The Daily Northwestern — April 17, 2019

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The Daily Northwestern Wednesday, April 17, 2019


3 CAMPUS/Student Government

Northwestern loses at Notre Dame

ASG candidates talk experience, mental health during election town hall

Find us online @thedailynu 4 OPINION/Augustine

Women deserve harassment-free gym

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NU acts on higher ed harrassment University joins collaborative on gender harassment


the daily northwestern @meganmuncie

Weinberg sophomore Chloe Krugel, a neuroscience major and psychology minor, says she often feels like her male peers and professors have discounted her work due to her gender. Krugel said the climate of academia can be hostile for women. Northwestern recently announced its commitment to address that problem as, well as other forms of gender-based discrimination, by joining the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education as a founding member. According to a news release last week, the University will contribute financial support to the four year-long initiative and send members of the University’s senior leadership as representatives to its meetings. The collaborative was formed after a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded that 20 to 50 percent of female students and

over 50 percent of female faculty have experienced gender harassment. This contributes to what Carole LaBonne, the chair of the NU’s department of molecular biosciences, calls the “pipeline problem.” “The most prevalent and probably the most broadly damaging form of sexual harassment of women is gender harassment, and how they define this is actions and comments on a daily basis that are belittling, dismissive, demeaning towards women or groups that are traditionally underrepresented in academia,” said LaBonne, who will represent Northwestern in the Action Collaborative. “This causes a lot of people to drop out.” Along with LaBonne, Northwestern will be represented by Lindsay ChaseLansdale, the vice provost for academics; Teri Odom, the chair of the chemistry department of ; and Sarah Wake, the associate vice president for equity. LaBonne, who originally brought the collaborative to the University’s attention, said she was excited by the idea of addressing less overt forms of gender discrimination not » See HARASSMENT, page 6

Evan Robinson-Johnson/The Daily Northwestern

Ralph Martire, President and Executive Director of the Center for Budget and Tax Accountability, discusses Illinois’ budget and Pritzker’s Fair Income Tax. The town hall meeting took place Tuesday April 16 at Evanston Public Library.

Residents meet to hear budget plan

Community members express concern over proposed pension liabilities By THEA SHOWALTER

the daily northwestern @theashowalter

The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability and the office of Illinois Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) hosted a town hall Tuesday night to give residents an overview of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s

proposed Fair Income Tax, discuss pensions and to address other budget-related issues. Gabel, Illinois Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (D-Evanston) and state Sen. Laura Fine (D-Evanston), attended the event at Evanston Public Library. The town hall centered on a presentation by Ralph M. Martire, executive director of the Center

for Tax and Budget Accountability. Martire discussed issues that have arisen from Illinois’ projected spending compared to its past and predicted revenue. “The state’s fiscal problems are really long term, substantial and complex and solving them won’t involve some magic silver bullet,” Martire said. “There are a number of different things that have

to happen.” Martire began by breaking down Illinois’ current budget — how the $38 billion in revenue, after subtracting out nonnegotiable costs, is divided in the Illinois budget. After adding and subtracting proposed revenue and debts from the previous fiscal year, » See BUDGET, page 6

Sociologist talks racial discrimination ASB, Generation UChicago professor Eve Ewing visits as part of leadership series By CADENCE QUARANTA

the daily northwestern

Dr. Eve Ewing spoke openly of leadership and racial discrimination within the modern education system as a part of the Nancy and Ray Loeschner Leadership series Tuesday. An assistant professor at the University of Chicago, Ewing is a sociologist, poet, writer, and scholar. She authored “Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago’s South Side,” tackling issues of systemic inequalities within public education. She also co-wrote “No Blue Memories: The Life of Gwendolyn Brooks,” a play depicting the American poet’s life, and has written for Marvel Comics. The event, held in the Ryan Auditorium, featured SESP Dean David Figlio as moderator. The two conversed wittily, bantering on topics ranging from churros to the Northwestern-UChicago rivalry. The Dean labeled her a “true SESPian” and jokingly offered her a job within his department. Although she laughed freely and provided comic relief often, Ewing also spoke seriously and

Action adopt room Groups will care for domestic violence shelter By WILSON CHAPMAN

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Photo courtesy of Steve Drey

Dr. Eve Ewing. The sociologist and writer spoke on her experience as a woman of color in a primarily white University at a Tuesday event.

passionately about issues of leadership and injustice, sharing personal experiences and making herself vulnerable to illustrate her ideas. Ewing said she faced severe challenges as a person of color

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in a predominantly white and inherently racist educational institution as an undergraduate student at the University of Chicago. She said incidents of racial trauma she experienced during her college years led to severe

mental breakdowns, and repeated thoughts of dropping out. “My second year there was a group of students in my house who threw a party, the theme of » See EWING, page 6

Alternative Student Breaks and the Northwestern chapter of Planned Parenthood Generation Action have teamed up to adopt a room in Mary Lou’s Place, a domestic violence shelter in Evanston. Mary Lou’s Place is operated by YWCA Evanston/North Shore. Trimmy Stamell, who is the YWCA’s director of corporate and foundation relations and oversees the adopt-a-room system, said that the program is vital in keeping the costs of repair and maintenance in the shelter down. “Without the support of our adopters, (the YWCA) would need to spend a lot of money and time maintaining the shelter,” Stamell said. “The shelter sees a lot of heavy use, just by the nature of it being a shelter. There are a lot of people who are in and out. And the rooms get worn. So having groups help us keep them clean and up to date and fresh and give them a fresh face every six months really helps

us and it reduces our expenses for sure. ” Stamell said Generation Action and ASB will be responsible for renovating the room and doing checkups to maintain its facilities once every six months.They will be committed to these responsibilities for at least two years. Michael Deneroff, ASB’s community engagement chair, pitched the idea of collaborating with Generation Action. Deneroff said he wanted to develop a project that ASB members could work on during the school year, as most of the group’s programming takes place during breaks. Because none of the trips ASB organized this year involved helping domestic violence victims, Deneroff decided to look into opportunities for students to help domestic violence organizations in the Chicago area. “It’s a very important issue and one that’s particularly in the news now with the #MeToo movement,” the SESP senior said. “But even without that I think it’s a very important topic and I wanted ASB to focus on it a little more.” From his research, Deneroff found Mary Lou’s Place’s adopt a room program, which he thought was perfect for Northwestern » See MARY LOU’S, page 6

INSIDE: Around Town 2 | On Campus 3 | Opinion 4 | Classifieds & Puzzles 6 | Sports 8




Residents express confusion, frustration over parking By THEA SHOWALTER

the daily northwestern @theashowalter

After drivers expressed frustration with changes to the parking payment process in downtown Evanston, the city has begun exploring options to address their concerns. Evanston residents and business owners have stated their displeasure with new city parking procedures, complaining of increased rates, unjust ticketing and trouble with Evanston’s new pay-to-park stations. Starting March 1, the city raised the cost of parking at a 2-hour meter in downtown Evanston from $1 to $1.50 per hour and replaced 850 single space meters with 80 “parking stations” — blue boxes placed along streets where drivers enter their license number to pay for their parked vehicles. Rodolfo Reyes, who delivers for Einstein Bros. Bagels, said he was given a ticket even after paying at one of the new stations to park in Evanston. “An hour later, I come and check out my car, and I have a ticket, and I’m like, ‘Why?’ They said I didn’t pay for it. I did pay,” Reyes said, adding that he would appeal the ticket in court within the next week. In response to concerns that these parking issues were affecting businesses and shoppers in the downtown area, the city held a Merchant Summit on April 10 to hear input from business owners. Following the summit, the city decided to decrease

POLICE BLOTTER Man arrested for unlawful use of a weapon after finding brass knuckle handle attached to knife Police responded Monday afternoon to a report of a person waving a knife around in an alley near the 1800 block of Monroe Street. Evanston Police Department officers responded to the area and found the man based on a description provided by the caller, EPD communications coordinator Perry Polinski said. Following questioning by EPD, the 19-year-old

Evan Robinson-Johnson/Daily Senior Staffer

A parking station in downtown Evanston. Residents expressed frustration with the new parking procedures.

the “lockout” period in between parking sessions that is introduced by the Park Evanston mobile app. Drivers can now pay for street parking in the same location multiple times a day, according to a news release from the city. The city is also looking into reducing the 35 cent fee the app charges users and extending its twohour time limit for street and lot parking. Evanston driver Doug Erickson, said that while he personally hadn’t had any negative experiences with Evanston man admitted to carrying a knife in his waistband and removing it to adjust his trousers. The knife had a brass knuckle-shaped handle, which is unlawful to possess in Illinois, Polinski said. Police arrested and charged the man with unlawful use of a weapon.

Man arrested for criminal trespassing at CVS

EPD responded to a call Monday afternoon from an employee of a CVS at 1711 Sherman Ave.


On Campus Winner Hollyn Cetrone (Anthropology) Off Campus Winner Winnie Liang (America Reads – Lincoln School) Northwestern University Work-Study Office

the parking stations, the new system was “tricky” to pick up. “When you’re used to just putting (money) into the meters there, you get comfortable doing that,” Erickson said. “It’s a little uncomfortable learning something new, and it’s somewhat high tech.” Erickson added that the new system represents the modernization of culture and what he thinks is a movement toward a “surveillance state.”

Maribeth Allen, another Evanston driver, echoed these concerns, saying the machines are “tricky” to use. “I don’t want to use my credit card for safety as much as anything,” she said. “I also think that (it’s) not just this machine, but the fact that there are so many different machines all over Evanston and different kinds of parking meters.” Allen added that different areas of Evanston had different regulations for when parking fees are required. She said in areas with many restaurants and bars, parkers have to pay as late as 9 p.m., but in areas with more stores and day businesses, payment is only required until 6 p.m. Allen said her main concern was the inconsistency across zoning and the lack of clarity as to where and when payment is required. After it hiked fees in March, the city offered $5 off to drivers who elected to prepay their parking with Evanston’s mobile app. Some drivers, like Moha Mehta, have avoided using the pay boxes by using the app instead. “It’s really easy,” Mehta said. “With a meter, you have to find change and I never have change. I like it because it’s faster and because if I’m going down the street from the meter I don’t have to run back to the meter to fill my parking.” City staff will be providing an update on parking to City Council at its April 29 meeting.

The employee called to report suspected shoplifting after a 55-year-old Evanston man, who was known by employees, entered the store and then left. Polinski said the man had been warned in the past to not enter the store after threatening an employee. When officers later located the man in the 1700 block of Orrington Avenue, they did not find any shoplifted items, Polinski said. Police arrested the man for criminal trespass to property. ­— Julia Esparza

Setting the record straight An article in Tuesday’s paper titled “Faculty Senate asks provost to reinstate position” incorrectly stated that a position to support non-tenure eligible faculty in the Provost’s Office was cut. It was the Weinberg position that was cut. No such role in the Provost’s Office existed at the time of spending cuts. The Daily regrets the error.

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ASG candidates talk mental health By ATUL JALAN

the daily northwestern @jalan_atul

When asked to share their thoughts on the University’s refusal to revoke research Satoshi Kanazawa’s visiting fellowship at Northwestern, Izzy Dobbel and Adam Davies — candidates running for Associated Student Government president and executive vice president respectively — responded unequivocally. “One of the things we’re planning on advocating for the future is in all of the hiring committees at Northwestern, there is that student voice,” Davies said. “We cannot trust the University to make these decisions on their own anymore and to keep the campus safe for us.” The response was part of a larger message put forth by the pair during Tuesday night’s ASG town hall, hosted by The Daily Northwestern in Fisk Hall. The SESP juniors described the University and ASG as being in a “state of emergency,” caused by a lack of campus safety, support for organizations and soundness in the University’s budget. One issue the candidates focused on was a lack of resources for students on campus, especially those dealing with mental health issues. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found in 2016 that suicide has become the second leading cause of death for people age 10-34. The Chicago Tribune reported that nine students at Northwestern have died by suicide since May 2013. Davies responded that the NU community must work to destigmatize seeking help as necessary not only when a student is experiencing mental illness, but also simply as part of students’ routines in maintaining their wellness. Dobbel added that the University should hire at least three new staff members to Counseling and Psychological Services, citing long wait times for a meeting with a CAPS

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SESP junior Izzy Dobbel and her running mate Adam Davies, also a SESP junior. The two are currently running uncontested for ASG President and Executive Vice President.

counselor. The University’s sending out of mass emails to the NU community after student suicides instead of adding more resources for students, Dobbel said, is “unacceptable.” But ASG has tried and failed to convince the University to implement that exact policy. To that end, the discussion focused not only on the pair’s position, but also on how they plan to convince the administration to implement the many policies they are proposing — especially given ASG’s varied track record of success in the past. Dobbel and Davies agreed that ASG and student activists have failed in the past. But, Dobbel said her experience managing finances

within ASG and Davies’ work as a student activist would aid them in convincing the University to implement their platform. “A really good strategy that I have learned from being in some ASG and admin meetings in the past is that admin — we are a research institution — they love stats, they love stories and they love in-person students,” Dobbel said. “Making sure that we’re really emphasizing surveys and getting those responses and working on our communication with our constituents so that we have the numerical support.”

The Daily Northwestern is published Monday through Friday during the academic year, except vacation periods and two weeks preceding them and once during August, by Students Publishing Co., Inc. of Northwestern University, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208; 847-491-7206. First copy of The Daily is free, additional copies are 50 cents. All material published herein, except advertising or where indicated otherwise, is Copyright 2019 The Daily Northwestern and protected under the “work made for hire” and “periodical publication” clauses of copyright law. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Northwestern, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208. Subscriptions are $175 for the academic year. The Daily Northwestern is not responsible for more than one incorrect ad insertion. All display ad corrections must be received by 3 p.m. one day prior to when the ad is run.

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Wednesay, April 17, 2019

Women deserve a harassment-free workout space KATHRYN AUGUSTINE


A few weeks ago, I was on a stationary bike in the cardio room of Henry Crown Sports Pavilion, known colloquially as SPAC, when an older man approached me and decided to recommend that I opt for the StairMaster instead, telling me that it was a better workout. I tried to politely end the conversation, but he persisted. He went on to complain about how people do not approach each other at SPAC and talk and asked for my name. My discomfort was steadily growing and reached a height when he finally asked, “Why don’t you like me?” Luckily, another woman noticed that the situation seemed abnormal and approached a staff member. He retreated to the door but proceeded to wait there, presumably for me to exit. I stalled by the cardio machines until he finally relented and left. While the staff was informed of the incident, no action was taken to attempt to communicate with the man or remove him from the premises. I was genuinely concerned as to whether this man was going to continue trying to speak to me and then follow me back to my dorm upon leaving. My immediate reaction was to feel afraid of coming back to SPAC again in case he would be there. I am confident this is not

a concern that men are preoccupied with when simply minding their own business on a cardio machine. SPAC is a popular workout destination for many members of the Northwestern community, but I should in no way feel unsafe or uncomfortable by choosing to work out there. The incident led me to begin thinking about my experiences of feeling targeted by men in gyms and workout environments, and the frequency of similar experiences for other women as well. While students attending universities in warmer climates can opt for an outdoor workout, that is not plausible for Northwestern students in the midst of an Evanston winter. Therefore, Northwestern’s female students who are paralyzed by the potential of judgment by male gym goers can be deterred from working out for a significant portion of the academic year. In fact, 65 percent of women avoid the gym over fear of judgment, in contrast to a mere 36 percent of men, according to Fitness Magazine. Even when women choose to go to the gym, they often make the subconscious choice to encounter the potential unsolicited advice and attempts at conversation they may receive from men. For instance, I was preparing a squat rack and adjusting the height of the barbell and the weights on each side. I was then approached by a man who asked if I needed any assistance and said that I seemed a bit confused. While I don’t think that he had any ulterior motives or the

intention to offend me, the advice came across as demeaning. I never requested help, and that should have been enough of

an indication that I was able to work out on my own. There is no doubt in my mind that if I were a man, my ability would not have been questioned. I wouldn’t have been given a second glance. It is precisely these types of experiences that make women wary of working out alongside men in a gym and cement their fear that they appear inadequate. Because of that singular experience, I find that I often question whether male gym goers are silently judging my form while I squat or the amount of weight that I am lifting. And sometimes, that insecurity escalates to the point where I avoid doing certain exercises in the fear of vocalization of that judgment. Given the vast size of SPAC, I want the

University to consider dedicating at the very least a room for women only. Men can argue an all-female space is unfair. Men can argue that implementing this idea is “reverse sexism.” But those dissenting men have not experienced that same sense of judgment upon walking into a space dominated by the opposite gender. They haven’t had someone comment on their bodies or appearance while working out. They have never been approached by someone with the audacity to give unsolicited advice. According to NBC News, 18.5 percent of women have had a negative experience at the gym and most have subsequently resorted to changing their behavior in response. Women should not have to accommodate their behavior and their dress for men when they are at fault. The reality is that we cannot automatically and easily change the behavior of all male gym goers. As a result, we need our own space where the threat of mansplaining and harassment is not imminent. It’s not sexist to create a female only space — it’s sexist to not guarantee women the same workout experience as their male counterparts. Kathryn Augustine is a Medill f irst-year. She can be contacted at kathrynaugustine2022@u. If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of The Daily Northwestern.

Notre Dame stood for 800 years, will for hundreds more MARCUS THUILLIER


On the evening of April 15, Paris’ Cathedral Notre Dame caught fire. The first flames appeared Monday evening and began to spread, ultimately engulfing the cathedral’s main spire. In just over an hour, it had fallen and the flames were burning down the rest of the roof. By the time firefighters were able to restrain the fire, much of the wooden roof had been ravaged and collapsed into the inside of the church. Over the course of a few hours, an over 850-year-old cathedral, which stands as a worldwide symbol of the Christian faith, was threatening to collapse and leave centuries worth of history in its wake. It houses artifacts such as the crown of thorns, which is believed to be the wreath Jesus wore before being crucified. But the cathedral is so much more than a symbol of faith. It is located on the Île de la Cité, the center of Paris and birthplace of French civilization. Growing up in France, I have come to see it as the heartbeat of the city and the people that I love. It is difficult to come to terms with these feelings of extreme pain and distress. The last I can remember feeling like this was the

evening of November 13, 2015, when ISIS conducted a terrorist attack in the heart of the French capital. Thankfully, the Notre Dame fire seems to not have caused any deaths, but the symbolism stays the same. Paris, a city that has existed for over 2,000 years, has seen multiple revolutions, coronations and wars. The despair was apparent in the eyes of those who witnessed the fire. It felt the same way on my end, some 4,000 miles away, as I was grieving and reeling at the terrible loss that Notre Dame’s destruction would be. I thought long and hard about why I had

those feelings. After all, I am not Christian and Notre Dame is an inanimate object, albeit a well-known one. I don’t usually step foot inside churches, and have only been inside Notre Dame once. But that visit is still burnt into my memory. There is a reason over 12 million people visit the cathedral every year. The inside of the cathedral was a place of absolute beauty.

The art and windows were extraordinary. The view from atop the tower was breathtaking. The landmark is a masterpiece of architecture and art and of massive historical significance. Notre Dame was home, and seeing it on fire made me feel like it got swept out from underneath me. In many ways, Notre-Dame is an elegant illustration of France’s struggles and conflicts of the past. In 1909, it was the site where Pope Pius X took the first step toward canonizing Joan of Arc — one of France’s symbols of unity and nationalism. A statue inside the cathedral pays tribute to her. The cathedral was sacked of its monarchic statues during the French Revolution. It saw the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, the French emperor of the early 19th century who chose Notre Dame for his coronation in 1804. It was the setting of Victor Hugo’s “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” written in 1831. In modern days, it has been recognized as one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Properties and is ingrained as a symbol of French culture and history. The international community has quickly reacted to the tragedy and offered words of comfort and solidarity to the French people. Many politicians and the pope took to official channels to express their support. French billionaire François-Henri Pinault already pledged 100 million euros to the rebuild of the cathedral. The LVMH Group

pledged a further 200 million euros to the cause. With money and time, Notre-Dame will rise from its ashes. Like Anne Hidalgo, the Parisian mayor, tweeted, “Fluctuat NEC Mergitur.” In English, the city’s motto roughly translates to “She (Paris) is rocked by the waves but does not sink.” In the case of Notre Dame, she is rocked by fire but does not fall. The November 13 attacks brought the city’s motto back into the spotlight. I feel a personal attachment to it. It speaks to the resilience of the city and its people. And now it will speak to the pain of partially losing such an important monument, to the heartbreak of having to say farewell to a cherished piece of my history. As the fire has been managed, it appears the towers, bells, rose windows and structures will survive. The rebuild will commence. The people of Paris have lived there for over two millennia. Notre-Dame has stood for over 800 years. And it will stand for hundreds more. Marcus Thuillier is a f irst-year graduate student. He can be contacted at If you would like to respond publicly to this op-ed, send a Letter to the Editor to The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of The Daily Northwestern.

The Daily Northwestern Volume 139, Issue 96 Editor in Chief Alan Perez

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Aldermen vote to accept Harley Clarke lease proposals By CASSIDY WANG

the daily northwestern @cassidyw_

Aldermen voted 5-3 Monday to accept the request for proposal for the long-term lease of the Harley Clarke Mansion. The period for proposals will start May 16 with a deadline for submissions on Feb. 28, 2020. Alds. Ann Rainey (8th), Cicely Fleming (9th) and Judy Fiske (1st) voted against the proposal. City officials and residents have debated what to do with the mansion — a historic property located on the lakefront in North Evanston — since 2015, when the Evanston Art Center vacated the lot. In an advisory referendum on the November ballot, roughly 80 percent of voters supported preserving the mansion for public use. In the past, multiple proposals have failed to pass through Council due to insufficient funds and lack of community support. The original RFP included the sale and long-term lease of the mansion. However, after discussion of the problems that could result from selling the property, Ald. Eleanor Revelle (7th) amended the original request for proposal to make clear that the city will not be selling the building. Revelle said she was concerned that if the city sold the property, there would be no recourse should the purchaser not follow through with the proposed plan.

Report addresses lack of teachers of color in Illinois schools

Teachers with Teach Plus, a teacher leadership organization, issued a policy brief Thursday that offered recommendations for attracting, retaining and developing teachers of color in Illinois. The brief, titled “Equity and Diversity by Design: Recommendations on Recruiting and Retaining Teachers of Color in Illinois,” addressed the lack of

Daily file photo by Colin Boyle

Harley Clarke Mansion, 2603 Sheridan Rd. Aldermen voted to approve a request for proposal for the mansion.

“It’s really important to retain the public ownership of the entire property,” Revelle said during the meeting. Allie Harned, a 2nd Ward resident and representative of the grassroots campaign Save Harley Clarke, spoke out against selling the mansion. She said the inclusion of the city’s intention to sell the building in the original RFP read like a real estate ad, which would be in stark contrast to the overwhelming referendum vote to save the building for public

access. “We contend that the referendum was not vague or misleading,” Harned said. “People knew what they were voting for and they do not want you to sell the only public house on the lake.” Harned also said she is concerned the RFP does not specify how the evaluation committee will be selected. She said the city should consider goals of equity and inclusion in deciding who will evaluate proposals, with the hope

diversity in the Illinois’ teaching force. It called for specialized supports, equitable access to leadership opportunities, adequate compensation and the need for identity-based literacy in Illinois’ K-12 institutions, according to a news release from the organization. “While the Illinois student population has become more racially and linguistically diverse, the Illinois teaching force has not reflected this growing diversity,” the brief read. The brief said that students of color made up 52 percent of Illinois’ student population in 2017 while teachers of color made up only 14 percent of the teaching population. The brief said having more teachers

of color in these diverse classrooms have shown an increase student engagement among students of color. Fellows with Teach Plus conducted focus groups with Illinois’ teachers of color in the fall of 2018 that sought to understand why they are leaving the profession at higher rates than their white counterparts. Keisha Rembert, a middle school teacher in Naperville, Illinois, co-authored the brief and said that a common problem teachers expressed is that they feel “overlooked, overworked, and undervalued,” according to the release. In response to these sentiments, the brief

that “all community voices will be proactively representative of all stakeholders in the city.” Revelle’s amendment also included that the city would have to look for “significant public use for the building.” To specify the meaning of “significant public use,” Mayor Steve Hagerty advised the city to add an addendum to the RFP that will articulate and capture ideas from Harley Clarke community meetings so those interested in submitting a proposal can take into account what residents have been discussing for public use. “To refresh our memory about the wording in the referendum that received overwhelming public support, it was to preserve the landmark buildings and gardens for use and access as public properties,” Revelle said. “That’s the message I would like to see in the RFP.” While the city wants to include the public’s input in deciding what to do with the building, Ald. Robin Rue Simmons (5th) said she wants to remind the residents of the minimal cost of the building to taxpayers, which was specified in the referendum. Fiske said discussion of revenue has not been seriously discussed at Harley Clarke community meetings. “That’s been the main stopping point in the past,” Fiske said. “There’s no lack of vision. It’s the money that the building of this size is going to take to renovate and I know we’re going to come back to that when we get the responses to the RFP.” recommends the implementation of mentorship programs, diversity dialogues and affinity groups that support teachers of color. It also asks for leadership stipends, in-house leadership programs, and ongoing bias and critical race theory training for school administrators. “Through our research, we zeroed in on viable solutions to ensure teachers of color enter and stay in the profession to benefit Illinois students and teachers alike,” said Corey Winchester, a teacher at Evanston Township High School and another of the brief ’s co-authors.


— Julia Esparza


BUDGET From page 1

Martire argued that Illinois’ growing debt is evidence of a “structural deficit” that current budget cuts and tax raises cannot fix. Martire said the structural deficit was hidden by the way Illinois has been drawing from pension money. “The pension systems have been used like a credit card,” Martire said. “Illinois has, for generations, instead of putting into the pensions what they owe to cover the cost of benefits over the next 30 years, they write an I.O.U.” According to Martire, the actual pension benefits themselves have not driven the deficit problem — pensions, as a long term obligations, have been underfunded so policymakers can meet the needs of short-term financial obligations, like

HARASSMENT From page 1

touched on by the #MeToo movement. “It’s very easy to say, ‘I’m not part of that problem,’” LaBonne said. “(The report) focused in more broadly in on climate as being so important. Actions and comments that are belittling, dismissive, demeaning — these add up to also being sexual harassment.” The collaborative plans to meet for the next four years. LaBonne has already attended two meetings, with a third scheduled in June. Wake said these meetings are brainstorms between institutions on how they can achieve the action collaborative’s four goals: Raising awareness about sexual harassment, sharing policies and


From page 1 which was ‘Straight Thug and Ghetto Party.’ I was the only black resident in this house of about 100 people,” Ewing said. As an undergraduate, Ewing said, she channeled her frustration and pain into conversations with her peers, attempting to explain why this kind of racist behavior was hurtful towards her. “I put a lot of time and emotional energy into it,” Ewing said. “But I was internally falling apart at the

MARY LOU’S From page 1

students due to the low time commitment involved —most other volunteer opportunities with domestic violence organizations require the completion of a 48-hour domestic violence sensitivity training program, he said. Because ASB’s membership shifts from quarter to quarter based on who goes on the trips they organize,

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2019 the next year’s budget or more pressing programs. Martire said Gov. Pritzker’s Fair tax plan, especially its graduated rate system where taxes are based off income levels, was “a very rational structure.” Since the plan cuts taxes for low- and middle- income taxpayers and will raise more revenue than the CTBA said was needed, Martire said the plan is “good tax policy.” Some attendees, like Russell Kohnken, said they were surprised to learn how Illinois’ deficit issues were systemic. “Perhaps the biggest thing that I wasn’t thinking about before was that although I knew we had borrowed against the pension fund, I guess I didn’t realize the scope of that and I didn’t think about how we were no longer earning the interest on the money that we borrowed,” Kohnken said. “That was aggravating the issue dramatically.” Martire’s solution, however, to implement strategies to combat it, contributing to research and developing a standard for measuring progress in reducing and preventing sexual harassment. “It’s going to be really different and really exciting,” Wake said. “We’re going to have support from our peers that we haven’t before, and I think there’s really a lot of power in just the sheer number of people involved.” Krugel said she was most interested in raising awareness about implicit biases and how they can contribute to a climate of hostility. “The number one thing is awareness, because I feel like a lot of people aren’t even aware that they have these beliefs,” Krugel said. “Before you can fix the problem, I think you need to be made aware of it.”

“pension obligation bonds,” was not met favorably by some attendees of the town hall meeting. Pension obligation bonds are issued by state and local governments to fund pension liabilities, with the cash raised through the bonds reinvested in other assets in the hope that the revenue raised outweighs the interest paid for borrowing. Jim Young, an Evanston resident, said he thought pension obligation bonds were “risky” and like “throwing gasoline on a fire.” “[Martire] also didn’t address anything on the cost side of the equation,” Young said, adding that he felt that Martire had misrepresented his political agenda. Other Evanston residents, like Jim Grimes, said Martire’s presentation had value in the data and perspective it provided. He said if people were to invest in the pension system properly, it would earn money in the long term and if the

state had invested fully in its pension program, there would be no problem today, Grimes added. “[Ralph] brings a lot of good reliable data to problems that some people don’t want to hear, but it’s nice to have facts and figures,” Grimes said. He added that if people were resistant to the idea of pension bonds, then taxes would have to be raised to ensure that constitutionally mandated pensions were paid out. Representative Gabel said that she helped organize the event because of the current debate in the state legislature about how to reform Illinois tax structure. “We wanted to first to educate the community about the issues and second have some discussion about where we need to go,” Gabel said.

Daily file photo by Daniel Tian

Rebecca Crown Center. Northwestern recently announced its commitment to addressing gender-based discrimination by joining the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education as a founding member.

same time.” Ewing said this experience, as well as others, taught her an important lesson: it is not the job of primarily white institutions to love her. Instead, she said she believes it is her own responsibility to surround herself with people who support and want the best for her. As a professional, Ewing holds a similar belief — she focuses on issues of her own community, instead of institutions unpreoccupied with her well-being. “My task is not to individually transform institutions that have been racist for a long time,” Ewing said. “I am concerned with my people in my city and

what I can do with my limited time on this planet for them, for us.” Both students and administrators said they were excited to hear her speak. The audience filled about three-fourths of Ryan Auditorium. “I first learned about her through her prolific Twitter account,” said Anne Conlon, the executive assistant to Northwestern’s vice president for international relations. “She is such an amazing activist and advocate for so many important issues that I care about.” And Ewing did not disappoint, Amulya Angajala (McCormick ‘18) said. After the talk, audience

members crowded to the front of the auditorium for a chance to speak with her. Angajala said she particularly enjoyed the realistic way in which Ewing approached issues of social justice. “Social justice work frequently has a note of positivity, as everything can be solved if we all put enough work in,” Angajala said. “As much as I want to believe that, I really appreciated how she was pragmatic about what can reasonably be changed.”

Deneroff said he also wanted to partner with another student group that has a more consistent presence on campus to make sure there were enough people to fulfill the responsibilities. Deneroff reached out to Generation Action co-president Eliza Beth with the idea, and the two organized the effort together, including scheduling an initial trip to the room. Beth, a SESP senior, said that during their first visit to their adopted room, the group reorganized the furniture, cleaned the entire room, and added decorations

like picture frames. During future visits, the student groups will be responsible to make sure everything in the room is functioning and replacing or repairing anything broken. Beth said that Generation Action was interested in adopting the room with ASG because, as an organization that is an outpost of Planned Parenthood, their goals of advocating for women’s rights and women’s safety aligns with the work Mary Lou’s Place does. Beth said the student organization was also looking

to work on more long-form projects, as opposed to focusing on one-time speaker events. “We talked about wanting to be scheduling events that had a longer timeline,” Beth said. “So not just a one-and-done speaker, which is also fantastic and we do a lot of that, but something that has a lasting impact. And that’s why this project really appealed to me and Gen Action, cause it had more of a sustained impact.”


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Former profs. leave over $9 million gift to be used for Feinberg research

Over $9 million left to Northwestern by former professors Christina Enroth-Cugell and David Cugell will help fund research on lung disease, visual neurosciences and biomedical engineering, according to a Tuesday news release. Cugell, a professor in the Feinberg School

of Medicine, was the University’s longest-serving faculty member, with a tenure of 58 years. Enroth-Cugell, who was on the faculty for 31 years, was one of the first female professors at McCormick School of Engineering. Of the $9.39 million gift — which the University received upon Enroth-Cugell and Cugell’s deaths in 2016 — more than $4.39 million will support Feinberg candidates studying lung disease. More than $4.39 million will support doctoral students and fellows at The Graduate School studying visual neurosciences and biomedical engineering.

The rest of the money will go to “support other areas of the University,” the release said. “Christina and David blazed new trails throughout their careers at Northwestern, contributing to important milestones for our faculty and to science,” Provost Jonathan Holloway said in the release. “Through their very generous estate gifts, they have extended this special legacy, and we are grateful for their support of the generations of fellows who will follow in their footsteps.” The family has been donating to the University for 34 years, and previous gifts have included

NATIONAL NEWS Lori Loughlin and her husband plead not guilty in college admissions scandal LOS ANGELES — Actress Lori Loughlin and her husband, fashion designer J. Mossimo Giannulli, pleaded not guilty Monday to charges against them in a sweeping college admissions scandal that’s ensnared dozens of wealthy parents. The couple did not appear in federal court in Boston on Monday, but instead waived their right to appear before a judge for an arraignment and entered their pleas through documents filed by their attorneys. Last week, the couple and 14 other parents were indicted on charges of money laundering and fraud conspiracy. The day before the indictments were announced, 13 parents — including actress Felicity Huffman — and one coach agreed to plead guilty for their roles in the scheme. Attorneys representing Loughlin and Giannulli did not immediately respond to a phone call seeking comment Monday, and the couple have not spoken publicly about the charges. As other parents have opted to cut deals in a bid for leniency, Loughlin and Giannulli appear to be gearing up for more of a legal fight. The two are accused of paying $500,000 to have their two daughters admitted to the University of Southern California as crew recruits. Though neither is a rower, the parents saw being a coxswain as their daughters’ tickets into the private college, according to an affidavit filed in federal court. USC boasts an admissions rate of 13%. They began discussing the plot with William “Rick” Singer in April 2016 after they met with the college counselor of their older daughter, Isabella, according to the affidavit. “I’d like to maybe sit with you after your session with the girls as I have some concerns and want to fully understand the game plan and make sure we have a roadmap for success as it relates to (our

Paul Marotta/Getty Images/TNS

Lori Loughlin leaves the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse. Loughlin and her husband plead not guilty in a nationwide college admissions scandal.

daughter) and getting her into a school other than ASU!” Giannulli allegedly wrote to Singer. Singer told the couple that Isabella’s academic qualifications were “at or just below the low end of USC’s admission,” according to the affidavit. The money that authorities say eventually made its way to college coaches involved in the scam was funneled through Singer’s charity, whose stated mission was to help “underprivileged students.” This allowed some of the parents to write off the bribes as donations on their taxes, authorities said. After their older daughter’s admission was secured, they repeated the scam in 2017 with their younger

daughter, Olivia Jade, authorities allege. Singer allegedly told the couple he would present their daughter as a crew coxswain for the L.A. Marina Club team and requested they send an “action picture.”The couple sent him a photo of Olivia Jade rowing on a machine, according to the affidavit. The 33 parents named in the case have been shuffled into two basic camps: those who jumped quickly at the chance to admit their guilt in the hope of a more lenient sentence, and those who have been unwilling or unable to do so. Nearly all the mothers and fathers yet to strike deals with prosecutors face considerably higher stakes than many of those who have admitted

donations to the Block Museum of Art, according to the release. The donation counted toward the University’s “We Will” fundraising campaign, which surpassed its original goal of $3.75 billion last September. In the past, money from the “We Will” campaign has gone to funding services for low-income students, undergraduate research grants and the elimination of loans in financial aid packages. — Cameron Cook

to breaking the law. Louis Shapiro, a prominent Los Angeles attorney, said just because Loughlin pleaded not guilty doesn’t mean she couldn’t decide to change her plea in the future or negotiate a deal with prosecutors, given the early stage of the case. Her attorneys likely want some time to go through the discovery process and review prosecutors’ evidence in the case, he said. “It would be counter to the normal course of action to enter a guilty plea this soon,” Shapiro said. “It’s almost like flying a plane blindly to enter a plea at this point.” Loughlin is often compared to Huffman in the scandal because both are well-known actresses. But their cases are different, and their apparent legal strategies have diverged. Shapiro said Huffman’s decision to plead guilty could stem from her desire to remove herself from the public eye and end the bad publicity surrounding the case. “She’s just choosing to fold her hand very early on,” he said. “It could be a personal decision more than a tactical one.” Prosecutors said Huffman paid $15,000 for a 36-year-old Harvard graduate to correct her daughter’s answers on the SAT, giving the girl a 400-point boost over a previous score. Huffman later discussed pursuing a similar scheme for her younger daughter but decided not to follow through with it, according to court records. Huffman will be sentenced in the coming weeks. Manny Medrano, a defense attorney and former federal prosecutor, said that based on 2019 federal sentencing guidelines, Huffman likely will face four to 10 months in prison as part of her plea. Her sentencing recommendation is low because she has no criminal history and because the amount of money involved is relatively small, Medrano said. -Richard Winton and Hannah Fry (Los Angeles Times/TNS)




Lacrosse No. 8 Michigan at No. 6 NU, 3 p.m. Thursday


I don’t know if honestly words can justify what this place has become. This is something that is really, really special. — Kurt Anderson, coach


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

NU musters only two hits in loss to Notre Dame Northwestern


daily senior staffer @thepeterwarren

For the past three weeks or so, as chilly temperatures spread across the Midwest, Northwestern’s bats heated up and had their best stretch of hitting all season. But, on a day in which temperatures rose well above 60 degrees, the Wildcats saw their bats grow cold. Only junior third baseman Alex Erro was able to crack a hit at Frank Eck Stadium in South Bend, Indiana, on Tuesday as Notre Dame (14-21, 8-10 ACC) defeated visiting NU (16-17, 5-4 Big Ten) 6-2. Erro opened the scoring in the top of the first when he took a 3-2 fastball pitch and pulled the ball over the left-field fence for a home run. “I figured he was going to throw me a fastball,” Erro said. “I was a little bit late on his fastball earlier in the count. First inning, he does not want to put any runners on so I figured he’d attack me with a fastball and he did. I was able to put a good swing on it.” The Miami native knocked in the second run in the sixth when, this time from the left side of the plate, he pulled a double into the right-field corner to score freshman catcher Jack Anderson, who reached on a walk. Freshman left-hander Parker Hanks started his second midweek in a row, and after his best performance


Notre Dame


of the season against Milwaukee ran into some trouble against the Fighting Irish. In the first and second innings, Notre Dame managed to load the bases against the left-hander. In the opening frame, three straight batters reached in three different ways — Spencer Myers singled, Niko Kavadas reached on an error and Jack Zyska walked. Hanks got one strikeout, but Daniel Jung managed to knock in a run on a fielder’s choice. In the second, Hanks managed to get two batters out before seeing the bases juiced via two singles and a walk. Zyska took advantage of the opportunity and singled home two runs to make the score 3-1. Carter Putz roped a one-out triple to center field in the third inning to put another Fighting Irish runner in scoring position. The next batter, Jared Miller, laid down a squeeze bunt and the ball went right back to Hanks. On contact, Putz broke towards home. But the ball was hit hard enough that Putz was dead at the plate. But Hanks did not field the ball perfectly and instead of getting the runner at the plate, got the easy out at first. “We had time. He saw the runner coming and I think we have time

to make that play,” Anderson said. “From him, what he said, he kind of bobbled and wanted to get that sure out so he went to first.” Four arms followed Hanks out of the bullpen — senior righty Danny Katz, sophomore right-hander Anthony Alepra, sophomore lefty Jack Pagliarini and sophomore lefthander Ryan Bader. Of the four, coach Spencer Allen said Pagliarini’s performance was one of note. The sophomore southpaw pitched one inning, but threw only nine pitches, including seven strikes, to get two groundouts and one fly ball. Tommy Vail earned the start on the bump for Notre Dame, and impressed over five innings of play. He had allowed only one baserunner while throwing 41 of 64 pitches for strikes. After Vail, Shane Combs threw one inning before Andrew Belcik picked up a three-inning save. Allen said the team did not make many adjustments when up against the Notre Dame arms. Erro, who is now 8-for-18 in four career games against the Fighting Irish, said his previous experience against them prepared him for what to expect against their arms Tuesday. “They are just trying to keep you off-balance and make you swing at pitcher’s pitches,” Erro said. “They are just trying to get ahead in the count so I made sure that I was playing with my zone.”

Daily file photo by Brian Meng



Anderson begins as OL coach Two Cats take on PIT By ELLA BROCKWAY

daily senior staffer @ellabrockway

Kurt Anderson has been all over the football world — in the last 22 years, he’s played at Michigan, coached in the FCS, the MAC and the SEC and even worked as a coach for the Buffalo Bills in the NFL. His newest role, though, has led him right back to where he began. Anderson grew up familiar with Northwestern. His father, Donald, played for the Wildcats as a wide receiver in 1967. He was raised on the North Shore, working as a ballboy for the NU men’s basketball team and watching as the Cats won back-to-back Big Ten titles in 1995 and 1996 as he played at Glenbrook South High School. From near and afar, he has witnessed the program at all of its highs and lows. Now, in his first season as NU’s offensive line coach, Anderson’s ready to help it reach the next stage. “I don’t know if honestly words can really justify what this place has become

… especially if you’ve known this program,” Anderson said at the team’s final spring practice on April 13. “This is something that is really, really special and means something to everybody, and means something to me.” Anderson worked as a quality control analyst for the Cats during the 2018 season and was promoted to offensive line coach when Adam Cushing, who’d served in the role for 10 seasons, announced in December that he was taking the head coaching job at Eastern Illinois. He’ll now inherit one of NU’s most intriguing position groups heading into the 2019 campaign. The Cats graduated three-fifths of their starting offensive line from last season, losing Tommy Doles, Blake Hance and J.B. Butler. Senior center Jared Thomas and junior tackle Rashawn Slater are the lone returning starters. Thomas started all 14 of NU’s games at center last fall, and saw time at left tackle during his sophomore season in 2017. Slater earned Third Team All-Big Ten recognition at right tackle in 2018, and was the fourth-highest-rated offensive tackle in the conference, according to

Daily file photo by Allie Goulding

The offensive line squares up against Wisconsin. Coach Kurt Anderson was pleased with the group’s progress at the end of spring practice.

Pro Football Focus. Earlier this spring, Anderson confirmed that Slater will be moving to left tackle for the 2019 season to replace Hance after spending two years on the right side. The Texas native said he felt confident coming out of the spring about the switch and about the state of his position group. “We’re at an all-time high right now,” Slater said. “All through spring ball, we’ve been working to create a new identity, and we’ve definitely done that. We know that we are the guys that the team leans on. Ultimately the team goes as we go, and we’ve really taken a hold of that identity there.” Juniors Gunnar Vogel will likely take over at left tackle after appearing in three games last season. Sophomore Sam Gerak and junior Nik Urban saw playing time last season as the line battled injuries, and will both look to make larger impacts in 2019. NU’s overall play has often followed the success or struggles of its offensive line. In 2017, the front five gave up 19 sacks in the Cats’ mediocre 2-3 start. The trend continued last season — quarterback Clayton Thorson was sacked 11 times in NU’s first four games,but the line found its rhythm and helped thenfreshman Isaiah Bowser rush for 866 yards and develop into the Cats’ firststring running back. Starting strong will be important this season — NU has lost three of its first five games of the year in each of its past three seasons — and that begins up front. Three months into the job, Anderson was confident about the process has gone so far. “These guys are so bright and articulate, so we’ve been able to open up lines of communication that probably I haven’t had at most of the places that I’ve coached,” the coach said. “To have those intelligent football conversations has eased the process. We’ve been able to move faster than maybe even I had planned.”


daily senior staffer @2021_charlie

In their first steps of the two-month NBA Draft process, Northwestern’s Vic Law and Dererk Pardon will participate this weekend in the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament, the premier event for college seniors looking for a shot in the NBA. Each year, the top 64 players in the country who have exhausted their collegiate eligibility are invited to play in a eight-team tournament attended by representatives from every NBA front office. Since the majority of the top prospects in every draft class are underclassmen, it gives lower-profile players the opportunity to play in front of a large NBA contingent. Law and Pardon are not currently projected to be drafted in June. If they end up going undrafted, they both are likely to receive a two-way contract or an Exhibit 10 contract, which would allow them to play with a team in the NBA Summer League and compete for a spot in training camp.

How Law and Pardon perform at Portsmouth will likely determine how strongly teams will pursue them if they go undrafted. In this tournament, Law and Pardon were placed onto different teams and will play against and alongside the prospects vying for the best summer league opportunities. Law will play for a team that features one of the top players in the field — Ole Miss’ Terence Davis — as well as 2019 NCAA Tournament standouts Kenny Goins from Michigan State and Christ Koumadje from Florida State. Pardon’s team features another one of the most highly-touted players in the field – Florida State’s Terance Mann – as well as one of the best scoring big men in the country, Eastern Kentucky’s Nick Mayo. The top four performers at the Portsmouth Invitational will be invited to Chicago to participate in a more highprofile combine that features several players more likely to be drafted and an even larger swath of NBA representatives. charliegoldsmith2021@u.northwestern. edu

Daily file photo by Katie Pach

Vic Law shoots as Dererk Pardon watches in a 2018 game. The two were invited to play in this year’s Portsmouth Invitational Tournament.

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