The Daily Northwestern — October 19, 2016

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The Daily Northwestern Wednesday, October 19, 2016


3 CAMPUS/Politics

Wildcats shock No. 4 Notre Dame in OT

Medill professors pinpoint disengaged but potentially crucial voting group

Find us online @thedailynu 4 OPINION/Letter to the Editor

MARS will do better to combat rape culture

High 66 Low 56


Students encounter exclusion early on Wildcat Welcome presents challenges for black students By ALLYSON CHIU Sam Schumacher/Daily Senior Staffer

U.S. representative and senate candidate Tammy Duckworth addresses college affordability during a roundtable discussion with teachers and students. Duckworth advocated for the In The Red Act, which would provide additional grants and allow students to refinance loans.

Duckworth discusses education By SAM KREVLIN

daily senior staffer @samkrevlin

CHICAGO — After her father lost his job, U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) dropped out of private school and entered the public school system. Duckworth — who is currently running for Senate against Republican incumbent Mark Kirk — said she relied on food stamps and other government services to get by, but never lost the hope of going to college. Duckworth spoke about obstacles facing young people at a roundtable discussion with Illinois teachers and students Tuesday in Chicago. Duckworth said the lack of Pell Grants and affordable loans — and the need to refinance those loans — have left students hopeless. As an Iraq War veteran who

lost both her legs in combat, Duckworth said she approaches educational reform from a national security perspective. She said others in Congress view education as a “soft issue” or just another “handout.” “When people talk about the strength of this nation, they talk about tanks and guns and helicopters,” Duckworth said. ”But when we talk about national strength and our role as a global leader, nobody talks about education as part of that foundation. If we don’t have affordable college education, we aren’t going to get the pilots to fly those aircrafts. … We aren’t going to get engineers who are going to be developing the next generation of fighter jets.” A Duckworth-backed legislative package aims to close tax loopholes to provide enough money to invest in community colleges, increase Pell Grants and

Political experts talk Illinois races By NORA SHELLY

daily senior staffer @noracshelly

Huge amounts of money are being poured into some Illinois state house races, but it may not end up making a difference due to the impact of Donald Trump’s candidacy on down-ballot races, several political experts said at a panel Monday. The discussion featured journalists and political scientists discussing dynamics of Illinois politics during the 2016 election cycle. The event was organized by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, a nonpartisan group that aims to increase accountability in government officials, promote civic involvement and address the role of money in politics. According to one of the ICPR’s data programs on money in politics, Illinois Sunshine, several state house and office races have reached an unexpected level of spending. “We’re seeing unprecedented

amounts of money being pumped into these tiny races,” said Natasha Korecki, panelist and Politico Illinois reporter. “(But) in the end it might do nothing to help them gain a seat just because of the dynamics of this election.” The rhetoric of the presidential campaign — and particularly the divisive campaign run by Republican nominee Donald Trump — will have an effect on other races, several panelists said. For Republicans, turnout may be an issue, said David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. “As this Trump thing looks to be dissembling … some Republicans may just stay home,” he said. “That will hurt all down-ballot Republicans.” Yepsen said polls show Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton are nearly tied among older, white, uneducated women, while in 2008 that same cohort » See PANEL, page 6

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allow students to refinance their loans at lower interest rates. The act was introduced in the House in April and has yet to be voted on. One of the loopholes Duckworth hopes to close is an end to deductibility of executive compensation, which allows tax write-offs for performance-based bonuses. She said such exemptions — given to employees whose salaries often surpass $1 million — cost taxpayers over $50 billion over 10 years. In addition, ending corporate tax inversions that allow U.S. companies to move their tax domicile — a person or company’s permanent address that is used for tax purposes — overseas would raise $25 billion over 10 years, she said. “If you would just tax that, we would raise the $60 billion,” she said. “There is money out there, and that money isn’t going to hurt

middle-income families.” Duckworth reiterated that even without closing loopholes, cutting military spending would free up more funding for education. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, who hosted the roundtable with Greenblatt said she trusts Duckworth to enact affordable education reforms. She said Congress has failed over the past eight years, but that Duckworth understands the importance of affordable education because of her middle-class background. “There is such obstruction in the U.S. Senate and House right now that even this common sense idea, which essentially is a fair taxation idea…hasn’t had the legs it needs to have because there aren’t enough people in Congress willing to do that,” Weingarten said. » See DUCKWORTH, page 6

daily senior staffer @_allysonchiu

Each day of Wildcat Welcome, Communication freshman Mega Dafiaghor changed something about her appearance in the hope of making new friends. “I had a different approach every single day because I didn’t want it to be like, they don’t want to hang out with me because I’m black,” Dafiaghor said. “I wanted it to be like, maybe I just don’t seem friendly enough or maybe I should dress more athletic today … but nothing changed.” Dafiaghor is one of many black students who said Wildcat Welcome is not as inclusive and welcoming as it should be. A 150-page report on the black student experience at Northwestern — sent to students in September over email — recommended the University review the inclusiveness of Wildcat Welcome and add more preorientation opportunities based on data gathered from student feedback. In the report, black students who participated in focus groups said they felt alienated in Peer Adviser groups and that it seemed as though some students in their groups hadn’t interacted

with black people before. In Fall 2015, African-American students comprised less than 10 percent of American undergraduates at NU, while white students made up nearly 70 percent, according to the report. These statistics did not include international students and students who didn’t indicate their race or ethnicity. Dafiaghor said her PA group had seven students, two of whom were black. “People weren’t really willing or they just weren’t talking to me at all,” Dafiaghor said. “I see how they interact and talk with other people, but I didn’t understand why they weren’t doing that towards me.” Efforts to change the dynamic of PA groups include “better and more robust” training for PAs, said Josh McKenzie, associate director for New Student and Family Programs and director of first-year experience. “We have around 200 Peer Advisors with different levels of experiences,” McKenzie said. “How do we do a better job preparing our Peer Advisers to be mentors and to be people that can advise in many different capacities for any single student that is in the group?” In addition to PA groups, some students, including Weinberg freshman Sandra Kibet, said they were disappointed by the diversity and inclusion True » See WELCOME, page 6

Menstrual product plan takes shape Students plan pilot program for free tampons, pads


daily senior staffer @yvonneekimm

A student-run initiative for free menstrual products in campus bathrooms is gaining momentum, with a bathroom assessment planned for Thursday and a pilot program expected to launch before the end of the quarter. A survey released Sept. 28 to gauge student thoughts on the idea was met with “fabulous” reactions, said SESP junior Sophia Etling, a member of College Feminists and Rainbow Alliance, two students groups sponsoring the initiative. The survey collected 1,044 responses, Etling said, which comprises almost a fourth of Northwestern’s female undergraduate population. Associated Student

Government and Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators are also sponsoring the initiative. “The results were really positive,” ASG President Christina Cilento said. “It reaffirmed our commitment to it. … (Students) gave great feedback on how to make it as inclusive as possible.” Students in support of the effort presented a proposal outlining the results of

the survey to vice president of student affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin two weeks ago and are now planning the implementation of a pilot program. “We are looking to address the deficit of accessible menstrual products on campus,” the proposal said. “Just as the University provides free condoms for students to engage in safe sex, so too should Northwestern provide free

menstrual products so students feel supported in their natural bodily functions, without financial barriers.” Survey responses, which were included in the proposal, revealed that 97 percent of respondents rarely use the current dispensers in bathrooms, with 67 percent having never used them and 30 percent using them “very infrequently.” Nearly 90 percent of respondents said the potential program was an “important or very important” issue to them. Students leaders will meet Thursday to further discuss the issue, after which they will assess bathrooms on campus to develop an effective pilot program. The program will place pads and tampons in certain bathrooms — those in the Technological Institute, Kresge Hall, the first floor of Main Library, Norris University Center and Annenberg Hall — to gauge how many products are needed and how

Graphic by Davis Rich

» See MENSTRUAL, page 6

INSIDE: Around Town 2 | On Campus 3 | Opinion 4 | Classifieds & Puzzles 6 | Sports 8




Evanston entrepreneur launches mayoral campaign


the daily northwestern @benwinck

Evanston is on the right track, but it needs a leader who can keep it that way while making small but necessary improvements, said business owner and mayoral candidate Steve Hagerty at his campaign kickoff event held at the Hilton Garden Inn Tuesday night. Hagerty informed The Daily of his candidacy on Sept. 19 but officially started his campaign at Tuesday’s event. Hagerty is founder and CEO of Hagerty Consulting, which focuses on assisting those who have suffered from emergencies, such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, by working with the federal government to strategize and find solutions to large-scale problems created by catastrophes. Hagerty Consulting has operated in Evanston for about 15 years and has collaborated with Northwestern to develop emergency plans. The job of providing emergency relief to those in need has been very rewarding, and the chance to serve as Evanston’s mayor presents new opportunities, Hagerty said. “It’s been wonderful to help people on the worst day of their life, but I’d like to help people have a great day every day of their life,” Hagerty said.

POLICE BLOTTER Men steal lottery tickets

Two men stole nearly $500 in lottery tickets from a store in September. On Sept. 28 just before 5 a.m., Evanston police officers were dispatched to New Lucky Main Pantry, 510 Main St., after a burglar alarm was tripped. The officers arrived at the same time as the owner of the store, Evanston police Cmdr. Joseph Dugan said.

Lauren Duquette/Daily Senior Staffer

Mayoral candidate Steve Hagerty at his campaign kick-off event Tuesday night. Hagerty is joined in the race by three other candidates.

Hagerty said his experience consulting for governments at various levels will serve him well as Evanston’s mayor. “What I’ve learned working with federal, state and local governments is that people want to be

informed; people want to be heard; people want strong and good process,” Hagerty said. “I can take those types of processes from the work that I’ve done and apply it here in Evanston.” During his speech, Hagerty emphasized his

The officers found the door smashed into the store. In addition to the $480 in lottery tickets unaccounted for, $95 was missing from the register. Security cameras showed three men outside the store just after 4:30 p.m. One smashed the door in, and two entered the store, Dugan said.

Orrington Ave., on Monday. The woman, 54, said she locked her bike to a bike rack in front of the library at about 6 p.m., and when she returned more than two hours later, the bike, its lock and her helmet were missing, Dugan said. The bike was a blue men’s Schwinn Voyageur 3 worth over $400, the helmet was worth $50. A saddlebag attached to the bike was also taken, worth $60.

Bike stolen from in front of library

A woman reported her bike stolen from in front of Evanston Public Library, 1703


— Nora Shelly

loyalty to Evanston, praising residents’ hard work at improving their community. He added that Evanston doesn’t need major reforms, but it does need strong and steady leadership. Former mayors Jay Lytle and Lorraine H. Morton were present at the kickoff event. Morton was quick to affirm her support for Hagerty and praised his dedication to Evanston’s economy, community and civic programs. “He has a business in Evanston, so he’s put his money in the city. He’s had leadership positions in organizations,” Morton said. “He has invested in Evanston in a way that not only helps him but helps other people, so I’m all for him.” Although much of the crowd included Hagerty’s business partners and Evanston leaders, many residents showed up to witness the candidate’s campaign officially begin. “He is the fairest, most even-handed guy you could imagine. He has amazing organizational skills and amazing people skills,” Evanston resident Stuart Cohen said. “In terms of energy level, commitment and ability to work with other people and see things from their point of view, I think he would be a great mayor.” Hagerty is joined in the race by Ald. Mark Tendam (6th) and Ald. Brian Miller (9th), as well as former Evanston Township Supervisor Gary Gaspard. The election is April 4.

Setting the record straight An article published Sept. 29 titled “Students survey on menstrual products” misstated Sydney Selix’s year. Selix is a SESP senior. The Daily regrets the error.




Profs’ study reveals disengaged voters


the daily northwestern @kristine_liao

A recent study by two Medill professors revealed a group of politically disengaged voters that may not have been represented in past polls but could prove crucial to the 2016 presidential election. Medill Profs. Martin Block and Don Schultz conducted a large-scale online media study that discovered nearly 30 percent of participants chose not to affiliate with a political party. Most polling organizations categorize unaffiliated voters as Independents, but the Medill study classified them as a unique group, Block said. Unaffiliated participants’ interest in voting and the election is also “significantly lower” than that of Republicans, Democrats and Independents, Block said. If the 30 percent do end up choosing to exercise their right on Nov. 8, they could sway the election, he said. The survey, which had a sample size of 16,121 people, included roughly 15,000 variables, including questions about political affiliations and voters’ stances on issues. Responses to questions on political issues revealed

Feinberg cardiologist named to National Academy of Medicine

The chief of cardiology at the Feinberg School of Medicine was elected to the National Academy of Medicine on Monday. Dr. Clyde Yancy, who also serves as the vice dean for diversity and inclusion at Feinberg, was chosen because of his professional successes and commitment to service, according to a Feinberg news release. The National Academy of Medicine serves as a source of expert opinion on health-related issues and gives advice to policymakers and health professionals.

participants to be “disengaged, apathetic and uninformed,” Block said. “If you think about democracy and what it all means, it’s somewhat concerning,” Block said. “I’d like to think that everybody who’s a citizen expresses their opinion through their vote. I guess I’m too idealistic.” Block said the study found Republican and Democratic parties differ primarily in issues voters typically respond to emotionally. He said the survey showed Democrats value compassion in a presidential candidate more than Republicans do. Democrats also tend to value government experience more, whereas Republicans value business experience more, he said. But when it came to the 30 percent of unaffiliated voters, participants showed low interest or involvement in nearly all political issues, Block said. “I would imagine you have to work some to be completely uninformed and disengaged through this election cycle,” Block said. “Although I assume if you were paying attention to everything, it’ll make you a little nuts.” Block said some people’s reaction to this unorthodox election cycle may be to ignore politics altogether. This attitude is likely to be prevalent among the unaffiliated study participants, he said. Compared to the three political groups, the unaffiliated study participants have a larger demographic

of single, Hispanic and African American individuals. They also tend to be younger and have a lower household income, according to the study. Weinberg junior Sabrina Williams, co-president of Political Union, said she was not surprised by the percentage of unaffiliated voters. She said the disengagement could be a result of the poor use of media to target voters as well as how “ugly” this campaign has been. “I don’t know how effective it would be for candidates to try to appeal to this really large group of disengaged voters,” Williams said. “Money would be better spent framing their narrative and convincing voters who are engaged but not sure who they want to vote for yet.” Williams said in boosting voter engagement, it’s important to make voting more accessible. She said making Election Day a national holiday would be a good start. “A lot of people feel like it doesn’t affect their lives or they don’t think it’s worth their time,” Williams said. “People really need to be convinced that voting does have an impact and that people can make a difference in American politics.”

“I am truly humbled by this election,” Yancy said in the release. “This honor is less a celebration and more a platform to press with even more vigor as a leader, teacher, investigator and physician.” Yancy’s achievements include the publication of more than 400 scientific papers and being ranked as one of the most highly cited researchers in the world by a Reuters analysis, according to the release. He has been awarded with the American Heart Association’s highest honor, the Gold Heart Award and was named the organization’s Physician of the Year in 2003. He also previously served as the association’s president. Dr. Eric G. Neilson, Feinberg’s vice president for medical affairs, praised Yancy’s election in the news release.

“Clyde is an exceptional scientist and a superb physician, and his election into the National Academy of Medicine is well-earned,” Neilson said. “His extensive research achievements, as well as outstanding service and leadership, have contributed greatly to the medical school and the field of cardiology alike.” In the release, Yancy thanked a number of people who have contributed to his successes over the years, including his mentors, peers, students, trainees and family. His greatest praise, however, went out to the people he has served throughout his career. “I am forever appreciative of all the patients who have taught me much about medicine and more about life,” Yancy said.

— Tori Latham

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016


MARS executive board responds to discussion about programming

We failed you, Northwestern, and we can be better. Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault, known as MARS around campus, started in 2010 as a half-dozen guys who saw sexual assault as inherently a men’s issue. In an effort to stand up to sexual violence, they developed a presentation to deliver to Interfraternity Council pledge classes during their new member education process. Six years have passed since then, and the national conversation around sexual assault on college campuses is louder

and more visible than ever before. On Tuesday of last week, a column was published in The Daily Northwestern that pointed out shortcomings of our organization that we have not yet done enough to address. Preventing sexual assault and breaking down rape culture requires that we really challenge men, including ourselves, on what toxic masculinity looks like, rather than spoon-feed them easy answers. We need to think beyond heteronormative examples of sexual misconduct and the dominant narratives of sexual violence. We know we can improve in each of these areas, and our exec board has committed to challenging each other and to making these goals a focus for all members. We ask that if you feel like we are not doing enough, or like we have left certain

perspectives underrepresented, come talk to us in person, on Facebook or at any of our open meetings and presentations. Just as is the case when we talk about consent as being active and ongoing, we hope we can create a culture of feedback and open communication that helps us build healthier relationships across NU. Please know that the 40 of us who remain in MARS are committed to growing as an organization and as members. All members of the organization participated in MARS’ first annual retreat this past weekend, discussing what masculinity looks like personally and how traditional masculinity contributes to a culture of sexual violence. We are meeting with Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators this week to see what we can learn from their presentations and approach to community

outreach. We are eager to collaborate with other campus groups to understand how our struggles intersect. In response to critiques we have received, we will continue to improve our presentation; we will continue to pilot our MARS 201 program, specifically focused on masculinity and its relation to sexual violence; membership in MARS will be focused on the personal work necessary to be accountable to survivors of sexual assault, and all members of the NU community. — Daniel Loizzo ‘17 Kevin Pu ‘18 Grant Murphy-Herndon ‘18 Bryce Halloran ‘18 Will Altabef ‘17 Liam White, ‘18

Fraternities must do better than performative allyship JOHN WILLIAMS


Despite intermittent workshops designed to give men on our campus, especially fraternity men, a well-rounded understanding of consent and power dynamics, sexual assault and rape is far too common Northwestern. We must improve the way student groups present antirape discourse for men and add workshops that focus on the deconstruction of toxic masculinity. To curb sexual assault, end misogyny and liberate men from self-destructive mental and social confines, we must eliminate the implicit notion — present in a large portion, if not the majority, of NU men — that men must dominate women. As a participant in these workshops through my fraternity, I know that it feels reassuring and often therapeutic to have peers recognize, in general terms, the problems faced by everyone but men on a daily basis. Although no one deserves praise for

recognizing basic human rights, it is heartening to see fraternity men recognize people who are not exactly like them. To see these men internalize a more nuanced understanding of consent can make us feel like we have nothing to worry about. Despite this feeling, sexual assault continues to occur on our campus. That does not necessarily mean discussions centered around an understanding of consent are worthless. But it does mean they are not going to deter those who rape as a means of expressing dominance. We need to design more workshops that expressly aim to either facilitate discussion about how we can dismantle power structures by strictly revising our common language and behaviors, or directly dismantle power structures, which will require willful subversion (or destruction) of the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association regulations. Destruction may be impossible considering the obstinacy of the ultra-conservative people who administer the workshops. Fraternities typically do not host sexual assault workshops aside from new member orientation, for which there is a single mandatory presentation hosted by Men Against

Rape and Sexual Assault. The only other context in which fraternities are required to host workshops is in “crisis mode,” or directly after instances of reported sexual assault in which members are involved. For institutions that claim to be significantly more socially aware and responsible than fraternities nationwide, we at NU do next to nothing in the way of promoting anti-rape and/or anti-toxic masculinity discourse aside from when it’s absolutely necessary. To actually walk the walk, it’s necessary to introduce programs that promote said discourse and center on power dynamics at least as much as on consent. The required workshops organized by IFC should not only be run by MARS. The complex psychology behind power dynamics requires professional assistance from an organization such as the Center for Awareness, Response and Education. Speaking from personal experience, some fraternities members are encouraged to join MARS for the sake of gaining favor with the University. This performative allyship leads to massive inconsistencies in the quality of MARS discussions. This does not mean that MARS and student peer dialogue in general is not valuable, but it is

more effective as a tool for sustained dialogue and calls to action than as a tool to reform imperative, complex issues embedded in the psyches of powerful men. It is difficult to distinguish whether efforts for social change are better when they come from outside or inside of problematic institutions. A recent column by Aaron Boxerman advocated for the elimination of the Greek system at NU. Although that stance may lack nuance, it is true that in their current form fraternities perpetuate toxic masculinity and cause direct suffering to a largerthan-you-think number of individuals on campus. If IFC-associated men think Boxerman is wrong, prove him wrong – mandate workshops that raze the foundation of that suffering.

John Williams is a McCormick sophomore. He can be contacted at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of The Daily Northwestern.

Computer science perspectives should be applied to policy MILA JASPER


American political news has been painful to read lately. The polarization, political doublespeak and inflammatory rhetoric, bigotry and fragmentation are disheartening. This quarter I decided to take a computer science class, which has become a welcome escape from the political climate for 50 minutes three times each week. I didn’t think it would expose a new mindset regarding political progress — one that suggests solving social problems from a wholistic perspective. Computer scientists have made incredible progress over the past 60 years, and not only because of the consumer demand for better, faster and smaller devices. The methodical processes computer scientists use to think

about problems is essential to innovation. Computers run simple, familiar algorithms to accomplish tasks. Because of this, computer scientists are always thinking at multiple levels of abstraction, from groups of small details to the big picture. They try to work at a more universal level in order to solve an issue’s underlying cause, not just its symptoms. They work to see if they can rewrite the rules of the game to eliminate as much error as possible while maintaining easy-to-run, adaptable

We should use this computational thinking to try to minimize error so that problems are shrunk to a manageable size.

algorithms. These processes should be extended past the realm of computer science. We should engage in this type of thinking to reduce major social and political issues to a manageable size, allowing society to operate more effectively. This is not to say the rate of humanitarian progress can be quantified, or that it should match the speed with which the tech industry moves. However, it is hard to ignore that 60 years ago the computer industry was barely taking its first steps, and now we can buy self-parking cars and communicate through supercomputers in our hands. Yet in the political spectrum, we are regressing: a small subset of Donald Trump’s followers actually wants the 19th Amendment repealed. We have seen a return to mercantilist ideals of economic policy in the belief that imports are bad, and we are losing if foreign businesses are winning. Our protocol for solving political problems

is largely reactionary. This means our algorithms grow to match the complexity of society, which seems logical. However, by editing the algorithm to solve every low-abstraction detail, we create algorithms that are slow and clunky. Instead, we should use this computational thinking to try to minimize error so that problems are shrunk to a manageable size. Instead of trying to come up with a solution to a particular political or social problem, of reacting to police brutality or sexism with band-aid solutions, we could rewrite the framework in which we try to solve problems so that solutions are more universally applicable. Mila Jasper is a Medill freshman. She can be contacted at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to The views expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members of The Daily Northwestern.

The Daily Northwestern Volume 137, Issue 23 Editor in Chief Julia Jacobs

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Fair Trade at NU to focus more on textile industry

Student group aims to increase student awareness of sustainable clothing By GABBY GROSSMAN

the daily northwestern @gabbygrossman13

Fair Trade at NU will concentrate on the textile industry and student outreach this year as it looks to help Northwestern become fair trade certified. The student-run organization, which launched last winter, is committed to promoting fair labor — environmental and ethical practices in companies — said co-president Natalie Burg, a Weinberg junior. This year, Fair Trade at NU will focus on the emerging role of sustainable fashion, Burg said. “Our mission is to eliminate child labor, follow the standards set for human rights by the (United Nations) and protect workers from

University honors Medill alumna’s military service for Navy, Joint Chiefs

Rear Admiral Lisa Franchetti will receive Northwestern’s 2016 Alumnae Award, the University announced. The Alumnae Award is presented each year to a notable alumna who has had a “significant impact” in her field of work, according to a news release. Franchetti (Medill ‘85) was recently promoted to chief of staff, J5, Joint Staff, Washington, D.C. As the J5, Franchetti is responsible for proposing strategies, plans and policies to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to provide military advice to the president and other national leaders. Franchetti is one of fewer than 40 female admirals in the Navy. Franchetti is the first woman to serve as commander of U.S. Naval Forces Korea. She was the U.S. Navy’s representative to Korea, and her

workplace atrocities and harmful environmental and health procedures,” Burg said. She added that Fair Trade at NU hopes to help the University become fair trade certified by completing a five step process that would culminate in NU passing a school-supported fair trade resolution. In this year’s campaign, Fair Trade at NU hopes to increase student awareness of sustainable clothing options on campus, Burg said. She made an example of Alta Garcia, a clothing brand carried in the Norris University Center bookstore that she said sells ethically-made apparel. Burg said the group wants to do more outreach to encourage students to purchase fair trade apparel from companies similar to Alta Garcia. To prompt students to take advantage of sustainable clothing options, Fair Trade at NU is also looking to develop a partnership with Stitch Magazine to publicize information about sustainable “eco-fashion.” Stitch’s fall issue will center on consumption and the different sustainability issues facing the fashion industry right now, said Medill

senior Sarah Spellings, Stitch’s co-editor in chief. Although the partnership has not been finalized, Spellings said anything that can be done to educate NU students about sustainable shopping is a good thing.

Fair trade is something most students could get behind. The real issue is simply bringing it to their attention. Reed Goldberg, Weinberg junior

“Fashion is a heavy-consumption industry,” she said. “It’s not just water waste and throwing away your clothes; it’s making sure that factory workers are paid a fair wage and that we’re supporting all these different facets that go into making clothes that are more sustainable and simply better from a humanitarian perspective.”

main job was strengthening the security efforts in the region. Franchetti was also commander of two carrier strike groups, Carrier Strike Group Nine and Fifteen. Franchetti was awarded various personal decorations such as the Defense Superior Service Medal as well as five Legion of Merit awards, among others. At NU, Franchetti joined the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corp after coming across the group by chance during her freshman year. “I was on my way from Patten Gym and saw a bunch of NROTC students having a cookout and playing football, and I stopped by to talk to them,” Franchetti said in a news release. “I was whisked away into their office building, talked to a lieutenant who told me how great the Navy was, and, next thing I know, I’m signed up and getting my uniform and some books.” Franchetti will receive the award Oct. 28 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1818 Maple Ave. — Allyson Chiu

Last year, students had to submit applications for membership in Fair Trade at NU, Burg said. The group will work to transform into a loose coalition in the future, meaning students will be able to participate when they are available and don’t have to apply for membership, she said. The group paired with Real Food at NU and Sodexo last year to increase the availability of fair trade food products on campus. Despite the growth of the fair trade movement, there are still limited fair trade products available in the United States, Burg said. Students who know about fair trade are more likely to support it and demand fair trade products, she said. Weinberg junior Reed Goldberg, a member of the group’s executive board, echoed the sentiment. “At it’s core, the idea of fair trade is something most students could get behind,” Goldberg said. “The real issue is simply bringing it to their attention.”

Source: Lisa Franchetti on Facebook

Lisa Franchetti.

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Northwestern Dialogue. TNDs are mandatory sessions where students learn about various topics in a college setting, such as sexual health and mental wellness. During the diversity and inclusion TND, students are asked to stand if they identify with statements such as “I am a first-generation college student” or “I am a student of color.” “I was OK with most of the categories, but when it came to race, I felt like (the moderator) should have delved in more,” said Kibet, who was born and raised in Kenya. “I don’t identify as black American; I’m African. It was just so generalized.” The diversity and inclusion TND is one of the highest-rated programs in terms of student satisfaction, McKenzie said. However, it is “re-examined” annually, and this year, PA groups met before the event to discuss how to mentally and emotionally prepare for it, he said. “If you look historically at Northwestern, not just at Wildcat Welcome, it’s so many different pieces … created from the majority lens, but that’s not who our students are,” McKenzie said. “We know and recognize that we made a lot of changes over the


From page 1 voted Republican by “two digits” more than they voted Democrat. Down-ballot Republicans may not be able to do anything about the effect Trump may have on voting, Korecki said, but that hasn’t stopped Illinois Republicans and Gov. Bruce Rauner from duking it out with the state’s Democrats and House Speaker Michael Madigan. “This is really a proxy war, the fight in the General Assembly and the comptroller between Bruce Rauner and the Republicans and House Speaker Mike Madigan…mostly it’s a war between Mike and Bruce,” said Kate Grossman, director of the Fellows Program at the University of Chicago, who moderated the panel.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2016 past few years, but that doesn’t mean we’ve made all of the changes.” Another recommendation from the September report called for the University to expand pre-orientation opportunities to promote a better sense of community for students of color. These programs allow students to meet and make new friends in a “low-pressure setting,” said Justin Williamson, who participated in the Freshman Urban Program, which takes students through Chicago neighborhoods to explore social justice issues. “You’re not thrown in an area you don’t know with like 2,000 different people expecting to make friends,” the Weinberg freshman said. “Just from being on the trip, you know (the other students) have at least some kind of interest in being involved with a certain theme of the trip, so you know you have that commonality.” Pre-orientation programs can provide better opportunities for students to connect on a deeper level and create stronger friendships, said Medill freshman Ramenda Cyrus, who also participated in FUP. Cyrus said Wildcat Welcome was “infinitely better” as a person of color because she participated in a pre-orientation program. “The FUP counselors themselves were very social justice-oriented and they very aware of the different experiences that we were all bringing,” she said. “It

was easier in that sense as a person of color that I could relate (to them).” The challenge of raising questions about race and identity within PA groups may be a result of the underrepresentation of black advisers, said peer adviser Robert Cunningham, who is black. “You have to talk to another black student to actually get an answer that you really feel might be accurate,” the Communication junior said. “You have to talk to someone who has the same identity as you. … It’s hard because there are so few of us.” Although he acknowledged the lack of diversity among PAs, Cunningham said he recognizes the University is making an effort to improve the inclusiveness of Wildcat Welcome. Pre-orientation programs are also affected by homogeneity, despite helping students make friendships and connections before Wildcat Welcome, Williamson said. This year’s FUP participants were mostly white, he said. One way the administration attempted to alleviate that problem this year was by making it easier for eligible students to access fee waivers, which covered all or some of the program’s costs, McKenzie said. However, socioeconomic status is just one area that contributes to diversity, he said. For Kibet, an international student, the fix to

There are several hotly-contested state house races in Illinois, most of them outside of the Chicagoland region, the panelists said. The results could break the Democratic supermajority in the state house. If comptroller candidate Susana Mendoza — the Democrat in the race — beats incumbent Republican Leslie Munger, the governor would have to work with someone outside his own party in handling the state budget crisis. The office of the comptroller — who wasn’t under as much scrutiny before the state budget crisis — is responsible for sending out checks from the state to businesses or social services groups. However important the comptroller race seems to be, the individual candidates probably won’t matter to the regular voter, said Amanda Vinicky, the statehouse bureau chief of NPR Illinois.

“This is one of those races where I think it could be framed as … Mendoza trying to tie Munger to Rauner or Munger trying to tie Mendoza to Madigan — maybe that works with the average voter, maybe not,” Vinicky said. The comptroller race, however, is the “most visible” the state has ever seen, said Christopher Mooney, director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois. The panel also discussed the Senate race between Senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Representative Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill). Duckworth currently leads in the polls, but the race — the results of which may decide which party controls the Senate — has been tight throughout the entire campaign. In a break from other races in Illinois, both



Roundtable attendee Terrie Albano, 53, is now a student at Northeastern Illinois University. She said education cuts made under the Reagan administration forced her to drop out of University of Illinois in the mid-1980s. The English major said shortly after James Thompson was elected governor in 1977, and Reagan was elected president in 1980, she received a letter saying her Social Security stipend and her Illinois state scholarship would be cut. “Everything was to go to loans,” Albano said. “You can probably trace the student loan debt starting in 1980 with the Ronald Reagan election.”

much they will cost. “We’ll be able to gather data on how many products were used and in how quickly of a time,” Etling said. “I am very confident that this pilot will prove to the administration that this is an urgently necessary program. … It just is beyond my mind why we would even need a pilot.” Cilento said students hope to work with facilities management to make the refilling of menstrual products part of maintenance routine, as having students refill the menstrual products would not be a “sustainable model.” She added that she hopes it can be completely funded through ASG funds and project grants.

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“I’m optimistic about it because I think that for this pilot version we’re not asking for a lot from the administration,” Cilento said. Etling, who identifies as queer and was one of the first students to pioneer the program, said she hopes the program and placement of the menstrual products will benefit nonbinary and/or closeted students. “We travel in bodies that might not necessarily be societally sexed as the way we identify gender-wise,” she said. “I thought this would be a really good campaign to overlap with our current campaign to increase access to gender-neutral bathrooms all across campus.” Nearly half of the survey’s respondents — 45.7 percent — said they preferred products to be located in individual stalls for discreet use. Another 35.5 percent said they preferred

Daily file photo by Zack Laurence

Students participate in March Through the Arch in September. Black students expressed disappointment with homogeneity in Wildcat Welcome and pre-orientation programs.

Wildcat Welcome is as simple as facing these issues head on. “I wish people were open,” she said. “I’m so open to learning about America. I want to know everything you have to tell me about America, but, at the same time, a conversation is an exchange, and as much as you tell me about where you’re coming from, I’d like to tell you where I’m coming from.” Duckworth and Kirk’s campaigns are keeping a low profile, with the candidates rarely seen in the Chicago area, Korecki said. The Senate campaign is reminiscent of the presidential race, Mooney said. “Neither one has very many positives; it’s all about the negatives in the other one,” he said. Korecki said Kirk has more problems than Duckworth and that the few debates planned may limit what voters know about the candidates. Duckworth’s lead in the polls may not be totally her doing, Korecki said. “A lot of Duckworth’s numbers can be attributed to the fact that…Hillary is at the top of the ticket,” she said. “We’re going to see a big turnout with women.” baskets by sinks, while 17.9 percent preferred free dispensers on bathroom walls. Cilento said her only concern is the potential abuse of the products, which occurred briefly at Brown University after its student government implemented a similar program. “Someone who does not have a financial or emergency need for the products … shouldn’t be taking the entire basketful of tampons,” she said. “I would just hope that students have some sort of ethics when it comes to using it so they recognize why we started it.” Students plan to complete the inventory of bathrooms and assemble a detailed budget by the end of Fall Quarter and launch the official program in the winter.

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Despite unknowns, city staff proposes housing plan

Proposed Evanston housing plan for 2017 comes amid concerns about state funding, grant money By NORA SHELLY

daily senior staffer @noracshelly

The city has released its proposed 2017 Action Plan for housing funds, despite uncertainty surrounding funding and grant money. The plan, released at the end of last week, includes the city’s goals for this year’s Community Development Block Grants, HOME Investment Partnership and Emergency Solutions Grant funding. The proposal is designed to provide affordable housing, create suitable living environments and expand economic opportunities, particularly for the city’s lowincome residents. Sarah Flax, the city’s CDBG grants administrator, said although the goals were the same, the circumstances surrounding funding has changed. “We don’t tend to have dramatic changes (from year to year) because the goal is to develop your plan and implement it over a fiveyear period,” she said. “When there is so much uncertainty from other funding — the state is the biggest one — it puts such a strain on all of our non-profits…so you have an increasing need and decreasing resources.” The budget crisis has hurt the agencies the city funds, Flax said. “That’s our biggest challenge, just that nobody knows,” she said. “We can’t guarantee our federal funding; non-profits we’re working with have no idea what’s going to happen for state funding after the 31st.” According to the proposed plan, city staff

Evanston man arrested in connection with shotgun possession Monday

An man was charged with unlawful use of a weapon after police searched his backpack to find a shotgun Monday.

put the objectives together using estimated amounts for all three funding sources, as the federal budget and related appropriations for 2017 are not expected to be approved before December of this year. The action plan sets aside some money for alley paving projects. A city program currently allows residents who want their alleys paved to coordinate with their neighbors and city staff on the project. The city and the residents typically split the costs. Alley paving can help make a neighborhood more suitable for living and can be looked at from an equity perspective, Flax said. “Where you have lower income homeowners…for them to take on that…is an additional cost that they can’t necessarily afford,” she said. “It’s a public infrastructure that really benefits the neighborhood.” The city may also use the funds in 2017 to help with repairs at some child care locations across the city, including the Rice Child and Family Center, the Infant Welfare Society of Evanston and the Reba Early Learning Center, Flax said. The groups must primarily serve low-tomoderate income families to be eligible for the funding, Flax said. Additionally, the city is pursuing affordable housing initiatives outside of CDBG funding in the 2017 proposed budget. Mark Muenzer, the city’s director of community development, said at Monday’s council meeting that affordable housing meant more than just creation of new units. Under the proposed budget, city staff

would try to develop short-term or emergency solutions for affordable housing, as well as long-term options for the city’s vulnerable population. “It is oftentimes an interim type of accommodation that the city could be involved with,”

he said. City staff is asking for community feedback on the Action Plan with a final deadline of Nov. 15.

At about 10:45 a.m. Monday, an Evanston police officer saw the 20-year-old man walking on a sidewalk in south Evanston. The Evanston man was carrying a green backpack, which the police officer noticed appeared to contain an object inside that was stretching the bag’s material, according to a news release. The officer also recognized the man from

previous contacts and believed he was involved in narcotic sales in the area, according to the release. Upon seeing the officer, the man turned and began walking in the opposite direction. When the officer began driving towards the 20-year-old, he began walking more quickly. The officer then searched the man, who denied the backpack was his before the officer

searched it. After searching the backpack, the officer found a loaded 12-gauge shotgun. The 20-year-old was then taken into custody and charged with one count each of unlawful use of a weapon and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, both felonies.

Daily file photo by Drew Gerber

Sarah Flax, Evanston’s housing and grants administrator, works with the community housing issues. The city is asking for public feedback on its plan for federal funding use in 2017.

— Nora Shelly

The Daily Northwestern Fall 2016 | An independent voice since 1923 | Evanston, Illinois EDITOR IN CHIEF | Julia Jacobs MANAGING EDITORS | Tim Balk, Shane McKeon, Robin Opsahl ___________________



OPINION EDITOR | Jess Schwalb SPECTRUM EDITORS | Arielle Chase, Rachelle Hampton ____________________

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CAMPUS EDITOR | Peter Kotecki ASSISTANT EDITORS | Allyson Chiu, Yvonne Kim ___________________

A&E EDITOR | Stavros Agorakis ASSISTANT EDITOR | Kelley Czajka ____________________

CITY EDITOR | Nora Shelly ASSISTANT EDITORS | Erica Snow, Ben Winck ___________________



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It was just a great play from start to finish. ... We were saying if it was off by an inch any way it probably wouldn’t have made it. — Mike Roberge, forward

Field Hockey No. 12 Michigan at No. 10 NU, 3 p.m. Friday


Wednesday, October 19, 2016


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“ON TOP OF THE WORLD” Cats shock Notre Dame in overtime upset win in Bridgeview By MARIANA ALFARO

daily senior staffer @marianaa_alfaro

Daily file photo by Noah Frick-Alofs

In 2014, it happened in football. On Tuesday night, it happened in soccer. Two years after a struggling Northwestern football team recorded a historic win over Notre Dame, the men’s soccer team did the same in a 2-1 overtime win over the No. 4 Fighting Irish (10-3-1) at Toyota Park in Bridgeview. Senior forward Mike Roberge scored the sudden-death, gamewinning goal early in the extra session. NU (4-9-1, 2-3-1 Big Ten) played well from the opening whistle, and the squad’s early pressure paid off in the 25th minute as sophomore midfielder Shannon Seymour scored his first career goal. The score came off a deflected shot from junior forward Elo Ozumba which landed at the feet of Seymour, who drove a low ball into the net. Seymour said scoring his first goal against a top-5 team felt like being “on top of the world.” But he said that initial joy didn’t last long as Notre Dame midfielder Mark Gormley scored less than a minute

later to tie the game. “We couldn’t regain our focus right away,” Seymour said. “But I still had faith. … I knew we’d fight back to get it.” Although NU held firm through the rest of regulation, Notre Dame controlled most the chances. The Fighting Irish held a 10-7 edge in total shots, and Roberge stepped in front of a Notre Dame player to prevent a shot in the final moments of regulation. Coach Tim Lenahan said junior goalkeeper Francisco Tomasino was key in keeping the visitors off the scoresheet for the last 60-plus minutes. “They challenged him a couple of times,” Lenahan said. “But he had good team management and good box presence.” The Cats wasted no time in the extra session, as Roberge netted the game-winning goal within the opening four minutes of the period. The goal was Roberge’s second of the season, with the first coming in similar fashion: He sunk an overtime winner against Michigan in late September. Although Roberge ultimately scored the goal, he deflected the credit to Ozumba and junior midfielder Riley Kelliher, who were credited with assists on the play.

“It was just a great play from start to finish,” Roberge said. “Riley played a great ball; Elo made a great run. … We were saying if it was off by an inch any way, it probably wouldn’t have made it.” Lenahan praised his squad for keeping Notre Dame from too many quality chances. Although he was disappointed the Cats lost their first-half lead in a matter of seconds, he was glad Seymour, who has suffered from injuries this season, scored his first goal. After a three-game losing streak in which NU failed to score a goal, the Cats rebounded with a win over lowly Rutgers on Friday. Tuesday’s win gave NU consecutive victories for the first time this season and a statement win over one of the nation’s premier teams. “We played well and stuck to our plan to clog the middle a little bit and counterattack them. We were able to do that for the game-winning goal,” Lenahan said. “We’re going to enjoy the win tonight and fuel up and get ready for a tough Michigan State game on Saturday.”

Writers ruminate on offensive identity, postseason By THE DAILY SPORTS STAFF

the daily northwestern

The Daily’s women’s soccer writers examine the Wildcats as the regular season nears its end and the postseason looms. With only two games left in their Big Ten schedule, NU sits just a point behind Penn State for first in the conference standings. What do the Cats need to do to end up with a regular season Big Ten title? Garrett Jochnau: It starts and ends with the defense. The team’s hot start began with a series of shutouts, and its most impressive victories have come on the shoulders of the back line and junior goalkeeper Lauren Clem. NU’s scoring has been inconsistent, and sophomore forward Brenna Lovera’s injury isn’t doing the team any favors on that end. But in these final two games, the Cats can certainly pull out a pair of wins if the defense continues to shine.

can carry them. If that happens, and the defense continues to be the best in the conference, NU has a very real chance of taking the Big Ten title.

Injuries have hit the Cats hard along the front line, and NU has been moving players out of position at forward to try to generate offense. The results have been mixed, with the Cats averaging less than a goal per game over their last five matches. Where can they look to create chances with postseason play looming? Jochnau: Executing off set pieces will be key. NU did that very well against Michigan, as coach Michael Moynihan took advantage of the Wolverines’ propensity to foul by putting senior defender Mary Erikson in the game to play significant minutes. Erikson’s powerful foot put

the Cats in good positions to score off of those set pieces, and if they can remain scrappy in the box, they should be able to find the back of the net here and there, which could be enough if the defense shoulders the heavy work.

Lewis: Moynihan. I’m not saying he’s going to grab his mother’s wig, lace up and start blasting off upper-90 heaters, but I am saying that he’s a strategic genius. Although NU has underwhelmed offensively, Moynihan has still been able to craft a winning team. Against Iowa, for example, the Cats couldn’t create any opportunities, so Moynihan had to decide between playing for another scoreless draw or switching things up. By putting junior defender Nikia Smith at central forward, Moynihan disoriented the Hawkeyes’ defense and swung the game in NU’s favor.

With the Big Tens looming, look to Moynihan to continue working his technical acumen.

Markus: Graduate defender Kaitlin Moore stressed the importance of involving outside backs in the offense to help create chances, and this is the key to generating offensive opportunities. With speedy players like Smith, the Cats can apply pressure to the final third by allowing their outside backs to push up the field. Overall, though, NU needs to continue to embrace its “next woman up” mentality that has worked so well recently. Junior defender Kassidy Gorman has stepped up and shown she is more than capable of taking on a new role at forward, as she showed when she drilled an overtime game winner against Michigan State. The Cats need to stay flexible, with players willing to embrace whatever role

Ben Lewis: The back line has to play at a higher level. Going into the Big Ten Tournament, it’s not only about making defensive stands but also keeping possession after a stop. NU’s poor transition to attack is the sole reason for its limited offensive success. Time and time again, the Cats have gifted opponents possession because of sloppy play out of the back. Fortunately for NU, Clem has bailed the defense out with 62 saves on the season, but one can only wonder when that luck will run out. Robbie Markus: At the end of the day, the Cats need to find a way to get the ball in the back of the net. NU is currently tied for sixth in goals scored in the Big Ten, and, for a team that has aspirations of making a deep playoff run, that’s simply not good enough. The Cats have proved their offensive might occasionally, but they need a steady stream of offensive opportunities to show the offense

is given to them when the injury bug strikes. Last year, NU lost in the first round of the Big Tens but made a run to the second round of the NCAAs in its first appearance since 1998. What should the Cats consider a successful postseason this time around? Jochnau: NU has consistently proven that it can compete with the best Big Ten teams and clearly has its eye on the title. When the conference tournament comes around, the Wildcats should be expected to reach the semifinals, at the very least. A trip to the final is certainly a possibility, but they should only truly be disappointed if they lose before the semis. Lewis: This year, it’s the title or nothing. If the Cats fall in the conference tournament and put on a mediocre show in the NCAAs yet again, the players can give themselves an apathetic slap on the back. Sixty years from now they can tell their relatives stories of the 2016 team and its miraculous 12-plus shutout season, but that’s not real success. NU has all the pieces needed to put hardware up on the shelf. The only question is: Will the Cats realize their potential? Markus: For this NU team, the sky’s the limit. Clem and the defense have allowed five goals in 14 games this season. That in and of itself says that the Cats can grind it out with the best teams in the country. They clearly have the talent, and with Moynihan’s strong leadership, NU should look to make a run in the NCAAs. I’ll say that winning two NCAA tournament games would make for a successful postseason.

Daily file photo by Katie Pach

Nikia Smith evades an opposing player. The junior defender and the Wildcats are looking to make a late-season push for a Big Ten title.

garrettjochnau2019@u. benjaminlewis2020@u.

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