The Daily Northwestern - Feb. 5, 2014

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New campus rabbi brings humor to Hillel role » PAGE 3

sports Men’s Tennis Cats prepare for three-match stretch at home » PAGE 8

opinion Muller Coke ad shows beauty of America » PAGE 4

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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Printing service returns after hack By paige leskin

the daily northwestern @paigeleskin

The free printing service Freenters returned to Northwestern on Jan. 21 after a hacking incident forced the company to shut down for two months. “We’ve made sure something like that doesn’t happen again,” said SESP sophomore Kemi Areke, the NU branch manager for Freenters. Freenters, a company started in October 2012 by two University of Chicago students, provides free printing to students by publishing advertisement banners on each printed page. Students can gain access to the company using a university email address and name. They can then upload files onto the Freenters website to print at one of the printing stations located throughout campus. The kiosks at NU are placed at Foster-Walker Complex, Norris University Center, Allison Hall and Kemper Hall. In November 2013, UChicago Electronic Army hacked the Freenters website and database. The group sent out emails to Freenters’ users and gained access to the personal information of customers and advertisers. Because students had connected their Freenters and school accounts, the Freenters team sent out emails advising users to change their passwords about two hours after the attack. Stephen Huh, Freenters’s head of information technology, said the company decided to close down its service until the problem was addressed completely.

During the hiatus, Huh said Freenters worked to revamp the entire company, which included fortifying its security and renovating the website. Huh said the hackers had obtained access to the customer’s accounts using basic computer knowledge, but the problem had been fixed. “We took our biggest flaw and removed the main threat,” he said. “We’ve improved the entire customer experience.” Despite the news of the hacking, SESP sophomore Maeghan Murphy said she plans to continue using Freenters. As secretary of Shepard Residential College, she said she has to print dozens of copies of fliers for students in her dorm, and the company’s service made it simple. “(Freenters) gives me the opportunity to print for free,” she said. “There’s printing set up in Allison, so it’s very convenient.” Freenters co-founder Rho Kook Song said he had become frustrated with the ineffectiveness of traditional forms of marketing available to student groups. After voicing his complaints to his friend Hye Sung Kim, Song discovered Kim was unhappy with the expenses of printing at school. The friends merged ideas to solve their problems and created Freenters. Song said the service has worked well since students don’t mind the advertisements, as most of what they print is for personal use and won’t be turned in to professors. Freenters reaches out to local and national organizations, as well as » See PRINTING, page 7

Ebony Calloway/The Daily Northwestern

STREAMING SHOWS A student watches a video using Hulu Plus on her laptop. Residential Services has given some students Hulu Plus accounts as a replacement for NUTV, which was discontinued over the summer.

Res Services pilots Hulu Plus By Jordan Harrison

the daily northwestern @MedillJordan

Nearly 1,600 Northwestern students can now stream movies and television shows with free Hulu Plus accounts in a pilot program to test possible replacements for NUTV. NUTV, a cable streaming service, was discontinued last summer and the University has been working to find an alternative. Hulu Plus accounts were distributed to students on Friday. “The University is currently exploring

a variety of options,” said Wendy Woodward, director of technology support services at Northwestern University Information Technology. “In reaching out to different services, Hulu was the one that at this stage expressed the most interest in a strategic relationship with Northwestern, so we’ve decided to proceed with a limited pilot as we evaluate their services.” Select students in eight on-campus residences received accounts because their buildings have updated wireless systems capable of handling the demands imposed by streaming video, said Paul Riel, executive director of

Residential Services. Riel said the Hulu Plus trial period will last until March 31. Anna Kottenstette, Associated Student Government vice president for student life, said ASG has been working with Residential Services on updating student entertainment options for about two years. She said she is glad the University is giving the issue attention. “I think (students) will appreciate the fact that the University is looking out for this interest because a lot of the time we as students assume that the » See HULU, page 7

Greenwell lawsuit underway Group weighing city skate park proposal By Ciara McCarthy

daily senior staffer @mccarthy_ciara

A Cook County judge heard oral argument for the first time Tuesday in the lawsuit filed by a Northwestern professor’s son against an Evanston police officer. Police mistakenly handcuffed Medill Prof. Ava Greenwell’s son in August 2012. The boy was 13 years old at the time. Evanston Police Department officer We want the Mark Buell city to take a detained really hard look the boy after mistakenly at its police identifyprocedures and ing him as make sure they a burglary suspect. The are equitable 13-year-old filed a lawand ethical. suit against Ava Greenwell, Buell in Medill professor September 2012, alleging Buell had violated his 14th Amendment rights by racially profiling him. “This is not just for our son,” Greenwell wrote in an email to The Daily when the lawsuit was filed. “We want the city to take a really hard look at its police procedures and make sure they are equitable and ethical.”

By edward cox

daily senior staffer @EdwardCox16

Source: WGN screenshot

COURT IN SESSION A Cook County judge heard the first oral arguments in a racial profiling case Tuesday. Medill Prof. Ava Greenwell’s son filed a lawsuit against an Evanston police officer after he mistakenly handcuffed the then-13-year-old.

Buell detained the boy because he perceived him as matching the description dispatched on the police radio, his lawyers said. Three similar descriptions regarding the burglary suspect were dispatched, all of which described a young black male wearing dark clothing. Buell’s lawyers are seeking summary judgment in the lawsuit. If granted, the case would be dismissed at the district level. The Greenwell family with their lawyer and the lawyers representing Buell met in court Tuesday to present oral arguments to Cook County judge Daniel Martin. Greenwell’s son, now

Serving the University and Evanston since 1881

15 and a freshman at Evanston Township High School, was also present. The presentations centered on the day of the burglary and the events and actions leading up to the boy’s detention. Because Buell’s lawyer filed the motion for summary judgment, they began Tuesday’s arguments. Brandon DeBerry, one of the officer’s lawyers, discussed Buell’s perception of the day’s events and the reasons for which he believed his actions were justified. “Even if (he) was arrested, officer Buell had probable cause to do so,” » See GREENWELL, page 7

A community effort to bring back a skate park to Evanston is gaining momentum. A committee including city officials and a Northwestern professor will hold their first meeting about the feasibility of constructing a skate park on Tuesday. The discussions come amid residents’ concerns about the lack of infrastructure for local skateboarders after the skate park at the Robert Crown Center closed. Currently, the closest skate park to Evanston is in Wilmette, Ridgeville Park District commissioner Robert Bady said. “I’m not sure anyone at the meeting believes we should not have a park. It’s just (a matter of ) when,” said Dan Coyne, a commissioner of the Ridgeville Park District who will be on the committee. Establishing a skate park in Evanston is a major initiative of Douglas Gaynor, the former director of Parks, Forestry and Recreation who retired in 2013. Gaynor passed along the idea to Ridgeville Park District board members in July. City Council suggested Ridgeville constituents

There are hundreds of skaters in Evanston ... and nowhere to skate and it makes me wonder about the priorities of the city. Laura Nielsen, sociology professor

collaborate with the city’s Parks and Recreation Division on the project. Sociology Prof. Laura Nielsen, an Evanston resident, will attend the community meeting, where members will share their opinions on the skate park project. A skateboarder herself, Nielsen said her husband and kids used the Robert Crown Center skate park until the wooden ramps were closed to skateboarders and those practicing BMX, she said. Because the city has outlawed skateboarding in public places such as parking lots, streets and certain sidewalks, her kids are sometimes stopped by police, Nielsen said. “There are hundreds of skaters » See SKATE, page 7

INSIDE Around Town 2 | On Campus 3 | Opinion 4 | Classifieds & Puzzles 6 | Sports 8

2 NEWS | the daily northwestern wednesday, february 5, 2014

Around Town Ecology Center to host film festival Wild & Scenic Film Festival will feature films on air, fracking and sustainability By Alice Yin

the daily northwestern @alice__yin

On Friday, visitors to the Evanston Ecology Center’s opening night of the third annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival will be able to see the rivers and jungles of the earth through the lenses of some of the world’s best environmental filmmakers. Kicking off last month in Nevada City, Calif., the festival will travel across the country to coordinate with the Evanston Environmental Association, with its first showing this Friday and a second showing Feb. 21. The committee selected 19 films on issues ranging from environmental justice to nature and adventure. “The films run the gamut,� said Jim Chilsen, board member of the Evanston Environmental Association and an event committee member. “There are films that will make you cry, ones that will make you angry and ones that will

A 23-year-old pizza delivery man was robbed by two men at gunpoint early Tuesday morning. The Skokie resident got out of his car to make a Sarpino’s pizza delivery in the 300 block of Callan Avenue, Evanston Police Cmdr. Jay Parrott said. No one answered the door at the residence, at which point two men approached the driver Editor in Chief Paulina Firozi

make you laugh.� A six-person committee led by the Evanston Ecology Center’s Program Manager Claire Alden coordinated the event. Alden said the most difficult task was cutting down the films into a final list that they wanted people to see. “A Boom With No Boundaries,� a five-minute film on hydraulic fracking, bears much local significance. Last summer, a state law passed tightening regulations on southern Illinois fracking, a method of extracting oil by using pressurized fluid to force fractures in a layer of rock. Other films, such as “TEAM network: Badru’s Story,� cover subjects as far from Evanston as Uganda. “The Joy of Air,� directed by Bryan Smith, Fitz Cahall and Tim Loubier, strays from heavy themes. Described by Cahall as “an ode to catching air,� the project is a carefree poem put to film. “I just had a brand new son, and that language, that rhythm, that rhyme of kids’ books was stuck in my head,� Cahall said. “So why not write a poem on how that childlike wonder can still be in adults who are passionate about spending time outdoors?� “Who Rules the Earth?� written and directed

by Harvey Mudd College Prof. Paul Steinberg, is a film animated by eleven students from the California Institute of the Arts. It aims to convey The films run the importance of the gamut. There political change in are films that will sustainability. “It is a great privimake you cry, lege to be in the film ones that will festival,� Steinberg said. “It’s a wonderful make you angry thing that they bring and ones that together activism will make you and entertainment.� In the past, the laugh. festival has always Jim Chilsen, filled the room to its Evanston 100-person capacity. Environmental As of Monday, 40 of Association board those tickets were member already reserved for the first night. “It’s popcorn with substance. It’s film that entertains and makes you think,� Chilsen said. “It takes your breath away.�

First copy of The Daily is free, additional copies are 50 cents. All material published herein, except advertising or where indicated otherwise, is Copyright 2014 The Daily Northwestern and protected under the “work made for hire� and “periodical publication� clauses of copyright law.

and each pulled out handguns. One of the men went through the driver’s pockets and took his iPhone. Police said the men then fled southbound from the location on foot.

Albany Care, 901 Maple Ave., is a facility dedicated to the “treatment and recovery of individuals suffering from chronic mental illness,� according to its website. Police said the resident, 74, who was hit did not receive any visible injuries or require medical treatment. An employer of Albany Care reported the incident to the police, but Parrott said the incident will be handled internally.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Northwestern, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208. Subscriptions are $175 for the academic year. The Daily Northwestern is not responsible for more than one incorrect ad insertion. All display ad corrections must be received by 3 p.m. one day prior to when the ad is run.


Police Blotter Pizza delivery man robbed at gunpoint

The Daily Northwestern

Resident of mental health facility hit with plate

A 61-year-old resident of the Albany Care mental health facility hit another resident in the face with a plate on Saturday afternoon.

­â€” Julian Gerez


Roger Thurow Wednesday, February 5 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Book signing to follow Harris Hall, room 107 1881 Sheridan Rd. Evanston Open to the public

Author and journalist Roger Thurow will join the Northwestern community to discuss his second book, The Last Hunger Season: A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change. Currently, he works for The Chicago Council on Global Affairs as senior fellow for global agriculture and food policy. Mr. Thurow worked for The Wall Street Journal for 30 years. Thurow and Journal colleague Scott .LOPDQ ZHUH Ă€QDOLVW IRU WKH 3XOLW]HU 3UL]H LQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HSRUWLQJ 7KHLU UHSRUWLQJ RQ KXPDQLWDULDQ and development issues was also honored by the United Nations. Thurow and Kilman are authors of the book, ENOUGH: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty. ,Q WKH\ ZHUH DZDUGHG $FWLRQ $JDLQVW +XQJHU¡V +XPDQLWDULDQ $ZDUG 7KH\ DOVR UHFHLYHG WKH +DUU\ &KDSLQ :K\ +XQJHU ERRN DZDUG

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Fax | 847.491.9905 The Daily Northwestern is published Monday through Friday during the academic year, except vacation periods and two weeks preceding them and once during August, by Students Publishing Co., Inc. of Northwestern University, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208; 847-4917206.

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wednesday, february 5, 2014

On Campus

It’s very important for people who want to write about people to understand people and to have exposure to different cultures, different economies, lots of different things.

— Medill Prof. Mei-Ling Hopgood

the daily northwestern | NEWS 3 Medill offers new international reporting trips Page 6

Purple Profile

New Hillel rabbi looks to blend Judaism, comedy When Aaron Potek isn’t doing improvisation shows at comedy clubs in Chicago, he moonlights as the campus rabbi at Fiedler Hillel Center. After joining the staff in July, Potek said he is beginning to settle into the job and to bring humor into discussions in the Jewish community. “I love comedy,” he said. “So I do improv in the city, and I’m also just a comedy junkie in terms of TV shows and movies and all that.” After Danya Ruttenberg, the previous campus rabbi, left NU last year, Hillel put together a rabbinic search committee. Although the team started the recruitment process late, Potek’s relatable personality and diverse background made him the obvious choice in the process, Hillel executive director Michael Simon said. “We had a very fortunate circumstance that Rabbi Aaron was still on the market,” Simon said. “He has the capacity to really reach and really engage a real variety of people just in a very warm and authentic way. Before coming to NU, Potek studied engineering at the University of Michigan. After moving to Israel for several years following graduation, he decided to move to New York where he earned his rabbinical degree at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah

Rabbinical School. Throughout his time at NU, Potek said he has mainly focused on transitioning into the community and on forming close relationships with students. As a recent graduate of rabbinical school, he said he is taking time to learn more about what his role entails through this experience. Although Potek said he hasn’t made any big changes at Hillel yet, he has put into place a variety of informal discussion-based programs focused on incorporating religion into different areas of life. Potek said he is willing to lead conversations on any topics that interest students, ranging from the meaning of Shabbat to the college hookup culture. “I feel like there are so many different things on campus that we avoid talking about or we only talk about with a select group of people from a very particular mentality,” he said. “So as much as we can bring together different perspectives and explore issues in different ways, I’m kind of open to anything.” Potek also established a Shabbat tradition called “Rabbi Rants,” where he chooses a different topic to talk about each week. Up to 30 students stay after Shabbat dinner Friday nights to engage in the dialogue, Potek said. He said the most important part of the job to him is helping students realize the relevance and importance of Judaism in their lives. “If I can have a couple of deep, meaningful conversations everyday, I can teach a class that

helps students understand something, that’s success for me,” Potek said. Potek said he also communicates and offers guidance to multiple Hillel-operated student groups, including ShireiNU, the Jewish a cappella group, and the Jewish Theatre Ensemble. Potek also advises and assists with several other student groups including Questions that Matter, a group of students focused on initiating deep conversations throughout campus, and Jews and Comedy, a new program being developed by a member of Hillel’s Campus Engagement Corps. Hillel vice president Andrew Rodheim said Potek has been very involved in the community, and he is excited to see what new ideas and programs Potek will bring to the organization in the future. “He’s just really good with working with students and relating to students,” the Weinberg senior said. “You definitely feel him being around and kind of making everything better in a way.” Simon said students are able to relate to Potek due to his diverse background and interests, making him a great addition to the NU community. “From the beginning, he’s just demonstrated a tremendous commitment to building Jewish life on campus and to enhancing student life in general,” Simon said. “It comes from really his own investment of his time and his energy.”

presented Jan. 28 with a plaque and a “StormReady University” logo. “With this recognition, Northwestern University has achieved a very important level of readiness in protecting students, faculty and staff from severe weather,” said Edward Fenelon, meteorologist in charge of the NWS Chicago/Romeoville office. “StormReady

communities are better prepared to take the right actions to save lives when severe weather strikes ... This preparedness comes about through better planning, education and awareness of weather hazards.” Fenelon said NU’s 24-hour warning system, emergency operations center, system that monitors weather conditions and formal

hazardous weather plan all contribute to successful emergency readiness. NU has had its fair share of weather-related issues this winter. The first two days of Winter Quarter were cancelled due to nearly two feet of snow and record-low temperatures.

By Rebecca Savransky

the daily northwestern @beccasavransky

Source: Aaron Potek

ENGAGING THE COMMUNITY Aaron Potek (center) is a new rabbi at Hillel. After joining the staff in July, he has initiated a series of campus discussions surrounding Judaism.

NU recognized for emergency readiness

The National Weather Service presented Northwestern with a special award last week for a high level of emergency preparedness for storm-related crises. University Police and other NU leaders were

NU Student Health Insurance

“Heads Up”

— Tyler Pager

On The Ground New Directions in Middle East and North African studies

Everette E. Dennis, Dean and CEO, Northwestern University in Qatar and Brian T. Edwards, Director, MENA Program

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Invite you to the launch of On The Ground, a pioneering monograph marking the first collaboration between NU-Q and MENA.

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A must-attend book event for students, researchers and anyone interested in this dynamic region.

MENA Middle East and North African Studies Program


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Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Coke’s Super Bowl ad captures American sentiment Yoni Muller

Daily columnist

Last weekend was Super Bowl Sunday, and everyone in the country (except for the Denver Broncos) appeared to tune in. As part of a longstanding tradition, major companies did their best to convince an audience of more than 110 million people to buy stuff they don’t need. With its commercial “It’s Beautiful,” Coca-Cola attempted to celebrate America by having “America the Beautiful” sung in multiple languages. Naturally, for many people, this was less “celebration” and more “massacre” as they took to Twitter to accuse the company of treason. However, instead of decimating the company’s use of multiple languages, they should be rejoicing at its implications. On the surface, there are many reasons why someone might be unhappy with “America the Beautiful” being sung in different languages. Given our various immigration and foreign policy debates, it might be perceived as the foreigners’ conquest of America. Furthermore, for many people, national pride and pride in that country’s official language are closely related — just look at France. However, national identities are not functions of language; individual identities are. I myself am proud to be a Hebrew speaker. It has certainly influenced how I identify myself, but I certainly wouldn’t say I’m Israeli. I am, on the contrary, extremely proud to be an American citizen. The commercial shows millions of people just like me who have strong connections to another language but identify as American, and historically that’s what we as a nation have always prided ourselves on. People from any country in the world can come here — keeping

Graphic by Jordan Harrison and Elizabeth Santoro/The Daily Northwestern

their customs, culture and language — and still feel proud to be Americans. Furthermore, this notion of America losing its historical identity as it gets stolen or corrupted by immigrants is absurd. People are fond of saying that in America we speak English, and that’s true. But we also speak every language in that commercial, plus dozens, if not hundreds, more. “America the Beautiful” was first written in 1895. Even then, this country was filled with people who spoke French, Italian, Gaelic, German, Chinese and Japanese as their first language, if not their only one. So why are people so outraged by the foreign

languages in this commercial? Is it because those languages are stigmatized by current events in our nation? Is it because those languages are associated not only with a different nationality but a different race? People were quick to point out that immigrants don’t learn to speak English, but they have no obligation to do so. In truth, by not learning English, immigrants are only hurting themselves. Though we don’t have an official language, English is the standard for our political speeches, business dealings and media. Anyone who refuses to learn it cuts themselves off from a wealth of information and

entertainment. Still, a person’s refusal to learn English doesn’t make things worse for anyone else. Yes, there are times when a non-English speaker will get mad at someone for not being able to understand them; those people are mean and stupid. Outside of those interactions, nobody is harmed by someone else refusing to learn English. In fact, immigrant attachment to their native languages is a huge benefit. The dependence on their language helped immigrants conglomerate and form ethnic enclaves throughout the country. The number of Chinatowns, Little Italys, Koreatowns and more would be dramatically lower if everyone were forced to learn English. Overall diversity would dramatically decline. The population composition based on nationality might be the same, but the abundance of culture and ideas that each immigrant group provides would be largely diminished without freedom to express themselves in the language of their choice. America is beautiful not because everybody speaks the same language and has the same values but for the exact opposite. America is beautiful because it still holds true that anybody can come here, and anyone can thrive here. America is beautiful because its residents are allowed to practice whatever religion they want, observe whatever customs they want and speak whatever language they want. American pride doesn’t stem from a set of traits and cultural elements that define “Americanness” but because of a complete lack of those traits. Americans are united not in race, values, hobbies or anything other than being American, and “It’s Beautiful” captures that sentiment pretty well. Yoni Muller is a Weinberg junior. He can be reached at If you would like to respond publicly to this column, send a Letter to the Editor to

Letters to the Editor

History, logic against unionization efforts

Dear Editor, I would like to thank Daniel Olson for his passionate comments in “Unionization efforts won’t hurt Northwestern’s academic goals.” My original opinions were merely food for thought. The unionization effort of the Northwestern University football players is already a public debate as evidenced by media coverage on ESPN, NPR, etc. While though the interest of an alumnus may seem intrusive, I am sure that current students will find that their ties to NU extend beyond their years on campus. We become de facto ambassadors. The state of the university is also of interest for those who look to donate for philanthropic purposes and those with children who may later consider matriculating at NU. In 2000, the medical residents and fellows of the McGaw Medical Center of NU on the Chicago campus, where I trained, moved toward unionization due to complaints about salary, healthcare benefits and lack of concern by the administration. They were viewed as a hybrid between students and employees and had little bargaining power. The non-union McGaw Resident Fellows Forum was ultimately created to facilitate dialogue, the concerns were met and the organization functions to this day. The executive associate dean for education at the time, Dr. Raymond Curry, stated, “Collective bargaining is, by definition, an adversarial relationship, and we have great fear that creating that kind of environment — in what in our mind is still fundamentally an educational experience — is going to destroy the traditional and extremely valuable mentoring relationship with residents.” NU has generally been successful in admitting student-athletes dedicated to academics, addressing their needs and fielding competitive teams. It was recently reported, “Colter insisted the issue was not with Northwestern, but rather other NCAA schools that do not treat players with the same care.” Unionization is a complex, possibly irreversible process fraught with unforeseen consequences and the introduction of a third party with its own agenda. The call for this at NU where, by their own admission, their needs have largely been met is perplexing at best. Changing the national landscape is a noble endeavor. Most agree student-athletes need a voice in decision-making processes and increasing the role of the existing NCAA studentathlete advisory committee. Creation of separate football and men’s basketball committees are potential avenues to start. A non-academic farm system, similar to minor league baseball, offers

another option. If union formation is ultimately needed, would it not make sense to start where there is a clear problem? Despite well publicized shortcomings, there has been some progress by the NCAA. Mark Dent of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported in May 2013 that four-year football scholarships were standard when introduced in 1957 but changed to renewable scholarships when athletic directors were “irate at underperforming athletes or those who no longer wanted to play.” That decision was reversed in 2011, and the Big Ten Conference has been a leader in reinstituting multi-year scholarships. In addition, not all universities make “millions of dollars.” Nearly half of Football Bowl Subdivision programs actually lose money. Some survive on subsidies extracted from the general student body as “student activity fees.” If these are businesses and athletes are employees, should they not be shut down and/or the employees fired? The transition from student-athlete to athleteemployee may appear to be merely a semantic issue or acknowledgement of present reality. Appellations have a curious way to bias how one is viewed by others and oneself. A 2013 article by Emily Allard, an NU softball player, suggested that a schism between athletes and nonathletes already exists. The current academic scandal at the University of North Carolina involving their football and men’s basketball student-athletes warns of the potential for lucrative athletic programs to steer highly respected universities off course. Only those whose vision is clouded by the mirage of NU exceptionalism will believe that a similar scenario cannot occur in Evanston. The NU football program is a valued aspect of extracurricular life, no more and no less than others. There is an important philosophical distinction between a student activity that garners media attention and a university-operated entertainment business. One is consistent with academia, and the other is not. Many universities have long crossed the line, but NU does not need to be complicit in the hypocrisy. As I previously stated, if NU reaches that point then the program should cease to exist. Ultimately, the mission of the University should not be sacrificed on the altar of the sports-industrial complex. I thank you for entertaining the musings of this aging and largely irrelevant alumnus. I wish the best of luck to Daniel Olson and the NU student body. Respectfully, Norman C. Wang, MD, MS McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science ‘94 Feinberg School of Medicine ‘98

Alcoholics Anonymous to meet weekly in Seabury Hall

Dear Campus and Community Members, We are writing to announce the formation of a new Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book and 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Group. It will meet in Seabury Hall, Room 260, located at 2122 Sheridan Rd. in Evanston, on Thursday nights from 8:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. The building can be accessed from its front doors facing Haven Street or its rear doors facing the parking lot and Garrett Place — currently no access exists from Sheridan Road. Both of these entrances provide access for those that have physical limitations, and an elevator is located in the main hall off of the foyer. In addition, a third entrance close to the rear doors opens to a stairwell directly leading to the meeting location. Room 260 is on the second floor and is, for reference only, near the Graduate Student Commons. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 6, and it will continue to meet on that day and time for the foreseeable future. In accordance with the tenets and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, we will remain unaffiliated with Northwestern University, its administration and its community. The presence of this group on campus is simply to provide a meeting location which is proximate to those in the area; it is therefore neither restricted to, nor catered towards, any one group. This meeting is open to anyone who has the desire to stop drinking. Dean of Students Todd Adams has co-signed this letter as an acknowledgment of our presence on campus and of the permission to utilize

University space. It is not included here as an endorsement of Alcoholics Anonymous from Northwestern University or acceptance of any type of endorsement by Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Alcoholics Anonymous is fully self-supporting from the contributions of its own members; does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, religious belief or non-belief, political ideology, socio-economic status, professional status, physical limitation or any other inadvertently omitted aspect; stands without opinion on such matters; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorsing nor opposing any cause and does not consider or accept any financial support from any outside individuals or organizations, including Northwestern University. This group does not, nor ever will, report to any overseeing body or outside organization, including Northwestern University, its administration or its community. It does not take attendance, either formally or informally. Its only purpose for existing is to provide support, under the founding premise of anonymity, for those who have the desire to stop drinking. That desire has been, and will forever remain, the only requirement for attendance. Sincerely, Anon Todd Adams Dean of Students & Assistant Vice President Northwestern University

The Daily Northwestern Volume 134, Issue 67 Editor in Chief Paulina Firozi

Managing Editors Joseph Diebold Manuel Rapada

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent to 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, via fax at 847-491-9905, via e-mail to or by dropping a letter in the box outside The Daily office. Letters have the following requirements: • Should be typed • Should be double-spaced • Should include the author’s name, signature, school, class and phone number. • Should be fewer than 300 words

Opinion Editors Julian Caracotsios Caryn Lenhoff

Assistant Opinion Editor Blair Dunbar

They will be checked for authenticity and may be edited for length, clarity, style and grammar. Letters, columns and cartoons contain the opinion of the authors, not Students Publishing Co. Inc. Submissions signed by more than three people must include at least one and no more than three names designated to represent the group. Editorials reflect the majority opinion of The Daily’s student editorial board and not the opinions of either Northwestern University or Students Publishing Co. Inc.

the daily northwestern | NEWS 5

wednesday, february 5, 2014


THE CENTER FOR THE WRITING ARTS Don’t miss this writing opportunity!

Native American writer MARK TURCOTTE only on campus for SPRING QUARTER 2014 “WRITING 301 The Art of Fiction: Short-Short Prose and Prose Poetry Spring Quarter 2014 with Visiting Writer in Residence MARK TURCOTTE TU-TH 11:00 AM-12:20 PM This is an undergraduate course, open by application only . Applications can be found online at:

APPLICATION DEADLINE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 by 10 AM Please email completed application, writing sample and essay to: Mark Turcotte (Turtle Mountain Chippewa) is author of four poetry collections, including The Feathered Heart and Exploding Chippewas. His poetry and short fiction have appeared in many literary journals, including TriQuarterly, POETRY, Hunger Mountain, Rosebud, Prairie Schooner, Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, Sentence and The Missouri Review. In recent months he has been invited to share his work from Boston to Santa Fe to Fargo to Montepellier, France. Turcotte served as the 2008-2009 Visiting Native Writer at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Course Description: We will travel the blurry boundaries between short-short prose and prose poetry. Students will read, discuss and respond in writing to the work of past and contemporary practitioners of each of these genres, and will create new writing to meet the demands of our workshop setting. Students will have the opportunity to use work from their own previous writing as fodder to re-imagine prose as poetry and poetry as prose—to betray their natural impulses. In fact, the class will require a willingness on the part of students to complete exercises in which they will disassemble and rebuild writing from their own portfolios. Through guided writing exercises and imitations students will explore a variety of techniques and approaches for blending genres; will practice concepts of constructive critique during workshop portions of the course; and will experience the task of creating new work to meet scheduled deadlines. The course will provide students with the chance to explore short-short prose and prose poetry as art forms, and as the vehicle to express personal, cultural, social, political and historical ideas. To learn more about the CWA find us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER (@WritingNU) or visit our WEBSITE.




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iMissYou: Keeping in touch while abroad Sofia Rada

Current columnist

The Internet has been the savior of anyone spending time abroad. Imagine having to rely on crazy expensive phone calls and mail that arrives months after it’s been sent to communicate with friends and family back home. Luckily, it’s been years since the early days of email. Even Facebook is no longer a commodity. Now we can send free text messages, images and even videos to friends continents away. Viber. WhatsApp. GroupMe. iMessage. Snapchat. Instagram. Facebook. Skype. Google Voice. FaceTime. You’d be silly to claim there’s no way to keep in touch. The problem lies elsewhere. During my first months at Northwestern, it was a struggle to talk to my parents. They were obsessed with Viber, but for some reason iPhones don’t register those calls if you are using NU Wi-Fi. So I’d have seven missed calls without ever hearing my phone ring. “Why aren’t you picking up your phone!?” Um… It never rang. So then I’d have to disconnect from the NU Wi-Fi and The ordeal of use 4G network to speak to my par- arranging a ents. “What’s all phone call is that noise in the background?” Of enough of a course, they’d be in struggle that the comfort of my they become beautiful home on a Saturday morn- rare. When they ing, and I’d be in happen, you the dining hall on a Friday afternoon. have at least a Eventually I would month to catch convince them to up on. call me later, when I could comfortably Skype them in my room. I feel a pang of jealousy (but also, let’s face it, guilty relief ) at the fact that my roommate walks into my room while engaging in a simple local, cellphone to cellphone call with her family, something I never will be able to do. No need to check time zones. No need to try Viber and fail, Skype to Skype and fail, Skype to cell phone and fail and then receive a Whatsapp message — “I’m at the gym, I’ll call you after I’m done” and then explain, “I have class in 20 minutes, let’s try my tomorrow and your tonight.” It’s complicated. Not to mention getting scolded by parents when you’re lucky (unlucky? you are, after all, up writing that eight-page paper) enough to be able to immediately reply to their messages. “It must be 3 a.m. over there! Go to sleep!” The ordeal of arranging a phone call is enough of a struggle that they become rare. When they happen, you have at least a month to catch up on. By the time you finish the call, you realize that it’s 4 a.m., but conveniently for the other person on the line, it’s only 6 p.m. So you resort to text messages, but those are always vague and random. Recently my friend and I started sending each other voice recordings of us catching the other up, slightly reminiscent of the record tapes Felicity sent in the show “Felicity.” I remember when one of the guys in my dorm finally believed that I was international. Some people find it hard to believe because they think I sound and look American (others, of course, love telling me I have an accent and that it’s obvious I’m foreign). But that day he saw me sitting on the floor outside in the hall, with earphones plugged in, Skyping my mom. My roommate was on the phone inside the room. “Can’t you go someplace else where there isn’t that much noise?” Okay, mom. There I was, on the ground with an open laptop, talking to a screen and in Spanish, no less. Yep, I’m not from here.

6 NEWS | the daily northwestern wednesday, february 5, 2014

Medill offering reporting trips to Israel, Germany Students will learn from Holocaust survivors, IsraeliPalestinian policymakers By Jack Corrigan

the daily northwestern @_jackcorrigan

In an interconnected world where distance seems to shrink with every new technological breakthrough, the Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications will promote global exposure through two new programs debuting this year. Medill will be sending students to Germany and Israel this summer for international reporting trips. “We believe young journalists will benefit from

global experiences,” said Medill Prof. Mei-Ling Hopgood, director of global initiatives. “It’s very important for people who want to write about people to understand people and to have exposure to different cultures, different economies, lots of different things.” Students participating in the programs will be required to take a Spring Quarter class to prepare for the trips. Though neither trip has specific academic objectives, each trip will have a theme. Medill Prof. Peter Slevin, who serves on the International Studies Program Advisory Committee, said the trip to Germany, which will take place in July, will be focused on Holocaust history. “It is designed as an oral history project on survivors of the Holocaust,” Slevin said. “Many are very elderly and the idea is to capture some of their stories and save them for history.” Sponsored by a grant from the government of Hamburg, Germany, 10 journalism students

from the University of Hamburg will be hosted by Medill students for a week. Later, those Medill students will travel to Germany for a trip that will include stops in Hamburg and Berlin. The Israel program, Slevin said, will take place for two weeks in September, exposing students to current Israeli-Palestinian affairs. The students will meet with entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv and travel to the Golan Heights and possibly the West Bank. Policymakers, military officers and foreign journalists will also brief the participants in Jerusalem. “Jerusalem particularly is a touchstone for all sorts of religious, cultural and political operations,” said Medill Prof. Tim McNulty, co-director of the National Security Journalism Initiative. “For journalists, it’s such a rich territory.” The program in Germany will most likely be a one-time offer, but the Israeli program may potentially be a recurring opportunity, Slevin said.

We believe young journalists will benefit from global experiences. Mei-Ling Hopgood, Medill director of global initiatives

Hopgood said Medill will offer many more opportunities like this in the future. Next year, she said, several students may have the opportunity to travel abroad to a university in Shanghai, and others may visit Northwestern’s Qatar campus in the fall. “We want to empower our students to have more experiences like this,” she said. “We also want to make it possible financially and timewise to do that.”

SESP prof’s lab moves toward closing achievement gap By Scott Brown

the daily northwestern @scottbrown545

For struggling high school students, falling behind may not mean falling through the cracks, according to a report from a University of Chicago lab co-directed by a Northwestern professor. The report, published Jan. 27 by the National Bureau of Economic Research, details results of a study in which a group of Chicago high school students was enrolled in both math tutoring and a program aimed at preventing dropouts and violence during the last school year. Researchers found students enrolled in the programs significantly closed the achievement gap as measured through their math scores and had an increased likelihood of graduation. The study, conducted by the Urban Education Lab, took place at Harper High School, in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. At the school, Chicago-based organization Youth Guidance had already implemented their Becoming a Man program, a weekly, in-school group session in which students “develop social-cognitive skills strongly correlated with reductions in violent and antisocial behavior.” After the UChicago Crime Lab found students who participated in BAM saw both crime

rate reductions and graduation rate increases, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel decided to allocate funding to expand the program and conduct additional studies measuring its effectiveness, said SESP Prof. Jon Guryan, co-director of the lab. Guryan, also co-author of the report, said he worked with faculty from universities across the country to design and implement the trial, which involved Maybe we 106 ninth- and 10thdon’t have to grade male students, at correct all the Harper. “We thought it’d be really deep root interesting to implecauses of the ment not just BAM non-academic intergaps in order vention but to put to help kids out alongside that a purely who suffer from academic intervention,” Guryan said. those gaps. The team also chose to bring in Match, a Jon Guryan, group of Boston charSESP professor ter schools that offers its intensive math tutoring program to public school systems. Guryan said Harper students who enrolled in the program received one hour of math tutoring each day, in addition to their weekly BAM session. “The main thing the curriculum is designed

to do is to recognize that many kids … in Chicago, when they get to ninth and 10th grade, are a few grade levels behind when it comes to math,” Guryan said. “There’s this sort of basic mismatch between the skill levels and knowledge of kids and the math that’s being taught.” Match combats this gap by assessing students and teaching them the missing skills they need to catch up, said Alan Safran, president of the Match Export program. At Harper, each tutor worked with only two students at a time, which fosters a much closer relationship than a class of 25 can provide, Safran said. “The student from day one realizes this person’s here to help,” Safran said. “That’s a big paradigm shift from what kids usually get.” According to the report, those students who were provided both Match tutoring and BAM mentoring increased their math GPA by about 0.58 points on a four-point scale, translating to an upwards shift of a whole letter grade. Also, the likelihood that the students were on pace to graduate increased 14 percent. The report said the students, of which 99 percent were eligible for free or reduced lunch and 95 percent were black, were originally selected for the study due to their high risk of dropping out. In response to the study’s findings, Emanuel committed to expanding the two-branched program to 1,000 city students next year. Guryan said he is glad to see policymakers

basing their decisions on research findings. “Policymakers, particularly in schools, have been innovating and trying new things for a long time, but there isn’t enough good info about ... what’s working and what’s not,” Guryan said. “This will help policymakers with large but limited budgets to make decisions.” BAM and Match programs have already expanded in the 2013-2014 school year to encompass 21 Chicago high schools, according to Crime Lab data. Match currently has 53 tutors, including four NU graduates, who work with 700 students in the district, Safran said. He said as Emanuel expands funding for next year, Match plans to recruit an additional 80 tutors. This funding, like the funding for current trials, will most likely come from private foundations. With the program’s expansion this year, Guryan said the lab hopes to get an idea of whether their small-scale results are indicative of a broader trend. If they are, Guryan said, it could have significant implications for education policy. “Maybe we don’t have to correct all the really deep root causes of the gaps in order to help kids out who suffer from those gaps,” Guryan said. “Maybe if we can’t end poverty and end racism and end segregation, there are things we can do that can help narrow the gaps after they’ve opened up.”

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

Edited by Rich Norrisby and Joyce Lewis Edited Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Really mix up 6 Fashion 10 Alma mater of many gens. 14 Manitoba natives 15 Other, to Diego 16 “Cool!” 17 Glass-half-empty sort 18 Polite refusal, in Nuremberg 20 Resistance units 21 Bottom row key 22 “A Death in the Family” author 23 North __ 24 “Fall on your knees” carol 27 Mammoth traps 30 “Hometown proud” supermarket chain 31 “How relaxing!” 32 Fighting stats 33 She dedicated Imagine Peace Tower to Lennon 34 Roy Rogers’ birth name 35 Somewhat 39 Mudbath offerers 42 Clear (of) 43 Ball honorees 46 Tulsa sch. named for a televangelist 47 __ leaves 48 Hardly the latest buzz 51 Only just broke the tape 54 Through 55 Symbol for Macy’s 56 Prime time rating 57 Give a darn? 58 “You gotta be kidding!” 60 Big Apple restaurateur 61 Go-getter 62 Remedy 63 See 44-Down 64 Duel tool 65 “My word!” 66 Until now DOWN 1 Confront boldly 2 Arizona climate


By C.C. Burnikel

3 Where Lego headquarters is 4 Luau neckwear 5 Top row key 6 Quite a while 7 New Mexico county 8 Boring activity 9 Quite a while 10 Eel, at sushi bars 11 Mali neighbor 12 Seize the opportunity, sunshine-wise 13 Had a bite 19 Comical Carvey 21 Private bed 25 “Son of Frankenstein” role 26 Everyday article 28 Supplies on TV’s “Chopped” 29 Prefix with bar 33 Multivolume ref. 34 Witnessed 36 Locale 37 Carnation genus 38 Byrnes who played Kookie 39 Piglet’s mother 40 Place to have a racket restrung

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

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41 Opie’s guardian 44 With 63-Across, city whose zip code is suggested by the starts of 18-, 24-, 35-, 51- and 58Across 45 Shortchange 47 Newbie 48 Taloned predator 49 Cut of lamb


50 Inhumane person 52 Dance studio fixture 53 __ barrel: in hot water 57 Bordeaux “but” 58 Dedicated lines 59 Cable co. acquired by AT&T in 1999 60 __ Na Na

the daily northwestern | NEWS 7

wednesday, february 5, 2014



NU extends Amonte Hiller’s contract to 2021

liaison between the heads of Freenters and NU, expects Freenters to continue to thrive despite the hack. She said the attention that accompanied the hacking may have been beneficial for the company — Freenters’ Facebook page rose from hundreds of likes to more than 7,500 in a couple of days. “Who doesn’t want to print for free?” she said. “There’s no catch to it.”

administration and faculty’s first priority is our academics and that entertainment and leisure fall to the wayside,” said Kottenstette, a former Daily staffer. “You can’t study all of the time, so having an outlet is really important.” Riel said the University would have to gauge interest in the program and compatibility with the wireless network through the trial run before considering deployment to the rest of campus. “We’ll be asking students for their feedback on it,” he said. “There’s no commitment on our part to go forward with this. We’re just piloting it first with our students to find out if there’s an interest.” Kottenstette said she thinks Hulu Plus is an improvement over NUTV, which Riel said had a less than 10 percent usage rate when it was discontinued. Unlike the old service, Hulu Plus will not need students to plug into an ethernet port, she noted. “You were physically bound to a cable and then you only got to watch what was actually on program at that time,” Kottenstette said. Weinberg freshman Emmaline Rees, who lives in Shepard Residential College, said she has not used her Hulu Plus account yet because of midterms but is glad to have the option. “It’s the middle of midterm season, and I know there are so many shows I want to watch,” Rees said. “It would definitely distract me, but I’m very thankful for it because they don’t offer cable in our rooms like they do in other schools.”

From page 1

Annabel Edwards/Daily Senior Staffer

ENTER, FREENTERS A Freenters station is set up in the Allison lobby. The new startup offers free printing at various locations around campus.

Printing From page 1

on-campus student groups, to find companies that want to advertise using the service. Song said the company is in the process of closing deals to set up printing centers at colleges in New York, Boston and Atlanta. Freenters expanded to NU’s campus at the beginning of Fall Quarter. Areke, who acts as the

Kelly Amonte Hiller, who has led Northwestern to seven NCAA championships in its past nine seasons, received a contract extension through the 2021 season, athletic director Jim Phillips announced Tuesday. Originally hired in 2000, Amonte Hiller boasts a 215-33 record with the Wildcats and has led the team to nine consecutive appearances in the NCAA semifinals. Herself a 2012 U.S. Lacrosse Hall of Fame inductee, Amonte Hiller also produced three current Team USA players as well as the country’s Tewaaraton Award winner, given to the national player of the year, five different times. Beyond Evanston, Amonte Hiller has helped shape the national landscape of women’s college lacrosse. Her influence is far-reaching: Eight of Amonte Hiller’s former players or assistant coaches now head their own Division I women’s lacrosse programs across the country. Amonte Hiller is also one of the founding members of the Big Ten’s women’s lacrosse conference, set to start in the 2015 season. NU, Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, Maryland and Rutgers will compete in the new conference. Amonte Hiller begins her final season in the American Lacrosse Conference with six of seven conference championships under her belt. The No. 4 Cats open their season Feb. 9 in Atlanta against No. 8 Virginia. — Ava Wallace



From page 1

READING and BOOK SIGNING EVENT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2014 Before he can retire, Las Vegas detective Salazar is determined to solve a recent spate of murders. When he encounters a pair of conjoined twins with a container of blood near their car, he’s sure he has apprehended the killers, and enlists the help of Dr. Sunil Singh, a South African transplant who specializes in the study of psychopaths. As Sunil tries to crack the twins, the implications of his research grow darker. Haunted by his betrayal of loved ones back home during apartheid, he seeks solace in the love of Asia, a prostitute with hopes of escaping that life. But Sunil’s own troubled past is fast on his heels in the form of a would-be assassin. “[The Secret History of Las Vegas] is an intricate braid of story strands, enriched by vivid descriptions, intriguingly dysfunctional characters, and abundant metaphors. Expect the unexpected.”—Booklist

5:30 pm Light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres 6:00-7:00 pm Reading and discussion Book signing to follow

in Evanston … and nowhere to skate and it makes me wonder about the priorities of the city,” Nielsen said. “Lot of high school students in Evanston skate and a lot of college students skate and that’s a nice bridge that’s not about school. It’s something built around having fun and being active.” The mayor’s invocation to find ways to support youth in the wake of Evanston Township High School student Dajae Coleman’s death encouraged Coyne to carry on Gaynor’s project, he said. Ridgeville Park District manages an annual budget of $700,000 to maintain its parks and oversees 14 acres of park land in south Evanston, he said. Coyne said the city would ideally create two concrete skate parks for easier convenience. Possible funding sources for the proposed freeadmission skate parks include businesses, state grants or city funds, the commissioner said. ETHS senior Ben Heaney created a Facebook page to garner support for the construction of an Evanston skate park. He is working on the project for his Senior Studies class, where students work on an independent project during the second semester. In the course of the project, Heaney said he has contacted Brian Rosinski, the director of Ridgeville’s Department of Parks and Recreation, who has expressed interest in the skate park plan. Heaney said he started skateboarding four and a half years ago and recognizes a need among residents from Evanston and surrounding communities for a nearby skate park. “I think there is definitely enough demand within Evanston alone, but when you consider outside demand and interest … that’s icing on the cake,” Heaney said.

Harris Hall, Room 108, 1881 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208

This event is FREE and OPEN to the public

Chris Abani is the acclaimed author of GraceLand and The Virgin of Flames. He is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Hemingway/PEN Prize, the PEN Beyond the Margins Award, the Hurston Wright Award, and a Lannan Literary Fellowship, among many honors. Born in Nigeria, he is a Board of Trustees Professor of English at Northwestern University.

Greenwell From page 1

Chris Abani

Sponsored by Northwestern University’s Center the Writing Arts, The Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, The Department of English, and The Program of African Studies.

DeBerry said. “The plaintiff has failed to prove that a reasonable officer in officer Buell’s position would have known he was violating (the boy’s) rights.” DeBerry also argued that the suit should be dismissed for “qualified immunity” and because a different police officer had played a larger role in Greenwell’s son’s detention. Christopher Cooper, the Greenwell family lawyer, stressed Buell did not make a sound judgment in his decision to detain Greenwell’s son. He disputed DeBerry’s argument that another police officer was in pursuit of the child on foot, which caused him to pursue the boy as well. He also said Buell should not have detained Greenwell’s son given the many area residents who would have matched the description. “Simply to assume it’s a young black male with dark clothing is not enough in a heavily black community,” Cooper said. Cooper said none of the boy’s actions indicated he was a fleeing burglary suspect. Martin said he would issue a ruling as soon as he could.





Men’s Tennis Rice at NU, 4:30 p.m. Friday

Instead of... wanting to dwell, we put work and time in the fall and summer. — senior Mari Majam

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


NU starts grueling home stretch Friday By Kevin Casey

daily senior staffer @KevinCasey19

For Northwestern, a return home means a busy slate and no reprieve from formidable competition. The Wildcats will host a trio of squads this weekend in Evanston starting on Friday with Rice and continuing with contests against Cornell and Western Illinois on Sunday. At first glance, this appears to be a relaxing three-game stretch for the No. 30 squad following the team’s recent set of matches. Within the last two weeks, the Cats took on Tulsa, Oklahoma and Vanderbilt, all of whom were ranked in the top 25 at the time. Of the squads NU is set to face over the coming days, only Cornell is ranked, and the Big Red comes in at No. 62. If Pat Fitzgerald ‘s famous mantra is “stats is for losers,” coach Arvid Swan has something similar to say regarding early-season rankings. When it comes to Rice and Cornell, Swan said, the rankings highly undervalue their talent. “Rice and Cornell are as good as the previous teams we’ve played,” Swan said. “Rice and Cornell will both finish as NCAA tournament teams. At this point the rankings don’t matter at singles, doubles or even team results. They’re based on a coaches poll, for the most part it’s based on last year. Those teams are two quality teams I expect to be top 40, top 35 in the country at the end of the year.” Maybe the Cats won’t have an easy time after all. NU is coming off a match where, by all accounts, the team did not bring its ‘A’ game. It was still an effort that produced 2 points against a top-20 squad in Vanderbilt but clearly did not satisfy the Cats. And they cannot allow similar issues to fester. Rice has no players who are nationally ranked in singles or doubles, but Swan still contends that the Owls

Men’s Tennis

Cats part reliant on Lady Luck Alex Putterman Daily sports @AlexPutt02

the way Bond pushed herself in the preseason. She has made “great strides,” the catcher said. Bond isn’t the only incoming player to improve and make a smooth adjustment, Majam said. “They are all very eager to learn, and that’s helpful,” she said, regarding the four incoming players. “Their nerves went away quickly, and this has allowed them to learn faster and understand the coaches’ style.” Freshman outfielder Krista Williams attributed the smooth transition to the help of the seniors and experienced players. “All the coaches and players have been very supportive and helpful,” she said. An outfielder and a slapper, Williams has looked to similar players in seniors Emily Allard and Majam for their expertise and advice. Heading into this weekend, in which NU will play their first tournament of the season, the Kajikawa Classic in Tempe, Ariz., the Cats open the tournament against No. 20 Stanford. The team is focused on playing one pitch at a time, a sentiment that has been preached the entire offseason. “We want to play with intensity and be fun to watch,” Williams said. As for big-picture goals, in her senior season Majam has high hopes for the experienced and well-rounded Cats. “We want to win a Big Ten Championship,” she said. “And hopefully get to the World Series.”

Northwestern’s current hot streak has been explained almost entirely in intangibles. A “buying into the system” line here, a “new identity” trope there, an “increased confidence” refrain for good measure, and you can satisfactorily explain a terrible team’s rise to respectability. But we’re beyond that now. The Wildcats have won five of their last seven Big Ten games after a 8-9 start, without any major personnel changes. It’s too much to attribute all this winning to slowing the game down and deciding midseason to play better defense. These choices are surely part of the explanation (as is rookie coach Chris Collins’ increased comfort in his new job and the team’s ongoing learning curve in a fresh system), but can mental and psychological changes alone account for such a dramatic improvement? If there are schematic or technical secrets to the Cats’ success, no one is talking about them. When asked Tuesday what on-court factors have contributed to NU’s rise, sophomore guard Tre Demps paused and stuttered for a full five seconds before talking vaguely about communication on defense and spacing on offense. More likely, the Cats’ sudden rise has gotten a boost from good ol’ random variance — or as non-stat-geeks call it, luck. In statistical terms, luck is the deviation from what statistics suggest should have happened. By that measure, NU is demonstrably fortunate. As first noted on Twitter by NU-focused blog, Basketball, by the NUmbers, the Cats lead the Big Ten in’s luck factor. Their winning percentage, the site’s formula decrees, is 7.4 percentage points better than expected for a team with their efficiency profile. In layman’s terms, luck is when everything seems to go your way. By this measure, NU’s court must be lined with four-leaf clovers. The Cats beat Illinois when the Fighting Illini missed a half-dozen lay-ups. They defeated Purdue in a could-go-either-way double-overtime match. They upended Wisconsin in part thanks to a cascade of Badgers’ misfires on wide-open shots and would have lost to Minnesota if the Golden Gophers had converted either of two game-winning tries two feet from the basket. There’s no question NU has improved since the days of losing to DePaul and Illinois State, but winning close games is usually unsustainable, meaning the Cats are unlikely to replicate their success over the remainder of their schedule. (Important aside: Even if I’m wrong and they do continue at this rate, the NCAA Tournament is just about out of reach. A 19-14 or so record with no big wins and several bad losses does not an at-large bid make.) Teams have lucky stretches and unlucky stretches. No team will always get results precisely consistent with their own ability. Sometimes your shot rims out, other times the other team’s does. Sometimes you win a couple close games that either team could have had, other times you lose the tight ones. Over the last few weeks, NU has gotten good bounces, literally and figuratively, and won games they may well lose next time. The team’s recent success is partially due to its own strategies and mentalities. It’s also partially due to factors beyond the players’ and coaches’ control. Regression to the mean is inevitable — the Cats’ luck could soon run out.

Daily file photo by Melody Song

fed’s watching Sophomore Fedor Baev is not taking Rice lightly, despite the Owls’ unranked lineup. “We’re expecting a huge fight,” Baev said. “We know they’re a great team.”

Rice vs. No. 30 Northwestern Evanston 4:30 p.m. Friday

have quality talent at the top. At the No. 2 spot, Tommy Bennett has looked impressive in dual-season singles action with a 4-2 start, including a win over Malte Stropp, the No. 39 singles player in the country — if that ranking can be trusted. Rice also took LSU, a squad of NU’s caliber, down to the wire less than a month ago. In other words, an Owls victory would not be a product of NU underestimating its opponent. “We’re expecting a huge fight,” sophomore Fedor Baev said. “We know they’re a great team. We just need to prepare

well this week, practice hard and work on the small things we did not do as well for this weekend.” If fending off a fierce Rice squad wasn’t enough, the Cats also must deal with Cornell two days later. Swan’s contention that the Big Red is underranked is bolstered considering the team has been without its best player, Sam Fleck, for all but the first match of the winter season. Fleck anchors the team’s No. 1 singles spot when healthy along with making up half of the 40thranked doubles team in the nation. It is unclear whether Fleck will suit up Sunday. On the Cats’ side, Sam Shropshire could be a key piece. The highly-touted freshman has a 3-1 singles record in duals play, mostly alternating between the No. 2 and 3 spots. His contribution

may be vital if the matches are close, which is something he’s prepared for. “I’ll be doing the usual stuff we’ve been focusing on, competing, the daily stuff we go through in practice,” Shropshire said. “I don’t have to worry too much about a letdown because we’ll put in a lot of work this week.” The Cats’ final match, against Western Illinois, should be an easier challenge to end NU’s weekend. But, even at home, NU must bring its best effort to take down Rice and Cornell. “We have to play better. Both of those teams are good teams,” Swan said. “It’s my job to get our team to play better than we did against Vanderbilt. We have to play better in doubles. We have to play better in singles. We’ll have to bring it.”

Newly driven Cats start season in Tempe By Rebecca Friedman

daily senior staffer

After the 2013 season didn’t go as planned for Northwestern, the team is determined to fulfill expectations this time around. With four incoming freshmen and a transfer student, the Wildcats’ lineup is, what senior catcher Paige Tonz calls “stacked.” “The coaches have some decisions that are going to be hard to make,” Tonz said, referring to the number of weapons the Cats have on their roster for the upcoming season. The depth of the roster is rounded out by seniors Mari Majam and Marisa Bast and juniors Andrea DiPrima and Anna Edwards, who will each look to build on success from last season. “We have a lot of experience and this has allowed us to focus on more specific situations,” Majam said. Majam said the disappointing ending to last year’s season has only sparked the team and increased determination and focus during the offseason. “It didn’t end how we wanted it to,” Majam said. “It’s been really easy to stay focused and motivated. Instead of coming back and wanting to dwell, we put work and time in the fall and summer.” Tonz also said the amount of experience that the team has this season has allowed the Cats to fine-tune small aspects they believe need work. “We have practiced uncomfortable circumstances so that we are comfortable in uncomfortable situations,” she said. “We just want to be versatile


Softball Daily file photo by Meghan White

TEMPE TIME Senior Mari Majam, a veteran on a Northwestern squad that includes four freshmen and a transfer student, bunts. Majam said the young players have transitioned smoothly from their high school days and the team should be ready for its season opener this weekend in Tempe, Ariz.

Northwestern vs. No. 20 Stanford Tempe, Ariz. 6:30 p.m. Friday

and play well when things aren’t going well.” As a catcher, Tonz has personally focused on the pitching staff and her relationship with each pitcher. NU has two returning pitchers in senior Sammy Albanese and

sophomore Kristen Wood as well as freshman Nicole Bond. The pitching staff is a point of uncertainty with the loss of last year’s star Amy Letourneau. Still, Tonz has confidence in the returning staff and Bond. “With (Wood’s) experience being on the team for a whole year, we are expecting big things from her,” Tonz said. Tonz was also impressed with

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