’s Academic Progress Rate program. Football, baseball, softball, field hockey, wrestling, cross country, volleyball, men’s golf, women’s golf, men’s tennis, men’s soccer and women’s swimming earned public

horrific accident and a child dies, but what this research is showing is that conception is just not the way that it usually happens.� Quinlan co-authored the study with Ruth Shult and Rose Rudd, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rudd, the statistician for the study, said the study used data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and counted children under the age There are of 15. Rudd said they some general found 2,344 children were killed in a crash deterrent involving at least one drunk driver over the measures course of the 10-year that just get period. at drinking Quinlan, Shults and driving in and Rudd analyzed the data by state, and general. Quinlan said CaliforDr. Kyran Quinlan, nia and Texas had the Feinberg professor highest number of deaths, while South Dakota and New Mexico had the highest per-capita death rate. Quinlan said several states have effective policies for reducing alcohol-related crashes, specifically citing ignition interlock devices, which prevent drivers with high blood alcohol

concentrations from starting a car, and child endangerment laws. “We do know from research that there are effective policies that have been successful,� he said. “There are some that are general deterrent measures that just get at drinking and driving in general.� Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children in the U.S., Quinlan said, and 20 percent of those crashes involve alcohol-impaired drivers. In crashes fatal to children involving an impaired driver, one-third of drivers did not have a valid driver’s license, according to the study. Erin Sauber-Schatz, an epidemiologist and head of the Transportation Safety Team at the CDC, said the study highlighted the need for seat belt and carseat use, as a child was unrestrained in 61 percent of the cases in the study. “Another finding of this study was that as blood alcohol concentration increases, the use of restraints for child passengers decreases,� Sauber-Schatz said. “Also, as the age of a child passenger increases, the restraint use decreases.� The study will also be published in the June issue of the journal “Pediatrics.�

recognition awards for placing in the top 10 percent of their sports in the most recent multi-year APR scores. NU, along with Minnesota, led the Big Ten with the most awards received. The APR measures how well teams retain their athletes and maintain their academic eligibility, with programs earning points for every scholarship athlete who stays enrolled in the school and remains eligible. The final value of the score represents a percentage of possible points earned. The latest scores, which will be released May 14 along with the

full NCAA report, reflect data collected from 2009 through 2013. NU was tied for fourth among all Football Bowl Subdivision schools in awards received. Notre Dame was first with 15 awards, while Duke and Stanford tied for second with 14 awards each. The Wildcats’ total of 12 is actually a decline from last year’s 14. But, NU was still well above the low-water mark of 5 it set in 2009.


— Bobby Pillote

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Current

NU Fashion Week Q&A:

James Hu, Unity public relations head

Your weekly dose of arts and entertainment • Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hayley Glatter

CUrrent Assistant editor

String theory Theater group debuts play for autistic audiences Hayley GLatter

Current assistant editor


ou may have autism, but autism doesn’t have you.” One mother said that last May following a performance of “Diving In,” a play specially devised for autistic audiences by the Northwestern group Theatre Stands with Autism. This weekend, the group will be back on stage to debut its new show, “Strung Along.” Unlike most theater If a kid wants at NU, TSWA does not to get up and perform with a collerun around the giate audience in mind. Rather, the play was whole time, especially devised for they’re allowed children on the autism spectrum. to do so. “It’s a very new type Claire Huntington, of theater,” artistic proTheatre Stands ducer Claire Huntington With Autism artistic said. “There are only two producer theater companies in the world that do this kind of theater that we know of. We believe we’re the first at the undergraduate level, so people think it’s really new and exciting.” Creating a play for kids on the spectrum required those involved to focus on engaging each of the five senses. After playing with different types of string, the cast developed the concept

for “Strung Along,” which allows audience members to travel through a hair salon, cave, sea, forest and campfire to discover the different ways string can be interpreted. Along the way, student adventure guides are paired with each audience member and help guide the child through the show, allowing them to touch, see, hear and smell whatever they want. “We think a lot about engaging as many senses as possible,” said director Alison Mahoney, a Communication senior. “If their idea of having a positive experience is running around screaming the whole time, that’s great, and we’re down for that, and we want to help them do that in the most fun way possible.” In order to maximize the freedom of the show, audience sizes are kept very small. Mahoney said there will be 10 performances for family and classroom groups, ranging in size from eight kids to 12 kids. Each adventure guide receives information on their audience member to tailor it specifically to that child’s needs. The personalized aspect of the show makes it particularly conducive for audience members on the autism spectrum. It’s OK for kids to be who they are at ‘Strung Along,’” Huntington said. “Kids with autism are generally not able to go to the theater, just because of societal expectations about sitting still and not talking during the show,” the SESP junior said. “We take away those expectations. If a kid wants to get up and

run around the whole time, they’re allowed to do so.” The show is a different experience for the actors as well. Communication freshman Rebecca Elowe plays Susie, a character who lives by the sea but does not speak. Elowe said her character’s nonverbal nature conveys a positive message to audience members who might also be nonverbal. Elowe said the show has been a new experience for her as an actor. “It’s a creative experience, but it’s also an educational experience because it’s art, and it’s theater that’s been created for a specific target audience,” she said. This is the second year TSWA has put on a production, and all but two public shows will be performed exclusively for audience members on the spectrum. The public shows will take place Thursday and Friday in Shanley Pavilion. Huntington said she is looking forward to the shows and emphasized the importance of theater performed with this type of audience in mind. “I think everyone should have the opportunity to go (to the theater) and just play and be immersed in a different world, whether that’s to lose themselves or find themselves,” Huntington said. “These kids can get a lot therapeutically and emotionally out of going to the theater. I think this is the kind of theater that should exist more everywhere, and not just here.”

STITCH and Unity teamed up this week to throw Northwestern Fashion Week. Wildcat fashionistas were treated to programming ranging from speaker panels to hair and makeup tutorials, all leading up to Sunday’s Unity fashion show. The Current caught up with Unity public relations head James Hu to find out what students can expect from the event and what place fashion holds in the NU community. The Current: Can you tell me a little about the events encompassing Fashion Week? James Hu: Fashion Week is an event that Unity and STITCH are collaborating on this year. … Thursday is something called “Fashion Night Out.” That’s something we had two years ago as well. We’ve asked a lot of the Evanston clothing stores to open a couple hours later than usual, so they’re staying open exclusively for Northwestern students, and that’s part of a Northwestern-Evanston community event. Friday, we’re having a bake sale at The Rock, as well as a walk-off with a red carpet, so people will feel special walking down the red carpet. It’s all building up publicity for the show, and Sunday is the Unity show itself. The Current: What has the collaboration been like between STITCH and Unity? JH: It’s been very good so far. There’s been a large group of STITCH people who have been very interested in this collaboration, and the people in Unity in charge of this fashion week are my committee, the public relations committee. So we’ve basically been working together every week, having weekly meetings to talk about what logistics need to be done, what ideas we have for the week and stuff like that. The Current: What was it like communicating with some of the Evanston businesses? How did they respond, and what’s that relationship like?

JH: I just asked them for donations, sponsorships, and a lot of them were very willing. The managers and owners were very enthusiastic about working with us. They love the idea of Fashion Week and the things that we do, so I found it a very pleasant experience overall. The Current: Which stores are participating in the event? JH: For “Fashion Night Out,” I don’t have a complete list, but some of them are The Gap, Crossroads, gigi BOTTEGA (and) Envy. The Current: What can people expect from the Unity fashion show? JH: The Unity charity fashion show is something that we put on every year. We’re currently in our seventh year. I guess what you can expect is that we’re really engaging the community this year. All the models that we have walking the runway are student models, selected and trained over the course of many months, so that should be very good. We also have student groups involved. In the past we used to hire outside musicians, but this year for the intermission, we decided to hire student dance groups to perform, so that’s further engaging students. We’re also having a drawing and a giveaway with goodies from Evanston businesses. But the biggest thing that’s different about this year is that we are located in the Hilton Orrington. … We feel like that’s a really good move because the Hilton is really nice, and it’ll feel a lot more special than before, so that’s something I’m looking forward to.

The Current: Why do you think having events like high fashion STITCH and Unity have once again teamed up to present Northwestern Fashion Week, which will culminate with a fashion show this is important on a campus like Northwestern? JH: That’s something I’ve talked about with people in Sunday. STITCH as well. We feel like while there’s a lot of people we can do year after year and slowly increase the body of fashionwho are interested in fashion at Northwestern and do conscious students on campus. dress well, just in general, there’s not a very strong or cohesive fashion community like there is for other things that people are interested in. So we feel like hopefully Fashion Week is something

Street Style: Anjali Nath Kendall siewert fashion columnist

Laken howard

WHAT: A black crop top, black skirt, black tights, grape combat boots, gold necklace, gray structured coat

Sex columnist

Lately, it seems like if you’re not having sex upside-down on a Laundromat washing machine while eating an avocado off your partner’s chest, you’re “boring.” Positions have crazier names (and flexibility requirements) than ever, and while I am a huge proponent of experimentation and spicing things up, sometimes I just like to stick with the tried-and-true classics. Here are my top three favorite “basic” positions and what I like about them so much.

WHERE: Outside of Kresge Hall WHY: What immediately drew me to Anjali was that amazing gray coat. It gives her a tailored, polished appearance while still looking youthful. The black piping detail adds interest and ties in with the darker colors of the rest of her outfit.

Source: Theatre Stands With Autism

No strings attached Theatre Stands With Autism will present a new show this week designed specifically for children on the autism spectrum. “Strung Along” encourages audience members to follow their impulses and interact with cast members.

Pillow Talk: Underrated positions

WHO: Anjali Nath, Communication sophomore

THE BREAKDOWN: Wearing a crop top during the day isn’t easy. In fact, wearing a crop top isn’t easy, period. But Anjali really pulls it off. What makes it work is the simple black color palette and the added modesty from a structured jacket. She shows just the right amount of skin around her stomach and covers up her legs with black tights to keep the outfit daytime-appropriate. Her grape combat boots give her just a touch of individuality to make you turn around and look twice. A small gold necklace is the perfect accessory to finish off the ensemble.

Source: Facebook

Doggy Does the lyric “look back at it” mean anything to you? If so, then you probably enjoy doggy style. Being on your hands and knees while your partner enters you from behind allows his penis to go super deep, potentially hitting the elusive G-spot more easily. While eye contact — which I really love — is harder in this position, I still find it sexy when I toss my hair back, look over my shoulder and lock eyes briefly with my partner. If we’re doing it doggy style, I generally prefer things to be a little rougher. Combined with the deep penetration, incorporating some spanking and hair-pulling can quickly intensify the sex (and hopefully the orgasms). The bad news with doggy? My nipples are usually out of reach. Moment of silence for my nipples. Girl-on-top

Kendall Siewert/The Daily Northwestern

This one’s a classic for a reason. Many women I know enjoy being on top because it allows them more control over the speed and rhythm. While these are definite bonuses, my favorite part of girl-on-top is that I can lie flat against my partner’s chest, allowing me a perfect angle for biting his neck and whispering in his ear. Being closer to him also gives him the opportunity to play

with my nipples, which is fun for both of us (okay, mostly me). The worst part of being on top — which a lot of men find sexy — is that my long, unruly hair gets in my mouth, his mouth, my eyes … you name it, my hair’s been there. Don’t get me wrong, though: I would never resort to putting my hair up out of frustration. It may be a little distracting and annoying, but it’s still fun to toss it around majestically while on top. Missionary To be honest, this is probably my favorite position. Maybe it has to do with how my body most easily achieves orgasm, but I find sex most Lately it seems satisfying when I’m on my back like if you’re in some form or not having sex another. Though upside-down on it’s true missionary can get boring a Laundromat if you never branch out, there are ways washing to put a twist on it machine without having to while eating switch positions an avocado off entirely. My favorite is simple, yet your partner’s effective: While on your back, wrap chest, you’re your legs around ‘boring.’ your guy’s waist to help him get even deeper inside you and closer to you. This also allows easy access to the clitoris, which is invaluable for most girls. Personally, I need guys to pay special attention to my clit if I’m ever going to have an orgasm. Missionary is severely underrated; I often feel the strongest connection to guys when in missionary, though that’s obviously a personal preference. Either way, it shouldn’t be overlooked, but rather revered as the erotic classic that it is. Until next time, stay safe and stay sexy!


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Thursday, May 8, 2014

NFL draft ends months of previews, overanalysis BOB Hayes

Daily columnist

Today is finally the day. We have survived three months of life without football and 17 #MockDraft iterations on every Internet domain known to man. The 2014 NFL draft begins Thursday night. If all goes as planned — it won’t — it will be an exciting night of finding out where college stars land in the NFL, booing Roger Goodell and, most importantly, extinguishing the agonizing months of pre-draft chatter. When it comes to the annual draft of America’s most popular sports league, it seems like everyone has an opinion. I wonder if player-I’ve-never-seen-play-before will go to this NFL-team-I-won’t-watch-at-all-this-year! But wait; what if some other team has already taken him? What if a different team traded up and we are talking about an entirely separate scenario altogether? The problem when it comes to predicting the draft, as everyone and his brother tries to do these days, is that there are too many moving parts that could instantly change the entire picture. We cannot even predict the St. Louis Rams’ second pick when we do not even know who the Houston Texans will have taken with the first pick — and that’s just the

second pick! Now, what if St. Louis’ pick gets for a bunch of pieces and the coach whips traded? What if Houston’s does? You might as out a game plan of which no one had any well tear up your three-plus months of mock knowledge. draft work. The NFL’s moving the draft back two weeks Those who read due to an event at my blog and folthe host site, Radio low me on Twitter City Music Hall, has know that I am all only added to the about previewing over-analysis of the games and making event. ESPN’s Todd predictions. Game McShay — who, in predictions usually an interview with come with a day of Sports Illustrated’s analysis, and then Richard Deitsch, the game starts. highlighted all that We know the playgoes into his draft ers, the coaches preparation — has and have seen the sorted hundreds teams play over of draft prospects the course of the in seemingly every season. Predictions way possible. I are fun because really look forward games that have yet to how the “Best to be played posRedshirt Sophosess a wide margin more Defensive of uncertainty, and Backs with Blonde I enjoy seeing how Hair and Green Graphic by Ghi Lew and Alye Miller/The Daily Northwestern Eyes” draft board factors I have highlighted end up playing out on the field. plays out. By now, even Johnny Manziel is People love writing draft previews for these bored of riding jet skis and making trick-shot same reasons, but previewing the draft is like videos. spending three whole months predicting a In the three months of draft focus, an game, only for a star player to immediately unbelievable amount has changed among go down, and then another gets swapped hypothetical draft boards.

“The lead-up to the NFL draft is similar to campaigning for an Academy Award in that it takes place after the candidates’ body of work has been completed,” Kevin Lincoln wrote in a Grantland piece. “Without anything new to prognosticate from, this means the powers that be will do the only thing they can do: Change their minds.” Just a few months ago, Louisville quarterback Teddy Bridgewater was widely projected as the top pick, but analysts now say he may drop to the second round. Bridgewater has not played a game in this time span. Apparently, Bridgewater was never “going to go first overall” and now has no guarantee of dropping to the second round — it all comes down to what individual NFL teams want to do with picks, not what a guy in Bristol, Connecticut, wearing makeup thinks. All in all, the NFL draft is a fun night of analysis, hypotheticals, glamour and an end to all the pre-draft hyper-analysis that has taken over sports programming. As a big fan of both college football and the pro game, I love seeing where collegiate stars will begin their professional careers. I just fear waking up Monday morning and seeing Todd McShay’s inevitable “2015 NFL MOCK DRAFT 1.0” on’s front page. Bob Hayes is a Weinberg freshman. He can be reached at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to

Don’t stereotype groups based on a person’s actions Meera Patel

Daily columnist @soshaloni

It can be easy to fall into the trap of making generalizations about a group of people based on the actions of one member. For instance, last week, I went on a rant against all men after hearing about the actions of a few men. There is absolutely no way I know every single man on this planet; how can I pass judgment on people whom I’ve never met? I’ve said before that your actions reflect on all the groups you are a part of; they reflect on your parents, any organizations you’re a part of, the people you hang out with and more.

This is true simply because we tend to make these generalizations about groups based on the actions of individuals. Here at Northwestern, I’ve heard so many people make statements that stereotype an entire group of people. These statements are about the “type” of people who do a certain activity, like Dance Marathon, or the “type” of people who belong to Greek organizations. How can you judge what an entire group of at least 100 people is like if you don’t know every single person who is a part of that organization? The chances of even two people being exactly alike is slim to none, so how can you say that such a large group of people all have the same characteristics? You can’t judge someone based on the actions of someone else who you perceive to be similar to him or her. Every person is different. Sure, it’s possible to guess what one person

will do based on generalizations. But there is no guarantee that you’re right. Going back to my example of my generalization about men – there are countless articles online talking about the “typical guy,” but there’s no guarantee that every man that you meet will act the same way or have the same attitude. Taking it a step further, what if I passed judgment on an organization based on the actions of only one member? What if I said that organization was composed solely of people who fit this mold? There are websites that facilitate this type of stereotype. Whether it’s College Confidential or campus gossip websites like Yik Yak, much of the content is comprised of generalizations. If I went online and wrote a terrible review of one organization just because I didn’t like one member, I would be making a generalization, and someone out there would probably read it

Living as other: On being Jewish in Turkey yoni Pinto

Daily columnist

“What’s your name?” “I’m Yoni.” “That doesn’t sound Turkish. Where are you from?” Every time I meet a new person back home, this is the dialogue that takes place. Am I Turkish? Definitely. I have lived in Istanbul my whole life, born and raised. It’s one of the things I’m proudest of, even if I didn’t have any control over it. It is my favorite city in the world. It’s amazing, historically and culturally, but it’s also a special place for me — it’s home. You might ask then, if I’m as Turkish as I say I am, why doesn’t my name sound Turkish? Why don’t I have a Turkish name? I’m also Jewish. I’m tremendously proud to be both Turkish and Jewish — both are parts of my identity I hold high. They’re things I consider more important than many other things that define me. In my core, when looking past all else, what I am is a Turkish Jew. Those are the two parts of me that have defined what values I consider important throughout my life. My Turkish identity has taught me to be kind and compassionate, respectful, warm to others around me. It has also taught me to be passionate about my ideas and my beliefs. My Jewish identity, on the other hand, has showed me the importance of community, family, tradition. It has taught me

to appreciate the history that has led me to each moment, and how I can make the most of it. All of these values are immensely important to me and how I make decisions every day. But with everything considered, with everything my identity has contributed to me, there remains one truth that can’t be denied: Being a Jew in Turkey is difficult, it’s exhausting, sometimes it’s even scary. First, numbers: There are only around 17,000 Jews in Turkey, a country with a population of around 80 million. By contrast, the US contains 5.3 million Jews out of a population of 317 million. Although as far as numbers are concerned, Jews are most definitely a minority, there is a significant Jewish population all over the United States. In America, wherever you go, you can find Jews. In Turkey, Jews are rare and concentrated in one city. As a Jew, you feel lost in a sea of other people. Because there are so few Jews in Turkey, almost nobody knows any Jews personally. In such an environment, anti-Semitism spreads easily. Since the average citizen doesn’t know any Jews, it’s easier to influence his thoughts about them: The prime minister gets into a shouting match with his Israeli counterpart, or he yells about Israel on television. Anti-Israeli sentiment quickly turns into anti-Semitism. A Turkish newspaper, the Star Daily, reports about how Freedom House lowered Turkey’s press freedom score to “not free,” and instead of justifying it by the number of journalists in our prisons (which is higher than any other country in the world), the newspaper justifies it by saying Freedom House is run by Jews. People are influenced, manipulated, into believing that all of Turkey’s

problems are caused by the Jewish diaspora. The thought process goes something like this: “If these people are doing bad things for Turkey, they can’t be Turkish.” Jews become alienated, singled out, from the rest of the Turkish population. Most of them don’t even know any Jews — all they know is that the Jews are different, that they’re bad for them. It’s important to say that these kinds of interactions don’t manifest themselves in interpersonal relationships, at least in my personal experiences. I have been lucky to surround myself with the exceptions in this environment. But even if I do manage to show the true “Turkish Jew” to the people who are around me, the broad picture doesn’t change. In the eyes of the law, everybody’s equal. But in practice, you know that you’ll always be an other to the general Turkish population, that you will never be Turkish enough, even if you might have more Turkish heritage than everybody else, that you will never be able to be elected into any office, that you will always be different. These are things that stick with you, no matter what. Again, I love my country. I love the people. I know that not everybody in Turkey shares these views. But this is the experience I have gone through as a Turkish Jew. This is why Jews are leaving Turkey in large numbers. This is why I’m unsure of going back home after I graduate. This is why we need to change things. I just don’t know how. Yoni Pinto is a Weinberg freshman. He can be reached at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to

and believe it. At this point, generalizations are a part of our society. There is no way for us to go through life without encountering them. What we can do, however, is recognize when generalizations are being made, and know better than to put stock in them. Think about all the generalizations that could be made about the groups you belong to, and think about whether all of them are true about you. Chances are, some are accurate, but many are not. Think about this the next time you hear a statement that lumps a group of people into one category. And then stand up and say something about it. Meera Patel is a McCormick junior. She can be reached at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to

The Daily Northwestern Volume 134, Issue 117

Editor in Chief Paulina Firozi Managing Editors Joseph Diebold Ciara McCarthy Manuel Rapada

Opinion Editors Julian Caracotsios Yoni Muller Assistant Opinion Editor Caryn Lenhoff

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent to 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, via fax at 847-491-9905, via e-mail to or by dropping a letter in the box outside The Daily office. Letters have the following requirements: • Should be typed and double-spaced • Should include the author’s name, signature, school, class and phone number. • Should be fewer than 300 words They will be checked for authenticity and may be edited for length, clarity, style and grammar. Letters, columns and cartoons contain the opinion of the authors, not Students Publishing Co. Inc. Submissions signed by more than three people must include at least one and no more than three names designated to represent the group. Editorials reflect the majority opinion of The Daily’s student editorial board and not the opinions of either Northwestern University or Students Publishing Co. Inc.

the daily northwestern | NEWS 7

thursday, may 8, 2014


From page 1


promote inclusion in all forms. “We had students coming to us who said they hear sexist and racist comments made in the classroom context that make them feel vulnerable,” she said. “When the conversation turns to race, for example, and everyone looks to the only person of color in the room, it silences people.” Redd said those types of comments are dropped, leaving students feeling marginalized and uncomfortable. Howard, author of “We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know,” spoke about his experience growing up isolated from any kind of diversity in an all-white neighborhood. “I didn’t really even have a sense of being white,” Howard said of his high school experience. “I didn’t sit in the cafeteria surrounded by white guys talking about what it’s like to be white.” Howard received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, and attributes his awakening to diversity to his experience volunteering in the inner city in New Haven, Connecticut. “I started realizing all the advantages I had that I thought were just normal,” he said. “I was smart, but utterly ignorant in terms of the world I live in.”





From page 1 multiple proposals to award the groups less money than originally requested. Mayfest representatives were awarded funds for specific pieces of art for Dillo Day. Senate members decided to amend the request and rewarded the group


The event drew about 30 students and staff to Harris Hall, and Howard focused on audience participation. Howard addressed the many ways students and employees bring diversity to NU through “lenses of difference” such as age, gender, race and religion, and asked the audience to share experiences of carrying those differences on campus in small group discussions. Audience members shared experiences of economic and ethnic diversity on campus, and talked about some of the obstacles they encounter in moving beyond recognition of each other’s differences. Weinberg junior Jazz Stephens said she came to the event to engage in the discussion of microaggressions on campus. “It’s very affirming to hear these conversations happening, and to be in a space where people are willing to talk,” she said. Howard emphasized the importance of the work the Women’s Center has done in creating the space for conversations about campus inclusion. “People think if we talk about our differences, we’re going to divide ourselves,” he said. “No. We are divided because we haven’t had those conversations.” $700 instead of the $1200 from their original request. Senate also gave money from the Project Pool to South Asian Student Alliance for its spring concert and NU Asian to fund printing of its magazine.

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Baseball SIU-Edwardsville at NU, 3 p.m. Friday


Just being able to get back out there and be 100 percent has made the difference. — Jack Mitchell, outfielder

Thursday, May 8, 2014


NU outshines Illinois-Chicago for road win By JESSE KRAMER

the daily northwestern @Jesse_Kramer




Illinois-Chicago has the flashy facilities, with newly built $10 million Curtis Granderson Stadium, but Northwestern was the flashier team in Wednesday’s meeting in Chicago. After falling behind early, the Wildcats (15-31, 5-15 Big Ten) dominated the Flames (22-20) over the fi nal seven innings for an 8-4 victory. The theme of NU’s effort was collectivity. Coach Paul Stevens called upon five pitchers, with none throwing more than two innings. At the plate, five Cats drove in runs. “I liked what our guys were doing today,” Stevens said. “(UIC) is a team that’s won eight straight coming in here. They were on a roll.” Senior pitcher Nick Friar started and threw two innings, allowing a pair of runs in the second. But NU responded, plating four in the third to take the lead. With Friar set to start again Sunday for the Cats, Stevens sent senior Ethan Bramschreiber to the mound in relief for the third inning. Bramschreiber tossed a pair of scoreless innings, and the Cats gave him some insurance with junior Scott Heelan’s RBI single up the middle in the fift h. Freshman left fielder Joe Hoscheit followed that with a 2-run home run to right field.


Hoscheit now has four home runs in his rookie season — easily enough for the team-high — and his hitting has improved throughout the season. “I’m just finally feeling comfortable up there,” Hoscheit said. “I’ve been working with coach on my swing and making some adjustments, and they’re really working.” What wasn’t as comfortable for Hoscheit was playing three different positions during Wednesday’s game. He started in left field, moved to first base when starting first baseman Matt Hopfner came in to pitch and then took the mound himself for a twoinning stretch. “I’m not going to deny it, it is tough,” Hoscheit said. “You want to feel comfortable in your one position and be there every game, but with the injuries we’ve had, I’m just glad to do whatever it takes to be on the field.” Sophomore center fielder Jack Mitchell put the Cats up 8-2 in the seventh inning with a deep home run to left field, recording his second RBI of the night. Mitchell was held back by injuries during the first half of the season, but

Baseball Daily file photo by Brian Lee

HOSCHEIT COMES HOME Joe Hoscheit crosses home plate. The outfielder had a 2-run home run against UIC and pitched two shutout innings.

his health has held up lately as his bat has become a key contributor in NU’s lineup. Mitchell has started the last seven games in center field and also had a pinch-hit, game-winning single two weeks ago against Chicago State. “Getting healthy and being able to get my reps in has been huge,” Mitchell said. “Just being able to get

back out there and be 100 percent has made the difference.” Hopfner and Hoscheit continued the bullpen’s impressive work from the fifth to eighth innings. Hopfner worked a pair of scoreless frames, and then Hoscheit allowed one run, which was unearned. Senior pitcher Jack Quigley struggled to put UIC away in the ninth

inning but ultimately got the job done. The veteran allowed one run and put Flames on first and second with one out, but he retired the next two batters to avoid any further damage. This weekend, NU hosts SIUEdwardsville. The three-game series begins Friday.


Women’s Golf

Cats to host Big Ten tourney

NU goes west, looking to qualify for NCAAs


daily senior staffer

Northwestern’s opening Big Ten Tournament game on Thursday will be special for many reasons. The game will be held on the Wildcats’ home turf, Sharon J. Drysdale Field. The Cats’ opener will serve as the first night game to ever be held on the diamond. “Our whole team is really excited,” sophomore Brianna LeBeau said. “It brings a new level of energy to the game.” The Cats have high expectations for the game’s atmosphere and their home fans and hope that the home field advantage energizes them. “I’m picturing it being really electric,” senior Marisa Bast said. “It’s going to be a part of ‘the J’s’ history and I’m excited to be part of it.” The Cats are practicing under the lights Wednesday order to prepare for the late start, but they don’t see the change impacting the way they play. “We’re going to treat it like any other game,” Bast said. NU, the No. 5 seed, faces off against 12th-seeded Michigan State. The Cats hosted the Spartans last weekend, sweeping the three series. But the Cats will be careful to not overlook the opponent. “None of the runs (scored last weekend) count on Thursday,” coach Kate Drohan said. “I like the fact that we’re prepared and familiar with them, but we just need to focus on playing Northwestern softball and taking one pitch at a time.” Taking the season game by game has been the motto for the Cats all year long, and it will be no different in the postseason, especially with NCAA tournament selection on the horizon. “It’s hard not to think that way,” Drohan said when asked about having something to prove to the tournament selection committee. “We talked internally to the team, and every time you think about what


daily senior staffer @KevinCasey19

Brian Lee/Daily Senior Staffer

TEACH ‘EM UP Anna Edwards receives coaching on the basepaths. The junior shortstop has started every game this season and is fourth on the team in RBI.

are our chances are, we are on the bubble. You need to focus on what you can control, how you can prepare for practice, prepare for the game. It takes a lot of discipline.” Though the Cats’ focus will not be on the NCAA Tournament over the next few days, they do feel like they have a chance make the cut. “We’ve shown we deserve it,” LeBeau said. Instead, NU will focus on the 11 teams coming to play at their field this weekend, with the ultimate goal of taking home a conference title. “It’s exciting to bring the Big Ten together on our home turf,” Bast

said. Bast also reflected on the special meaning of the tournament for her and her fellow seniors and the opportunity to play at home one last time. The Cats have a confidence in their abilities and are looking to the special aspects of the game and tournament to motivate them and make the tournament a fun and memorable experience. “It’s easy to bring energy as a team because we have great chemistry,” LeBeau said.

The Wildcats will travel out west for NCAA Regionals looking to do exactly what they accomplished last year, maybe just in a different manner. The NCAA West Regional begins Thursday at Tumble Creek Golf Club in Suncadia, Washington, a gathering of 24 teams where the top-eight finishers qualify for NCAA Championships. Last year Northwestern finished sixth, earning them a spot among those elite few. But the team only did so after starting the day in 10th, needing a significant final-round charge to ensure its spot. Acquiring a top-eight spot sounds like a rather benign mission, except for the severity of the competition. The field includes seven teams ranked in the top 20, with No. 1 USC, No. 6 Arizona State and No. 7 Oklahoma headlining this enclave. An astounding 17 squads find themselves among the top 50 heading into this event. NU will not be intimidated by this vast aggregation of talent. The Cats enter as the No. 7 seed and have actually bested the Trojans over their last 72 holes in headto-head competition. This particular regional offers yet another advantage for a far-away squad like the Cats: a lack of home field advantage for the nearby teams. “The golf course is truly a neutral site because Washington doesn’t host its annual tournament at this site,” coach Emily Fletcher said. “So it’s not like USC and Arizona State, teams that play in that event every fall, have played this course over and over again. Beyond Washington being the host, I don’t think any other team has seen this golf course.” NU can also take solace in the fact that, with the event proposing a top-eight finish rather than a victory as a path to the promised land, regionals favor higher seeds that don’t fluctuate wildly in their play. Such stability has largely been the Cats’ philosophy this season. Save for a

peculiar 14th-place showing in North Carolina, the team has not been outside the top three in any spring event. This stems from a five-deep lineup that is usually short of spectacular individually but offers a formidable dosage of collectivity. The awards are there to show for it, with junior Hana Lee and sophomore Kaitlin Park earning First Team All-Big Ten honors this past week, along with sophomore Elizabeth Szokol’s and freshman Kacie Komoto’s Second Team All-Big Ten nods. Park did not play her best at Big Ten Championships, and neither did the team in a disappointing third-place finish. But the sophomore insists that event will aid the team this week. “We got a lot of good experience, a lot of good shots out there,” Park said. “I feel like we will be more prepared, having played such a tough course.” One issue looms large for NU: The Cats have struggled mightily in opening rounds this spring. Except for one event, NU’s worst position in 54-hole spring tournaments has been after the first round. Though this concept may have worked wonders for NU at last year’s Regionals, the team isn’t taking any chances at repeating this method. “We’ve been a little bit slow starting this year, so especially at Regionals, where you know you’re trying to finish inside a number, you’d rather not get behind the eightball and have to play our way back inside the top-eight,” Fletcher said. “I’d like for us to get off to as good a start as possible, but that’s even more critical in this event.” The Cats certainly appear poised for a repeat appearance at NCAA Championships, but they also looked good to win Big Tens and that didn’t happen. These players, though, have never doubted their abilities, and they’re not going to start now. “I have confidence in this team right now,” Park said. “We have a really good chance at making it again. We’re going to go out there and try to do the same thing as last year.”

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