The Daily Northwestern – April 16, 2019

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The Daily Northwestern Tuesday, April 16, 2019


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ASG to file Black House petition Resolution demands more student autonomy By MARISSA MARTINEZ

daily senior staffer @mar1ssamart1nez

King Arts parents appeal to board

Community members frustrated with lack of off icial response By ANDRES CORREA

the daily northwestern @aocorrea1

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Literary and Fine Arts School parent groups on Sunday afternoon sent a

joint email to administrators in the Evanston/Skokie School District 65 in response to a town hall which addressed academic disparities between black and white students. In the email sent by Black Parents of King Arts, King Arts Parent Teacher Association and

ONE King Arts, parents expressed concerns with the administration’s involvement in the town hall and asked that they listen and work more closely with black parents at the school. The March 22 town hall sought to address disparities in the results

of the latest Measures of Academic Progress scores between black and white students. According to the MAP scores, no black students in the third, fifth, sixth and seventh grades at King Arts met the college » See KING ARTS, page 6

ASG senators and community members will present a petition this Wednesday titled “Resolution In Support of Student Autonomy in the Black House,” which will be voted on next week. The petition concerns the lack of a guaranteed space for the temporary Black House while the building undergoes renovation next school year. Options for future locations were discussed during Monday’s meeting in the Black House, which was attended by about 35 people, but no official vote was held. The document details the role of the Black House in Northwestern’s black community and its current functions. It also includes demands from the 1968 Bursar’s Takeover for a space “to be used for social and recreational activities… and provide us with the necessary facilities to function as independently as the Student Senate office.” According to the document, this request has

not yet been fully realized. The petition describes the necessity of an independent, uniquely black space on campus, and asks for greater student autonomy in running the building, including 24-hour access, prioritizing the interests of the black community and moving the control of the building into the hands of students instead of remaining under Multicultural Student Affairs. Even though the Takeover occurred 50 years ago, Meron Amariw, the For Members Only ASG senator and Christian Wade, a Weinberg senator, said the black community on campus still feels ignored and overlooked. Part of the petition’s purpose is to emphasize how important the Black House is to many black students on campus. While the petition was co-authored by six students — including four members of ASG — both Wade and Amariw said it is meant to represent the opinions of the wider black community on campus. “Yes, some of us are senators and some of us aren’t but it’s not even an ASG thing,” Amariw said. “It’s more of a black student thing.” The petition includes requests » See BLACK HOUSE, page

Work-study jobs Council to add decorum guidelines difficult to balance Under new rules, speakers could be barred from meeting participation Students share challenges, obstacles to employment


daily senior staffer @pranav_baskar

Miranda Chabot works two jobs. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she gets techy — she’s a member of Northwestern News Network’s production crew. Her other job is a little more flexible hour-wise: as a research assistant, she makes her own schedule. Chabot, a Medill first-year, is one of the hundreds of students at the University who qualify for Federal Work-Study – a program created by Congress in the 1960s to supply college students with part-time employment opportunities. The goal — to help students afford college while simultaneously affording them valuable work experience — seems straightforward. But today, decades after the program’s inception, some students feel short-charged. Part of the problem, students said, is that work-study money is far from a guarantee. Chabot said given NNN’s production

schedule, it’s impossible for her to work — and, thus, earn — enough to fully cover her workstudy allotment. “Because of that, there’s a block on my financial aid statement that’s already in the red,” Chabot said. “Since there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to make what the University estimates you will in financial aid calculations, it’s fallen to me to figure out other options. I was lucky, but I’m sure not everyone else is.” Chabot said it’s “insane” the University expects students to figure this out for themselves, adding that when she arrived, she didn’t understand that the number displayed on her financial award was a potentiality — not a surefire assurance. Chabot was able to find a backup plan, her research assistantship, but that’s also meant having to balance two jobs on top of school, social commitments and everything in between. For some students, like Medill first-year Maggie Galloway, there are other problems with the work-study system: wages. Galloway said she loves her job at the Medill Office of External Programs and the » See HIRING, page 6

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Aldermen voted Monday to provide decorum guidelines for citizen participation during City Council, standing committees and ward meetings. The guidelines state that anyone who uses “ loud, threatening, personal or abusive language” during citizen comment could be barred from further participation during the meeting at the discretion of the mayor or presiding officer. The same rule will also apply to anyone who “disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of a meeting.” The guidelines state that the mayor or presiding officer can try to provide a verbal warning to the speaker, but that a warning is not required for the speaker’s microphone to be turned off or for the speaker to be removed from the meeting. Ald. Melissa Wynne (3rd) echoed other aldermen’s sentiments when she said the tone of citizen comment has

Daily file photo by Noah Frick-Alofs

Ald. Cicely Fleming (9th). Fleming encouraged meeting chairs to explain the purpose of public comment to meeting attendees, clarifying what speakers should and should not expect during the public comment period.

changed over the past few years. “We have had this issue where we have someone who’s been disruptive or disturbing, and the mayor has not had a tool to use,” Wynne said. “This is not going to be invoked very often, but I think it’s worth having.” The resolution amends the City Council Rules about

citizen participation, adding a new section dealing specifically with decorum guidelines. The current rules also provide guidelines for signing up for public comment, sending in a written comment and defining the length of public comment speaking times. In addition to the new guidelines, Ald. Cicely Fleming (9th) recommended the

chair of each meeting remind speakers how public comment works. She said speakers are sometimes confused and think that they might be getting an answer to questions from aldermen, when in reality public comment is just a time for speakers to make a short speech, and aldermen typically » See COUNCIL, page 6

INSIDE: Around Town 2 | On Campus 3 | Opinion 4 | Classifieds & Puzzles 6 | Sports 8




Politicians announce legislation to fund research By JULIA ESPARZA

daily senior staffer @juliaesparza10

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) along with U.S. Reps. Bill Foster (D-Ill.) and Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) announced legislation Monday that would consistently increase federal research funding over the next five years. “How do you end up with the best research in the world?,” Durbin said. “Get the best researchers. How do you get the best researchers? Not only invest in their education, you give them hope and promise that if they started their research, they can finish it.” The politicians joined Northwestern researchers and scientists Monday morning in a press conference at the Feinberg School of Medicine to announce The American Cures Act and The American Innovation Act, which specifically target science and biomedical research funding. The legislation comes after President Donald Trump’s announcement that he would cut research funding in the 2019 Fiscal Year to the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The American Cures Act asks for annual budget increases of 5 percent plus inflation at

Three arrested after traffic stop revealed unlicensed firearms

Evanston Police Department officers arrested three people the evening of April 9 in connection with possession of firearms following a traffic stop. Officers on patrol near the corner of Dempster Street and Dodge Avenue stopped a car traveling south on Dodge after observing that the vehicle

Julia Esparza/Daily Senior Staffer

U.S. Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.) speaks at the Feinberg School of Medicine. He and other politicians introduced legislation that would increase federal research funding over the next five years.

America’s top four biomedical research centers: the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense Health Program, and the Veterans Medical and Prosthetics Research Program. The American Innovation Act would provide annual budget increases of 5 percent for research at five federal research agencies: The National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy

Office of Science, the Department of Defense Science and Technology Programs, the National Institute of Standards and Technology Scientific and Technical Research, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science Directorate. Durbin said these two acts work with each other as biomedical innovation develops with and is influenced by scientific innovation and vice-versa.

was in violation of window tinting laws, according to an EPD news release. When an officer spoke to the driver, a 19-year-old Norridge, Illinois resident, he detected the odor of cannabis. After additional officers had arrived, the driver and the vehicle’s five other occupants were instructed to exit the car. Officers then conducted a search of the vehicle and found a purse containing a .380 Taurus handgun with the serial number removed as well as 2.4 grams of Xanax; a second 9mm Taurus handgun; ammunition of an unspecified caliber; drug paraphernalia; and a small amount

of cannabis, according to the news release. All occupants of the vehicle were brought to the station for further investigation. The driver was charged with a misdemeanor count for possession of ammunition without a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card and received a citation for the tinted windows. Another occupant of the vehicle, an 18-year-old Chicago resident, admitted she was the owner of the purse and its contents. She was charged with multiple felonies, including aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and possession of a controlled


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Underwood — who is the lead House sponsor of The American Cures Act — called for a commitment to sustaining investments made to science and biomedical research. She said federal research funding is important in finding cures to life-threatening diseases and in sustaining further research efforts. “Federal funding for biomedical research is also key to maintaining world-class university research programs and a vibrant life sciences industry that supports high-quality jobs, over 200,000 of which are here in Illinois,” Underwood said. During the press conference, Durbin invited Dr. Melissa Simon, the vice chair for clinical research in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Feinberg, to talk about the impact federal funding has made on her research. She pointed to funding her lab received from the National Cancer Institute for several cancer patient navigation studies. She said the outcomes of the studies helped improve disparities in cancer screenings and treatment outcomes among black and white patients. “As you can see, research is not something that you can turn off or on and it requires sustained efforts and sustained funding,” Simon said. “Otherwise, labs close and these large research efforts will fold.”

substance. A third passenger, a 19-year-old Evanston resident, received two felony counts for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon after admitting that the second gun belonged to him. A fourth occupant of the vehicle received a citation for possession of cannabis; the other two passengers were not charged. The three people charged have a court date set for May 2. — Joshua Irvine

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ON CAMPUS Political Union debates cancel culture By AUSTIN BENAVIDES

the daily northwestern @awstinbenavides

Northwestern Political Union on Monday debated the harmfulness of “cancel culture” to society, ultimately voting that cancel culture is indeed harmful. Going into the discussion, cancel culture was defined as a “phenomenon” where a group of people engage in reducing monetary, moral and public support for a person, event or organization because of past actions or comments that were deemed harmful or “unsavory,” said McCormick junior Ian Odland, who moderated the debate. The debate was led by Weinberg junior Jahan Sahni, co-president of Political Union, who argued that cancel culture was harmful and Weinberg junior Romie Drori, the liaison for College Democrats on the Political Union, who argued for the opposition. The event was organized in segments to allow both Sahni and Drori to give their opinions and was then opened up to the general group. Sahni opened up the discussion by saying “everyone makes mistakes,” and cancel culture could be harmful because the people who are accused — mostly on social media platforms like Twitter — are not given their due process. “There does exist this dark side of cancel culture,” Sahni said. “It effectively perpetuates belittling certain individuals. It is effectively just organized bullying in an adult sphere.” Those who argued that cancel culture was not harmful described it as a tool to hold the powerful accountable. One supporter framed the #MeToo discussion through the lens of cancel culture by saying the power of “canceling” someone balanced the traditional power structures by giving the accuser support over the more influential celebrity. Celebrities like Louis C.K., Roseanne Barr, Kanye West and Tiger Woods were also brought up by both sides of the debate. The cancellation

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Co-President of Northwestern’s Political Union Jahan Sahni speaks. The Weinberg junior argued that the cancel culture that has arose in recent years is harmful for society.

of Roseanne Barr’s show “Roseanne”, Drori said, was a prime example of cancel culture being effective because a group of people worked together to boycott the celebrity over her racist comments. “It strikes me as fundamentally democratic the idea that people can band together and voice disapproval for something that is heinous,” Drori said. “And for them to not support something as a collective that doesn’t line up with their views, that’s essentially democratic in my eyes.” Those who were in agreement that cancel culture is harmful said that it presented a slippery slope in which people being called out or “canceled” may lead to stymying their rights to free speech.

Some argued the term “canceling” was dehumanizing in and of itself and presented problems with concepts like rehabilitation. Weinberg junior Dominic Bayer, the Political Union’s liaison for College Republicans, said the realities of cancel culture present it as a modern-day witch hunt where people are deprived of their due process. “Cancel culture is actually harmful to society because it suppresses people’s speech and punishes them without giving them the chance to even respond to the accusation or providing them an avenue to correct their mistakes,” Bayer said.

The Daily Northwestern is published Monday through Friday during the academic year, except vacation periods and two weeks preceding them and once during August, by Students Publishing Co., Inc. of Northwestern University, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208; 847-491-7206. First copy of The Daily is free, additional copies are 50 cents. All material published herein, except advertising or where indicated otherwise, is Copyright 2019 The Daily Northwestern and protected under the “work made for hire” and “periodical publication” clauses of copyright law. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Northwestern, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208. Subscriptions are $175 for the academic year. The Daily Northwestern is not responsible for more than one incorrect ad insertion. All display ad corrections must be received by 3 p.m. one day prior to when the ad is run.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Medill should hire more women faculty of color ANDREA BIAN


Northwestern’s faculty across its several schools is overwhelmingly homogenous. As students who attend an institution that claims to be committed to diversity, we feel that the diversity of the faculty body is just as important as the diversity of their students. This column is part of a series focusing on the perspectives of students from different schools at Northwestern. These columns will discuss the importance of diversity at all levels and the effect faculty makeup has on students. Last September, I entered journalism school excited but extremely nervous. I was grateful for the opportunity to be studying something I was passionate about, having been first introduced to journalism in high school, but I had no idea what it would be like to study the subject as a full-time student. I didn’t know how classes were run, who I would be working with, or if I would do well. Journalism 201-1, or Reporting and Writing, was my introduction to not only the college journalism curriculum but also to the types of people I would be working with for years to come. I met countless people from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences and became excited at the thought of them being my peers. One of my first journalism lectures

involved a guest lecture by associate professor Mei-Ling Hopgood, who spoke about her life experience as a journalist in the industry. She touched on her Asian-American background, and I found myself relating to several things she said about her experience. As it was one of my first lectures, I hoped that I would be able to have more experiences like this one in the future and gain different perspectives from other members of the Medill faculty — specifically women of color. After my first few weeks at Medill, I quickly realized that working with faculty of color would be more difficult than I thought. An overwhelming majority of Medill’s faculty is white and male. Besides Professor Hopgood, I didn’t hear from or interact with any other female faculty of color in Medill throughout the fall and winter quarters. While the caliber of the Medill faculty — in terms of experience in the industry — is unquestionably high, I still find myself yearning to hear more about the specific experiences of women of color in journalism. I want to know how they navigate reporting and writing for prominent publications, and how their varied identities play into their work. It’s something I often think about when writing for The Daily Northwestern, a majority-white organization where we talk about diversity and inclusion frequently. I didn’t realize it at the time, but one of the things spurring my apprehensions at the start of my Medill experience was my awareness of the lack of diversity in journalism. It’s no secret that the industry is largely white and male, but the numbers are still jarring: 77 percent of newsroom employees are white, according to the Pew Research Center, and

61 percent are male. Even though these numbers are slowly changing and becoming more diverse as more young people enter the workforce. Since entering Medill, I have been acutely aware of my experience with my own Asian-

Medill, being one of the most highly regarded journalism schools in the country, should be able to hire more women of color to be part of their faculty. Andrea Bian, Opinion Editor

American identity and its contrast to the majority white and majority male industry, and I realized very quickly that the path I would take to begin a career in journalism would be different from theirs. Only 3.8 percent of U.S. news analysts, reporters and correspondents in 2016 were Asian — a number that is quite intimidating to me as I consider my career choices. It’s easy to see why a lack of diversity is a huge problem in journalism. Without a range of identities, cultures or thoughts, important events and issues affecting people of color can often go uncovered, and therefore unnoticed. A newsroom that does not reflect the demographics of the public does them a disservice. It pushes them to the sides of the public eye, giving precedence to one-dimensional news

coverage. Students of color who wish to pursue journalism would benefit greatly from working with faculty of color — journalists from similar backgrounds as their own who have been through the highs and lows of the field and can use their specific experiences to empower those just starting out. It’s also important that all students, not just those of color, interact with diverse professors. All students who get the opportunity to interact with a diverse faculty will be able to see the benefit of diverse coverage firsthand. As one of the most highly regarded journalism schools in the country, Medill should hire more women of color to be part of their faculty. Yes, they are underrepresented in the journalism industry, but countless qualified female journalists of color do exist. Medill should make more of an active effort to hire them — ultimately, to benefit of all their students. A statement on the Northwestern website proudly declares that the school “is committed to increasing our faculty diversity.” Northwestern should match its words with actions, and hire qualified, diverse faculty who will not only share their valuable expertise with future Medill students but also provide encouragement to those who feel apprehensive of an industry that wasn’t built for them. Andrea Bian is a Medill first-year. She can be contacted If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to opinion@dailynorthwestern. com. The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of The Daily Northwestern.

Victoria’s Secret does not represent NU Sex Week’s values LUCIA BOYD


Victoria’s Secret is well-embedded in American culture — the brand’s advertisements are often seen in malls, on TV and social media. It even has an active presence at Northwestern through Victoria’s Secret Pink Brand Ambassadors. Because of its ubiquity, many members of the Northwestern community do not think twice about the implications of purchasing their lingerie and other products, especially for events like Burlesque or when celebrating their own sexual agency during Sex Week. However, Victoria’s Secret’s products and branding directly contradict the messages of self-love, empowerment and body positivity these Northwestern events strive to embody. Victoria’s Secret was founded by a man who was unsatisfied with the selection of underwear options for his wife and wanted to create something for her to wear that met his fantasies. Today, the company is led by a male CEO and brands itself around creating a specific, heteronormative and rigid fantasy of female sexuality and expression. The brand does not empower women; it tells them what they need to buy, consume

and look like in order to achieve the praise of men. The name “Victoria’s Secret” implies this purpose as it perpetuates the fantasy of a “refined” female on the outside — the name was inspired by Queen Victoria — who has a “secret” sexuality that is not appropriate to be referenced outside of a union with a male. This column is not meant to shame people who wear Victoria’s Secret. However, by engaging with the brand, consumers are

By engaging with the brand, consumers are subtly influenced in ways that limit freedom of expression and identity — not only for themselves but for other women. Lucia Boyd, Op-Ed Contributor

subtly influenced in ways that limit freedom of expression and identity — not only for themselves but for other women. Victoria’s Secret models are predominately white, extremely thin, tall, cis women. Their

pictures are heavily photoshopped and depict an unrealistic, unattainable standard of beauty for women. The models in the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, also known as “Angels,” are pressured to bring this photoshopped fantasy of women to life through extremely rigorous pre-show eating habits, workouts and contouring in order to maintain their careers and stay eligible to walk in the show. Last November, Ed Razek, the chief marketing officer of the brand, said in a Vogue interview that trans women and plus-sized models will never be cast in the fashion show because they contradict the “fantasy.” He later released an inadequate apology statement. In order to combat criticism, Victoria’s Secret has started a new campaign, “Grl Pwr,” through their PINK line that markets specifically to a younger audience. Instead of a substantive initiative, it demeans empowerment as a trend that sells. It strips feminism and body positivity of its diversity, complex stories and history by not changing anything about their models, language or photoshopping. Their “feminism” is merely performative. Victoria’s Secret excludes femaleidentifying people from their own sexual empowerment by convincing consumers that being “sexy” coincides with a specific societal

expectation of appearance (overly thin, tall, cis woman) and that if a consumer buys their product, they will be empowered to be “sexy.” Conforming to a stereotypical beauty standard in order to please society is not empowering. It is restrictive, isolating and imprisoning. Victoria’s Secret, as an institution, perpetuates unrealistic standards for women, a rigid structure of femininity, the male gaze and a set model of what is beautiful. Through all of this, it fails to sexually liberate women. Victoria’s Secret, as a brand, does not belong in Northwestern Sex Week because it undermines body-positive initiatives with a subtle yet powerful message of the patriarchy, sexism, homophobia, body-shaming, normalization of eating disorders, exclusivity and an unrealistic beauty standard for women. Liberate yourself from the confines of Victoria’s Secret, its unrealistic expectations, and its limits on femininity and empower yourself to express your own sexuality in the way that feels best for you. Lucia Boyd is a Communications sophomore. She can be contacted at If you would like to respond publicly to this op-ed, send a Letter to the Editor to opinion@ The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of The Daily Northwestern.

The Daily Northwestern Volume 139, Issue 95 Editor in Chief Alan Perez

Managing Editors

Kristina Karisch Marissa Martinez Peter Warren

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Opinion Editors Andrea Bian

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for transparency from administrators, Amariw said, as well as making sure the renovated Black House is up to “not only University standards, but black student standards as well.” Soteria Reid, the ASG vice president for accessibility and inclusion, said the committee modeled the petition around the idea that the Black House should be a “home” for all black students and their varying intersectionalities, and for those who “hold black people in their interests, thoughts and intentions.” The SESP sophomore said the petition is personal for her. She said she didn’t visit the Black House regularly until spring quarter of her freshman year, when she started making more black friends and building a support system through the space. “The Black House was a really key part of those critical interactions with other black folk,” Reid said. “It has a special place in my heart. It would have been significantly harder to feel comfortable being a student on this campus. “I’m pushing for it because it was a space where I was able to be understood and start to understand what blackness was, what it wasn’t, and how it’s dealt with on this campus,” she continued. Wade said seeing last quarter’s petition to have a first-generation/low-income space get a lot of support was encouraging. He said the Black House petition might be taken more seriously by administrators if they get signatures from the wider University

do not respond. “Maybe we can just make sure we are educating people so they understand when they come here...we’re not going to go into a long dialogue with them,” Fleming said. “So maybe that cuts back some of the frustration with the individuals.” At the meeting, aldermen also voted to provide guidelines for public comment during standing committees. The amendment allots 45 minutes of public comment for the Planning and Development Committee, and 20 minutes of public comment for all other standing committees. City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz also

KING ARTS From page 1

readiness benchmark in math or reading. Black students also made up a larger part of the bottom quartile in reading and math than any other demographic. “You have neglected to allocate sufficient time, energy and resources to the issue of eradicating these racialized disparities at the level it requires,” the email said. “We do not trust that you truly understand that there is a state of emergency at King Arts.” While school administrators and parents spoke at the March town hall, the district did not provide a presentation. According to an email sent to The Daily by parents, district officials agreed to provide a presentation to address steps forward. However, a day prior to the event they decided they would no longer participate in the town hall but would still attend. After the town hall, parents provided questions for district officials, which were addressed at an April 12 meeting between parents, school administrators and district officials. In an email to The Daily, District 65 Superintendent Dr. Paul Goren said he hears and respects the concerns raised by the organizations at King Arts. However, Goren did not comment on why the district decided not to present at the town hall. “My team and I are committed to continue our

Daily file photo by Marcel Bollag


The Black House is scheduled for renovation next year.

From page 1

community. Wade and Amariw also said the petition is also a way to gauge student interest and field feedback. Ensuring everybody’s input is heard and valued is important to the creators of the petition, Amariw said. Wade said he thinks the petition will pass. “If ASG is supporting us and behind us, maybe it’ll put more emphasis on how important this is to our campus as a whole,” Wade said.

flexibility she’s received as an employee but wishes there was more wage differentiation made between jobs of varying intensity. “When I go into work, I have to actively be doing things. If there’s nothing to do, I have to go home,” Galloway said. “So it doesn’t make sense to me that I earn the same amount as students who are able to chill and do homework while also working.” Because many lower-intensity positions are low in scope and high in demand it’s difficult for many students to access them, Chabot said, drawing from personal experience. By the time she set up an interview for a library position in the fall, the job was filled. The problem is not that there aren’t enough opportunities, Galloway said; she didn’t find it “difficult” to find a job. Rather, structural problems — a “dated” job platform, University transparency issues and red tape — have been the largest source of complication. And then there’s the issue of which students qualify for work-study at all. Medill first-year Anna Margevich said while work with the King Arts parents and have scheduled another in-person follow through meeting for early May,” Goren said in the email. “My door remains open for dialogue and problem-solving.” Abdel Shakur, a King Arts parent and member of the Black Parents of King Arts, attended the meeting. He said parents and district officials went over follow-up questions regarding the data. He said the inequity between black and white students is an issue that has been present at the school since before Goren became superintendent. At the same time, he said there is an urgency to address this issue and emphasized the role parents have in the matter. “The thing that’s been kind of disturbing is they don’t seem to get how partnership with parents really is in their best interest and is productive when we’re kind of held as equal partners,” Shakur said. “The thing that was most disappointing about the town hall was that we set it up so that all the different stakeholders to kind of be heard and kind of show vision for what this goal is going to be or what it could be.” The coalition of parents submitted additional follow-up questions regarding the data and a response expected by May 2.

requested further discussion of more extensive rules revisions at the June 3 Rules Committee meeting. Before the decorum guidelines were passed, Ald. Judy Fiske (1st) raised concerns that the decrease of civility at City Council meetings over the past couple of years has decreased citizen participation by some members of the community. “My concern is that a lot of the people that I’ve known to be very, very reasonable have expressed to me their reluctance to come and speak at Council because of the way that they’ve been treated in this building by very local advocates for certain positions,” Fiske said. her financial aid package covers all her tuition, not being eligible for work-study disqualifies her from the majority of job opportunities on campus. “It definitely makes it more difficult to find jobs,” Margevich said. “It makes sense on one level that (the University) is prioritizing job opportunities for students who don’t get full coverage. But, if you think about it, students with full financial aid — who come from less affluent backgrounds — may need those jobs more.” Margevich said the main alternative has been searching for opportunities in Evanston, which comes with its “own set of challenges”: It can be hard to find work amenable to student life in the city. For some students, work-study, in large part, has worked. Weinberg first-year Isabella Pizarro said she found it relatively easy to take advantage of job options offered by the University. Now, she works to connect with alumni at Phonathon. But across the board, there’s something that students can agree on: there is no single workstudy experience. “There needs to be more information about how the system works,” Chabot said.

Daily file photo by Jeffery Wang

The Office of Financial Aid, where the Work Study Office is housed. Students have struggled with figuring out how work study fits into a financial aid package.


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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis


By Lee Taylor

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Faculty Senate asks provost to reinstate position By ALAN PEREZ

daily senior staffer @_perezalan_

Faculty Senate voted last week in favor of a resolution asking the Provost’s Office to explore reinstating a position to support faculty not eligible for tenure, a role central leadership cut last year as part of the University-wide staff layoffs to close the multimilliondollar budget gap. The resolution demonstrates the Senate’s support of the creation of an assistant provost role to oversee non-tenure eligible faculty across the University. Elsa Alvaro, a University librarian and chair of the committee that introduced the measure, said it was necessary to create an “equitable community,” achieve transparency and better address NTE faculty concerns. The resolution will now be sent to Provost Jonathan Holloway, whose office will consider the proposal and return with comments. Holloway said in a Wednesday email to The Daily that he would have to “look at the resolution before offering any comment,” which will first go to Faculty Senate. The measure was initiated when Weinberg faculty asked Faculty Senate’s NTE committee to support a petition to create an associate dean position in Weinberg. Alvaro said the committee went a step further to advocate for a University-wide position. “Northwestern should be an academic community in which all faculty are provided with the institutional support to thrive,” Alvaro said, reading the resolution. Non-tenure faculty have long raised grievances for the lack of advancement opportunities, pay disparity and other unequal working conditions. NTE faculty sought to address these concerns through

Medill alum wins fourth Pulitzer Prize, most by a single reporter in history

David Barstow (Medill ’86) became the first journalist to win a record four Pulitzer Prizes for reporting when he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting on April 15. Barstow, a senior writer at the New York Times,

unionization, though the vote failed in October after the National Labor Relations Board granted NU’s request to include 25 contested ballots in the final tally. Mark Witte, an economics professor not on a tenure track, said the creation of an associate dean position for NTE faculty in Weinberg leaves him “reasonably happy.” Still, he would support unionization if he continues to see “mistreatment” of other NTE faculty. “It would be good for me personally and good for these faculty — who are perhaps not as well cared for as we are in Weinberg — to have something at the provost level that would try to make sure that everybody’s needs are at least attended to a couple times a year,” Witte said. The resolution, which passed without opposition, arose out of a need to “harmonize” the disparity of policies and practices across schools, Alvaro said. The experiences of faculty vary across schools. Some have multiple opportunities for promotion, like in the Feinberg School of Medicine, while others do not, Alvaro said. The length of working contracts is also inconsistent, with some as short as one year, as are hiring, evaluation and promotion processes. Such a position would provide much-desired support for a group that many say is hard to define. “The category of non-tenure-eligible faculty is enormously complex, with variation across the schools in titles, career paths, and contract structure,” Baron Reed, Faculty Senate president, said in an email to The Daily, noting that these faculty include lecturers, researchers, librarians and other positions. “Our recommendation is to have someone in the administration whose primary role is to keep track of these many different sorts of faculty, so that they are in the best possible position to continue contributing to the university’s success.”

The position in the Provost’s Office was cut in July after University leadership began to recognize the depth of what turned out to be a $94 million budget deficit, resulting in about 80 layoffs and the elimination of an additional 80 positions. Among the multiple concerns from faculty about spending cuts was the termination of this position. At the meeting, Chairman of the Board of Trustees J. Landis Martin assured faculty that he understood concerns that some cuts to spending seemed unfair, but said he wants “to do my part to make sure that the Board and the president are in lockstep and doing

things the right way.” Reed recognized the constraints of the budget, but expressed hope that a solution is possible. “We’re aware that this request may be difficult to accommodate, for the moment at least, with the constraints imposed by the need to close the budget deficit,” he said. “But we look forward to continuing to work with the Provost and his office to find creative and equitable solutions to the concerns NTE faculty face.”

shared the prize with his colleagues Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner for their investigation into President Donald Trump’s personal finances and “dubious” tax schemes over the years. Medill Prof. emeritus Roger Boye, who taught Barstow, said he recognized the future journalist’s potential way back when. “As a student, David had a strong interest in public affairs and current events,” Boye said in a Northwestern news release. “In class, he asked many thoughtful questions of the teacher and

guest speakers. He was inquisitive without being overbearing.” Barstow previously won Pulitzers in 2004, 2009 and 2013. His reporting on Walmart’s use of bribery to overtake the market in Mexico in 2013 and his series on the Pentagon influencing media coverage of Iraq and Afghanistan in 2009 earned him Pulitzer Prizes for Investigative Reporting. His 2004 articles on workplace safety violations yielded the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Medill Interim Dean Charles Whitaker praised

Barstow for his recent award, commending both the reporting and Barstow’s connection to Medill. “This incisive examination of the dubious sources of the President’s wealth is a stellar example of David’s tremendous talent and ability to thoroughly analyze complex issues and explain the information in ways readers can understand,” Whitaker said in the release. “We are very proud of David and honored that he continues his relationship with Medill.”

Evan Robinson-Johnston/Daily Senior Staffer

Elsa Alvaro, right, and Baron Reed, left. Alvaro, the chair of the NTE committee, said a position in the Provost’s Office to support NTE faculty was necessary to “harmonize” the disparity of policies and practices across schools.



— Gabby Birenbaum




Lacrosse No. 8 Michigan at No. 6 NU, 3 p.m. Thursday


That role (of starting quarterback) is critically important, and we’ve got to see how that progresses here. — Pat Fitzgerald, coach


Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Jack Dunn leads NU through turnaround season By CHARLIE GOLDSMITH

daily senior staffer @2021_charlie

On April 3, Northwestern’s Twitter account threw up a literal prayer hands emoji asking fans to nominate Jack Dunn for the Golden Spikes Award, which is given each year to the best amateur player in the country. Despite the push to get him on the ballot, the senior shortstop wasn’t featured on the midseason watch list revealed last Wednesday. According to an athletic department spokesperson, the program doesn’t know how many people nominated Dunn following the week-long promotional campaign. The odds that Dunn would receive a nomination were always long, as he’s a nationally unheralded senior who plays for a middling team outside the top25. But Dunn has reached several statistical milestones this year, including becoming the 20th player in Northwestern history to reach 200 hits. “That’s something that, coming in as a freshman, I wanted to do because I knew that was kind of a thing in college baseball,” Dunn said after it happened on April 2. “You work so hard. I’ve been working since I was two years old, trying to reach milestones like this, so it’s awesome when a lot

Daily file photo by Peter Warren

of your hard work comes to fruition.” The Wildcats’ (16-16, 5-4 Big Ten) game Tuesday against Notre Dame (13-21, 8-10 ACC) will likely be Dunn’s 33rd this year in the leadoff spot. It would be expected for Dunn – who hits at a team-high .383 clip – to lead the team in runs. However, the shortstop leads the Cats in both runs and RBIs, even though he would seem to be the least likely player to have runners on base when he comes to the plate. Dunn averages 3.75 at-bats per game, and one of them takes place at the start of the first inning without a runner on base. For those other atbats, Dunn is preceded in the lineup by whichever hitters coach Spencer Allen slates at the bottom of the order. The batters who typically occupy the sixth through the ninth spots have combined to hit .210 over the course of the year. If they get on, Dunn is likely to knock them in. Freshman catcher Michael Trautwein has started 26 of 32 games and has been slated in the six-spot recently. His .258 batting average is tied with senior outfielder Ben Dickey for the highest of any player who hits at the bottom of the order. Of the remaining players who have started


a conference game this season, none hits better than .226. Despite the hitters at the bottom of the order having a subpar season, Dunn is having a career year. “We don’t have to be perfect,” Allen said. “That’s the thing that our offense allows us … We put up 30 runs in three games against Ohio State, and the pitching wasn’t perfect. When you’re playing good baseball, that’s what you get.” Dunn has knocked in the cast of players who hit ahead of him a teamhigh total 28 times, and his .385 batting average leads the Big Ten by nearly 20 points. Even without a Golden Spikes nomination, Dunn has helped lead the Cats to a winning conference record nine games into the Big Ten schedule. It will only take one more win for NU to match its conference win total from last season, with 16 Big Ten games left to play in 2019. “Now we’re coming out here expecting to win,” Dunn said. “And when you do that, a lot of the times you come out on the right end of things. It’s just a mindset. And if you keep that right mindset, I think we’re going to have a good rest of the year.” charliegoldsmith2021@u.northwestern. edu


Wildcats finish fourth in Indiana Spring practice ends, By TROY CLOSSON

daily senior staffer @troy_closson

Northwestern closed its regular season with a fourth-place finish at the Boilermaker Invitational this weekend. At the Indiana-based tournament, the Wildcats finished two 18-hole rounds at 6-under-par. Sunday’s final round on the Kampen Course was cancelled due to weather. Earlier this month, coach David Inglis said he was hoping freshman David Nyfjäll and senior Ryan Lumsden would bounce back and put up performances like their strong showings of the fall. And for the second week in a row, Nyfjäll led NU — this time at the Purdue course, finishing in a tie for third at 6-under. It’s his third top-five finish this season. After the tournament’s first round, Nyfjäll was the lone Cats golfer under par. Sophomore Eric McIntosh also broke the top-15, ending the second and final round tied for 12th place. Inglis said while he was happy with both individual performances, similar to other competitions this spring, the team has struggled to produce strong top-to-bottom showings. “At times we’ve played really solid rounds, had decent individual performances but we’ve not quite put it all together,” Inglis said. “That’s the main challenge for us over the next ten days.” NU was second in the field in Par 3 scoring, ending the shortened tournament at 1-under on those holes. Nyfjäll finished at 2-under — tied for first individually — on Par 3s, while junior Everton Hawkins went 1-under on the Par 3s. Purdue’s Par 3s often have one side with a water hazard, and Inglis said the team often runs drills that simulate that specific challenge. But he noted that success didn’t carry over to Par 5s — the Cats finished at two-under with several teams scoring better on those holes.

Along with Nyfjäll and McIntosh, Lumsden also shot under the tournament average of 146.08. After shooting 2-over on the back of three bogeys in round one, Lumsden landed five birdies over the next 18 holes to post a 1-under score in round two. Lumsden’s five were among the team’s 30-plus birdies over 36 holes — good for fourth-best as a team after two rounds. Though Lumsden hasn’t consistently put together the team-best showings he did in the fall, Inglis said his scores haven’t reflected how well he’s played. “And that’s actually an encouraging thing,” Inglis said. The trip across state lines to Purdue marked the end of the team’s regular season. Now, it’s full steam ahead to the Big Ten Championships in two

weeks. NU finished second among Big Ten teams this weekend, nine strokes behind second-place Purdue and four ahead of fifth-place Michigan. At the conference championships last year, the Cats disappointedly finished in fifth place, after leaving as the runner-up in 2017. But, this year, “more than ever, it’s a wide-open race,” Inglis said. With ten days away from competition, Inglis said he’s optimistic at what the NU can accomplish if everything falls into place. “If we take care of business and give our best performance, we’re going to have a chance,” he said. “That’s an exciting prospect when you show up to practice every day knowing you’ve got a team capable of winning.”

Daily file photo by Alison Albelda

David Nyfjäll putts. For the second week in a row, the freshman led NU — this time at the Boilermaker Invitational.

QB battle continues By ELLA BROCKWAY

daily senior staffer @ellabrockway

On March 10, 2015, coach Pat Fitzgerald stood in front of reporters and talked about the three-way competition that was taking place to see who Northwestern’s starting quarterback would be in its season opener against Stanford. Then, the battle was between senior Zack Oliver, sophomore Matt Alviti and a redshirt freshman named Clayton Thorson. Thorson would win the job, start against the Cardinals and begin a career that ended with him as the winningest field general in Wildcats history. At NU’s final practice of the spring last Saturday, Fitzgerald was in a familiar spot. The countdown to the Cats’ 2019 season opener against Stanford had begun, and for the first time in four seasons, his team was facing a competition for the starting role under center. Just as he did in 2015, Fitzgerald made clear that he had no intention of rushing the process. “We’re going to take our time and we’re going to give those guys an ample opportunity to prove that they can, No. 1, be the right leader for our offense and for our football team,” the coach said. “That role is critically important, and we’ve got to continue to see how that progresses here.” There’s one key difference between the transition of 2015 and the one happening this season, though: Hunter Johnson is in the mix. The redshirt sophomore, who was ranked the No. 1 quarterback in the nation by ESPN out of high school, became the favorite to win the job this season nearly as soon as he announced his transfer from Clemson in June. At the start of spring practice in February, Johnson praised the example that Thorson had set in his five seasons with the NU program. Fifteen

practices later, he re-emphasized that message and said that his own personal transition into the program was going well. “I just need to learn a lot,” the Brownsburg, Indiana native said. “Just continue to be in the playbook, learn, get comfortable with that and develop chemistry with the team.” The five quarterbacks on the roster — Johnson, senior TJ Green, junior Aidan Smith, sophomore Andrew Marty and redshirt freshman Jason Whittaker — split reps this spring and will do so throughout the summer until one separates himself, Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald and offensive coordinator Mick McCall both felt confident about how the new starter would fit into the team’s system. “We learn and do things by concept, so it’s a five-man battle right now and it’s not over,” McCall said. “Coach Fitz and I are communicating about it every day. It’s an ongoing process. I think everyone would love to have it done, so would I, but it’s not that simple.” Out of the five contenders, Green is the only quarterback with veteran experience at NU. The senior has appeared in 12 games in the past two seasons, with 22 passing yards and one touchdown under his belt. Smith made one late-game appearance against Minnesota in 2017 but did not record a statistic, while Marty and Whittaker have yet to see the field in their careers. Fitzgerald said the varying levels of experience will be beneficial heading into the summer and then into fall camp. “TJ and Aidan have been in the system the longest and they know the offense the best,” Fitzgerald said. “Every day is them getting better because they know it, and from Hunter’s perspective, and Andrew and Jason, those guys are still learning the system … We’re not going to rush things.”

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